#anyways why are u still here??? thanks for reading i guess?? (joke)
funnylittlelad · 1 year
not to be depressing but:
i have been sitting with a semi-official hEDS diagnosis for days. if my genetic test comes back clear of anything else, that's it. i finally have my answer for why my body is Like This. i know what's up and i can do something about it. except i'm so used to being told that whatever we thought was the problem isn't and it's time to move on to the next thing. that part is over now and idk... i guess i just never thought i'd end up with a diagnosis other than early onset arthritis. it isn't as liberating as i'd hoped it'd be. now that i know, i know there are things i've lost that i can never get back. i know that there was a chance it didn't have to be this bad, if my parent with hEDS had been proactive and acknowledged it. i know the risks that i didn't sign up for, but have to take anyways by virtue of being alive in this body. i've been trying to feel like it's not that big of a deal since i've lived with it this long anyways, but it's not really working. my life looks different now and i'm admittedly struggling to adjust. my health has deteriorated so much in the last year alone. i'm scaling back on school and scaling up on doctors. i don't even care about the consequences for school anymore. i just want to feel like a person again.
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oxymorayuri · 4 months
HI YURII, i absolutely adore the way you write and i wanted to request some hc’s or a small fic abt law reaction to reader’s pregnancy, likeee how’d he react after telling him and how those 9 months would affect law’s personality and relationship w reader
but only if u want too ofc! thx and have a wonderful dayy <3
A/N: Hi there, my darling ♡
How can I refuse such a lovely request? I feel very honored every time you guys tell me that you enjoy my stories. My heart fills with pride when I read your kind comments.
OneShot or HC? Why not both? Two are better than one!
Here are the headcanons [Law|Ace|Kid|Doffy]
Okay, let's go! Have fun with the OneShot!
✦ Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader ✦ Content: idk, not much, i guess? I'm pretty bad at this lol. bit angst, a little jealousy and endless fluff ✦ Spoiler: none ✦ Description: You're pregnant and Law's reaction is everything you could wish for *-* This OneShot doesn't completely fit the request, hence the HC, hope that's okay :3
Wordcount: 6383
❝𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠!❞
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It's quite unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but you woke up with an overwhelming craving for something sweet. Falling straight back to sleep is hopeless, so you're forced to stare around the room until perhaps drowsiness sets in.
Aside from the ticking of the clock, it's absolutely silent but you feel as if the ticking is becoming progressively louder 'til you have satisfied your ravenous appetite.
You picture it, the mousse that Ikkaku made… You have no clue how she makes it. You've tried to make it yourself, even following her recipe, but it's just not the same. However, when Ikkaku makes it, it tastes heavenly.
You can feel the foamy dessert melting on your tongue and the subtle hint of dark chocolate spreads through your mouth. Your saliva starts to gather in your mouth... That's enough! You need to eat dessert. Immediately!
The chance of waking Law is high, yet you would kill for a little midnight snack! The only thing is; you have to get out of Law's arms first...
You look at the dark haired man as he sleeps with a peaceful face. One arm around your waist, face to face.
On days like this, when you two haven't had much of each other, you'll at least have your little moments in your shared bed. With your faces turned towards each other, you talk about your busy day… Until one of you falls asleep and that one is usually you.
It's mostly you who talks about your day and Law hangs on your every word while you talk enthusiastically about all sorts of things.
Law is usually a bit reserved, because in his opinion he always does the same thing anyway and you must be getting bored of that. But that's not the case. You love the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about the things he has learned from his book, or when he has got hold of a rare coin.. He always lights up like a little boy who's been at school for the first day.
“…And did you know that an adult's entire intestine is 5 to 7 meters long? Imagine that.” You raise your eyebrow in disbelief.
“Five to seven meters?! No way, how is that supposed to fit?” You stroke your stomach while Law laughs at your bewilderment. Of course you believe him, you believe anything he says. He could tell you every lie and you would believe it immediately, but luckily Law doesn't lie to you. He is sometimes very secretive towards you and keeps a lot to himself like a loner, but he is by no means a liar.
“No joke, you can believe me… I could show you if you like.” Law speaks with a confident self assurance that makes you snort.
His confused eyes look at you insistently and he repeats that he could show you while raising his hand.
“Room!” You immediately realize what he's up to and you reach out with both hands to stop him. He really is planning to show you his intestines. Ah, no thanks.
You shake your head, still chuckling.
“I always believe you, my love… It's just kind of hard to imagine…” - “Yes, I know... I could hardly believe it either. That's why I took my intestine out straight away and measured it.”
You can't take any more. Law speaks with a nonchalance that brings tears to your eyes. You love him for his strangeness, that's what makes him so human.
“Anything for science.” you whisper quietly to him.
No longer interested in how long the human intestine is, you lean over and give him a little kiss. Being with Law is always a learning experience, the special thing is what you learn about Law along the way. About his heart and mind, while he talks about all the things that fascinate him.
Gosh, you adore him so much.
[throwback end]
Law's slight movement snaps you out of your reverie and for a moment you have the chance to slip out of his arms.
Silent as a ninja, you sneak out of your room and scurry into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, you can't wait another second and spoon up the dessert right in front of the fridge.
Whilst you let each scoop melt in your mouth, you hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. You try to hide, but it's too late because Bepo, who also wanted to sneak into the kitchen, enters.
You look at him like a frozen deer and he gives you a similar look. With your eyes still staring at the polar bear, you slowly bring the spoon to your mouth and devour the chocolate mousse. Without your eyes parting for even a second.
“What are you doing?” You leave the spoon in your mouth and look at him with a tilted head.
“Err, what does it look like…?” Your voice a little muffled, as if you were brushing your teeth. It's obvious what you're doing? With the bowl in your hand, you sit down at the table and wave the Mink over to you.
“Come on, get over here before the mousse is gone.” A little taken aback, he blinks a few times and joins you at the table.
Of course he wants some of the chocolate wonder, so he hurries to you.
You take turns spooning from your bowl and after each bite you hold your hand to your flushed cheek. It tastes simply divine.
However, you barely exchange a word, because it goes without saying that this meeting will remain a secret. You only hear a pleasurable moan and a soft mumble in between.
A few days have passed since then and a few other unusual things have happened. Your cravings have become a little weirder, your sense of smell has increased and fish suddenly no longer tastes good to you! As soon as you smelled sushi, you felt sick to your stomach. Unusual, you thought, but it could have been something else. You didn't think anything else of it and went about your everyday duties, quickly forgetting about the oddities anyway.
Until you got up one morning and ran straight to the toilet. You felt nauseous and it came out faster than you would have liked, so you left the door open and it gushed out of you straight into the toilet.
Your dinosaur like noises woke up the grouchy Law who rubbed his eyes in a drowsy state.
Who or what is that? And why is it so loud?
Law is definitely not a morning person. Talk to him before his coffee and you will see… Well, nothing will happen except that he ignores you and turns around. He won't even talk to you before he takes a sip, but no problem. Isn't it always like this; that a bright person is together with a grumpy one?
Tired, the black haired man sits up and runs his fingers through his tangled hair while still sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed.
The noise is unusually loud and seems as if it is directly in the next room… In the next room… And finally it clicks in his head. You are making that noise.
Law snaps his eyes open, being fully awake now, and hurried to the open bathroom. There he looked down at you with your head almost IN the bowl, unable to stop vomiting.
At first he stood in the doorway, looking somewhat at a loss, until he finally remembered that he was a doctor.
You weren't responsive right now anyway… So Law prepared a few things for you when you finally finished throwing up…
Concerned, he stands behind you with a glass of water in his hand. It seems to be reaaally bad. He doesn't like seeing you like this, your health is important to him, probably more important than his own.
You've noticed for a while that Law is standing behind you and you appreciate him not saying anything. You're not embarrassed, not in front of Law, he's taken care of you before when you've drunk yourself into a coma so the sight shouldn't be that strange. You had to smile a little when you noticed how he tied your hair in a ponytail, so it wouldn't fall in front of your face, while you emptied out your stomach.
“Oh god. There shouldn't be *bleurggh* anything left in my *bleurggh* stomach…” A little out of breath, you lean against the wall next to the toilet.
You're not quite sure if it's the end, but it feels all right.
“I assume it's a little better now?” Tired from throwing up, you look up at him while he hands you the glass of water with a scrutinizing look.
You can't do more than nod half heartedly.
Law walked over to the toilet and flushed the contents, which looked like two days' worth of stomach contents.
He squatted down to you and began to clean your face with a lukewarm cloth. You don't look sick. Your eyelids don't droop and your skin doesn't look too pale. You just look a little worn out, which is no wonder. After all, you've given the toilet the biggest serenade of your life.
“I should take you to the infirmary and run some tests.” His hands reach for yours. With his thumb, he gently strokes the back of your hand and pulls lightly to help you to your feet. A little wobbly on your feet, you hold on to him and smile weakly at him.
“…I'm fine, thank you my love.” A little cold water on your face should be enough, so you go over to the sink to freshen up.
“Don't argue y/n, as your captain and doctor, I'm telling you that I'll give you a check up.” You look at him through the mirror as you run your wet hands through your face and roll your eyes.
“Uh huh, as captain and doctor…”
he groans a little and takes you in his arms from behind
“And as your partner too, of course.”
He kisses you on the cheek and you lean into his embrace with a little chuckle. For just a moment, you can savor your embrace, but the very next second, you find yourself in the same position with him in the infirmary.
That whole shambling around doesn't do you any good at all, you were already feeling sick anyway and you always feel a bit dizzy when he teleports with you. You put your hand over your mouth but it's too late. You quickly rush to a garbage can and fill it with your vomit.
“Hah… Law, that wasn't so clever…” You lean on the bin with both hands as you kneel in front of it.
“Ah…uh…sorry, force of habit…” His words seem a little flustered and as you look over your shoulder you see him sheepishly stroke his beard.
Yep, force of habit… It's definitely not the first time he's teleported you somewhere. Whether he wanted to kidnap you in your busy routine or wanted to steal you away from annoying guys.
He can be a bit jealous sometimes, even if he doesn't say anything, you can see right through him. Honestly, you have to admit to yourself that you enjoy it perhaps a little too much. Law usually reacts rather passively, but at some point things start to get over his limit and he reacts, somewhat flashily…
It's a lovely afternoon on the Sunny, and before you went your separate ways, the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hats wanted to throw a nice party to celebrate your victory.
You had a good time together and formed strong friendships, it makes you a little sad that you won't see each other for a while… but you are sure that your paths will cross again soon.
You keep glancing back to where Law is drinking some sake with Zoro, while Usopp and Luffy were doing all sorts of silly things. You can't help giggling at the sight. Their conversations are also rather short, but somehow they both seem quite relaxed and enjoy the silence between them. Your sweet introvert…
You turn back to the ladies at the table and get into a conversation full of girl stuff and laughter. Right by your side, there's Bepo napping on the floor and while your chin rests in one hand, listening to Nami, you pat Bepo's head with the other.
At your service is none other than Sanji and he serves you with the most distinguished manners. You like Sanji, he is charming and knows how to talk to women and sometimes you allow yourself to have fun and go for it… You don't flirt back, no way! You're crazy about Law and everyone knows it, but you like to have a bit of fun.
“Here my beautiful ladies, I've allowed myself to prepare your favorite drinks.” With grace and style, he holds the tray in his hand and serves you some fresh drinks. He pushes a beautifully decorated cocktail glass in front of you, one with a light blue liquid, topped with whipped cream and blue glitter sprinkles.
You know exactly what kind of drink is in front of you and happily thank the Blondie. How thoughtful he is… he's made you your favorite drink; swimming pool!
You gleefully nip at the straw and let the refreshing drink run down your tongue. As you spoon down some of the cream, you notice that Sanji has used coconut milk ice cubes instead of water ice cubes. How creative! This way the drink doesn't get watered down and only gets creamier and that's exactly how you love your swimming pool - creamy!
“Aww Sanji, you're always so thoughtful and good to us!” With your eyes closed, you enjoy your drink. It's so well prepared that you can barely taste the alcohol; how dangerous.
With your hand on your cheek, you praise the cocktail. Nami gushes with you and sighs contentedly that this is her everyday life... and Sanji loves doing it! That's the best part.
“We're really lucky to have Sanji, aren't we?” Robin giggles, as Sanji loses his temper in a dramatic way. It's as if all the attention is making his heart leap through his chest, and on one knee he babbles something about how it's not just an honor to serve you, but his greatest joy.
He may be a little pushy but isn't he also a little funny? Your girl gang bursts out into laughter, oh dear, if you only knew how Law watches the spectacle from behind with an annoyed expression…
With his chin in his hand, Law taps his cheek a little impatiently with one finger. He can hit on whoever he wants, but does he always have to get so close to you? He's got Nami and Robin to ogle, but you're his!
He knows he doesn't have to be jealous. You're only being friendly to him, as you are to everyone, but the reaction of others is what annoys him. The fact that some people think you're flirting with them, when you're just very kind and approachable (yea guess who's not.) literally pisses Law off.
He is quite sure that no one but himself has a chance with you, in fact he knows that you can become quite different if someone crosses your line… If Law's line hasn't been crossed before… It's pretty different sometimes…
Like today for example, today Law doesn't have that much patience and since Sanji moves in your inner circle, his limits are crossed quite quickly. And maybe all that sake is also to blame.
