#archon's opinion
natashadewinter · 7 months
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the archon human and the people she couldn’t save
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ethanharmonia · 6 months
The Hisui Trio in my AU!! :D
(they dont know how to dress up 😔)
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I wanted to make reference sheets for the three, even though i took a ton of inspo from many things but its for investment i promise i promise
Those three are friends in this AU, they are all in the present world and they are like a family to each other tbh, they might get into a few arguments but they talk it out later on.
To be fair i think those three would give each other kisses, not in a romantic way though, its just more of a platonic thing i guess??
The three of them own dragon type pokemon, from gen 4, 6 and 8 (me like even numbers dont mind me), i kinda felt like these pokemon fit them best by personality (im not exactly sure for 100%)
Dropping the lore here :
The only way Adaman and Irida could go back and out of Hisui was by Volo taking them with him by going through portals with Giratina, of course the two of them got frightened at the sight of Giratina showing up right in front of their eyes for the first time but they got used to it later on.
As a gift of gratitude from Volo for still being accepted by Adaman and Irida even after everything he's done in the past, he made and gave a clone of Origin Dialga and Origin Palkia to them so that they could also travel through the portals or around the world without his help (he's getting tired from babysitting them pls let him live).
Adaman and Irida just live with Lucas, Dawn and Barry in Twinleaf Town, sometimes Volo comes by to visit them and hang out with them. Lucas and Dawn dont have memories of Rei and Akari, so they have no idea of what Volo used to be back then, if they would then oh boy they would try to kill him.
{With Dialga} Adaman possesses Steel type powers (or Metal Bending as they say), he uses it a lot for combat but also for reaching high places if he cant go up there or reach it by climbing, he bends the metal into a form of a long rope in order to get up there.
{With Palkia} Irida has Water type powers (or Water Bending), she is not really the type of a person to fight but she rather heals others, it also works on pokemon too, though sometimes she can kick ass once in a while if anyone drives her mad.
{With Giratina and Arceus} Volo has all the elements, including Dark type powers but he never uses those as he only sees the bad in them and never wishes to use them, reminding him a lot of Cyrus {bro hates him more than anything}, with Volo being an Archon, he can summon pretty much every pokemon, including the legendaries and mythical ones, and the ultra beasts, even though the legendaries are gods too and are feared by many, Volo however just sees them as misunderstood creatures/beings, as he has a better bond with them than with his own people.
Volo despises humans, he only sees the bad in them as he has only seen the bad things that humans did, and with Volo being isolated in Arceus's realm and being there for about 280 years (met Arceus at 20), he cant really change his opinion about it, even if he has friends that are different than the rest of the humans, Volo still has doubts that humans are good, unless proven to him. Sure, Volo is the archon and savior of this world and he is trying his best to make the world a better with no wars or catastrophies, he hates humans, but he just wants peace, but he is aware that even if this happens one day then the peace wont last forever, the world cant remain peaceful for eternity, theres always going to be something happening all the time and he will have to deal with it on his own.
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This would be Volo and his Dragapult (canon)
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Imagine praying to god, and this is who you're praying to
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mielwriting · 3 months
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genshin-silliness · 3 months
This can be based off of anything by the way, and if you want to you can explain your choice in the comments :))
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dandelion-wings · 8 months
kicking wild AUs around with @theabysscomeshome and this is another in the Not Actually Going To Write It category, but this scene really stuck with me, so a brief snippet:
"Grand Sage," Lisa says as sweetly as she can manage, smiling at him. She very carefully doesn't look up and dare draw his attention, or that of the matra with him, to the branches overhead where Kaeya lurks. "How nice to see you. I was just taking my underclassmen to study in the House of Daena." She rests one hand over her catalyst at her belt, casually, as if she's not perfectly positioned to unhook the tome from its strap, and puts the other down on Collei's shoulder. Cyno has better self-restraint; he's rigid at her side, but most of his attention is on her, waiting for instruction. Collei has ducked a little behind her in what she suspects anyone else would take as childish fear. Lisa knows what she's really restraining. His lip curls. "This is exactly why I'm here. You and your instructor have coddled those *subjects* far too much. I'm reassigning them to another research team immediately, before you irreparably taint their research value."
