#apologies for the image quality-- my computer died a couple days ago and all i had saved was this screenshot but i hope you like it!!
birddad · 4 years
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happy holidays to @tepig62900 !! i love hanbei, so this was a delight, i hope you like it!! i hope you have a wonderful, safe, and happy holidays!!
thank you to @ransei-secretsanta for organising this every year!!
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Picture Perfect - Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester - Chapter 11
Title: Picture Perfect
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: Around 5.5k
Warnings: Angst, Blood
Prompt: I got it! Can you do a fic where Sam dies while (Y/N) is pregnant with his child and so Dean helps her raise the child and they live the apple pie life and right when Dean wants to propose to (Y/N), Sam returns to life & ANGST. Please and thank you
Special thank you to @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo for being an awesome beta! 
Read: Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10
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“What?” you breathed out, your eyes glued to it.
“We will get you to agree, one way or another. But we will always make sure you...” she paused as you looked at her with wide eyes.
“And your unborn child stay alive.”
“Wha-” you blinked, shaking your head “No, no no. What- what the fuck is this?” you growled, feeling tears well up in your eyes once more and this time it was more intense, just like the feeling in your chest.
“Heart monitors, of course.” she said casually “To make sure your hearts just keep beating and that your pulses don't rise dangerously so. I mean, it will all depend on you. How willing are you to risk your child's life, (Y/n), for these hunters you call family?” she asked, clicking her pen and you clenched your jaw at her.
“What- I- I don't- I'm not- I can't- I-” you shut your eyes, breathing heavily and as expected your heart started beating faster as it was heard by one of the monitors. The contastly repeating sounds along with the awful smell of this place, and probably the condition you were in, made you feel even more dizzy than you were at first.
“What?” she chuckled, raising an eyebrow “Don't tell me you didn't know about it. Oh wow, apologies for breaking the easter egg a little too fast for you.” she said so casually you wished so bad you could do something to shut her up.
“I'm not pregnant.” you clenched your jaw, glaring at her “I can't be. This is all your doing, you're making me believe this machine is actually a heart monitor for the baby to- to make me give in more easily. It's not- I'm not- I'm not pregnant.” you whispered, shaking your head and almost cursing at yourself for letting a tear slip your eye.
Truth was you wanted it. You wanted this more than anything, just a couple days ago you were trying with Dean for a child how could you actually stop feeling the need to have his kids? Maybe your mind told you it was wrong to want it when Sam appeared on your doorstep very much alive but that did by no means mean that your heart didn't long for it. You had actually dreamed about it, not that you would admit it to anyone, or yourself, that you really wanted this but... in this situation you didn't know how sure you were anymore. The situation was not ideal anymore, that much was obvious, and considering the danger you were in you started to fear the worst.
“I'm not.” you breathed in and out heavily, eyes closed shut as you basically tried to convince yourself.
“You can tell that to yourself as many times as you want, (Y/n). But we both know it's the truth.” she said with a shrug “If it wasn't for the kid we wouldn't have been so gentle, trust me. If anything, I would have already started trying to get you to cooperate in every possible way. As you see we were prepared for worse, but we won't resort to that for its sake. As long as you don't make us do so, (Y/n).” she glanced at some weird-looking tools to the side.
“But I-” your words got caught in your throat as you looked down at the other heart monitor, without realizing it more tears slipped from your eyes. You smiled, despite all of your feelings at seeing how lively it actually was. Strong, fast and healthy. Or at least as far as you could tell, remembering from your previous pregnancy. The beat and rhythm was similar to hers when you were about four months into your pregnancy and the doctor back then had told you she was very healthy. It was great times... almost.
“Now, let's start shall we?” she asked obnoxiously so, not caring for a second that you were all-but-freaking out at the new piece of information. They could keep insisting they were on your side but you weren't going to believe them, whoever they were.
