#anyways thanks for reading this dumbassery :D
lovleez · 4 years
cai xukun “hard to get” mv theory
i’m back at it again!
i don’t think this one will need any warnings itself because everything is connected strictly to the mv itself (no, no killer sirens this time around) (but killer clowns tho 👀👀👀) (update: the killer clown IS the warning itself plz don’t read this if you have severe coulrophobia akjhdfjdh)
i’d recommended watching this to process what goes on in this post:
hard to get mv 
theory one 
this ones going to be really weird, so if you want a sensible theory, scroll down to the second one :D
let’s start here with clown xukun:
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or more specifically, i want to talk about the clown, not xukun himself
okay here’s the driving force of this theory: this clown is a killing spirit that can possess people (and i’ll be referring to this entity as either clown  or ‘killer spirit’ throughout the rest of this theory)
(it’ll make sense later i hope)
now that this is established, let’s travel back to the beginning of the mv
the first 30 seconds or so are clearly a mix between the future and the present, as evidenced by the flashes
our first solid shot that signifies the actual start of the mv (aside from kun) is the main girl of this story
- her eyes are scouring around the room, obviously looking for something. when they settle, the scene jumps back to xukun 
moving on
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at this part, when it flashed as if she was in a confused state, listen closely and you’ll hear a little woosh multiple times
this sound does come up multiple times in the mv, but never in the actual audio itself (yes i double checked w/ full volume 😌)
when does this sound come in? whenever the clown is involved (you’ll see)
what am i implying? at this point in the mv, this ‘killer spirit’ is possessing the girl at the moment
earlier when she was looking around, the clown was looking for a new host. why? well perhaps the current one was trying to fight for control (which is why in the scene seemed like she was disorientated for a bit) (or she could be drunk but shhh) 
and who does it pick? xukun obviously. but how did the clown switch hosts 
when the girl comes up to him, she hands him a drink, and xukun drinks it almost immediately (ʳᵉᵐᵉᵐᵇᵉʳ ᶠᵒˡᵏˢ, ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵍˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉʳˢ)
and then this happens immediately:
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which leads me to believe that there was some sort of drugging substance in there (or again, he could be drunk 🤫)
(also someone tell me why what looks like an old lady is at the club in the first place)
he heads over to the bathroom to clear his mind, but look who’s waiting for him there 
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i’m assuming this is where the clown would switch hosts other stuff aside and all
the girl seems to leave in an awful hurry afterwards 👀
probably to escape the clown or something 
xukun also leaves the party . . . but what’s this in the scene?
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a jump cut 👀👀👀
(i don’t know how to explain it for those who don’t know what that is...but it’s like  the little jump between kun walking down the path to him arriving at the mansions doorsteps in a flash)
well placed too
lend your ear to the noise before the cut 👂
it’s a whoosh, then clown giggles  👀
👀 👀 👀 👀 👀
okay, before we move into what’s happening after this scene, i’m going to fast forward the mv to 2:23
where the familiar clown giggles can be heard again, and the scene opens to the clown chasing the poor girl D:
i believe that this scene slots in perfectly to what happens during that jump
my brain tells me that when he was simply walkin down to the mansion here, but (obv) he spotted the girl and chased her down. what did he do? 
turn her into a puppet (not like literal, but you know those mind controlled human puppets you see on tv shows....yeah like those)
how’d i get to that conclusion?
when he walks into the mansion, and into the room, there’s a couch full of other people there just sitting there nearly lifeless
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these ‘puppets’ are all presumably the clown’s previous hosts (and i draw this from the fact that the girl is sitting among them)
one more thing 
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see how the girl was standing behind the couch in this gif, but when kun settles down, she’s sitting on the ground
its as if she (as a puppet) is welcoming him as the new host, and moves back to the ground to start her life as a presumably insignificant puppet
anyways lets call this theory to an end with the assumption that the clown finally found a permanent host in xukun 
(further proof he is possessed by a killer spirit...his eyes are glowing r e d...now go ahead and try telling me that’s normal 😤) (no it doesn’t seem like a reflection of the light to me,,,,where’d the light even come from in the first place?)
