shiftperception · 10 months
continued terapaposting: actually, I have an idea of why terapagos seems like it’s copying arceus’ notes so much. I think they’re foils on purpose.
so the thing that’s been bugging me for so long is this
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why are they throwing in another reality warper when we already have arceus? I know box legend trio masters are supposed to be godlike, but what justifies giving this turtle power over creation on par with god itself (minus the unown even!)? heck, it even shares the wielding every type gimmick with a different spin. it just doesn’t sit right with me, it feels redundant.
but hey, at least there’s that alchemy theory about the past few games trio masters that seems pretty on brand. y’know, the one that they’re based on the four parts of the archeus.
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if it’s part of this source of creation encompassed by the archeus, it’s not too weird if it borrows some attributes I guess. but still, none of them parallel or rival arceus as much as terapagos seems to (if it is a dream manifesting reality warper).
but wait a minute, go back to that wikipedia summary.
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if these guys are based on the four ethers then terapagos is completing the set. remember when people were saying scarlet and violet had soft reboot vibes, comparing the titles to red and blue. our little guy has a big responsibility being the grand finale to an era! that must be the reason for this (plus the obvious symbolism of ‘reflective’).
but one more thing. this ethers arc would’ve started with arceus right, and it’s ending with terapagos. think about it. where do they live.
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redacted-coiner · 7 months
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The Legendary Trainers
[PT: The Legendary Trainers]
The Legendary Trainers, a Ficto-Religion(link) based off the Legendary/Mythical Pokémon from the Pokémon games. These may be that you fallow certain Legendary/Mythical Pokémon or all of them in a idea of a Pantheon that one is to fallow. Those who are in this religion do not have a moderator or a leader rather their own experiences. ( the term isn’t a queer identity, just tagged for reach )
The symbol of Archeus is used to represent all Legendary/Mythical Pokémon but if those who use it want to make Alt versions for certain Legendary/Mythical Pokémon, feel free.
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tag] @ficto-religious-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag.
Fultist/Fults DNI!!
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titanchaser · 8 months
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so this is the WIP of guardian of paradise arven 100+ years in the future in the new zero city because that's where his character arc is going, and the amount of effort put into this piece is more than i put into most pieces and im not done yet im just takin a break bc pain in wrists. anyway he has the arceus style outfit bc he has replaced the ARCHEUS bc reasons, something about the human element i'll do a big analysis post on this one day but for now enjoy this
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hogo-toko-blue · 9 months
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I wish the archeus theory are real and considered canon.
If you don't know the drawing is about, its my headcanon where the four dragons that can shapeshift in some degree are the left remnants of arceus and they are worked like emotion from inside out movie.
Kyurem, being the only tiny pisces original dragon left, act like a big media (work like a telephone) that send the four emotions to arceus. The original dragon are the big phone, but after it separated into tao trio, only kyurem can do this as tiny phone.
The four dragons are not hive mind, so inside arceus' head is a huge argument with its four main emotions.
TLDR: It's my pokemon headcanon but inside out in terms of inspiration.
This is merely just my wild headcanon, okay?
Also the second drawing is the reference and original. Idk who own this, so i can't credit them. Whoever draw the original, i would say tjabk you for the references. 👋😊👍❤
Original: i found on pinterest (i deleted my pinterest and i use internet for being honest, so whoever own this but i can't cradit it because idk who made it, thank you sir or miss.)
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aetherceuse · 8 months
For those of you who weren't keeping up with the notes from the TTRPG Lusamine was just involved with for the past six weeks, the super super super brief version is:
Two groups of people were chosen as an expedition squad to dive down into the Violet version of Area Zero because of an SOS signal coming from the room where the time machine is. The signal was coming from the future.
100 years in the future, there's a timeline where a cyberpunk-style city was built in Area Zero, called Zero City, where humans and the Violet paradox Pokémon live together, and a lot of money was put into it by Silph Co. Somehow, some way, Silph Co got its hands on the research Aether had for the RKS System, and made their own synthetic Pokémon called the Archeus. Archeus helped automate and run Zero City (think Glad0s and Aperture Science.)
ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER, Archeus goes from being a peaceful entity, to then turning around and wiping out everyone in an apocalyptic event via-nanomachines in a span of a month. And the expedition team was sent down to find the source of the SOS, team up with some paradox Pokémon, kill the Archeus, and stop it from doing the same to our timeline.
Anyway, it was poetic and super satisfying to finally make it to the giant building where Archeus was housed, getting into that final boss fight, and sending Silvally out to active ITS OWN RKS System to scan Archeus's weakness, after it had been doing the same to kill everything and everyone.
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monterraverde · 8 months
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All things considered, it was a success.
The future was secured, the ARCHEUS destroyed- By Arvens own hand, no less. Truly poetic, that.
What followed was a myriad of sad goodbyes as each of the paradoxes powered off, and the artificial sun collapsed- along with the whole of Zero City… And in a blur, they were suddenly back in Zero Lab.
Right where they started.
Right where this whole thing began.
John seemed to have been watching their progress somehow on the monitors, kicked back in Turos chair like he owned the place… She hardly processed anything he said after he mentioned quarantine.
Right, they were walking biohazards, and she of all people was susceptible to it.
Decom showers became a pain in the ass, she found, as every time she had to wash her hair it took almost an hour…
Its a hard decision, but after the first, and being told to shave off all her body hair anyway… She eventually brings the bailsong up to the base of her head, and in a moment thats filled with tears…
She cuts off the ponytail.
It takes a bit to get it fixed up after that, and she has to struggle with the grief it caused… She’s been growing her hair out for nearly 18 years, it was the last thing she had to remember the time she had with her mother before she passed away. Getting rid of it was better for her health, yeah, but it made her heart ache.
3 days in quarantine, and one is spent in silence from her- Which, for the group she was just in, is strange- She was usually the chatty one.
After that, she takes Bully home, and apprises Bella of the goings on, before spending a full day in her home, alone, with her pokemon, before running off to find the others.
Notably, Proton… Who she runs right into his apartment and practically crashes into his arms.
“You’re not going to believe the ride I just went on…”
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buniiiiichan · 1 month
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Fall Of Achilles
Also yes I know it's supposed to be archeus(can't spell his name) it's fitting for both to be part of this
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silentchamp · 4 months
Some time has passed since your adventure across time and space. 
Today, a letter finds you. This letter isn’t delivered by the postal carrier that you usually expect: you would be met at the front door of your dwelling by a young man dressed in white, a hat on top of his head, and a professional, kind smile on his face. Having to sign for a simple letter seems odd, but the courier assures that ‘this is standard protocol for us.’
A white envelope stamped with the familiar golden trident of the Aether Foundation is in your hands. Inside of it is a letter written with extraordinarily neat penmanship. 
Mr. Suzuki,
I hope this letter finds you well, and that you are recovering from our expedition from the comfort of your own home. 
In the coming days, myself and the Aether Foundation will likely be in the international news regarding our ‘strangely timed’ decision to sever certain partnerships with fellow giants in our shared industry. Do not be alarmed by this. It is a direct response to harrowing usage of my intellectual property in another time, and another place. I, and the entirety of my team, will not allow Aether technology to cause harm to people, or Pokemon, neither by our hands, or the hands of our competitors. You may sleep soundly knowing that our collective actions will prevent an apocalypse of that magnitude happening in our home.
From my mind to yours: I wish to personally thank you for your involvement, and the tireless effort that you put into destroying Archeus. It has left a lasting impression on me, as I am sure it has with the rest of our team.
Several of the partners that we relocated from Area Zero are currently being rehabilitated in the Aether Conservation Area. We are currently zoning an area strictly for our iron partners, so that they may receive enrichment and resources whenever they need.
The Aether Foundation is dedicated to improving the relationship between people, Pokémon, and technology. Consider myself, and my foundation, as a permanent ally, and useful resource for anything that you may need. I highly encourage you to take advantage of these resources whenever necessary.
