#aph red deer
nakamopapina · 1 year
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I heard that it may be @allbeendonebefore ‘s birthday? Hope it’s not too late to give a present.
Here’s Red getting a personalized hat. A lil gift from The Jaw, and receiving treats from Saskabush. Because… Animal hats…. Nothing else.
I hope I coloured correctly, or at least as close as possible.
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battle-of-alberta · 1 year
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Hooray! The height chart is done!
Obviously there are some minor characters not featured here but, uh, that's for me to figure out later and you to speculate.
and yeahhhhh there's quite a few characters who are the same height but uh. It's Fine. Height inconsistency, for my part, can be attributed to the fact that Many of these characters wear heels in their day to day (so it was fun thinking about their socks, which I don't usually do).
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acetechne · 4 years
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Some late night doodles
Reds hobby is tinkering (perhaps also sabotage?) And when I say Calvin's the annoying band kid who plays every instrument I MEAN it.
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the-engdyssey · 2 years
Day 4: Supernatural
Ship: Arthur Kirkland x Elizabeth i (reincarnated) x Alfred F. Jones
Co written with: @phantom-wolf
Summary: Alfred has been enjoying the other half of his nature with his two loves in their domain. But when Alfred breaks his leg as a bull, Arthur and Elizabeth are forced to encourage him to do the one thing they fear most of all. The one thing they made him promise to never do after they had witnessed the slaughter of their kind. Interact with the human world.
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allbeendonebefore · 3 years
Out of your ocs, who is a shower and who is a bath person? Also hot water or cold water?
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gut reactions
the cold shower challenge is some weird manly man thing i encountered modding for business school classes and it frightens me. While I think Calvin is also a hot shower person I also think he's stubborn and swears by this weird thing.
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hetaliareaction2p · 6 years
Aph Canada - *groans , wakes up to weird noises as he turn on the lamp next to him*
*baby deers were around in the bed , few heads went up*
Aph Canada - "Matt..."
2p Canada - "it was cold outside..." *Holding one in arms*
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drowning-in-dennor · 5 years
Day five, @aph-fanficchallenges‘s Shipping and Platonic Week 2019! I chose the theme “mirror”, and this is a fairytale-style and very crappy retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. The pairing is nyo!DenNor.
 “Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”
 Renate sighs, listening to her stepmother chant to the mirror again. If she knew the Queen would spend practically every waking hour with that accursed looking-glass, she wouldn’t have gifted it to her in the first place. And to think I just wanted to give her a nice birthday gift.
 She hides behind the door as the glass shimmers, preparing to answer the new question. Yet, Renate doesn’t expect the words that the enchanted mirror speaks.
 “You, my Queen, are the fairest of the land, but your daughter Renate is the fairest in the world.”
 Her stepmother falls silent, and Renate takes this as her cue to leave. She knows all too well of the Queen’s vanity, and she knows that such words the mirror speaks will not end well for her. Renate, deciding not to eavesdrop further, retires to her room.
 Renate’s sister arrives at her room before bedtime, her wine-dark eyes nervous and fretful. “Sister,” Sula says quietly. “I heard Stepmother say that she plans to kill you while you are asleep. She wants to send someone to your bedside and have them plunge a knife into your heart. Sister, you must leave.”
 Without sound nor a second of hesitation, Renate flees the castle in her nightgown and runs for the forest, ignoring how the branches snare her silk and the earth cakes on her slippers.
 By the time the guards call for a search, she is gone.
 She finds herself a patch of moss behind a fallen tree to sleep, bidding the ants and moths good-night before closing her eyes to the image of the silver moon in the sky.
 When she awakes, Renate finds somebody perched upon a tree stump close to her, peering into her face. Such a somebody is dressed in ragged clothes, with hair like honey and eyes like the sky on a clear day. They have an axe by their side, the wicked steel gleaming in the sunlight.
 Renate gets to her feet, tilting her head at the curious somebody-with-the-axe. They get up, too, lifting up the axe as if it’s nothing. The once-princess backs away cautiously, for fear that the axe may find its way through her neck.
 Then the somebody tilts their axe, and Renate notices the royal crest on the handle. And she realises that this is Skadi, her stepmother’s Huntress, and such means that the Queen has found her.
 She prepares to run, when Skadi, such a strong young woman, grabs her arm. “Wait!” She pleads, putting down the axe. “I promise, Princess, I will not hurt you. It’s true, the Queen sent me out here to kill you, but I cannot. A face as fair as yours simply cannot be hurt.”