You clenched your jaw as your eyes slipped from the device to the ground and rest of the place around you and you hardened your look. You took in a deep breath and clenched your fists. You looked up at her and straightened your back. Your heart was beating hard inside your chest but you were determined, and despite how much shocked you were you knew what you should do. If anything, you were going to fight for this kid.
“Screw you”
“Yeah uh Cas, thanks for looking into that.” Dean mumbled and after a short reply from the blue-eyed angel he hung up.
“What did he say?” Sam asked as he continued with putting together the guns.
“He'll try to find Crowley, since he has not been answering us.” Dean said in a gruff voice, taking hold of the weapons and stuffing them in the duffel bag “See if he can track the demon down.”
“So what?” Sam asked, handing Dean his gun “Did you two like stop talking?”
“No, not entirely. But the bastard is probably not in the mood to appear considering he failed to do the one thing he had to.” Dean growled, putting his gun in his jeans “We made a deal for me to not go after him as long as he always made sure his demons stayed away from (Y/n) and Mary, and of course provided protection when we needed it.”
“And this demon?”
“I'm guessing not one of his own because he wouldn't miss a chance to get back to me when I first went after him. Either way-” he started shuffling through the fake IDs “We have a job to do until Cas has news.”
“And what's that? Because I tried hacking any cameras but no luck. The only car passing a red light was like a week ago.” Sam threw his arms in the air.
“That's if you're looking at the right ones, but I'm guessing you're not.” he mumbled, grabbing the computer that was laying on the coffee table “There is not just one way to get out of town, Sammy. Especially if you've just kidnapped someone.”
“Meaning?” Sam raised an eyebrow as he watched his brother type in a name and some codes.
“Well, I've been living in this town for quite some time now. Been best buds with the sheriff, I uh fixed his car one time, and he let me into some secrets... without him knowing.” Dean mumbled and Sam only nodded his head with a half smile.
“Right, of course you did. You stole the papers from his office, didn't you?”
“Sue me.” Dean muttered, scrolling down and past several videos as the date did not match that which they were looking for.
“So he's talked to me-” Dean continued “And he's told me a few secrets himself, about all the ways people can get in and out of here, not just from the main streets. The dude's a little too dramatic though so he's placed cameras there too, which is good for us now. I've cracked every database I could when we first moved in, you can never be too sure. And it sure as hell payed off.” he stopped as soon as he spotted a video, not missing a beat to click on it.
Dean watched with a clenched jaw as the black car sped off on the road while Sam had a frown on and narrowed his eyes. The video didn't last longer than a one minute but Dean replayed it over and over again, hoping to catch something. He paused at a moment, leaning closer to the screen to see on the mirror of the passenger's seat the very same person he wanted to rip into shreds. The image was a terrible quality and quite small but enough for him.
“That's him?” Sam asked and Dean nodded his head with a growl.
“Yeah” he mumbled as he turned the computer to his brother.
Sam leaned in, his attention on something else “The back number plate, we could write the combination down and look into it.” he mumbled.
“I'm right into it.” Dean jumped up, searching for a piece of paper to write it down.
“You know-” Sam pursed his lips “Maybe, we should check the real-estate offices. See if anybody bought or rented a place nearby.” he mumbled and Dean raised an eyebrow at him.
“Come again?”
“Look, the car seems expensive as hell, maybe the demon is not working on his own and maybe they've actually bought a place or something.” Sam shrugged.
“If you think it's possible.” Dean clenched his jaw as he dialed a number “I'll call the sheriff for the car.”
“And I'll look into it about the house.”
“Right” she chuckled, shaking her head “Maybe we should really get to know each other better, hm? Let me start, name's Toni. Toni Bevell.” she gave you the same smile that just made you all the more want to punch her “I'm in the British Men of Letters.”
“What?” your eyebrows shot up as you stared at her with wide eyes.
“I hope you have heard of us, but even if you haven't, don't worry you will have plenty of time when we recruit you.” she said it so easily it almost made you want to scoff.
“You are really confident, aren't you?” you growled “How the hell do you know I am just going to give in that easily?”
