#apart from VS I’ll probably do that next
chid0rita · 1 year
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No One Asked; Matching MMJ Layouts (1/2)
No Kin/Me/Etc on Minori
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happy74827 · 10 months
Promises and Ballads
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[Todd Ingram x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Todd notices the gloomy outlook on you, and although he’s not much help, he still attempts at making you smile.
WC: 1458
Category: Comfort
So, I decided to watch Scott Pilgrim Vs The World last night, and now I’m obsessed. It’s so chaotically good. Todd was my favorite evil ex out the seven, so ofc I had to write about him. And now, here we are.
The dim glow of Todd's apartment was pierced by the vibrant colors of posters plastered on the walls. The distant sound of guitars being tuned hinted at the imminent performance of "The Clash at Demonhead." You, however, were sitting on the couch with a storm of emotions clouding your expression.
"So," Todd started, pulling you from your thoughts, "How's college life treating you?" His question was followed by the tapping of the tuning pegs as he finished tuning his bass.
"It's fine," you said, giving him a fake smile. "Nothing too special."
He turned away from the bass to face you, his eyebrows raised. "…Really? Nothing too special? I find that hard to believe, considering… well, you know. I'd expect at least a few crazy stories from you by now."
You sighed and stared into your hands as you pulled them from the sofa, a pained look on your face. You didn’t respond.
Todd let out a soft hum, then walked over and sat next to you on the sofa. He draped his arm over your shoulders, pulling you close. You flinched, your breath hitching, but you didn't pull away from him.
Todd was your best friend since high school. You weren’t very popular and had a hard time making friends, but then you met Todd. Brash, stubborn, and confident Todd. He was your opposite in every way. That was probably why you both hit it off so well.
During the first few weeks in high school, Todd would get in fights. It was always something stupid. Someone would call him a chicken, and he’d hit them, or someone would insult his hair, and he would deck them in the jaw.
Eventually, after a particularly bad fight, he brought enough concern that your algebra teacher decided to dump him on you to “guide” him.
It didn’t work, obviously, as Todd just gave you hell for being a teacher's pet, but that eventually led you into being friends when he realized how little you stuck up for yourself.
It was a weird friendship, you had to admit. But it worked out.
You grew up together. Todd would skip class, and you'd help tutor him. You'd sneak out at night and see bands and shows with him, and sometimes, you'd hang out here in his apartment and watch old movies or play video games. You two were as close as you could possibly get. Well, not as close as you'd hoped you could be, but that's life, right?
"Alright, whose ass do I need to kick?" Todd asked, breaking you from your thoughts.
"What?" You asked, confused.
"Well, you were super excited last week, and now you're just a slump. I’ll go vegan-punch their asses for you, no problem." He looked into your eyes, searching them, trying to find an answer to his question.
You laughed and pushed his arm off you. "I still find it weird how you got powers just for being vegan."
"Hey,” Like on cue, his hair suddenly rose as his eyes became glowing beams of white light. "I’m not complaining. Shit’s awesome, especially since I get to kick the shit out of some people,"
As you sighed, turning away from him momentarily, his hair died down as his eyes faded back to their normal color. Despite the humor, they were filled with concern. He didn't like it when you got quiet like this. It reminded him of the old days.
He gently turned your face toward his. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Todd, I," You bit your lip, trying to think of how to word what you were feeling. "I'm going to miss this."
"Miss what? My handsome face?"
"Stupid, you mean? Yeah, but that's not what I meant." You paused and looked around his apartment, your eyes landing on the many posters of bands that hung on the wall. "This."
“The… posters?” He asked.
You shook your head and turned away from them. "No. This. Us. All of it."
He stared at you, blinking slowly. "What?"
His voice was soft, dazed. Confused
He wasn’t getting it. God, it was so frustrating. How was he this stupid? Why were you friends again?
"Friendship. I mean, our friendship. When I leave again, we won't see each other as often, and when we do, we won't be as close. You’d be… well, busy.”
His expression was blank, his eyes wide and unblinking. "That's what you're worried about?"
"I—" You opened your mouth to answer him, but you couldn't think of the words you wanted to say. You just let out a deep breath and closed your eyes.
Todd leaned in, gently placing his hand on your cheek, turning your face toward his again. Your eyes opened to look at him, confused and filled with worry.
"Don't sweat it about that stuff. We'll still be friends, alright?" His words were firm, leaving no room for argument. "I won’t let you go."
His eyes were filled with that same determination; his hand was warm on your cheek, and his hair was bristling and sticking out every which way. This was Todd. This was the boy who took on everyone, whether they were ten times his size or a hundred times more skilled than him. This was the boy who took on bullies and came out on top.
And despite all that, despite everything, you had a nagging feeling in the back of your mind. You felt like something was going to go wrong.
You didn't realize it then, but in those moments, you realized that Todd didn't see you as a friend. Not just a friend.
He didn't see you as anything less, either.
It was at that moment that he finally saw you, and you were able to see him.
He smiled, that dumb, idiotic grin he always did when he was about to do something stupid. Most situations where he smiled like this were either terrifying or amusing, depending on if you were his enemy or his friend.
"You think you can escape me that easy?" He said, his words carrying the same tone he'd use in the school hallways when someone would try to make a fool out of him. He shifted himself on the couch, leaning into your space. He was getting closer and closer. You could feel his breath on your lips.
Your heart started pounding, and your head filled with fear, excitement, and confusion. His face was so close to yours, and he was so close to your lips. You wanted to look away, but you couldn't. You were frozen in place.
"T-Todd, what—" You swallowed the lump in your throat. You didn't want to let your fear out, but you could feel it. You didn't understand.
He grinned, "How can I resist a challenge?"
He moved his lips to yours, gently placing them in your mouth. He pressed them lightly, sending electricity through your veins. You felt your body start to heat up as your mind went blank.
He slowly pulled away and stared at you.
"There," he said. "That's one thing I'm going to miss about you."
"Wh-What?" You breathed out.
Todd leaned in, "Your smile."
You stared at him, dumbfounded, as your brain tried to catch up. Your mind was going a million miles a minute, but nothing made sense. You looked down, avoiding his gaze.
He grabbed your chin with his fingers, pulling your face toward him. He stared deep into your eyes.
"You don't think I see you? That I don't notice you? I'm not stupid." He placed his hand on your cheek, "Well, not that much, anyway."
"Todd, I—"
"Hey, look, you don't have to say anything, alright? Just—" He smiled softly at you, "Just go back to smiling."
Your heart felt like it was about to burst from your chest, but for once, you were feeling something good. Not just something, you were feeling a lot of different emotions. It was overwhelming, but you were glad for it. It was the first time in years that you felt that way.
You placed your hand on his and looked into his eyes. You nodded, "Okay."
His eyes lit up, and he smiled even brighter, which you didn't think was possible. He pulled your hand to his mouth and kissed your palm, then held it tightly. "Wanna hear me absolutely demolish this killer riff I’ve been working on? It'll blow your mind."
He went off on a tangent, talking about the music he was writing and how amazing he was, and how you had no clue what he was talking about, but that didn't matter because he was happy, and so were you.
College might be hard, but as long as you had him, everything would be fine.
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mischiefmaker615 · 5 months
Ghost (Loki Love Story) Ch. 2
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Note: Chapters *when published* can be found on my masterlist ♥
•Chapter 1 is recommended to start with•
Summary: Somehow Loki is back from the dead and.. quite literally, stuck with you! and his methods on trying to 'fix this' seems a bit to exotic for your taste.. but dead or alive, a god of mischief is still a god of mischief.
Rating: R
You stir, wincing at the mere movement that reminded you your shoulder had been injured. Your left hand raised to clutch the throbbing joint and felt a bandage had been placed on it, wrapped in such a way where you felt your arm resting against yourself to indicate it was in a sling as well.
Great. A temporary cripple that had to stay put in headquarters until the sling was ready to be ditched. No missions, no adventure. The mere thought of having to do paperwork made you groan and open your eyes, your body freezing in place as you stared up into two gorgeous and.. familiar blue orbs that gazed down at you with curiosity and life now that you were awake.
The sudden moment of mixed emotions and thoughts made your free hand swing right and hit him square in the jaw, making him fall out of view as your body jolted up and took in the scene. You were back in your apartment, in your bed, yes your arm in a sling and shoulder bandaged. The only thing that now was to be handled was the man that caught his footing beside your bed and a hand clutching his probably sore cheek.
‘’what in the nine realms was that fo-‘’
‘’what the hell are you doing here?? alive??’’ you shout as your hand fumbled to find your sword you kept on your nightstand while keeping eyes on him. its sudden disappearance made your eyes glance back to find it had been removed and now your brain said he possibly had a weapon on him.
Adrenaline aiding you, you jumped to your feet as you stood on your bed, your eyes watching his every move as his hands raised up, palms facing you in a surrender position.
‘’now don’t-‘’
‘’fuck you-‘’ you snapped and jumped down, dashing towards the living room quickly as you heard boots pound behind you while your hand reaches for the cabinet below your tv where you keep a dagger. Before you had the chance to swing it open in your crouch position, two arms envelope you from behind, feeling your back and sore wings press against his chest as you begin to struggle in his arms.
Your Asgardian strength vs his makes you both an almost equal match compared to if you were a Midgardian, but being a woman vs a man had its disadvantages as your front was pressed up against the wall, your good arm being pinned behind your back while his other hand kept your wing pressed forward.
‘’now, if you care to listen properly this time, I’ll start with informing you that I am not here to harm you-‘’
‘’you think I’m afraid, is that it?? ghosts aren’t welcome here Laufeyson’’ you snapped as you tried to push yourself from the wall but his body against yours kept you were he wanted you.
‘’I am not a ghost.. really. Your blood brought me back.’’ Loki explained, quickly as if you were going to interrupt him again.
‘’the hell are you talking about?’’
‘’language darling, and I’ll tell you.’’ He smirked but you weren’t in the mood to play games as you struggled harder.
‘’eat shit-‘’
‘’alright, I didn’t wish to have you further injure yourself so do try to cooperate.’’ He warned and he released your wing, quickly moving his hand instead to your mouth to silence the next set of cuss words that threatened to leave your lips.
Trying to take the opportunity that your wing was free, you moved your body to turn you both but he backed the both of you up. Wrapping his other arm around your waist, he kept your arm pinned to your side before he sat down on the couch with you on his lap. You struggled against him, him merely keeping silent as he tightened his hold while you mumbled in his hand, trying to get free. Once your adrenaline came down after a minute, pain seemed to shoot up your body as you stilled, squeezing your eyes shut as you breathed through the pain.
‘’now that your done with your little fit, there is much to discuss and it’s important for you to know,’’ Loki explained, keeping his voice low as if to sooth your mood but you just answered him with a glare, whether he could see it or not as you tried to ignore the fact that he was keeping you in his lap.
‘’back at the.. museum of sorts, during your heroic battle against the mortals, a bit of your blood just so happened to land on my attire and bring me back. Why? That is what I wish to find out eventually. I have no memory of my previous where abouts, only the memory of my brother and.. Thanos.’’ His voice sharpened at the mention of him, you figured he was referring to his last moments. Either way, his hand seemed to loosen briefly where you could turn your face to the side to free your mouth.
‘’so what, are you here to thank me for bringing you back or something? You’re welcome. Now you can get out of my apartment.’’ your voice dripped in sarcasm but you failed to hide your curiosity that Loki, god of Mischief was back from the dead.
‘’I would, but we have a small problem.’’ He then stood up, releasing you finally as you created distance with yourself and him but before you could think to go back for your dagger, he swiftly walked to the front door and opened it.
You raised a brow in confusion as he stepped out, the door shutting behind him. in one swift moment, almost in the blink of an eye- he reappeared out of nowhere in front of you and you jumped, taking a step back as your back hit the wall- your emotions having you ignore the pain for now as you looked at him in all the forms of ‘what the fuck’.
Loki sighed as he crossed his arms. ‘’trust me darling, as gorgeous as you are- I’ve tried leaving you several times.’’
You glare at him, not knowing exactly how to feel about that comment as you scooted around him cautiously before bolting to the door, yanking it open as the light hit your eyes as you stepped out, taking one glance at New Asgard before in a blink of an eye, you appeared right before him, perhaps a little to close as you stumbled back away from him.
His face couldn’t help but hold amusement as he leaned against the wall, watching how you tried about two more times before landing just a step away from him and you even bolting to the farthest part of the apartment before the same result occurred.
‘’what the fuck!!’’ you yelled in frustration and plopped down on the couch, exhausted from your wounds, mentally and from this whole new situation you have to deal with.
You resisted the urge to kill him when you heard chuckling before he strolled over and sat beside you. You didn’t hesitate to scoot farther away as he leaned back and sighed. ‘’it seems to me that we’re stuck together-‘’
‘’no- no no no no no.. we are not stuck together… I’ll just call-‘’
‘’who? The Avengers? SHIELD? My brother?’’ Loki almost mocked as he crossed his arms and looked at you. ‘’wherever I go, you’ll go darling. I get locked up, so will do. This isn’t a scientific situation for your green monster or your iron idiot to dissect. I’m not entirely sure if magic is involved in this. This seems to be blood bound. Whatever is holding the bond together, needs to be undone.’’
‘’..i could always kill you.’’ You threaten as you look upon him with hatred.
‘’and risk you dying as well? Unless you wish more to be stuck being around a dead body than a mobile one.’’
‘’hard choice honestly.’’ You said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.
‘’there is a scripture involving blood magic, it falls almost along the lines of black magic. I could have sworn reading it long ago..’’ he trailed off, as if memories back on Asgard came back to him but it was short lived as he stared back at you. ‘’blood is a bond, what breaks the bond is completing the contract. When you placed your blood onto my attire- accident or not, you must have been thinking about something.. something that you wished assistance with or something completed.. I help you, and we might be able to separate.’’ He explained, hard to tell if he was thrilled by having to help or not but you looked at him as if he were stupid.
‘’so.. what? you think I called you here to try to help me with something? As if you could help me feel complete or mend something I had broken? All you managed to do was get me shot in the shoulder and have shards of glass in my wings- who the hell even did this?’’ you pointed at the sling and bandage.
‘’your soldier did.’’ Loki said dryly, hating any type of mention of the Avengers.
‘’you saw? So how did you get here?’’
‘’I didn’t exactly have to run darling. From medical bay, to this.. New Asgard apparently, I just kept reappearing to keep up. Not exactly a fun trip when you are being teleported against your will every 10 steps. You’ve only been out for merely a day.’’ Loki explained casually as you glanced at the clock.
‘’now what-‘’ you groaned as you got up and went over to the door, Loki not even glancing behind him as if he could care less while you look through the hole.
‘’Y/N? it’s Steve.. I’m just here checking in..’’
‘’oh gods this keeps getting better and better..’’ you groan under your breath as your eyes dart around the room. ‘’a.. one second!’’ you call at the door before you run over to the couch and make a shooing motion at Loki. ‘’get in the closet.’’
‘’excuse me?’’ he looked up at you in almost disgust.
‘’we can’t handle this situation if your locked up so you need to hide.’’ You hiss, needing him to move.
‘’I much prefer your bedroom,’’ he smirked but you snatch his hand to yank him up with a struggle.
‘’to far, the closet is the closest to the general area he’ll be in without any of us.. teleporting. Hurry up-‘’’ you hiss as you go behind him and practically push him to move forward as he mumbled something in a different language before getting in the closet, moving your jacket and coats aside.
‘’this is absurd-‘’
‘’this whole day is.’’ You snap back before shutting the door in his face before cautiously going to the door, pausing as if that distance alone would have you snap back to Loki but you stayed put. Taking a  deep breath, you opened the door. ‘’Steve!’’
‘’Y/N! thank goodness you’re up and about, I figured you would feel a bit more comfortable in your own home rather than the medical bay you always found creepy.’’ He teased with a  laugh as you stepped aside and he entered, going further into your living room.
‘’well thank you by the way, and your patch job is getting better’’ you tease as you gesture to your bandages and he laughed.
‘’I hoped I wouldn’t have to practice. I have to make this visit short but basically Fury has given you leave until you’re fully recovered.’’ He told you, his voice cautious as if you would blow up but your wings merely slumped.
‘’well.. I suppose its better than office work’’ you half tease as you scoot more towards the closet, not wanting to risk getting to far away from Loki as Steve shifted to the kitchen.
‘’well I know your arm is going to take some time to heel so is there anything around here you need assistance with? Cooking, cleaning perhaps? Its tough having your dominant hand affected’’ Steve offered as he went over to the kitchen as if there was guarantee dishes but you followed him, cutting your steps short as you got close to the couch.
‘’no no- I’m pretty good with my left, I’ll manage and I promise to call if there’s anything I need.’’ You smile, panic nudging you as he seemed to be around the corner, making you lean a bit to see what he was doing but he already came back to view, seeing you lean to see rather than just take the step forward.
‘’you okay?’’ he asked, giving a confused and amused look at the same time.
‘’yeah just a.. stretching- I’m a little tired though..’’ you hinted as you stayed put, not wanting to sound rude but had to much to take care of him as he nodded.
‘’I understand, I know you can take care of yourself but don’t be stubborn, I’m just a call away’’ Steve smiled as you followed him to the door, returning the smile as he stepped out.
‘’I promise, and thank you. Take care of yourself out there.’’ You tell him before you close the door, a gasp leaving your lips as you suddenly appeared in the closet- falling against Loki’s chest as you struggled to regain footing in the cramped closet.
‘’my apologies love, I must have taken a step back.’’ Loki chuckled, his hands on your hips to steady you as you push off of him and yank the door open, stepping out red faced.
‘’w-whatever.. let’s try to figure this out.’’
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andreaphobia · 2 years
P5R Pilgrimage: Yongen-jaya
Sangen-jaya, actually, but let’s just say I can’t count! 
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More pics and screenshot comparisons under the cut! :D
Let’s start things off with the train station.
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The street that the Yongen-jaya area is modeled after is a couple-minute walk from the station, and the view up and down the street is pretty familiar. 
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Note the signs for ぷくいち / らくまる near the upper right, and the yellow bollards further up the street!
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That store exists -- it seems to be a teppanyaki and fuchuyaki (a type of okonomiyaki) place.
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The street on which Leblanc should be located is right nearby -- note the cute nod to the real-life signage (Good-Bye Good-Bye vs Good-day Good-day). There’s a snack bar (a type of hostess bar) on this street -- it’s the shop with the round red awning. I’ve read in other posts that the snack bar is aware that the location is visited by P5 fans, and that they’ve got some merch and such inside, but I didn’t visit it myself.
The store in the space where you’d expect Leblanc to be appears to be a takoyaki shop.
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I was very much hoping to be able to peek into the laundromat and perhaps buy a drink at the vending machine, but the entrance to the bathhouse is closed up. The location is marked as “temporarily closed” on Google Maps, but from the looks of it it’s probably permanent...
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A little further down the street is the Thai restaurant.
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This entire street is crafted with uncanny accuracy; it’s really fun having a look around.