Lastly, you are cordially invited to the Aether Paradise on a later date, to be honored for your duty, for defending life as we know it, and for instilling a bright new belief in humanity– for me.
Thank you.
Do not hesitate to contact me. Attached to this letter is my business contact, and personal contact. I request that you keep it to yourself.
-President Lusamine Delacroix
At the bottom corner of the letter is a large, strange blotch of ink. A thumb print, maybe? Upon further investigation, it seems to have been left by the tip of the tail of a serpentine creature, who also wanted to sign the note.
It was strange.
It was strange, the delivery of the message, to see the familiar uniform of an Aether Foundation member in the region of Kanto seemed strange...to have them show up on his doorstep was another matter, entirely. It was bizarre, if you'd asked him about it.
He'd held off on opening the letter. Not on purpose, rather, balancing both League and laboratory duties posed a troubling task, one that required several arms, like an octillery, rather than two. If only Red could Double Team and make clones of himself.
One finger would ghost over the professional inking of the Aether Foundation logo on the front of the outer layer of the note, people ripping the envelope open--ruining whatever pristine imagery it had--and stealing the letter out from inside.
It's uninteresting, and Red deliberates tossing it out, until eyes scan over a very important sentence, one that seemingly sticks out from the rest of Lusamine's formal jargon:
"Several of the partners that we relocated from Area Zero are currently being rehabilitated in the Aether Conservation Area."
Red reads faster, quicker, skimming over the note front to back, up and down, side-to-side with a newfound sparkle in his eye as he thinks about his previous companion during everybody's time spent in Zero City.
Getting up from the kitchen counter, the chair screeches against the floor tile, and Red would launch onto his feet, marching over to his poryphone. A smile can't help but work itself onto his face, expression glimmering with joy.
He needs to make a few phone calls.
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pataphysiquerecords · 7 months
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Delphine DORA 2 DAYS IN TOKYO 2024
MAY 10, 2024 (FRI) Okubo Hikarinouma open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Albedo Gravitas Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 秋山徹次, TOMO
MAY 11, 2024 (SAT) ASAGAYA YELLOW VISION open 19:00 start19:30  door 2500yen+drink Delphine Dora solo Delphine Dora, 福岡林嗣 浦邊雅祥、福岡林嗣、南部輝久
Delphine DORA voice, keyboard instruments, etc(FR) デルフィーヌ・ドラは、フランスの作曲、即興演奏を共に行うミュージシャンであり、主にピアノ、パイプオルガン他、アコースティック、エレクトロニクスの区別なくキーボードを使用し、近年はフィールドレコーディングも作曲に取り入れている。声もまた彼女の音楽を構成するのに欠かせない要素で、神秘的かつ古代的元型と触れ合うが如くフラジャイルでイマジナリーな言語の詩を「歌」として描く。その音楽性は、異なったフォーク、ミニマル、即興音楽と通底し、英語、フランス語、ドイツ語を駆使し、その言語的元型を交錯させる。15年以上に渡り、フランス他各国のレーベルにてソロ、コラボレーションを問わず30以上の作品にレコーディング参加し、彼女自身の”ワイルド・サイレンス”レーベルの創設者でもある。
Delphine Dora Delphine Dora is a French musician, composer and improviser. Working mainly with keyboard instruments (piano, pipe organ, electronic keyboard…), her music has been enriched in recent years by the addition of field recordings to her compositions. The voice is also one of her favourite instruments, at times drawing on the language of poets, at other times on an imaginary language, a language freed of all signifiers, a voice that is fragile and embodied, archaic, mystical and free, but also plural and mutant voices that are embodied in her. On stage, she uses instruments such as the piano, organ or keyboards, and her voice, loops, various effects and mysterious sounds. Her performances are usually improvised, using voice and acoustic or electronic instrumentation, depending on the context and the place. Her iconoclastic music can be read as a work of personal cartography, based on an intuitive approach to composition and nourished by numerous approaches. For more than 15 years, she has been developing an intimate and plural musical universe, in perpetual metamorphosis, situated at the crossroads of different musical genres (folk music, minimalist music, improvised music, electroacoustic music, etc.) and languages (english, french, german, imaginary languages, etc.). A prolific musician, she has taken part in more than thirty recordings (solo and collaborations) in a variety of aesthetics on numerous french and foreign labels (Recital, three:four, Feeding Tube Records, Okraïna, By The bluest of the seas, Morc, fort evil fruit…). She is also the founder of the Wild Silence label.
