#are you ready for the fucking mountain of tags incoming
i JUST ordered ubereats
(in order of appearance: vincent - avior - milo - lasko - brachium - david - vega - huxley - vindemiator - asher - damien)
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siyuri · 9 months
Wanted to write some stuff so why not here. It appears it is kinda fun to forget about some social media and then like 10 years later pick it up and read stuff your past self wrote. So for the future me.
Hi! Like...you know how everyone always have this habit at the end of every year to be angry at it, feel this bad summury of the feeling for everything that happened and forget any good things? So...fuck this, I had an amazing year. After covid, after mother's cancer, after her death, after my long four years of existing fuck knows how inside all that I had an amazing year. And just wanted to apreciate it and not look for bad things, but celebrate great ones.
This year started with me living in an amazing faetales world - I kinda have this problem... Myself from April to October is hyperactive person. I need to be outside ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I will camp, I will cycle, I will run, walk, crowl but everything should be outside. And my creative part of the brain is silent for half of the year. And then I have Myself - November until April. My creativity just wants to do EVERYTHING. Draw, lern some musical instruments, readreadread, paint glass, do toys, make ANYTHING. But for the love of gods don't look outside (I hope future me knows how to balance them). So, when I have a more than million words fic to let myself live into, I will do it. And when I can't think about anything but it, it is the best thing that can happen to me in this period. So, after like month of pure drugs, I watched some bad play in my city theater, and it was the last straw needed to me FINALLY go to Saint-Petersburg for an amazing theater they have there. Last time I was there, it was with mom, so it was hard to start. But. Then...oooooh! How many amazing things I saw! One of them - I was on 8hours long play "And Quiet Flows the Don" Sholokhov. And it was so epic - couldn't process it like for a day, just didn't talk and was in this happy drug creativity mode again. Then comes March! I had this dream...kinda long time ago, 8-9 years, when life was... good I guess. I wanted to do Cami de Cavalls track around Menorca...but life. And finally, this year!!! I have a wonderful job, I have stable income, I have powers and I can do it. So, comes April and i am walking 250km around Menorca on foot, and one and only dream I had is fullfiled. So... Then I am back and it is the hardest drop I had in a while, but who cares, we are here talking about good things. Then SUMMER! I am finally on good foot with my sister again, I have a friend, I have my bicycle again, I have the sun and everything is GOOD. And after 1.5 years of struggling our grave is done and it is the coziest fucking place in the world!! And then it is tents on the beach, sunrises, good food and seaseasea. And then it is Austria and Wachau and me, walking again and blue happiness at the horizen, because I never saw such mountains up close, and 250km on foot up down up down, and this drop wasn't even bad!!! So I am back home and it october and Larian is waiting for me, and this is just AMAZING, because I LOVE when good people do good things and get recognised for it. And then Palmarosa, it is like full circle, because outside me already asleep and the other one READY TO MAKE THINGS! And I make them and I even LIKE THEM!!! And aside of all transition problems and shitty things aside... like... who cares about them when yesterday I had the artist who is inspiration for me reblogged my art with inspiration tag? Like... WORLD JUST FEELS WHOLSOME!!! and I don't want to remember any bad shit from this one.
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arcticfox007 · 4 years
The Yeti, the Witch, and the Angel
Hi everyone - this is a continuation from days 2&3 which you can find under the same series as this one on AO3.
It will continue with Day 5. I had a great time writing this, it has more action than ther previous ones. Some fluff, some angst, general audiences.
I’m happy to add and/or remove people from my tag list, notes/comments/kudos on AO3 are all appreciated and I’m always open to feedback!
Destiel December 2020
Day 4: Sledding
Sam and Dean were running for their lives – again. Dean noted, somewhere in the back of his mind, that it was much more difficult to accomplish this in knee-high snow. Unfortunately, the Yeti, yes, an actual goddamn Yeti because their lives weren’t bizarre enough, anyway - the Yeti was much better at running through the deep snow. They were hoping to make it to the abandoned park station up ahead, maybe they could barricade themselves against the creature long enough to figure out a plan.
“Dean, c’mon already!” Sam had less trouble in the snow with his stupid giraffe legs. Dean had resorted to running by basically leaping as far as he could to try and stay above the wintery fluff trying to get him killed. Thankfully, the station was now in sight.
The brothers managed to make it before the snow monster had caught up with them. The station was right by a rather steep hill and was surrounded by trees on most sides. Dean quickly accessed the area as Sam reloaded his handgun. Dean started to push the bookshelf over to help block the door.
“I don’t think that’s gonna kill it man. We’ve already unloaded two clips into that thing, just made it madder.” Dean looked around for anything else to barricade the door but there wasn’t a whole lot in here and he doubted the Yeti would be slowed down by much.
“Do you have a better idea?” Dean was about to snap back sarcastically at his brother when his eyes fell on the massive trash and recycling bins that must have been pulled aside when the station was shut down for the worst of winter.
“Well, no, but I do have a crazier idea.”
Dean knocked over one of the bins and started working the lid off of the top. “Come help already!” Sam and Dean together popped off one of the massive plastic lids just as the door shook with the Yeti’s weight. The thing screeched in rage and pounded harder.
“Shit Dean, what good will these do against that thing??”
“Just shut up and get the other one!” The second lid was wrenched off and Dean shoved it into Sam’s arms. He took a second to reload his gun which made him feel slightly better, even if the bullets hadn’t phased the monster. Then Dean picked up the other lid in his free hand. When he glanced over at Sam, his overly tall brother was looking at Dean like maybe he had finally lost it for real. Dean just shoved Sam towards the back of the building.
The Yeti screeched again and Dean thought that maybe it was part banshee. He was starting to wonder if his ears would ever work properly again. Dean threw open the back door just as he heard the front one start to shatter. The sight of its prey escaping seemed to give the Yeti a burst of energy and Sam’s eyes widened at the sight of the door and walls being ripped away as if they were nothing more than paper.
“Dean! We could use that plan anytime now!” Dean ran out the back door pulling Sam with him towards the hill. It was steeper than he remembered but he only hesitated for an instant. He threw the lid on the ground in front of him.
“This is the plan Sammy, we’re going sledding!” Sam’s jaw dropped.
“What kind of plan is – shit!” They both turned to see the Yeti barreling towards them and Sam stopped arguing about Dean’s questionable plan as they both turned to throw themselves down the tree speckled drop off. Sam started yelling something about Dean’s plan being terrible as Dean just tried to steer the trash bin lid enough to avoid the trees, which was getting harder as he picked up speed.
“Fuck!” This was a terrible plan; the service road was coming up on them fast as Dean spotted a car turning the corner. He wasn’t sure if crashing into a tree, getting mauled by a Yeti, or hit by an incoming car was a better way to go out. Meanwhile the Yeti was still chasing them.
“Dean, it’s right behind you!” Impulsively, Dean spun his lid around so he was now speeding down towards the road backwards. Hoping he didn’t hit a tree he managed to pull his gun out and shoot at the rampaging monster. Not that he managed to hit it more than once.
“Crap, crap, crap!” Before Dean had time to spin back around, he felt as if the bottom of the lid dropped from under him as he heard it crunch on gravel. With the last vestiges of his adrenaline he managed to throw himself off of the lid and roll – right into the Yeti. Dean only had a moment to stare up into the face of the vicious spitting creature before hearing a pop-pop noise and then the hairy snarling thing tipped over. Onto Dean. Dean felt his head crack on the ground. “Ermph!”
“Sorry, Dean.” Dean gasped for air as his guardian angel rolled the creature off of him. Dean looked up at Cas still trying to catch his breath, and damn, if he wasn’t the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen. Cas crouched down and briefly checked Dean over for injuries. When he seemed satisfied that there was nothing immediately wrong with the hunter, he glowered at him. Dean had no idea what he had done to piss Cass off, but honestly even his glower was fucking beautiful. Dean continued to stare at Cas but the angel turned to look in the other direction.
“Are you alright Sam?” Dean heard his brother let out a high-pitched laugh that was just shy of sounding manic.
“Yeah, Cas, I’ll survive. Is Dean okay? What did you shoot the Yeti with?” Dean could see Cas’ mouth turn down into a frown. So pretty, Dean just wanted to touch his face.
“Dean will be fine, but there are no such things as Yetis, Sam. It was a witch that transformed itself, I used the witch killing bullets.” Dean heard Sam’s boots in the snow as he approached them but Dean stayed on the ground staring at Cas as he reached his hand up and started pushing his fingers into Cas’ face. Cas swung his attention back to Dean as the older Winchester started pinching Cas’ cheek between his fingers.
“Dean. What are you doing?” Dean smiled hazily at the angel.
“You’re so pretty Cas. I just want to squish your face.” Dean let out a breathy giggle. Cas gazed more closely at Dean. All of a sudden Dean could see Sam as his younger brother came to stand by Cas.
“Did you hit your head Dean?” Cas’ voice was so gravelly and sexy. He tried to move Cas’ chin to make him say more. Cas just caught Dean’s arm and looked up at Sam. “I think he has a concussion, give me a moment.” Sam nodded and went to check out the Yeti. Meanwhile Dean was enraptured by Cas’ eyes, they were just so blue.
“Blue is my favorite color Cas. Blue, blue, blue.” Cas ignored Dean in favor of pushing his grace into Dean’s bruised head. Dean felt warm and a soothing feeling spread through him. He sighed and then felt the world snap back into place. Cas continued to cradle Dean’s head making sure there wasn’t any other injury he needed to heal. Dean just lay still until Cas looked into his eyes. He was vividly aware of Cas holding his face with one hand and his forearm with the other.
“Yeah Cas, thanks. Um, could you help me up?” Cas raised an eyebrow, and all Dean could think of was how hot that was. Crap, maybe he still had a concussion? No, his head was fine, he’d known for a while now that he was attracted to him best friend, he was just usually better at shoving those feelings down. While Dean was struggling with his thoughts Cas had stood up and pulled Dean up with him. Dean staggered for a moment and Cas helped steady him. As soon as Dean seemed stable on his own two feet Cas resumed scowling at him.
“What? What? You just text me to say you and Sam found the trail of a YETI, and then refuse to answer your phone? What if I couldn’t find you in time? What if I hadn’t already figured out it was a witch? I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU IT WAS A WITCH IF YOU HAD ANSWERED YOUR PHONE. Instead I make it just in time to see the two of you throwing yourself off of a mountain!” Dean was all ready to get angry and defensive but found himself defusing as the whole “it was just a witch” thing sunk in. Crap. Cas seemed to have run out of words and was now just glowering intensely at him.
“Uh – sorry? My bad man.” If possible, this seemed to make Cas even madder. He turned his back on Dean and went over to Sam and the Yeti corpse. Dean just stood there for a moment feeling like an idiot. Then he headed over to help the two of them get rid of the body.
Later that night Castiel was still unhappy with Dean and had left them at the motel to return the car he had borrowed when he had frantically scrambled to get to Dean and Sam in time. He mumbled something about the Impala not having snow tires and that they were lucky the local deputy was generous. Dean hoped Cas would cool off while he was out, Dean hated feeling like he was in the dog house which he mistakenly mentioned to his brother.
“He’ll calm down. You could try a more sincere apology though.” Little brothers were obnoxious, especially when they were right, thought Dean. He frowned at Sam but couldn’t keep it up as he sat on one of the beds with a heavy sigh.
“Yeah, okay. I’m not great at apologies, but he’s right, I should have answered the phone. I was just so caught up tracking the Yeti-witch thing, I dunno, I just didn’t think.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“So, tell him that.” Dean nodded and stared at his feet, thinking. Sam must have assumed the conversation was over because by the time Dean looked up, he was absorbed in his laptop.
“Sammy. I need to do better than that. Cas, well, he’s important. He’s my best friend and I feel like I always, um, take him for granted or something. I want to do something really great for him for our Christmas present thing. But I ain’t got a single damn idea of what.” Sam turned back towards Dean and smiled at him.
“I think that’s a great idea Dean. You can’t think of anything? I mean, I’ve had a hard time thinking of something too, but I don’t have as much to apologize for.” Sam smirked and Dean was already regretting asking his brother for help.
“No. I mean I know some things he likes – like bees.” Sam snorted. “But I want to show him that I really do, er, value his friendship, y’know?” Dean was skirting around the idea that he wanted to show Cas that he valued him, just his presence in his life. Who was he kidding? He wanted to show Cas he was loved, but without actually saying it. Dean wasn’t even sure angels could be in love. There was a reason Dean kept his feelings buried, and it wasn’t just because he couldn’t imagine an angel, an actual freaking angel, loving someone like him. Sam just looked thoughtful.
“You know, that reminds me of something Mom told me.” Sam watched his brother carefully, but Dean had seemed calmer about Mom leaving since Cas had come back. “She told me she asked Cas how long it had taken him to feel like he belonged here – I guess because technically, she and Cas both had to experience adjusting to Earth after being in Heaven. Anyway, Cas told mom he still wasn’t sure he belonged. She said he seemed, uh, sad about it. Lost.” Dean felt like he had been stabbed through the heart. Cas felt like he didn’t belong?
“Why… why would he say that? He’s always chosen us over Heaven, chosen humans.” Dean started to internally panic at the idea of Cas deciding to leave one day.
“No Dean, he’s chosen you over Heaven.” Sam wasn’t right, was he? Dean felt a massive headache starting, he was drowning in thoughts. “Dean. Pay attention.” Dean’s head snapped back up and looked at Sam.
“What do I do Sam?” Sam looked at Dean, the exasperation clear on his face.
“You need to do something to show him he belongs here Dean.” Sam said this as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And of course, it was. Dean’s head partially cleared and he started thinking, thinking back to when Cas was the happiest, when he seemed to fit in here on Earth the most, and then Dean knew what present to get his goddamn angel on Earth.