Fury floods crackling through Lisa's veins, and a thousand and one retorts rise to her lips. None of them will make an impression on him, though. She knows what this is really about. Why he's really here.
*Zendik.* Kaeya was right. The strings he's been pulling lead all the way up.
"I haven't received any reassignment paperwork," she says, sweetly, teeth still gritted in a smile. She doesn't dare start to unbuckle her catalyst yet. There's four matra flanking the Grand Sage, and she has no intention of giving them an excuse. Not before Kaeya gets here.
"It will be forthcoming," the Grand Sage says, drawing himself up.
The matra are watching her tensely, and Cyno even more so; they, too, seem to be disregarding Collei as the frightened child she so often seems. So often is, Lisa corrects herself, but that doesn't make her any less dangerous. She's not sure whether to be more insulted on her behalf or on Cyno's that they're tenser about him, as if his desert skin and desert god make him an inherent threat to good order despite all his careful self-discipline, and as if *she* isn't the Witch of the Purple Rose.
"I see. In the meantime, why don't my underclassmen and I-"
"The *subjects*," the Grand Sage says, a muscle in his jaw jumping.
Which was exactly the wrong point to quibble on. Collei gives a choked, furious sob and tears away from Lisa, trying to dart past the matra towards the far edge of the plaza and the ramp down to freedom. The matra, focused on Cyno and Lisa, don't move fast enough; the Grand Sage, unfortunately, has even less ability at threat assessment, and snatches at Collei as she brushes past. He catches a hank of her hair, so recently freed from the bandages, and she screams.
The hair on the back of Lisa's neck goes up. She can feel the power pulsating from Collei's small frame, bare inches from going out of control--from being *unleashed*. Because it will be, if Collei thinks that's the only way out. The matra all quail, crying out in confusion more than in terror, uncertain as to why they're afraid and all the more frightened for it. Lisa steps in front of Cyno, yanks on the strap around her catalyst, and pulls it free, as if it would be any help against the Black Fire.
Kaeya hits the ground directly beside Azar, rolls, and comes up with his catalyst already glowing in his hand. He tosses it up to hover beside him as he reaches out to grab Collei's arm, and he digs his other elbow into the Grand Sage's gut to make him let go as he yanks Collei away. The man grunts and stumbles back, winded by the blow, and catches up against the railing of the platform-
And flails for just a second, eyes wide with terror, before he pitches over to plummet to the ground below. Lisa flinches at the distant, unpleasant *'splat'*.
Pulling Collei in close against him, Kaeya glances over the edge, looks up at Lisa, and shrugs. "Whoops."
"The Grand Sage!" one of the matra cries, comprehension returning and horror infusing his tone as the ominous weight of Collei's nearly-unbound power lifts away. "He's murdered the Grand Sage!"
"We'd been talking about storming the Sanctuary of Surasthana anyway," Kaeya says, throwing Lisa a wry smile before he turns to meet their leveled spears. "We may just have to do it a little ahead of schedule."
"I'm beginning to agree with you about getting answers from the Archon herself," Lisa tells him, ozone filling the air as her own catalyst starts to glow purple-bright along its bindings. "Especially since we can't ask them of Azar any longer. Though if Cyno and Collei could-"
"I don't think we have the time for that. It's fine. Collei, do you still have those daggers I gave you?"
Collei makes a small, determined noise and pulls two wickedly sharp blades out from somewhere in her clothing. Lisa sighs, sets aside the matter of arming small children to discuss with Kaeya *later*, and prepares to pair with him in a Superconduct that will make those blades more effective. There is value, she supposes, in teaching Collei alternative ways to defend herself.
"I don't have a dagger," Cyno mutters behind her, sounding put out. "Why didn't I get a dagger?"
"Later," Lisa tells him, firmly, and lets her Lantern Rose bloom.
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nazbruhh · 10 months
Ranking Archons from Genshin impact
Nahida- my baby. The fact that people hated her and wanted other God and yet, Nahida didn't give up on people and tried everything to save her people and her nation from disaster. She's the most precious Archon in Genshin. I will protect you at all cost.
