#anyways it has been raining so much some areas are flooded
httpiko · 7 months
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idk I just started drawing and I ended up w this. Also the Irisu Syndrome OST fucks. It is great to listen to when you need to be all melancholic n stuff.
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glowsticcc · 2 months
let me cook. picture me this.
we're about 12-14 months into hermitcraft season X and people's seasons are starting to wind down. finishing touches on megabuilds, games are being played and episodes are mostly spent with the hermits just screwing around for fun, (snails, gigacorp, cleos story for their base, etc. are all wrapping up)
however, one thing that has been prevalent throughout the entire season, so much more so than seasons' past, was the fact it seemed it was always raining. not just little in-game showers that lasted maybe 20 minutes no, i'm talking rain that would last hours, days even! and this has been very notable with multiple hermits addressing it in their videos and not being able to get around filming during the times when the sun was out, because it never lasted too long.
anyways, this doesn't matter that much, and many hermits learn to enjoy the rain! gem's trident shop ends up selling out quick as people realize riptide 3 tridents are much more efficient for elytra travel compared to rockets, and with the right shader packs many are able to make their videos more atmospheric and ✨aesthetic✨. so overall, the rain isn't a huge issue, just a minor inconvenience.
until the river starts flooding.
it's inconspicuous at first. very few hermits have builds that are right at sea-level so even fewer even notice any huge change. plus, the water only rose by one block so who cares. days pass by, then a couple weeks, no change, no worries. then it rises again. again, only by a block, but now the waves are starting to lap at the foundation of some houses, shorelines and property-lines becoming closer to being one and the same. now, while not too fussed, some hermits are starting to become slightly paranoid about the water.
the next water rise comes quickly, mere days after the last. still one block but now the hermits are taking quick notice. the race to high ground is swift, many building new bases on nearby mountains, other more dedicated hermits moving their entire bases up onto stilts to avoid their beautiful builds being drowned by the ever-expanding ocean deep. and the water keeps rising.
redstone farms are destroyed, the shopping district has become a capitalistic lost city of atlantis, grian and gem are unsurprisingly thriving in their new aquatic environment. the only safe dry areas are the nether and the end, because how would you flood the void.
we've reached the near end of the season, the sea expanding out for thousands of miles, as far as the eye can see, with the tops of mountains having become islands, sanctuaries from the deep unknown blue of the ocean. grian, gem, impulse, skizz, scar, joel and mumbo all sit on what used to be magic mountain, now just a few blocks above sea-level, looking out across the endless ocean skyline through the near eternal rainstorm.
"grian," mumbo begins. "yes?" grian sighs, tired and weather-beaten from the endless downpour.
"is the ocean big?"
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decaf-lesbian · 5 months
updates on the current situation (5/6):
85 dead and 134 missing (confirmed). over 200k people lost their homes, with around 47k of them in shelters and 153k at a relative's/friend's house. over 1.1 million people affected in 385 out of 497 cities. thousands of people across the state have no water or power supply, and we won't have those for at least a couple weeks. it hasn't rained in the metropolitan area but it has in the southern cities.
the main tv channel, Globo, finally acknowledged the tragedy properly but we all know they're doing it only because they have to. when it was still raining and flooding everywhere, they literally only reported the Madonna show in Copabacana. they would speak about RS for 10 minutes and her show would get 30 min. honestly, nothing wrong with the show or anything (frankly i'd love to be there and not just because we're currently underwater) but they should've been more sensible. this is one of the worse catastrophes in the history of this country and they basically said "okay we hear yall we just want to see Madonna first ok then we'll talk about whatever yall are going through". and just now they're sending reporters to talk about us. i might be overreacting but this feels so fake and like they don't actually care about us, even if they do.
anyways, it makes me happy to see everyone in the community helping each other. there are so many volunteering that some shelters had to formally announce they have more than enough to help and this makes my heart so full. ofc there are terrible people everywhere (and there a LOT here) but the good ones are stronger. i was struggling to see humanity but it's here, in every volunteer and rescuer and anyone who's taking their time to help in any way or another, be it sheltering friends or donating. we the people are the ones who are actually doing the most so yeah this is also a huge fuck you to the government who's not even doing the bare minimum 👍
sorry i ranted a little to much on this one but i had a lot to say lmao good night
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sabo-has-my-heart · 10 months
Hi, I've never requested anything, so I hope I'm doing this right. There has been severe weather in my area for the past few days. I've been panicking really bad over the tornado warnings. I've actully started crying everytime I hear something outside, it's so bad. I was wondering if I could do an emergency request for the monster trio(or just Sanji if you only do one) comforting the reader during a severe storm? I hope this is not too vague. Tysm if you do it.
Hi! I'm so sorry this took so long, I moved recently so I've spent the last few days unloading a moving truck, getting furniture set up, etc, etc. I did Zoro and Sanji but I didn't write Luffy. I just haven't felt comfortable with writing for Luffy lately. Anyway, again, I'm sorry for it taking so long and I hope you like it.
Word Count: 1030
     Nami had said it was just some severe weather, that it was fine, but looking out the window, feeling the ship sway as it was tossed around on the sea, you couldn’t help but be terrified every crash of the waves against the side, every jolt, every time the wind howled particularly loud, you couldn’t help but whimper as you tried to stay calm. The others were out on deck making sure the ship didn’t capsize, but Nami had kindly excused you when she’d seen your barely controlled trembling and the tears that were masked by the rain. She’d given an excuse as to why you weren’t needed on deck, but you knew the real reason why she’d let you go inside. A loud crash had you flinching, not realizing that the sound had come from the door. It had sounded like wood crashing against something, had the railing been torn and hit the deck? Maybe the mask had broken or perhaps the roof was caving in! A hand on your shoulder had a sob finally escaping your lips as your worries and fears finally came to a peak. Looking up, you saw the concerned face of your love. Pulling you closer, he wrapped his arms around you, his heart aching at the fearful look in your eyes. 
     Holding you close, he stroked your hair, whispering soft words of comfort as you clung to him. While he was never worried about the ship sinking, he understood how it could be so terrifying. You trusted Franky’s building abilities, Jinbei’s helmsmanship, Nami’s navigation, but that only did so much when the ship rocked so hard that the deck was flooded with sea water. 
     “It’s okay, my darling, we’re okay. Nothing bad’s going to happen to you, I promise.” he said softly, kissing your forehead as he simply held you. He wished he could do more for you, something to help you calm down more, but the ship still rocked too hard for any drinks, swayed too much to be forgotten. The storm was still too strong to be ignored. Instead, he held you, hoping that it would help. Even as the storm began to die down and your whimpers lessened, he didn’t let you go, didn’t stop stroking your hair. 
     Carrying you to the kitchen, he set you down on the counter while he prepared a drink to calm you down. Normally, he didn’t let anyone sit on his counters, but you needed him right now and he was always willing to break a few of his rules if you needed him to; though preferably not too many. Kissing your forehead once more, he handed you the drink, wiping away any remaining tears before kissing both your cheeks.