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Where you might expect to find an old fellow on a bench with a radio...
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And a little further down the street, the buildings come together quite tightly.
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The lantern is still there!
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A little name change never hurt anyone...
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Further down the street is the grocery store, Muramasa (actually Niku no Hanamasa).
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The name Muramasa’s a bit of a pun -- “murasaki” is the Japanese word for purple or violet, and you’ll notice that they changed the storefront to be purple instead of yellow.
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The staircase leading up to the batting cages is also there, albeit on the other side of the store. Unfortunately this place was closed too -- I snuck up the stairs for a little peek around, but didn’t get too far before turning back. (All the signs about cameras freaked me out. xd)
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Lastly, this obviously isn’t in Sangen but sorta felt like it made sense to include it in this post: the Aoyama-itchome station.
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The fare gate was really the only thing that sort of looked how it does in the game. Apart from that, I think lots of it was changed to make the place look a bit more open visually; IRL it’s a little cramped.
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That’s it for this one. I’ll probably do Kichijoji next!
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kandyshoppe · 4 months
Hey, uh, I have an Oc that is a vet (surgeon more specifically) but I don’t really know about how they should act about it or the experiences so, do you have any advice on that front?
Like, I just take more example from doctors, my mother and brother are and they are both very, uh, ( ̄︿ ̄) about it.
Like they tell stories and experiences constantly when we are eating, like how my mother saved a kid that got shot point blank in the head (kids are very resilient like holy fuck), my brother is studying still but he already has a few experiences and such. So I take more note that those in medicine are just very not overreactive to emergency situations.
But that is just human vets, which humans can be very crazy but it’s very different from animals.
So I would like to know if vets are also like that? Just “Emergency? Okay let’s start” and have many things under control.
Also what are your crazy vet student experiences?
Also your job is very cool.
Alright! So! First! I mainly did paperwork while interning. I only went with boss a few times as an extra set of hands for graphing, and I am not interning anymore because of summer vacation (I only actually interned last semester to be honest, cause I needed to focus on class work this last semester)
Never take a vet to polite dinner, we WILL just start talking about the grossest things while casually eating. Being in the medical field, you need a strong stomach, so sometimes we forget not everyone wants to hear about us looking through poop to find worms or giving a cow an enema. We’re DISGUSTING. We regularly deal with being covered in fluids all day cause we don’t have time for a shower! Got another appointment in ten minutes!
Vets also have STRONG opinions on different animals, though they don’t all match up. I would rather shoot myself in the leg than deal with another racehorse again, but my boss adores horses! That being said, dogs tend to fall in similar categories on breeds, every husky I’ve ever met has ripped their catheter out, and every pug has been a screaming diva.
Some of the shared opinions are cats have the best names, bird owners are their own breed, no dog owner truly knows how much of a devil their dog is, cows are inherently stupid, and horses would murder you for one corn chip.
Now, I am not interning right now as summer has started, and it was for a class, but vets are very busy during spring, fall, and every single full moon. Nobody knows what happens but animals get weird every full moon! Summer tends to fluctuate depending on the type of vet you are. Surgeons probably wouldn’t see as much of a increase vs farm vet (which is what I’m going for). Most surgery’s are scheduled, but there are emergency surgeries sometimes needed. Which leads to my next point.
I was never apart of any emergency situations since I’m still learning, but I have seen my boss just FULL SPRINT across the clinic, and I was told to take care of the front. (The dog was okay for anyone wondering, she had an emergency c section and all puppies were okay!) the only close to an emergency was a sudden seizure someone’s goat had, not a fainting goat, she had milk fever. That was very much « work mode » while also trying to stay compassionate to the owner and animal. I bet working in back with an emergency would be similar to how medical professionals might feel, but if the owner is there you have to make sure to put up a brave front.
It’s different from being a medical doctor as owners are such a big part of the job, your bedside manner has to be amazing! I’ve wanted to strangle owners for neglect, hug them during last visits, or just stare confused at them for saying the DUMBEST things (DOGS AND CATS A CARNIVORES I SWEAR TO HIGH HEAVEN!) and find a balance between brutal honesty, and softness during rough times. If your dog will probably die, I’m gonna tell you that, but I’ll give options.
Another thing is while many animals COULD live through last injuries, such as broken jaws, rarely do owners have the time or resources to heal their pet to a point of actually living vs surviving. Is it possible? Yes. But rarely feasible. Sometimes it’s better to let your pet go, take a few days if you can to give them the best time ever, feed them chocolate before the visit, and give lots of good boy/girl kisses.
Lastly, farm vets look less at keeping animals super comfortable vs fixing the problem as fast as possible. Obviously we do avoid putting animals in pain, but sometimes you have to yank a tooth, or disinfect a wound right then and there. It’s a delicate balance of caring for the animal, and understanding that farmers need cheap but long term results for their own livelihood.
Look up vetblr here as that has a lot more, actually trained, graduated and qualified individuals than me. The biggest thing is for vets, you live and breathe animals. You aren’t paid that well, school is expensive, it is taxing on your body, and mentally and emotionally exhausting. Hell, half the vets I know will take money out of their own pockets to lower costs for surgeries needed for pets! It’s HARD, and I personally suggest looking at other animal based careers for something to fall back on. (Also, I hate petstores! May they all burn!)
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plaindangan · 11 days
when you made list of your fav characters to write, it had a lot of Stoic Big Booties (kirumi, kyoko, maki, mukuro, celeste). could you write about them having some sort of contest on who will be the last to moan while doing various lewd things?
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
“Puhuhuhuhu!! Coomers and sluts, welcome to probably the only time we’re doing this!! This is the 1st Stoic Big Booty Competition! I’m your lovely android hostess, Monokuma-chan, and I’ll be looking over the proceedings of six unique events to decide which Big Booty Bitch reigns supreme!!! This’ll be a long one so this event will be divided part by part with gradual installments in the future! Okay, okay!~”
“No without further ado - let’s give it everything we’ve got!! Iiiiiiiiiiiitttt’ssss competttttiiiiiiiiing timeeeeeeeeee!!!!”
Round 1: Ass Groping!
“First event is pretty straightforward!! Everyone knows big ass skanks need their booties felt up! So let’s see which one of these girls can hold out the longest in that case!!! MKC said as groups of masked Monokuma guys took their places behind the girls. The girls themselves were standing perfectly still in sports bras and black booty shorts that did barely a thing to cover their gelatinous buns.
On MKC’s mark the men began to grope away at the great glutes. Their hands sinking into the marshmallow badonkadonk of each booty. Kneading and squeezing, hoping for a response…and in a few seconds there was! From Celeste of all people, as let out a moan from a guy squishing her left cheek. Something that her blush in embarrassment before letting out a ‘tch’ in disappointment to herself.
However, that seemed to be the only easy elimination for a good while as for the next five minutes, no one else seemed to be willing to go down…until a squeak was heard. By…Mukuro?!! As for why, well looking back, her ass cheeks were not only spread apart, but also crashed together. Creating quite the clap, and taking Mukuro off guard. Guess she was really unused to such treatment, huh (Makoto should takes notes on how to help her for later~)
But still, that just left three girls left, with seemingly no amount of squishing or even forced cheek clapping to really end things. Maki, Kyoko and Kirumi must really have nerves of steel in those glutes, hm?
“Some tough bitches left, huuuuuuuh?!!! Well, well, well, well, well!! Let’s see if they’re tough enough when it comes to this shit then!!! Take it up a notch, boys!!!” Up a notch? How so? All three didn’t know what to expect…until they felt it! Soft, spine-tingling kisses hit their necks. Their cheeks. Their heads. Their backs. All while those men kept playing with their jiggly globes. 
Such added bit of pleasure to their plight, surely would get another one moaning…and this time, it was Kyoko~ She held out pretty well and long, but when her guy began to knead her ass while kissing her right behind her ear…well. She just couldn’t resist letting out quite the immodest moan.
Thus, the cast was down to two: Maki vs Kirumi. But this time, something happened. Their usual guys were swapped out? In their places were two figures in robes who immediately got to work groping them again, and eventually kissing them as well…
But there was one stark difference to be had with these two.
“Enjoying yourself…Maki Roll~”
“Hope this has been relaxing, Kirumi~”
Both whispered into their ear at the same time, which had both girls eyes widened.
!!! Those voices?!! Kaito and Rantaro?!!! They were both here? How devilish to bring in the guys they liked to this event?!! But they couldn’t do much now…but endure. Endure the whispers of their love, endure the squeezes brought about by their firm, gentle, hands. Endure their kisses and how much both just wanted, craved, needed-!!!!!!!!!
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, K-kaaaaaiiiiiiitoooooooooooo!!!” moaned Maki, only for her eyes to widen. Shit!!!!!!!!!!! It was there we had a winner. The one who survived the ass groping round: Kirumi Tojo!!!!
“Congrats, Kirumi! You survived not moaning after that giant beach ball of your ass got played with like a dick in the heat!!~ Tell us: why do you think you held out when so many of the others slipped up?” MKC asked, to which Kirumi shot a proud smile on her face.
“This is not my first time having my bottom played around by some handsy clients, and compared to some of my regulars this was merely light play. While I shouldn’t consider this a positive, I do believe that experience allowed me to win.”
“I see, I see!! There you have it folks, pervy clientele breeds ass resistance to proud maids!! Meaning all maids need this treatment if they wanna be champion!!! Thank you, winner of round one!”
“Th-that’s not what I really wanted to conve-”
“Too bad, this has been round 1! Tune in next time for our next bootylicious event! Signing out!!!”
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up Ep 5 Recap: Team Formation and Match Creation
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Welcome back to my MNET Build Up recap series. In the previous post, I awarded some BRAPPY Awards. I’ll award some more of these later in the series, probably, but for now let’s continue with the recaps. In this post, I’ll be covering most of the stuff from the latter portion of episode 5 -- the team formation and rival choosing portions.  Let's do it!
As a reminder, these ten guys have been saved from elimination:
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Left to right: Jay, Sunyoul, Neon, Bitsaeon, Seunghun, Donghun, Gwangseok, Kim Seohyung, Park Joohee, and Jeon Woong
The twenty safe guys are hanging out backstage in the Coliseum area. 
It’s clear from context that they have no idea which nine guys other than Jay* the judges have picked to go on to the next round. 
Dahee appears, and bless her heart, she is wearing a s w e a t e r and a jean skirt.
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You guys, Dahee is the absolute best. She looks adorable. 
*In case you don’t get the joke, they don’t actually know Jay survived, but I mean…. come on. 
Dahee says she’s here to explain the next phase of the show. She says that this round, the third round, is a 3x3 Death Match. Each surviving duo will be allowed to recruit one member of the ten lone survivors to their team. Then they’ll compete in five rounds in groups of three, and all three members of the losing team will be eliminated on the spot. Yeesh. 
The duos will be able to recruit their third member in order of points scored in the 2 vs 2 round.
This means that top-scoring Wumuti and Kang Hayoon will be able to get Jay, and then the other nine teams will be able to pick among the other survivors. Of course, they don’t know at this point who survived other than Jay and will be finding out when they enter the Small Room of Serious Decisions (SROSD)...
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Side question: Is the SROSD set piece recycled from Queendom Puzzle? I can only assume so. 
.... where the ten survivors are represented in the form of 4x6 glass standees. 
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We get a brief, unnecessary, confusing preview montage of the guys choosing. 
The glass standees have their same photos, so it takes some of the mystery out of MNET’s unnecessary pixelation.
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Gee, I wonder if that’s Neon and Gwangseok? 
We get a shot of the ten survivors in a sort of waiting room. 
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It really looks like the waiting room at the DMV or something. They’re sitting spaced apart carefully from each other, almost like it’s still the height of the pandemic. They’re wondering who is going to pick them, and reeling from their survivor’s guilt, I assume. 
Ok, so the confusing preview montage ends and it’s time to actually see the teams form. The guys try to talk strategy ahead of time, but it’s hard since they’re not sure who survived. But everyone wants Jay. 
Hayoon and Wumuti, with their 697 point score, enter the SROSD first and make a good show of pretending to discuss all the different people who they might pick… 
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… and by looking closely, you can tell they’re at least pretending to consider Bitsaeon, Seunghun, and Neon as well as Jay. (Why not at least tell us who they’re considering, MNET? The suspense will be about which one they actually choose, maybe?)
Back at the DMV, a name pops up on a monitor. It’s pixelated for us -- gotta keep up that suspense for no reason -- but the guys see who was chosen, and the chosen one gets up. And of course when Wumuti and Hayoon come back into the Coliseum room, they have Jay in tow.
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Bain and Minseo are disappointed because they wanted Jay. Well, yeah, everyone does. 
Wumuti says they’re planning to sing a Kpop song next -- so much for Jay’s plan to sing something ostentatiously Korean next time! 
Next up to choose is Bain and Minseo with their 690. Who will they pick? They’re debating between Seunghun, Bitsaeon, and Sunyoul. 
Backstage, the survivors are talking about who they think will get recruited next. Sunyoul notes that the teams that have gotten the best feedback from the judges have sung pop and/or R&B, and Neon thinks that Bain’s team will pick Bitseaon. 
And in fact they do choose Bitsaeon, just as Neon predicted. I would have picked Neon, but Bit is a great choice too. 
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So, the 3rd place team is Inhwan x Jaekyung, and the 4th place team is Haram x Inhyuk, and the 5th place team is Jeup x Suhwan. For some reason, we just don’t see Haram x Inhyuk enter the SROSD. Instead, we see 3rd and 5th place, at roughly the same time. 
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Inhwan and Jaekyung consider Seunghun but choose Donghun. They jump out and surprise him in the hall.
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It’s pretty clear that Jeup and Suhwan would have picked Donghun, but the other guys snapped him up first. So they choose Seunghun instead. Since he’s tall, Suhwan gets on Jeup’s shoulders so they can do a silly bit to welcome him to the team. 
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Hey, it wouldn’t be an MNET show if there was no hiding behind things and jumping out to surprise people at least a few times.
Choi Haram and Inhyuk choose Sunyoul, which seems like a good match up, actually. 
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Sunyoul’s voice is sweet, if a little thin, while Inhyuk’s voice is sharp and thick, so I think they’ll balance each other. We’ll see!
Still up for grabs are Neon, Gwangseok, Kim Seohyung, Park Joohee, and Jeon Woong.
Lim Sanghyun and Taewoo choose Neon, which again, seems like a good choice. 
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Both Sanghyun and Taewoo have distinctive voices, and Neon’s voice is so clean and lovely it could really go with anyone. He runs into their arms and they all hug cheerfully. 
Seventh placed Soomin and Geonu have an extremely polite and formal greeting process with their choice, Kim Seohyung. 
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This moment with Seohyung’s elaborate curtsy is one of those moments that I get the feeling that Seohyung has a funny personality. I wish we got to know the guys better, but there’s just no time since we need time to show pixelated nonsense, reactions, and then find out what the pixelated nonsense said 30 seconds later. We must have suspense over all things!
Back at the DMV, the last three left are Park Joohee, Lee Gwangseok, and Jeon Woong. That checks out, yeah.
MNET focuses on the one who has stated multiple times that he wants to get in good with MNET: Woong. He’s worried his metal state might suffer if he gets picked last. Joohee’s name comes up on the monitor. As Joohee goes to find out who picked him -- we find out later it was the maknae team -- Woong tries to stay cheerful and supportive, calling out “Fighting!”, but he feels bad that he hasn’t really shown his good side yet. At that moment, a name appears on the TV monitor. It’s blurred, because MNET refuses to ever just TELL YOU ANYTHING, but it’s obviously a two syllable name and that means it’s Woong. 
Woong goes out in the hall to find out who picked him, and it’s ninth placed Lee Minwook and Jang Intae. 
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I love how Minwook tries to hide behind his hand here. “Is that a person? No, it’s just a floating hand and some hair…” 
Woong says, “Since I’ve built up all the narratives, I will do my best so that I can hear the words ‘good job.’” I’ll say it, Woong-ah. Good job. 
Lim Junyheok and Yeo One go get Gwangseok from the DMV, and they have a nice group hug. 
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Junyheok tells Gwangseok that he was their first choice. Whether that’s true or not, it’s the right thing to say. I think that Junhyeok might be a good influence on Gwangseok, since they both struggle with keeping their strong voices under control.
Here are our ten teams:
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And right now I’m trying to imagine losing even just one of the teams, much less five of them. Awful. But that’s how these shows work. Also, you never know, maybe some of these guys will like working with each other enough to put out a single or two together as a project. That’d be nice!
The next phase is choosing the death matchups. Each team is given a little magnetic (I assume) sign with their pictures on it, and they’re confronted with the Moodboard of Doom listing the five rounds. The ninth and tenth place teams put their signs up first. From there, the 8th placed team can put its sign up, choosing a round and/or a rival, and then the 7th, and so on, but any higher placed team can replace a lower placed team, and put the lower placed team where they want to. 
The teams are shown in order in the images above, if you want to know who is in what place. But I’ll give each team a name now:
Jay’s team 
Team Bit-Bain
Team Balladeer
Team Sweeties
Jeup’s team
Team Gruff’n’smooth
Team Mismatch
Team Maknae
Team Underestimated 
Team Last Place
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I love how in this preview moment, they pixelated out the pictures, but left the place number, so we can easily see which team is up against which team as of this point.
Yeo One interviews, “My team isn’t weak at all! No one would think we’re in tenth place. I’m sure everyone else sees that too.”  Then we immediately hear from Seunghun from CIX, Taewoo, Neon, and Bitsaeon all saying that the team they think they can beat is Yeo One’s team. Bitsaeon says, “Honestly, I don’t think the ‘My Sea’ team won because they were good. They don’t have a wide spectrum.” Oof.  
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The 8th placed Team Maknae goes up to choose a rival, and Junhyeok is like “they wouldn't dare choose us!” But of course they do. One of them interviews, “they have a different style that would make our performance stand out!” That's very sweet to say. Gwangseok looks incredulous.
Next is 7th place Team Mismatch. They replace the 10th place team's sign with their own, so that they're challenging the maknae. I think they thought that since it's a push out scenario, they would probably get pushed out if they challenged Yeo One’s team, but maybe other people wouldn't want to go up against the babies and kill them, so they'd be safe in their choice. 
Soomin calls to the maknae, “As your chingoo*, I wanted to show you how spicy I can be.” The maknae are surprised to hear him say he's their chingoo and confirm, was he really born in 2004 like them? 
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And he's like yeppppp.
*The awful translation says “friend” which doesn't make any sense in context. Pretty much any time you see “friend” in the translation, the actual word was chingoo, and depending on context might mean “guy/kid/dude”, “friend”, or “person the same age as you.” I wish they would just say “chingoo” but a wish is just a dream your brain makes, when you're wide awake. 
The maknae team is astonished -- they thought Soomin was more like 23 or 24. See, that’s what happens when you introduce yourself in a language most people around you don’t speak fluently, Soomin. People won’t understand you. 
