#anywho back to bg3 i go
froganni · 4 months
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Bard Scar for @plumadot 's dnd au! :D I think his design is really pretty!! I started playing a bard on bg3 so the effects are inspired from there.
Reblogs appreciated! (Click for better quality!)
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
astarion event(???) under the cut [not story spoilers js character romance spoilers idk] and also nsft???? (im bad at tagging this stuff im srry idk what should and shouldnt be tagged nsft but its just the last ss 😵‍💫)
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this entire sequence had my blushin and shit like i was rlly convinced he wouldn't continue AND HE DID. HE RLLY DID- the ruin me line is CRAZY
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AND THE I LOVE YOU........ gn
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not the full portfolio of talents I CANT- thats the funniest analogy for
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So I'm not done lol I wanna rant about how all the god shit in BG3 is connected! Spoilers under the cut...
To preface: all dates are listed in DR, or Dale Reckoning, which is the most commonly used dating of years in Forgotten Realms lore, established with 1 at the signing of the Dale's Compact, creating peace between the elves of Cormanthyr and the human+ civilizations of the Dalelands (notable to current discussions, as Elminster Aumar is equally well known as the Sage of Shadowdale, one such dale in the Dalelands).
So Shadowheart's arc highlights the tug of war between Shar and Selune, but Shar and Selune are ALSO the progenitors of a lot of the other deities INCLUDING the OG Mystryl, born when Selune tore a part of her essence & threw it at Shar during their initial war post-sun creation, wounding them both & casting Shar into the void for a while. Mystryl was that piece of magic torn from Selune and having grabbed up a piece of Shar's as well when she hit, a blending of light and dark.
Mystryl then much later gave her life to save the world during Karsus's Folly in -339 DR. That's how Karsus fucked up magic so bad and so permanently. He almost DESTROYED the Weave, because Mystryl - and in future, Mystra - IS the Weave! And she died - thus also killing him, as she was inside him at the time - to preserve the Weave when he tried to steal some measure of her power!
*And Gale knew this*, knew much of it anyway. How could he not, with his own research that led him to the Orb? And his relationship with Mystra? And friendship with Elminster?
Anywho, Mystryl took time to reincarnate herself using a young peasant girl as her vessel, she then chose to go by the name Mystra instead of Mystryl. Once in this vessel she regained control of the Weave, bringing magic back to Toril (the planet Faerun, a continent, is on), which had been chaotic & largely depowered. After Karsus, she became much more strict/ Lawful in her decrees around magic, banning mortals from using any magic above 9th level spells (Karsus's Folly involved at least one 10th or 11th 12th level spell iirc).
Later, during the period known as the Time of Troubles, which began when Bane & Myrkul (two of the Dead Three) tried to steal the Tablets of Fate from Ao (the Overgod that most mortals don't even know exists). Ao then locked the deities into the Material Plane, forcing them to walk among their followers on Toril. Mystra at one point defied Ao's order, attempting to return to the heavens, and was killed by Helm, who had been tasked by Ao with protecting the gates and ensuring none of the gods disobeyed him. (Good job, Mystra.)
Also during the Time of Troubles the Dead Three got their name in truth, as Myrkul, Bane, and Bhaal were killed (as were several other gods, some of whom Ao chose to resurrect as they perished while fulfilling the obligations of their portfolios, like Torm). The Time of Troubles is also when Bhaal was seeding his Bhaalspawn - including Sarevok Anchev - in the world (the results of which gave us Baldur's Gates 1 and 2).
Anyway, as previously established, Mystra IS the Weave, so killing her fucked magic up again, unleashing the Spellplague (hello 4e D&D and your reduced pantheon & reduced magic). Ao selected several mortals to either ascend into vacated portfolios or rewarded mortals for killing gods who needed killing; Cyric was a mortal who killed Bane, while helping to retrieve the Tablets of Fate for Ao, for example of one such occurrence, who fwiw was the adventuring companion of two other mortals chosen for godhood, Kelemvor and Midnight. Kelemvor took on a portfolio of the dead, and Midnight was who Ao picked to take on Mystra's role and she chose to take on Mystra's name as well. This happened in 1358 DR, and when the Tablets were returned to Ao, he ground them to powder so they'd never be at risk again. This however fucked up the natural laws of Realmspace, which began to unravel, beginning the Era of Upheaval. The Era of Upheavel lasted from its beginning in 1358 DR (BG1 takes place in 1368 & BG2 takes place shortly after) through the Second Sundering (though most mortals only know of it as the Sundering, since the First Sundering happened even before Karsus's Folly by millenia, in -17,600 DR, in the time of elves) which took from about 1482 through 1487 DR. (The Second Sundering and its associated tie in novel series - very good! - brings us from 4e into 5e D&D, in ttrpg terms.) Baldur's Gate 3 takes place in 1492 DR, starting in the equivalent earth month to August, late August specifically.