“Because I am a mother myself.” she shrugged, tilting her head to the side “And I know that just like me, so would you do everything for your children.”
“You won't dare touch my daughter.” you snapped at her, tugging at your handcuffs as you wanted to launch at her.
“Oh (Y/n), no don't worry about that.” she shook her head “I told you, we don't harm innocent children. Besides, it's not as if we can have hold on her that easily with Sam and Dean Winchester around her 24/7. As for your other child though-” she smirked as you glared daggers at her “We could but whether we will or not all depends on you.”
“What the hell do you want from me?” you hissed and she smiled.
“To have a girls talk. Or more specifically to hear you talk, and don't worry I am not going to get into the hunting part now. Let me get to know you better, although I already know much more than you think I do.” she said with arrogance and you rolled your eyes at her.
“Screw you.” you mumbled, looking away from her, and of course the heart monitors. You weren't all that interested in yours but mostly the other one, that of the child you carried at the moment. The information still ran through your mind, the words swimming and swirling around almost making you dizzy again.
You were pregnant with Dean's child, held captive by some douches – it was obvious she wasn't working alone – and to top it all: the father of your other child, uncle of the one you carried and ex boyfriend, had come back to life just a few days ago. Just peachy.
“Alright then, let me get it all started again.” she sighed “Name's (Y/n). (Y/n) (Y/l/n). Hunter for most of your life and currently a waitress at the local restaurant. You have a daughter called Mary whose father up until recently was dead, the all too famous Sam Winchester. You got out of the life after his death, a little after you saved the world shocker-” she made a face and you scoffed at her, still not looking “-With, surprise surprise his own brother, the one and only Dean Winchester.” the cheerfulness in her voice made you glance at her just to glare.
“You got a house, a pretty one might I say. He got a normal job and helped you raise your daughter. You never told anyone in your neighborhood that the child wasn't his, especially when she called him father and they bore such a resemblance. And he of course didn't bother to protest, either. Nobody ever knew he was actually her uncle and that was pretty convenient, right (Y/n)? With Sammy out of the picture... you could finally act up on your real feelings, and that oh it was a relief, wasn't it?” she asked with a smirk as you clenched your jaw and narrowed you eyes.
“Shut up.” you hissed “You don't know a thing about me.”
“Don't I?” she asked with a smirk, looking down for a minute “I mean look at the heart monitor, your heart rate has picked up just at the mere mention of it. Who do you think is the liar now?”
“Even if I don't have a single fucking reason to answer to you-” your eyes involuntarily fell on the other heart monitor, your own heart skipping a beat as you thought about it “It's none of your business if I wanted to be with Dean or not.”
“Oh by all means, of course it's not. I just said, I am trying to get to know you better here (Y/n), that's all. I'm just a little curious, seeing as he managed to knock you up-” she glanced at your belly with a smirk “After so many years, I mean, you must have felt really guilty to betray Sam like this.”
“I did not betray him.” you clenched your jaw, trying desperately not to let her words get to you but deep down you knew she was saying the truth.
“Sure, because he was dead. And that sounded like a reason good enough for what you did, right (Y/n)? But we both know it was all to make yourself feel better, to make yourself think that what you did with the older Winchester was alright because Sammy would want you to be happy. But tell me, (Y/n), did you ever manage to fight it? Did you ever manage to get rid of this guilt? Did you ever manage to really forget all about Sam when you were in Dean's arms? Did you ever not think about him, and how he'd feel, when Dean kissed you? When he held you? When he made-”
“Enough!” you shouted, barely holding back the tears “Enough alright?!” you screamed, your heart tightening inside your chest. Maybe she claimed that she just wanted to know you but it was all about cracking you up. Besides, even if in the past you'd much rather have taken the physical torturing, cutting and slicing and everything, not really saying much then either you now prefered this up to some point – because it actually hurt more if you were honest – just for the sake of your child.
Your child. Yours and Dean's child. You still couldn't shake the thought off your mind, that or the shock.