 “What a mockery of justice!” Renate exclaims. “To be condemned for beauty, then saved for it as well. Very well, Huntress, even if you will not kill me, I refuse to return. Good-bye, Skadi, for I will live on my own and far away from my vain stepmother. Thank you for sparing me, but I must go.”
 Skadi lets her go, watching as the girl disappears into the woods again. To think that she now wishes to win Renate’s heart instead of taking it! And, once Renate is gone, she sets off to kill a deer and take its heart instead.
 She runs through the woods as fast as she can, relief spilling through her once she finds herself in a clearing. Renate makes her way to the solitary house in the emerald clearing, a quaint little cottage of red bricks and pale fences.
 “What fortune!” Renate says to herself. “The fates are smiling upon me, it seems. I hope that whoever lives within minds not my presence,”
 Opening the door of the cottage, she steps inside, but nobody appears to be inside. The inside is filthy, messy, strewn with dirty clothes and unwashed dishes. Renate cringes in horror and sets to work cleaning the cottage, humming as she retrieves a broom from a nook beneath the stairs.
 As the hours crawl past, she dusts, washes and polishes every corner of the house until everything is as good as new. Exhausted, Renate climbs upstairs, where eight beds are neatly lined up in a row, and falls asleep on the last one.
 The sky is dark when she awakens, and Renate opens her eyes to find seven faces gaping at her. Renate cries out in surprise and everyone staring at her jumps back, allowing her to sit up and get out of the bed. “I’m sorry!” She says. “I found your cottage and I was exhausted, and so I decided to rest. I beg you, kind sirs, allow me to leave and I will not see you again.”
 The tallest of the seven men, a great brute with kind green eyes, speaks first. “Who are you?”
 “My name is Renate Norsdottir, sir.”
 “You are but a child,” a young boy man says, taking her hands into his and smiling. “What could you be doing away from your parents?”
 And she breaks down, explaining her predicament to the men. The mens’ eyes brim with tears, and they whisper among themselves, wondering just how a mother could be so cruel as to wish for their daughter’s death. “What a saddening tale,” the boy proclaims, squeezing Renate’s hands comfortingly. “Tell you what, Miss Norsdottir. Stay with us if you wish, as long as you clean our house in return, and we will protect you.”
 “Tino is correct,” the tall man adds. “Stay with us.”
 And so, Renate joins the seven men in their daily life, learning the joy in life without luxury. Day after day go by and she settles in with no difficulty, She draws pictures with shy Feliks, teaches little Raivis how to read, and learns to cook from Tino and Berwald. Brave Tolys informs her on self-defense lest the Queen returns, songs on fiddle and flute fill the air when she practices with the musical Roderich, and clever Eduard recites poems with her.
 For all of a month, she lives happily with her new friends, shielded from the horror that once plagued her life. Until one day, when all seven men leave the cottage for work, and Renate is left alone.
 Renate hears somebody knock at the door while she is wiping the dining table, and, expecting Raivis or Tino or one of her companions, is surprised to see a wizened old crone standing at the doorway. She has a basket in her hand, and from it she produces an apple. “Good day, maiden,” she croaks. “Are you interested in a gift?”
 “What gift may that be?”
 “Why, this apple!” The crone holds it up, showing its two bright colours: the fruit is crisp green on one half, and vibrant crimson on another. “Might I tempt you with a taste?”
 But Renate, wary of suspicious old women and their suspicious gifts, politely refuses. “Perhaps not.”
 “Worry of poison, I suppose?” And the crone takes a bite out of the green side of the apple, smiling as she does so. “Fear not! I have no bad intentions.”
 Relieved, she stretches out a hand to take the apple, when--
 Skadi, strong, beautiful Skadi, appears behind the crone, wielding her axe menacingly. “She lies!” She shouts. “The crone, dear Renate, is your wicked stepmother, and this is only her disguise.” With blazing blue eyes, the Huntress points her axe at the crone. “Show yourself!”
 And the crone glows, slowly transforming into the all-too-familiar face of Renate’s stepmother. With a howl of rage upon being discovered, the Queen rushes forward with hands preparing to wrap around her stepdaughter’s neck. But Skadi, determined once again to protect the beautiful girl, strikes the Queen with her axe and kills her. “You will harm her no more.”
