#apparently being a Fool and repeating my Mistakes
storiesbyjes2g · 2 months
3.147 Gall, audacity, gumption
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A few hours after I got home, Less called me, and my heart stopped. Was this what life would become? Me being afraid to answer the phone every time my sister called? I hated that period of my life. Anyway, I got over myself and answered the phone. Her voice was venomous, and every word she spoke felt like an assault on my eardrums. Apparently Jace had come over to talk, and man did she let him have it. She didn't even let him in the house and served him up on the porch in front of the entire neighborhood. I was so proud of her because she stood on business. Strong women often fell victim to their emotions when it came to the men they loved, and all too often, they found themselves repeating the very mistakes they vowed to avoid. I didn't think Less would go soft and let him back into their lives, but I was glad to hear I was right.
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This fool called himself trying to explain and had the audacity to act like the victim! After hearing his sob story, one might think HE was the one who carried THREE babies for a week, delivered them, and took care of them by himself. That little shit!! If I thought Less was angry before, that just revved her up even more. She pulled no punches and sliced and diced, talked about the man's family, and everything under the sun. But nothing she said, no matter how harsh, would change his mind or their situation. He didn't come to get her back, and she didn't want him back. She was tired of yelling into the void, and her emotional cup was already full before he arrived. She didn't have anymore fight left in her and made it painstakingly clear she wanted nothing to do with him. But if he grew up and wanted to be a man who took care of his children, they could talk. In the meantime, she fully expected child support.
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That, of all things, riled him up. Not her saying his mother was a llama, or he had weak woohoo game. Parting with his precious simoleons for children HE created upset him the most. He tried to argue her down, saying she knew how his employment was set up and how he didn't make a consistent income. Paying child support for THREE babies would bankrupt him. This fool had the gall to try to guilt her into not going there, trying to appeal to her good nature or whatever. Unluckily for him, Less' good nature was very small, and she told him he should have thought about that before he ran off to another country and married another woman.
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That's when the begging started. He apologized every which way. He even apologized for stuff she didn't accuse him of, and I laughed so hard. When he saw she would not be moved, he hit her with the "I still love you" bull, hoping that would be the key. Admittedly, that one almost got her, especially when he began to cry. She would never say it to him, but she still loved him too. Of course she did. Dad always said love doesn't just go away. She said she felt stupid for still being in love with him, but I told her not to expect so much from herself because it would take time. She wasn't wrong for still having feelings for him. But my girl knew crocodile tears when she saw them and sent him packing.
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She said she wished she would have punched him. It would have made her feel better, but it didn't feel like the right moment. But if he ever stepped to her again with that woe is me bullshit, she would not hesitate to let him have it. Hopefully, he knew how serious she was and didn't mess around and find out. I felt for her and had only realized just then that she was mourning both our dad and her relationship. I made the mistake of thinking she didn't really care about him because she'd never been in love before and their relationship began so quickly. I figured what Less felt was just those initial strong feelings Mama said were easily confused with love. But she did love him, and now she lost him. She didn't deserve any of that, and I just wanted to hug her.
I really hoped she would be open to moving to San Sequoia, whether she took Dad's house or we moved into a duplex. Our lives were way too busy, and it would be easy for us to get wrapped up in our children's affairs and drift apart. At least if we were neighbors would we see each other from time to time.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Bed Full of Lies
Tahira's Tale as told by @moody4world
Heaux Tales of Jack Harlow
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Lord where do I begin. This nigga really thought he had me fooled…fake ass promises, fake ass I love you’s and the list goes on and on. I’ll admit he had me in the beginning, I can admit that I was wrapped around his finger for a little while during our…whatever you wanna call it.
I wonder what the hell was going through his head thinking he could get away with something this disgusting. Beginning of march 2033 was when I met that son of a bitch. Charming as ever, fluffy curls and the most sparkling blue eyes that matched the waters there in Turks and Caicos. My mistake number 1 was smiling back at him in the hotel lobby. Mistake number 2 was smiling at him again that night at the beach side party and being foolish enough to dance with him.
Like a dumb ass I moved quickly to mistake number 3, accepting his invite to a party on a yacht the next morning, leading to my biggest mistake yet. Mistake number 4. Sleeping with him thinking that it would be the best way to conclude my ‘adventurous newly divorcee era’. Yes I had been married before.
My young 20 year old brain believed the guy I met at the ripe age of 16 in high school would be the same man I’d grow old with, only for that idea to come crashing when he told me he found someone new just a year later. That was 3 years ago and I haven’t outgrown my trust issues since. Constantly working and traveling to avoid making connections to anyone in that way again. Yet I unknowingly fell for the same trap but only this time I was the other woman.
Well….one of many it seems. After that night in Turks and Caicos Jack did not just leave it at that. We continued texting and face timing whenever we had the chance which frankly wasn’t that often due to both of us traveling often. Sometimes we would get lucky and end up in the same countries so we’d explore together and always ended up in one of our hotel rooms.
The pillow talk was the most dangerous part yet. That man just says anything when he’s pussy whipped, promised me a family, a house and anything that would make me smile and give into him all over again. We would dance around in our rooms, if I was staying in a suite or airbnb I’d cook for him.
Teaching him how to dance bachata was a headache, really showed his white side because that man had no rhythm. That should’ve been a red flag on its own but I guess I had to learn the hard way. Jack and I never argued up until November of 2033 when he started acting strange, that’s the first time my image of him started to change. He’d become a lot more protective over his phone and defensive when it came to certain topics.
Apparently I was the insecure one for questioning why his followers was somewhat private. Claiming “That’s a violation of my privacy though, why would you go through my followers for?” Everything just seemed to snowball from there, every time we met up we’d argue then fuck and make up then repeat.
Jack knew I was crazy, ever since I told him how I ruined my ex husband’s career after he cheated, Jack knew not to mess with me. After another fuck and make up session, Jack had to leave for sound check. All I could think about was his phone constantly ringing while he was in my bathroom and then hearing him whisper on the phone. I fought my urge, I really did but I couldn’t any longer. I knew his entire family tree’s names at this point, first and last.
Using every social media platform I could think of, I looked up more family members of his than I would like to admit. I just could not believe my eyes at what I was seeing. Not only did he have a wife but kids too…betrayal couldn’t even describe what I was feeling. It was that and much more, maybe rage? or was it hurt, embarrassment or rejection?
One thing I knew for certain is that I let my guard down to the wrong man for the second time in my life and I was going to make sure that he pays. Right as I was clicking out of the profile that revealed Jack’s truth, he himself walked back through my door. “Hey Hira I forgot to grab my wallet, did you see it?” All I could do was stare blankly at him as I approached him.
I could feel his uneasiness at my odd behavior but I wish he could feel the heat radiating from my body due to my blood boiling in anger. Before we both knew it a loud clap could be heard across my hallway and a burning sting rushing through my right palm as his left cheek began to change from pale and freckled to a bright pink that was definitely not from blushing. His right hand slowly came up to soothe the pain in his left cheek as he turned his head back to me at the same slow pace.
By now I was fighting my tears and he could definitely see it. The slap he just received along with me telling him to grab his wallet and get the hell out of my life through gritted teeth accompanied by my heavy breathing, told him everything he needed to know.
His dirty secret was out and there was no persuading me. He silently walked past me, grabbing his wallet and walked back to the door I held open waiting for him to leave. Once he got to the door he stopped, still holding his burning cheek and dared to look me in my eyes. My eyes may have been tear filled but I was not going to back down from my angered glare towards him. “Hira I’m so sorry” Well I’m assuming that’s what he said. All I had to hear was my name coming from his lying ass mouth for me to slam my door in his face. The walls I built around my heart 3 years ago came right back up just as fast as that door swung shut as my face flooded with tears.
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sliptohk · 2 years
Fen’s Campfire Tale
((Figured I’d post this here as well as I wrote it out for a Discord campfire story prompt!))
A story? I have many of them! Do you wish to hear a lesson of the Lohro, or of a personal encounter?
My own experience! Excellent. It was a moonless night, the very worst kind, and I was working diligently in my forge. Though I hold no great fear of darkness, there are things within the Shroud that fear the eye of the Mother upon them. Some are more clever than others.
I heard a mix between knock and scratch at the door. As if some bony knuckle was dragging itself along the wood. An oddity of its own as my kin are not given to gentle rapping before interrupting my work. But as the only exit from my workshop within the hollowed earth, there was no slipping away. Truth told I was surprised they found the entrance at all!
The Lohro do not take visitors lightly on the best of days, and the smell of the marsh was strong as I moved to see who intruded. Though it would anger my grandmother, I drew back the door with an eye toward the wet streak running down the resistent lumber and the sopping wet figure stood before me.
It was readily apparent from their appearance that my caller was not as they appeared. Some faint effort had been made to adopt the appearance of my youngest sister, Nefalia, however it was lacking. A pallid grey, lighter than myself by a good deal, and significantly distant from the lovely chestnut tone the mother gifted her. Faded blue eyes gazed upon me as if waiting for some word to escape me. Likely of welcome, some reflexive invitation into my forge. It would not be offered! Who would be fool enough to mistake this shoddy facsimile for their true kin?
"Its cold, sister. Please let me warm myself by the fire."
With hands on hips, I faced this creature. Long, dark locks flowed down its back and slithered out into the darkness beyond the reach of the stoked flame behind me. Tattered remnants of some garb alien to our people, akin to the garments foreign traders favored when traveling through the swamps. Were I more aware of meaningless fashion there might have been something relevant to the apparel, but I have never held such interests! For the moment, I held my tongue. When dealing with unknown creatures it was best not to engage them.
Yes, I realize this is a foolish thing to say when I had already chosen to open the door!
Regardless of any error in that judgement, I would not repeat it! My treated lens was held firmly in place over my eye, I harbored no interest in seeing what twisted mass of aether might make up my visitor, and my wordless gaze stayed fixed upon it.
"I hunger, sister. Please hunt me something to eat."
While the claim of coldness might well have been a ruse, it was quite clear hunger was not. Frothing, dripping spittle hung in long strands from the sides of its mouth. Fingers curled and relaxed in sporadic motion as if it were only just managing to keep from snatching out for me. Yet there its gangrenous feet stayed. Bare, but flush with the threshold between swamp and workshop. Not even a fraction of an ilm between it and the wood lining the bottom of the frame.
Once more, and quite against my nature, I held silent. There was much I wished to say, some flippant, arrogant dismissal of their presence and a call to leave my presence. But as I said, the beings of the swamp do not always find themselves bound to the rational behavior of our fellow spoken!
"I am lonely, sister. Please let me sit with you."
There was a pause, but soon it spoke again. The rhythm breaking in its pleas, though I could not say what it might portend. Only that patterns give some sense of safety to me. Something fathomable. I do not like not knowing things!
"Perhaps your sisters will prove more soft-hearted."
Sucking sounds of footsteps through sodden earth announced its movement, drool still spilling from its mouth and the faintest hint of those wrong-toned eyes peering back at me as the being began to depart. It clearly knew the ruse had failed, quite spectacularly, but what purpose did such a taunt serve? Did it expect me to flee back to the canopy to warn my kin of its presence in the night? Though we Keepers do not fear the dark, it is inauspicious to move about without Mother looking down with loving regard. I well knew they would be about more mundane tasks. Sewing and mending, fletching and teaching. Only my workshop set apart from the comfort of our home. Several fires too many had seen to that!
Bog wraiths so rarely left the sinkholes that held the decaying form of unlucky travelers, not even to speak of their stubborn insistence on retaining their original appearance. They did not hunt out new victims to take their place in the muck, simply beckoned to those who drew near. Was this some new being then? Perhaps Cholm would know, as attuned to the swampland as she was.
But answers would not come that night. While wordlessly shutting the door once again, there was no missing the flicker of faded blue eyes peering back at me. Some luminescence to them as they peered from behind a tree. Another set from between the fronds of a slowly swaying plant. Several others perched upon branches or gazed up from just above the level of the water about me. It was quite likely there were yet more that were out of sight, particularly when there was a quiet creak from above as something moved about on the earth covered arc of wood that served as my ceiling.
I would not be traveling that night. Trying to return to my work until daylight could banish whatever had chosen to assail me in my solitude, it proved difficult to concentrate as more of those dragging knocks sounded at the door not long after it was shut.
And against the frame above, as they peeled back the camouflaging loam to scratch and slobber over the thought of me.
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sisyphusmile · 2 years
Hi, I saw those posts about Jaehaera... I fully support you and suggest you don't bother arguing with that particular individual. This is not the first time their posts are like that.
They hardly ever back up their claims with sources, because often, they have nothing. It's just a projection of what they would want to see or happen. That person has already lied about several other stuff and gets irrationaly angry when someone calls them out on it.
They claimed to have "show insider casting info" which "confirms Daeron will be Alicent and Criston's son" but then were unable to source it - saying they heard it on a live podcast which was later deleted. Red flag of red flags.
Then put forth another made-up story that Alicent and Criston were a thing even before Rhaenyra met him at the tourney, or that they possibly started their affair there. And that later on him killing Joffrey and injuring Harwin was Alicent's way if showing Rhaenyra that "Cole is on the Queen's side", because the Princess was "getting too thirsty and wanted to make the Queen jealous". What the actual f, there's not even an indication of this, in any book of any edition. Their delusion is overwhelming.
They say they've seen it in "the original" publishing of the books, previous editions (which you apparently can't find anywhere anymore, because the person thinks HBO took it off the shelves and burned it or smth lmfao)... and once HBO releases new season with nothing from the crap stuff they "predicted", they will try to make it as "woke writers changed canon and GRRM surely disapproves."
But it's actually a smart strategy to make something up like this. Repeat a lie often and, in time, it will no longer appear as a lie. That's how the usual fake news spread. Right now, they will influence their followers and make them believe certain storylines they themselves have build up in their head, even though their only credibility is the confidence they have in the claims. Once enough people start believing and repeating it, it might as well be the truth. Because it will appear credible to those who don't know where this lie started.
It's a disgusting behaviour and kudos to you for even standing up to that person, because they are chronic liars. I think they do it for attention, makes them feel important and once they get more people believing their interpretation, they feel validated. Or they might have a really bad memory, perhaps due to some medical condition...
This is not really an ask, I just wanted to share this with you. Have a nice day/night, wherever you are!
Hi Nonnie! It's very heart-warming to see the words from you! Firstly, I don't take anything he said personally to Jaehaera. She's already a tragic character there's no need to stand against her in any circumstance. What I'm arguing against is fake info, twisted truth for someone's selfish interest. They'd like to mislead anyone just for their own favour. So I agree with everything you said about that OP. In my language, we call that kind of person "xees gui", meaning he has no pee. Keeping saying what he said but was too hollow and cowardly inside to prove it so he could not pee out a single drop. And don't worry abt me! Someone has to point out the mistakes with proof slapping his face. Otherwise, he will keep fooling other people. Moreover, I already show him tons of pictured proof for canon claim but he could show none. It does not matter if he recognizes it anymore. The pictures are there, the resources are there for anyone to search out the truth. I have already done my part. What a "xees gui" person said means nothing to me anymore. He ran out of words to argue against each of my proofs. So besides keep repeating "You are wrong" without any evidence, he first called me a "bitch", then insulted me for being a third-language user of English instead. See what level of person he is.
Last but not least, you said they like to use "the original" publishing of the books, previous editions, and forgotten interviews or podcasts as excuses for lacking of evidence. THEY ARE WRONG. They underestimated the book fandom of asoiaf since the AGOT was published. Here's a link to "So spake Martin". An official archive run by Elio and Linda collecting all GRRM's interviews, podcasts, and any changes to old editions since 1990. And it's still updating. There are a lot of old versions of narratives different from the published books in this archive. But there's not a single version the same as the "xees gui" person said. If they dare name any of their lies with a date. Using this source would immediately slap them.
I already finished my part, the rest is for those who with brains to figure out who's the liar. Again thank you for such kind and wise words! You are an Angel! Lots of love!
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
Can i request an ikesen hc, how would warlords react to a mc which is a physics major like sasuke and since they are both nerdy they spend a lot of time together and talk a lot about theories and all that science stuff. I think they'll get a bit jealous that mc is spending time with sasuke and confused as to ehat they're talking about lol
as stated before i have absolutely no idea of how physics is, much less of being a physics major. so like,,,,,,, all theories are ambiguous. they don’t exist other than that word. what are they talking about? the one who asked knows not more than the asker.
the first time of him seeing you talk with both such seriousness yet a twinkle lights in your eye, he can’t help but a chuckle let through.
“so, has sasuke finally found someone for himself?”
at first he plays up a bit of, “us mortals cannot understand what you’re speaking, my beloved deity, for you speak the language of the gods!” (”but sasuke can understand them though—”)
would absolutely, and constantly tease you for anything and everything. you could be talking about the inner workings of geophysics with sasuke and you’d hear the faint sound of wiggling eyebrows and metaphorical saxophone playing.
but of course, this won’t stop shingen from trying to win you over.
he does it his own style, the classical flirting with his sexy stature. yet, you always quip back in the jargon language he knows nothing about—and his several seconds of confoundment proves to be a good strategy as you flee the scene.
prior to you telling him that you were from the future, he did find it suspicious how you have so, so many “things that came from your hometown” that was painfully specific. and he’s shingen takeda, he’s known for being well-informed, so why hadn’t he heard of this before? some villages have their own tradition, yes, but it’s usually not enough to write at least twenty dictionaries about.
and even if he wants to find it, where would he go? the only two people who’ve learnt it are you and sasuke.
although he begins to pick up basic things whenever you talk to either him or the ninja. just small references that a high schooler can pick up.
for the sake of it, shingen’d probably try to do a physics pick-up line on you. but due to the lack of knowledge he has, it ends up with you on the floor laughing until you’re clenching your sides.
you can’t help it! it’s so wrong on so many levels it’s insanely hilarious while also painful.
after the laughter dies down, shingen takes it upon himself and pins you to the wall, his sultry eyes burning into yours, “well, it seems my goddess can do a bit of fixing on those, hm? please, my muse, do demonstrate how you do it properly.”
(honorable mention hc: if you ever use terminology before the affectionate part of him comes in he’ll practically frown at you in deep confusion, “what are you talking about, you fool?”)
if his ninja had met you before he did, he probably wouldn’t have much of a problem. sasuke talks to someone, all he does is frown and just doesn’t care. but hoo boy you managed to slither into his heart without him even noticing it.
he’s just looking around the market for you, until he sees the sight of you chattering so brightly and passionately,,, with sasuke.
phase one: pouty mode. it lasts only for a few second, but his lips form a very strong scowl as it processes in his mind.
(phase one and a half: it’s where he glances at you and notice how you twinkle so brightly in his eyes—like a star beaming at him. except it isn’t at him. and so this honorary phase ends)
phase two: in a split second of his braincells barely managing together, he unsheathes his sword and begins to fish sasuke away from you. (”let’s duel, sasuke.”  /  “i’m afraid i was having a conversation with—”  /  “fight or i kill you this second.”)
phase three: usually it’s where you pull him away and lightly scold him, thus ending his bloodlust.
phase four: usually happens after the other party has left. pouty mode two: electric boogaloo; as he sulks like a child in envy and jealousy and you’re forced to cuddle with him and give him lots of kisses so he Functions properl after that.
of course, you can’t just let it repeat. you had a talk after some time, entailing that, kenshin, please stop chasing your vassals because they say one (1) word to me. with a lot of grumbling and reluctance, he agrees to it.
it won’t stop his lips forming into a scowl at the sight of it though.
he curses the oldened knowledge of the sengoku—he wanted you to talk to him about those big brained things. but alas, there wasn’t much he could do.
(”no, kenshin, you can’t go to the future just cause you wanna learn everything i learnt! the wormhole is gone and it takes at least 4 years—”)
yukimura meets you the second time while talking to sasuke down in the market. and the decision to rebrand you from a wild boar to a witch casting spells were made in the flick of a second, just like that.
“hey, are you trying to hex my fried, enchantress?!”  /  “yukimura, they’re a friend from my hometown, it’s alright.”  /  “oh.”
as he says, a friend of sasuke is a friend of his! though he still doesn’t understand at all each time you make a physics reference, and still isn’t partly convinced you at least know an ancient language.
he doesn’t exactly buy into the whole ‘hometown-specific’ thing either, but hey. it’s sasuke and you, if you’re lying, he thinks, he’ll let you tell him in your own time.
but in the meantime, the fact you know terminology to references he doesn’t understand makes your daily bickering a lot funnier. what’s an atom and is his brain really smaller than that as you said? fun thing is he’ll probably never know if you and sasuke withhold such information.
if he ever sees you experimenting with something to examine the components, as long as it isn’t dangerous, he’d look at you in mild amusement and confusion, “what are you doing, silly?”
but if it dangerous (like guns, fireworks, etc.) he scolds you with a scowl, one born from pure worry.
once you two got together, you started going to dorky science puns. once again, yukimura doesn’t understand it, but the stupid grin you have on your face is just enough for him.
(he does ask sasuke about it later, resulting in a bright faced yuki, muttering a small “idiot,,” under his breath.)
the moment you saw him at honno-ji, present day, you felt there was something familiar to him. like it’s a face you’ve passed through in the bustling streets. and the moment you saw his lab coat, you just assumed he somewhat came from the same college as you.
and just after he corrected you referring to him as “that college student” being an astrophysicist, your eyes brightened a thousand times, but tried to stifle it considering you were more or less being chased. 
you listened into his explanation of the wormhole closely, processing each word in fascination and curiosity. you had enough experience to know what he’s talking about—and it gave you so much euphoria from just simply listening in.
you hope to meet him again as he disappears in the shadows.
you do, to your delight. the very first day you went out to town, you encountered him at a stall. conversation immediately took off once you re-mentioned his degree, along with yours. from there, the wormhole was the center topic again, mostly talking about how he found where it would be and when it would be. you’d never heard of such a research back then.
and slowly, you grow an admiration to sasuke’s high intelligence. all the research he’s done, he’ll definitely show a fellow enthusiast, and you’re practically beaming at the chance.
so much so that you don’t notice the weirdened stares of the ones around you.
there nights when you’d sneak into his room just to ask him about something, or propose to him a theory since he’s the only person who’d get it.
and on some sleepless nights, you find yourself lying about with sasuke beneath the stars, peering into his telescope once in a while and geeking out about the small dots in the sky.
a part of you wished you met him sooner—but you feel like you couldn’t ever ask for more.
truth be told, he didn’t care much at first.
his somewhat apathy towards people and more towards art becomes just ever so slightly apparent; as he lets you rant your heart out to sasuke while he admires some cloth in the background. you have your preferred friends, it isn’t his place to be opposed to it.
well, that’s what he thought of it—until you slowly got closer to him.
through talks of art and the different medias from your “hometown”, he learnt more and more about you. and his heart grew fonder and fonder.
until—for whatever reason—he found himself,,, feeling some kind of upset by the sight of you talking to sasuke so brightly like that? it’s like a part of him doesn’t sit well with it.
while he isn’t quite sure what he’s feeling, he’ll try to fish you away regardless. his good looks aren’t for nothing, even still having its charming effects on you.
putting up somewhat of an airheaded act, he mindlessly pulls you out of the conversation to look at some beautiful fabric, catching you off-guard for a moment. if you try to mention your talk with sasuke, it’s as if he doesn’t hear it as he whisks you off to another store. and another, another—until you’ve gotten some distance from the ninja.
even with all that effort, he doesn’t think much into the feeling inside his heart. what then felt like a storm, was now a welcoming, warm spring breeze in him.
he’ll figure it out, one day.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you write something about when Harry and Y/N broke up but fans speculate that they got back together and they did get back together. They broke over something stupid, please. You don’t have to do this exactly it can be something like that.
let’s see how this turns out! hope it’s what you wished for?!
The last few months had been rough.
What had started as rumours of a breakup between everyones favourite couple, you and Harry, had turned into an actual breakup.
It had started by Harry spending more time with Olivia, due to press for Don’t Worry Darling. They were always hanging out with each other, even when there was no publicity stunt telling them to. You found it appropriate at first, wanting the movie to gain some form of reputation, but after a while you believed it turned South. It was becoming a definite friendship and not just because they had to. It was the way that Harry would bring Olivia over for dinner without checking with you first, or taking the dog for a walk with her not you, or even staying longer out on stunts than they needed to just because they wanted to.
So you challenged Harry on it. Hell, even the tabloids were challenging you both - claiming Harry had split from you for Olivia. You made him question whether he thought his actions were irresponsible and appropriate or not, to which he thought there was nothing wrong and thought you were being irrational. You didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day, only to find him later on the phone speaking to Olivia about how crazy you’d been acting about it all. So you showed him crazy and walked out.
Until today.
