#anyways this is now canon to my lair's lore
blackpaws-fr · 10 months
Had this musing with Anza the other night thinking about ancients.
Lorewise, Imperials ARE Light's ancient right? And they are the only dragons to have the danger of becoming Emperors.
What if Emperors as we know them now are a corruption of what they once were? What if Emperors were first and were then cut down to be Imperials and the reason they turn into Emperors is because it's their dying magic desperately trying to return to it's original form, through any means.
Alive it is contained within a single vessel, one crafted specifically to contain a portion of it. But dead the vessel is broken, no longer able to hold it back.
The reason you can't breed change to Imperial is because there's no true Emperors left to split. The further away from generation one the young Imperials are, the more diluted the magic, and the less likely they are to become Emperors even if their bodies were not properly handled.
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methoughtsphantom · 1 month
halfas are the found family trope foster child
they all adopt each other. it’s the reason Vlad wanted so badly to have Danny as his son and the reason Danny immediately went with sure you’re my cousin now with Dani. it’s a survival mechanism from being so very few of their species. Sooo, halfa!Jason except he sorta isn’t yet cause Jason’s core is extremely ruptured from the lack of ectoplasm involved in his forceful resurrection. So when Danny finds Jason in his catatonic state he can’t quite tell the dude’s been dead and remains some, just that the guy for some reason seems very friend-shaped. Danny doesn’t mind his friend is braindead, and is also a john doe, he gives familiar vibes and that’s apparently enough for Danny to constantly find himself in the hospital doing his engineering homework on the room with the guy, and talking for hours about the updates on the absolute clusterfuck of the city and how he was from a freaking ghost town and he can almost even draw comparisons. he blabbers about how he’s not homesick enough times to even corner himself to talk about a ghost lore many times and how he’s just finding himself a little more prone to violence and in constant pain since none of the people he has adopted as his family are here with him and he can’t consider a place a lair if there’s isn’t someone of his in it.
But Danny could never drag someone with him just because of some it, after all it was Danny’s choice to come to Gotham to collage and not stay where at least his parents (good parents Jack and Maddie) were in Amity.
Ironically, Danny essentially can’t feel that his core has been spoon feeding ectoplasm to Jason. As months go on, the little ball of energy builds in anticipation practically vibrating in the waiting pulse of something (Danny doesn’t know but more often than not has he found himself laughing in happy confusion. it weirds him out in a good way) It’s really that he’s feeling the slow healing process of his friend (brother brother brother) ‘s core.Imagine it’s just about to properly, correctly heal when canon strikes back and Jason gets snatched by League assassins. Danny is left feeling like his core got torned out. His core had spend months helping another’s only to feel the other’s imprint and to not be able to protect it in return is— forget it being an obsession; thats like having your newborn baby being ripped out of your arms. An all assuaging feeling of helplessness that is devastating. Danny just beginning to feel like home lair when out of nowhere the rug is swept under him. Danny suddenly struggling to not flunk all his classes and beat every single liminal that he can feel crossing paths with him to the ground. Danny suddenly having his chronic pain (that hadn’t been so bad lately) dialed up to the point that there are just bearable and bad days.
The worse thing is he doesn’t know why.
Jason had only been a guy.
It’s only a three weeks before Jazz tells him she accepted a job offer in Gotham.
(and the guilt only makes him feel worse when he can feel himself feel better because of it)
whimsical time skip ✨
Danny is now on his feet again and friends with a Wayne of your choice (or maybe they were friends a little before Jay dissapeared and it was badTM cause Waynes? liminal 🥲) Danny definitely didn’t enjoy snapping off to his friend like that. anyways it’s been a year since that and he and his friend are having a grand time playing civvies, uhh let’s say dick because I want them to meet while ice skating, Also Dick because he definitely turns a blind eye when Danny goes airborne for a second there yep. He’s just having too much fun.
anyways as alwaysTM Danny doesn’t clock celebrities and like why would he, Dick is just the random guy who’s was fast to turn Danny’s slow day in the ice ring into a competition one day and brighten when Danny matched up his puns. So he totally doesn’t get why the guy’s so gloomy one day, anyways as you can figure, it’s Jason’s deathday and Dick is a deprecating bean, Danny tries to cheer him up by having him remember his brother instead and Dick attempts to, but even skipping through some photos in his phone make his eyes burn.
It is because of that that he doesn’t notice Danny absolutely freeze up at the photo of his friend Jay (Jay because he’s a John Doe, but that’s just too impersonal and so the first letter is J *wink wink*)
Danny absolutely doesn’t know what to do with this information, barely catches himself from asking Dick how did his brother die. Most importantly when because Danny just saw Jay—Jason less than a year ago, and this somehow doesn’t feel too recent.
Annd that how we find Danny digging into the Wayne second son tragedy. Staring at the date of death while the knowledge that they met almost six months after burns his forefront of his mind. Danny spends a day going over all the questions running through his mind over how the fuck he couldn’t sense Jay was a ghost—err was… in past tense?? what the fuck?? Danny would really like a refund on his ghost sense.
Anyways Danny goes check out the grave (now that he knows there is one) and boom although intangible he somehow triggers those shitty ass sensors/alarms that somehow didn’t go off when jason was literally digging himself out.
Obviously the bats get in the case immediately. And boy are they absolutely enraged that someone would steal Jason’s body.
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kiunlo · 2 years
posting on main since i don't care but my mutuals and followers who don't know shit about flight rising might be very confused 💀💀💀
anyways with the new flight rising lore update/revamp, i am very happy and excited about it! but i've seen a lot of complaints from others going like "but my lore!" because their personal lore for their dragon clan goes full in on the colonisation of the beastclans lands/massacring of the beastclans and just overall being dicks on purpose (which was the original canon lore for beastclans and their relationship with dragons).
like i get that the canon has changed making your lair's lore no longer canon compliant, but you have to understand that pretty much every indigenous person who played this game and cared about giving their dragons lore (ME) had to ignore canon. a lot of us ignored canon because playing on the side of colonisers (dragons) was severely uncomfortable given...you know...real life colonisation destroying our cultures, families, languages etc.
the fact that the devs decided "hey actually the playerbase has a point about all of this fucked up colonialism shit in our lore lets fix our mistakes" is like. a fucking win for all of us indigenous people around the world who play this game. we no longer have to pretend the beastclans lore doesn't exist or ignore it because it reminded us too much of the real life things that happened to our own communities. we can play the game and give lore to our own dragon's without having to ignore the canon lore for our own comfort if we decide we want our dragons to interact with the beastclans in positive ways.
if it bothers and annoys you so much to have your own clan's lore not being canon compliant...now you know how it felt for so many indigenous people for most of the decade who played this game. except we had a very good real life reason to be bothered and annoyed by it.
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plounce · 1 year
i havent talked about my wol on here in a hot minute but ummm her lore has developed a lot :) she's co-wols with my friend hawke's wol and she has terminal tank disease and of course it goes without saying that she's hopelessly dependent on the catboy bestfriend. she's selectively mute (silent player character = autism legend) and mikh'a, because he has the echo, can understand the sign she uses (which is half cobbled out of sign languages from the shroud but also from around eorzea and half her own creation) without many wrinkles and also he's just very nice and shortly before she met him she got ejected from her family group so she was like YOU'RE MY PERSON NOW and imprinted. also in ARR she was deeply uncomfortable with any social stuff and so mikh'a handled a lot of it for her. it was a very vulnerable time in her life and she will always feel deeply grateful to him for that. but then we get to hvw and mikh'a (that's the other wol) was engaged to haurchefant before That Happened and it destroys him and he's basically out of the game for the rest of hvw msq from the debilitating grief. so that's the real genesis of her life attitude being "i have to take care of everything and shoulder all of the burdens and duties so that mikh'a has room for HIS burdens". also she has that autism feeling of like "i don't feel as much / as strongly as other people" (yknow) and it's something she really admires about mikh'a, how strongly he feels things (even as the trauma starts to make him an asshole), so. yes. he's the face and she's the shield. due to her terminal tank syndrome. anyway in shadowbringers she gets brought over to the first right before mikh'a does, like 6 months in first time, and the way that their deal works out is that mikh'a is the one who is able to channel the light into tomte so she contains it, leaving her with light poisoning and him with the light aether scraped out of him, so that she's gradually growing more and more blank and stoic and unfeeling while he gets more volatile and emotional (light = stasis, dark = change). anyway tomte decides to go off the empty alone because she's operating on her most basic MO of "other people cannot handle this burden, but i can, i must, i will" and just wakes up, has a very one-sided argument with mikh'a, and then teleports away without telling anyone her plans. and then has an even bigger fight with mikh'a in the tempest as all the scions watch in distress and discomfort and then ryne manages to get through to her and tomte like. cries. and that's a big deal. we've rp'd much of this and more.
hawke (my friend if you forgot) has been ensorcelled by bg3 so he has not played past 5.1 so my further building of tomte's co-WoL story lore canon is sort of on pause right now but i think the end of shadowbringers really freaked her out and she stops tanking because she couldn't handle it. she wasn't able to. it didn't work out and it wouldn't have worked out, and she realizes, when the light is no longer poisoning her brain, that she probably would have doomed everybody if she had gone through with her plan and walked into emet-selch's lair alone. she needed her loved ones to hold her back. and in endwalker i switched to samurai because i capped on warrior so im imagining that in endwalker she also puts down the axe and takes up a sword. still throwing herself into the middle of things, but uncertain about taking responsibility. i think this general level of uncertainty and anxiety is compounded by the fact that she's the WoL zenos is fixated on - she's the muscle, she's been the one really taking on most of the primals and lightwardens. so it's like arrrghhh everything is my fault and my arrogance and my hubris (which is so sad because she is so quiet and humble). anyway. idk how we're gonna do the azem of it all (i have numerous ideas and possibilities in my brain - maybe emet tried to resurrect azem at some point and botched it, leading to the rejoined souls splitting from the source soul, and tomte is the rejoined souls and mikh'a is the core source souls? maybe it's a 3 and 4 split? maybe tomte is a different person altogether? i just know that mikh'a should definitely be azem since his themes and story of destructive grief align really well with emet)
anyway. that's a glimpse of the evolving tomte lore. click and post
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xiii-error · 10 months
・(RP) No-Canon Lore BG3 ; OCs / Raphael
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⤷ First of all, thank you once again, chuwsh! Please go check out her work and these commissions are open. (These prices are low, even very low; Please tip her ! She deserves them so much ! Show her that her drawings are worth MUCH more than her price.) Carrd : chuwsh ‎♡‧₊˚
⤷ Please be kind to me, I'm French, and I've only just started to actually write long texts in English. If there are any poorly spelled sentences, I'll take any advice! I would like to get better at it.
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The smell of sulfur. A scent that always made their noses sting.