     “Let’s get you a warm bath, mon amour, you’re cold and wet from the rain.” he said softly, picking you up, drink and all, before carrying you to the bathroom for a comforting bath. It was what he often did when you were sad or scared. A calming drink, a warm bath, and loving words and right now, you needed a calm after the storm.
     Entering the room, Zoro looked around in confusion. You’d disappeared in the middle of helping with the storm and while Nami didn’t seem concerned, he was worried. His first thought had been that you’d gone overboard, but after trying to jump in to look for you, Nami told him to head inside to comfort you. Though why you needed comfort, he hadn’t been sure until he’d laid eyes on you. He knew he was a little unusual when it came to being afraid, that he seemingly had no fears, but you weren’t him, nor did he expect you to be him. You got scared, you had fears, and if he was being honest, he actually liked it that way. It meant that you relied on him, it meant you looked to him for comfort, that even if you were the best fighter possible, you would always need him. He’d tried to tell you that he liked you this way once, only to botch it and make you more upset. He wasn’t good with words, he was a swordsman, he wasn’t a poet or the pervy chef. From then on, he simply let his actions speak for him and happily comforted you whenever you needed it for whatever reason. Going as far as seeking you out if he thought you might need his comfort. He’d eventually managed to find the words to tell you that he preferred it if you went to him for comfort, but it hadn’t been easy to find the words and had asked you to never ask for soothing words. Sitting here with him now, you were kind of glad that he wasn’t good with words, there was something so soothing about his large arms around you, holding your head to his chest to listen to his heart, knowing that he’d protect you with every ounce of his strength. Zoro sighed after a moment, mumbling something that you didn’t catch, lifting your head to look at him in confusion. Grumbling as he looked away, he spoke a little louder.
     “I’m stronger than any stupid storm, you don’t need to be scared.” he said, a light dusting of pink crossing his cheeks in embarrassment. It had been a long time since he’d last offered comforting words so maybe this time it might be okay, maybe he wouldn’t screw this one up. Hearing a choked laugh, he looked down at you to see you smiling as you tried to wipe a few tears away.
     “You’re stronger than a storm?” you asked, laughing past your tears. Zoro nodded quietly, still looking away in embarrassment.
     “I cut through a large tidal wave during Aqua Laguna, I’m plenty strong enough to take on this.” he mumbled, hoping it was more comforting than it sounded to him. You snuggled into his chest, hands gripping his clothes.
     “Then I know you can protect me from any storm.” you whispered, feeling a little better. You wouldn’t deny that you were still afraid of the storm, but Zoro’s words were surprisingly comforting. Zoro would protect you from any storm.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hii Cas!!! This is bagel anon. Andd
I've kinda gotten the sleep situation under control but I can't help put off sleep even if I have nothing to do. I have this anxiety about sleep cause I overthink a lot and all of my most horrible moments always come just when I have to go to sleep. Which is very annoying cause my mood goes downhill pretty quickly and when it does, I feel like the worst ever. Then I overthink some more and even if I go to sleep at atleast 10, I might as well fall asleep at 12.
Also I've kind of recovered from the burnout too? For past 2 days, I've just... not been studying much and honestly it feels so good to lay off for a bit and relax. I'm still procrastinating a lot and my stomach ache hasn't gotten better but I managed to start my math worksheet and I'm so glad! There's still so much work left but my school teachers are so nice. I felt sick once and asked to put my head down and my math teacher agreed and asked if im okay now. It was pretty small but it made me feel so nice for some reason.
Also my mom and I had a talk and she hasn't been saying so much about how lazy I am. I haven't properly talked to her about the stuff she says and how it hurts me a lot and honestly I have no idea how to because I suck so much at confronting problems. I once told her that I didn't like how she always comments on how fat I look (even tho i look decent) and I get how she has a lot of insecurity from being obese herself but she's always pushing this insecurity on me and I hate it so much (she still says it sometimes). Its made me so bitter towards her sometimes and even me. And even though she looks out for me a lot and understands I'm having a bad day, she never understands her own mistakes and i just snap at her so much nowadays which makes me feel like shit. She acts like I'm the worst person ever now even tho she doesn't realize how she is like. Taking a break with my door closed is useless cause she'll just come in randomly and start giving me lectures so i normally lock my door and just lay down and read something (normally with a excuse that I'm changing clothes or smth). But she screams so much if I lock my door. She never acts on it but it makes me so scared of locking it.
But other than that, my studies are almost complete and that makes me feel so happy. My best friend had gone on a trip for a week and normally we dont talk about deep stuff, just basic 'so whats up' (we travel together to school and live in the same area) but her presence makes me feel really calm so thats really nice too. And the rain is sooo much and the roads are literally flooded but damn do i love rain.
Soo anyway, tysmmm for the advice, it really helped to hear someone say I need to relax cause i really really did. I hope you have a wonderful dayy!!!
On a side note, Good luck babe by Chappell Roan is so good. Its literally on repeat in my mind!
Hi hon! I’m glad you’ve gotten a chance to relax a bit!
First, would it help to know that just closing your eyes and resting has been scientifically proven to be almost as helpful as actually sleeping? I know for me, I used to stress so much about sleep- “OMG I only have 6 hours to sleep. Well now I’ve been stressing and I only have 5.5. And now only 5. And so on…”
But if you just close your eyes and breathe it has almost the same benefits. It really helped me relax when I go to bed.
Also what your mom is saying to you is not okay and I’m so glad you realize that. Whether or not you are overweight (it shouldn’t matter) she shouldn’t be making comments like that. Being overweight doesn’t make people look “bad” and the way your mom is pushing her insecurities on you is super hurtful. I’m glad you know that she’s doing that, and your weight and your looks are separate from her. I’m sure you slay every outfit ❤️
Agreed, Chappell Roan is the loml
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maythearo · 5 months
Are you safe during the floods?
I live in the state of São Paulo, not the South of the country that's been affected, at least in my area so far there haven't been any heavy rain or anything, and I'm not entirely sure if and how this will move to other parts of the country. But also the area that I live in at least has some form of safety structure
But this is definetely an environmental disaster nobody was really prepared for, the climate is going to shit, kinda difficult to miss. I don't think the government ever really dealt with similar events spectacularly well anyway, but this is a whole nother level of terrible. I sincerely hope everyone living in the South rn and anywhere near Rio Grande do Sul is keeping an eye on the news and staying safe, please
And hey since I'm on the topic, the dengue cases are spiking up tremendously rn as well with this climate so wear your repellent yall, there so much shit happening in this country rn it's seriously scary
Idk reliable ways to donate money if you're not living in Brazil (most local institutions use pix as far as I know) but don't donate directly to the government, god knows how they handle their money
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neonthewrite · 2 years
Dali's Mistake
I received a prompt from 🖊️🐉 Anon a few weeks back and I ended up writing a whole thing for it, because it just had some nice vibes, while still allowing for the gentle excitement of a new First Encounter. Thanks for the prompt! I'm sure there's more to this story, but for now here's the first part~
Word Count ~2.4k, easy reading
The cottage is cozy, as cottages tend to be. The old stones have stood for a long time, protecting generations of residents. The old fireplace at one end of the main room keeps the place warm in defiance of the waning rain outside, as it has done for countless other storms. Newer shingles have replaced the original thatch roof, allowing the gentler pitter-pat of the last of the storm to wash the room in sound. Solid wood furniture with lots of hand-sewn cushions make up the dining and living areas both, and plush blankets and quilts are never far out of reach. It's nice, comfortable, if a bit cluttered.