For over a half a year your sister had her wedding planned and Harry was supposed to be your guest. You were nervous about turning up without him, because your family were very judgy. Your sister couldnt help being the smarter and the prettier one, but she also didn’t have to parade it around so everyone knew of it. Your mum and dad thought you a disappointment for the longest time, but once you’d gotten a job and had moved out they were a bit more loving over you. Still didn’t hide the fact they desperately hoped for you to have a relationship. It wasn’t that you were bringing Harry along to prove that someone loved you, but more to prove that they would never fully be satisfied whether you had a boyfriend or not. There would always be a podium stand slightly lower for you to stand on.
However, they didn’t know about the breakup.
“Y/N, nice to see you. Where’s Harry?” Another guest asked you, relatives of your mum. It was the same question over and over again, no one really caring about how you are but instead whether you’re in a positive relationship.
“Oh um I think he’s just running a bit late.” Was your chosen answer to respond to said question. It was repetitive, but it kept people off your back.
The wedding was completely beautiful. It was in a beautiful church and was decorated to perfection. The theme was white and royal blue, something your sister had always dreamed of. Children played amongst the pews and family relatives mumbled to each other about gossip. There was still a heavy sadness to the event. Maybe it was because your sister hadn’t asked you to be a bridesmaid - instead, choosing her best friends instead - or maybe it was because you missed Harry so much.
He’d fucked up. He really had, but it didn’t take away that burning passion for him that spread like a wildfire in your belly. You missed him. You still loved him. Worst of all, you had to pretend everything was all alright in front of your family when actually you were breaking apart inside.
Harry hadn’t messaged saying that he was or wasn’t coming, but after everything that had happened you were confident he was going to be a no show, and you would be the embarrassment of the family once again. Your relationship had been very private and exclusive, but Harry’s fans were so investigative you wouldn’t be surprised if they knew that you’d broken up and were aware that you were at a wedding today without him. Neither of you had made a public statement about your breakup, but neither of your wanted to damage each other even more. Fans suspected though and rumours travel fast.
“Y/N how are you doing? How’s Harry?” Another aunt came and asked you, this time with your mother in tow.
“Oh he’s great, yes.” You smiled forcefully, not actually having a clue how your ex-boyfriend was doing. You didn’t keep up with his social media because you were afraid of what you might find.
“Where is he? Is he here?” Your aunt asked.
“He’s late, apparently.” Your mother answered for you, sneeringly. “You’ll be made a fool of if he’s a no show Y/N.”
“I know.”
“I hope everything goes well for you both.” Your aunt kindly said, before waiting for your mum to say something nice too. That was a mistake though.
“Well it’s unlikely she’ll find someone again!” Your mother laughed and pulled your aunt away from you. You furrowed your eyebrows and let your heart sink low.
What were you thinking, letting Harry go like that? Your mum was right, you were never going to find anyone else again. You were so lucky with Harry. He was so kind and so patient with you, but obviously he’d run out of steam towards the end. It doesn’t surprise you. You’ve always been told you’re a mighty handful and you need a lot of work put into looking after you, so you understand why you were probably too much for Harry. The showbiz life had never really been something you’d completely submerged yourself into, whereas you guess for Olivia it was rooted in her from birth. She understood Harry’s world the same way he did hers. They would match perfectly for each other, if that’s what they wanted.
You watched the room continue as usual, but you couldn’t keep yourself here. There was too much sadness welling deep within you that you wanted to just run and then keep running. So you did, only to get as far as the bench in the front courtyard. The outside felt calmer and more freeing than inside, you sat and absorbed it for a while, not realising that you were crying until your pretty multicoloured dress had grown darker with a pool of your tears.
“Shit.” You tried rubbing the tears out, but only made you cry a little harder. You thought about your makeup running and tried to compose yourself, fanning your face to calm it down from the heat now.
“And here I was thinking weddings were supposed to be happy.”
You stopped fanning your face to look at him. You couldn’t believe he was standing there, dressed in a beautiful white suit and salmon pink shirt underneath to compliment the colours of your dress - the outfit that you’d helped him pick out over a year ago. He’d remembered. He trusted that you’d still be wearing this dress. He was a sight alright. A vision of beauty and love.
“Harry?” You questioned, wiping your under eyes to clear away any running mascara, not quite believing he was standing there.
“So what was it? Bad music playing? No vodka? Or maybe there’s nowhere for you to escape to go read the book I know you have stuffed away in your clutch bag.” He stood at a distance from you, hands in his trouser pockets, to make sure you were comfortable.
“I brought vodka instead of the book.” You chuckled, reaching into your clutch to prove it to him.
“Lucky for you, i’ve come to save the day.” Harry reached to the inside of his blazer pocket and pulled out a Kindle. You’d always been debating whether or not to buy one, because the feeling of having a book to turn its’ physical pages is a feeling second to none. “Take it, it’s yours.”
Harry handed it out to you and you stood up to reach for it hesitantly. Harry assured you that it was okay and that you’d been reading too many books if you thought it was a trap of some sort.
“Thank you, Harry.” You spoke sincerely. You stroked your thumb over the cover and turned the case lid over to start up the screen. The screen lit up and it was set to a picture of your favourite quote, annotated just as you would have in your own book. You chuckled and let a few tears drop from the kindness of all of this.
“And then…” Harry unlocked the Kindle with your birthday as the password, before clicking on the library so you could discover what was waiting for you on your virtual shelves. Harry had downloaded all your most favourite books, whilst also downloading the ones he knew had been on your to-be-read list. He’d even added a few of his favourite books too, just because you liked reading his recommendations.
You smiled, but felt so lost.
“W-why are you here, H?” You asked, closing the lid and bravely looking up into his enchanting eyes. You had to control yourself not to comment on how wondrous they looked.
“To save the day.” He chuckled in repeat, until he knew you weren’t taking that for an answer. “Because I fucked up. Big league time.”
“Yeah.” You whispered, looking down at your shoes to see that they weren’t that far apart at all. He was so close to you, yet he wasn’t yours to catch.
“And i’ll never forgive myself for letting you walk out of that door. The promotion shit with Olivia? Done. I’ve finished. I explained that the movie isn’t as important to me as you. You,” Harry paused to breathe out, and took the risk of guiding your jaw up to meet your gaze with his soft hand, “you are real Y/N. You’re so important and key to my life and it bloody terrified me, still does actually, to think that you make me feel this way. I want everything with you. Marriage, kids, a home. A life. I was so worried I would screw it all up, though, to the point where I did screw it all up. I lost you and so I lost me. It’s selfish of me to ask whether any part of your heart still wants me, but—”
“Yes.” You quickly interjected before he could say something he’d later regret. “There is, yes.”
“R-really?” He stumbled over his response, not expecting you to react so soon but his words had got to you. His feelings were vulnerable and raw and it reminded you of how much you love him and feel safe with him.
“Why? Would you like me to say different.” You teased.
“No,” Harry rushed, stepping closer towards you, “God now. Stay, please. Forever, if you’ll have me?”
“I can deal with forever.” You leaned up to where his lips were, craving the taste of them against yours so badly. “Can I?” You looked between his lips and his eyes, watching his eyes coo in admiration of you. His arms snaked around your neck and cupped the back of your head, resting his ringed fingers against your skin delicately.
“You don’t have to ask, angel.” And with that you didn’t hesitate to reclaim your clips on his. He tasted as sweet and as soft as you could remember. The hint of mint sweets he kept in his car could be tasted all over his mouth, and he could no doubt taste the vodka on yours. He took no time in rushing to have his tongue exploring your mouth once mouth, biting on your lip when he got the chance to. He wanted you to remember this moment and how much love he has for you, and always will. Just as you do for him.
Hesitantly pulling away you smiled at him cheekily, feeling so much lighter and happier to have him here. With you in his arms so expertly.
“What?” He asked, leaving a quick kiss to your nose, inhaling his scent as he did.
“Just can’t believe you’re here.” You stroked his cheek with your thumb, and he leaned into your touch so comfortably. He had missed you so damn much, and it showed.
“Let you down once before and I wasn’t going to do it again.”
“So you’d have shown up even if I hadn’t?”
“Not happily, but yes.” He laughed thinking about it.
“Why?” You laughed with him.
“I’ve got to make my impression on your family somehow. Need to remind some of them how amazing and beautiful their special Y/N L/N is.”
“Some are going to need a lot more persuading than others.” You sighed, side-frowning over your words.
“No offence, but anyone who doesn’t treat you as a fucking diamond doesn’t deserve you and should watch out for kick up their backside from me.” You laughed over his empty threat and buried your head against his chest, listening to the heartbeat and rumble of laughter that came from within. This moment alone felt like home. Safe and warm.
“I love you, H.”
“Bloody love you too.”
Harry ended up returning to the wedding with you, much to your mothers surprise, and you both enjoyed the celebrations together. You shut yourselves out from everybody and just danced, talked and drank the night away.
You were so in love.
Later, photos got leaked of the wedding and it showed you and Harry dancing away in one of the backgrounds of the photos. It was supposed to be a shot of just the bride and groom, but you two have managed to get caught in it. You looked so caught up in each other that you still weren’t even aware the photo had been taken. You and Harry had determinedly avoided the camera all night, exactly for this reason, but a part of you was kind of happy that this one photo got leaked, because it showed the world that Harry was yours and you were his. It showed that you were together, or back-together as addressed by some FBI fans, and that you were stronger for it.
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marwritesgood · 4 years
Peach | S. Basett
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Pairing: Simon x WOC!Reader
Timeframe: Season One AU
Summary: Y/n tries to ignore her aunt’s words, while Simon prays he is not yet out of time.
A/N: This fic is just over 8K words
I cannot thank you enough for receiving this mini-series with so much love and support! I am so grateful that so many of you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed creating it.
I hope you like this ending <3
Philippa was still standing on the steps outside her home when Simon arrived. 
He raced through gates atop his horse but, when he quickly realised Y/n was nowhere in sight, he came to a halt. A worker appeared beside him as he came down from the saddle, guiding the horse away so that Simon could approach Lady Bennet.
“Lady Bennet-”
“I take it you hesitated to come here?” Philippa questioned bitterly. She had made it quite clear to the Duke that time was of the essence. Yet, he stood, dishevelled and panting because he was late, despite his delayed best efforts.
“Lady Bennet, please help me,” Simon exhaled, taking his hat off swiftly and holding it to his chest. Philippa had begun walking towards her home before she turned around again.
“Grant me one reason as to why I should help you, your grace,” she sneered. “Did you not possess every available opportunity to make amends with my niece ever since her arrival in London?”
“I did,” he cried, desperate to obtain Philippa’s assistance. “I had every opportunity but, like the fool I am, I took each one for granted. I have been far too preoccupied with affairs I do not care for; I have stupidly disregarded that which matters most to me; my relationship with Y/n.”
He grew quiet for a moment, during which the only sound heard in the cortile was that of Simon’s panting, a consequence of his frantic outburst. Philippa’s cold and glaring expression remained unfazed. She could not yet decide whether she trusted him. 
Simon waited until he caught his breath to speak again.
For any other person in the world, he would uphold his reputation of being reserved and brooding. However, Y/n was not any other person in the world to him. She meant a great deal to Simon, and he was willing to disregard his typical persona, stoicism and all if it meant fixing things between them. 
Even if it meant a vocal revelation of how he truly felt.
“I... I love her,” Simon admitted, the crinkle between his brows a confirmation of his sincerity. Philippa’s scowl faded. “I know I am undeserving of your ladyship’s help... just as I am unworthy your niece, but I can no longer deny the true nature of my feelings for her. Nor can I begin to describe the regret I have for not being here sooner so that I could confess this to her.”
As silence filled the courtyard once more, Simon glanced at the floor beneath him, overcome with regret and sorrow. Had he reached the Bennet home quicker, it would have been easy. 
“Well then... you ought to begin thinking,” Philippa stated flatly, inciting confusion upon Simon. She smirked, amused by Simon’s response. He always was slow to catch on. “Your grace, if I am going to help you reach my niece, the very least you can do is think of what you will say to her.”
A wide grin slowly made itself apparent on Simon’s face. Suddenly the sorrow he felt previously was beginning to be replaced with a newfound hope- one he would, this time, indulge in and act hastily upon. He was not going to allow himself to repeat his same mistakes.
“Alright now,” she smiled. “I presume you have a plan in mind?”
Simon thought for a moment. While he feared he would miss Y/n’s departure, Simon, unfortunately, did not consider what he would do. He began panicking, straining his train of thought as he sought for even a scrap of an idea. 
Then Simon remembered how he found himself in this position. He recounted all the times in his past, where he hesitated. Where became so enveloped in all the matters that burdened his mind, he lost sight of what mattered most to him. 
He refused to fall subject to that mentality again.
Therefore, for the first time in his life, Simon turned to his instincts. Not his desire for perfection. Not his pride or his arrogance or his vengeance. What mattered most at that moment was how he could best apologise to Y/n and prove that he loved her dearly.
“Do you know the man whose proposal she is to accept?”
Philippa nodded. She narrowed her eyes at Simon, curious as to what he intended to do. Lady Bennet knew she would inevitably agree, no matter how strange the plan turned out to be, but she was still greatly curious and the slightest bit concerned.
“Can you delay him?” Simon asked. “By the time Y/n’s carriage reaches her home, it will be dusk; thus, I presume she will plan to meet with her suitor in the morning. I need you to delay that from happening.”
“And what will you do?” Philippa questioned. “Would it not be wiser for us both to leave immediately?”
Simon shook his head. He thought of the right way to phrase his answer. If Simon revealed his plan to Lady Bennet, he knew she would support him wholeheartedly. However, he thought it best to keep the better part of it concealed. It would have more effect that way, he believed.
“There are a few places I must visit beforehand,” he explained.
“You are asking me to delay Mr Graham so that you can visit a few places?!”
“I am asking your Ladyship to have trust in me,” Simon pleaded. “Hurting your niece is my biggest regret. I intend to atone for my mistakes, not repeat them.”
Philippa stared intently at the Duke. It was a massive ask of her; to leave her family momentarily and interfere with Mr Graham’s pursuits. However, every instinct she possessed led her to believe that Simon was sincere. The confidence he held gave her hope that his plan would work. She sighed.
“Then you must leave immediately,” Philippa ordered him. “Visit the places that say you must visit and then race hastily to my sister’s home. I will do my best to delay Mr Graham until then.”
“Thank you, my lady,” Simon cheered before doing just as he was told.
He raced towards his horse and climbed atop the saddle. Philippa dashed inside to organise yet another carriage headed to her hometown. Both equally determined to keep their beloved Y/n from accepting Mr Graham’s proposal.
The Y/l/n household was, needless to say, very much hectic. Y/n had arrived home the night before, hoping she would, at the very least, be able to have some sleep before the next morning. That proved to be impossible.
The words of her Aunt Philippa haunted Y/n during her journey home. Then, just as she feared, it continued to do so as Y/n tossed and turned in her bed. Once she finally began to settle, her mother barged in with sever different dresses for her to try on. 
“Sit up straight, dear.”
Y/n flinched at the sudden sound of her mother’s orders. She reluctantly obeyed and straightened her back. When Mrs Y/l/n turned back around, Y/n sighed exasperatedly, slumping her shoulders ever so slightly. Her hands curled into tight fists as she tried to keep herself from dozing off yet again. 
“I do not understand,” Mrs Y/l/n agonised as she paced the sitting room. This was an all too familiar situation for Y/n. “Mr Graham is known for being punctual, yet he is running terribly late.”
Y/n could care less that Mr Graham was late. Not while she was living off of less than an hour of slumber. 
“You don’t suppose I could have a scone while we wait, mama,” Y/n mumbled. She was not particularly hungry so much as she was desperate for some energy.
“Do not be silly, Y/n. You mustn’t risk staining your dress,” Mrs Y/l/n replied. Eager to make sure everything went perfectly, she sat beside her daughter and asked the same question she had asked every hour previously. “Now, have you prepared what you will say?”
“Yes, mama, for the fifth time, yes,” Y/n droned. Her exhaustion only intensified her irritability which her mother seemingly lived to test continually. “I don’t understand your concern with how I respond. It matters not how I respond but that I simply remember to say ‘yes’?”
On any other given day, Mrs Y/l/n would have scolded her daughter. However, for reasons unknown to Y/n, she simply sighed and took hold of her hand. 
“Words hold great power, dear,” Y/n’s mother explained simply. She glanced down at her daughter’s hand momentarily before meeting her gaze once more. “They are a valuable indicator of one’s character. How Mr Graham proposes to you will tell you of his attitude towards you and your future marriage. How you respond will do the same to him.”
Y/n nodded, knowing first-hand the amount of truth in her mother’s statement. 
She did not care for her response to him as she did not care for him or their future marriage. Y/n simply wished to move past what had happened with her and Simon. This was beginning to become clear to her.
“I will respond to him properly, mama,” Y/n assured.
Mrs Y/l/n smiled, lifting her hand to cup the side of her daughter’s face. It was slowly dawning on her that in only a matter of time, Y/n would be married. When Mrs Y/l/n sent Y/n her letter, she knew the issue of her daughter being unwed would resolve itself in one way or another. However, Mrs Y/l/n was taken by complete surprise when Y/n came home on her own accord. 
It was far too out of character for her.
She tried her best to look past it. Mrs Y/l/n rushed to get everything in order for Mr Graham’s arrival. However, it was becoming clear to her that she had been too preoccupied with doing so.
As Mrs Y/l/n struggled to find a way to question Y/n about her behaviour, Mr Graham’s carriage arrived outside her home. Y/n looked out her window and jumped to her feet. Before she could race to the door, her mother held her back.
“Before he comes in, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n began. “Are you... Are you sure you are ready for this? Is this truly what you want?”
Y/n scoffed. Her previous concerns about accepting Mr Graham’s proposal suddenly became easy to look past. Y/n’s resentment for her mother began to surface, adding much to her motivations to go through with marrying.
“Mama, please do not pretend to care about what it is I want.” 
Mrs Y/l/n had not expected her to react in such a manner. She was not prepared to have her mothering methods confronted. Y/n’s mother’s primary concern had always been ensuring her daughter marries. It gave Mrs Y/l/n significant discomfort to realise how this resulted in her overlooking what should have mattered more. 
Not to mention how she only came to realise this just as her daughter was about to agree to marry a man she expressed great disinterest in just weeks before.
Y/n rushed out of the room before her mother could say anything further. As she reached the hallway, Y/n watched the doors burst open. Much to her surprise, it was not Mr Graham alone who walked through. Instead, Mr Graham was with her Aunt Philippa, who relentlessly attempted to guide him in the opposite direction.
“Mr Graham, please, I must show you-”
“Lady Bennet, you have shown me enough gardens,” Mr Graham insisted, trying his best to contain his annoyance. “In fact, I am quite certain you have shown me almost every garden in town.”
“All except the best one, sir, which is located just outside the-”
“- Aunt Philippa, enough!” Y/n shouted. 
Mrs Y/l/n reached the hallway just as Y/n called her sister’s name. Mr Graham exhaled tiredly before holding his hands behind his back and regaining his composure. 
Philippa sighed. Her attempts at delaying Mr Graham by badgering him to stop at all 9 gardens on their way to her sister’s home all appeared to be in vain. Simon had yet to arrive, and it was clear they were out of time.
“Philippa?” Mrs Y/l/n said in shock. Her sister had always made an effort to give notice before visiting.
“Hello, sister,” Lady Bennet replied awkwardly, trying her best to force a smile. 
Y/n had been glaring at her aunt. 
She was furious that after she made clear her intention countless times to Philippa, her aunt still chose to meddle. Y/n felt more adamant than ever to go through, even if to simply spite her aunt. It was due time that they learned to refrain from making her decisions for her.
Even if it meant marrying a man she did not particularly care for.
She forced herself to appear alright, mainly in the hopes that it would influence her feelings. That it would obliviate her concerns. It was her last resort at being ok with what she was about to do. 
“Mr Graham,” Y/n called out. The man stood tall, prompting Philippa to grimace. “You may join me in the sitting room.”
She walked ahead of him, guiding Mr Graham to the room. Once he walked in, Y/n turned around and closed the door before returning her attention to him. She fiddled with her hands while he cleared his throat. 
Y/n was fixated by the words of both her mother and her aunt. She kept asking herself the same question Philippa had. Could she be happy? Could she possibly find any enjoyment in marrying a man like Mr Graham? In living an inevitable future with him?
Mr Graham was exhausted from the long journey he was forced to take with Lady Bennet. For the most part, his mind was blank, aside from his impending desire to return home.
“Is there anything you wish to say, Mr Graham?” Y/n asked. Mr Graham was taken aback. “Before I give you my response, that is.”
Y/n was resorting to humouring her mother’s advice. She wanted to see how Mr Graham was going to ask for her hand so that, this time, she could identify his intentions. Y/n wished to put aside the conclusions she reached about Mr Graham; he was arrogant and ignorant. 
She hoped he could prove that he had one if any, good qualities aside from possessing wealth. 
“Uhm-” Mr Graham coughed. “You will remember my father is the primary supplier of livestock commodities in our town.”
“Yes, I do remember-”
“By livestock, I am of course referring to domesticated animals raised in agricultural settings,” he continued, despite Y/n’s best efforts to get a word in. It seemed Mr Graham believed he had reason to take her for someone simple-minded; reasons Y/n did not care for but absolutely resented. “And by commodities, I mean the products-”
“-Yes, I am aware of what words mean, Mr Graham,” Y/n retorted.
“That you are,” he smiled, patronising her even more.
Outside the sitting room, Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n stood with their ears pressed against the door in the corridor. The more they heard Mr Graham speak, the more concerned they became for Y/n. Philippa’s stomach churned as she thought of her poor niece being wed to such a man. She could hardly believe she managed to last the journey there with him and not be at her wit’s end.
“I was recently made aware of the amount your father is offering for your hand,” Mr Graham stated, wincing as he did so. Y/n knew how small her dowry was, and she was annoyed that Mr Graham unnecessarily reminding her. “And you will be pleased to know that I am willing to look past it.”
“How charitable of you, sir,” Y/n muttered. Mr Graham did not catch on to her sarcasm. He was an easily distracted man, Y/n concluded. One need only groom his ego, even sarcastically, for him to be oblivious.
Y/n was reminded again of what her Aunt
“Yes, it is quite charitable of me,” Mr Graham remarked, smiling as he felt pleased with himself. “In fact, that is the very reason I first asked for your hand. Father believed it a grand idea that I marry a woman of your kind. Should attract a different demographic to choosing Graham as their supplier.”
“A woman... of my kind?” 
The Grahams were the primary supplier of livestock. However, the few other families in Y/n town, who were not white, found livestock commodities elsewhere. It was clear Y/n that they viewed her as a pawn in their pursuit of broadening their clientele.
Y/n could already foresee where the conversation was headed, and suddenly her aunt’s questions held all the more weight.
‘Do you truly believe you will be happy?’
It took her only a moment to think it over. There was no denying that Mr Graham possessed all the ignorance and arrogance Y/n suspected he did, so she considered if it was worth bearing. Would a mediocre future with him be worth having to endure his jabs at her identity, her class and her family?
Mr Graham and his father dealt with domesticated animals for a living. It was clear that they viewed Y/n just the same.
Thus, her mind was decided.
“I expected you to be grateful,” Mr Graham commented, confused as to why Y/n was not flattered that of all the two women who made eye contact with him at the town ball. It was she who received a proposal from him. “You do not exactly have an abundance of suitors lined up at your door. Not to mention, I was generous enough not to withdraw my proposal after you asked for... time to consider your answer.”
Out in the corridor, the two sisters exchanged glances. Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n both argued quietly over who was to barge in and reprimand Mr Graham.
“That is quite enough, Mr Graham,” Y/n hissed, beating both her mother and her aunt to it. Her mind was, after all, decided. 
Y/n had struggled for most of her life with control in that she had little of it. If it was not society dictating how she was to live and breathe, it was her mother. This time would be different, Y/n decided. 
This time, she would be taking control and making decisions based solely on her own input.
“Thank you for expressing your feelings, your family history and your intentions with such candour,” Y/n began sweetly. Just as she expected, Mr Graham took nothing but pride in what he believed was sincere gratitude. “And thank you for being so charitable as to offer a lowly woman such as myself a proposal of marriage.”
Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n listened in with concern. They both knew Y/n too well to believe that she send Mr Graham off with civility and decorum. Y/n was the least bit concerned for either.
“You have been so generous with your time,” Y/n continued. “Therefore, I will not keep you waiting any longer... Mr Graham, I will not be accepting your proposal.”
Y/n took great pleasure in rejecting his proposal. Mr Graham grew pale as he quickly realised what her answer was. He stood on the opposite side of the sitting room, yet Y/n was desperate to further away.
“You... You mustn’t be serious,” he exhaled dumbfounded. The man possessed a great ego when he first enters Y/n’s home. Thus she was determined to shrink, if not demolish it. 
“On the contrary, sir,” Y/n smiled, this time genuinely. “I am perfectly serious.”