Considering that Midnight took on the mantle of Mystra in 1358, I'm pretty sure Gale has only dealt with *her*, while Elminster has served Mystra - including being her lover and raising 3 of her 7 daughters - for 1300 years by BG3, which would include both previous incarnations of Mystryl/Mystra.
So in summary, the gods are all Like That, even the ones who used to be mortals (and I'm pretty sure Gale doesn't know his Mystra used to be a mortal, or that any other gods were either, based on dialogue after you get the Tome of Karsus in Act 3).
All the delicious BG3 god machinations are connected and have been for centuries if not eons. The Dead Three like to cause problems on purpose, Shar and Selune are sisters & also kind of contentiously divorced parents who can't play nice & use the kids to fight. Even the Lathander stuff at the gith creche is kind of connected, since the kick off of the big war between Shar & Selune was the creation of the sun to give their first child, Chauntea, the og earth/nature deity, warmth. Lathander (& Amaunator, rip) is the deity of the dawn/sun, among other things, and Silvanus (hello deity of the Druids in Act 1 & Halsin) is the wild nature counterpart to Chauntea's now largely agricultural portfolio. Chauntea has been known to have romantic connections with Lathander, as well. Zariel too - hello Wyll & Karlach's storylines - is connected, because before her fall into Avernus where she became an Archdevil in service to Asmodeus, she USED to be a solar (most powerful type of angel/celestial) in the service of Lathander.
If you've gotten this far, thank you for listening to my lore dump lol. I hope it enriches your experience of BG3 & the Forgotten Realms!
Post-Script: if you're left wondering how the unraveling of the laws of Realmspace got fixed, the Second Sundering began when Ao decided to recreate the Tablets of Fate to fix what he'd broken vis a vis the chaos of the Realmspace.
Additional fun fact: of the 3 of Mystra's 7 total daughters that Elminster raised, Storm Silverhand - renowned High Harper of the Dalelands - was one, and often also traveled with him as an adventuring companion as an adult through the centuries. Another is Laeral Silverhand, current Open Lord of Waterdeep, that big ol' city Gale is from that's right up the coast from Baldur's Gate.
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coffee-or-murder · 1 month
So AWHILE ago now a buddy asked:
“If you were to build a BG3-esque game using only your own OC’s (with the option of a custom protag) who would you use? (bonus points: recruitment order and/or notes about those who refuse to work together) ((bonus bonus points: include the personal questline for each character))” So because that’s the first thing I read when I woke up, my brain has latched onto it like a cat who found a hotdog on the counter. My brain being the cat running ahead with the thought while me, the cat owner, tries to chase the cat down to get the hotdog back. AnYwhO, a very long slightly too in-depth multi-part explanation of what OC’s I picked, little notes on them, and a Bad End and Good End romantic character arc :D Because apparently my brain chose insanity :D Also, everyone is bi, because that makes custom protag romances WAY easier to deal with, and they are my characters so most of them were already bi to start with lol. I have been at this for months now it's mildly embarrassing lol. ANYWAY part one!
Instead of mindflayer worms this game would focus on Vhaeraun and Lolth, them both struggling to plot against the other all while Vhaeraun makes an attempt on the surface. The party is captured originally as slaves for Lolth as they’re each traveling to their various destinations (with the exception of a handful of characters), but Vhaeraun meddles to set them loose and weaken the Lolth supporters that are keeping his people from making a move on a large port city. Act one is the party escaping captivity, stealing an important artifact during said escape, going against the Lolth supporters in the Underdark, and moving between Eilistraee supported cities and Lolth controlled. Act two ends with the Lolth group heavily damaged and the party finally reaching the surface, but the Vhearaun group beginning to make a move on the city. Act three is getting to the city, meeting previously made allies, and beating back both groups OR choosing to side with Vhaeraun or Lolth’s group instead.