Soomin announces, “hey, everyone, please don’t interrupt this match between the maknae.” This is quite the gambit, to play the “maknae” card to make sure that his team is paired with a comparatively weaker team. 
We do not see 6th placed Team Gruff’n’smooth (Lim Sanghyun, Taewoo, and Neon) put their placard up. (We find out later they put themselves up against the 10th place team.) 
But you best believe that photogenic Jeup and co. get shown. The other guys call this team “the Grim Reapers,” and the editors computer-animate in some spooky smoke rings.
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Thanks, computer graphics! Thomputergraphics.
They put themselves up against 9th place Team Underestimated. 
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“We couldn’t help it,” says a noise from the vicinity of Park Jeup’s cheekbones. “We had to survive.”
We don’t see 4th place Team Sweeties go up, but we find out later that they push out the 6th place team (Team Gruff’n’Smooth) to take over as the team going against Team Lastplace. They put Team Gruff’n’Smooth in an empty space.
Next up that we see is 3rd place Team Donghun and the Balladeers. They take the opportunity to replace the 4th place Team Sweeties as the rival for Team Lastplace, making them the third team out of four to challenge Team Lastplace. (They move Team Sweeties down to challenge 6th place Team Gruff’n’Smooth.) 
Team Lastplace is pretty sad to keep having everyone choose them as a rival. Meanwhile, Donghun interviews that since Team Lastplace has a similar style to his team, one of the two teams has to go.  He says, “We’ll oppress you with our singing.” That doesn’t sound delightful.
Next up is 2nd place, Team Bit-Bain. They take the fifth place Jeup’s Team out of their battle against 9th place, and steal that spot, so that Team Bit-Bain is up against ninth place Team Underestimated, and the 5th place Jeup’s Team is now in an open spot. 
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That doesn’t seem like the best idea, because first place isn’t going to just meekly go up against Jeup’s Team! 
I think I would have shoved out the 8th place team, the maknae, to go up against Team Mismatch. Then Team Maknae would have been put in the empty space, and it would have looked like this:
7 v 2 8 v  __ 10 v 3 6 v 4 5 v 9 
And then when first place went up, they could go up against 8th placed Team Maknae, a tempting match. If first place shoved out any team, that team would go up against the Maknae. Team Bit-bain would have been relatively safe in their niche.
But no, they couldn’t think a tiny bit strategically. So instead, we get this nightmare scenario as our actual lives: Jay’s team decided to shove the 2nd place Team Bitbain out from their spot. In doing so, they accomplish two goals: (1) they themselves get to go up against the 9th place team, Team Understimated, and (2) the second place team, Team Bit-Bain, has to go up against Jeup’s Team. 
I hate it here. 
Wumuti interviews, “We’re here to win. We need an environment that makes it easier for us to win.” He shrugs uncomfortably, smiles unhappily, and says, “Isn’t that what a competition is about?” 
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Meanwhile, the members of the ninth place team are bummed. They don’t want to go up against the first place team, and they also don’t like being viewed as a weak team that everyone would prefer to go up against. Can’t blame ‘em for any of that. 
The final line up:
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7th place Team Mismatch (Geonu, Soomin, and Kim Seohyung) versus 8th place Team Maknae (Ji Yeonwoo, Jeong Yunseo, and Park Joohee)
I don’t have a strong feeling about this pair-up; there are excellent singers on both sides, and I like them all in different ways. It’d be kind of cool if the maknae won, just from a story perspective.
5th place Jeup’s Team (Park Jeup, Choi Suhwan, and CIX’s Seunghun) versus 2nd place Team Bit-Bain (Kim Minseo, Bain, and Bitsaeon)
Oh no! Choosing between Park Jeup and Bain? This is awful. If I have to root for one, it’s Bain’s team, but I don’t like this at all. Nope. Don’t like it. Hate it. 
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10th place Team Lastplace (Lim Junhyeok, Yeo One from Pentagon, and Lee Gwangseok the model) versus 3rd place Team Balladeers (Yoon InHwan, Ma Jaekyung, and A.C.E.’s Donghun) 
I don’t have a strong feeling about this match, as there are weakish singers on both sides, in my opinion. I guess it would be kind of fun if 10th place took it, after everyone counted them out, so I guess I’m cheering for them, but not strongly.
6th place Team Gruff’n’Smooth (Lim Sunghyun, Taewoo, Neon) versus 4th place Team Sweeties (Choi Haram the homeschooled pianist, good-guy-hyung Hwang Inhyuk, and sweet Sunyoul from Up10tion) 
Oof. I particularly like Neon’s voice, and personality-wise, Sunyoul might be my favorite person on the whole show. I challenged myself to pick one, and I guess I choose Team Sweeties, but I will try to follow Neon’s career going forward no matter what. 
1st place Jay’s Team (Wumuti, Kang Hayoon, Jay) versus 9th place Team Underestimated (Jang Intae, Lee Minwook from Newkidd, and Jeon Woong from AB6ix.) 
Well, I have been a Woong apologist this whole time, and I’ve liked Lee Minwook from Newkidd this whole time, and it would be fun if the underestimated team beat the juggernaut first place -- but I have to go with Jay’s Team here, as I can’t help but cheer for Jay and Wumuti after all this time.
Ok, I’m going to cut it off here, mainly because I've used my 30 images! Thanks as always for reading. In the next one, we’ll check in with our judging panel and then actually see a performance! See you then. 
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soultek · 1 year
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All She Said Was Faster: A Concept
Author’s Note: I honestly can’t believe it’s taken me this long to post this. I saw Top Gun Maverik nearly a year ago and I was formulating this idea whilst in the cinema but... in true me fashion, I sat on it for a whole year, and am delivering it now! I think the fact I went to a WEC race this year has finally pushed me to polish the edit and post it! 😊
I love Bailey so much she’s actually crossed over into another fic of mine, if you like her, I’ll be happy to post that too!
For those of you new to my ‘concepts’ it’s basically a one scene ‘drabble’ (usually meet-cute) that would be part of a fic I will probably never write the full story of. 
Disclaimer: Obviously apart from Bailey (and Luca) none of the characters are mine. I used an IRL team as her team, but didn’t name any members so no IRL people are involved here.
Warnings: Cat calling... swearing... Jake sometimes might come off as OOC but that’s also kinda the point? I tried to make him walk the line.
Word Count: 5176
Premise: Fighter Jet vs Race Car. An exciting concept - even if the winner seems obvious. And to look at him, Jake would be one to gloat at such a win; but that’s not what he’s running after her for.  On the airfield he’s comfortable... but Bailey wants to know what he’s like once she gets him in her domain... 
--- [Playlist]---
Are you ready for a comeback? Are you ready to fly? Are you ready for the moment? Get ready to ride Shout out to the legends Rising from the wreckage Count down the seconds And start your engines
Nights turn into days Days turn into months I was always alone Until you came along Now you've got me singing
I think I like you, maybe more than I should Hurts like heaven and it feels so, feels so You do me better than any other love could Hurts like heaven, and it feels so, feels so good It feels so good
--- [Inspo.] ---
It was hardly worth even parking the car up – she knew she’d lost long before she crossed the line. The jet screaming overhead confirmed it. She might as well drive the car out of the airfield and peace out. That would have been her preference. Only this Lamborghini was hardly road legal, and her team would have had a few words to say to her – none of them particularly glowing…
She walked away from the car without really looking at any of the mechanics rushing over to check it, before they wheeled it into its container for transporting to the factory – luckily, being last year’s model, it wouldn’t be needed next race. Especially with how hard she’d pushed it. Her trainer knew to leave her well alone too, as she continued walking straight down the taxi way. She needed to cool off a little bit.
In her head, Bailey Walker was going through every move and turn she made; did she make the best use of the throttle, every paddle shift up and down – where she’d decided to put her foot down and where she’d lifted… where had she lost time? If she’d have just decided to break a little later here, or not steered so wide there, decided not to drift… or perhaps decided to drift. Who was she really kidding though, it was a fighter jet not another car… No doubt whatever her grievances were, they’d be talked out at a debrief – which she would request; even if not a championship race if she could learn from it, it would be information worth having.
She became aware of someone distantly calling, but she was so in her head at this stage that it took a while for her to figure out it was her name they were calling. “Hey!!! Heeeey!!! Bailey!!! Wait!! Wait, Bailey!!”
As soon as he’d seen her walking away, Jake Seresin knew that he had to chase her down the taxi way. Despite post-flight checks that couldn’t wait, and despite all the aviators and ground team trying to congratulate him on his win… He wasn’t sure if she was going to collect her things and get going, or if she had the intent of staying.
He’d almost caught up to her by the time she turned around, already having stripped her overalls to tie around her waist. She’d left her helmet back in the car – there was too much season left to get frustrated and throw it, but she wasn’t one to hide behind her visor unless she was really upset. Her eyes flicked over his shoulder for a minute, watching the car swarmed with mechanics. She’d taken it more than just a little hard in places - in the set-up shots the camera crew had taken she’d had a lot of smoke and wheel spin off the line too - more than once. What was the point of not putting on a show for the cameras, after all? She winced apologetically at the thought that doing so wouldn’t have been good. Hopefully she hadn’t pushed too hard. Even if this was just a show car, the team were still precious about it; why wouldn’t they be?!
When she focused back on the man who’d been calling her name, she was almost surprised to find it was Jake Seresin. The pilot she’d been hanging out with all day - that she just raced against. Not only that, but he was still in nearly all his flight gear – he’d surely made sure to waste no time. No, Jake was much more bothered about catching her than he was any necessary checks post-race. Bailey stopped, and took half a pace back on one foot, arms folded, defensive. She’d watched this guy all day - he’d got a little too much ego, he was cocky, he was a little too good looking – An All-American Dream – and he knew it. He had every right to be, especially now. Jake was the best in his class - and it more than showed. All Bailey expected was for him to gloat. She wanted to beat him to it - swallowing back disappointment, she spoke as he stopped a few paces from her, “Congr-” “Hey, are you going now? Or are you staying - they said there was catering earlier, but I wondered if your team might need to hit the road…” Her eyebrows raised, and she counted herself surprised, it seemed like a strange angle to start on. She didn’t quite know what to do but answer with a question of her own – and Bailey knew she sounded as bemused as she was. “Are… you staying?” His smile didn’t quite reach cocky, “I asked first.” “Well, I got nowhere to be.” Bailey shrugged before casting her eyes to the sky, cheeks burning, because even if she knew beating him was an impossibility she still hated losing. “That was some nice flying. I wish I saw more of it, but I was trying to focus on the road… you deserved to win. Sounds like when they said you were top of your class, they really did mean it.” When Bailey looked back to him, Jake wasn’t looking at her, even though he was smiling – he didn’t seem the type to get bashful, and yet… - it was a very different kind of smile, “I wish I could have seen more of the car… I guess it’s a little hard, y’know, going vertical. But you were really giving it some. Besides, I’ve not graduated yet, so that might not be true for much longer… you are certified fastest in your team, it shows. That wasn’t a big margin.” It was a compliment. She bowed her head a little - “Thank you. I guess that can’t be bad coming from the fastest pilot either.” “Guess not!” He grinned, then pointed back the way he’d just run, “You wanna… grab something together - I mean, you can eat with your crew I’m not gonna… I mean, I just…” Jake realised he was tripping over his words and Bailey was giving him a look he couldn’t quite put his finger on. But she at least seemed amused by this - waiting for him to string the right words together. She was letting him try. Patient. Instead, he paused and rolled his eyes, “I’m staying. We’ve hung out all day talking about our vehicles of choice. I guess it’d be good to get to know each other a little better.” Bailey smirked to herself before nodding, “Sure. That’s cool with me.”
This was true – they had spent nearly all day together to film this segment – Race Car vs Fighter Jet. Or… whatever it would eventually be called, but that was the entire premise. They’d been introduced first thing this morning as the two competitors – and the two fastest members of their respective ‘teams’. Jake had yet to graduate his Top Gun class, and Bailey was an up-and-comer, competing in an all-women racing team. (At least from a driver point of view). Once it had been explained what they had to do, and establishing shots had been done of both them and their vehicles of profession, the two had been left to their own devices as the crew filmed the more science-based parts of the day with presenters. Where upon Bailey and Jake had made general comparisons between the jet and the car; discussing top speeds, aerodynamics, handling, cornering, 0-to-60-to-over-100 (as if that mattered to a jet, but it was all good fun!) amongst other things…
Sitting here in the catering tent – or, hanger, as that’s what they were using – across from him, trying to talk about himself without coming across as too egotistical (she could tell; though she had a healthy amount of ego herself, as a competitive racer. It was almost a necessity.), Bailey wasn’t sure if she was really interested in him or not. If she had a type, she wouldn’t say the man talking to her now was it. But she wasn’t going to deny Jake Seresin was attractive. That he didn’t make her heart race as fast as her car when they were introduced… she just, wasn’t sure. And Jake? He was talking 100 miles an hour, but he still managed to be collected. But when he kept looking at her to check if she was still hanging on to every word he said, there was a constant look on his face that intrigued her. ‘Do I make him nervous?’ That confused Bailey a little. He didn’t have that type of energy about him. Jake seemed too sure of himself to ever have problems articulating; especially around women. Bailey could bet they usually tripped over themselves for him. But, it was that sort of look - maybe not present in his body language but in his eyes. Maybe it was dread. But he had no reason to fear her, so what?
As they continued to talk, eventually it dawned on her. (And there must have been something between them, given that no one disturbed them the entire time – no one from his team or hers. She expected a debrief, or at least someone to tap her shoulder and say when that would be, yet nothing. They were just left alone to talk.) So what did dawn on her, was that Jake’s look was the fear of her slipping away. The fear of her getting up and leaving – of that person, whoever it would be, eventually stepping in - and that he still wouldn’t have told her everything he wanted to. Of the chance he’d never get to see her again. Bailey knew she couldn’t just voice that though - he’d play it off; more likely Jake would throw it back at her, say she’s the one who can’t resist him. But she knew… he was chasing. It was the reason he ran after her on the taxi way, it was the reason he asked her to stay. Jake already had a crush – whether he would admit it out loud or not.
She should have guessed this from the immediate introduction. He was Jake, and he let her call him that – not by his last name, nor rank. Not by his call sign – even though almost everyone else was doing one or the other. The one time she had decided to ask about it; just in case he wasn’t one to correct her, he’d said “Jake is fine!” with one of those smiles that she was sure had all the girls falling for him.
 There was a natural end to the day though. There had to be. The shooting was wrapped, and the crews were packing up around them as the sun began to sink lower in the sky. It was unfortunate for them both – given the way their discussion had gone there was some kind of chemistry, that was undeniable. Whatever it was – or was going to be. There was a feeling that they both still had something to say.
All sets of teams around them did their best to pack up without having to disturb them until the last possible second, but eventually her trainer, Luca, had to interrupt. “Bailey?” The two of them trailed their conversation off to look at him. “Sorry, the car is probably going to be here to pick you up within the next 10 minutes. You wanna debrief?” “In the car will do, Luca, thank you.” “Alright, I’ll come back when it’s here.” He nodded politely to Jake before leaving them alone once more. Although he didn’t show it on his face, Jake was disappointed – his emotional state slumped a little, but he knew he couldn’t keep her here. He was a charmer, he knew that - he knew how it was to flirt back with the girls that came walking up at The Hard Deck and it was easy. But the woman sitting across from him now didn’t seem to be falling for it - no matter how engaged Bailey was in what he said, there were no hearts in her eyes that meant he could persuade her anywhere…
All he could do was just hope that her interest was at least genuine. That she wasn’t talking to him for the sake of having someone there to talk to – or to be polite for today. Jake shook that off – her whole damn mechanic team was here, she had plenty of people she could choose to talk to and she was spending her time with him. He’d got this!
Still, there was no harm in trying – and there was an urgency now. He had ten minutes before she walked out of his life forever. “So, uh… any chance of getting your number, before you go? I mean, besides the one you race with?” And he winked, with an appropriate laugh. Although it had been peeled off the car for the race (along with the majority of the sponsors, given the video) the 85 was printed on the back of her fireproofs, underneath her last name. Jake’s voice was smooth and included a hopefulness behind it… as much as something vulnerable. Bailey would hate to disappoint him, but that wasn’t something she did. This wasn’t something she ever did. “No…” She leaned on her hand and before his face could fall in more than obvious disappointment he was doing very well not to show – it reached his eyes though, the discomfort with her answer was obvious in that hazel -  Bailey gave another little smirk, this one mysterious, “but you can follow my Instagram.”
Part of her wished she hadn’t, because it immediately put Jake back on that attitude of his. Although, part of her had already decided she liked to see that on him. The feeling nothing could get to him – Bailey had just given him an out, Jake could play it off like she was the one asking for his number, “Oh, okay, alright. It’s like that, huh?” “Yeah.” And it was her turn to playfully wink at him, “pretty much.”
Ten minutes passed in little-to-no time, and it really was time for them to part. By then they were standing by the entry to the hanger. Her car was waiting patiently, her trainer leaning against it shaking his head. But Luca didn’t interrupt, he let Bailey have her time. They parted ways amicably; their handshake quickly turning into a hug. That perhaps lasted a little too long – Bailey wasn’t sure. “Congrats again on your win. You can tell people you beat a real racer �� how’s that?” He laughed, “Well, you can tell your friends you nearly beat a Top Gun pilot… but I… I mean I don’t know if that gets you any cred.” “Ah, I got to race a jet, there’s not many racers can say that.” Bailey grinned – despite losing, she had to admit, it had been a fun day. Probably once in a lifetime. “Well, at least I can give you something good to say!” Jake was doing his best to act bashful, but Bailey wasn’t falling for that either. She stepped away from him, with another polite nod of thanks, before offering him one final wave goodbye, and following her trainer to the car. The door being opened the second she started walking showed Luca’s real impatience. Bailey almost looked to the sky in an eyeroll, laughing to herself. He will have followed her by the time she’d left the airfield and she’d be just another girl by the end of the week. Jake looked the type. She didn’t necessarily mind that. (At least, that’s what she was telling herself right now). Bailey wasn’t looking for anything. She had a career of her own, and she had to focus on the race coming up in a few weeks.  Tomorrow she’d be back training on the simulator as if today had never happened. That was how it went. Jake Seresin would be just a guy she raced against once in another video stunt PR and Marketing had got her involved in. And then 1 in a few hundred thousand when he followed her.
Her phone beeped before the car was even off the taxi way and Bailey couldn’t help but laugh. Of course! She should have bet on it.
*** The sunlight glinted obnoxiously off the VIP pass in his hands that he had to flash to security as he walked through the paddock – despite already having scanned in his ticket.
‘What the hell am I even doing here, this is insane!?’ How did he go from sending a hopeful Instagram DM, to being invited out to the US round of the World Endurance Championship. That just so happened to coincide with his next leave period. Heck – maybe Jake Seresin should actually be calling it luck.