From the heat emanating from the room, they guessed that they were in the Hell. When the orange and reddish particles disappeared, their eyes could contemplate the boudoir of the House of Hope. It wasn't the first time they set foot here. During their adventure with Tav, they had already penetrated to the lair of the demon and its incubus. “Aaah… My little mouse’s cheese, here you are finally.” When they heard the voice, they took a deep breath. Raphael basked in his healing spring, a chalice in his hand. He dipped his lips in this red beverage, which must surely be wine. He examined them from top to bottom, like this, he judged their potential. They were as expressionless as ever, waiting to see what the cambion wanted. “Still as silent as I see.” Noticing that he wasn't going to be able to get a single word out of their mouth, he placed his cup on the edge of his bath, before standing up. “I’ve been watching you for a while now, little cheese.” Carrying his steps out of the source, it was with a snap of his fingers that his wet and naked figure became dry and clothed. Perhaps it was one of the few things they envied about this demon. Even if for many, Raphael had a perfect body, a face that highlighted the self-esteem he had in him. For their part, it was his Ascendant form that they loved. This sublime being, which reflected the power of hell. If they had had the opportunity to touch even a little of its crests with their fragile hands, they would have been won over. However, they shook their faces to stop thinking about it.
“I have something to offer you.” Without even looking at them, Raphael motioned to follow him. Their walks took them to the Archives. Without waiting, he summoned a scroll. At this sudden appearance, they wrinkled their noses. What did this demon want to do again? They never thought they'd see that piece of paper a second time, considering what Tav had done. Raphael couldn't help but laugh mockingly.
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"Well ! That's a perfect reaction! Small, but it means everything.” They retorted ; “What do you want, demon?!” His smile was much more diabolical. “Just a contract. Your soul is nothing for me, but I told myself that... You were surely tired of being my little mouse's cheese, weren't you? And, of all the children of Lord Astarion.” They gulped down their saliva. They ran their thin fingers over the bite scars. A way out? This is what Raphael offered them. They pursed their lips, while deep in thought. Considering the pros and cons.
There, in Lord Astarion's palace, they had food, shelter and clean clothes. But they weren't free. No, far from it. They were like a bird in a cage. The only view they had was through their window. Miserable as they were, their only purpose was to feed the vampires.
Their brown irises crossed those of Raphael. "All right." It was so simple and quick that Raphael raised an eyebrow. He wouldn't have thought they would have the courage to accept the contract. With a movement of his hand, he moved the parchment and the quill that came with it. “You know how to do it, right?” He couldn't wait to see how it played out. Illiterate, they couldn't read the conditions, but it didn't matter, they signed anyway. It’s in a childish and trembling way, as if it was their first time writing.
The contract was concluded. “Your soul is mine now. Astarion is no longer your master.” They felt something disappear inside them. They felt cold, before everything returned to the way it was before.
“Before you leave.” Raphael gave them a tarot card and a simple dagger. “Let’s say it’s a gift from me and one from Loviatar. With this dagger, you could then make blood sacrifices. She will offer you her blessing. A good thing when you have to bleed yourself, no? Still with his big smile, he continued; “And this card, well, you’re going to have to figure out how to use it.”
Then, without warning, with a snap of their fingers, they found themselves in that cold room that they knew so well. They didn't feel any change in them. Anxious and lost, before one of the bloodsuckers arrived, they hid the tarot card and the dagger under their mattresses. Should they wait? But wait, what? What if Astarion found out?
So many questions without answers.
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⬅ ✦
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cutebutalsostabby · 7 months
do you have a theory or headcanon as to how the downfall timeline came about? the hero of time was defeated by ganon, sure, but how do you think he got defeated and then also won in the child+adult timelines?
Eeee yes. Ok, so I have a FEW different theories here. I think I actually wrote a whole essay about this at one point but I'm not digging it up and I might've changed my mind anyway. FROM THE TOP.
So, first off: the idea of the Hero of Time being defeated doesn't actually directly appear in any of the games. This is Nintendo's own explanation for ALttP's Imprisoning War (i.e. where Ganondorf claims the Triforce and is sealed away with it by the sages), which surprised a lot of Zelda theorists when it first appeared. None of the games set after that Imprisoning War actually mention a hero who died in that battle - nor does TotK, with its new version of the Imprisoning War! There are a bunch of other ways of making that timeline make sense, especially now that we have TotK and all the new lore that that brings, so I wonder if Nintendo might actually end up retconning the whole idea of the Hero of Time being defeated at some point? But let's assume not for the moment.
Obvious first option is that OoT!Zelda turned back time, which is also how we end up with the Adult timeline. Link was probably either dead or dying at that point, and it's possible Zelda didn't even know if she'd succeeded. Either that or he disappeared, and the story that he was killed while fighting Ganondorf became a convenient coverup story for "whoops, the princess sent the hero back in time and doomed us all in the process". In any case, Ganon ended up with both Link's part of the Triforce and Zelda's. So it's interesting to think about the PR Zelda and the sages could've come up with to explain that fact. Meanwhile, the key reason why Link DIDN'T die after going back in time was that he knew everything Ganon was going to throw at him! He might have also taken extra precautions, like drinking a bonus potion or two or using his actual sword instead of a bottle
Zelda could also have travelled back in time to try to save him herself. We do know of course (or it's implied) that the royal line continued after her, but she could still have either travelled back late in life or there could have been another surviving member of the royal family. This one is fun considering Zelda's actions during the final sequences of the game: that little gasp and wave of healing magic when they meet in Ganondorf's lair and the way she seems so contrite as she sends Link all the way back to before they met. Was she remembering seeing him die? Teehee. 😈
Then there's the "it happened waaay ahead in the future" options. Either because of TotK's "Upheaval" or because someone from the Downfall Timeline traced all their troubles back to the Hero of Time dying and decided to fix that whole thing once and for all. And I mean... Zelda II Link ends up with the whole Triforce. Maybe he could use that? Or maybe TotK wasn't the end of that Zelda's meddling with time. After all, we still don't know if killing rehydrated Ganon actually does anything to prevent gooey pig Ganon's return, or what the connection between those two are. What we DO know is the Great Cataclysm myth from ALTTP, which says that Ganon gaining the full Triforce is a massive catastrophe and basically the end of all. Note that Downfall is the only timeline where Ganon gets resurrected again and again and again - he canonically dies in Twilight Princess, albeit being replaced by Ganon 2.0 as of Four Sword Adventures, and I'm pretty sure he's not coming back from what happened in Wind Waker. As for Downfall? Maybe you CAN'T permakill Ganon in that timeline. Maybe you either fight him forever while he keeps getting stronger and stronger, or maybe you eventually get desperate and turn back the clock several millennia.
Long story short: there are a lot of ways it could make sense. For the purpose of my current LU fanfic where I'm preserving the existing timeline as much as possible: Zelda did it. For the fun thought exercise I consider every now and then: her distant descendant did it. And if rewriting the whole timeline is allowed... maybe the Hero of Time was never even there in the first place 👀
Thanks for the ask!! 💜
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Andrius, Venti, and Dvalin: General HCs [+ unhinged Venti]
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Oh no, not strange at all! I love seeing the art people have done on human Dvalin and Andrius. I’m not entirely sure if you wanted a Venti x Dvalin x Andrius pairing but I’m going to assume so. But just in case, I added a few points of all 4 of your hanging out. How my desk is positioned with my window, the sun is shining directly into my eyes so I have to type in this weird position unless I want my eyeballs to melt.
Also, if any of this is wrong just look away. This took forever because holy crap there is so much lore on these 3. Not sure what exactly you had in mind so I made some general/friendship HCs
Alright, today’s appreciations post is for maagdalen​​. Super lovely person with some lovely emotes. Oh and your english is really good btw^^ and ty for chatting with me 💕💕💕
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first. 
@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @twistedsunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​
Andrius, Venti, and Dvalin: General HCs
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Andrius, also known as Lupus Boreas, was tasked with protecting the nation of Mondstadt under the request of Barbatos. He had a noble soul and mainly stays in the area of Wolvendom. He was strict, to the point, and never really partakes in whatever “foolish” activities Venti or Dvain get themselves into. But it’s all just a front because as soon as one of them get’s hurt or is in danger, his fangs and teeth are out. Even if it’s a cute hydro slime. Then he’ll take them by the scruff of their neck back to Wolvendom to get their wounds checked. On Venti it works, but with Dvalin’s dragon form. It’s amusing to see a pouting dragon getting dragged off by a wolf that wasn’t even double his size.
Not many Mondstadt citizen’s know but Andrius isn’t actually a wolf. He chooses to take the form of a wolf and should any of the wolves in Wolvendom be threaten, that’s the form he will appear in. But in truth, it was because Venti suggested it. If he was going to stay in Wolvendom and protect wolves then it made sense that his form would be the big bad wolf. Really Andrius just believes that Venti has a secret vendetta against cats and Andrius wouldn’t talk to Venti if he suggested that he take the form a dog.
There is a bit of discourse between Andrius and Venti due to Venti’s human-like appearance since Andrius views human society as a disappointment. Only accepting abandoned infants that have no where to go. But he does respect Barbatos and helped in his efforts to rebuild Mondstadt and protect it as one of the Four Winds.
While he doesn’t completely enjoy Venti’s extravagant personality he’s glad that Barbatos adopted the name and is living his life in freedom. Despite being the anemo archon, he chooses to live as Venti. Having fun in taverns and doing what he loves.
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Venti always brings stories and sings for the two whenever he decides that it’s been too long since he’s seen his friends. He usually brings a bottle of wine even if he’s the only one that ever drinks - which is probably why he brings wine - which leads to Andrius scolding Venti to try and act civilized when he gets drunk and saying “No Dvalin, you cannot have some. The last time we let you drink you cried so much that Springvale still has a waterfall.”
It’s amusing to hear that after the war, the biggest problem Venti has right now is getting constantly ID checked. Dvalin takes this quite literally, since he still isn’t fully aware of taverns rules and regulations, that it takes both Venti and Andrius to hold him down before another Stormterror incident happens.
Venti has always been bold, never afraid to say anything, which was a trait that Dvalin and Andrius liked about the anemo archon. It was what made him the archon of freedom but sometimes Venti is a bit too bold and pretends to play fetch with Andrius wolf form. He is not amused. When he tries it with Dvalin, Dvalin will participate but he get’s confused and ends up just sitting beside Venti when the archon throws the stick. Which causes Venti to make a walk of shame to get the stick back.
When Venti acts as the Wind Archon it’s always a bit of whiplash when he talks in his philosophical state that it reminds Dvalin and Andrius that despite his childlike appearance and attitude, he was still the anemo archon. But it get quickly covered up when he says it’s time to switch back to Venti time.
It’s hard for them all to meet up in the present day. Dvalin stays in his domain while Andrius stays in Wolvendorm, all alone in their own domain. Venti prefers lively places than those quiet and solitude areas so he’s either in the City of Freedom or under the Windrise tree. But on occasions where he feels lonely he’ll swing by Dvalin’s lair and use the winds to carry their conversation to Andrius. Just so he isn’t left out.
If anyone asks where the ballads that Venti sings that are about a strict wolf and a nervous dragon, he’ll just say it was a passing tune he made up.
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Dvalin, same as Andrius, lost his faith in humanity and the city of Mondstadt. He was released as his role as one of the four winds but continued to remain in Mondstadt. Similarly to Andrius he is distrustful around humans after being betrayed by them, chose to avoids human contact but he tries to adopt a more friendly side when Venti visits him.