“S-surely you have not considered the ramifications of denying my proposal,” Mr Graham reasoned. 
Y/n was far too accustomed to being lectured by white men on not considering her actions’ consequences. They, of all people, she believed, were the least bit qualified to talk another on such matters. Not when they are granted every luxury and advantage at birth.
“Miss Y/l/n, you must know, after two seasons of rejected proposals, it is doubtful you will receive another after me,” Mr Graham explained. He was merely adding insult to injury. “And with a dowry as small as yours, I predict your future will be bleak.”
“Perhaps you are right,” Y/n replied, her head held high as she knew Mr Graham was expecting her to be grovelling. “Perhaps I will not receive another proposal after you. Perhaps I will be doomed to live a life of struggle and severe austerity, but make no mistake Mr Graham. I would sooner commit to the life of an impoverished spinster than I would, ever again, entertain the prospect of being your wife.”
Y/n marched towards the door and swung it open, revealing Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n eavesdropping on their conversation. Y/n hoped that would be the case, as an audience’s presence prompted Mr Graham’s mortification to increase tenfold. 
“I must ask you to leave immediately.”
Mr Graham did not wait another moment. He just about sprinted out the door, determined to never step foot in the Y/l/n home again. Y/n stood in the hallway with a smirk and a proud glimmer in her eye. If she felt as a result of taking control, her only regret was not doing so sooner.
Perhaps Y/n would regret her decision later in her life. Maybe she only created more issues for herself than anything else. However, all that would be affairs she would attend to last, in the far off future. For now, she was happy. 
Y/n headed towards her bedroom without saying a word to her mother nor her aunt. She had not done so on purpose. She was simply desperate to change out of her corset and resume resting her fatigued body. Once Y/n was altered, she sat on the edge of her bed. As she let out an audible sigh, Y/n slumped her shoulders and fell back. 
She had never been so grateful for her mattress.
Y/n closed her eyes momentarily. She was very sleep-deprived, yet she was on an incredible high from the adrenaline of rejecting Mr Graham so explicitly. Before she opened her eyes, Y/n felt the mattress sink at her sides. As she opened her eyes, she realised both her mother and aunt were lying beside her.
“I must apologise to you both,” Y/n explained, reach her arms out to hold each of their hands. “I have caused you both a great deal of grief. And it all appears to be in vain now that I have rejected Mr Graham.”
Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n turned to face Y/n, both with the same expression. 
“You may be sorry for many things in life, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n began. “But you mustn’t dare apologise for denying Mr Graham’s hand... you mustn’t ever.”
Y/n smiled. She was unsure what motivated her motivated to have such a change in character. However, she was far too pleased with it to question it. 
“Any thought as to what you will do now, dearest?” Philippa asked. She looked over to her niece with her brows raised, and her sister followed suit. 
It was clear that neither of them could keep Y/n from doing what she wanted. Therefore, it was decided that both Philippa and Mrs Y/l/n would simply stand aside and hold her hand throughout it all. Y/n thought for a moment.
“Perhaps another season?” Y/n answered.
In an ideal world, Y/n would have opted for something different. Perhaps she would have embraced the idea of being a spinster. In perfect world, such a fate would not be so grim. However, that was not the world Y/n lived in.
And so she opted to embrace the best and only option she had.
“Truly, dear?” Mrs Y/l/n exclaimed. While she was overcome with excitement, she wanted to ensure it was her daughter’s genuine desire. 
“Yes, mama,” Y/n insisted, smiling weakly. She hoped in time the prospect would become more appealing to her. “-and it will be much different this time, hopefully for the better, as I am now willing to comply with you and your rules and your overprotective nature. I want it all.”
Mrs Y/l/n did not take offence. Instead, she simply laughed and leaned her head in to kiss Y/n’s temple. She had raised a mighty blunt and greatly opinionated daughter. 
Mrs Y/l/n was most proud of it.
“I must excuse myself,” Y/n’s mother said. She placed her arms behind her and lifted herself off Y/n’s mattress. “Your father will be delighted to hear the news, I am quite sure.”
Y/n laughed at her mother’s excitement. Once Mrs Y/l/n left to recount the morning to her husband, it was just Y/n and her aunt. 
“I hope you won’t mind me asking, dear,” Philippa whispered, inching closer to her niece. She feared the next subject of conversation would strike a chord with Y/n. “Has any of this changed your feelings... towards Simon?”
“No,” Y/n answered shortly, her voice neither louder nor quieter than previously. “He will soon be a married man, so it is most appropriate I refrain from paying him any mind so as to not remind myself of my feelings for him.”
Philippa huffed, torn as to whether or not she should tell her niece. Would doing so disrupt the duke’s plans? Would it not be better for Y/n to hear the truth from Simon himself when he eventually came? Would he ever arrive?
“I, however, must admit- whatever rage and anger I once held against him has since passed,” Y/n sighed. “You were right in what you said before... Although it will not be me who marries Simon, I do hope to marry someone like him.”
Someone like who he was before he became Duke Hastings, Y/n thought.
“You do?” Philippa smiled. She decided not to reveal anything to her niece quite yet. Lady Bennet was confident such a task should be carried out by Simon and him only.
“Hmm,” Y/n nodded. “Someone of good character and of a kind heart. A man who does not resent me when I raise arguments but rather engages in them.”
“It is the least of what you deserve in a husband, my dear,” Philippa replied.
The two of them shuffled to the top of Y/n’s bed, where her pillows laid. Both were exhausted from travelling in from London and enduring what had been a most eventful morning.
They both remained silent to get some sleep in before Mrs Y/l/n would eventually call them down for breakfast. However, just as Philippa began to drift off, his niece disrupted the quiet.
“Aunt Philippa,” she murmured. “I never did ask you what exactly compelled you to come... let alone badger Mr Graham as a means of delaying his arrival.”
Y/n was unsure what she was expected her aunt to reply. Philippa grew nervous as she tried to respond in a manner that would not reveal the real reason she came to her sister’s home.
“I-I,” Philippa stammered quietly. “-I simply could not sit idle... and let you accept Mr Graham’s proposal.”
Y/n hummed before turning to her side. It was a predictable answer, yet it left her with a bitter feeling of disappointment. She slept without  
Philippa sighed in relief before hoping that wherever Simon was, whatever it was he was doing that moment, that it would not hinder him any longer from finally reaching the Y/l/n home.
Y/n awoke from her nap to an empty bed and an open room. She was curious about where her aunt had gone, not to mention why her mother did not wake her for breakfast. The sky had darkened significantly since she first fell asleep, though Y/n was sure it was not yet evening.
She climbed out of bed and donned a simple dress. Y/n could hear the faint sound of her parents talking, so she suspected they were with Philippa. Afterwards, Y/n wandered down the steps of her home and headed to the dining room. The conversation grew quiet, prompting her to call out.
“Have you truly begun eating without me?” Y/n laughed as she pushed the doors open. 
As she stepped inside, a man stood from his seat- across the table from Philippa and Mr and Mrs Y/l/n. He turned to face Y/n with his hands held behind his back.
Y/n was awestruck. All she could say was his name, and after muttering it quietly when he stood, she found herself left speechless. What could motivation could he possibly have to travel there from London. 
“His grace will be joining us for dinner,” Mrs Y/l/n explained, refuting Y/n’s last hopes that it was not yet evening. “It will not be ready for a small while, so perhaps you could walk him to the garden in the meantime.”
“‘Tis the best one in town,” Philippa commented, a reference to the wild goose chase she led Mr Graham on just earlier that day.
Y/n remained quiet, unsure as to what was happening. She expected her mother to be repulsed by the sight of Simon. Y/n had, after all, rejected countless marriage proposals for reasons involving him. However, she was not repulsed. 
She was smiling. Glowing, rather. Even Philippa and Y/n’s father seemed to be beaming despite sitting in silence. Y/n could not decide whether that should comfort her or worry her.
“He requests a private audience with you before dinner is served,” Mrs Y/l/n continued.
“H-He... does?” Y/n stuttered, looking at Simon in confusion. He appeared to be avoiding her gaze, which further provoked her curiosity.
“I do,” Simon replied shortly.
Y/n turned to her mother in confusion. Indeed, she would not send her unmarried daughter off, with an available man, on an unchaperoned walk without explanation nor context.
“I cannot possibly leave you to make dinner alone, mama,” Y/n stated. The thought of walking with Simon, especially after the nature of their last conversation, left her much unsettled.
“Nonsense, I will offer my assistance,” Philippa responded. Y/n narrowed her eyes at her aunt. She had always avoided being in the kitchen with her sister by all means necessary.
“It is decided then,” Mrs Y/l/n cheered, guiding Simon and Y/n towards the door that led to their garden.
“Mama, it looks as though it will begin to rain,” Y/n whispered, hoping to stop her mother but to no avail.
“You will not be far from the house, dear,” Mrs Y/l/n replied, opening the back door and guiding the two outside. “Should that be the case, you need only take a short walk back.”
Before Y/n could think of another way to avoid the walk, her mother rushed inside, slamming the door close behind her. There was no more avoiding, it seemed. Y/n sighed before reluctantly walking towards her mother’s botanical garden. 
He was initially quiet. Simon had rehearsed what he was to say several times before he arrived. However, it was not until he saw Y/n again that all his prepared words vanished from his memory.
Y/n was conflicted. She was overcome with a myriad of emotions, which always seemed to be the case for Simon. While she was still very hurt by his actions and was determined to voice her feelings, Y/n felt it necessary to first break the ice with civility.
“How long will you remain in town?” Y/n asked.
“I have not yet decided,” Simon answered, after a moment of deliberation. He believed it wise to tread lightly in their conversation, though he too was determined to let his feeling become known.
His answer left Y/n’s curiosity to grow. 
“Why not?” She queried. “I suspect Miss Bridgerton will be eagerly awaiting your return to London.”
Simon smirked. He missed her witty remarks terribly, just as he missed her company. Y/n had not intended for her response to land with such snideness. However, it was clear to her that Simon did not resent it.
“You suspect wrong,” he answered gleefully, catching Y/n off guard. Simon took amusement in her confusion but did not hesitate to clarify the situation. “She has already promised her hand to another... His royal highness Prince Friedrich. I was informed of the news this morning.”
“You do not seem upset,” Y/n commented as she studied Simon carefully. 
“That is precisely why I wished to speak with you,” he explained. 
Simon stopped walking, prompting Y/n to do the same. They stood by her mother’s hyacinths, specifically the purple ones. Simon took inhaled deeply as he prepared to explain himself and as he hoped, with all his might, that she might forgive him.
“I lied to you,” he began.
“Yes,” Y/n muttered quickly before Simon could continue. Had he genuinely come all this way just to recount their argument, she wondered. “I remember our conversation vividly.”
“No,” Simon cried. “What I meant to say was that I lied to you... when I told you that I was courting Miss Bridgerton and that I intended to marry her.”
Y/n remained silent, allowing Simon to continue.
“She approached me earlier this season,” he explained. “- with a proposition that I pretend to court her. She needed more suitors, and I sought to improve my public image.”
Y/n recalled the countless articles written about Simon, painting him as a stoic and brooding snob. It made sense that he wanted to change this portrayal, Y/n, though.
“I tried my best to put an end to our pretence earlier... on the day you approached me at Hyde Park, in fact,” Simon said. “However, Miss Bridgerton was adamant that it continues until she could attract the attention of Prince Friedrich. And I had already given her my word not to reveal our ruse to another soul.”
Y/n remained quiet as she took in his revelation. The more Simon spoke, the more Y/n understood why he acted so cold to her. He was always most irritable when he was hiding something.
“Peach,” Simon sighed. He reached out for Y/n’s hand, and, to his surprise, she did not pull away. “For all the pain and sorrow I caused you that night at the gala, I am so sorry.”
She squeezed his hand tightly as a way of comforting him. Y/n knew the way Simon could be so cruel to himself. Considering the impossible position he was placed in, she could only imagine the extent to which this had been burdening him. 
“While I wish I had been spared from getting hurt,” Y/n began. Simon winced but nodded. He, too, wished she had not been caught in the middle. “I do understand why you had to lie to me... and I think it unfitting if I were to continue to hold that against you.”
Simon exhaled in relief.
Y/n smiled, comforted by his reaction. She, too, was relieved. After the gala at the Danbury estate, Y/n deemed Simon a stranger, someone she could no longer recognise. Yet, as they stood opposite each other in her mother’s garden, Y/n felt she knew exactly who the man that stood before her was.
The two continued walking across her mother’s garden. After Simon thanked Y/n several times for being so understanding, she recounted her morning to him. Simon struggled to contain his laughter when Y/n explained the 9 gardens Philippa forced Mr Graham to stop.
“So what will you do now?” Simon asked curiously. 
“I will have to endure another season,” Y/n replied. “I have already promised mama I would comply with her this time around. Hopefully, my luck has not yet run out."
Simon nodded, though he resisted the urge to frown. She appeared to be excited. Hopeful, even. He worried this indicated a change in her affections for him. Nonetheless, he cast his worries aside for a moment. Y/n’s happiness was his primary concern.
Simon thought back to the story Y/n told of her rejecting Mr Graham’s proposal. In particular, he remembered the comment Y/n said he made regarding how dowry.
“If that is the case,” he began. “Then I insist on making a donation... to contribute to your dowry.”
Y/n’s feet came to a halt as she furrowed her brows in both shock and confusion. Instinctively, she began devising a way to reject his offer without offending him. Y/n was never oblivious to the significant difference in her financial standing to Simon’s, but she certainly never wanted to take advantage of it.
“It can remain anonymous,” Simon insisted. He knew his offer was far from appropriate as a woman’s dowry was her family’s responsibility. However, that was precisely what Y/n was to him: family. “If you are concerned about what others might say, I assure you I will personally see to it that the donation remains private.”
“Simon, no-”
“- Please, I insist,” he held firmly. Y/n continued to shake her head profusely, but Simon refused to give in. “It is the least I can do after playing such a significant role in hindering you from marrying these past two seasons.”
Y/n paused, taken aback by the fact he knew that. 
“Simon,” she began. Her tone was neither shocked nor angry. “You mustn’t hold yourself accountable for a decision I made. Yes, you may have been the reason for it, but it was I who ultimately made a choice... And I take full responsibility for the position I am now in as a result.”
Simon nodded sheepishly. 
“Regardless,” he said softly. “I still insist... You mean a great deal to me, Peach. Ensuring you have a befitting dowry is the least of what I owe to you, particularly after all our years of friendship.”
The grey clouds grew darker as the weather turned sour, and the day slowly came to an end. However, that quickly became the least of Y/n concerns. Her lips parted briefly, but she struggled to say anything. 
Simon let out a heavy exhale before reaching his hand into the pocket of his coat. He looked at Y/n and smiled. She still appeared adamant to deny his offer of making a donation to her father.
“Do you remember the story,” he began, “- of the first time we played in the maze at Lady Danbury’s home?”
Y/n chuckled, unsure whether he was serious or if the question were rhetorical. 
“Of course you do,” Simon continued, laughing all the while. “You recount it at every available opportunity.”
His laughter was disrupted by Y/n’s fist, gently colliding with his shoulder. 
“Please allow me to finish, Peach,” he cried as he rubbed his shoulder. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully but allowed him to continue nonetheless. “You recount it at every available opportunity, but you always failed to include the part of the story I favoured most.”
Y/n raised her eyebrows in surprise. 
“After I found you in the maze- crying hysterically, I must add,” Simon quipped. As Y/n raised her hand to repeat her previous action, Simon caught her fist in his hand. Their eyes locked as he did so, and the tension between them grew this. Y/n lowered her hand coughed awkwardly, prompting Simon to continue. “I took you to see Lady Danbury’s fruit orchids.”
Simon’s smile grew remarkably wide. He had purposely refrained from retelling his favourite part of the maze story to Y/n. He was most excited to finally do so.
“You ran straight for one tree in particular,” Simon said. Y/n’s brows snapped together as she tried to remember. “I picked some fruit, and we ate it beneath that tree. However, you were still quite upset, and that was when I assured you I never would have left you behind... Do you remember which tree we sat beneath?”
After giving it a moment of thought, Y/n gasped quietly when she finally remembered. She looked back to Simon and smiled. In a quiet whisper, she answered his question.
Simon nodded. It was after that day that he refrained from calling Y/n by her name. After they left Danbury’s orchids when he chose to instead call her ‘Peach’ to remind himself of that day on of his promise not to leave her behind. Despite falling short on that promise, Simon was determined to fulfil it.
He took a step towards Y/n and slowly replaced his grin to express both sincerity and fear. Y/n studied him in anticipation of what he was to say next. Simon seemed greatly troubled by something, she thought.
“If you wish to find another suitor next season,” Simon started, unable to hide the sorrow he felt at imagining it. He inhaled sharply and, in doing so, forced himself to remain composed. “I will do everything in my power to help you in your pursuits. Whether that be in the form of financial support or advice. Whatever it is you may need from me, Peach... my answer will always be yes.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, and her mouth curled into a frown. She could see right through Simon’s attempts to his sadness. 
“But if there is any chance,” he question, his tone frantic and desperate. He inched forward slightly and deepened his gaze at Y/n before he continued. “If there is even a fleeting chance that your feelings towards me are... are as they were before, then please tell me now.”
Just as he finished speaking, droplets of rain began to fall. They grew bigger and more rapid as time went on, but neither Simon nor Y/n noticed. Both were far too concerned with the affairs of their affections for one another. 
Y/n held her breath as she looked at Simon. Earlier that day, she decided to enter her third season. She had finally come to terms with knowing that casting aside her feeling for Simon would be her best method of moving forward. Yet as they stood in her mother’s garden, she found herself with no choice but to confront them.
“They are,” she confessed, her voice almost overpowered by the sound of the rainfall, though just loud enough for Simon to hear. “My feelings for you, they... they have not changed.
Her words were music to his ears. Simon reached his arm out and took hold of her hand. He felt his heartbeat rapidly against his chest. Despite the cold and wet weather, Simon felt a warm sensation in his chest.
“I must assure you,” he spoke, glancing down at the sight of her hand in his. “This is not a result of impulse or of the heat of the moment. Rather, this is something I have anticipated doing, I... I have desperately hoped to be able to do for quite some time.”
“Simon,” Y/n quavered. “W-What are you referring to?”
Simon looked up at the sky. He laughed as the heavy rain showered over his face, and then he turned back to Y/n. She did not move from where she stood but, instead, studied Simon closely. Her mouth fell agape when, without a moment’s notice, Simon knelt down.
Y/n gasped. There was a loud slushing sound made as Simon’s knee sunk into the mud. He was unfazed by it, which made Y/n shock only grow. He couldn’t be, she thought. It was not possible. And indeed, if he intended to do as she suspected, he would live to regret it. 
In a swift motion, she too fell her knee. Standing up while Simon knelt before she felt all too overwhelming. Y/n was confident he was not serious, despite him expressing profusely that he was. Simon’s eyes grew wide as he looked down and noticed the mud-splattered across the hem of Y/n’s gown.
“Peach, your dress-”
“Never mind my dress,” Y/n croaked. “Simon, what are you doing?”
“What I should have done two years ago,” he replied instantly. 
Y/n clasped her hand over her mouth. Her hair and her clothes were drenched from the rainfall, as was Simon’s, yet neither seemed to notice. He reached out and took hold of her free hand.
“I know I am the least bit deserving of your hand, as well as of course your forgiveness and your friendship,” Simon began. “However, these past years away from you, and these past two days in particular... They have been pure torment. And I have since realised that I would be a fool not to make an offer of marriage to you and hope that you would be so kind as to accept it, because... Well, because I love you, Peach. Fervently so.”
“What... What about your vow to never marry?” Y/n asked.
Indeed he had not thought this entirely through, she wondered. This was the moment, she believed. The moment he would take back his proposal.
“You said before that I have the luxury to choose while you do not,” Simon answered. Slowly, he let go of Y/n hand and lifted it to her face, holding the side of her cheek tenderly. “Well... I believe it’s due time that my choices begin constituting to my happiness... and that of the only woman I love.” 
Tears welled up in Y/n’s eyes and began to trickle down her face as she wept. She felt it surreal, the fact that Simon was offering his hand to her. And as it appeared, she had run out of reasons to argue against it.
“I know I have caused you much suffering,” Simon sighed, rubbing his thumb gently across Y/n’s cheek, wiping her tears away while doing so. “But I am determined to spend the rest of my life atoning for it by doing everything in my power to ensure your happiness... That is if you will have me?”
Y/n thought of her mother’s advice earlier regarding how one’s words indicate one character and their intentions. She thought of how all her past suitors made proposals from a place of arrogance, how they all made the argument that their financial standing was reason enough for her accept.
That was not what mattered most to Y/n.
Love and happiness; that was what she sought most from marriage. After years of being told that to do so was naïve and pointless, Simon was offering precisely that. 
“Yes,” Y/n answered, laughing beneath her breath as she exhaled. She stood up and planted her feet firmly in the mud before reaching her hand down to help Simon do the same.
“Yes?” Simon repeated in disbelief. 
Y/n chuckled and helped him to stand, after which she reached her hands out and placed them on the sides of his face. Even in the pouring raid and even covered in mud from the waist down, he was still so beautiful, she thought. Simon precisely the same of her
“Yes! I... I will marry you,” Y/n declared, her smile growing wider as she spoke. She could not make that statement repeatedly when she would eventually share the news.
Simon wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. He leaned closer to her slowly and kissed her sweetly. Y/n held the sides of his face firmly, pulling him even closer to her, causing him to smile against her lips. Shortly after, Simon slowly pulled away, leaving Y/n gasping for air.
“I am sorry it took me so long to do this, Peach,” he said softly, gazing apologetically at the woman he could finally address as his fiancee.
“It does not matter anymore, Simon,” Y/n replied, pressing her temple against his. 
He grinned before leaning in to kiss her once more. Y/n lowered her hands and left them placed against his coat’s lapels. She wished for the moment to last a lifetime. However, as the rain grew heavier and the sky grew darker, Simon pulled away again.
“Perhaps we should return,” Simon suggested, despite much enjoying being alone with Y/n. She immediately groaned at the thought of going back. “I imagine your mother will be quite cross if we miss dinner.”
“Simon... I have waited a very long time for this moment,” Y/n began. “I will not be rushed by you or my mama.”
Simon laughed before kissing her once again. 
When they finally walked back to the house, Simon continued to glance over at Y/n and at the sight of their hands intertwined. He thought of all the different ways things could have ended between them. 
What would have happened if she had accepted Mr Graham’s proposal or even that of her previous suitors? What would have happened if he did, in fact, marry Miss Bridgerton? What would have happened if he had just proposed to her when she first confessed her feelings to him? 
Simon wondered how many times things could have drastically been made different between them. He thought of how many choices, events and actions dictated whether they would ever be engaged.
And all he could do was smile at his beautiful fiancee and be completely and utterly grateful that this was how their story concluded.
@fuckoffthanos @awesomebooklover17 @shadowfoxey @eternallyvenus​ @smol-grandpa​ @deakesthegreatest 
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sophtoart · 2 years
The Ultimate Sexyman
AO3 Version here if you prefer September 6, 207X
When Sans was about to bite into his lunch hotdog, his mother and his younger brother slapped a poster on the table.
Papyrus, the greatest brother in the universe, proclaimed: “WE’VE ENTERED YOU INTO A COMPETITION! NYEH HEH HEH!”
Helvetica, his beautiful bone of a mother, was swooning for some reason: “At last, the world will appreciate the wonderful charm of my darling boy~! Nye hee hee.”
Sans looked down on the poster. It read:
‘The Ultimate Sexyman Pageant’
He looked at his brother. Then, he switched to his mother. Brother. Mother. Brother. Back and forth a few more times. He slowly chomped down on the hotdog, chewed it for a good bit, then swallowed the contents without so much as a blink.
“When is it?” asked Sans.
“Okay. Welp, that’s a short notice. Did you get permission from Thymer for this? Being on the wrong end of Dracula’s herbal stick ain’t a good thing. Boss man’s scary, y’know.”
Dumbfounded, Sans proceeded to ask: “How… did he react?”
Helvetica quickly added, “After the initial shock, he became much more receptive to the idea. We reasoned that the more people focus on your popular image, the less likely they’ll be inclined to believe your real job. Y’know, build on the old fool’s foolishness to perpetuate your cover as a fool.”
Sans started sweating. “Mom. Paps. No offence but won’t that backfire? I mean, the whole world now thinks I’m some kind of real life secret boss. It took that ‘video game exaggeration’ disclaimer to save my butt by a narrow margin.”
“Dear, you were already infamous in all the wrong circles long before Gaster did his Gaster thing. Those in the know would be too afraid to mess with you no matter what.”
There didn’t seem to be any way to escape the clutches of two enthusiastic family members. But, where was the harm? Considering human tastes, it wasn’t likely that he’d ever get past the qualifying rounds either way.
