#anyways now onto a temperature blanket lolol
solstheimtxt · 10 months
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I finished my blanket and it kinda looks like shit lmao :') but its done!!! 🥰🎉🎉🎉 i have no idea why the top is so wide, but idc its done lmaooo
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philocalygray · 6 years
“Remember When” - (E.D.)
Fic Code: fluff=💌 angst=⚡ platonic=🦋 ambivalent=☘️
Author’s Note: This was requested by one of my best Tumblr friends, Gabby!! (@thefancave) SHOUTOUT TO YOU BABE ILY sorry for taking forever to get this up wtf is wrong with me lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this!
Written By: @doltishdolans @dolantwinfanfic  ← go follow my other account!!
Word Count: 1.1k+
Summary: Ethan reminisces of the days when you first met. And the future too.
Warnings: Swearing
Sentence Prompter(s):  “I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror.” “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.” 
“Hey babe?” you heard him say from the bedroom.
“Yeah?” You called to Ethan, keeping your eyes on the mirror, as you brushed your teeth.
No answer.
You heard the bathroom door open and you saw your boyfriend in the reflection of the mirror shuffle in. He made his way over to you, placing his hands on your hips and his chin atop your head. “Mmm,” he hummed into your hair. “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head,” he whispered. Just the feel of his body on yours made your heart warm.
“I love you. So much,” he mumbled, kissing your cheek, and as he continued, his kisses travelled down your neck and shoulder.
“Baby, I’m trying to brush my teeth,” you chuckled, mouth full of toothpaste. “We can make out later,” you half-joked. You felt him smirk against your skin and you peeled away from him just to tease him.
“Hey!” he protested, making you snort. “Go to bed, I’ll come when I’m done,” you urged.
He frowned. “Fine,” he scoffed, backing out the door slowly. You spat out the toothpaste and washed your face. Placing the washcloth over your face, you massaged your skin gently, sighing softly as the warmness soaked into your skin.
The feeling quickly faded when you felt a splash of cold water drench your head, soaking your hair and your clothes. Shrieking from the sudden temperature change, you ripped the cloth off your face, to reveal a literal ‘rolling on the floor laughing’ Ethan holding an empty plastic cup in his hand.
“ETHAN!!! What the fuck!!”
He couldn’t even speak; he was too busy clutching his stomach still gasping for air on the floor.
You stomped over to the shelves to grab a clean towel, quickly drying yourself so you could use the now-damp towel to whip at Ethan before he could get up.
“You’re!” Whip. “Such!” Whip. “An!” Whip. “Ass!” Whip. “Hole!!!!”
You flung the towel onto his face, muffling his laughter that was still going on, before heading into the bedroom and finding some clean pajamas to wear. As you slid on a new shirt, you felt hands jabbing at your side, sending you into a scream fest and Ethan into a fit of laughter once more.
“Ethan Grant Dolan, I swear to fucking God if you-”
You were silenced by his lips pushing firmly onto yours. You were so annoyed with this kid, but who could resist? You grabbed him and kissed him back, deepening the kiss, making it rougher. He gripped your back, pulling you closer to him, lips still connected. He started to kiss down your neck, making you give out a small moan.
But what he couldn’t hear was the evil grin that had begun to form on your face. You snatched your black hair elastic off the drawer where you kept your clothes and twisted it to make a slingshot-like shape.
Pretending to press your hand against the back of his neck, you took your other hand and stretched out the elastic.
“FUCK!” he swore, jumping away from you. “What the hell was that?!”
You gave him a sly smirk, holding up the elastic.
“Y/N!” he gasped, squinting his eyes at you.
“You deserved it, weirdo,” you retorted, rolling your eyes. “C’mon let’s go to bed. No more screwing around.”
Ethan opened his mouth to protest but you cut him off.
“And NO playing Fortnite!”