Dvalin cares about Venti more and isn’t as standoffish in showing that he appreciates Venti compared to Andrius. Venti explained to him and showed him what freedom truly was he felt connected with someone for the first time. He did want to be understood and loved by the humans for who he was and what he wanted to protect. But that’s still a long road ahead.
He’s a curious but clumsy dragon. He’s pure of heart and steadfast in his goals which Venti is full-heartily cheering him on while Andrius disagrees but allows Dvalin to continue on this own path. Even if Andrius is on the other side of Mondstadt, he still tries to keep an eye out for Dvalin should the Abyss Order ever try and take his friend under their control.
However, due to how almost naïve the dragon is, he get’s into rather...interesting situations. While Andrius groans and Venti loses his absolute shit when Dvalin, still in his dragon form, lands and tries to observe the wolves. He only hides behind a thin tree that barely covers even 2% of his entire body and ends up scaring the wolves who run back to Andrius for safety. It takes a lot of consoling from Venti that the wolves didn’t like him, they were just scared and perhaps he should adopt a smaller form?
He’s still a bit sick from the aftermath of the Abyss Order and the poison of Durin so he can’t travel as far as he would like so Venti keeps him company. Telling him what the citizens of Mondstadt have been up to and playing music with his lyre.
I love writing Venti, he’s so much fun. :) I say this but I live for Venti who hides behind this happy persona but is actually unhinged or deluded. I have many thoughts on this but I didn’t want to break the pace of the fic (plus this is getting pretty long anyways). So feel free to skip the rest of this if that makes you uncomfortable. I’m just spit balling right now.
But nervous and shy dragon Dvalin plus mother hen Andrius is canon. You cannot convince me otherwise.
This week has just turned into “what will we awaken today?” In other news, Lisa and Diluc. But it might be a bit late since this took some time to finish. In extra news, solo leveling just updated. Oh and jjk is (hopefully) getting a new episode tmr^^
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Andrius and Dvalin trust Venti to fulfill his archon duties should anything ever happen to Mondstadt. The same way Venti trusts the Four Winds will protect Mondstadt should anything dangerous arise. With the carefree nature of Venti making a sudden appearance after Barbatos’s year long nap, they both got a bit too comfortable with this happy-go-lucky version of their archon.
That is until Venti brings a fourth person into their trio. Someone who knew how to play the lyre and wished to fly and see the birds. Andrius and Dvalin share a quick look of anxious tension and it’s confirmed when Venti makes a small slip of the tongue and calls you by a certain boy’s name. They aren’t sure what to do or if Venti was starting to regress back into Barbatos and what that could mean for this innocent traveler.
“Barbatos defeated the previous ruler and left the city to rest because he didn’t want to become the same tyrant. But an archon is still an archon with responsibilities. Those responsibilities can be warped to the point that they believe they are helping and guiding their followers, but are actually trapping them in their cage. He is an archon that believes in freedom so his cage is just a bit bigger. Big enough that you can’t see the walls. Be careful traveler.”
Venti goes to greet you the next day you see him but his words seem to fade away when he approach's you. He asks if you’ve been talking to Andrius lately. You nod and ask how he knows. He says that you just spell like wolfhooks and that you shouldn’t worry about anything. 
The next day Andrius apologizes to you about his words and that he was mistaken. There was nothing to worry about and to trust Venti. You can see Dvalin a bit off to the side looking away nervously and a bit guilty.
Venti always makes sure that Andrius and Dvalin keep an eye on you, especially Dvalin when you’re in stormterror land. It was a pretty dangerous landscape to trek through. As for Andrius, he doesn’t want you to get hurt during your weekly practice fights. It wouldn’t do you any good if you got hurt and couldn’t explore this vast world with him.
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clarenecessities · 3 years
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As my followers may have picked up from my long, spiraling rants, I’ve undertaken a new research project, courtesy of the death grip She-Ra has on my brain. And guess what? It’s finally at Disseminate Information Stage! So I’m going to lay out all of the gods, demigods, and godbeasts of the Masters of the Universe. With sources!
This table is more of a cheat sheet. We’re gonna tackle this god by god, with a section on Actual Lore & a meta section to help you decide how valid you think they are, because frankly some canons are more canon than others.
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Asklepia, Benevolent Snake Goddess
Lore: Asklepia is one of two snake goddesses, the benevolent twin sister of Serpentia. We know very little about her abilities, but the Snake Clan (a clan of human warriors) were said to worship her, and they were famed for their architecture and healing. She had the ability to curse and deform people--to what extent is uncertain, but she’s known to have condemned a fallen priest named Ka, whose disfigured likeness now adorns Snake Mountain.
Behind the Scenes: First appearing in the 1987 comic “Il Nero Cristallo Del Potere“, Asklepia remained nameless for over 30 years, until Masters of the Universe Classics (MOTUC) released a few choice bios. For the unfamiliar, MOTUC seeks to reconcile the often contradictory canons into one overarching narrative, which is great in theory, but in practice is kind of like putting ice cream on a hot dog. And calling it a Chilly Dog ® as if that makes it taste better. But I digress. In 2019 they released a bio for the Staff of Ka which finally put a name to the less-evil Snake Goddess, in an obvious nod to Asclepius and the asklepian (that staff+snake icon people put on medical stuff).
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Sharella, the Green Goddess and/or “Avatar” of Asklepia
Lore: Contradictory
Long Version: Okay I’ve put avatar in quotes because it is... contentious. Basically, and you’ll see here why I felt the need to make this post instead of relying blindly on the wikis, Sharella was introduced (in the ‘87 licensing guide) as a tribal leader who had joint custody of Gray, the original name of He-Ro’s alter ego, while he was growing up. This was further developed by Emiliano Santalucia’s concept work, wherein she was the leader of the Green Tiger Tribe (GTT) specifically. While the comic concept was not run through licensing & is thus not “canon”, the idea of her leading the GTT persisted. This teeny tiny image of her from Tytus and Megator’s 1987 Italian box art was all we had until 2008, when one of He-Man’s accessories described her as the “warrior woman ally” of Queen Veena, “who had been changed into the immortal green-skinned avatar of the Goddess Asklepia”. In 2009, MOTUC released a figure for The Goddess, apparently forgetting they’d done that shit the year before because the packaging did say “K’yrulla” was her real name. They had to cover it up with a sticker. 
So who’s The Goddess? Way back in the days before Mattel solidified any of the lore around MOTU, there were mini-comics released with the toys. Initially, the Goddess served a similar function to the Sorceress in the cartoon, and was in fact sometimes called the Sorceress. She facilitated He-Man’s transformations, gave him missions, was generally magical and mysterious, etc. If you know who the Sorceress is, and you can picture Teela, but green? That’s about it.
Back to Sharella, though. The Third Ultimate Battleground rolled around in 2015, and for the first time since some packaging in the 80s, we saw Sharella in action! She was shot through the heart with a poison arrow. Yeah. But don’t worry, she received a blood transfusion from Moss Man (who we’ll get to later), and was transformed into the Green Goddess! She’s immortal now. How Asklepia figures in here is sort of unclear, which is weird since this is still part of the MOTUC line, but whatever. Whatever! Queen Grayskull (the aforementioned Veena) received a bio in 2015 as well, which described Sharella as her apprentice who became “The Goddess”.
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Horokoth, Aspect of the Mother Goddess
Lore: DC went a little batshit (pun intended) with the lore for the Eternity War. Here the Goddess is three combined aspects, “Serpos” (Serpentia) for the Snake Men, Zoar for the human “Eternians”, and a third, invented deity called Horokoth, who represents the Horde. Horokoth is “the coming destroyer. The darkness at the end of days.” and is represented by a bat.
Behind the Scenes: That last link has a clearer picture of her, it just didn’t crop well. Also, I confess I couldn’t bring myself to read Eternity War. As thrilling as the prospect of a cohesive narrative is, if I wanted to see Adora slit her brother’s throat there’s the edgier side of deviantArt to peruse. Therefore I know little of Horokoth outside of a few still images of Hordak. The bat was almost certainly selected for the Horde’s vespertilian emblem.
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Hordeous, God-Beast of Horokoth
Lore: A “primordial”, bat-like godbeast of Horokoth, created in response to the god Saz’s feline races. Their face was “forever infused“ on the surface of Horde World by Horde Lord (Hordak and Horde Prime’s father in the MOTUC canon) to grant their family power and immortality.
Behind the Scenes: Yes they’ve used some words wrong, but they’ve got the spirit, right? Hordeous was (allegedly, this is secondhand) an invention of the MOTUC crew in answer to Horokoth. Now, the Horde Supreme bio predates Horokoth’s introduction by about 3 years, but obviously the comics were in production already. There’s an undated sketch of Horokoth Hordak from an undated interview (thanks for nothing you useless website) but in that same gallery there’s an orko sketch labeled 2012 so. We’re good right? That makes sense, timeline-wise. Anyway the comics slam dunked Horde Prime out of existence and combined him with Horde Lord so it’s contradictory anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Serpentia, Malevolent Snake Goddess
Lore: The evil counterpart of Asklepia, Serpentia is the goddess of the Snake Men. The priest Ka of the Snake Clan forsook Asklepia in her favor, destroying Asklepia’s sacred orb and stealing the Serpent Ring (an artefact capable of transforming humans into Snake Men) from the Ophidian Spire with King Hsss. In DC’s triune interpretation of the Goddess, Serpentia (here ‘Serpos’) is blood, passion, and desire. A primal and primordial force appearing to the Snake Men in their own image.
Behind the Scenes: Okay yes I’ve reused the Asklepia pic but in my defense they are twins and this is the easiest one to crop. So here’s the thing about Serpentia: we only got a name for her in 2019. We knew there was a snake goddess, and she was pretty evil, or at least hostile towards mammalian life (see: the source of the pic I chose for her). Where Asklepia references the asklepian, ‘Serpentia’ is a much more heavy-handed snake reference, even though Anguis was right there. Those Masters Mondays came through for us, though, with the shield and staff of Ka, Ssssylph, and of course MOTUC’s Dark Despot Skeletor, which is. something. Though only recently named, Serpentia has been a shadow over Eternia since the Snake Men’s introduction in 1985 (or, depending on how much of the presented backstory you accept, even sooner in the form of Skeletor’s lair, Snake Mountain).
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Serpos/Sarcedon, God-Beast of Snake Mountain
Lore: Contradictory, but the gist of it is he’s a very large snake with elemental magic and a grudge, that was turned to stone and became Snake Mountain.
Long Version: Snake Mountain was conceived of towards the end of 1982, but wasn’t revealed to the public until September of 1983, with the debut of the Filmation cartoon. For another year, the snake coiled around its summit was simply a carving, its mouth hollowed out for Skeletor to stand in and loom. But in 1984 the Snake Mountain toy was released, completely discarding the Filmation design in favor of the hewn face of the figure we now call Ka. Instead of a snake carving winding its way up the peak, the Mattel toy featured a ‘striking serpent’, alive and attached to the mountain itself. From there, it was an easy leap to make to ‘this carving comes alive’. So easy, in fact, that they did it twice!
