#archaeology skin care
ochipi · 2 years
So I got asked a few times if people can do archaeology with sensitive skin/skin issues. Let’s see!
I’m an archaeologist. That means I do heavy labor outdoors in all seasons. I have struggled with acne for the past 12 years… I’m 24. I also have a mast cell deficiency (skin allergies to basically anything and myself) caused by the aggressive medication I took to get my acne under control and I have very dry and sensitive skin. So how do I manage?
Always wear sunscreen! It doesn’t get absorbed into the skin, it sits on top. So don’t worry about what it does to you. It’s a protective outside layer. Make sure it isn’t expired!
Apply sunscreen before you start working, not during work. It might already be too late.
See a dermatologist once a year because of your exposure to the elements
Use baby wipes instead of cleaning wipes for your hands. If it’s safe for babies it’s safe for you.
Moisturize your hands! Yes you may rub the dirt on your hands everywhere, but only the moisturizer gets absorbed.
Use a sunscreen chapstick or any kind of chapstick all day long!
Do not open blisters! Yes they hurt and are uncomfortable, but cover them up extra. Use bandaids, gloves on top and moisturize at night. It will harden and heal faster. Open blisters contract dirt and will hurt longer
Wash your face during lunch. Keep a travel size of your face wash. This washes the dirt and sweat from scarfs in winter and summer away and prevents (helmet) acne
Moisturize your legs! Don’t know why they dry out this much but you’ll thank me later.
Do not just wear a cap. Wear an all around sun hat. Like a bucket hat with a wide brim. Your ears can get burned. Your neck needs protection too.
Do not slack on your facial skin care! Clean well! Moisturize!
Do not forget to apply sunscreen on the back of your hands! This will be the first place you’ll notice sun spots
If it’s truly heatwave hot and you’re in constant sun, wear light textured and light colored clothes if possible. Wear shirts with long sleeves and do not wear shorts. It sounds like you’ll be too hot, but light colors reflect the sun/heat and the UV rays will not get to your skin to do their damage. Also the fabric will absorb your sweat, making you feel more comfortable. Go to a sports outlet and choose walking gear as work gear. I.e. sweat absorbing outdoor clothes.
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rustytrident · 2 years
beelzebub who has obscure knowledge because he cares so much about his brothers' interests, they become his, too – or, a slight beelzebub character study at 3am because i need it and so do you.
beelzebub who can name every constellation in the night sky of all three realms, who knows both astrology and astronomy, who has read all of belphie's essays and research papers, who was there when they were written.
beelzebub who knows how to play (and cheat, and win) about every casino game, who knows how to do fast math even if he doesn't really care for it, who checks the fucking stock market every morning to see if mammon's mood will be affected by it or not.
beelzebub who knows the difference between the scent of white and red roses, who knows how to properly do your (and his) makeup, who has memorised which products are good for his complexion and how many times a day he needs to apply sunscreen, because asmo swears that the fridge light hits him as much as the sun would have in the human world.
beelzebub who can quote jane austen and poe and shakespeare and euripides from memory, who makes references from books that were destroyed with the library of alexandria, who knows about every breed of cat there is, who listens to satan explain whose fur is the thickest and whose the softest.
beelzebub who will rewatch tsl for hours, who will carry boxes upon boxes of games upstairs, who will (poorly) draw ruri from memory, who will know how to play most games levi hyperfixates on and the plot from most anime he has rambled about.
beelzebub who knows even the most bizzare of genres of music, who can taste the difference between a thousand year and a thousand and one year aged demonus, who immediately recognises the jazz song lucifer is playing when he wants to spend quality time with him but doesn't want to disturb him.
beelzebub who, if you ask him about his interests, will reply that he doesn't really have any, who will search within him for an ounce of self, who will give up after a while because he is six beings in one, and he doesn't know if there's room for one more.
beelzebub who decides that it's okay to be a mosaic of his favourite beings, who finds out that he has been carrying seven in him all along, who gazes in your – a human's – eyes and understands why she fought and why she fell and why she tried so much.
beelzebub who, in his spare time, will go in the human world to visit museums and archaeological sites and long abandoned villages, who will reminisce about when everything he just saw was once new and shining, who will retrace the steps he took aeons ago, alone this time.
beelzebub who often feels lost, who grieves and eats and grieves some more, who carries the memory of his sister because he once read that one truly stops existing when they are forgotten, yet smiles when he sees red roses and shiny coins and old books and video games and cursed records and the starry sky, who sighs into your neck right before he falls asleep and promises to never forget the way your skin feels under his.
beelzebub who, without you asking him, tells you he likes flowers and animals, who likes everything the sun touches, whose eyes glimmer when you ask him to tell you about yarrows and their meaning and their colours, who will explain in a heartbeat, just for you.
beelzebub whose self is a wounded one, a fighting one, whose self is a memory box he just keeps adding into, a scrapbook of eternity's erosion, who finds happiness in the little things, in the simple things, who binds his family together.
beelzebub who loved and loves and will love until there's nothing of him left, until he is the last one remembering, until the night sky is no longer a painting, but just an accumulation dead stars.
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Aegon x Reader
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Tags: Fluffish, royalty, modernroyalty, theprinceandme
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🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
🔷Author's note: Based on the movie, the Prince and Me.
🔷Wordcount :3547
🔷Warnings: It is not a very dark or triggering fic. If you found something that upsets you, however let me know ill change the warnings
It is cold. It is so fucking cold. You keep repeating that in your head, as you cling your books to your chest, shielding them from the rain as you run over campus. Earlier today, your backpack committed the worst betrayal in history since centuries, and one of the straps ripped. So now you carry your books around. It is also a bit misty, darkish and overall not a fun time to be outside. 
You make out the sign of the building where your archeology class is taking place. You finally found it. Last year, they hosted it in the other building, much closer to your dorm. But for some reason, it now is in the new science building. You don’t know why, and you don’t have time to care. You cross the streets.
Perhaps without looking. Perhaps you look too late. Either way, a black, sleek, luxurious car with a dragon logo on the hood nearly hits you. You huff at the audacity of this asshole to drive that fast on college ground, and try to look in the car. The windows are blinded. You can’t see who is in it. They can see you however. You raise your middle finger, before you head off to class. You don’t notice the window rolling down and someone looking at you, with piercing bright blue eyes and a smirk on his lips.
The teacher forgave you for being late. You are a good student, and never would be late on purpose. She listened to your apologies and you explained to her the bag situation, which she understood, but also could laugh at. ‘’Why, you always have the worst of luck, don’t you?’’ she joked. Now you are reading your books, making assignments and studying an ancient old stone. 
The incident with the car has long left your mind. Your books are more interesting. Until the door of the classroom is opened and a handsome young man enters. You see him look at papers in his hand, which is likely his route and his schedule of where his classes are. He introduces himself as Aeg and to your horror he sits down right next to you, on the only free spot in class. He smells nice, like rain and aftershave. ‘’I’m Aeg.’’ He says, addressing you for the first time in your life. ‘’I’m uh, new.’’ His accent betrayed that he is from Westeros and from the Crownlands, like most students. You take one glance at him and see him looking back, your eyes meeting and your breath briefly stopped. He is gorgeous. Damn him.
‘’I can see that.’’ You reply, uninterested. You don’t need distractions. And Aeg, whoever he may be, is a distraction. You bend your head a bit further over your books, hoping to lose yourself in the magic of the Ancient Dornish statues you are studying. It does not happen, and to make things worse, Aeg is staring at you, full of interest and delight, a smirk on his lips as he studies you instead of the textbook.
‘’Don’t be like that. The teacher said I could sit with you. You are a nice girl. It’s literally what she said. I can use a friend. I’m new. I only have Cole with me.’’ He says. You sigh, and deep down you know you will regret this deeply. You know it.
‘’I am Ereys.’’ You say, ignoring the way his blue eyes keep piercing through your skin and skull. ‘’I study Archaeology. That’s what you should be doing, by the way.’’ You say. Aeg snorts, laughing loudly and draws more attention to your shared table. Embarrassed, you lower yourself a bit more, hoping to bury yourself in your books.
‘’I’m Aegon, but you can call me Aeg.’’ He says. ‘’I never studied Archaeology or history before. Perhaps you can tell me where we are with the studies, as well as tell me…’’ He smirks, looking at you a bit funnily. You raise a brow, confused.
‘’Do you have a boyfriend?’’ You don’t know where this question came from or how it is related to archelogy but you sure as hell don’t want to answer that weasel anymore.
You blow up. ‘’That’s none of your business. Go ask someone else.’’ To your horror, your voice is uncontrolled and even more eyes are glued on you and Aegon now.
He does not seem to even be slightly insulted, grinning at your rejection. ‘’Ah, come on, darling. Didn’t mean to insult you. Just a complement, sweetheart.’’ He says. His voice becomes a bit more serious and he sits up, instead of hanging in the chair. ‘’But if I truly insulted you, I apologize.’’
The rest of the class you are both silent, save for Aegon who keeps smirking and smiling at you, clearly trying to get you to let your walls down. You won’t let it happen. 
At long last, classes end and you are released.
That evening, it is your turn at the Red Dragon the local college bar to handle the crowd. Lots of students come to unwind, have a drink, a snack, and a flirt before their classes are back on in the morning. It earns decently, and your boss makes sure that everyone behaves or is kicked out of the bar. 
Two of your close friends, Jayne and Alysanna hang out near the bar, trying to get more details out of your summer. ‘’Come on! Tell me, did you at least hook up last summer?’’ Jayne asks, on her fourth martini of that night. Alysanna smacks her arm, berating her instantly, the mom friend of the group.
Bless her. ‘’Ereys is just busy. She can have any guy she wants to have. She chooses to focus on her studies.’’ Alys says, grinning. ‘’Like if she wanted, any guy would be on their knees.’’ You roll your eyes.
‘’Hear hear.’’ You comment, giving two waiting jocks with red dragon tunics both a beer and a sandwich you just made for them. They leave, and you watch them go to their friends at the table in the corner, likely returning to their games for that evening.
Jayne is not ready to let the conversation die. ‘’I mean, I saw what joined you at Archaeology class and I have to say; You have more willpower and restraint than me.’’ You frown at her words. Aeg is not a what, and how the hell did she know? She studies marine biology, which is 2 floors above you. No way she could have seen Aeg. No way unless…..
‘’Stop using that fucking app!’’ Alys grabs the phone from Jayne. ‘’It’s fucking dehumantising.’’ She has a point. Women, men, non binary, something or someone else: It does not matter, this app does not discriminate, if you’re hot, you get called a lot of things.
Jayne, however is…Jayne.‘’Nah-ah! How else am I supposed to know what hot guy is new on campus? Have you seen how massive this place is? I need the app!” You know that app. It’s created by some tech devs with a god complex and it basically tracks relation drama, hot new guys, anything you don’t want to get caught up in on campus.
You watch as Jayne takes of running in her heels, chased by Alys on her sneakers, and you are shocked to see how fast both are. Someone clears his throat and you are reminded you have a job.
‘’Two beer.’’ Oh no. You know that voice.
In front of you, is Aeg. He is wearing a dorky shirt which looks like someone with a high office job would wear. His hair is pushed back neatly and you assume he spent a few hours on it. And he smells nice. Again. Aeg seems to recognize you too, grinning and sitting down while you grab the beer from the fridge. ‘’You look damn good behind a bar.’’ He says. ‘’You seem at home here. Everywhere, really.’’
You place it in front of Aeg. ‘’That’ll be 8 coins.’’ You say. Aeg happily grins, giving you 10 coins instead of 8. He looks around him, before closing in, leaning on the bar with a drunken smirk and you know you are done for. ‘’Hey, uhm. I want to see your boobs.’’ You can’t have heard that one right.
‘’’Excuse you?’’ He is drunk but that is no excuse.
‘’It’ll be just for me.’’ He promises, in a bar, filled with people, cameras, phones, everyone. You back away, disgusted and grab the hose that is used to fill beer cups. Instead of giving him a piece of your mind, you decide that it's time for action. You press the spray button and spray Aeg in rich, brown beer, soaking his shirt. A man with dark black hair and a Dornish look jumps from his chair as if you offended him and rushes to Aeg, who is confused.
Your boss, Laenor interferes, addressing the man instead of Aeg. ‘’You. Take your friend out of my fucking bar. I heard what he said to my employee. We don’t want that kind of shit here, or anywhere. OK?’’
The man nods, and drags Aegon off away from you, and the bar. 
When you wake up, you have forgotten the incident with Aeg and the strange man. It is Saturday. You have no classes and you are relaxing, in bed, still snoozing peacefully….
Until someone is knocking at your door. You throw your bathrobe on, close it and open your door. You are surprised to see who’s there. He smiles at you. You try to slam the door in his face, but he sets one foot in the door. ‘’Please, let me explain.’’ He begs. ‘’I was a fucking asshole.’’
