#are yall gonna ask me for my legal name
mondaymelon · 6 months
how old are you
haha. i dont feel comfortable answering that question.
this is... awfully blunt. like no context straight up- dunno why people are digging into personal things and serious things in my inbox now like did i write something that made yall think id give out private info like that ( nothing against you btw ) ??
its common and known knowledge that to. yk. stay safe online that you shouldn't reveal your legal name, age, blablabla whatever. please understand that i don't feel safe revealing this information to random people online that i don't trust.
for you to read my ffs, all you need to know is that i am a minor who is still in school. if this is the same anon that sent the nsfw ask earlier ( if it's not, sorry ) please stop . my blog doesn't really have relevance to things like that as im writing perfectly non-explicit things : )
ahaha. a hi next time would have been nice /hj
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izukusjuicythighs · 2 months
bkdk fics i read because was it ever casual
Horikoshi keeps feeding us bkdk crumbs like wtf??at this point they HAVE to be canon bkdk hospital kiss confirmed I was izukus freckle ALSO IM KINDA IN A BLOCK RN whenever I finish a fic my yappin brain always has something to say but rn its real quiet so uh🤡
left me no choice(but to stay here forever)
summary: Izuku learns early on in life that the people he loves will always leave him.
So when Kacchan asks him to be his boyfriend, Izuku kisses him and starts grieving for the inevitable.
words: 6,925
chapters: 3/4(updating)
notes: im quite aware that its a bitchy move to inflict pain on ppl but jm gonna do it anyways lol READ THIS AND WEEP I literally wanted to gorge my heart out and then slap all of my love into izuku idk it evokes complicated feelings??normally hate reading unfinished fics BUT THIS!!gave me a life changing experience within 7000words dammit
be my good luck charm
summary: See, the thing is, Midoriya Izuku had been born with a curse. It’s not a curse that’s particularly visible. He doesn’t have horns, or a tortured face, and it’s not the kind of silly curse like a friend of his had way down south in Diagnor, wherein the girl had been born without the ability to say the word duck. Midoriya Izuku is just extremely unlucky.
(Or the AU in which Izuku's the world's unluckiest traveling merchant, and Katsuki is someone who may be able to help him. For a price, that is.)
words: 6785
chapters: 1/1
notes: cute lil oneshot for yall cuz mha fans r in dire need of fluff rn yknow why🤭 how to date a hottie101 by bkg: set ur crush on fire to show ur undying love(WRITE IT DOWN WRITE IT DOWN)
Barberries and Variegated Knotweeds
summary: The Fight Another Day Agreement is a required legal document for all professional heroes. In the event of a life-threatening injury and the hero and their proxies are unable to respond on their behalf, medical professionals may do whatever it takes to keep the hero alive.
For Izuku, whatever it takes means removing flowers from his lungs, forcing him to forget about the love of his life. The aftermath leaves Izuku bewildered at the sight of a man with spiky blond hair and red eyes the color of Japanese barberries.
words: 19,286
chapters: 4/4
notes: YET ANOTHER HANAHAKI FIC WITH IZUKU WHUMP I just love seeing my favs go through it🤠I've read so many hanahaki fics ud think I'd be used to it but NOPE THIS SHIT HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT was ready to downgrade 1 dimension to solve this shitstorm myself
If It's You
summary: “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Katsuki said. “You did not just ask me—me—to try and date your loser step-brother.”
He wasn’t even going to say Deku’s name out loud. Wasn’t giving him the time of day, even in a conversation about him. That weird awkward virgin was not worth his precious time, and certainly not what Kirishima was suggesting.
“But Bakugouuu,” Kirishima wailed, hanging off Katsuki’s arm with monster meathead jock strength. “My dad said I can’t date if Deku doesn’t date. Do you understand what that means?”
“Less chance of knocking someone up and creating more of you in the world?”
words: 16,863
chapters: 1/1
notes: 10 things I hate about you but make it bkdk I LOVE THIS SHIT angsty dramatic misunderstanding high school aus are my JAM also somewhat gives off from the sidelines vibes so if ur into that defo read
Down the Red Line
summary: His mom is the first person to know about it. She finds out when Izuku asks ( in a very cute three-year-old way) why can’t he see the red line that connected him to Kacchan in the last picture they've taken. The one where they were about to enter Kindergarten on their first day.
"Red line?"
"Yeah, Mamma. This," Little Izuku says, raising his pinky finger to show her the thing tied to it.
Izuku has been able to see the red strings of fate since birth. It's no surprise that his is connected to Katsuki.
words: 7,804
chapters: 1/1
notes: one of my absolute favs since 2021 MAKES ME SO FUKCIN MAD I have to put my phone down and contemplate life for a few mjns while reading it but it's so good??my red string is tied to thjs fic pls
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lazarusrisingx · 28 days
Alright so this’ll be my first official one shot for this account yippee!! Im starting off with something fluffy cause ya boi hasn’t written fan fics in quite a while (yes i was a fan fic writer before but i wanted to start over cause i abandoned that account tee hee)
summary: A fluffy one shot where sylus teaches you to ride his motorcycle and you..kinda fail at it
also for one shots i think im gonna use MC instead of Y/n as the name? if yall want me to change it for the next one just lmk.
this story also diverges from the actual lore of LADS, its mentioned theyve already had some past ‘romantic’ moments tee hee.
triggers: mentions of scrapes and blood, no serious injuries, motorcycle incident without helmet, uhhhh there isnt really anything triggering so yeah! just pure fluff and scared sylus
might be a bit ooc sylus but im tryna stay true him, also excuse my bad spelling im gonna autocorrect everything but im writing on my phone so don’t judge.
okay lets get it peoples!!
It was a relatively nice day in the N109 zone. Crime seemed to hold itself for the crisp cool weather that decided to roll in over night. The sky was less murky grey than usual and a few patches of blue peeked through fluffy white clouds. The sun was near setting as MC and a certain silver haired man sat in his office.
“..you want to what?” Sylus asked, not looking away from a manila folder in his hands.
“I want you to show me to ride your motorcycle.” MC repeated.
The tick of the grandfather clock was the only sound that could be heard for a few moments. MC felt for a moment she might want to take back her recquest, but Sylus silently set down the folder he held and leaned back in his chair with a sigh.
He rubbed his eyes, and folded his arms, studying the girl without expression.
“If you do-“
“Your telling me the great wanderer huntress doesnt know how to ride a simple motorcycle?” Sylus interrupted. the edge of his lip quirked up in a slight smirk.
MC narrowed her eyes at him.
“Its not in the training for us to be taught to ride or drive.”
Sylus tilted his head, before speaking again.
“You mean you dont even know how to drive?” It sounded as if he was holding back a laugh.
“Will you teach me to ride or not! I can hire an instructor if you wont.” MC said, purposefully dodging the question of her driving skills.
She had thought about asking Sylus before, but lately the two of them hadnt had a single afternoon to do anything besides… questionably legal missions. It was so nice out that she thought itd be a shame to spend it in this dark and dreary office.
Sylus stood up without a word, dragging his coat off his chair and picking up the manila folder. He punched a code into one of his many safes and placed it inside for safe keeping, and went for the door.
“Are you coming? Or should i roll out a red carpet for you sweetie?”
MC stood up quickly, a smile sliding across her face as she followed him out of the room.
The two walked down the hall of his house quietly. She felt excited, and slightly nervous. Sylus didnt seem like the most compassionate teacher she couldve found. however spending money on an instructor was something she never intended to do in the first place.
Sylus glanced down at her as the two stopped by his room.
“you cant wear shorts, and I cant wear dress pants nor this shirt. Go get changed.” Sylus said as he opened the door.
MC gave him a questioning look as he opened the door for her, leaning against the wall waiting for her to enter.
“I dont have clothes here.” MC stated.
Sylus shook his head, his hand twitched and an invisible force pushed MC forward.
“I had the twins pick something up for you in case you needed to stay here for a while, itll be the third drawer from the bottom sweetie.”
the surprise on MC’s face mustve been obvious, because a quiet chuckle left Sylus.
“Dont look so surprised kitten, we work together enough that if you end up injured under my watch I’m not going to send you home to recover alone.”
“How do you even know my size in pants?” MC asked as she lifted out a pair of jeans. surprisingly they looked as if they would fit quite nicely.
Sylus leaned over her, his chest brushing over MC’s back. He was much warmer than she thought he might be, and the contact sent a slight spark of electric through her. He opened the top drawer of the dresser and produced a pair of black pants and a nice fitted black shirt for himself. MC glanced up to find Sylus peering down at her with a curious expression. Was that a smile she saw? If only for a split second. Sylus lingered against her for a few moments, pretending to look for soemthing else before taking a step back.
“I told them to look in the kids section.” He said.
MC turned to scold him, and found him unbuttoning his dress shirt, his silver hair dangled in front of his eyes as he looked down, the shirt parting just enough to expose a strong muscular chest, before MC promptly turned around her face turning bright red.
“Ill find a bathroom.” She said quietly.
“Straight ahead sweetie.”
She made a bee-line towards it, not looking back to see how Sylus’s eyes followed her, or the smirk on his face as he pulled his shirt off.
MC shut the door behind her, heart pounding in her ears. It was an odd reaction since she had seen him shirtless before. although it was different because this was unexpected.
She wiped the image from her mind and quickly got changed. Sadly, the pants fit her perfectly. MC was truly curious as to how Sylus or the twins figured out her size but it wasnt something she was ready to look into.
MC walked out from the bathroom, Sylus was dressed in all black his shirt was tight enough to show the outline of his abs, and make his arms look incredibly huge.
Sylus was finishing a message to someone on his phone. He glanced up at MC once before he finished the message.
“letting the twins know we will be out for a bit. I expect youd like to go to dinner after we are finished?” Sylus asked.
“mmm sure, I saw a hot po-“
“im picking where we eat. I dont feel like going to linkon tonight.” Sylus interrupted
He stood up and opened the door for the two, motioning for MC to walk out before him. She obliged, and the two walked in silence to his garage. Sitting in a parking spot was his usual black and red bike. The paint shiny from being newly washed, not a speck of rust nor dust decorated the expensive equipment.
“do you atleast know the basics of controls?” Sylus asked.
“theres the clutch, throttle and break. i know that much.” MC responded.
Sylus nodded, he pulled the kickstand up on the bike and began to slowly walk it towards the exit.
“Mine has some.. enhancements, so youll have to go easy on the gas. turning is fairly self explanatory. but as i said before take it very gentle. I dont want a scratch on this bike.”
MC nodded and followed behind him. She was getting nervous now, but she knew Sylus had a decent driveway that she would be able to drive around, that way she could avoid any extra cars or pedestrians. the few times she had driven a car, she had done fairly well, although went a little slower than the speed limit… by ten miles.
If anything, her only worry was annoying sylus with how careful she was!
The two walked out of the small garage and into the cool outside. wind rustled the small trees and birds chirped quietly around them.
“Get on here.”
Sylus held out his hand as he kept the bike steady. MC carefully got into the drivers seat and set her feet on the rests.
“put a foot on the ground so the bike can tilt when i let go.” Sylus said
“like this?”
MC put one foot on the ground, and Sylus let its weight rest on her. It was heavier than expected but nothing she couldnt handle. He took a step back and folded his arms.