Because of your lively conversation, you realize far too late, how Law has formed his blue dome over you and just as Nami remarks it, you find yourself already on Law's lap.
Bewildered, you look up at him while his gaze is somewhat serious on Sanji. When he felt your gaze on him, he looked you in the eye with his typical grin and spoke with an absolute calmness that made your heart flutter.
“You all right?” You widen your eyes a little and raise both eyebrows. Is he serious? As if it's such a normal thing to just teleport me onto his lap out of nowhere, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
You know exactly why he did it. You saw the look he gave Sanji, but okay, you just play along. Let's see what happens.
“Yes, of course. Do you need something, love?”
He comes a little closer to you, his gaze melts the ice in your drink because you're getting so hot, but you try not to show it and smile at him innocently.
Before he reaches for the straw, he looks provocatively over to Sanji and drinks from your cocktail.
“You talked so highly of it, I really wanted to try it too, you know?” - “Sure…” like hypnotized you watch him sip from your drink while his eyes rest on your lips.
“You've got some whipped cream on your lip…” you want to quickly wipe the cream away with your hand but Law holds it tight and speaks in a low mellow voice "no, let me..."
Barely a second later, his lips are already on yours and he licks the cream off your lips in a luscious kiss.
You didn't even realize what was happening to you as you sat frozen on his lap. You can only vaguely make out the annoyed murmur of Zoro telling you to get a room or Nami cheering joyfully. You slowly come back to your senses and lean close to his ear, to whisper a few sweet words…
“I love sweet kisses… how 'bout we continue on the Polar Tang?”
Honestly, you love the way Law steals you away. He doesn't do it in an aggressive way, but in a way that makes it clear who you belong to. He never confronts the others, he just shows how in love you are with each other.
If that's not territory marking then you don't know BUT you love it.
His reaction is as expected. You know that look all too well. There's something overwhelming about the way Law's beautiful eyes run over your face as you innocently bite your lip. You could swear his eyes darken and he runs his tongue over his lower lip with a grin.
His grip tightens and his laugh deepens so that you can feel the vibration of his voice.
“Good idea.” He places a small kiss on your cheek before saying goodbye to the others. The question marks are written all over your face. You really just wanted to tease him, but you could have guessed what is about to happen.
You barely managed to wave goodbye before you found yourself back in your room on the Polar Tang. And well, you know it's obvious what will happens next… ;)
[throwback end]
“All right, so far so good. Now just a small blood check and then we'll be on the safe side.” His words bring you out of your memory and you look at his back. At a small table, he prepares a syringe to take some of your blood.
With concentration, he turns around and traces along your arm to locate a suitable vein.
“Could you make a fist?” You do as he says and he nods in response. When he had found a suitable spot, you were allowed to relax your hand and he smoothly drew the blood into the tube.
You watch him in complete devotion as he looks attentively at the syringe. Your eyes meet for a moment before he quickly returns to his task and presses a band aid onto the needle mark.
“That's it.” Again, he turns away from you to dispose the materials properly. A little disappointed, you slide down with your butt from the stretcher. You wish you could have watched him a little longer. He always looks so handsome when he's fully concentrated on his work.
“When will the results be ready?” you ask curiously as you look over his shoulder. By now you're feeling much better, you're sure it's nothing serious.
“Give me a few hours and I should have something out.” - “Hardworking as ever.” You gently stroke his shoulder as you went to turn around and Law quickly reached for your hand.
He gently pulls you close to give you a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes always have a powerful effect on you and your cheeks turn a soft pink.
“We should go for breakfast, you should regain your energy. Go ahead, I'll clean up and come straight away.” Your heart softens at his care.
“I'll make us some coffee then.” Satisfied, he nods at you and lets go. In a good mood, you walk along the corridors of the cold Polar Tang, humming a bright melody.
The day went on as usual, the work on the Polar Tang was pure routine. A few small repairs here and inspections there. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just as you were about to leave the engine room to write your report, you bump into your friend.
“Heyyy y/n, already done with work?” You look up from your notes and have a chat with Ikkaku. After an waaay too short talk, you part ways as her beeper has gone off and she quickly went back to work. Apparently she has a lot to do... Your eyes go back to your list. You need to talk to Law, because you're slowly running out of materials for the maintenance of your submarine.
You've been underwater for quite a while now and you should be ascending soon. Ikkaku could probably use some materials too, maybe you should do a general inventory and make a supply list with Law. Just as you were about to turn around to go to Ikkaku to start with her, your beeper sounds.
A quick glance at your black device tells you that Law wants to talk to you, so you turn around again.
So, then you'll start the list tomorrow. After all, you'll be traveling for a few more days before you reach the next island...
You can't quite believe your ears and you stand in front of Law with your mouth open, completely frozen. Your pretty brain has to process this information first. You actually want to say something but don't quite know how to start the sentence.
“Y-you say I'm pregnant?!!!” You automatically reach for your belly.
“How could this happen?!” you look up at Law, unsure of how you should feel. To be honest, you're a little overwhelmed, but it's not actually a bad thing. You're actually at the age where it's appropriate, aren't you?
Law, who is leaning against his table in front of you, takes a breath to explain to you HOW this could have happened, in a physical and medical sense.
With knitted eyebrows, you shake your hand in front of Law in order to stop him. You know how, but somehow you're surprised. You often hear that the birth control failed here and there and the woman got pregnant, but somehow you think it would never happen to you and now it's happened to you.
Surprise, surprise.
You drop into a chair and look a little defeated.
“Shit…” you mutter. Law takes the results of your blood report and tries to change the subject.
“But hey, judging by your results, you're perfectly healthy and have the best possible condition for the baby." He turns the page to check a few more things.
“We should probably just get some more sun and fresh air for your wellbeing. Your vitamin D levels are a little low… No wonder down here…” In his head, he makes a mental note to talk to Bepo and Hakugan about surfacing today.
That sounds as if…
“Do you want me to keep the child?” You look up at him, a little surprised. A pleasant excitement spreads through your chest at the thought that Law will be the father of your child.
His eyes peek over the edge of the paper, looking down at you. He examines your glazed eyes, places the papers on the table and crouches down in front of you to be closer to you.
“Do you want to keep the child, y/n?” he notices that you're a little unsure, but that's okay. That's normal... but he will follow your final decision. No matter what you decide, he will stand by you and make sure you are both safe and happy.
Somehow it all feels surreal. You and Law are having a baby. That will change everything now, but you're longing to find out what it's like. You shrug your shoulders a little sheepishly.
“Uh-huh… kind of, yea.” Somewhat embarrassed, you smile at him. For you, getting together with Law has always been like hitting the jackpot, but you'd never thought about you two becoming parents.
But dear, if you only knew how Law sees you… He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy about becoming a dad, but right now you're coming first, since you're feeling 'a little under the water'. [sorry but I couldn't help myself, lol]
“Well, I guess we have something to celebrate, don't we?“
Law's grin makes you smile. Somehow he always pushes the right buttons with you. With his charming looks, his cunning manner and clever little head, he always manages to mess with your feelings. You've never felt this way about anyone before and you weren't exactly a virgin before… Now that you're becoming parents, you feel like you're starting to really mature with Law.
“How are we going to tell them?” Parties are not his thing, you know that, but as soon as the others find out, they want to throw a party anyway.
He seems to be thinking deeply as he plays with your fingers.
“Maybe we'll just throw a party…” you look down at him in surprise, but he explains why.
“I know for a fact that we won't be able to avoid it…” a small giggle slips out of your mouth and you gently squeeze his hand, but Law breaks your eye contact.
“Well, I won't be able to get around it…” You're never against a fun party, but after an hour Law's social battery is usually drained and he disappears into his study.
“Not a bad idea, actually. If we plan the party, we can be sure that it won't be too chaotic. Let's keep it simple.” Law is pleased that you share the same thought. Well, it's probably because you can't party as hard as usual, but it doesn't make you sad. Somehow the joy slowly sets in.
Law gets up and pulls you up with him while you both hold hands. Without saying a word, he takes you in his arms and you breathe in his calming scent. At this very moment you just feel so good, even though you were so scattered until a few moments ago, you are sure that everything will work out with Law by your side.
You're kind of excited. The crew thinks you're throwing a party because you're resurfacing today and they believe that cheap lie, but what pirate crew needs a reason to throw a party? They probably don't give it a second thought and are happy to have food and booze under the sun.
In a good mood, you hum a little tune in the kitchen while you prepare a few treats in the kitchen. At some point, Shachi comes by and you tell him that he shouldn't be snacking, but he just laughs cheekily at you and stuffs a filled onigiri into your mouth. You hum contentedly as you taste the tuna cream.
“You're getting better and better y/n, the shape is a real triangle this time too!” you smack him on the back of the head and huff in offense.
He's used to it and your blows don't even really hurt so he just laughs as he rubs his head.
“I'm sure Law will be more than pleased.” Without a care in the world, he picks another treat from the little buffet you've set up and disappears into the corridor.
Your gaze rests on your bitten onigiri. You are secretly thrilled that he thinks Law will be happy. You wonder if he is looking forward to your current situation in general.
After you surfaced with the Polar Tang, Law and a few others set up the deck. Tables and benches were set up and you and Ikkaku hung up some hanging garlands to make it look more festive. After putting the finishing details on the final appearance, you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction while Law stepped to your side.
“They really don't suspect anything…” he whispers in your ear.
You just smile to yourself. After all, it just seems like you're having a party as usual. The buffet, the decorations, the festive lights and a small bar on the deck are just the same as usual.
Law doesn't know it, but you couldn't help yourself and had to tell Ikkaku about it immediately. After all, she's your best friend. You can definitely trust her not to spill the beans and it shouldn't be too difficult because you're throwing the party today anyway. She even offered to prepare a few desserts. With hearts in your eyes, you accepted her offer, of course.
All in all, it was an evening like any other with your crew. There was laughter, some dancing, a lot of goofing around and singing. Avoiding the alcohol was quite difficult, but luckily Ikkaku was your knight in shining armor. She always swapped your cup with hers, with only water inside, in an discreet fashion.
As the sunset glowed over your submarine and the atmosphere on deck calmed down allowing everyone to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, Law decided that now was the perfect time to spread the news.
He raised his glass and tapped it lightly with his fork so that everyone's attention was drawn to him by the clinking sound.
A few of the pirates look up at him in surprise. It's not that unusual for Law to make a speech from time to time, but there shouldn't be any special reason for him to make one today. Or maybe there is?
Glances go round among themselves. You smile knowingly to yourself as you watch the confusion on their faces.
“Sometimes there are unexpected twists and turns on our travels and sometimes it's the best thing that could have happened to us. In the end, everything always turned out well and that's only because we trusted and helped each other. We may be pirates, but we are also…” - “A FAMILY” Penguin and Sachi cry and shout in unison.
Law's words are unexpectedly touching. His words are always wise and uplifting… but this time he not only speaks from the heart, but with it and everyone is moved to the core.
You could cry because you know why he uses such beautiful words. With a satisfied grin, he agrees with the men.
“Exactly. We are a family and today y/n and I want to announce something to you.” Little by little, questioning glances wander to you and Law nods to you with an encouraging expression on his face. He now leaves you the honor of continuing.
“I'm pregnant!” you blurt out in a squeaky voice.
The looks go back and forth between you two in a rather funny way while the surprise is written all over everyone's face.
All of a sudden, the group erupts into a joyful roar and congratulations are given to you. Ikkaku can finally take you in her arms, her eyes overflowing with tears. A few of the men are shaking hands with Law while Bepo rushes up to Law and almost crushes him in a hug.
Your heart bursts as you watch the cheering crowd and stroke Ikkaku's back in a soothing manner as she utters some incomprehensible words of joy…
In the chaotic happiness, your and Law's eyes met. He seems as happy as you feel.
The atmosphere were already great before, but now it's just amazing.
They raise a toast to both of you and your little one, while Penguin and Shachi fight over which of them gets to listen and feel your belly first. You have to laugh at their goofiness, because there's not much of the typical pregnancy belly to be seen yet.
Bepo comes running towards you with cute beady eyes and gives you a warm embrace. He snuggles up to your head and you brush against his soft fur…
You hear his soft sniffle and in a low voice he whispers to you how happy he is for you guys.
“You're going to be great parents!” You wipe a small tear of joy from his face and pull yourself together so that you don't burst into tears yourself, but you're just too emotional. Your walls collapse and the tears roll down your cheeks.
The rest of the gang decides to come up to you and engages even Law in a huge group hug. It touches you more than anything how happy your friends are for you.
You can hardly wait to tell your friends the Straw Hats. You wonder how they will react. You secretly hope that it will be the reason you'll see each other sooner than you thought.
You really want to go shopping with Ikkaku, Robin and Nami for the baby!
You let the evening fade away together until at some point it was just you and Law.
The evening got a bit chilly and before you could even get cold, Law put his coat around you. Thanking him with a quiet smile, you can still see the joy on his face… And you? You can still hardly believe it. You're going to be parents… but you're still thinking about how Law really feels. He's obviously happy but you wish you could hear what he's thinking.
“Law, tell me, how do you feel?” Your eyes are fixed on the sea. You watch the glittering reflection of the moon in the water, while his gaze rests on you.