“Fine!” he grumbled, flailing lifelessly onto the bed. You grabbed his arms, pulling him onto you and shuffling under the covers. You rested your head and your hands on his bare chest as he wrapped a leg around you and his arms around your torso.
“You know, if you weren’t here I could be playing Fortnite,” he muttered.
“Ha! As if,” you snarked. “If I wasn’t your girlfriend you’d be alone forever.”
He laughed, giving you a gentle push under the blankets. “Rude!”
You smiled against his chest, knowing you had won this time.
“It’s probably true though.” he chuckled. “I’m so lucky I have you baby.”
Okay, maybe you hadn’t won yet.
“Are you trying to use your soft technique to get to me E?” you teased, looking up at him. But he wasn’t. There was no smirk drawn on his lips, there was no playfulness in his eyes. Instead, there was a gentle, soft smile of sincereness spread across his face and his golden hazel brown eyes read truth. He meant it.
“Aww Ethan,” you melted. “I love you.” You kissed his lips, once, twice and a third time. “So so much.” He only became soft like this when the two of you went to bed together.
You snuggled once more into his chest, and you felt his hands come up to play with your hair.
“You know, I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror. I was so nervous, I kept fumbling over my words and Grayson was teasing me ‘cause usually he’s the one who can’t speak,” he laughed softly. “He kept telling me not to bother trying ‘cause you probably wouldn’t say yes anyway.”
“Baby,” you breathed gently. “You’re so cute. Everything about you is perfect. I wanna kiss your face ‘til you make me stop but even that won’t make me stop ‘cause I love you too much. You’re the bestest boyfriend...”
He could tell you were falling asleep because you were starting to mumble “cuteness overload” on him. It was one of his favourite parts of falling asleep together because it was the time he got to hear your honest thoughts about him and how much you really loved him. As he embraced you, he continued talking.
“But I didn’t listen to him, he obviously didn’t know what he was talking about. I wasn’t just going to give you up ‘cause my brother ‘told me to.’ I didn’t care if you said yes or no. Well, okay I really wanted you to say yes.”
At this point, he was just talking to himself, because your light snores had started.
“But I knew I would have regretted it if I didn’t take the chance.”
“And you know what? Grayson was damn wrong. I have the best girlfriend in the world and now I’m tucked in bed with her sleeping on me. You’ll be mine forever. I just know it. I want nothing more in the world than to spend the rest of it with you. And we’re gonna get married, and have kids, maybe 4? That’d be a lot of good sex. And we’re gonna get a HUGE house and we’ll go on vacation every year. We’ll get a dog to keep Gray away since he’s allergic and we’ll go back to New Jersey every other month…”
He continued to draw on and on about the life he’d spend with you in the future, as you continued to snore softly on him.
Finally, he looked down at you sleeping soundly. Smiling, he leaned over and kissed your forehead gently. “Goodnight, Y/N. I promise you, I will give you the best life with me that you could ever ask for.”
And even though you couldn’t hear him, he knew that you knew all of this already.
I wrote about soft E today hahaaa. I hope you liked reading about soft E, I really liked writing it! The idea just came out of nowhere, so I hope I met standards for all you Ethan girls? It was kinda hard to write since I’m hardcore in Gray’s lane lolol. I hope it did justice! 
Thanks for reading, and remember, you can always request anything you want me to write in my inbox! It’s always open:))
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Hugs or Kisses?
This is a personalized fic for @fanfrickinhamiltasticimagines and it’s not proofread.
Pairing: Jordan Fisher x Sophie (Jorphie) Word count: 1534 (This used to be short) Summary: Girl, you know me. I can’t do summaries Warnings: Non. I think. Not even swearing? Oh maybe swearing. And an almost death. Jk lolol Note: Yo. This took me way too long, mon fraise. I know, 1000 followers was a bit ago, but i’m holding my promises okay? Also, you’ll get a sequel to your birthday or something :3  anyways, have fun. Also everybody is ooc here. even you, Sophie. I’m a terrible writer. End my suffering. Javier just came back from his short shopping trip, his left arm occupied with holding a plastic bag filled with ice cream. Hastily, he took his shoes off, throwing them into the corner of the corridor, and made his way towards his living room. A broad grin on his lips,  he was just about to open the door, telling Sophie and Jordan what great purchase he had made, as he suddenly heard a groan coming from the closed room.