Albedo Gravitas ヒグチケイコとSachikoで結成された即興ユニット「Albedo Fantastica」に内田静男(4strings)が加わったトリオ。Albedo Fantasticaのボーカルを基軸に展開するサウンドダイナミクスに、内田の変幻自在な低音の振動が加わり未明のサイケデリアが表出する。都内を中心に活動中。23年セカンドアルバム「luminescence」をリリース。
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Tetuzi AKIYAMA 秋山徹次 guitar ギターという楽器の持つ特質に、自身の欲求をミニマルかつストレートな形で加えていくことによる、原始的で即物的な意味合いを含んだ演奏を得意とする。ミクロからマクロに至る音量を、繊細に、ときには大胆にコントロールし、身体の電子化を試みる。
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TOMO hurdy gurdy / vielle à roue ハーディーガーディー奏者。東京都出身。14歳の時にギターを始める。 17歳で単身渡米。8年間米国で学生時代を過ごす。帰国後、ルーツ・ミュージック/トラッド/古楽のエッセンスと、共鳴や倍音を意識したドローン・ミュージックを軸に、ギターをはじめ民族楽器など様々な楽器で創作を行う。創作活動の過程で、千年以上の歴史をもつメカニカルかつユニークな機構の古楽器「ハーディーガーディー」に出会い、関心を持つことになる。以後、ハーディーガーディーをメイン楽器として、その楽器の可能性と独自の奏法を探求しながら、作品の制作・演奏活動を行っている。
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Masayoshi URABE 浦邊雅祥 alto sax 65年東京生まれ。 85年アルトサックスを手にする。 ソロ演奏を主とし活動。
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Rinji FUKUOKA 福岡林嗣 vocal, guitar, violin, etc 陰謀家。長年もうどうでも良いと思いつつも、生に執着し続ける男。「音楽」なんざもどうでも良いと思いつつ、各種楽器を操り、生に付随する塵芥、つまりは詩情と呼ばれるものに執着し続けている。
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Teruhisa NANBU 南部輝久 drmus ドラム、パーカッション。 現在はAural fit、熊のジョン、バラナンブ、鵺、しんらこう で主に活動。 スピード、パワー、パーカッシブから歌もののバックまで、やりたいことをやっている。
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more information***************************************************************
5月13日(月) 四谷三丁目CON TON TON VIVO デルフィーヌ・ドラ来日公演 “Dive Deep with Delphine Dora” 19:00 open / 19:30 start Charge 2500yen + 1 order
Delphine Dora (from France) Archeus(ヒグチケイコ、内田静男、TOMO) MOGRE MOGRU(黒い瞳、剛田武、Tanao)
フランス出身、キーボード/ヴォイス/エレクトロニクスなどを駆使して、即興~アンビエント~ミニマル~フォークを横断する斬新な表現活動で注目されるデルフィーヌ・ドラ、ヴォイス+ベース+ハーディーガーディーの異色トリオarcheus(アルケウス)、同じくトリオ編成の即興アンビエントユニットMOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル)による音楽表現の深淵に潜るスリーマン・ライヴ。 MOGRE MOGRUはデルフィーヌ・ドラのコラボレーションで出演。
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archeus: ヒグチケイコ(vocal) 内田静男(bass) TOMO (hurdy gurdy) ヒグチケイコ(vocals)、内田静男(bass)、TOMO(hurdy gurdy)によって結成されたグループ、archeus(アルケウス)。ボーカル/ボイス、ベース、ハーディーガーディーという異色なトリオ編成での演奏は、静寂と間(ま)を感じさせる繊細な音のゆらぎ、忘れられた名もなき言語の発声、不協和な音塊のインタープレイ、ミニマルな反復の魔術、ダークで濃密なドローンなど、様々な表情の化学反応を引き起こす。 2023年に仏An'archivesよりセカンドアルバム「九相図 Kusōzu : Nine Death Stages」をリリースしている。 bandcamp: https://archeus-store.bandcamp.com/
MOGRE MOGRU(モグレモグル) 黒い瞳 Aura Noir : voice, musical saw, recorder, toy instruments, PC, etc. 剛田武 Takeshi Goda : flute, violin, percussion, electronics, etc. Tanao : guitar 2021年7月結成。レトロなアコースティック楽器とディープなエレクトロニクス&ギターによるインプロ・アンビエントユニット。愛称:モグモグ。都内を中心に「DIVE DEEP!/深く潜れ!」を合言葉にライヴ活動を行っている。これまで沖縄電子少女彩、ポーランドのポストフォークデュオKeirszenbaum、園田游(舞踏家/元グンジョーガクレヨン)、内田静男(ベーシスト/Hasegawa-Shizuo、albedo gravitas etc.)、Orienatal Love(モジュラーシンセ奏者)などスタイルの異なるアーティストとのコラボレーションも多数あり。
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vixletserenity · 1 year
Public & Private Knowledge
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Moved to Paldea from the Unova region
Was born and grew up in Castelia City
Student of the Uva Academy
A Champion Ranked Trainer; called The Strategist by some people
Had an idol-like persona called Lantana which she used to perform in public. Still sometimes uses it for things like kids' birthday parties
Owns a YouTube-like channel that has quickly become popular where she posts her performances for class and comment requested song covers.
Went down into Area Zero and survived
Wears a skirt instead of shorts in her uniform as a disability accommodation
