#apollo deity
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homewardskies · 7 hours ago
Oh wow! This is amazing!!
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Me with lord Apollon!
I love being a Hellenic pagan <3 (any hate will be blocked and deleted)
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dirtwormpile · 3 days ago
im an apollo devotee, of course im the biggest literature nerd youve ever seen.
im an apollon devotee, of course i burst into song whenever something slightly resembles a lyric.
im an apollon devotee, of course i love musicals and want to participate in one even though my school wont allow it
im an apollon devotee, of course i find beauty in all kinds of art.
im an apollon devotee, of course i love the sun.
im an apollon devotee, of course i draw the moment i get the chance.
im an apollon devotee, of course i love to learn.
im an apollon devotee, of course i love to read and wont shut up about it.
im an apollon devotee, of course im a biology student (and i suck at ti)
im an apollon devotee, of course i love him
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wingedfoolnearthesun · 1 day ago
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a quick offering to Lord Hermes for a safe and successful journey to the bank. praise be Lord Hermes, God of Travel and Giver of Good Fortune ♡
all photos are from pinterest and are arranged by me
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the-purvashadha · 11 months ago
When you step into sunlight, you honor Apollo. When you admire the moon, you honor Artemis. When you admire cloud shapes, you honor Hera. When you smell petrichor, you honor Zeus. When you laugh at a joke, you honor Hermes. When your body twitches to dance at a particularly upbeat music, you honor Dinoysus. When you enjoy the first bite of your breakfast, you honor Demeter. When you choose your peace over any conflict, you honor Athena. When you warm yourself up by sheltering yourself in blanket, you honor Hestia. When you listen to Ocean sounds, you honor Poseidon. When you smell flowers, you honor Persephone. When you admire the coolness of first day of Autumn, you honor Hades. When you wear your favourite jewellery, you honor Hephaestus. When you smile, you honor Aphrodite. When you exercise, you honor Ares. When you light a torch in a dark room, you honor Hekate.
Your body is a shrine to Gods, your being an act of devotion for them. You, by yourself, are enough for them.
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mythologer · 3 months ago
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Apollo, Pompei, Napoli.
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o1iveangel · 3 months ago
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more apollo, who could have guessed
ft. some modern day clothes designs ☀️
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vdoes · 2 months ago
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the person he's pointing at needs to drink water
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spirits-child · 4 months ago
You can find Aphrodite when you gush over romcoms. You can find Zeus when the rain pours and soaks your hair. You can find Hera when you're loyal to your friends and partners. You can find Ares when you argue with your parents over the causes you believe in. You can find Apollo when the sun caresses your cheek.
The gods are everywhere—you just need to know where to look.
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lyreofchrysaor · 25 days ago
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Apollon is there.
When the sixty-something man picks up an instrument, because he never got to learn in his youth and discovered a new passion. He thinks he is too old to learn, but something tells him it is never too late.
Apollon is there.
When the lonely kid at the back of the class doodles on their desk to calm themselves. Their creative world is all they have, and that is okay.
Apollon is there.
When the parents are yelling and fighting, and all their child can do is adjust their headphones and turn the volume higher, hoping to drown it out. It'll be over soon, just focus on the music.
Apollon is there.
When a student pours over the chapter they've been studying for the past week or so, trying to dissect every piece of it. When it finally clicks, and it feels like the world lights up as everything they've read makes sense.
Apollon is there.
In the laughter of the children on a warm summer's day. Their fingers are sticky with the ice cold juice they drank earlier, their shoes are long forgotten for the grass is cool enough. Their lives are ahead of them, but they don't need to worry.
Apollon is there.
In the rage of a father, a mentor, an older brother—on behalf of someone younger that was not able to defend themselves when needed. Something can be done. Something will be done.
Apollon is there.
In the ink of the poet, scribbling down every word furiously. Their mind is full, they must get it all on paper. Their words will not stop. When they close their eyes, all they see is light.
Apollon is there.
In the steady beeping of the monitor, as a patient—old, young, somewhere in between—fights for their life. He is there as they make it, and He is there as they don't.
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adharaantheia · 3 months ago
The Gods love you.
Even when you spend days without lighting up their candles.
Even if you don't have an Altar.
Even if you don't feel their presence yet.
Even if you're not good at tarot.
Or doesn't have prophetic dreams.
They still love you. And you know why?
Because you're you. And that's enough for them, your presence, your devotion, your well-being, is what truly matters for them.
So don't you feel pressured or sad, lovebug 💜💜
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apolloslyrics · 11 months ago
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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sol-niczka · 1 day ago
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Based on a dream i had today bc i need an Apollon hug so bad right now
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confused-theist · 4 months ago
Given how much cats love bathing in sunlight, I'm surprised and disappointed I've never seen art of Apollo with a bunch of very content cats all over him
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wingedfoolnearthesun · 2 days ago
i had such an odd dream last night, but i remember coming across a novel with Lord Apollo’s name in the title. it’s always so lovely to notice the smallest of signs, especially after expressing gratitude for the blessings you’ve received :3
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the-gangaridaean · 1 month ago
Absolutely be political in your worship.
Aphrodite isn't called Pandemos (of All People) so you can sit around and let the big names capitalise love and serve it only to those who can afford to pay past the persecution. Hermes isn't called Oeopolus (Shepherd) so you can sit around and let a bunch of power-hungry wolves lead a flock of influencable sheep. Apollo isn't called Paean (Healer) so you can sit around while wealthy corporations serve healthcare only to those who can afford not to die. Athena isn't called Ambulia (Counsellor) so you can sit around while the people are being fed propaganda against each other to divert them from the real enemy at the top. Dionysus isn't called Eleuthereus (the Liberator) so you can sit around while freedom is only granted to those whose skins have the acceptable colour while the others die in chains. Zeus isn't called Xenios (of the Foreigners) so you can sit around while the borders are closed to those who need it and only open to those who can give back the money.
The Gods stand with the oppressed, and so should you.
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songofapollon · 3 months ago
Apollon Epithets
Phoebus: Bright
Thearios: Of the Oracle
Proopsios: Foreseeing
Klerios: Distributing by lot
Kledones: Omen in words and sounds
Hekatos: Shooter from afar
Agraios: Of the hunt; hunter
Musagetes: Leader of the Muses
Oulios: Of Sound Health
Paean/Paeon/Paian/Paion: Healer
Akesios: Of Healing
Alexikakos: Averter of Evil
Epikourios: Succoring, Helping
Boedromius: Rescuer
Lykios: Of the Wolves
Smintheios/Sminthaios/Smintheios: Of the Mice
Parnopios/Parnopion: Of the Locusts
Erythibios: Of Mildew
Delphinios: Of the Dolphin
Aktios: of the foreshore
Theoxenios: God of Foreignors
Epibaterius: Of Sacrifices
Korynthos: Of the Korynthos-Cake
Enthryptos: of the Enthryptos-Cake
Argieus: of the Streets
Prostaterios: Standing Before
Pythios: of Pythia
Delpios: of Delphi
Delios: of Delos
Amazonios: of the Amazons
Diradiotes: of the Ridge
Platanistios: of the Plane-Trees
Meliai: Of the Ash-Trees
Spodios: Of Altar Ashes
Aktaios: Of the Coast
Aigletos: Shining
Horios: Boundaries; of Borders
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