So in the opening scene, your origin character of choice or custom protag wakes up in a dimly lit stone jail cell alone, with no memory of exactly how you got there. There are no windows, and all you can see across from you are more single person cells. All empty.
If you chose Olly or Lemon, you can hear your cousin calling for you, and you know it is your cousin but not how you got there.
If you chose WARFORGED you wake up in a small storage room instead, and can hear people outside in distress.
If you chose anyone else OR the custom origin character, you can hear two other people calling for each other who sound distressed but unharmed.
Your cell is Unlocked. You do not know why. A high enough investigation roll (10+) on the lock shows it’s been tampered with.
Characters listed in order of appearance, assuming this is an custom character playthrough: Oliver “Olly” Bakhouzin - Mammon Tiefling - Soul Knife Rogue Recruitment: Act One- Jailbreak
The PC will find Olly a few cells down attempting to pick the lock on his cell with a crudely made shiv while cussing in halfling/infernal, occasionally yelling out a “Lemon! Lemon you alright! Fuck I’m comin!”
Olly will pick the lock himself and get out if the PC doesn’t reach him quick enough, and will race down the hall to get to Lemon. (helpful if your PC can’t pick locks). If your PC can get to him fast enough he’ll ask who the fuck they are and if they can help him get out.
The PC can pick the lock before him if AND make it down to Lemon to open the lock themselves if they’re quick enough. This will gain points with both of them.
Olly offers to team up with the PC to escape, under the condition they help Lemon too. They’re a package deal. After the jailbreak the party will be working together to escape the Underdark and the people hunting them down.
If the PC turns down their offer, in Act Three the player has a much harder time getting the support of the Bakhouzin Family and Three Families Syndicate. Lemon and Olly are no longer seen in the game if the PC turns down their offer to team up, and can be presumed dead or captured somewhere in the Underdark.
Little Character Notes
Male, 32 years old, Bisexual, he gets around
Overprotective of his cousin Lemon. They may not always agree, but if you choose a dialogue option in conversation with her that is Rude to her you’ll automatically lose points with him.
Super tiny detail, but he will automatically target the creatures Lemon is afraid of if he is in the same party as her.
You’d be able to sleep with him fairly early in his approval, but he won’t form actual romantic feelings for you until later. When he does though he is very devoted.
The man has piercings everywhere, and other characters will comment about them in overheard conversation from time to time. Olly makes a joke about having the room on his dick to have multiple piercings, which if Lemon is in the party she will sigh and reply “Ew Oliver” and get a laugh out of him.
Romantic Character Arc Good End
Will tell the PC he’s pretty damn lucky to have run into someone like him, and offer to either follow them on their journey or maybe if the PC wanted, no pressure or anything, but maybe if the PC wanted to…come live with him? The PC will have the option then to continue to travel with Olly, move into his place with him while he manages the bakery, or break off the relationship. If choosing to travel or move in with Olly, the PC will also have the option to propose, which Olly will enthusiastically accept.
If the option to travel is chosen, Olly will lament that his bees will have to find new homes, and asks for the time to get them sorted before leaving on their journey. If the PC declines this condition, Olly will instead break off the relationship. Yes the bees are more important. No this is not a bug.
Bad End
If you side with the Vhaeraun or Lolth sides in Act Two or Act Three, he will either attempt to assassinate you himself (if your approval rating is not at max or too low), or take Lemon and leave (if your approval rating is at max). There is no romance option for Olly if you choose to side with Vhaeraun or Lolth’s groups, and you will lose both him and Lemon as companions. This is locked, and neither of them will stay if you take Vhaeraun or Lolth's side.
Assassination (low approval) - You can either kill him yourself, let him escape, or trap him in one of Vhaeraun/Lolth’s prisons to keep as a pet. Either way you automatically make an enemy out of Lemon (if she escapes/survives the fight) and the Bakhouzin Family and Three Family Syndicate. All members of those factions will attack on sight.
Leaving (high approval) - If a romantic relationship was established, Olly leaves behind a letter saying that he can’t believe that this person is the person he fell in love with. He renounces his love, but admits he can’t bring himself to attack the PC. If no romantic relationship was had but his approval rating was high enough, he will instead renounce their friendship, and mark the PC as an enemy of the factions Olly is a member of. He ALSO takes all of his equipment, all of Lemon’s equipment, and will steal back any equipment gifted to the PC by the Bakhouzin Family and Three Family Syndicate.