Her Meowscarada Cilantro is also an emotional support Pokemon along as her lead
Under Rika's (monterraverde) tutelage to continue her battle training
Tends to avoid battling for sport despite her titles
Has a passion for performing and well skilled in how to incorporate her Pokemon into them
Favorite food is macarons; specifically Pecha Berry flavored
Recently developed a hobby for making needle felt plushes
She has an oddly colored Cyclizar (customized Miraidon) named Asterope
Was the top researcher of Area Zero until announcing stepping down from the role; along with exposing that she had gone down there a multitude of times at the request of the Paldean government.
What was once a recently declassified report is now a published book; Secrets Hidden By Cloud Cover: Mysteries of the Great Paldean Crater Solved. This book details the real cause of the Professor's passing, the AI, the journals he left behind, everything about the known Paradox Pokemon; including their typing and shiny variants, and much more. Parts of the book overlap with the information covered in Briar's The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero
Semi Public
Parents are divorced; Celeste has taken her mother's maiden name as her last name
Her mother Nova is a semi well known seamstress and once had the Nimbasa City Gym Leader Elesa come to her for a commission
Has a twin sister named Charlotte, and she attends Blueberry Academy in Unova
Has Eremophobia and Herpetophobia
Plays the mandolin
Wears a locket underneath her uniform shirt
Has a massive scar on her left shoulder blade that does down to the middle of her back
At times gives a glare to people like that of a Dragon Type Pokemon staring down at you; ready to attack. It strikes fear in some students and even a few adults when seen
Has had three near death experiences
Was the other victim of a Krookodile attack that happened when she was 7, in which said Pokemon had mauled her best friend Audie. And she saw it all before going to get help, ultimately getting there too late to save her friend
Due to the attack, her father had isolated her for years in an attempt to save his reputation. Keeping her to her room aside from meals; though she has snuck out a few times
Her father had beaten her, causing the wounds that becomes her scars to reopen. Nearly died from blood loss, in which some of the blood donated was from her mother
Has met the mythical Victini during one of these days of sneaking out
Is somehow able to attract Dragon Type Pokemon to her and easily tame them
Was given a Flapple by Gene that she's named Gala
Also given a chimera Zorua from an unknown trainer
Went on a mission to stop a machine called the Archeus 100 years in a future version of Area Zero that would have destroyed multiple timelines
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eggsnatcheskneecaps · 9 months
Woke up remembering dad got a couple of times for us some Pokémon figurines which were made to be put inside some pokeballs I think? You'd open it and find out what it was at random probably
I have poor memory unfortunately
But. I'm pretty sure I received some sort of dialga/archeus-esque Pokémon which I didn't know existed
And now I'm stuck wondering how valuable and rare that figurine was and where the fuck it is now
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clodsiremom · 8 months
Some time has passed since your adventure across time and space. 