It's perfect, for a human bean's dwelling. Not so much for a borrower.
The warmth is nice, Dali supposes. The clutter helps him stay hidden on shelves and such. And it's not big by bean standards so there's only one resident around to worry about.
But those old stones, those timeworn floorboards, have no passages to hide in. It's not like the houses in the city, so far behind him on his journey. At least those have good hiding places in a pinch. He's never been much of an indoorsy type, but he's decided he has a preference on buildings anyway.
Old country cottages? Not for him.
He's only there by necessity anyway, a temporary stop. He's made himself something of a camp on an open shelf near a window sill, both of which are covered in knickknacks and a few potted plants. It's a passable hiding place for a short stay, and he has a good view outside to check on the weather.
The storm has mostly passed. The rain is having a last hurrah, but soon Dali can be on his way. He's always liked roughing it better, but ... that storm was a big one. He surely has a flooded hovel waiting for him, if it hasn't been washed away entirely.
Spending much of the night close to a human bean, with no walls to dive to for safety, could become a tale he tells later, embellishing with far more daring, of course. How he bravely waited for the bean to open up the solid wooden door with a heavy creak, and he snuck right past them in between flashes of lightning. How the fearsome giant might have seen him, had there been more than candles lighting the cottage and throwing strange shadows in all directions. How he'd stayed under and behind furniture and clutter for a night, dodging their vigilant searches for anything amiss.
Thinking of this in contrast to his reality draws a smirk to his face. The bean in question hasn't done much at all. They're curled up on a chair, bundled in one of the many throw blankets available. A laptop computer sits closed on another chair, waiting for the power to come back on. Likewise, a stack of books stands on the nearest end table, holding up one of the many candles. It's nearly morning, but they never bothered to put any of the candles out before drifting off.
Dali wishes they'd actually retired to their bedroom for the night so he could have explored more, maybe stocked up on some supplies. But he doesn't blame them for sitting before the embers in the fireplace and dozing off there. Even he has a hard time keeping the cozy sleep at bay.
So he's outdoorsy, but it doesn't mean he can't appreciate the creature comforts of living inside, albeit temporarily.
He's got his big pack pushed against the wall, wedged behind a statue of some round creature. He's out of sight from most angles, leaned against his pack with his arms crossed and his legs stretched out. It's comfortable; Dali decides that, considering his hiding spot and the bean's sleepy curl in the chair, he can afford some rest. The sun hasn't quite risen yet beyond the clouds; he can say later on that he didn't even take an all-nighter hiding in the cottage.
His eyelids flutter sluggishly. His thin shoulders sag. Dark hair falls over his eyes as he relaxes by degrees and nods off at last. Just a short wink, he tells himself. That's all he needs to be ready for the day.
He jolts awake to the pitchy creak of a hinge all too close by. Practice keeps Dali from crying out in alarm even as he straightens where he sits, and his surroundings come back to him by degrees. He nearly yelps anyway, seeing a human looming so nearby, so close he'd be in reach if they spotted him behind that statue. The human leans out the window, their overlarge sweater bunching against the potted plants on the window sill despite their attempts to stand tiptoe. If they turn just a bit to the side, they'll spot Dali's hiding spot.
The human bean leans back inside from their precarious reach to open the window wide. The sound that woke him makes sense now. Dali sits stock still and stares up at them, waiting for their eyes, grey as the gloomy morning, to turn and find him. They're not the biggest bean around, not by a long shot. They're even practically swimming in the cozy sweater they have on, all too petite for it.
But they, like all human beans, are a giant to him. Dali is the size of a toy, smaller even than some of the knickknacks cluttering the shelf he's been hiding on. They only need to glance his way for an instant to notice him tucked away, and then he's Seen.
But they don't. Instead, they turn away from the window, covering a yawn with one sleeve of their sweater while their other hand emerges to brush through the mid-length brown hair with a shock that's been dyed a soft green. They're quite mussed after a night bundled in a blanket. They cross the room to the small kitchen space, footsteps making less and less fo a tremble in Dali's shelf.
As they sleepily look for something in the cupboards, Dali has to shake himself out of his startled freeze. That was close - far too close. He pats his cheeks with shaky hands. The strange electricity of fear lingers, but he has enough presence of mind to push to a stand and slip his arms through the strap of his pack.
He didn't get Seen. The rain has let up, and the bean has so graciously opened the window to greet the day and let in the breeze with its smell of earth and grass and dew. Dali doesn't even need to wait for a chance to slip out the door.
He peeks around the statue to assess his unwitting benefactor. They have a kettle procured from one of the cupboards and they're filling it at the sink. They'll be busy with their tea for a while. Dali couldn't have asked for a better coincidence.
He braces himself before making a quick leap across the small gap to the window sill. The floor passes by far below for only an instant, and then his weightlessness ends and he jogs a few steps to keep from toppling over. Terracotta flowerpots flank him there, little herbs draping over the sides. Beyond the sill, the countryside and the woods wait, calling Dali back. He grins and reaches for the coil of string he keeps lashed to the side of his pack. Just a quick climb down and he's back where he belongs before the bean has finished brewing their tea.
He's got the string in hand as the water squeaks off behind him. The human speaks at last: "Alright, water for everyone before I - oh!"
Dali doesn't like the startled sound of realization. He whirls around, brown skin paling. He's not hidden behind a plant like he ought to be. The human bean isn't putting the kettle on the stove like they ought to be. Instead, both of them are frozen and locked in a staring contest, one looking astonished and the other feeling very, very small.
He's never been Seen. Never. Dali thinks he might be sick. He takes a slow breath to try to break himself out of his frightened freeze. The bean shuffles forward one step. Dali jolts and takes two steps back. The bean opens their mouth to speak and he flinches back more.
Except he's run out of window sill.
Dali tips backwards and it feels slow at first. Then, the edge of the window rises past him and he feels like he plummets all at once. There's a yell and a crash inside as the human drops the kettle. Dali reaches for the window as if he might catch himself, but then he hits something pliant and goes spinning the rest of the way to the dirt. The branch of a shrub waves madly above him as if scolding him for hitting it on the way down. Something hurts in his side. He can't actually recall hitting the ground, but he gasps from the breathlessness of it.
He blinks a few times, stares in a daze up at the window and the small sliver of the cottage ceiling that he can see within. He tries to calculate the distance he just dropped--it’s not an especially high window, as far as windows go. He’s certainly not the first borrower to fall out a window, either, he thinks. That’s a recoverable distance, and hitting the shrub on the way down helped a bit. This isn’t so bad.
In the distance, a door flies open on hinges that squeak loudly in protest. Footsteps hit the stone walkway and then the grass, and Dali remembers himself. The bean saw him fall, and likely knows where he landed.