Furina- In order to save her nation she literally has to fake her personality and her being an *archon*, which caused her to suffer for 500 years. She was a human, who just wanted peace. She deserved so much better.
Venti- my beloved <3, I loved him ever since I started playing genshin impact. He will always be my most nostalgic and fave character. The only thing I don't like about him is that people only treat him like a *drunkard* and that's literally it. He's drinking as a copium after losing his friend and still use his body for years. My beloved
Zhongli - I'm gonna be honest, he's still very interesting character. But I unfortunately lost interest in him, mostly bc he doesn't do much anymore. Like yeah he cares for his nation but like. I want to see more what he does, instead he just sits and drink tea bruh. I don't hate him at all btw, just lost interest...
Raiden Shogun, Ei - OH BOY WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!? Ok ok ok. Lemme say things straight. I love her design, I love gameplay, I love her story she's very cool and interesting character. BUT OMG THE WAY THEY WROTE HER IN STORY WAS GOD AWFUL. Instead of getting a very cool character, we got * UWUWUW BABY WAIFU WHO LIKES DRINKING DANGO MILK UWUWUWUW 💖💖💖* LET'S NOT FORGET THAT SHE WAS THE REASON THAT HER NATION SUFFERERED. She is also very VERY irresponsible. Instead of leading her nation on her own, she let her puppet rule everything and Ei was just... Sitting on her ass and done NOTHING. Her first story quest was also meaningless af. And the way she became kind and sweet only bc of Traveler's power of friendship is just hilarious. So yeah she's my least favorite archon.
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r1-ka · 2 months
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hi genshin fandom, i come in peace,NO NO DONT RAISE THOSE PITCHFORKS,EHEM,i dont like her at all, no it isnt about her skin tone(at this point im not even surprised by hoyo), its everything idk why but im hoping for her to be someone else then the pyro archon(im delusional) LIKE MURATA IS DEAD OR SOMETHING?shitty theory uhhh murata is a phoenix real so she comes back alive trust(i realy am delusional at this point)
the outfit does not match her at ALL!!!! go back to formula 1 or something dunno
sunset shimmer called‼️‼️🗣️🗣️ she wants her hair back!!!!!
anyways her and capitano have tea parties with those plastic cups and the small tables and chairs
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indilaras · 1 year
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Fontaine Faves! (As of 4.0)
Meant to finish this before the update but oops forgot. Anyway, happy 4.1 everybody!
ID: a drawing of Neuvillette, Furina, and Navia from Genshin Impact, with the title in the top-right corner.
Neuvillette looks somewhere in the distance, frowning and surrounded by raincloud doodles; Furina is grinning at the viewer with one hand on her chest, surrounded by sparkles; Navia is winking at the viewer, surrounded by flower doodles. End ID.
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seri-tonin · 5 months
I'm still not over what the genshin fandom (specifically meta players) did to dehya tbh...
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ladyof1000masks · 3 months
So about the Fable reboot...
People (Fable fans) are being really fucking shitty to me because I have an unpopular opinion. I'm not trying to be a bitch, I mean no disrespect to the devs of the reboot, I fully plan on giving the game a chance, etc. If I don't get my way I'm not going to attack or harass the developers like the absolute fucking toilet sponges on Youtube attacked and harassed the trans-fem environmental artist for being the reason the PC is "ugly."
All of this because I believe that Fable isn't Fable without the world-building (historical characters and history) established in Fable The Lost Chapters and expanded on by "Tales of Albion" should be included in the reboot. I've clarified what I mean numerous times and somehow they're still misconstruing/twisting my words. I don't want or expect the base world-building to be 1:1, I fully expect and hope that they will evolve the source material.
All I want is the Old Kingdom, the Void, William Black, the Court mostly Jack of Blades to exist in the reboot. If Playground can't include it at the bare minimum then they should have made their own IP instead of skinning Fable's corpse and wearing it.
I see everyone saying Fable isn't Fable without "the moral choices," "British Humor, life-sim mechanics, good/evil morphing, etc" but they never include world-building.
