#apocalypse cop Harry my beloved
fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
Going to attempt to keep this short and sweet, although for actual roleplay I enjoy a good mix of quality and quantity - without branching into purple prose.
21+ (seeking 18+ partners for 18+ characters) and currently residing in the UK. I am looking for someone who is down for regular replies. Whilst I understand and respect that real life comes first, I’m unfortunately without much to do until September so I’m looking for long-term distraction.
I have no limits but would ALWAYS respect yours. I enjoy slow-burn, forbidden romance, angst, fluff, smut... everything under the sun. Let’s discuss what we enjoy. I’m down for OOC chattering and would like a partner who is happy to share pictures, playlists etc. But this isn’t a requirement, just something I enjoy!
I also love side characters. I’m not keen on doubling per se but I love being able to write and give personality and story to other characters. Parents, friends, that random girl in the coffee shop... let’s make them stand out. I typically enjoy m/m and f/f mains only but I am happy to include m/f as a side ship and play any gender.
Okay. The good stuff! Bold is who I want to play.
La Casa de Papel
- Berlin/Palermo
- Palermo/Helsinki
- Nairobi/Tokyo
I have got various plots in mind for any of these ships, both canon and AU.
Doctor Who
- Clara/12
- Jack Harkness/The Doctor (Open to any Doctor from 9-12.)
The Umbrella Academy
- Diego/Klaus
So, it’s coming back soon! Anyone else excited? I’m buzzing to see them all again. In terms of Diego and Klaus, I’ve seen a few cute pieces of art around that I’ll link my partner to and would love to pull from. One that recently hit my pinterest feed was a Pushing Daisies (anyone remember that??) AU in which Diego is still a cop and Klaus helps him solve crimes by communicating with the dead. We could take this anywhere. Make it that they’re still related and wind up reconnecting - either in a different way or as canon with Reginald’s death. Or we can have it that they meet randomly and don’t know each other, maybe Klaus gets arrested and in a drug-fuelled state ends up babbling about something that helps Diego and Patch solve their case.
So open to other ideas for these two!!!!
- Nathan/Simon
I’d also be very happy to work with a crossover between TUA and Misfits with any sort of crossover pairing or just working with the different characters. Also more than happy to just write Nathan/Simon on their own. Maybe how things would have played out if they’d got together.
Vis a Vis (Locked Up)
- Maca/Zulema
- Saray/Zulema
- Harry/Eggsy
Would love a AU for this. Let’s make them the same age, living in different parts of the city. Class differences. Maybe they meet when Harry sneaks away from his family and ends up near the estate. Forbidden romance. Secret meetings. Angst galore.
- M/M or F/F. Character A and their opposite sex partner seem like the perfect couple living the perfect life. Then Character A’s partner announces they are going abroad to stay with their family for a while. Suddenly Character A finds themselves infatuated with Character B, their partners cousin/childhood friend/distant sibling... Lots of drama available here. Slow burn. Forbidden romance. Summer romance. I would prefer to play Character B for this!
- M/M or F/F. Heist. Not much of a plot for this but I would love to work with a LCDP vibe. This could be robber/hostage or robber/robber. Although you don’t necessarily have to have watched La Casa de Papel for this, I would be keen to have someone willing to do a bit of research into the premise. I would like to play a robber in this. I don’t like playing ‘strictly good or strictly bad’ characters nor do I like trying to make bad people seem actually good but with the nature of LCDP, I’d enjoy there being a good reasoning behind the robbery. A revolution of sorts.
- M/M. Small Town Monster. Kind of Stranger Things. Character A is a Police Chief/Politician/Beloved figure in the town. Maybe a widow? Maybe a father? Older. Character B is a bit of a trouble maker, petty crime etc. When trouble comes to the boring town in the form of some sort of creature, the two of them end of coming together to fight it and love blooms along the way. More forbidden love. Age gaps (all 18+) and secret meetings in the midst of chaos. I’d like to play Character B for this!
- Good Omens type story. Angels and demons hate each other (obviously) and are always trying to one up each other. This time, Hell decides to send a Demon in disguise to Heaven. Let’s just pretend it’s plausible. What the demon never expected was to end up very attracted to an Angel. Funny workplace shenanigans. Angst. Smut. Forbidden romance. A big event overarching? Let’s chat. I’d like to play the Angel as well as taking on any angelic or demonic side characters.
Human/Demon with a twist. The apocalypse has come, but instead of zombies it is simply the rise of the supernatural. The creatures are living in the ruins of the new world, ruled by a King (Demon or really any supernatural creature). Humans, like in all apocalypse stories, are fighting for their lives. Constantly on the move. Killing each other as well as the creatures. Several of them have formed large groups in an attempt to end this horror show. I’d like for there to be some sort of threat to the supernatural community too, beyond just humanity. An ancient creature who some of them worship and believe to be a more fitting King, perhaps.
More forbidden love tales, as one day a human in one of those groups fighting the supernatural ends up hurt. I would really like to start this off with either a supernatural creature or the actual King (in disguise or not) helping to patch him up. I would like to play the human, as well as taking on any human or supernatural side characters!
- Bring me YOUR ideas! I’ll hear anything out and be honest about what I think and if I’d be interested or if we would vibe. Let’s chat!
My email is [email protected]
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