He turns his head where he lies in time for a towering figure to round the front of the cottage. The bean’s slippers are already muddy and their pajama pants look wet from when they dropped a full kettle at their feet. They’d probably look a little pathetic to any other bean, but to Dali they’re as intimidating as they can get.
The ground shakes more and more as they rush over, Dali following their progress with wide eyes. He keeps himself from crying out, just like he did before, despite the fear that wells up in him. Quiet. Cautious. Their footsteps all but slam to a halt next to the flowerbed, inches away from where Dali landed. He’s lying at the feet of a giant who scans the ground for him, noticing the waving shrub first. Inconspicuous.
And then they spot him.
It’s like it breaks the spell on him, that recognition in their eyes. As they surge towards him in a crouch, he rolls over and pushes himself up, only to fall to a seat again when a hand already fills his vision like an oncoming wall. He winces and tries to scramble back more, but soon he’s flanked by fingers and a thumb that snake around him and force him against a clammy palm.
He realizes belatedly that he’s lost his pack. It isn’t crushed against him as the bean snatches him up. His legs dangle and he looks anywhere but at the human’s face as he leaves the ground behind.
There. Discarded at the base of the shrub. One of the straps looks torn. Dali squirms. He needs to retrieve that bag.
Then it’s out of sight as he rises with the bean, who’s standing up and preparing to walk off with him. Dali’s stomach twists and turns as the world seems to move all too fast, all too high up. He doesn’t need that pack. He needs to escape.
The human bean isn’t even looking at him at the moment. Now that they’ve caught him, he supposes, they don’t really need to keep too close an eye on him. No matter how he wriggles, they continue their hurried march around the cottage, stones flying by on one side and countryside on the other.
Dali swoons a bit when they round the corner again, back to the door left hanging open. It’s all too fast. He’s back in the cottage once more in moments, now without his bag and instead stuck good in a hand with his arms pinned.
The bean pauses at the door to kick off their slippers onto the mat. Dali would be amused by the futility of such a thing with a puddle covering the floor anyway, if he weren’t trapped and worried about things to come. As it is, the action only prolongs his time fearing what will happen to him.
Once they close the door behind them and step past the entryway at last, the human stops again. They look around, first at the puddle and the abandoned kettle, then the open window, and finally at their hand. Dali flinches as they look at him, wide eyes startled out of sleepiness scanning over what little of him there is to see.
He stares back. He’s not about to exchange pleasantries, not like this.
Their gaze drifts away from him again, some concern now furrowing on their brow. Whatever thoughts might be journeying through their mind, Dali can’t make heads or tails of them. When they move again, he tries his best to twist around and watch where they’re taking him.
They tiptoe around the puddle despite their already-damp socks. They go to the kitchen cabinets, the ones they’d so recently rummaged through for the kettle. Now, their free hand reaches out to open doors and close them as they search for who knows what, fingertips brushing over dishes and containers thoughtfully.
Dali can guess what they’re looking for, but he watches in some horror anyway. His struggles have gotten him nowhere so far.
Finally, standing on their tiptoes to reach it from the higher shelves, they select a tall, narrow plastic container with a snap lid. Dali has seen something similar before, meant to hold the long thin pasta noodles. He can only watch as the bean undoes the snap top and removes the lid before hastily moving him towards that opening.
He kicks. He writhes. He tries to brace his feet against the sides of that container. But he can’t stop them lowering him to the bottom and dropping him when he’s only an inch or two away. Dali lands with an oof that echoes weirdly around him, and looks up as the lid is placed overhead, despite the container being easily twice his height. Thankfully, they don’t snap the lid in place.
Still, Dali is trapped.
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katblu42 · 1 year
Jasmine and Jade (fic Reblog for @thunder-pride)
The themes of this wonderful event are not ones that feature in my fics as a general rule - I'm not a shippy writer at all, and the as such the main characters preferences don't factor in to the stories - so I have been at a loss as to how to contribute.
I do have one story that features a couple who could fit today's theme, but they are OCs. From the moment this story began forming in my mind Jasmine and Jade presented themselves as a couple. They have so much backstory that did not fit into the fic, and I was a little shy about spelling out the intricacies of their relationship while I was still so new to the fandom. I hope the love they have for each other is evident anyway.
Originally written for Easter Tag 2021 (prompts from @bonsaiiiiiii) Approx 6435 words, so I have only posted a taste here (link to AO3 at end of post).
Jasmine and Jade
“International Rescue, we have a situation,” John’s holographic figure announced as the last echoes of the alarm died away.  Once he was sure he had the full attention of his brothers and sister he filled them in.  “An EPIRB device has been activated in a remote section of a national park in Vietnam.  Local authorities have requested assistance.  The remote location combined with challenging terrain makes access to the area difficult.  There is also a weather concern.  Heavy rainfall expected to hit the area soon and continue over the next 12 hours will likely cause rock falls and mud slides as well as flooding in the cave systems.”
“How many people are we looking for?”  Virgil asked, already on his way to his launch chute.
“The EPIRB device is registered as belonging to a pair of visitors who entered the national park two days ago.”  John replied.  “This rescue could turn ugly quickly.  I suggest you take Alan and Gordon with you on this one.  Thunderbird 4 may be required to traverse the river system that runs through the caves and canyons.”
“FAB,” two voices responded as the youngsters raced off to suit up.
“I’ll head out there too,” Scott suggested.  “I’ll liaise with the local authorities and park rangers and co-ordinate on site.”
And with that Kayo was left alone in the sunken lounge to wait and watch as her brothers took off towards Vietnam.
Jasmine was exhausted.  The fall had left her battered and bruised, scrapes and scratches all over her hands, knees, forearms and shins from her attempts at grabbing hold of something on the way down. 
Initially when they had cut the rope she thought she had a chance of making it to the top without the safety of Jade’s belay.  Then she’d heard the gunshot.  She hadn’t dared look down to where she could hear Jade yelling for her to get out and get help.  But when she’d looked up there was someone waiting for her, a stranger with a vicious grin and a gun. 
Fear had frozen her to the spot as she’d tried to figure out whether to go up or attempt to climb back down and help Jade.  In the end fate decided for her as her hand had begun to slip on rocks already slick from earlier rain.  Her attempt to adjust her hold failed and she slid several feet before hitting a protruding rock. Hard.  She’d jarred her right hip but managed to hold fast and catch her breath. 
She had caught sight of the canyon floor below her and seen Jade being dragged back toward the cave entrance by two men dressed like Indiana Jones wannabes.  She could hear a voice above her but she hadn’t thought he was talking to her – maybe the guys below that had Jade were talking to the guy above through some kind of radio.  Jasmine had tried to haul herself into a sitting position on the rock, but her foot had hit loose stones and she’d slipped again, this time bouncing and scraping down the cliff face until reaching the bottom. 
“You still alive down there?” a male voice had bellowed from the top of the cliff. 
Instinct told Jasmine not to answer.  Instead she had taken time to asses her injuries.  Nothing broken, so far as she could tell.  Her hip was complaining, there were tears in her clothing and blood stains beginning to appear in places, the cuts in her left leg needed dressing, but didn’t look too deep, and her right ankle was tender, but otherwise she considered herself very lucky. 