Ding ding ding! ‘’Yes. You were.’’ You try to kick him out once more. Aeg begins pouting, and you allow him in your dorm, knowing he won’t give up anyway. 
‘’I am sorry, Ereys. I got drunk real bad. I never would have said that if I was sober. But that is no excuse.’’ He looks at his shoes first, but halfway through his apology he looks at your face. ‘’Also my driver almost hit you, on the way to class.’’
You find that a bit odd. Does he have a driver? ‘’You have a driver?’’
Aeg pales. ‘’Eh, my friend, Cole. He studies here too. He dropped me off. He almost hit you though.’’ You think back of the fancy car and you know something is not adding up. Yet you accept Aegon’s apology of him and his…driver.
‘’Apology accepted.’’ You say. ‘’For one reason.’’ You add with a smirk. 
He looks a bit like a puppy that got hurt and you feel bad about making him do this. But someone has to do it. And it won’t be you for sure. ‘’Anything.’’ He begs, looking in your eyes with such sadness that can only be seen in Disney movies.
You cackle. ‘’Oh, I love it when souls say such things. Give me a moment.’’
‘’Souls?’’ Aegon mutters, as you push him out of the room so you can get dressed.
‘’Dragon drinks! Dragon drinks! It helps the pain and it helps you think! Dragon drinks!’’ A few moments later, you are sitting beneath a umbrella outside the Red Dragon, while Aegon is in costume, the red cursed dragon costume, advertising. 
While Aegon does your job, and he does it really well, you enjoy the water and study some books. Aegon sometimes tries to get close to you, but one glare and he knows he is pushing it. But then Aegon sees a passing crowd of students, and instead of bothering you, he tries to lure them to the bar. ‘’Roar!’’ You clutch at your heart, scared to death by his roar. ‘’You there! You all seem cool! Come here, drink, and forget school!’’ You see one girl take her phone out. Aegon beams, proud he did his job well.
Until she snaps a photo and walks away, laughing with her friends. You see Aegon’s confidence had a big hit and you feel a bit sad for the dragon. ‘’Don’t let it bother you. Just keep being you. You’re actually really good at this.’’ He isn’t.
But Aegon beams. ‘’Yeah? Oh, I don’t I have ever been…’’ He roars again, puffing his chest, and this time a few customers pass in front of the bar. Aegon roars again, dancing. You can see that he is from Westeros, indeed.
You beg the people with their eyes to please get a drink, and they do. Aegon cheers victorious as they walk in. ‘’This is actually really nice, Ereys. I don’t think I ever have done something this silly.’’ He confesses, smiling. ‘’Thank you for the opportunity.’’ 
You wave his praise away. ‘’Yeah, yeah.’’ He ignores you, focusing on a new group to lure in.
When you attend the bar later, there is a shocking surprise. You had just done your hair on a bun and put your best foot in front of the other, and mentally prepared yourself. But someone else is at the bar, wearing a black shirt, with jeans, and a namepin. He is leaning on the bar, smiling as girls crowd around him, ordering drinks just to get a talk with him. Aegon.
You march over to the girls. ‘’Hello. Aegon. This bar is for employees. You are a customer.’’ He grins, smirking at you, and checking you out at the same time. 
‘’I got a job.’’ He reveals. ‘’Say hello to your new coworker.’’ He winks. You should be happy, as you have come to like Aegon. But your heart cannot allow him too close.
You can’t work with his eyes on you. You look for Laenor and walk to him. ‘’Uhm, you gave Aegon a job?’’ You have no idea how to bring it gently, so you don’t.
Laenor laughs, nodding. ‘’Yeah, he was good in the dragon costume. He has passion and spirit, charisma and good looks. All things you need when running a bar.’’ A few girls giggle in the background and you are annoyed that you thought Aegon actually liked you. 
You don’t see that his eyes are glued on you, watching your every move, not even hearing the girls.
Laenor is not going to fire him. No way.  So you can either quit and say goodbye to your sweet cash or try to endure Aegon. You walk back to the bar and you notice that Aegon has been waiting for you. ‘’Girls. What shall it be?’’ You ask, preparing yourself for the drinks.
One girl with sunglasses inside huffs. ‘’We were in a conversation with Eggy.’’ She says, a bit whiny. ‘’Don’t you have a table to clean somewhere?’’ She asks, and her friends laugh.
You are ready to insult her back but Aegon beats you to it. ‘’Hey, that’s not cool. Ereys is right. This is a bar, not a zoo. You get drinks and pay or leave.’’ You are impressed at his maturity. 
‘’Thanks.’’ You mutter after they have left. You reach for an empty glass at the same time as Aegon and your fingers brush. 
He blushes. ‘’Anytime.’’
As months pass and you and Aegon only grow closer and closer. You are unaware you are in love with him, but he knows he is love with you. You are busy cleaning tables and he cleans the glasses that were used during the shift. While he is busy, you ask him questions that he needs to know for his upcoming test. 
‘’So, Nymeria’s statues. The big ones. What year?’’ You ask, as you clean some chewing gum from a table and nearly vomit.
But Aegon has improved. A lot. ‘’39 AC.’’ He grins. ‘’Easy peasy. Now for you: What did the writer Dynmeris meant with the sentence ‘’The sun cannot find the skies if the clouds are there?’’ You will so, so, so fail that literature class. Who cares? What sun? What clouds? Huh?
Gods help you.
‘’Uhm, it’s cloudy?’’ You guess. 
Aegon nods, and you know you have answered wrong but he is too kind to say it. Defeated, you sit down on a chair, grumpy. He joins you, planting his ass on the table you just cleaned. Thank god for jeans. ‘’It can be a metaphor. For many things. For how you don’t know if you don’t try, for how you cannot achieve dreams without effort, and how you, I suppose, cannot find love if your heart isn't open for it.’’ He looks at you expectedly You nod. ‘’You see, the clouds are the obstacle, and the sky is the goal. But what is the sun? What does it represent?’’ You listen a bit longer to his explanation, and you suddenly feel a bit stuck. Maybe you are the clouds. And Aegon the sun. And you keep yourself from happiness. You have become happier and less snappy around Aegon and everyone seems to know it except you.
You love him.
‘’Aeg?’’ You whisper, your face heated so hot that it might explode. You see him nod.
‘’Yeah?’’ he asks, just as tense and smiling, despite being terrified you can tell.
‘’I uh, want you to kiss me.’’ You confess.
Aeg closes the distance between the two of you and gently caresses your face, as your lips finally lock in a soft gentle kiss. You never felt more alive, and kiss him back, touching his face and feeling his soft hair. He breaks the kiss, smiling deeply. ‘’Does this mean we’re a thing?’’
Wow, he moves fast.
‘’Uhm, it means I like you a bit more.’’ You say, keeping it casual. Aegon grins, still sitting on the table. 
‘’I suppose I’ll just have to step up my game.’’ 
You would love to see what that looks like.
Months later.
Finals are here and you and Aegon are in the library. You are officially dating and have become girlfriend and boyfriend. You try to focus on your books, but your eyes keep going to Aegon, who keeps smirking at you from his book, clearly not reading a word. His hands move down your thigh, and his smirk becomes suggestive. You feel your desire grow as he leans in a bit closer and kisses your neck. You mutter something. You close your book and drag Aegon from his chair, dragging him up to the second floor of the library, where almost no one comes. Aegon catches on, smiling, deeply in love and caresses your face. ‘’I love you Ereys.’’ He mutters, and you don’t know if he says that because you are about to hook up or because he loves you. Yet you turn your mind and insecurities off, and take your shirt off. Aegon follows, kissing your lips and taking his belt off. You both are lost in the passion.
Until, a camera flash interrupts it all. You let out a shriek and Aegon acts in a split second. He pulls his shirt over your head, covering you as quickly as possible. Two cameramen have appeared. ‘’Prince Aegon! Is this what you are doing on college grounds? The people demand to know!’’ One of them shouts. You feel ill. It makes sense.
Stupid too.
Aegon does not allow you to remain there, frozen and hurt. He drags you with him, as you both run away, between large bookshelves as the obvious paparazzi chases you. ‘’Prince Aegon, over here! Who is this lady? Prince Aegon!’’ Aegon doesn’t answer them. Getting you to safety is his priority.
When you are both safe outside, it has started raining. ‘’What the fuck was that?’’ You ask, in tears. Aegon sighs. 
‘’I’m a Prince.’’ He says, and you never heard someone so upset that he is filthy rich. Cole. Cole is not his friend. He’s his bodyguard. Oh, oh you’re fucked. 
A prince. You laugh. You never mattered to him. If you did he would've been honest. ‘’A what?’’
‘’A prince. Of House Targaryen.’’ This is madness.
You shake your head, in disbelief. He reaches out to touch you, to feel your love, your warmth. ‘’Ereys-’’
‘’Get away from me! You lied to me!’’ You yell, as tears fall down your cheeks. Hurt, Aegon backs off. He lied to you. And now your chest will likely cover some Westerosi magazine somewhere. You will be mocked, ridiculed by gods, knows how many people? And your trust, the walls he brought down, they’re skyhigh, and you know you won’t ever let anyone else get a shot.
He sighs, staring at his shoes. ‘’I never meant for them to find me here. I really like you. More than I liked anyone.’’ He says as he too sniffles, crying. ‘’I never wanted that stupid crown. They keep following me, I had hoped for a fun experience, but I never expected to find you. I love you and I mean it.’’
You shake your head. ‘’I was right not to trust you. I was right.’’ You repeat as you try to keep from crying, as your heart bleeds. It bleeds out from your chest.  You take off running to your dorms and don’t look back.
i might make a part two if you guys dig it.
I got a busy mind and a lot on my hands So get out of my way And out of my hair Cause I'm going somewhere And I'm not in the mood for questions
And no I don't wanna talk I don't wanna get in too deep On whatever you think I am or do And I'm not in the mood for questions And if I was, I wouldn't let you in on the answers
Don't wanna lose my head I stand up straight I take a real deep breath I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I will play my part I'll put on a face And with all my heart I never asked for attention But now that I have your attention I'll give you the best I can-
Attention Lyrcis what inspired the fic xD
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purebbyfawn · 10 months
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about me
♡ 22, college student
♡ major : anthropology (with my focus on archaeology)
♡ future degree : history
♡ posts will include: coquette, fashion, movies/tv, music, whispers, skin & hair care, self care, etc
♡ hobbies: baking, gaming, songwriting, practicing guitar and singing, reading, blogging, and makeup
♡ fave movies: pride and prejudice, thirteen, pearl, mean girls, buffalo 66, american beauty, the hot chick, and black swan
♡ some of my fav artists: madison beer, megan moroney, lana del rey, marina, morgan wallen, jeff buckley, ernest, marty robbins, zach top, miranda lambert, and suki waterhouse
♡ pinterest: @/honeylabyrinth
♡ posts are under #fawn posts
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flurrys-creativity · 6 months
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Quondam (adj.) ~ belonging to some time long past; once but no longer
Pairing: Chwe Vernon (Seventeen) x GN!Reader; Genre: Jurassic Park AU, 90s AU, aquaintances to lovers/distant friends to lovers, Fluff, Angst; Rating: sfw, PG-15; Warnings: a boat crash, mentions of prehistorical animals, dangerous animals, mentions of possible deaths, reader falls down while running.. twice, Vernon being in moderate danger; Wordcount: 4.431; Collab: SVT 90s Collab by @mingsolo and @beomcoups
Summary: It should have been a fun weekend trip but after the boat got caught by a storm and crashed on one of the dinosaur islands, you got separated from the group. You nearly despaired until Vernon found you.
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Your heart hammered inside your chest as you ran along the rocky beach. Tears streamed down your cheeks and blurred your vision, yet you didn’t slow down. The harsh wind from the open sea tousled your hair but you couldn’t care less about it. Same with the pain radiating throughout your whole body.
As you jumped over another boulder your footing slipped and you fell face first to the ground. Your whole body heaved for air, lungs burning inside your chest. A sob ripped through your throat. “I shouldn’t have joined them”, you whispered and pulled your limbs to your core, making yourself as small as possible.
Three days ago your friend Sorn dragged you on a small cruise among friends. What was supposed to be a vacation with lots of fun, turned sour the second the group had decided to head towards the Las Cinco Muertes - better known as Jurassic Park. Even though Ten, who had steered the cruise, promised to only round the archipelago without stopping to set a foot on the shore, none of the group had thought of the sudden weather changes.
None of them could have predicted the storm that turned strong enough for the yacht to go shipwreck.
You had no idea how long you had been in the freezing ocean. The current and the waves had made it nearly impossible to swim towards the nearest island you had seen from the yacht before the accident happened.
Even after those three days your clothes still hadn’t dried. You shivered involuntarily, the cold after two nights had finally seeped into your bones. You curled in on yourself even more. While you hadn’t encountered any dinosaurs yet, you had found footprints of a Smilodon - the whole reason you just ran for your life.