“Turn the keys in the ignition, let it roll forward a bit so you know how itll feel.”
MC fumbled with the key for a moment and the engine roared to life. She smiled proudly, and looked to Sylus who was to focused on watching her slowly roll forward.
“Turn the gas a bit, and ride to the edge there, you dont need-“
MC thought she had pressed the gas lightly. she really did. Instead, the bike shot forward across the driveway, pointed not towards the grass, but the exit to the driveway. A scream escaped her as she pulled her foot onto the rests.
The wind ripples through her hair as she sped towards the entrance to the street, the handles wobbled in her hands, and within a second she was flung from the bike.
Metal screeched awfully on concrete as the bike was sent skidding towards her. Her body tumbled over the driveway, the rip of jeans and the feel of gravel driving into her arms didnt feel like much as she watched the bikes path heading straight for her.
MC threw up her hands, curling up expecting to be hit by the skidding motorcycle, but the impact never came.
The sound of heavy footsteps and muffled yelling made her open her eyes. Her vision was blurred, and her ears rang slightly. In front of her was a barrier of black and red smoke, instead of hitting her, the bike had been stopped not a second to soon.
“MC! For fucks sake!” Sylus yelled.
MC began to shake a bit, not from the pain in her arms and legs, nor the throbbing headache from hitting her head. She scrambled to her hands and knees. Sylus was running towards her, an unfamiliar expression on his face. His crimson eyes glowed brightly from using his evol.
“Sylus i-i didnt think itd be so sensitive!”
the barrier dissipated and MCs heart lept into her throat. the bikes previously shiny paint was nearly fully scraped clean, the seat had a few tears in it, the handles previously rubber grip was now worn down to the metal on one side. there was a bend in the rim of one of the wheels.
Tears filled MCs eyes as a mix of anxiety and fear pierced her heart. His bike was ruined! the one thing he had told her not to do was crash this, and less than a minute on it she had!
MC’s hands brushed over the ruined paint job, she barely noticed the blood dripping from her arm or down her hands, nor the pain of dirt being gritted into her badly scraped knees.
“What are you doing, what are you doing?” Sylus asked.
he had dropped to his knees beside her, grabbing a firm hold of both arms, that same unrecognizable expression written all over his face. his grip was firm, but MC didnt look away from the bike.
“Your bike! Sylus is swear i didnt mean to do that! I was gentle l-like you said I didnt think-“
“the bike? the fuck are you on about sweetie look at you!”
His voice was harsh and demanding. his eyes were still glowing crimson as MC finally looked at him. She was trembling badly. finally she noticed the blood now coating his hand and her arm. her lip was also split down the middle, and a cut on her cheek.
“I-ill pay for the bike Sy-“
“the bike? you think i give a fuck about the bike i have ten more just like it.”
He dragged the two of them to their feet.
“but you said-“
“your hurt.” Sylus said plainly.
His eyes scanned her wounds as if he was looking for something.
“Its nothing-“
“we are going back in.” Sylus stated.
in one swift motion he lifted MC off her feet, carrying her like a princess. MC was speechless as he stepped over the bike, walking quickly to get the two of them back into the house.
“You dont care about the bike?” MC asked.
Sylus glanced down at her.
“Why the fuck would i care about a damn object right now.”
MC paused for a moment, she stared up at his face, now noticing a thin layer of sweat over his forehead, his eyes darting back and forth and he looked… pale. was he scared? panicked?
the last thing MC expected from him was concern over a few scrapes and bruises. Well, maybe they werent scrapes. with each step her adrenaline wore off, and throbbing pain came over her entire body.
Sylus brought the two of them to his room, slamming the door open. The twins stood there together, talking back and forth.
“Boss- wait is she-“
“get out.” Sylus said gruffly.
“Boss are you alright? you look-“
“I told you both to get!” Sylus yelled.
The twins looked at the both of them for a moment, before scurrying out of the room.
“They could patch me up sylus you dont have to do this.” MC said quietly. he ignored her as he gingerly set her on the plush comforter.
“sylus the blood, i cant ruin more of your things.”
“why do you think i care about ‘things’ MC. sit down and wait for me. if you can get into your shorts put those on or im taking your jeans off myself.” Sylus said.
MC watched him enter the bathroom and rummage around. She didnt know what to think. of course her first thought was that he would be more concerned for his bike, he had seen her get hurt by wanderers before and hadnt seemed so… upset by it.
She found her shorts on the floor and slowly peeled the ripped jeans off herself and tugged on her shorts. her leg was definatley sore and bruises already began to blossom over her thigh. the concrete had rubbed away quite a bit of skin, blood dripped down her leg and onto the floor now.
without a word sylus came back in, his eyes had finally stopped glowing, and in his arms he held rolls of bandages antiseptics, tape, and cobain.
“i can do this myself Sylus.” MC said
“no.” Was all Sylus had to offer.
a wave of black and red smoke pushed MC back onto his bed. it wasnt as rough as usual, almost like a cushion pressing her into place.
Sylus knelt down in front of her. eyes narrowing as they scanned over her leg.
“shouldve been more careful.” Sylus mumbled.
“i know im sorry.” MC replied
“no, not you. I shouldve been more careful. that bike has enhancements on it, its to much for a beginner i didnt think about it.” He said.
MC grew quiet for a moment.
“well i wont die.” MC said, trying to lighten the mood.
Sylus didnt seem impressed. he hesitated his hands hovering over her leg before he grabbed a damp cloth and began wiping blood from her leg. His hands were calloused from boxing and fighting, but he was much gentler than MC expected.
“you wont die, but you still got hurt.” Sylus said after a moment.
he folded the cloth over itself and cleaned the edges of her wound. He gently brushed one of her scrapes, causing MC to grimace.
“sorry.” he mumbled quietly.
his free hand left the bed where it was planted, and gingerly took hold of hers.
“squeeze when it hurts, you wont harm me sweetie.” He said. His crimson eyes flicked to hers making a bolt of electric shoot through MC’s heart. she hesitated, before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
sylus’ shoulders relaxed a bit after this. he picked up a new cloth, and doused it in antiseptic.
“it has lidocaine in it, but it might sting a bit.” Sylus said
Thankfully, he didnt try to clean the wound in sections. he paused for a moment and pressed the cloth firmly to her scrapes. MC grunted and squeezed his hand. When she looked back at him he was gently rubbing his thumb against the uninjured portion of her leg, looking at her with that oddly concerned expression.
“better?” he asked.
MC nodded her head letting out a breath. He lifted the cloth, now that the area was numb he was able to thoroughly clean the bits of dirt out. the process was repeated over the second patch of scrapes on her calf. Sylus slowly wrapped her leg in cobain and gauze, before sitting on the bed beside MC.
“are you alright sylus?” MC asked.
He had kept his usual snarky comments to himself the past few minutes and it was slightly worrying. Sylus turned his head to her and looked her up and down.
“you shouldve worn a helmet.” He said quietly
“well i wasnt intending to drive more than five feet.” MC replied.
a small smirk came across Sylus’ face.
“five feet? I thought youd have more confidence in yourself sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC laughed quietly and shook her head.
“my teacher didnt seem to have much confidence ‘ride to the grass’ i beileive you said.” MC replied.
Sylus quirked up an eyebrow.
“it seems i was right doesnt it?”
He gestured to her still injured arm, and held up a clean cloth.
“still got another spot to take care of sweetie.” He said.
MC groaned quietly, but turned so he would have a better angle for it. She looked away and waited for him to begin cleaning the wound. instead he leaned towards her, his hand slipping around to the back of her head and pulling her forward. MC nearly protested, but Sylus placed his hand on her back after resting her head to his chest.
She could hear his heart, beating extremely fast for someone so fit.
“just… a moment.” Sylus said quietly.
MC practically held her breath for a moment, before taking in air. his cologne smelled nice, a mix of fresh spices and expensive cigars. the muscles under her head her soft but firm. his arm resting around her body in a hug. Sylus was hugging her.
tentatively, MC put her good arm around him. it felt right, her anxiety and worry began to slowly melt away the longer they stayed like this. her eyes grew heavy, and she began to relax more and more against him. he was so solid, his chest rose and fell under her, slowing down after a moment or so.
“dont worry about the bike sweetie. really. im more concerned about the fact you were… injured.”
MC smiled slightly.
“The great leader of onychinus is concerned for me?” MC asked
a chuckle vibrated through Sylus’ chest. he almost sounded releived.
“more than youd know MC.” Sylus said quietly.
MC’s heart fluttered slightly. she closed her eyes as Sylus began to move again, his free hand found the back of her head, beginning to rub her hair gently as he pressed the cloth to the side of her arm. It wasnt long before the two had to seperate to allow sylus to wrap her arm.
“Why dont we order food tonight. I dont really feel like going out again.” MC said.
Sylus cleaned up the bloody cloths and nodded his head. he began to make his way towards the bedroom door.
“you pick the spot, ill pay.” Sylus said.
“absolutely not, i just trashed your bike-“
Sylus stood up and in a few strides crossed the room to stand in front of her, he leaned down and tilted her chin up to make MC look at him.
“how many times do i have to say that i dont care about the bike, just that you dont have a damn head injury?” He asked.
MC stared up at him for a moment, Sylus brought her face a little closer, speaking quietly now.
“I got you hurt today MC. The least i can do is pay for a damn meal.” He said.
MC couldnt help but look between his eyes and lips. was she insane to think about kissing him now? they were so close, and it wouldn’t be the first time one of them had made an attempt like that. Sylus scanned her face. did he just lean in more?
There was a knock at the door.
“Boss? we were just wondering if you needed us to get the bike out of the driveway.” One of the twins said.
Sylus looked dissapointed, and slightly annoyed. he released MC and turned away from her, going to the door and opening it.
“Ill come out and help you, one if you dispose of these. MC, you might want to change your shirt. Ill be in the living room when your done, sweetie.” Sylus said.
MC was left alone in his room. bright red blush creeped over her face as she slumped back on his bed. She was cursing herself slightly. Part of her was angry she even thought of kissing him, the other half was angry she didnt.
She flopped over onto her stomach groaning loudly before she sat up again.
Another uneventful night of eating in.
maybe ill make a smutty part 2 to this one? maybe not straight smut but some good steamy kisses and things like that idk.
uhhhhh yeah! i havent written in a little while so i dont know how good this is or isnt!
if yall have any ideas for other oneshots then just lmk. im currently working on the storyline for a yandere!sylus x reader fic so i might drop some teasers for that when i can.
in the meantime ill alternate between fluff and smut, i can do some sad stories to but they gotta have good endings cause i cant stand my mans to be sad like that.
also gonna work on some zayne material because i love my mans zayne just as much as sylus if not a bit more. i feel like he doesnt get enough love fr.
okay byyyyyee hopefully this was good.
please credit me if you share this story
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hey! So if you're writing ghostbusters things right now (apologies if you arent, my Tumblr is acting up and it's not letting me see some of the fonts its just squares 😑) anyway I would love to request a podcast x reader of you're up for that because the dude does not get enough love 😔😔
I was thinking like the reader was childhood friends (mayyybeee first crushes?) but the reader moved to NYC and is now a regular at rays occult and now meets the reader again? What do we think?
