#aoharu x kikanjuu
harubros · 8 months
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shy-baby-birb · 7 months
Midori Nagamasa Appreciation Post!
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The love of my life; my sadistic husband. I swear would commit war crimes for this man if he was real. Nothing says I love you like using you as a foot rest.
Interested in my other stuff? Visit the Appreciation❁Archive!
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kinbari14 · 2 years
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Denji and Pochita illustrated by NAOE (Aoharu x Machinegun)
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nerdy-talks · 2 years
best underrated anime in your opinion??
Another wonderful Anon with another difficult yet welcomed question (´。• ω •。`)
I will try to follow the same layout as I did with the manga recommendations ask. These are the anime series that instantly come to mind that, in my humble opinion, are underrated :
Underrated Anime #1 :
91 Days
Why aren't more people talking about this series?! I've watched 91 Days at least a half dozen times, and it never gets old. This anime is set back during the Prohibition Era and follows a young man determined to avenge his family who were murdered by top members of a mob/organized crime family. In order to get close to them, he inserts himself into their world and works his way to the top. I genuinely love this anime so much. It's really sad, but is beautifully written and executed. I highly recommend watching the English Dub, mostly because I think the English voice actors do a perfect job with the accents and turn-of-phrase used during that time period. If you enjoy Crime Dramas, then please give 91 Days a chance. It's a 12 episode anime, so it's definitely manageable. Just be prepared for the ending. Despite watching it several times already... I'm still conflicted lol
Underrated Anime #2 :
I was so disappointed to find out this anime was discontinued, especially since it ended on a cliffhanger. From my understanding, the main cause was due to the production studio going bankrupt. Despite this, I really enjoyed Gangsta enough to hold onto a tiny shred of hope for a second season (I just won't hold my breath lol). Gangsta takes place in a town called Ergastulum and follows two "handymen" who conduct an array of different jobs. This anime is geared towards a mature audience, since it has prostitution, drugs, and other adult-themed elements in it. One unique detail is that one of the handymen, Nicolas, is deaf. If you enjoy darker themes and thrillers, then I'd suggest checking out Gangsta. It's 12 episodes long... Just keep in mind this anime does not have a second season, and may not ever be continued.
Underrated Anime #3 :
Kakuriyo Bed & Breakfast for Spirits
Little known fact about me : I adore supernatural themed anime. Series like Kamisama Kiss, Gugure! Kokkuri-san, Fruits Basket, and others all fit my taste perfectly. Kakuriyo Bed & Breakfast for Spirits is no different. This anime is about a human girl named Aoi who has the ability to see spirits. One day, an ogre appears and takes her back to an inn called Tenjin-ya that is run and patronized by ayakashi. Upon arriving, he reveals that Aoi's grandfather had made a deal with him. In exchange for forgiving the old man's debt, Aoi is to marry the ogre. Refusing the proposal of marriage, Aoi insists on working at the Bed & Breakfast in order to pay off the debt and ultimately earn back her freedom. This is such a wonderful anime. All of the characters are so cute and charming. And I'm a big fan of Aoi! She's not one of those useless or annoying anime protagonists. Quite the opposite, actually. I am currently watching Kakuriyo Bed & Breakfast for Spirits, and I'm loving every moment of it. It's 26 episodes long (I'm at episode 18), so a bit longer than the other series I've mentioned. But if you enjoy Supernatural Romance anime with some Comedy sprinkled in, then I highly recommend Kakuriyo Bed & Breakfast for Spirits (:
Underrated Anime #4 :
Aoharu X Machinegun
This is one of the many anime series that I wish would be blessed with a second season. Aoharu X Machinegun is about a high school student named Hotaru who mistakenly accuses her new neighbor, who happens to work as a host, of scamming her best friend. To defend the honor of her friend, Hotaru agrees to play a game of airsoft with the host, Matsuoka. In the process, Hotaru causes an extensive amount of damage before ultimately losing to Matsuoka. He then forces Hotaru to join his airsoft team, stating that it was the best way for Hotaru to pay off her debt. Plot twist : Matsuoka and his teammate, Yukimura, have no idea that Hotaru is actually a girl, a secret she needs to keep after learning that girls are not allowed on their team. This is a really enjoyable 12 episode anime series with a good amount of action, comedy, and some more intense/emotional scenes. So if you're interested in Airsoft or like Comedy and Action anime, then you might wanna check out Aoharu X Machinegun.