“What the hell do you want to get from me with this huh?” your voice was laced with tears “And why does it even fucking matter? Sam was dead! He died, and I had to let go of him. I had to move on because if I didn't I would go crazy. I had a child to take care of and- and Dean was always there! I couldn't- I tried to fight it, I tried to fight it like hell but I couldn't!” you ended up shutting your eyes as a way to keep yourself from crying.
“Of course you couldn't.” her voice was so calm it just angered you all the more “Just like you could never get over Sam, right (Y/n)?” she asked with a smirk “You never truly forgot him, even if you know your heart really aches for Dean now, Sam is always there. At the back of your mind, at the back of your heart and soul, always just trying to find a way back in and now he's alive! Tell me, how did it feel to open the door and see him standing there? Just when you thought you were going to get your happily ever after he came back, and everybody's talking about it. Because oh you might be out, (Y/n), but all hunters are talking about it and they are sure for one thing: You are all coming back to the life, and they would do anything for you too.”
“So that's what it all is about.” you scoffed “So much for getting to know me, right?” you glared at her, even if your vision was blury.
“No” she said so simply, grinning at you “It's all about getting to know you... and Dean, and how willing you are to come back. Because truthfully, Sam seems all for it. Considering he came back to find his girlfriend having moved on with his own brother, and ouch for that, I don't think he can even dream about the apple-pie life with you anymore.”
You pursed your lips as you looked at her “What the hell is that supposed to mean now?”
“You know-” she chuckled “Just between us women-” she seemed to totally be ignoring your question “Who's better in bed?” You only groaned, rolling your eyes at her. But you didn't respond and she really didn't wait for an answer.
“But we both know the point is you now have a child with each one of them so let me ask you the real golden question: Who is it going to be, (Y/n)?”
“What the hell do you mean he's dead?” Dean whisper-shouted in the phone as Sam mumbled a small thank you to the sheriff, and a nod and forced smile from Dean, and both of them started making their way to the Impala as Dean kept talking on the phone with their angel friend.
“No, Cas I understand what dead means but if- if he's dead then (Y/n) would be free and she'd- she'd have called.” he let out a frustrated sigh. Sam kept glancing at him while reading the papers he had just received.
A small pause followed as Dean heard what Castiel was telling him. Sam tried to catch some sort of reaction but the only thing he got was a frown and clenched jaw which honestly had not left his face ever since he found out you were taken.
“Fine, fine. Well, Sam and I are gonna look into the house and car part, I think we already got a lead. You keep working with Crowley to find more about these douchebags and once we can locate them I'll text you.” he said, fetching his car's keys as they both walked towards the Impala.
He pursed his lips, humming at something Castiel said and in the end mumbled an “Alright, see you soon I hope. Oh and tell Crowley that the moment I see him I'll stab him in the face for not doing his job properly.” he said with a growl and didn't wait for a reply, ending the call and stuffing his phone in his pocket.
“What did he say?” Sam asked as they took their places in the car.
“First, where are we going?” he asked, turning on the car.
“Well, although there is not much here there is this agency. They had a video of a car, surprise just like the one we are looking for, take a stop there and I'm sure they are not selling any gas.” Sam mumbled, showing him pictures along with the address.
“They sure as hell ain't.” Dean scoffed as he drove out of the parking lot.
Sam let out a heavy sigh, leaning back on the seats “Do you think... do you think this our chance? At finding her?” he asked reluctantly, his worry still getting the best of him.
“It has to be.” Dean clenched his jaw.
Maybe they wouldn't utter it. Maybe none of them dared to say it out loud but they both knew how the other felt because at this point they had come to feel the exact same thing: fear. They had both always felt the need to hide their feelings, Dean more than Sam actually, but when it came to your well-being it felt as if the two men that were willing to face the devil any given moment couldn't deal with this, the woman they loved being taken. They could both slice vampires, and werewolves and demons anytime but realizing something could happen to you felt like someone had put the fear of gods in them.