He hesitated, his fingers lingering on the door handle, and listened closely.
“Just take it off”, Jordan's voice  demanded, and Javier felt the embarrassment rising in him.
What the hell were the two doing in his apartment?
Finally, he ripped the door open, and  was greeted with a surprising sight-
What happened before:
The heat was unbearable. You felt hot,  sticky, and  sweaty as you lifted your hair up with your hand to give your neck a little bit of cooling.
“God, Javier… It’s so fucking hot, can you please hurry the fuck up?”, you pleaded, slightly annoyed at the broken air conditioning.
“Yeah it’s hot, because I'm in the room”, your dialogue partner explained, fiddling with the device, which earned nothing more than a roll of your eyes.
“I would actually laugh if it wasn’t so hot:, Jordan stated, who was sitting next to you on the couch, and you shot a inconspicuous glance at him. God damn, it was unfair how he still looked so good, even when he was just a sweaty mess like you were- Maybe that was his secret.
“Okay, It’s official. The ac is dead”,  Javier finally said and a loud sigh escaped from his lips. You groaned,  and Jordan patted your arm halfheartedly.
“Let's see. I could get us some ice cream,  what do you two think?”, the Puerto Rican added, leaning against the doorframe he was standing up.
Without even hesitating, Jordan grew excited, nodding enthusiastically.
“Oh god,  that’d be great. What do you think,  Sophie?”
You giggled slightly.
“Who am I to turn down free food? As long as you're  gonna get me my favourite flavour”, you demanded,  grinning, while Javier look at you quite confused,his eyebrows raised. “Er… continue? I don't  know your preferences for ice cream”, he explained, tilting his head slightly to the side. That's  right. Reading minds wasn't a thing yet, Sophie.
“Wait, let me guess!”,Jordan requested suddenly,  and  you felt,  how the couch was moving beneath you, as he sat up.
“Is it chocolate?”, he asked, looking at you full of expectation, which you couldn't  see, because you had closed your eyes.
“Classic”, Javier commented on your answer and you simply shrugged.
“The same for me, please”,  Jordan said, while Javier had already disappeared behind a door to put on his shoes.
“I'll be back in just a second”, he hollered,  when you heard the familiar jingle of keys. “Take care of Johan, alright? I don't  want him to make a mess out of my apartment or anything”, he added before the door slammed shut. Silence.
Johan was Javier's tomcat, and a very furry, fluffy one to that. Secretly, you were wondering, how he could stay alive during this type of weather. For yourself, it was already almost impossible and you weren't wearing more than just a plain blue shirt and and some shorts. You preferred any kind of frosty, rainy day a lot over another day in this boiling heat. Even though the beginning of this summer had been pretty mild, to spent a july day in Javier's apartment, which was located on the sixth floor, without any air-conditioning, was way too much for your poor little body. (💙)
“So it's just you and me”, Jordan mentioned seemingly casually after a while  and you nodded weakly.
“Yup. Just. You and me. And johan.  Have I mentioned that I feel just like a marshmallow? I'm white and sticky”, you explained,  not able to give a better metaphor for you current condition. Unlovingly,  you dropped one of your hands  onto your stomach, to fan yourself with the help of your shirt.
“And you're just as sweet too”, Jordan added after that, and you felt the blood pumping into your head. “Shu-shut up,liar”, you stuttered with red cheeks, slightly frustrated  by the fact that it was so easy to fluster you.
You heard Jordan laugh. “I'm just saying the truth, marshmallow”, he explained, and you secretly wished,  he would mean it this way.