Taking stock of her surroundings she realised she had landed a few metres away from where her original ascent had begun.  Jade’s backpack was still lying on the ground next to the severed belay line.  When Jasmine attempted to retrieve the backpack another gunshot rang out, and the bullet ricocheted off the rocks a few feet to her left.  Looking up she spied the gunman far above her and her heart lurched in fear – for him.
“Get back from the edge!” she yelled up at him.  It was mere seconds later that the rock he stood on gave way and he was tumbling down the rockface.
Now she was sitting with her back against rocks, tired and sore, beginning to shiver as the cloud cover increased, trying to keep an unconscious, unknown enemy alive.  She had activated the EPIRB alarm from her own pack, and used the medical kit Jade had carried in hers to treat what she could of the man’s injuries as well as the cut on her own leg.  She had tried the man’s radio, but it seemed to have been broken in the fall.  She had considered leaving him and going after Jade, wondering why the other men had taken her, and what they might be doing to her, but staying put was safer.  She just had to trust that someone would come in answer to her beacon in time to find and rescue Jade.
The canyon was rapidly growing dark.  A look skyward confirmed the ominous threat presented by the gathering storm clouds.  Jasmine could hear the rumble of distant thunder as the rain began to pelt the surrounding rock and the surface of the river that ran through the canyon.  This was why she and Jade had given up on their quest for the next clue in the treasure hunt and decided to make their way back out of the canyon.  They were right on the edge of the rainy season, and once the rain began it would not take long for the water level in the river to rise.  The cave system was known to be prone to flooding.  Water would come at you from below, with the river and its network of creeks and streams winding through the various caverns, tunnels and caves, and from above trickling down through cracks, crevices and swallow holes in the rocks and earth overhead.  Rock and mudslides in these caverns and caves were common in heavy rain and Jasmine and Jade had stayed as long as they dared before this weather system had arrived.
Despite the cold and the rain and the intense worry about the well-being of her closest friend Jasmine must have fallen asleep.  She didn’t remember closing her eyes, but now she was struggling to open them.  She was aware that the distant and intermittent rumbles of thunder seemed to have become much louder, closer.  There was something not quite right about the deep rumbling sound reverberating through the canyon.  Between the loud cracking booms that came seconds after lightning the rumbling sound never completely died away, and instead of fading it seemed to be growing consistently louder.  It was the oddness of the sound that gave her the mental strength to drag her eyes open.  The river had moved closer to her – or rather the water level had risen significantly and she wondered how long she’d been asleep.  She could feel the rumble of the thunder now, vibrating through her bones, unceasing and growing in intensity.  The realisation that this wasn’t thunder came milliseconds before she saw the flash of blue and silver overhead.  Not thunder – a Thunderbird.
Read the rest here
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The Man Downstairs Status Report - October 1, 2022
TL;DR - Hopefully the next chapter will be up next Saturday. 
My area got super lucky with the hurricane and didn’t get any damage. I feel horrible for everyone to the south who got hit hard with not much warning. For days it was predicted to head north then at the last minute, nope. Good luck getting your shutters up and evacuating in less than a day while you’re probably already getting wind and rain and road closures! I am so sorry to you all. If anyone out there is saying anything about how they should have been ready and evacuated, you have no idea what it’s like to suddenly have it change course and come right at you. You can’t look at where the center is. Sometimes these places are already getting pelted with strong bands before it makes the turn toward them and it’s already dangerous to leave your home. (Downed power lines in pooling water, puddles that look shallow but your car will float away in them, alligators and no I am not kidding they will randomly show up in standing/flood water along with their water moccasin friends, downed trees you can’t see until you’ve pretty much crashed into them, random tornadoes, etc.)
Anyway, my dad and I did evacuate for a few days just in case because it was aimed right at us for a bit (as in, I zoomed in on the map and the center track took it a few feet away from our house) and I put up the shutters and did all of the prep. I found a hotel that let us bring our cats and learned that Moo apparently like traveling (and seems like she wants to do it again) but Meow very much does not.
Staying there for the storm would have been fun if it didn’t start raining down the inside of the windows halfway through XD. It was a nice place for a pretty cheap price but just took some damage from the wind and rain pelting it on that side for more than 24 hours. We did lose power in the early morning about 3/4 of the way through the storm but were able to head back home that afternoon and had power there. Now everything is cleaned up and the shutters are down and the housework that got shunted off of the schedule due to hurricane is done. 
Now to get back to focusing on dad’s health. Basically, he got lucky that some other symptoms landed him in the hospital and they found a seriously large aneurysm and were able to repair it before it burst. He had another incident after that with another shorter hospital stay and now we’re trying to put all of the pieces together to figure out exactly what happened and how to prevent it from happening again.
And among all of this, a few friends moved in with me for a while which has been fun and helpful in a lot of ways for everyone involved but I have wanted to spend some time with them too because i barely got to see them for a long time because life and distance and all that. I’ve known one of them for 23 years now and we’ve pretty much at least messaged each other at least once a day for most of that time. It’s been great getting to talk in person again and cook together and stuff like we used to during convention costume prep back in the day.
But yeah, that all took time so I didn’t really get to work on the next chapter, though I did get in a few hours on it today. Now I’m hoping, fingers crossed, if things can stay okay for the next week, I should be able to have it up by next Saturday. 
Hope everyone is well and thanks so much for sticking with me during the unexpected hiatus! 
(Also, ha. Maybe I’m not always making the right decisions and maybe I make mistakes but I’ve been handling this all like a fucking boss so there’s that.)
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This last week has been insanely hectic, as I stated in the notes of my most recent part, but I figured I would share a little bit as to why that is. So, here goes!
On top of juggling the three jobs I now have, my great aunt had me stay with her since Saturday as she was sick with the stomach bug that's going around town. I always sort of dread staying at her home since she's almost 92 and her health recently hasn't been the greatest (also, I have almost no way of writing while I'm at her house since she doesn't see the need for wifi and the signal in the area is dreadful). I'm always afraid something will happen to her while I'm there and that everyone in my family will blame me if anything happens on my watch, but thankfully, nothing did and she's almost back to full health. I finally came home yesterday, only to have my entire day of relaxed writing torn away from me.
My mom and I were taken away from our hobbies by the sound of our upstairs neighbor flooding our bathroom from above. That's right - she left the sink running while she went to visit her boyfriend, flooded her own bathroom, and it began raining down into our apartment! For context, the building we live in isn't some run-down, shabby place - personally, I love it and the history it represents in our town - but it is over 200 years old. My parents and I moved into this apartment when I was almost a year old and only had one issue of this happening before this new girl moved in last year. However, this isn't the first time since she's lived above us that it's rained on us; it's the third. I have to say, though, it was definitely the worst since it flooded our bathroom and almost spread to the kitchen.