 Elated at her rescue, Renate turns to Skadi with gratitude in her smile. “Thank you, dear Huntress, for you have saved me once again.”
 Skadi embraces her and, with joy in her voice, vows to live out her life with Renate here, away from the castle and with her new friends.
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Up for one of Southeast Asian folk story?
The native story behind Tangkuban Perahu or Flipped Boat is literally about a beautiful woman called Dayang Sumbi and she felt like her beauty will cause war so she escape to the forest and live there.
She sew clothes in the forest and her spun yarn fell off to the ground and said lazily "If only someone will give my spun yarn back. I want to marry him". Then a dog came and as what her promised, she married the dog which is actually a descendant of a god.
They had a son called Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang grow up to be a strong man that love to hunts with his dad or what he viewed as original dog. One day when he hunt for a deer in the forest, he was unable to hunt a single deer. Ashamed, he killed his dog(dad) and gave the heart to his mother.
His mother got mad when she realized it was dog's heart, not a deer's. She thwacked Sangkuriang's head with a rice spoon. Sangkuriang got sad and he decided to travelled across the world and he saw a beautiful woman.
That beautiful woman is his mother, both of them fall in love with each other and decide to marry. Sangkuriang does not know his mother is that woman.
When his mother caressed his hair, she found a scar that match with rice spoon hit and she did not want to marry him. She asked for a big lake and a big boat built in one night, Sangkuriang said he will granted her wish if it is what he need to marry him.
Sangkuriang made a lake by bending Citarum river then he made the large boat with his super power and creatures. Dayang Sumbi felt like he will suceed and she prayed to god so morning will come and she covered the town with red silk with her creatures and make chicken sang as the morning fastly came. Sangkuriang felt frustated and he kicked the boat and it became the mountain.
In different version, Sangkuriang cursed upon his mother and he and his mother drowned themselves in the lake.
I guess aph Indonesia can make a weird absurd story easily. Freaking furries...
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EXO Reaction To Scaring Their Girlfriend When She Watches A Creepy Movie
*GIFs Not Mine*
Reaction Masterlist
aph-dead-nation said:
How would EXO scare their girlfriend while she's watching something creepy? If they'd scare her at all?
Xiumin: *I picture Xiumin taking an opportunity where he comes home still in the make-up from a creepier concept to find his GF watching a creepy movie. So he sneaks up to her, wearing the red colored lenses and everything, and freaks her out, only to have her attack him with a pillow, screaming bloody murder*
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Luhan: *couldn’t find haunted house gifs sadly* *anyway, he’d be way too freaked out by the movie to scare her because our little deer is a bit of a scaredy cat.* 
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Kris: *he’d probably jump out at her with this type of expression but at that point she’d be comfortable enough with him and used to him that it wouldn’t really scare her. Sure she’d jump but she wouldn’t scream.*
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Suho: *to me he’s too much of a sweet to scare his girlfriend but he’d definitely watch with her and hold her hand and reassure her throughout the movie*
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Lay: *for Lay, I feel like it might be more likely for his girlfriend to sneak up on him while they watch a scary movie than for him to sneak up on her. And afterwards, he’ll probably look just like that*
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Baekhyun: *this evil genius is going to figure some way to tease and freak out his girlfriend but it would probably vary. He’d probably do a jump scare, or put on a creepy voice and it would be different every time they watched a creepy movie, until she learns just not to watch them with him around*
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Chen: *Another evil genius, basically on the same level as Baekhyun, but he’d probably do it on a less regular basis so she doesn’t really grow to expect it. His favorite technique would be to reach over and poke the far side of his girlfriend so she’ll jump into him*
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Chanyeol: *he’d have a couple tricks up his sleeve, mostly just jump-scares but he’d be so innocent about it and play it off so well he’d almost get away with it, or at least she wouldn’t be so mad.*
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DO: *DO wouldn’t do anything on purpose, but I can picture him just walking into the room, or closing a cabinet in the kitchen and really freaking out his girlfriend on accident.* 
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Tao: *Much like Luhan, he’d be a little bit too busy getting freaked out by the movie himself to scare his girlfriend*
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Kai: *He’d another one I think would be more likely to get scared by his girlfriend than to scare her himself. I can picture him getting scared by her without her intending to scare him, like she’d just move and he’d freak out*
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Sehun: *cool as a cumcumber. He might try to scare her but I feel like it’s more likely that he’ll teach Vivi a trick and get her to do it to scare his girlfriend while they watch a movie, and if his girlfriend ends up clinging to him, so be it*
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battle-of-alberta · 1 year
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Battle of Alberta Timeline pt. 1: 17th-19th Centuries
[ Alberta Story ] [ part 1 ] [ part 2 soon ]
This was an ambitious little project for such a short time period.