First attempted in 1985 in the newspaper storyline “Vengeance of the Viper King”, the snake was here called Sarcedon, the World Destroyer. At the dawn of time, he was said to crush Eternia within his deadly coils. He burrowed deep into the ground, causing fearsome storms that nearly destroyed the planet. Only a fearless hero (implied to be He-Ro) could defeat and imprison Sarcedon. Using a macguffin called a Mirror of History, He-Man forced Sarcedon to behold his own reflection in a reference to the Medusa myth that kind of missed the point of it being reflective. Sarcedon was sent back in time, Snake Mountain was restored, the good guys win, blah blah blah.
That was the last of it until the MYP cartoon in 2004. Serpos as a name was actually first invoked by Mer-Man in a 1982 minicomic, but like it probably wasn’t about the snake. Anyway in the MYP cartoon the Snake Men get this thing called the Medallion of Serpos that lets them un-petrify the snake around Snake Mountain, grow two more heads, and unleash his godly wrath. He breathes fire, trashes Eternos, beats up He-Man, then turns his attention on Castle Grayskull to consume the Orb of Power (containing the strength and wisdom of the Elders, who had first trapped him in stone). He-Man cuts off Serpos’s extra heads with a sword upgrade, the Elders are somehow magically restored to life, and they re-petrify him. Snake Mountain is restored, the good guys win, blah blah blah.
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Zoar, the Fighting Falcon
Lore: Contradictory, but it sure is a bird!
Long Version: While Sharella’s backstory is fraught because of the comics couldn’t decide what they wanted her to be, Zoar was similarly tangled up by the toyline. Initially male, he went through several color schemes, some prettier than others. Though there was a vague association with the Sorceress before the cartoon (recall that pre-Filmation, the Sorceress was just the Goddess), Filmation made them literally inseperable by designating Zoar as the Sorceress’s falcon form, to which she was confined when leaving Castle Grayskull.
Some of the comics and Golden books showed Zoar as being flipping enormous & ridden into battle as a steed by Teela and Man-at-Arms. Pre-Filmation, Zoar was always referred to as male, but post-Filmation, always female, as an incarnation of the Sorceress.
The Eternity Wars comics describe Zoar as the third aspect of the Goddess, the ‘Great Preserver’ whose light would shine through the universe for eternity. They pull off a sort of tripartite priestess thing where it’s Serpos/Zoar/Horokoth represented by Teela-Na (the Sorceress)/Teela/Evil-Lyn.
MOTUC, of course, had to reconcile all of these contradictory canons. How’d they do it? “In the folklore of Eternia, the golden falcon symbolized the godhead Zoar, a powerful deity of Preternia. As a god, Zoar could appear in both male and female guises and while the blue-tipped female falcon was associated with the Sorceress of Grayskull, the golden falcon represented Zoar's masculine nature.” So Zoar is genderfluid now, and the Sorceress is merely borrowing their form when transforming into a falcon. This bio also established that Zoar had anointed the first Sorceress, Veena (Queen Grayskull), which explains why she has wings for no apparent reason.
Also it’s not offically MOTUC but the scultors of the line, Four Horsemen, made a single anthro Zoar for Power-Con 2013. In case you need that for some reason.
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Glorybird, Emissary of Zoar
Lore: Many millennia ago, there were three siblings, who were very poor and mistreated by their stepmother, but had hearts filled with kindness and love. Zoar, recognizing their resilience and desire to help people, sent an emissary named Glorybird. Glorybird bestowed upon each sibling a divine gift, but as they used their new powers to fight for good, their stepmother revealed herself to be a Celestial Witch & attempted to sacrifice them to Zoar’s “greatest enemy”, Horokoth.  
Backstory: Okay, so the Star Sisters (and Glorybird) were in exactly one episode of She-Ra, primarily to set them up as new toy designs. While prototypes were made for these, the figures weren’t actually produced until MOTUC released figures for them in 2012. Though they were referenced in Princess Prom, and we saw a brief cameo in a background, Glorybird was absent until the introduction of the Star Siblings in Season Five.
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That’s right! This bird is a god, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
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Saz, God of All Felines
Lore: One of the “Gods of the Multiverse” (he is the only member named explicitly), Saz was a blue-furred, feline deity responsible for the creation of all cats, humanoid or otherwise. He transformed himself into an enormous cat-beast to defeat Serpos and Hordeous, whose progenitors created them in envy of his children. Though Serpos was defeated, Hordeous escaped into the cosmos, and Saz himself vanished mysteriously.
Behind the Scenes: “By the whiskers of Saz!” is a fun pseudo-swear made by various cat races throughout MOTU, first in He-Man’s “The Cat and the Spider” and later in She-Ra’s “Magicats”. That was the only real mention of him until... okay, so MOTUC bios aren’t always attached to the product. Starting in 2018, they did this thing called Masters Mondays where they put unposted bios on the org forums. So while we’ve had the sword since 2010, we didn’t get the background on it until March of 2020. And then a couple weeks later, the Cat Mask of Catra bio referred to him as a “mystical being” instead of a god, but the mask was from 2011 so. He may not have been a god yet. It really depends on when the bios were actually written.
Saz wielded a blade probably best described as a falchion, whose quillon & langet formed a vaguely triangular shape around a deep red gem. I want to be clear that while it looks totally rad, this sword would be very impractical and have poor structural integrity were it not made by a literal god. Do not make swords like this. Also it’s almost certainly riffing on the Sword of Omens from Thundercats (affectionate).
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Sabe-Or, Son of Saz
Lore: A green-furred, orange-striped paladin, Sabe-Or is one of the only named Ancients. He inherited his father’s blade upon Saz’s mysterious disappearance, and lived for centuries more. Upon his death, he transferred his “heroic essence” into a group of Eternian tigers, forever transforming them into the Green Tiger Tribe, whence both Granger (steed of King Grayskull), and Cringer, steed of Prince Adam.
Behind the Scenes: So “Battle Cat Man” is a concept that’s existed since they decided to make their hero ride a wicked tiger into battle. If you show a kid a superhero, and a supertiger, apparently the natural inclination of most children in the 80s was to combine the two. There are so many custom action figures. So, so many. Sabe-Or is visually a clear reference to this concept, and canonically seems to be the closest we’re going to get outside of the Thundercats crossover, unless you count Cowarros from 4H’s Mythic Legions line (I do, because it means Purrrplor is also canon and I fucking love calling him that).
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Moss Man, Ancient Eternian Nature God
Lore: An ally of King Grayskull, Moss Man was something of an Eternian cryptid in the centuries leading up to He-Man Times. He has control over all plant life, the ability to meld with plants, and apparently can imbue sentience to said plants.
Behind the Scenes: Moss Man wasn’t featured in many episodes, because he’s a little... incredibly over-powered. He’s literally Bigfoot from 5000 years ago with magic powers. And like, since I don’t think the writers appreciate how long 5000 years is, you know what happened 5000 years ago? Stonehenge. This bitch is Stonehenge-old. But sure, you can trace a direct line of descent from his contemporary. smh. Anyway according to MOTUC his real name is Kreann’Ot N’Norosh so make of that what you will. Also his toys were pine-scented. I just love that.
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Evil Seed, Rebellious Creation of Moss Man
Lore: Created by Moss Man to help fight in the Great Wars, Evil Seed betrayed his master and turned to evil (who could have foreseen this...), finding joy in corrupting all forms of plant life for his own amusement. Moss Man imprisoned him in enchanted chains, keeping him restrained for many millennia.
Behind the Scenes: According to MOTUC, his real name is Sero Malustro, clumsy New Latin for “(to) plant evil-burnt“. Why his name is New Latin and Moss Man’s is... whatever that is, I have no idea. As you can see from the image I included, he originally had an artichoke head, which was upgraded for the Mike Young Productions (MYP) cartoon. Personally I think the artichoke rules.
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Volcana, the Fire Goddess
Lore: Canonically, she’s a fire goddess, and the mother of the Volcano Magus. Together, they are a rising force that seeks to conquer Etheria in the wake of Hordak’s defeat.
Backstory: Volcana has taken a long a twisted journey, but was first revealed to fans at Power-Con 2016 in a panel revealing previously unseen concepts and characters. After the first wave of She-Ra toys, a second wave was planned with a snow focus, to bring more attention the Filmation-neglected Frosta. This began with the introduction of a fire villain, an “evil lady that glows with heat” who would attempt to melt Castle Chill. That concept actually refers to a character named Amber (not Ember, as one might assume) who was reworked into a benevolent counterpart, Volcana’s twin sister.
Volcana was later fleshed out to be a Fire Goddess with flame-red hair, x-ray vision, and arms sculpted with flames. Her cape flew up with flame detail that rose up to control the volcano (of Volcanica, a proposed toyset that seems to have been reworked into the Crystal Falls). She was emphasized by Mattel to not start fires, which, honestly, is probably why they scrapped the character. He-Man couldn’t use his sword as a sword; a woman made of fire was basically doomed.
Now, though, we’re several decades in and lines made for collecters that are largely in their 30s and 40s can say whatever they want! So she’s canon, even if Amber isn’t. Yes there’s only one mention of her. Amber technically was mentioned in an unproduced episode titled “Amber Waves of Flame”, but as it was unproduced, it’s noncanonical.
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Volcano Magus, Sinister Son of Volcana
Lore: Living within a dormant volcano, the Volcano Magus of the German audio plays was the source of most of Catra’s power and all of her evil intent. He supplied her with magic for spells and schemes with which to assail the Crystal Castle, but neither she nor Clawdeen were aware of the dark influence he held over them.
In the MOTUC canon, he’s specified as the son of Volcana, a demigod from the “Region of Volcanoes” who craved the nature magic of the Whispering Woods. When he learned the Twiggets were inextricably linked to that magic, he used his powers to petrify the former Rebels (this was after the Horde's defeat) and kidnap three Twiggets to drain the magic from their souls. Twiggets, for the uninitiated, are like purple tree-elf things. According to MOTUC, Razz is a Twigget, though the ‘real’ name they assigned her doesn’t fit their naming convention. She is purple, I guess.
Kowl, who avoided petrification, read Razz's spellbooks to find a way to save his friends, and learned of an Entrapment Gem that she hid in a shoe, for some reason. He confronted the Volcano Magus, spoke in the ancient tongue of the First Ones, and sucked him into the Gem.
Backstory: Admittedly this stuff is second hand, as I don’t speak German & they only have transcriptions/translations for the He-Man tapes anyway, but if anybody can find me an audio file I will do my best to verify. The MOTUC stuff at least I can confirm 100% because it’s from 2019 & I do speak English, for better or worse.
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Oak, the Jackal God
Lore: Oak was the terrible Jackal God worshiped by the denizens of Zhar, an ancient civilization that once existed in a remote, forested region of Eternia. Long ago, Oak was imprisoned within a statue which could be found within the Temple of the Jackal. When Skeletor removed the statue from the temple, Oak broke free of the enchantment which imprisoned him and wreaked havoc on Eternia. Although the Jackal God was immensely powerful, he could be weakened by the elements of nature and was ultimately foiled by a rainstorm conjured by the combined powers of He-Man's sword and the magic of the temple's guardian priest.