Underrated Anime #5 :
You can't go wrong with a vampire anime, right? How about vampires that take the form of animals? Servamp fits both criteria. This series is about a boy named Mahiru who takes in what he thinks is a stray cat, only to inadvertently make a contract with a vampire, named Kuro (aka Sleepy Ash of Sloth). Shortly afterwards, Mahiru gets thrust into this once unknown world of vampires when Kuro's brother appears and vows to wage an all-out war against Kuro and their other siblings. I'd say this is arguably one of the better vampire themed anime currently out, at a total of 12 episodes. So if you enjoy Supernatural elements, Vampires, and little touches of Comedy and Action sprinkled in, then I recommend Servamp.
Honorable Mention :
Hakuoki (sometimes spelled Hakuouki)
I am happy to say that unlike some of the other series I listed here, this anime in particular was completed with a total of 3 Seasons, a set of OVAs, and 2 films... Not to mention all of the games for this franchise. This series takes place during the Edo period and follows a young lady named Chizuru. She travels to Kyoto to search for her father, only to be taken into custody by members of the Shinsengumi after witnessing them cutting down individuals who appear to be possessed. Upon realizing who Chizuru's father is, a man responsible for creating an elixir that turns those who drink it into invincible blood lusting beings called Furies, the Shinsengumi members decide to keep Chizuru close, expecting the girl to aid them in their search for her father. Hakuoki is a beautiful anime with even more beautiful artwork. If you enjoy Historical anime with Fantasy elements, then Hakuoki may appeal to you. Note : Hakuoki is also an otome game, so the anime can give off "reverse harem" vibes at times. But if you can overlook that if you're not into otome, then it can still be very enjoyable to watch (:
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aoharuxtoygun · 1 year
The line that started it all. The name of the first episode of the anime and chapter of the manga. Basically the same line Matsun said before Tachibana's first ever match.
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Full circle from being cautious and against it to now being the one saying let's start. It really was a beautiful journey.
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crazys-art · 1 year
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these are mostly headcanons please do not do discourse in my notes all interpretations of these characters genders are valid these are just my personal opinions
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pridewishes · 6 months
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250x250 || gay || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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lelyshmely · 11 months
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megane-boys · 11 months
Today's Megane is: Yukimura Tooru from Aoharu X Kikanjuu
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eternallost · 9 months
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harubros · 2 months
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expandingsky · 1 year
『Nagamasa Midori』
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510 icons of Nagamasa Midori from Aoharu x Machinegun. Credit is not necessary; like or reblog if using.
『Dropbox link』
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kinbari14 · 1 year
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Makima illustrated by NAOE (Aoharu x Machinegun)
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aoharuxtoygun · 1 year
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Never over these two
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karashi-san · 1 year
Aoharu × Kikanjū (青春×機関銃) traduzione cap 78.4
Ho utilizzato ocr per estrapolare il testo e vari traduttori online (non sapendo il giapponese) quindi le traduzioni risultano fortemente imprecise e/o non corrette.
Le scan si possono leggere su questo link
pag 122
Midori San “ふじもん 顔に蚊が ついてる Fujimon hai una zanzara in faccia”
Fujimoto”や…… 優しく お願いするっス Si… per favore fai piano/sii gentile”
Midori “え… 顔叩くの はちょつと Eh… non credo di doverti schiaffeggiare”
Fujimoto “へ Eeeh?”
Midori “顔に虫刺されとか ちょっとみっとも ないけど しょうがないよねLe punture di insetti sul viso sono un po' brutte, ma non si può fare a meno”
Fujimoto”強くても 痛くても いいんで non mi interessa se è forte o doloroso, 叩いて 欲しいっス・voglio che tu mi colpisca”
Pag 123
Yukki ”まっつん 好きな人 いるでしよつ Mattsun, c’è qualcuno che ti piace?”
Matsuoka “ゆつ き!!! Yukki!!”
Yukki” お見通しだよ ti sto osservando”
Yukki” 誰なのかも 大体見当は ついてる Penso di avere un’idea abbastanza precisa di chi possa essere”
Matsuoka “マジかよ…… Davvero…?”
Yukki” 気持ち伝えな いの? Perché non me lo dici/ perché non glielo dici?”:
Pag 124
Matsuoka “無理だ Non posso”
Yukki “どうして Perché?”
Matsuoka “ 今の関係が 壊れる可 能 性 があるなら 気持ちなんて 伝えたくない
Non voglio dirti come mi sento se c'è la possibilità che la relazione si rompa.”
Yukki “…… まっつんには 致命的なものが 足りてないんだよ 致命的なもの? Mattsun, ti manca qualcosa di pericoloso? Mattsun non ti piacciono delle cose abbastanza pericolose”
Matsuoka” 致命的なもの?delle cose abbastanza pericolose?”