You inhaled shakily and gnawed on your lower lip, mind racing with thoughts. Without the others and without a chance of contacting authorities the dread and knowledge you might die here, finally settled in. You had no idea how many of your friends survived the accident and how many actually made it to the shore like you.
You blinked several times, trying to clear your vision before you turned your head to look at the person that called out to you. Despite your pain, you pushed yourself up and rubbed over your eyes with the back of your hand. “Vernon?”
He simply stared at you, without saying another word. His expression appeared stoic and unreadable to you. 
“Are you alone?” You asked and got up on your knees, ignoring the small rocks digging into your skin. The pain actually felt welcome and like an escape of this awkward silence.
You hummed as well, looking down on the ground to avoid eye contact with him. Despite both of you being in the same friend group, you barely interacted with him. Vernon always seemed to be in his own world and rather closed off. Not that you were any different with your archaeology and palaeontology studies. Unless people were from the same field they rarely shared your passion.
Before the silence could stretch on, you stood up and dusted off your clothes. “We need to leave or find the others. Either way we’re not safe on this island.”
Vernon raised one eyebrow, questioning you without saying a word. 
You sighed deeply, wanting to shake your head but you focused on the issue at hand instead. You grabbed his elbow and pulled him into the direction he came from. “I found footprints of a Smilodon and-”
“A what?”
“A sabertooth tiger.”
Vernon’s face twisted in understanding, right before it turned into surprise and worry. 
Seeing his strong expressions, nearly made you giggle. If it weren’t for the situation though. “If this is the hunting ground of it, we have to leave immediately. I am pretty sure that we’re the easiest prey around here.” 
Vernon grimaced but followed you without any resistance. He quietly listened to you ramble about the prehistoric animal, fascinated by the knowledge you presented him.
“I only saw one set of footprints which indicates the researchers claiming Smilodons were no social predators are actually right. Honestly, if they wouldn’t be so dangerous, I’d love to observe or research them. There’s still so much that we don’t know!”
You stopped talking, realising you just dropped lots of information on him. You awkwardly glanced towards Vernon, trying to gauge his reaction. Usually people appeared bored or stopped listening but to your surprise he looked at you with interest. The apology you usually sputtered after a knowledge vomit about prehistoric animals got stuck in your throat.
You shook your head momentarily to clear your thoughts, deciding to go a different path instead. “We need to find a hideout.”
This time Vernon grabbed your wrist and pulled you along the foreign terrain. “I got a place.” Vernon didn’t say more afterwards, simply guiding you further and further away from the coast.
Soon enough some sort of cliff appeared in the distance, its steep edge looming into the grey sky. 
For just a second worry clouded your thoughts, fearing Vernon had found a cave that might even be the home to a prehistoric creature. Though the closer you came, you couldn’t see any opening in the stone wall.
Instead a small ledge protruded from the stone and right underneath it were parts of the ship that got washed ashore. 
“You carried all of these things here?”
Vernon glanced over his shoulder, upon your surprised question but only shrugged them and looked back ahead. He let go of your wrist after you reached the ledge.
While you stayed rooted in your place, you watched Vernon wander around and move stuff to the side. “I wasn’t able to start a fire so far. So we’re at least not a roasted meal for the tiger.” He looked up at you, his stare growing more and more intense as he waited for your response.
You made a grimace - barely able to pull off a smile at his weak joke. “I… yeah, nor a smoked meal, I guess.”
Vernon grinned at you, satisfied, and sat down on a piece of rubble. “You mentioned we needed to find the others.”
You sat down as well with a deep sigh. “I honestly don’t know if any of them even survived the crash but I mean I found you-”
“Technically I found you.”
You chuckled softly and shook your head. “So you found me and that gives me hope some of the others might be alive as well. It’s just. The more time passes the slimmer the chances of finding someone.”
Vernon frowned in thought, hiding his lower face behind his hand as he hummed.
You shivered involuntarily, the dread of being the only ones alive silently creeped through your mind. 
“How much do you know about these islands?” 
Your head snapped back up again. “Not much, to be honest. It’s some twisted version of science and research. There was Isla Nublar, several miles up north from the archipelago. That was the island to start it all, I guess. Then there’s Isla Sorna. As far as I know, it was for evolution purposes and to get more animals for the theme park. I don’t know much about the other four islands. I just assume they are for evolution too.”
“I thought they only researched dinosaurs.”
You scoffed and shook your head again. “If we were completely true to the name, they should have only researched dinosaurs from the Jurassic era. But here we are with animals from the Ice Age.”
“Do you think we’ll see a Mammoth?”
You shrugged with your shoulders, another shiver running through your whole body. “I don’t even know whether I’d wanna see any prehistoric animal.”
“Why not?” Vernon tilted his head, his eyes trained on your face. “Aren’t you studying these animals?”
“I am”, you nodded shortly before you sighed once again. “It’s just. What if everything I learned, everything I imagined them to be turns out to be wrong? I don’t want my little bubble to burst.”
“Ah.” Vernon nodded exaggeratingly in understanding before he turned quiet again. Yet he still stared at you. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your place, avoiding eye contact. You could still feel his eyes on you but you desperately tried thinking of something else. “Actually, I just remembered. Even though this was all some hoax research they would have needed base camps to stay updated on the population and the animals in general.”
“We could have been camping all along, huh.”
Now you simply stared at Vernon, trying to understand what was going on inside his mind. “It’s late already. We should get a good night’s rest and then search for the base camp. It’s our best chance of rescue.” 
Vernon nodded and stretched his arms above his head, groaning when his joints popped. “Sounds like a solid plan.” He lied down almost immediately and made himself comfortable.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him, stunned how easily he relaxed in such a situation. You on the other hand felt too much on edge to even think of sleeping. Once again another shiver ran through your body. You got reminded of the cold that seeped into your body and slowly but surely cooled your core temperature down.
You ignored the trembling of your body and scooted closer to the stone wall behind your back. While it wasn’t truly any warmer, it shielded you a little more from the wind and starting rain.
For the longest time you just sat there and stared ahead with distant eyes as the sky turned darker and darker. Despite the rain your ears picked up on various sounds and each one of them made you feel even more on edge.
“You should rest too”, Vernon mumbled, turning only his head to look at you.
Your attention snapped back to him, surprised he was still awake. “Someone has to stay awake in case something comes up.” You wrapped your arms even tighter around your torso, barely suppressing your shivers.
Vernon pushed himself up again and moved closer to you. He didn’t say another word but he gently pulled you against his body, sharing his warmth with you. Vernon wrapped his arms around you as well and pulled you down until you laid next to him. 
You were now between the stone wall and his body, facing away from him. You felt your muscles slowly relax with his warmth engulfing you. 
You hummed softly and turned around in his hold, ignoring the building embarrassment inside your stomach. “Thanks, this really helps.”
Vernon only hummed in return and closed his eyes again. “Relax now, tomorrow will be another long day.”
Once the first rays of sunshine appeared at the horizon the next morning, both Vernon and you headed back towards the coast. You assumed a base camp would be near the sea and convinced Vernon to walk along the shoreline. You also hoped to limit your chances of meeting any of the creatures roaming across the island.
It took everything within you to suppress yet another sigh. While you thought you got somehow closer to Vernon during the freezing night, the journey towards the base camp turned out to be just as awkwardly silent.
The terrain changed the further you two walked. At first it had been forests connected to the shore but those cleared out for wide fields of grass. “This would be the perfect habitat for mammoth or other horse-like prehistoric animals.”
“So there is a chance to see mammoths!” 
You chuckled softly. “Technically. I’m not certain it would be that safe to meet them though.” You glanced at Vernon, who shortly appeared quite disappointed before he nodded in resignation.
“Maybe from afar.”
A sad smile played over your lips as you focused back on your surroundings, still searching for the base camp even after being out for so long already. You nearly wanted to give up and suggest finding a place to stay for yet another night, when Vernon tapped your arm.
“Isn’t that a path for cars?” He pointed towards an overgrown passageway, barely visible if you weren’t actively searching for it. The path crossed the wide fields and vanished into another forest like area. 
You gasped in surprise, your heart thumping loudly within your chest as new hope bloomed inside. “Should we follow it?” You glanced at Vernon, sudden nervousness creeping up your spine.
“It will be alright.” Vernon grabbed your hand and pulled you along, steadily walking along the path without a worry in the world.
You on the other hand looked around, unable to shake off the feeling being watched. It only increased the minute you two entered the forest. 
Since the forest wasn’t as dense as the last one, you easily noticed how the sky darkened - the weather changing rapidly yet again. 
“I heard that the weather is unpredictable on Isla Pena.”
Vernon looked up at the sky for a second. “So you’re telling me we’re on Isla Pena due to the sudden changes?”
“Well, I only assume it could be that. I mean it’s definitely not Isla Nublar, which is not part of the Los Cinco Muertes and it’s not Isla Sorna since we saw hints of mammals living on this island instead of dinosaurs. Also I don’t think it’s Isla Tacano, because I haven’t noticed a sign of an active volcano.”
“Lucky us”, Vernon grunted with a soft chuckle as he pulled you further along the overgrown path. He tried to appear unbothered but even he felt like he was being watched and it made the hair on his neck stand up. “You’re like an expert, right? What kind of animal could live in a forest like this?”
You saw how Vernon glanced over his shoulder, uncertainty and worry mirroring in his expression. You bit on your lower lip, letting your gaze wander around one more time. “A light forest connected to a wide plain of grass. It honestly sounds like the perfect habitat for Terror Birds.”
Vernon sighed deeply, shaking his head. “I hope you’re wrong about this.”
“I hope so too”, you whispered.
As if on cue though you noticed a large nest a little to your right, half hidden behind the large roots of a tree.
You silently cursed under your breath and picked up your pace, tugging at Vernon’s hand to indicate he should move faster as well.
A huge weight got lifted from your chest when Vernon quietly pointed towards the outlines of a building, new hope making your steps lighter than before.
By now both of you nearly ran towards the base camp, trying to escape the sense of trepidation behind you. Safety was just at an arm’s length, when you heard the loud cries of something behind you.
Like a mechanical doll you turned your head around, eyes widening in horror when you saw a gigantic bird standing in the middle of the road behind you. Two more birds rushed to its side, tilting their heads in curiosity as they stared at your retreating forms.
Just as you wanted to inform Vernon about the Terror Birds behind you two, you tripped and fell to the ground. Due to the rain your hand slipped out of Vernon’s grasp and with a dull thud combined with a surprised yelp you found yourself flat on the ground.
Vernon immediately stopped in his tracks. He turned around, ready to help you when he saw the birds slowly approaching. “Fuck.” Not only did these birds appear to be twice as tall as a human, no they had incredibly strong legs with sharp claws at their feet. 
If someone thought the emus in Australia were scary, they truly hadn’t seen this terror. 
You groaned when Vernon helped you up, feeling a stinging pain shooting up from your ankle and through your whole leg. Yet, you tried to fight the pain, biting down on your lip and pushing through.
Vernon half dragged and half carried you towards the building, constantly looking behind him at the birds that came closer and closer.
You felt your heart pounding within your chest, louder than the thunder above your heads. It didn’t calm down either after Vernon pushed a metal door with a small window panel open. He helped you through and slipped inside right behind you, before he slammed the door shut again.
Vernon glanced through the small window, flinching when he saw and felt one of the Terror Birds running against the door. He pushed his whole weight against the metal, silently praying it would survive the onslaught. 
When the banging subsided, Vernon looked through the mirror again. He saw one bird marching from side to side, patiently eyeing the closed door as the other two birds rushed away to each side - probably searching for another entrance.
You leaned against the wall next to the door, trying to keep the weight off of your foot. You narrowed your eyes and tried to identify your surroundings. “I think this is some kind of hallway that leads to the centre of the base camp.”
“Then we should follow that. Those birds seem more intelligent than I had hoped for.” Vernon came to your side and slung one of your arms around his shoulder, snaking his own around your waist and steadying you as he pulled you along the hall.
“If those birds live around the area of the base camp, we’re lucky we got inside”, you mumbled, eyes cast down. “I’m not sure any of the others would have been just as lucky.”
Vernon stayed silent, understanding what you were trying to say but just like you he didn’t want to think about that possibility. So far he easily ignored the thought his group of friends might have been killed or died another way on this island already.
Soon enough you two reached an abandoned laboratory. Vernon helped you to sit down on a chair, before he roamed around the room, checking for possible light sources and other useful things.
You looked around, picturing how people in white lab coats rushed through the room, typing quickly on keyboards, analysing data from a large computer or scribbling down notes. You assumed this site got abandoned right after the Isla Nublar or Sorna incident, leaving all the animals to fend for themselves. You wondered how much changed since the controlled growth stopped.
Vernon stepped next to you again, presenting you a dusty emergency bag. “There’s a first aid kit, some energy bars and a satellite phone in it.”
