#aoc = antisemite on call
noyatv · 10 months
i hope when people say from the river to the sea, they know that the saying is an arabic translation of to water to water plastictine will be arab, which is a call for a jewish genocide
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mariacallous · 4 months
AOC saying that 10/7 was the result of the Abraham Accords is dumb enough, but saying this during an interview with Hasan Piker, the guy who said Americans deserved 9/11 and who recently interviewed a Houthi terrorist is just insanity. Matched only by Rashida Tlaib speaking alongside the wife of an actual convicted terrorist while they call for Intifada.
I know the Squad has a long, checkered history with antisemitism, but buddying up with terrorist-sympathizers seems next-level stupid, even for them. If the DCCC is smart, they'll cut off their funding ASAP.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 3 months
Keep reading for discussion of a politician and their recent stance on Gaza. I know this isn't what my blog is for but this infuriates me and I need to talk about it. I try to remember to put these things under a keep reading though I do forget sometimes.
AOC's livestream event was in response to protests of the Nova exhibit which she seemed to think were antisemitic.
AOC conveniently failed to talk about how in the exhibit there was genocidal rhetoric and calls to wipe out Palestinians. She hosted someone with ties to the ADL and of course did not challenge the notion when one of her guests said that it was antisemitic to claim zionist donors influenced policy.
Friendly reminder that she also had to be bullied and harassed by constituents into calling the catastrophe in Gaza a genocide. And now she is putting Israel amd the ADL ahead of Palestinians.
From the article, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hosted a discussion with Jewish Council for Public Affairs CEO Amy Spitalnick and Stacy Burdett, a former staffer at the Anti-Defamation League, on Monday to discuss antisemitism and the “fight for democracy.”"
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low-cole-timothy · 2 months
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Democratic Socialists of America have withdrawn their endorsement of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she was in panel combating antisemitism. Apparently the DSA thinks that it is not ok to combat antisemitism. They called it a “deep betrayal”.
We are at a point in time (again) where people who combat antisemitism are being called traitors.
Maybe the next step for the Democratic Socialists of America is to change the word ‘democratic’ to ‘national’.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., said during an online discussion she hosted on Monday that "false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color."
The "Squad" member hosted an online livestream titled "Antisemitism and the Fight for Democracy" on X, admitting that the rise in antisemitism and attacks against Jews since Hamas' Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel – where about 1,200 people were killed and approximately 250 others were taken as hostages into Gaza – "undermined" the progressive movement.
"Antisemitism, hate and violence against Jews because of their identity is real, and it is dangerous. It is also important to say here in this moment and during that conversation that criticism of the Israeli government is not inherently antisemitic and criticism of Zionism is not automatically antisemitic," Ocasio-Cortez said.
"That being true does not mean that we should not recognize that criticism and when that criticism crosses a line into real harm against our Jewish community," she continued. "Antisemitism is an assault on our values as Americans and especially as progressives. Antisemitism is also a threat to a community that is a vital partner in our struggles against injustice. So, when the Jewish community is threatened, the progressive movement is undermined. That is why we reject it as fiercely as we reject and look for misogyny, Islamophobia or any form of bigotry or discrimination in any space that we occupy. Right now, antisemitism is on the rise in America and across the world. Acknowledging that fact does not take away from fights for liberation, it actually advances them."
"At the same time, it is also true that accusations and false accusations of antisemitism are wielded against people of color and women of color by bad-faith political actors," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And weaponizing antisemitism is used to divide us and create a false choice between the fight for Jewish safety and the calls for Palestinian self-determination. Defending and standing for the rights of Palestinians is not antisemitic, and we must be able to identify when bad-faith political actors make accusations simply to divide us. People can disagree bitterly about Israel and Gaza, but it has felt that we’ve been at a point where even coming together to acknowledge and discuss any antisemitism at all can feel impossible."
People who have represented both sides of the political spectrum slammed Ocasio-Cortez for saying that there are false claims of antisemitism aimed at people of color.
