#aph minnesota
simple-persica · 2 years
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Whoa, it's Wisconsin! She's a hard-working gal who is hella down to get her hands dirty. Homegirl is nice, she just looks a little intimidating, it's the harsh weather for me. Yes, she wears that tank top no matter the weather, no she won't put on the sweater she always carries around. (not really related to anything, this is just the vibe she gives) Loves really weird soda. Like super weird. Hand her ranch soda and she'll swig it with no problem.
Design things!
Her hair is supposed to be this dark Aburn color but she's actually blonde with some auburn highlights, she just dyes it and is super lazy about fixing her roots.
Her super long hair curl is Green Bay, for obvious reasons I think
Her pants are based on those hunting "bibs???" that are supposed to protect your legs when walking through tall grass, but also the pants that cranberry farmers wear because cranberry farming is like...huge there. The top part is tucked back into her pants with the shoulder straps hanging loose.
Pictured below is a closer look at her ear cuffs. Mastodon skeletons are super common in Wisconsin, so I wanted to call to that by giving her an earring cuff that looks like mastodon teeth
She commissioned these as a treat to herself, so they're very special to her but none of her siblings really get what it's supposed to be
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I love what I have so far, but she's still super in the works. So if y'all have any suggestions for her design, personality, and relationships, I'm super down to hear them!
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spidertalia · 1 year
For Minnesota
once again i shall do looks last, as i have drawn her !
her human name is Julia Ripley- After a suffragist nicknamed "The Founding Mother of Minnesota" and a pioneer of women's medicine in the state.
Minnesota is genuinely nice and helpful, but also quite passive-aggressive. She's good with her hands and plants, and while she's unaffected by the cold, she will complain nonstop about the wind. She's pretty outdoorsy and active, so more often than not she's outdoors doing something.
As for her appearance, she stands at 5'6/168 cm tall. She has dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes, and a curl sticking out from the top of her hair. She almost always has her hair short, and it's a somewhat wavy texture. She has a slightly thick but defined body type from her outdoorsy nature.
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deadcanarydonteat · 5 months
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Work doodles
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ifindus · 2 years
sorry if you’ve gotten this question before but what do you imagine america’s and norway’s relationship looks like?
((i grew up in the us south and remember a lot of people who were norwegian or from norwegian parents))
America tend to be very loud and might be a bit too much for Norway for a longer period of time, but he recognizes the good intentions and tolerates him. Norway definitively is much more mature than America, and sees him as this young country who became too powerful too quickly. But overall, I think they're pretty amicable and on good terms - though they might not hang out very often or at longer periods of time.
Norwegians are very 50/50 in opinions on America because we consume a lot of American media, tv-shows, movies etc., but at the same time... politics. And then most Americans haven't even heard of Norway, or at the very least is very confused about what/where it is. Talking to American exchange students in Glasgow, half of them forgot I was Norwegian and thought I was Swedish most of the time 😔 It's a bit of an inside joke in Norway that "Norway is the capital of Sweden, right?" is an American thing 😅
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I’ve been thinking about fashion and
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This is such a Midwest girls vibe to me
(Left to right) Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana is how I’d dress them
I love the idea of all the female states with their hair done up (or done down) and wearing flower patterns it’s so cute to me
And then with the 70s being bolder with fashion and just having fun
Maybe it’s because of the casualness of it and the social revival going on, but 60s (and 70s) fashion just has such a happy vibe to me and I love to see it
This is more of the 70s but
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(Left to right) N. Carolina, S. Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee is how I’d dress them
Like look at how gorgeous and fun yet elegant their silhouettes are that’s so awesome
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gamer-logic · 3 years
2p America Headcanons
Wears a dog tag received from his version of Davie who died in their world's war. This is his most precious thing other than his bat and sunglasses and is almost never seen without it. It was once taken by Lutz in a prank and let's just say, Lutz was bed bound for a month.
Get him angry enough and he slips into a Brooklyn accent. Also gains a New Jersey accent when the show Jersey Shore comes on which he detests with a burning passion.