I don't have much to say about it other than that, it is just supposed to be a crash course in the broad strokes of what Alberta considers to be its history. It glosses over a lot and is mostly about the foundations and incorporations of the characters (i.e. the municipalities that I have personified thus far) and a few contextual clues to the worlds they grew up in. It's basically a big cheat sheet for me since I'm both a stickler for consistency and also very inconsistent... Of course, each character could easily have their own personalized timeline on top of this, so I tried to leave room for that possibility.
(missing is St. Albert, who would be featured at 1861 if I ever intended to draw him)
And, of course, it's supposed to provoke your curiosity a little since it is of course an ask blog, I can't just explain everything down here much as I would like to :)
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acetechne · 4 years
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since we’ve been spited (again) from the pl*yoffs, the battle of alberta is looking a little different this season
no seriously look
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allbeendonebefore · 6 years
Ref: Calgary / Calvin McCall
Cal’s comprehensive and updated bio since I keep meaning to publish it somewhere. Feel free to ask questions if there is anything you are curious about or want an explanation for. 
[2015 Visual Ref Sheet Here]
Last Update: May 23, 2018.
Name: Calgary
Human Name: Calvin ‘Cal’ (Brisebois) McCall
Gender: Male
Age: 140s
Human Age: Early 20s
Birthday: November 7, 1874
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: White (Scottish, English)
Language: English
Religion: N/A (Raised Methodist/Protestant)
Other: Biggest city in Alberta, 4th in Canada
Height: 6′0″ (182 cm)
Body Type: Kind of hourglassy but gangly and thin. Sharp al dente noodle limbs but soft thighs/shoulders. Strong legs from speed skating.
Hair: Blonde - more saturated/golden than dirty. More pronounced waves than Ed. Just above shoulder length, bangs just below the top of his ears. Center part. Piece of hair sticks up at the front of his bangs from the part.  
Eyes: Light brown.
Skin: Whitey McWhiterson, freckles. (Tans ok in summer or burns to a crisp. Primarily Scottish. Any Blackfoot etc heritage isn’t immediately obvious on sight)
Details: Ski-jump nose.
“Default” Outfit: Salmon-pink collared shirt, red tie, dark jeans, flame cowboy boots, white cowboy hat, custom up-to-date Flames jersey (McCall, 75) on game days (or Whenever because he’s That Extra).
Everyday Clothing Style: Wild West Executive: expensive, leather, fleece, occasionally over the top and involving Cs or flames motifs. Bolo ties, belt buckles, hats, warm colours, Too Much Red. Oscillates from professional suits to mountain flannel, sometimes combines aesthetics poorly during Stampede.  
Other Notes: I tend to think of him in s-curves or flame shapes- soft curve, sharp point. Pointy curved nose, pointy chin.
- Grew up extremely quickly relative to his neighbours, Industrial revolution kid from the age of steam. Had two major growth spurts in the 1880s-90s, and the 1960s-70s. By the end of the 19th century, he was nearly as tall as Ed. The 70s involved puberty hitting him like a sledgehammer.
- Was a cute, well groomed and pudgy kid in his first decade. Extremely embarrassed of what a well-off childhood he had and likes to pretend he was a lot more wild west than he actually was. By the Depression, it was clear that he was going to be on the thinner side as he got older.
- His hair was short and usually styled carefully prior to the 70s. It was at its longest in the 90s. No idea if the sticky up hair actually represents anything- it was originally meant to be a nod to APH America, so maybe American Hill? Haha.
- Looks kind of dumb with a beard but goes through phases where he's determined to grow one.
- No known physical scars, tattoos, or piercings. Freckles on his face, shoulders, etc.
- In remarkable shape considering how much bad food he eats and how little he exercises and goes outside in his day to day life. Prefers the gym or weekend hiking/skiing in the mountains to literally any other form of physical activity aside from skating. If it's set up as a competition or an olympic event, however, he'll give it his all.
- Has flat feet, needs insoles in his shoes. Also has really smooth and powerful elbows.