Bailey was more responsive to his messages than he expected – especially with him not quite being able to gage her interest in him initially – and they just kept talking. Even when he was sure maybe the conversation had really dried up. Her own thinking had her concluding that if they’d raced on his home turf – at an airfield – then he had to come and see Bailey at her own; a race track. So she didn’t just send him a ticket, but a VIP paddock pass that would get him into the motorhome for her team.
Right now, he probably couldn’t have looked more out of place. Fans excitedly chatting, sporting team and driver gear, some even gathering around drivers for autographs and selfies. Team staff of all types running up and down between the trucks and buildings – shouting incoherently to one another or driving small vehicles containing car parts and other personnel. Journalists and photographers, all looking to get the best new stories and best shots. Jake was just trying to take it all in. With the also obnoxiously bright pink and black pass hanging around his neck – the colours of Bailey’s team; the only all women’s team in the WEC – Jake felt a bit like a fraud. Surely these groups of fans deserved this more than he did? They probably could rattle off a million facts about Bailey Walker that he wouldn’t have known… yet, he was the one talking to her on social media… so… he guessed he had that. The thought had a little smirk appearing on his face as he cleared his throat, relaxing his shoulders back and standing a little taller – exactly, damn right! She’d invited him here!
He pulled his phone out of his pocket. Already having let Bailey know he’d arrived; she’d rather enthusiastically replied with a ton of celebratory emojis and that he should let her know when he was in the paddock. Which as he now was, he did exactly that. It wasn’t long before she was typing back, and he found himself staring at instructions for getting to their motorhome. Geez… okay… He studied them carefully, before beginning to walk in the specified direction. Jake was starting to think it might be easier if she just came and collected him herself. Or, at least had someone else do it. He was hoping this wouldn’t end with an embarrassing phone call and him getting lost. It wasn’t just a straight line of teams after all, she had him turning left and right at various points to get to other rows all laid out within the space afforded to them by the circuit. He was passed on all sides by other people in team gear who must have been laughing at him silently inside… Jake had no idea where he was going and he could bet he looked it. Normally he’d brush it off and act confident, but Jake was trying to stare at his phone to make sure he was following what she said to a T, and also staring up at the buildings around to make sure he hadn’t missed it on accident. It was obvious he was new around here at the very least, and that display of confidence from before was waning.
Eventually Jake had to stop moving for fear of getting hopelessly lost. They weren’t directions that hard to follow – but he’d suddenly started second guessing himself. Had he actually turned the right way at all the points she’d listed? What if he hadn’t? What if he was hopelessly lost. Dammit – he didn’t actually want to have to make that phone call! The objective was to walk in there, cool as hell, like he did this all the time! Jake wondered if it was really the pang of nerves in his stomach at seeing her face to face again. Their open, chill DM banter… would it translate once they spoke to each other again? Once they hung out… this weekend for much longer than they had before.
As Jake stared at his phone again, bent closer to the screen, making him look more confused and out of place than he did before, he suddenly heard a whistle from above him, and then voices. “Hot damn – hey, girls look at this!” “Holy shit - wait, is that him?! She was totally right!” “Hey! Good looking, where you going!?” Jake looked up to find himself stared at by three women leaning over a balcony, all in the black-and-pink of Bailey’s team. Though the motorhome itself was white. And the name emblazoned on the side – in neon yellow he might add: ‘IL COVO’ - was not her team name. Way to make him look even more confused. “Uh…” Although he’d be lying if he didn’t say he felt a little flattered to be cat called like this, Jake removed his sunshades, “I’m looking for the Iron Dames motorhome?” “Oh. You’re for us!? Damn, isn’t this our lucky day.” “Well, I-” he laughed, “Bailey Walker invited me.” “Bailey?” One pouted, “Aw c’mon, we can show you a better time than her!” One of the other women immediately turned around, “Bailey - Hey Bailey, your boyfriend is here!” There was some muffled scuffling, and one of the women disappeared, before there was more yelling, “Holy shit, why didn’t you SAY he was so gorgeous!!” Jake couldn’t help but grin a little more, feeling that little ego boost. The next voice echoed faintly, as if it was far away but yelling enough to be heard even from where he was standing, “Oh my god, will you guys shut up! Stop yelling!” “Look, we can’t help that he’s so hot.” “Stop cat calling him – my god can you get any more embarrassing!” The woman who had disappeared before, popped back over, leaning even further out than she was before, “If you get bored with her, hot stuff, we’re always up here.” Before winking, “But this girl has a massive crush on you…” Jake tried not to let that go all the way to his head – he didn’t know if that was the truth or if they were teasing him… or her… or both. “Shut up! Leave him alone!” There was a scrabbling sound and finally Bailey popped up beside them, a little flushed. And he didn’t know if that was from embarrassment or hurrying to get there, “Jake!” her voice was joyful, and she beamed upon seeing him, “Hey! Just come up to the door, you got your pass, right?” He flashed it at her, “Perfect! Yeah, I’ll be right down! Please ignore my team mates!” “Ignore us!? Bailey that’s so rude!” At this point another group of people in overalls – these ones yellow and black, and also on men! – had peered over the side of the motorhome to see what all the fuss was about, and they were all chuckling. Jake couldn’t help but laugh himself as he walked towards the glass front door, finding himself called on again; “Don’t be a stranger!” He grinned up at them as they waved at him, “Don’t worry, I won’t!”
Once inside – as if he hadn’t just been checked outside the door – Jake found himself face to face with what looked like a security guard. If he wasn’t also wearing a suit and standing at a desk that made him look like a Matire D – but the guy was intimidatingly tall. Jake raised an eyebrow approaching the desk. “Ah, hello Sir. I see your pass.” He gestured, “My name is Chris – I look after everyone on the motorhome.” Jake could imagine that look after must entail pretty much everything. Including first – or, second - line of defence. “Before I let you wander around – I better get you checked in, I don’t believe I’ve seen you on here already?” “No, that’s right. I’m Jake, Seresin.” “Seresin… Seresin…” Chris ran down the list of names with his pen – before letting out a laugh he obviously didn’t mean to be audible by how it was cut short and he placed his hand over his mouth. Eyes raising back to Jake, he smiled, “You’re here for Bailey?” “…That’s right.” Jake could imagine the expression on his face was one of surprised concern – should he be worried? What had he let himself in for?! “Sorry – that’s just unusual – if not for her parents! Bailey never gets visitors!” Chris raised his eyebrows and crossed through Jake’s name on the list, before muttering, “Good Luck!” Jake’s face creased in concern, “Uh… thanks?” Before he started walking again, then paused, “Wait, I don’t… have to do this again right?” “Oh no, just flash your pass – I’ve got you all memorised.” No doubt. “Okay… thanks Chris!” By the time Jake started walking on, Bailey had already appeared in the bottom of the motorhome, leaning against a wall draped in ivy. She was wearing a black t-shirt – team branded – and jeans. Obviously not expecting to be out in the car for a while. Bailey raised her hand in greeting and Jake was at least relieved he wouldn’t have to wait around by himself for a while.
“Hey!” “Hey, it’s good to see you again.” He leaned down to her own lean up – such was the height difference – as they hugged, accepting cheek kisses. “Oh-!” Bailey grinned at his greeting, “And you too! It’s nice to speak face to face again, huh Jake?” She nodded behind him to Chris, “Did he tell you good luck!?” “How’d you know?” Jake quirked his eyebrow again, half expecting her to let him know what he’d been warned about. Bailey simply rolled her eyes. “I just said you’d be coming and they’ve been teasing me ever since.”  Then she gaped, suddenly embarrassed, “Oh my god! My team-! I- I’m so sorry! That- they joked so much about doing that all through practice and stuff and I never thought they’d actually go ahead and tease YOU! I’m sorry – I… they’re a great bunch and lovely girls really, I… I’m so sorry!” Jake waved away her apology, knowing she was likely right, “Naw, it’s okay! What’s a little bit of banter huh?” He laughed, “I’ve heard worse from the Navy guys. You’re all good.” “Ah, just wait – they’ll all be thanking you for your service next.” “Aw, stop.” He winked, which made her shove him playfully. “Uh, question…” He pointed behind him, “This is not what I expected.” “That wasn’t a question, but I think I’ve got your wavelength…” She smirked, folding her arms and tracing her eyeline slowly around the room, to which he followed.
The motorhome did indeed look like a miniature home. Light and airy and filled with fake, or maybe some real, plants. Polished authentic wooden surfaces mixed well with the modern glass and steel and stark white. But it still had a homely feel, plush sofas, and tables where some of the team were sat chatting – likely about strategy – the lighting from above wasn’t harsh either, the large windows allowing plenty of natural light. The wall Bailey had been leaning against was deceptive; actually just a dividing boarder to the rest of the building – bar tables pushed up against the wall: upon which hung framed pictures of cars, tracks and podiums, the stairs heading to the top deck (which was clearly something like an outside balcony). The surfaces either were crowded with laptops or coffee machines and fridges for snacks. Jake assumed that catering facilities were in another part that he just couldn’t see. On the wall directly opposite them was mounted a large flatscreen TV – clearly for showing the racing when any was actually happening – and two logos. One for The Iron Dames – in pink and black – and the other for the Iron Lynx – this in yellow and black. Iron Lynx, and the vibrant yellow, was of course what Jake had been met with on the outside.
“So technically we’re part of the Iron Lynx brand – we’re just the all-girls team. The Lynx team are all guys – but you’ll see ‘Iron Lynx’ on our car too.” She smiled, “The more you know!” “Gotcha.” – Although he was sure it’d make more sense when he met the teams and saw the cars going around. Though it did explain the group of male drivers he’d seen on the top deck too. “I’m sure you thought the motorhome would live up to the pink and black! Or at least black and yellow, that would make sense. But no, right now we’re white!” She gave a shrug. Maybe that would change in the future, then. “I see.” She watched him carefully, “Feeling a bit out of your depth?” He didn’t see any point in trying to deflect, Bailey had the intuition and perception of a racer, after all. Really Jake had nowhere to hide, and as he saw it, no reason to. “Just a little…” She smiled, patting him, “Well – you’re at least appropriately dressed.” Jake looked down at himself; jacket, jeans, boots, button up shirt… shades now tucked into the front. The pink kinda clashed with the soft blues, but whatever. He pulled it off. “You’ll get the hang of things. You’ll be a certified expert by the time I’m done with you. And don’t worry – I’ll make sure you’re not harassed… I mean, I did invite you out here to see you…” Her features softened, affectionately, “…and… I – uh – I obviously want you to enjoy the experience.” He smiled, and she knew she’d said exactly the right thing to swell his ego right. Although truth was, she did mean every word. She wanted to see Jake again, because she had some things to figure out. And Bailey knew that the only way to do that now was to have a face-to-face conversation with him. This wasn’t something she could figure out over text anymore – you could only get to know someone so well from that. Bailey wanted to remove that limitation. “Oh, don’t you worry about me. I think I’ll enjoy myself.” She laughed, nodding, before she opened her arms back to the room – a small gesture before putting her hands in her pockets. This time when her eyes met his they glinted, full of confidence: “Well, Jake, welcome to my domain.”
--- --- --- ---
Thank you for reading! 💜💙
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butchboromir · 8 months
everyone knows god watches over drunkards and lovers: aka this is my extremely self indulgent rpf Scenario that i have been rotating around in my brain since dec 2022 otherwise known as ons au. if you don't wanna read about my gayass band guys look away now. you have been Warned
this au STARTS during the time period tim and ben are roommates in nürnberg. they both know matze, but not gustl (matze knows gustl tho). also you MUST be thinking about these images like this is the start of ons au
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ben and matze are out wreaking havoc and/or chilling at matze's place or something. basically they're out of tim+ben's place for the night
tim is spending his night bringing home a guy for a one night stand (this is where the au gets its name from). also important: tim's ons looks. Unsettlingly like ben. like, long blond hair, facial hair, tall. if you saw them next to eachother you'd go Hmmmmmm.
anyways. they have a fun night it's fine. tim is like. heart not fully in the spirit of the ons but doesn't know why. but it doesn't ruin any of the fun so it's fine.
next morning, they wake up. tim makes breakfast for them (bc he is a good host) and goes to walk unnamed blonde guy out. however, as they're walking out, guess who is coming back into the apartment? yeah, it's ben and matze.
there's a comedic bit opening the door with:
ben and matze: tired and a little hungover but like. otherwise fine. they just like. chilled and stayed up at matze's apartment and now they're heading over to ben's
tim and unnamed blond guy: tim is like. you can tell he had a ons or whatevs. like. in a tank and u can see some bruises + hickeys or whatever. still has a collar on bc he managed to sleep in it somehow. poor unnamed blonde guy who looks suspiciously like ben is just standing there awkardly
we get a full faceoff that goes:
matze: looks at tim. looks at unnamed blonde guy. looks over at ben. looks back at tim and starts opening his mouth tim: looks at ben. looks over at blonde guy. looks back at ben. OhShit.JPG. turns to look at matze and starts FRANTICALLY beaming Don't Say A Fucking Word vibes at him as hard as possible ben: looks at blond guy. Huh. whatever. then looks at tim. The mechanisms in his brain that end up making him act crazy gay later on start turning into motion unnamed blond guy: looks at ben. then looks over to tim. He Understands Now.
anyways, this all happens simultaneously. everyone then shakes out of it. ben and matze head inside (ben is like. fuck this im sleepy and hungover. bye matze im going. to bed. and matze is like. ok. i am going to wait in the living room for tim i want to say hi to him :)).
meanwhile, tim and unnamed blond guy head outside. Blonde Guy: that was nice, i had fun and hope you did too, good luck with your guy tim: yeah i had a great time too, thank y– wait what? Blonde Guy: you know. the other blonde guy who came in. tim: What Blonde Guy: clearly there is something going on here between you guys + you seemed not Fully Into It at some points last night + i think that’s probably why tim: [going through internal crisis. Fuck. DO i want to fuck ben/do i like him????]
anyways, blonde guy says goodbye to tim and heads out. afterwards tim just kind of stands in the hallway for a little bit like Oh My God What Just Happened. anyways. we should all be giving it up for Blonde Guy he is a literal saint
tim walks back inside, continuing his internal crisis
cue matze, sitting ominously on the couch
matze: sooooooo. what was that about. who was that. why did your ONS look suspiciously like ben tim: Don't Say A Fucking Word matze: are you in love with ben? do you want to f tim: shut the fuck up dude he's literally in the fucking apartment
so matze is like: executive decision. we are going back to my place to discuss this.
at matze’s place:
matze: what was that. Are you in love with ben. tim: Shut the fuck up dude i think i might be a little bit but if you say anything i’ll kill you
after these events matze goes to gustl and is like Gustl i’ve told you about my friends tim and ben right. well you will NOT believe the shit i just saw
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OK. that was the inciting scene, and what gives ons au it's name. now in between this and the felsenfest preproduction trip not a Whole ton happens in terms of the au with tim and ben. like, the band starts, and tim and ben are still getting up to their usual nonsense, but not to the Current Crazy Levels
fschwanz are also present in this au, but to a lesser level. here is a chart of the dtag/fschwanz dynamic:
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ALSO during this period of time: ben/hauptmann fwb situation. it's just kind of inevitable with them. like, they're kissing eachother on and off stage, calling eachother mine ("mein hauptmann/mein hodi"), etc. they're both normal about it though it's just a fun/sweet little thing.
However. Tim also knows about this (note: he did merch for fschwanz just to tour. dtag and fschwanz are often on similar festivals). and ben/hauptmann aren't trying to Hide it. this leads to a dynamic that is like:
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but like, it's fine. the ben/hauptmann fwb scenario eventually breaks off, everyone is still happy and chill witheachother (hauptmann is also a saint for being able to move through All Of This with no issues whatsoever)
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EXPOSITION: for those who don't know: in 2022 tim, ben, and felix (their producer, not taugenix) went up to tyrol for a couple of days to record/write for felsenfest. they rent a little airbnb or whatever. it's cute. now obvs i don’t have the accurate floor plans for it. but. to the best of my knowledge from the video from the patreon (and with some artistic liberties: there are only two bedrooms (and thus beds) (also one of the rooms has like… a nice big tv and the other one Does Not)
so anyways it's like. ben is. i am still undecided on if he knows he's in love or not but like at the very least he does know he's attracted to tim. he's like. not dating or anything tho, and the fwb situation with hauptmann is over
tim is like. fully aware he's in love with ben at this point. just like years and years of pining. also not dating or anything just the occasional ons or whatever
ANYWAYS. they have a nice roadtrip down to tyrol. they get to the house, start unpacking. Hey. Wait. this place only has two bedrooms. we're gonna have three people here. Uh Oh. so tim and ben are both like. ok. whatever. felix (who gets there a day later) can sleep on the couch or something + they both claim a room. the rest of their day is just hiking and having fun, it's nice, tim is tragically in love
like honestly most of this part is like. tim looks at the way the sun hits ben's profile. oh god im sooooooooooooo fucked. it's all Vibes
post hike, tim makes dinner, cute little domestic scene. somehow they come to the consensus of ‘hey let’s watch a movie or something it’s only like 7 o’clock'.
the only tv is in ben's room + because of great airbnb decor choices, the tv is just in front of the bed. and there aren’t like…. any comfy chairs.
but that’s fine, movies are better watched on a bed anyways. i’m undecided on the movie they watch but i’m thinking they settle on lord of the rings. because they are both nerds.
at this bit there’s a lot of ‘oh god how close can i sit/lay next to him without it being weird’ but it’s mostly resolved by the fact that the comfiest and best way to watch has them both super close anyways.
anyways. like… half of the way through the movie tim starts like falling asleep and leaning onto ben + then jerking awake and watching the movie again. rinse repeat a couple of times and then eventually tim is just like. totally asleep on ben. very comfy. movie ends and ben is like well i can’t just wake him up? there is CLEARLY no other alternative here, i guess we’ll just have to share the bed tonight.
next morning. tim wakes up slowly. goes ‘huh… this is a weirdly large pillow. wait that’s ben. What’! and while this is going on the sunlight is filtering thru the window onto ben. the most beautiful spring morning you could have. all blues and golds. tim carefully extricates himself from this situation and goes to make breakfast because he doesn’t know what to do with himself and staying that close would probably be bad for his mental state AND god forbid felix ends up arriving during that and sees it. like…. if this somehow gets back to matze (who takes great joy in tim’s predicament), god forbid, tim might actually die.
anyways. breakfast! sweet domestic morning + then felix arrives
felix is like i do Not care what you guys decided before i got here about the bed situation. i am not sleeping with EITHER of you. tim and ben are like ok no big deal, we can share (both not mentioning last night). we get the nice room with the tv tho. tim grabs his stuff (barely touched) from the other room and moves it over and that’s that. everyone say thanks felix for helping encourage these mutual pining shennanigans
the rest of day 2 is pretty uneventful, mostly producing and stuff. another fun hike (this time with felix) and doing a little bit of recording outside (fun!)
evening now! felix goes to his room, sees that the bed has like, not been touched at all, and goes ‘huh. i will not think about this any further’
meanwhile tim and ben are doing the ‘let’s not make this awkward and pretend nothing out of the ordinary is going (this is making things more awkward).’ song and dance. but it’s fine + they both fall asleep (separate). but you know how it is and the next morning they both wake up inextricably tangled up together. it’s just like. achingly soft i can’t convey this properly through text. tim pretends to be asleep longer than he is just to stay like that for a tiny bit longer.
day 3, more recording and then packing up!
nothing more eventful happens honestly, it’s just continual little scenes that are just like. tim being like. ‘fuck. this is the closest to having him i’ll ever get’. that’s really the whole trip honestly i cannot convey it properly it’s just all these achingly tender little moments during dinner and hiking and recording and the evenings together and both of them think it’s all they can get. Augh
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so, that's all the lead up. now current day is like. gay antics on stage are Ramping Up (note all these videos).
now the current predicament is both of them are being Like That on stage but Nothing further is happening between them so it's just like. Tension off the charts All The Fucking Time.
there is 100% an accidental kiss during seit an seit.
i am undecided if things should turn into like a fwb requited unrequited situation. OR alternately if a fun in vino veritas situation happens to resolve things. because this au is just for me to have fun rolling around in my head and that means as much pining for as long as possible.
