#arabash lavellan
penthepoet · 1 year
ooh tell us about lis and arabash!!! :o what are your favorite things about them? what are they like??? also what are your favorite things about crow?? and do you have any other ocs?? 🖤🖤💙💙
I need whoever sent this ask in to know you are a godsdamn legend and I genuinely hope you find 50 dollars or your country's equivalent on the street tomorrow.
Qlisaiah 'Lis' Diablis Amaranth
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She's my FFXIV OC/Warrior of Light!! I have a literal 20+ page lore document about her and I am highly, highly passionate about her. She's basically the deranged zealot priestess of a scary dragon goddess (Angelus from Drakengard 1) and gets sent on a journey to record the stories of others. Along the way, she takes a major step up in self-love, gains a polycule, founds a kingdom, topples tyrants and more. She deserves the world and I will give it to her. She's inspired appearance-wise by the Female MC from Persona 3 Portable, and inspired personality-wise by various Drakengard characters + Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from FFXV. I gotta post more about her on here now that Twitter is a sinking ship, her story is a ride.
Arabash Lavellan
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Arabash is a similar character - they're in different fonts. Arabash is my Dragon Age OC for Inquisition - a blood mage and Dalish elf who basically gets elected the leader of a huge group of mercenaries, to the displeasure and horror of many. She basically goes on to make a lot more enemies and singlehandedly try to dismantle a lot of the systems that kept her held down in place for years and years. She is an absolute menace (affectionate) who takes a lot more work to become a kinder person than Lis and Crow Locke did.
What I Love About Crow Locke, the Crow of Memory
They are such an insanely good character it isn't even fucking funny. The way that Crow Locke struggles with atonement - she's hurt a LOT of people back when she was traumatized and working out what that meant for her. A huge chunk of her story revolves around accepting that she fucked up, that not everybody's going to forgive her, but that she can choose to be a better person than she was last. She can change from "a creature that lives for cruelty" into somebody that can bring shelter to the outcasted, justice for the abused, power to those without. I love the deep determination she has to keep going, how even at her lowest and most grieving, she refuses to give up.
She's going to deal with a lot of hardship, and she will cry, and it will hurt her so badly she can barely bare it... but she will make it through, and she will live. She'll live for the people she loved that may not be able to live anymore, and for the human life she lived that wanted to see the world, and for herself first and foremost.
There's a lot I COULD say and want to say, even, but just know they mean a shit-ton to me and there is a huge list of things I love about them.
What Other OCs do you have?
A bunch!
I have a lot of OCs for unfiction/ARG projects, for instance, like Tiernan Poet McCready, who is a silly little autistic knight determined to save others, and The Dreamer, a mysterious figure who has lived multiple lives upon lives.
I have QUITE a lot of OCs for my original works (don't even get me started on the Penverse/Mindscape, that's a WHOLE post all on its own). Conway Riley from Hotel For The Spirits, for instance, is one of the first ones to come to mind.
and for related content too! like my two tabletop campaigns, Persona: The Occult and the upcoming standalone sequel campaign, Shin Megami Tensei: The Goetic.
I've been thinking a LOT about Occult and Goetic lately. Especially, ESPECIALLY the latter as I've been plotting it out for over a year now and it haunts my every thought.
Take, for instance, my pal P.W. Pierrot-Welker from Persona: The Occult. He is a strange little pierrot who lives in an abandoned mall and speaks in an odd lingo. He loves eating moldy oranges and listening to Moog synths, and he was one of the major NPCs of the campaign. The players adored him and so do I.
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One of my favorite NPCs in Goetic so far is this girl, Azalea Winthrope. Her death kicks off the story and she is just... an absolute barrel of fun. :')
My main inspirations for her, to get a sense of just how fucking wild this girl is, are Rin Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night, Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks, Ianthe from The Locked Tomb, and Carmen from Lobotomy Corporation.
Yeah. This Girl Can Store So Much Madness Inside Her.
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penthepoet · 2 years
3, 4, 7, 8 for Arabash!
3. Which companions (or advisors) do they like to spend time with when they’re not travelling?
Oh, Arabash loves, loves spending time with Iron Bull the most. Drinking, having fun, talking about this or that - she's absolutely enamored with Bull's demeanor and willingness to entertain her eccentricities. She also very much likes teaching Josephine more Elvhen, though sometimes she's a bit impatient in doing so and occasionally ends up cursing in Elvhen and Orlissian. Swapping stories with Varric is another tradition, as she's weirdly fascinated in trying to become a better storyteller for the sake of writing back to her Dalish clan about what she's doing. Lastly, she can very occasionally be found arguing with Solas about traditions and magic, though this is something she weirdly hides from the others.
4. Are there any companions (or advisors) they don’t get along with? Have any of them ever left the party?
She is very much aggressively about Dalish deserving their rights and mages deserving freedom, and is not happy when people try to call her the Herald of Andraste or co-opt her to Chantry aims in any way, shape, or form. This has led to several arguments and negative incidents with Cullen, Vivienne, Sera and Cassandra. She managed to work things out with Sera and help Sera come to terms with her internalized hatred towards Dalish traditions. Things are still tense between them at times, but she's happy that Sera's happy and they're much closer friends than they used to be. Things deteriorated so badly with Cassandra, Vivienne and Cullen, however, that they eventually left the party altogether, with Cullen outright trying to murder Arabash on the way out for being a blood mage.
7. How do they dress in their downtime, while fighting, in formal settings, etc.?
She dresses in scalemail during combat, or lighter Dalish armor designed by the people of her clan. In her downtime, she wears a tanktop and loose, very baggy harem pants, things that allow her flexibility. In formal settings, she aims for Dalish formal-wear as well, flaunting her race and daring people to try her. You will not stuff her into a dress. It's Dalish-formalwear, a formal Inquisition suit, or nothing.
8. Do they have any notable scars, markings, tattoos, etc.?
She has special blood-inked Mythal vallaslin, tattooed by her father, who was Master of the Hunt for the Lavellan clan and Chief of the Dalish Blood Mages in the Lavellan clan. Some of the elders disapproved of Arabash's demeanor, believing she had been cursed by Fen'harel at the moment of her birth, and gave her a slash over her eye on the way out of her clan while trying to exile her that still remains as a scar to this day.
She's working on getting more tattoos on her arms and back for herself and to (in some way) represent the influence her partners (Iron Bull and Solas) have on her. For instance, she's working on getting a tattoo of a beating, anatomically-correct heart forged back together with gold for Iron Bull, so that she'll always remember her kadan, in every way he comes. Post Solas's confession, she makes Solas help her design a new set of tattoos like her vallaslin for her neck, shoulders and face, to symbolize her new and beautiful freedom.
Thank you so much for asking about my girlie!
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