“I don't know. I kind of feel everything. Excitement, joy but also some fear.” Your gaze quickly goes up to him, but his eyes are now on the open sea.
The fact that he feels the same as you is somehow reassuring. You're a bit jealous of him for always keeping such a cool head, because unlike you, he seemed so calm and confident the whole time.
“You know y/n, when I went through the results today I could hardly believe my eyes when I realized why you were feeling bad.” With his arms leaning against the railing, he smiled down at you.
“I thought my heart stopped working and when it started beating again, a new feeling was born...” The glimmer in his eyes is as calming as a fire, that is about to fade out.
You are not used to so many touching words and your heart starts beating quicker with each word. The way he says everything is saved in your brain like a video and you dare not to speak a word.
He turns his upper body towards you and moves a little closer to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face. A little hesitantly, he begins to speak again, as if searching for the right words in your eyes.
“A feeling... that I thought I had long lost… The feeling of having a family.”
Okay y/n don't cry. Don't cry!
Law kisses your forehead as he wipes a tear from your face. The feeling of his warm lips disappears faster than you'd like, though, and Law takes a step back to get down on one knee.
With his gaze fixed on your eyes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You know what this means but you fail to move or say anything. Wide eyed, you follow Law's movements.
“I wanted to do this much earlier… but somehow I didn't find the right time… or maybe I was just waiting for this very moment?” Law isn't quite sure himself where he gets these words from, but so much has changed after today. He opens the box and your gaze falls on the sparkling ring.
“Y/n will you marry me?”
With quivering lips, you nod at him while tears flow like a waterfall and you throw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You usually have a lot to say, but this time Law has left you completely speechless.
You could have said yes a thousand times but it would never be enough to make it clear how much you want to be his wife.
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A/N: Oh well… Law. I bet you'd be great as a dad.
I hope you enjoyed it ♡
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spectersgirl · 10 months
Hi!! If u still do request i have one. Can u do one where harvey x reader has a stubborn son (like a mini teenage version of him)? love your fics btw!!
This is part two!! Part one is here!
Mini Harvey (p2)
You were reading peacefully when you noticed the voices of your son and husband raising louder and louder. The tension crackled between Harvey and your teenage son. Oliver, much like his father, was headstrong and determined, especially when it came to his desire to pursue a career in law.
This time, the argument centered on Oliver's college decision. He was adamant about attending Stanford all the way in California, but Harvey, ever the protective father, had different ideas. If Oliver was going into law, the only option in Harvey's mind was Harvard, his own alma mater.
A few more minutes of yelling passed, followed by the slamming of a bedroom door, and then it was silent. You decided it was best not to get in the middle of their argument this time, knowing that at least one of them would be coming to you for a venting session anyway.
As if on cue a gentle knock interrupted the quiet, and there stood Harvey, looking an odd mixture of pissed off and nervous. "I need your advice," he admitted, a touch of vulnerability in his voice. "Oliver and I... I just don't know how to get through to him."
You beckoned him to sit beside you, offering a soft smile. "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?" you joked, hoping to lighten the mood.
Harvey managed a small smile. "He's got my stubbornness, that's for sure."
You giggled and placed a hand on his back, rubbing it softly causing him to relax into your touch just a bit.
"He's just so insistent," Harvey confessed. "I want the best for him, but I'm afraid I'm just pushing him away. I just wish I knew how to make him see my reasoning."
You paused before responding, meeting Harvey's gaze. "Harvey, sometimes it's not about making him see your reasons. It's about understanding his. Have you even asked him why he wants to go to Stanford over Harvard? Ask him about his choices instead of getting him to come to your side. He needs to feel heard and supported."
Harvey nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. I've been too focused on what I think is best for him without even thinking about his perspective. Thanks, baby."
He gave you a quick kiss to the temple before standing and leaving the room. As Harvey left, you prepared yourself for the conversation with Oliver, which was sure to come any minute. Soon enough, another knock sounded through the room.
"Mom," Oliver began, "Dad just doesn't get it. He won't even listen to why I don't want to go to Harvard, he just always thinks he's right and knows what's best”
Inviting him to sit down, you spoke gently. "Dad just cares about you, Oliver. But maybe he's not expressing it in the best way. Have you tried seeing things from his perspective? He might have valid reasons, but he needs to listen to you too."
Oliver's frustrated demeanor softened as he mulled over your words. "I guess I haven’t. Thanks mom, I’ll go talk to him."
Later that evening, when you were getting ready for bed, Harvey entered and closed the bedroom door behind him.
“Hey, did you talk to him?” You asked.
“I did. We both apologized and I heard him out, then I explained that no matter where he decides, I’ll always be proud of him.”
“I’m proud of you, I know it was always your dream for him to go to Harvard but it makes me so proud to see you let that go and let Oliver choose his own dream.”
Harvey smiled, with a touch of sadness behind his eyes. He walked over to you, wrapping you in his arms.
“When did our little guy get big enough to argue with me about colleges?” Harvey murmured into your hair.
“Don’t get all sentimental now, we are not having another”
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httpiastri · 6 months
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author's note: dropping this off for yall ahead of the weekend bcs i have important sports stuff these next two days and likely won't be on here at all (i won't even have time to watch the races 🙃). just a little cute thingy before the first chapter hehe! the twt pics are unevenly cropped so pls open them to read all 😚 also this is my first social media au so go easy on me <3
author's note #2: you may not notice this if i don't say it but i'll say it anyway… i actually edited out zak from like four pics so that i could post this 😭 lol
series masterlist
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yourusername amazing weekend here down under!! so thankful for my fantastic team for all of the hard work, the car is a pleasure to drive. and shoutout to my lovely teammates, i love being annoyed and pushed around by you all ❤️
show all 86 comments
user icon!!!
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frederikvestiofficial i would never annoy you 🥲
→ yourusername oh fred no, i didn't mean you 💔
→ olliebearman did you mean me?
→ yourusername nooo teddy bear, never 😢
→ dinobeganovic_ did you mean me??
→ yourusername take a guess 😐
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user not her calling ollie TEDDY BEAR ??? im out
→ user right in front of my salad 😪
→ user right in front of paul too
→ user chill 😭 she's allowed to have a nickname for her FRIEND
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paularon_ ❤️🏆
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
dinobeganovic_ time for a haircut? paularon_
→ yourusername don't hate on the curls, they're cute 🐑
→ paularon_ i can defend myself
→ yourusername do it then?
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user great drive today!! u really deserved that win 💙
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
saacha_fqt thank you for the champagne! 🥳
→ yourusername merci merci 🍾
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???, MAY 2023
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paularon_ p3 in spa. thanks to the team for the good work
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user good job paul!! still not sure why prema thought the slicks were a good idea but 🫶
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user why is he looking so upset 😭 mate you just got a podium, celebrate a little
→ user rumor has it he and y/n broke up… so i would understand if he isn't too happy
→ user omg you're kidding
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user that first lap was mega 🔥
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
mercedesamgf1 great job all weekend paul. good points to head into the break with. 👏
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yourusername had a pretty good time in spa 🤭
show all 72 comments
user sprint race win and then 4th in the feature? queen behavior
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jakcrawford_ dino and ollie looking great
→ dinobeganovic_ 😎😎
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redbulljuniorteam amazing work!! 💪
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user y/n rlly is red bull personified omg, she truly loves her team
→ user and they love her back 🥺 always commenting on her posts, aww
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yourusername look how happy jackie is for his podium <3 thanks zandvoort!!
show all 61 comments
user i love to see ollie being bullied on his bike
→ yourusername me too
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olliebearman adorable jakcrawford_
→ jakcrawford_ 👍😀
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user love to see y/n happy even after what happened with paul 💓
→ user yes yes! she was hanging out in the prema paddock all weekend, joking around with ollie and fred. and then she even went out for dinner with jak and clem 🥺
→ user i didn't know she's friends with clem?
→ user she probably isn't lol but she follows jak anywhere like a puppy 😭
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yourusername the best season ever 😭 where do i even start? massive massive thanks to the entire team. all of the engineers, mechanics, workers back home at the factory, and everyone else involved, i'm so thankful for you all. and big thanks to my family and friends for supporting me all the way, i couldn't have done any of this without you all. and to my dear, lovely teammates: you're the best, i'll see you all again soon. ❤️ (and congrats gabrielbortoleto_ for the championship! 🏆)
show all 132 comments
user why does it sound like she won't stay with prema 😭
→ user tbh it seems unlikely since kimi will probably move up to f2... and ollie will stay with prema too, so idk where she would go
→ user please :( let me stay delusional
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gabrielbortoleto_ congrats on p2! see you again next year
→ yourusername 😉🤩
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user congrats on a great season!! can't wait to keep following you in the future <33
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
redbulljuniorteam you made us proud this season 🫡 let's keep pushing!
→ yourusername thank you!! can't wait to see where 2024 takes us 💙❤️
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user had so much fun meeting you in zandvoort 🥺 hope you have another amazing season 2024!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user is that her and paul in the fourth pic?
→ user no, it's her and dino from when they both ended up on the podium in hungary!
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user she went from posting several pics of paul in her dumps to posting none… 💔
→ user i can't handle being a divorce child 😭
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yourusername happy holidays 🤍🤶❄️🎄
show all 295 comments
user is that OLLIE in the last slide??
→ user byeeee i've never felt more single
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
dinobeganovic_ send me the gingerbread cookies, won't you?
→ yourusername oh we will, don't worry 🥰
→ user WE will ?!??!! 😭
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user kinda icky how she moved on from paul in like a week
→ user it's been months. get over yourself.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
user bearman with a bear plushie 🥺 i'm so soft
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user the matching pjs.... when is it my turn???
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???, FEBRUARY 2024
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117 notes · View notes
desire-mona · 5 months
realising none of u have seen my writing before which is. a good thing probably. anyway i thrive best in letter writing format so here's a letter todd wrote to neil after he took a gun induced nap
(obvious tw for death and suicide and general grief adjacent feelings)
December 20th, 1959
I’ve tried to write this about 7 separate times now, but I feel like I can never get the right combination of words to properly describe how I’m feeling. I don't really know why I’m writing this in the first place, I know you won't be able to read it. I guess I don't need a reason. I don't think I’ll be able to get it right no matter how many times I try, so forgive me if this doesn't make sense.
It's been about 5 days since you killed yourself passed and I still can't confidently say that it feels real. Mr. Keating got fired, Charlie got expelled, Cameron was behind all of it, and I can’t even bring myself to hate him for it. I'm angry, obviously, I’ve never been more furious with anyone in my life, but something in me knows that you wouldn't have hated him either. Things like that have been running through my mind a lot, I find myself operating under what I think you would’ve done, or at least wanted me to do. I hope I’m getting it right. I yelled at Cameron after he ratted us out, and it wasn't like those times before, nobody expected it of me. I like to think you would’ve been proud of me for that.
It's really quiet without you here, in ways that I didn't think I’d notice. You were never all that loud, which I appreciated, but even the small things being gone make me feel like I'm going insane. It's hard getting to sleep without hearing your breathing from across the room. Is that creepy? Sorry. Sometimes I open the window just so I can hear anything but silence. I usually just end up wondering how people can go about their days when someone so important is dead. How are people laughing and enjoying themselves when it feels like my entire world came to a screeching halt? How dare they continue with their lives without even acknowledging how much has changed? That’s about when I close the window, our the room starts to get cold after a while.
I'm trying to stay that more confident version of myself that you were helping me become, I could tell you liked a more outgoing Todd. I think he was buried with you, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to dig him back up. I hope that’s okay, I know how patient you were with me. Thank you for that by the way, you were the first person to give me the time of day when it came to that. It was really special, I wish I had the chance to tell you. There are a lot of things I wish I had the chance to tell you, you were the only person I ever wanted to say things like that to. I'm really sorry that I never did, I realize now that it probably would’ve done you some good to hear it. God only knows how little kindness your father gave you, if I had known how bad it was then I would’ve you deserved better than that. You deserved a lot more than what the world gave you, I think we all do. No amount of sorry’s can fix that.
I miss being near you.
I miss you.
I miss having you around. I’d forgive you if you came back and told us it was all a joke. I wouldn’t be mad at all, I promise.
- Todd Anderson
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riseoftheangstywriter · 5 months
How do you think rise donnie would deal with his s/o starting to call him a tsundere as a term of endearment ?. (Cuz he is a tsundere).
Thank u for the ask!! Here's a little something I wrote on how I think it would play out. Hope you enjoy :))
"You know what y/n?" Leo tells you during one of your many reality tv watching sessions. "Ever since you and Donnie started dating, it's made me realize something... he's such a tsundere, don't you think?"
You turn to look at the slider, head tilting in confusion at the term. "What's a tsundere?"
Within seconds Leo's mouth has dropped considerably. "What?" He pauses the tv. "What do you mean you don't know?!"
As he shakes your shoulders, all you can do is awkwardly smile. "Am I supposed to?"
Leo shakes his head. "I really need to get you into more anime..." He sighs, pulling out his phone. "Don't worry, Leon's got it."
He shoves his phone in your face, and you read the text once your eye's adjust. "A tsundere is a character who switches from being tough and cold towards a love interest into being soft and sweet."
You look at Leo, who's wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows. "See? You can't read that and tell me that isn't describing Donnie."
"I mean, I guess you're right." You hum thoughtfully. "I've never thought about it like that."