“Sam, I know what I’m going to do for him.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Well that’s good, Dean, because you only have eight days left until Christmas.”
@jellydeans, @galaxycastiel, @nguyenxtrang, @my-favourite-hellatus
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fanfiction-inc · 5 years
Golden Faced Bastard
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Verse: Death Stranding
Characters/Pairings: Higgs Monaghan/Reader
Warnings/Tags: Masturbation, sexual themes, phone sex, sexual tension, enemies, love/hate relationship, m/f, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 2,444
Summary: When a terrorist grows bored, what’s a better pass time then contacting your favorite person to mess with?
Rating: Explicit
Notes: I used this ask from @dirty-higgs-confessions​ as inspiration for this story: "Higgs calling you while you're on a run for Bridges and teasing you as he jerks off. It soon turns into casual phone sex until he finishes then you just hang up on him despite the fact that now you're needy and wish he was there to fuck you."
I of course put a small twist on this but fuck it! :D
Link to Ao3 Version: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22287181
South Knot, lit by the lights of signal post that wavered with each drop of timefall running down and over their initial scanners. Timefall, it had been falling for the past two hours and had no sign of clearing up at any point. The sun was already hidden behind thick and ominous clouds, giving way to darkened blue skies that seemed to shift to black when the smallest but the brightest of stars attempt to peak out of the thick layers and shed light on a damned world. As long as the country was divided, as long as the world went to shit, there was no hope in sight of making it to the end of the year. If it wasn’t the timefall that got ���ya, or the BT’s that always loomed no matter where you went, it was the Homo Demens. Despite all of this deliveries still had to be made. A distraction was still always in order to avoid the end of life itself to a group that deemed themselves almighty.
A soft sigh of lips flutter in the air as the motorized trike raised from the garage platform, sitting new and ready for the exposure that was sure to knock it out of commission by morning come. Packages bound for Lake Knot and its distribution center loaded up with skilled fingers behind gloved hands that have worked too hard for their years, strapped down and held in place, cases prepared for the intensifying storm. The timefall was growing worse, but nothing would get done if the porter stayed put inside this metal and technology compound labeled a distribution center. In an older life, one may say it was a prison converted into a somewhat functioning distribution center surrounded by a semi-intact city. Others would say its the skeleton of what had once been and is now new. A final breath was given in the form of a sigh and hair tucked up underneath the timefall protective hood was tied back to keep from falling out, legs thrown over to straddle the bikes seat and started with a low rumble that stuck in the gut and fluttered to make the limbs tingle. A single motion to lower goggles that helped protect the eyes from the near toxic rain and the bike was taking off up the ramp and out of the distribution center.
Visibility was growing reduced with the lower in temperature and timefall, fog spreading among the ground and making any sort of travel along rigid rocks and muddy ground grow tough. The first slip of the bike was a fluke, the second sending it off its course a few feet and the third sending it to slide and sputter, mud slinging everywhere among the area before composure was gained once more and the route was continued to Lake Knot. The silence of the water hammering the ground and the low rumble of the bike nearly drowned out the incoming call, the tone that of unknown origin.
“Hello sweetheart.”
The voice brings the bike to finally slide and collapse on its side, sending the rider off to the side into the somewhat enclosed space of a covered cliff side with gathering mud puddle. The timefall hammered the collapsed bike, aching body of the porter jumping up to bring it out of the timefall and protect the contents within the now scratched up and slightly damaged boxes. Rust rubbed off onto the porters gloves and she was quick to remove them, to make sure they couldn't get up onto her skin and let the smear of timefall gather. A check of the comlink and a soft groan of annoyance fluttered from the lips of the porter who threw her hood back and unzipped the top of her jumper, the suit pooling around her waist. It was still active, and the gentle breathing on the other side indicated the presence of the man who simply refused to leave her be. The man who played games and invaded spaces he should never have been in. The one who stands before his men promising the sixth great extinction of the world and yet devotes his free time from the plans to the porter resting against the shallow crevice of an opening in the bottom of the cliff side and Bridges poster boy.
Higgs fucking Monaghan.
“Have a little accident there, darlin’? Did I startled you?” The labor to his breath, the soft flutter of that tone that the porter hated to admit drove her mind to slowly blank. She shakes out of her clouded thoughts, swallowing hard with a hand held to her throbbing head. It it wasn’t the impact that made it hurt, it was the annoyance of the man on the other end of the line who ruined her day and sent her into the wildest of fever dreams that left her body aching for touches she knew she didn’t want to admit she wanted or, being honest with herself, needed. So long without touch, so long without someone finding interest. It was almost gratifying, having that sort of attention, but why must it be him? “Wouldn’t you like to fuckin’ know.”
“Oh honey, one can only assume from the sound. Your little deliveries must be banged up, am I right?” The light hint of a noise and a pause fell over the line. He takes in a somewhat struggled breath and the porter could only confirm what he was doing the moment his hushed tone whispered ‘fuck’.
“Are you calling me just to jack off?”
“What can I say, your voice does it for me, baby.”
A hint of disgust fills her form and yet her body entered a full form of shivers and pin pricks that made everything tingle. The ground soaked in timefall wasn’t the only thing wet right now. His breath kept fluttering over the line and the porter had half the mind to cut it off, to end the call, but what would stop him from calling back and just continuing?
“I’m hanging up, Higgs-”
“Wait! Please don’t hang up (First name). Just...just talk to me and this’ll be over soon. Ya don’t even have to talk dirty or nothin’. Not unless ‘ya want to. Just be a good girl and talk.”
Hesitation met the line and the man on the other end knew damn well he had the other hooked, just by the way he hears a shuffle and a sigh that was a mixture of annoyance and possibly even defeat. She knew as well as he did that he would keep calling back until he was finished and she was annoyed to the point that she would just let it happen. He swallowed when he hears her soft breath, eyes fluttering at the sound of such. If only he could feel it, the hot breath that he imagined to be against his ear or neck, if only he could feel her.
“I’m only doing this so you’ll leave me the fuck alone, you golden faced bastard.”
“Ah, kinky. I didn’t know my honey was into name callin’.”
“I’m not your honey.”
The sound of a chuckle fluttered over the line and the porter was resigned to simply allow her eyes to roll, to ease back against the wall of the crevice and allow her hand to trail. It was no fun for this to be one sided, and she highly doubted any other porters would be coming through this area at such a late hour in the complete downpour of the timefall. Higgs smirked when another sigh sounded. “Is it safe to assume I’m not gonna be the only one enjoyin’ this, darlin’?”
“I don’t give a shit what you assume.”
“Oh come on, sweetheart, you can just lay back, relax and let each of us enjoy the other. One night and one night only. And I won’t tell if you won’t.”
The sound of his tone, as if the smirk could be heard in it. A few low pumps of his hips makes a soft grunt leave his lips and he hears the other try to stifle a noise of her own. Noises did it for each, but it wasn’t enough. They needed each word to grasp onto and allow themselves to melt with. Higgs needed her, and she needed him. She swallowed lightly when there was silence, wondering if he had already left the line, but she hears another shuffle of clothing and the soft sound of skin rubbing against skin. So, this is how it’s gonna be, the two satisfying themselves to pass the time then moving on with their lives. If only it was that easy.
Higgs grasped himself with a bare hand, a shaky breath and airy chuckle falling from his lips. “I wondered for some time what it would be like, ever since I met you in Mountain Knot, to have you just the way I want you. You don’t know how long It’s been, how long its been since I last had a satisfying session alone. It’s never good enough with fantasies. You can dream it but it doesn't get ‘ya anywhere. Do ‘ya know what I mean?”
“Sadly.” The woman begrudgingly admits, fingers simply tracing over the basic fabric covering the single heat patch that deserved her attention. It weeped for stimulation, weeped for the touch of the man, but his voice and her own hand alone would have to suffice. The mental image of him pumping himself would have to do.
“Be honest with me, darlin’, but how long has it been for you? I mean to truly have a good one.”
“A good what?”
“Oh don’t play dumb, baby doll. A good orgasm. Cum. Jerk off or whatever the female equivalent is. How long has it been where your body screamed ‘yes’ in the most delicious?” His pace was beginning to slowly pick up, shivering when he heard the soft wet noises of her fingers moving along her slick core, having moved beyond the fabric. He savored the sound, listened as closely as he could to the soft hitch in her breath and the shaky sigh she gives away.
“Months.” She finally whispered out, eyes fluttering shut as she hears him spit into his hand, or maybe even onto his own member and begins a more leisurely pace that sent a hot shiver up his spine. “You?”
“Maybe a year. They’re never good when rushed. But when ‘ya take your time with ‘em-” A soft flutter of a groan sounding in the air was enough to accent his point, his own head falling back against the headrest of the chair he sat in, legs spreading as much as the material around his knees would allow. Her shaky breath and the soft hint of a wine makes his teeth sink down into his lip, hand working as his imagination worked on what he would be doing to her that would make such a noise come from those perfect lips that enticed him every time he watches her speak.
“What is it about my voice that..Oh fuck...That helps you along?” She asked with a tone that wavered, licking at her lips when he breaths deeply, listening to the increase of skin against skin and the hushed noises leaving his lips. “How soft it is. You’re always talkin’ loud but that softness never leaves it. It’s airy, almost like ‘ya singin’ me a song. I’d like to hear ‘ya sing a different kind of one, my little songbird.”
She speaks before she can even stop herself. “You’d have to be here if you want a song like that.”
This earns a faster pace from each of their respective hands, one working the tip of a weeping member and the other the bundle of nerves that was beginning to make searing pain blossom in her abdomen and inner thighs. More wet noises, more heavy breathing from both parties. They needed more than this. “Then next time I see ‘ya, baby doll, I’ll make sure to make ‘ya sing.”
“You gotta find me first.”
“Oh, I will. I’m a very resourceful man. Though, you may not like what I do when I find ‘ya.”
“Is that a promise?” The barest grace of a smirk in her tone and the man groans at such a comment, hand working him like he would imagine her mouth doing. “I always keep my promises, darlin’. I’m a man of my word.”
“Oh bullshit, Higgs.”
The next groan was a bit more audible and his shivered in delight, savoring the way her voice sounded when she spoke his name.
“Again. Say my name again.”
The sound of skin slapping grows.
“Slower. Draw it out.”
He whispered, tone almost like that of a plea.
“Oh fuck, just like that.”
He was growing close, just as she was with each noise and word she was able to soak up over the comlink. When he finally spilled, it was the groan of her name that left his lips, that was the tipping point for her and makes her high pitched moan follow and mingle with the groans that left his lips with each overstimulated pump of his leaking member. He wipes his hand on the inside of his pants, hiding the mess from view in case anyone was to check in, though why should he care? He was the man who could send them into the sixth extinction early. When her shaky and soft breath fluttered over the line, he lets his smirk return. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Now, I'll ask again. When was the last time you had a good one?”
“Mm, be more exact.”
“Just a few seconds ago, maybe a minute.” His chuckle followed her words. “You?”
“About a minute ago or so. Now it’ just a matter of getting into bed with ‘ya.”
A soft scoff from her end and he grins away, loving how she goes right back to the defensive. “When’s the last time ‘ya had a good fuck?”
The line hangs up and Higgs lets out a fit of laughter, a shake of his head following as he props his feet up on the table before him. In due time, he’d have her just the way he wanted her.
A call back, the porter groans in the midst of getting her suit zipped back up. “What?”
“South Knot, meet me there and I’ll keep good on my promise.” He was almost giddy, and the woman sighed. “If it’ll shut ‘ya up once and for all, then fine. South Knot it is.”
“I’ll see ‘ya then, darlin’.”
Thank you, as always, for reading and let me know what you guys thought about this! If you would like to be tagged in further stories, send me an ask! Remember, request are always open!
Tagging: @dirty-higgs-confessions​​ | @johnlocklover221​​
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The war between the two lovers
@belle82devart asked: Hello there, darling! Happy (early) New Years! I would love to know if you would maybe write a Cliff Unger x Reader fic where he is in his BT form and recognizes one of the people from his past (the reader)? There could maybe be some flashback angst or smut that leads to a very angsty reunion? Maybe he's tried to kill the reader before realizing who she is? ❤ I hope this isn't too much to ask for and I understand if it is. Thank you anyway for just viewing this ask! ❤❤❤
Warning: a few swear words, depiction of violence and war
Summary: Commander Y/n L/n runs with her group of young soldiers through the warzone city but what happens when she thinks of her lover that left before her?
Pairing: Cliff Unger x reader (military AU)
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'Commander L/n fall back!' The shouts and wails of commands, requests, and cries of help from the bruised army men as they ran away from the incoming tank. Seeing her men, her team, her comrades she yells with the remaining air from her lungs 'Down, dames. Under the bridge.'
Looking at their leader and the underbelly on the bridge seeing they spy the prickled fence surrounding it. 'What are you waiting for? Dive down.'
The shaken men look down questioning their leader 'Ma'am, what if-' 'You want an invitation, soldier?!' With the tank nearing Y/n pushed them falling down on the barbed wire and under the bridge. Jumping down and huddling over each other Y/n and her team felt the tremendous power of the tank above them. Shaking the small stone bridge the pebbles falling at the sides. Looking back at her men she asks 'You alright? No wounds?' The men shake seeing the small frown on her dry lips. Seeing the noticeable shift in her action and stance they ask cautiously.
'Maybe the rest of the troops are well.' The youngest soldier of 23 years tells. Looking at her hopeful eyes she responded with an exhausted nod. 'Let's get moving, we can't stay here for long. Move out.'