- ESTJ "The Executive". Very good at organizing people and sticking to his guns, but can also be a bit too mathematical about things at times. Stickler for planning things out and following through. Really genuinely likes talking to other people and getting to know them, really giddy when he makes it into new social circles. Strong sense of justice and morality that he doesn't like to question.
- His mood literally changes with the weather. Generally he's a bit of a genki type and a go-getter, a people person, etc, but when the chinook wind comes in he does a 180 and becomes irritable and snappy. He also has a reputation for being one of the most stressed out cities in the country (which is why he only lets totally loose 10 days a year). However, he is calm and level headed in a crisis and very dependable.
- Tends to be really hot-headed, easily goaded, and a jealous type. A bit of a crybaby as well who needs extra reassurance, but always feels better afterwards. Also has TERRIBLE road rage.
- Basically thinks of himself as the main character in a national and at times even continental drama, pre-destined to be Amazing from birth. It's not exactly that he displays himself as egotistical, he just thinks he's worked really hard and deserves every good thing that comes his way. He just knew he was going to be a big city since he was a kid. Classic small town boy turned entitled white collar white boy who isn't exactly aware of how much has been handed to him, but doesn't mean harm by it.
- Has a carefully cultivated image and really concentrates on making good first impressions, but also is a very straightforward person. What you see is generally what you get with him, and he really wears his heart on his sleeve. Really doesn't appreciate people who are manipulative or don't say what they mean, but also the sort of person who doesn't want to show all his cards when he is making a bargain.
- Even though he was raised by penny-pinching Scotsmen and waxes poetic about fiscal conservatism, he's Extremely irresponsible with his money. You know how NHL players go grocery shopping on video for laughs because they have no idea how to budget or what to buy? He's like that. The sort of person who says "I spent THIS MUCH" where Ed is "I ONLY spent THIS MUCH!"
- Despite his image of being reckless and thoughtless, he puts a lot of work in when it matters and gets easily emotionally invested in projects and people. He's mostly reckless and thoughtless when it comes to himself, so while he looks quite established and firm he's still crumbling a bit on the inside from overwork and stress.
- Still does his best to project his relaxed and folksy small town side and knows that this makes people underestimate him to their disadvantage. Less embarrassed about his redneck character and more irritated that he's so easily brushed off by others because of his perceived social class.
- The heart of the tension between fiscal conservatism and social progressivism. Really traditional romantic white picket fence guy, but also someone who is really interested in change and new innovations.
- Has a lot of issues with his personal identity which he pretends is not based on tenuous stereotypes, constantly trying to figure out who he is and really plays up the cowboy identity to hide his lack of certainty and to have something constant to hold onto.
- Was the absolute Worst kid in school, really doesn't like doing what he is told and has no patience for academia. Math is the only discipline that makes sense to him (and even then he doesn't really think critically about math as a concept).
- Is extremely neat and organized. He doesn't mind getting dirty as long as he's squeaky clean immediately after.
- His 'family' includes southern Alberta, that is, the former District of Alberta territory which more or less includes those on Treaty 7 territory (Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, etc). Also has a close relationship to those he shares a river with (Banff, Canmore, etc.) Lately however, the other municipalities have felt him growing distant and unfamiliar as he navigates not only being the biggest city in the province but one of the biggest cities nationally as well. Still largely the center of Albertan culture, tourism, and stereotypes in spite of this.
- Close to the municipalities who have since amalgamated, particularly Bowness [Caroline] who he visited frequently in his youth to ignore his problems and play with. They moved in together in the 60s. If he had a 2p, it would likely be Cochrane. Also close to Fort Macleod, who is like his older brother and fellow NWMP fort.
- Didn't really feel a strong kinship with the other western cities in his youth and still is on good and friendly terms if awkward around them. He and Regina would have shared NWMP history, and he tried to take the younger Saskatoon under his wing for all of two seconds before his apprentice surpassed him. Cal tends to have closer relationships with American cities (particularly in Colorado, Texas, Illinois, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona etc.) than he does with cities in the other prairie provinces.