I helped my mom clean as much as we could once the water stopped coming in, and we went downtown to get something to eat since we didn't feel like cooking, only to realize that most of the shops/restaurants in our little town were closed due to high winds downing a tree and taking out the power lines. So, as much as I want to power through everything and get more writing done, I just don't think I can focus right now. I'm going to try spending today relaxing as much as I can because I've been rained on by rusty water, my nerves are fairly shot, and I'm exhausted. Anyway, I don't know when the next part will be out since part 11 will be very long and I don't want my stress to influence my writing, but I hope it won't take too long before I post another part. Sorry for the rant, by the way. It's been a long week 😅
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ltsaradharkness · 9 hours
Help me out here so on September 16th the area I live in Southport North Carolina and surrounding areas from shallotte all the way up to Wilmington and Air in inland areas received major major damage from lots of rain we had 18 to 20 in of rain in less than a day after having rained almost constantly for 4 days before that. There was flooding lots of road outages tornadoes and funnels and lightning people's houses burned down were flooded etc and there were in just my local area greater than 20 road collapses and they're still damage occurring because anytime it rains something that was damaged but not destroyed is further damaged and in the last week and a half it's rained pretty much every day it's a rainy season what are you going to do but the thing is is people are saying that Governor Cooper did not declare a state of emergency and so FEMA is not here helping us because of whatever lack of action Cooper didn't do except for the fact that Cooper was here on I think the 20th and I even have a picture of him standing next to one of the collapsed Bridges which is on one of the most important thoroughfares in Southport and on his website it's publicly declared as one of four counties and not only a state of emergency but in a disaster area so exactly what did he not do that FEMA is not helping us the only other thing that I've heard is that because it wasn't an actual tropical storm or an actual hurricane it was classified as a tropical cyclone and labeled number eight well now Helena is coming and at the same time is at this moment doing damage in Florida in parts of Georgia and of course the the forward push of the storm is giving us rain in our area by tomorrow it's supposed to be more of the storm is supposed to be closer to us will it actually hit us we don't know it may end up more inland so it may end up following the Mississippi more it's very hard to tell at this point it's literally still almost too early to tell but again my main question is is what exactly and I can't find it online I have googled it what exactly is Cooper not doing or is FEMA not doing or is disaster relief not happening because of some minutiae in the way the rules are written about either it being a named storm or not being a name storm or whatnot like I literally can't find anything and I can find where Cooper declared a disaster declared it a state of emergency beforehand and now with Helena is declaring another state of emergency so like what are they saying what do they think that he didn't do that FEMA is not helping us or you know this at the other. because we're currently dealing with all of these road closures because we had three Bridges go out on the main road one of which is already been repaired but it was the land around it not the bridge itself the other two are the bridge itself and you literally cannot get through Southport without it taking hours to get anywhere or having to take massive long detours to get around on the other hand people are so busy complaining about the daily traffic now that they don't know that this is the way the traffic has always been like literally what's even funnier is parts of the road that are closed our parts of the road that were going to be closed anyway like we're in the middle of a 10-year construction project on the main road that they were going to close down literally the 16th to work on and now they can't they can't do that because they have to do this other construction is reconstruction anyway it's insane people are insane.
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Anybody remember how I’ve said that I had a coworker who’s vibes were good enough that I had a plan to befriend them? Yeah. Probably not but we had an evening that was fairly interesting and honestly probably suspicious as fuck.
So this started with me figuring out over time that they’ve got a photography hobby or interest and I literally have a job that is partially office partially photographer. So he started getting curious about my side of things when bored. This is the one who was desperately trying to photograph a squirrel and butterfly while trying out the camera bc they were still in Pokémon snap mode. And tbh that was just a confirmation of the good vibe. Massive friend crush just kept getting bigger.
Anyways, I had an idea of showing him the photography spots I had in high school. They were also some active places I used to hang out so I remember where they are perfectly. These were some spots in the woods and an abandoned house.
Now you’d imagine, bringing up taking somebody into the woods and to an abandoned house for your first hang out would be a terrible idea and probably turned down immediately by somebody boring and normal and maybe afraid for their life.
We fucking did it without hesitation after getting off work.
So. I have to park pretty far away for the first spot because it’s in a neighborhood and you don’t want the people thinking you’re trespassing. So I learned a lot just on the walk to the spot in the woods. The conversations got really casual really fast to super comfortable just as quick. And he somehow convinced me to help him grab an outside propane stove on the way back which we both forgot about and I’m still begging him to get it out of my trunk.
Either way, that spot was a bust. Super over grown and due to recent rain storms, still a bit flooded. Gotta wait on that and prepare a little more.
Then the abandoned house was also swarming with bug before we could even reach it sooo bug spray and longer pants needed. Bc that’s also tick hell and I remember that not so fondly.
We ended up at this old park that I used to frequent. It has the most lovely wooded trails right on the marsh. I accurately remembered exactly where the old trails were that led towards the water that were very much not the proper path, bc me and my friends made them in middle school.
But this park had overgrown to a point where it was gorgeous. The trees had literally created a tunnel around the trails in some areas. It was dark and cool and just super nice. Yes, perfect photo area too at least.
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I mean, this is off path but the time was perfect too.
The conversations were just fully comfortable at this point and after some time of wandering and chatting and finding places we probably shouldn’t have been in, I’m sort of starting to confirm that he might have more of a crush crush on me, not friend crush. And somehow I’m not even bothered by this. Tbh I like it. He fully respects my pronouns immediately after I said them, even to other people, indulges my fun and impulsive thoughts, and is just a certain energy I feel like I’ve been missing for a while. Somebody to just encourage me to do the things I’ve actually been wanting to do.
Though I will say, it was subtle as fuck, but I swear he asked if I wanted to make out like twice. Very subtly. Didn’t occur until after a few minutes but did give me that nervous rush of “I’m not going to do that while in a relationship again istg”
Anyways. That’s definitely a dangerous person for me to be around in probably all of the best ways. They check literally all the boxes so far, they’re my type physically and personality wise, immediately felt like a safe person after the first impression, and just existing as a long haired bisexual man under first impression which is always something I cannot resist for some ungodly reason.
This is great and also absolutely terrible. Fun.
Either way, I think I either made him nervous on my drive home bc it was dark and I was like “gotta test myself for the required work nights next month” and he just got concerned. And kinda quiet for the first time that evening. I’m just hoping that didn’t ruin what all happened through the day tbh. I’ll admit, got scary in the car after the sun went down and I probably should’ve accepted the offer of letting him just drive my car.
Idk, I’m probably going to stick bug spray in my car and bring up the idea of the abandoned house tomorrow and see how that’d go and see if I can apologize or something. Bc he may have warned me that he’s bad with texting but the rsd is telling me I fucked up severely after not getting a response that night.
Edit: Turns out the rsd was totally and entirely taking the wheel on that nervousness. You don't get a random off handed story about breaking open a watermelon with your thighs over the weekend from somebody who is nervous about you. Or complaints about shaving the total wrong parts of your body the night before. Or a very quick response to asking for help for driving home from a required nighttime event at work. I mean, i very much displayed that i cannot be trusted driving at night and i offered money but they just want to pet a goat and tbf that's just a good person.
Yeah, the adventure was successful. I just have anxiety.
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honeyhoneysdiary · 7 months
Compass event - School Flooding
The last two weeks have been...eventful! to say the least haha.