"She is one of the most dangerous people because people are fooled by her," former Democrat New York State Assembly member Dov Hikind told Fox News Digital in reaction to the congresswoman's discussion. 
"She's part of the radical extremists of the Democratic Party," Hikind, who joined the GOP last year, continued. "It's why so many people are leaving the Democratic Party. It's why so many people are not going to vote for the Democratic Party, for Biden or anyone else. I am convinced of that, that this will be an historic year in terms of Jews moving away from the Democratic Party, historic. People like Ocasio-Cortez, she contributes to the hate. She makes things more dangerous – really, really sad."
"By the way, I've never met antisemites who didn't say they were against antisemitism," added Hikind, who founded the organization Americans Against Antisemitism. "And she's full of it. She's absolutely full of it."
The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) also reacted to Ocasio-Cortez's remarks in a statement to Fox News Digital.
"AOC’s ‘Squad’ includes the most noxious antisemites in Congress," wrote Sam Markstein, RJC national political director. "And across the board, Democrats have shamefully refused to hold the Hamas Caucus of their party accountable. It is shocking that the Democratic Party has this much difficulty calling out antisemitism – instead of despicable race-baiting, AOC should focus on fighting bigotry in her own ranks."
For the discussion, the congresswoman brought in two speakers, Stacy Burdett, a Jewish community advocate against antisemitism and bigotry, and Amy Spitalnick, CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. 
At one point, Burdett spoke about the "conspiracy frame" of antisemitic rhetoric, pointing to differences between criticizing Israeli policies or decisions and being antisemitic. She specifically warned viewers that when discussing the Israel-Hamas war, comments that seem to allege "evil control of government policy by Jewish billionaires or Zionist donors" perpetuate dangerous antisemitic stereotypes.
"So, if your criticism of Israel is trafficking stereotypes, you're really in the bigotry zone," Burdett said. "I mean, stereotypes kill. That's how the Nazis got the German people to live with this so-called Final Solution. And so we do the work all the time to avoid words that correlate with negative stereotypes. And we need to do that here. Second, you know, empathy and care and inclusion cannot be limited only to Jews who reject Zionism."
While Burdett warned against using stereotypes dealing with Zionist donors in the discussion hosted by Ocasio-Cortez, the congresswoman herself made an incendiary remark of her own just a day earlier. "Hmm it’s almost like AIPAC functions as a political slush fund for Republican billionaires and should not have influence in the Democratic Party, let alone our primaries," Ocasio-Cortez wrote on X on Sunday, referencing the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, whose goal is to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship and works with members of both parties. Hikind said AIPAC is a "legitimate organization" that follows the law and supports both Democrats and Republicans.
"They don't have any preference over Democrat or Republican. We know that. You can check the records. So for her to say this," Hikind told Fox News Digital, reacting to Ocasio-Cortez’s X post. "My mother went to Auschwitz in 1944 with her entire family. They were all murdered because they were Jews, OK? And when I hear people like AOC and others indulging in these antisemitic tropes, which then are picked up by other people, and that results in assaults on Jews, and that results in hatred towards Jews, she is contributing towards that."
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Stacey Mathews
Two weeks after that video went viral, AOC gave a speech on the floor of the U.S. House and accused Israel of genocide.
Now, just as she did then, AOC is attempting to explain how she can be staunchly anti-Israel and anti-antisemitism at the same time:
Pro-Hamas Online Mob Rips AOC For Condemning Antisemitic Agitators at Nova Festival Exhibit
“The callousness, dehumanization, and targeting of Jews on display at last night’s protest outside the Nova Festival exhibit was atrocious antisemitism – plain and simple.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) received heat from the rabid pro-Hamas mob when she condemned recent displays of antisemitism in New York City after spending months criticizing Israel and sticking up for her antisemitic colleagues.
AOC tried to save face, but the mob didn’t relent. Those on the other side saw right through her.
In the months since the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks, there has been an alarming rise in incidents of antisemitic expression and attacks worldwide as anti-Israel extremists, emboldened by so-called elected leaders and their media enablers, have shed their masks to show us who they really are.