Today, a letter finds you. This letter isn’t delivered by the postal carrier that you usually expect: you would be met at the front door of your dwelling by a young man dressed in white, a hat on top of his head, and a professional, kind smile on his face. Having to sign for a simple letter seems odd, but the courier assures that ‘this is standard protocol for us.’
A white envelope stamped with the familiar golden trident of the Aether Foundation is in your hands. Inside of it is a letter written with extraordinarily neat penmanship. 
Ms. Rika,
I hope this letter finds you well, and that you are recovering from our expedition from the comfort of your own home. 
In the coming days, myself and the Aether Foundation will likely be in the international news regarding our ‘strangely timed’ decision to sever certain partnerships with fellow giants in our shared industry. Do not be alarmed by this. It is a direct response to harrowing usage of my intellectual property in another time, and another place. I, and the entirety of my team, will not allow Aether technology to cause harm to people, or Pokemon, neither by our hands, or the hands of our competitors. You may sleep soundly knowing that our collective actions will prevent an apocalypse of that magnitude happening in our home.
From my mind to yours: I wish to personally thank you for your involvement, and the tireless effort that you put into destroying Archeus. It has left a lasting impression on me, as I am sure it has with the rest of our team.
Several of the partners that we relocated from Area Zero are currently being rehabilitated in the Aether Conservation Area. We are currently zoning an area strictly for our iron partners, so that they may receive enrichment and resources whenever they need.
The Aether Foundation is dedicated to improving the relationship between people, Pokémon, and technology. Consider myself, and my foundation, as a permanent ally, and useful resource for anything that you may need. I highly encourage you to take advantage of these resources whenever necessary.
Lastly, you are cordially invited to the Aether Paradise on a later date, to be honored for your duty, for defending life as we know it, and for instilling a bright new belief in humanity– for me.
Thank you.
Do not hesitate to contact me. Attached to this letter is my business contact, and personal contact. I request that you keep it to yourself.
-President Lusamine Delacroix
At the bottom corner of the letter is a large, strange blotch of ink. A thumb print, maybe? Upon further investigation, it seems to have been left by the tip of the tail of a serpentine creature, who also wanted to sign the note.
Rika signs for the letter, the mark of the Aether Foundation shimmers on it. She thanks the courier and returns into her apartment to read it. Perched on the counter of her kitchen and swinging her legs.
She giggles at the ink blotch at the bottom and turns it around to show Ferenze, who had slowly started remembering things.
"Look, Boba says hello."
She sets the envelope aside and pins the letter itself to a cork board she has hung on the wall. It's nestled between photos of Beebee, her colleagues and friends of the Elite Four, notably including a picture of a sobbing Hassel, notes sent from Remy, and a picture of her and Terra. Oddly enough, the camera was able to capture both of them and not get all wonky in development.
"Should've got a picture of you and your friends, Ferenze. Maybe I'll get it at this meeting, that is if everyone shows up."
She takes a moment to put Lusamine's contact in her phone and sends a greeting text.
[txt] It's Rika, Duo. I received your letter and look forward to getting to visit Aether Paradise. Please reach out if you need anything from me as well, as I still hold my Elite Four position in Paldea. Tell Boba Ferenze and I said hello.