“Alright, alright.” Sans sighed with a grin. “I’ll go. At the very least, it’ll make you two happy.”
* * *
September 7, 207X
Sans did the absolute bare minimum for the competition, expecting to lose in the first round. And yet, he continued to win. All he did was stand around being his dumpy self, hiding any aspect of himself that the humans would consider ‘cool’.
He even brought his pink slippers along specifically for on-stage. Off-stage, he had to switch into his sneakers. Apparently, the premise banned his ridiculous fashion of choice after numerous cosplayers went slipping, sliding, and tumbling across the floor, injuring themselves in the process.
Before he knew it, he found himself in the quarter-finals, the semi-finals, then on to final-finals.
Guess people love a joke vote, huh?
In preparation for the last round, the organisers had him wait backstage in one of the make-up chambers, which often doubled as waiting rooms for events like these.
Out of curiosity, Sans used his phone to check the program’s polls for more information on his competitor. He wondered: what sort of man decided to join this absurd event?
Hm? Looks like some eccentric fellow from the Far East. Hair dyed light brown, a neat grey suit, average looks, typical unpronounceable name, absolutely forgettable…
He decided to tap on the rival’s profile picture to read more details.
…He runs a private consultation office, specialising in exorcising evil spirits. Apparently, the bloke already won first place for ‘Ultimate DILF’ and ‘Ultimate Twink’. He swept the amateur modelling world by storm, and now he’s gunning for ‘Ultimate Sexyman’.
Feeling a bit thirsty, Sans left his room to get a drink from the water cooler. As he walked back, he saw Mister Competitor himself pass by. One glance at the actual guy was enough to see the truth.
I can’t sense a single bit of magical potential from him. In other words, he’s a conman. A fake. A fraud. A charlatan. And a deceiver. It won’t surprise me if he tricked his way up to the finals. Aiming for the cold, hard cash huh? I doubt he won the previous titles fair and square.
If I remember my human politics right, competitions and award shows are often half-rigged. The contestants would be hand-picked well in advance by agencies, sponsors, and modelling companies. They’re more of a promotion gig for the investors. Competitions that run on true merit are few and far between.
Considering how an average conman and my bony self ended up in the finals, it may be the public’s way of throwing a wrench into the works. Make their voices heard, no matter how silly it gets.
The big moment had arrived: it was time to get on the stage.
The final round would be decided by a combination of live audience votes with an online poll. This event was broadcast on both the internet and television, as the humans had done for over 50 years.
Mister Competitor was giving it his all, impressing the crowd with all sorts of overtly fancy expressive hand gestures and his commendable command of the English language. Somehow he made himself perfectly understandable despite the stilted speech, able to answer most of the questions asked by the MC.
In the coolest yet cringiest poses, he announced: “I’m here to show people that ‘sexiness’ is not something you are born with. After all, you don’t need to be a dad to be a ‘dirufu’, and you don’t need to be young to be a ‘twinku’. Everyone is not special, so you can be who you want to be! It’s all about effort! Confidence! Determination! You got to feel your satisfaction, that is what it means to be ‘sexay’!”
The crowd cheered along with his motto: ‘Get ready, wake your psyche up! Get ready, wake your psyche up!’
Hmm, I guess if his gig is to act as an awkward yet competent tryhard, then he’s nailing it.
The competitor’s efforts paid off. Most of the viewing audience chose to cast their votes on the foreign man without a second thought.
Meanwhile, the skeleton saw his family sitting on the front row seat of the auditorium. Times Roman, his funny father, joined his wife Helvetica for the occasion. The loving parents held their hands together, distraught about the perceived humiliation their elder son was going to endure.
As for Papyrus, their younger son, he had the hardest time staying still. The bones on his body rattled, taking every bit of willpower to keep his mouth shut.
…Back in the Underground, the old Papyrus would have already cried out ‘stop being such a lazybones, Sans!’. But times have changed, and he knows better now.
In the middle of his thoughts, Sans heard the following yell from the side:
Right after that, he had a handful of salt tossed right into his face. What followed after was an awkward silence hanging precariously in the air.
Fortunately I already knew he was a conman exorcist. That could have been powdered glass, poison, or worse. I would have to put my dodging skills to use.
Dusting the grains of salt off his being, Sans said: “Hate to burst your bubble, but I’m not an evil spirit. I’m a skeleton. I got too much salt in my bones as is.”
“N-nani?” the competitor blurted. “But, you… uh… nande kore wa?”
“It’s complicated. Try not to think too hard. I understand why you got spooked, though. If you looked like my insides, I’d find you creepy too.”
Putting up a faux kung-fu stance, he challenged Sans: “You versus my special exorcist moves! Letsu go!!”
Sans immediately answered: “Nope.”
“How about three rounds?” “Nah.” “Two?” “Na-uh.” “One, please?” “No.”
Frustrated, the man decided to ignore Sans, focusing on winning the crowd’s hearts once again.
“Remember, you are all the protagonists of your own lives!”
Over the next few precious minutes, his votes continued to rise while Sans’ numbers stagnated. Steadily but surely, the event came to a close…
Sorry fam. Looks like this is as far as a joke vote can go. It’s been fun while it lasted.
Just when he was about to let everything go, the MC pointed the microphone towards him.
“Sans Undertale,” the MC said, “The crowd is curious about your, uh, ‘non-performance’. It appears that you’ve decided from the very beginning to just stand on the stage silently. Why did you choose such an unusual approach?”
Sans decided that a little explanation couldn’t hurt while he’s losing. At the very least, it would put his folks at ease.
In his most casual tone, he replied: “‘Cause I got nothing to prove, really.”
“Does that mean you don’t have anything to show us?”
“Nah. It’s not that. More like… Whatever I can do, I’ve already done for the people closest to me. I don’t feel the need to show those skills off to an audience.”
“Then, why did you join The Ultimate Sexyman Pageant?”
“To make my family happy, of course. They took the time and effort to register me into this competition. Can’t break their hearts by turning them down at the last minute, can I? That would be a waste of their hard work. So, I figured that I might as well have some fun on stage. Who knew I’d get this far? Thanks for your kind votes.”
The crowd chattered amongst themselves. Some of the women were even sobbing, seemingly touched by his humble tale.
Not long after, Sans’ votes started skyrocketing. He broke a sweat from the sheer volume of numbers pouring in.
Crap. Did I slip my tongue??? The humans are going nuts. I thought only monsters could get swept up by speeches alone…
Mister Competitor dropped his jaw. All that hard work, those towering percentages… shrinking down at the very last minute.
Shrugging, the lazy skeleton merely responded: “Sorry bud. I didn’t plan for this either.”
The battle of the ballots spiralled out of control into an absolute frenzy. The on-screen graph see-sawed between the two contestants, with each voting camp trying their darndest to outdo the other.
Glancing back at the audience, Sans saw his entire family had their eyes wide open, sparkling and beaming with hope for a turnabout victory.
Then the timer hit zero and the final results were in. Out of a total of 244,809 votes, 50.1% had voted in his favour.
And so, ‘Sans Undertale’ was crowned as ‘The Ultimate Sexyman’. A victory fanfare played in his honour as the spotlights shone down on him. Sans raised his arm to shield his eyes from the glare.
Talk about a close shave…
A skeleton titled ‘The Ultimate Sexyman’... Heh. Now that’s a joke!
However, at the height of celebration, a defiant voice echoed in the air.
That didn’t belong to the conman. First off, it was a woman’s voice. Secondly, the English pronunciation was way too fluent. Sans switched into high alert, scanning through the crowds for the source of the animosity.
Where? Where is it?
Far at the back of the audience, a dark red cloud swirled around a dishevelled woman. It formed into the vague shadow of an elegant lady, wearing fancy clothes from a long bygone era.
She continued to shriek with a ghastly distortion. Lights flickered as her rage increased.
The conman proceeded to lob an entire bag of salt towards the possessed victim, yelling something about a ‘SAIKYO NO SORUTOSU SUPURASSHU!!!’
To Sans’ greatest astonishment, the festering corruption exploded upon the bag’s exact impact. The shadow dissipated, the lights stabilised, and the air returned to normal stillness.
As for the freed woman, she sat down on the floor covered in salt, confused about what had transpired. Medics checked up on her to make sure she was in good health.
With the event saved, the whole auditorium burst into cheers for their apparent hero.
That attack definitely did not come from the conman… I sensed magic. There’s a mage somewhere in this room.
The faint traces led Sans to a plain, unassuming boy, sporting a Far Eastern middle-school uniform and a dorky bowl-cut. Remnants of a shimmering prismatic power faded away before anyone else could see. That is, if they could perceive it to begin with.
Interesting. Another Frisk…
Eh, a wrap’s a wrap. I’m glad I didn’t need to take any action. That would have been a massive can of worms I’d rather not open.
Man, I can’t wait to go home and catch a break.
Sans spent most of his post-event time signing autographs for his new wave of fans. Then, backstage, he had to repeat the process for all kinds of legal documents. Tax documents, confirmation of transfers, modelling contract, and whatever other red tape they had. It wasn’t like the cartoons where he could walk away with a big bag of money.
The agents were quite excited for their future cooperation. Other monsters from Ebott had applied for modelling work before, but Sans would be their first skeleton.
Papyrus never tried, huh? Pretty strange since he used to be such a glory hog. I thought he at least would have given it a go within the first few weeks on The Surface.
…Heh. Guess I underestimated him again.
Once everything was done, it was time to meet up with the rest of the family. Sans was expecting many hugs, kisses, and applause. Yet… he was met with guilty awkwardness instead.
Raising his eyebrow, Sans asked: “Something happened?”
Times Roman, with his calmer Papyrus-like face, answered: “The three of us had a talk and… well… we would like to apologise for not asking for your permission first.”
“How are you involved in this, Dad? As far as I know, Paps and Mom were the ones who dropped the pageant on me.”
“You see, I was the one who found it first. It was an amusing little thing and I figured that your mother would appreciate the potential stage comedy. Your brother was there too and… the rest is history.”
“Oh. Heh. No worries, everyone. I’m fine. Used to be a stand-up comedian on the side, y’know. Standing in the spotlight is nothing new for me.”
“But dear…” Helvetica said, “Don’t you think that the rest of us tried to relive the popular stage experience through you?”
“Whoa there, getting a bit psychological there. Never crossed my mind. If I truly didn’t want to participate, I would have just noped out, like I did with that silly conman. So, you’re all good. None of you tried to blackmail or guilt-trip me, really.”
Tearing up a little in his eyes, Papyrus blurted out: “UGH, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT SO COOL NOW WHEN THERE’S NO AUDIENCE TO APPRECIATE YOU!”
“I have my audience.” Sans lightly bumped his fist on Papyrus’ chest. “Right here, with Mom, Dad, and you.”
“Heh heh heh. C’mon Paps, let’s go home.”
The four of them started making their way back. They hopped into Papyrus’ car, with its owner handling the wheel, Sans sitting shotgun, and the parents taking the back seat together.
Once everybody buckled up, Papyrus pressed a button on the dashboard to unfold the roof as well as the flight fins. He then used his magic to lift the convertible off the ground. A blue light flashed across the red body of the car as it zipped towards the sky. He made sure to rise high above the majority of the city’s skyscrapers and electrical towers. At cruising speed, they should be home in half an hour.
“His student, you say?”
Dear mother joined in the conversation, “I bet he’s a Blue Major! His skill with telekinesis is on par with The Great Papyrus.”
Roman added, “The opposite of our spunky Ambassador, alright! By comparison, the boy was super shy. He barely spoke and stood as still as a statue.”
“We told him that magic is normal for us monsters. The boy and Papyrus then had fun manipulating orbs of water together.”
“It was an adorable sight.” Helvetica interjected, “After that, he really opened up.”
Leaning against his seat, Sans made himself comfortable. “Tell me more. What else did you two talk about?”
“That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hmmm, I see how that makes sense. Sometimes being special sets up all kinds of crazy burdens. Hence: ‘Nobody is born special, so you can be who you want to be’.”
“So… I guess I know how they perform their exorcisms safely now. The master does his song and dance of distractions, while the student would nuke the threat off the face of the earth.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. There are a lot of nuances about their relationship that we don’t understand yet.”
“WELL, THAT’S UP TO THEM TO SORT OUT.” After a brief pause, Papyrus’ eyes lit up with delight. “I ALMOST FORGOT! SANS, THAT BOY VOTED FOR YOU!”
Sans pointed to himself. “M-me? Seriously? Why would he do that?”
‘Shishou’ was the word for ‘Master’. In other words, the student had accidentally schooled his own master with his innocent yet wise outlook on life.
Sans burst into an infectious guffaw. Soon, the others started laughing too. Whenever any one of them wanted to speak, their funny bone denied anything more than an incomprehensible babble.
The flying car echoed their burst of jolliness, rolling across the air with sharp lifts, dives, barrel rolls, and backflips. Magic was the way monsters expressed themselves after all.
Papyrus had to force control over his heart lest they might crash. “P-PLEASE STOP, I NEED MY FLYING SKILLS INTACT!”
It took a while, but the occupants eventually calmed down.
Sans sighed in contentment. “Man, that was some stellar divine comedy right there.”
“And so are we!” The parents couldn’t help but add.
Gazing out of the car’s window, the shorter skeleton watched the sun’s rays shine between the clouds. “I am too. We had it rough, but these heavenly moments make it all worthwhile. I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.”
Before Papyrus burst into heartfelt tears again, the elder brother changed subjects. “Come to think of it, the anniversary of our freedom is around the corner. September 15. So, what do we wanna do this year?--”
Sans felt his phone buzz twice in his pocket, a sign that it came from his job. His face turned serious after reading the contents. “…Thymer has a mission. I gotta report by 9PM.”
“Not for this one. Thymer wants you to stay in Ebott to help Frisk, right?”
Saddened, his father asked, “How long would you be gone, son?”
“Two weeks, if there are no complications. Sorry. Looks like I may not be around for the festivities.”
“That’s next month. No biggie. Also, I could always reschedule if I have to. Worst comes to worst, I’ll just terminate the contract.”
“Can’t you decline the mission?” Helvetica clasped her hands, hoping for a different outcome. “I’m sure he’ll give you an allowance for our national holiday. Underneath that perpetual grump is a gracious heart.”
“I want to do this.”
That was all the family needed to hear. If the laziest lazybone of Ebott wanted to actually do something, anything, then no one could stop him.
“Sure,” Sans’ mood lightened up a tad. “Much appreciated.”
The car slowly descended. Papyrus landed it on an empty spot on the highway leading back to the human city and proceeded to drive on the road.
“Huh? You’re not flying there?”
“Welp, sounds like my baby bro learned a few tricks from his big brother. I couldn't be more proud.”
* * *
September 8, 207X
The Eastern boy packed the last of his clothes in the luggage, ready to travel back to his homeland.
“Shishou,” he said, “Are you alright?”
Judging from how he laid his head on the table on top of a rough accounting draft, the answer would be ‘no’. “How could you not vote for me? I’m your Shishou and your boss…”
“It’s been over 24 hours, Shishou. You should have settled your emotions by now. Please let it go.”
The master jolted straight up in his chair, crying out: “How can I??? Think of the money! The second prize only covers our travel expenses! We won’t have any extra to take back home. Damn… I thought we could finally fill the office coffers after all of this.”
“But we had fun, right? We got to experience a whole new country. I know I wouldn’t have dared to travel halfway across the world otherwise.”
“…Yeah, we did.” He puffed his chest in confidence. “With that impromptu exorcism, we now have official proof of our worldwide expertise! North, South, East, West, there are no ghosts we can’t handle! International clients should be pouring into our office very soon. I can already imagine all the money we’ll be making!”
“Can we come back here in the future, Shishou? I want to visit the monster town some day.”
“Really? You want to go there? That is where your new tall skeleton friend lives, right?”
The boy nodded with a slight smile.
The master considered his student’s willingness to travel again as a mark of great improvement. “Of course! Let’s make it next year’s goal!”
“Yes, Shishou!”
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sammygvfslut · 3 years
i like you a latte | s. kiszka
Summary: Words cannot espresso how much you mean to Sammy Kiszka.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Hey besties!!! this is my first ever sam fic, and i really hope you guys enjoy it! it’s super cheesy so beware of some tooth-rotting fluff ahead. any and all feedback is appreciated <3
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Loud chattering and the sounds of espresso machines hissing and whistling filled the cafe. Every few seconds or so when a new customer walked in, a soft ringing above the door rang. Glancing at the clock, you sighed as it read 7am. Way too early for your liking. You wished to be back in bed under the covers with your cat Joey snuggling. Plus, the cold weather made it even harder for you to get out of bed every morning. Damn you, winter.
“Good morning.” A voice said suddenly, startling you as you slightly jumped. “Whoops, didn’t mean to scare you there for a sec.”
Turning around at the voice, your heart fluttered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips. “G-Good morning, Sam! Nope, didn’t scare me at all. I was just uh...focusing very hard and you caught me off guard.”
A chuckle rumbled from his chest, his own lips curving and flashing that beautiful grin. God, he made you melt. You took a quick chance to admire his appearance for the day, luscious brown locks pulled back into a low bun with a few stray pieces framing his face, and he wore a slightly oversized brown grandpa looking sweater. He exuded true fall energy today and all you wanted to do was snuggle with him watching a movie while sipping on hot chocolate. “Right. Focusing on what exactly? Staring at the register?”  
“S-Sure. Yes, the register.” Totally not him instead. “Um, I realized it turned off right now and my mind blanked to turn it back on.”
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he laughed, his touch leaving a wave of goosebumps to rise out of your skin. “You’re so cute. I’ll leave you to that then, but if you need help trying to get the register to turn back on again, let me know.” And with that, he sent you a wink and turned on his heel away to start on the customers orders.
Alright, alright. So maybe early shifts weren’t as bad as you thought thanks to your insanely charming co-worker. Sam and you had been working together for the past year, and almost instantly you started falling for him. He welcomed you with open arms and he was a great help when it came to your training. Your co-workers were nice too, but Sam took that extra step in making sure you were comfortable with what you were doing. If you made a mistake and were freaking out about it, he somehow knew the way to calm you down. He was too precious and good for this cruel world. And most of all, out of your league too.
With his dashing looks and amazing personality, you just knew there was no way he’d ever feel the same about you. Except, any time you’d voice that thought to any of your friends at work, they’d tell you you’re crazy and that he likes you too. Apparently they caught on to the signs more than you did, which wasn’t a shocker considering that you’d have no clue if a guy was interested in you unless he blatantly confessed. So, trying to figure out hints was completely pointless for you.
“Uh oh, she’s deep in thought,” one of your friends/co-workers, Danny, teased. He also happened to be Sam’s best friend, and current band mate since the pair are in a band with Sam’s older twin brothers. “I bet I can guess what, or who you were thinking about.”
“Don’t even say it,” you warned with a finger, “He’s literally four feet away from us—”
“So?” Danny rolled her eyes with his arms folded. “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel? Come on, it’s been almost a year now. What’s the worst that can happen if you confess?”
“He can hear me.” You stared blankly at him, shaking your head. “Absolutely not though, Danny. I will not embarrass myself from the humiliation I’d have to face from his rejection.”
Danny groaned frustratedly, placing his hands on both your shoulders and shaking them. “You’re so hopeless! Y/N, how many times do the guys and I have to tell you he likes you too!” He raised his voice a little louder than necessary which accidentally caught the attention of almost everyone in the cafe. Sam included unfortunately. Danny’s eyes widened, silently cursing under his breath. “Carry on, everyone.”
As much as you hated to admit it, Danny wasn’t lying when he mentioned about the guys agreeing that Sam likes you too. Every time you came over Josh’s apartment and Sam was there he’d find any little excuse to have his arm around you or teasing you constantly. You’d shake it off that he was just treating you like a friend would, but of course the guys would disagree with you.
“We’ll finish this conversation later,” Danny told you sternly, “But for now, and don’t make it obvious, but Sam’s looking at you.” A mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked and stepped to the next register before greeting a new customer and taking their order.
Heart pounding out of your chest, you slowly looked over your shoulder in Sam’s direction. You saw his head quickly turn and finish off the drink in front of him. Your cheeks burned at this and tried taking deep, slow breaths to calm yourself down. Didn’t work much, but as a new customer waved and told you their order, your breathing turned back to normal.
On the other end of the counter, Sam was currently freaking the hell out from what he heard a few minutes ago between you and Danny. He didn’t mean to, but he also wasn’t that far from either of you. Plus, Danny wasn’t the best at keeping his voice low. He had a strong feeling he knew you were talking about him, and for that reason alone he overflowed the cup he was pouring into and made a mess. He cursed under his breath and wiped his hands on his apron, shaking his head.
You caught sight of this and rushed to his side, grabbing a cloth from under the sink and started wiping the sticky counter. Sam was certain his cheeks were tomato red from his embarrassment, making a complete fool of himself for not paying attention to what he was doing. More so focusing on your conversation and your damn smile from earlier. You weren’t the only one here with a crush.
“T-Thanks, Y/N.” Sam chuckled nervously, throwing the cup in the trash and tossing the drink pitcher he held in the sink. “I’m normally not this much of a dumbass.”
“I’m not too sure about that one, Kiszka.” You teased lightly with a grin. “It happens, don’t worry,” you assured. “I’m just glad it was cold tea you spilled and not steaming coffee. I’d hate for you to get a third degree burn. That happened to me once, don’t recommend it.”
“Didn’t I drive you to the hospital for that?” he asked. “I think that might’ve happened a few months ago.”
Your eyes widened at the memory. “Oh shit, you’re right. God, I’m still so sorry I had to drag you into that.”
Sam shook his head, lips curving and cheeks no longer flushed. “For the hundredth time, stop apologizing about that, Y/N. You know you can count on me for anything, so of course I didn’t mind driving you to the hospital. I remember even blasting some ABBA on the way over there so you’d have something else to focus on instead of the pain you endured.”
You smiled at the memory. “Didn’t we also go out for ice cream afterwards?”
He nodded, lightly rubbing his arm. “Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I mean, I always have fun when I’m with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his last few words, blinking slowly. “O-Oh.”
Oh? That’s all you have to say? Nice one, Y/N.
Sam’s heart dropped. Fuck. Maybe you weren’t talking about him after all. Maybe it was Danny or one of his brothers that you had a crush on and he was mistaken about it. He wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole right about now. Being anywhere but here sounded splendid to him.
“Y-Y/N, I—“
“Ihavefunwhenimwithyoutoo,” you muttered all too quickly, and poor Sam barely even understood what you said. He didn’t have the chance to ask you to repeat yourself because you quickly walked away to the back and he was left with a tug at his chest, frowning.
Within the next few days after Sam’s tea spill, literally, things between you and him became...awkward. Something went off in him to become even more clumsy than normal and forget everything he’s ever known when you’re near him. He’d get flustered, stuttering a lot, messing up orders, dropping dishes, and nearly tripping all the time. He hated it so much and wished he could just muster up the courage and apologize for being such an idiot and confess his feelings to you. Even during your hangouts with the guys, Sam and you wouldn’t interact as much and honestly you were well aware you were being super childish and immature about the situation. Sam did too, and he needed to snap the fuck out of it.
The next few days at work Sam would ignore Danny’s little side comments about his immaturity and continued working in silence. For the rest of his shift he didn’t talk much to anyone other than the customers. He wanted to talk to you when he had the chance, but then he’d quickly back out and walk the opposite direction.
He couldn’t figure out why it was so futile for him to just grow a sack and tell you he likes you. He’d never gone through this struggle before. Then again, as cheesy as it sounded, the other girls he’d asked out in the past couldn’t compare to you. Never in a million years, and maybe he was too afraid that he didn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.
Nearing closing that same day, it was only you, Sam, and Danny. The flow of customers died down and not many people came in towards the end of the night which you were grateful for. It finally gave you the chance to relax a bit and start cleaning things up ahead of time so you wouldn’t have to stay after. Joey and a nice warm bath were waiting for you at home.
While Sam decided on working the register and you and Danny would clean, he grabbed your arm and led you into the back.
“What are you two still doing not dating each other or talking?! It’s been way too long now, Y/N. And since it’s only us three tonight, you have no other choice. Come on, I know you can’t take this any longer, and he can’t either. I can take over the register for a bit while you and him talk.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating his offering. As incredibly thankful as you were for his help, you were also scared shitless of the possible outcome. Perhaps it was finally time though that you say fuck it and say what you needed to. You couldn’t go on for any longer to keep your feelings bottled up inside. Maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, and by God you hoped that would be the case.
Inhaling, you nodded slowly and made your way back to where you were. Your eyes searched for Sam and saw he was busy making a drink, except there was no one else here besides you, him and Danny. It could’ve been a drink for him, so you shrugged this off and went towards the sink to start washing the dishes.