- Set his sights on Chicago before Winnipeg, but still maintains an admiration of Toronto and Montreal from a young age despite their complicated relationship. He and Vancouver are relatively close in age and the coast remains Cal's favourite vacation spot. Cal tries to hide his jealousy by being a bit overly friendly with him, but figures it's something that the rather isolated Van Man appreciates. Overall, he is EXTREMELY desperate to make the Big Three into the Elite Four, but has difficulty reading the atmosphere when it comes to them because he's a bit blinded by his ambition to get closer than a simple orbit. On the other hand, he's also the guy with the Let Those Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark bumper sticker and the Big Shots can really get on his nerves.
- Ed remains Cal's worst enemy and also his most steadfast friend. Cal has known him his entire life and can't imagine how difficult it would be to define himself without him, and the two have been known to wreak havoc fighting each other and bring the house down when they are working together. Cal often pretends that such a backwater and isolated city isn't enough to catch his attention, but Ed is probably the first thing keeping Cal from looking more nationally and more internationally outwards as he is the easier to provoke of the two by a narrow margin. The obsession with the other is completely mutual and very little of it is genuine hatred despite Calvin's easily produced list of victories and Ed's lower self esteem and reputation.
- Despite not exercising enough, he loves all winter sports and hockey and speed skating in particular. In his youth, he played polo and croquet often. Always looking for ways to make these games either more extreme and full of stupid stunts or more silly (like human curling). Other outdoor sports he enjoys are quadding and dirt biking. Do Not mention the 1988 Winter Olympics because he will Not stop talking about them.
- Also super fond of horseback riding. And horses in general. And images of horses. And sculptures of horses. And carousels. Is really gutted that he can't keep a horse or a cow at home, so he goes out to Caro's or Bert's ranch when he wants to spend quality time with the animals. Animals are a sure fire way of calming him down. On a related note, he knows how to ride both Western and English style.
- Really into arts and music in particular, but has no sense of social class or refined taste. Really leans into the 'fake it til you make it' philosophy but also brutally honest about things he finds overrated. Likes paintings of dramatic mountain ranges and wild horses the most and has been known to try his hand at it once in a while. Also can play guitar and probably every marching band instrument. Fear the day he picks up bagpiping.
- Loves travelling when he can, not just for business deals. Owns a vacation home in Phoenix, Arizona, (a sister city) probably; also frequents Vegas and Mexico. Banff is a weekly destination for him.
- Learned the art of BBQ from the Americans. He is the Token Grill Dad. Come to think of it, he also loves golf and probably wearing socks and sandals too. Will absolutely judge a restaurant by the quality of the steak (and the person taking him to said restaurant too). His other favourite foods are ginger beef and prairie oysters. Apart from that, his taste in food is like giving an 8 year old unlimited access to a kitchen - 'let's deep fry a cockroach and cover it in powdered sugar and chocolate syrup, that will be great!!' 'What if we put clamato juice and vodka together?!'.
- Like Ed, also really fond of planes, trains, and automobiles. Unlike Ed, he can't stand cyclists and will choose a truck over a bike any day of the week. The newer, shinier and more features, the better.
- Loves anything involving betting and gambling, particularly against Ed. Tries to disguise his love of gambling with fancy adult words like 'real estate' and 'stocks' or whatever. It's probably his oldest and worst addiction. Also loves fairgrounds and carnival games even though they're rigged.
- Drinks a lot. Buys a lot of expensive whiskey and keeps a liquor cabinet in his office. It's his only other major vice- he really can't stand smoking and will get annoyed at people who do it near him.
- His hockey passion is still very strong, but he finds it less exciting when there's not a good rivalry and still has less going for him than Ed historically. Also really jealous of Ed's big dumb new arena for some stupid reason. Also a big fan of football. Wears his Flames jersey and puts flames motifs on everything a little too much.
- Loves fire in general, whether on the grill, a campfire, a romantic fireplace, or a Sunday drive out to Turner Valley to watch gas get lit on fire. It's only a little worrisome. 
- Has a lot of hobbies to cope with stress. Knitting is one of them. Exercise is another, if less used. Also doodles cartoons on his notes during meetings.
- Was 'born' or 'found' on the south side of the Bow River, near the confluence of the Elbow.
- Founded deep in Blackfoot Territory as a North West Mounted Police fort to stop American whiskey runners. Had quite a spoiled and sheltered childhood. Most of the "Wild West" era was already over by the time he was growing up, and the buffalo were already driven to near extinction.
- He comes from a very WASPy background, maybe knew some Gaelic back in the day and definitely had a good deal of exposure to Spanish from a young age. His German and Scandinavian languages are rather good and he's progressing pretty well with Mandarin and so on. He particularly struggles with French and indigenous languages. Cannot learn languages well in classroom settings and especially not when they're mandatory, just has to go out and speak it or listen on the radio at the very least.