'The view is nice.' Y/n responded as her eyes land on the small window seeing the valleys of hills decorated with wine yards with the sun shining down on the small mansion. 'It won't be like that for a while.' A voice that she loved to death provoked a scowl to her expression.
'Of course, if you think like that.' She turns to him seeing Cliff, her Cliff, laying on the bed covers over his scratched body with many hickeys. Letting her step drag he sees the small grin on his face his slowly gray hair depriving him of the scene in front of him. Damn that old hair.
Sitting next to him she felt his chapped lips on her hand giving greatly more affection she craved for. 'Let's go to the wine yard. I want to try their new black wine.' Y/n whispered as she pulled her hand away standing up trying to lure Cliff out of the bed.
'We can have a wine tasting right here.' He taps the plush white comfort. 'That's a given but I won't go outside.' Y/n replied still standing her ground. 'Alright then let's go taste some fermented grapes.'
'Let's go, boys, run.' Y/n yelled yet again at her boys as she watched the tired man prance in front of her 'Run faster, my Nana God rest her soul could run faster than you and still make some Rahat locum.' The man seemingly start to pick up their place as running through the murky ankle-high water hearing behind them screams and a loud 'They are here!' some soldiers turned their head as a horrified look settle on their bruised faces.
'Don't look back men. That's rule number one.' Y/n clarified seeing a shaky nod. Closing her eyes she steadies her mind focusing on the splashes of water in front of her and especially behind her. So much more than in front of her.
'I'm tired beyond measures.' Y/n groans as she entered her apartment with her boyfriend Cliff. 'Me too. Just want to read a book and fall asleep.' Cliff answers as he removes his coat. Y/n turns to him her brow arched in commotion 'I here thought that you were ready for an exercise, Captain Unger.' Cliff laughs at her temptation and responds in equal measure. 'Well, if you are talking about my most favorite exercise Commander L/n then maybe I have some just in case.'
'Commander, there isn't any ammo left. I'm done.' A soldier next to her screamed as he kneeled down behind the barricade. Watching her men putting the very last rounds she shouts 'Come on, men, what's our motto ?' The men shout in unions 'Adapt and overcome.'
As the last rounds rung out Y/n looks at her men tried with no hope abandoned. Hearing the footsteps approach Y/n grabs her knife holding it tightly in her hand. Her men copy her exchanging their empty guns for sharp blades. The enemies ran into their safe area pointing their guns to them and with an iron heart and iron blade, Y/n and her men attacked the overly powerful enemies fighting until the very demise.
'You promised that we would go together. You fucking promised.' Y/n shouted at her Cliff that made an earth-shattering decision. 'This isn't about us. It about the well-being of the rest, the civilians, the next generation. You know that.'
Y/n places her hand on his bag stopping him. 'But you promised.' she mumbled out as tears started to exit. 'This is bigger than us. If it's my fate to die I'm happy with that.' Hearing the D-word Y/n shots again 'What about our destiny to be together?!' Cliff sighs deeply 'We shouldn't have been together, you know that.'
With more tears she scarcely responds 'I-I-I do-don't have words... for this.' Cliff looks at her one last time he exits the house grabbing his keys from the nearby bowl.
Trying to stop the wails Y/n looks at the last thing Cliff touched not her, not his lover but the plastic bowl. Something he never did. 'Stupid bowl.' looking down she sees a small metal piece twinkling. Picking it up she sees the long band of metal beads and at the end the rectangle plaque.
'You idiot.'
Opening her eyes Y/n sees the gray sky above her. Standing gradually up she feels the sluggish sand under her palm. What! Looking at her surroundings she sees no one just harsh black hills and mountains. Strolling along the water she sees the empty area with still no one in sight. 'Who are you?' a gentle voice asks her as she cascades down a small hill on the woman's face a soft smile. 'I'm Y/n L/n. I was back in um, the city and a soldier knocked me on the head and I woke up here. I don't know how I got-' 'You are dead. That's why you are on this beach.' Y/n stares at the woman seeing the smile still sitting in her face 'Are you alright in the head? If that was true you shouldn't act like this...all relaxed.' The woman giggled nodding 'I am. I am just here to welcome new arrivals but trust me you are very much dead.' Walking past Y/n, Y/n continues asking 'Wait, but why- and you are gone.' she turns to see no one behind her.
Shaking off, Y/n starts to continue walking feeling a cold chill creeping up her spine. A gunshot rings out. Covering her head she looks at the high hills seeing a small group of guns-carrying people holding the gun in her direction making her stop in her tracks. As they walked closer she saw a tube departing from the man in the middle connected to the other surrounding him. 'What the-' 'State your name.' all of a sudden the very gun who fired at her was in front of her placed on her forehead feeling the warm metal. The man holding the gun with a mask covering his face. 'Y/n L/n.' As much as fear wanted to subdue her she couldn't do it, not now. 'What are you doing?' the man asks as she started to remove his mask. 'I don't know I just woke up before 10 minutes, I think. I just woke up he- Cliff!'
Y/n screamed in shock seeing her boyfriend's face. He looks at her in surprise. 'How do you know my name?' he asks again seeing the confused woman still holding the gun to her forehead. 'It's me Y/n, your Y/n... Commander L/n... I'm your girlfriend.' as she listed her name and nicknames he continued to be confused 'Respond honestly or I'll shoot.' knowing how much he is serious about it she takes her hand to her chest lowering slowly down 'I'm just gonna grab something it's not a gun, promise.'
He watches your hand dives in your shirt as you grabbed the metal necklace and pulling it over your head placing the entirety in her palm showing him 'You gave me that. The last time we saw each other.'
Cliff looks at the dog tag pulling the gun down and into his pocket as he grabs the necklace into his hand. Letting his fingers move across the metal indent looking once more at the woman in front of her.
Hearing her sobs he hears her voice breaking as she said 'I-I-I do-don't have words... for this.' Cliff looks at her one last time as he exits the house grabbing his keys from the nearby bowl as he puts his dog tag into the bowl in secrecy. Hoping that she will see it.
'Y/n.' Cliff looks at her as the sudden realization dawned on his face. 'Why are you here?' he asks as he yanks her into a familiar hug. 'You idiot, how could you leave me and die?!' Y/n lets her anger wash over her as she starts to hit him on his shoulders venting out her frustration. 'How dare you?' she asks again as the anger turns to saddens. Cliff looks at the sobbing woman being reminded of the last time he saw her in this same state. 'I'm sorry I regretted my decision every day and when I died somehow I forgot you-' Y/n looks up at him hitting him again 'How could you forget this face?!'
Cliff looks at her face seeing how much she stayed the same. His hands land in her cheeks as his head leaned down kissing her lips after the long-awaited moment. His lips softly moving against her savoring the feel and emotions received. Something he missed dearly, something that reminded him of home.
'Will you ever forgive me?' he asks as he watches her eyes, she nods 'Well, I don't have anywhere to go. Adapt and overcome.' 'Adapt and overcome.'
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Hope you liked it. Feedback is always appreciated❤️
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Silver for Monsters... (Geralt x fem!Witcher, Part 1.)
Description: The Butcher of Blaviken has a long and famous past, thanks to his friend Jaskier. Yet, neither of those dies easily and it still lurks behind Geralt like a shadow after all those years. History, neither unfriendly relationships, doesn't die easily.
Part summary: A lonely witchress in the woods can mean only one thing - a monster is lurking through the woods and a contract has been pinned up on a local village's board.
Warnings: A bit of gore, magic, Witchress, a werewolf being a bich, Sigimund Dijkstra appeareaing in a mention (if you do not know who Dijkstra is, look him up, he honestly is one of my fav Witcher game characters).
A/N: This one is purely based on my wish to see at least one female witcher, but knowing that the trial of grass doesn't allow that. Because boy? They would tear Geralt’s ass in half.
Word count: 4.4 K
Tagging: (tell me and I will add you :)) @osgon-azure​ @davnwillcome​
Master list: H E R E
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Many of you know me. You’ve seen my face, heard my name, or my tales - maybe you even threw your rotten vegetables at me for what I know. It doesn’t matter to me. Such details aren't important in my stories. But no matter how you might hate me - the poet, the bard, the most beautiful man you'd ever seen -, you love my tales.
Indeed, my name is Julian Alfred Pankratz. But when you'd meet me, I would introduce myself as Jaskier or Dandelion. And my most famous tales are going hand in hand with my friend, the legend, Geralt of Rivia. He is the man coming from Kaedwen, the coldest Northern Kingdom, born and raised at Kaer Morhen, the notorious School of the Wolf. And I have already written tales, ballads, and books about him.
You heard many stories and legends about this man - about the romance of his with the mightiest sorceress Yennefer of Vengenberg, the story of how he was bound to the Cintran princess Cirilla by destiny, about how he had outwitted the Wild Hunt itself. Yet I have one more for you. Sit down, have a pint of ale or a cup of wine, and hear my telling of how... Not one, but two witchers traveled day and night to reach the Redenian mountains and how they discovered a horrifying monster there. But have in mind that one of them was a woman.
Our story begins on one stormy night in the Mire West amidst the rampage of the Nightmare...
The place around you was completely dark and lifeless, only sounds of wind howling and grass dancing in it along with heavy rain could be heard. The moon just started slowly rising in the sky, but it was too cloudy up there. That could be a slight problem in your perfect plan. How were you supposed to lure a werewolf out of its lair if there won't be a full moon? These bitches came out of the lair only under those specific circumstances - moon shining on the ground, nonstop.
The lamb meat filled with cursed oil was neatly prepared in the middle of a road and your silver sword was ready as well, laying on your thighs as you were meditating to pass the time somehow - you let the potions in your vascular system starting to work, making an extremely dangerous weapon out of your very own body. You used Cat potion, so your eyes could perfectly see in the night and a Blizzard potion, shorting the time of reactions and sharpening reflexes to the monster's attacks.
A low chuckle came out of your lips. Meditations were never your strength - Vesemir was always bitching you down for whispering to the others while they sat on their knees, and tried to completely leave their body with their minds. You learned how to pretend to meditate, just to shut Vesemir up, but you accomplished the state only a few times. More than meditating, you were in a light sleep while you still could bring your body to sit at least a bit straight.
You had the suspicion that Vesemir knew that the whole time, but he never said anything since you at least shut up and didn't disturb the other kids who were brought to the School of the Wolf in Kaedwen to become witchers and witchresses.
The memories you had bonding to that place weren't all happy, but not all of them were bad. There was a lot of pain you had to endure, yes, but you had some fun in the process. And you still had a witcher family you could always count on - your best pal Lambert and a grumpy brother Eskel, there was Leo, your baby boy, and Vesemir, who was something like your father. There was Coën too, but unfortunately, he was far gone. And then, there was... Well... There was also him.
The greatest fucker... You meant to say the greatest of your kind - the legendary White Wolf, a man called Geralt of Rivia. It wasn't that you exactly hated him, no, you could count on him and his help when you met him on the road just as he could count on you, but you two never really got along in the first place. You never gave him a chance to start a friendship. And to say the least, he was outshining all of you, always getting the best contracts and money. And you weren't even talking about the fame he got in the process.
On the bright side, Geralt was a source of your motivation to become better and better - you both passed the trail of grasses, finishing it in better shape than all of the other kids that were trained on Kaer Morhen. You were already special - while three males out of ten survived, only one female out of fifty survived the trial. But that just wasn't enough of you, was it? You had better reflexes, reactions, senses, and you could cast the signs better than the other two girls who passed the trial. Even though that, it was too risky to send you on additional trials and Vesemir told you a million times.
For an unknown reason, there was a high rivalry between you and Geralt since the day you met for the first time. And when you heard that he's going to endure some more experiments, you demanded them as well, no matter the costs. You didn't care if it costs you your life, you wanted to be the best.
Vesemir and Lambert tried to change your mind for months, but you weren't planning on letting Geralt win the game. You went through another five mutations under the supervision of druids residing in Kaer Morhen, the fourth almost killing you in the process.
For the first time during a trial, you screamed in pain the whole time as you felt the serums and potions crawling through your skin and veins. When you got up, your skin tone almost matched alabaster, melanin almost completely disappearing out of your body, your hair was completely white and your eyes were no longer only golden - they were glowing. When Geralt walked out of the second chamber, he looked the same. But he has done something you would never expect - he asked you about your well-being and if you want to stop the trials. But you just chuckled and left him in the hall.
Lambert was enough of a friend to you. He was quite a normal witcher with a good sense of humor. You could drink and laugh evenings away with your witcher brother and never be bothered with thoughts about the incoming morning. He saved your life many times before and you knew, that the last time wasn't exactly the last. To repay him, you saved his ass from the revenge of former lust subjects, pretending to be his girlfriend and being extremely mad at him.
With Eskel, you had a more reserved relationship, since he was more of a reserved person - he didn't exactly make friendships, he was just a person you could count on any time you needed to. But you got along at the end of the day.
A sharp howling threw you out of your thoughts about your witcher brothers. Both your eyelids flew open, showing the golden, glowing eyes with a cat-like iris shape underneath. The werewolf was set to go on a hunt - and so were you. You opened up the last bottle with your teeth, drinking the potion in one swing, making your blood hazardous for the monster.
After that, you slowly walked to the path where your trap was laid, finding the creature sniffing it. It was rather cautious with it, wanting to eat it, but not quite trusting it. Werewolves were huge beasts with fur, every one of them growing to the height of two meters and more after the transformation.
They might be looking skinny, but their strength was almost overshadowing yours for good. Hunting a werewolf all alone? What were you thinking? That was exactly what was happening since Geralt wielded the tiara of the best witcher in the world. Shitty contracts for a laughable amount of coin. But work was work - humans, monsters, animals, it didn't exactly mean anything to you. You came, did the job and left, always repeating and never breaking the circle. Although to stay true to the codex of Kaer Morhen, you never killed an innocent being - monster, neither a human. If they proved their innocence, you let them go, taking the money anyway.