Hates the aforementioned show and will join New Jersey in burning every bit of merch/DVD/CDs they can find.
Dresses up as a villain on Halloween to freak out Alfred.
Has a fear of clowns following the 2016 killer clown fiasco but will never admit it.
Loves his Louisville slugger bat and just about brings it everywhere. Has since taken all the nails out since living with America and the states. No one knows how it's able to fit in his jacket.
Knows what happened to his world's Roanoke Colony but will never tell.
Since coming to the 1p world, he along with the rest of the 2ps, have gained the same up-to-date scars their counterparts have. Most notably, he has two long scars on his back (towers), one on his forehead hidden above his hairline (pentagon), and one on his back calf(Pennsylvania) from the 9/11 attack to mirror Alfred.
Is surprisingly really good at horse riding and can lasso anything from yards away. This comes in handy when corralling states. Likes riding with Texas.
Doesn't know how to ice skate so Minnesota and Michigan helped teach him.
Extremely vulnerable to Hawaii and Alaska's puppy dog eyes despite his tough-guy image.
Makes sure to teach every kid baseball and joins New York at the Yankees games.
Often helps California with her vegan recopies and helps states like Kansas, Iowa, and Georgia grow their corn/peaches. Can actually cook because of this and Oliver's lessons as a kid, unlike Alfred who's tastebuds were ruined by Arthur.
Likes pranking other countries with the states.
Knows magic and helps tutor Lousiana and Massachusettes in their magic. (See my 2p America's Magic post for more info.)
Is really protective of the states and goes into papa bear mode when they're threatened.
Holds a grudge with Luciano and often terrorizes him.
Passed out when first introduced to Tony and still a little freaked out by him. interestingly, it's harder for him to believe in the concept of aliens than magic while it's the opposite with 1p America.
Loves taking care of the family whale, but will never admit to being a softie (He totally is).
Has a mouth on him and curses like it's going out of style. Censors himself rather creatively around the states though.
Trusts Delaware and Virginia the most out of all the states to be responsible and not do anything stupid.
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missmagicandlight · 2 years
some Minnesota headcanons?
(sorry for leaving this in my inbox for like, two months)
scary flexible (the first time Theo sees her do something, he's like, where the fuck are your bones?)
speaking of Theo, he would in fact claim he was somewhat misled about Mindy. Theo comes in thinking she's sweet and innocent while Austin's just like 🤨 . Then he gets taken to a roller derby match
Mindy=feral. Austin knows this, because when he was helping her during the Civil War she was a hell rat. Theo just gets thrown into the deep end, however.
has anger issues. absolutely burning with rage but is just very good at pretending she isn't.
very similar to Michael in this way. they both bury their rage and then it just spills out of them. Michael definitely sees himself in her, and that's why Mindy is secretly his favorite
speaking on that, both of them have scared Cordelia/other states, because the kind of anger they have isn't comparable to other states--Sam might be angry, but it's more of a simmering thing and not violent rage. Brooke isn't angry at all, just ruthless, etc.--meanwhile Michael and Mindy are both somewhere on the 'snap and beat the hell out of someone' spectrum
Mindy got expelled from college once for breaking a man's leg when he wouldn't leave her teammate alone. Toby once made a transphobic comment and she lunged across the table and it took both Tyler and Oliver to hold her back.
immediately got Cal's approval when she started dating Austin. Cal's exact words were along the lines of "that girl looks like she would pull someone's teeth out one by one with her bare hands if they smiled wrong at you." Mindy did not get a shovel talk. Instead, she got a knife from Brooke, which is the closest she could get to a blessing
Mindy is not physically intimidating despite being an athlete, because all her sports are slender build, lean muscle types, but she can pick up her boyfriends and she is heavier than she looks. She jumped on Theo's back once and ended up sending them both to the floor because he didn't expect how much she actually weighs.