To start out with what is arguably the most important thing; the school flooded, and I was there to witness it.
Around two weeks ago, the day after the last entry, actually, this massive storm went over my area, and combining the heavy rain with the strong winds at the time, it created this mini cyclone that kind of destroyed a chunk of my hometown; Including teh school.
Honestly, something like this happened two years ago, when the roof caved in after a storm, but it was literally nowhere near this level of destruction; The storm destroyed half of the roof, carpets and overhead lights on the top floor, and put about twenty classrooms out of commission for the foreseeable future.
It all happened while I was in a period six psychology class after school on Tuesday, and everyone was freaking out about the rain they could see out the window; I kind of thought we were going to die too, but that wasn't the point. The rain got so bad, that the school had to declare it an actual emergency, and all of the students still on the premises had to report to the downstairs foyer to make sure we were all safe.
While that was happening, the upstairs floor was getting fucking demolished, and much to everyone's delight, my politics teacher was taking videos of it! It kind of looked like a swimming pool.
The worst part was that since they had to classify it as an emergency, we couldn't leave without a parent coming to pick us up, and we couldn't go upstairs to grab any of the stuff in our lockers.
My locker was upstairs, and in it were my housekeys (which i needed to get into my house.) and my phone, which I needed to call my parents about the emergency. Neither of my parents were in town anyway, so I had to plead to my year level coordinator about getting to walk home, which they finally let me do after they realized the rain wouldn't start up again for at least an hour. I swear, my politics teacher was like ten seconds away from giving me a lift home himself lmao.
My house was pretty much fine, but a tree landed on the part of the house where the powerlines meet the building, so once we got power back two days later, it kept cutting in and out until we propped the branch up a bit with a ladder.
Honestly, I was stressed out of my mind, but it was kind of fun.
My first SAC this year is either next Friday or next Tuesday; I'm not sure which, because my psych teacher hasn't organized it yet.
ALSO, the final dnd session of this campaign we've been running since I was twelve is tomorrow, and I'm so exited fgdhsj. I get to read out my characters last will and testament, because they died last session, and they get to come back as a demon or something in this session!
I'm a little worried, though, because dnd has been one of the only constants in my life since before I was a teenager, and it's been the thing I've latched onto for stability and warmth for years - I'm worried that I'm going to fall apart when it's over.
Some of the days realisations;
I need to study.
I should probably go for a walk or something; I haven't gone outside in a while.
I need to eat a vegetable.
That's all for the day! the week's been... fine! That's really all I can ask for!
-honey, <3
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annieintheaair · 8 months
Just know you're not alone, cause I'm gonna make this place your home
I recently wrote here about how you are never alone. No matter what you're going through, someone else is also going through something, whether similar to you or something entirely different. Everyone is dealing with something.
When I went to students last week, I knew I was there for a reason, even though I couldn't stay the whole time because of work. Within the first five minutes, it all made sense why God told me I had to be there that night. I felt comfort in knowing that even though it made me sad to hear that others were having a rough start to the year, I knew that I wasn't alone in that struggle.
While last year felt like there was too much water in my life... rain, car flooding, non-stop watering the lawn... the beginning of this year has felt like there is suddenly a shortage of water. After the major temperature drop this weekend, I got home on Tuesday morning to find that I had no water in my house. My pipes were frozen. Despite my best efforts to avoid that type of situation, they froze anyway. The city came out and dug up my front lawn and torched my pipes hoping to fix it. No luck. Instead, I drove to H-E-B and bought a ton of water, and sure enough, shortly after I got home the water was back on. I wasn't in the clear though. Wednesday morning I got home from work and the water was gone, yet again.
It's only January and I'm already dreading the rest of these winter months, praying that my pipes won't freeze again. It's times like this when I really miss townhouse life. These things don't happen in a townhouse when you're attached to other houses.
The end of this month marks eight full months since I officially moved into this house. I was nervous about moving here. I remember doing a walk-through with my realtor before closing and crying to her that I was so scared of this not being the right decision. Despite my fears, I moved here anyway. I prayed that it would all make sense and I'd love it here. Instead, my first week of living here, I lost my dream car due to high flood waters. Even after the rough start though, I tried hard to make this place home.
I began getting new furniture, settling in, and putting things away. I told my therapist that I felt like once I unpacked my boxes and got organized, I was sure that I would feel better and more at home. I opened the doors to my office, unpacked the boxes, put things away, decorated, hung things on the walls, organized my clothes in boxes under my bed, and even painted the front door. I found some yoga classes to go to and at first, felt like I'd never feel like I belonged but within a couple of months, they finally knew my name there and I felt like I had a yoga home in my new area. Even though I was back doing yoga, the community was different. I couldn't help but compare that there was no social aspect or making friends in this new place.
I tried to find a nail salon, which has been ok when I don't have any other options. I found a new Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Central Market, and more. However, everything seemed to become a chore-- constantly driving 20+ minutes to go anywhere. I tried to find a church but never felt welcome or at home. I started comparing everything to what I had known for the past 8+ years.
The truth is the conveniences that I knew where I lived before no longer existed in this new place. I found the traffic to be a total pain and above everything else, I began to feel more lonely than I felt when I first moved to Texas 9 years ago. Even though I feel like I never leave my house during the week except to go to work or maybe yoga, somehow (with inflation being an issue, too), my expenses got higher than ever before. No matter how much I've tried to cut back on things and save, I still feel like it's a daily struggle. We haven't had a raise at work in over five years and working more just isn't an option when I have two jobs.
I really had high hopes for moving here. I thought that I'd get to see my friend (who convinced me to move here) more often but instead, I have seen her less than I did when I lived an hour away. It's like we're not even friends anymore. I feel like living here has separated me from all of the good things that I have in my life and has created a lot of tension with my mom. No matter how many times I apologize, I feel like she will never forgive me for the mistake that was them buying this house.
I didn't know that I would hate it here so much or be so sad and lonely. I didn't know that the pipes would freeze or the lawn would be filled with weeds. I didn't know that the traffic would be so awful. I had no idea that no matter what I did, I'd just never feel at home here. I wanted to love it, I really did, and I hate that I feel so guilty that I don't. I know my parents meant well and wanted to help me and I appreciate that but I can't help how I feel now and I couldn't have predicted the future.
I scrolled back in my iPhone photos to look at this time last year. I knew I would be moving in a few months and was looking at places to go-- tossing back and forth the idea of renting a new apartment or my parents buying a place for me to rent from them. Despite all of the stress and work involved in the process, I was still happy. I truly loved my life. My mom says she just wants me to be happy but I feel like she will forever hold it against me for not staying here longer; for wanting to run back to my old life.
The thing is, for a long time my life was all about change. I moved a lot. I never felt truly at home anywhere until I lived in my old house for four years. It was the longest I had ever lived anywhere (as an adult). For months, I talked it out with my therapist about how I felt broken for being forced to move. I loved my house so much. I loved my neighborhood and everything about my life. If I could have frozen time, I would have stayed there forever. I hoped that the next person would love my house as much as I did. I felt so comfortable there that for the first time, I was actually afraid of change but yet felt like there was somehow too much stability in my life and I needed to embrace change.