But this werewolf, boy, wasn't he something different? This bitch was off the chains, suffocating, hunting, and eating alive at least thirteen girls just this year alone. And you couldn't wait to get your dirty little hands on its throat and chop his fucking head off. You hated motherfuckers. And he sure was one.
"This is a nice, cute attempt to poison me, witcher!" - The werewolf rose his head and looked around, showing you its ugly face, which was half-wolf and half-human. Its claws were strong, which could cause trouble as well - he could scratch you without hurting himself, not tasting your blood. God damn it. - "But I ain't no idiot! I know ya poisoned it! Come out! Face the mighty Nightmare of Mire West!"
So it was an intelligent one. That was a bonus point - you knew that murdering him will cause you way more enjoyment than killing a normal beast would. It was probably only a human when there wasn't a full moon, living in their small, stinky cage, all alone in the wilderness. But if the man changed into such a beast which was able to stalk and murder young gals in such gruesome ways, you knew that your sword was the right thing to put end to his ruling over Mire West.
"I like me an intelligent foe." - You growled in a cruel voice, adding a burst of short, dark laughter at the end. You confused the werewolf a bit - he wasn't able to track where you were at the moment. There was no visible movement in the bushes, your voice seemed to come out of a few different directions at one time and your footsteps didn't break a single branch on the ground, making you almost impossible to track based on sounds in the slowly ending heavy rain. - "Feels better when I slice their throats. They beg like little girls to let them live - but you know something about that, don't you? You enjoy murdering girls and letting them beg, don't you?"
The beast was moving its muzzle quickly as he tried to sniff you. The wet air made it almost impossible. The time was ticking too fast - soon, you knew that the air will clean up and starts to transmit your scent. This needed to be done quickly.
"Are ya a woman, witcher? Ye a witchress? I like women, did ya hear that?" - Werewolf tested the waters, seeing a bush next to his right move. He didn't know that it was an animal coming through here, thinking it was you hiding in the bushes. In the next moment, the monster roared with a raw, animalish growl as it attacked the bush. - “I like to snap their necks and taste their meat, I like their voices begging me to stop, the scent of their hair and the skin. Come here, to my claws, don't try to play with me.”
The werewolf then turned around, his completely darkened eyes were scanning the surroundings in search of you. He kneeled a bit, grunting like a pig as spit was dripping out of his mouth full of sharp teeth.
“You atone to all of those murders? You don't even try to clean your name, try to tell me that you are innocent? I might let you go.” - You knew that this fucker isn't innocent but you needed more time to look around the meadow, now seeing every small detail in it thanks to the Cat potion. You planned various attacks, different scenarios, trying to imagine him overpowering you. What would you do then?
“I know that ya been sniffing around Velen for a while now, crawling through sewers like a rat, looking at every shit I made. I know ya heard stories about the Nightmare of Mire West. Ya a witchress, ya know how to recognize a werewolf in comparison to a different monster.” - The werewolf laughed and crawled on all fours, bearing more similarity to a wolf than a human at the moment. His laughter was similar to a hyena.
Then you jumped out of your hideout and cut him with your sword smeared with a cursed oil. The werewolf wasn't expecting you, so you hit your spot, but not in the range you planned on. The beast roared, sounding like a swine, catching its leg as it watched the blood dripping from the cut.
“Look at ya!” - It laughed, its teeth showing again. Your eyes were jumping on various spots on its body - from its lower paws dugs into the muddy ground as he was charging for a jump. - “Ya look like a cat, ya hair white, ya smug arrogant. Come to me.”
You jumped at the same time the werewolf did, but you turned around and swung your sword towards it, hitting it into its ribs. Sword fights were always like a dancing lesson - male witchers preferred different fighting styles, sometimes heavier and more aggressive than you could ever archive. You could move quicker than them, yet your hits were lighter. You danced on the toes of your feet, the top of your sword carefully drawing eight again and again. Your hits were maybe lighter than male witchers’, but you were able to hit the spot more often with clean cuts.
“Ya can move, I need to say. A second cut on my body.” - The beast growled, suddenly spinning the other way, its claws hitting your stomach. The hit made you fall, he hit exactly the liver and stomach, which could hurt like hell. Yet it was not a hit that would stop a witchress.
You made a rollover your shoulders, stopping on your feet. While you stood up, the werewolf almost scratched your face. That was a no-no. Witchers and witchresses maybe were known for long, dark pink cuts and huge scars over their faces, but you knew that a pretty face always means a half of the deal sealed. Thanking all the Gods and angels out there, Blizzard made you able to get out of its way.
Again, you swung your sword to meet its stomach, but again, it jumped at you in a matter of seconds, aiming for your neck. Its claws tore apart your chainmail armor, cutting your skin. But you didn't move a single inch away, no, you held its arm with a firm grip, looking the beast in the eyes.
First, it didn't know why are you looking at it the way you did, pressing the arm on your stomach, letting the blood drip directly on it. Soon, it felt how the skin is burning as the acid was slowly decomposing it. It was looking you in your cat eyes and saw your lips slowly turning to a violent smile.
Next second, it pushed you away, whining like a little puppy, licking the acid off. But it didn't know that it will only make the matters worse.
“What now? Don't you want to taste my blood and meat? Don't you want to sniff me and hear me beg for my life? Are you backing off?” - You rolled the sword in your palm and prepared into the fighting position again. - “The fun has just started, you pussy.”
With a quick move, you made the gesture of Igni sign, sending fire its way, then throwing a Moon Dust bomb at it. The bomb blew up, springling small pieces of silver everywhere its range was. The werewolf was now screaming like a child - it was burned by the Igni sign, silver was burning its skin alive, he was cut - so the silver got into its vascular system and that was perfect torture in your opinion. It tried to run away into the safety of its cave, but it was just to try to lure you in - in the small space of a cavern could be its brutal strength fatal for you.
It was time to use the Aard sign. You were quick, almost violent with it, pushing the werewolf next to the cave entrance. It bumped its head onto a sharp rock, blood was dripping out of that bruise pretty quickly. That was a moment he might start to believe that you were there to truly kill him like a swine. Indeed, you were there for that.
When it laid on its back, it started howling at the moon - that was a tactic used by a werewolf when the things got out of their control. They tried to call for help from wolves living in the woods. But you only laughed as you walked to him, preparing for one last final blow, still holding the place on your stomach where it hit you.
"Ye going to die, Witchress, why is ya laughing?" - The beast growled out with visible and hearable problems, which made your smile bigger.
"Because I killed every pack in the radius of ten kilometers, you dumb shit. I sold the furs and meat for a fair coin, even got something to brew potions from. A valuable deal." - You laughed and swung your sword one last time - piercing its chest with it. After that, as you heard it choking on its blood and scream awfully, you sat next to it into the mud.
It was maybe just a short fight, but it made you cast two signs and to move at an incredibly fast pace. And the hit into your stomach was almost precise, hurting like a living fuck. The fight took its cost in the form of incredible tiredness. Also, the potions were still circling through your body, drawing energy out of it. You thanked Gods that you had the idea to track down and eliminate all the packs in the area. The contract could've turned out much differently than it did in the end.
You waited a while, the rain started to fall from the sky again, before cutting the beast's head off. You used an old dwarven axe for that since it was durable and almost unbreakable.
Not an hour after that, your camp was packed up and you were ready to leave the woods, riding horseback to the city again. The werewolf's head was pinned on your saddle to be seen by any bandit. You weren't in a mood for jokes, you didn't want to mess around with some lousy bandit just to be dirty from their blood.
You changed into a fresh shirt and made a hairstyle so tight that not even the smallest baby hair had the chance to fly in front of your face.
It was a while after three o'clock in the early morning when you knocked on the contractor's door - his name was Stjepan, male about thirty years old with a wife and two small daughters. That was the main reason why he wanted the werewolf dead. He was also a local innkeeper, so you at least had a hope that you will sleep in an actual bed instead of the woodland full of bugs and branches poking your ass and back.
"Who the hell is knocking my damn door at night?!" - You heard his angry yell just seconds before he opened up the door. You stood there, soaked from the rain, only in trousers and shirt, holding the head in the level of his eyes. He yelled and threw up just centimeters from your shoes, but you kept the straight face.
"Monster's dead. I want my money." - You growled, throwing the head in. You could hear the small girls and woman yelling, but you didn't care at all. Stjepan disappeared for a small moment, appearing after a while with a small sack of gold.
"Now leave and never come back, ya filthy creature. I can see the devil in ya eyes. I will pray for ya soul." - Stjepan hissed at you, trying to close the door, but your arm stopped it. Stjepan tried to shut it one more time, but your arm didn't even move out of the wood.
Geralt would've most likely just shook his head and leave the man - but you were a lot of things, pussy not being on your list.
Witchers, since they were males, had enhanced strength of the strongest human men. Since you were a woman, you were as strong as a really strong man - those who had almost two meters, one hundred kilograms, and muscles all over their body. When Stjepan realized that he isn't able to close the door, he opened it once again, your hand finally leaving it.
"This is less than we agreed on. I want my money." - You hissed back at the man, stepping into his house. Oh, you would give anything just to see him spraying holy water on the spot where you were standing.
"I don't have more, now fuck off!" - Stjepan yelled and tried to push you out of his door, but he was pushed back as soon as his palm touched your shoulder. Some wall pushed him back so hard, that he stumbled and fell right on his ass.
"Stjepan, Stjepan, Stjepan... Do you remember when your sweet little girls asked me why I have two swords?" - Your eyes slowly looked through the opened door, last drops of Cat potions still making your night vision sharp. These two girls were sitting on the bed and hugged their dolls extremely tight, both of them shaking, hoping you can't see them.
But you could. And Stjepan's wife was standing next to the stove, holding a pan as if it could do any harm to you. With your stare still on the children, you slowly walked through their lovely, little house.
"Ya told them that the long, elegant, silver one with the runes is for monsters." - Stjepan stuttered out and covered the door with his laying body so you would have a harder time getting to the room.
"And that the other one is for even worse monsters." - You told him and kneeled in front of him, tugging the sword from the leather strap on your back. The steel was making cold notice as you tugged it even slower. - "Monsters called humans. The worst of them all."
"Ye a witchress!" - Stjepan's wife yelled at you, raising the pan to her hip, ready to hit you. - "Ya meant to help and protect folk! Not to kill 'em!"
You would never hurt these children. They were just children, for fuck's sake - their life hasn't even started and anyone, let alone a monster hunter like, had the right to hurt them and end their life. No witcher nor witchress had the right to take an innocent person's life.
But you weren't playing clean games, oh boy, you weren't. When you had to be dirty, you planned to be dirty as hell. You needed to keep your face straight if you wanted to scare that dick off.
"You better give me my money or I swear that I will kidnap your children and make them witchresses. After all, that's what witchers do when people refuse to pay their debts." - You hissed, walking over Stjepan directly to the bed, almost dragging the two girls out.
Just seconds before you touched them, Stjepan threw another sack to your feet, crawling in front of his small girls. - "Now go! Leave the fucking town and never come back! Fuck off!"
You straightened up and looked at the two small girls which slowly disappeared in the darkness as Cat finally stopped working. Only after that, you finally left their room. - "Pleasure doing businesses with you, Stjepan." - You added with a sour, ironic tone and walked off into the night.
Well, your plan with sleeping at his inn didn't exactly work out. At least you had the money he promised, even if you had to scare a few little kids. You walked to your horse, gently smoothing its forehead. Well, the only thing you could do was to ride to another city so you could find another job.
Well, that was the plan, until a man came across you. He was dressed up in a long cloak, covered in the darkness, almost sneaking up on you. You chuckled from shoving the money into on me of the bags on the saddle, not looking at the person. They must've known that you know about them the whole time.
"I won't give you a single coin, don't even bother asking me." - Your mumbling could be heard in the cold, silent night.
"Oh, I don't need your money, witchress. I want to speak to ya." - The person said, putting an envelope into the saddle looking you in the eyes. First, you checked the person to see if they mean any harm - it was a short man, pretty underweight, his arms looked very weak. He couldn't attack you if his mind was bright - he would die after one of your blows. - "Not me, pretty lady, but a friend of mine. Told me to say hi once I find ye."
With that, the caped person turned on their heels and disappeared into the darkness again. You watched him quietly for a second before you couldn't see him - then you looked at the envelope and grinned when you recognized the seal. That old, ugly bastard, Sigi Reuven.
Or, as the others knew, Sigismund Dijkstra. One of the most dangerous spies on the whole Continent. And that old son of a bitch wanted to talk to you.
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adonis-koo · 5 years
Three’s a crowd
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Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was suppose to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation...
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader,
Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 5k
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Tags: daddy kink, vaginal fingering, slight praise kink, degradation, nipple play, orgasm denial, edging, semi public sex, dirty talk, finger fucking,
Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤
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Sitting out on a balcony terrace was on god never a way you thought you’d open your morning. But here you were, gazing out over the busy city with a glass of water in hand as you mused. Most likely you’d be headed from the psych ward to the bakery by now. Probably stopping by the ragged gas station to get breakfast on your way before opening up shop. You’d most likely be in the back with Taehyung prepping Monday’s batch of bread while joking about the night before as well.
“Y/n? Are you even listening to me?”
You finally turned your gaze back to Jimin who sat across from you, lips in a large pout as he collapsed back in his plush seat huffing, “It really doesn’t take a lot to distract you, does it?”