- Was raised Methodist/Protestant but is relatively secular lately. Even so, listening to Bible Bill on the radio was his favourite activity during the Depression and it's stuck with him quite strongly. Religion has simply been replaced with the economy.
- Relative to Ed he is a bit more distant from his First Nations roots, having lived through the enforcement of segregation and the development of the reserve system during his childhood, but despite his awkwardness he is working to finally begin his own path to Reconciliation.
- Has always been traditionally right-wing, but also complicit in the inventions of many radical parties including Social Credit and the CCF (now NDP). He has developed a bit of a liberal heart lately compared to some of his neighbours.
- The 1980s was his "traumatic" decade, but his solution to any traumatic decade is to throw huge parties and spend money he doesn't have to pretend like it wasn't happening. Lost a lot of his strength early in the decade and became extremely resentful of the federal government, a resentment that had been percolating since Confederation.
- Historical roles include: the first incorporated city in the NWT, a center of Treaty 7 territory and the district of Alberta, training ground for pilots during the World Wars, heart of ranch land, the O&G industry, and the home of many business headquarters.
- Lived in a sandstone house in his youth, recently bought a luxury penthouse overlooking the Saddledome and the Calgary tower, a short walk from Olympic Plaza. All leather/cowprint/wood furniture, bronze western sculptures, giant paintings of rocky mountain sky. Spends way more money to look rustic than necessary.
- His truck is red (to make it go faster), needs a step to get into, has Flames decals and flags and junk, and gets a lot of use to prove that he actually needs it (he doesn't). God, so much Flames and Stamps stuff.
- Got a business degree when they were super easy to get because why not, now boasts a lot about how it's such a commodity and he's a risk taker and blah blah blah to justify being a monkey of average intelligence who wears a suit. He's That Guy™ in all your Econ classes.
- Probably has a model trainset somewhere that he never lets Ed touch (at least not without meeting very specific criteria).
- A lasso. No reason. Just in case, you know?
- Probably has a hunting rifle that he's fully licensed to use, he just hates using it and keeps it on a wall for decoration because thinking about using it for hunting makes him cry (the other munis make fun of him a lot). Will shoot at targets or bottles, anything but animals.
- Has a chestnut coloured horse named Nellie- she either lives with Caro or with Bert. Has had Several horses over his lifetime and probably thousands of cows.
- Has. So Many. Boots. And Belt Buckles. And All That. You have No Idea. He has a separate walk in closet specifically for Stampede, probably.
- A Calgary White Hat, obviously, just for being him.
- Has a picture of himself as a kid riding a mountain goat. In the museum. No one can know.
- Like Ed, spends the majority of his time working for the city. He suffers a lot when trying to please all the billionaires who keep trying to influence him (Ed on the other hand only has like one).
- Has some experience in trades, probably, but his history is in law enforcement and crunching numbers, cozying up to investors, lots of wining and dining, that sort of thing. He is the sheriff of his boardroom. Loves making slideshows.
- His middle name is Brisebois and he shrieks if you bring that up. Mac calls him Brisy to tease him.
- Prior to working for the city, he "worked" at Cochrane ranch. By "worked" I mean he "supervised" Bert and the gang of Americans and company that showed up on his doorstep; by "supervised" I mean he nearly missed tea time because he was busy learning gross habits from cowboys and drinking coffee with them and getting himself in trouble.
- Bisexual/Biromantic, attracted to both men and women with a preference for women, but his preference doesn't dictate who gets the high beams of his intense love-rays.
- Does not smoke tobacco, but will chew it on occasion (but he hates what it does to his teeth and prefers drinking).
- Has a relatively flat Americanized accent, says "yahoo!" constantly, and when he's out with his buds he just speaks like the guys from On the Bench. Uses increasingly dated/silly western slang (Well if That don’t take the rag off the bush!) when he’s annoyed with people or wants to give them a friendly tease.
- Suffers from migraines that are definitely caused by weather most of the time. He's still trying to learn how to recognize the signs in advance, but often wakes up with them.
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tickettoem · 7 years
20 Questions Ask!
Tagged by @kailuabunny . Thank you!!
Zodiac?: Scorpio!
Height?: 5 ft and 3 and a half inches.