Leo's considers your agreement a win, and he grins. "Exactly! I know these things.. it's a twin sense, you feel me?"
You nod, always finding humor in the whole "twin sense" thing when they don't even look remotely alike. They still debated about who was the "older twin" to this day. "Sure."
He nudges you. "Just means you're special, y/n."
His words make you smile. It was relieving to hear that Donnie's brothers thought you were good for him. "Heh. Thanks, Leo."
After your conversation with Leo, you decide to start messing with Donnie a little bit. It starts off harmless, the first time you call him a tsundere, he reacts as expected, extremely confused (and flustered) because how the hell did you know that word?
He suspects its Leo's doing immediately, but you act clueless, skipping off like it was nothing.
Then you do it again, and again, and again. Now, tsundere has been added to the long list of nicknames you have for the soft-shell. It started off as an innocent joke, but honestly, it was very fitting. Besides, you liked the reaction Donnie had every time. You enjoyed catching him by surprise.
Like tonight, as you depart his lab to head home, you whisper into his ear as you kiss his cheek.
"Goodnight, tsundere." You smile when you hear his breath catch, satisfied with yourself as you turn away, light on your feet.
"Y/n, wait."
You look back to see where you left him, sitting in his chair but facing you.
"In the past sixty five days you've called me tsundere a total of twenty eight times."
You weren't expecting that. You cross your arms, interested to see where he was going with this. "Oh, so you've been keeping track?"
He blushes, dismissing your words. "That's not the point. The question is why? Why that word, out of all words? I know Leo taught it to you, so don't even try to deflect."
You think about how to answer, before you settle on the perfect response. You laugh to yourself, smiling.
"I mean, it makes sense right?" You approach him, noticing how he looks you up and down, swallowing. What, was Donnie actually feeling shy? "When I first met you, you were all grumpy and closed off."
You're inches away from him now, and just to show the purpose of your next sentence, you put a finger on his plastron, right over the area that covers his heart. "Who knew I would be the one to peel back those layers to reveal my sweet, lovely partner?"
You knew you had succeeded once Donnie's left a stuttering mess. You've only rendered him speechless a few times, but it never got old.
"If it really bothers you, I'll stop. Promise." You add with sincerity. You had a feeling it didn't, but just to make sure, you say it anyways.
"No." He rushes out immediately. "I-It's fine."
You smile fondly at him. "Good. Well, I should go now."
He nods, but not before he gently takes your wrist and pulls you down, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
For a moment he rests his forehead on yours. "I.... like the nickname. It's cute."
The two of you part, and you can't help but get in one last tease. "Guess you'll be hearing more of it then."
Donnie rolls his eyes, but his tone is dripping with affection as he turns back around in his chair. "Bye y/n."
"Bye Donnie." You're almost out the door before departing with "I love you."
You linger just long enough to hear him say "I love you too."
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arminsumi · 2 years
ok hear me out,,, a part 3 of visiting the bookstore armin works at, i love the way armin is written in it and hes so cute
˗ˏˋ꒰ 📖 ꒱ Bookstore Boy
Armin x fem!reader
Chapter index / Chapter Ⅲ
Overview; you help Armin put away books so he can get off work early for your weekly 'book date', and he mends the tattered one that you buy.
Content; fluff
Notes; Oh!! Thank you for reminding me. I loved writing that one so much! Anyways, I got a bit carried away and made this a fair bit longer. But I hope you like it!
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Armin was scurrying about the bookstore, shelving new second-hand book arrivals with a hum on his lips, when you strolled through the entrance of the store.
"Hi!" You greeted him, trotting to meet him.
"Oh! I — wh — uh hi! — OW!" He cried out, because the book he was trying to put away fell right onto his nose.
You had to laugh a little, "Are you okay?" You asked.
He nodded, "Y-yeah, I'm good." and rubbed his reddened nose. His eyes were a little watery.
You bent down and plucked the fallen book off the floor.
"Here." You said, and handed it to him.
He choked out a thank you, one so small and sweet that you had to smile. What a nervous boy, you thought. He was as nervous as a bird.
Armin composed himself, and then spoke, "You're — uh — you're here early."
"Oh, yeah, well! My boss let me off work early today, so I thought... well, I thought I may as well be early for our date."
"Oh... that's... nice." Armin blinked.
His mind was short-circuiting because of that last word, 'date'. Every Friday since meeting, you two had little writing and reading sessions at the upstairs cafe. But he never thought that you considered it a date... gosh, well now his heart was thumping loudly in his ears.
He went a bit blank, but reanimated himself just before he began staring at you in awkward silence.
"Um, I — well — I'll only get off my work at half-past... I'm sorry to make you wait."
"I could help shelf some!" You offered, nodding to the books in the cart. There were still so many to put away.
"Oh! N-no! No, you don't have to. Trust me, they're, like, really heavy. You'll get a sore back." He refused, swallowing nervously.
"Ah, come on. It'll go faster. And we can give each other backrubs afterwards." You joked.
Armin laughed nervously, "I — um — yeah. Okay." He said, and then did the thing he usually does when flustered; graze his undercut with his fingertips.
"U-um, there's lot of books that reminded me of y- that uh, that I thought you'd enjoy."
"Oh, which ones?" You asked interestedly, leaning closer to peer into the book cart.
Just that subtle increase in proximity between you and him had his heart on fire.
"Ah, there's two more Kerouacs... they're in pretty bad condition... I mean look at this one, it's almost coming apart at the seams." He frowned, picking out one of the books that was wedged in the cart.
"I don't mind! I don't mind at all... books that are falling apart are my favorite."
Armin laughed, "But why? I mean, they're so... annoying, I mean, while you're reading you're also battling to keep the pages from spilling out."
"I guess... but even still. I really like them. I'll just use some sellotape on them." You said, beaming down at the book. You already decided in the back of your mind to buy it.
Armin pulled his shoulders together a bit, and spoke in a shyer voice.
"I can mend that one for you, if you buy it. I mean, I — well — if you are buying it, that is." He offered.
"You can do that for me?!" You gasped, "Oh, I'd appreciate that so much."
Armin relaxed his shoulders, and swallowed sharply. "Yeah! Um, consider it repayment for helping me out..." He said.
"Alright, then let's get to work now, and you can fix my book later." You said excitedly.
And so you two started shelving the books, but Armin had become maladroit at shelving books all of a sudden. His embarrassment would have eaten him up alive if it weren't for your laughter and jokes.
He was dropping book after book, and placing the fantasy genres in the classics aisle. Really, he was all over the place.
After working through the top of the cart, Armin knelt down to take the bottom books out and hand them to you while you put them away. Which, might I add, was a grand feat, considering the shelves were overfilled with books. You had to really wedge them in.
"Hello there..." You smiled down at Umi, whose blue fur tickled your ankle.
Armin had let out a many sneezes because of the dust, but when Umi came he let out such a great sneeze that it scared her and she recoiled as if singed. You let out a big laugh.
"Sorry... the dust always gets to me. And I have a — a — ah — ah —" He nearly sneezed, " — ahllergies."
"Oh, how harrowing, Armin." You jokingly dramatized, meeting his eyes.
He looked up at you with a watery gaze, and blinked a few times to clear out the tears. Whenever you said his name, it had his heart levitating up to the clouds.
The two of you continued shelving books and bantering; you opened a book and hid behind it, and read lines from Shakespeare in a stupid voice to make him laugh.
And when Armin laughed, his grandfather looked over at the two of you. Wow, he hadn't heard him laugh like that in a long time.
You two took much longer than expected to put all the books away, but Armin didn't complain; it just meant he got more time with you, which is all he looked forward to every Friday.
After you bought the tattered book, you told Armin that you'd wait upstairs for him.
He squeaked out an 'okay!' and, as soon as you left, he reported to his grandfather about finishing work.
"Y/n helped me shelve the new arrivals... oh, but I forgot about the banisters..." Armin realized. He was supposed to sand down the wooden banister that Umi had gnawed to oblivion.
"Ah, do it another time." His grandfather dismissed.
"Really!" Armin's eyes glittered, "Thanks, pop!" He said, and quickly tore up the stairs to the cafe.
There was an antique mirror that hung alongside a collection of old war memorabilia and pictures; Armin stopped as soon as he caught his reflection, and grimaced a bit.
His bangs weren't sitting nicely, his night owl eyebags were very pronounced, his shirt collar was askew, and there were even bits of dryer lint clinging onto his sweater.
He didn't want to make you wait, so he very quickly neatened his appearance.
You caught a glimpse of him around the corner. If he knew that you could see him fussing over his hair, he would have died of embarrassment.
From the table you sat at, you watched as he combed down his bangs with his fingers, and then ruffled the tips. Then he frowned and did it again. He even checked his breath.
By the time he weaved through the tables to reach you, you were dissolving in quiet laughter behind your palm.
"What is it?" Armin asked innocently, sitting down in front of you. He dumped his satchel on the floor.
"Nothing... nothing." You waved your hand dismissively.
The golden light flooded the cafe, and there were scents of coffee and cake carrying into your lungs with each inhale. This small cafe was had the most pleasant feeling about it.
He was sat with his hands placed nervously on his knees. You noticed that he looked down a lot when talking, and that his one leg liked to bounce up and down energetically.
But when he drew his gaze up at you, the whole world stopped for a moment; the light at this hour hit his eyes at such a perfect angle that it revealed all the hidden, subtle colors that were swimming in his oceanic irises.
For a moment, Armin seemed too captivated by you to move. Then he suddenly reanimated himself.
"Oh, I forgot... I was going to mend your book." He remembered.
"Oh, right!" You hummed and pulled it out of your bag for him.
And so, for the rest of the evening, he mended the spine of your book and carefully glued the pages back into place.
His fingers were so careful and nimble, like he was handling a baby and not a book. At times, his brows furrowed together and he poked his tongue out in focus.
Laughter rippled down from the cafe loft into the bookstore like little waves, and it just made his grandfather smile up at where you two sat. He could see even from so far away how Armin's whole spirit brightened because of you.
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psihawaii · 18 days
i know nothing about mashup week but i do wanna hear ur thoughts on trans scott
first of all: thank you for indulging me!!
second of all: obligatory LISTEN/READ MASHUP WEEK: MEGAMIX!! ill probably make a separate propaganda post anyway but plsss. mashup tournament that scott won three years ago that he now has to host and interview every1 and i like how he’s written better than most collabs (where hes not just. himself obviously.) write him. host says the tournament is a lot more like wii sports resort now and doesnt elaborate.
third of all: ooooooooookay so. This really got away from me im gonna put the rest under a readmore.
i’m gonna refer to them w/ they/them just for simplicity, but let the record show i don’t think they care that much either way/i switch up pronouns whenever i talk abt stw AHDHDJ (my main hc for a while was no pronouns scott just bc of how the descriptions are written hahahahahaha get itttttttttt)
i’ve Alwaysssss thought scott (the character obvi. do i have to keep clarifying that here too, im always gonna be referring to the character in this postSHDJDJ) was trans ever. since i joined the fandom in late 2021. Partly because borderline forever reminds me a lot of how i realized i was nonbinary (realizing somethings wrong and then course correcting by just… doing the opposite and wondering why that couldnt possibly be the solution.) but mostly because borderline forever is just Like That. . But more on that later
OUTSIDE OF THAT so much of how they act is sosososo deeply trans to me, or at the very least very egg-like and in denial deeply. THE THING that got me deep into stw initially was gifts of gaming because what the fuck man. scott’s very public breakdown because they feel extremely alienated from their peers and that this isn’t an isolated incident!!!!!! (finding other people unrelatable that is (and that’s probably also an autism and/or aroace thing but it can be all of those at once. Smile.) like so often is scott self deprecating abt how nobody cares abt them or their interests or how desperate they are for attention. dude.)
and like. okay so i made an entire nonbinary dysphoria comp already but there are so many. weird throwaway jokes. that aren’t… you know directly about them being trans/dysphoric but about how they hate facial hair or their voice or hated that they couldn’t have ‘girl toys’ growing up or that they shower fully clothed or that they’ll just. roleplay as a girl.
(and i was gonna have a whole bit about… i think you could make some kind of point about how scott ‘roleplays’ as a girl in specifically romantic/flirting contexts (tinder + speed dating) and how that could play jnto their dysphoria, but i also do just think they’re aroace. but there’s something there)
and no matter the intention of the jokes they’re still like. canon. (and i was gonna do a whole thing abt how scott the woz (the show) treats continuity basically being that. jokes + ‘throwaway lines’ establish canon things because they keep being brought back, and that lore is (with few exceptions) consistent. it’s fun. and meaning that these things are (assumedly) things scott thinks/does/how they act even off screen.)
and also i guess if im gonna talk abt trans scott i could At Least dedicate an entire paragraph to borderline forever because holy shit man. Before i rewatched a bunch of episodes this year, i of course had it in my head that borderline forever was totally trans coded but i sorta reasoned that that was my own headcanon clouding my perception and that it wouldnt be that blatant (<in quotes because im sure The Man Himself didnt intend for it to be read this way, but its fun to interpret it as such) but no it really is.
what do u mean theres been an unseen force in your life that’s always been there but you hadn’t noticed until you experienced internalized transphobia talked about something tangentially related, that’s now preventing you from living your life and doing the things you want to do. That isn’t directly harming you, and that other people can’t notice so they dismiss you. What do u mean.