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rateatingraccoon · 1 year
Messes (Danmarch fanfiction)
Ugh, finally wrote something again. It's about damn time. Sorry that I've been promising bg3 fics but with no results... my brain doesn't like cooperating. Hope you understand.
Anywho, Danmarch. Golly gee. Fic under the cut!
“After another battle, Dan Heng finds himself covered in blood. March insists she help him clean up.”
WARNING: Blood, mentions of murder and violence.
A powerful being sat before March. She had watched him and his draconic companions shred the likes of Gods, had watched him part the sea, had watched him slide into the skin of his past as though it was an old friend he didn’t wish to see again. She had seen him soaked in blood, most of it not his own, and command beings that could snap all of them in half with a simple flick of slender fingers. She’d seen him defensive and vicious, slaughtering minions enforcing a manipulative agenda without so much as a blink.
And yet here he was, in March’s prized sphere chair, surrounded by pastel pillows and plushies. His muscles didn’t ripple from battle but rather from having to shift himself to keep from staining her valuables with scarlet, no matter how many times she told him she didn’t mind. She’d gone as far as to make him pull off his shirt and change into fresh pants, so he could feel comfortable enough to at least somewhat relax. While his exposed body was certainly attrractive, March was keenly focused on his face, collarbone and hands instead - where much of the blood splatter had hit, and where a few cuts had disturbed his pale skin.
“This is unnecessary, love,” he protested weakly, a stark contrast to how strong he had seemed just an hour ago. His eyelids hung low in exhaustion, his arms tense but shaking as though struggling to support him as he leaned down with his weight on them.
March simply grunted as she dragged her bucket of warm water closer, trying her best not to let any slosh out and onto her carpet. “So what if it’s unnecessary?” she huffed, finally placing it on the ground and kneeling down to take the soaked rag out of the water. “I want to do it, so it doesn’t matter if I need to. Now stop protesting before I go get the trailblazer and tell them to help me!”
Dan Heng’s eyes narrowed at the thought, and the sight let know March had succeeded. He wanted nothing less than for the trailblazer to see him being pampered by March; and while he had protested, he hadn’t actually told her to stop or that he didn’t want to be pampered. March knew him well enough to know he simply refused to admit he wanted this, after having fended for himself for so very long.
At his silence, March hummed in satisfaction and began to ring out the piece of cloth until it was merely damp. “Thought so,” she sneered playfully, straightening herself and tenderly taking his jaw in her grasp, tilting it up. It always felt strange to look down on him like this, when he was so much taller than her in both forms - not that she was complaining. She smiled softly and lifted the rag to a patch of half-dried blood, gently wiping the stain away and, with it, the evidence of his struggle. Of his fighting. Of his past.
Dan Heng’s eyes fluttered closed at the combined warmth of her hand and the water, leaning into her touch as she continued to gently wipe away each and every drop of blood and dirt. Even as she moved downward to his messy neck and collarbone, he simply leaned his head back to allow her better access, letting her move his hair out of the way. However, as she did, her smile faltered. “Your hair’s all messy with blood, too,” she told him, rubbing the tangled strands between her fingers, long silky hair now clumped and dry.
“I’ll wash it once you’re done.” he said simply, but after a moment of silence from March and no more sensations of the cloth he opened his eyes and looked down at her. She was still gingerly observing his hair, chewing at her bottom lip as though withholding something she wanted to say.
He remained silent, waiting for her to speak on her own time. It didn’t take long for her to realize he was staring down at her, and she blushed softly and dropped the strand of hair. He raised a curious eyebrow, silently encouraging her to say what she wanted.
Seeing the gesture, she took in a sharp breath and asked her question all in one jumble of words, looking back down at the limp strand of hair now resting against his bare skin. “Could I wash your hair for you?”
Dan Heng’s eyes widened slightly, conveying his surprise. Still, something twisted in his chest: desire. Not in a sexual way, but rather a longing for intimacy that he’d been declined for many years and now was given to him freely. It almost felt wrong to accept, after how much she’d been caring for him already, and yet his voice seemed to emerge on its own accord.
“I would like that.”
March looked up at his face in obvious shock, but it was soon replaced with a giddy grin. He was never quite so direct with his allowances, and she’d yet to do more than clean off his skin as she was doing now. Washing his hair would be something new for both of them, and yet he agreed so readily that excitement swirled in her chest at just those four words.