Being home to the largest population of Jewish people in the United States, New York City, in particular, has become a hotbed of antisemitism, with reports of antisemitic incidents now a near-daily occurrence.
Such was the scene Monday night where, during the Nova Music Festival Exhibition, pro-Hamas activists participated in a “day of rage,” showing support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah while lighting flares and severely disrupting the somber event with hate-filled chants:
A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival, where 364 people were killed by Hamas terrorists. The deranged pro-terror crowd lit flares and waved a flag associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during what was billed by organizers as a “citywide day of rage for Gaza,” according to video from the scene. The protesters also yelled “Israel go to hell” and clashed with police during the gathering that drew swift backlash from Israel supporters. The demonstration, organized by pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime, began in Union Square, where some protesters unfurled a “Long live October 7th” banner, according to social media footage.
The ADL shared this photo and wrote:
Protestors are currently shouting “Long live the intifada” outside the @novaexhibition in NYC, which memorializes the 364 people massacred by Hamas terrorists at the Nova Festival on 10/7. For anyone still questioning what this slogan means, look no further – it’s support for terrorism and justification for brutal violence against Jews and Israelis. Protestors are also holding signs that say “Zionists are not Jews & not humans.” This is a textbook example of antisemitic dehumanization – and it’s sickening.
There are lots of Twitter/X links in this story, here. AOC is trying to play both sides, pretending to care about the antisemitism she helped foster.
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Corey Walker
A slew of anti-Israel groups and activists have turned on left-wing Democratic lawmakers and allies, dismissing them as “enemies” and calling into question their support and loyalty to the Palestinian cause. 
In recent weeks, anti-Zionist organizations and public figures have taken to social media to lash out at high-profile left-wing politicians and activists for criticizing their methods of opposing the Jewish state. Staunchly anti-Israel groups such as Within Our Lifetime (WOL) and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) have expressed outright indignation at allied lawmakers and activists for suggesting their extreme, sometimes violent tactics are counterproductive and risk cannibalizing the movement against the Jewish state. 
SJP, which promotes anti-Israel propaganda on college campuses, lambasted US Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) for criticizing a mob of pro-Hamas protesters who demonstrated outside an exhibition in New York City that commemorates the victims of the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack at the Supernova music festival in southern Israel. The group asserted that any public disapproval of pro-Palestinian activists is tantamount to enabling “genocide” in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave ruled by the Hamas terrorist group.
“We are not loyal to our oppressors; elected officials who choose to enable genocide, endorse the architects of said genocide, or otherwise stand in the way of Palestinian liberation will face the political consequences of those choices,” SJP wrote. 
“Figures like AOC and Jamaal Bowman have utility insofar as they leverage their positions within the belly of the beast to shield the masses and our righteous struggles for liberation, directly challenge white supremacist power structures, and stand firmly against Zionism and all manifestations of US imperialism,” SJP continued. “Without these tangible actions, we regard these elected officials as our enemies.”
Ocasio-Cortez and Bowman have been among the US Congress’s most vocal critics of Israel, falsely accusing the Jewish state of “genocide” and “white supremacy,” relentlessly castigating its American supporters, and claiming that the charge of antisemitism has been weaponized for political purposes.
However, their anti-Israel comments and policy proposals haven’t seemingly gone far enough for SJP, which has been behind many of the pro-Hamas demonstrations that devastated universities this past academic year.
Within Our Lifetime (WOL), an organization that promotes the eradication of Israel and Zionism as its central goal, similarly condemned Bowman and Ocasio-Cortez for not taking maximalist stances against the Jewish state. The group criticized the two lawmakers for “sanctioning Palestinian resistance” by voting in favor of a resolution which strengthens the authority of the US president to levy sanctions against entities that use human shields in conflict. Hamas has been widely criticized for its military strategy of embedding its terrorists within Gaza’s civilian population and commandeering civilian facilities like hospitals, schools, and mosques to run operations and direct attacks against Israel.