Backstory: I have lifted this from a He-Man guide word for word as I cannot for the life of me find a copy of the Brazilian Editora Abril comic he came from, O Templo Do Chacal (1986). The description is like, suspiciously similar to the plot of the He-Man episode The Cat and the Spider, except the Grimalkin was never described as a god. The rest of it--statue, Skeletor, storm defeat--plays out almost the same. True pity I can’t find the original source, but I do trust this guidebook. You may be interested in Ceres from the UK comics--another dog-slash-statue who frankly might as well be a god himself, but as he’s not called one in canon he’s not going on the list.
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The Bitter Rose Goddess
Lore: As Man-at-Arms told the legend, “Every day, a woman climbed Rose Mountain to look for her husband to return from the war. Alas, he never came back. Her tears poured from her cheek and entered the ground. One day she disappeared, but where she stood was a single, solitary rose. It’s the only thing that grows on Rose Mountain.”
The Insect People, who lived at the base of Rose Mountain, believed that the Bitter Rose is all that held the mountain together (and when it was picked, they were proved right). After the flower was restored, it transformed into the Bitter Rose Goddess herself, who explained that she had been a prisoner of her love's sorrow, so bitter that she refused to allow anything else to grow on Rose Mountain. She blessed the surrounding area, blanketing the jagged peaks with roses, and disappeared.
Backstory: She’s kind of... barely a god. She showed up in one episode and no other media & has objectively less power than like, every single demon they ever brought in. I almost didn’t put her on this list.
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Mask-Ra, Goddess of Masks
Lore: A goddess who created the magical Masks of Power.
Backstory: Mask-Ra was first mentioned in 2019 and like, look, I’m gonna be real. I don’t respect her. She’s an invention of MOTUC (unless they were drawing on this concept art of Maska-Ra, which I doubt bc he was a Man-E-Faces precursor) and they retconned her into having created Catra’s mask, which is kind of redundant given the entire episode Magicats. This mask did not need two bios. There are no other mentions of her in any canon.
Potential other Masks of Power: The Deemos and Tyrella masks from the He-Man episode “Masks of Power”, lizard and canine masks from the mini-comic “Masks of Power”, Lord Masque’s Demon Mask from the He-Man episode “House of Shokoti, Part 1″, and whatever the hell Red Shadow has going on.
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Procrustus, Giant Guardian of Magic
Lore: During the creation of the various dimensions (5 in MOTUC canon but demonstratably higher everywhere else), the gods installed the four-armed, immortal giant Procrustus to guard their secrets at the heart of Eternia. There lay the Starseed, from which the entire dimension was created. It still held immeasurable power, and could be used to conquer entire universes. Hordak, in an attempt to access the Starseed, cracked Eternia in two with the Spell of Separation. Though he was (mostly) thwarted, from then on Procrustus was forced to hold the two halves of Eternia together from within, lest the planet break apart and the Starseed be exposed.
Backstory: First appearing in the mini-comic “The Magic Stealer!”, Procrustus is a lot more tangible than most gods. We know where he is, at all times, and he seems confined to one size. His powers appear to be largely physical, as he had to burrow out of the ground to investigate in the mini-comic instead of teleporting or like, magicking the dirt away. This was his only appearance until MOTUC released a figure for him in 2012. He also showed up in the Subternia map the next year, holding Eternia together.
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Standor, Cosmic Creator of Power
Lore: “Before time began, the great Gods of the multiverse convened in the Hall of Power to create all that was and all that will ever be. Head architect of this great task was Standor. A cosmic being of unlimited imagination, Standor helped lead his fellow deities by fueling their energies with raw creative force.”
Backstory: Released for Comikaze 2013 to celebrate the partnership of Mattel and Pow! Entertainment, Standor is literally just Stan Lee But a God. The prototype was called Standar--idk why they changed it, but I think it’s because it’s too easy to confuse with “Standard”. They made a bio for his sunglasses. I don’t want to talk about it.
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Bash-Or, Slain Mystic God-Beast
Lore: Very little is known of Bash-Or, the Ram. His last remnant was sealed within the Ram Stone by the ancient sorceror kings of Zalesia, imbuing it with his divine power to overcome any barrier, magical or otherwise.
Backstory: Bash-Or was revealed in the bio for the Ram Stone, September of 2020, but his spirit (previously referred to as ‘the Spirit of the Ram Stone’) was twice utilized by Skeletor in the MYP cartoon, to great effect, before the stone was destroyed.
76 notes · View notes
ebficnotes · 3 years
Black soul lore is a f*cking mess.
One thing I never see get mentioned is that the Mannimarco in ESO cannot be the same person as the Mannimarco in Oblivion or the King of Worms in Daggerfall.This is simply because ESO's guild memo on soul trapping mentions that Mannimarco's minions had knowledge of a soul trap spell that could trap black souls in white gems, and details Vanus Galerion's dumb plan to make the world forget that spell by creating a new soul trap spell that could only trap white souls in white gems.And the whole plot of the Mage's Guild in Oblivion is about how Mannimarco and the Worm Moon are working together to bypass Arkay's divine intervention in order to create Black Soul Gems, which can catch black souls even using Galerion's version of the soul trap spell.But, like, if either Daggerfall Manni or Oblivion Manni were the same person as ESO Manni, why would they bother to invent black soul gems at all?? Why wouldn't they just teach their followers the Soul Trap spell that works on black souls, a spell that the ESO Mannimarco canonically knows? Then your followers could just use white soul gems to trap and manipulate black souls. Isn't that easier than ascending to godhood to eclipse Arkay so your followers can do a spoopy ritual to convert regular soul gems into black ones?Ergo the only rational explanation: ESO Manni is not the same as the other two. Further complicating the "Who is Mannimarco?" question. (I mean I guess there's one other rational explanation: that this is a colossal plot hole and fuck-up on behalf of the lore-writers, but that explanation isn't really as fun as tinfoil theories about multiple Mannimarcos)I guess the answer to the "Who is Mannimarco?" question is that he isn't a person, he's an identity, periodically adopted by different necromancers all throughout history. And I suppose the concept of Mantling plugs into this idea somehow, since it's TES lore and all.
The assertion that all souls and gems are the same and that it is solely the power of the soul itself, the size of the gem, and the type of spell that matters, really does completely overwrite the purpose of black gems even existing, even with Vastarie's note on the matter.
If a human can be trapped in a grand gem with the right spell, then black gems serve exactly no purpose. And the soul gems in ESO that we trap everyone with are technically grand gems, despite them not being the big spiky types you see in Skyrim (but are interestingly enough, similar to Oblivion's grand gems.)
And yet in both skyrim and oblivion you must use a black soul gem to capture npcs. This might make sense for oblivion, where the mages guild's strictures reign supreme, but not in skyirm, where it's stated by Phinis Gestor that those policies were never a thing to begin with, and so no neutered soul trap spell would have been taught period. And even in oblivion, you use the same damn spell to do both. How hard would it have been to put a "forbidden soul trap" tome in Mannimarco's lair to complement his shiny new black gems?
And what's worse is gameplay-wise, black gems are not even recognizably better than grand ones. Black gems are actually heavier in Skyrim even, so technically they are worse. It would have been nothing for the devs to give black gems a few extra points of oomph just to demonstrate their raw soul superiority without breaking game balance, but they don’t. Literally the only thing they have going for them is their ability to capture npcs that can talk, which even if you have zero moral qualms about it, isn't even a real benefit without cheats, given how rare the black gems are.
I repeat: the designation of NPC vs Creature is the only demonstratable difference between souls that work with grand gems and black gem-only ones.
Yeah yeah game mechanics, but even without the in-game experience, why the fuck would our supposedly devious and calculating worm guy go through all that trouble for nothing, given that in (new) lore he could just use his own ungimped soul trap and a regular old grand gem to torture the normies all he wants, as stated above?
Some Ideas:
1. Black gems are only special because they are god-keyed. The use of one is meant as an offering to your daedra/deity of choice, and are not generally seen outside of cults for this very reason. Oblivion Mannimarco's altar is meant to make offering-stones for his own faithful, not to replace grand gems as a wholesale thing. The fact that you can enchant with them also is either because the mechanics of offering are similar and we are just stealing it, or because he allows it, similar to how real life religions who use animal sacrifice still eat the animal they dedicate. This doesn’t actually explain anything, but it sounds cool.
2. Vanus in his guild note has no idea what the fuck he is talking about regarding who fits into what gem, and his getting laughed out of his own guild for positing such nonsense is one of the low points of his career. Which is especially sad because in another life he was a pioneer in the field of enchantment and thus presumably soul-study.**
3. The gems we use in eso are not normal grand gems like everyone thinks, but are actually a new black-like gem that is both popular and common due to Mannimarco's doings, but because of later Mages guild shenanigans, is eventually lost to everyone but the worm cult, which is why they can trap anything, up to and including Arkay's favorite races, as what seemed to be implied as their true purpose in Oblivion (via reddit anyway). This doesn’t explain why they look different in oblivion and skyrim, but whatever.***
4. Vanus's insistence on classifying souls into who is and is not acceptable to kill/soul trap is the catalyst for future powerful guild mages to literally god-bend the world to it's own take on morality, which by the time of Daggerfall, makes even certain clearly people-races/beings like orcs not actually count as people anymore. Ie, it's not Arkay's fault orcs in Daggerfall are considered white souls and thus can be trapped with a non-special gem/neutered soul trap spell, it's the mages guild's.
5. There *is* something about the "black-souled" races/peoples that doesn’t make black gems completely stupid and redundant, its just soul research is so damn stigmatized that no one knows what that something really is. So every inconsistency we see is actually part of some greater whole that we just can't see through to yet because of all the bullshit. aka idfk.
**Something even sillier about Vanus's note: the old soul system in ESO apparently was based on player level, with petty gems only being able to revive low level players and the like, which makes good sense with the idea of soul size being the only real thing, like they corrected earlier game inconsistency or something. But then Vanus goes and says that smaller souls are not sapient/sentient and larger ones are, which is just not true even in ESO's world. Does this mean he wouldn’t consider low-level us as a real person? O.O
I however have never played eso pre-tamriel unlimited and hardly play even now, so if there are any nuances of soul collection in that game that I missed here, please let me know, yeah?
***I forgot, dremora in both Skyrim and Oblivion are black soul gem only too, so if it is Arkay's fault, why does he care about dremora?
My head...
