#anyways: tfw you put so much effort into a part of a drawing that ends up gettng obscured anyways 😭
sundial-bee-scribbles ¡ 2 years
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happy families 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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floralmotif ¡ 8 years
S6 parallels in s12 again (some thoughts on 12.10)
I had a slightly unnerving thought while I was re-watching 12.10 that I haven’t seen anyone talk about. Maybe I’m just seeing things. Maybe my memory is being terrible again. Remember how s12 is a parallel to s6?  Well... I think I found at least part of the “wall break” parallel. The weird part is, I don’t think it ends here. There be super spoilers of 12.10 ahead, so I’ll stick the rest of this long post in the Below Place.
Jeez, this episode is dense *rubs eyes* So from the Midpoint, we learn that Lily’s daughter was human and that Ishim used the garrison to enact his twisted jealousy revenge as opposed to carrying out a nephilum kill as Cas was lead to believe it was. From Lily’s flashback we also learn the following about Lily’s relationship with Ishim: Lily found a way to summon an angel Lily put the angel (Ishim) on a pedestal and saw him as perfect But he was really a “monster” Ishim shared angel magic and secrets with Lily for her own purposes At some point Ishim betrayed Lily’s trust and she asked Akibel to protect her Ishim assigns love as his feeling towards Lily She assigns obsession Ishim believes Lily betrayed him with Akibel and kills him Ishim doesn’t kill Lily for her “betrayal” but instead kills her daughter to break her heart as he believes she broke his. Sound familiar? Dean found a way to summon an angel Dean put that angel (Cas) on a pedestal Dean learns Cas is not perfect. He’s a powerful supernatural being with flaws and ambitions. He’s also been called “monster” in the show. Specifically by Claire. Cas teaches Dean and Sam the ways of angels and warding for their purposes Cas betrays Dean and Sam’s loyalty by going behind their back with Crowley Cas may have felt he was feeling love or maybe not. It’s hard to tell back then but it may have been more akin to obsession with Dean. That’s kind of what’s implied here, anyway. Cas believes Dean betrayed him by not helping him with Raphael Their confrontation even kind of looks like and sounds like some of the confrontations Dean and Cas had in s6. Cas doesn’t kill Dean and Sam for their betrayal, but he does break Sam’s(closest thing we’ve got to Dean’s kid) wall to break Dean and slow their progress. So in this, I have a few thoughts: Who is Akibel represented as and will his mirror play some part later? Was he just an illustration of a “so called betrayal” that was easy to produce on screen and didn’t require much buildup? Probably. Why this specific mirror? I think they’re trying to highlight the difference between past Cas and current Cas. “When did you become so gooey?” Ishim throws around a lot of words that imply Cas used to be more like him throughout the episode. It also further highlights that Cas has always been a bit different. He didn’t kill Sam, he did something terrible to him, but he didn’t kill him. This whole bit also highlights the relationship between Cas and Dean and Cas and Sam being different, especially back then. He specifically targeted Sam to get to Dean and not the other way around. Lily losing her soul also draws attention to that arc in season 6. Whether it was intended as a setup, a mirror for Sam or just as a reminder to the arc, I’m not completely sure.  A lot of this episode is about Cas’ decisions and how he makes them as well as how Dean reacts to them as opposed to how he used to. At the end of the episode they both sort of learn a lesson. A lesson they’ve kind of learned before but is drawn attention to here. At the beginning of the episode and also in S6, Cas believes that some sacrifices must be made for the greater good. At the end of the episode, he says that some of his decisions need questioning and highlights this at the BM scene by saying that before, he would’t have hesitated to kill Kelly, but now instead decides to drink and try and find a better way. I’m guessing his decision to kill Billy is gonna be a pretty hefty weight but I don’t think it will lead to Cas’ death. A lot of this show is about literally flipping the script, so no walking into a pool of death this time, I hope. Dean learns to use his words more, something that was harder for him to do before considering the circumstances. Main characters who change for the better tend to live in shows because the opposite speaks ill of the audience unless it’s the last episode(depending on setup). “You know all that effort you put into becoming a better person? Whelp, it killed you” Yeah, that doesn’t usually fly in TV shows unless it was setup all along(Which it hasn’t been in SPN since S7). Movies can get away with it, but it requires a specific setup and usually involves a character that was perceived as a villain. It’s called “redemption equals death” and I hate it. It’s generally used when a character’s purpose in the story was to be an antagonist, so when they’re redeemed, the story has no where for them to go, so they die. Cas is not framed this way. Cas is framed as one of the heroes even if he doesn’t always act like one. It’s the nature of heroes to be hypocritical anyway. Dean and Sam don’t exactly have a stellar track record but we follow them around and cheer them on anyway. Because they are literally our humanity surrogates. This is also why if they end the show in death for TFW, I may hate them a little. As I’ve said before: “SPN, you are allowed to be sad, you are not allowed to be pointless.” A couple of other things: Cas’ 1901 vessel said that “nephilim grow into their powers” and was followed up with “worlds die” Uh... on what other worlds are their nephilim? New headcanon: All other habitable worlds in the universe are basically just tests for Earth or were created afterward as wherever Chuck goes to. This would at least kind of explain why the universe gives so much of a shit about what people on a tiny spec do. Ishim says to Cas that he’s gonna cut out his humanity the same way he cut out his by killing Dean. Which sounds awesome if you’re a destiel shipper like me, but then I realized that Ishim didn’t kill Lily. He killed her daughter and Akibel. How was he cutting out his humanity? Did he have a connection to May? Wouldn’t that make Sam his humanity if we wanna be all mirrory? I must be missing something.  With this in an episode like this, it makes me wonder how they’ll bring back the rest of the “Breaks Sam’s wall” bit. What will happen in Sam’s head? What will be Sam’s head? In s6, his headspace is a deciduous forest as it usually is. Kind of like Purgatory really. What will Sam have to accept? What will be our metaphor for hell this time? What will be broken?
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