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thundergrace · 2 years
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For context, Ilhan Omar was kicked off the Foreign Affairs Committee by Republicans, supposedly for antisemitism. However, Marjorie Taylor Green, the Jewish space laser lady, is now on the Oversight and Homeland Security Committees.
Note: I'm not condoning anyone's antisemitism if Ilhan is indeed guilty of that. What I'm in support of is anyone calling the GOP out on their hypocrisy and blatant racism and islamophobia. Let's not forget Bobert's disgusting comments about Omar. The antisemitism is just a good excuse. It would be nice if they actually cared, but I guarantee you they don't.
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redwolf17 · 10 months
So, to be clear, Hozier IS pro-Palestine? This may sound like a dumb question, and i am very familiar with his leftist ideology, but I thought I saw a questionable pro-Israel tweet from him?
Hozier shared a pro Palestine petition back in 2021, but hasn’t really tweeted recently about Israel-Palestine; he’s barely used Twitter except for promo since Musk took over. He did like this AOC tweet, and then a few days later he posted a statement on his insta story that was pro Palestine but VERY cautious. Hozier’s language definitely could have been stronger/better but I guess he really didn’t want to risk getting cancelled/screamed at mid US tour?
I completely get why some fans were frustrated by that tip toeing; I was also annoyed, given that Macklemore of all people managed a better statement. However, treading lightly ≠ supporting Israel. Further, at several US tour stops after that statement, Hozier spoke about the horrifying loss of life and asked the crowd to call their reps and support a ceasefire.
More recently, Hozier’s collaborating with the War Child charity to raise money through a vinyl of Swan Upon Leda (whose lyrics refer to the occupation of Palestine), and on Insta stories he shared Angelina Jolie’s scathing pro Palestine statement and this interview clip which condemns the brutality against Palestinians.
So… yeah, Hozier’s pro Palestine. Just not as loud as I (and some other fans) would prefer. And even with all his tact, there have been some pro Israel posts on social media accusing Hozier of antisemitism for supporting Palestine 😑😑😑
EDIT: and today Hozier just shared this Artists for Palestine event
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noyatv · 7 months
think its best if we start reusing the term judenhass bc way too many arabs/people of arab descent are claiming that they “…can’t be antisemitic because their semitic”👉🥹👈
one cannot be “semitic” for that is a language group
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arokel · 6 months
something that's been bugging me about the bitb book for a while but i haven't been able to articulate is what i guess i'd call its... compartmentalization? like i really like DJB's commitment to not overlooking the actions of the nazi party in germany during the timeline of the book, but the way he keeps those parts of the book totally separate until the boys get to Berlin/Grünau kind of serves in my opinion to frame it as something that had nothing to do with america at that point - or as if the 1936 olympics was the only contact between the united states and germany that mattered up until america entered the war. and that's just not true.
and to me this feels like a symptom of a larger problem with the book: DJB doesn't want anything to complicate his hero's journey narrative. he wants the olympic rowing committee to force the boys to raise funds, but he doesn't want to talk about how they got screwed over by Avery Brundage's mismanagement of the AOC in general and just passed the burden on to the athletes. he wants the Huskies to win a nail-biting victory over Cal in the olympic qualifiers but he doesn't want to mention that Cal had swapped out their number five at the last minute because he was rowing with broken ribs. and he wants to talk about the letter from Bobby's dad but not about how most American athletes - including Bobby - didn't give much thought to the political situation in Germany before or while they were there.
it's a truth of American history that the peace movement in the United States was huge in the 1930s - much bigger than the boycott movement which DJB also barely mentions. it's not that no one saw the warning signs (though the nazis did successfully keep a lot of things hidden), it's that most Americans didn't care, and the narrative we tell now about Jesse Owens defying Hitler's racist rhetoric to win gold obscures the real story: that American journalists were prevented from accurately reporting on the real situation in Germany; that antisemitism at home played a huge part in the way American athletes and tourists turned a blind eye to the things that seemed just a bit off about Berlin; that the nazis fooled the Americans so well because, deep down, the country wanted to be fooled.
idk i just wish the book spent a little less time on a revisionist narrative for the sake of a thrilling story and a little more time on telling a compelling story within an accurate historical context. it's possible to do both. the boys in the boat just doesn't, and that's kind of a bummer.