Closing in is literally a song about how they can’t believe they’ve been living their life like this and how they feel like they’re suffocating from the idea of continuing to live like this. They saw the border glow. If you will (sorry.)
The ending of borderline forever is pretty… its… well i guess for me to really have definitive thoughts on it i would have to decide on what i think the allegory is because scott taking the border back serves different purposes for different ones, good and bad. In terms of the trans allegory, I initially considered that it was like him. Accepting transness as part of themselves and learning to live with it and move on from that (effectively transitioning just not. Outwardly (?)). Until my boyfriend (forced to watch every scott the woz lore episode for (for the most part) the first time with me) pointed out n. No it kinda just seems like they can’t imagine themselves as any different/better and thinks This Is As Good As It Gets so they retreat back to their status quo. And like. Huh. Yeah. 100% it’s still affecting them negatively and they hate it but they’re ignoring it now they saved the world and they never have to succumb to the horror of being understood and perceived i mean no one else has to worry abt this ever again.
like… two years ago i wrote a fic about nonbinary scott called Abiura Di Me (it’s never getting finished, i was originally gonna do a little comic to end things off but it felt kind of ehh. the only way i’m finishing it is if i completely start over. which who knows.) and, despite not rlly having this interpretation at the time, i did want to kind of explore scott like that, thinking they’re ‘content’ with their life now and wondering why they still feel unhappy/unfulfilled.
In general scott feels like a character that’s so… rigid and strict with their identity/attributes of themselves in a way that, often, makes them miserable, or at the very least in a way that they’re self deprecating abt like i said b4. (i.e. their virginity, and how it oscillates something they take pride in vs. something that they’re ashamed of (b4 accepting it in barrel blast)(youtuber slash tumblr user prim m, in description of their barrel blast mashup did a rlly interesting lil. few sentences of analysis abt this in particular!!), but is, to them at least, a key part of who they are that they have to keep asserting + how they talk abt themselves liking video games and how, similarly it oscillates between smthn that brings them a lot of joy and again, smthn that they’re ashamed of thats another reason they feel isolated, but is nonetheless. Probably THE defining thing about scott.)
And while this^ feels like a general internalized transphobia thing, it’s probably THE reason i think they’re nonbinary specifically, although i fuck with transfem scott severely. I really like the idea of scott unburdening themselves from any kind of labels and kinda just being happy Existing, it’s essentially what they already want/think they already have just with less expectation put upon them to perform. You could say. Preventing themselves from being put into a box or. Or yknow… some kind of blue borde-[i am killed.]
But anyway to answer your question trans scott is my lifeblood i love them a lot. I like… half joke their egg has been fully cracked now bc of the bits they’re pulling now (mainly. Changing their name in same name, different game and. all of gamer products.) (and side note even though i can glean Transness from any1 of these jokes and that… in a lot of cases scott Is the butt of the joke in them they don’t rlly feel meanspirited most of the time. whether thats bc im in denial ro theres smthn to it thats any1s guess. Tee hee.) i think they’re figuring stuff out and how they want to be perceived and if this is really something they want for themselves (is, but going abt it weirdly/making a joke of it and not taking it seriously (again, goes w the whole self deprecating rigid identity thing!!)
I don’t think scott changes much upon transitioning. Even though i think in the stw universe hrt/gender affirming surgery does… pretty much whatever you want it to and none of what you don’t want (i’m going off the… one ama where he said smthn along the lines of the stw universe is a perfect bubble where nothing bad happens + being able to get treated for murder + how i think scott the real person would think that kinda stuff works AHDNDIJDDJ and also cus i think its funny) i dont think scott would Want to change much physically. But i really like the idea of them keeping dyed blue bits framing their face (get it.) + slightly longer hair. and boobs cause i think thats awesome. personality wise they’re exactly the same and still suck though. But w/o shame and i love them
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harrysrealgf · 8 months
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Warnings:heavy angst, cursing, cheating, brief smut scene (not including y/n) and I think that’s all
“Love do you want to come with me on my next show?” He asked putting down his book for a second.
“Simon would allow that?” You ask out of pure curiosity, also setting down your book.
“I hope.. I just really want you to come this time.” He smiled softly.
“Well whys that?”
“I don’t wanna miss you too much.” He giggled quietly.
“Well I would love to.” You smiled softly.
“Love you.” He gave u a kiss on the cheek. You were blushing and didn’t say anything. Just continued to read your book with a stupid grin.
He nudged your shoulder when he realized you were blushing
“Cmon say it back.” He smiled.
“I love you too H.” You blushed. You guys have been dating for 2 years but you still felt nervous and got so many butterflies around him. Just like when you guys first met.
He smiled and went back to reading his book and e got a text and picked his phone up to look at it.
“Who texted?” He’s never turned his phone so quick.
“Oh.. just Simon.” He smiled while putting his phone down. You believed him , sure. But you couldn’t help but overthink.
“Oh… okay.” You started. You didn’t want to ask but it just came out. “What did he say?”
“Oh.. um I asked him if you could come and he wants heather to come too.” You and heather had a bad past. You were always Harry’s friend, and even while they dated.
“Why’s that?” You tilt your head.
“I dunno.. he’s just always liked her..” he stopped for a second. “Even when we were…” he cleared his throat, “dating.”
“Oh…” you looked down. “Well do you want her to come?”
“I mean.. I don’t mind I guess.” He looked over at you and saw the look on your face. “Oh god. Do you not want her to come? I can tell him no, he might not listen but I can still tell him-“
“No no! It’s fine.” You tried to convince yourself.
“Are you sure? I’ll completely understand if you don’t want her to come.”
“No it’s fine. It’s your last show… it’s a big celebration.”
“Right. Well… I love you.” He smiles.
“Love you too.” You bit your lip anxiously.
The night of the show was a wreck. Not for the band, but potentially for your relationship.
Harry and heather don’t stop talking the whole night. You trusted Harry. You really did, but seeing him cozied up next to the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen, made you think.
“H,” that’s his nickname for you. “You look really good tonight.” If you knew anything about flirting, well… that was it.
“Oh thanks Heather!” He smiled brightly. He doesn’t look at you like that.
He looked over at you, as him and heather were cozied up next to one another, you were sitting on a separate couch.
“Y/n! You look…” he paused and looked you up and down. “Ho-“
“Horrible.” Heather laughed at you.
You just looked away.
“Heather what the hell?” Harry defended.
“What? It’s true!” She rolled her eyes.
“No it’s not. She looks hot.”
“Is it hot in here?” You avoided the conversation. “It’s hot to me.. I’m gonna go get some air.” You got up and left.
“She’s so dramatic.” Heather complained
Harry ignored her. “I should check on her..”
“Harry cmon! She’s just dramatic. I was just joking anyways, she’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure? I mean I don’t want to make her-“
“I’m sure she’s fine H. You want I can check on her for you?”
“Just let me try to apologize.” Heather insisted and harry nodded.
Heather got up and followed you to where you went.
When she got to the patio of the hotel you guys were staying at she stood next to you.
“Listen, I’m not sorry for what I said. But if you don’t go along with what I say to Harry, we’re gonna have bigger problems, k?”
“Gotcha.” You said quietly.
She walked away and went back to the party.
“She didn’t want to come out here.. bummer.” Heather said trying to sound truthful.
“Maybe i should just talk to her-“ Harry attempted to speak but Heather cut him off.
“No she said she wanted to be alone.. so it’s best if you just don’t go.” Harry was a little naive so he believed her.
Some time after, you went to go find Harry and tell him she was going home.. but you couldn’t find him anywhere.
“Hey have you seen Harry?” She asked Louis.
Louis bit his bottom lip anxiously. “Promise me you wont get mad.” You and Louis were like best friends. And you always trusted him with nothing else but the truth.
“…Promise.” You faked a smile.
“I saw him going into a room with Heather and i don’t think they’ve come out for like… 20 minutes? I was trying to come and find you to tell you but i couldn’t find you anywhere.” You stopped breathing for what felt like forever but was literally only .5 seconds.
“W-what room?” He pointed and she muttered out a ‘thank you’ before walking over to the door and listening to what’s behind it.
And you felt sick.
You felt absolutely disgusted.
“Fuck, Harry! Harry oh god.” That was Heathers goddamn voice. Heathers squeaky ass annoying voice. She was pretty that’s for sure, but was she a horrible person? Yes. And did she have an annoying voice? Absolutely.
“Fuck.. Such a good girl Heather..” As soon as you heard harry’s voice you opened the door and they didn’t hear you come in because they were going at it like wild animals on missionary position.
“What. The. Fuck.” You muttered out before Heather looks at her and smirks.
Harry immediately pulled out and looks behind him to see you.
Fear is all you could see in his eyes. He quickly pulled up his boxers and his jeans but before he could finish buttoning his pants, you ran out of the room.
He ran after you shouting your name.
“Love…” He finally caught up to you and touched your shoulder.
“Don’t! Don’t fucking touch me Harry. Don’t fucking call me that. I am not your love. Don’t even look at me.” He grabbed your wrist as you tried to walk off.
“Please just listen to me.” He whimpered
“No! I don’t want to listen to you. I don’t want to talk to you. You disgust me and i’m absolutely sick to my stomach right now so unless you want me to throw up all over you, let go of my wrist.” You knew he had a fear of vomit, so you thought saying that would make him let go. But he didn’t.
“Y/N please it’s not what it looks like…” You rolled your eyes.
“Bullshit. What was it then?” You were absolutely livid. You were so incredibly mad.
“If you weren’t just fucking Heather, then what was just happening?!” You waited for a response but Harrys face looks like he was trying to convince you big foot was real.
“Exactly. Now let go of my wrist.” He slowly let go and muttered out ‘I’m so sorry’
You rolled your eyes once more and remembered Harry drove you here.
“Take me home.” You said staring at the ground.
“What?” He mumbled.
“I said take me home Harry. You drove me here and you take me home.” You waited for a response but he hesitated.
“Or did I cockblock you that bad? You want to go fuck Heather some more? Be my fucking guest i’ll have Louis take me home.” He was still silent as you walked away.
There were tears streaming down your face and you needed Louis.
“Lou..” you whimpered out.
“Darling what happened?” He set his drink down and held your shoulders.
“You know what happened! Fucking Heather… Why does she ruin everything for me?” You sobbed more as Louis pulled you in for a hug.
Louis looked over at Harry and he was sat down across the room looking like a lost puppy. Louis was disappointed Harry could hurt such a sweet girl like you. He was honestly mad at Harry too.
“I can’t do this anymore Lou. I don’t want to be here anymore please take me home.” You had gotten tears all over Louis’ gray shirt.
“Of course.. Let’s go.”
The next day you didn’t want to get up. You just wanted to lay in your bed and rot there.
You got on your phone to see texts from Harry.
H: I didn’t mean it I swear.
H: It was a mistake and I never meant to hurt you.
H: I was drunk.
You: Being drunk doesn’t change your morals Harry. So quit with the excuses and just admit you wanted Heather.
H: I didn’t want her though! All i’ve ever wanted was you!
You: Then why did you fuck her?!
H: I don’t know.
You: Wow okay.
H: Well your not so innocent either.
You: What the hell are you talking about?!
H: Louis! You’ve been cozied up against him since me and you got together!
You: 😂😂
You: That was a joke right?
H: No.
You: He’s my best friend Harry. I can’t believe you would even say that to me.
H: Well he won’t text me back anymore. He’s probably with you right now.
You: He’s not. Stop trying to make yourself look like the victim when i walked in on you and heather going at it like fucking rabid animals!
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lovemesomeagnst · 2 months
THAT BONUS SCENE OH MY GOD???? Thank you lots for @charliedrawsstuffig for granting us the chance to see it and love u lots for it!!
Anyway I have SO much to say???? So spoilers I guess??
First of all, TWIN CENTRIC is something I’d never thought I’d see ever since I’ve long abandoned the idea of ever getting their own book. I’m still pretty sad about that but a whole chapter focused on them is more than what I could have expected so I’m not so upset anymore!!
I think it was so cool to see how the twins bantered with one another without the Magic Misfits around. Like they bantered exactly like I’d imagine them to and their little snark towards one another is so so sooo entertaining to read! I especially loved how they’re kinda sassy with one another and are just so silly and fun!! It’s exactly how I’d imagine them :3
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Also this was killing me HELPPP
They’re so ridiculous but they’re my favourite siblings ever so seeing them with their own actual chapter was so good to see! I loved the fact that this chapter is basically a snippet where they found B.Bosso’s secret box cause I always thought that when they mentioned they had their own box from a treasure seek event it would be like a background mention or some old event that happened at the resort, not an actual chapter focused on it?!
I just found that SO cool cause it’s like those kind of stories where they actually give you a scene to something background that happened in the main series like ahhhhh.
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ALSO THIS IS WILDDDD cause apparently we got to see Dean with sinister intentions already in the SECOND book instead of the fourth.