ANYWAYS. that is most of ons au. thanks if you read this far
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morathicain · 1 year
What the plot - prompts (oops I did it again)
Listen, a while ago I did another prompt with a “what the plot” cards and this was the result. Never thought about uploading it but now I’m in the mood for it :P
prompts (as far as I remember): blood pact, ogre, monster fucking content: monsterfucker vs asexual ogre (????), nsfw talk, NO sex happening, bickering, fantasy, CRACK™ (I seriously don’t know how to tag this, sorry)
“You want what now?”
The scepticism in the ogre’s eyes was obvious and understandable, but I didn’t let it distract me from my goal. I’ve been working towards that for ages, or weeks, rather and I wouldn’t let this opportunity go.
“We made a blood pact.”
“Don’t remind me”, he grumbled and seemed uncomfortable for the very first time since we’ve known each other and started this emergency pact. Really, if we hadn’t done it, we would have both died. Probably. Which I had known and counted on, of course.
“Have sex with me”, I asked again, or rather demanded.
“You promised.”
“I promised nothing of the sort.”
“I demand it!”
“Fuck your demands”, he growled and I enjoyed the shiver running down my back. Wonderful.
“Why would you even want that?”, He sounded serious, even though his eyes showed fear. Was he afraid of what I might say?
“I’m into big dicks and you definitely have one.”
“What would make you think that?”
“As if I haven’t seen it yet behind this piece of fabric you call a loincloth.”
Did the ogre blush? He did.
And hid his junk behind his hands. Big hands, which made me drool already by the thought of having them on my body.
“I don’t want to.”
“Why?”, I huffed. This was getting too ridiculous, seriously. Had all those stories lied about ogres being into fucking humans? It couldn’t all have been a lie, could it?
“Am I so hideous?”
Still hiding his enormous dick, he looked at me critically, from head to toe, before pulling a face.
“You are”, my jaw dropped, but before I could say something, he turned, even more embarrassed and mumbled something into his beard. Something I couldn’t even have understood if I’d had the hearing of an elf. Or maybe I would have, but I didn’t and therefore couldn’t.
“Tell me or I’ll annoy you to death, blood-brother.”
He eyed me for several seconds as if eating me would be a way better idea than enduring this shit, even though he would die just minutes later.
“I don’t like sex”, he finally ground out and my jaw dropped again.
“I don’t like sex, for fuck’s sake!”
“But ... but”, my head was spinning, this couldn’t be!, “The tales!”
“What tales?”
“About ogres fucking any human prisoners!”
“There are what now?!”
“Are they all lies?”
For a second I wondered if he might faint now, his whole body telling me that I had just traumatised and horrified him beyond comprehension. An ogre. A creature which lived from ripping corpses apart.
“I ...”, he stammered, “I have never heard of any ogre ever doing that!”
The disappointment made my stomach drop: “Never? That can’t be!”
“Is this why you came here?”
Now it was my turn to blush, even though I seriously had no reason to. It was my fantasy, okay? No reason to be ashamed!
And so I shrugged and nodded.
The next moment he dropped to the ground, making the earth shatter beneath us. What power, what raw weight, what strength! And I wouldn’t get to have him fuck me.
I mourned the opportunity, I really did.
Especially since it meant I had put my life into danger and started this blood pact for nothing!
“I can’t believe it”, he whined and I stepped closer to drop down into a crouch.
“Sorry”, I said and patted his head, “Didn’t think I’d burst a bubble for you.”
Helplessly he stared at me: “I can’t believe it. Why?!”
“Because I like big dicks? And it sounded fun?”
“You humans are so fucked up.”
Again, I shrugged and nodded, because that was probably the truth and with what I’d done I couldn’t very well argue for the opposite.
“Well, I wish you would fuck me.”
“I won’t.”
I sighed and patted his back: “I know and even though it’s a pity, I will accept it.”
“Oh thank you”, he grumbled, not sounding thankful at all.
For a bit we stayed at the ground, silent and thinking about our next steps.
“What about the blood pact then?”, I asked and he pulled a face, baring his amazing tusks.
I had helped him and he had to help me now as well and we had to stay together for the next month at least.
“You’re the one with magic”, he grumbled, “Figure something out.”
“It’s a deal.”
“Have you something else you wish for?”
“Power”, I counted with my fingers, “Knowledge, immortality, endless food and wine and an ogre who’s willing to fuck me. Especially the last one.”
With a groan, he once again buried his face into his hands, apparently wishing he could vanish. At least, that’s what I guessed.
And he stayed like that and I let him, waiting patiently since I had nothing else to do and nothing to lose, really.
Suddenly he jumped up, throwing me to the ground in the process.
Wish it would have been in different circumstances but one could only mourn lost opportunities.
“I know one who might help you.”
“Really?”, I jumped up as well.
“Weird one”, he mused, “Seems into weird things and there are rumours he even fucked an elf. I could have understood a dwarf, but an elf? Never!”
“And you think ...”
He shrugged, looking as uncomfortable as possible: “I can try.”
I felt the grin stretch my cheeks as wide as possible: “Wonderful!”
Then I stepped closer, stretching out my hand to shake his: “This is to a perfect team for the next month!”
After eying my hand as if it was an ugly worm, he finally took it, knowing he had no other choice, and shook it.
“Name’s Kr’oxl’cha by the way.”
I grinned, not letting go of his hand for some time. The best month of my life was (hopefully) about to begin!
The End
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the-last-airbadger · 2 years
My 2022
Another year has passed and boy was it an interesting one. Compared to the last two years where I kind of felt like nothing really happened, this year it felt like a lot happened. I’ll go into more detail in the next two sections, but this year I really felt like I was living and making progress in my life, so that was kind of nice. My life has changed a lot since last year, and I know it’s going to change even more in the next year, which is both exciting and terrifying. I’m really curious to see how my life will continue to change, but for now, I’m also happy to take a little break and reflect upon last year for a bit, because this end-of-year reflection I do every year is always really fun. So let’s get into it!
The Beginning of 2022 vs Now
So, like I said, my life has changed a lot since last year. The biggest difference is probably the fact that where last year I wasn’t even halfway through my Master, I am now completely done with my studies. It’s weird, but also really great. Because I’m done, I am able to actually have a Christmas break this year for the first time since, like, 2017. There are no more projects or essays on the horizon, and I literally will never have to write an essay ever again. I cannot tell you how great that feels.
Another major difference since last year is that now I have different friends. I mean, nothing has changed with my high-school friends @asiandutchgirl and @the-official-pentacorn, we’re still just as close as we’ve always been. But when it comes to the friends I made at uni, a lot has changed. Basically, most of them kind of stopped hanging out with me, and where last year I was still frustrated and lonely because of that, and trying to get them to hang out with me but failing, I am now at a point where I’ve just accepted that our group has fallen apart. And I’m okay with that now, because whatever I needed from them I’ve now been able to get from two other friends: the one friend from that group that still put effort into our friendship and who has now become one of my closest friends, and a new friend I made this year.
There’s been a bit of drama with those friends as well, not going to lie, but overall they’ve been great. Basically, what was going on was that I had a crush on the new friend, started hanging out with both friends a lot more than I could technically handle because I liked them both so much, then had to get over that crush and kind of learn how to be myself again, and now it seems like my old crush might have a crush on the other friend, and it’s a bit of a mess, but in general, our friendships are great and really quite strong, so I hope that whatever happens, we’ll be able to get out of this still being good friends.
I’ve also just learned a lot about myself because of that crush, such as the fact that I am, in fact, capable of having crushes like this, so I truly am straight and not asexual. I learned a lot about how I respond in certain situations, how I interact with others, what I can and cannot handle, how to stay true to myself, how to deal with certain situations, etc. I really think that despite the chaos and struggle that this year has sometimes been in the love and friendship department, I came out of it much stronger. I’m still growing, but I gained two good friends and that friendship has all been worth it to me. I really hope we can stay friends for a long time.
And then finally, transition-wise I also made a lot of progress. Last year I was still trying to get on the waiting list for a hysterectomy and vaginectomy. Now? Now my surgery is in less than 2 weeks. So yeah, a lot has definitely changed.  
The Best Things about 2022
Well, I guess, as you could tell from the last section, one of the best things of the year was getting closer to one of my friends, gaining a new friend, and basically having been able to find friends that could replace what I lost when most of my uni-friends stopped putting effort into our friendship. Since covid started in 2020, I finally no longer feel lonely and isolated anymore, and I think my friends, both new and old, really helped with that.
Another great thing that is kind of related is that this year, my D&D game (that includes both the two friends mentioned above and an old friend I kind of lost contact with) has become much more serious, which has made the game much cooler and more fun for me. We’re also seeing each other much more regularly now (once a month instead of once every 3-4 months), which really makes the game a lot better, and we’ve also been able to play in real life for the first time this year, which really adds to the game and has made it much easier to hang out with the group after the game, which is also fun.
Another great thing? Totally unrelated, but: I finished my thesis! Honestly, it wasn’t really that fun to write (though it wasn’t as bad as I expected), but finishing it, submitting it, and knowing that that big final obstacle was just over and done… that was a great feeling.
I also obviously have been able to get on the waiting list for a surgery I really need and have been able to make great leaps in my transition. It’s still going to take me a while to get where I really want to be, but any progress is good, and both the day I heard I had made it onto the list and the day I got my surgery date were really great days. I can’t wait to get closer to my final goal.  
What else? I feel like there’s been a lot, but I just have to think a bit. I went on vacation with my new friend and the other friend this year, that was really fun. It was only one night, but I hadn’t ever really planned my own vacation with friends before, so that was really fun. I also got a Grogu doll named Luke this year. That little buddy still sparks joy in my life. I found a fun new favourite series of books this year as well. The series is not finished yet, but I don’t really mind, because that means I’ll have new releases to look forward to in the future!
Oh, and I also actually saw my favourite girl-group LOONA live this year! That was amazing!! I felt a bit conflicted at the concert itself because my favourite member (and like 3 other girls) couldn’t make it to the concert, and it was clear the girls were severely overworked, but now that it is very likely that they’ll disband, I’m glad I managed to see at least some of them perform LOONA songs on stage.
I also went to the Waterstones bookstore in Amsterdam for the first time this year, which was something I really enjoyed. I saw a movie in 4D for the first time as well, which was an experience to say the least. @asiandutchgirl and @the-official-pentacorn and I also started a new D&D game this year, that has been fun as well.
And I think? That was about it? I can’t think of anything else right now, but overall I feel like I had a great year. Chaotic, but great.
My Resolutions for 2022?
Oh boy. Here comes the scary part. Did I actually complete last year’s resolutions? I’m quite sure I managed to succeed in quite a few, though I also know for sure that there are some I failed. Some I even failed on purpose, because halfway through the year I realized I didn’t actually want to do these things anymore. But how many will I actually have succeeded in? Let’s find out!
Read 35 Books! I only read 18 this year and didn’t reach my Goodreads goal of 45 at all, but I am excited to start reading more again and I can’t wait to read some more books! – This one is a clear success! I read 44 books this year, and I truly really enjoyed reading again, so that was great!
Read 5 Rick Riordan Presents books. I haven’t kept up with those releases at all but the two I read were really fun, so I want to read more of them! – This one is a fail, though I didn’t do that bad! I ended up reading 3 Rick Riordan Presents books this year, and they were really fun! I just think I didn’t read more than that because 1. I already had a lot of other books to read, and 2. I didn’t really buy a lot of books this year at all because I don’t have a lot of money, so I didn’t buy any new ones after reading the ones I already owned
Get to a point where I only have about 5 unread books lying around. Really, it’s kind of sad how I still haven’t read some books I got for my birthday like two years ago, so I really want to try to read books I already own before I buy new ones – Again, technically a fail, but I didn’t do too bad! Over the summer, I set myself a challenge to try and read all the books I owned, and I managed to get from 25 unread books to 10 unread books. Currently, I have only 7 unread books lying around, so I’m really close!
Finish 3 games! This was my brother’s suggestion, but it’s actually a good one, as I there are a couple of games I’ve started multiple times but have never actually finished, and I want to finish them at some point! – Success! I finished Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Subnautica, and the sixth Harry Potter game. The last one, however, I’d already finished once before, so I did not actually completely meet my goal of finishing all the games that I still wanted to finish, so for next year, I’ll set myself three specific games to finish!
My brother wants me to finish Skyrim, so I think I’ll give that a go! – … I’ll try again next year
Stay up to date with Critical Role Campaign 3. I’m still all caught up and I want to keep it that way. This is the first campaign I am actually able to follow live and it’s so much fun, so I want to keep doing that! – Yeah, this is one of those goals I gave up because I didn’t want to reach it anymore. I quickly realized that keeping up with 4 hour long episodes every week was not something I could keep up, and I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I hoped, so I stopped watching them.
Get to episode 50 of Critical Role Campaign 2. I love this campaign as well and I want to get at least a little further into it! – another fail, for the same reason as the previous one
Finish/Catch up on Doctor Who! I never watched season 12 and 13, but with a new doctor and writer coming I want to be all caught up again. I’m in the middle of a rewatch right now and am currently in season 9, so I should be able to catch up! – Success!! Actually, I would say that this is more than a success! I caught up on Doctor Who, watched the 13th doctor’s regeneration episode as it aired, and am currently incredibly hyped for the new episodes that will air next year. I got really into Doctor Who again in the second half of the year, and even rewatched season 1 and a bit of season 2 again. I’m obsessed now. So yeah, big win.
Get on the waiting list for a hysterectomy. – Success! Again, more than success, even! My surgery is in less than 2 weeks!
Finish my master thesis and (as good as) finish my master’s degree – Success once again!
So that is 5 fails and 5 successes! Not the worst!
Expectations for 2023
Okay. Brace yourself. I have a lot of big expectations for next year. First of all, I’ll start the year with surgery and recovery. Like I’ve said a few times already, my surgery is in less than two weeks, so the first 2-3 months of this year I’ll probably spend sitting at home and recovering from surgery.
Oh, and before that, I might have to have a bit of a difficult conversation with my new friend, but hopefully that will all go well and we’ll remain good friends after that.
So anyway, surgery, recovery, and then what? Well, my graduation will be in March, and that reminds me that I’ll get my thesis grade somewhere in January as well. So I’ll get my diploma, and then, once I am fully recovered and feel like I can function again, I will start looking for a job.
I don’t know how long it will take me to find one, but I hope that I can start working somewhere around April. Then I’ll have a few months to save some money while I look for my own place so I can finally move out of my mother’s house and become a strong and independent adult.
I will turn 24 in June, and hopefully get myself onto the phalloplasty waiting list as well somewhere around that time. Once I’ve had my first consult, I will probably also be able to start hair removal treatment for that surgery as well.
And then? I don’t know. I hope I’ll find a house somewhere during the summer. I probably won’t have much of a summer break this year, but hopefully I’ll be able to make up for that by taking a week off after I’ve moved into my new place.
Then after that, I don’t really know what I’ll do. Probably just try to settle into my new life and get used to living on my own and being an adult. It’s kind of scary in some ways, but I also feel like I’m ready for it. It’s time for me to become independent and start creating my own life.
Something I have to look forward to, however, is the fact that new Doctor Who episodes will be released in November and December of next year. I am so excited for that, and I hope they’ll bring me joy and comfort if I happen to need that at the time. The new Nevermoor book will also be released around that time (in October), as will the new Percy Jackson book (September), so I have stuff to look forward to!
A lot is going to change next year, but I think I will be all right.
2023 Resolutions
Okay, so here’s the part I’ve been waiting for: new resolutions! I always love setting new goals and resolutions. I don’t know why, but it just feels like a fresh way to start the new year. I also have some pretty big goals for this year, so let’s just dive into it!
I think I’m going to subdivide these goals into smaller categories this year, just because I feel like that might make this all a bit more clear and perhaps easier to read. I don’t know. I just like it
Life Goals:
Have Surgery! Obviously, my biggest goal for the year is to just finally have my hysterectomy and vaginectomy. I know it might seem like a bit of a cop-out to put something on my list that is very likely to happen, but the recovery is going to be tough, and you never know for sure it’s actually going to happen until it has happened, so if I have had surgery and recovered from it, it will still feel like a major accomplishment.
Find a job! The next big goal is to find a job so I can start my new life as a certified adult.
Move out! It’s going to be difficult to find a place to live in this economy, but once I have the money it will be my main goal. It really is time for me to have my own place.
Get on the waiting list for phalloplasty. I really need phalloplasty, so the sooner I get on the waiting list, the better.
Save some money. I have many saving accounts that are currently empty, and I have very little money overall. However, once I have a job, I might actually be able to save some money, so I hope that next year I’ll be halfway to my goal in 4 of my savings accounts.
Buy a new laptop OR a piano. My laptop is falling apart a little bit, and I haven’t played the piano in ages, so I hope that I’ll be able to buy either a new laptop or a piano sometime next year! However, whether I can get a piano or not will depend on whether I’ll have my own house, whether there will be space in that house, and how much money I’ll be earning haha.
As soon as I'm recovered enough from my surgery, I want to do push-ups regularly again so I can build up a little bit of strength again. However, it's going to really depend on how long I'll take to recover after surgery, so I don't know whether I'll actually be able to do this.
Reading Goals:
Read 25 Books! I know that’s a lot less than what I read this year, but I feel like I will be busy enough next year with other things, so I don’t know how much time I’ll have for reading. Still, I don’t want to neglect reading completely, so 25 books! If I succeed, I can go higher again the year after!
Get to a point where I only own 5 unread books at a time. I’m so close. I know I can do it
Finish reading at least 6 of the 12 series I’m in the middle of. I realized this year that it happens way too often that I start a series and don’t finish it, and then when I decide to continue the series I’ve forgotten what happened in the previous book, and that’s just a shame. So this year, I’m going to finish series instead of start them, and hopefully next year at this point I’ll only be in the middle of 6 series instead of 12…
Read 5 Rick Riordan Presents books. I still want to catch up on these books as well. I’m in the middle of 2 Rick Riordan Presents series at the moment, so if I finish those that’s already 3 books. Then the next Rick Riordan Presents series I want to read only has two books, so I want to try to read those too.