You smiled up at him. “Everything we need.” You held out your hand, waiting for Vernon to give you the bag. You then opened it immediately and pulled out the satellite phone, hoping it was still able to operate. 
Meanwhile Vernon grabbed the first aid kit and crouched down before you, gently grabbing your leg and placing it on his thigh so he could secure your swollen ankle.
The phone cracked a few times before you finally got through and heard the voice of another person. Static interrupted their words from time to time, making it incredibly hard to understand what they were saying.
You assumed your voice would be just as broken off like theirs and therefore decided to simply repeat the same words over and over again until you heard some form of confirmation. “S.O.S. Isla Pena. Need rescue. Base camp.”
Both Vernon and you held your breaths for a moment, trying to understand their reply through all the white noise.
“Chopper after storm?” Vernon mouthed silently, raising an eyebrow questioningly as if he wanted to confirm you heard the same.
You nodded vigorously and thanked the person gleefully before cutting the call again. A relieved laugh escaped your lips as you slumped down on the chair. “We’re actually getting rescued. I can’t believe it.” Before you could hold it back, tears streamed down your cheeks and your laughter turned into quiet sobs.
Vernon stared at you with wide eyes, feeling somewhat awkward witnessing your vulnerable side.
“Can you hold me?” 
Your voice was barely above a whisper but Vernon immediately scooted closer and pulled you against his chest, gently rubbing over your back in a soothing manner. “It’s going to be alright. We just need to stay here and wait until the rescuers come and get us.”
You slowly shook your head. “There must be a landing place. We should find it and stay near it, so when the helicopter arrives we’re able to leave immediately before the next storm starts.”
After you had calmed down, Vernon helped you walk around the base camp. Thankfully there were signs everywhere and the constant lightning illuminated your paths enough for you two to walk freely and find the heli-port rather easily.
“I don’t think they’ll be able to land on here”, Vernon mumbled as you two stared out of the window, seeing fallen trees and broken things scattered all over the port. “Is there another place where they could land on?”
“Maybe the roof but I don’t know whether it’s strong enough to hold the weight of a helicopter.”
“That only leaves the option of climbing a ladder.” Vernon sighed and rubbed over his face. “Will you be able to do that?”
You nudged his shoulder with yours and grinned reassuringly. “I probably won’t be fast but yes, I got that.” You turned back to look outside, watching the strings of raindrops falling to the ground and the trees bending in the wind. You easily pretended that everything would be just fine but the nervousness still had a tight grip around your thoughts.
Vernon and you rested next to the door leading outside to the port. Any unusual sound made you tense up, worrying you missed something and would be stuck on this island until your last breath. 
You slightly turned your head, looking at Vernon. He had his eyes closed and brows furrowed, appearing tense and stern. You leaned over and cupped his cheek, smoothing down his features with a soft smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll get out of here unhar- we’ll get out of here.”
As if some benevolent god heard your voice, the storm subsided. The rain got reduced to a soft pitter-patter against the window and the dark clouds dissipated. Only minutes later you heard the distinct sound of an engine and the chopping sound the rotor blades of a helicopter made.
Vernon jumped up, pulling you with him as he pushed the door open and hurried out into the open - forgetting about his surroundings completely.
Both of you stared up at the sky. You shielded your eyes when the helicopter halted right above you, the strong wind whirling up puddles and small leaves.
Just like Vernon predicted they threw a ladder out of the open side of the chopper, motioning to the both of you to climb up.
Vernon grabbed the lower end of the ladder and kept it steady as he turned towards you. “You’re going up first.”
“But I told you I’m slower-”
“Which is why I’m holding onto this to make it easier for you.” 
You sighed, sensing he wouldn’t budge. Carefully, you climbed the first few steps. The higher you got, the more thankful you felt for Vernon holding the ladder as still as possible. You already made it halfway up the ladder when the rescuers yelled at you. Confused, you looked back down.
One of the Terror Birds appeared at the edge of the heli-port. While it eyed the helicopter warily and kept as low as possible, it didn’t seem phased enough to flee. No, instead its focus turned towards Vernon, who still stood on the ground holding the ladder.
“Vernon!” Your voice sounded borderline hysteric. He didn’t react, your voice probably drowning out by the noise from the helicopter. You knew he wouldn’t start climbing before you made it up. You bit on your lower lip and pushed yourself to climb up faster, ignoring the stinging pain that flared up inside of your ankle again.
The second the rescuer pulled you into the chopper, you turned around and screamed at Vernon. 
He already climbed a quarter of the way, when the Terror Bird decided to charge. 
Your mind got filled with white noise as you stared at the scene unfolding underneath you. You barely registered the yelling of the rescuers, nor that the helicopter suddenly pulled up. You could only see how the Terror Bird had its beak around the ladder, right underneath Vernon’s foot. 
As the bird struggled and sent tremors through the ladder, Vernon was barely able to ascend further. 
Your eyes met with his, before you watched in horrible silence how Vernon climbed the few steps back down, kicking against the beak of the Terror Bird.
Another scream got stuck in your throat when the helicopter shook from another tremble. This time because a Sabertooth Tiger jumped from the roof of the base camp and attacked the bird. 
As both fell to the ground, the ladder got pulled back into the helicopter by the rescuers. They pushed you aside, obstructing your view and sudden fear immobilised you. 
Only after Vernon got pulled into the chopper as well, did you feel like you were able to breathe again. You scrambled over to his side, basically falling into his form. You wrapped your arms around his neck, mumbling your thanks for him being unharmed over and over again.
Vernon wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled you into a tight embrace, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He nosed along your temple, placing soft kisses on your skin.
You didn’t pull back. Instead you ever so slowly turned your head until the tips of your noses met and your breaths mingled. 
Vernon closed the gap, being just as careful as before. He gave you enough time to pull away but you only leaned more into him. 
The second your lips met, all your worries, the dread and fear melted away, leaving a soft fluttering and tingling that spread throughout your body.
You actually made it out alive and with the help of the authorities you could also find your missing friends. Most importantly you found something else during this experience. 
Vernon broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours as he chuckled softly. “Next time I’ll try a simple museum date to get closer to you.”
“Or library.” You giggled and shook your head, surprised you found love within this rollercoaster ride.
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101flavoursofweird · 8 months
While it is hilarious imagining Layton’s students groaning/celebrating when they find out their puzzle-obsessed archaeology tutor has cancelled class AGAIN, do you think his students ever worry about him?
When 27-year-old Layton starts teaching his first ever class (a delayed start to the term), do his new students wonder why he never removes his hat? Do they notice the bruises on his skin or the dark shadows under his eyes? Do they hear the rumours about how Layton just got out of hospital or how he spends his nights working in his office? (What exactly is he researching?) Any students caught gossiping face the wrath of Rosa Grimes, so the rumours eventually fade away. 
Sure, Layton was late starting the year, but he’s a dedicated teacher and a true gentleman, so the students and Dean Delmona let it slide. Some of his colleagues view him as a ‘young upstart’— Why on Earth is an archaeology professor assisting the police?— but he is mostly well-liked at Gressenheller.
Professor Layton is patient and sympathetic to students struggling with their work (students like Janice), while at the same time being a driving inspiration (to students like Carmine). He wants his students to succeed, even if their interests lie outside of archaeology.
Seven years into Layton’s teaching career— he suddenly doesn’t turn up to class one day. Layton’s students wait in the empty lecture hall— wait for him to hurry in with a hasty apology— but there’s no sign of Professor Layton. Hershel Layton, who has never taken a sick day in his whole career. 
Panicked, several students dash to Layton’s office. (“Maybe he fell asleep on his sofa again…?”) But when they see he isn’t there, they storm into Dean Delmona’s office, who explains that Layton rushed off after receiving an urgent letter— and not to worry, because he has his new assistant to help him. Layton’s students are extremel  relieved, but at the same time, curious about what the letter could contain. 
When a weary Layton finally returns to Gressenheller after a few days, he is met with concern and endless questions. He confesses that he was involved in solving a mystery, though he won’t reveal the details of said-mystery. He apologises for leaving his class on such short notice and promises he will hold extra sessions for them to catch up.
Of course Layton’s students forgive him. Even true gentlemen need to deal with emergencies from time to time! This was just a one-off, right…?
Three years later (several adventures and sudden absences later), nothing surprises Layton’s students anymore. Thankfully, the Professor has gotten better at informing Dean Delmona when he will be away. Whenever Layton’s students see the substitute Dr Glaive in their classroom, they assume Layton is off on another adventure. Still, Layton always reviews the notes Dr Glaive leaves for him. He will check in with his students and arrange extra study sessions if they’re struggling—
A lot of them struggle, after the Mobile Fortress incident. They notice that Professor Layton is struggling too… Wasn’t he involved in the case, somehow? Like on a personal level? And where is the Professor’s little apprentice…? 
Eventually, news gets out about what happened ten years ago at the Institute of Polydimensional Physics. Layton’s students don’t find out all the details, but they find out about Claire Foley, a young scientist and (like them) a former Gressenheller student... Layton’s lost sweetheart.
When Layton turns up for class the next day, he’s surprised to find an empty lecture hall and an envelope on his desk. It contains two tickets and a letter, signed by all of his students:
“Dear Professor Layton,
Here are two tickets for you and your daughter to visit your apprentice in America. (A true gentleman never refuses a gift!) We’ve already informed Dean Delmona about your holiday…
Please, don’t worry about us. We’ll catch up when you get back.
Right now, we’re off to have a (civil) conversation with Bill Hawks.
Take care! -Your eager students’
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revasserium · 10 months
a not at all definitive list of books that literally physically are a part of who i am and why i am and how i ache and love stories so fiercely it sometimes threatens to consume me:
the night circus by erin morgenstern
"The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not."
"I would have written you, myself, if I could put down in words everything I want to say to you. A sea of ink would not be enough.' 'But you built me dreams instead."
"Like stepping into a fairy tale under a curtain of stars."
the starless sea by erin morgenstern
"Strange, isn’t it? To love a book. When the words on the pages become so precious that they feel like part of your own history because they are. It’s nice to finally have someone read stories I know so intimately.
"For those who feel homesick for a place they’ve never been to. Those who seek even if they do not know what (or where) it is that they are seeking. Those who seek will find. Their doors have been waiting for them."
"Occasionally, Fate pulls itself together again and Time is always waiting."
the ten thousand doors of january by alix e harrow
“If we address stories as archaeological sites, and dust through their layers with meticulous care, we find at some level there is always a doorway. A dividing point between here and there, us and them, mundane and magical. It is at the moments when the doors open, when things flow between the worlds, that stories happen."
"They are artifacts and palimpsests, riddles and histories. They are the red threads that we may follow out of the labyrinth."
the secret history by donna tartt
"Does such a thing as 'the fatal flaw,' that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn't. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs"
"She was a living reverie for me: the mere sight of her sparked an almost infinite range of fantasy, from Greek to Gothic, from vulgar to divine."
the wayward children series by seanan mcguire
"We notice the silence of men. We depend upon the silence of women."
"She was a story, not an epilogue."
"We’re all puzzle boxes, skeleton and skin, soul and shadow."
daughter of smoke and bone series by laini taylor
"She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx."
"Happiness. It was the place where passion, with all its dazzle and drumbeat, met something softer: homecoming and safety and pure sunbeam comfort. It was all those things, intertwined with the heat and the thrill, and it was as bright within her as a swallowed star."
"Like mold on books, grow myths on history."
the book thief by markus zusak
"I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn't already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race-that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant."
"It was a Monday and they walked on a tightrope to the sun."
dreams and shadows by c. robert cargill
"If you remember one thing, even above remembering me, remember that there is not a monster dreamt that hasn't walked within the soul of man."
"It's as if we are God's waking dream, each gifted with a small piece of his consciousness; the beauty of that arrangement is that we create the dream for him. If you can understand that, if you can wrap your mind around it, then you can conjure up anything you want from out of the ether. "
"You always assume we must have fallen, that we were thrown out of Heaven. Some of us just jumped."
stardust by neil gaiman
"He stared up at the stars: and it seemed to him then that they were dancers, stately and graceful, performing a dance almost infinite in its complexity. He imagined he could see the very faces of the stars; pale, they were, and smiling gently, as if they had spent so much time above the world, watching the scrambling and the joy and the pain of the people below them, that they could not help being amused every time another little human believed itself the center of its world, as each of us does."
"What do stars do? They shine."
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
"Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic."
"Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them."
"The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history."
a midsummer night's dream by william shakespeare
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing'd Cupid painted blind. Nor hath love's mind of any judgment taste; Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste: And therefore is love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguil'd."
"I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell. To die upon the hand I love so well."
"Love's stories written in love's richest books. To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes."
deathless by catherynne m valente
"You will always fall in love, and it will always be like having your throat cut, just that fast."