Maybe, in the small pause that followed as Dean clenched his fists on the steering wheel and Sam pursed his lips, closing his eyes shut, they both realized that they were actually scared beyond belief. They wouldn't say it, no they didn't want to let the other know, or worse admit it to themselves by saying it out loud, but for the first time they felt like it was actually their first hunt. They had to save only one person, but it was someone so important to both of them so nothing could help them shake off this feeling of uneasiness and fear.
Sam let out a shaky sigh, finally opening his eyes and sniffling slightly “You know, they called from her work. Said they needed her today to fill up for someone else and I- I couldn't come up with something. For like the first time in my life.” he breathed out “But you know the hardest?”
“What?” Dean asked in a gruff voice.
Sam let out a humorless laugh “I struggled to explain who I was. I just- I couldn't. I didn't know what to tell them.” he shrugged, a little numbly and Dean didn't say a thing, only clenched his jaw.
Sam shook his head “Anyway- What did Cas say?” he asked, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.
“Well, you won't believe that.” Dean said in a hoarse voice and Sam turned his head to look at him with a frown.
“Surprise me, I'm pretty much ready for everything at this point.” Sam said, rubbing his head.
“The guy's dead.” Dean mumbled, pressing on the pedal harder.
“Wait- you were talking about the demon before?” realization dawned on the younger Winchester.
“And that's not all of it.” Dean spoke up again “Seems like he has not been working alone all this time, and it really wasn't a revenge game. They just seemed to want us to know who to look for, that's all.”
“Who- who has he been working with then?” Sam blinked.
“Cas doesn't really know. He and Crowley will look into it, but it seems like these dudes are really into the game. They made sure nobody noticed a fucking thing and when the job was done, guess what? They are the ones that offed him.” Dean let out a sigh and Sam's eyebrows shot up.
“Yep, they got to work together but seems like they were just using him. No surprise. It's the way they killed him that surprised Cas and Crowley, though. Those dudes either are professional assassins or creepy collectors with weird-ass habits. They had used all kinds of tools in a way that would make them top hunters, but not in our way.” Dean's eyes stayed focused on the road as he spoke, making sure to hurry.
“Not in the good way, I see.” Sam sighed “What are we even dealing with here?”
“Screw you.” you growled at her, turning your head to the side and avoid looking at her.
“I mean-” of course she ignored it “-If you realize it you now have a child with each one of them, although you practically kicked the older one out.” she said with a shrug and your eyebrows shot up.
“How the hell do you know that?” you narrowed your eyes, finally looking at her.
“We always like to keep up with things.” she shrugged casually “I just wanted to ask, I know that you didn't mean it when you asked him to stay away from Mary but... how hurt were you exactly to ask something like this of him?” she leaned forward, watching your reaction carefully.
You felt the familiar pang in your chest as you remembered the events that took place not so long ago. For a moment you clenched your fists and shut your eyes, recalling in just a few seconds all of the things that had happened afterwards. Things you both regretted and not.
“None of your business.” you hissed, opening your eyes to look at her.
“Of course, I was just curious you know.” she leaned back in her chair “Seeing how perfect of a family you two had, it's amazing how all it took to make it all crash was just Sam's return.”
“Although it's none of your business. It's not just a return. Sam's the father of my daughter, I loved him for so long I couldn't just forget about him even when he was dead. That or how I felt for him.” you huffed, daring to take a glimpse of the heart monitor.
“Yes, but you did fall for his brother, didn't you?” she grinned and you narrowed your eyes “Tell me how that exactly felt, (Y/n)?”
“What's the point of all of this?” you sighed “What the hell do you really want?”
“I would like names and locations of every hunteralong with the passcodes to each and every Men of Letters database held in the bunker.” she gave you a shrug “But I'll get that, in due time. Now where were we? Oh right, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), in love with both Winchester brothers, loved deeply by both of them and soon mother of two. Hunter, one of the most respected in the job, and currently living the dream. Apple-pie life and all, although honestly it seems more like a nightmare. Did I sum it up well enough?”