A few moments later, Sam cleared his throat from behind you. “H-Hey Y/N, so um, I know the créme brûlée latte is your favorite, and I thought I’d make you one. You seemed really stressed and busy today and I wanted to try to cheer you up. I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart swelled at his generosity and your cheeks burned as you felt his gaze burning into you, his palms soaking from nervousness. “Sam, you didn’t have to do that for me.”
He shrugged casually, a small smile on his lips and his cheeks tinted a light pink. “It’s okay, I wanted to. And I uh, tried my best on the art. Hope you like it.”
Raising a brow, your gaze dropped on your cup and your eyes widened as you saw what he was referring to. A small coffee cup with the words I like you a latte around it.
“It’s true,” Sam chewed on his bottom lip while running his fingers through his hair. “I really like you Y/N, and I’m so sorry for acting like such an idiot these last few days around you. I don’t know what came over me, and I’m sorry that I didn’t talk to you much either.”
Setting your cup on the counter, you took a step closer to him and cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb softly against his soft skin. “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Sam. I’m sorry for not talking to you too, as well as for making a fool of myself. I tend to do that around someone I like.”
Finally, the realization dawned on Sam as a wide grin pulled at his lips. “Glad we’re on the same boat.”
“I-Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, his eyes sparkling as he looked at you.
You giggled. “You don’t even have to ask, loverboy.” You playfully rolled your eyes and cupped his other cheek before connecting his lips with yours.
A smirk pulled at Danny’s lips as he glanced at the two of you, shaking his head. Josh and Jake owed him $20 now. 
It was about damn time that Sam and you finally espresso’d your love for each other. 
tagging these lovely folks bc they helped inspired me and their work is amazing <3 @godlygreta​ / @flowervanfleet​ / @dharma-divine​
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Forget Me Not: Part 1
Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Oikawa Tōru, Kuroo Tetsurō - Haikyuu
Synopsis: five years after graduating high school, you're invited to Kiyoko and Tanaka's wedding and find yourself back in Japan. Surrounded by your old classmates and volleyball buddies once again, not only are old friendships rekindled, but old feelings start to resurface as well. Did five years change you and your friends too much, or did it change you all just enough?
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none
Next → Part 2
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Being back in Japan filled you with a familiar, comforting feeling that spread throughout your entire body. The country where you had lived most of your life and been educated from kindergarten to high school in brought back childhood memories that you had not thought about in nearly five years.
And now, here you were, attending the wedding of one of your best friends, whom you hadn't seen in way too long, and surrounded by people who shaped your elementary and teenage years.
It wasn't until the reception that you got to actually catch up with your childhood friends, but the ceremony had certainly gotten you thinking. With the beautiful decorations strewn all over the venue and Kiyoko's breathtaking dress—and the way Tanaka teared up after seeing his future wife coming down the aisle—you had begun to wonder, as one who is still single would, if that would ever be you; all dressed to the nines and ready to devote the rest of your life to one person.
The fact that you were deep in thought must have been visible on your face because it wasn't long after that Kiyoko made her way over, gently placing her hand on your shoulder and asking if you were all right.
Startled out of your internal dilemma, you assured her that you were fine and just caught up with your own thoughts. "Sorry," you apologized with a lighthearted chuckle. "I didn't mean to make you worry about me at your wedding."
Taking a seat beside you at the rather empty guest table—more than happy to get off of her feet after Tanaka had been swinging her around the dance floor for hours—Kiyoko sighed contently and brushed off your concern. "Oh, please, make up something if you must." Kiyoko glanced over her shoulder at her new husband, who was currently preoccupied with something Noya was saying to him. "I need a break. If this is any indication of what the rest of my life is going to be like, I'm going to be eternally exhausted."
You laughed, having completely forgotten about what you had been thinking about. "You chose to marry the boy who spent all three years of high school chasing after you and you're surprised that he's over the moon 24/7?" You cocked a brow at her jokingly. "Don't say you weren't warned."
Kiyoko giggled at that and before long you and your best friend were laughing together just like when you were teenagers. It was like nothing had changed; like the two of you had been transported back in time five years.
"In all seriousness though, are you happy?" you asked her as you grabbed for your champagne flute and took a sip. "Because that's all that matters."
A light dusting of pink rose to Kiyoko's cheeks. "I'm ecstatic." She beamed as she looked back at Tanaka again. "I mean . . . that's my husband!"
"Good. I'm happy that you're happy."
Kiyoko nodded in agreement before turning back to you. "So, when is it going to be your turn?"
You thought about asking her what she could possibly be talking about but there was no fooling Kiyoko; she already knew that you knew. Not a week had gone by since you had moved away where she hadn't asked you if you had found yourself a man yet.
You just rolled your eyes. "I would have to be dating someone first in order to start thinking about getting married."
"Okay, so we start at the beginning." Kiyoko started surveying the gorgeous outdoor reception venue as if you didn't already know pretty much everyone who was there.
You scoffed. "I'm sorry, we?"
"You act like I haven't always been invested in your love life." She waved you off, never taking her eyes off of the bustling crowd. "Anyway, back to what I was saying . . . you need someone with a stable career, handsome, and, most importantly, someone that I approve of."
"Yes . . . most importantly." You took another sip of your drink and let your eyes scan the crowd as well, mostly because there wasn't much else for you to do. Eventually, your gaze settled on a table in the back corner where five men sat, engaged in a conversation with one another. It took you a few minutes to make out the face in the dim lighting, but when you did, you were immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia.
There, in a convenient group, as if they had all collectively been waiting for you to spot them, were five of your dearest friends from high school: the captains from the various boys' volleyball teams. Since you had been the captain for the girls' team at one of the rival schools, the six of you had started as acquaintances who bonded over being captains and soon grew into an inseparable friend group. The only person you had been closer to in high school was Kiyoko.
Sawamura Daichi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Oikawa Tōru, and Kuroo Tetsurō.
They all looked just like how you remembered and yet you couldn't help but notice from afar the ways that they had matured over the past five years. You had been given a brief chance during the ceremony to say hello to them, and during that brief moment, you weren't ashamed to say you would admit they had all grown into handsome young men (not that any of them had been hard on the eyes in high school by any means.)
"Oh, so we're going for the classic 'high school reunion' trope." Kiyoko's face was suddenly right next to yours, startling you once again. "Which one are you looking at?"
Ripping your eyes away from the group of men who had thankfully not noticed your staring, you shook your head. "It's not like that," you sighed.
"Oh, yeah . . . okay." Kiyoko's tone was dripping with sarcasm. "That's fine, you don't have to choose right now. You could probably have whichever one of them you wanted anyway considering they all had a crush on you in high school."
It had been a big mistake to try and take your final gulp of champagne right then. As soon as you had heard what Kiyoko had said, you jolted in surprise and the alcohol went down the wrong way, causing you to begin coughing and sputtering rather loudly and aggressively.
Of course, that was when the five former captains turned to look at you after hearing the commotion. To be fair, a lot of eyes were on you then as you frantically reached for a napkin to dry the champagne that had spurted out of your mouth and Kiyoko patted your back comfortingly.
"Jesus," you managed to choke out. "Warn someone before you say something like that."
Kiyoko grabbed another napkin and began dabbing at the little wet spot on your dress. "You act like you didn't already know."
"I didn't already know."
Kiyoko looked up at you in shock, her hand ceasing all movement. Thankfully, she had pretty much dried your dress completely by then anyway. "What do you mean you didn't know?" she inquired quizzically, almost like she suspected you of lying.
"What do you mean they all had a crush on me?!" You remembered to lower your voice at the last second to avoid screaming such a personal conversation.
"How could you not have known?!" Kiyoko retorted with another question. "It was so obvious!"
"We were all just friends!"
"Just friends?!" A deep voice from behind you interrupted before you or Kiyoko could say another word. "You aren't talking about us, are you?"
You could pick that voice out of a lineup and consequently, your face turned bright red and you swallowed hard. Had he heard what you and Kiyoko had been talking about? How long had he been standing there?
Turning in your chair, you looked up at Kuroo, who was standing behind your chair, and the four other guys standing behind him; all of whom had apparently made their way over after witnessing your struggle with the champagne.
Before you had the chance to work out a suitable answer and attempt to explain away what you and Kiyoko had been discussing, Kiyoko stood from her chair and offered it to Kuroo, motioning for the group to sit down with you at the same time.
"Well, I'll leave you guys so you can all catch up." She smiled wide, throwing you a quick wink when no one else was looking. "I'm sure Tanaka will start searching for me soon anyway. I can only leave his side for so long before he starts causing chaos."
"Looks like the chaos has already started." Oikawa pointed to the head table where Tanaka was pouring liquor straight down Hinata's throat while Noya and Tendou counted the seconds out loud at the top of their lungs.
"Oh, good God." Kiyoko excused herself without another word, rushing across the room to put an end to her husband's antics. The six of you were left chuckling and watching as she snatched the bottle out of his hand and made quick work of reprimanding the men.
Shaking his head, Daichi sat down across from you while the other men took their seats as well. Having been the team captain of Karasuno and on a volleyball team with Tanaka for two years, he knew all too well what it was like to have to keep him in check constantly. "I will never understand how he suckered her into marrying him," he commented.
"Because love." You shrugged. "It makes you do stupid things."
Just then, a waiter came by and placed a fresh glass of champagne in front of each of you. "Ain't that the truth." Kuroo rose his glass and encouraged everyone else to do the same. "To love and other stupid things."
"To love and other stupid things," the remaining five of you repeated before clinking your glasses together and taking a sip of the bubbly alcohol.
Bokuto, who already seemed a little too tipsy for his own good, downed all of his in one go before scooting his chair closer to yours and throwing an arm over your shoulders. "So, tell us, what have you been up to?!" he chirped happily. "We all missed you when you left, you know."
After assuring Bokuto about four or five times that you had missed him as well, you gave the group of eager listeners the short version of what you had been up to since graduation. You explained your boring job and the fact that you played volleyball as often as you could. They asked about other aspects of your life as well, and when the topic of significant others came up, you shyly admitted that you were, indeed, still single.
"Hey, it's not like any of us can judge you for that," Ushijima told you. "None of us have anyone in our lives either."
Oikawa scoffed. "You make it sound like I'm hopeless."
"You are hopeless," Kuroo laughed. "You spent how many years in Brazil and still couldn't find a girl to date you? You moved to Argentina and still nothing. Doesn't that say anything?"
"Leave it to Oikawa to make it all about him," you commented, mindlessly taunting the setter like you used to do all the time when you were younger.
Your jab earned a few amused chuckles from the others and even Oikawa cracked a smile; and just like that, it was like you were back in high school with five of your closest friends, shooting the shit like you always did.
Before you knew it, the six of you were talking, laughing, and drinking the night away. Even Ushijima, who was usually the quiet one of the group, was participating more than you ever remember him doing so. The awkwardness from the first few minutes of interaction and the burning embarrassment of what Kiyoko had told you had melted away so seamlessly that you didn't even notice; suddenly you just found yourself comfortable and feeling rather at home.
Daichi told you about how his job as a cop was going and even shared a few exciting stories—stories that the others had clearly heard many times before if their bored expressions were any indication.
Kuroo talked about his job at the Japan Volleyball Association Sports Promotion Division, which he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying. You were kind of envious of him for managing to stay in the world of volleyball without actually having to keep playing.
Then, of course, Bokuto, Ushijima, and Oikawa discussed what it was like playing for the MSBY Jackals, the Schweiden Alders, and Club Atlético San Juan in Argentina, respectively. Oikawa, much like Daichi had been, was very excited to have someone new to tell his stories to—although his stories were about Argentina and not being a cop.
It made you feel a little sad when you realized just how distant you had grown from your friends and how much of their lives you had missed, but you had to admit that getting to play catch up was extremely entertaining.
After what felt like only twenty minutes or so, but was probably closer to two hours, the reception started winding down and guests started heading home for the night.
Pulled from the happy little bubble the six of you were existing in by the sudden realization that the party had a lot fewer people than you remember, you checked the time and noted that it was rather late.
Daichi, who had been oblivious to the rapidly passing time as well, muttered something about having to work the next day as he reached for his suit jacket that he had draped over the back of his chair at some point and started putting it back on, indicating that he was getting ready to leave.
Bokuto began to pout jokingly and tightened his hold on you, his arm never having left your shoulders the entire time. "You're not going home right away, are you?" he asked you, his wide eyes ready to guilt-trip you into staying longer should he need to. "You're staying in Japan for a while, right?"
"I'll be here for about two weeks or so," you told him, patting his cheek lightly and chuckling when his expression changed on a dime and he smiled wide. "Don't worry, I'm not abandoning you again so soon."
"Then we will have to get together for dinner or drinks or something," Kuroo suggested as he too stood from his seat. "Have you changed your number since high school?"
You shook her head. "Nope, it should be the same one you all have."
"Excellent!" Oikawa cheered. "I've got to head back to Argentina in a week or so as well so we definitely have to get together soon. I have first dibs!"
"Y/N is a person, not the last piece of food," Ushijima huffed. "You can't call dibs."
Oikawa just scoffed. "Sure I can, Toshi. I just did."
"I told you not to call me that."
The two professional volleyball players glared at one another and you wondered how it was possible that they stayed friends for so long, let alone became friends in the first place, considering they were always at each other's throats.
"Okay, you two, don't make me escort one or both of you home in a cop car tonight," Daichi warned. "I'm not in the mood to babysit."
"If I promise to behave, will you promise to use your handcuffs?" Oikawa winked, earning a few hushed chuckles and an obviously disappointed look from Daichi.
"Well, that's my cue to call it a night," Daichi announced as he made his way over to you and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. "It was lovely seeing you again. I'll call you and we can do dinner sometime, yeah?"
You smiled and nodded. "I'd love to."
With that, Daichi took his leave and the others were soon to follow. Bokuto, who was the last to leave your side, had somehow swindled you into promising to play a volleyball game with him at some point before he bid you goodnight as well and left you to collect your thoughts before catching a cab and heading back to your hotel room.
On your way out, you thanked Kiyoko for inviting you and congratulated her and Tanaka on their marriage. They too insisted on getting together with you once more before you left and you happily agreed, already dreading having to leave your friends again.
As you climbed into your cab that evening, drunker than you had been in a long while and filled to the brim with joyous memories and content feelings after being reunited with so many old friends, you couldn't help but linger on one thought in particular . . .
The fact that all of your former captain friends had grown into handsome men with stable jobs, they were all single, and the startling new discovery that they apparently all had crushes on you in high school.
Did they still feel the same way? Or, more importantly, did you feel the same way?
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
When Will My Weight Be Too Much For You?
Barry Allen x Wondersis One-Shot
Word Count: 1.6 Warnings: Explicit Language, Slight Angst
Author's Note: Based off this ask right here! Enjoy! -Thorne
Diana said this is the way to leave my grievance where you can hear it instead of straight from my mouth. I must deliver it this way because if I were to see you at this very moment, I would say things that would be improper of a princess and a partner in our relationship. Bartholomew, I do not say this lightly, but your unattendance to the unveiling of the museum exhibit has wounded my heart. You promised you would make it in time to see me reveal it to the world. I know you are busy, believe me I know, but I had asked you multiple times to check your schedule to clear it. Please wait for me to contact you again, it should be within the next few days. I would like to exert this potent emotion from mind and body before we meet once more. And though this event has occurred, please understand that my love for you has not changed. I still love you very much, Bartholomew Allen and I always shall. Farewell. End of message. To repeat, please press the pound key.
Barry banged his head on the desk as the message ended for the eighth time that night. He felt like such a fool. Such a bumbling, moronic fool. (Y/N)’d called him the day before and reminded him and he still forgot about the museum exhibit being unveiled today. He’d been so caught up in the labs that day that by the time he’d actually gotten a break, it was past three—four hours past the event.
So much for having super-speed. He’d been late. Again. And this time, he’d upset (Y/N) so much that she didn’t even want to see him for a few days. And Barry wasn’t sure what he was more upset about—missing the event and hurting her or hearing the devastation in her voice from the message. Whichever it was, it hurt Barry to the core. The type of hurt that made even his chest feel sore and his eyes sting. And all Barry could do was sit and wait, planning out how to make it up to her, and hope that she still wanted to be with him after.
(Y/N) hefted the javelin by her head, cocking it back as far as she could before she threw it with all her might, taking out an entire tree in the backyard of Wayne Manor. It’d been four days since the museum event, four days since Barry hadn’t showed, and four days since she’d called in sick, instead of being at home, being at Wayne Manor. Oddly enough, it was the one place she could work out her emotion—there seemed to be no end to criminals and Bruce’s family didn’t seem too particularly bothered by an Amazon being present or watching her break the Joker’s legs—they enjoyed that.
With a heavy sigh, she collapsed into the grass, gazing up at the sky as she let her limbs sprawl out. She wasn’t angry or upset with Barry anymore. Well, there was a little annoyance, but the majority had been worked out. All that was left was the feeling in her chest that made her sigh all the time—exasperation. Barry was the greatest man alive, probably better than Clark Kent, but Gods if he wasn’t the latest man alive too. He was always late
Another puff of air escaped her, and she closed her eyes as the grass crunched near her. “Have you come to gloat?”
Someone chuckled. “You’ve been out here since four AM, (Y/N). Aren’t you tired?”
“Not particularly, Bruce.” She returned, cracking one eye open to see him dressed in his suit; he’d probably just gotten back from work. “Are you going on patrol soon?”
Bruce glanced at his watch. “It’s a quarter to six. Sun’s going down. I’m going to get ready.”
(Y/N) nodded, starting to rise. “Then I shall get ready too.”
“Actually, (Y/N), I think you should go back to Central City.”
She paused, looking down at him—though their height wasn’t much different, a few inches give or take—and asked, “Have I overstayed my welcome? I apologize if I have.”
He shook his head. “Never.” Reaching out, he placed a hand on her shoulder. “But I think you should go home and talk to Barry.”
An eyebrow arched on her head, though her heart was fluttering at the mention of Central City being home. “Why?” she was genuinely curious, or perhaps suspicious of his answer. It seemed like he wanted her to talk to Barry more than he wanted her to leave.
“Because Barry Allen is moping so much during League meetings that it makes me look cheerful,” Bruce scowled. “I’m sick of seeing the poor man so distraught over his mistake.”
(Y/N) frowned. “My intentions were not to cause such distress, I just—”
“You left him a voicemail that practically tore his heart out.”
“I just—” she stopped, gaping at him. “How did you know?”
Bruce blinked. “That’s not important. What is important is that you go home to your boyfriend and tell him you love him and that you’re not angry anymore.” He shifted his hands, grabbing her face gently but firmly. “For the love of God, (Y/N), please, forgive the poor bastard.”
(Y/N), with a pinched face, looked down on the man and grunted, “If you wish to keep your hands, I suggest you remove them. Now.”
“Just go home. Please,” Bruce griped, pulling away from her. “I’m so sick of looking at Barry moping like a lovesick drunkard.”
She waved in defeat. “I shall back my bag.”
Suddenly, her duffel bag was in her face. “Already packed,” he said. “Go home.”
“I am feeling the love,” (Y/N) laughed, tugging the tight strap over her body, and rose into the sky. “Until we see one another again, my dear friend.”
Bruce waved as flew off. “See you around, Vanguard.”
By the time she’d returned to Central City, it was well into the night, quite possibly the early hours of the morning. The city was asleep, few cars were on the road and even fewer skyscrapers were lit up with company. (Y/N) slipped into the apartment through the bedroom window, too lazy to walk up the six flights of stairs and through the front door like she knew she should, but no one was watching, so who cared?
Apparently, Barry did, because the moment her second foot touched the floor, she was being yanked to the ground, faster than she could realize what was happening. She thrashed beneath the weight pinning her to the floor, one hand wrapping around Barry’s wrist, the other his throat as she cocked one of her legs up underneath his pelvis and to her chest, shoving at him.
Tipping their weight, he went down, and she flipped atop him, then shifted her hand to grab his other wrist, holding them both beside his head.
“Peace Barry!” she comforted firmly. “It is me, (Y/N).”
Barry stopped squirming, blinking in the darkness. “(Y/N)?”
“Yes,” she answered, letting him go so she could reach up and flick the night-side lamp on. The room was illuminated with soft yellow glow, and she glanced down at him with an easy smile. “I cannot imagine how you heard me. I was dead silent coming inside.”
He blinked. “I was awake and rolled over. All I saw was someone in the bedroom.” Barry reached up, cupping her cheek. “You’re home.”
(Y/N) leaned down, brushing her nose against his. “I am home.” Smiling sadly, she added, “And sorry I left like I did…and for making you hurt. I hope you can forgive me, Barry. I should have acted maturely and not run from my problem like a child.”
“No-no-no-no,” he worried, sitting up, taking her with him. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“But I—”
Barry shook his head, brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. “I broke my promise to you, (Y/N). You reacting how you did was understandable.”
“Perhaps to a human,” she argued. “But not for a princess. And especially one of Themyscira.” (Y/N) cupped his face in her hands and pressed her forehead to hers. “It was just a museum exhibit, Barry. You are more important to me than pieces of history.”
His blue eyes were bright even in the dull light and his smile was as wide as a mile. “I love you, (Y/N).”
She matched his smile. “I love you more, Barry Allen.”
“Well, I love you most,” he countered, and she giggled, shaking her head.
“Impossible,” she bantered. “My love for you knows no bounds.”
“Oh yeah?” he bet, wrapping one arm around her waist, whilst the other fumbled for the bedside, rising to his feet. “Hmm, my love is eternal.” He turned, (Y/N) sinking into the mattress as he climbed onto the bed, looking at her.
An evil smirk crossed her lips and Barry’s body flushed with heat as his cheeks darkened, and before he could even blink, he was being flipped, staring up as she gazed down at him. “H-honey,” he stuttered as her fingers deftly undid the buttons of his pajama shirt, spreading it open to reveal his toned chest. He really flushed when she bent down and pressed a kiss to the center of his chest, ebbing upwards to his throat, only leaving a trail of crimson love bites in her wake.
“Your love is eternal, hmm?” she cooed against his skin, heatedly kissing along his jaw to whisper in his ear. “Prove it to me.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 7 - ao3 -
Lan Qiren woke up with a pounding headache and no memory of having gone to bed.
This would not have been a surprise had he been at home, as his routine was blissfully static and required no thought whatsoever – each item he needed in its proper place, each movement mapped out through years of practice, his entire body trained such that he would automatically begin to go through the necessary acts at the appropriate time and would immediately begin to feel sleepy once he started the sequence – but it was highly notable that such a thing would occur while he was out of the Cloud Recesses, where each day’s sleep would only be the same in terms of the time at which he fell asleep.
In this case in particular, he also felt sore all over – his head, as mentioned, but also his upper arms and, oddly, his right knee. Had he been exercising unwisely? The bed in the room he had been given at the Sun Palace was not that nice, too hard and unyielding, but it wasn’t enough to cause this sort of aching…
“I will see to it that the next bed lives up to your stringent standards.”
Lan Qiren’s eyes shot open and he sat upright at once: that was Wen Ruohan’s voice.
“What are you doing in my –” he started to say, then stopped.
Wen Ruohan was not in his bedroom.
He wasn’t in his bedroom.
He didn’t even recognize this bedroom.
It was massive, for one thing: a full suite, the way the hanshi was back at home, with place for a bed and a table and plenty more besides. The bed was similar in style to the one in the room he had been assigned but larger in scale – made of dark wood and covered in the red sun motif like all the other décor, but over twice as broad and an extra chi in length, and the brocade fabric used to upholster it was considerably more lush and luxurious and, admittedly, more comfortable than what he’d been sleeping on in the Sun Palace’s guest quarters. The room itself was the same, decorated in luxury extending to the point of opulence: there was a painting scroll on one wall that if genuine would be worth more than everything Lan Qiren owned put together, young master of a Great Sect or not, and on the other wall hung six swords, each more glorious than the next, and he suspected if he knew more about weaponry he would be able to recite their names.  Even the red sun that was painted on every ceiling here glittered with embedded rubies and spiritual stones, emanating pure qi – a tremendous waste, each one of them sufficient to be a cultivation sect’s precious treasure.
Amidst all this luxury, Wen Ruohan was sitting not far away from the bed, a book held loosely in his hands – it was as if he’d been waiting for Lan Qiren to awaken.
“I think you’ll find, in fact,” Wen Ruohan said, and his eyes were glittering the way they had been the day before when it had been Lao Nie he’d been looking at, full of malice and self-indulgent amusement, “that this is my bedroom.”
This was not a surprise, but rather the only logical conclusion.
Not that it explained why Lan Qiren was here.
“Did I – fall asleep?” he asked uncertainly, though surely that must be the reason. “And you – brought me here?”
“You did, and I did,” Wen Ruohan confirmed, and seemed amused for some reason. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
Lan Qiren wracked his brain, which was hurting and unhelpful and slower even than its usual plodding pace. “…I was thinking that liquor tastes vile.”