The Iron Nine spreads his tails apart happily.
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hesperio · 8 months
Some time has passed since your adventure across time and space. 
Today, a letter finds you. This letter isn’t delivered by the postal carrier that you usually expect: you would be met at the front door of your dwelling by a young man dressed in white, a hat on top of his head, and a professional, kind smile on his face. Having to sign for a simple letter seems odd, but the courier assures that ‘this is standard protocol for us.’
A white envelope stamped with the familiar golden trident of the Aether Foundation is in your hands. Inside of it is a letter written with extraordinarily neat penmanship. 
Mr. Hassel,
I hope this letter finds you well, and that you are recovering from our expedition from the comfort of your own home. 
In the coming days, myself and the Aether Foundation will likely be in the international news regarding our ‘strangely timed’ decision to sever certain partnerships with fellow giants in our shared industry. Do not be alarmed by this. It is a direct response to harrowing usage of my intellectual property in another time, and another place. I, and the entirety of my team, will not allow Aether technology to cause harm to people, or Pokemon, neither by our hands, or the hands of our competitors. You may sleep soundly knowing that our collective actions will prevent an apocalypse of that magnitude happening in our home.
From my mind to yours: I wish to personally thank you for your involvement, and the tireless effort that you put into destroying Archeus. It has left a lasting impression on me, as I am sure it has with the rest of our team.
Several of the partners that we relocated from Area Zero are currently being rehabilitated in the Aether Conservation Area. We are currently zoning an area strictly for our iron partners, so that they may receive enrichment and resources whenever they need.
The Aether Foundation is dedicated to improving the relationship between people, Pokémon, and technology. Consider myself, and my foundation, as a permanent ally, and useful resource for anything that you may need. I highly encourage you to take advantage of these resources whenever necessary.
Lastly, you are cordially invited to the Aether Paradise on a later date, to be honored for your duty, for defending life as we know it, and for instilling a bright new belief in humanity– for me.
Thank you.
Do not hesitate to contact me. Attached to this letter is my business contact, and personal contact. I request that you keep it to yourself.
-President Lusamine Delacroix
At the bottom corner of the letter is a large, strange blotch of ink. A thumb print, maybe? Upon further investigation, it seems to have been left by the tip of the tail of a serpentine creature, who also wanted to sign the note.
The letter finds him home for once, with the Treasure Hunt back underway and his classes fewer and further between. He sits at his desk to open it alongside spattered student artworks and pencil drawings of local Pokemon.
His house, these days, is full of song. Donna had come back in some capacity - they were still working her memory back, but he had introduced her to new songs that she was determined to keep filling the room with while he worked.
A warning of coming separations and an invitation to an awards ceremony. Part of him feels....wrong for accepting an award for this, but if she insisted, he would not snub her invite.
He does, however, click open his email - the official one, for the League - and types in her business contact.
Dear Aether President Delacroix,
Thank you for your correspondence regarding our mutual work. I am delighted to hear that you are willing to host us in Alola and will make plans to attend as soon as I can get away from work.
Regarding the outreach of your foundation, I would recommend getting into contact with the Paldean League and Headmaster Clavell in order to discuss the protection and expansion of study on the other Pokemon in the Great Crater.
If needed, I am willing to act as a go-between for your work here, considering my position in the League.