"I do not tolerate a world emptied of you. I have tried. For a year I have called every black tree Marya Morevna; I have looked for your face in the patterns of the ice. In the dark, I have pored over the loss of you like pale gold."
the song of achilles by madeline miller
"I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
"We were like gods at the dawning of the world, & our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but the other."
"We reached for each other, and I thought of how many nights I had lain awake loving him in silence."
circe by madeline miller
"It was my first lesson. Beneath the smooth, familiar face of things is another that waits to tear the world in two."
"But gods are born of ichor and nectar, their excellences already bursting from their fingertips. So they find their fame by proving what they can mar: destroying cities, starting wars, breeding plagues and monsters. All that smoke and savor rising so delicately from our altars. It leaves only ash behind."
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the---hermit · 1 year
Tumblr media
In the past few months I have been feeling the weird urge to do stuff like getting piercings and new tattoos. I haven't acted on it yet, but I was thinking about it yesterday and I feel just like I did when I was younger and I had this need to, I don't even know how to put it, reclaim my body? Decorate myself? I definitely can tell where it's coming from, I've been going through a lot of changes and I feel again as if I have to find myself or get to know myself better. It's like for some reason my brain associates those things with this process, because the more I think about it the more I realize that when I went to my first wave of getting piercings and my first tattoos I was going through some similar things I am experiencing now. It's really weird and to be honest I haven't even really figured it out yet well myself, but everytime I look at myself in a mirror I just get this wave of excitement to get more ear piercings, and I want to get my septum done, and I want to get more ink on my skin. I haven't felt such a strong wave of this feeling in years now.
made a chronology line to help me with figuring out what happened when when studying protohistory (I am pretty sure I will make a couple more to write down the different archaeological facies, and that will be real messy)
studied for my history of libraries and reading exam
started to review my protohistory notes (special thanks to my dad who is helping me with this by listening to me speak and asking questions)
practiced Irish on duolingo
Self care:
read first thing in the morning
went to the bookstore with my dad (and note to self never do it again is has a bad influence and I bought two books, it was actually really nice we never really do that but I wasn't planning to buy books)
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femininenachos · 2 years
Who makes the first move in vacation au
The taverna gets livelier after midnight, when the staff mix with the patrons and the wine really starts flowing. Carafes of cheap yet delicious local red go out at every table, compliments of the owners, along with platters of cheese and olives. Despite her earlier protestations (it would be rude to refuse such generous hospitality, after all), Clarke partakes freely and by the time Octavia returns from an extended trip to the bathroom, she has a pleasant alcohol buzz going.
“Did you get lost on the way? Or did the squid disagree with you?” Clarke smirks into the rim of her glass.
Octavia shoots her a droll look, but it’s soon replaced by a sneaky, private little smile as she retakes her seat.
“What?” Clarke asks, instantly suspicious.
“Nothing bad. We've just been invited to a bar by Lincoln and the rest of the wait staff. He’s even hotter up close, by the way, it’s insane.” Octavia fans herself. “Whew.”
“Mm, pass,” Wells says. “I’ll have to bow out gracefully. It’s been a long day, plus I really want to hit the archaeological sites early tomorrow before the cruise ship hordes descend.”
Octavia sends him a pitying glance, but refrains from insulting his nerdery. She turns her focus to Clarke instead. Waggles her eyebrows. “How about it? Lexa will be there…”
Clarke’s face flushes hot, but she hesitates.
“You should go,” Wells says with an encouraging smile. “At least to make sure O doesn’t get abducted and killed by a stranger whose attractiveness doesn’t preclude him from being a psychopath.”
“Well, that went dark,” Octavia mutters under her breath. “But, yeah, we can be each other’s wingwomen.”
She clasps her hands together, silently begging please, please, please.
Clarke vacillates back and forth; conflicted. On the one hand, she’s bone tired, more tipsy than she cares to admit on only a handful of drinks, and she would kind of like to join Wells on his excursion in the morning. But on the flip side… she hasn’t had any action in six months and Lexa is so, so fucking hot.
While she’s debating it internally, the object of her desire saunters into her field of vision, and Clarke loses her train of thought once she sees that Lexa has changed into open toe sandals, black denim cut-offs and a black t-shirt that reveals an intriguing piece of ink that peeks out from under her sleeve. Her hair is down, falling in soft, flowing waves down her back, and Clarke has a sudden craving to run her fingers through those gorgeous locks. 
She caves.
“Two drinks, max.”
The bar is an open air spot that’s just a short stroll from the taverna and overlooks the harbour from a vantage point, providing a stunning panoramic vista. A slew of dinky little blue and white fishing boats are docked, bobbing in the water, gleaming amid the pretty harbour lights, with the inky darkness of the sea stretching into the horizon beyond.
On the decks over in the corner a DJ plays soulful, laidback deep house, infectious beats that are hard to resist shimmying to. Lantern lights are strung up between olive trees, adding to the mellow atmosphere. The patrons, a younger crowd that’s a mix of tourists and locals, cluster together in small groups drinking beers and colourful cocktails. 
Clarke slowly nurses a vodka soda and lime, feeling very much like the third wheel while Octavia and Lincoln engage in flirty exchanges. From what Clarke has gleaned, he seems far from the murdering type, a gentleness to him that belies his bulky stature. Bless his heart, he keeps trying to include Clarke in the conversation, but Octavia is adept at commanding his attention with the brash confidence she exudes and her frequent habit of touching his biceps when she speaks.
Besides, Clarke’s mind is elsewhere, conscious of being watched. It makes her skin prickle. Fills her with nervous energy.
They keep sharing glances. 
Every time Clarke looks over, Lexa is staring right back. Curious eyes drawn to one another, scanning up and down. Something thrilling about the way they’re each too restrained to act on their obvious interest—that, or they’re both too stupidly stubborn to make the first move.
But Clarke feels the anticipation building.
Tastes it in the air.
Even though Lexa is with friends, she still stands a little aloof and apart. Now and then, she’s pulled back into their boisterous chatter and jokes, but Clarke finds that intense gaze on her time and again, and it makes her tingle all over.
“And you?” Lincoln asks, jolting her out of her trance. He nods towards the glass in her hand, a small smile on his lips. “Can I buy you another?”
She meets his smile with a distracted one of her own. “Oh, no. I’m good, thanks.”
Once he heads for the bar, her eyes flick in Lexa’s direction again, and Clarke‘s mouth runs dry, noting the graceful line of Lexa’s throat as she swigs from a beer bottle, long fingers wrapped around the neck.
Never in her life has Clarke been so envious of an inanimate object…
An arm swings around her shoulders, startling her and sending a little vodka mix sloshing over the side of the glass onto her hand, and she scowls at Octavia’s unapologetic expression.
“This is physically painful to watch, Griffin. Go talk to her, please.”
“And say what?”
“Just be your charming self. And if that doesn’t work,” Octavia tugs on the neckline of Clarke’s summer dress, “Use the girls.”
“I can’t just sidle up and flash my cleavage at her.”
“Really? Because that’s definitely a thing you’ve done in the past, and you’ve also had a good success rate with it.”
Clarke half-shoves Octavia, raising a wicked laugh. Even so, she allows herself to be turned around by the shoulders and pushed in the direction of Lexa and her group, weak complaints falling on deaf ears.
On her slow approach, Clarke sees Lexa straighten up, pulling that plump bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes trip over Clarke’s form, and for some reason…
Clarke loses her nerve.
At the last second she wheels away, making a beeline for the restroom. It’s empty, thankfully, and she sets down her purse on the counter, rummaging through it to find the tube of lipstick. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she reapplies the colour and presses her lips together to blot, eyeing her reflection critically in the long mirror above the sinks. She primps and preens, giving her hair a little zhuzh. Turns this way and that to admire the fit of her dress, running her hands over her curves.
And, yeah, she’s feeling herself.
She’s got this.
Confidence renewed, she struts out with an extra sway in her hips only to find the space Lexa occupied is now empty. Her heart sinks. Annoyed at herself for squandering the opportunity and a little upset about being abandoned, she casts her eyes around until she spots Octavia by the steps that lead to the street. She beckons Clarke over with a wave.
“Thank God. For a hot second I thought you’d left without me,” Clarke grumbles.
Octavia sends her a look like: girl, please.
“Where’d everyone go?”
“Chill. They’re just waiting for us on the curb side. Linc’s friends want to head on to a club. You in?”
The thought has barely entered Clarke’s mind when Octavia preempts her. “Don’t worry, Lexa’s going too.”
Clarke tries not to react too much, deflecting with a teasing drawl. “Linc, huh? You’ve known him all of five minutes and we’re shortening his name already? Must be serious.”
But unlike Clarke, Octavia is completely unflappable and unfazed. Just flips Clarke the finger and glides away.
Fewer in number now, their group winds through the labyrinthian jumble of cobbled streets that make up the oldest part of the village. Squat, rustic, pastel-coloured buildings with blue or terracotta doors line the narrow streets, adorned with hanging baskets, trailing vines, and potted plants on window sills.
While Clarke soaks the quaint character of it all in, Lexa smoothly falls into step beside her.
“Your boyfriend didn’t want to come out tonight?” Lexa asks. Eyes ahead. A slight pout on her lips.
Clarke almost trips. “Boyfriend?”
Lexa looks directly at her then, and Clarke nearly loses her footing again on the uneven paving.
“The guy you were with at dinner?”
Clarke’s brows leap up her forehead. 
“Wells?” She barks out a sudden laugh. “Wells isn’t—” She chuckles again. “No. There’s no boyfriend. I am very much free and single.”
Is that what was holding Lexa back? Crossed wires and mistaken assumptions. How gallant.
Lexa studies her a moment longer. Glances away, then back. Something vital and alive dancing in her eyes. Pleased. “Me too.”
Good sits on the tip of Clarke’s tongue, but she holds it in, if not the little smile that follows, her mouth pulling to one side. 
They walk the rest of the way in comfortable silence, their knuckles brushing once or twice before Lexa catches Clarke’s fingers and lets them entwine. A loose, gentle grip, but enough to send the butterflies in Clarke’s stomach into overdrive.
Because it’s such an assured move, and Clarke isn’t used to things being this easy. There’s far too much bullshit around dating, the plethora of apps, the red flags and rules and expectations, so Clarke had chosen to largely opt out of the whole affair. Not that she really has the time or energy with the grueling hours she puts in at the hospital, how she can never quite let go of the heaviness she brings home with her, two qualities that aren’t exactly appealing to most people. 
(Finn told her as much when they broke up, having soon learned that the reality of being with a doctor is not nearly as sexy as Grey’s makes it out to be.)
But there’s freedom in being in a foreign land, where she can be a different, more carefree version of herself, the version that would absolutely entertain the idea of a meaningless hookup with a beautiful, mysterious local. Even if this is a well-tread playbook for Lexa, picking up horny tourists at work for kicks, Clarke is 100% willing to be a notch on that particular bedpost.
It doesn’t matter that she doesn’t know the first thing about this girl.
She wants Lexa. 
Wants that mouth and those hands on her body.
Wants to taste those lips and feel all that tan skin pressed against every inch of her own.
She gets her wish at the club. 
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darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Jonathan Carnahan x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k 
Warnings: bug dug out of skin ew
Author’s Note: AHHH love I hope you like this little thing that I came up with!!! Ily <3 it is not edited because who has time for that lol
Requested: by @karasong, hi maya!! may i please request a Jonathan Carnahan x reader fic where she’s a medic in the group when they go to Hamunaptra & she takes care of jonathan’s wound after rick cuts the bug out of his arm & they confess they like each other? thank you so much! you’re a gem! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You had sand in your shoes. At a certain point you had accepted the presence of the grains. You would find them in the creases of your clothes for weeks, if you lived that long. You could feel the sweat clinging to the fabric. The stress of trying to find and save Evelyn was the cause of that. You had been separated from her for far too long and you had seen the way the undead mummy looked at her. The bewilderment of her absence had sent you, Jonathan, and O’Connell into a worried fit. You were accompanied by Ardeth Bay who was trying to lead you through the unfamiliar territory. 
“You didn’t have to come back,” Jonathan, hand on his back as he remained hunched over when he walked. It had started to become that way the moment he stepped foot into Hamunaptra and it remained that way through the journey. “She’s not your sister.” 
“She may as well be,” you argued. 
The two of you were standing behind Rick and Ardeth. You had gotten trapped underground, rocks crashing down to confine you to the space. Jonathan looked around, desperately. 
“Put your back into it O’Connell,” you teased, a gentle worry in your voice. He stood up straight and looked back at you. 
“I don’t see you eager to help.” 
“I don’t have the strong arms that you two have. Jonathan. Get in there.”
“Who says I have strong arms?” Jonathan questioned, scoffing. You rolled your eyes. You attempted a smile. Jonathan looked around the room you were now trapped in. Ardeth and Rick continued at the wall of rocks. “You’re trapped in here now. I told you to stay back,” Jonathan said, pointing a finger at you. 