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madrigalism-fr · 4 years
so i have this fictional city i put all my characters in, right? like actual OCs, not just FR dragons (there's some overlap of that in my lair, a lot of my OCs have FR versions for Extra Fun Times™) and it's called the city of nihil/nihil city because the first occupant of the city who is now the de-facto leader called it that because the city had jack shit in it and they were alone for quite a few years (it is a miracle they didnt totally lose it due to lack of contact with another living being)
but anyway, this city. this is the worst city. it's better than it was when people just started showing up, less trash and wreckage, but in spirit it's still as if you put about 200 people hopped up on god knows what in a mosh pit peppered with some really aggressive juggalos, all the while thrash metal is blowing your fuckin eardrums out. it's chaos bound in barely-contained order by the two individuals that run the place + their godlike creator that expects those two to just handle it. not everyone is a chaotic idiot, but the loudest people certainly are.
i love nihil city so goddamn much. if it were possible id totally adapt it to a FR setting and revamp the entirety of my lore, but i like my current lore a lot more - and it's canon compliant, so....easier to interact with other people's clans lmao.
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this is gonna sound nasty and uncalled for but this is a salt/drama blog so bear with it i guess
im really disappointed by the community update - people have already been ranting about how lame it is that staff is already going back to standard formula for ancient #3 (we are now 2 for 3 for 4leg2wing ancients yolo) - but what really bugs me is how boring their q&a answers are
like fr brags about having "deep lore" and shit but i dont see it chief. i already had a problem when most of the lore was about stuff the average joe schmoe dragon couldnt use so writing lore was a lot about ignoring the canon that's hard to use and that staff cant even remember (like how scrying workshop used to be water flight oracle stuff but now its arcane for the aesthetic or how they botched gaoler release by making it so there was like only 1 reason a gaoler would canonically be anywhere but ice) but holy shit
"whats the gem on a skydancer's forehead called" "idk, do you have any ideas?" "what kinds of lairs do beastclans have" "well, it depends" this is not worldbuilding you guys. if i were the one who asked those questions id be pissed. those are the most copout answers ive ever seen hello??? so youre telling me my fae cant do facial expressions and my tundra has bad eyesight and shit memory but you can't tell me that harpies prefer nests or some shit? 
lesser offenses but also lame: "yeah the scrying workshop imp doesnt have a name" just make one up. on the spot. it doesnt matter anyway so why not. "yeah pcs carry their pearls with backpacks and stuff" ok great thanks, thats the burning question ppl have about pcs relationship with their pearls
no point to this rant, i dont think staff really needs to fix this or needs to change what theyre doing since the sites obviously doing fine and players are obviously making good lore on their own. it just bothers me how cheap their answers were even though they bill themselves on their lore. just like how cheap their commitment to weird ancients were when apparently theyre afraid people wont spend money on their site if the dragon isnt safe.
ps undel theres more types of leg anatomy than mammals
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A brief recounting of the events of Elder Scrolls Legends, and of the Forgotten Heroes that saved the Empire when no one else could.
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The Argonian, The Myth, The Legend...
Self-Proclaimed "Greatest Smuggler in Tamriel," Swims-At-Night was just a simple smuggler during the Great War, stealing his cargoes from the Thalmor controlled Cyrodill, traversing the treacherous seas to later sell it off to either the resistance in Hammerfell or the Thalmor themselves, to them at 5 times the original value and at half the quality, not really out of any patriotic duty as much as for the cold and shiny siren call of gold. A daring, dangerous life, that made him make contacts with all sorts of people, that however ill fitted his true calling.
For you see, for while he was indeed without equal in his smuggling and his ability with poisoned blades was without match... Swims-At-Night was a lore nerd at heart. Especially if he could turn a tidy profit from said lore nerding.
But let's keep things in order.
Everything in Swims-At-Night's life changed one fateful night, during that same Great War he was profiting from... When he met two figures.
One, was Tyr.
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This Beefcake of a Nord was one of the few remaining blades, captured by the second in command of the Thalmor Warlord and Daedric Follower Lord Narafiin, and left to Rot and fight for his life in one of his dungeons/daedric lair/underground arenas, only to one day escape with the help of another... mysterious figure.
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Basically TESL Robbie Rotten. At least he hates Nazi elves tho.
Anyway, back to that one faithful night. Tyr and the Forgotten Hero, from here on TFH, had recently escaped their captivity, and were searching for a lift to reach Skyrim, so to warn the emperor, who had retreated there after the fall of the imperial city, of Narafiin’s Daedric Dealings, and also so they could scoop up a friend of Tyr along the way, so that she could shine a Light upon this mess.
So, in the middle of the night, in the middle of a Port patrolled by Thalmor Justiciars searching for both them and the Argonian’s stolen Cargo, Tyr and TFH decide to steal Swims-At-Night’s boat...
Needless to say, it was friendship at first sight.
After discovering the 2 vagrants trying to steal his shit and a quick sword fight with the Forgotten Hero, the Trio is found by one of the aforementioned Thalmor Patrols, and therefore, seeing how they too were being hunted down by the Nazi Elves, he goes “what the hell, the enemy of my nazi enemy is my new best friend, let’s go guys, this trip is on me!”, scoops them up on his ship, and departs from the port toward northern shores.
They later shipwreck. Because dude might be the “Greatest Smuggler in Tamriel,” but I challenge you to steer a ship during one perfect storm with one bloodthirsty Breton pirate ship trying their best to board them and sink his ship at the same time. Not even (spoilers) Sails-Trough-Storms herself could do it, I say.
Anyway, they shipwreck, have some zany adventures in High Rock with some mudcrabs and some spriggans, find a wolf cub TFH might or might have not abandoned to his fate rather than take in and nurture as his new pet LIKE THE ASSHOLE HE IS, and finally, in the middle of a ancient ruin, surrounded by angry goblins who had just come in and killed the cultists that were trying to kill her...
She appears, in all her majestic might...
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Anyway, they save Laaneth from a Goblin assault straight out of Goblin Slayer, and she informs them that her latest research was around a semi obscure prophecy called The Culling (II), a cautionary tale about how people shouldn’t standardize and destroy their Battle Royal Games for greed and get rich schemes, and about how, during a particular cosmological event, the veil between worlds will be weakened, and will be easily breached by anyone committing a sacrifice big enough (Like, for example, the entirety of the Imperial City Population) to reawaken the now forgotten Oblivion Gates, so that the maws of Oblivion will be able to be opened one last time, to unleash hell upon Nirn, so to hasten the deterioration of reality and the breaking of the world, thus destroying creation and possibly but most definitely not allowing the Thalmor to ascend to godhood in the ensuing chaos.
You know, standard Nazi Elves plans.
This is even more concerning of Lord Naarafiin simply having Dremoras and other Daedras in his armies, especially after it is revealed that some major entity, perhaps even a Prince, must be edging their bets on this thing happening, so they decide to quickly reach the Emperor’s Camp all together to give him the grave news, and see what to do next.
(If i may take a moment, I would like to point out how Swims-At-Night, his ship destroyed and his cargo now in the seas, without a single prospect of coin in sight, is still there, ready to fight and die for his newfound companions and freedom, because he might be a scoundrel and a Smuggler, but he is a Honest Smuggler goddammit, mass genocide and daedric outbreaks are a big no no for him.
He also probably already knitted some new best friends sweaters already for him and his bros and is already probably preparing one for his new nerd elven friend, and probably didn’t want them to go to waste, so there’s that).
Anyway, our heroes got to Skyrim. Some more shenanigans ensue, a bar fight, some imperial deserters, a High Elf Merchant that was trapped by giant spider and had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE THALMOR TFH might have just been plain old racist too and left for dead rather than help, the ghost of another merchant asking for revenge against some other, human bandits that killed him and his family for their gold, and all that...
Anyway, they reach the Emperor’s Camp, where we meet the last members of this ragtag bunch of misfits...
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Anyway, a plan is formed. Our Heroes must return to the Imperial City, disguised as Gladiators, and will use a secret passage near the Arena, the SAME passage the Hero of Kvatch used all those many years before to escape the imperial prison, courtesy of Swims-At-Night, the History Nerd him, to reach into White Gold Tower, and steal the greatest treasure of all.
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For you see, Lord Naarafiin indeed had the help of Daedric Princes, ready to spring up at the occasion of the walls of reality getting thinner, and Vaermina was among them. The Warlord was using the Orb to spy on the Imperial Troops movements and plans, easily outwitting them and laying waste along the country, committing one atrocity after the next, reading the field play for the final sacrifice, and our heroes needed to get the sphere away from him, so to better prepare a effective attack plan against the city before it was too late.
So, our heroes reach the Imperial Capital, passing as gladiators, and go into the secret passage, now swarming with perilous undead after many years from the 3rd era...
And with a mysterious altar, appeared out of nowhere, whose burning light, as bright as dawn breaking upon the fields, shone against the undead hordes, aiding our heroes in their time of need as it scorched them to a crisp.
For it seemed, not all Princes were in favor of Naraafiin’s plan of destroying the world.
Or maybe Meridia just wanted to scorch some Mummies, who knows with her.
Anyway, our heroes reach the highest floor of the Tower, where the Orb is left unprotected...
And where they are promptly ambushed by Naarafiin second in comand!
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He was him who had captured Tyr and TFH back at the start, and with a swift move, he has now taken Tyr Hostage, the gleaming point of his blade ready to slash the man’s manly and muscled chest at a wrong move.
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(Yeah, only found this image for the card art, sorry)
For what better plot, than to plot to destroy the world, after all?
TFH has however been also fast, and has already nicked the Orb for himself, the kleptomaniac little shit. He is now presented with a choice. Keep the Orb, and watch his friend and companion die... or Give Reive the Orb, and get his friend back... “unscathed.”
And TFH, the absolute bastard and backstabber... chooses to keep the Orb.
(I mean, yes, technically, you can decide to spare Tyr... Except dude still dies during the ensuring fight as he shows his massive balls of nordic steel and SMASHES A DAEDRIC ARTIFACT TO PIECES RIGHT IN FRONT OF A ANGRY HIGHER DREMORA, and it is canon that TFH used the orb at least 10 times in his life if we go by Achievements, which he couldn't really do if he let Tyr smash it, soooo...)
Anyway, Tyr dies, Reive is Angry (And so are Laaneth and partially Cassia, like, dude was Laaneth’s friend more than he was anyone else, they had HISTORY, she is understandably angry with TFH, and he was working in close quarters with Cassia due to their ranks in the imperial army and shit...), and a battle ensues. TFH manages to overpower Reive and kill him, thus gaining the favor of Goldbrand and perhaps Boethia’s Themselves given their great betrayal and show of strength, since that’s how Boethia Rolls...
Anyway, They daringly escape the Imperial City, everyone a bit more somber after the whole ordeal, even despite the victory, and reach the Emperor’s camp nearby, reading for the next day siege, right in time for the Culling... BUT OH NOES! A Thalmor assassination deep cover team (which is composed entirely by Bosmer for some reasons... what, are Kahjiits not stealthy enough for your deep cover assassinations?) has attacked the Emperor in the night!
The assassins have been repelled, and Titus Mede II is safe, but the Emperor is now no longer fit to ride the next day. This will surely be a deep blow to the morale of the army, even now that has been bolstered by new and fresh recruits from Skyrim, and Cassia isn’t sure anymore they are going to pull it through...
And it’s here, that our “hero” truly unleashes his inner Robbie Rotten, as a dastardly plan is formed, I’m 99% sure after Swims-At-Night’s Counsel.