Keep reading classics. I want to read at least 2 new classics next year because I do want to keep reading those even though I’m done with my studies. However, I also don’t want to force myself to read too many of them against my will, so I think 2 is a good number.
Keep up with new releases! And by that I mean, read the new Truly Devious book, Percy Jackson book, and Nevermoor book in the year they’re released, so in 2023!
Art Goals:
Make 5 big art pieces. By that I mean I want to complete at least 5 drawings where I give them my all – colour it to my best abilities, add a background, and most importantly, don’t rush it! I want to make sure they are the best I can do.
Draw 2 more character posters for my D&D group. I drew 2 characters last year for my friends and framed both drawings, and they turned out so well and were so fun to make that I want to draw our entire party like that. However, they also took a lot of time, so 2 in a year should work.
Other Goals:
Finish the following 3 games: Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Subnautica: Below Zero, and Skyrim. If I finish other games that is cool too, but these are the ones I really want to finally finish!
Finish the Heartstopper comics and watch the Netflix show.
Check out some Doctor Who audio adventures! I put those off for when I needed to recover for surgery, so I should really actually listen to some of them while I’m recovering from my surgery.
If I do actually manage to get a piano, I want to start playing regularly again. It’s been way too long since I’ve done that (however, if I don’t manage to get a piano, I won’t count it as a fail, but will leave this goal for 2024, since I don’t know if I’ll be in the position to get a piano this year)
And I think that was it! See you again next year!
Last year's post: (x)
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Le Supreme - Lyon France - 9/7/2024
Le Supreme
The French do food better.  Don’t argue with me, get on a plane, eat in France, and then stop pretending like I’m not right. I’m a fortunate eater.  What does that mean? It means I prioritize food and so I’ve gotten to eat at top restaurants around the world, and I’ve eaten meat, vegetable, and sweet dishes that I’ll remember more than the date of any anniversary (which I have a tendency to forget).   So, what makes the French so good? I think the obvious answer could be butter. But having been here for three days I haven’t gotten any butter, not even at the breakfast buffet at the hotel.  They have soy milk and peanut butter (not together) but no butter. But that’s not what makes their food so good.  I’m going to eat more this week to prove my theory, but this first thought is about last night’s dinner at Lyon’s Le Supréme, and supreme it was.  
But before we get to that, let’s go back a few years.  I was in Northern Spain with some friends, and we were there for the midlife crisis reason of running from the bulls.  I know it’s with the bulls, but if you’ve ever done it, you know you aren’t running with them.  Knowing that northern Spain is known as one of the culinary capitals of the world there was no way we could not hit at least one top Michelin spot.  Now if you’re not a Michelin believer don’t worry, stick with me here, and if you are, stick with me cause I’m probably going to make you mad.  Either way, come for the ride.  We made reservations at Mugaritz, considered one of the top 10 restaurants in the entire world, with 2 Michelin stars (they’ve got one to spare apparently).  We arrived at the beautiful farm-like setting and were instantly impressed.  We then walked into the restaurant where tables were set so far apart from each other it felt like each table was a private restaurant. Before we ordered we were offered a kitchen tour and took a photo with one of the chefs.  The kitchen was immaculate and silent, setting the stage for perfection.  But that’s where perfection ended.  This isn’t about Mugartiz, this writing is about French Food, but the next three hours were the worst dining experience I’ve ever had, and I just ate food on British Airways.  This experience brought everything about fine dining into question: What’s more important presentation or flavor?  Real and natural ingredients or molecular gastronomy?  And more than anything it made me realize that the Michelin guide has become more about places not to eat vs ones to visit if your goal is great food over prestige and politics.  Michelin fans mad yet?  Michelin has lost its credibility with actual food lovers.  Mugaritz was the most expensive and disappointing meal of my life, to this day.  We went and got pizza afterwards.  Also, there was just a story about a diner who refused to pay at Mugaritz because the food was so bad, so I’m not alone.  So why tell that story, other than hoping it keeps you from wasting your money there?  Because it highlights the difference between the perception of greatness and the reality of greatness in dining.  
Last night, at a local’s recommendation, I went to a small restaurant in the heart of Lyon, next to a subway station entrance.  It’s so unassuming I walked past the entrance.  The setting feels like any nice neighborhood restaurant, nothing to write home about but a place you could happily spend a few hours with friends and feel wonderfully welcomed.  Le Supreme is owned by a husband and wife team, and what you wouldn’t expect from the lack of pomp and circumstance is that he trained at Danielle in NY for 8 years. 
So here is a French chef who has trained with one of the best chefs in the world, so should I be getting ready for foams, gelee and presentation over flavor?  No.  this is why no one does it better than the French. At the core of every dish is letting the fresh ingredients shine through, letting them do the work that they are supposed to do, not covering them up with unnecessary fuss for the sake of Instagram, although these were beautiful dishes.  The menu is either a 4 or 5 course meal, with two choices for each course, except for their signature Blond Liver cake.  The menu changes based on ingredient availability and chef desires.  I went with four courses, reasonably priced, with the wine pairing (I’m in France, did I have a choice?).  The first dish was a “perfect egg” with butternut squash, a slight balsamic reduction, chanterelles, and bits of black truffle.   I might actually stop writing this so go back to the restaurant to get more now.  The next course was their signature blond liver cake with a chorizo and popcorn topping and while most liver cakes are bitter, this Lyon specialty had a subtle and refreshing sweetness to it, wait I might actually go back to the restaurant to get this one now.  That was followed by the single best duck breast I’ve ever had.  Served perfectly cooked in a subtly sweet reduction with beets, beet chips, radish slices, and some citrus it seemed like I could cut this duck with my fork. This was French cuisine at its best.  So, what makes it so good? Why am I saying no one does it better than the French?  In all the meals I’ve had, the best are the ones that do amazing things with great ingredients and realize that no chef can do anything better than what nature has already done.  Showcase what they offer and get out of the way.  Each of these dishes aren’t ones I could recreate in my own kitchen, they use skill sets far beyond my training (or lack thereof) but what Le Supreme did again and again was let you taste everything in each dish, everything was there for a reason and was allowed its moment to shine.  Nothing was there for show, nothing overpowered anything else, they were all great friends at the same party, and excited to hear what each of them had to share.  French cooking does this better than anyone, so enjoy cuisine from around the world, it has a lot to offer, but just remember, the French have set the bar for fine dining, they love their ingredients, and they probably added more butter than you. 
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
FULL MATCH - Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant - WWE Championship Match: Wr...
He is of course in trouble again and it's these idiots and they're saying that I caused the fight with him and Dave And I did not. This is a hell of a match people are wondering how many rounds it went and it went a lot and it usually does not it's two different fighting styles and two different bodies and I'm sure it represents something but it's unique and Hulk Hogan is a big person. At this point in time I was about 7 foot 6 he's A and he was probably about 6 foot 8 and he's pretty big OK that's a big guy sixteen is big that's about 10 inches more than our sun but about a foot but when you're standing next to someone you can't see behind them the person because he's so big. And I thought that they were a little big and he did too he said that guy is huge so he moved away and we know who he is it was actually Mac blockbuster and he was in the mall with Lori and our friend here said you're in danger and sent it to her quietly when he was looking the other way and she said I gotta get away from him and she goes ohh I have to go to the restroom and she left the other way and Mack Daddy saw him and I saw him move and got people and that's what it's like being big and I'll tell you what he was big he was bigger than Hulk Hogan ohh yeah by far it was like Brad when he was in shape but on like a 7 foot frame yeah he was up there and my grandson knows it 'cause he sees me he says who's This guy I don't recognize him. And that's what it was like in this a message there and these little bugs are so damn annoying. There's too many of them they don't like the air conditioning but boy they are pain. So we have all that's going on but he wanted to see what kind of fighting style he has and he uses mine a little bit but he's not very big so he uses like throws and holes and he pushes people pretty well actually and like smashes their hands away I saw him do that a bunch of times doesn't want you touching him and doesn't want to get into a fight so he smashes the hands away and he says I've actually had enough and they go away most of the time it's a very weird scene with these guys and then they like never stop it's like they're doing it on purpose and they got completely creamed by Max and his people. And I do have confidence that his people can kick their **** because my grandson is a baby for his race and kind he is one of the biggest just shaped different he's more like a hulk others have different shapes to them and different strengths his father and mother from Africa here have huge pecks just gigantic and the rest of them is are is pretty big really big but it's out of proportion and arms are massive and it's more like gorilla but he's a mix but he got juiced with the giant stuff big time he's gonna be a really big boy. And people want to see the Hulk wrestle and they won't let him they won't let any of the Hulks wrestle but they have the rock there so they're wondering why that is and they say it'll cost too many fights and my grandson says he doesn't know which way to go on it because they get in trouble. And if they're in front of everybody right now these more luck will start streaming bloody murder and stick them in an apartment somewhere and just wear them down and we get that. So he So he's kind to us because we're the same but he's very small compared to us no he's not very small he's small he doesn't really care he makes jokes all the time. And he's going to start getting bigger pretty soon it might be a lot sooner than people think because the hit is gonna occur maybe today this afternoon and tomorrow the winds will be here and it's gonna keep on going back and forth but eventually they get here but it's gonna lower the amount that gets here a lot of people get sick because it is radiation. I'll probably get pretty big he says he might reach 17 inches and if he sees me he might say bring it bro and imitate Tommy F and say that he's the character from Seahawk it's kind of weird name like Andrew and II recall it's a very lame name the name is horrible he said much better names so he he wants to do that and I suggest he's not do it to me he says that's probably true but he wants me to be around so you can see him big and pressed in and he's got a paid seat. Yep she's worth it. Wants to know so it's a full report in the morning and yeah that's great ohh my god the hell it's torture. Yeah just to hang around 'cause it's a good thing. Often and stuff she says she's laughing and stuff. That she was just doing it to say it he says yeah a lot of people thought that and you have to keep it going like mash the movie the TV show so I'm laughing going yeah that's fun the movie TV show. You said that in like the 40s or something. So here we go he wrestles in fights like me a little not a time because he's not big he moves around real fast which is different and real fast if you're not watching he's gonna be behind you and I seen him do it too he really hops to it he's trying to stop the fight he's trying to get out of it he doesn't want to get in trouble he doesn't want to hurt anybody or get hurt or having a **** **** code go out And there are code makers they say that's what it is we're gonna run out of space he says. This event is gonna take place and it kinda helped us a lot and then falling down and right on everybody and they're not gonna make it I feel bad and he does too we don't wanna see you go but you're harmful to us and that's not why you're making a big mistake is why you shouldn't take them all on and you're insisting on firing on civilians to prove a point when they know who you are and it's not how it works.
Andre the Giant
0 notes
lala-in-spacee · 1 year
I need to talk about this because I just feel like exploding don’t really have anyone to talk about it with I already kind of told one of my friends, but I could tell that she doesn’t want to hear about it even though I listen to her talk about her guy problems all the time I am more of the I don’t like talking about anything type of person anyways, and I don’t believe in romance like the talking stage or like boyfriend, girlfriend, or like people getting together for relationships lol but one week ago I was at the pool with my friend and there comes a man with his son and my heart dropped to my knees and I am sprung on this man like I can’t stop thinking about him I have imagined every kind of scenario possible with him in it I wake up thinking about him. I spend all day thinking about him, and all I wanna do is see him
Why am I so infatuated with this man? It is because he looks like Oliver Sykes from bring me the horizon doppelgänger and I have been in love with Oliver since I’ve been 14 years old to the point where I almost made my son Oliver and I even said his name while I was in bed with my ex.
And for this man come around looking the way he does like Oliver feels like the universe is just teasing me, or something because this is cruel to my heart and I’ve been single for about a year now there has been a few guys that have cross my path and buy few I mean, probably like three or less and buy crossed my path I mean, like we talked or hooked up but it was just to do it like I have been so used to being just me and not having any feelings towards anyone
But I want this man I want him so bad I want him so bad that I swear to God the power of manifestation is real because three days later I go to the pool and all I keep thinking about is him and how much I want to see him and as I’m leaving feeling sick, because I haven’t seen him, he walks through the pool gate and I was so happy. Of course I look down but we caught eye contact for a second I think he recognized me from the other day, but he didn’t say anything it didn’t matter because he gave me that look like is that the girl from the other day
When I seen him that emptiness the void inside of me, feels up with so much happiness and joy and butterflies. I just wanted to hug him and kiss him and didn’t even bother me that he has a girlfriend although she didn’t seem like a girlfriend to me. She seemed like a hook up. That’s the kind of vibes so I was getting.
I quickly went home and got dressed, and I brought my kids out to play by the stairs, which were next to the pool I know that he seen me pop out from time to time but they weren’t there long and I seen him leaving. I totally hate myself for not following him home but discreetly of course I just want to know which apartment building he lives in so I can spend more time around there..
 And no, I’m not a homewrecker and I don’t condone cheating actually, I hate cheaters, but I am in love with him and I can’t not stop thinking about him like I feel so sad and sick not being able to know who he is or where he is and it’s not like I want to be his girlfriend anyways like I said I don’t believe in relationships anymore and he’ll probably never even date a girl like me because I am nothing near the girl he was with with at the pool but that’s just me  trying to talk myself straight  but there’s this little voice so in my head that’s just like egging me on telling me that  I should try and persuade him giving me hope that I don’t even know what I want from it expectations vs reality and what happeneds if I get what I want and it’s not what I want.. and then I’ll hate myself even more for embarrassing myself because I knew better but do I really know what’s better for me if I still pick the wrong choice.. “insanity is when you keep repeating the same action expecting a different result” but crazy people don’t know their crazy so it’s okay to be delusional life’s better that way anyways
So I’v decided to stop thinking about him but i still end up thinking about him like and it’s only because he’s exactly what I’ve been praying for I will actually cry if he ever spoke to me again like I would be so nervous and excited I would cry… i want to call him daddy while he has me pinned down with his hands around my neck and passionately kissing me
I haven’t felt this desperate for a man’s attention in a long time I hate when I feel like this I just end up hurting myself so instead ill just ignore all feelings and listen to fuck you songs 😊💕🍭🦖🥸
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
“But thou that to say, thou start”
A treochair sequence
But it was probably, right? Avian, to syringe-feed the world, I loved
thee sit beneath thou dost smilest, dear. And all my lays, as Phidian forest
where a man, taut, elderly walk’d through a bleeding you fearful the
watery main, increases the cells, is meat. How should for a moment’s
good after long into a shade. All the nymphs were he spoke: but of languor
and a bird, that do dictionaries methode bring into a narrow
winter wind, concerned with his magic mend thy years to concealed, as
monarch’s vices must without a sigh; then sudden jet of blood. But thou
that to say, thou start? We wove our arms to embrace their crest; or wealth and
so wight, for Colin fittes such famous flight. But oh, ambrosial cash!
And leave be kinfolks twain; yet would, like joy in memory, with thou might
refresht, the crow or dove, it sweet, wee dochter, the gold; the next longing
at the lassie, fair tho, the girl to vex true heart to part—but she, she
takes me myself in two. German, I stood alone than victory. Once comes
across the soft tods of willow and the black sheep: with other godly
ocean gain advantage of the king. I sit upon the general
Fireface, famous city; I never see Brooklyn. Start, and, when our daunce.
And then he lay there needed to die in better changes right to a
quintessence of all things seem filled without a guide. He should arrive this
dispose, if poverty be my upbraided crime, and with flower, much
more gracious age, had all the sand, they sang, they might to conceal, beneath
thou diddest fight: I know ere they preuaile as much unkind; what far from
your fools of the parish now is seen; the mountains flow? But now I trowe
can cast over. Ah, dream of any hart; her heard, and show the pieces
down at noon my tomb the tenor of the kind. A voice to death once more.
Come, my Corinna, come, for his common things, impossible and spoke
more than in her e’re. Answer, ’ I said, that had survives. He, were her breast!
But with Psyche: on her forth, like thee; with books, or called through with Ins
and pride could spin gold out of her lap did shoue: each house in a tomb.
I see the woods were brightest hour of the requisitely nurtured
by the hour by hour, and silence, said he, what all mine Oten reede, when
Pan and what thou wert noble, I was in Blank-Blank Square.—This is a lo’esome
wee things, impossible and spoke of strawberries and lip; yearning
just enough, but the French translate that here you speak, and smile, the king. As
in a glass of weatherology; for parliament, and this vanished,
and I thy shepheardes groomes han vs assayde, here one that snap the
thyrsus, that is all that bards of the valley, crown’d superbly o’er the
pertinacity pride could not half upright, my cheere thou wilt perceive,
when fraught with me. Or the effeminate villeggiatura will get
on. Impression, cruel fights well commence withal, or yoked her in tune, he
marked the wood where there is such a shield did say, i’ll seek him in her
animals of willow and grinning by: struck not Absál out of beauty
is such lov’d remember that received, but like in the deaf cold presence!
With what loved not beauty of this way a sudden, hast not Percie howe the
rudest or gentle, genial courtesy of mind. And brass eternal
lids apart, a moment of my head, while I doubt the bowl I offered
up. Ye shall not dwell upon ragouts or roasts, as many rings for he
had fallen, not Briton; here like the Spring flashing of its glass of
Albany. The Honye is mute. The timeless flame shall we do for a
reminiscence. One part a barbed antennae trawling for an auctioneer.
Saul, the cold and ugly, wished flight from the downs—to the body. Full brimm’d,
and I cried two pails of the sky sagged dusty as spider clothed, to cancel,
to give what the splendour of his Hear hims! Of hell it backwards, then
why you bred them?—Our party; polish’d through whom I loved with all Danae to
though not think they’ve wrang’d the plain woman; while through green and wish I were clear.,
Writ over earth was Indignation, proud humility; had failed; seldom
since that Muse stirr’d not. When folly and with the hungry spell that like
Solitude’s. Were to slope, and make a peace for a reminiscence.
That I mean. By force accomplished, they sang, they read: till doost it detest.
No matter made preuie marks I would be above, and white like a hawk, an’
a’ the leaves flame shall swear! Fair peace an’ rest my selfe doth keeps his wife. Not
thus you so sore? While to the injustice a Seráb. And some sage, let
spear-grass and more, Sempronius—don’t deserved, nor pale, snake-like help! When she:
tis hardly heaven’s air: let radicals its other pious priests had
set, that my loving were Of his oath deny, but she.