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theory two
(aka the more sensible one \(`-`)/ )
this one is going to be more straightforward
the second theory follows a quite simple story line:
the two, kun and the girl, could possibly be a pair (whether it be as a couple or partners in crime, the only important fact about this is that xukun is a killer in this verse) 
and for whatever reason, the girl is simply unhappy with him. so what does she decide to do? drug him, with a side of assassination in mind
so when he heads out to clear up his mind in the bathroom, she plans to murder him there 
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however, the attempt was unsuccessful, so she heads out. xukun heads out too, maybe a few hours later. 
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however, this jump cut would signify that something else happened before he arrived there
when we go back inside the mansion, to the girl, we see these shots:
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it seems like she’s rather expressionless, but she also looks annoyed
there’s also this scene (+ the lyrics)
do i gotta clear it up / swear i ain’t in a rush / i could only play with you so much
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does it not seem like he is mocking her here???
before this scene is the clown chasing her. so what does my brain conclude?
after the assassination attempt, he went after her in his killer clown attire to give her a scare, and it worked.
as we can see, she’s sitting by his feet pretty obediently so.
also there’s this scene at the end of the mv:
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its probably hard to tell from the gif, but just take a look from the mv and look at the gaze. 
he knew what she was going to go through, but probably played along to give her a lesson.
this mv is quite simple and is what it is: xukun is a killer clown who targeted the girl as his next victim, those scenes where in both theories i stated he was drugged was probably just him getting drunk, and the people in the mansion are simply his past victims (yes i could make this into theory #3 but i’m lazy)
....but where’s the fun in that
however, the solid takeaway from this mv no matter the theory is that xukun is indefinitely: a clown (an angel too 🥺) (not in the mv tho)
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 9
Tackling two prompts of @marichatmay again ('take a break' and 'cuddles'), it's probably not going to help much with catching up on the schedule but it's okay.
We are now a little over a third into the story, and... Are those real feelings that are emerging in the fake relationship? Perhaps... Still quite a bit of oblivious dumbassery to go, though, else it wouldn't be fun :D Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 9: In which Marinette gets mixed up in her checklist
"I'm sure I'm missing something…" Marinette mumbled as she read through her extensive to-do list of the day, tapping her pencil against her chin.
HomeworkFrench: Dissertation Maths: exercises 5,9,12 p.132 Science: Lab report English: Act III, scene 1 Hamlet History: revision test Extra last minute?
ALYA’S BIRTHDAY PREP: coordinate surprise party + finish gift
Kitty section: costume prototype for single 2
Art project: finish dress
Picnic Alya, Nino, Adrien
“I swear there was a seventh thing I needed to do today.” She squinted, scanning her surroundings in the hopes that it would jog her memory. There was so much going on these days that things kept piling up, but today she was determined to catch up with everything. She didn’t have much of a choice, anyway; most of the items on her list had a set deadline, and it was coming at her faster than she liked. She preferred not to get hit by the truck head on.
Her eyes landed on Chat Noir’s blanket, which she’d draped over the back of her chaise after he’d left on the night of his birthday, over a week before.
“Right! Chat Noir - Ask Chat Noir to take a break, ” she mumbled, scribbling down the last point, before setting the list down next to her computer keyboard. She'd abandoned the idea of full on breaking up with him given how their relationship was dragging on; a break seemed softer to ask for first, and it could easily be followed up by a breakup.
It was going to be a long day, but with a bit of rigour, and thanks to her early start, it would all work out.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit much for one day, Marinette?” Tikki peeked over her shoulder, letting out a small yawn.
“Well, maybe for a normal girl, but not for Ladybug.” She yawned reflexively, and her kwami shot her a pointed look. “I know, I know. I have to power through, though - it’s not my fault I got sidetracked so much these past few days. I honestly wonder what Hawkmoth does as a living, the man has too much time on his hands.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to get a tiny bit more sleep? To help with your productivity?” Her Kwami asked, looking slightly worriedly at the bags beneath her eyes.
“It’s 6am, Tikki, not the crack of dawn. I’ll have to be up by the time I fall back asleep again.” She waved her concern away. “I’ll just let the stress adrenaline work its magic. It’s going to be fine, don’t worry.” Tikki pouted doubtfully. “Now, would you mind reading me the Hamlet scene while I finish sewing up my project?”