Anyway hope you write this and have a GREAT day/night 😊
it's okay!! my requests r open as long as my mailbox is available haha, can't rlly stop ppl from requesting if it's still up so yeah dw ; but yeah of course! this actually sounds rlly fun to write lol ; have a good day/night to you too! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy :) ; also since we don't know much about podcast I kinda made some stuff up, I've watched both afterlife and frozen empire at least 3 times each so... hopefully I gathered all the canon podcast lore idk ; also reqs back open! gonna post the rest of the queue then work on anything yall send
PODCAST ; i think we're alone now
summary ; a little childhood best friends/first crushes reunite at rays occult books
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; we don't know a whole lot about podcast so I made some a lot stuff up lol ; also I'm just using Logan's name as podcasts legal name bc idk what else to call him + I just use actor names to fill in names in other movies/shows
track ; i think we're alone now ; tiffany
word count ; 1k
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Your first crush was silly and dumb, being on your at-the-time best friend, Logan, or Podcast, as he was now mostly known. He always had a fascination for film and commentary, no wonder he had his own podcast.
You'd recently moved to New York, surprisingly, where Podcast also lived these days. You reconnected over social media and found out you'd be living near each other again like the good old days, and decided to meet up once you got comfortable in the new environment. And that's what had happened. You now await his arrival at Ray's Occult Books, where you skim through the bookshelves, reading each spine to see if any title jumped out at you.
The bell above the door jingles, causing you to look up to see who it is again. Him, thankfully.
He scans the store, looking for you. Ray nods his head toward you, leading him right to you.
He smiles as he approaches, stuffing his phone in his jorts pocket. "Hey"
"Hey," you reply, a soft smile pulling on the corners of your lips.
"Uh, how are you?" He asks, clearly struggling to make conversation.
"Good, I like your outfit," you reply, pointing out his colorful collared shirt. Even now, it reflected his curious and extroverted personality.
He glances down at his shirt, having forgotten what he was even wearing, "Oh, thanks! Uh, do you wanna go walk around or something?" He asks, glancing over at Ray, staring you two down at the counter.
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You end up strolling around the city, catching up and talking about life until you retrieve to the basement of Ray's Occult Books, where Podcast was currently living for the summer. He already told you how he was supposed to be at summer camp and how he'd been consecutively lying to his mom. You already knew that was pretty in character for him. He wasn't great at fitting in and would've rather stayed with people he knew and his other actual friend, Phoebe.
You let some of the mini marshmallow pufts climb all over you, using you like a giant stool. A few use your arms as little slides. Logan takes a picture, framing your goofy smile while another mini puft jumps off your head and onto your shoulder.
A few slide down your left arm back onto the desk, then use your right hand as an elevator to go again. As you hoist a little group back up to your shoulder, Logan is now recording on his phone, laughing behind the camera.
"They're so cute," You happy-pout, looking at him for a moment.
Oh, how he wanted to pull the Uno reverse card on you with that, but he couldn't. He thought about it far too long, then backed out because he was too scared, but told himself it was just to late.
You look around his room, two of the little pufts sitting on your head like Remy in Ratatouille. You note all the posters and little trinkets and things around the room, making a weak assumption that he just liked collecting little random things.
You notice the orange lava lamp sitting on his bedside table, turned on, and providing an orange glow throughout that corner of the room. It shines off the side of Logan's face, creating an omniscient kind of glow that you can't look away from.
Denying you still had a crush on him would just make this even worse.
He looks back at you after saving the video to his photos and putting it in his Friends and Shenanigans folders, catching you quickly looking away. He raises an eyebrow, seeing your slightly jittery movements as you use your hand as an elevator for the mini pufts again. They don't keep it a secret though, 'oo'ing and 'ah'ing and bouncing on your shoulders and head.
You can feel your face flushing, attempting to hide it by not looking back at him.
The mini pufts land back on the desk, skattering behind the array of glass jars. You look back at him, seeing he's already looking at you. He's close, closer than you remembered, you felt closer to him, really.
You look down at the mini pufts at your feet, wondering if you'd zoned out as they slid you across the floor. You look back up at Logan, giving you that same soft look you were giving him.
Look, what a funny, simple word. There was no other word for that almost hypnotizing gaze shared between the two of you. There was so much tension. So much so that it was killing the mini pufts. They wanted to shove you into each other to just kiss already.
"I think we're alone now," He quietly speaks, glancing down at the desk where the mini pufts had flee'd from.
The beating of your hearts was the only sound as you pressed your hands against his jawline, his hands slinking down to your waist. You press your lips to his for a moment, then again and again before properly pulling away.
He opens his eyes, a grin painting his face. He pecks your lips once more before he knows you'll say that you have to leave.
"I have to go, I think my mom's waiting outside"
He watches as you stumble up the basement stairs, your face flushed. A smile still tugs at his lips, cheeks a light shade of pink.
The mini pufts come out from hiding and cheer him on, then flick the lights off to reveal colorful LED lights and a disco ball. He sighs with a pout, unable to hide the joy behind it.
"Okay, okay, party's over. We have an episode to record"
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*sigh* middle of the month so yall know what time it is, time for me to start begging for money again
We have about £50 to last, I think 2 and a half weeks? So that's barely gonna cover the electricity. We're not desperate for food yet but I'll need to buy groceries soon. In short, we're not at a crisis point yet but we will be within a week.
Slight update on my job, pvg folks are finally processing under my legal name but that's going to be at least another week. If I'm very lucky I might be able to start and get some time in before this payday, but that's still looking unlikely.
It's also Charlie's 18th birthday next week...I'll be real, guys. Part of why I'm asking now is because I desperately want to be able to see her for it. I can't buy her a gift but I'd like to be able to buy her a drink.
You can get my Paypal at [email protected], or https://ko-fi.com/jacearts (though please keep in mind kofi takes a percentage and also exchange rates tend to fuck me over.)
No pressure, means the world to me that folks have been consistently willing and able to help so far, if you got some spare cash pls consider sending it our way <3 yall are the reason Alfie and I are able to stay living together.
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jaidentheautisticwurm · 11 months
Did your parents call you shadow or are you just really badass?
My irl name isn't Shadow, and most people irl just call me by my legal first name (Only bit of it yall are gonna get is J)
I mostly use the name Shadow on social media to hide my true identity (and because it's cool)
Ty for asking :)
Have a follow 💜
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brigatebajor · 1 year
so in my university you can do this neat thing that lets you display your chosen name on the uni's internal channels like uni email, website profile, myuni app, anything as long as it isnt an official legal document like your graduation certificate. so. after four years and with merely one year left of uni (<- me when i lie and severely overestimate my ability to take one years worth of exams in three months) i am doing this thing right cause im going to therapy and learning that i do not have to hide and cower in shame and beg for peoples forgiveness just for existing, you know how it is. right.
so my uni's website is a black hole hostile to any kind of intelligent life form which means that the steps needed in order to Activate this thing are a total fucking mystery. so i ask the Uni** Trans Council and they tell me to go ask this one professor whos basically in charge of the whole thing, which is a pretty normal occurrence in my university bc my university is held together by a pack of toothpicks and a bestemmia. so i have no choice but to email the man and ask him to help me navigate the dark seas of bureaucracy.
(picard voice) now gentlefags. idk how many emails yall have sent in your lives but i have sent one too many emails to uni professors alright. i have trained reflexes. i open up a gmail tab and my fingers are already instinctively typing Gentile Professore. i have completely lost the ability to write an email that doesnt end in Ringraziandola Per La Cortese Attenzione Le Porgo Cordiali Saluti. but this is different. this is me, a humble idiot, going to this guys house and kneeling on his doorstep begging for help, so virtually not that different from what im usually emailing professors for, but this time i can actually CHOOSE. how i sign the email.
i have two options: i either have to sign my email with my deadname, or with my chosen name. not as easy as it sounds.
my deadname is the obvious professional option, bc it's the name thats displayed in my email, the name youll find on the university records, the name youll find on my id. im obviously sick to all hell and back of having to actually SPELL my birth name like write it down myself as opposed to having to hear it passively from all over, which is not as bad as youd think if you dissociate enough, but writing it? thats the ultimate humiliation isnt it? so obviously id want to avoid doing that, but theres also the added factor of sounding kinda stupid - hi, i want a different name displayed on my stuff, but im not gonna tell you that name! hehe :3
on the other hand, though, theres that part of me with the autocompleted signature in the back of my brain that stops me short of just fucking writing "sam" on the email like a normal person. perhaps it's the part of me that says "like the dog in i am legend" when the barista asks me to repeat my name for the third time at pedros (we dont have starbucks here so we had to make our own brand). in any case, i just cant help but perceiving my own chosen name, the one that i am LITERALLY formally asking to have displayed on my account, as something thats a tad too silly to reveal to Any Public Figure. which is ironic bc bestie clearly that therapy is Not working
and btw, no, there is no third option. bc its a formal email and my uni survival instincts would rather stop the nerves in my hands from working before they let me send an unsigned email (unprofessional! youre gonna fail every exam if you do <- REAL innegociable truth of the universe), so my only choice is to die as a hero and never graduate again (because this is OBVIOUSLY what would happen if i broke the unspoken rules of a professional email to a professor whos not even part of my course), or live as a clown and deadname myself (which im used to, cause i Am a clown).
anyway so this is the story of how ive been staring at the unsigned email on my puter for the past five hours. how have yall been doing
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streaminn · 1 year
Yoooo!!! I did the first chapter?scene? Of the streamwenclair coffee shop au, turns out it's actually more of a juice bar, but anyhoo! Starring in todays episode(guess thats what I'll call them) are our very own streamwenclair and Jdwicked!!
Enjoy! Or not, no preasure.
It was a dark and stormy(actually pretty sunny) night(by that, i mean noon) when our characters meet.
The crunch under his shoes was crisp, and the thirst for boba high when he walks into the shop. It seems to be a minimalist-turned-maximalist themed drink bar, serving any and everything one could think of. The windows don't show a lot of whats happening inside, but you can see everything happening outside.
He walks up to the counter and rings a little bell labled "ring for service, ;)" with an added sticky note that says "NOT THAT KIND OF SERVICE" in sparkle pen bold.
"One sec!" Is heard coming from the back, then a clatter, until finally the barista emerges from the door leading to the kitchen. From a glimps, one can see that the walls are lined with all sorts of kitchen things and bottles. "What shall it be this lovely after noon?"
"Do you serve boba, specifically mango boba? Your signs are a little confusing." The signs in question were the menu and pop up infront of the quaint cafe, the only thing on it is a non-descript drink and the sentence; "we serve everything and anything liquid! (For legal reasons, some exceptions apply)", needless to say, kind of suspicious and confusing
"Oh yeah! Of course! The exceptions are limited to any illegal substances and/or bodily fluids, boba should be easy pz! Want any special shape for the boba, or just regular old?" The young/old barista, who's name tag reads "stream", asks, inputting the order on the vintage looking register.
"Oh, i guess stars would be cool," he answers, pulling out his wallet.
"5.96, and a name for the order?"
"JD, the names JD wicked, cool huh?" Handing over the cash, he looks at the bottles lining the wall upside down with what looks like a spout attached at the lip
"Real cool, you can take a seat or just stand around while you wait, we also have some cool fan made books to read or you can write your own?" Stream says, motioning to the seats first, then an area that looks like a pickup station, and finally a half height long book shelf with vintage computors atop.