Closing your eyes you exhaled sharply out your nose as you replied, “Sorry rich boy- shocking as it may be- not everyone lives like this on a daily,” licking your lips as you rested your hand against your chin, “Furthermore, can you blame me? I mean I get it, my dress choices weren’t the greatest but you didn’t have to go as far as calling them atrocious.”
Jimin’s lips curled into a coy grin as he straightened his back, perhaps knowing you were right, but if there was one thing you had taken note of, it was his darker disposition. He was innocent on the outside, but you had ever so often got the impression he was much more cold hearted then he appeared, “But it was.”
He shrugged easily, obviously not sorry about his words. Just proving what you were suspecting about it. It hadn’t particularly bothered you regardless. He was born into wealth and knew no different, so naturally- your entire wardrobe probably made him cringe. Rolling your eyes heavily you slumped back into your chair, not caring for his snobbish remarks, whether he was born into wealth or not it never killed anyone to have a little bit of humility, “Okay Mr Vogue, where are we going?”
This made him smile, relaxing his shoulders you hadn’t even realized were tense before as he replied, “There’s plenty of boutiques on the 42nd floor, we’ll go there first before exploring our options outside the hotel.”
You nodded, saying no more on the subject as you resumed eating breakfast. Turning your head to look back out over the city, as nice as this was, you didn’t expect to miss your friends so much. What was the point in so much luxury if you didn’t have anyone to enjoy it with? Briefly you glanced back at Jimin, he was on his phone again. Gaze focused and almost deadly, nothing like the aura he portrayed around you and your mother.
While you felt this way you had the distinct feeling Jimin wouldn’t necessarily agree. He bit his plump lip as he dragged a hand through his shiny, soft black hair. There was no doubt about it that he was definitely attractive. Having browsed your phone earlier that day you found out he even made it on the top ten list of most successful millionaires under 25. 
Granted the article was geared towards the sexual appeal for young women to fantasize about. Not necessarily up your alley, although...Jeon Jungkook took the number one spot at only 23 with an income of over 20 billion a year....and you walked in on him getting dressed this morning. Closing your eyes briefly, you felt your face getting red again. Why was it always you? 
Remembering the intense gaze he sent your way before the door shut was enough to make you weak in the knees. Without even realizing it you unconsciously squeezed your thighs together. Were all rich guys like this? You weren’t sure you wanted to be associated with this scene if they were. For your own sake but more importantly the sake of your body. 
Which was currently burning up and ready to take a cold shower. Breakfast continued silently as your parents had took off once more. Apparently Seung had business to attend and asked your mother to accompany him so she could start getting acquainted with his business partners. Your mother, seemed to be enjoying herself thoroughly and you supposed that was all that mattered in the end.
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Sitting on the black velvet octagon cut stool you watched Jimin pluck through racks as an employee swiftly lifted them from the rack on command. The selection was wide and vast and while you wanted to explore you were almost glad Jimin seemed to want to take over. Folding your hands you were unsure of where to look. The entire store screamed expensive and you were worried if you accidentally broke anything it’d cost you your retirement fund- not that you had one but still.
Finally Jimin turned around nodding you over to the employee, who past his fake smile seemed almost sneering at you as he lead you towards the back. The employee stopped at the entryway on the right signaling you to go in, following you inside briefly to hang the dresses up on a rack before exiting. The entire room was walk in. A white cubed chair in the corner while three full length mirrors stood at the front of the room. Pulling the thick curtains back to conceal the entrance you pressed your lips together before trying the first one on.
It was a deep blue color and had mountains of tulle that you were buried in instantly, not particularly caring for the halter neck that just about choked you as well. Jimin didn’t care for it either sending you back right away. You honestly weren’t sure how you felt about modeling for him. But then again if he was footing the bill you didn’t have that much dignity to say no.
You were use to being on your feet the majority of the day so changing in and out of dresses was easy. The difficult part was finding something Jimin liked. You found out quickly he was picky and even the slightest of things he didn’t like were a deal breaker. Even you weren’t that harsh on the gowns. Some weren’t your taste but regardless they were all gorgeous. The one you were currently wearing you’d admit you were particularly fond of. 
The tulle skirt flowed a bit wider then an a-line but nothing you were drowning or tripping in. It was off the shoulders with tulle sleeves fitted to your elbows, petals decorated the sweetheart neckline, enough to make you look fashionable but not gawdy. The deep wine red color was mature but still sensual enough that you could get away with it without looking dated.
Taking one step caused you to pause, taking note in your leg that briefly flashed, a long slit running up the right front of the gown you hadn’t noticed before. A bit oddly placed but you rather liked the touch. Opening the curtains again you almost slammed into a figure that had come out of their own room at the same time.
Jumping back you almost fell had a pair of hands not caught you, “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
You felt like a deer in the headlights as you looked up to see the one person who had been haunting your memory all morning. Thankfully clothed this time Jungkook gave you a once over, though he appeared more inspecting to see if you were okay before asking for verbal confirmation, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine!” You fumbled out, your face undoubtedly as red as the gown you wore, “It’s the dress you should probably be checking on.” If you could’ve cringed any harder at your words you would’ve as soon as they left your mouth. Awkwardly looking away from him as you finally forced your lips closed, closing your eyes as you wished nothing more then to embrace the icy void of death.
Very well aware of his large hands that held your waist tighter then necessary, in fact, him holding you wasn’t necessary at all. He licked his lips as he curved an eyebrow, smirking at your fumbling words as his voice lowered, “It’s okay, I wouldn’t mind you taking it off if its damaged.”
As if your face wasn’t hot enough, you squirmed in his arms making him chuckle as he glanced down at you, “Sorry, you’re just so easy to tease, I have a hard time controlling myself.” He didn’t look very sorry though as he finally, though almost reluctantly let go of you, taking a step back as he tossed a wink your way. Striding back out the hallway as you looked away huffing. Following in his path as you found Jimin looking down at his phone with that same icy stare again. Jungkook was talking to what appeared to be a seamstress who was taking measurements, “I want it right above my wrists remember.”
“Shut up you brat, I’m well aware of where you want it cut.” Your eyes widened at the seamstress’s snippy words as she huffed, wrapping the measuring tape around his upper arm before taking another note. They must’ve been close for her to talk to him so informally.
You turned back to Jimin clearing your throat as you raised an eyebrow expectantly. He looked up, his icy look melting as he put back on a charismatic look, wiggling his finger to signal you to turn. Doing so he finally gave a hum, “Too bland. Is there any black ones in the collection I picked out?”
Frowning you looked down at the gown, too bland? You supposed he had a point but you really didn’t want to look like a disco ball decked in gems either honestly, trying to hold in a sigh you nodded before replying, “Mhm, ill go try another if you want.”
Jimin nodded, standing up as he glanced towards the door, “Go ahead, I’ll be back in ten minutes I have to go take care of something.”
You crossed your arms not looking very impressed but you finally sighed waving him off as you turned around, “You sure do know how to steal a girls heart Jimin.”
He gave a smirk before turning his back to you, quickly exiting the door. Sighing your shoulders dropped as you glanced towards the large mirror wall, fidgeting with your fingers as you took one glance at the dress, it was a pity he didn’t like it.
“Don’t listen to him. Jimin’s taste in wardrobe is too saucy for most parties he attends.” You whipped around to see Jungkook still standing there, the seamstress measuring his neck now as he continued, “In regards to the eye candy he dresses up atleast.”
You shrugged, looking back towards the mirror, examining the dress once more as you replied, “I wouldn’t say I’m surprised but he’s paying so I’m gonna do what he wants.”
Jungkook only pressed his lips together saying no more as the seamstress suddenly flicked his head, scolding him quietly as he rubbed the spot, looking thoroughly annoyed, “Don’t you have other people to measure Irene?”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she waved him off. Letting him go back down the hallway as she shook her head, “Whatever he says, ignore him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
Confused by the seamstresses words you tilted your head. Watching her walk back into the employees room before looking back at the mirror. Taking one last look before trailing to the hallway again. Taking a step into your fitting room as you sighed. Suddenly jumping back at the figure who sat in the plush chair, looking up from his phone casually Jungkook grinned mischievously at your gasp, “Don’t mind me, I’m just here to help.”
“Help!?” You almost yelped out, taking a step back, ready to bolt if necessary, was it their wealth that made them so bold? Or was Jeon Jungkook just really that ballsy of a guy? “Sitting in my dressing room isn’t helping.”
Jungkook laughed, letting his legs which were already spread apart relax further, making you turn around as you put a hand on your forehead, “I already picked a few out of the selection for you to try on if you don’t know where to start,” Jungkook called out, his voice still amused, “Not very fond of Jimin’s taste, especially knowing they don’t fit your style but I think you could pull off the few I chose.”
Closing your eyes you almost whined out, “You want me to try on dresses with you in here?” 
“Mhm...” Jungkook relied, his voice almost playful as he continued, “You said didn’t care sense Jimin was the one paying. What about me though? What if I paid?”
He had a point, but was your dignity that low? You supposed, at this point in your life. It might as well been. Sighing you let you shoulders sag. Red faced you turned back towards the mirror as you unzipped the back letting the dress fall to the floor. 
Catching Jungkook’s eyes in the mirror, he had a hand resting on his chin, clearly enjoying the show. You had half expected him to remark about your body but none came, simply staying quiet as he observed. Maybe knowing it would send you into orbit if he did. Hanging the dress back up you plucked the next one off the hanger. Stepping into it as you pulled the material up and zipped in. It was flowy like the last one, the white brightened your skin and the tulle long sleeves cling to your wrists. It was long but sat more like a sheathe and the neckline plunged slightly.
Turning back to face Jungkook you raised you eyebrows though unable to look him in the eye, “Nice but needs color,” he stood up, making you shrink back slightly as he strolled over to the rack, plucking a rose gold pink gown as he wiggled a finger. Signaling you to follow as he stood in the middle of the room. Setting the gown down on the coffee table as you stiffly stood in front of the mirror.
You jumped slightly at feeling his hand press against your back, almost painfully slow he dragged it up your back before grabbing the zipper. Pull it down before letting the material fall off, leaving you exposed again, feeling a pang between your legs at the closeness. Awkwardly you looked towards the ground unable to meet his gaze again in the mirror as you clasped your hands, covering your exposed breasts.
Jumping again at the warmth of his fingers wrapping around your waist, one slithering down to grab your arm, the other grabbed your chin, his thumb stroking at your lip as he lifted your gaze, his lips soft as they grazed against your ear, “Look at me babygirl.”
His words alone were enough to make you rub your thighs together in attempt to cause friction. There was no denying Jungkook was immensely attractive, and even with only having met him once before you wouldn’t deny your body the honor of having Jungkook fuck you, which seemed exactly his intentions. 
Holding your chin he forced you to look up at the mirror meeting his eyes through it, his thumb intently stroking at your bottom lip while staring you down with a dark hunger in his eyes, glossed with lust as he wrapped a hand around your arm tugging it away as you obediently unclasped your hands.
Finally a smirk creeped on his lips as they pressed down against your neck, “That’s a good girl.” You almost whimpered at the praise as wetness began to shamelessly form in your panties. His lips dragging down your neck as he continued to watch your reactions in the mirror. His hands finally leaving their former position before looping around your waist, slowing letting his fingers trail up your stomach and to your breasts.
Pressing your lips together as you carefully watched his hands began to massage your breasts, squeezing slow but firm before pinching at your nipples making strangled yelp escape your lips as he began to nip against your neck, “Eyes up here princess, I didn’t give you permission to watch.”
Your face was a hot red and your panties were sticking to your wet folds as you trailed back up to lock eyes with him again, feeling his fingers pinch your hardening buds again as you let out a whimper, rubbing your thighs together as he let out a chuckle against your throat, “Do you want my fingers baby? Use your words.”
He had paused making you ready to protest only to realize it was his way of asking for consent, his original purpose in your dressing room had obviously strayed off path but then again you also anticipated this happening. He was extremely attractive and you hadn’t gotten laid in several months, you knew this was a likely case when you allowed him too stay, for good reason. Despite all warning signs in the back of your mind you nodded, “P-please...daddy.”
You watched his smile fade as lust consumed his eyes again at the lewd words, letting his fingers trail back down your stomach as he found a new spot on your neck to bite. His fingers played with the band of your underwear, it was a simple white lounge pair considering you didn’t have plans of getting laid on this trip. Jungkook didn’t seem to mind in the least as he let his fingers stroke over your clothed heat, “Already wet and I’ve barely touched you.” he tsked making you squeeze your thighs again. 
Letting his fingers find their way underneath the band of your panties as he let them take a long stroke up your sticky wet core. It both made you want to close your thighs again and simultaneously open them, choosing the ladder as you let your back press against his chest. His free hand went back to massaging your breasts as his other continued to stroke your wet cunt. 
Finally letting his fingers find their way to your clit, brushing over it causing you to buck your hips slightly, “Daddy please...” You murmured closing your eyes. He pinched your nipple once more causing you to jolt, letting his other fingers brush over your clit again as he murmured, “What do you want daddy to do?”
He rested his finger back on top of your clit, watching as you quickly began to shift your hips in attempt to get yourself off, “Let me cum daddy.” Your voice becoming strained as you finally let your ass press against him. Feeling an unexpectedly large dent pressed against his pants, letting your ass drag against his length in attempt to get his fingers to hit your sweet spot as he let out a small grunt.
His hand leaving your breasts to grab your hip, “Watch it babygirl, use your words or you won’t be cumming anytime soon.” His fingers suddenly began to move again at a faster pace as he began to explore your clit, making you whimper as you squirmed against him, the stimulation making you buck your hips and breathy moans escape your lips.