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tyiaunia-harris · 3 years
Ice Sisters (Alaska and Minnesota)
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Alaska and Minnesota can handle winter better then anyone else. They especially loved to go ice skating or play a round of hockey. But the best part is when they hang out together cuddle up and cozy in Minnesota's home with some warm hot chocolate and cookies. And of course their pet's lapine, los', and ulv tag along. 🐰⛸❄🏒🌨☃️🐺
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Minnesota: We’ll miss everything about Illinois, except her pranks they were the worst.
*Agreement from Midwest states*
Illinois: *shifts nervously in casket*
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Who are the himbos/bimbos
Himbos and bimbos of the USA include (from most to least -imbo);
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meetthemidwest · 4 years
Kentucky: Okay, but your hair kind of makes you look like that guy from Persona 3.
Michigan: Which one?
Kentucky: Um... Marth?
Indiana: Oh my god...
Kentucky: He's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal but that's all I know.
Indiana: OH MY GOD!
Ohio: Kentucky what the fuck?
Illinois: No, he's got a point.
Indiana: No one asked for your opinion, Illinois.
Illinois: I don't deserve to be bullied like this.
Michigan: Okay can we get back to the fact that Kentucky has one brain cell and it's been steeped in Fire Emblem like a teabag in hot water?
Minnesota: I... what is happening here?
Indiana: We're collectively having a massive stroke, nice of you to join us!
Kentucky: Wait, what's the character's name though?
Kentucky: Please tell me, I'm struggling.
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simple-persica · 2 years
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So for the stream, I found a massive OC prompt list and randomly chose from my states to use for it. Here are some of the prompts I drew XD
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These were so much fun and there are a handful more prompts to pick from! Maybe I'll do them for another stream.
Thank you to everyone who showed up and participated! It was lovely!
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Knows French and will converse in French: Quebec, Wisconsin, UP
Knows French but pretends not to: Ontario, Minnesota, Michigan
Knew French at some point but isn’t fluent anymore: Illinois, Indiana
Doesn’t know French: Ohio (or does he?)
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hipsofsteel · 4 years
just sticking this here under the read more for the sake of making a tag
messed around and ive made a minnesota, her name’s Wilhelmina Wattana
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half swedish n half thai, from her face claim, Lovisa Lager
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aph-oklahoma-46 · 4 years
May I get some North Dakota?
I don’t really have a ND oc (sorry), but if I did, here’s alittle of what they might be like (that I came up with on the fly bc I havenothing for them)
North Dakota
Gender: Cis boy, probably
Sexuality: I’mkinda getting Pansexual vibes here, idk man
Appearance: Tanskin, a lightish brown color, and dark brown hair. Either brown or hazel eyes.I wanna say he’s tall, but not too tall… maybe 5’10”?
Ethnicity:Native American (Lakota) and probably Scandinavian?
Personality: I’ma fan of the idea that the Dakotas are chaos children, so he’s a bit of atrouble-maker. Pranks are his thing, where as SD, I feel, would be more of awitty personality. Probably a relatively sweet dude, but he can come of as abit of an asshole bc of his chaotic nature. Family is important to him, but hisdefinition of family is narrow.
South Dakota: His sibling. They are thick as thievesand make the ultimate pair of trickster gods (in their opinion). Would probablykill for each other? Would also probably freeze each other’s underwear for somepetty reason, so…
Minnesota: Mom friend, parental figure, source of calmand braincells. He and SD will not rest until they have given this poor stateall the gray hairs. Still, he would throw hands with anyone who is rude or meanto them.
There are other relationships, I’m sure, but I don’thave ocs for all of the states as of right now, so I don’t have a lot to workon.
Miscellaneous: Ifeel like he is a fan of weird/uncommon berries.
Doesn’t drink coffee. Not that he doesn’t like it, hejust… doesn’t really drink it.
Speaks Lakota and probably German or Norwegian orsomething.
Refuses to admit he and SD look similar.
Refuses to acknowledge no one actually knows whichDakota came first.
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What shenanigans do the three northern (MN/wi/mi) Midwesterners get up to?
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“Well” Alfred sighed rubbing his temples, “They are being them I guess. I don’t know why they are trying to get China, maybe to ask Yao for food. Maybe Isolation is getting to them” Alfred questioned. 
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