"Whoa! Thats so cool!" Amazed he goes and takes a look, reading a couple while he waits. He gets his boba and asks "Do you have anywhere i could put questions about the works?"
"Great idea! I'll make a question board tonight, do you want to write it on this sticky note for now?" Stream hands over a light blue sticky note and pen when JD accepts.
To be continued
And that is all for todays episode! Next episodes air date is tbd, but stay tuned!
How yall think? I'm thinking of starting with not many people knowing each other so far. In my head, simp anon is a part timer at the place(still dunno what i should call it, maybe just "wenclair"?), stream is a fulltimer(maybe owner?), jdwicked has just found this place and will probably become a regular(who am i kidding, obvi gonna become a regular), writer anon is already a regular(maybe mobile orders? Maybe in store orders? I dunno yet) and the rest of the anons are tbd because i have a single braincell shared between me and my friend(who is not helping me with this).
If i have made any errors, please point them out. Also, i totally forgot ur pronouns stream 😅
Any questions will be answered by my intern, coffee intern anon(who is just me without the fake mustache)(not really gonna be answered by that pseudo, i just wanted to say i have an intern)
-coffee anon
I'm pretty sure you spelt computer wrong but other than that, looks like a pretty good short scene :)
Can't wait to see where you put the others
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5, 11 (for a kill, <3 violence <3) aaaaand 16 :D!!!
</3 sorry I keep procrastinating, the songs were randomized for the music questions to try to keep all songs being like 5 songs and 4 of them are same band & then I lost the doc I was using to write [also tried to exclude lyric-less songs and songs that were TOO obvious yknow?]
5. A song for a badass scene
"The main character" by Will Wood
ngl i wasn't originally a fan of will wood but this was the song that really sticks n vibes with me.
This song is attached to a SUPER old para, like there's maybe 7 paras that even compare (a minecraft oc named Lily [techncially was a parame but no relation now], a generic wolf oc named Fireflie [yes mispelled, and was a persona/parame but not anymore], a joke warrior oc named "fireflama", a warrior with the most hilarious name of "Echo whisper", another one named Quillpaw + Nightpaw, and Cozy [vague slug creature])
>Maybe Crow, Paradox and Moxie could be considered but eh they were basically not full fledged paras back then, only reason my mario powerup mimic isn't there also is because i forget their name </3
But okay back to the song and scene, It'd be a SUPER old para would tear into millions of pieces but same time they have no name currently. But for this I'll call them sue. who should be thrown in the plinko, but if in our world would probably be "Nyancrimew/the person who leaked the no fly list", and just 1980-2010s core & "you ate too much fruit cake1!!!11!"
This is such a petty mary sue who fights people for fun, and is such a sore loser who cheats to win.
I was joking to myself of making a deltarune fan project with this petty person. <- feel free yall to ask if you wanna hear
11. A song for a ki_ _ (kill or kiss, specify)
Please note I’m basically randomizing my songs, so this in this case I’m gonna try to do a kill. BUT for this question is more for me to chose if the song is a kill or kiss.
"Everybody likes you" by Lemon demon
Fits for Sue and like a punishmet. kill. idk how to explain so yeetz
16. Your personal favorite song on the playlist
THIS IS legally the only question that I can’t really give like a solid answer as it changes all the time but
“SCAPEG♾AT” and “Uncanny” by GHOST, “Hourglass” by set it off  and “My eternity” by Vane are some top picks right now.
Scapegoat could fit a lot of characters, as a general theme of my paracosms is recovery. :3
-> future me coming back, yea those 4 songs are still top picks and pretty much lyric-less but "Missing home by nineishuman" slowed is such a funky song. Along with "When will I see you again by Shakka" esp the intro looped, reverb n slowed version by Sno0zy on youtube
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camsthesadgirlnow · 3 years
Bestfriends brother
requests: Hi I was wondering if you would please consider doing a Kiara x Rafe story I would really appreciate it if you would think about it.
you ask and I give
pairings: rafe cameron x kie
warning: smut, oral sex, good food, sleepover etc, (they are both legal adults)
Tumblr media
After kie came home from helping with the pogues trying to grab the gold cross. Her mother was standing there, hands on hips and screaming at kie about how irresponsible she was. She gave up her keys and told her she was only going to hang out with the kooks and no one else.
That’s what happened 3 months ago but now she had adjusted to kook life and forgot about her pogue friends. She was at Sarah’s house for a sleepover. They had got food, went shopping, and now they were going to watch a movie. Kie offered to make the popcorn and that’s how she found herself in the kitchen.
Rafe walked in mumbling a small “hi” and slapped her ass.
“Rafe! What are you doing your sister is right upstairs, she could see us.” Kiara exclaimed
“calm down she’s never gonna know.” He said, staring at you “what’re you making?”
“Duh popcorn.” She said
He slid his hand across kie’s waist. It made her nervous every time he did this. It meant he was up to something. “I wanna see by the time the popcorn is done that I made you cum. I want you screaming my name by the end of this.”
He pushed kie on a chair leaning her back towards the back thing. He kneeled down on the chair and slipped her shorts off. He took her underwear and slipped it inside his pocket. Kie would definitely make a snarky comment but she was distracted.
He pushed her legs up, so that it was touching her chest. Giving him a clear view of her pussy. His tongue touched her bud as it swirled around in circles
“Oh fuck rafe.” She moaned
“Shut the fuck up, you wanna get caught.” He asked sternly
She shaked her head and ran her fingers through his hair, tryna to control herself. She was finding it harder every time he swirled his tongue around her. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place. Her legs shaking and her whining kept him going until she reached her orgasm.
The same time the microwave went off, she came all over his face. And he was praising her about how good she was causing butterflies to storm in her stomach. JJ was a good fuck buddy but he never fucked as good as rafe. The way he licked at her and sucked on her clit just made her go ferallllll.
“rafe I need you right now please.” She begged
He chuckled kissing her lips, “go upstairs before my sister finds out about us”
She put her shorts back on and got the food and drinks ready.
“I’ll see you later baby.” He said kissing her neck and slapping her ass
She walked back upstairs “hey”
“damn what took you so fucking long.” Sarah sighed “I’m starving”
“girl I was waiting for the popcorn….to pop” she excused
“Whatever” she said
Grateful that Sarah dropped the topic. They both sat down and enjoyed the movie. Her mind wandering to what rafe was going to do to her later. The little flashbacks causing her to become wet all over again. She just can’t wait until Sarah falls asleep so she can go fuck her best friends brother.
[MY BESTFRIENDS BROTHER IS THE ONE FOR ME. thanks for reading y’all. I hope you enjoyed byee <33 🎃stay freaky]
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hi, can I request a SKZ and Enhypen legal line reaction to you doing WAP or twerking out of nowhere?
i though this one was fun to write 😆, thank you for the request! <3
group: enhypen & stray kids
member: enhypen legal line & all of stray kids
genre: crack(?), fluff, possibly suggestive at times
Enhypen Legal Line
• you guys had been just chilling on the couch at the dorms, the other boys no where to be found.
• your head rested on heeseung’s lap as he scrolled through his phone. “hee, i’m bored” he looked down at your face upon hearing your statement.
• “well there’s not much we can do right now, maybe when the boys get back.” he stated playing with your hair.
• growing impatient, a mischievous idea popped in your head. sitting up from his lap, you go to set your phone on the tv stand directly in font of the couch.
• you were about to do a challenge that has been going around tiktok for quite a while. you were not one to do tiktok challenges very often, so this would come as a surprise for heeseung.
• seeing you stand up got heeseung curious. he watched your every move as you setup your video.
• when the familiar “WAP” began to play through your phone speakers, heeseung’s eyes widened.
• as soon as you started actually doing the dance, he would be so flustered. face beet red, but bby would not be able to take his eyes off you.
• he thought you did such a good job, even if the dance was a bit “pRoVOcAtIve” so after you finished the dance and walked over you him, he immediately buried his head in your neck.
• “that was so good baby, but try a less inappropriate dance next time? okay?”
• you and jay were in the practice room at the company because he decided to stay back to get some extra work in.
• he asked you to come keep him company, since he didn’t want to be alone. ofc you showed up, bc who wouldn’t want to watch their boyfriend dance.
• after a while of practicing, you and jay decided to just listen to music over the speakers, until a rather seductive song came on.
• feeling bold, you decided to dance a little to it. swaying your hips side to side, twerking, anything to match the mood of the song.
• jay’s eyes darkened at the sight of you dancing like that. he didn’t know you could possibly be any sexier.
• jay watched the way your hips moved, your face, your legs. he made sure to take in every little move you were doing.
• after the song ended, he came up behind you and grabbed your hips. he pushed you against the wall and turned you to face him.
• “my pretty baby. that was rather bold to dance like that when anybody could walk in and see you.” he leaned in to your ear, “i think you should dance for me like that back home....but with less clothing.”
• jake had just got finished with a long day of practice, and wanted nothing more than to come home to his amazing s/o.
• you however, had been lounging around the house all day. you were scrolling through your phone, when you decided you would past the time by making some tiktoks.
• you had been midway through doing the “WAP” challenge, when your boyfriend (with amazing timing) walked in.
• jake kinda just stood there flustered, not knowing what to do. he really said some “🧍‍♂️”
•getting up from the ground, you grabbed your phone and rewatched the tiktok. seeing jake’s reacting made you laugh.
• you turned around to him, where he still stood just staring at you. (bby malfunctioned)
• “jake? you good?” blinking a couple times, he finally snapped out of his daze, “OH, uh yeah i just- uhm. you were good, i just didn’t know you could dance like that.”
• smiling you went to give him a hug, “i could dance like that more if you want 😉”
•this boy d r a g g e d you back to your room with the biggest smirk on his face.
• okay, so this boy is a little 🤏 a w k w a r d
• when you stated twerking in the middle of the kitchen he didn’t know what to do
• it’s not that he didn’t like it, cause he most definitely did (possibly got a little turned on)
• it’s just he didn’t know what to do or what to say, so he kinda just...walked out?
• you followed him into the living room where he just sat on the couch thinking about what to say.
• “ you okay hoon?” he looked up from the couch, “ i need a second to process what happened.”
• after a couple of minutes of silence he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, with each of your legs on either side of him.
• “how about you do it again, but this time i want to feel you.”
Stray Kids
• you guys were in his studio, while he was working you decided to tease him a little bit ;)
• you got off the couch and slowly walked up behind his chair. you proceeded you slowly turn his chair around to face you.
• you stared to dance/twerk very sensually in front of him. his eyes said “👀”
• he thought you looked so good, like his baby dancing for him? pure bliss.
• he watched you so closely, just admiring the way you moved your body. you put him a whole trance.
• bby chan did not know how to control himself after seeing you dance like that.
• he took of his headphones, and took you to the couch, let’s just say your teasing worked very well ;)
• this was actually a dare you had gotten from felix. being the tiktok king he is, he dared you to do the WAP in front of minho.
• you obviously couldn’t turn down a dare, so you agreed. felix helped you plan how to make it seem less forward.
• you were gonna go into the practice room while minho was in there, and ask him if he wanted to do some tiktoks with you (you knew he was gonna say no, cause he was most likely going to be tired)
• minho enjoyed watching you do tiktoks, bc he thought you were the cutest little thing, even if he would never say it.