Wen Ruohan’s smile broadened. “Mm. It seems that you inherited your grandfather’s head for wine.”
Lan Qiren’s grandfather was one of the elders who refused to obey the rule against alcohol. He had also, in his later years, developed a most un-Lan-like fondness for wine.
He had not at any point developed a tolerance for it.
Lan Qiren closed his eyes in a wince. He must have made a complete fool of himself!
“This foolish junior apologizes to the Sect Leader for his misbehavior,” he said. He wanted to lift his hands to salute, but the movement, when he started it, set off his stomach, and he was forced to wrap his arms around his midsection instead.
There was a rustling sound, robes moving as Wen Ruohan rose to his feet, but Lan Qiren kept his eyes stubbornly closed, fearing that any further input would cause him to bring up everything he’d consumed the night before – only to open them in shock a moment later when he felt a finger press against the acupoint between his eyes, a warm stream of spiritual energy pouring in to cleanse away the nausea and pain of his headache.
Of his hangover.
He had a hangover.
Wen Ruohan, the mighty Sect Leader Wen, was providing him with medical attention to deal with his hangover.
There weren’t going to be words for how much he was going to get punished when he got home.
“Thank you, Sect Leader Wen,” Lan Qiren croaked, feeling hot all over with unending mortification. He had truly been foolish to think that just because there was only one night left in the Nightless City there was little danger of him repeating the mistakes of the past – he had no face left to speak of.
“Oh, no need to be so formal,” Wen Ruohan said, drawing out the words in a drawl. “Not after such a memorable night.”
Lan Qiren did not want to know what he did to make the night get described as memorable. He did not.
Especially not since Wen Ruohan was so obviously enjoying himself over it.
Of course, he wasn’t an idiot: he might be slow and bad at social cues, might find it difficult to understand the unspoken or keep up with sarcasm, but even he knew what was being implied here.
An older man with a younger one, liquor shared, a bedroom…
Yes, he understood the implication.
He just wasn’t stupid enough to believe it.
Lan Qiren folded his hands together and held his head up high.
“It is good that the Sect Leader did not take insult at my foolishness,” he said stiffly. “I thank you for your care and attention, and regret the burden I placed upon you.”
If anything, Wen Ruohan looked even more amused. “Such dignity, little Lan. You’re not even going to ask what happened?”
“This junior is only sixteen,” Lan Qiren said, still stiff and icy. “There is nothing that could have taken place without Sect Leader Wen’s approval, and naturally Sect Leader Wen would not permit this junior to offend his dignity.”
There, he thought with some satisfaction. That neatly turned the situation around: even if something untoward had occurred, which honestly Lan Qiren did not believe past that first initial moment of panic – even putting aside the fact that he wasn't anywhere near sore enough for something like that to have occurred, Wen Ruohan was not known to succumb easily to lust, nor was he so eager for war that he would recklessly try to deflower the son of another Great Sect while the latter was intoxicated for the first time – the blame would fall squarely on Wen Ruohan’s head, not Lan Qiren’s.
Wen Ruohan laughed, understanding perfectly well what Lan Qiren meant.
“You would think so,” he said, sounding almost approving of Lan Qiren’s rule lawyering. “I would have thought so, too, but I find that you Lan have truly remarkable arm strength…especially when trying to keep your conversational partner from escaping while you explain the difference between what the Lan sect consider to be fundamental rules and those considered ancillary.”
Lan Qiren blanched.
That was worse than what he’d thought – because unlike the notion of him making unwanted advances (or receiving them, for that matter), it was plausible. Terribly, painfully plausible.
“Oh, yes. All five iterations of the debate.”
Oh no.
“Four sect discussions. Seventeen separate texts on the subject, not counting later commentaries. Sixty-four subsidiary rulings, all of which you were very enthusiastic in recounting - and here I was thinking that your Wall of Discipline had a surfeit of rules, when in fact it was only the beginning. Apparently, I underestimated you.”
Lan Qiren buried his face in his hands as if that would make it stop. 
“Still, I suppose I’ll have to accustom myself to hearing more about the rules in the future,” Wen Ruohan mused. “We’ll be spending far more time together, after all, on account of our sworn brotherhood.”
Lan Qiren looked up and opened his mouth, then stopped.
He had nothing to say.
His mind was absolutely blank, a state which had never before occurred.
“Forgive me,” he finally spat out. “Our – what?”
Wen Ruohan smiled at him with eyes full of poison and a mouth full of teeth.
“Sworn brotherhood,” he said casually, as if it was nothing. “You were saying that you regretted not being able to see more of the Nightless City before you left, and that you could only leave the Cloud Recesses to visit family, so we became sworn brothers.”
“We did not.”
“Oh, but we did,” Wen Ruohan said. “We drank mixed wine and swore all the appropriate oaths – I have the written version here, if you’d like to see.”
The piece of paper he put in front of Lan Qiren was recognizably in Lan Qiren’s own hand, although his normally impeccable calligraphy was rather wobbly. It was still readable, though, and the first few clauses very clearly laid out a sworn brotherhood oath.
Lan Qiren stared at it.
“We – but we can’t be sworn brothers,” he said blankly. “We’re – you’re two generations older than me. Am I supposed to call you da-ge?”
“No one has called me da-ge since my youngest brother died,” Wen Ruohan mused, and Lan Qiren was abruptly reminded of the rumors, never confirmed, that that particular death had come at Wen Ruohan’s own hands following a challenge for the seat of sect leader. “It’ll be very charming, I’m sure.”
Wen Ruohan said nothing, but only smiled at him.
Lan Qiren looked down at the paper.
He didn’t understand what was happening.
He tried to go over it again in his mind: he had left the competition when the celebration had started, he had wandered the halls, he had tried to obey his brother’s instructions in avoiding Wen Ruohan, and when that failed, he had obeyed him in trying to be obedient. He had drunk liquor for the first time, and he had no memory thereafter until he had woken up here and now, in Wen Ruohan’s bedroom, with Wen Ruohan saying that they had –
He didn’t think Wen Ruohan was teasing him over this, though. Not the way he had so obviously been with his implications that they had used the bedroom for purposes other than sleeping.
Not with evidence, written in his own hand.
He didn’t understand.
How could this have happened?
“…did we really?” he whispered, half-hoping against hope that it was still a tease, still a joke, still – something, anything, other than what it was. That Wen Ruohan was just waiting for him to declare that he believed him, to demonstrate dismay, and then he would tell him the truth.
“Yes,” Wen Ruohan said instead, inexorable. “We did.”
Lan Qiren’s mind fell into chaos.
He didn’t understand.
He didn’t understand.
“You’re shaking,” Wen Ruohan observed. “Ah, little Lan – don’t tell me it’s now that you’re scared?”
Lan Qiren’s hands were in fact shaking, he observed, and he put them over his face.
“Why would you do that?” he asked, his whole body starting to rock back and forth in his distress. “Why would you – with me – an oath of brotherhood can’t be taken lightly –”
“It can’t be,” Wen Ruohan said, and for some reason he sounded satisfied. “Certainly not for someone like you, little Lan, who always keeps their word and does not lie.”
“But why?” Lan Qiren asked, his voice rising almost into a plaintive wail. “Our sects aren’t even allies.”
“They are now,” Wen Ruohan said, and put his hand on the back of Lan Qiren’s neck. It felt hot against his skin, like a hot stone used for massage – a little too hot to tolerate for very long. “You know the obligations of a sworn brother oath as well as I. My duty as the elder brother is to guide you and care for you, support you and yours, and in return you are to obey me and be guided by me.”
Did Wen Ruohan want a spy in the Lan sect? Lan Qiren wondered wildly. But surely there were easier ways than this – not only would he make a terrible spy, with his clumsiness and his terrible social skills and his inability not to take everything seriously, but it would be simple enough for his sect to counter such a move. All they would need to do would be to cast him out…
His rocking intensified.
Wen Ruohan brought his other arm around him and pulled him close until Lan Qiren’s forehead, with its forehead ribbon still firmly in place, was pressed against his chest.
“Don’t cry, little brother,” he crooned. “Am I to allow a priceless painting to be kept by those that see it only for its use as spare kindling? A peerless treasure sword left to prop up a door?”
“You have a half-dozen swords hanging on your wall, each more priceless than the next, and all of them rusting away for lack of use!” Lan Qiren cried out. “Even if it’s only a door, at least it’s – it’s my – my brother…”
“Do not worry about your brother, undeserving as he is of your sincerity. Qingheng-jun has been trying to get concessions out of me this entire conference,” Wen Ruohan said. His breath was warm against Lan Qiren’s hair. “I’ve been refusing, but now I’ll grant them. He won’t punish you.”
“That’s not how that works. Punishment isn’t inherently bad; it’s meant to correct and guide the individual – the failure of good conduct will always be my own, no matter the result –”
“What I have taken into my hand, no one yet lives who would dare seek to take away,” Wen Ruohan said. “Anyway, it’s too late to regret now, isn’t it? What’s done is done. Don’t you have a rule like that?”
Lan Qiren sniffed. “No. There are at least four that could potentially qualify as having similar underlying meanings, but none directly on point.”
Wen Ruohan huffed. “Little Lan, if I tore out your heart, would you have time to cite one of your sect rules before you died?”
“…maybe if it was a short one?” Lan Qiren said, blinking at the strange question; his lashes brushed against Wen Ruohan’s lapel. “I mean, there’s a difference between ‘Be loyal and filial’ and ‘Set the wise as your teacher and the moral as your example’, isn’t there? And of course you’d have to consider whether in tearing out the heart you impeded the lungs, and how much time it would take the exsanguination to take effect…”
He was calming down, he realized, and pulled back out of Wen Ruohan’s arms, blushing as he realized that the question must have been meant as a distraction, though how Wen Ruohan had realized that a distraction would be the best way to reduce his distress when even he hadn’t known, he had no idea.
“Thank you for your consideration,” he mumbled, ducking his head in embarrassment.
Wen Ruohan started laughing.  
“Truly I have found an unappreciated treasure, unlike any other,” he said amid his chuckles. “Come along, little Lan. Let’s go break the news to your brother.”
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
perfectly wrong | one
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summary: there were rules that had to be followed: no one could know about you two, there was no ‘getting to know each other,’ and there was absolutely no emotional attachment allowed. if this could be done, there should be no complications. but somehow, the rules always get bended.
pairing: reader x fuckboy!kth
genre: college au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2301
chapter warnings: cussing, mature language, very slight angst, some hints of jealousy, alcohol consumption
notes: pls remember that this is set a few months after you and tae have been going at it, so it will seem like things are happening a bit fast. i’m not trying to prolong this series. also most importantly, i tend to usually write shorter chapters > shorter, but more chapters published. enjoy!
> series masterlist <
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Jungkook decided he was going to see if he could jump over your couch and land perfectly in a seated position.
"Wait, wait, wait. Absolute silence everybody." He says as he's stretched over, trying to estimate the timing and height of his jump. He had always been super athletic and competitive since you two were small, so there was really no changing his mind on this. He always had to prove something, even if that meant creating his own competition of jumping over the couch.
"It's just me and you." You watched him from the kitchen, making sure the pizza in the oven was baking properly.
"I have an audience, okay? Don't be rude, Y/N." He says as he points over to the fake audience clapping and laughing during a 'Friends' episode.
"Whatever, as long as you don't go breaking my shit, Jeon Jungkook." He was 22, but his mentality was 8. That was for damn sure.
"Siiiiiiilence." He says at a whisper, his eyes shut as he puts a finger to his mouth. He lets out a huff and a puff before he gets the courage to throw himself over the couch and land a perfect landing. "And once again, he sticks the landing!" He stands up with his hands up in the air.
"You're annoying." You laughed, getting paper plates ready for the pizza that was about to be done because you were in no mood to do any dishes tonight.
"Thank you! I'll be here again tomorrow, same time." He calls out to his fake audience.
"No the hell you're not."
"Ouch, nevermind. Someone apparently doesn't want me here." You laugh at how dramatic he is. At this point, you just let him be because that was something you always loved about your bestfriend. He embraced the kid in him and always brought good times. You had similarities, but you also had some major differences. You liked being in your comfort zone & you were labeled the innocent nerd amongst your friends. You just like to consider yourself simple, though. A 'take it day by day' kind of person. Kookie was fun, adventurous and childish at times. He was also shy, but loud at the same time? An introverted extrovert, you could say.
But you loved each other nonetheless, that's why you've clicked so well since you were young. You taught each other things & grew together.
"Here, fool." You placed the pizza in front of him with the paper plates.
"Set it up, I'll grab us the drinks. You want anything in particular?"
"That bottle of Stella Rosa, please." JK knew you loved that Stella Rosa, so he happily grabs the bottle and two wine glasses. He plops back next to you on the couch, pouring your glasses and grabbing a heaping serving of 4 slices of pizza.
You both decided you want a good laugh, so you throw on Kevin Hart's newest installment: Zero Fucks Given. It isn't long before you both are rolling on the floor, almost gasping for air at how much you're laughing at Kevin Hart's stand up. The pizza is gone, the wine is gone, and you're still feeling pretty tipsy. The whole thing sounds nice, until your head starts to wonder what Taehyung is doing and if he'll text you to come over tonight. You know he probably already has plans with another chick though, and that hits you.
Curse this fucking alcohol.
Let's get this straight - the only time you 'talk' is when he's trying to fuck.
And yes bitch, you let him do this to you. You're out that door before you can even fully slip your shoes on. Dick is just that good. It's something about Taehyung that makes you addicted. The way he gives you a stupid ass smirk when he opens his door, the way he touches your skin and gently lays his shit on you until you both become really invested in the moment. So invested that shit hits the roof. It gets messy. It gets rough. It becomes unspeakable.
You aren't friends. No one knows about you two, or that you even know the other exists. You don't know shit about each other. The only thing you know is that he's fucking other girls. He has a whole roster, you'd imagine - a starting five, at least.
He doesn't care about you, and for the most part, you don't either. At least, that's what you like to portray because it's been some months now since this whole thing started and you can't help but feel some kind of emotional tie to him. You're leaving your house between 12-2am in the morning and sleeping in his bed until 6-7am. It's a routine; a routine you've become used to. You skip out on some late night kick-its with your friends cause you anticipate a text to come through from him.
But, he doesn't care. You aren't the only female slipping into those sheets, and boy does it fucking make it hard to swallow. Reality hits hard when you think about it and you feel this huge pit in your stomach. You try to be different, you try to stand out one way or another. But it doesn't work that way. You knew what this entailed going into it, so it makes zero sense as to why you're hurting and getting jealous from time to time.
You know it still doesn't matter to him.
He's only fucking you over cause you let him. You know damn well you're not gonna change and let this go, though. You love thrill of it too much. It's the most thrill your life has had. You're not perfect and you're only human. You make mistakes, but this one definitely puts the cherry on top. Because not only do you refuse to learn, but you let it repeat itself over and over again.
"Aishhhh, my stomach hurts from laughing too much." Jungkook laid his head back and patted his belly. "But that was good though. I needed that."
"Yeah it was. Thanks for coming by to watch that with me, Kook." He tilts his head over to look at you and smiles.
"Sure thing." He checks his phone and sits up. "Yoongi is blowing up the group chat." You check your phone to see multiple unread messages from none other than Min Yoongi himself.
[yoongi] 10:37pm: aye
[yoongi] 10:45pm: all of a sudden, everyone is ghost in this group chat?! you all had a lot to say not too long ago.
[yoongi] 10:52pm: even though you guys are fake as fuck, does anyone wanna come with me to the bars tonight? meet at my place so we can head out.
You and Jungkook laughed at how butthurt Yoongi was in the groupchat. Yoongi definitely was the most serious and blunt one in your group, but he still liked to party and have a good time. It was just how he was. Hoseok was always full of energy and probably the most extroverted one out of all 4 of you. He was never shy. You and Jungkook met Yoongi and Hoseok your first year in college and became inseparable ever since. You all just click with your different attributes.
[jungkook] 10:53pm: lmaoooooooo
[yoongi] 10:53pm: fuck you dude lol
[jungkook] 10:54pm: i'll come through in a sec, i'm at y/n's right now. not sure if she's gonna come though?
[y/n] 10:55pm: i'll pass, i'm tired and wined out.
[hoseok] 10:55pm: ahahahah yoongi shut up, blowing up my phone for no reason. i'm passing on tonight too. im tired from working that overtime *cries*
[yoongi] 10:56pm: you both are boring. i'm especially offended at how i didn't get an invite to your little powwow, y/n. and now you don't wanna hang out?
[hoseok] 10:57pm: she mentioned she was going to watch kevin hart's thing yesterday and offered us to swing by if we wanted to though....... selective hearing, maybe?
[y/n] 10:58pm: ^ okayyyyy and that's on period! thank you hobi <3
[hoseok] 10:59pm: anything for the baby
[yoongi] 10:59pm: lmao you're a brat, y/n. whatever, i'm still hurt by you both! kook, hurry on over so we can drink
"Fuck I regret this, I'm gonna die." Jungkook laughed as he stood up and stretched. He quickly helped you clean up before he figured it was time to go or else Yoongi would have a fit.
"I feel like it has to do with that one girl he's been talking to on and off."
"Perhaps." Jungkook shrugged before putting on his shoes. "We shall see." he sighs before giving you a tight hug. "You sure you don't wanna come out?"
"You don't even have plans tonight."
"Yes I do."
"Doing what?"
"Laying in bed." Jungkook snorted as you shook your head and shrugged. What else did he think you were trying to do? He should know you by now, at the very least.
"Alright, I'm not even going to argue. I'm off."
"Be safe, have fun, text me if you both need anything, okay?" He nods as he shuts the door, leaving you to your lonesome. You swirled the teeny tiny drop of wine leftover in your glass around before picking up your phone.
No new texts. Well, let's be specific: no new texts from taehyung.
You did forget to respond to your oldest cousin though, when he was just trying to check up on you.
[seokjin] 8:35pm: pssst y/n
[seokjin] 8:35pm: psssssssssst
[seokjin] 8:35pm: oyyyyyyyyyy
He was damn near 30 years old and hated talking on the phone so much that he decides to blow up your phone this way. But, he was the cousin you loved dearly and you had a very tight, sibling-like relationship with him. He was like the older brother you've always wanted. He watched you grow, protected you, kept you safe, supported you and cheered you on - especially when your family talked so much shit about how you and him weren't gonna get anywhere with your goals. You know, the fucking stupid ol' saying of 'chasing your passion isn't going to bring you money & wealth.' Your family was all about the titles and money, but Jin was passionate about cooking and wanted to open his own cafe. You, on the other hand, wanted to pursue your art. Jin was the biggest role model for you because he was the first to defy your family's wants and wishes. He was the black sheep of the family with a huge 'I don't give a fuck' mentality and he taught you that along the way.
Don't ever be afraid to do what you're passionate about. Fuck 'em.
[y/n] 11:13pm: hi sorry, jungkook was over and we were watching kevin hart's new thing on netflix over some wine and pizza.
[seokjin] 11:15pm: that sounds fun! sorry, i just wanted to check on you but i see you're doing okay lol
[y/n] 11:16pm: i am. :) i'll hang out with you tomorrow
[seokjin] 11:16pm: how sweet, my freeloading baby cousin is coming by
[y/n] 11:17pm: hahahah shut up! although you're not wrong, i am going to steal some food. but most importantly, i do want to hang out and see my bestest oppa <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: awww y/n, you're so full of shit <3
[seokjin] 11:18pm: go to bed
[y/n] 11:19pm: haha love you tooooo
And so, that's what you did. You got yourself all ready for bed, believing you wouldn't be leaving your house tonight. You pampered yourself, put on a face mask and got yourself all lathered up in lotion just to lay down. You're in Jungkook's shirt that he left behind (and never looked for, so technically it's yours now) when the guys had stayed the night and some Vicky Secret panties.
You're scrolling through your Instagram feed, seeing Jungkook's newly posted story with him and Yoongi already at the bars, acting a damn fool. You laughed at the video he took of Yoongi trying to dance in a tight, awkward space on the crowded dance floor even though he was never the best at dancing. It lowkey made you wish you went out with them so you wouldn't be stuck here thinking about your feelings and how lonely these hours get.
And then you see Jimin's story from an hour ago. He knew you were friends with Yoongi, and although Yoongi wasn't fond of their group too much, he was still an avid party-goer and mingled with people there. You've only spoken to Jimin once because you had to work with him in the same group on a class assignment. You tried to keep it that way though because he was Taehyung's bestfriend. They went everywhere together, did everything together. He, too, was very popular among the ladies and across campus. I guess it was just their thing.
You assume they were at a party cause Jimin quickly flashes the camera at Taehyung, who's in front of him getting a lapdance from some chick. Jimin quickly turns the camera back to his face as he's laughing uncontrollably then abruptly cuts it off.
She's forsure going home with him tonight.
You set your phone down on the night stand and put on a show on your laptop to help you fall asleep.
Just as you're about to get some shut eye, your phone vibrates. You let it slip at first because you thought it could be one of the guys playing around, but it vibrates again, signaling another text coming through. You pick up your phone just to make sure Yoongi and Jungkook aren't in any trouble and need you to bail their asses out.
[taehyung] 12:17am: hey
[taehyung] 12:20am: come over.
You scoff at how he assumes you're still up and that you'd be coming over. You hated that. He knew he just had your ass.
track two: hit different - sza & ty dolla $ign
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danniburgh · 3 years
Rushingly Bittersweet (Javier Peña x f!reader) part 23
Pairing: Javier Peña x ofc//f!reader with name.
Summary: After the fall of Escobar everything starts happening way too fast for Javier; his raise, his new office, his new team, the Cali cartel’s operation, the sudden arrival of a new agent that was transferred to his team for no apparent reason, the way he was falling in love with her almost unintentionally.
And he couldn’t seem to stop any of that.
Word count: +6.4k
Chapter warnings: lmao angst and then fluff, a brief mention of food, and drugs and a dog.
A/N: This chapter is set after season three. // aAAAAAA this is so long i dont even why but it took me like ALL day FUCK FUCK FUCK anyway thanks to all my babies that got me through the desperation of wanting this to write itself lmao, also two chapters and we are DONE with the main story holy shit
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gifs: @pascalsky
Javier groaned when he sat up and moved his legs to get them out of the bed and looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand; three forty-eight in the morning. He turned on the lamp, reached at his nape and scratched with blunt nails and reached for the pack of smokes that he left on the nightstand before laying down to try to sleep with the other hand.
He pulled the last one out of the pack and stood up to throw the empty carton in the trashcan near the door; he eyed the empty pack from the day before in the bottom of the can with the cigarette clinging to his lips thanks to near dry spit making them sticky and let out a deep sigh.
It wasn’t working.
His tongue moved to shift the cigarette from his lips and he let it fall inside the trashcan, knowing it wouldn’t be the last one he put between his lips, but at least he didn’t light it.
Javier thought of getting out of the room and raiding his dad’s bar again, but he knew it wouldn’t do him any good.
It wasn’t working.
He knew it, and it couldn't be denied any longer. He wasn’t getting any younger and his old ways weren’t helping him forget as they used to ten or fifteen years before.
Javier walked back to the bed and sat on the edge, letting his half naked body fall backwards on the mattress and looking at the ceiling, he felt his hand twitch and he felt it empty without a nicotine stick firmly pressed between his index and his thumb but did nothing to calm it down.
Ten or fifteen years before: had it really been that long? Javier huffed at nothing and scratched his chest, leaving his hand there, uselessly wondering what would it be of him if he did something different; incidentally working through years and years of missteps, mishappens, mistakes, and shaping them in some other way that would have saved him from five months of poor sleep and constant drunkenness, five months of chain-smoking and lack of sharpness, five months of only remembering the bad things he had done and the bad things he deserved.
He huffed again because of course his retirement wouldn’t be him sitting on a porch to enjoy the evening Texas breeze and a glass of scotch; even if he had tried it.
It was having nightmares every third night he wanted nothing but to shove deep inside his head, but that then, reluctantly, he had to tell his new therapist his dad had forced him to go to.
It was having to remember all the men he saw dying every time he heard the words war or coke or shooting. Having to remember them changing and fighting and dying for a cause he wasn’t sure if he still believed in. Having to remember Carrillo every time he and Steve talked on the phone.
It was remembering you each time someone sent him a letter congratulating his work or asking for consultation or asking for an interview; because he had an idea of what you had been through and he was sure he didn’t deserve all that claptrap. He did nothing but cause chaos and destruction and death and even though his therapist said it wasn’t his fault he knew it was because he aided for it to happen.
But you? You did everything you could to find yourself a way to recover what was yours, and you still lost it.
Javier sat up again and after six exact seconds of consideration, he leaned forward and opened his nightstand drawer. He took the black tape he had been clinging to for five months and held it in front of him for a couple of minutes.