Makes it sorta interesting to think about how reading the bonus scene first would have changed our perception because I read all the main books first before I knew this bonus scene existed so I read it knowing Dean had deliberately planted them the clues cause he had bad intentions and was Kincaid and whatever, but if I had read the bonus scene in book two FIRST, that would have changed literally EVERYTHING???? The reveal that Dean was Kincaid would still be shocking but him being like an antagonist and on Kilroy’s side wouldn’t be so surprising and we would have been suspicious of him from the start…
Also the twins are so adorable and clever in their own way :33 I love how they discovered the clues and just went around the resort looking. That small scene where they performed for the people at the spa was great and I love how we got to see the twins have silly silly talks like no words can fully describe how excited I am or how my heart is literally AHHHHH.
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Yes they’re actually plenty clever cause even though they joke a lot and aren’t serious sometimes they’re also one of the most observant in the group? I mean there’s been MANY instances in book four and others where the twins would discover or notice something first and it’s just ughhh they’re so underrated you have no idea how much we need this chapter.
Also its SUCH a relief to finally have an official chapter for me to rely on whenever I want to write the twins cause now we have 👏🏽canonically👏🏽accurate👏🏽portrayals for themselves and its so so sooooo good and everything I pictured.
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I love Izzy’s characterisation so much here like it’s so fun to watch how her and Olly literally just add on to each others comments and so on and its so aoshakhsjashjaha ahhhhh. Also Dean is so odd here and knowing the context I don’t trust him around the kids grr.
Also but appreciation to how amazing like the chapter is cause it even has little sections for us to decipher ahhhhh
Anyway mwah mwah fave chapter now! Adding on to reasons why Book 2 is the best and my favourite for REAL.
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samuelroukin · 2 months
hi! not here in favor of you making Actual Books (i don't even read any of the newly published books anymore for reasons and reasons and reasons), just complimenting your work in general
i dont really care for cod at all but i really enjoy how you write the characters!! and tbh the only reason i watched some playthroughs of the games was so i could understand your work better. sure, fandom is the main reason people click in, but it's definitely not why they're staying. and it's not why people are writing paragraphs of praise to your stubborn ass even though you work so hard to never listen to any of it 💖
also id be enchanted to hear more about your ocs on future works or even here on tumblr!! you're great at creating made up people that actually feel real. they're pretty round (funnily enough that is the actual technical term), even when you don't tell us a lot about them
also 👀👀 say you have original stuff in mind?????? i would love love love love love to know more about that!! you're getting pretty darn good at worldbuilding and ambiance. better with each update now that you're trying out this AU thing. it would be infinitely interesting to see what you come up with when working with your own stuff only
anyway what i mean is. even though I don't quite believe in Published Books on this day and age, please know that your writing is definitely good enough for the editorial market (even more so now that those dark romance things are going mainstream and a lot of them read like the stuff 12yos post on wattpad. what tf is the deal with that? but I digress. out of those circles your work is still definitely good enough) it's legit like Good Work, even if the tiny mean bully whispering in your ear disagrees. it's good realism. good introspection. good porn and also good narrative and great junction of those. it's lovely seeing how far you've come in so little time and we're excited to see you reach new heights in the future (because you will, with absolute certainty, unless you stop. but i don't think you could really stop yourself at this point lmao)
and please know that achieving that level of quality with no help or instruction or training in so little time is a grand fucking accomplishment
point is: Who Care? We Care (even if we're not an enormous audience)(...yet?). and not just because it's cod
it's def a nice compliment to get thank u 🙏💖
and so is you reading my stuff without caring much for cod! though i wouldn't be able to write this much about them without (clearly) being completely insane about Them and the basis the games laid (haha laid) because without them i'd be nowhere at all, these characters are so. well they clearly took over my brain lol, though i worry a Lot about them being ooc when i write them 💀
i actually feel like my guys are so barebones and one dimensional rip, which is fine since i mostly created them as little more than a joke and they're just being used as set dressing, so that means a lot 🙏
my Main story is this sprawling urban fantasy thing, which if i ever did write it would need serious adjustments since it's. old and not aged very well. the gist of it was the main character (30 year old barista) has Visions, cue road trip with his bestie (ex bf from high school that he reconnected with years later) to figure out The Deal after they suddenly get much worse. it's about that on the surface, and below about dealing with missed chances and not living up to ur potential. it sounds stupid but i've been Thinking about it since i was like 14 so cringe is to be expected lol
lsklhkjhffghst yeah no offense to them but despite this fic being what it i i wouldn't really want to fall into that category even if that sound like i think i'm better than them (i'm not it's just not my thing. or i guess it is and i just have a superiority complex. anyway) um thank you once again 🥺i def feel like i haven't improved a lot but you're dead on about not being able to stop myself anyway lmao
idk why you're being this nice to me but 💖💖💖
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confuchan · 2 years
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I posted 286 times in 2022
That's 286 more posts than 2021!
24 posts created (8%)
262 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 281 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#svt gifs - 93 posts
#svt pics - 37 posts
#dividers - 32 posts
#random svt post - 22 posts
#tbz gifs - 15 posts
#tbz pics - 15 posts
#random relatable posts - 12 posts
#random misc. posts - 11 posts
#random writing posts - 10 posts
#hope tagged - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#lowkey didnt know it was eric the first like 3 times i saw it in compilations
My Top Posts in 2022:
About Me
Name: Hope (not my real name but has meaning between me & my mom so i went w/ it)
Age: I'm an '01 liner
Fun facts about me:
I love writing✍ & reading📖
Music is everything to me, same as writing & reading is🎼🎶
I have a tendency to be more shy/introverted, mostly around new people...and second guess myself alot (things i say or do)
"I'm a socially awkward social butterfly" ~Kevin Moon🌙
I'm typically very open about everything...idk why but I just am
I have a slight tendency to be oblivious (if I annoy or upset you pls tell me, I don't ever mean to be, I'm genuinely just unaware)
I have a ½Corgi ½Australian-shepherd dog Theo i got as a puppy, & a ½Corgi ½Dachshund dog Coco i got first as an older rescue (maybe I'll post pics eventually)
I'm 5' 10" & I despise it(/j?) bc almost everyone i went to school w/ was always shorter than me. (& yes there were jokes made)
I was born on Christmas Eve so i was called a 'christmas eve baby' growing up by EVERY teacher/grown-up🎄
I like craft stuff & art (only really good @ drawing/charcoal/oil pastels)🎨
First Kpop Group: Got7
Ult Groups atm: The Boyz, Seventeen, Ateez, Stray Kids (I do also have interest in & at one point was more invested in others, ex. NCT, GOT7, TXT, Enhypen, etc.)
Biases / Wreckers in each group: (this is not every group, but the top 15)
TBZ - Kevin, Sunwoo / Q, Jacob, (& Hyunjun)
SVT - Dino, Mingyu, S. Coups / Wonwoo, Hoshi
ATZ - San / Wooyoung, Seonghwa
SKZ - BangChan, Han / Felix, I.N.
NCT - Haechan, Taeyong, Xiaojun, Sungchan / YangYang, Jaemin, Kun, Yuta, Jeno
TXT - Yeonjun / Soobin
Enhypen - Jake, Sunghoon / Jay
Monsta X - I.M, Kihyun / Jooheon, Shownu (& Wonho)
SF9 - Rowoon, Youngbin / Zuho, Jaeyoon, Hwiyoung
GOT7 - Mark, JB / Jinyoung, Youngjae
Astro - Jinjin, Moonbin / Rocky, Eunwoo
Infinite - L, Woohyun / Sungyeol, Dongwoo???
See the full post
4 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Ok...I'm not alright after this edit😣😍
Credit to user in vid (top left)
6 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Tagged By - @/sugarcherriess
Favorite Color - Pink & Blue
Currently Reading - All My Love (j. ww) by @pepperonidk & Sweet Night (k. mg) by @wooahaes
Last Song - T1 x Raiden, The Boyz 'Last Man Standing' or The Boyz 'Christmassy'
Last Series - watching multiple bc they all have new seasons (DC's Stargirl, Kung Fu reboot, All American, DC's Titans)
Last Movie - 20th Century Girl, Enola Holmes 2, The School For Good & Evil
Currently Working On - Svt Dino college au
TBZ Kevin house cleaner(?)/s2f2L au
SVT or TBZ(?) assistant s2f2L au
Tagging - @/twogyuu @/bitchlessdino @/momobani @/biaswreckingfics @/leejungchans @/wooahaes @/pepperonidk
(if you wanna do it but aren’t tagged then consider yourself TAGGED 🫵🏼 and also if u dont wanna then consider yourself untagged 👉🏼👈🏼)
7 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Thanks @/twogyuu for tagging me🤗 I love sharing music w/people too!
Tag game: Put your playlist on shuffle, list 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
1. Flower - Seventeen
2. Trauma - Seventeen (Hip hop unit)
3. Now Or Never - SF9
4. Vicious - Sabrina Carpenter
5. Here Comes Trouble - Neoni
6. Bo Bo Chocolat - Everglow
7. Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
8. Circus - Stray Kids
9. Don't Let Me Down - The Chainsmokers ft. Daya
10. Merry Bad Ending - The Boyz
Still dont really know 10 ppl but let's try anyway...
(if you wanna do it but aren’t tagged then consider yourself TAGGED 🫵🏼 and also if u dont wanna then consider yourself untagged 👉🏼👈🏼)
@/sugarcherriess @/bitchlessdino @/momobani @/leejungchans @/biaswreckingfics @/dontflailmenow @/noempathyy @/wooahaes
17 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Seventeen Recs (updated: dec. 2, 2022)
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Warnings usually left by authors at beginning of each
My warnings just in case (I hope these make sense): ⤵
♨ - contains nsfw in story         🔞 - just nsfw
See the full post
244 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hyunverse · 2 years
omfg i cannot imagine a life without fall. that is so tragic. the rory gilmore vibe is definitely there especially bc i live in nyc so you can really get the fall grasp yk ? YEA can we please talk about changbin in the samsung ad bc holy shit. he’s like. legit perfect. aren’t they all tho like isn’t that why we’re all here in the first place 🤭. i cant get enough of them
100% agree i can’t imagine having a s/o rn. tooooo much work and i’m just not mentally there yet yk 😭 the thought is a lot nicer than the reality of it
i can bet money that you would beat me and that i am far from a bowling prodigy 😔. i have no coordination whatsoever. i’m also extremely short with tiny hands and arms (me and felix are twins) so i’d look an absolute fool LMAO. and it is so cute we do the opposites at the same time but still can communicate like just little humans doing cute little human things on our little phones
cute minho pics 100% made my day better. his little pout i’m distraught <///3. this is my second day w an awful migraine idk what my deal is 💔. i hope your day was good tho and you get some good rest tonight love :)) i read some of your hyunjin stuff again before falling asleep last night and i swear i shed a tear. too much fluff for my sick heart hyunjin just makes me SOFT
- 🐈‍⬛
tragic innit 💔 i sound british ANYWAY. waa u live in nyc? that’s sickkkk. how’s life there like? i only ever see nyc people complain abt the rodents on the streets and random people tryna get u to listen to their mixtape 💀 i hope ure not. . . rodent infested? all jokes pls dont hate me </3 the seungmin kinnie in me popped out for a sec.
changbin’s biceps r so big it gives me the urge to sink my teef in them. go absolutely bonkers with it </3
during my last semester, my roommate had a boyfriend, and she would argue with her boyfriend pretty much everyday so it kind of made me not want one. because imagine finishing your assignments at 1am, and arguing with your boyfriend ‘til 4am? and then having to wake up at 6? i don’t think i can handle that. so many of my friends’ boyfriends ended up being a bit controlling too, not letting them go out and have fun with guy friends. (even with other girls around them!) i feel like at this age, i want the freedom to do anything i want, u get me? a boyfriend would definitely stop that.
it’s ok, i bowl funny too. i’m pretty sure the way i bowl the ball isn’t correct but we r all unique ‼️ who cares if im not swinging my arm right? LMAOO. i have long arms but my hands are tiny so i guess we’re matching at that too 😭 i love felix’s tiny hands. especially when they’re compared with hyune’s like. . . he got hyune looking like a whole gorilla 😟
u are my tiny silly little companion in my tiny silly little phone <3 i’m glad minho made u feel better, i hope your day is better today! i’m sorry to hear about your migraine, my love. have you taken painkillers? drink enough water and do take your meals on time or i will fly to nyc and do it for u. (this is a threat.) my day was so slow LMAO i did absolutely nothing! though i did receive exciting news — got a 4.0 gpa and into the dean’s list!! ‘m overjoyed!! spent the day laying as reward. (thats my excuse for being lazy) thank u for reading my fics hehe. comments like that make me wanna keep going :-) i wanna write a oneshot abt playing with his hair!!!
sending u warm hugs ^__^ with much love frm your rin <3
0 notes
tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hiii can i request tsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo where they’re in a secret relationship and the reader feels like they’re hiding her bc they’re ashamed of her ? like a hurt too comfort type of thing? thank u bb 🥺🥺
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secret relationships w/ atsumu, kenma, oikawa, and kuroo
a/n: i have so many angst requests,, yall must like getting hurt 💀 also this wasn’t as angsty as i thought it was gonna be since im going through writers block yet again and i can not handle pain rn (also not proofread, so read with caution lmao)
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— m. atsumu
it honestly surprised you at first, the way someone like miya atsumu returning your feelings the moment you told him you liked him near the start of the school year
there wasn’t that instant gratification though, knowing that one of inarizaki’s golden boys still felt out of your reach
despite being in a relationship with you, it wasn’t like anyone knew of it besides osamu and your closest friend
of course you didn’t really mind as you’ve always thought couples who were obnoxious with their relationships 24/7 and constantly making out in the hallways wasn’t your cup of tea either, so you get why atsumu wanted to keep it a secret
besides, with a guy so popular like him, you really just thought he was sparing you from the harassment (not that it would be bad if all the girls crushing on him new)
you get that he was just trying to protect you, and yet the more you thought of it, the more than it was simply just an assumption and you really didn’t know why your relationship was kept secret
it wasn’t like either of you would get backlash in any way, so what was the problem?