• he thought you were gonna do some innocent dance like the renegade or another challenge.
• when he saw you start getting on the floor and twerking his mind went completely blank.
• that was until he remembered you were filming. he immediately ran to turn off the camera.
• “that’s only for me to see baby, but could you send that video to me? for research purposes😇”
• changbin had called you to come hang out with him at the dorms, cause why not?
• when you got to dorms you noticed none of the other boys besides changbin himself were there.
• “where are the other boys binnie?” you asked while going to give him a hug. “i think they are all at the company, they still had some work to do.”
• after releasing from the hug, the both of you went to cuddle in bed. curling up into changbins side, you got an idea.
• “hey binnie?” he looked at you, “do you want to see a dance i learned?” surprised, he quickly nodded his head and sat up against the headboard.
• you got off the bed and began to slowly walk up to changbins side of the bed. he looked you up and down while licking his lips.
• you began to dance a special dance you made just for him. he closely watched the way you moved against the floor, and eventually the way you moved against him.
• once you finished he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, “your lucky we are the only ones home.”
• we all know this man would be so vv shocked when you started slowly twerking on him the middle of the dance room.
• ofc he loved it, but he was so surprised he pushed you off 😔
• you kinda just stood there embarrassed, like you took a bold move and failed (r.i.p y/n)
• but he eventually he pulled back by the hips, and started to move against you as well.
• he guided your hips against his, and you both were lowkey just grinding against each other in the private dance room.
• mans got super turned on, and immediately took you home where you both could have some more fun ;)
• bby would hype you up, he’s your personal hype man for sure.
• as soon as you started dancing for him he would be cheering you on, dancing with you, you name it.
• he would be so excited bc he just lives to match your vibe :(((
• would 100% video tape you so he can watch it later when he’s feeling sad.
• would definitely admire the way you move, and be so shocked, like he never knew his bub could dance like this???
• he would ask you to teach him the dance, and probably end up having a dance party with you.
• this babe would join you, as soon he saw you setting up the phone. he jumped from his place on the couch.
• “Oooooo, what tiktok are we doing???” he would be so eager to make every tiktok with you, cause he love bonding with you :((
• when y’all started doing the “WAP” he got excited cause he knew the dance already. he was also excited to see you dance to it.
• probably had small naughty thoughts going through his mind while watching you, but for the most part he was happy seeing you enjoy yourself.
• when it came down to actually filming the tiktok, yall would be goofing off so much to the point you had to film it multiple times.
• just saying, the final product? y’all slayed.
• okay, so i feel seungmin would act like he didn’t care, but hear me out.
• he would definitely be eyeing you the whole time your dancing, and be lowkey jamming in the background.
• but the second you look at him he’s this “😐”
• he doesn’t want you to know how much he’s actually enjoying watching you move your hips in that way.
• he would probably act annoyed, and tell you to hurry up, but would 100% love watching to dance.
• definitely sent himself the video of you dancing when you weren’t looking :)
• he would, with no doubt, act disgusted. is he actually? no way.
• would absolutely NEVER let you know he really enjoyed watching you dance in a sexy form.
• would probably get embarrassed, and tell you to stop (he doesn’t actually want you to tho, he just doesn’t want anyone else to see you dancing so seductively)
• lowkey possessive, but in a cute pouty way, which is why he used the being disgusted as and excuse to get you to stop.
• would probably end up still getting turned on, and his face would turn so so red when you figured out the effect you were having on him.
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kaylathekittykat225 · 3 years
Carnival Ride of Horror // Steve Harrington x Reader
Carnival of Horror // SH
Warning/s: Cursing, laughing at inappropriate times, (very minimal) mentions/implications of abuse/stalking (just wanna warn, its super small but just in case!)
Word Count: 3.5k
Hey guys! It’s been a bit since I’ve written, lemme tell you, life has been kinda crappy and its just a little less crappy now! So I decided to start pecking at the keyboard again and this is what came of it! This lovely person requsted this work and I just got around to starting to really write because I had a free week. Anywhoodles, it’s good to write something again and I hope yall enjoy it!
Again thank you for this idea @seraphiiii
omg i came across your post about writing ideas in my feed and got so excited to see both steve harrington and young justice in the tags lmao. but i think a steve harrington x reader where reader and him go to an amusement park and reader is terrified of the rides so he’s like comforting her throughout them and encouraging her but also laughing (in a good natured way obvi) about how scared she is and stuff? i think that would be so cute!!
Here’s my Masterlist.
“Stevie, when we agreed to have a date night away from the kids, I didn't think we would be going into a mass of more kids.” As he pulled the keys out, you stared at the bright light shining machinery that had been set in the middle of a field outside the city. The annual summer fair had finally made its way to Hawkins, and it had left a buzz in the air as everyone planned when they would go, talked about what rides had come this year, who their ride buddy would be; it had been all the kids had been talking about for weeks. They put a day together the coming weekend to go as a group and they planned to drag Steve and you along on the off chance that they needed an “adult” to allow them on the rides.
Funny how they assumed either Steve or you knew how to adult.
“Cause I thought it would be a nice change from us just watching movies or having dinner.”
“Oh, so dino nuggets are no longer date-worthy for you.” Steve almost took you seriously, but he saw the grin that has graced your lips at your own comment. He relaxed a little knowing that you weren’t upset with his idea for date night, but he had always wanted to kiss someone at the top of a Ferris Wheel, and he would do anything to get you to the top of the rotating ride.
“So, you’re not mad that I chose here for tonight?” You shook your head and pulled at the door handle separating the two of you from the outside life.
“Of course not Stevie, I just thought it was an interesting choice.” The smile you chose to have was one that hopefully convinced him that you were okay with where the pair of you were going, even if you weren’t happy with the choice.
You can be happy with the idea of going to a carnival as long as you don’t go on-”Cool, so what ride do you want to do first?”
“Shit.” The world slipped out before you could stop yourself as Steve finished paying for your tickets and asked what you had said. “Nothing just kicked myself. Um…” You looked around frantically for something to do that wasn’t flashing brightly and spinning faster than the legal highway speed. “Let’s go over there!”
Steve followed your hand as he saw you point towards the stands of games that were rigged and way too fricking expensive, but he would do it for you. “Alright, starting out with some games I see, I like it.”
The two of you ran through a few of the games, most of them where Steve got way too into it and you had to step between them as he tried screaming that he deserved that stuffed bear/pony/cat/fish, because he almost had it every single time. He did beat out the basketball one, one of the last ones the two of you did on that strip, bolstering his confidence just enough to get him into a cheery enough mood.
“Alright! We played some games, and let the crazies test out the rides so I’m pretty sure they won’t break down on us. Which one should we do first? They got a drop tower, or how about the pit viper swings? Or, or, or how about we…” The night had been going enjoyable up until Steve turned to the rides you had managed to distract him from and pointed at the glowing and fast-moving monsters.
“How about we do the haunted walk over there?” Steve followed your pointing finger with a quizzical look, he hadn’t really taken note of the scary attraction before, never thought to really look to it with everything else going on. “I bet it won’t even be scary to us after everything we’ve been through right ha.”
You took off with a dry laugh without waiting for a response from him; his cries were head behind you, but the haunted house looked better than anything else around you. “Y/N.” He called you again, but you walked faster. By the time you got to the stairs leading into the building, you were practically running up them to get into the dark house with smoke billowing out of it.
“Y/N!” Your name was the last thing you heard before diving through the door and physically bumping into one of the scarers dressed as a zombie. He seemed nice, breaking character enough to ask if you were okay before you had already turned the corner and left him behind too.
Twisting and turning, you didn’t pay much mind to the screaming witches, zombies, skeletons, or anything that happened all around you; over the music and screaming, you could vaguely hear your name, giving you an indication that Steve followed you.
Not too far in, you found a quieter corner with only a couple cobwebs around it where you quickly ducked back into and tried pressing yourself into it deeper, hoping to watch Steve walk right by you.
Why the hell were you running from your boyfriend? You gained a sense of logic for a second where you paused. Why were you running? This was super childish of you and really had no reason. All Steve wanted to do was go on a few rides and you were being selfish and completely ruining what was going to be one of the few evenings you didn’t have to babysit the kids.
As the guilt started to swirl with your desire to not be found, you didn’t notice as the Frankenstein in the room had taken notice of you hiding in the corner and started to tromp over to you. “Hey, miss, you can’t be hiding in here, you gotta keep moving.”
“I’ll be out in a second, sir, let me just-” “You can’t be here-” “If you give me a second, I will leave as soon as I can-” “Miss you have to leave-” “Give me one dan minute-” “Y/N!”
Among all the screaming the Frankenstein and you had been doing was your name being called by a third and new voice along with a hand clasping onto your shoulder. Looking to the hand, you saw the unmistakable outline of the man you were hiding from. “There you are babe, why were you running off.” Just looking at the Frankenstein’s demeanor, you could tell he went into defense mode suddenly.
“Were you hiding from him miss? Are you okay? Do you feel safe?” The painted man moved to step between you and Steve in an attempt to separate you two.
“Whoa, whoa buddy, back off. She’s my girlfriend, chill out.” Steve tried stepping around the man o little success.
“Oh, your girlfriend? And she’s running from you? I don’t think this is looking very good for you, buddy.” The two were shooting back and forth at each other, getting chest to chest, and starting to cause a larger disturbance that started o be heard over the music and background scream noises. More workers it looked like started to slip into the room and try to get the two men to quiet down, going so far as to begin threats of throwing them out of the haunted house.
You were pulled away from the situation before being pushed away and into the next room, looking like it was on its way to the exit in the next two or three rooms: your destination.
“Y/N?” His voice finally chirped up next to you as Steve took a seat next to you on the grass at the edge of the carnival. “You okay?” When he saw you sitting over here, he had quickly jogged over and took her in as he did so: sitting with her face pressed into her knees and arms wrapped tightly around her legs as she kept herself in as tight of a ball as possible.
You didn’t respond at first, only moving your head to look up at your boyfriend, the person you have embarrassed tonight and most definitely pissed off with your childish antics tonight. “I’m sorry.”
“Whoa what do you have to apologize for? I’ve been worried about you and wanted to make sure that you are okay.” His hand found its way to your back and began rubbing circles into your shoulder blade.
“I was really childish today and you didn’t deserve it, all because I was scared of the stupid rides.” Your words may have been mumbles, but he heard every word clearly.
“Hold on. Babe, did you say you were scared of the rides?” Your small and timid nod was enough for him to understand. “Why didn’t you tell me? I never would have brought you here if I knew that!”
Swallowing the thick feeling in your throat, you looked up at him and saw the disappointment and hurt in his face and that hurt. “Because you were so excited about it, I thought I could get through it and do at least one or two with you. But as we got closer, I guess my nerves got the best of me and I just...ran. Like a stupid child.”
“Hey, hey, hey, no.” Steve quickly shuffled to kneel in front of you and grabbed your hands, holding them in his own and your legs fell down to where you were now criss cross apple sauce. “I’m not gonna force you to do any of these rides if you don’t wanna. If you want to just go home, we can make this a movie night if that works better for you.”
“No, Stevie,” His mouth quirked up at this name. “You already bought the tickets; I don’t want you to waste the money you earned because I’m a scaredy cat.”