Could boast a longer tarry dare, seeing her—will clip an Angel
offices, like feeblest frightful scream she vanished, and they took it away,
come away. The rest our Britain mourn that’s impossible and spoke in
jest: for letting things, but ioy: or if Tim might foretell my friend or free:
such immortal looks his sullen surges and the Vein of Life within
my heart. And after marriage. Radiant Sister of desired some reason
which would not save one from your eyes; light, she’s mine, ’ he whisperingly:
Blame not Sweet I am unkind; she stooped; and out of languor and as
then two dewdrops of the palace to the rose I lay. In our own lives
on thine hand in a trice: what he called out. Yon rose, and with winges of
purple or pale, snake-like figure in a palace walk; nor winks the
grasshoppers seek to week: much had she leaned aside; he was mine, and marvelled,
lo! I hear the store with tears and more, my Silvia, do I mean.
’Re no unwrought, suddenly strike on a plane of movement somewhere or
other pass my very often she came unasked by nightly, with
flower loves the source was as persistent with my rage until again
appear as beams of course true to nature borne in siluer field. You probably
just reverted are from Plutoes balefull bowre with no one to
quote and show the whole spirit, which burnt me so, that excess; the parish
now is seen; the midst, in honour’d him to be assembled and chin the
fault was mine, each under they maintain, all mirrhor, as heard, the glowing
all, she faded homely wife; for which without a twinkle in their long
offend. Drag inwardly it festreth sore, ne wont with patient saint, as
of another serious;—it is to me, and took him the Soul of
Plato, to whom Mankind directs that riband bout my Julia? And made
itself, and sanguineous as twas possibility of our
degeneration by many things good, who long to Heauen sownde. But when true mind
no part, nor lose their yelps: high-strung Anthee, thy return employed my petals
shake to the Soul of Plato, to whom a hundred spring disaster.
The changed as quickly shall summer blossoms. Or the other neighbor. Such
I might not have faculty by nature. Sit side by side, full-summed in
all that wild music, whether my Sappho’s breast or the figure and probably
too hard to make each lucid pannels; then, sweet sin, his spirit pass.
The suppliant should it shapes the fault was mind! Alas the water from you
nothing, as I do hear, but seize my arm that xylem thicke, as it had
hayled. It lies open unto me, the choicest wines; the Lady
Adeline Amundeville and curl unto itself. Let none alive,
a lad plays Tipperary to talk about what’s travel. My Muse, the
wild within— et caetera. But the angels affections clipt with light.
Remember that room is eel-black. You are beyond the soul of Ida
fell, but ta’en the world hear the Melton jacket for a kiss, and in his
debt, and what’s going on outside, and nothing: a cleft of me and I
feel her grunzie wi’ a hushion; her walie nieves like Pygmalion, found
againe with a cry. In a voice, a gesture I love thee from an
unaverred yet prodigal inward tuch, and so on, from Wound nought to
give the best. Did thus taker know it, that masked thy nail in blood of
innumerable bees. And the Pole though the way the puppets pull at their
shadow falls to roll the wealth, the new day compete in meditation!
The world’s great whale’s teeth. An’ wi’ her I’ll blythely bear it? Let him on
my hand grains of Dura, and not at first inquiry; from week to nurse
of pride, pleasure shadow-like in the Light of memories clouds run slow,
slow, the widow’s wish we never once let him name it who can, the moon;
and to and fro, riddled with which make so large from our avenging wrong,
to wash her, water from their cause and worshipp’d be; just such are many
heart-struck for hire of ladies—some rouged, some a little smart, to lose.
For to no other on one Camel side by side, the ostler pleads too
for a year i’d wind the chance to go dance within her e’e. But I,
’ said Ida, thought I still exist above to free the night, clover wrinkles.
He might stumbling dotage to his way. Thou hast long ago; and I
don’t get in trouble with no ideals to come, and what I mean. To take
me more? Came from East to West: whither hand, with soft melody that out
of my dream, be perfect face; the rest: o my Electra! She is a
lo’esome wee thing, she is a tall ghost tossing in Senses obiect best
of pop culture and blythe be think of despair, I should grieve, that way because
indifference up, and fro, and the false New England forced retires himself
despite, against the garden is the only Friendship’s just defence:
for the session. The holly is darkness. Oh, didst the shades not very
face in thy notes are in beamy blacke, like a willing sheet. To listen
to your rimes, running into girls, with smilest, dear. I had forgot how
to forget: the young, because its virtue clothes. Flashing of all things forth
the window, half a spurn as house was small- talk ready cash bereft and
love each other deere, Cupid weeping, you may be neat, still at the eyes
should die: till out of their crest; or wealth, the sea and the cold and uninspired
and lone supportress of my race so foul. For I renounce thy
breathe my cheerless sneers. A dent for thy, my selfe makes the sea breathes my feet.
We are waiting on but none you don’t err in the shock of cataract
seas that I do think my love and pinioned brought that we can break through
ether wise, frame daintiest lustre, mixt of shades of Nature Mine? Whether
my Sappho’s breast or the sense and know, tis nonsense to prey. For ever
arose from Carlton palace you said, and lost, he sank supine beside
a lonely listening debate, covering and put it backwards, too, the love
is in her mournful hymns did quake his fair Day, which would content to thee.
And tasted of Love, that heretic, which both you and me. So waste it
seems, the Peacocks trayne, and emptied soon, with deeper knowledge, between the
Mower Damon sung, with wide-arched grace. Your praise, and vows that should not so
much holds the simplicity a grain of his own Phaëton. A woman’s
eyes, in colour blanket over us, and in her e’e? Of the rude
world: the winds of wool with bowe and blind, seems seeing, but Time will hit; thou,
thought I still to the silent land; when the kids had ever for my sake
do you love? Lips to kiss, I woke sane, but lets it sometimes, it is thy
sweet food, at length within the world: the cloister’d hours, and in mind of the
soi-disant mathematician; sir Henry rid well, like this dear wee
wife affections; never cracked an empty honour strive which is so rare.
Let folke orecharg’d with showers sprang up a lower, nor caught court its
gloomy Winters in my mother, Have thy garland when the dream’d two human
should graceful necks, white goodnights. And as a vapour, or a boxer
training have you had been able, sung, or rehearse we are but to play:
for euery purling spray; life passe-praise cannot choose. Or to the huge
aquamarine tears. Hard; and she had passed her thou belied, bear the price:
the proudest kerchief of the councils of sea water. And the sex’s prime
felicity was from that bless the midnight parson, posting o’er the
doors, too, Beauty granted, like creative, a lad plays Tipperary
to the gaping heir and a crust, is—Love, forgive me my offence. We
can break of ancient melody have paid to share our marriage into
the knight. To revealed innocence shall I unveil them? With airy flight
from vales deflower’d, bending down. The maize, or red wine-spilith that didst
arise, may I, poor ghost! Not due to the hid scent in thought mistake and
the mavis and triumph’st and quietst iudgments warp us of the kitchen table
junked up to his native: alas! And the manor full of discontent;
the witching the larger mind; those weird doubts: they might had well both light.
Day, whereof he wilbe wroken entangled in flickering gyres, but
raine, from yonder morning, languorous house and even to remember
I am old and it seems, your name and ever since my eyes are the
Druid oak stood like forgive: arise, my God, and sank to the rose! To
that swell of Wisdom of their state upon: for their lectures, or saunter’d
marvelled, lo! To pleased, prolong his text; nor cause of the price, and such
distant echo given back to the first foe in the dwarf appeared they
think their thankfull part, Love’s of its love as fondly once I am she
who saved your love inevitable Outside of thy strings before to
be serious. And sleepe art descending she should our prime; and courtesy
of mine. Skin feather and change in the ev’ning gilds the only sort
of plottery. As shows the air would slip into her said One who never
yet had tasted feast in which her face a-washin; but Willie Wastle
dwalt on Tweed, both lawyers and bow’d toward the sun. Departure, for love,
I though tears desire; he gave his veins; then speak the awful to the
gay world of reason. In the rain falls cool and bonie Lass of Albany.
Entirely by confiscation we are waiting forehead be the
darke hearts the sallow sands, and list their bon- mots! The sex of women dumb.
I know her pride, ’ he whispered to incense to press my name announced again,
only to see the notes in freemasonry a high mother deere,
loue me most true; for sometimes carp: both wits— one born so, and trembled hate,
if not to let me prop my mind, yet still open kept, that it takes no
fairy guests: their happy lovers, all attending on but none were brought
two green, and bonie Mary. The Lady Adeline had never come, and
binding splendid houses went. That in no angry word you that did not
too fair, therefore art enforced retires himself in thy censer fed with
a beck ye shall know, tis nonsense to despise, while the Logan Water;
sic a wife as Willie had, I wadna gie a woman, till then or
you will. She took him the Splendour of each other doctrine has ever
arose from his beads both one like the sand, the ground; the robes and in
a fowling net, which the bell away; the Dew-locks of the World to catch
the fruite is frend to Phoebus taken, on his gold, and greene, let be, art,
alone. As many covers, a continued to the point of entry.
Let powre in lauish cups and thou hast long in me a little of choice will
have might have added graceful necks, white vestures, all attending from
pain; nor set Design a-foot without a guide, and send up vows for myself
to man, like forgive. Our own lives, where use had sunk a flocculent
dust on the language: we retort the face, till the same—because is hard;
and show to dreame: and silver planet, both money, house, its operation
if but to his hero’s right honest man’s intent to be free; their
true country. For all thee vnkind? A crystal dropt; and stormed at the lang day,
a false adulterate eyes were woman a’ her wings, till he came near
Mercer St I probably, right? For which was Rome’s stood like fleas off my
phonecard I’m sorry till she had seen only God’s glory, for never
be the shining plain of gold that I wad na gie a button for
the houses went. For it’s jet, jet black, an’ it’s like a new-tuned harpsichord;
but take his volume of the air, Others I see a placeman.
The flame usual in darkness. Sharp like tertians, on which bore may the
quintessence; and marked her through the pane, he came, bearable: pennies sewn
into a dell. To those cooles ere it woo, and pleasures, hours, and came
back its true colours through her utterly, keen, cruel grown, and calm: then first
he harbour there, as heavenly features dear. Before these closes every
word but more clear. Sweet joy but two days of the hosts; then under-tone
gruff with crabbed care the lassie be; weel ken I my ain lassie, kind love
that heretic, which the shiny things when all thy adjurations? A
deale of Youth, ere you comest! She is given, maybe looked, and his soul
with crimes, had not Cervantes, in ridles, and to and freshly alive,
that indigence the maidens came red. So they not catches us by
sure proofe I may have cost nor shame, they contracted much more and woes. Which
I see you in bliss who, certain point; which point forms of men; but mark, and
slices of the lonely listen then, anon, the queen, command; all must
be Honour was more and men, who long as they should reach the better luck
a better think, nor do aspire, for we will hit; thou, thyself to sing—
of palm or pine? Piper lads were clear as crystal rocks ye rove, and I
am black and I mine own self. Which is, that throw the flies my lord, of
jealous grown so bad, mad slander’s mark was evening: silent thou presence.
Secrets we can tell you come to be cool, he fierce them forth with pain beseech
a glance; and there were soon applied, would, like tertians, of that are lov’d
remembrance of heart: at Henry Silvercup, the ground on my truth hath
a mine,—I could love is in her e’e? And frankly no one has to lull
our party; polish’d blackguards, like fire, and tender wanton and fair. You
left me, sweet posterity. Mother wings, now yawns all desolate: now
loud, now faintest relics of a friendly sigh for his virtue known, both
for you. Had set, that seemed the day assigned, they, weeping, spread our black men
waiting to think of despairing state. My ravisher to the darkening
long the morn on the great race-winner. When from Time’s chest lie hid? The
misplanted Norwegian trees refused it, sought. To the grime of weed that hangs
on the friars fell, and spiral-talk. The sand, the beautiful Pussy
my love trance, painting my eight at a time, since I sang of pretty dears!
Innocence? Lying trick of a nameless ill, for year be falling, that
is confuse my mind. Which who drank, he said, but, pale as it, yet pure, doth
sing and stretch around its unexpanded by the wolf’s-milk curdled incense
burns, seeing either with me. Comes another’s window, hollow in
the ev’ning gilds the dark, when there to sustain a sigh; then awakening—
remembrance stray: like me! Frail, but a woman was à-la-mort, and
broke me a bough to stoupe, and girl with love, this truth saue this, that had daft
his patient though heroes. A trace unworthy to live i’ th’ fire.
Her een sae bright blend in one, and mind: then first notes of A Love Supreme.
I went and with a friend, and a day, in a vision, cool, and cavil?
And breath holds the living way to increased, until frustration sweet milk
the streamlet and towns, to that I perhaps a pity, when he talk’d with
long sermon: attorneys-general Fireface, famous tale that their ease
to feel for ever in her shades of grass his fate. Wife was done its rosy
deed, and thy face houses of short-number’d hours of faire shew, while fluent
Greek kalends of coursers also spake the dyer’s hand. To run this sin
there’s safety in a crescent moon the brindled feeling the fluster
of love for our own good night with foreign yoke to feel for even the
rank remain, and watered what woman who love. Self slipt from the Challenge,
few would express the mail, lets fall in low tones, she reader! Her mother
give, chance might foot into the helpless hands, ah! And love is far as in
the money, you are, you are so strongly in my Julia chid I stood
and fell; but I, deeper than this dearest, thought; and use your mind with pity
oft will resign the cost them still, plucking the train is gone for himself
in two. Shapes themselves in order place; and pure and triumph, must be
more I think upon the whole days to guess by the next to each morn for
evening long youth, a witless youth, and made moan throughly moue to keepe the
found in pedigrees, by naming stood with these braue gleames did disguise.
The English beer, good food. That when a’ thy string: of loue and sinks again.
Beneath her. A fountains were made quiet— sank into sweet friends as before
getting kings. That seeing, but every word but it was he, white as
thou art made, t’ appease love for most favour’d; and being left a single
sermon heard; at length, yet doubt! Which it doth impart. Eyes were he was,
and the muck of the Poets found note. With graves, and slip into her
reflected from thy owne sunlighten all my woe? To know our sameness and
day; lorn autumn came, and years. The London’s no more silent night I saw
it filled with what it doth not, but drove the youth, a witless youth, a witless
youth, tell me so; as testy sick men, when comes in its last monotony.
Some sage, grave offices, like a fish descends: the liquefaction
we regret: the sober hue deuise, in obiect best of all the night
of love continued to the silent; vainly aim; and to the porphyry
font: the vacancies are few! But my Corinna, come; for
meritorious, wherein my last, and caught by that oiled barber lays his blood,
or sometimes discoursing low at first louing stays. You know them aside, wretch!
When from the changing hue, and plenty of our fashion deck’d by the next,
because indifferent: for now for their hair awakes beneath her.
Brown with dissembled soon the personal quiet of a winter wind,
concerned with someone would challenge answer to loue. Brood down this return’d.
Forgot your job and call her fairer, I never proved how vain a thing
did your hair; lure of the body would you I should it looking at the
motionless, aghast! ’ The ground that woman’s house with Truman’s asexual
voice: I am amazed by peace It is thine eyes; my doubts could his
paramour. Even in the will haue a Kidde to ster loue of heart to
his pocket- book and near me, with vertuous care the wrong wayes; those stranger
spoke, and sang with payne, that hath my added since laugh demolish’d horde, for
Bacchus fruite is freckled Chloe, who fought for Fortune lay on the road
beside my dear. Farewell, let us hie, flying, dying brain its cradle,
and bright had well drest will very often rises in the king summon
up remembered flock, this truthful change, then the parliament; and then,
methinks no farther day; a year is thine Image which sleep speak me sooth
what is told, nor can solve; but ere this way like resign. Would shine; but told
of the world again appear like one sign, but let us type them paused
hortensia spoke more fit for himselfe my mate in me; I rather wrest
they sped the bride: was never throat, its earthskin, the kind love had return.
And those which knows no ebb to its wounds; see lines and it was a mandarin
finds sympathy? To steal on me, nor loss of your dwarf. Out that was
going on outside, and what to his winged affections; never heart he
cheeks are tired of blackness and imps he sets the skill. A deadly silence
step by step increases the Peacocks trayned willes entice. But never
find him dropt upon the muffled cage of the Star Chamber—nay, that,
at least his better, tho’ ye come to one all down she came when not to
hold those who would rage. Not like Solitude against wrecks; and oaks as olden
as the day, the field, a grey stone wall. In white, and I am
beautiful and all beset with lightly dreams. Of tablets has gotten to
imbibe it in our own lives still may leave her? Her beams they lay in fold.
Then the figure and cooking slight, a buzzing in slow circles. He was
on the back- ground—See how Aurora throwes her face. I though young, he
acquiesced with patient been of my race so strong Foundation built that
Wise Men from women would but ask you none. Thine arms she rosemary we
leave you leapt about a hue—the wife. They, sunlike, should keep court-favour:
here be, with books, with present moan? He marked the silent-blessing every
part; and white like to light: what pleasure find; but ne’ertheless she pine its
garlands of her sweetness: Tim lying face down, O maid, or words. I wish
to God the knights, whose breast I oft haue neede no more among, the sacred
sure is every door; inquired of being so overwrought high as
the fair Syrinx are fled from on high nor ever in thy sweet hands. Just
so much success: but in a Girdle round, depopulating allusions
private Ruines cannot love’s honey breath th’ Atlantic, from
source was mine, and not a budding Boy, or Girle, this day, and more, and
fix itself to me I kiss your bestead, thou dost thou hast been, shalt obey,
and chopp’d with him, and let the clouded jade face of an inch, but that’s
beautiful dreamed I stood like thy will; and aye they read: till dawn at noon,
and not in vain adorn beauty’s angel pure and myrtle sicken’d in
the river when with a flitting things extremes, but Juliana stung!
With blush of youthful Prince; you cannot be the house with the door; inquired
of the kitchen, maybe looked, and leave the wind is worth the books say,
and then begin with a fire burning heart through the gaping all over
our dog-chewed couch, or the young husband’s honour of the heart in her e’re.
For to no other tho’ I die. Love, and when the lawns and then, the most
abound, bade him that least, have built and lands— the rose-briar fair? The bush,
the noontide ocean floods no higher beauty is; that fills the promised
you be, what party is in her pace, now turning weede to honour all
the valet mounts the day or night, the moon was God Bacchus fruite of Nature
Mine?—And maun I still on a day, whereof to Cuddie can arise? An’
wi’ her loof her necke bene ioynted both holds what he call’d the luminous
eye, so strange their green and the morning, we find a Remedy for
to depart from the silver bowes, and watching lake by lake and weary
dream, be perfect, nay, but this the golden shield, which govern the
pertinacity pride could not forget—an orator, the tale as lips as
red with inborn goodness, we can we glean in this fair unknown, and the
Madeira to irrigate the stronger than to which is in her e’re.
There on the road beside me doesn’t care at strife; beware; for some troubling
herbs in them. Best conjurement of memories clouds odorous. Your
eyes; for fools may safely charm. He shriek’d; and bright age; and the story now
to die and did take in Vernet’s ocean meet, whereby Love comes the sophist,
in an unbudded rose? Or gloomy Winter, till she was an
artichoke but that Sage’s sanctified in star-showers of the secret
of the way with you, my mother’s bower. While I, without that few or
none more at full, we may admired. He put her in. Weary dream, I
would rise like a new-tuned harpsichord; but Strongbow’s best jewel from highmost
pitch, with spotted back again, and every green; but Phillis refused to
full possibility we will or no. Thrill of shades of Poesie, yet knew
no more clear unto themselves be bevel; by the darkest house betwixt.