“I think you forgot the part where you all-but-beat a pregnant woman and dragged her to a basement, ready to now torture the hell out of her for information.” you said firmly and she just laughed at you, shaking her head.
“Nonsense. We made sure the kid was alright all the time.”
“Oh wow, I should be thankful then right?” you said sarcastically “Just go to hell.”
“Like the one you've been living in for most of your life, huh?” she asked simply.
“Spare me.” you rolled your eyes “If my love life is so interesting too you, you're in no luck today sorry.”
“I have to say, it really is something interesting.” he chuckled “And I would really like to get your boyfriend's opinion on that but- Are you not gonna tell me you and Dean are no longer together? Or do you still dread to say it out loud. I mean he chose his brother after all. He left you for Sam's happiness, not caring for a single moment about what you would feel or what you really wanted- who you really wanted. He didn't even ask you, he sacrificed himself, he sacrificed you and he sacrificed your family... your happiness and your love. I don't doubt you still hold a grudge on him, now.”
“That doesn't matter to you.” you grumbled, understanding fully well what she was trying to do. She wasn't just casually making a talk with you, of course that you didn't believe from the first moment. But now you understood that she was actually trying to break you down emotionally so that you could tell her anything she wanted without having to risk an innocent human life. You knew if you were a monster she wouldn't hesitate for a second to use force and the worst of torturing methods on you.
“Of course, no. But I'm sure it does to you, and oh so much to Dean. He's really been going downhill lately. You probably don't know it but he spends even more time in bars, drinking his pain away lately. If it was anybody else I know they would probably be in the hospital from all this drinking but- not him. And of course he takes it out on every piece of furniture he could back in his motel.” she said “Or at least the first motel he stayed in.”
“Is this going somewhere?” you scoffed “I'm sorry if I'm too busy to give a fucking care when my child's heartbeat echoes in my ears!”
“Your child, of course.” she chuckled “So you believe me now, don't you? Trust me on this (Y/n), I have no reason to lie to you about this. Honestly, it is only making things harder for us with all the trying to find other ways to get information out of you.” she shrugged “Tell me though how does this feel, (Y/n)?” she leaned forward with a smirk.
“How does it feel to learn that your dream has come true in the middle of your worst nightmare which of course is that both brothers are in love with you? If I am correct, you had actually been trying for a child with Dean, haven't you? I remember you talking about it with that friend from the restaurant. Ah I always forget her name.” she sighed, shaking her head.
“What?” you blinked, eyes widening.
“Doesn't matter. Come on, tell me now: How does this feel, (Y/n)?” she looked down for a moment “Considering how your heart is speeding up I am guessing the emotions are... mixed? I mean, you've always wished for this, haven't you? Deep down you wanted to have a family with Dean, to have his kids, to spend your life with him. I just-” she let a small sighed, laughing softly “-I just was wondering about something, something I have yet to understand... for how long have you wanted this, (Y/n)?”
“What do you mean?” you breathed out.
“I mean for how long have you really wanted Dean.” she stated “Really wanted, (Y/n). Really were in love with him. Really felt things for Dean Winchester. Not when you realized it, not when you lived together and not when you started trying for a family. Those moments I do know about. I mean when it all really began, because I am sure of one thing, that I don't doubt you know deep down as well-” she paused, as you practically held your breath. The heart monitor next to you almost going crazy in the deafening silence that she let rest between the two of you.
“It was so long before Sam's death.”
“Answer me!” Dean roared, pushing the poor guy's chair back as he growled at him.
“Dean, please.” Sam sighed, trying to pull his brother back but the older Winchester just shrugged him off.
“I made a very simple question. Who owned that car?” Dean growled, his face dangerously close.
“I- I told you we don't know, sir.” he said, fear lacing his features.