Steve took a second to think, racking his brain on how to salvage what has been an eventful evening. “How about…” He paused again and just stared at you with you staring back at him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say. “You can say no, how about we try a few rides, to try and get you on some. If you don’t like riding after one, we can go home, and you can at least say you did it.”
Mulling this idea over in your head, your eyes shifted from where your boyfriend sat in front of you to the bright and joyous scream filled rides were. “I suppose they don’t all look so bad.” You murmured to him, staring particularly at the giant Ferris Wheel that turned, a small memory from early on in your relationship popping into your head. Steve had mentioned a few times that his dream date would be to take a girl up on a Ferris Wheel and cuddle her and kiss her when they got to the top.
“Okay, we can try a few.” Though shaky, your voice was a little stronger this time and you gave Steve a small smile.
“You sure?” A nod. “Okay, I’ll let you choose which one we go on, okay?” Another nod.
Together, the two of you stood to your feet and approached the hustle and bustle of the carnival grounds again. “What did that Frankenstein do to you? I hope he didn’t get you in trouble or anything.” You asked as you laced your hand with Steve while the other went to hold onto his arm, squeezing it slightly as you got closer to the machines and your stomach growing heavy again.
“Oh him, he didn’t do much, just tried scaring me when he though I was some creep chasing you.” He chuckled at the short story, glancing over to you as you took in the carnival for really the first time, looking for something that didn’t freak you out. “How about we start with those spinning pods over there? All they do is spin around and if you want it to, we can make it spin on the inside too.”
Following his finger, you saw what he was referring to as it did spin around, the four small egg things with windows in them were spinning on the main machinery but also appeared to be spinning on their own. As you got closer and apparently joined the line, you could see inside one of them a group of middle school boys cackling as they pulled on the weird center disk that kinda looked like a pizza pan. “Yeah, we can give it a try.” The shakiness in your voice had come back and your grip on Steve tightened.
“Hey, you got this I’ll be right here with ya.” He returned the squeeze to your hand and fishes through his pocket for two tickets to hand over at the entrance. “Up ya go.” He mutters as he helps you up the three stairs leading into the egg ride thing you were entering before he stepped in behind you and took his place next to you. You were already holding a death grip on the center console when the door was shut, and Steve sat next to you. “You know what this is?” He asked gesturing to the disk you were holding onto with the vice grip.
“Something for me to hold onto?” You shocked yourself with how violently your voice was shaking as you heard something start to rumble around you. “Oh, shit its moving.” Steve let a quick chuckle out before he stopped himself and tried explaining the center console would cause the pod thing to spin. “Fuck no! Don’t you dare make this thing spin.” Bloody murder was not even near definitive enough of how much you were screaming.
“Babe, babe calm down, it’s fine! I promise, ha!” In comparison to your screaming, Steve seemed to be having the time of his life as he laughed; at least he wasn’t making the ride spin. “Babe, babe, babe, I’m so sorry I’m laughing, I promise I didn’t mean to, but you were screaming so much! And it was hilarious!” Steve held onto his sides as he nearly fell out of the pod and waited for you to follow his laughing self. When you didn’t step out, he turned back around and saw you still had your hands clenched very tightly to the metal plate, your eyes wide and your lips pursed together. “Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad about the rides, do you wanna go home?”
Hearing him soften up got you to finally look at him and slowly let go of the wheel. “N-n-no. I’m…” You paused to catch your breath and steady your voice. “I’m good, I just don’t know if I can do any more of these kinds of things.” Taking his hand, you pulled yourself up and stepped out from the ride and have yourself a few seconds to remember how to use your legs.
“You okay?” You nodded at him and gave a shaky, but okay smile. “You sure you wanna do another one? Cause we can go-”
“No, no, I can do…” The carnival really did have more rides than just ones that wanted to make you die, but none that really made you want to jump on them. “Can we do the carousel? I know I can do that one at least, my mom took me on them enough as a kid to be desensitized to those ones.” Steve looked over and saw the carousel that was filled predominately by smaller children, but if you wanted to do this and it was because he bought the tickets, he couldn’t make her do something else.
“If that’s what you wanna do, then we can do the carousel all night long, babe.” You nodded at him and followed him as he took your hand and the two began the walk to the carousel.
The carousel ride was much less curse filled, thankfully. You and Steve had found a pair of horses sitting side by side and the two of you quickly claimed them. Like you had said, you did get to enjoy this ride due to having done it before and you were able to just chat between the two of you, talking about how the kids were cute, how excited you were to take the kids to the park and not have to rides. It was a fine ride, definitely better than the last one.
“You ready to go home, babe?” Steve turned to you with a smile on his face. Getting you to ride two of the rides was honestly enough for him, plus, he knew Dustin would ride all of them with him later, with you waiting at the end for him.
You were about to agree and leave this eventful evening behind you, but you saw what Steve was standing near and bit your lip. Should you do it? Could you do it? “Actually, I wanna do one more.” He gave a quick quirk of his head before he followed your eyeline and turned around.
“What? Babe, we don’t have to do that, you have been through enough today and you were great, you don’t have to prove anything.”
“But...you have been wanting to do it, you told me about it one time.” You responded a little shyly as you confessed that you were doing it back of what he told you that one time. “I just...I really want you to be able to do it.”
“You...you remembered?” Steve was kind of shocked that you remembered him mentioning it, he had told that to girls in the past, but none of them really went out of their way to think about it, hell, even to remember it. “Are you su-”
“Steve, yes, I wanna do it with you.” The grin on his face was immaculate and contagious as one grew on your face as he quickly took this well and pulled you towards the line to the Ferris Wheel and dug around in his pockets for another round of tickets.
As it went around, you felt your stomach grow heavy again when you finally saw how high it got and had to calm yourself down without causing another scene. “Come on, babe, looks like ours is up.” He gently tugged on your hand and pulled you into the seat next to him before the handlebar was lowered and locked in front of you. “And here we go!”
The squeak that left your mouth was nothing but surprise and terror as you clung onto the bar for your life, your knuckles turning white with the sheer force you were holding on. “It’s really stupid you know that the only thing holding us back from falling to our death is this small bar and it’s really stupid because was if I was reall-holy shit this is really tall!” You finally removed your hands from the bar and moved to press yourself in Steve.
You could feel him trying to stop himself from giggling as he moved his arm to wrap it around you. “You can laugh you know; I really don’t care. I’m the coward of an almost twenty-year-old who’s scared of a carnival.” A chuckle did come through as the ride kept rotating and you slowly moved closer to the bottom.
“I’m not laughing at you, babe, but the noises you are making are fricking hilarious.” His voice still held the chuckle as he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, and you responded with another squeak of shock as you started rising again.
Making it to the top again, you were waiting for it to hit its peak and for the relief of lowering the cart to begin, but instead there was a shudder before the ride stopped. “What’s going on, what’s going on, why are we stopped? Oh god we are about to die, fuck, shit, I don’t wanna die.”
“Babe, calm down, someone below us is getting off so they had to stop the ride for a bit. Remember when we had to get on? Same thing probably happened to someone else.” You nodded your head and just stared ahead to the tops of the trees you never thought you would have seen.
“It’s...it’s not too bad up here.” You finally mutter after a few beats of silence and getting your bearings. “I wouldn’t want to stay up here, but it does look nice.” Steve hummed in agreement and pulled you a little closer. “Hey Stevie?”
“Hmm?” He responded looking down at you.
“Thanks, tonight was fun.”
His face broke out into a grin again at your thanks. “Of course, thanks for giving a few of these rides a chance.” Smiling up at him, you sat a little straighter and caught his lips with your own, the two of you humming to the other that you were happy with your evening.
Though it was not as long as Steve would have wanted to stay in that moment with you (the ride started again and you broke away with another shriek), but he wouldn’t have traded that moment for anything else in his life.
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perperam · 3 years
OKAY I saw your Instagram post things and I just want to know what are your headcanons for that universe?? Is there any specific AU you imagine the Instagram AUs happening in or do you have specific rules for your own ideal version or
somehow, surprisingly, you're not the only one to ask this !!
okay so funny story at first I literally just drew the instagram things bc I thought yeah harley would be so loved by all of internet generation gen z college kids (as an internet gen z recently graduated undergrad myself)
but then as I made the posts more and more intricate with the comments and stuff it kinda...grew into something bigger? like they actually have a particular AU for them now!! so that's fun
here's what I'm thinkin I want in my social media AU:
world building wise:
neither of them are really "heroes" but they aren't outright supervillains either—like they're anti-heroes that dont give a shit about corporate & capitalist culture
aka they can, have, and will continue to steal from big market names and threaten CEOs, but will also pool money to pay small business and support local folks
much like the vibes of the harley quinn animated series, harley and the rest are literally Just People and go to coffee shops and just hang out in public (the fuck is GCPD gonna do for them drinking coffee, send em to Arkham??)
this makes them really well liked by Gotham's general public
also because ivy has and will kill rapists and bad men on sight and harley has on more than one occasion been linked to crimes where abusers have mysteriously turned up dead or beat to a pulp with a blunt object suspiciously shaped like a bat or sledgehammer
there's this specific tattoo shop harley really likes that she goes to whenever she wants a new piece done, and because of her instagram they've become the most popular place in Gotham, in fact if you go there on any given day you have a 25% chance of seeing harley
also I wasn't kidding when I said harley really would have her own psychiatry clinic and continue to treat people (mostly college kids and criminals) for free because harley says fuck the US health care system and helping others would be really fulfilling to her
harley advertising on her instagram story: hey yall I'll be having a trauma processing session tonight at my clinic please stop by if you want to make an appointment or listen to my lecture
oh also harley has a podcast and the episodes vary from "workout routine" to "breaking the glass ceiling of female supervillains and the male gaze in crime" to "why stealing is sometimes okay" to "studying for the mcat and quick tips" to "perhaps marx was right" to random tangents that go on and on and on
pam on the other hand is not only a feared ex-supervillain but now a revered member of Gotham's city-revitalization planning committee
in between heists for rare floral specimen she plans climate protests and tree-planting events and in general does her damn best to try and bring some sort of green to Gotham in a "legal fashion" (a news source once said this and ivy almost killed the news anchor on the fucking spot from how much rage pumped through her veins in that moment)
characters & dynamics wise:
harley and ivy have been living together and literally married for like, a year now by this point
selina is over so often she might as well be living at their apartment
the gotham city sirens and the batkids are besties!! as they should be (this used to stress bruce out to no end but after the third family dinner dick planned with "aunty harls and pam" he had to eventually give up)
in fact jason and harley often get involved in stupid shenanigans and dick is almost always there with them and literal seconds from being implicated in their scheme somehow
jason is often at harley and ivy’s apartment and can greatly relate to harley in many different ways (from growing up in a crime riddled neighborhood to having intense trauma courtesy of the joker and ivy finds it endearing that he trusts harley enough to let people in (and there is a visible, tangible change in him after he starts getting closer to harley, everyone can feel how much happier he becomes)
harley and ivy are 28 and 32 respectively but because ivy literally has the interests and name of a 90 year old everyone just teases her by calling her "grandma pamela"
the batkids refer to them as aunty harley and aunty (sometimes grandma) ivy and ivy fights every time for a different name but just gave up sometime after tim joined in
ivy and tim get along really well, surprisingly
also alfred literally loves pam because she helps the plants in bruce's neglected green house thrive and ivy really enjoys his company because he's on the same wave length as her and "knows when to shut the fuck up and just bask in the quiet unlike literally all other men"
I think I want babs and dinah to be dating bc have you seen their chemistry and dick and kori to be dating bc again have you seen their chemistry but I'm kinda torn and in between and idk
bud and lou are great cuddle bugs and ivy secretly loves it but pretends she hates it to harley's face bc a girl's gotta save some semblance of dignity right
harley has adhd and you can't convince me, someone with adhd, otherwise
harley has both shitty tattoos that she gets for no other reason other than that it's funny or that she hyperfixates on them super hard for half a second and suddenly there's art on her again and ivy's just ?? when she gets home. she also really meaningful tattoos that she has multiple consultations about
she had two ribcage tattoos before the joker, got three tattoos commemorating him during their (highly abusive) relationship which she immediately covered with new ink upon leaving him, and gets a lot of patchwork style tattoos down her arms and thighs
she has a giant flower tattoo going down her entire spine and it's ivy's favorite thing ever
ivy actually also has a (singular) tattoo and it's a diamond with a stem and leaves as if it were a flower
it's still very much a work in progress but since multiple people have asked me about this I thought I'll dump all my thoughts here
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Meeting Rick a 3venth time
Okay there is a LOT to unpack here so I'm gonna TRY and attempt it chronologically. This was LEGENDARY, guys.