He chuckled at himself and gripped the small cassette, took from the drawer his tape player, pressed the red button for it to open, let the tape fall in the slit and closed it, turned it on and rewinded the tape, trying to make the calculations in his head of how many times he had repeated that process as the tape ran to the beginning.
He put the headphones on, laid down back on the bed and pressed play.
“Hi, Javi, uhm…”
God, how he missed you.
The phone rang again, fuck the phone, you thought, and hid your face under a pillow, trying to fall asleep again despite the clear signal that you were no longer sleepy.
And the phone rang again, you lifted your head from the cocoon of pillows and eyed the clock on your nightstand, who was calling you at five seventeen in the morning?
Grunting, you got out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom to the small space that made your living room, dining room and kitchen and got to the phone.
“Hello?” your voice was a deep groan, and you cleared your throat.
“Another letter came for you, when are you gonna change your address?” your dad’s voice broke through the receiver and you closed your eyes, breathing in and out the stress it was already provoking in you.
“I’ll get to it, dad,” you replied “are you gonna send it to me or can I go to the house?” you questioned, feeling already your lower lip tremble.
“I’ll send it, your mom doesn’t wanna see you yet,” he let out in a stern voice “sorry, pumpkin.” he whispered and hung up the phone.
You sat on the armrest of the loveseat next to the phone and let your tears fall from your eyes, not even bothering about cleaning them anymore.
You sighed and nodded to yourself, letting your tired gaze roam around your tiny living space and you missed the openness of your family house, the one you had come back to and were expelled from by an angry mother that felt ashamed of the truth you told them.
But you had to give it to her, she didn’t even know you went down to Colombia, or that you’d been having drug issues, or that they fired you.
She had told you she didn’t know who you were anymore.
Neither did you.
So you left, they couldn’t be more disappointed in you than you were in yourself, so you walked out as your mom wanted and tried to find a home for yourself as you still wondered what the hell were you supposed to do. There wasn’t a handbook or a protocol that taught people how to stop being a DEA agent, the government didn’t train people to go back to civility or even offered a program to forget all the shit you had lived in the places they had sent you.
You stayed in your hometown, unknowingly to your old friends and twenty minutes away from your parent’s home and didn’t leave your house unless absolutely necessary; Albuquerque wasn’t a small town, but it wasn’t big, and you were dreading walking past someone who knew you before you had lost yourself and tried to explain all your baggage, you didn’t have the time, or the energy. And you didn’t want people feeling sorry for yourself, with the woman in the mirror you had enough.
Everything seemed pointless, and you felt heavy all the time, as if you were carrying a chain ball in each foot and shackles in your hands while being dragged down by quicksand.
In the kitchen's corner you saw the last two boxes you still didn’t have energy to unpack after moving them across the continent and let out a teary sight as you stood from the armrest and walked to them.
You opened the first box and saw it filled with office clutter; pencils, markers, some notebooks and notepads, the brown journal you had been looking for to burn on your stove; a set of keys you weren’t sure what they opened and in the bottom, folded pieces of paper.
“Oh, no.” you muttered to the air of the warm kitchen and you doubted reaching in for it… The hesitation lasted two minutes but for you it was like two hours, you knew what it was, you knew why it was in that box and when you took it it felt hot and heavy. You were holding feelings in that letter, you were holding hours of shed tears and memories you didn’t want to have anymore. Memories that still haunted you whenever you smelled roasted colombian coffee and saw an ad of Malduros on tv.
You didn’t open it. You knew what was written there. And for a few seconds you thought of burning it on the stove instead.
“Well, I don’t want this, might as well send it.” you muttered under your breath, recognizing it would do you some good to stop holding to it, acknowledging it would do you some good to know he had it. If he wanted to rip it into millions of pieces or burn it or toss it in the trash or eat it, it was his problem.
You bit your lip as you walked to the phone; you hadn’t thought of him in a while. But as you sat on the loveseat all the shit you wanted to bury if not get rid of came back to your mind like a high wave of a rough sea; sharp, cold, gritty.
“Shit.” you gasped, trying to breathe in and out several times because you didn’t want to cry. It was too early for crying.
You grabbed the phone and thought who could have Javier’s address. God, even thinking of his name made your chest flutter and your stomach churn. You had fooled yourself into thinking he didn’t have an effect on you anymore, into even assuring five months was enough to forget him. What a fool.
You dialed the number of the only person you knew for sure knew the address by heart; the phone rang three times before it was answered.
“Hello?” a sleepy nasal voice greeted, and you smiled through the few tears that had accumulated in your eyes, grateful that he still had his embassy issued cell phone.
“Stod!” your smile was making your cheeks hurt, and you wondered in the back of your head when was the last time you had smiled.
“Who’s this? Flor?” he asked and you let out a stiff chuckle. You decided not to be a huge asshole and dump something heavy as your actual name that early in the morning, so you went with it.
“Yeah, sorry to call at this hour, did I wake you?” you played with the edge of the loveseat’s armrest.
“Kinda,” a noise of shuffle was heard “but it’s almost seven here, so I’m not that mad,” he teased, making you chuckle again “how are you? to what do I owe the honor?”
“Uhm, I–‌I’m calling to take advantage of you,” you said, hearing his chuckle through the line and a whisper of of course you did, “by any chance do you know Peña’s address in Texas?” you asked, closing your eyes and crossing your fingers, wishing for him to not ask:
“I–‌I have something of his...” you mumbled under your breath “I just found it and I wanna send it.” you said, which wasn’t technically a lie.
“Uh…” Stoddard hesitated, and you heard a faint of a pouring noise in the back that made you sigh, a cup of coffee would do you wonders, “well I do–I don't know if I’m allowed to just say it, y’know?” you frowned.
“Oh, come on, please?” you pleaded, your leg started bouncing because of the anxiety that was growing in your chest.
“What is it? is something important?” he asked.
“Super important,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see, “he needs it.”
“How do you know?” he questioned again, and you whined under your breath.
“Uhm, I ju–‌I just know, uhm…” since when were you a twitchy, nervous mess? “can’t you just tell me?”
“Not really, no.” he muttered in that voice that made you want to punch him and hug him at the same time.
You let out the air of your lungs and controlled your body.
You had promised yourself to tell the truth when it was necessary. So you were going to.
“Look, Stod, this is long to explain, okay?” you began, and he hummed affirmatively in response, “the only thing you need to know is that the thing I have here is very important that he gets because he needs to know that I kept it for him.” you said, closing your eyes again.
“Flor you just told me nothing.” he let out, his voice was being muffled and it sounded like he had something in his mouth.
“Fuck, Stoddard, I love him, okay?” you let out “and this thing I have is a letter that I need him to have so he knows I love him!” you panted and bit your lip when he didn’t answer.
You just had said out loud you loved someone, you just had said to someone you loved Javier Peña for the first time. Shit.
“Oh,” Stoddard said after a moment and you held your breath, “you have where to write?”
“You’re a fucking king!”
Six hours later, you wanted nothing else but to turn the fucking car around.
“This is a mistake, this is a fucking mistake!” you yelled inside your car, opening the glove box to toss there your sunglasses. The highway 285 was eternal, and you hated driving through it; it was empty, there was nothing but desert landscapes and the occasional tree, but you were halfway, just crossing the state border and there was nothing in the everlasting earth that would make you drive back home, not even your fucking hesitation, not even your self-doubt.
“What the fuck am I gonna say?” you asked yourself again, chewing on your lower lip and gripping the steering wheel, “am I just pulling on his driveway and knocking on his door and saying hi I’m sorry I broke your heart I have a letter for you? Fuck!” you saw the beginning of yet another town and you drove slowly looking for a gas station, “or better yet, I read this shit to him to complete the humiliation!” you turned your head for a second at the letter resting easily in the co-pilot’s seat and you groaned, finding a gas station. You were also hungry.
With the car’s tank full and a plastic bag filled with snacks for the remaining six hours, you sighed to yourself and started driving again.
“You’re doing this because you need closure,” you told yourself, shoving your hand into a bag of salted chips and bringing three to your mouth “if he doesn’t wanna see you, too bad, he’s gonna miss your haircut,” you mumbled, chewing at the same time “you leave the letter and let him decide what to do with it.”
With the highway 285 long behind you and the sky just beginning to turn orange, you had convinced yourself of your own reasons and you even had a plan to go back home as soon as you were done in Laredo. You also had promised yourself and all your Muertos, you wouldn’t react to Javier Peña if he didn’t react to you and as you had learned in your three-year station in México, you can’t break a promise you made to dead people.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you said when the marked map told you you were a block away from the Peña’s ranch house, you were chewing the last bit of a nearly melted chocolate bar you had bought hours ago as your nervousness betrayed you and you started chuckling at your impulses, “holy fuck, I wanna go home!”
But you were already there. The gate was open and there were two trucks parked on the driveway. So you sucked everything you were feeling, and you turned off the ignition. Fuck. It.
You breathed in and out several times before you unbuckled your seatbelt, grabbed the letter and opened the door. You did it again as you walked the gravel path to the house and were grateful it was already dark, so at least the night could help you hide until the last second.
You stopped walking, rationality coming back to you.
“What the fuck am I doing?” you whispered to yourself and turned around, shaking your head as you walked back to the car.
“Mija!” you heard behind you, you froze in place and stiffened at the sound of a thick accent in a rough and warm voice.
“Oh, no.” you said under your breath.
“It’s you!” you turned around, and you saw the face of the man you had only met through an old picture Javier carried with him at all times. “viniste.” (you came) behind him walked a black, large dog that ignored the man and huffed at you.
“I’m sorry?” your voice went out thin and high, and you wanted to chastise yourself for it. You had given yourself a seven-hour pep talk on the way, and you were already breaking.
“I told him,” the man rolled his eyes behind the glasses he was wearing and gestured for you to walk closer “Jesús Peña, nice to finally meet you,” he extended his hand to you and you took it and shook it, the dog got closer to you and smelled your legs, you tried to smile at him and at the dog but tears were already gathering inside your eyes “le dije que ibas a venir a buscarlo.” (I told him you’ll come looking for him)
“I’m sorry, Mr. Peña, I–‌I do–‌”
“Mr. Peña nada,” he interrupted, “call me Chucho,” you nodded and sniffed slightly “ven,” (come) he gestured again and started walking towards the house, “Pepe, métete.” (get inside) he called, and the dog trotted to his side.
“Wait, Chucho, wait!” you called him under your breath as you followed him, he didn’t stop.
“Come on in,” he opened the house door and waited for you to get inside. He nodded his head for you to walk in and you frowned.
“You don’t even know who I am, what ar–‌”
“I know enough,” he said solemnly, walked inside and you and the dog did too and he pointed to an armchair “siéntate, mija, he’s on the back.” he turned around and walked through an archway to what it looked like the kitchen and disappeared through a door, Pepe behind him.
“What the fuck.” you sobbed out, knowing you had little time to leave the letter you were clutching in your hands on the coffee table in front of you and walk out and leave for good. But you couldn’t move, you were in Javier’s house and you wanted to stop being there, but your body was frozen in place and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You wanted to scream at yourself, at your fucking impulses; you had all the opportunities to turn around and go back home, why didn’t you listen to your logical, rational, always right brain?
“Hi.” you heard behind your back and you covered your mouth with the hand that wasn’t holding the fucking letter.
You turned around and blinked the first two tears of what you already knew was going to be a sea of them.
He was wearing the red shirt. And God, it was his color.
Javier wanted to run away and hide.
He had just made peace with never seeing you again; he had just accepted that the only part he would have of you was that voice mail you had left him months before. But there you were, teary and gorgeous in front of him. Shaking and with your hands holding a piece of paper as if it were your lifeline.
His head was a contradiction, because he wanted to grab you and hug you all the same he wanted to grab you and shove you out of his house and his life.
“What are you doing here?” Javier asked, knowing deep inside him he wanted to tell you how good you looked and how much he liked your new hair. You let out a shaky breath at his deep voice. You had missed it.
It was the first time you saw him in five months, and the weight of your feelings for him fell again on your shoulders like a recently broken off boulder, heavy, rough edged and shapeless.
“I don’t know.” you answered truthfully, he sighed and deviated his eyes from you, you breathed in heavily and the only thing that got into your lungs was his essence. You cursed under your breath and he huffed, putting his hands on his hips and leaning to the side.
“How d'you found me?” he questioned, and you huffed through the tears.
“I have my resources.” you let out on a whisper. Trying to find his eyes, you needed to see his eyes.
“What do you want?” Javier asked again, and you deflated at the tone of his voice. The rational part of your brain yelled I told you so at your feelings and you knew it was right, you were expecting too much of yourself and of him.
“See you,” you bit your lower lip and Javier saw from the corner of his eyes how you scrunched up your nose, and he felt something inside his chest flutter, hating and loving all the same how much of you he still had stored inside his memory, “I have something for you.”
“Keep it.” he let out. You shook your head and raised your hand with the letter on it.
“Read it.” you half ordered, half pleaded, Javier chuckled and then shook his head, mimicking you.
“I don’t want it.” he knew he was lying to himself, he wanted to know what it was, he wanted to grip it and smell the paper and read it over and over but his body wasn’t responding to what his feelings were telling him and only responded, almost in automatic, to his prideful side, to that side of him that still resented you and himself.
“Alright then,” you said, standing straight after realizing you had regained the ability to read him even through your tears, and understanding there was something he was struggling with, “I’ll read it.”
“Stop.” Javier frowned and looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to do something you couldn’t decipher.
“I know, okay?” you said, trying to reassure him and yourself “I know I’m in no position to ask for shit,” Javier dropped his hands to the sides “but I just want ten minutes, just ten of your life, and you’ll never have to see me again if that’s what you want.”
You knew it was a risky thing to say, but you needed him to know, you needed him to understand you because you knew and he knew you did understand him. And he needed to know you. You and your version.
He said nothing, you took it as his queue to start so you breathed in deeply and unfolded the letter.
“Stop.” Javier said under his breath.
“No,” you wiped a tear off your cheek “I wrote this when I went back to Colombia after I got fired,” Javier looked at you and you saw his face quirk in something close to pain “uhm, before I wrote this I drove around Bogotá,” you recalled that last day in the city and how much it pained you to be there, “I went–‌I went to some of the places you told me you liked” you tried to smile and dropped your eyes to your shoes, trying to find something to cling to and compose yourself “even that little cafe you told me about, near the palace of justice, remember?” you sobbed out. And he called your name. Making you gasp.
“Stop,” you looked up at him and saw him frowning, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, “we don’t need this.”
“I do!” you let out, Javier brushed his lips with his thumb and felt his hand twitch in need of nicotine again “I need to tell you all this!” you wiped your tears away again “I need closure!” you cried out.
Javier felt his stomach turn around and all the blood of his body went to his feet. Fuck. 
How could he had been so stupid? he got into his own feelings too much and he forgot that you had cried your eyes out to him all those months ago when you handed him everything you were in a couple of manila folders. He had gotten wrapped by his own feelings and the hurricane your declaration had created in his life that he had forgotten just how much you were suffering as well. Because he might have thought about you; all the time, every day; he thought about your past and your reasons and motivations. He even thought of you naked on his bed in Colombia, under his body, moaning and gasping when he needed some release, but he forgot to think about your feelings.
“I didn’t come here to ask for forgiveness because I know I don’t deserve it,” you said and Javier felt the wetness of a tear escaping his eye and making its way through his cheek, “I’m trying to get closure, Javier, please let me try.”
Javier nodded.
You cried more when you saw him brush a tear off with his thumb and chew the inside of his mouth. You wanted to run away; you were sure he was better before you came to his house and disrupted his peace; you were hurting him again, and you wanted to kneel in front of him and ask him for what you said you weren’t seeking. He made you want so much.
You sniffed and dropped your eyes to the open letter in your hand, Javier didn’t move from where he was standing.
“No amount of guilt will or can change the past,” you began, Javier crossed his arms on his chest and saw movement to his side, “that much I know. I kno–‌know that it doesn’t matter,” you sniffed again and Javier turned his head to watch the dog casually walking towards him and sitting next to his boots. You saw it too, and you let out a sad chuckle.
“Ignore him.” he just said. You nodded.
“Uhm, it doesn’t matter how much I apologize, or how many I’m sorry’s I mouth, forgiveness doesn’t come for free.” you didn’t want to lift your eyes to see him, so you continued.
Javier only saw you reading him something he was sure you had poured your heart into, and he wanted nothing but to hear what you wanted to say to him, but he couldn’t focus into listening, because there you were, again in front of him doing what he never dared to do.
Opening your fucking chest, taking your heart out and giving it raw to him.
“...knowing and realizing and acknowledging just how much I love you.”
Javier drowned a gasp, as he fell in love with you all over again, you were doing what he didn’t have the balls to do, because in his sleepless sleep he wanted to look for you, in the middle of his idle nights, just after waking up after a nightmare, he wanted to find you and go to you and tell you whatever the fuck he could to be back with you. But he never did, he never did because he was a coward, because he feared his own feelings so fucking much.
He couldn't hear anything of it after your declaration of love. God, how much he loved you. You were standing there, with your eternally hopeful eyes filled with crystalline tears and several pages of written feelings. And he realized, there, with you in the middle of his living room, shifting to the next page, that even though you were extremely similar, you were also very different.
“...with you I found a reason to give up after all the shit I've lived in…” you muttered and he found the differences inside him; you were braver than him, you were smarter and more connected with what you felt; you weren’t scared of your feelings as he was. You went for what you wanted and even though it had been five months of that dreadful day when he saw his heart squeezed out of his body by your hesitant hand, that day he still replayed inside his head when the day was just over and his brain was floating between sleep and awakeness, he still wondered why you were bothering.
“There were so many things I thought…” you kept reading as he wondered if it was possible for the two of you to connect with each other outside of shared trauma and sympathy for each other’s experiences. But he answered to himself that even if you two weren’t as emotionally available as you needed to be to build a relationship or if you both were having a hard time adapting to be and live out of the system, maybe the love was real.
You stopped reading after noticing he was just standing there with his arms crossed and his eyes on you but not seeing you; you wiped the last of your tears and chuckled bitterly to yourself. Making him blink a few times.
“Fuck this,” you crumpled the pages in your hands and dropped them on the coffee table, shaking your head. Javier frowned, “it doesn’t matter what I read, I shouldn’t have come.” you said, drowning your sobs and gasping for air. He wasn’t paying attention, and nothing about it was making you feel any better about anything.
“What?” Javier whispered, dropping his hands to his sides.
“A’right, then…” you didn’t look at him and tried to control your breathing again “I guess that’s what I wanted to do,” you walked to the door and opened it, Javier wanted to ask what the fuck was happening, he wanted to grab your arm and stop you as he didn’t do it when you were leaving his office back in Colombia “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Javier,” he winced slightly involuntarily at the way you sobbed out his name “I’ll go.”
You walked out of the house covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs, your rational brain was right, it was a mistake; it was a complete and utter mistake, and you were so ashamed of yourself for even thinking it would change anything. You walked to your car feeling the sharp, stinging sensation of a migraine settling in your head. You heard steps behind you and you turned around slowly, not wanting to put hope on the source being Javier.
“Mija,” you look at Chucho trying to catch up with you, “¿a dónde vas?” (where are you going?)
“I’m going home.” you said, shrugging at the man when he stopped in front of you.
“Why?” he asked, frowning.
“Because he said nothing, Chucho,” you bit your lip and looked at the Texan night sky and huffed at yourself, “he said nothing.”
“But he wants you, mija!” he assured you, and you shook your head several times.
“If he wants me as you say,” you pointed towards the house behind him, “then how come I’m not with him?” you reasoned, “he doesn’t want me.”
You dropped your eyes to the gravel path as Chucho sighed and raised his hand to squeeze your shoulder just enough for you to feel less sad. Just how a father would do.
Chucho glared at the house, the door open and Pepe standing in the threshold; his son had been back for months, he had been living next to him, eating next to him, working next to him and breathing next to him just as he did before he went away but he knew, just like a father could, he was not the same man that left.
He reminisced over the muchacho his son was before he left Laredo, so eager to get out of the small town he grew up in and that harbored his family home, so anxious to meet new horizons, so keen to find and explore new places and learn new things; he sometimes found himself missing that boy, he sometimes missed his Javi; the one that helped him build a paddock for his own horse, the one that washed his truck without asking and without failing each friday evening, the one that took care of his Mamá’s funeral at sixteen when himself was too sad to think about coffins or tombstones; because the man that came back to him after almost two decades too far away from home wasn’t the same.
He had seen and done things that Chucho never wanted to to ask about but he imagined, his Javier wasn’t the same. And Chucho knew why, but he also knew about you. Javi had talked about you way too much for his own good, as he did everything. And Chucho also knew why, he wasn’t letting the woman that made his son come back home run away.
“He does want you,” he said, slowly, with a low voice, as if it were a secret, “mijo… es un idiota a veces, but he loves you.” (he’s an idiot sometimes)
“You don’t know that.” you refuted.
“I do,” he gave you a smile that was barely visible under the white mustache “el te ama, y yo…” (he loves you, and I…) “I’m so grateful.” you shook your head as two thick tears left your eyes.
“I broke his heart.” you sobbed out.
“Y me lo trajiste a casa, Florecita” (and you brought him home to me, little flower) you sobbed harder, not able to control it anymore, and he brought you to him, and held you.
“He told you my fake name?” you asked between sobs.
“He told me what you look like.” he muttered.
“I’m so sorry.” you let yourself be wrapped by him and you hid your face on his shoulder.
“Don’t be, without you I would’ve lost my only child.” you held him tighter.
“Please.” you pleaded for nothing and everything at the same time.
“You gotta fight for him, mija.” he muttered to your ear, and you shook your head, still leaning into him.
“I’m fighting for him!” you almost yelled “I’m here, aren’t I?” you lifted your head to look at the man and you gasped for air, dropping your hands to your sides “I drove almost thirteen hours non-stop all the way from Albuquerque just to be here!” you told him and the man stiffened as you lost your shit in front of him, you gripped your head between your hands “thirteen hours to read him that stupid letter and he didn’t say shit!”
“You did what?” you heard and lifted your head to see Javier standing behind his dad.
Chucho looked at Javier and then at you with your cheeks dampened with tears. He squeezed your shoulder again and turned to walk to the house.
“You were in Albuquerque all this time?” he said, and you nodded, noticing he was holding the letter in his hand “when you said you’d go you meant back there?” he frowned in confusion.
“Well, yeah, I have nowhere to stay so I might as well drive home.” you muttered, Javier’s frown deepened, and he stepped towards you.
“Stay here,” he said, “if you wanna leave you leave in the morning.” his voice was thin and low. You looked at his eyes and saw them reddened and wet.
“Did you read it?” you whispered out. He stepped towards you again, nodding.
“Stay.” he whispered back.
“You don’t want me.” you said under your breath as shook your head and he stepped closer.
“Who says that?” he asked, and you looked at the gravel path again.
“I won’t stay.” you felt Javier’s warm fingers graze under your chin and lift your head to him slowly.
“Don’t be so stubborn,” he chastised you with half a smirk forming on his lips “stay with us.” you shook your head again.
“You don’t want me here but you want me to stay,” you said, frowning at him “Javier you can’t have it bo–‌”
“I want you to stay,” he interrupted you “I want you to stay with me,” he whispered as his fingers moved to your cheek and wiped away a tear. “please.”
Javier had read your letter after you walked out and realized, at the prospect of you leaving for what it seemed like forever, at the possibility of you leaving him for good and he never getting to see you or your gorgeous face or your hypnotizing eyes or hearing your voice that did so many things on him, that the balance of his other losses leaned upwards when he weighed the probability of losing you.
Did he care about what you did? of course he did, it still stung sometimes deep inside his chest, it still filled him with something close to grief.
Was he willing to work it out and let it aside because he didn’t want to feel the agony and deep sorrow of not having you by his side he had been feeling for the last five months again? yes.
And the answer to that question inside his head startled him and shook him deeply.
You were there. God, you were there, there was no way he was going to let you leave.
Javier decided you could work it out later, he loved you way too much not to try. He didn’t even plan to love you the way he did, the way he discovered by reading that letter or remembering the man he was without you. He didn’t even plan to love you at all, but he did. He was madly, insanely, deeply in love with you.
Javier moved his hand to your shoulder and let the one holding the letter find its way to your waist. Find its way home.
“Don’t go.” he whispered again. He moved the last step to wrap his hands around you. You let out a low yelp at the feeling of his body so close to you, for a second you froze in place, your eyes closed and his warmth invaded your entire body as he hid his head in the crook of your neck. He inhaled your essence as you hugged him back and gripped him tightly against you.
Javier felt as if all his parts were being glued back together.
“Stay with me.” he whispered against the skin of your neck.
So you stayed.