Dan Heng observed her silently but curiously as she immediately straightened and rushed over her closet, leaning as far into it as she could go and digging through her buckets of stuff. At last, she found what she was looking for: a basin, pink and with the outside decked in stickers, looking well-used but nonetheless dusty. She set it up and pushed the stool from her vanity before it, brushing her hands together in pride and motioning to Dan Heng to come over.
He stood slowly and made his way over, taking the chance to look over the basin that he hadn’t even known she had. As he lowered himself onto the stool and watched her go digging into her bathroom for supplies, he took the opportunity to ask about it.
“Why do you have this?” he questioned casually, looking over his shoulder at where she was pulling out a brush, shampoo and conditioner that looked as if it’d never even been opened. As she prepared for his hair bath, she answered in scattered snippets.
“When Himeko first freed me from the ice, I didn’t even remember how to wash my hair,” she explained, jogging over to her abandoned bucket of water and dragging it back to the bathroom to replace the bloodied water with fresh liquid. “So she let me pick out a basin at a planet and would use it to teach me. Sometimes she even let me wash her hair, but that stopped quickly ‘cause she uses a ton of products for it and I never used them right.”
As she rambled, she returned to the basin and poured the new water into it before bringing her supplies over as well. “When I was really tired, she would use this to wash my hair for me. But I haven’t used it in a while…” Her voice faltered as her attention flickered briefly to look over the stickers decorating the sides of the basin, many peeling off from weeks of friction against other clutter in the cramped closet.
Apparently done with her tangent, she positioned herself behind the basin and carefully gathered Dan Heng’s long hair, pooling it into the water. Immediately clouds of red rose from the dirtied strands, but most of the blood nonetheless remained stuck to his hair. As March ran her fingers slowly through the woven strands, separating what she could gingerly enough that Dan Heng felt little pain, he found himself relaxing against the edge of the basin, head leaning back and allowing her full access to his scalp.
He listened silently as March deemed her pre-work good enough and opened the shampoo bottle, squirting a bit onto her hand and massaging the foaming substance deeply into his roots. He groaned softly in content, leaning back to soak in every movement of her fingers, finding himself relaxing more than he ever found himself doing since he first revealed this form to his companions.
The water gradually grew soapy as March continued her work, humming softly as she appreciated each and every second that Dan Heng allowed her to pamper him. And with the way his eyes were now fluttered closed, his breathing slow and calm, she didn’t imagine he would be stopping her anytime soon. She withheld a quiet chuckle as to not disturb him and simply kept working her fingers tenderly through his hair, as if he were a fragile doll rather than the guardian of an entire race. It was hard not to when he looked so vulnerable in her hands, like a prey animal showing their belly as a sign of deep trust.
Eventually March felt that his hair was deeply cleaned enough that she could begin to ease in the conditioner. She cupped water in her hands and ran the warm liquid over his soaked hair, squeezing out every bubble of shampoo before getting a generous amount of conditioner in her palms and running her hands gingerly through his hair. She could nearly feel the softness already, and could only imagine how much softer it would be when the conditioner had fully settled and his hair was dry.
The sweet scent of something akin to strawberry filled the room, making March sigh happily. The bottle instructed that the conditioner be left in for a few minutes, but rather than simply letting it sit, March continued to move her hands gently through his hair, thoroughly dispersing the substance through his hair. When it came time to rinse out the conditioner, she made sure to take her time, too enraptured with the rare sight of Dan Heng so relaxed and vulnerable to lose it so easily.
As she eventually rinsed out the conditioner, she brushed through the last of the tangles with her brush, the conditioner making it much easier to ease out the woven strands of hair until they were once again separate and silky as ever.
Once she was done, she found herself slightly disappointed, wanting to cling onto the moment for far longer than she got to. However, Dan Heng was quick to open his eyes once more when he noticed how easily the brush now slipped through his hair, and March took it as her sign to get up and retrieve a towel for him. While he at first reached for the towel to dry his hair himself, March simply pretended that she didn’t notice and took his hair out of the water, wrapping it in the towel and dabbing the damp locks until they were at least no longer dripping water onto her carpet.
As she released his hair, March looked up to find Dan Heng staring right at her, his gaze unusually soft and… grateful. Without another word, he reached for her hand and abruptly pulled her close, forcing her to drop the damp towel as her arms instinctively wrapped around his shoulders. He wrapped his own arms around her and pulled her against his bare chest, seeming to have completely forgotten about the blood still littering much of his exposed skin. Even the pain of her clothes brushing his cuts didn’t discourage him.