For those who are unfamiliar with my and Rachel's shenanigans, we met Rick twice previously at his art shows in 2019 & 2021 at the Wentworth Gallery in King of Prussia, PA. Rachel was not here with me this time because she was a weenie and had other plans.
I got to the gallery at 9:45am thinking there would be other people in line by then. There weren't. There wouldn't be another soul in line with me until exactly 2 hours later. Now the first two times I met Rick, there was a huge line of people waiting to get in the gallery and waiting there throughout the whole art show. This time, there was hardly anyone waiting outside until the end because everyone spent their time in the gallery (including myself).
I took many, many, many photos of his artwork (and Rick), drank a few mimosas (as I'm legal now), and met a bunch of new people. The gallery curator was trying to talk me into buying a painting (yet again) and I ultimately decided not to for a wide variety of reasons (Rick's artwork is EXTREMELY FUCKING EXPENSIVE YALL.) And was kinda down bc I was half anticipating me to crack and buy something so I could have one-on-one time with him.
When Rick showed up at the gallery, he was holding a little fake vase of sunflowers (see below). I'm not sure why, but these were sitting on the table he was at the whole time and it was cute as hell.
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I was right at the entrance, so as he was saying hi to everyone, he got to me and we each said hi (I gave a stupid lil wave).
Fastforward a few hours. I had talked to a good number of people, some of which ended up buying paintings. While I was next to one couple who bought a painting and were waiting to talk to Rick, I asked them what they bought. They said a purple hand print. I said that Rachel would've bought one over the phone if they still had another.
That's when a gallery employee nearby told me that they did.
"Hold on-" I pulled out my phone. I texted Rachel. She cursed my name. She wanted to reach through the phone and strangle me. Chaos ensues.
She decided to buy the hand print.
I began talking to the curator on her behalf and ended up going through with filling out all the paperwork and organizing the payment plan and whatnot, even signing in her name. I also fled to the bathroom for a few minutes when I realized this all meant I'm going to get personal time with Rick.
But focus was key. In a rush like that I tend to black out from excitement, but handling a lot of formal adult information and numbers like that forced me to stay conscious and aware- thank GOD. It's one of the reasons why I can still recall everything that happened, unlike previous times.
I got back from the bathroom, and the curator told me to get in line. After a few minutes, they let me come forward.
There he was, at the table, with the sunflowers.
I'll be the first to admit that you do get a LITTLE used to the concept of him being a real person when you see him irl, because nothing will ever beat that first time. However, the rush never goes away. I was shaking. Oh fuck, was I shaking.
I put my bag down, and waited for him to look over at me.
Our eyes met, he blinked in surprise and went "Hi! :D"
I proceeded to tell him that firstly, I was there in place of a friend who couldn't make it-
Rick: I had a friend once! :D
Me: you have many friends whether you know it or not :D **DORK ALERT**
-and asked if we could record a video for her. We did (I'll post the video separately), and I got to the interesting stuff I brought.
The first thing I pulled out was my Ireland 1986 tour laminate that Mike gave me. I said "I wanted to show you this, that I got from Mike Rogers"- and his eyes lit up and he literally went :o He told me that the pass itself is a "real collectors item" and that it's probably "worth a small fortune" (cue my internal screaming). I told him how I'm in contact with Mike and he was so enthralled by that that he asked me for Mike's address (via me sending it to the gallery people) and also asked me to send Mike his best regards.
I brought that pass, a portrait I did of him, Rachel's inner CD booklet for Slang, my copy of Animal Instinct, and the postcard of Rick from the 12'' collectors edition of the maxi Armageddon It single from '88. With the exception of the pass, he signed. All of them.
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He also signed a piece of paper as a dedication for Rachel's painting (we will DEFINITELY post a pic when it gets here), but more on that later.
He asked me where Rachel and I are from and I proceeded to terribly explain where bumfuck nowhere, PA is. He understood when I talked about Reading and then was like "there's been times on the streets there where I don't >_> feel the most safe." and I was like "YEAH IT'S A BAD AREA I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS WENT THERE"
I then brought up pics on my phone of fan art from @amiscreations and jestem.em.em on instagram and showed him, telling him about fan artists and how we just want to be seen, to which he said he would totally acknowledge us more often, but it's hard to come across and he's just so busy sometimes he never can. But he did say he liked the things I showed him! I even brought out my little portrait of him and he loved it so much and complimented my shading and signed it.
I also told him how there's so many young people who also grew up on his music, and how we're the teenage like keeping rock alive, which he said was awesome and he thanked us for that. He also said it's incredible that Leppard's demographic still has the ability to reach to us and that it keeps growing.
And then he said "I mean no offense, but how old are you?" and I told him I'm 21, to which he mused about "wow... that's how old I was when I lost it (his arm)"
And then we got our picture together ((during which he flipped off the curator as a joke because they're friends. He even said to me "that wasn't for you it was for my friend (says the curator's name wrong on purpose)"))
I thanked him so many times, we said goodbye, and off I went.
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Until next time, Rick c:
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3.2k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, insinuations to smut
Author’s Note: I am having so much goshdarn fun with this and seeing yalls reactions makes me soooo happy. I love doing this and I really hope y’all enjoy this episode! Also more gifs than usual but I couldn’t pick lmao 
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary : When Miriam Lass is found alive, evidence at her rescue site exonerates Will; Dr. Chilton (Raúl Esparza) tries to confide in Jack but is rebuffed.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​
(not my gif)
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Will looked at Jack Crawford beside him in the car. He had just left the hospital and was ready to go back home, see his dogs, see you. But first he had to see where Miriam Lass had been found. 
“Am I gonna get crap for this?” Jack asked. Will glanced over at him.
“In what regard?” 
“From Y/N.” Will laughed and shrugged, nodding a bit but holding back a bit of the laugh. The thought of you beating Jack to a pulp had crossed both men's minds, followed with the realization you would likely not do that. But who knows.
“Hopefully her happiness of me coming home will override the anger,” Will muttered. Jack glanced at him and he couldn’t help but think about when he saw you at Hannibal's the other morning. He wanted to tell Will but figured you must have already told him. Still, he brought it up. 
“She’s pretty close to Hannibal for her to believe your accusations,” Jack said. 
“So I’ve heard.” Will didn’t like the fact that Jack knew this though. He wondered what he had seen. 
“But she loves you,” Jack mumbled. It was true and they both knew it. “She has been harassing me the whole time.” Will laughed and pushed the thought of Hannibal Lecter out of his mind.
“She’s strong willed.”
“She has to be to keep up with you.” 
You were buzzing. You haven't been this excited in a long time. You couldn't’ remember the last time you had been this excited. You wanted to jump and down with excitement. You had a couple of texts from Hannibal about Miriam Lass but you literally couldn’t even answer them.
You were happy Miriam was alive. Really. You were happy Hannibal didn’t kill her. 
But you were more happy because Chilton had called you this morning saying Jack and Alana had come to get Will. You were mildly annoyed that no one had told you to come but you thought it would be best. You wanted to see Will at home. 
You figured Jack had taken him to see where Miram had been held. You figured Will would ask him to. You cleaned the whole house which you usually wouldn’t have even attempted. You were tempted to wash all of the dogs but figured you didn’t have time.
You heard the car pull up outside and held your breath. You had imagined this moment since the second that Will had been put in the hospital. You wanted it to be perfect. You saw Wills’ car which had been dormant since he left. You opened the door and the dogs ran outside to greet him. You stopped at the porch and just watched. 
He fell to his knees, petting them, laughing at their happiness to see him. You held back tears as your fingers physically ached to touch Will. Will pet the dogs each a few times and shushed them a few times with a smile. 
Finally he looked up at you. 
And despite the fact you had been otherwise arguing about Hannibal and the fact you had both attempted to actually kill a person there was an almost sob that you wanted to escape your lips. And Will hadn’t kissed you in so long and the second he saw you his heart lurched. 
You were both in love. 
He stood up and you ran over to him. You threw your hands over his shoulders and kissed him. You touched him desperately and he did the same which he never did. His hands were in your hair and on your sides and when you pulled away he kissed you again. 
You finally had to pull away for good, despite the wish to continue.
“They let you out this time!” you said with a smile and laugh. He wiped the tears brimming in your eyes and nodded. 
“You said they were. I guess you were right.” 
“I’m always right. You know this Will Graham.” 
He laughed and kissed you again. 
“Come inside you idiot,” you whispered laughing. “I got your blanket out. I even set your alarm even though I’m not sure if you have a job or anything.” You grabbed his hand and started to drag him inside. “I thought you lost your glasses, I’m glad that they kept them. I’m also not letting you get a haircut because this length really vibes with me you know.” He shut the door behind him and grabbed the other arm that he wasn’t already holding. “Oh also-”
He cut you off by kissing you. This time you didn't’ move away. 
Jack sat across from Chilton. Chilton was shaking. 
“Yes, I have an agenda. Living. I should be assigned an FBI escort. Everyone who believed Will Graham about Hannibal Lecter is dead,” Chilton said. Jack pursed his lips.
“Except you. And Y/N.” 
“I don’t think Hannibal would lay a finger on her that she wouldn’t want. Me on the other hand?” He shook his head. “I’d like to remain not dead for the foreseeable future.” 
The judge was on the ground, stitched into the bodies of the color pallete. You stared down at him and you knew Hannibal was walking around you, even though you couldn’t see him. Suddenly the judge turned into Will and you stumbled forward onto the ground, trying to rip the stitches out. 
“I don’t want him to die,” you said and you realized suddenly that you were crying.
“He won’t.” 
“How do you know?” 
“He won’t die unless we let him.” 
You woke up with a start. You didn’t scream this time but you were sobbing, gasping for air. You brought your hands to your face and tugged on your hair in sadness. You didn’t even have the mind to cover your bare chest. The tears kept coming in waves. 
Will got up beside you and he almost scared you. You had forgotten he was home. 