Yukki” 「練習」 (Devi) Fare Pratica”
Matsuoka “れんしゆう? Fare Pratica?”
Yukki” そう練習 Sì, pratica”
Pag 125
Yukki “ 俺を 好きな子だと 思って 告白してみてよPensa a me come alla ragazza che ti piace e prova a confessare”
Matsuoka “ 理屈が全然 わかんねえけど わかった Non capisco la logica ma va bene”.
Matsuoka”好きだ Sukida/ Mi piaci いつからなんて わからないくらい
どこがなんて わからないくらい non so da quanto (tempo) e non so dove 全部 好きだ mi piace tutto di te”
Pag 126
Matsuoka “俺と付き合ってください! Mi piaci tantissimo, Per favore esci con me”
Yukki “喜んで Con piacere”
Matsuoka “言えた !! L’ho detto/ Riesco a dirlo!!! なんかすげえ いい感じに 言えた気がする Mi sento come se fossi riuscito a dire qualcosa di straordinario”
Pag 127
Yukki “大好きだよ まっつん…… Mi piaci Mattsun/ Ti voglio bene Mattsun”
Matsuoka” ???”
Hotaru * パ キ パ キ パ キ* *clap clap clap*
pag 128
Hotaru “おめでとつごごいます お 二 人で とも Congratulazioni ad entrambi”
Haruki “ ま.. 幸せにな …? Beh, siate felici…”
Yukki “ありがとう Grazie これからも よろしくね da adesso in poi yotoshiku ne /mettiamocela tutta / per il vostro supporto”
Matsuoka “誤解を解くのに めちゃくちゃ時間 かかった Mi ci è voluto molto tempo per chiarire l’equivoco.”
Pag 129
Hotaru “ 久々の TGC 楽しかった ですっ “ È passato molto tempo dall'ultima volta che sono stata al TGC”
*九尾の寿司も おいしかったです* *anche il sushi di Kitsune Sushi era delizioso*
Hotaru “負けちゃい ました けど…… Anche se abbiamo perso…”
Yukki “立花君の時差ボケが なければもっと いい勝負だった かもねー Sarebbe stato un incontro migliore se Tachibana-kun non avesse avuto il jet-lag.”
Hotaru” Scusatemi”
Haruki” ? Non l’hai fatto in America? (Si riferisce al tgc e/o all’airsoft)”
Hotaru “ペイントポール とかでやったり してたんです けど “ Dipingevo i pali di vernice o qualcosa del genere.. ma” Favevo paintball (sport) e cose simili ma..”
Yukki “けど? Ma?”
pag 130
Hotaru “立花には あまり Non si addicevano così tanto a Tachibana”
Matsuoka “しばらく 日本に いるのか? Starai in Giappone per un po’?”
Tachibana”はいつSì! お 父さんとお母さんも来てますよ 今ホテルに
泊ってます Anche mio padre e mia madre sono qui, alloggiano in albergo”
Matsuoka”お父さんの手術成功して よかったな Sono felice che l'operazione di suo padre sia stata un successo.”
Hotaru “無理は林示物 ですけどね Le foreste ancora gli sono vietate/ Tuttavia non è ancora in forma. “
pag 131
Yukki” じゃあ これからは 親子三人で 日本で 暮らすの?Quindi d’ora in poi potrai vivere con i tuoi genitori?”
Hotaru “そうですね でも È vero, ma..”
[アメリ力での 立花 Tachibana in America]
Kane-chan “ 今日も悪を 断罪するぞ 蛍! Condanneremo i il male anche oggi, Hotaru!”
Hotaru “はい Sì!!”
Sōichi “ 二人とも警察官 だなんて かっこいいなあ僕も 頑張らないと Siete entrambe agenti di polizia, è fantastico! Anch'io devo lavorare sodo”
pag 132
Kane-chan “宗一は十分 頑張っている 無理するな Sōichi sta facendo del suo meglio, non esagerare”
Sōichi “ 加祢ちゃん Kane-chan…”
Kane-chan” Vado e torno”
Hotaru” お 父 さんPapà…”
pag 133
Kane-chan “いかんいかん 朝のハグを 忘れるところ だった…… oh quasi dimenticavo il mio abbraccio del mattino”
Sōichi “行ってらつしやい A presto”
Hotaru”行ってきます!! Vado!!!”
pag 134
Kane-chan “ 結婚して よかった Sono contenta di essere sposata”
——- - —
Hotaru “両親が目の前で ラブラブしてるの 見てるのって なんか複雑で…… Guardare i miei genitori che si amano proprio davanti a me è un po' complicato...”