“Please daddy! Please!” You quickly whimpered as you attempted to press back against him, his hand on your hip, gripping it tightly keeping you from finding his length again. It didn’t last for long though as he let his other hand find its way down your band. His right still circling your clit before finding your sweet spot.
Making you moan as he nipped your neck again, “Not too loud kitten, unless you want everyone to know who’s taking you here.” Realistically you knew he was right but any thought of that had been thrown out the window when you let him stay in your dressing room.
His left hand began to stroke your wet cunt as the right continued to work your sweet spot making you grind against what was definitely a thick, long and harden dick making a grunt of approval escape him. Finally he let a finger slowly push inside you making you bite your lower lip, attempting to buck your hips as he tsked, “Impatient brats don’t get to come, be a good girl for daddy and don’t move.”
You whined at the command but did as you were told, letting him stroke you before sinking his first finger inside you while the other began to slow his pace with your clit despite the building pressure, “Mmm princess you’re so tight, I don’t know if you’ll be able to take daddy’s cock,” Just his words made you buck your hips again, your little walls clenching around his finger in excitement at the mention of his thick, swollen cock you kept grinding against, “Babygirl don’t be a brat, I told you not to move.”
Licking your lips you finally opened your eyes as you firmly pressed back against his length, locking eyes with him in the mirror. You were a mess of red cheeks and tangled hair as you grinded his hard twitching cock with a defiant smile, “Then make me.”
His jaw clenched and his eyes glowered, suddenly picking up the pace as he began to roughly drag his fingers back and fourth against your clit, shoving a second finger inside you becoming dragging his tips into your g-spot making you suddenly whimper throwing your head back against him, “Careful what you wish for you dirty slut. You like punishment don’t you?” He growled lowly in your ear as you felt two fingers sink into you pumping sharpingly, making the pressure in your core build faster.
You rocked your hips as much as you could to keep in pace with his fingers as you whimpered, “Y-yes...” his merciless gaze didn’t falter though as he added a third finger.
Making you bite your lip to keep from moaning too loudly, feeling his long digits fill you as they pumped further into you suddenly hitting your g-spot making you sharply buck your hips again as you moaned. His fingers on your clit finding their way back to your sweet spot as they both hit harmoniously in a ruthlessly speed. Your orgasm building higher and higher as Jungkook growled with a taunt in your ear, “Cum you slut, go on.” Just his words were enough to make you push closer to the edge of your orgasm. Feeling yourself at your peak, ready to unravel as you let out a moan.
The feeling however came to a jolting stop as he pulled all of his fingers off you. Your mouth suddenly opening into shock as you beggingly looked at him in the mirror, legs trembling at being so close to your high and not achieving it. Jungkook only glanced at you through the mirror ruthlessly, “Impatient brats don’t get to cum.” he repeated his words from earlier as he suddenly resumed brushing against your clit again, using two fingers inside of you instead of three as you began to obediently buck into them again as he pumped into you. 
His fingers dragged against the sweet spot of your clit again, your walls desperately clenching around his fingers making an embarrassingly loud squelch sound and the familiar pressure build in your core again, “D-daddy please let me come, please, I’ll be a good girl.” You whimpered begging as quietly as you could. Feeling him pinch your clit between his thumb and index finger as the other began to hit your g-spot again.
You let out a string of moans feeling the rush of your orgasm so close again, you wanted it so badly. So, so badly. Just as you felt it almost come over you Jungkook stopped again, almost making you whimper out a sob in the process from being so close yet again. This time almost painful as you tried bucking against his hands, “P-please daddy.”
“Learn to behave you brat and then talk to me.” Jungkook growled as he resumed his edging, letting his fingers brush back over your sensitive clit, while letting the over quickly pump you again, the feeling building much quicker then the last time. Despite knowing the inevitable end your hips were still fixed on trying to get your orgasm off, it was almost painful at this point bringing near tears to your eyes as you whimpered, “I’ll be a good girl daddy! Please let me come please! Daddy please!”
You kept murmuring it like a mantra as you continuing bucking your hips feeling the orgasm so close, you wanted it so badly. Clenching around his fingers, one more pump, just one you could feel it. But rather then one long pump Jungkook started shorter quicker thrusts with his fingers, continually hitting your g-spot as his fingers on clit began to stroke painfully slow.
Milking every last bit of your edge before you painfully almost orgasmed. On the verge of a scream that never came due to him stopping, tears glossing your eyes as you whimpered. The feeling excruciating as you continually bucked your hips in hopes of chasing your orgasm, “Naughty girls get punished, if you don’t listen to daddy this is what happens,” Jungkook despite wanting so badly to rough fuck you against the wall stood his ground firmly, “Let me put you over my lap and then I’ll consider.” The idea made you excitedly rub your thighs, rewetting your pussy that ached dully for its orgasm.
Jungkook had begun to lead you to the chair when a sudden ring went off. Temporarily grounding you to reality as you turned your head to look at him. His phone was going off, making him sigh obviously annoyed at the interruption, “Sit, legs open and let me take this call.”
Obediently you sat down, opening your legs qas he answered the call, “What?” His voice snappy and sharp, obviously annoyed not by the interruption anymore but by whoever called, “I’m busy, get someone else to do it.”
After a moment he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose before sighing loudly, “Personal project- that I was enjoying before you interrupted,” realizing he must’ve be referring to what you were both doing, however Jungkook seemed to be able to lie through his teeth flawless about finger fucking you just twenty seconds earlier. After a moment he gritted his teeth before speaking, “Fine, when do I have to be there?”
Another second went by before he looked towards the mirror, running a hand through his messy hair as he huffed, “Yeah whatever I’ll see you soon.” He dropped the call before putting it back on the inside pocket of his jacket. Sighing as he turned back to face you. Noticing his dark demeanor had been melted away by reality as he kneeled down grabbing your chin gently, “I have to negotiate a meeting in ten minutes so I have to go.”
“You’re seriously gonna leave me like this!?” You huffed out raising your eyebrows, a pout you didn’t even realize took over your lips. It made Jungkook grin before a smirk suddenly coiled on his face, “Let me take you for dinner tonight and I’ll make up for it.”
You were tempted to say no just to see the look on his face but after his performance with only his fingers you couldn’t even imagine what the rest of him was like, shaking your head you finally cracked a breathy laugh, “If you wanted to take me on a date you could’ve just asked without going the extra mile.”
Jungkook leaned in, his hand crawling up your thigh as he stroked the inside, letting your arousal spike again as you bit your lip frustrated, “I was going too regardless, but I don’t like letting opportunities pass by, seeing that pouty preorgasm face was worth it babygirl. 8 o’clock?”
“Sure.” You closed your eyes trying not to focus on his hand that gave your thigh one last squeeze before letting go.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair one last time, poorly fixing it as he stopped by the curtain, “One last thing baby,” he curved an eyebrow turning to face you, “No touching yourself allowed until then. Don’t want another punishment do you?”
Licking your lips you crossed your legs as you rested your elbows on the arm rests, finally a wicked smirk curled onto your lips as you rose your eyebrows, “Never, I’m a good girl.”
Jungkook had to leave while attempting to wipe the grin off his face. Playing with Jimin’s toys was a dangerous game but shit, when they made a face like that Jungkook couldn’t resist.
Sighing you collapsed into the chair, you hadn’t gotten laid in several months and you still managed to not get off in front of one of the worlds most richest and attractive young men. Way to-fucking-go.
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Jimin never did show back up, finding a text from a private number saying it was him, coincidentally having to attend a meeting last minute as well. Briefly you wondered if it was the same one Jungkook went too. You ended up leaving the store empty handed despite Jimin saying you could just put it on his tab if you found something you liked. After seeing the price tags you couldn’t force yourself too. You explored parts of the hotel though, there was even an arcade on the 12th floor and an indoor pool.
None in which you were equipped to go into but it was amazing regardless. Eventually you got a text on your phone from your mother asking if you’d like to attend brunch with her and Seung. Seeing as you had nothing else better to do you went ahead and agreed. You’d need to warm up to this all eventually and putting it off wouldn’t make it go any faster. Sighing you made your way to 52nd floor which apparently had an incredible balcony view. It was reserved apparently but after hearing your last name the employee immediately let you back.
“Ah Y/n I’m glad you could join us!” Seung smiled brightly as he waved you over to the empty seat, “Let me introduce you to one of my closest friends.”
You however swallowed thickly not at who he waved too but who he sat beside. Why was it always Jungkook? He sat first on his phone not looking incredibly invested in the conversation until your name came up. Head suddenly shooting up with raised eyebrows, a smirk wiggling it’s way onto his lips as his phone was suddenly put back into his jacket. This child...
Ignoring Jungkook’s suggestive stares you gave a sheepish grin as you walked over, sitting across from Jungkook who on the right of him was accompanied by an older lady. She wore a black knee length pencil skirt and a green silk button up blouse that complimented her nicely. She wore simple yet elegant golden jewelry and her thick glossy black hair was styled effortlessly. This was undoubtedly his mother.
The man on his left was older and had gray accompanying his dark raven brown hair and his facial features were strong, clearly where Jungkook inherited his stronger features, his face however was fixed in an almost permanent scowl that suited his black silk suit well. This was the person who made you the most timid, “This is Jeon Hwan, his wife Soo Yun, and their son Jungkook.”
“Oh we’re well acquainted.” You closed your eyes as your smile tightened at Jungkook’s words. Not having to see to know the smirk that accompanied his expression. Why did he have to be so obvious? Even if they didn’t know they had to be able to figure out something was up.
Coughing as you nodded attempting to do damage control as you strained a forcibly relaxed smile while quickly explaining, “Oh yes, I met Jungkook earlier when I was with Jimin.”
Seung nodded enthusiastically, clearly delighted to see you were already becoming familiar with some of the upperclass families. God if only he knew Jungkook was three fingers deep in you two hours ago. None the wiser however Seung replied happily, “That’s good to hear! I don’t expect you to become thoroughly acquainted with my way of living. But I want you to know you’re always more than welcomed Y/n.”
You could tell, unlike Jimin’s words, his father’s were much more genuine and it made you give a small warm smile as you nodded. It made you wonder though, how could Jimin seem so cold if his father was so warm? Surely being raised in wealth wasn’t the cause? Jungkook was a fairly good testimony of that. The question lingered in the back of your mind but you outwardly chose to not say anything to Seung’s words as a plate was put in front of you by a server.
You could feel your stomach growling but you paused. Noticing Jungkook’s father watching you closely, making you sink into your seat as you tensely smiled. Was he accessing? He was definitely accessing you. Jungkook appeared confused at your expression before trailing your gaze back to his father. Making him frown as his expression dropped to one you could only adequately describe as resentment.
Looking back towards you Jungkook gave for the first time, an awkward smile that you assumed must of be an attempted reassuring one. Giving an awkward one back before it quickly melted as you sunk into your seat before glancing back down at your plate. This was going to be a painfully long day. Wasn’t it?
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Note: hey babes! I wanted to get this up sooner but I haven’t really been feeling it with proof reading any type of smut buuut here we are! Gonna finish up the last scene of 6 and try and get a request finished today, wish me luck!!🖤
Tag list: @sapphireprinces5 @jazzytfw @theslumberingcat (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
272 notes · View notes
yoshimickster · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episode 7 “The Grimm Reaper” MicksteRecap-BEHOLD THE NICE BACKGROUNDS!
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Hey everybody, last night’s Christmas party was a DOOZY, sorry I’m late-TIME FOR THE MICKSTERECAP!
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-THE SANCTUARY of the spring relic...which...Salem can just enter any time she wants apparently! Man, maiden powers AND a secret hideout, that’s awesome!
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Hell, she can even invite FRIENDS inside! Just get some chairs, a TV and surround sound, you’ll have a chill pad!
Either way Cinder gives Neo the low-down about how Salem ordered Cinder to take Ruby alive NOT dead-ALL WHILE-
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2:58 ...she...plays with her knife, like a total creep! I ain’t judging, we all gotta stim from time to time.
Anyway, Cinder tells Neo that while she can’t kill Ruby, NEO hasn’t taken ANYONE’S orders, and then the two become best murder friends forever!
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Because we ALL KNOW how well the LAST time Cinder made a deal with a recurring antagonist...also holy crap Neo’s tiny, she’s like a murderous Felicity Smoak!
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3:38 THE BRIDGE FROM EVERY SAMURAI STORY! Don’t lie, you got Samurai Jack flashbacks to. It is HERE WE SEE-
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-absoLUTE cosplay bait! LOOK AT THAT-its glorious!
And you just KNOW what’s comin’ next folks-
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Maria starts out with a bridge back-flip-
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THEN-does a gun-scythe-kama toss-
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SHE FLICKS THE PURPLE SWITCH-oh Mauvisto we fear your dark power-WHICH TURNS OUT TO BE-
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-MAGNETIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC SCYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYTHES-bitch! Most likely due to gravity dust! She then uses it to FLOAT HER ASS up to the bird!
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She SPINS IN for a shoulder strike-
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AND LANDS-in the shoulder! Lot of shoulder strikes with this bird.
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She then steers it through the anime mountains-
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-creating what LOOKS like a fixed point of gravity-
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-PULLS back her weapons forcing the bird into a quick-stop turn, STEERING THAT FUCKER-
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-RIGHT INTO A MOUNTAIN! FUCK YES-pro Huntresses rule! She also LANDS that bitch-
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She then pulls one of her kmas out and everything is fine-OR IS IT?!
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Nevermore: Hey.
Maria: Oh...hey.
Nevermore: Whatcha doin?
Maria: OH-I was just going to leave.
Nevermore: That’s nice, but how about I eat you instead?
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Maria tries zigging and zagging-BUT-
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4:56 It knocks both her weapon-
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AS WELL AS HER! She’s only got ONE OPTION-
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5:09 DAMN-petrified and then crumpled in MID-air!