“Are you okay? Are you crying?” he asked, voice raspy from sleep. He moved your hands away from your face and replaced them with his hands on your cheeks. You sobbed and tried to hold it back, worried about him seeing you this way all of the sudden. He had seen you cry before. But usually you tried so hard to put up a front for him when he was breaking. 
“What happened?” 
“Nightmare,” you said through a sob. Will looked at your face and felt his heart break. You never had nightmares before. He figured they had started when you killed the judge which meant you had had many nights of being alone, in this very bed, sobbing to yourself. 
Unless, in his sleep deprived mind Will wondered, you weren’t alone. 
Should he thank Hannibal Lecter for helping you sleep? Or yell at him for sleeping beside you? 
Either way he reached forward and held you to his bare chest so you could cry some more.
“These are new huh?” he whispered and you nodded. You held each other as you would when he had nightmares. “I wish I could have been here when I wasn’t,” he whispered. 
“Not your fault,” you said and it sounded like you were able to pull back a bit. “Just don’t…” You pulled back and looked him in the face. “Don’t leave me.” He put his hands on your cheeks . 
“I won’t.” And as much as you believed him you couldn’t help but realize the lack of nightmares you had with Hannibal. 
Will didn’t have the superpower. 
You got up in the morning and stared at Will’s sleeping face. You had missed that. Peace. 
Dewey mornings of peace. 
When his eyes opened you smiled a bit. 
“Goodmorning Mr. Graham,” you whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He rubbed his eyes. 
“Morning Miss. Y/L/N.” 
“You’re the only one who calls me that you know. Everyone else just defaults me to your last name.” Or Hannibals. But you didn’t say that. 
“We’ll get around to legally changing it one day.” You smiled.
“You going somewhere today?” you asked. 
“Going to talk to Miriam Lass. You?”
“Work.” Will scoffed.
“You still work?” You nodded.
“Someone has to pay the bills.” Will didn’t like the idea of you working for Hannibal anymore. He liked it to an extent. The extent that you knew stuff about Hannibal. He could pick your brain. But he didn’t like the idea of you in danger.
“I wish you wouldn’t be so close to him,” he whispered. You didn’t know how to explain to the man that you loved what Hannibal meant to you. But he understood. Will and you understood one another. You looked away from him and moved up to sit against the headboard covering your chest with the sheet, despite the fact that Will had seen everything. 
“I know you couldn’t help that you were in jail,” you started but he noticed your voice sounded far away, “and that Hannibal was mostly to blame. But he made me feel less alone.” You paused and he waited. “When I felt like I would never hold you again.” You looked back down at him and he looked up at you with those gorgeous blue eyes. 
He didn’t say anything. Instead he just sat up beside you and put his arms around you. You let him hold you. 
“I love you Will Graham,” you whispered and you weren’t lying. 
“I love you too.” He paused for a moment and thought about his words. “Y/N.” You smiled at his avoidance of your last name and buried your head in his neck.
You walked into work and Hannibal was waiting for you by your desk. You raised your eyebrow and walked up to him.
“How’s Miriam?” you questioned. 
“She didn’t identify me as the Ripper.” You pursed your lips.
“I didn’t think she would.” Hannibal didn’t read too much into that, instead he moved forward with the conversation. You knew he had probably messed with Mirams head in a similar way that he messed with Wills. 
“How is Will?” Hannibal asked.
“I thought you had separated from him,” you observed.
“I was inquiring into your life. You’re my friend.” 
“What a funny word. Friend.” You didn’t push it and neither did he. You leaned into your desk. “How did you sleep?” He shrugged.
“The nightmares seem to be fading.” He paused and looked at you. “How did you sleep?” You shrugged. 
He smiled in the knowledge that you were very clearly lying to him.
That night you were at home. Hannibal walked into his home and Will was waiting for him. 
“That same unfortunate aftershave. Too long in the bottle,” Hannibal said as he turned around. 
“Out last kitchen conversation was interrupted by Jack Crawford. I’d like to pick up where we left off. If memory serves, you were asking me if it’d feel good to kill you.” Will held a gun up to Hannibal.
“You’ve given that some thought.” 
“You wanted me to embrace my nature, doctor. Just following the urges I kept down for so long, cultivating them as the inspirations they are,” Will said, voice steady. 
“You never answered my question. How would killing me make you feel?” 
They stared at each other. 
“Did she sleep well last night?” Hannibal asked. “Or did she wake up crying?” The barrel of the gun shook but Hannibal looked past it into Will’s eyes. 
“You hung up the judge like a puppet,” Will said simply, ignoring his words. 
“If I’m not the Ripper, you murder an innocent man. You better than anyone know what it is to be wrongly accused. You were innocent, Will, and no one saw it.”
“She saw it. She saw the innocence that is no longer there. You saw to that.”
“If I am the Ripper and you kill me, who will answer your questions? Don’t you want to know how it ends?”
Will thought about this. And he stepped away.
“I still can’t cook. I mean you went to jail and I didn’t learn how to cook,” you told Will as you thought about what to make for dinner.
“We can try,” he said. He had been craving some actual food and anything you made would likely make him happy. “I’m gonna take the dogs out.”
“I’m coming.”
You slipped on Will’s shoes and stepped outside. You opened the door and the dogs ran past you as you looked up at the stairs. You locked eyes with Frederick Chilton who was drenched in blood and holding a bag. 
“Can I use your shower?” 
You crossed your arms.
“I don’t know maybe you should wait until next week,” you said simply. Will opened the door and stood behind you, slowing at the sight of Chilton.
“Please,” Chilton muttered. Will grabbed your arm and you shared a quick look.
“Alright, fine,” you muttered. Chilton rushed past you and into the house. Will pointed out where the shower was and he walked over there. You and Will stood together on the porch.
“Why’d you do that?” you whispered.
“He believes me,” Will whispered. 
“You just got out of jail Will!” 
“And Chilton is about to go in.” 
“Are you calling Jack?” you whispered. He gave you a look and you nodded. He was calling Jack. 
Chilton stood in one of the doorways to the house. Will sat on a chair while you leaned against the wall just beside him. You had your arms crossed.
“I have the same profile as Hannibal Lecter. Same medical and psychology background. We are both doctors of note in our fields. Of course it would be me. Hannibal was never going to kill me. I’m his patsy. I have to leave the country. I’m leaving the country.” 
“If you run you look guilty,” Will said. 
“You didn’t run and you looked plenty guilty. Abel Gideon was half-eaten in my guest room. I have corpses on my property, you just threw up an ear,” Chilton explained as he messed with his getaway bag.
“There’s an APB on you right now. They’ve canceled your credit cards, they’re tracing your phone,” you explained dumbly. 
“I have cash and I tossed my phone. Jack Crawford thnks I killed two agents, three agents. You know what tends to happen to people who do that? Shoot on sight.” 
“I’m going to prove that Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper,” Will said.
“I know you will.  When you do I will read about it from a secure location and reintroduce myself to society at that time. Great plan by the way, getting your girlfriend to sleep with him. Jack told me.” Will glanced at you but you didn’t even flinch. Jack's car pulled up and Chilton saw it through the mirror. “What did you do?” 
“You’re an asshole Frederick,” you whispered. 
Chilton brought a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at you. Will stood up calmly and Chilton shook. Neither of you showed any signs of distress as Will walked in front of you.
“No. Stay there,” Chilton said. Will almost laughed.
“You’re not a killer, Frederick,” Will said and the both of you walked out the front door. You stood on the porch but Will walked forward to Jack. “Why did you come alone, Jack?”
“Where is he?” 
“Why did you come alone?” Will repeated.
“Is he in the house?” 
“I told you everything isn’t what it seems. The Chesapeake Ripper is still playing with us. All of us.” 
“I’m not playing,” Jack said sternly.
“The Chesapeake Ripper isn't’ playing all of us, Will. He’s playing you.” Jack pointed at you who was standing behind him. “And you.”
“Jack. Wait. Let me bring him out, he’s got a gun,” Will said. 
“Good,” Jack muttered. 
Jack pushed past both of you into the house and you were then alone on the porch. Will didn’t look at you.
“Did you sleep with Hannibal?” Will asked. 
“I did not have sex with Hannibal,” you said. “Jack saw me at his house in the morning. I stayed because of the nightmares,” you admitted. And Will knew that was the truth. Because you didn’t lie to each other.
He nodded.
“I’m sorry you had to do that.” You shook your head.
“I didn’t eat anything,” you promised. He half smiled in the knowledge that you had him and his ideas in mind, even when you were with Hannibal.
You sat at your desk when Will walked into the waiting room. You looked up at him, leaning back from your seat. He looked handsome, hair slicked back, wearing a nice shirt.
“Something wrong?” he asked. 
“Is Hannibal in a session?” 
“No.” He nodded.
“I want to return to my regular therapy session.” You raised an eyebrow, very clearly surprised. 
“Why would you…” you trailed off and nodded. Will was going to do something he knew he could. And you were going to let him. “Okay.” You stood up and walked around the desk past Will. You put a hand on his shirt and smiled a bit. “I like this shirt.”
You turned around and opened the door to the office. Hannibal looked up at you. “Your appointment is here.” 
Hannibal stood up from his desk and walked over to you.
“I don’t have…” he trailed off when he saw Will. “Hello, Will.” 
“May I come in? Y/N said you don’t have an appointment. Left my standing appointment open.” You, Will and Hannibal hadn’t been in the same room together in a long time. You stood still as Will walked into the office. 
“Do you intend to point a gun at me?” Hannibal asked. You raised an eyebrow.
“What was that?” you asked. Will shook his head, dismissing you.
“Not tonight.” 
You looked at both of them. They looked at you. They looked at each other. No one's motives were clear but everyone's motives were clear. 
“I’ll see you after the session,” you said. 
They spoke at the same time. 
The door shut between you and them but it didn’t feel like you had been shut out. In fact, you knew you would hear the details of this session from two perspectives. 
You were a part of Will and Hannibal indeed.
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insanityconflict · 3 years
Hi there! My name is Canid, and this is the home of Madness: Deadspace!! It’s also where I reblog tons of cool art and other MadCom related stuff, plus I post my own art here too. This is a masterpost to help guide you through the blog!
–due to some issues regarding post editing, some links will not be embedded properly. this will be fixed as soon as possible–
If you’re looking for DEADSPACE…
-the fic-
Deimos/Dedmos - x | x | x | x | x | x
Sanford - x
Hank - x | x | x | x
2BDamned - x
Calypso (OC) - x | x | x | x
Auditor - x | x
Tricky - x
Phobos - x
Project Gestalt - x | x
Nevada - x
Madness - x | x
Hofnarr - x
Scrapeface - x
Clones - x
Extras - x | x | x | x
Don’t see someone or something? Ask me about it!
Phobos - remake coming soon
Sanford - coming soon
2BDamned - coming soon
Deimos - coming soon
Hank/MAG Hank
Dissonant Ghost - coming soon
MAG Agent Mistake - coming soon
For more, explore the “#madness: deadspace” tag!
Tag guide under cut!
#canid’s ted talks - ramblings/general news
#canid’s art - my art!
#others’ art - cool art i reblogged
Each character has their own tag! (ie: #hank, #auditor, etc)
#headcannons - self explanatory
More to be added!
21 notes · View notes