Yukki”アメリ力では 立花君だって ちゆっちゆして たんでしよ? In America anche Tachibana-Jun ha dato un po’ di chuu-chuu (baci)?”
Hotaru” してない ですよグ !!! Non è vero 偏見。。 (hai pregiudizi)”
Hotaru ” これからは母と共に 日本の警察官として 頑張っていく つもりですが
親元は離れる つもりです D'ora in poi, ho intenzione di fare del mio meglio come agente di polizia in Giappone con mia madre.Lascerò la casa dei miei genitori.”
Yukki” それって つまりQuesto significa..”
pag 135-136
Hotaru “ また 一人暮らし しようと 思ってます Sto pensando di vivere di nuovo da sola”
Matsuoka “あのさ ..Quindi è così…”
Hotaru” 実はもうネットで 調べて内見予約 してるのですっ 駅から 徒歩五分Infatti, ho già preso un appuntamento per vedere un appartamento, a cinque minuti a piedi dalla stazione.
Matsuoka e Haruki “ え…Eeeh”
pag 136
Haruki” 駅から徒歩 5分ってことは 「月城荘」 じゃないのか 5 minuti a piedi dalla stazione non è il condominio “Tsukishiroso"? “
Matsuoka” 内見も予約して るってことは…他に行きたい つてことだよな Se hai già un appuntamento per vedere un appartamento significa che... Vuoi andare da un'altra parte, vero?”
Yukki “え? 月城荘た 戻ってこないの Eh? Non tornerai al condominio Tsukishiro?”
Haruki e Matsuoka “ダイレクトに 聞いたー L’ha chiesto in modo diretto”
Pag 137
Haruki “ 透のそういうところ 本気で尊敬する Ammiro molto questo aspetto di Tōru”
Matsuoka” 今回ばかりは 聞いてくねて ありがとうな Grazie per avermi ascoltato (chesto?) /(intuito cosa pensavo) questa volta”
Hotaru “え? 月城荘は Eh? Il condominio Tsukishiro è..”
Hotaru” ダメ…… ですね No, non posso”
Haruki e Matsuoka”あああああああ… Aaaaaah”
Pag 138
Haruki”覚悟してたけど 想像のはるか上を 行くダメージ Ero preparato, ma il danno (dispiacere) è andato ben oltre quello che avrei potuto immaginare.”
Matsuoka “吐きそうMi sento male”
Yukki” なんで perchè?”
Haruki e Matsuoka “ もはや 勇者かよ sei coraggioso”
Tachibana” ……ダメな ものは ダメなの です…… No, le cose vanno male”
Yukki “なにそれ Cosa c’è (qual è il problema)?”
Yukki” そんなの 答えにな Questa non è una risposta”
Pag 139
Yukki”俺達は立花君が また戻ってくる って思ってた ずっと 待ってた Pensavamo che Tachibana-kun sarebbe tornata di nuovo e ti stavamo aspettando. ちゃんと説明 してよ Devi darci delle spiegazioni”
pag 140
Hotaru” 月城荘の 部屋が 空いてなかっ たのです!!” L’appartamento nel condominio Tsukishiro non era libero!!!”
Yukki, Matsuoka e Haruki “え? Eh?”
Hotaru “ 日本に帰るってなった時 真っ先にネットで 調べましたよ でも空いて なかった!! Quando è arrivato il momento di tornare in Giappone, la prima cosa che ho fatto è stata cercare su Internet.. ma l’appartamento non era vuoto!!
Pag 141
Hotaru “立花が住んでた 202号室には 別の人が住んで いるんですUn'altra persona vive nella stanza 202 dove viveva Tachibana”
Hotaru “そんなの雪村さん達が 一番わかってるじゃ ないですかグ
わざわざ言わせ ないでくださいよ Lo sai bene, vero, Yukimura-san?
Non mi forzate a dirvelo!!!”
pag 142
Haruki “えっと ehm..”
Matsuoka “ あつ oh..”
Yukki” その部屋 俺達が借りてる んだった🖤 Abbiamo affittato quella stanza 🖤”
Hotaru “えええええええ!?!? Eeeeh!?!?”
Hotaru “どういう ことですかり !?Cosa significa!?”
Haruki” お前が引っ越して すぐ別の人が あそこに入ったん だけどよ……
ちょっと問題 が Non appena ti sei trasferita, un'altra persona si è trasferita lì, ma...c’è un piccolo problema”
Hotaru”問題? Problema?”