“You told me to leave Evie and I had no intention of doing that. Plus, you can’t handle yourself Jonathan. You need all the eyes on you that you can get.”You had been childhood friends of the Carnahan’s for years. You worked alongside Evelyn, often running into Jonathan. The three of you would often have dinners, talking about the newest archaeological finds or what Jonathan read in a book. 
 He had moved to the wall. You looked and noticed the scarabs that had been carved into the stone. He let out an amazed sigh as he raised his hand. His fingers grazed the bugs and picked one off the wall. 
“I can handle myself,” he argued. 
“Jonathan don’t touch-” you started but he just tossed the scarab into the air then caught it again. “You don’t know how long it’s been in this room untouched.” He opened his mouth to speak again, likely to respond with something stupid but was cut off by the buzz of wings in his hand. The scarab came to life and burrowed itself into Jonathan’s arms. 
You made a surprised noise, hand flying to your mouth. It caught the ear of both other men just as Jonathan started to scream in agony. You rushed forward but O’Connell had his knife out before anyone else could think. He searched Jonathan’s body and quickly ripped at his shirt. Just before the scarab reached his head O’Connnell cut it out. 
It was over as quickly as it began. You put your hand quickly on Jonathan’s arm, holding him up. He was frail as it is but the physical pain had shaken him. His eyes darted around the faces and landed on you. 
“I told you not to touch it,” you breathed, without even thinking. He scoffed, pain seething through his teeth. 
“That needs to be wrapped up,” Rick said quickly. 
“I can do it. You two work at the exit,” you said, just as fast. You put a hand over his wound and helped him by the elbow to sit down. Sand. More sand. You cursed under your breath as you sat beside him on your knees. He had gone paler than usual. His shirt was still left open. You moved it aside, gently removing it from his arm so that you could clearly see his shoulder. He was wincing endlessly, with every touch against his skin. “Why don’t you ever listen?” you muttered. 
“Against my nature,” he promised. You rolled your eyes as you ripped his sleeve to create a makeshift tourniquet. You worked mostly in silence, making knots that you were unsure of and a sling that was weak. But it was something. 
“You should’ve stayed back,” you said, shaking your head. 
“You keep saying things like that. I’ve got my wits you know.”
“Your wits very much got an open wound.” He wanted to roll his eyes but refrained, instead watching your concentration as he worked. He had always had some sort of hopeless love for you. He always figured you would go for someone like Ardeth or O’Connell. Strong, helpful. Though they weren’t quite smart enough for you. He had that going for him. 
“My wits kept me alive this long,” he grunted. 
“You look very gruff right now Jonathan. Very weathered.”
“Do I make it look nice?”
“Extremely becoming. I could’ve thought you were a treasure hunter Jonathan.” Your voices had grown quiet. You smiled gently at him, reassuring. 
“I’ve found a thing or two.”
“That's all?” You tied the knot aggressively, causing him to flinch. 
“That’s all,” he promised. You put the sling over his shoulder and he dipped his head so you could do so. 
“We’ll get that checked out when we get back. If we get back.” Your hand remained on his shoulder. Your touch was so careful that it didn’t hurt him. He felt the most comfortable with you. Even in the face of near death. Or, a bug bite. “But please avoid other forms of danger.” 
“Only if you do,” he promised. 
“Well I’m unharmed. I can get into more danger because of it. You only have one arm. I have two.”
“Do you think they’re gonna have to amputate?” He was only half joking. 
“No Jonathan.” He eased. He trusted you almost completely. “Be careful for me anyway, hm?” 
“Of course. Anything for you.” He said it so smoothly, you almost didn’t catch his sincerity. Your hand was still on his shoulder and with a soft movement, it was down on his arm and then down on his hand. You intertwined your hands. His hand was warm. Clammy. He squeezed. 
“Anything?” He cleared his throat, suddenly nervous.
There was a crash behind you. You both looked over. 
“We’re through!” O’Connell called. They didn’t even turn to look at you. You helped Jonathan stand. 
“After this Jonathan, could we get dinner? Without Evie.” His eyes went wide. He stammered, attempting to find his words. 
“Yes,” he finally decided. You gave him one last reassuring smile before moving along and he grinned. He could no longer feel the pain in his shoulder. He was uncharacteristically brave now. He would get through this. And he wouldn’t let it kill him. 
He had a dinner to attend.
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gourdberries · 1 year
Providence a Doflamingo x reader fic Part 1
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CONTAINS: dark content (emotional manipulation) otherwise SFW, slight fluff but mostly angst
Tbh I don't think this series will have more than two or three parts but anyways here's part one. It's gonna be sort of a prequel to part 2. Haven't edited it so it's probably gonna be rly stream of consciousnessy. Also, my first time posting here! Reader is written as a brown woman but read her however you like. Hope you enjoy!
You were raised in a brothel frequented by merchants and scholars alike. They would often hold meetings here, sharing information while enjoying a stiff drink and a woman on their lap. Your mother was the favourite of a renowned scholar from Ohara who had been excommunicated from the archaeologists society. An elderly man who decided to spend the last of his years in this brothel. The closest thing to a father that you’ve ever had. He instilled a love for archaeology in you, taught you how to decipher lost languages and made you an expert in ponegliffs at the age of 15.
He died a few years later. It was around that time Doflamingo and his family came into town. They had planned for it to be a short visit. Word had reached them about a girl of 18 who lived in a brothel – a girl that knew how to read ponegliffs. Seeing an opportunity to make money, your mother sold you off to Doflamingo.
Doflamingo knew your worth and knew how to care for you. A precious addition to his crew. You were a rarity, someone who was essential in his quest for divinity. The day you were sold off was the worst day of your life but the life that came after was one you could never have imagined were you to stay in that port town. Doflamingo gave you books, clothes, and a room of your own. Freedom. The family treated you as one of their own and slowly but surely you began to open up to them. Senor Pink took you to see his wife a couple of times, and you grew close to Baby 5 and Buffalo, them being the only members around your own age. You vaguely knew that Doflamingo had dealings in the underground market but you were often left out of business meetings and missions. To you, Doflamingo was an elusive figure. That is until 9 years later, when you witnessed what this man was actually capable of, when the man they call the great heavenly demon brought an entire kingdom to its knees.
“You can leave whenever you wish to.” He noted the fear in your eyes as you gazed down upon the inferno, “Although... as it is now, I don’t think that you’ll find a reason to leave”. You heard his command loud and clear. You realise that this man is a mirage of gentle greatness harbouring pure evil at the core. Tears prickle behind your eyes as you feared that he was just getting started.
“Oh, my sweet girl… you did this”. His large hands cup your cheeks, tilting your head up to face him. “I thank you. I could never have done this without you.” You finally begin to cry at his words. He embraces you and there’s little you can do but let him. Your hands balled up into tight fists, resting on his broad chest.
You couldn’t sleep the first night in his care. “Mother never loved you, she only saw you as profit – nothing but money to be made. You're all alone in this world”. Poisonous thoughts occupied your mind, you needed a distraction. So you sneaked into the library and looked for a book to read. 
Doflamingo was about to enter the library as well, when he caught a glimpse of you. At that moment, he thought that you looked like divine in your stark white nightgown contrasted with long black hair and bronze skin illuminated by warm candle light. You struggled to reach a book at the top of the shelf until you saw a hand shoot up from behind you. Doflamingo grabbed the book and studied the cover, “The Book of Five Rings? Didn’t know that we had this”. His sudden appearance managed to purge your mind of any thoughts of your mother. Completely dumbfounded, the only thing that you could muster up was “Do you read, sir?”
He chuckled lightly as he walked over to a velvet chaise lounge and settled into it with the book.
“Of course you–“ you wished that you hadn’t spoken at all in the first place, "it’s your library after all”. 
“I don’t have much time to read these days.” 
You studied his features for a while, spiky blonde hair and a sharp jawline. He was as handsome as he was intimidating. 
“Uhm… I couldn’t sleep.”
“I see…” 
“I thought I would read instead.”
He looked confused for a short moment until he realised, “Ah, I've hijacked your book.” 
“Oh, no… I’ll read another. I didn’t mean–“ 
He cut you off and pointed to another book “Grab me the blue paperback on the desk there.”  
You grabbed it and handed it to him. 
“I’ll give you back your book and read this one instead.” 
You nodded. “Thank you, sir. I-I’ll read it in my room”
“You can stay,” coming from him, it sounded more like a demand than a suggestion, “Let me keep you company until you feel like you can sleep.” 
You spent the rest of the night together with Doflamingo. In a soothing silence. 
Despite his imposing presence, he has always been gentle with you. Even as he massacred a whole kingdom and turned the king into his own puppet. You knew that you had to leave him, however improbable it may be, you had to escape from this man.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Tantallon Castle.
Was a perfect day today for taking photos, and doesn't Tantallon look great, it's just a pity that visitors can't get in at the moment until essential maintenance work is carried out.
I like to describe Tantallon as a formidable castle, but prefer the French pronunciation, I think it just sounds better! The importance and the history stretches from the mid 14th century, right through to the mid 20th century!
The castle was built in the mid-14th century by William Douglas, who became 1st Earl of Douglas in 1358 (after murdering his godfather, Sir William Douglas of Liddesdale).
The house of Douglas later split into two branches in the 1380s: the ‘Black’ and the ‘Red’. Tantallon passed to the junior line – the earls of Angus also known as the ‘Red Douglases’, inherited by George Douglas, illegitimate son of the Earl of Douglas. This branch of the family owned the castle for the next 300 years, updating it as warfare developed, and often clashing with the Crown.
Tantallon Castle survived numerous sieges, including by James IV in 1491, James V in 1528 and Oliver Cromwell in 1651, though after Cromwell’s siege the castle was utterly devastated and left in ruins: it was never repaired or inhabited afterwards. The Castle was later sold by the Marquis of Douglas in 1699 to Hew Dalrymple, Lord North Berwick.
In 1944, the Castle played a role in preparations for the Normandy invasion. A few weeks before D-Day, captured German radars (used by the Germans defending the French coast), were moved to the Castle and used in the training of RAF bomber crews (including 617 Squadron, the famous “Dambusters”). These bomber crews were part of a large effort to deceive the Germans about the actual location of the Allied invasion.
Today, the castle is in the care of Historic Environment Scotland. The dramatic cliff-top ruins of Tantallon Castle are quite a sight, particularly its remaining curtain wall – the best example of castle architecture from the 1300s anywhere in Scotland.
Normally visitors can climb up to the castle’s battlements and enjoy views over the North Sea to the Bass Rock and its large seabird colonies, as well as discover more about archaeological digs at the castle and view replica guns used to defend the castle against James IV and James V.
Tantallon Castle is also a popular filming location, and appears in the film Under the Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson.
If visiting try and pick a day like today, the last time I visited you couldn't see very far because of a thick haar surrounding the cliff. If driving it is less than an hour from Edinburgh. By public transport there are regular trains to North Berwick, Eve coaches run the number 120 to the castle, it's about a ten minute walk from there. The buses from Edinburgh to North Berwick are the 124 and X5, then the aforementioned 120.
About a 30 minute walk from the castle is Seacliffe Beach, pics of that to come.
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thecoolkids-things · 18 days
Rana (Minecraft story mode season oc)
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Rana is a lively and ambitious 11-year-old girl, a budding archaeologist, and a fearless explorer with a heart full of curiosity. Inspired by the legendary tales of Steve, the first-ever builder and adventurer in the Minecraft world, she dreams of uncovering ancient secrets, lost ruins, and forgotten biomes. Rana has always admired Steve's courage and his resourcefulness in crafting tools, building shelters, and facing off against unknown dangers. She sees herself as a modern-day adventurer, continuing Steve's legacy by discovering the rarest mobs and treasures hidden deep within the game's world.
Rana stands small but mighty, with short brown hair, glowing with highlights of sunlight from her long days in the mines and the wilds. Her skin is dotted with freckles from the bright exposure to sunlight and underground fires. She has a pair of bright, intelligent eyes that sparkle with excitement whenever she unearths a new discovery. On her head, she wears a pair of vintage green goggles, handed down by her mentor, and she never takes them off. They help her see in the dark, but more than that, they are a symbol of her mission.
Her clothing is a mixture of practical and adventurous, tailored for the harsh environments she navigates. She wears a white lab coat over a simple shirt, representing her archaeologist role. Underneath, she sports a bandana to keep dust and dirt at bay, and sturdy, well-worn boots that have carried her through deserts, jungles, and the depths of dangerous dungeons. Her signature tool is a glowing diamond pickaxe, which she uses for both excavation and defense. The pickaxe, imbued with enchantments, has seen her through countless adventures, and she wields it with ease.
Rana is fiercely curious, driven by an unrelenting need to explore and uncover the unknown. Despite her young age, she carries herself with confidence, a quick learner who absorbs information like a sponge. Her love for archaeology comes from a fascination with history and her belief that the past holds the key to the future. She's bold, never afraid to face dangers, and persistent, often pushing forward even when others would retreat. Her friends in "The Miners" group look up to her as a leader, even though she sometimes struggles with responsibility.