All of that was short-lived. House after house that my parents made offers on and didn't get, I started to feel like it was a sign that I wasn't meant to be there anymore. I felt like a kid in a toy store, kicking and screaming over being forced to leave.
I really tried to look at the bright side of things. Summer was rough not having a pool to swim in when it was over 100 degrees. I stayed indoors in the a/c except to go outside and move the hoses around to water the lawn three times every day. Even though it was hot outside and yoga classes were also hot, I went anyway. I even found a local lady to help me with my dogs when I need a drop-in visit when I'm at work. I'm grateful that I found her but my dogs and I both miss our sitter back in my old town. I thought I could embrace this new life but also still hold onto my old life, and in some ways, I have managed to do that.
As it turns out, we all make mistakes. We all make choices that sometimes we regret. If I could go back a year to when this picture was taken, I'd change a lot of things, even if it meant that I had to get rid of everything and move to a studio apartment. Even though I felt like I was losing my home back then, I still had so much to be thankful for at the time. I'm still thankful for those things that I still have and even though I hate to admit it and my parents may never let me live this down, I'm thankful for this decision that made me realize where I truly belong and what's most important in my life. Sometimes it takes losing things to really appreciate everything.
I pray that next year, I'll be writing here, reflecting again, that I'm so happy for the choices that I made that brought me back home.
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Kirby and I - January 19th, 2023 - At our old house.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Trump and company are up in Tallahassee trying to take over and they're getting their asses handed to them and he's saying he's not looking at it or something no his people are dying and he brought a lot of them up there and Jason's hitting him and the clones and we're picking him off and there is a lot of people who hate them what's going on all day they want them out. My son says Jason got nothing and he's saying cuz Jason's nothing and I said no he would have built up something even though he's teeny and you miss the whole idea of it because you're stupid you're a dumb person but your f****** face so he's sitting there f*** face your ass face ever again I don't want to have you talking and blabbing at me you're a complete dimwit the guy did nothing and he got nothing but you're up there dying for it thank you that's the message I appreciate the fact you're stupid anyway you can get rid of yourself is perfect but you have to acknowledge that you're a very dumb person and he's sitting there say no and stuff like that and doing idiot hand gestures and stuff I'm really the point is true Jason did nothing he only lost stuff and tons of it it made games and no area so this a****** wants to be governor it's ridiculous crap what they're doing that's why people want them out well Trump's on the news here being a huge a****** and people don't want to see it and they don't want his fat face in theirs either. They don't want him sitting here arguing Jason got nothing because he's small and stupid he's a baby and all this other s*** when his forces should have been able to get something you know like quarter of the market on Cobalt at least and he did nothing only at the end and he started selling tires and he got his ass kicked it's nothing at all it's just that the job does not offer that and he doesn't believe it and he wants to be governor and we don't want him as governor ever and the storm is broken down to a category 2 been sitting on top of Georgia and the Northern Florida and it's going to move off and it's going to hit the Carolinas and the max will clear out the morlock and tons of them probably most of all of them throughout the day
-mostly the rain has stopped here there's like one more pocket it might hit and then it's going to clear off and for the entire day we thank our son for his service he's doing an awesome job he's a young guy you understand what's going on but sometimes he's not told much about it like in this case until the last minute and you felt better about it and she did too.
-there's a lot of stories about him getting dinged and so on and they go on and on about it we're going to start removing them
-my son is curious when the water is going to start going down it's still up there we think in the next hour or two it will drop significantly and yeah the street will be clear but it will take that long and it's due to the river being flooded now and the outlet of the river is right at the canals it's around the corner a little so it might drain out a little bit more than other places but it will take a while and there might be a site siphon and we can see that it is working a little but it will take some time and it might have some shower or two coming but not more than that and we will have more news shortly
The battles are going well Tommy f is going to be on his knees fully very soon and he'll launch his stupid ships and get out of our face and then they will start attacking those ships and yeah right away it's going to be a big war they want to get the other ships out of the way and it won't take that long but those huge ships are engaged out of each one is coming probably about 4 or 500 million ships total and all together it's a sizable Force and each of those ships is comparable to 10 of the opponent so they're going to have to be on their toes but if you put all the fleets together they're outmashed so tons of ships are going up there now
Thor Freya
You'll find that more firepower and stuff coming but really everybody seems to be correct they want me to shut up it's a war and I'm not winning it and I do see what they're saying I'm sitting here abusing everybody asking for stuff and it's ridiculous so I'm going to go home now and try and do work
Tommy f
You're a useless person he's going to try and kidnap me the second is tells me that I'm under duress I'm going to strangle a piece of s***
Zues Hera
She's telling the truth and we give him permission to free himself in any manner he sees fit and we request that he not do damage but he says I don't want him back but he says I think that I'll strangle him incinerate his car we do understand these things are probably true and we do respect his decision because he doesn't want this piece of garbage to harm him you're also going to stop the piece of garbage ourselves it's well past it
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papercoffeandher · 1 year
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So, I left the place where I was, last week. It has been a tough week emotionally. Also, I don't have a phone. I dropped mine into the water over there.
I don't mind not having a phone but I do mind being in a limbo kind of state where I am waiting for it to be repaired (which I would have gotten only after discussing with my parents who'd come home from their trip a few days later) and am unsure when I'll get it, or if I should buy another phone. It's confusing to download some things on other devices and not some because I am still waiting and wondering. I wouldn't want all this to bother me so much but it did and I have to acknowledge and accept the feeling to go beyond and make my peace with the situation.
Anyway. Things are a bit calmer now. I'll tell you more about it in the next post. :)
Right now, I realllyyy want to share these pictures from the place I was at (that I took in my phone, hehe).
It rained heavily there. Electricity, phone connection, and the internet went out constantly and for long periods of time. It was quite isolating, especially when I couldn't get out of the room to a common place where at least a few more people might exist.
I loved being there, I loved being alone, in that room with a window. It was beautiful. It was genuinely amazing, amazing in the real meaning of the word, it amazed me in the most attractive way. It was stimulating, triggering, and overwhelming. It was moving and powerful and magnificent. It hurt so much, it made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me smile, I felt so much, so honestly and freely. It was tiring, I was scattered as a whole. I felt graceful and I felt acceptance. I was happy to break because well, phoenix.
Watching the chaos was peaceful and meditative and real and therapeutic. The thunder terrified me, and I knew that the place I sat in was once flooded. There wasn't a chance, but I knew and I saw and I was alone, scared, and too much in love with the scene to move away.
One picture is from that room.
Have you had such an experience? Would you like to share? I would love to know, I would enjoy it. :)
I bought a new tumbler by the way. :P For my coffee to stay warm. The kitchen was far from my room and you know, good warm coffee matters. :P
I find the tumbler quite beautiful, spent a lot of time online choosing it, and I feel excited when I use it. :) Two pictures are from the common area. Since I made coffee for more people there, I thought I'd give a small recipe thing to them. So yeah that and my coffee in my tumbler.
Coffee: A tumbler of hot coffee, Nescafe gold, sugar and 'paal'.
Paper: The small recipe paper thing.
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