The emperor will remain in his tent, in the middle of the camp, unseen and unheard as he rests, as TFH wears his armor, and rides into battle on the front lines with his army, disguised as the emperor, keeping the Morale High as he valiantly fights of the Nazi Elven Scum, his Golden Blade in one hand, his mystical sphere of dreams in the other, as he conquers more and more ground, his friends leading 3 other different fronts in a 4 way attack on the imperial city, crashing trough to stop the massacre from happening...
And yet.
It’s too late.
Naaraafiin has already killed the entire population of the Imperial City, and the Gates of Oblivion are opened. He meets what he thinks is the emperor, his personal guard at his side, as all manners of Atronachs and Dremora are unleashed upon the city, and soon the world, as the Oblivion Gates open once more and the walls of reality are weakened.
TFH has to think fast, and so, attacks the Warlord, who easily counters TFH with his magic, now overpowered by the think layers between realms and his own, general overpowered Final Boss Magic, blasting shit left and right at a frankly insanely low magicka cost...
And yet, perhaps, this overpowered magic will be Naaraafiin’s Downfall, for the Orb of Vaermina cannot just enter the dreams of your enemies to spy on their plans, but can steal mirages of powers and creatures from your opponent mind, and use them against them.
And so, witnessing his prowess with the sword, and finally recognizing Goldbrand as Goldbrand, and the “Emperor” as the one who had killed Reive, as he steals one of his massive blast right from under Naarafiin’s mind, and uses it against its own master...
Naaraafiin falls. Pushed by his own arcane magick, perhaps still alive, perhaps not, inside one of the holes in reality his culling had created, the link between him and the fracture of reality severing, as the Dremoras and Daedras vanish into Oblivion, and the gates close.
The battle is won. The Imperial City is taken back, if destroyed and with little to no population left.
And the Thalmor are retreating.
TFH and his friend go back to the emperor, who congratulates with them about the victory, for the man really knows when the delegate, and gifts TFH his armor, as the 4 companions depart, each for their own road, perhaps to never meet again...
And so the story ends, with a empire saved from the brink of destruction, yet irreparably damaged, a friendship betrayed, and terrible memories people will never forget.
But when the story ends...
Another begins.
For to paraphrase Marvel:
In Elder Scrolls Legends III: Return to Clockwork City!
(Tho there’s the Fall of the Dark Brotherhood first, probably going to do that first, gotta show you just how much of a Asshole TFH can be).
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silkvelvet-fr · 6 years
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In an effort to post more consistently I’m going to choose a dragon from my lair (with a random number generator,, unless anyone would like to send me an ask and suggest one!) each evening and post them here with a summary of what I’ve come up with of their lore
Anyway, this is Teardrop, my clan’s dreamweaver. She inherited the ability to lucid dream from her family, but her ability to appear in and manipulate the dreams of others is unique to her and caused her to be outcast from her childhood home.
Teardrop has settled on the south side of downtown Valkama, across the street from Sundae & Vesper and next door to Ferroniere & Farfisa. She lives alone in her small cozy cottage, and while she doesn’t have the greenest of thumbs she does try to keep a small herb garden alive. Her home always smells of sleep-inducing herbs and teas. I think she has a small stained glass window with a design of a crescent moon and a sleeping dragon set into her front door.
As a dreamweaver, Teardrop can be hired to dispell nightmares, help insomniacs get a good nights rest, and other tasks. Theoretically her services could be used for pranks and jokes, or even to send nightmares to an enemy or ex, but she’s not sure about the ethics of doing that.
Teardrop often speaks in riddles and mysterious portents, but what can you expect from someone who spends most of their day outside of the waking world. Behind her mystical way of talking she is very sweet, optimistic, and hard working. She loves that she can now use the ability that once caused her pain to ease other’s pain.
I am still figuring out her relationships. She makes pretty babies with Rudan but I don’t think I want to make them a canon couple; she seems content as a single gal. She has lots of friends, but I think she is particularly drawn to the other coatls in the clan as a sort of surrogate family, especially Sundae who is her neighbor and close to the same age as her. She is friendly with the beastclan mystics who occasionally pass through the commune, swapping tips with them about running a magical business.
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wall-e-gorl · 6 years
ive recently splurged on some BNHA fantasy ending themed fr fandragons and wanna show them off, so im gonna. gonna go by the order i got them by under the cut cause not everyone is here for my favorite dragon pet game and i dont want to clutter dashes too much. 
So i have 10 BNHA fandragons, which are basically a character represented by a dragon by its colors, genes, and clothes, and sometimes familiar but i dont do that often. Some of yall have seen a few of these lads and ladies already but uhh whomstve cares i recently talked about fandagons with someone and it made me get new ones.
First! Todoroki, whomst i saw as a baby and went “i need that” and was lucky enough that the opal over the eye was the same as on the baby model. Also ignore that this is the female pose cause i checked and female spirals are the only breed/gender combo that do the opal thing lol
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Then! cause im a shipping nerd, Deku! I breed these two for exalt canon fodder babies a lot. I also dont know if i want to keep that accent on him? at a glance its suppose to look like his sparks but its actually a “rotting body with fungi” accent from last years RoR fest lol. Oh and i breed changed him from an Imp [one of the largest breeds] to a Fae [smallest] as soon as i bought him 
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Next! Iida!! I actually found him by accident, i was lair stalking someone and saw that they had his brother for lore reasons and he was stuck at the back and i just shot them a message and Blam Now I Have My Boi. its been suggested that i give him the lightning leg apperal thing but it doesnt really fit his outfit tbh. 
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Next!!! Kirishima!! Best Boi!! I got him as an older rescue, he had several kids and was named Diablo iirc, and his primary is a bit too dark and his eyes arent red but i like em anyways. 
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Next is Kind Murder McSlode himself. hes  ridgeback female cause i wanted him to breed with Kiri lol. More fodder babies! Oh and hes fire x4. Fire prim, sec, tert, and eyes. It makes for a nice looking gene list lol
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Next! A child who i spent way too long on to figure out his outfit! My favorite! Tokoyami! For him, i had a Set Thing for what he was going to look like, and found a person that breeded his exact color scheme, and bought him off of them, even if they were a bit rude while doing it. also? his red choker was so hard to do? 
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Now we are getting into the new ones, some Girls now. 
Hakagure was the easiest to dress, may i just take a moment to thank Bossdad for Marva cloaks. ... Her colors are white white whiteand all basic cause i think im funny and literally just has gloves. 
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Jirou just grew today and as i have no money atm [i blew it all on Urakaka earlier this week] has none of these clothes but this is what she Will Have. Im Ubber Proud of this one, i got it right so fast
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Next is Tsu. I dont have any plans for her yet since i going to change her breed sometime soon but here is what she looks like right now. As a hatchling she gave off the frogg look needed but i just.. Hate adult mirrors. Shes probably going to be a fae? that or a guardian. i like faes more than guards so probs fae
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And then Urakaka!! whomst i blew like 500,000t on! i changed 2 genes, made her a tun and got most of her outfit all on the same day i bought her. GnG day in and day out bying nothing is so nice for gaining money 
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hey! if you’re reading this and read all of that i apprieciate you! please send me an ask on em! what you think about them, questions about what others will look like, just a i <3 one of them, anything. i love interaction!
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headcanons : silly stuff
when cassandra was nine, she was walking home with dulcie and keandra through one of the huge buildings where griffins nest, and a bunch of griffin eggs hatched…and all imprinted on cassandra. cassandra had no choice to but to care for the babies, with the mother griffin moving into the family’s front yard.
her mothers were not happy.
cassandra will sometimes speak in a singsong voice, just because she’s used to it, and it’s not really weird to her to do it- she’ll also do it to convey different emotions if she’s talking with someone who knows capellan enough to get it.
an amazing headcanon that sammun came up with is that a singsong voice is also cassandra’s like slurred voice- when she’s tired or drunk.
as the boys get older, cassandra isn’t as afraid to swear around them- by now, it’s nothing they haven’t heard before…but she’s always careful not to swear around the boys & splinter
however she still does not let the boys swear casually- if its out of anger, or surprise, she’ll let it slide, but other than that…she’ll make them go brush their teeth. this comes from her misunderstanding the concept of washing someone’s mouth with soap- she thinks the goal of it is to simply clean their mouth. donatello has the best dental hygiene bc of this
cassandra always has party poppers on her, without fail. she carries usually 2 or 3 in her bag or pocket, and it’s gotten the point where she’ll use them for the most mundane of things. just did the dishes? time to fucking party. mikey’s been cooking? party popper. donnie made something cool? that gets TWO party poppers.
the best time though is after a battle, when everyone’s tired and aching, and suddenly cassandra’s just. popping party poppers.
cassandra probably hasn’t been around a lot of animals/pets to be honest?? like her family didn’t have pets on capella, ioavis was exclusively populated by ioavians, she might have encountered these huge, lizard like beasts pyrrites used as horses on pyrrah, but she never got attached to them…
so mikey’s cats & of course, spike, are cassandra’s first experiences with pets! and tbh? cassandra loves cats. don’t even try to talk to her if there’s a cat in the room that she hasn’t encountered before, because she’s going to try to befriend it.
cassandra wouldn’t get a pet cat because she knows they unnerve splinter, and she feels like it’s fair because she’s pretty much the same way with dogs. it’s an unspoken rule- splinter wouldn’t introduce a dog into the family because she’s scared of dogs, cassandra won’t do that with cats.
anyway it should be noted that cassandra looks down on fortune-tellers/clairvoyants who pass off their visions as Fate and Unavoidable. she’s more lenient if the clairvoyant genuinely did not know that fate really…isn’t a thing (at the very least, to the rest of the galaxy). but on the whole, cassandra will be quick to “correct” them and will honestly talk down to them.
likewise, anyone who tries to pass off bad deeds as simply being “fate” will be regarded with scorn from cassandra. and those who try to write off their good deeds as their destiny will be assured that their deeds were of their own doing- they chose to be good.
i should probably talk more about this- in my lore, fate & destiny do not exist. of course, the concept of them exists but most of the universe knows it to be false. prophecies aren’t a thing, and if they are, they’re more of guidelines than “this will definitely happen.”  if this conflicts with someone else’s lore, i’d love to talk about it and reach some kind of middle ground! but yes, fate does not exist in my lore.
cassandra has definitely taken the boys trick or treating before.
if we’re going off “hello, clairvoyant?” canon and not….canon canon, then splinter might have taken them once before? since they are like 6 years old in ‘hello, clairvoyant?’
paola paints ‘seams’ onto the boys so they look like they’re wearing costumes
it takes a few years, but cassandra Goes All Out for halloween. decorating the lair, watching halloween movies, etc.
she loves to dress up too tbqh. she’s been a witch, a knight, and a pirate before.
gosh but i can see paola dressing up as vivi from final fantasy and joining them.
all versions of cassandra need glasses- classic cassandra usually wears contacts, but keeps her old glasses on hand in case she needs them. hellion has either healed or eyes or hasn’t, but just refuses to wear glasses.