A fantasy world heavily depends on its lore (history and historical characters), usually from the source material it's based off, to have a distinct identity. I play the Elder Scrolls series, not only for the features, but for the story, characters and lore which allows me to invest and immerse myself in a unique living world I can't get anywhere else. No other fantasy world is the same.
It's the same for Fable. Even if it has all the gameplay and humor of the originals, without the basic history of William Black, the Old Kingdom, the Court, and the void, it will never be Fable. Fable is its humor, its gameplay, its features, its lore/history and its historical characters. You can't extract one of these and still call it Fable which is why it baffles me as to why so few people care about the base lore. You say you want a Fable game, but you're okay with history, historical characters, and world-building being completely gutted?
That IS the source material. Do you mean to tell me the Fable reboot is still Fable without Fable? That's like saying a bologna sandwich is still a sandwich without bread.
 I expect Fable to be everything and have everything (to a certain point) from the originals but improved and evolved. As a writer, why the fuck would you wipe out pre-existing world-building and basic history to start completely anew? Firstly, you're creating a lot more work for yourself as well as increasing development time and costs.
 Finally, why wouldn't you evolve/improve the base world construct and adapt what already exists to make it yours? The base material has so much untapped potential that was never realized or properly explored. The Court and even Jack of Blades by himself were never utilized satisfactorily. Jack needed more development.
Motherfucker was the big bad (twice) and not only was he barely in the game, there was almost zero setup until near the tail end. "Surprise, bitch! It was me all along! Suck the end of my sword." There is SO much. I don't expect everything to happen exactly the same or characters not to be altered. To be clear, I don't expect any lore after TLC's base history and historical characters. So I don't expect the story of Fable ​1-3 (fuck Fable the Journey) to be reflected in the reboot.
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welcometoteyvat · 10 months
honestly. i'm sorry but prev post, except with less harsh wording, was also my first thoughts about neuvilette and furina's romantic relationship sdflsdjgksjdkf i think it's far outpaced every other neuvillette and furina ship, so it must be popular for a reason, but even fandom's platonic rendition of their relationship makes them a lot closer than I felt they ended up in the archon quest. I thought I might've been missing something in neuvillette's stories/voicelines since I don't have him, but after reading his lore I'm still not super sure where the "they made up immediately and are now deeply in love" take came up 😭
ik about how neuvi granted her vision, and honestly I think they can be good after maybe another 50 years, but really idk. they're very estranged rn like I get that neuvillette feels bad as evidenced by his convo w focalors, but at the same time I.. don't really think he cares as much about furina as much as fandom thinks? his one voiceline says he should pay her his respects, but i feel like that's it............. focalors is the one who called him up from wherever he was before, to go take the judge's seat, and the melusines and humans showed him humanity and love, but although furina may have been part of that, i dont think she was unique in that regards.... he doesn't have the same appreciation of human emotions as what focalors was fascinated by and liked furina for, idk. furina on her part just feels like she's both skittish and tired, both valid, and thinks neuvillette has a bad impression of her. idk they're giving really estranged coworkers to me, as in: they realized they don't really know each other, but it's too late to do anything about that because they're not coworkers anymore
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boilingrain · 9 months
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I've really enjoyed the music in this game, especially when there's singing
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haganez · 23 days
what beef do u have with haitham
he simply irritates me and so i hate him
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alchemistdetective · 11 months
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cor-lapis · 2 years
Completed the archon quest! It was a neat wrap up, plus some of the ending lore was fun, and I thought the execution was pretty good (I liked how everyone helped out this time like a proper team, and you got to see what each person was actually doing)
Currently stewing my thoughts, hopefully expect some sketches either today or tomorrow 6.6
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subskz · 10 months
ms. rin u literakly guessed it 💀 chan says he’s addicted to genshin now on bubble im criyng
-⛓ anon
I SAW! he is so…i was joking abt channie disappearing for a few weeks then coming back completely addicted to genshin but i didn’t expect him to be AR44???? 😭 n he’s calling wriothesley “rizzley” too…he’s in too deep i fear
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