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mariacallous · 1 year
(New York Jewish Week) – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the prominent progressive Democratic New York congresswoman from New York City, condemned a pro-Palestinian rally that took place over the weekend in Times Square, calling it “unacceptable and harmful.”
“It should not be hard to shut down hatred and antisemitism where we see it,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a statement on Monday night. “That is a core tenet of solidarity. The bigotry and callousness expressed in Times Square on Sunday were unacceptable and harmful in this devastating moment.”
The rally on Sunday came as news was still emerging of widespread atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel, killing more than 900 people, wounding more than 2,000 and taking more than 100 captive. It coincided with a pro-Israel rally taking place outside the United Nations.
The pro-Palestinian rally has drawn criticism from a broad swath of city and state officials. Mayor Eric Adams posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, that “it is disgusting that this group of extremists would show support for terrorism.”
But Ocasio-Cortez’s condemnation of the rally is notable because of her frequent criticism of Israel as well as her membership in the Democratic Socialists of America, a far-left group that endorsed Sunday’s rally. The group’s New York chapter posted on X on Saturday that the gathering was “In solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to resist 75 years of occupation and apartheid.”
In her statement, Ocasio-Cortez said the rally “also did not speak for thousands of New Yorkers who are capable of rejecting both Hamas’ horrifying attacks against innocent civilians as well as the grave injustices and violence Palestinians face under the occupation.”
Earlier this year, Ocasio-Cortez skipped President Isaac Herzog’s address to Congress during a visit to Washington, D.C. In 2021, she switched her vote from “no” to “present” during a Congressional vote to approve $1 billion in new U.S. funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. That same year, during a previous conflict with Hamas, she called Israel an “apartheid state.”
She wasn’t the only vocal progressive official in the city to denounce the rally. New York City Comptroller Brad Lander, who is Jewish and has previously identified as a member of the DSA, called the rally “abominable.” “Today’s DSA rally – which effectively celebrated Hamas’ murder & kidnapping of hundreds of Israeli civilians, including children & grandparents – was abominable. There is no place for glorifying terror, left, center, or right,” Lander said in a statement.
Jamaal Bowman, another member of New York’s congressional delegation who belongs to the DSA, has not commented on the rally but released a statement condemning Hamas’ attacks on Israel. 
“I strongly condemn the horrific attacks by Hamas and am saddened by the loss of precious lives, especially on the holy day of Simchat Torah,” said Bowman, whose congressional district includes parts of Westchester County and the Bronx, in a statement.
“We need a way to end this deadly violence that is killing and traumatizing generations of Israelis and Palestinians alike—including the blockade of Gaza. I have been to the Gaza border and know that Israelis and Palestinians are constantly living in fear. We must work harder to ensure peace in the region,” his statement added.
Ocasio-Cortez released a similar statement — separate from her comments on the rally — about the attacks on Monday. Others in the group of progressive congress members known as the “Squad,” including Missouri’s Cori Bush and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, released statements that primarily attributed the blame to Israel.
“Today is devastating for all those seeking a lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and Palestine. I condemn Hamas’ attack in the strongest possible terms,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote.
She also called for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation in the region. 
“No child and family should ever endure this kind of violence and fear, and this violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region,” the statement read. 
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ravenkings · 5 months
They're fucking right to kick her out. Libs called the cops on protestors. Lib-owned media is focusing on the "antisemitism" of the protestors instead of the cops beating the shit out of them. They don't care about us, we don't have to care about them. It's that simple.
okay, but then i have to ask, why should "libs" take you seriously at all then? unless you are actively planning on some kind of revolution in which you take power by force or try to form some kind of new political party, then this is all just political theater, which, if it has any kind of material goal, is to sway the people who have the power to meet your demands.