Haruki “一回通報 されたんだよ Hanno chiamato una volta”
Hotaru”通報 fammi rapporto!”
*どういつまと Quando (hanno chiamato)*
Persona nuova dell’ appartamento “あっお隣さん の声だ Oh è la voce del mio vicino”
* あははは* Ahaaa*
pag 143
Matsuoka “いやー 今日は4人しか 殺せなかったNo, oggi sono riuscito a uccidere solo quattro persone.
※サバゲーの話です*Questa è la storia di un gioco di sopravvivenza.
Persona nuova dell’ appartamento “えつ EH”
Yukki”俺なんか 二人だよ io solo due
Haruki” 次 はもっと ふつ殺す Ne ucciderò di più la prossima volta”
Persona nuova dell’appartamento “110番しな きゃ!! Chiamare il 110!!!”
Yukki”あの部屋空いてると 何も知らない人が また入居しちゃうし
俺ら3人で 家賃割ってあの 部屋借りてたんだ Se quella stanza fosse stata vuota, gli estranei si sarebbero trasferiti di nuovo. Noi tre abbiamo l'affitto di quell’appartamento “
Yukki” 誰かさんが 帰ってきたら
あの部屋譲っても いいかなーっとか思ってたし? Nel caso tornasse, mi chiedevo se potevamo dare quella stanza a te”
Pag 144
Hotaru “な….なんですか , えね..che cos’è , ene…(destino) てっきりあの 場所には
別の人が…… Credevo che quel posto fosse di un’altra persona
Matsuoka “Scusa, non volevamo ferirti.”
Tachibana”アメリカでも サバゲーは やったりして いたのですけど
ダメだった のです Giocavo anche a giochi di sopravvivenza in America.
non andava bene”
Matsuoka”え… E….”
Pag 145
Hotaru” だ ってそこには トイガンガンの 皆が いないから Perché lì non c’erano i Toy Gun Gun”
Hotaru” 立花の都合で お別れしたからHo detto arrivederci (ai toy Gun Gun) per le ragioni di Tachibana (genitori in America)
わがままは いけないって Non devo essere egoista 思うのに, penso “
pag 146
Hotaru” 寂しくて Mi siete mancati (mi sentivo così sola)”
Haruki”立花 Tachibana”
Pag 147
Yukki”ちなみにこれが202号室の鍵です A proposito, questa è la chiave della stanza 202.”
Yukki” いりますか? いりませんか? Vuoi? Ti piacerebbe venire?”
pag 148
Hotaru” 立花にください ! Per favore dalla a Tachibana”
pag 149
Yukki” 別に挙手はしなくていいけど non devi alzare la mano まあ立花君らしい からいいよ Beh, è proprio da Tachibana-kun, quindi va bene.”
* lavoriamo sodo più tardi *
pag 150-151
Kanae al tel”今婚活 中いい男見つから ないのーNon riesco a trovare un buon uomo in questo momento.
Hotaru”はははっ 鼎ならきっと 大丈夫さ Ahaha Kanae se la caverà sicuramente”
Hotaru” これからは 日本にいるから 今度ご飯 食べに行こうSarò in Giappone d'ora in poi, quindi andiamo a mangiare fuori la prossima volta”
Kanae al tel “ 本当ワ やったーっ Evviva. Andiamo!“
Hotaru “おつと すまない 着いたから 一日切るな ops scusa sono arrivata”
Kanae al tel うんっ まったね ー・ “Uhh a presto”
Hotaru” 戻 ってきた sono tornata 月城荘 Tsukishiro”
pag 152-153
Hotaru “この階段 Queste scale本当 懐かしいな Mi sono davvero mancate “
Matsuoka “よつ Yoo”
Matsuoka” 引っ越し 手伝うぜ ti aiutiamo a traslocare”
Yukki” 下着の入った 段ボールは 俺に回して Puoi darmi la scatola di cartone con la biancheria intima.”
Haruki “やめろ バ力 Smettila idiota”
Hotaru” 皆さん ….Ragazzi….
てもすみません 引っ越しのトラックが 遅れてるみたいで
もう一回 電話して みまー Mi dispiace, penso che il camion del trasloco sia in ritardo, proverò a chiamare di nuovo”
Matsuoka” 蛍 Hotaru “
Matsuoka “お帰り ben tornata”
Hotaru”ただいま Sono a casa”
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this was supposed to be a quick sketch QnQ yet i spent an hour and a half also you cannot convince me these two aren’t in a lesbian relationship, i saw episode 9.
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