Orientation?: Homosexual/Lesbian.
Ethnicity?: Caucasian.
Favorite Fruit?: Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries.
Season?: Spring or Winter.
Favorite Book?: Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell or Metropolis by Thea Von Harbou.
Favorite Flower?: Cherry Blossoms or Daisies.
Favorite Scent?: Fresh laundry, popcorn or a book.
Favorite Color?: Red!
Favorite Animal?: Cats, Dogs or Deer.
Coffee, Tea or Cocoa?: Cocoa!
Sleep Hours: Either 7-10 or 2-4.
Cats or Dogs?: Cats, probably.
Favorite Fictional Character?: Norman Bates, Lester Burnham, Scarlett O'Hara, the Tramp (Chaplin), Freder Fredersen, Alex DeLarge, Maria (Metropolis), Aph Sweden, Aph Turkey, Aph England, Aph Estonia, Aph Norway, Aph Bulgaria, Maleficent or Snow White.
Dream Trip?: Hollywood, New York, Iceland or the United Kingdom.
Tags! (You Don't Have To): @tea-with-kremna-rezina , @fangadavenstormvind , @sirdukee .
0 notes
battle-of-alberta · 2 years
For a grown man, Cal gives off spoiled brat vibes. What was he like as a kid?
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[the irony being that today, calvin regularly drinks whiskey because It’s the Culture tm]
so sorry to inform you guys Calvin was assigned cop at birth u_u he didn’t spend his whole childhood in the NWMP barracks though, there was a period where he was living in a tent on the side of the road waiting for the train to show up (though that said, that might have been a bit more sanitary.)
More notes follow.
- Calvin was imbued with admiration for Toronto from a young age because the majority of the men recruited for service were originally from Toronto. His attention quickly turned south, however, the more he interacted with Americans and heard about mythical places like Denver and Chicago.
- Fort Calgary was ironically built and supplied by some of the same whiskey traders they were supposed to stamp out, shh.
- Calvin was really proud his American friends tolerated him enough to hang out with him... and is still to this day, perhaps not realizing that the others considered him “mild west” rather than wild west. During this period he mostly hung out with folks from Montana and Colorado- the relationship with Texas didn’t really get off the ground until the mid 20th century.
- It’s been a few years since I read Denny’s account of Fort Calgary but I seem to remember him commenting on having to order lots and lots of tea.
- I still think this ongoing joke that Calvin doesn’t realize Lilith and his old rival Fort Whoop Up are the same person is really funny (y’know, despite Lethbridge having an identical flag, annual Whoop Up Days, Whoop Up Drive, etc that he just assumes is a historical curiosity of hers)
- Calvin’s other siblings/cousins (not depicted) include big bro Fort Macleod and Fort Saskatchewan, among others. I’m not sure what that makes Fort Walsh... a brother/cousin who was re-animated in the 40s and never quite the same? Lol.
- The “gentlemen” Calvin comments on to Caroline are caricatures of “remittance men”, that is, a man exiled to the colonies by his family and paid regular remittances to ensure they didn’t come back and do whatever it was that got them sent off in the first place.
- “No English” was a common sentiment because of above remittance men - ‘English’ I believe was kind of a derogatory term used in both Canada and the States to refer to anyone from the cities back east who were a bit too soft for frontier life, but in the territories it could definitely refer to literal expats from England. (Tangentially related, but Prince Edward even bought himself a ranch not far from Calgary in the 1920s.)
- The events Ed and Madeline are thinking of include: one of the early visits to Fort Edmonton that I’ve referenced a zillion times (the NWMP couldn’t sleep because they weren’t used to the dogs); the 1885 Northwest Resistance which caused Calgary to panic so much that a basically useless militia was formed; when natural gas wells were discovered around Medicine Hat, Calgarians threw a fit and wouldn’t rest until someone funded a successful hunt for their own.
- (afterwards in the race for the capital, edmonton newspapers would jab at calgary’s tendency to act like a pig eating everything around it, an article which the papers in medicine hat would reprint)
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battle-of-alberta · 4 years
Dear Red have you ever played an otome game ;3
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what have i done
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what in gods name have i done.
if i learn python because of this its your fault anon.
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battle-of-alberta · 4 years
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New banner? Eh/nay?
This is a very simplified height chart since I realize all the characters are suuuper stylized here (and wearing heels) but! Hopefully it will help me remember.
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