you weren’t exactly the type to be the most insecure either
sure, you were aware of the flaws you had, but it wasn’t something you were ashamed of as you learned to get used to it
yet it’s hard to fully love yourself when your boyfriend isn’t even comfortable with the fact that no one knows you two are even together
you hated jumping to conclusions, but you couldn’t help but to think the worst case scenario—was he ashamed of being with you?
you honestly thought the idea was impossible
if he was seriously ashamed of the thought of being with you in public, why would he even waste all those months dating? were all those dates and nights sneaking out to see each other for nothing?
it was like this for weeks with the way your own thoughts sabotaged you as you stood next to him during lunch
in moments like this in school, surrounded by your classmates and acquaintances, you and atsumu were only friends who sat next to each other occasionally and shared conversations that only friends would have
only friends
god, you hated the way that atsumu wouldn’t even look at you the way that he would when you two are alone
was he that embarrassed to be with you?
you didn’t want six months of all your hard work and effort of making time to be with him for nothing,, you had to do something about it
everyday, you, atsumu, and osamu would walk to school together with osamu typically walking ahead of you and your boyfriend
most couples would hold hands as they walked together, but atsumu had made it explicitly clear as the closer they get to school the farther they had to be from each other to avoid suspicions
thinking of it now, it sounded wrong to begin with and you had no idea why you even agreed to do such a thing
the school was close, maybe a block away and instead of slowing down your pace to create a gap between you and atsumu, you stubbornly stayed next to him to which he flickered you a weird look
he shrugged it off but the moment you two passed the gates and into campus, you slipped your hand into his
without missing a single beat atsumu immediately pulled his hand away from you with a look on his face that held all the questions running through his head at that very moment
“what are you doing?” he asks, almost in a harsh whisper
a frown melted upon your expression at how quickly he pulled away, almost as if he was disgusted by you. “i um, didn’t know you hated the thought of people seeing us together so badly.”
you didn’t know where all your strength went as it disappeared the moment you needed it the most
yet as you were about to walk away, atsumu tugs at your wrist lightly and pulls you into his embrace—his warmth and comforting scent of chamomile from  saved you from the embarrassment that was tainting your cheeks red
“no, no it’s not that,” he mutters, lips tickling your forehead. “i just wanted to keep you to myself a bit longer.”
— k. kenma
you honestly weren’t surprised at the fact that kenma wanted this relationship to be kept secret
he never seemed like the type to be in a relationship let alone get the attention of being in one in the first place, yet it irked you to the core
it was fine at first; acting like you two were just friends while at school or at volleyball practice and it wasn’t at all weird or out of the ordinary
maybe that’s why you were okay with it in the first few months of your relationship with kenma as you were always near him the majority of the time
yet you constantly had to fight the urge to not be so touchy with him from wanting to hold his hand to leaning your head onto his shoulder—you often had to stop yourself especially in front of your friends and his teammates
you were good at keep secrets, but it was absolute hell not being able to even tell kuroo considering you always hung out with him too (it was a given obviously but you digress)
kuroo is a bit curious in his closest friend’s antics so his constant teases of how you and kenma would be such a cute couple annoyed you to your core
he laughs as if you and kenma being together would be absolutely impossible and wouldn’t happen in a million years, and yet here you two were, pretending to laugh at his jokes and agreeing and it would be, in fact, impossible
as mentioned before, you’re more annoyed at keeping your relationship secret rather than angry
your actions were more abrupt and cold rather than your usual warm self and kenma definitely noticed
despite his usual calm and collected expression that he has on a daily basis, it covered up his own emotions of blatant insecurity and worry that you were losing your feelings and losing them quick
the last thing kenma wanted was for everything that happened between the two of you to be wasted over his own fear of being judged for being with you
you were his first in everything and he certainly wasn’t going to let you become his first heartbreak either
he worried about this for a few days, overthinking while he played video games with kuroo, lev, and yaku that they noticed how quiet he was being over the call
it was then did he impulsively asked kuroo to go on a separate voice channel with him just so he could blurt out, “i’m dating (y/n).”
and to his surprise, all his best friend said was: “yeah, i know. (y/n) told me.”
“what? why?” kenma asked with confusion evident on his visage
“she had no one else to go to vent.” kuroo answers, his amused laugh echoing through kenma’s headphones. “don’t worry, i won’t tell anyone.”
“thanks, but... i think (y/n)’s angry at me and i don’t know what to do.”
“she told me that she was getting tired of keeping your relationship a secret. she asked me if you felt embarrassed or even ashamed of being with her.” he explained.
confusion and a bit of worry washed over kenma as his words suddenly faltered, “i could never be ashamed of being with her,”
“then i guess, you should tell her that.”
“what should i do?”
his best friend lets on a smirk (not that kenma could even see it, anyway), “i’m so glad you asked.”
you weren’t exactly sure what you expecting to be honest
you knew there was something going on between kenma and kuroo as if they were planning something intricate, but you weren’t bothered to even ask
perhaps you were still in that petty mindset of giving kenma the cold shoulder after having to keep your relationship on hold all the time that stopped your curiosity
sure, it was a bit childish, but you were planning on talking about it with kenma the moment he came back into the classroom after going off somewhere with kuroo
which by the way, where the hell were they? lunch was ending soon and you needed to talk to you boyfriend asap
the timing was almost perfect the way the thought of him entered your mind was at the same time as his familiar blonde hair walked back into the classroom with a melon bun and a canned drink in his hand from the vending machine—your favorites
“i noticed you didn’t eat lunch, so i bought you this.” he says, placing them down onto your desk.
“is this supposed to be your way of apologizing to me or something?” you mused at him.
there was a faint smile on kenma’s face when you did. this was your usual self, one that constantly smiled at him rather than deadpanned and cold. “no,” he simple put it. taking in a breath of confidence before pressing his lips on the corner of yours. “but i was hoping that would.”
with wide eyes, your eyes scanned the room to see if anyone noticed, afraid at the fact that you broke the first rule. despite being a blushing mess from a minuscule peck on your cheek, there was an inkling of confusion still evident within you, “why did you do that?”
“kuroo told me everything.”
“i knew that guy couldn’t keep a secret,” you mutter as you tried to ignore that infamous feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. “i don’t think people saw, so they won’t think we’re together—”
“what if i wanted people to know we’re together?” ded asf
— o. tooru
you honestly should’ve known oikawa was going to keep this relationship between the two of you a secret since the moment he confessed his feelings to you
what else could you have expected from aoba johsai’s most popular boy wonder with an actual fanclub full of naive girls
perhaps you’ve become naive yourself considering you dealt with months of having your relationship constantly being swept under the rug, psyching yourself out that he was doing this for your sake
and you understood that
it was the reason why you even agreed to keep your relationship on the downlow considering how annoyingly notorious oikawa’s fangirls were, they wouldn’t have let you see the light of day if they were to find out
if you were in fact being honest, there was a period in time near the beginning of the relationship how cautious you were being—barely talking to oikawa unless it had to do with school, avoiding his gazes during class, and even swallowing your pride by just watching his fangirls flirt with him and there was nothing you could do about it
you honestly had to give yourself a pat on the bat for dealing with six months of this treatment
you figured it wouldn’t be that bad, especially after schools where you and oikawa could finally have alone time to yourselves, but even those times alone with him there was a lingering feeling of tension and unease
the thought of someone from school even finding out of you two being  together even affected your relationship outside of school hours
you were tired of waiting outside the school gates for hours just for him to come out of volleyball practice and apologize that he couldn’t walk you home yet again
you figured that oikawa had grown far to used to seeing you waiting for him all the time that it was practically common sense that he was going to reject you again and again
you had to stop waiting for him at some point, but there was an inkling inside that for once, just for once, he would look at you with a smile so sweet that he would finally go with you
but not once has it happened
was he really that afraid of people finding out of his relationship with you that he’s willing to disregard all your hard work to even make this thing (whatever is was) to even happen?
if you were truly being honest with yourself, the only reason why this relationship is still up and active for this long is all because of you
you’re the one always asking him when he’s available during the weekends so you two could finally see each other, you’re the one always texting him first, you’re the one always being the most understanding of the situation
and yet it’s almost like oikawa isn’t even batting an eye at how difficult it has been for you
you absolutely hated jumping to conclusions and thinking of the worst case scenario and yet here you were, suddenly drowning at the possibility that the only reason why oikawa wanted a secret relationship was because he was ashamed to be with you
it was a thought that kept you up at night, tainting your optimistic thoughts of hope that this relationship would actually work out to decimate into thin air
the more is simmered in your head, the worse it became—what if his feelings that he confessed to you was a lie?
you hated overthinking
but if you really thought about it, even before you and oikawa dated, neither of you two were close. just two acquaintances in the same class that occasionally shared answers with each other just by the convenience of sitting nearby
you even went as far as believing that him dating you was just a joke, that this whole goddamn relationship was just some mindless prank just because he was bored
six months of wasted time. you were over it
the next day at school, you didn’t even look at him, you didn’t smile or even acknowledge the way he said good morning to you (as a friend does)
you figured he’s probably too dense to even notice, but he did. the usual glow you had each morning when you said good morning back to him was gone
he already missed the way your gazes would meet and how he would constantly find himself lost in your irises, but now you couldn’t even look at him in the eye
the only person who’s aware that you and oikawa were dating was iwaizumi. it was a given as who else would oikawa ramble on and on and on about how pretty you looked or how smart you are if it wasn’t his best friend?
if anything, iwa was the only guy oikawa could complain about how you were ignoring him
“maybe she’s bored of you for once,” iwaizumi cuts straight to the point. there was really no point in beating around the bush
offense was written all over oikawa’s face, utterly surprised, “how could she?”
“you can’t keep your relationship with her a secret forever, you know.” his best friend goes on to explain, “with the way things are going with you two acting like you’re nothing but acquaintances, (y/n)’s bound to lose her feelings.”
“but i don’t want her to lose feelings for me! and it’s not like i can suddenly tell all my fangirls that i’m dating someone, they’ll freak!” whines oikawa.
“why do you care about your fangirls’ feelings more than your own girlfriend? seems to me, it doesn’t even look like you care about (y/n) at all the way she’s constantly waiting for you after practice only to be rejected.”
it’s obvious iwaizumi wasn’t here to sugarcoat
“i just don’t want them to harass (y/n)...” oikawa reasons, trying to ignore the way his heart drop at iwa’s words like a gripping poison
“then that’s your job to tell those girls to back off.” he suggests, “they literally treat you like a god, surely they’ll listen if you tell them to leave her alone.”
the following day, you came across oikawa waiting outside your door, dressed in his uniform with his gaze lingering about to occupying his attention
“what are you doing here?” you ask him as you close your front door behind you. he’s probably here to break up with you, you thought to yourself
you had to force yourself to ignore the way your heart dropped at your own self-destructive thoughts
taking a deep breath as you approached him, you readied yourself for harsh news to come your way
but it never did
instead, you were greeted by oikawa’s infamous smile that made everyone at school to fall in love with this guy (including you)
he takes your hand into his, intertwining his calloused fingers that dwarfed yours in size. you don’t remember the last time you held oikawa’s hand, but it felt so familiar and warm
it was like home
you couldn’t help but feeling the ends of your lips tugging into a smile as you looked up at him, “what if someone at school sees us?”
you were expecting some kind of excuse, but all he did was shrug. “who cares?”
— k. tetsurou
when you and kuroo started going out, you certainly wasn’t expecting it to be like this
if anything, ‘going out’ would be a stretch if you count late night dates and sneaking out at midnight just to see each other as dating
it certainly wasn’t your usual definition of dating either as you yearned greatly to be able to do normal couple things with your boyfriend—like actually going out on dates during the day, eating lunch together, hell, even just holding hands!
it almost seemed laughable how normal things done in relationships were something you never even experienced with kuroo even after a few months of being together all due to him wanting to keep the relationship a secret
and if you were truly being honest with yourself, you never really understood why he wanted to keep it on the downlow in the first place
you never really questioned it as you just that much of an understanding person, but at a certain point it just wasn’t adding up
it wasn’t like he had girls going after him 24/7 despite being at the top of his class, popular, and nekoma’s volleyball captain
it wasn’t like oikawa who had an actual problem with hoards of girls surrounding him and tracking his ever move, so what was the big deal of letting your relationship public?
it was then did it hit you
the suddenly downpour of insecurity within your own loving boyfriend that you trust so much was getting the best of you
“what if he’s embarrassed to even be with me?” you contemplated in a harsh whisper to your best friend
it was in the middle of lunch and you two were sitting alone on a bench in the school’s courtyard chatting while eating—well, more like overthinking in your case while you friend just sat there and nodded
“if he actually felt that way, then he would’ve broken up with you already.” your friend stated in between bites, “besides, if i didn’t have feelings for someone, i wouldn’t put in the effort to sneak out just to see them.”
you hummed, not sure what to say as she did have a point
but could you really blame yourself for wanting an actual relationship rather than one that’s forced to go unnoticed?