After that kerfuffle, Maria than just goes on her merry way-
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Tock: SURPRISE BITCH-I’m a crocodile!
We are then treated to one of the shortest...and MOST epic action exchanges of ALL time! Which starts out with THIS-
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Maria: I don’t think you know who I am.
Tock: Course I do!
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Clock: *Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind-DING!*
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Tock: YOUR the Grim reaper! 
AND YES-there are screws in her croco-teeth, don’t question it, its just awesome.
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Tock: And THESE are the last 60 seconds of your life.
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And yes, the action scene ends exactly SIXTY seconds after she starts glowing, AS WELL as the clock stopping sixty seconds after it officially started and its absolutely brilliant-TO THE FIGHT-
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6:13-Tock starts with a straightforward slash-BUT Grimm Reaper Maria blocks it like a boss-BUT-
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6:16 -TOCK knocks away one of her mini-scythes-BUT MARIA-
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-NOT ONLY gravetizes her other scythe back to her-
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-BUT WHILE BLOCKING SHOTGUN CHARLIE-damn she was great in her prime. THEN-
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-she slashes Machete Jackson RIGHT in the face-
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6:27 Knocks away BOTH of these punks-
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6:30 While knocking Hammer Armond down-LIKE A BOSS! BUT THEN-
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6:31 TOCK comes in with the double slash, grinning like a mad woman.
Jackson and Tock get the jump on her, one zigs, the other zags, PROMPTING MARIA TO ACTIVATE-
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6:44 BO-STAFF MODE-now it has DOUBLE the attack power!
She goes in striking Jackson-
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-BUT TOCK-gets up close and personal-
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And in a SPLIT second-
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JACKSON’S back up and tag-teams Maria with Tock...wait, not like that.
Maria knocks back Jackson again, she zigs, Tock zags, LOTSA ZIGGING AND ZAGGIN UP IN THIS
ALL THE WHILE-the same tick-tick ticking is going on-OOOH-its like a Venture bros scene!
Maria looks like she’s got the upper hand-BUT TOCK-
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6:56 BITES THE FUCK THROUGH her battle staff-
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6:57 HEADBUTTS AWAY-her mask-
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-where it SHATTERS in mid-air, holy SHIT! ALSO-Maria is pretty-HUZZAH!
Either way this LEADS TOCK-
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7:01 -to slash her GOD DAMNED eyes open! All. Within. 60. SECONDS! HOLY SHIT!
Tock high off her victory then starts gloating to the no de-eyed Grimm reaper, mocking her as weak while Maria blindly shoots her gun-scythes-WHILE ALSO-
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-throwing one of her weapons behind her, which Tock isn’t worried about at all...for some reason.
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*KER-SLASH* Dead...presumably.
Never doubt the power of purple folks.
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8:04 FLASH FORWARD to the present, where everyone in the cart being pulled by a SINGLE motorcycle deals with the fact that they were travelling with THE Grimm Reaper this whole time. Seriously Qrow straight up geeks out a little to, admitting he based his scythe on her weapon...well...just the scythe apparently, also his gun is more of a shot-gun where as hers seemed more like glocks AH whatever.
Maria than gives herself a BIG OLD pity party, mentioning that even after she got her new fancy robot eyes she couldn’t bare to go back out into the field, fearing the danger that comes with battle and...I KNOW she’s clearly going to be Ruby’s mentor, but I ALSO hope she bonds with Yang as well, as holy SHIT she’s similar to Yang.
Both lost appendages during battle, both had said appendages replaced with mechanical accouterments, and BOTH are hilarious! HELL for wall we know Maria also had an almost-girlfriend who ran out on her, another almost girlfriend who got shipped off to Narnia, and a little sister who kept battling because CRIME! 
Hell, she PRACTICALLY acknowledges it-
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9:11 Maria: Because some of you are clearly stronger than me all ready.
Yang: *Sad ephiphany face*.
DAMN am I glad she’s part of the group!
After Maria avoids Ruby’s plea to train her to use her magical Grimm zapping super eyes-WE GETS A SCROLL CALL-
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Ruby: I answered the SCROLL Jaune, the answer is clearly yes.
Jaune: I just miss my friends.
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10:20 BASINGSE-I mean-THE WALLED CITY OF ELDIA-wait not...ARGUS-yeah Argus! But FIRST Team RWBYQOM needs to FACE-
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-THE STEEPEST HILL ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET! I mean...LOOK AT THAT THING-its huge! Also I love the design of the trees and the grass, its just beautiful!
BUT-through the magic of television-
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-THEY’RE ALL READY THERE! Seriously I bet it took them like TWO hours inching down that path. I know construction is always lax in Remnant due to Grimm attacks, but someone NEEDS to make that path safer!
But enough about that-BEHOLD-
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-THIS CASTLE WALL-with lots of armed guards on the top! No Titan is gonna sneak up on the city on THEIR watch!
But enough abou that-ITS HUG TIME:
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And a billion shippers hearts, just exploded. 
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Look at all this, Rooster Teeth’s background budget got WAY bank and they are FLAUNTING that wealth!
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This Objects and Oddities lady is my favorite, she’s just SO pissed off, I wander why?
We also see-
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-A MOVIE THEATER-showing such brand spanking new films, INCLUDING-
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TRYST IN THE MIST-a raunchy tale about a romantic affair that takes place IN THE MIST! Given 4 stars by “Incredibly specific affair based movie” monthly!
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...a...MOVIE within a movie apparently...weird.
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DEMON IN THE DEEP-one of several monster movies that SOMEHOW exist on Earth-RWBY. I’m just saying, with all the REAL monster attacks, wouldn’t monster movies seem insensitive? SPEAKING of insensitive-
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THE FALL...of Beacon...I know I’m not the first to say this but too soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.
So bla bla bla, Argus was made to promote trade between kingdoms, bla bla bla, Atlas military has all but abandoned it bla bla bla-LET’S MEET JAUNE’S SISTER!
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LOOK AT HER! FEEL-her youthful and adorable mom energy!
And the REST of the episode is PRETTY MUCH just an assortment of adorable images.
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Yang playing airplane with baby Adrien(THE CUTENESS).
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THE THREE ARMED-flopping Jaune-IN ALL of its glory!
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12:56 -and the women who adore him-
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Okay I don’t know HOW many fan-artists are left on Tumblr due to the incoming purge, but I want some ADORABLE web-comics based on this STAT! LOOK AT MINI-JAUNE-he’s so CUTE! And just when you things couldn’t get ANY better-
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Sapphron: Everyone, this is my wife Terra Cotta.
BAM-twenty gay-TEEN mother fuckers!
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SUBTLE-Renora sandwich time! Look at these two, YOUNG LOVE mother fuckers!
But more importantly Terra asks THE REAL questions-
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Terra: Is that (Bringing students along on dangerous Huntsman missions) even legal?
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Qrow: Er, uh, of course!
And I just...LOVE that both Maria and Ruby have the exact same looks on their faces, their both thinking “The closest thing we have to a real chaperone is a bipolar alcoholic...this is what my life has become”.
After a nice little sandwich lunch, and learning that Terra Cotta-Arc is a hardworking radio engineer being unjustly accused of bad mistakes(if there’s ANYONE to blame its Lionheart), while team RWBY decides the best way to GO to Atlas is with the LOCAL MILITARY BASE-which I’m sure will accept them with OPEN AR-
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Ooooooooooooooooooor not. Hey, its only HALF way through the season, they gots PLENTY of time!
SUMMATION-this easily had one of the BEST action sequences of the ENTIRE season, the backgrounds were BEAUTIFUL and there were just so many cute scenes-TEN OUT OF TEN for me! AND WITH THAT-that’s the end of MICKSTERECAP-if you liked what you read, message me if you want to donate to my Paypal or Ko-Fi. With that I will see you NEXT WEEK-on Mick the Nerd’s a.k.a. Yoshimickster’s MICKSTERECAP! Sorry this one was a bit late!
90 notes · View notes
roxywashere · 5 years
What’s Up, Danger
Rey acclimates to her powers
Rey Walker, better known as the superhero Neon, had very suddenly become a celebrity after being inducted into Astra’s League, the world's most prestigious superhero organization. She sat in the League's headquarters, FursTech Tower in Danesville, Wisconsin, at 3 in the morning January 1st 2101, watching as 24-hour news stations scrambled to uncover everything they could about this random punk-rocker who had just been thrust onto the world's stage. Her best friends and long-time crime-fighting partners Hilda Furst, Elle Ectric, and Shailene Octavia stood around watching the same holographic screens where they were also being analysed for the same reasons.
“This is so weird,” Rey commented as she watched the TMZ office argue about the team’s power levels while all still wearing party hats from their New Years party just hours before.
“You’ll get used to it,” Aradia Furst told her. 
“I’m literally being interviewed by like 17 people every single minute and I hate it,” Hilda said. She was apparently Aradia’s second cousin three times removed (Hilda’s great-great-great-great-grandparents were Aradia’s great-grandparents), which Hilda had only learned when she saw it on MSNBC’s coverage of her. “I’ve never killed myself in public before but I’m this fucking close to doing it just to have one less body for everybody to interrogate.” She’d never been this stressed out by her power before, at least that she’d let her best friends know.
“This is exactly why I don’t like going out in public,” Elle said.
“Well, I guess you’re going to be travelling exclusively by lightning bolt forever now because your ass is famous worldwide.”
“I wish my ass was famous,” Shailene mumbled.
“Don’t go getting any ideas, now,” Aradia chastised. “We’re public figures, we have to keep a clean facade.”
“I mean, do we have to? Or is that just how things have been done? What if it’s tasteful? With, like, a real photographer?”
“If you want to draw Astra’s ire, go ahead. But I’ll be looking down my nose at you the whole time.”
“All I heard was ‘go ahead’.”
“Do you pay us?” Hilda asked. “Or would we have to do brand deals and shit.”
“You each get a monthly stipend which will support a quite comfortable housing arrangement,” Aradia answered. “Anything else you wish to earn on top of that is up to you. I would suggest that you wait to get comfortable with your new income before you start trying to supplement it.”
“Is that on top of, or replacing, your basic income program?”
Aradia was at a loss for words. “No League members have ever been on the program before. I never even considered that it was a possibility.”
Rey’s phone dinged with a new message. She was actually kind of surprised that it wasn’t just constantly going off since the press conference. The text, and the ones that immediately followed it, read:
Hey, this is Felicia The waitress From the diner You gave me your number Are you busy right now? You’re probably busy You can ignore me if you’re busy
With a brief burst of her superspeed Rey texted back:
                                          I'm not busy don’t worry                                           Just watching the news                                           hyd?
What is this, the 20s? ‘hyd’?
                                          I’m old fashioned
I get enough old fashioned at this fucking diner
                                          Is your shift over?
Almost. Another hour
                                          You work third shift often?
Only tonight I drew the short straw to work the new year shift
                                          You busy after?
I was planning on sleeping
                                          That’s probably a good idea
I could wait until after getting an early breakfast tho
                                          Wanna come to Danesville?                                           I know a couple places
Danesville is a 10 hour drive from here
                                          I can carry you                                           Btw, whats the actual address of the diner                                           I kinda just stumbled upon you last time
1 Mile Run Rd Allenwood PA We’re right next to Little Mountain State Park off I-80
Suddenly Hilda jumped out of her seat, yelling “FUCK!”
“What is it?” Aradia asked.
“The Harlequin just showed up at one of my bank security guard jobs. Midwest Federal.”
A plasma trail traced from the chair Rey had been sitting in to the workshop’s balcony, where Rey already was, leaning over it to look out over the city. “Alright Aradia, time to hold up your end of the bargain.”
“I suppose it is.” Aradia got to work casting a portal, but instead of waiting Rey jumped over the railing and ran down the side of the building. Running down a building was always much harder than running up one, but it was so much more exhilarating. On her way down, she sent one last text to Felicia:
Gotta go. Duty calls. See you in an hour hopefully If I never text back then that means I’m dead 👉😎👉
She made it to the bottom with no problems, and flowed through the city until she stopped in front of the bank. Five of Hilda in bank security guard uniforms were standing with their handguns pointed at the door. All the lights inside were dark, and the front door looked like it had been smashed in. A second later the portal Aradia had been casting finally opened, behind Hilda and Rey.
“Wait,” Shay said, double-taking at the balcony of the workshop behind her. “How did you...”
“I’ve been here for like five minutes, guys,” Rey taunted.
An ATM came flying out of the bank’s front doors, followed by a shrill roar. Rey stepped out of the way, pulling one of Hilda who was also in the way along with her.
“What the fuck was that? I thought you said the Harlequin was in there?”
“I swear to god I saw her mask for an instant before she killed me,” Hilda said.
“Is she working with somebody new?”
“Let’s not wait to see...” Aradia said. “HARLEQUIN!” I know you’re in there. You’ve slipped under my radar for far too long.”
Another roar rang out. And then a slow stomping, slowly growing closer. And eventually some creature stepped out of the shadows, with red-and-white checkered scales, wearing the Harlequin’s mask: a plain featureless oval, half red and half white. Except the mask had been split across its width, a third of the way up, by a thick crack which was now its mouth.
“What the fuck is that thing?” Elle asked.
It spoke, in a low, rasping tone. “Hello, Aradia. Recognise me?”
“Why should I, fiend?” Aradia demanded.
“Twofold, witch. Your father was a thorn in my side for decades, one. And you and I spoke face to face only 7 days and a few hours ago, two.”