You only have known him for a couple months personally now, but his charming way and sincere smile had already found their way into your heart.
You  turn your head to look at him.
“I would give you a hug now, but regarding my condition right now, I would say that's  not the best idea”, you say  and he agreed.
“Yeah, same. I prefer kisses instead.”
A bit confused, you turned your head,  but before you could open you mouth to reply, he had already laid his lips on yours. The kiss was short, but sweet enough to make a complete mess out of you.
“Oh God”, you whispered, and your whole face was tinted red.
“I'm sorry,  but you're  really cute”, Jordan apologized immediately and you shook your head.
“N-no, I don't  mind.”
The conversation that continued on was  pretty pleasing, but sometimes interrupted by your complaints.
“It’s so hot”,  you muttered for the fifth time within ten minutes, and you felt a soft push from Jordan beneath you.
“Stop  complaining, i can’t perform miracles either. We’re both pretty….uncool.”
A groan was the only thing you could add to that, even though, you must admit, you were smiling.
“Now wipe that smile of your face Sophie, because that was a really miserable joke of mine”, Jordan demanded, suddenly he had come a lot closer than you thought he had.
You decided to lean against his shoulder, and noticed, that he actually had a pleasant temperature.
“Woah, you're not as hot as I thought you were”, you noticed with satisfaction, and didn't realize, what you had implied with your statement, until Jordan protested a few seconds later.
“What did you say?”
“No pun intended. It took you long enough though”, you remarked grinning,while Jordan only shook his head.
A third person joined the conversation, to be more precise, it was Javier's cat Johan.  The white furball first jumped onto Jordan thighs, before deciding that he liked you a lot more and walked over to you to claim your body as his seat. Instantly, you felt the added heat on your lap and gave a distressed noise.
“Oh god. Please. Please end me”,  you murmured theatrically and Jordan began to chuckle.
“Oh please, you drama queen”, he laughed, stroking lightly  over johans fur.
“After all, it's  so cute and...furry...and..warm…” He hastily  took his hand back.
“Yeah Yeah, I see. Very cute, so you shouldn't have a problem with taking him.”, you said sarcastically.  Even though you didn’t have any problems with cats, the last thing you wanted was a ball of warm fur on your lap. You didn't  want to scare away Johan either, since he was known to be very moody and you didn’t want to end up with scratches  all over your body. So you watched helplessly, how a lovingly warm heater took over legs. The only thing that comforted you was Jordan's hand, which was loosely holding yours. In contrast to your hand, which felt a bit sweaty, his was comfortably dry and a bit rough.
“Help me… Death wants  to take me and he's coming for me in the form of Javier's cat!”, you sighed over dramatically,  and Jordan’s answer to that was a grin, before you felt his lips on your cheek. You felt like melting away,  and for a short moment, the baking heat was forgotten.
Until Johan stretched out  and you were reminded of the fluffy blanket on your legs.
“God, I'm dying… Jordan help me!”,you pleaded,  exaggerating a lot, as Jordan brushed one of your short strands of brown hair out of your face.
“Just take it off.”
In this moment the door swung open and Javier was standing in the doorway, his face distorted to an unbelieving facial expression.
“ Are you two fucking while my cat is watching?”, he asked  with a raised eyebrow, but amusement sparkled in his eyes.
“No!?”, you shouted,  the embarrassment is written all over your face.
“I'm way too exhausted to even stand up, much less do.. other things!”, you continued to defend yourself, as Jordan chuckled beneath you.
“Did you bring ice cream? Oh, and you might want to put it- the cat, what's it's name? -from Sophie’s lap as well or else we will have to bury her very soon”, he added, grinning,  and earned a laugh from Javier,  who had already disappeared into the kitchen  and shortly after that came back with bowls of ice cream. “Alright, let the fun begin! What do you wanna watch?”, he hollered, gentle pushing Johan off of your lap. Beaming at him, you knew that this definitely was one of the best summer days you ever had.
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