“i should talk to kuroo about it...” you sigh out.
“talk to me about what?” an oh-so-familiar voice calls out to you and your friend
kuroo’s figure approaches the two of you as he give you a curt smile with hidden meanings that you weren’t able to even notice. you were too caught up in your own meddling thoughts that you also didn’t notice the way kuroo frowned slightly at the way you avoided eye contact with him
“nothing,” was all you said before standing up and throwing your trash away. “lunch is almost over so we should all get to class.” was all you said before briskly walking away
kuroo’s brows furrow in confusion as he looks over to your friend, “what’s up with (y/n)?”
“she thinks you’re too embarrassed to be with her, that’s why you hide your relationship.” she cuts straight to the point (homegirl just wants to eat her lunch in peace ffs)
“what?” your boyfriend huffs out in shock, almost offended at the fact that you out of all people would believe such a thing. “why does she think that?”
your friends shrugs, “not sure. that’s something you should be asking her, but if it were me, i would want a normal relationship as well.”
kuroo doesn’t say another word before walking away. and yet his walk quickened so he could catch up to you before you could get to class, footsteps echoing through the hallway in patters as he sees your familiar figure near your classroom 
“(y/n)!” he calls out to you as you slide the classroom’s door open. it was sure to catch the attention of the rest of the students already in the classroom as you turn towards him, brows furrowed in the same confusion
as he neared you, there was almost no sign in him stopping, sending your heart beating in a frenzy as you parted your lips to tell him to slow down
but before a single syllable could even fall from your lips, your boyfriend’s own pair press against yours harshly. it was sweet like caramel and you swore everything moved in a slow motion when you suddenly realized where you two were
he stole your breath away when he pulled apart from you, eyes immediately scanning the room of his own classmates staring at him in awe
“since when were you two dating?” matsukawa asked rather loudly, it seemed that others were interested in knowing as well.
panic suddenly coursed through you as you gave kuroo a look, gravely ignoring the way yoru heart was thumping against your chest and the dozens of unanswered questions running through your head
“w-we’re not actually dati—”
“we’ve been together for a few months actually.” kuroo cuts you off, sending you a wink before entering the classroom
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whiskersz · 3 years
hiiiii (*´︶`*)ฅ♡ wonderful writing ! could we maybe have some hcs/a scenario of a Madeleine Cookie and a reader who struggles with insomnia/constant exhaustion ? thank u !
hello! i'm glad you like my writing! here you go, I don't know much about Madeleine so he might be a little ooc but i don't think there's much content of him anyways? so this is my interpretation ;' enjoy!
Madeleine x Reader with insomnia/exhaustion
Exhausted, that's the word you felt like was most appropriate to describe how you had been feeling for days on end; as Madeleine's right hand man, your duties had always been taxing, if not a bit repetitive, and struggling with insomnia didn't help you get them done quickly.
But lately it had been especially hard to focus on them because of how late you were falling asleep, and how early you would wake up to make sure everything was in order, retreating only once the sun was completely set.
Madeleine, as the caring and attentive partner he had always been, hadn't failed to notice the bags under your eyes getting bigger and your tired voice and body language; trying to get you to go to bed earlier, even if you were just going to lie there for hours, didn't seem to work, and always ended up in you insisting that it was all useless and you would've preferred to get something done instead of staring at the ceiling until sunrise.
So on one particularly rainy day of that week, he decided to give everyone a day off from training which meant that both of you would've been free to relax until the next day.
He sighed when you still went to open your wardrobe, trying to decide on an outfit to wear. Your fatigued eyes scanned the clothes for what felt like an eternity to him, until you settled for a cream colored blouse and high waisted pants;
"That's an overly formal outfit for what's supposed to be our day off."
He joked, but you just rolled your eyes.
"Why even take today off? Because of the rain?"
He shrugged, cuddling into your shared bed's warm blanket. You shook your head at him and began changing out of your night clothes.
"Wait- the rain's not the only reason, I…"
He trailed off.
"…I wanted us to be able to relax and spend some time together for once… since I've noticed how tired you are, so don't bother wearing anything fancy, just come back to bed."
You felt your cheeks grow warmer at his words, which somehow managed to remind you of the pains you had been getting since you stopped even trying to fall asleep at a decent hour.
You thought of how nice it would've been to fall asleep and then wake up into your lover's strong arms, well rested and ready to go.
And plus, you hadn't failed to notice how he started staring at you with his puppy dog eyes, typical of when he really wanted or needed something from you.
"…Ugh, I guess I'll try, just for you." You smiled and threw your clothes back into the wardrobe, climbing back into bed right afterwards.
Madeleine beamed, wrapping his arms around the small of your back and bringing you closer to his chest; you could feel him smiling when he kissed the top of your head.
His familiar scent and the sound of the rain softly hitting the windows were definitely helping you relax, and your eyelids started getting heavier.
When Madeleine noticed, he sighed contently and began whispering anything that came to his mind to you; he remembered you telling him that his voice had helped you fall asleep faster in the past.
"Do we even really need to work until late at night…? Maybe we get tired from it easily now because we're getting old."
"Oh shut up… you're old."
You lightly pinched his side, which elicited a laugh from him.
"Don't you dare start a tickle fight right now."
"Hmm…maybe not now…but be prepared."
You both went on jokingly bickering and whispering to each other, until Madeleine could see you clearly struggling to stay awake. Your eyes were barely open and your responses had been reduced to simple hums or nods; so he yawned and cuddled closer to you, if it was even possible.
"We should sleep now, don't you think?"
He chuckled and started playing with your hair until you drifted off, which was when he allowed himself to do the same.
You heard a sound, not really registering where it was coming from at first, nor who was making it. With your dreams still replaying in your head, you rolled over and opened your eyes, just to find out that the other side of your shared bed was empty.
You sat up and looked around in search of your boyfriend, who came running in your room shortly after, holding a tray with food and a glass of water.
"Rise and shine! Did you sleep well? Sorry I left you in bed all alone," he handed you the tray and kissed your forehead, "I wanted to make you something to eat."
"Thank you, you really didn't need to though," you smiled at the way he decorated your plate, "What time is it?"
"It's around two in the afternoon." He climbed back into bed and snuggled on your side.
"And it hasn't stopped raining yet?"
"No, looks like this was meant to be a lazy day."
You enjoyed your meal while listening to Madeleine brag about his cooking skill; though you couldn't blame him, he really was a good cook and you loved it when he made something for you.
For the first time in a while, you noticed you actually felt well rested enough, and it was all thanks to Madeleine, who happily obliged when you asked him to put his head on your lap so you could play with his hair -returning the favor, since he had done that for you earlier- while you read a book you had recently gotten for yourself, but hadn't had the time to read. 
Now you could finally relax with your boyfriend without your eyelids constantly feeling heavy, at least for a day. 
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jschllatt · 3 years
𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭
Prompt: HIIIIIII i hope you are doing well !!!! i love your writing sm and would like to make a request !!!! i would love something in which schlatt n reader are both streamers/youtubers and have been friends for a while but they both like eachother and dont wanna ruin it ? and one of them finally makes a “first move” after like yearsss of being friends ?! sorry it’s not super specific but :( it can be any length of your choosing, whatever you feel up to writing !!! thank you and u are da best !!!!!
Warnings: Swears
Words: 1229
Not too sure if I like this one so feedback is much appreciated :)
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You had a big problem. 
It was the type of problem that nagged at your brain all day, reminding you of your predicament even when you tried to ignore it. It dominated your focus, making it difficult to even think properly no matter what you did. What exactly was your problem? The answer was rather simple: you had fallen for your best friend, Schlatt. After years of friendship, you found it difficult to keep your feelings strictly platonic—Schlatt was simply too charismatic, too funny, too attractive. It seemed as though your feelings had hit you like a truck, and they only deepened as time progressed. You debated confronting your feelings head on by confessing your love to Schlatt, though you feared its outcome. He definitely didn’t like you back—not in that way. You two had been friends for years and you were going to ruin it just because you had caught feelings for him? No way. 
And so, you avoided your problem until it got out of hand. 
It was around two a.m. when you started streaming, your bright room a stark contrast to the darkness outside. You hadn’t streamed in a few days and decided that there was no better time to do so—you weren’t even close to being tired and you figured a majority of your streamer friends were still online, anyways. 
“Oh, Schlatt’s awake.” You observed quietly once you opened discord, noticing the green dot displayed next to his icon. You tried to hide your excitement as you messaged your best friend, a small smile on your face as you typed, hi schlatt <3. Seconds later, a ping signalled his reply, to which you laughed at as it read, fuck off. That was expected. You were just about to respond before your phone began to ring. Looking down, you saw Schlatt’s contact lighting up your screen. Feigning annoyance, you asked your chat rhetorically, “Oh God, what does he want?”
Answering the call, you tried to keep your expression neutral as you were met with Schlatt’s stoic expression. He remained silent for a few seconds and you interrupted the quietness by saying, “Hello?” He continued to ignore you, staring at the screen blankly, and you were just about to speak again before he yelled, “Go to sleep.” 
“Only if you come here and make me.” You replied somewhat flirtatiously, instantly regretting it—you feared what your chat would look like when you dared to glance at it. “Okay.” Schlatt chirped, then hung up. Chuckling softly, you rolled your eyes, muttering to your chat about how annoying he was. You couldn’t help but smile, however, once you realized that was Schlatt’s way of showing he cared—it wasn’t the most straightforward way of doing so, but you recognized his intentions nevertheless. You tried to conceal your adoration by changing the subject, talking to your chat about random things. A lot of your viewers had chastised you for being up so late, but you assured them that it was common for those who streamed for a living to rely on two hours of sleep. Time passed, and your chat began to flood with surprised exclamations, all regarding Schlatt—had he joined your stream? Your question was answered just moments later. 
On my way.
“Real funny, Schlatt.” You deadpanned, rolling your eyes at the dono displayed across your monitor.
It was quiet once again. Your chat had eventually become interested, for the most part, in your new content rather than Schlatt’s presence, which you were grateful for—you couldn’t bear to think about the man any longer without letting your mind wander. Did he really care about you or was he just trying to be funny? Even though the two of you had been best friends for years, he was quite difficult to read. It wasn’t often that he was serious with you. Sure, the two of you had your fair share of deep conversations, but Schlatt had always found a way to be sarcastic or humorous in most situations. 
Sighing, you tried to focus on your stream. Minutes passed, and your viewers could tell that you were off. They interpreted it as you being tired, to which you used as an excuse to end stream. “I’m sorry, guys, I am tired. I guess Schlatt was right.” You chuckled halfheartedly, hoping your viewers couldn’t sense your disappointment as you mentioned your best friend’s name. Luckily, they didn’t, and you were quick to end your stream with a dejected sigh. Snap out of it, he’s your best friend—nothing more. You found it hard to listen to your thoughts, and plopped down unceremoniously onto your bed, frowning. Why did you have to catch feelings for him? You shut your eyes and tried to push your thoughts away, focusing on the sound of gentle breeze that swept through your window. The night was rather warm and its gentleness offered you solace. However, after a few minutes of peace, your tranquility was interrupted by a knock at the door. You felt panic arise in your chest, startled by the sudden noise. It was nearly three in the morning, who in the world could have possibly been at your house?
As you looked through the peephole in your door, you observed your best friend standing on your front steps, his expression one of amusement.
Shit. He was really here? He wasn’t joking?
Ignoring the onslaught of anxious thoughts that flooded your mind, you swung the front door open. “What are you doing here?” You asked quietly, confused as you met his eyes. He smirked at you proudly before chuckling, “I told you to go to sleep, you said to come here and make you. Here I am.” You looked at your best friend incredulously, shocked that he took your words so seriously. “I-I was kidding, I didn’t think you’d-”
“Yeah, yeah, well it’s too late now.” Dumbfounded, you stared at Schlatt in response, gesturing for him to come in once you gained your composure. Schlatt towered over you once he entered your house, a smug look on his face as he observed your shocked self. “What? Surprised I can actually keep a promise?” You huffed in response, crossing your arms as you raised an eyebrow at him, “Yes.” Schlatt snickered and plopped down onto the couch, looking around your living room. “Nice place you got here.”
“You’ve been here before, idiot.” You countered, sitting down beside him with pursed lips. The rapid beat of your heart was not helping your case as you tried to remain calm, sitting so close to Schlatt that your knees were touching. The two of you sat in an awkward silence and you glanced over at your best friend curiously. Instantly, he met your gaze, staring at you with a ghost of a smile. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips briefly, and you noticed Schlatt do the same, taking in your appearance with adoring eyes. Soon enough, you both had leaned in until your faces were inches away, practically sharing the same breath as you continued to stare at each other shamelessly. You were about to close the gap between the two of you before Schlatt mumbled smugly, “Go to sleep.” 
Leaning impossibly closer toward his lips, you grabbed a hold of his sweatshirt, tugging his body into yours as you countered, “Just shut up and kiss me, idiot.”
Tags: @ialexabsuniverse @esylwen @quack42069 @mayberii @dreamiewrites @moonamor @kalliblast @forbidden-sin-bin
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