“Cut the crap!” he shouted “It pulled in front of your parking lot only three days ago. The person that was driving it got in and out of here in just two hours, and I don't think they really had a thing for watching pictures of the dog-houses you sell.” he hissed “Now tell me!”
“Dean” this time it was Castiel's warning voice.
“We- we cannot provide this information, sir. I- I apologize.” he swallowed thickly and Dean only let a growl, giving him a sarcastic smile.
“You can't- you can't- you-” he chuckled before helet the chair down properly “He can't. Right.” he nodded his head before turning back to him and punching him right in the face “I don't think I made myself clear here: Those bastards have a woman with them. They kidnapped her and right now you are helping them get away with it and who knows what else they may have already done to her. So either you speak or I get the answers out of you myself.”
“Dean, no hey.” Castiel placed a hand on his back, but managed to pull him away by using more force than his brother “Let Sam handle this.” he gave him a stern look and Dean's shoulders fell for a moment, although his jaw remained clenched.
“Look here-” Sam stepped in, lips pursed “We are not the bad guys here, if anything we are only trying to save someone very important to us. If you don't help us, I'm sorry to tell you but my brother and me will be the last thing you'll have to worry about.” the calmness in both his voice and face was enough to scare the hell out of Chuck himself, much less this poor guy.
“I- I don't know much, I swear.” his voice shook.
“But you do know something.” Sam stated, his chest puffed out as he looked down at him “What?” he nearly growled as the guy didn't make a move.
“I saw them speak with Mr Collins- he's the one responsible for selling the older houses, old-looking, rusty or even abandoned places for repair and everything. They signed some papers, I think-”
“Bring them here.” Sam cut him off sharply, his tone almost matching that of Dean's just a few minutes ago “Now!” he roared, and at times like this – when it came to the woman they both loved – the resemblance between the brothers was all-but-evident.
~Two hours Later~
More pain.
It all happened so fast for you to understand. There was one thing you were sure about, though: they had found you. In the room it was only Sam and Dean but you knew that Castiel had to be somewhere close. Maybe not inside because of the symbols you saw on the walls but at least it comforted you in a way. The brunette whose name you never learnt had left you and Toni and actually never returned, but as you learned, while Dean threatened her for taking you, she was long dead.
The first you actually saw was Dean and saddly she was the one that had a hold of him. The moment your eyes met his you actually found yourself unable to hold your tears back anymore. As soon as he took in the state you were in you could see his eyes fill with ten times the guilt they held before. He was blaming himself for this, you knew he was. And he was so sorry for it, he was sorry for letting you out of his sight and he was sorry for all of this happening to you. You didn't have much time to talk about it though, not that you could with her there, trying to tie him down. But she had no luck when Sam slammed the door open and charged in. Dean was quick to act and soon the fight started.
But everything was going on so fast you couldn't understand. You were caught in your own struggle of braking free, which would have been totally impossible if it wasn't for Sam in a haste managing to free at least one of your hands and then running off because Dean needed his help. It felt almost impossible to comprehend how she alone could fight off two of the most skilled hunters you'd met inyour life but it seemed like these British hunters really knew a thing or two. She had all kinds of tools lying around out and she could do a number on them pretty easily.
In between all the groaning, huffing and grunting as well as the still beeping monitors – the one attached to your heart going crazy – the objects falling and others breaking and your heavy breathing it all felt to happen in a blur. She slammed Sam on one side, your eyes widening when you heard the loud groan that left his lips, and before you could even think about it she used a spell on Dean to... choke him? You almost felt your heart stop, without even thinking – much less understanding it – you launch forward on top of her and pulled her away, elbowing her right in the face. You finally heard Dean gasp for air and cough as he started to breath but at what happened next you felt your own breath leave your lungs.
You didn't even see it coming but in the moment and as you had an arm around her neck, trying to make her at least pass out it felt like her instincts kicked in and she grabbed the first thing she could find, a silver knife, to push you off by at least cutting you slightly.
If only you knew it was going to land in your stomach, stabbing you.
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