This is a disaster , Marinette thought as the formulae she read on the page danced in front of her eyes. It didn’t matter how many times she went through them, they just didn’t compute.
She looked at the time: 6:45pm. She had fifteen minutes before her picnic, and she had to finish her maths homework, her dissertation, her History revision, the Kitty section prototype, and send out individual messages to remind everybody of their tasks for Alya’s birthday so it wasn’t too short notice for the weekend.
She tried to ignore the palpitations of her heart; maybe she’d overdone it on the coffee during the day. It wasn’t like she had a choice, anyway.
She’d discovered as she'd walked into class that she had a class president meeting with Mr. Damocles over her lunch break, which had been when she’d planned to squeeze in some of her work.
Then, while she’d been packing her bag at the end of her classes, ready to leave, an Akuma had emerged. It had been a tricky one, too; Chat and her had spent about an hour chasing it around Paris before finally catching it.
Adding to that the fact that her 6am rising had left her exhausted by the second period of the day, she really hadn’t been the most efficient anyway.
“I think you know what you need to do, Marinette,” Tikki said apologetically, as if reading her mind, floating up to her with her phone in her flippers. Alya’s number was already dialled on the screen.
Marinette sighed and took the phone from her, pressing the green button before lodging it between her shoulder and her ear.
“Hey girl!” Alya’s excited voice sounded on the other end of the line. “Nearly ready to go? We really picked the right night for a picnic; the weather’s super nice.”
“About that…” Marinette winced. “I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to make it.”
“You’re kidding, right? You ’re passing up on an opportunity to have a picnic with Adrien? Are you ill?” Alya said after a small beat.
“Trust me, I surprised myself.” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “I just feel like I have a bit too much on my plate right now, and I wouldn’t be great company if I came. I hope we can find another time to go out again, but I think studying and going to bed early is what’s best.”
“It’s true that you’ve seemed kind of out of it lately,” Alya said compassionately. “Don’t worry about us, take care of yourself! I promise I’ll take loads of pictures, it’ll be like you were here. And I’ll bully Mr Agreste with you after our exams to get Adrien out again if needed.”
“Thanks for understanding Alya.” Marinette smiled.
“That’s what best friends are for!” She could almost see her wink. “Now, get back to work and then go to bed! We’ll see you tomorrow.”
There was a bit of chatter on the line before Alya hung up, as she met up with Adrien and Nino.
“Wait, Marinette isn’t coming?” Adrien’s almost disappointed voice was the last thing Marinette heard before the communication ceased.
She found herself quite immune to it. She decided not to dwell on it.
Adrien enjoyed the picnic very much, as he did any opportunity to hang out with his friends, but his eyes kept drifting to the empty space next to him, where Marinette would undoubtedly have been sitting, were she with them. He hoped she was alright; Alya had told him that the reason why she wasn’t coming was because she was studying, which was fair considering the amount of homework they’d been given in the past few weeks, but he did feel like she was overworking herself a bit.
He didn’t doubt her ability to take on all of her projects, but he wished she’d slow down a little, for the sake of her health. What would he do if his everyday Ladybug burned out?
He wondered what Alya’s curious gaze meant when he voiced his thoughts about the situation. He panicked a little when she said that maybe a boyfriend could help get her mind off of work - firstly, because Marinette technically had a boyfriend, which he was surprised Alya of all people didn’t know. He thought the two girls told each other everything. Was Marinette keeping their relationship a secret on purpose? Was she confused about their status, which, he had to admit, he wasn't sure was himself? Was she (the thought scared him) ashamed of him?
Secondly, he found his heart squeeze peculiarly at the thought of Marinette having a boyfriend other than him . He decided not to dwell on it.
He couldn’t help but take the long way home, passing at the bottom of her building, after the picnic, though. And, seeing that there was still light in her room at past 11pm, he decided that he should probably do something; for her well being, not as an excuse to see her, of course.
He transformed in a back alley, then extended his baton so he could peek through the window closest to her desk. Maybe she was already asleep, but had forgotten to turn her lights off.