when she counts on her fingers she starts with pinky
she adores fruit, especially chocolate covered fruit. she also loves crunchy peanut butter. her family has caught her just eating peanut butter straight out of the jar with a spoon many times before. her favorite food ever is pop rocks, and is usually eating them at the worst possible moment.
cassandra has a habit of speaking without really meaning to, especially when she’s got a lot on her mind.
hope everyone likes pumpkin spice, bc that’s the only flavored food cassandra’s buying for all of fall. even those nasty pumpkin spice m&ms
the boys definitely played with cassandra’s hair a lot when they were younger- they were absolutely fascinated by it at first and honestly still are. sometimes the boys offer to brush her hair for her because they like playing with her hair
cassandra really likes picking people up. not like flirting but like physically picking them up and carrying them places. she likes showing off her strength and likes being close to ppl when she carries them.
cassandra’s always very affectionate but on holidays like national cuddle up day (january 6th), valentine’s day, national kissing day (july 6th), national hand holding day (today) give her and Excuse™ to be even more affectionate
i can totally see cassandra liking superman (last of his kind? very powerful but also a nerd? hmm…sounds familiar).
it takes a lot for her to get drunk, but once she is drunk…goodbye emotional barriers. she cries 500% more but usually it’s happy crying. and she’s vERY likely to blurt out a love confession when drunk.
cassandra is also extremely clingy when drunk and will lean on you or lay on you.
cassandra loves to sit in the tree in the dojo. sometimes she’ll sit in on the boys and splinter training and just sit up there watching them. cassandra likes being up high and swinging on stuff, so she probably sits on the tire swing a lot too.
cassandra cheats during family game night unless someone says “mom don’t use your clairvoyance.” in her mind, if you don’t remember that she’s clairvoyant, that’s on you.
cassandra would absolutely learn how to do card tricks to impress the boys- maybe even just on her own. cassandra’s that person who will pull out a deck of cards at a party and will do magic tricks to get out of having to actually have meaningful conversations with people
glow in the dark stars are something unique to earth, and cassandra is just in love with them, so she puts them all over the lair on the ceiling, in her bedroom, in paola’s cabin, and in her spaceship. glow in the dark stars everywhere.
cassandra makes sure all her kids know how to sew. leo got really good at it and can actually make some p decent looking stuff- he’s best at stuffed animals tho.
whether or not cassandra is weaker than her partner, if they’re sparring she’s still gonna throw them off by kissing them
everyone cassandra knows has, at some point, gotten some form of winter gear that she’s made from her for christmas or during the holiday season. it’s generally the first holiday you spend with the family, honestly. cassandra just wants to make sure everyone’s warm enough during the winter
cassandra absolutely taught the boys how to play their instruments. in addition, she taught raph how to play the trombone.
as the boys get older and start to push away cassandra’s affection (for the sake of being “cool” and “mature”) her heart breaks a little more every time they reject a hug or kiss on the cheek/forehead.
since cassandra herself struggles with being organized and neat, her rule is that the common area, kitchen, dojo and lab have to be clean. the boys’ rooms can be as messy as they like, but everywhere else has to be clean
gross thing cassandra will do to freak people out: put food that maybe shouldn’t be eaten raw in her mouth and cook it in her mouth, then stick her tongue out so people can see it. however, she can’t cook with her inclination- at least, not well.
cassandra smells like cinnamon & apples & campfires & (sometimes) sweat. she might smell like smoke if she’s just got home from work, but she usually takes showers right away after getting from responding to a fire.
since cassandra has both time blindness from her adhd, and also an incredible awareness of time as it moves due to being an augur, cassandra’s perception of time is really messed up. you will frequently hear her say “time isn’t real.”
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James McCloud -- Death and the Lylat System
I’ve talked a lot about Corneria’s theorized history, a lot about Krystal, some about Aparoids, and a little bit about the Star Wolf team.  You know what rumor/theory that I haven’t really discussed on here?  The “is James McCloud alive” theory.  So here’s my hot take on that.
So, in the past, I’ve discussed things like how the Cornerus and the Krazoa could be linked and really that’s the main post you have to look at before reading this post.  Here’s my grain of salt before I jump into this theory: I’m making a LOT of assumptions through very small details.  However, these small details are sometimes the only thing we have to go off of to make the story make more sense.  I’m going to call them Assumptions and they will be listed below!
Just as a note, a lot of this information is from Star Fox 64, which has a dubious canon role given the release of Star Fox Zero, but given that none of this information was outright negated by SFZ, it’s pretty much safe to assume that it’s still accurate.
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Assumption #1-- Venom is near Sauria.
We can assume this from multiple things.  In the opening to Star Fox Adventures, after Krystal is trapped in a crystal (it’s 2017 and I’m still mad about that), it is stated that “Meanwhile, in a lost corner of the Lylat System”, implying that we’re on the fringe of the civilized Lylat System already.  Venom sits in a similar position, described by the SF64 manual as being opposite of Corneria (it is also often depicted as being opposite of Corneria in games such as SF64).  So from this knowledge, we know that Venom and Sauria are on the edges of the Lylat System.  I am not wholly convinced that we’ve ever gotten a true and proper Lylat System map but if we consider that Sauria is referred to as “in a lost corner of the Lylat System” and Corneria is opposite of Venom... well, I’d guess less space travel even happens around Venom, so, probably Venom and Sauria are nearby.  (Slippy also seems to back this up in Battle Begins, when he states that it’s a long way between Sauria and Corneria, so they’re definitely not on the same side of the Lylat System.)
We can also gather that Sauria and Venom are nearby from the events of Star Fox Adventures, which states that Andross’s spirit fled to Sauria.  It would make a hell of a lot more sense that Andross fled to Sauria if it was nearby than on the other side of the Lylat System.  Andross also seems rather familiar with Krazoa Spirits and the nature of the planet, and I feel like this could have come from his home base on Venom being close enough to Sauria so that he could observe Sauria.
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Assumption #2 -- Magic Exists on Multiple Planets
This seems incredibly likely given what we know of Krystal and what we’ve witnessed in the Lylat System.  Krystal is telepathic and her staff is sentient, with the ability to channel and absorb magic as well as send telepathic messages.  We already know Krystal is from Cerinia and her staff has the same design as her armor, which nothing else of that pattern is ever seen on Sauria, so we can probably assume that the staff is also Cerinian.  
General Pepper expresses no surprise at Sauria’s situation in Star Fox Adventures when he’s talking with the team about their mission of saving the planet, so clearly magic is a known entity at least to Corneria.  
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(No, no, no, not you, James Cameron!)
Assumption #3 -- Magic-Rich Planets absorb magic back into it
Has anyone ever questioned why the Krazoa Spirits are... well, Spirits?  Were they always spirits?  Are they dead?  If so, who killed them?  Or have they transcended mortality?  Honestly... considering that a lot of Saurians speak of the Krazoa in both the past and present tense, I think the Krazoa are dead.  Their empire has very clearly crumbled and they do not really seem to rule like they used to. Instead, their spirits seem to remain to keep the planet from falling apart.  
If we look waaaaaay back at Dinosaur Planet, which became Star Fox Adventures, in particular to a section called Blackwater Canyon, the nature of death is explained on Sauria.  When a creature dies, its magic is said to be returned to the planet by the power of an organism called the Tree of Life, which is found in Blackwater Canyon, an ancient dinosaur burial site.  So why haven’t the Krazoa been returned to the planet? Aren’t they beings of immense knowledge and magic?  What little we know of Dinosaur Planet does not explain this and while the section with Blackwater Canyon was removed, the lore surrounding death and Sauria remains... well, frankly, unmentioned at all in the game.
However, let’s make the assumption that it is still the same law-- a magic rich planet re-absorbs magic from organisms (which, to be honest, the name Tree of Souls, makes me wonder if it’s just magic or... rather, one’s spirit that is also absorbed).  It still leaves the question as to why the Krazoa Spirits are still around and seem fully capable of conducting magic spells and why Andross is able to show up to Sauria and not get fully absorbed into the planet.
Yet when you beat up a Sharpclaw or really any other baddie... what happens to their body?  Yep, it poofs.  (Although, I haven’t really figured out why they respawn in a similar animation yet, I can only assume it’s because they wanted a cool way to respawn enemies on-screen and just decided to go with a similar aesthetic).  I think this strange discrepancy can be explained by one thing-- power.  Things that are powerful enough to resist being drawn back into the planet’s circulation of magic energy can resist it.  This will come into play in this theory.
You may ask, “Well, wait, what about those dead HighTops and Thorntails that we see in Star Fox Assault, why haven’t their bodies vanished?”... I’ll get to that in another post, but the tl;dr version is that the Aparoids are in process of turning those dinos into other Aparoids, and I’m sorely disappointed we never got to fight a half-Aparoid, half-dino hybrid.  Moving on!
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Back to the actual theory!
Okay, so now that we’ve established all of that, let’s talk about James McCloud.  James’s exact cause of death is relatively unknown, all that we do know is that it happened on Venom.  I think it’s likely that it happened somewhere on Venom’s surface or in Venom’s orbit.  If we assume Venom is a magic-rich planet and that James is powerful enough to resist being absorbed by its natural magic-planet-flow, then James could have continued to exist in spirit form.  Weakened, probably, due to not being as “advanced” in magic as a Krazoa or even Andross (will get to that in a second), so unable to manifest visually for long periods of time but able to resist the pull.  He remains this way through the events of the Lylat Wars and aids Fox in escaping Andross’s lair before it explodes.  Andross is killed in this explosion, reduced to a state similar to James.  I suspect Andross was aware this could happen and had studied the Krazoa beforehand, using Sauria as a “back up” in case things got really bad in his campaign against the Lylat System. 
Andross moves on to Sauria, tricking Krystal into becoming a channeling device, and siphoning off of the energy of the Krazoas gathered at Krazoa Palace until he has enough power to fuse with the Krazoas and become a half-Andross, half-Krazoa entity.  During Fox’s travels on Sauria, he encountered cheat token wells, some of which gave him advice.  This advice came in the form of James’s disembodied voice, which seems to imply that James’s spirit followed Andross over to Sauria-- or, alternatively, that James’s spirit has been looking over Fox as a guardian angel. 
I consider Command canon, though perhaps not all of its endings.  I think it’s likely for the scenario Dash Makes a Choice that James has returned to Venom to watch over it, knowing that it is a cursed place where so much evil has come from.  Yet, I’m not really sure if I consider that ending canon or not.  In other endings, I would assume that James’s spirit faded into the planet, as Andross was defeated it would mark the end of James’s mission to keep the Lylat System safe from Andross, thus he would be “at peace” and have no reason to stick around.  But given Command’s nature and Nintendo’s lack of clarification, it’s... really hard to say what the status of the Lylat System is at the end of that game.  
Anyways, I’m super sorry this got really wordy and long, but I hope you enjoyed my hot take on James McCloud’s current status.  Obviously this is some headcanon/theorizing stuff and if you’d rather headcanon something completely different, then hey, that’s also great!  I just wanted my 2 cents thrown into the internet.  Now, to eat an absurd amount of chocolate cookies...
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