AOC is one of the politicians currently in the federal government who is probably the most sympathetic to the student protestors' cause and who also has the influence to possibly aid them in getting their demands met. alienating her just seems silly and self-sabotaging imo unless you a) don't actually take any of this seriously and are just political LARPing or b) don't care about electoral politics at all.
if you don't care about electoral politics at all and think they are useless (as it appears that many people on the far left do) then fair enough, go plan your revolution. just stop complaining whenever "libs" ignore you.
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Why are you shocked people care more about what makes their news? You personally don't give a rats ass about violent regimes elsewhere either. Why is your argument well you didn't care before so you shouldnt care now and also you only care because Jews are doing the mass murder now!!! Like... That's crazy It's always bad. War crimes are always bad, but you seem to think they deserve a pass because ???? People didn't care before they started carpet bombing Gaza ??? Do you hear yourself ???
I like that I’ve repeatedly said that I don’t think war crimes deserve a pass but you’re still here insisting that because I think calling for Israel to be dismantled is transparently antisemitic I must love civilian casualties and are thus doing precisely what I just wrote a damn essay on.
Did you read anything I wrote? War IS a crime. There is no pure or ethical war. And no one cared what it looked like until Jews started doing it.
That doesn’t make it okay, but it lays bare the hypocrisy and antisemitism festering in the left.
And to a point you’re right in that I can’t know based only off of what people don’t post on tumblr what they care about but I can tell from their stubborn ignorance and blatant misinformation that they aren’t doing the work.
The type of people cheering for Hamas and Houthi’s in Yemen have demonstrated a catastrophic lack of understanding and empathy. These are people so lazy they can’t be bothered to do simple google searches. People so smug in their righteousness they can’t imagine their ‘good intentions’ might be misguided or weaponized. People so sure they’re more intelligent than conservatives they don’t bother to check if they’re posting propaganda or downright lies.
And because I’ve watched the left do this 100000 times I know you’ll all get bored.
Remember all those migrants in what are basically interment camps at the US border? The ones AOC cried tears in front of? They’re all still there. It was the policy before Trump and after to cage them like animals. Trump just amped it up to 11. I’m the only person I know that still brings that up. Because everyone else stopped caring.
Because they only care about what’s trendy.
And I wouldn’t mind nearly as much if the narrative was “look you can’t care about everything always” because you can’t.
But white leftists only say that after the fervor has died down. They only say it about yesterday’s tragedy. During the fever pitch they demand that you stop everything and weigh in. Even if you don’t know a single fucking thing you’d better repeat the Party Approved lines and hashtags.
I have FAMILY in Israel. Do you really think this is the first time I’m hearing about these things? The first time I cared?
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
Students at elite college campuses across the United States are forming "Gaza Solidarity" encampments and are participating in marches to call on their respective schools to stop supporting Israel.
But, some of these protests have become unruly and have taken a turn toward hate and antisemitism.
At Columbia University in New York, protesters shouted, "We are Hamas" and "Go back to Poland." And, on Thursday, a protester at Princeton reportedly held up a Hezbollah terror flag.
"Disgraceful," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said in a post on X, sharing a photo of the protester with the terror group's yellow flag and green insignia.
The U.S. State Department officially designates Hezbollah a foreign terrorist organization.
The Hezbollah flag was spotted at the encampment at approximately 5:16 p.m. Thursday, according to The Daily Princetonian. Organizers then promptly asked it be put away.
The photo of the flag was initially shared by an X account belonging to Myles McKnight, an 2023 alum who also served as president of an undergraduate student organization dedicated to promoting free speech, per the publication.
Hezbollah primarily operates out of southern Lebanon, where it has regularly attacked Israel since the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel ignited a war in the region. Hezbollah, seeking to capitalize on the fighting between Israel and Hamas, has launched various missile attacks from across Israel’s northern border against its mutual enemy, Israel.