Your Partner In Business, Hassel B. of the Elite Four
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titanchaser · 8 months
ok so i'll write more of this in detail when im actually on a computer but arven as an AI is ... immortal and he's started to realize this and he knows he changed the future so 100 years from the present instead of zero city having ARCHEUS they have arven as their guardian and his comment about "shouldn't you be cherished even more because they made you" was foreshadowing to his ultimate fate and i love this so so so much
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musikatlach · 11 months
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Musik Atlach Presents Ordvician Wings #3 Saturday,  December 2, 2023@Asagaya Yellow Vision charge 2500yen+1drink open 19:00 start 19:30 SACHIKO vDBG (Masami Kawaguchi, Shizuo Uchida,Keiko Higuchi) Yoshiko Honda+Kaori Komura+Jun Kawasaki
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SACHIKO 光束夜、OVERHANG PARTYのベーシストとして参加する傍ら、ヴォイスによるドローンを主軸としたソロユニットをはじめる。06年ファーストアルバムを発表後コンスタントに作品を発表。幾つかのフェスティバルに参加、欧州ツアーを行う。他に「Tangerine Dream Syndicate」「Albedo Fantastica」等で活動。レーベル「Musik Atlach」主宰。 
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vDBG 川口雅巳(g)、内田静男(b)、ヒグチケイコ (ds)の3ピースバンド。 川口雅巳/ masami kawaguchi 1970年生まれ。90年代より東京アンダーグラウンドシーンで活動を開始。現在は自身のロックユニット"川口雅巳ニューロックシンジケイト"を中心にソロによるパフォーマンス、またガレージロックから即興までジャンルを問わず多くのミュージシャンとセッションも行っている。
内田静男/ shizuo uchida 80年代より、触媒夜、滲有無にて活動。現在、Hasegawa-Shizuoやalbedo gravitas、Mai Mao、Archeusなどのユニット、そしてソロで演奏。Bassを中心にした、インプロヴィゼーションを行う。
ヒグチケイコ/ keiko higuchi 身体、声、呼吸のつながりを探求し、即興からジャズまで幅広くこなすボーカリスト。アメリカ・ボストンにて活動開始、'98年に帰国以来、多くのライ���やダンス・演劇、作品集に参加。過去には写真や執筆を発表。現在も国内外のミュージシャンとのコラボレーションやソロでの演奏など、活動は多岐に渡る。vDBGにおいてはドラムスを担当。今のところ、とにかくとにかく叩くことに専念。
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本田ヨシ子 ヴォイス。自らの声を多重録音をして音を作り上げるソロ活動の他、即興音楽家や舞踏 ダンス 映像 ジャンルを問わず、様々なアーティストとの共演を行っている。2019年CDアルバム「01」をリリース。
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香村かをり/Korean percussion 高校時代に大熊ワタル氏(現シカラムータ)に出会い「闇射」でドラマーを務め、吉祥寺マイナー等で活動。自身のバンド「子供劇場」、ソロ活動として「天国注射の昼」やG.I.S.M.の初期ギグ等に参加。1986年、韓国伝統打楽器グループ「サムルノリ」に衝撃を受け88年渡韓。漢陽大音大国楽科にて打楽器と理論を学ぶ。2019年6月崔善培氏を日本に招聘、大友良英氏らと共演したことをきっかけに即興演奏活動を開始、伝統リズムの枠を超えジャズ、ロック、ノイズ、民族楽器、ダンス、舞踏などさまざまなアーティストとの表現を試みている。ノイズのKazumoto Endo氏と2枚のアルバムをリリース。
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河崎純 音楽詩劇研究所代表。1975年生まれ。早稲田大学文学部在学中に音楽活動をはじめ、ベーシストとして活動。主に舞台作品の音楽監督、構成、委嘱作品の作曲。演劇・ダンス・音楽劇、実験的なパフォーマンスを中心にこれまで100作以上の舞台作品の音楽監督、作曲、演奏を手掛ける。歌、朗読、演劇、コンテンポラリーダンス、伝統芸能の要素を用いた詩劇、音楽劇スタイルの舞台作品の作、構成、演出。近年は特にトルコ、ロシアでの様々なプロジェクトに主要メンバーとして参加。アジアとヨーロッパの境界線上の地からアジアを再考し、新たな国際的な芸術活動に対する視座を得る。2022年は著書「ユーラシアの歌」(ぶなのもり)、韓国、ロシアの歌手を擁する二作の作曲作品CD「HOMELANDS」「STRANGELANDS」(BishopRecords)を発表。
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aetherceuse · 8 months
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The poetic justice of Aether's RKS going up against the enemy RKS/Archeus.
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