“Thank you, March,” he said instead, burying his head in her shoulder, hair draping over his shoulders. “I love you.”
She grinned brightly, hugging him back tightly in return. “Anytime. I love you, too, Dan Heng.”
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year
As I start Baldur's Gate, now that it's finally had enough patches to be playable and not missing huge chunks of story, I can't help but laugh because I didn't know that Shadowheart was a cleric of Shar! My longest played/favorite Pathfinder character was an Oracle of Selune (yes we co-opted some gods from WOTC to toss back into Pathfinder, we do what we want - and Oracle is to cleric what Sorcerer is to Wizard...but better, yet), whose twin brother was a paladin of Pelor (the sun god)... and I decided to re-make that old character in BG3 since a cleric of Selune is almost the same thing as an oracle, and lo and behold my moon daughter ends up having to deal with Shar AGAIN. In another AU. (The best part is that Shadowheart's lil tiara is exactly like the one I had given Belorae in our PF campaign - she got a circlet of Cha I think it was, and had it re-tooled to look exactly like what they did for Shadowheart's circlet, just with moonstone instead of onyx.)
Anyways, did you know that when Selune and her dark twin collided in their original big battle, some of their essence smashed together, broke off, and birthed...their daughter? The Goddess of magic.
Desperate to protect the early life, Selûne tore out some of her own divine essence, though it nearly killed her, and hurled it at her sister. Selûne's essence tore through Shar, bonding with some of Shar's essence and pulling it loose. This magical energy combined to form the goddess Mystryl, the original goddess of magic.
Anyways! Best not to think too deep about how gods are born - the Greeks had some strange ideas about people being born from ideas, or sex with a swan, and all that.
tl;dr I've missed Rae, and I'm stoked to have someone in the party that will easily bounce off of her ideals, and create some conflict - even if Belorae can't ride a horse-sized wolf in this one. (Also, I have wanted a tattoo indicative of Selune for myself IRL for YEARS now, and haven't been able to find a design that looks good just about anywhere - so I was at least pleased that my BG3 Belorae could have the tattoo around her eyes! I just wish the colors were more silvery.)
Not relevant, but ironic -
Afterward, Selûne grieved the death of Tyche, her close friend and ally. In her weeping, she shed one crystalline tear, which fell to ground as a meteor in the land of Thar. It became a great and sacred artifact, called the Tear of Selûne.[63]
So WoW has copied Selune over as Elune in almost every way, even down to the Tear of Elune being a rip-off? I knew they'd basically been virtual DnD at the time the game was released, but I didn't realize just how hard they were bearing down on someone else's lore.
Anywho, I wonder if more people (ie content creators) realized this, if they'd have a better avenue for predicting where WoW's story will go - because even Shadowlands was basically ripped straight from Tabletop. Pathfinder's planar campaign book has many planes listed in it... to include a plane of order that sounds and looks a LOT like Bastion/the Kyrians, just with more clockwork stuff.
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maxiepenguin · 1 year
My current hyperfixation is ttrpg and ttrpg adjacent activities included but not limited to writing a fic about my pathfinder character to give them a reason why she's starting at level 1 again and giving him SO much trauma (any pronouns because it is a self insert kind of) and constantly creating new characters in BG3 because I don't want to get to far before August 3rd.
I seriously hope that this shifts slightly into a writing hyperfixation so I can maybe I can write the story that has been living in my head rent free since middle school and publish it. Anywho ... I'm gonna go build my background and shit for my new campaign. And to anyone who wants to read a little fic about a rogue named Clara who ran away from Absalom to Otari and then left Otari to go back to Absalom. From Absalom she then joins a pirate crew and loses their memory and becomes Revna the Ravager cleric of Besmara. I might post it if the current hyperfixation allows me to finish it. If the imposter syndrome doesn't get in the way.
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malin-moon · 11 months
My email was hacked and after two months of going back and forth with google, I've just decided to start fresh.
New Email, New Instagram, New Tumblr, New Discord. New Everything!
Anywho, my name is Malin and I love graphic design! I make logos, icons, and promotional stuff for my friends💚
I post a random mix of Genshin, BG3, Fantasy Core, Thai Dramas, and Art/Poetry. Welcome!
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froganni · 5 months
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Pearl's malicious compliance was really amusing :D
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