Though she's brave, Rana is also compassionate, especially towards the mobs she encounters. Unlike most adventurers who see these creatures as threats, Rana sees them as unique beings with histories and personalities of their own. She has a knack for befriending even the most dangerous of mobs, giving them sanctuary and treating them with care.
The Origin:
Rana's journey as an archaeologist and mob collector began when she stumbled across one of Steve's forgotten journals, buried deep in the caverns near her village. In it, Steve chronicled his encounters with rare mobs and mysterious biomes long since forgotten. One passage, in particular, spoke of an ancient relic, rumored to control the rarest mobs in the world. Fascinated by this legend, Rana set out to find this relic, knowing that it could help her understand these creatures and give them a home rather than fight against them.
Her search led her to an abandoned temple, hidden deep in the jungle biome. Inside, she discovered the Mob Containment Stone, a powerful artifact capable of summoning and safely containing even the most elusive and dangerous mobs. But to activate it, she had to prove herself worthy by completing a series of trials that tested her courage, intelligence, and heart. After days of solving puzzles, battling ancient traps, and outsmarting wild mobs, she finally claimed the relic.
Now armed with this new tool, Rana made it her mission to explore the vast biomes and collect rare mobs to study them, learn their behaviors, and give them a sanctuary.
Containing the Mobs:
Using the Mob Containment Stone, Rana has managed to capture and befriend many elusive and dangerous mobs. Her first success was the Killer Bunny, which she found deep in the plains. The aggressive rabbit had been terrorizing villages, but using her wit and the containment stone, she calmed it down and brought it back to her lab, giving it a peaceful environment where it could hop freely without causing harm.
Next, she discovered the Giant, a massive version of the common zombie, hidden in the farthest reaches of the mountains. Rana had to outwit the giant, using the terrain to her advantage before successfully capturing it in the containment stone. With the help of her fellow Miners, she constructed a large, open-air enclosure for the Giant in her underground base, giving it enough room to roam without causing chaos.
The Iceologer was perhaps her most challenging capture yet. In the frozen tundra, Rana tracked down the elusive illager and had to battle through an icy storm conjured by the creature before managing to contain it. She provided the Iceologer with a cold, wintry habitat in her base, complete with frozen lakes and snow-covered peaks.
One by one, Rana continued to capture mobs like the Moobloom, Copper Golem, Glare, Tuff Golem, Rascal, and the Smiling Creeper. She gave each of them their own living quarters, designed to mimic their natural habitats. In her underground sanctuary, Rana studies these mobs, learning from them and even teaching them to coexist peacefully with one another.
Interacting with the Mines:
Rana’s relationship with the mines is a deep one. While others venture into the caves for resources and ores, Rana views the mines as ancient places filled with history, mystery, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. She digs not just for diamonds or gold, but for the relics and fossils of civilizations past. Many of her greatest finds come from the deepest parts of the world, where she believes the oldest remnants of the world lie buried.
She often encounters hostile mobs, but rather than fighting them, she uses her knowledge to either avoid them or capture them for study. The mines are also where she met the Rascal, a mischievous mob that loves playing hide and seek. Rana managed to outwit the Rascal in its own game, capturing it with the containment stone and giving it a safe space in her sanctuary where it could play to its heart's content.
Sometimes, Rana ventures into the mines alongside her group, The Miners. Together, they brave dangerous dungeons, solve ancient puzzles, and excavate rare artifacts. But for Rana, every mine is a story waiting to be told. The old shafts and caves speak of forgotten adventurers and creatures long extinct, and she believes that by understanding the mines, she can unlock the secrets of the world.
Legacy and Future:
Rana is determined to carry on Steve's legacy, but she does it in her own unique way. While Steve was a builder and a fighter, Rana is a collector and a protector. She seeks to understand the world of Minecraft in ways others have never thought of, believing that every mob, every biome, and every artifact has a story to tell.
Though she’s only 11, her bravery, intelligence, and heart set her apart. She’s still learning and growing, and her journey is far from over. With her Mob Containment Stone in hand, her trusted pickaxe by her side, and her goggles on her head, Rana will continue exploring the endless biomes, collecting rare mobs, and uncovering the hidden history of the world she loves so much.
Her next adventure awaits, and Rana is ready for whatever the Minecraft world throws at her.
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mekanikaltrifle · 9 months
hi! for that ask game- i'd love to know 13. 17. + 29. for either Andrea or Dani! im always very curious about those two :)
!!! very good picks and thank you for waiting while I got my shit sorted out :3c I'm gonna try answer both characters as best I can, so watch out for a longpost about two very different women...
13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
From the first moment anyone in-game met her, Dani was faking a smile. She's had to do it in self-defence ever since becoming a ghoul and later a vampire, and she was never anything but genuine in life. You and I know however, what the World of Darkness does with bright and genuine souls. Andrea meanwhile smiles more often than you think, and it is almost always fake-- but less placating and more a threat, like a wild animal letting you know exactly what weapons she has. She's smiling, sending you a very wrong signal. And you can't help but feel like that smile's the sort attached to someone who wants to see you burn...
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
The first thing Dani thinks, and she's sure she's not just seeing shit-- is she sees where her sire bit her throat. The wound wasn't closed right away even though it's healed by now, because Atlas found theirself at the mercy of their newly-embraced childe in a deep, violent frenzy. They were lucky to survive it, because the mortal in there with them really didn't. The second is the sun damage on her cheeks and her hair. She misses being able to risk it and only worry about a little skin damage, and not burning up entirely in a plume of flame and ash. Though she barely looks in mirrors because she doesn't care about her appearance, Andrea tends to notice that she needs a haircut, but is not going to go get one. That she's sweaty and she knows she used to keep her hair and stuff nice (and practical). And she knows why she doesn't now. Most people likely notice that too, after they notice her detached expression, or the improivsed explosive she was attempting to attach to a vampire servant's car...
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
As an academic with a doctorate, Dani has defended a thesis. She's argued her case at archaeological conferences, she's argued with grant committees and with universities. You name an obstacle to academic and physical progress and she's argued with it. Didn't always win, but that's the nature of the beast, right? Nowadays as a Tremere, she's even more aware of how unlikely the shit she's doing is and more aware she's doing to have to get used to not saying a damn thing unless she's 100% sure. Weirdly, she can get used to it... maybe there's something in the Blood that likes secrecy. And our beloved Andrea... how does she handle being disbelieved? Strangely well. Someone so hair-trigger and violent and fucking insane should go off on one, right? But no, if she's trying to tell someone something important and they accuse her of lying or don't believe her she's more likely to press it again, and if they disagree again? She's gritting her teeth, squaring her shoulders and telling them it's their fucking funeral. She doesn't usually try to reach out to people, so if she does it's probably pretty threatening.
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aces-and-angels · 1 year
Could you do 14 with an aggressive, He/Him Mc with Abel, please (MC name us Edward, Eddie for short)?
give it up for pt. 2 of the impromptu shower series 🧼 thanks for the request anon- hope you enjoy your blurb!
14. Showering together; Abel x Edward (M!MC)
"So... this is...?"
"The shower? Yup, that's it," Edward finishes Abel's thought, eyeing the set-up in front of them: a single bucket strung up with rope accompanied by a small platform blocked off with tall, wood panels- a small illusion of privacy out in the open air. He gave the rope an experimental tug. "So much for hot water."
The two had found themselves in the middle of California's most popular camping grounds. At least that's what it said on all the brochures. A beautiful escape from the city lights. Perfect for a family getaway. Or in this case, a team bonding trip with Redwood’s newest members of the archaeology department.
"It can't be that bad," Abel tries to reassure him. But there was no hiding the skepticism in his voice. Still, ever the optimist, he soldiered on. "Anyone around us?"
Edward scans their immediate surroundings, then shakes his head. "No, the nerds are all probably back at camp."
Abel snorts. "Be nice, Eddie. Those nerds are my colleagues."
"Sorry, babe. I call 'em like I see 'em."
"Then what does that make me?" he asks as he pulls of his shirt.
"Easy. A hot nerd," Edward grins, ogling his bare chest freely. He lets out a loud, appreciative whistle. "Yeah, take it off!"
Chuckling, Abel shoves his shoulder lightly. "Shh, they'll hear you."
Edward raises an eyebrow. "You had no problems with that when you had me bent over-"
"That was indoors," he quickly interrupts, a blush already spreading across his cheeks. "Where there were actual walls. And locks."
"And now we're surrounded by trees and dirt.” Various chirps echo in the wind. “And birds."
"Don't forget the bugs," Abel added.
"The mosquito bites on my legs won't let me. How do those fuckers bite through denim?!” The thought alone sent another wave of itchiness through his skin. He looks over at Abel. Apart from his old scars, his skin was noticeably bite-free. "How have you not gotten bit yet?”
"l used this the other day before we got here. Joss swears it beats any bug spray.” Abel rummages through his backpack, pulling out a yellow bar of soap.
"And you didn't share?!”
"I tried! You were the one who didn't want to join me in the shower!”
"It was 6 AM! Who showers at 6AM?!”
“I do!"
Edward pinches the bridge of his nose, groaning. "How long is this trip supposed to be?”
“We're here for the rest of the weekend. Why?”
Instead of answering, Edward grabs the bar of soap from his hand. He quickly strips down and steps into the makeshift stall. "You pull. I'm putting this shit on right now."
"You got it, baby.” Abel tugs on the rope, his eyes trained on the wooden bucket above. He adjusts his grip, careful not to pour out all the water at once. A yelp rips out of Edward's throat as soon as the cool water hits his back. “Sorry!”
" S-stupid nature,” he stutters, teeth chattering. The only positive was that he was too cold to feel itchy.
“You good?”
"Y-yeah,” he grunts out. A sudden gust of wind blew through the trees, sending another chill through him. Goosebumps and bubbles lined his flesh as he scrubbed his body, paying extra attention to his legs.
Abel peered over the door, his eyes widening at the sight. “Oh God, they really got you.”
“Amazing observation," Edward scoffs, but his voice lacked any real edge. "This fucking sucks."
“One more rinse and you're done, promise.”
“Fine,” he grimaces, breathing out through his nose.
Edward peers up at the bucket hanging above his head, then at Abel, unbridled determination in his eyes. “Hit me." It happens all at once. The rush of water- a loud string of curses- suds pooling around his feet. He bolts out of the stall the moment he can, dripping wet. Abel moves faster, wrapping his shivering frame with a towel.
"Camping, am l right?"
“L-less t-talking. M-more drying.” With a quiet smile, Abel does just that. It was impossible for Edward to not lean into him, gravitated to his warmth. “Thank you,” he mumbles, almost too low to hear.
Abel’s lip quirks upward. “What was that? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Thank you,” he repeats, slightly louder but still too soft for Abel's liking.
“Hm? Can you speak up? The leaves are- oh!” Ice-cold fingers suddenly squeeze his sides. “Hey!”
“Hear me now, dork?”
Used to his antics, Abel smirks. “Not at all. Mind repeating it one last time?”
Edward stares at him for a moment, taking in the carefree, almost cocky expression on his face. Then, without warning, he yanks him down, bringing their lips together for a hard kiss. Abel barely has time to react, gasping as Edward pulls back just enough to speak. “I said thank you.” Each word causes their lips to brush against each other.
“Anytime," Abel breathes out, leaning in once more to return the favor. “We should get dressed. The others are probably gonna come by soon."
“Way to kill the mood, professor,” he jokes, nipping his bottom lip one last time before going to grab their clothes. “Don’t you wanna wash up?”
“I did. Then I saw you do it and changed my mind.”
“Says the guy who screamed the whole time.”
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fandom-ash · 1 year
Beyond the Pain // Chapter Four: Rhythm of the Night
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Maria Philips (OC) Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: No NSFW scenes, but Maria is horny on main Ao3 Mirror: Coming Soon Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four Summary: Maria hits the gym and is confronted by her feelings - and her boss. Later, night patrol begins. This series is intended for adult audiences. MDNI. > Spider-Verse Masterlist &lt;
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The gym was a place for heat to boil and sweat to simmer. Spiders often congregated in Sector 12 in order to make use of the extensive super-human-weighted exercise equipment. If you were here, chances are you could lift a bus with one arm. That kind of strength required extra care when it came to designing gym equipment. Normal barbells felt like curling toothpicks and just didn’t cut it. The iron here, however, was cut differently.
Exhaling slowly as she pushed upwards, Maria continued her set on one of the many benches. There was a steady rhythm to reps that let her clear her mind. Up, down. In, out. It made her flow as one unit. Press. Breathe. Relax. Repeat. The thoughts that were rampant in her mind flowed through her arms and vanished, burning away like snow into a fire. 