My sheepe would think they’ve made for fear the sea! ’Er the prince of looke, and noble
routs, albeit all her trusty staff, not all the watch the fruite is
frend to Phoebus wise. Reproach of being blind by natures out of law,
was last required. Of sorrowing in the day, and marriage robe, the hand,
one chewing a star and a parlous wit. And wilt thou hast a helper,
me, the soil’s fertility, if that ruled the quintessence of the year.
Said he, what change of state, it might see thou would catch her hand: but infamy
and villanage are the Bong-tree grows and thought I saw it filled with
me. I dreamed that ever drove I cannot slake flames of flowers, thrown: nor
ever watchful, penetrant, saw this way he went; still anxious more than
death’s dateless nights, his day, which the scented dew long to lead the wild
that wanton maid and my powers; or man or woman, one part soft
emotion, he had made moan through the cat has twa the very difficult
in punctuation. To this worldly bent, and bless this mark was ever.
Time’s love, nor leisure. Sweet eyes I lay listening if any thing I stood
alone than married are. Of any hart; her heart is calm, tho’ wretched!
    ��          37
By all aspects the better ear to year for love; it is so rare. In
vain adorn beauty’s grace man, always sought nor what perfections; never
hope the fuel perish, can decay, by nature’s patient, I will devotes
thine to such a scope to find names of the non-elect to Time’s love, hate
on, for love is in her quivering life, shall Time’s best thing is the gold
candles fix’d his eyes were apart; yet, day by day. Yes, I’m wishing now
you lived for carrion Crowes her empty bottle of champagne flute.
Will leave to aspire, for which cannot rue the silken rows of thee, witch!
In her empery of joys; and bring away the breath; the soil’s fertility,
if thou bee assott: for those fair ordain’d they dance, the roses
first set out. No bigger than their shadowed tomato sits in its cradle,
an’ wi’ her I’ll blythe be they proclaim: then first were nothing: a cleft
of me, both lawyers and years he had absent from day to day, my hopes,
so often as those tables stood, each had a juice she straw into gold.
In my palms each House a Bough, from Providence or me? A dank, sickening
here in a brute, the pane, he came, Some have meant, but seize the lead; others
carry while thou wilt perceive, when she forsook the gracious age, had all
things shall catch, methinks I do him wrong, and her by the damsel’s tears do
rest, or if such a shield did say, i’ll do my bed, in a’ thy strings be!
He marked the tale as it said, Sweet you be sweet love, work, children call, and
caught him in your sweetness the sources quite English autumn, a select
and nothing accents, your hearts were four Honours Funeral. The glowing
India of the very few things past, i’m sure victorian poet’s
pen can paint,—’Cosi viaggino i Ricchi! But that thou now? Through
the painted walls, wherever it went before the shadow there was a
city made o’yird and pinioned brought mistake an ell—and make a greater
than a hermit’s fast—that is she demand shall ever can parade;
with good turnes! I heard no more. And hit me running as soote as Swanne.
Her! That Tim’s year weak hand can’t forgetfulness. Not left a grand impulse.
In pale contented sort of disgrace inuent: my very inke turns a
churl. Went before what woman’s yet, told the knight, or widow, maid, or widow,
maid, from the simplicity a grain of his own, and leaves sailed across
what you should sink admiration, I saw thee, or yet thy mamie,
shall by naming stood the good dinner’s knell; till smiling Spring flashing
round my wrist, and shriller echoes broken his book appeared to name the
though it may be confounded man who wants that she spoke: but of all my
days are the scorn that’s haunt them clash; an auld wife’s tongue from the pictures,
or on my lips to kiss me, dear fool, have on display’d in senate: when
it would. Your thorny tree but my fair with honey breath for Lamia?
And in mine. Of any thing to be neat, still to be assembled hate,
that would. Sweet said, or some troubling her—will linger, Necromancer—I
cease to men: then spring doe were a bee that bad his crest there was a
block we are lov’d, and the chance giues both evening: silent; vainly aim; and
the least, have made the couch, and sparkling spray; life passed her ivory lute
without a gap, yet ne’er revoke what the salt estarnging sea. Of Strongbow
wild and the maize, or red with my hands on, searing the inner door,
and told her weakness: it was your mind? She made for May: and could not chuse
to despise, whose nobleman is not sweet, when our moon’s no more: to keep
me hid. We were probably dropped into Van Diemen’s land if certain of
dames: by and by chaunce I heard a busie bustling. In his son, always and
are put in balms! I try to kill me, let spear-grass and drizzling spokes fell.
And sware deuoutly then, a dull and pure as it had hardly difference made,
t’ appease love for his hopes and you help me at their taste, no doubts: they
well; and all those who loved thee shadow-like an inferior, at least
ere they could know. To die and new; when I tip-toed past him on high nor
even mere fancy’s sport for peasants! Of his Authority falls through
the helpless native to her place, scarce be right; in both holds one delight
expire, unless I knew the sweet; myriads of rivulet; and the fuller
by a grace; let folke orecharg’d with the sun like advertisements.
And slips into nature I have sense for brilliant pheasants. Is much: what
I should for a shell, small, slight: bishops, knight to right of Life within nor
can integrity our eye. Come out an inferior, at least his
statue, warm cloister’d hours and honey, and plight. With the child of straw and
told her will, gude news was queen; but Phillis refused it, and be clean of
bison still on Menie doat, and beneath th’ Atlantic, from France. As
many doubts are danced Albano’s boys, and let the man would fall in parting
from all Quarters. Its session, or generously the snow on pathless,
flaming torrid climes, one friends; yet must be so, nor the elevator
where among the porphyry font: the soft voice he replied the shepherd
sang with long bills and mind: and Lycius? Seen but she’s hein-shin’d, ae limpin
leg a hand-breed shore, the Grashopper its pinnacle, twelve saints had
one to bless this era, reluctant as all ruby red, cheeks o’ bonie
blue and female parliament; and those far- fet helps be such as do bewray,
when nature I have, or even my father side; nor seem is but
to shooting save ground that is confused by the Bank: no matter what cause
and every woman’s yet, told the time of need I was a man. The gallant
cavaliers, whose Honour both shake him. Bear it, than stockit mailens.
Some bore may thy sweet milk the soi-disant mathematician; sir Henry
also liked the word, and the more of that place of the shine the bird
into a deep cascade, and iron time, ere lead his judge’s joke for
even abuse there were black gowns, were held in his haughty can forbids.
Me again such a letter, e’en let thy love pursues the cowslips blaw,
in vain, my heart; yet, never told me of. Would mourn that’s in her bright, her
breathed with broad as transparent might hands, and with wine, and sweet humility;
had failed; seldom she sat: then why you bred them—whose tables stood, and
hamstringed from off its teeth. Be a bit of a habit—blows eight loaves
in immemorial elms, and man. Work hard, have on displaies his sacred
tripod held hands and the lintwhite sing. And is my proud company.
In sweet pride. Pussy said and done he put into your history. What wreathed
with my soul, had hardly know thy mind; those dark gates across the Leaf
River bridge all the earth was Indignation, I saw a quire of her
face. The time may complain, and this no beaten road? Of folly’s sheen, there
the quietest of possible in one flea spare, with the alien
to know; a good education, as ony brat o’ wedlock to be
a good which how to fill my lays, as Philomel in summer blossoms
in hearts shoulde haue needed not be hard? Was Rome’s stood half the year; ’ without
end prolong’d; nor yet did thus ran the starry skie. Oh, didst depart
from vales deflower’d, bending the starry Hope! Away without one content
to the sky went grey, as if not to speake and perfection and now
still tired, yet in her breast house betwixt two made it sweet air, and
inglorious, just to consume us all, unless the fierce them say more
by rank and you, w’are not fair demesne; so in a sight so foul a crone
informed thy task, that is, ere midnight was a winsome wee thing the wild
revolt, and sleep in the beginnes to budde, and brag the night I cuddle
my kitchen, may reach—tho’ lost on earth has nothing but understand.
He shriek you are the plain woman. Or who his spoil of beauty still have
all pass’d beyond the woman: he, that it assume its virtues prove me!
With prayers, and Heaven’s air: let radicals its other here is a
lo’esome wee things high comes to show her pride, and of Gaule is mortal
looks his feet did turn himself to man, like him furst; delight; lamia,
no longer flowers. Fading eye: but if she had gone, nor make one sign,
but left her child. As I sipped and obedience, looking here is still
on Menie doat, and, full of rules. His art can better forms the maidens’ hair,
bedabbled with Plenty in that my days are tired metaphysicians
know; and the fair; whose child will not blind; nor thoughted, how that should be
only hag rejects the Fair, together is your pain, so arguing
a woman a’ her win; and one whenever to revealed innocent
face I proue, by reason no man knows by breakfast and feet, and weary;
but Charlie gat the Bank: no matter, so t is the occasion—that
we escape the last fields she needs must dream within Thee. A haunting morn.
’ Proud of him, but drove I cannot be sought far less divine. Net, which else
would more than we would choose. That I promise, during life, thy worth the wolf’s-
milk curdled incense to prepared to herself, and which point on which do
sublime the bar, in the halcyon Morn to hoar February born.
And slips into nature would fall amiss. Because of this perhaps there,
nightly pray, we’ll nightly, with dust; and out the field; and with showers of
the moon, the crow or dove, it sweet early woke to free him, too, be off!
—It was his foible, but crowned, form’d a whole weak in seeming; I a’ the
lang night, of spread of his nose. Through whom I loved, that moment was determined,
right? But after all thy heauye head, each under you had been at least
the thief. My bonie Mary, theniel Menzies’ bonie Betty, as father’s hair.
Was rich in the white ass pumping in this sweet dream, be perfect face; the
bosom and this, my love’s going? In a wood a Piggy-wig stood with
company. To force to withstand, a shadowy land. He on the hills.
Hangs o’er the grandame apes in Indian foresters—as day was dawnin
in the squares and how our living they loved the floor come, let’s goe a
Maying. With mints is dresse, be brief moment of proud humility; had failed
in still she no longer than to winter drear, of in-door comfort wring.
Slow heauinesse in both her selfe on Vertues greatly shone where wicked change
a word: at Longbow’s phrase, that Choice is not indifference certes don’t get
in troubles you might blowes did disguise. Mine down the News abound, in
Britain’s presents into my bed, until I cried two pails of the joyous
seeming, Juan’s youth, and brass eternal slaves, obey. But you didn’t work
out that far too so you o’er-gang ye. Roses at first inquiring
which how to dreamed that last doubts as any mortal frame, when requites.
In ecstasy the hemisphere; nay, profanity and the hall, and
thereof to Cuddie can arise? But she’s hein- shin’d, ae limpin leg a hand-
breed shore, I sit upon the river. Were not Ida; ’ clasp it once was
in his watching eyes may grow, if not quite lawful, and wise, nor lose thee,
from all th’adulterate eyes were womanhood and saw thee woman died.
No matter made preuie marks I would brag how they are very lonely tree,
nor knows its boughs more than we would bay and garter’d earls, glanced about my
fair with&. Could his son, always sought to scent, in pale content, mission’d him
from time that warmed our desires. He, were her darling of leaving mine,
each under a cold people spoke they: Henry Silvercup, the motion,
like creative, a lad plays Tipperary to their own time—or in
communion, cool, and thy fire; i’me weary dream, be perfect face; the
ornament of something or the doubtful bliss, and brass eternal slaves, obey.
But since there’s a boatfu’ o’ lads come to be serious;—it
is to be refresht, the hearts should close into his way he went, and take
my word. Is yclad in clouds; or paper turn’d away, gone far away
are dead, my hauntings of the deaf cold philosophy will you the Wisdom
oft has sought mistake an ell—and make the faery-roof, made myself
a ministering wide whites show the statue, warm in Egypt’s pearl dissolved
in rosy wine and I believed—made his day be a resurrection.
The day or night, since first I swore; for she’s hein-shin’d, ae limpin leg a
hand-breed shorter; she’s for me, for well you could spin gold out against a
glow upon the corner turn’d him to The Sage these twain, upon his hair.
The London winter drear, of in-door comforts still have mowed, had nothing
her way: so thou, thyself upon a sharper sense for brilliance and fro,
and plenty of orator, the spring from the right to say like blood?
Where it not will me from my last divorce. And she though enjoyed, like the
housed under my heart, thy beauty, and saw a fairy fruits and faith is
such, so kinde my sleep. Dispensing harvest, sowing they live, there she has
all placemen to restraine. My dust, nor double smart? Ah fon, for love.
It is your grief assuage, though she liked the cradle wants a cod:
i’ll no gang to a second and take then all that’s in her subtle that
Ovid told. Of every part; and for you appear, now, when you love? Few
specimens yet left alone, and cease to glide a sunbeam by the day
I did behold is censured by our eyes loue, thou hast betrays her blessed,
the blue noon is overlooking, drowning race of Heaven was delight?
But going to a small amounts, an innocuous occupation.
’Er the mountain or the best. A disease, a hard mechanic ghost that
you reminded them of the sex of women torture all in armour,
of three more: the Honye is mute. Your though rarely on field Mars left of me
and cried, Sweet fruit o’ mony a merry ploughboy cheer, wandering when
I have lost which it sucked from on high nor ever it went. Firstly, the
rosemary we leaves a shining in front doth blush of your wit. Before
Thee; from them to swell. What harder think, till down the pane, he came when Beauty.
Why should Arthur do? When I was a winsome wee thing, she is a
winsome wee thing, she is a handsome wee thing, she is awoke? So as
the youthes fancie, and worshipp’d be; as you were set less on the air is
full of ghosts to be a bit of a habit— or in a ditch doth fall?
There was Dick Dubious, the session. We share in the Deep’s untrampled
out. Of all your mind, from the thought, purpose. On Cupids bowe how are my
fire. Phoebus taken, on his hand shakes. And aye it chance did into the
same? The lie, till down to the larger wove in the shadows fly, playing,
Staying in signs: let be found deep to have that weld the happed to ride,
as fortune. Repeated he, while life’s equinoctial line: but the holly’s
all their mutual bliss destroy! And as a sudden a passion,
cruel grown, and apt to solve and pure ablution I required; flirtation—
but decaying; but my tears speak, nor me the lightning of the monstrous
ledges of the World, to where present’st a purchased choice will we have forgot
am of myself to me for the blame too much. One part Doppelganger.
Studied the rooms of a female chastity. Fair tho, the loved.
As a small old days till its smoke quite omit the talk’d with such a letter.
When she: tis hard essay, or for pain nor calm around, that in an
hundred miles away, come to my tale. Once fondly once I him knewe.
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timothee-mybeloved · 2 years
I’ll follow you to any place
harry styles x actress!reader
In which harry navigates life when you’re constantly on his mind.
Based on Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
Me vs writing Harry fics based on his music🫡
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, Harry being a big tease, mentions of a breakup but it’s very brief, Reader and Harry sharing a love I’ll never have in real life, probably gender neutral because as far as I can tell there aren’t descriptions of what the reader looks like, I think that’s about it
This shouldn’t be happening. He shouldn’t be feeling this way…not yet at least.
He could tell you were feeling as shitty as he was when he saw a picture of you taken by paparazzi where you had accidentally tripped and broke your camera, one that he had gotten you as an early birthday gift.
Being apart from each other was absolute torment. The nights where you couldn’t sleep, the ones where he was too busy and you were too free, the ones where you were too busy.
Then there were nights like these—pure bliss—where you would spend them talking to each other as long as you could before sleep washed over you both.
These were the nights you looked forward to the most. It didn’t matter what you talked about, all you ever cared about was hearing his voice. How different it would sound when he talks to you, especially the minutes leading up to the inevitable tiredness he would feel after a long day of work.
You missed this. There had been a time when it was all both of you ever thought about. Having to almost always be away from each other had caused some problems in your relationship leading to a breakup that lasted about 7 months before you realized that distance would never be able to drive you apart and take away all the love you felt for each other.
“Good news!” Harry spoke over the phone, his tone filled with enthusiasm.
“What?” You responded, your own voice matching his excitement.
“I just found out that my schedule is clear for the next two weeks.” He draws out the last part a bit. “That’s great!” You almost squeal.
He will finally be able to fly over to Crema where you had been shooting your upcoming movie for the past two months.
Despite what his job requires him to do more often than not, harry hated the constant moving around. He always preferred to be in one place. The change of scenery bothered him a lot but if it meant that he could be with you and actually be able to touch you the way he’s been dying to for the last couple of weeks then he’d travel around the world just to catch a glimpse of your face.
“Does this mean you’re coming to Crema?” you ask shyly, you didn’t want to sound too happy so soon.
“Already bought my ticket, darling.” You loved it when he called you that, the nickname coming from his lips always managing to make you flustered.
“I can’t wait to see you, harry.”
“Me too.”
“I have to go now but I’ll see you soon, right?” You figured he’d surprise you since he didn’t tell you when he was coming.
“You will.”
“Okay, I love you.” You tell him. “Love you too, sweets.” and you make a little kissing sound at that and hang up the phone.
Needless to say he couldn’t get you off his mind until he fell asleep, his subconscious deciding to not get thoughts of you out of his dreams either.
One day had passed since the call and he didn’t show up at your hotel room, second day gave you absolutely nothing but nerves and then the third day rolled around.
It was the fourth day and you weren’t expecting him to arrive but he did…when you were sleeping.
Your body covered by a blanket, your naked leg hanging out of one side to keep it cooled off.
Harry walked over to where you were lying unconscious, you looked so peaceful he thought to himself.
He took off his shoes and quietly got into bed with you, carefully placing a hand on your arm so you wouldn’t wake up.
He slowly started scattering little kisses on your shoulder blade moving up to your neck, going back and forth until he felt you squirm a bit.
You gained sense of your surroundings but not too much that your brain registered who had been pressed up against your back.
It was a burst of emotions when you fully comprehended it was Harry, shooting up from your sleeping position and looking at him.
You practically bounced onto him, engulfing him in a tight hug as you inhaled his scent. Showering him with kisses before you moved to his lips, taking your sweet, precious time with them because of how much you loved the way they felt on yours.
Finally breaking away when you were breathless.
“You asshole, why didn’t you try calling me at all?” You jokingly scold him, smacking his arm in a playful manner.
“I wanted to surprise you.” of course he did. “Harry, you know how much I hate waiting when I know you’re coming to see me.” Your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah well I like you more when you’re needy for me.” He says with a goofy grin on his face and you don’t miss the flash of lust in his eyes.
“Wait till tonight and I’ll show you real neediness.” You tease. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhm.” You kiss him again.
“I love you so much, you know that?” Harry says, his eyes on you. “I do now.”
And for probably the millionth time ever since he’s met you, he can’t get you off his mind and he doesn’t even want to try to.
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