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pedrito's perma list: @queenofthefaceless​ @northernpunk​ @pascalesque​ @sleep-tight1​ @cheekygeek05​ @bii-aan-ckaa​ @letaliabane​ @starlightmornings​ @mouthymandalorianalso​ @supernaturalgirl​ @metalarmsandmanbuns​ @purplepascal042​ @asta-lily​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @missswriter​ @juletheghoul​ @pedro-pastel​ @agirllovespancakes​
Javi's babies: @pulplorrd​
RushBit tag list: @shestillwrites1​ @alliterative-albatross​ @absurdthirst​ @thoughtfulpandawasteland​ @wifeofdindjarin​ @lank-sextburg @the-ginger-hedge-witch​ @helloannbananalove​ @diogodxlot​ @pascalslittlebrat​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @pedritobalmando​ @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​ @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @callsigncatfish​ @feminist-violinist​ @jasmincita​ @pascalove​ @eury-dice3​ @gingaahhhh @athalien​
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write-like-wright · 3 years
since you did the prosecutors before can we get exes headcanons for them (like what they would be like if they were ur ex LMAO)? if this is too broad u can pick ur favorite aspect of it (u dumping them, them dumping u, seeing them in public one month later 🥰 etc)
skjdksfnfjnf this is so funny yes!
Being their ex: Ace Attorney rival prosecutor edition
Miles Edgeworth
if you thought he was awkward while you were dating, wait until you see him after your breakup
he does NOT know how to behave around you at all anymore
mostly attempts to avoid you
may or may not pull another one of his "prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death" stunts
goes to Europe for a few months to compose himself and figure out how to proceed
he's especially stumped if you are somehow obligated to interact, either through work or maybe if you live nearby
tries his best to be civil and gentlemanly, but it's painfully obvious he'd rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment
I imagine you'd have mutual friends, so before every group outing he asks if you're going to be there
something may suddenly come up if the answer is yes
*cough, cough* "I can't, I'm sick"
"boo you, Edgeworth"
I'm assuming you broke up either because of how much he works or because he fears for your safety because of your relationship
maybe it was just a heated steel samurai discussion taken too far
Franziska von Karma
oh boy, this is not gonna go well
so cold to you in the public
throws around a "foolish fool" or two your way
grips her whip so tight her knuckles turn white
cries when she gets home
absolutely cannot forgive herself for allowing someone to know her so intimately and see her in her vulnerable moments and then they're just... gone
probably puts her off dating for a while
if I had to guess why you broke up, I'd assume it was due to her intensity or competitive nature
Diego Armando/Godot
this man has many, many exes
not much changes in his demeanour towards you
he's as cool and as smooth as ever, but is careful not to cross over into the flirty territory
you're either addicted to caffeine or absolutely repulsed by it at this point
walking by a coffee shop makes you uncomfortable
don't know why you broke up, but you get back together at least twice before separating for good
Klavier Gavin
Klav remains his good old, friendly self
will drop an album about your breakup
expect a lot of hate from his stans
the media hounds you
you get invited to participate in a few reality shows probably
he feels bad and tries to defend you
offers to make it up to you by taking you out for dinner
you hook up
you break up again because you can't stand the constant scrutiny and him being away for long periods of time
rinse and repeat
Simon Blackquill
there are so many potential reasons why you could've broken up
too intense? scary at times?? manipulative without even realizing it??? spends half his life savings on a fancy katana???? who knows with him
goes full emo
do you guys know that canonically those marks on his face are from crying so much in prison? yeah (they're apparently starting to heal too, good for him)
acts all tough at work, goes home and cries to HIM - Gone With The Sin blasting at full volume
flip-flops between being a gentleman and a jerk should you meet in public
makes a few snarky comments about you and your relationship to hurt you, then has a minor freakout when realization.exe kicks in and he notices you actually are hurt
apologises by sending you cute bird pics
"Look at what Taka did today."
"He's wearing the bandana you bought him :)"
"Please respond I'm so sorry don't block me"
You eventually remain friends so you can get bird visitation rights
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
acts polite and smiles sweetly, but occasionally ends the conversation with "I will pray for you", not unlike a hostile southern lady
you miss him and his expensive haircare and skincare products
you can definitely live without the 8-hour sermons
perhaps the cultural differences were too hard to overcome? or maybe it was the constant travelling? in either case, you mutually decide that ending your relationship would be for the best
I imagine dating literal royalty would be exhausting
Barok van Zieks
make no mistake, this WILL cause a scandal
no matter the reason for your separation, get ready to deal with some serious gossip
everywhere you go, you notice people whispering about you
"I hear they ended their betrothal with Lord van Zieks."
"Well, I say! Can't imagine dealing with the Reaper myself."
everyone wants to hear your side of the story and any potential dirt you may have on him
Barok acts as gentlemanly as ever, as befits a man of his standing
he's a solitary man, but his solitude soon leads to loneliness and resentment
his consumption of fine vintages increases by tenfold
whatever it is that happened between the two of you must have been major
betrothals are not lightly ended, especially with the heir of a powerful noble family
might not even be your doing, perhaps family got involved
perhaps, his family reputation has been besmirched? ahem
Bonus: Kazuma Asogi
poor Kazuma can't catch a break
Ryu gets a tear-stained letter written on 18 sheets of paper, front and back
"Oh, dear," Susato sighs. "I suppose this means the wedding is off."
while he's no lord, he is a prosecutor in the service of Her Majesty and the news of a courtship ending would be scandalous
perhaps, for that reason, and fearing how the public would react to your relationship (it is Victorian England we're talking about after all, Van Zieks' views are far from unique), you chose to keep it a secret
at first exciting, your secret meetings and whispered words soon become tiresome
the fear of being caught is always gnawing at you
he may lash out initially when you leave him
offers to make your relationship public, to hell with the society
you both know it's a bad idea
"This is all your fault." he sighs as he pours himself another chalice of Van Ziek's fine vintage.
"My fault? How is your poor performance today in court my fault, my Nipponese friend?" Barok spits out. "You have been distraught for days now, man! Pull yourself together!"
"Not you specifically," Kazuma brushes off. "Your kind."
"My kind?"
"Stuck up posh twats."
Gina walks in just as they're about to draw their blades
listen babes I'm a Kazuma simp this is the only way i could envision dumping his ass
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middleearthpixie · 3 years
Damaged Goods ~ Chapter Seven
Author's Note: Just a reminder that this story follows the events of the miniseries Stay Close and will contain spoilers.
Title: Damaged Goods
Fandom: Stay Close
Pairings: Ray Levine x OC female Theodora (Theo) Bailey
Summary: Following the events of Stay Close, Ray Levine has come to the US to begin a new life and is staying with Theo Bailey, the friend of a friend, who is quickly becoming his best friend and Ray is starting to wonder if there isn’t something more there between them.
Like Ray, Theo has her own demons and although she wonders the same thing about Ray, fear of repeating past mistakes keep her from moving forward. Or do they? Somehow, these two damaged people will come together and discover that maybe—just maybe—second chances are worth the risk.
After dinner, Ray and Theo find an unpleasant surprise waiting for them, but the night still has potential…
Warnings: Some fooling around…
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,004
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @ocfairygodmother @exhausted-humxn-being @shalinizhara @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here and AO3
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I should have insisted on pizza.
Theo fought back a groan as she pushed her plate away. Russo’s food was to die for, but she always ate too much. “You’d think I’d know better by now.”
Ray smiled. “Americans always put too much on the plate.”
“Do we really?”
He nodded. “Absolutely. Ask any non-American who comes here for the first time about portions and they are blown away by what you lot serve, by how much there is on any given plate.”
“We have to be the biggest at everything.” She glanced around at the other diners, then leaned closer. “But, that’s good for business for me, so…”
Ray let out a laugh that had every head in the place swiveling in their direction and she didn't miss how some took longer than others to swivel back. “That’s terrible, Theo.”
“I know, but it’s also true. Ugh… I’m not going to fit into my work clothes tomorrow.”
“Trust me,” he signaled to Lacey for the check, “you’ve a long way to go before you have to worry about that.”
Her cheeks grew warm at that observation. She hadn’t realized he’d paid any attention to how she looked. “Thank you.”
He looked up from the wallet in his hand and just winked as Lacey came over with their bill. “You folks have a lovely night.”
The heat in Theo’s cheeks grew warmer, so she bent over her wristlet. “What is my share?”
“No share. I asked you out.”
“Come on, you asked me if I wanted to have dinner.” She held out her hand. “Let me see what I owe.”
He refused, shaking his head. “I asked you to have dinner with me. I asked you out, even if you didn’t see it that way when you said yes.”
“Deal with it.” He tucked an Amex Gold Card into the folio and pushed it to the edge of the table.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “That was sneaky.”
“We both know if I’d asked you-asked you out, you’d have said no. So, I had to be sneaky, which wasn’t at all difficult because you are apparently oblivious to when a guy asks you out.”
“You aren’t just any old guy, though. You’re my roommate.”
“Well, considering you had your hand down my pants last night. I think it safe to say we’ve moved beyond roomies, don’t you?”
“Ray!” She tried to sound horrified, but couldn’t hold back her laugh. This was the lightest she’d ever seen him act, and she wasn’t exactly sure how to respond.
Lacey sped by to grab the folio and a few minutes later, came back with it and a pen. Ray signed the receipt, took his copy, and tucked it and his credit card back into his wallet, then slid out of the booth and stood to take his jacket off the hook on the post between their booth and the next one over.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” he finally countered, shrugging into his jacket.
“I don’t think I can.”
“Exactly.” He winked again, and this time, reached for her hand.
Their fingers met, and she’d swear she felt a pop of electricity as he linked his with hers. Those long fingers tightened about hers, he gave a gentle tug on her arm, and led her back out into the cold night.
Flurries swirled through the air, and despite their proximity to Fischer Boulevard, which was a fairly heavily traveled road, the night had that snow-silence to it that Theo always loved. There was something just so peaceful about snowfall at night, it rendered everything so quiet and tranquil.
On the sidewalk outside the restaurant, ignoring the curious looks of the people still inside Russo’s, Ray tugged on her hand to draw her into his arms and when his lips found hers, she forgot all about those curious stares, forgot about the cars whizzing by on the boulevard. All that mattered was how softly he kissed her, how the hand that held hers brought hers up to press against his chest, while his free arm slid about her waist.
She brought her free arm up to slip about his neck, her hand brushing the collar of his buttery soft leather jacket. It was a teasing, playful kiss, involved only his lips moving softly against hers, not nearly as fiery as his kisses last night, and yet was every bit as passionate as those kisses. He released her hand to curve his against her cheek, his thumb tracing lightly along her cheekbone, and when she parted her lips at the soft probe of his tongue, she almost sighed at the silken glide of his against hers. and when he drew back, he murmured, “We are being watched.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you kiss someone like this in front of a storefront.”
“I couldn’t help myself.” His eyes glittered pale blue under the fluorescent mall lighting. “And as I said last night, I’ll not apologi—What the fuck?”
He scowled in the direction of the parking lot and she spun about to see the Compass appeared to be leaning slightly to the driver’s side. The front tire was flat. Ray moved away from her, slipping his hand from hers as he stepped down from the sidewalk and into the empty slot alongside his car, muttering, “Son of a bitch,” as he went from the front to the rear of his car.
She followed him, her stomach clenching at the sight of both flat tires. No, not just flat. Slashed. Each tire had slits that had to be three inches long in the sidewall. “What the…”
She looked up at Ray, then out at the roadway and anger bit into her. It could have been just some random asshole who’d decided to have a little malicious fun at their expense, but somehow, she didn't think so.
“I have Triple A,” she told him. “Let me call them.”
“No. I’ve got roadside assistance.” He dug his cell from his jacket pocket and toggled it on, then turned to stroll halfway across the lot to a dark corner where the roadside noise wasn’t quite as loud.
She shivered as the snow picked up to swirl in all directions under the lights. People came in and out of Russo’s, and each one looked down at the Compass’ sad, ruined tires, then shook their heads as they passed.
Finally, Ray came back, rubbing his hands together to warm them. “Wrecker should be here within the hour. Police are on their way. Why don’t you get in and I’ll run the engine to get the heat going? It’s freezing out here.”
He didn't wait for her answer, but unlocked it and slid behind the wheel to slip the key into the ignition. The engine turned over, he adjusted the climate controls and hit the butt warmer for the passenger seat.
She climbed in, turning toward him. “I’m sorry.”
“Why?” He looked over at her, his eyes soft, but still holding hints of anger in them. “You didn't do it.”
“I know, but I think I know who might have.” She held out her phone and toggled to her voicemails to play him the ones Scott left for her.
Ray’s jaw tightened as he listened. “Son of a bitch,” he growled when the last message ended. “He shows up at your door again and I will take him apart.”
“He won’t. He talks a good game, but he’s such a coward. He’ll think he’s shown you and I won’t hear from him again.”
A patrol car eased into the lot and Ray leaned over to brush her lips with his, then pulled back to push open his door. “I’ll be back.”
While he talked to the police, Theo stared down at her phone. Scott had a temper, and was full of bravado and bluster, but this wasn’t something she’d have ever expected him to do. He yelled and threw things on occasion, swore like a sailor, and threatened to kick people’s asses, but as far as she knew, he’d never actually done it. Even so, she just knew this was his doing. Her gut told her so.
But, since the law didn't operate on gut reactions, she kept quiet and when the wrecker finally showed up to load up the Jeep, she reluctantly stepped back out into the cold. Snow fell harder now, and the latest weather report called for anywhere from three to six inches by morning. There was already at least two on the ground, and when the tow truck driver dropped them on the sidewalk in front of Theo’s apartment, the roads were all covered.
A headache poked the backs of her eyes. “I feel like today is about six years long,” she said softly, digging her keys from her coat pocket as they walked up to the wide, wraparound porch.
“I have to admit, this is not how I’d planned this evening to end.”
She fit the key into the keyhole and turned, then jiggled the knob three times. Anything more than that, and the lock wouldn’t open for some weird reason. The hinges squeaked as the door swung open and it took her another fifteen seconds to wrestle her key free. Same with her front door. Old houses had many charms, but the wonky locks and doorknobs in this one weren’t one of them.
Her keys hit the counter with a soft clink and she slid from her jacket to drape it over the back of one of the high-backed chairs at said counter. She was exhausted, but at the same time, as she peered over her shoulder to watch Ray hang up his own jacket, sleep was the last thing she wanted.
But, he moved around to sink onto the sofa, leaned his head back and closed his eyes. She paused, then turned to the refrigerator. “Want a beer?”
“I would love one.”
She smiled as she dove in, grabbed two bottles of Yuengling chocolate porter, and moved to the counter to retrieve the bottle opener from its drawer. “Glass?”
“Bottle’s fine.”
She popped the tops, threw them out, and left the opener on the counter before coming around to sink alongside him. He lifted his left arm to drape about her shoulders, and his hand tightened on her to pull her up against his side. Without thinking, she tucked her head against him, holding out one bottle. “To crappy nights?”
He took the bottle, then clinked it against hers. “It wasn’t all crappy.”
“No. It wasn’t.”
He lifted the bottle for a pull and she sighed softly as she just watched the snow swirl past the windows behind the dark television. The people across the street fired up their Christmas lights, and although she knew it was corny, Theo thought they looked so pretty with the snow on them. They’d missed a white Christmas by two weeks, but nature sort of made up for it.
Ray lowered the bottle. “What time are you working tomorrow?”
“I’m not,” she glanced up at him. “I have nothing for tomorrow. You?”
They sat in comfortable silence, in the semi-darkness, just watching the snow fall and for a moment, Theo felt as if everything was just absolutely perfect. Ray’s fingers swept lightly against her upper arm, heat from his body sank into hers to make her eyelids heavy. She let them close.
She lurched awake at the shout in her ear. “I’m up!”
“Shhh…” Ray’s voice was soft, not a shout at all, but the gentlest of whispers. “I didn’t mean to startle you, but you were snoring.”
She sank back into the cushions, rubbing one eye. “I do not snore.”
“Yeah. You do. Sorry.”
She tried to glare at him, but her eyes didn’t want to focus too well. She flopped onto her side, away from him, and stretched her legs across his thighs. “I don’t want to move.”
The fabric schwiffed softly as he carefully maneuvered to stretch out alongside her. “So, don’t move. This is fine.”
“Am I squishing you?”
“Not at all.”
She kept an afghan her mother had crocheted for her years ago draped over the back of the sofa and Ray tugged it down over them, then brushed a kiss over her temple as he whispered, “Go back to sleep.”
Without thinking, she snuggled against him, her head tucked against his chest, his arm draped about her. A soft sight rose to her lips as he then pressed a kiss into the top of her head, and she let sleep carry her off once more.
When she opened her eyes, it took Theo a moment to remember where she was—on the sofa in her living room, with Ray sound asleep crammed between her and the back of the sofa. She tried to stretch carefully, since she didn't want to wake him, but it wasn’t easy, as the sofa was barely wide enough to hold them. If she wasn’t careful, she’d hit the floor.
Except Ray’s arm tightened about her, his hand warm as it splayed across her back. “Careful,” he muttered, his voice thick with sleep, his eyes still closed. “Floor’s cold in the morning and I don’t think the heat’s kicked on yet.”
“Sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t.” A smile tugged at his lips. “But part of you woke part of me instead.”
“Ray!” She eased onto her back.
“What?” His eyes slowly opened and he offered up a sleepy smile. “I’m kidding. I think.”
With a soft grunt, he also stretched, and then slid a hand beneath the edge of her sweater, his palm warm against her stomach. His thumb skimmed just above her navel. “What time is it?”
She rubbed one eye as she tried to focus on the small clock below the television. “Ten after seven, I think. Or maybe twenty after.”
“Too early to be up on an off day.”
“Amen to that.”
“Although,” his hand moved slightly higher now, “it’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”
“Neither have I.” He bent toward her and added, “We can be gross together.”
Their lips met and she didn't much care that neither of them had brushed their teeth. He shifted, easing over her to cover her body with his without sending the afghan sliding off them. She slid her arms about his waist, her hands beneath his henley to press into the firm muscle on either side of his spine.
His lips moved softly against hers, his kisses growing deeper with each passing second. The hand on her belly inched up higher now, and her toes curled as his fingers brushed the underside of her left breast. She skimmed her hands up along his back, then down again, letting her fingertips creep beneath the waist of his jeans. He arched against her in response, showing she had, in fact, woken part of him up.
Ray swept a kiss over her chin, down her neck and then along the side, back up to her ear. And as he did, his hand slid up over her left breast and tightened ever so gently. Her skin tingled from his touch, her blood warming to the point where the living room no longer felt cold. She couldn’t hold back her sigh at the teasing scratch of his stubble against her jaw, against her neck. It was a caress of its own and beard burn was fine with her, as long as he didn't stop what he was doing.
Because what he was doing felt utterly amazing. He slid his fingers to the front clasp of her bra, pinched it open, and then skimmed his hand back out toward her right breast this time. Satin swept along her sensitive skin, caressed her nipple, already tightening and aching with need, and when he swirled his thumb about it, she gasped into his mouth. She couldn’t help it. The zing of pleasure from his touch was sharp and sweet and speared her as if it was a blade of some sort.
Her hips arched toward him, another soft ache taking root deep within her. She wanted to curl her fingers about his wrist and guide the hand on her breast lower, down into the growing heat between her thighs. The ache there came so sweet and steady, the need to feel him against her, inside her, made her entire body hum for him.
As if he could read her mind, the hand on her breast slid down, along her waist, over her hip, around to the button on her jeans. A flick of his wrist, and the button went through its hole. His fingers slid beneath the worn denim and curved against her.
“Oh…” she couldn’t hold back her low moan as he slid his thumb through her folds, over her clit, and gave a gentle stroke to send a ribbon of fire unspooling within her. She rocked to meet his touch, her fingers twisting in the waffled fabric of his henley.
His kiss grew hungrier, his tongue caressing hers, drawing hers back into his mouth to tease, to suck at, and as he did, the tip of his index finger did a slow, lazy swirl about her opening.
Then he slid it inside her.
Her hips bolted toward him. She tugged hard on his shirt, breaking his kiss to let out the soft cry of delight as he did something utterly magical with that finger. He moved slowly at first, but as she clenched around him, he sped up, teasing her both inside with it and outside with his thumb until she was convinced she would just go up in smoke.
“Ray…” It wasn’t a cry, but a plaintive moan as the need to come strangled her. Knots twisted through her core, sensual and hot and threatened to drive her absolutely insane if he didn't shove her over the edge.
She reached for his belt, struggling to make her fingers behave as her head spun from the exquisite pleasure burning through her. She had to get his jeans open, had to free him and guide him to her to end the torture and give her body what it demanded.
The buckle rattled. The zipper zwipped softly. She found him, hot and hard and tugged him from the confines of his jeans, of his boxer briefs, smiling as he let out a heavy breath against her neck. With gentle teeth, he nipped the slope of her neck and whispered, “Oh, holy Christ, I want you…”
She tightened her hand on his cock, stroking him as slowly as she knew how to make him moan low in his throat. He arched into her, his eyes closing as he breathed, “Theo…”
His finger moved faster inside her, brought her to the edge, and when he swirled his thumb roughly about her clit, it happened. She shattered, her hips snapped forward as the fireball erupted deep inside her to set her blood aflame. Her fingers tightened about him, the nails of her free hand dug into his shoulder, her neck bowed, her back bowed, everything tensed at once and then burst in pulsing jets to scorch her from the inside out.
She savored every tingle, every delicious spasm, until he slowed and his lips found hers once more. He eased his fingers from her, stroked the inside of her left thigh, then slid that hand back beneath her as he pulled away to whisper, “We should—”
Both of their phones rang at the same time.
They each whispered, “Ignore it,” at the same time.
Theo’s went silent, but Ray’s kept ringing, buzzing incessantly as it danced along the coffee table. Only, it wasn’t his usual ring tone. This was one she hadn’t heard any of the times she heard his phone ring.
“Maybe you should answer it,” she whispered. “Someone really wants to talk to you.”
He lifted his head, his eyes smoky blue. “I know who it is and I don’t want to talk to them right now.”
As he moved to dip back to her, Theo shifted ever so slightly. “It’s her, isn’t it?” she murmured, glancing at his phone as it rang a third time. “Cassie, I mean.”
She knew the answer when he stiffened again her, and not in the good way. He cleared his throat and nodded. “It is, yes.”
Theo swallowed hard, but forced a smile. “You should probably take it, then. It seems to me she really is trying to get ahold of you and isn’t going to stop until she does.”
She slid out from beneath him, turning to refasten her bra as he snatched the phone up and barked, “What?”
She tuned out his voice as she padded down to her room, where she closed the door and leaned to press her forehead against it. Jealousy, green and hot, scorched through her the way desire, red and hot, had only a few moments earlier. She hated how it felt, but couldn’t make it go away, either. This woman had a hold on Ray, and had for a very long time, and Theo knew she simply could not compete. How could she?
With a sigh, she turned and moved to sink onto the edge of her bed, her head in her hands. They’d gotten so close…
“Theo?” Ray knocked lightly on the closed door. “May I?”
She lifted her head. “Sure.”
The door opened with only the slightest of creaks and Ray leaned against the doorjamb, phone in one hand. “I’m sorry about that. I told you I didn't want to take the call, though.”
“She was going to ring the phone right off the table.” Theo shook her head. “I don’t think you had much of a choice.”
“I didn't want to talk to her, you know.” He came into the room, shoving his phone in his back pocket.
“Well, she wanted to talk to you, so…” Theo shrugged. “I’d say she was getting what she wanted.”
She rose and moved to the closet. “I have a bunch of stuff to do today, so I should really get moving”
The floor behind her creaked and she closed her eyes as Ray slid an arm about her waist to pull her up against him. With one hand, he swept her hair to the side, over her left shoulder, and she bit down hard on her bottom lip at the gentle brush of his lips against the curve of her neck.
“I didn’t want to talk to her, Theo. I told you, she isn’t in my life any longer.”
“Maybe not, but she still has a hold on you.” Theo stared into the closet without really seeing any of her clothes hanging there.
“This is the first time I’ve spoke to her in a year.” His arms fell away and he stepped back. “And she was calling to tell me her friend Lorraine died this morning.”
“Lorraine. Her crazy friend?”
“Yeah. She was the one who actually killed Green, along with about a dozen other guys. Anyway, she died of cancer in prison and Cassie just thought I should know.”
“And now you do.”
“She could've left me a voicemail. You were the one who insisted I answer the phone.”
“Ray,” she turned toward him, “I—”
“Theo, I promise you,” he caught her face in his hands, “she is in the past and I have no desire to revisit that past.” He shook his head. “I don’t and I wish I could make you believe me.”
She wanted to believe him. Especially when his thumbs grazed her cheeks the way they did just then, and when he gazed down at her with those sinfully soft blue eyes. He tilted her face to his and leaned down and as his mouth came softly over hers, the last bit of her resolve crumbled away as she melted into him.
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