Uncertainty gnawed at her insides most days. Cooper was busy with his work and home dimension (specifically a masked man named Silk) and Felicia was taking a small break in order to head on a small archaeology expedition on her Earth. The isolation felt suffocating but there was nothing Maria would do to interrupt them on their journeys - instead, the opportunity to make new companions among the Society kept her occupied.
And so here she was, at 6 am on a god damn Saturday, pumping iron because Ben wanted a “workout sesh before the dawn breaks forth through the night.” 
And he didn’t even fucking show up!
Maria, already awake and dressed, decided to take advantage of the gym’s currently-low population. 
Another push, another breath. Pull. Inhale. Push. Exhale. 
Strange feelings nipped at her heels anywhere she went. After the Cavewoman Kraven incident a week ago, there was a new sense of power she felt… but also of longing. Not for something, but for someone. Something clicked into place with those magic words he said at the debriefing. 
“Good work.” 
Good lord, I’m pathetic, she chastised herself as she pushed out once more, raising the weighted bar above her. Praise kink be damned, I am NOT going to fall for my boss. She gritted her teeth. Push. Exhale. Pull. Inhale. 
Resolve raged like an inferno within her. She would stand firm. No amount of broad shoulders, pouty lips, dark hair, large hands would ever… make her doubt… 
Push. Exhale. Pull. Inhale. Push. Exhale. Pull.Inhale.Push.ExhalePullInhalePush-
And so the castle of cards came tumbling down as the breeze carried Miguel’s voice to her. Opening her eyes, she looked at the absolute Adonis before her. Tank top. Sweat pants. The outfit of a gym rat and a lady-killer. She had never seen him out of his suit before, and the tanned skin of his arms drew her eyes in with every small and faded scar that hugged the contours of the muscle.
“Are you alright?” 
Maria blinked owlishly before resting the bar on its hooks above her. “Yeah, yeah! Never better! I love being up at the ass-crack of dawn on a Saturday for no reason… It’s great, really,” she stammered, sitting up and rubbing her face, which was damp with sweat. 
“Uh-huh,” Miguel said. “Well, since you’ve never been better, I’ll spot you and clock your reps for the next set.” He sat his water bottle down on the bench to the left and stood behind Maria’s headrest. 
“How generous, just don’t get too smug when you see my max is half of yours.” She laid back down and adjusted her spine and hips before reaching up and gripping the bar. Another set would be no problem, except…
Why. Why why why. He’s going to kill me. Or maybe I should kill myself. I’m going to disintegrate. 
Miguel was so tall that when he stood behind her, fingers lightly on the bar to catch it, his package was lined up perfectly to her head. If she leaned back, her mouth would align perfectly. 
“Ready when you are.” His voice was so even and calm that it nearly made Maria scream. How could he be so calm?! His manhood was right fucking there! If he leaned made towards the bar, perhaps to catch it, she would get a face full of-
“Alright then. Shooting for 30. Let’s go.”
Push. Exhale. Pull. Inhale. 
18. 19. 20.
“Maria. Don’t lock your elbows.” The slight tremble in her arms was obvious, and Maria closed her eyes and exhaled through her mouth as she pushed upwards, making an effort to keep good form.
“Attagirl,” he whispered. It was so low that his lips barely moved and it wouldn’t have even registered if someone with enhanced senses hadn’t been listening intently to every breath he took. The words rushed through Maria, fanning the flames running up her spine. 
“Water break!” she declared, quickly docking the bar before sitting up, wiping her burning face, and walking over to one of the bottle-refill stations against the far wall. She grabbed one of the plastic cups from the dispenser and filled it quickly with cold water before downing the whole thing in a few gulps. While trying to literally drown her feelings, Miguel smirked.
That’s one way to confirm a hypothesis, he mentally gloated.
Sitting down on a nearby bench, Miguel picked up one of the heaviest dumbbells and began to curl, paying attention to his biceps. While he seemed focused on the weight in his hand, his eyes were well aware of Maria in his peripheral vision. Watching. Observing. Collecting data and seeing how she reacts. 
It almost felt twisted, in a way, to take such a… scientific approach to … whatever he was doing. Courting? Seducing? Flirting? Teasing? He didn’t have a name for it. All he knew was that he had needs, and she had needs. And if their needs overlapped, perhaps they could help each other. 
Maria felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest. Miguel was hot, criminally sexy. And here he was, showing off for her like he’s trying to make her combust on the spot.
If that’s what he’s even doing… Am I reading too much into this? 
Setting her doubt aside with a small sigh, she finally sipped on her fourth cup of water and watched him curl out of the corner of her eye. His rippling muscles, strong arms, the way his full lips parted when he exhaled, the line of sweat dripping down his temple… All of it was quite the sight to behold. Furrowing her brows, Maria pulled her phone out of her legging’s side pocket and tried to busy herself with looking at anything other than Miguel’s massive arms. Her mind was racing, thoughts bouncing around and stinging like angry hornets. 
Felicia would be giving me so much hell for being a chicken about all of this, she thought. But then again, he is my boss. I’m sure that’s against an HR code somewhere, but… can he fire me for this?
Maria wiped her face as she tapped some bubbles on a game that supposedly “helped you focus” as they appeared and disappeared. It was a load of shit but it was something to keep herself mentally occupied until-
Spindle coiled in her mind, ready to pounce. Her spider-sense was screaming at Maria, but it was different than panic. Her stomach flipped while Spindle chittered endlessly in her mind. Anxiety filled her, but also anticipation. Spindle wanted something - but what?
“Maria.” Miguel’s voice ripped through her thoughts and Spindle was practically doing flips in her mental web. 
Whore, Maria chided her familiar.
“Don’t need the bench press anymore, so you can help yourself to the station if you need it,” Maria said, looking up from her phone and trying desperately to play it cool.
“So you’re finished with your exercise for the morning?” he asked, a brow raised and his hands on his small waist.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. Gonna hit the showers and then see what tech lecture Aaron has sent me a recording of this time. My inbox has never been the same, I almost worry for it,” she chuckled. 
“Report to my office at 7:00 pm tonight. If you’re still interested in going on patrol, that is.” 
Maria blinked. “Patrol? Like out into the city?” The gleam in her eyes was nearly infectious. Playing it cool always played second fiddle to how genuinely excited she was to see all of the sights in the city. New tech, new places, maybe even cool places to hang out at - literally! It beat the monotony of HQ, with its sharp architecture and white-on-gray metal panels for all of the walls. Between ceiling-to-floor glass windows, of course. There was nearly an unnatural amount of natural light in the HQ lobby that reminded Maria of what she was missing out there. Sun and fresh air. 
“I figured tonight would be a good time for it. Didn’t want you to think I had forgotten.” The soft ghost of a smile on his lips made Maria’s stomach flip. Spindle had a similar reaction, chirping and skittering around inside of Maria’s mind.
“I’ll be there! I mean, uh - yeah, that’s cool. See you then.” Maria waved a two-finger salute at him, trying to salvage any chance at a decent facade she had. It wasn’t often she found herself getting all goo-goo-eyed over a guy, and there was something about Miguel that made her feel like a teenager again, kicking her feet while laying on her bed and drawing hearts in her notebooks with their initials inside them. 
Miguel let out a soft chuckle as Maria immediately made her way to the exit, nearly jogging out and away from the potential of any more embarrassment. Her nervousness and obvious attraction was quite the stroke to Miguel’s ego, and he wiped a hand down the lower half of his face, hiding his smug smile from any onlookers.
Still got it. 
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The thrum of excitement made Maria feel alive. Lightning danced in her bones as she ran to Miguel's office, swinging, jumping, and flipping along the way to get some of the energy out. It was time. She was going to see Nueva York! 
The lift ride was painfully slow. Once the doors slid open on the correct level, Maria jogged excitedly down the long dark hallway that eventually led to the Lair. Each step was accompanied by a bounce of the balls of her feet. If she didn't keep moving she was going to explode from excitement. Spindle chirped happily, also bouncing on a mental web within Maria's mind. 
The doors slid open as she approached, revealing the blue hues of the dim lights within Miguel's office. His dias was raised high, as usual.
"Boss!" Maria greeted excitedly before webbing up to the raised platform and landing beside him. Miguel swept his gaze over several monitors before glancing at her.
"You're early," he said. 
"By 10 minutes! You expect me to wait while we could be out swinging around?" 
"If you're this excited about patrol, I'd hate to see how excited you get over actually cool things," he chuckled, letting a small smile curl the corner of his lips. "Lyla, everything quiet?"
"For the 12th time, yes. Go out and enjoy yourselves. I'll keep my eyes peeled for emergencies." The small hologram woman appeared and hovered beside them, rolling her eyes at Miguel. Maria left out an amused huff before looking at Miguel.
"You heard the lady, Bossman." She beamed at him while resting her hands on her hips. 
Miguel's brows furrowed for a second as he glanced back over the monitor collection. Closing his eyes, he nodded and turned away, walking towards the edge of the platform and leaping down onto the floor far below with a massive thud. Maria followed with a considerably higher amount of grace. 
"Lyla, lock up. Keep me informed of everything that-"
"Yeah, yeah, anything that might cause a disruption or anomaly creation." Lyla's voice mirrored Miguel's perfectly as she mocked him. "Go. Get out of here. Touch grass. Breathe fresh air." Her hands shooed him away as they walked out of the office. The doors slid shut behind them and clicked as they were locked. 
"Sounds like you should get out more," Maria teased as they entered the lift. Miguel rolled his eyes, a small smile on his full lips.
"Not you too - don't need another person making me socialize and see the sunlight every now and then." He tapped directions on the lift panel.
"If I'm going to be a Conclave member, it'll be my job to bully you into going outside." 
"You're fired. I'm bringing in someone else," he chuckled before the lift started moving upwards.
"Wait- up? Shouldn't we be going down?" Maria asked as she looked at the view outside. The city was beautiful, with large swathes of green and circular paths between large clusters of tall buildings and perfectly-round ponds. The sunset bathed everything in a fiery glow. 
"Where would be the fun in that?" Miguel's mask pixelated over his face, and Maria followed suit, letting her mask cover her head with a light flash of blue. The doors opened to the very rooftop of Babylon Towers. The wind howled across the smooth metal flooring, and Maria's stomach flipped as she understood for the first time how painfully high up they were. Miguel stepped out, Maria following hesitantly behind him.
"Don't tell me you're afraid of heights," Miguel said. Maria could feel his smug expression, even with his mask up. She scoffed and approached the edge with him, peering over it cautiously.
"It's just… a long way down." She squeaked as Miguel rushed past her as a blur, leaping off the rooftop like it was nothing. 
"Miguel!" She exclaimed as she watched him descend before he shot a web at nearby flying traffic, grabbing a car and using it to swing from. He repeated, using the cars as moving anchor points with a practiced pattern to his movement. 
"Mad man…" She closed her eyes tightly before stepping back and rushing forward, leaping off the edge of the roof. The wind screamed around her as she entered free fall, angling herself towards the line of traffic zipping by. With a flick of her arm she shot out a web and nabbed a car, using it to catch herself and swing forward with the momentum from her fall. 
Miguel was already way ahead, swinging towards a large central cluster of skyscrapers. He made this look easy! Continuing to swing from car to car, Maria felt the gears turning. 
Spindle, think we can get a boost?
The excited squeaking from within made Maria laugh before she felt the familiar tingle of energy through her body. She webbed a far-ahead car and quickly pulled herself towards it, using the distance to gain speed as the energy built. Blue light crackled around her like lightning before she released the web and shot forward with a thundering boom. 
The cars behind her were knocked slightly around, wobbling to regain balance after being hit with the literal shock-wave generated. Maria flew forward like a bullet as her surroundings blurred from speed. The energy faded as she slowed, webbing another car and swinging ahead. She looked behind her to see that she had shot herself ahead of Miguel, whose suit-eyes were wide. 
"How did you-?" His voice crackled over comms. Maria laughed in delight as she continued to swing forward towards the cluster.
"I've been learning some new tricks with Spindle!" She kept her momentum and saw her opening, swing forward and up. Arms tight, legs straight, she pulled herself into a spin before landing on a rooftop, skidding to a halt. 
Her breathing was hot and heavy as she took a moment, running her hands through her bangs. Her blood was pumping and her muscles ached. Letting out a whoop, she pumped her fist in the air as Miguel landed, similarly skidding until he stopped.
"That's how it's done!" 
Miguel shook his head and chuckled. "I took it easy on you - I didn't know you had some tricks up your sleeve." She could feel his grin from behind her mask, and she laughed in delight. 
"Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." 
He shook his head and motioned to the nearby buildings. "Welcome to Surface Central. We'll start the patrol here."
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A/N: Special thanks to my beta readers, @madschiavelique, Fari, and Nura! Love you guys! <3333
Remember to comment and reblog - support fandom creators! And if you want more spider-verse content, why don't you check out my Spider-Verse Masterlist?
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