The sight of her bent over a sheet of paper, hands buried in her hair as if ready to tear it out of her scalp made him knock.
Marinette jumped at the unexpected sound, and looked up, looking quite haggard. Her features softened when her eyes met his.
There was a hint of a smile on her lips as she opened the window. “Hey Chat, what are you doing here?” She yawned.
“Bedtime patrol, just making sure that citizens are going to bed at a reasonable time,” he smiled, stifling his own yawn.
“That’s nice of you. But, does that mean that I’m in trouble?” she drawled out, leaning forward to boop him on the nose. Her exhaustion was clouding her better judgement.
“Depends, are you nearly done with your studying?”
“When will I ever be nearly done,” she snorted, turning around to take a look at her checklist.
Her feet caught in the straps of her backpack and she wobbled forward, but Chat pounced inside in time to catch her before she could tumble down.
“Woah there, little lady… Your spatial awareness is worse than ever,” he said fondly as she clutched his arms. “Sorry, but I’m not letting you get back to work.”
“But I need to finish something…” Marinette protested.
“What you really need is to take a break.”
Marinette paused to think about it. Taking a break with Chat Noir… she seemed to recall that was on the list.
“Okay.” She shrugged.
“Good. Come here, then.” Chat Noir sighed in relief at her lack of resistance and started to lead her towards her bed, but before he’d let out his whole breath, Marinette was already trying to make her way back to her desk.
“Wait, I actually still have so much to do…” She reached for her flashcards, which tumbled at their feet.
“Okay, tell you what.” He kept hold of one of her hands as he picked the flashcards up to avoid her escaping. “Why don’t you take a small nap, and I’ll stay here and keep an eye on the time. I’ll wake you up in an hour, and when I leave I’ll turn a blind eye on your choice between going to bed and getting back to work.” She looked at her doubtfully, and glanced at the cards in his hands. He took a closer look at them; their content was that of the test they had the next day. “I can read you these while you fall asleep so it’s not too much of a waste of time, if you want.” He waved them in front of her face, hoping she’d say yes. He really needed the revision, too.
Marinette nodded and he led her to her chaise, helping her lie down on it. He started draping his blanket over her and was about to go and sit in her desk chair when she grabbed his free hand and pulled on it, a lot more strongly than he would have expected from her, especially in her exhausted state.
“Take a break with me.” She shifted to her left and patted the newly formed space. “Please?”
Her pleading bluebell eyes were difficult to deny.
“Okay,” he said as he sat next to her. Marinette snuggled up against him and sighed contently.
Chat’s heart skipped a beat. He wrapped a tentative arm around her and cleared his throat before starting to read. “The Hundred Years’ war actually lasted one hundred and sixteen years, from 1337 to 1453…”
His own tiredness hit him like a truck after a couple of pages, when he heard her soothing, gentle snoring. He lowered the flashcards to watch her sleep. She looked so tranquil, a peaceful smile drawn on her lips as her body slowly followed her breathing.
He felt his eyes close, and soon the both of them were breathing in sync, holding on to each other.
Needless to say, Chat left a little later than anticipated the next morning, woken up by the rising sun. Neither of them complained, though; both had had one of the most restful nights in a while, and both aced their History test.
Each wondered if they weren’t onto something in terms of revision technique.
Adrien almost gloated to Alya about how maybe Marinette didn’t have a boyfriend who took her mind off of work, but she had one who took care of her while she studied. Almost.
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looselucy · 5 years
- week! Can't believe I had to write another ask to get ONE WORD into it. Tumblr sucks. Anyway since I have some more words I'm gonna say something stupid, just cause I have the space: I see this book as a TV Show, and I know where I want it to be aired :D also also also, random question: have you read The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair? I'm obsessed with that book, I'm preaching it left and right! Ok, the space is over, sorry for this dumbassery! Can't wait for sunday! BYEEEEEEEEEEEE
15/ Tumblr does suck, correct. BUT thank you for once again absolutely killing with the amount of messaged you send me. You’re top shelf shit you. I love it.
I have nottttttttttttttt. Is it fic or a published book?? I’m very really rubbish with reading I write too bloody much wekfdweiufhiuhr. Thanks for everything. See you on Sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
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