Hezbollah has also carried out strikes from neighboring Syria, which has prompted criticism and retaliation from Israel.
On Thursday, university police arrested two people at Princeton, a spokesperson tells Fox News Digital.
The protests began as a sit-in on McCosh Courtyard and then some began erecting tents, which is a violation of school policy, according to the university spokesperson. Princeton University Public Safety, the Ivy League school’s police force, gave demonstrators several warnings before acting, the university says.
All tents were then voluntarily taken down by protesters, the New Jersey university said.
Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper, that any protesters must abide by strict rules.  
"That guarantee extends to protests and demonstrations, provided they do not involve genuine threats, harassment, or conduct that impedes the right of others to be heard, violates the law, or disrupts essential operations," Eisgruber wrote.
He added: "Some types of protest actions (including occupying or blocking access to buildings, establishing outdoor encampments and sleeping in any campus outdoor space) are inherently unsafe for both those involved and for bystanders, and they increase the potential for escalation and confrontation."
"Any individual involved in an encampment, occupation, or other unlawful disruptive conduct who refuses to stop after a warning will be arrested and immediately barred from campus," Eisgruber concluded.
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novumtimes · 2 months
AOC and Her Squad Hit with Class Action Lawsuit from Angry College Students | The Gateway Pundit
Claiming that their anti-Israel rhetoric lit the fuse that convulsed Columbia University this spring, five Columbia students are suing a collection of far-left lawmakers over their support for anti-Semitic encampments at the college. Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and fellow progressive “squad” members Reps. Jamal Bowman of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota were named in the lawsuit as well as several anti-Israel organizations, according to Fox News. “The Gaza Encampment was extreme and outrageous conduct. It was illegal. It violated university rules. Its occupants harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied Jewish students,” the lawsuit reads. “During the protests, I witnessed numerous offensive and antisemitic signs and messages, including antisemitic skunk posters with the Star of David,” a student identified in the lawsuit as “Tim Doe” said, according to the New York Post. “In one instance, I was walking with my non-Jewish friends when I was singled out because I was wearing my yarmulke. A leader of the pro-Palestinian protest approached our group and confronted me. He singled me out, yelling that I needed to move, and when I refused, he began to shove me out of the way,” he said. A student identified as “Eric Doe,” said in the suit that he “felt like he was living under an ominous cloud of doubt and uncertainty as he waited for the protestors or administration’s next move that would further impact his studies and life on campus.” “Michael Doe,” a sophomore said that during the pro-Hamas protests, he was told, “Keep walking Zionist” and was followed and screamed at by anti-Israel protesters. “In a civilized community, one does not call for the obliteration of a major metropolitan area, praise terrorists, or threaten death and destruction upon our classmates and their families, friends, and coreligionists,” the lawsuit said. “Those were real damages sustained by the 36,000 students at Columbia who chose to obey university rules, go to class, and pursue their education, only to be frustrated at the finish line by the … acts of their classmates and professors, with the assistance and encouragement of outside activists,” the lawsuit said. At the time, the protests were supported by Ocasio-Cortez and Omar. “It is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today, of all days, as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campuses like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley and many others,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said in April, according to The National Desk. At one point in the protests, Omar suggested some Jewish students were ”pro-genocide,” according to The New York Times. In June, Columbia settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student who sued on behalf of students who were forced to attend classes online because the college stopped in-person learning during the protests, according to The Washington Post. As part of that agreement agreed to ensure safe passage for students that could include giving students 24-hour security escorts if needed and allowing students facing threats alternative ways of coming and going from campus. “We think peaceful protest is a constructive way to solve situations,” Jay Edelson, an attorney for the plaintiff, said. He said this spring, extremists on campuses tried to “push out, figuratively and literally, people who they deem are on the wrong side.” He said in the settlement, “students have a focused security monitor who’s going to be able to serve as the eyes, ears and voice for anyone on campus who feels unsafe. “That is a major win.” This article appeared originally on The Western Journal. Source link via The Novum Times
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