The Harlequin had been a consistent foe of her father in his early days before joining Astra’s League, this Aradia was familiar with. But, seven days and a few hours ago, Aradia had been at Johanna Kerr’s christmas ball, before it had been blown up by what evidence suggested was the Harlequin, or at least her goons. Aradia would have remembered encountering this beast there.
“What happened to you, Harlequin. This is something new, even for you.”
“I’ll spare you the details of my weakness, if you please. I’ll only have you know that it was and remains to be very painful.”
Something clicked in Aradia’s mind. Could it have something to do with the massive explosion the Harlequin had triggered after Aradia had left the christmas ball? If she had been at the ball to trigger the bomb, she likely would also have been caught in it. That would be more than enough energy to disrupt the impenetrability of her superhuman skin and possibly cause this strange alteration. It was a chemistry gauntlet to work through some other time, however, and especially not as a mere thought experiment.
“Then allow me to relieve your pain,” Aradia announced, straightening her back, and drawing herself up into the standard casting stance, one hand held in front of the other, fingers ready to trace magic circles into the air. “Girls, do what you do.”
The very first thing the Harlequin did was wrench a piece of the door frame out of the wall, and attempt to use it as a javelin to spear Aradia. As before, Rey leapt in to pull Aradia out of the way of the projectile, which embedded into a concrete wall across the street.
“Don’t worry about me getting hit,” Aradia told Rey. “I’m more robust than I look. Focus on taking this thing out.” She then quickly summoned a simple but strong magical barrier, and used it to give herself cover while maneuvered herself next to Hilda.
Meanwhile, Elle and Shay put their powers to work together, performing one of their favorite tag-team moves. Shay reached out and liberated the bronze fixtures from the destroyed door, which she psychically compacted into two rods and Elle then pumped a voltage differential into. Shay launched them at the Harlequin, which hit and elicited a scream as the voltages equalized through her.
Once Aradia had sidled up to Hilda, she asked of her “I’m going to need you to duplicate something for me, quickly.”
“What is it?”
Aradia knelt down and anchored her barrier to the street. She then plucked a dimly glowing white jewel off one of her necklaces and handed it to Hilda. “Its magic and that's all you'll understand even if I explained it. Took me a few years to understand myself.”
Hilda took the jewel and quickly duplicated herself to five, before passing the now 5 jewels to the middle-most her and re-condensing herself back to one. She repeated the duplication once more, before handing them to Aradia. Piled together in a hoard of 25, their combined glow was now about as bright as an average light bulb.
“That’ll do quite nicely,” Aradia said. She dumped all but one into her sleeve, cradling the last one in her palm. She pumped her light through her skin into the jem.
Aradia stood up, clenching her other fist and dissipating the shield she had summoned. She tossed the jewel towards the Harlequin, and yelled “Rey! Blast this with me!”
While Aradia cast a spell to focus her light, Rey zipped in and examined the jem. In the compressed time that her power afforded her, she grabbed it out of the air, and made a deliberate pondering pose for a long enough fraction of a second that she would be visible doing it. She then walked up to the Harlequin, and held it out in front of the Harlequin’s mask. While the Harlequin did a double-take at the audacity of the act, Rey asked “This a good spot?”
“Perfect.” Aradia illuminated the jem with a brilliant white laser projected from her fingertip. Rey, for her own part, channeled her power to siphon some of the plasma that was fueling her into it as well. It was less than a second before Rey felt a crack, and took that has her cue to let go and back away very casually.
Rey watched from a roof across the street as the jewel exploded, throwing the Harlequin through the wall of the bank. 
She only recently had been able to go this fast, after Aradia had given her an upgrade: The Heart. The Heart was a backpack fusion reactor that produced functionally infinite plasma for her to fuel her power with. She use to be able to consistently hit speeds of about fifteen miles a minute, but she’d only be able to sustain that for a handful of minutes. With the Heart, however, she’d been clocking a mile a second, and she had been able to sustain that for at least fifteen minutes, long enough to run from New York City to Danesville, without a sweat.
She pulled her phone out and checked to see Felicia’s response:
If that becomes the last text you ever send anybody i’m donating this phone to the smithsonian for their astras league exhibit
Rey smiled, and put her phone away. She went to step off the roof, but stopped when she noticed a strange flower growing out of the gravel spread across the roof. She summoned some plasma to her palm to shine a light on the flower, which closed its petals against the intense beam of sun-simulacrum.
She heard a crunch against the gravel behind her, and as quickly as she could she turned to face the sound, delivering her neck quite nicely into the grasp of a viney tentacle.
“Well, well, well,” world-infamous supervillainess Babalon said, as she lifted Rey off the ground.
She was dark-skinned, indian-american if Rey remembered the various tv specials about her correctly. Her hair was a long braided tangle, interwoven with branches and interspersed with flowers. She was wearing a bodysuit that was either made of leaves or designed to look like it was made of leaves. Holding her up off the ground were a dozen or so ten-foot-long, inch-thick vines that sprouted from her back and waist, one of which was stretched out and holding Rey. Each vine ended in a bundle of two-foot-long “fingers” each of which could move individually but tended to be used in groups. The fingers were what was wrapped around Rey's neck, preventing her from making her retreat.
Babalon drew herself closer to Rey. “It seems the self-pompous priestess of light has found herself a new disciple. Wanna know what I did to the last one?”
“I'm good, actually. Hey, why'd you name yourself Babalon?” Rey responded, grabbing the vine around her neck with both hands and channeling some of her plasma into it. Babalon recoiled as two feet of that vine was instantly incinerated.
“She gave you the Light too?! HOW?!” Babalon screamed as she swung another of her vines at Rey, faster even than most other superspeedsters Rey had ever met. No wonder she was on the top tier, worthy of being one of the few that drew Astra herself out to fight.
Rey needed to actually focus. Her new upgrade gave her an edge, but only barely.
She boosted herself backwards, remembering just a little too late that the edge of the roof had been behind her. She tripped over the parapet and fell back over the edge, and slowed time down to give her some space for thought. She was about 5 stories up. It would take about 4 seconds to reach the ground. That was plenty of time. She brought her hand to her chin and pondered.
She had only had three hours to adjust to her new power level, but she was fairly confident in her ability. She had developed one specific new skill, something almost unnoticeable that she had nonetheless noticed running up and down buildings all night. She just needed to figure out how to do it on purpose.
She felt the writing mass of plasma on her back, the Heart, given to her by Aradia. She felt its warmth, its light. “The Light”, Babalon had called it. Astra, local goddess she was, had never revealed what it was that fueled her cosmic might, but she did do a lot of glowing while she used it. Was this the same Light? Rey had no idea, but it was a fun little supposition to make. And it did somewhat explain the aforementioned new skill.
“Are you... posing?” Babalon asked, apparently appalled by the gall Rey was exhibiting.
Rey had been focusing on both her inner monologue and maintaining the hand to the chin, and hadn’t noticed that time had resumed normal speed and she hadn’t continued falling.
“What the fuck?!” Shay yelled. “I’m not doing that!
Rey looked at herself. She appeared to be just standing at a 90 degree angle from vertical, 45 feet above the street. “Huh. Didn’t know I could do that.” As she moved, the plasma trail that indicated she was using her power traced her every gesture.
Babalon lunged over the edge, and Rey cut out her power to drop herself out of reach. Shay reached out and grabbed Rey before she hit the ground, following the unprecedented failure of Rey to reactivate the hovering part with the rest of her powers.
“That was weird,” Rey told the others as she righted herself. “Anyway, what’s up with this bitch, Rad?”
Aradia gave Rey a look of annoyance for using her nickname. “That’s Jane Newark. She’s...” Aradia sighed. “A pseudodemon, and a Whore.”
“Wow, strong words. But, I get the idea. Let’s kick her ass.”
A brick whizzed past Rey's head. “Forgetting something?” the Harlequin growled.
“Elle, help me out with Babalon, the rest of you keep dealing with dollface.”
Elle zapped up to the roof with Babalon, with Rey following.
“The witch’s new toys are out to play, I see...” Babalon said as she circled the two. “I’ve killed 5 of Astra’s League, you two small fries don’t stand a chance.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” Rey said winding up a punch, Elle standing behind her. “Elle, now!”
Elle jumped forwards, converting herself into pure electrical energy, electrical plasma. She wrapped herself around Rey’s arm, and Rey absorbed her and used her energy to launch herself forward, fist first. Elle released herself the instant Rey’s fist hit Babalon’s chest, exploding out of Rey’s hand, shooting forwards and launching Babalon into the sky.
Elle continued to the clouds, dragging Babalon along with her. She rematerialized periodically, taking opportunities to give Babalon a kick or two before returning to plasma to dodge Babalon’s flailing vines. On the ground, Rey flowed through the streets, following Elle’s flashes of lightning.
Elle eventually let Babalon go in the middle of a cloud over a field outside the city. She struck down to the ground, and started waiting for Babalon to fall down to her. Rey caught up only a few seconds later. They acknowledged each other with a fistbump that crackled with static and neon.
“So what was with that flying thing back there?” Elle asked.
“I don’t really know. This nuclear backpack Rad gave me has some fucking magic in it or something.”
“Can you do it again?”
“I mean, probably. I don’t know how though. How do you do it?”
‘“It’s just an instinctual extension of my power. But it’s not really the same as, like, how Astra flies.”
“I mean, obviously. But I gotta start somewhere.”
“What if you just try running up?”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“When you run with your power, it’s like pushing yourself in the direction you want to go, right? Just do that, but up.”
“I don’t know...” Rey was silent as she looked up to inspect Babalon's progress towards the ground. “Wait, shit, I just got it.”
“Got what?”
“It’s the Garden of Babalon, because she controls plants.”
Elle sighed. “That does make sense, yeah. You wanna give it a go, with me giving you a boost?”
“Give what a go?”
“Running up.”
“I mean, sure. But you gotta promise to catch me if it don't work.” Rey reached out her hand towards Elle
“Deal.” Elle took Rey’s hand. “3, 2, 1...” Elle converted to lightning and crackled over Rey’s skin as Rey absorbed her, before Rey knelt down and then jumped into the air, Elle releasing herself to give Rey a little extra height.
Rey tried doing what Elle suggested, activating her power to try to force herself higher. As Elle jumped out of her, Rey tried to siphon some of the extra energy Elle had given her, and add it to her reservoir.
She didn’t expect that she would be rocketed into the sky at the same speed she could run. She passed Babalon, still on her own journey down, before she knew what was happening, and hit the clouds in a single second.
Elle, still nearly on the ground, for a second thought her friend had exploded or somehow vaporized herself, until she backed away and saw Rey’s plasma trail tracing a thick, bright line straight up. “Holy shit, Rey.”
Rey, now whizzing past the clouds, considered what to do next. She calmly pulled some plasma from the Heart, though not nearly as much as she used to get into this position, and then tried activating her power downwards to slow her still very rapid ascent through the atmosphere. She managed to stop herself before she got to the point where the air would be too thin to breath, and then let herself start to drop back down to Earth. She periodically slowed herself down, until she was continuously doing it, and was floating like she had done accidentally before. She experimented with the hypothetical throttle of her power, gently increasing and decreasing to raise higher and lower, and then tried to change the angle at which the was directing her power, and managed to achieve something quite analogous to how she assumed someone like Astra could fly.
She glanced down, and noticed Elle zapping around a very angry looking dot, and dropped down to join her.
“Nice of you to join us,” Elle said as Rey gently fell to a stop a few dozen feet above the grass.
“Hey, turns out, I can totally fly.”
“Join the club.”
“We just did, like 5 hours ago.”
“Shut and help me, Rey.”
Rey dropped down to the ground, where Babalon was swinging her vines wildly to try and and reach the two heroes floating just out of her reach.
“You getting tired yet?” Rey asked her. “If you want I could go get Astra, somebody you can actually get some good swings in with.”
“Don’t act like you’re too powerful for me. You haven’t laid a finger on me either, you stupid punk.”
“Tell that to your singed vine.”
Babalon lunged at Rey, growling with frustration. Rey zipped past her vines, and grabbed the vine harness that anchored her plant limbs to her human body. Rey pumped plasma directly from the Heart onto the vines, incinerating them and burning away the leaf-like costume Babalon was wearing.
Babalon swung one of her human arms, hitting Rey and sending her flying.
Rey crashed into the grass, rolling and yelling in pain. “FUCK! I think my rib is broken...”
Babalon, now robbed of her major advantage and seething with rage, stomped towards the now vulnerable hero. “That’s why it takes Astra to handle me, you petulant child. She can take a hit.”
Elle zapped over to Rey, to put herself between Rey and Babalon. “You get back, you bitch.” Elle unwound the chains she kept wrapped around her arms, and started swinging them, striking sparks between them. “We aren’t done here, yet.”
“I’ll just kill you both, then.”
Elle ran at Babalon, and then zapped around her, leaving her chains corporeal enough to wrap around Babalon’s arms. Elle materialized behind her and twisted the chains to bind Babalon’s arms behind her. “Do anything stupid and your heart’s a piece of burnt toast.”
“Bold of you to assume I have one.”
“Well, if you say so.” Elle pumped 10,000 volts across her hands, sending the current across Babalon’s shoulders, setting her skin on fire most evidently. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Elle atomized the chains and rematerialized them back on her own arms, and then kicked Babalon to the ground, where she screamed in apparent agony. “Rey, do you think you can walk?”
Rey slowly got to her feet, grunting occasionally whenever she agitated the broken rib. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Can you send up a flare?”
“Yeah.” Rey raised her palm up to the sky, and launched a plasma ball into the air, arcing slightly towards the city.
A portal appeared a dozen seconds later, out of which Aradia, Shay, and Hilda stepped. Rey saw, through the portal, the Harlequin, restrained tightly by a few dozen feet of chain wrapped around her, being loaded into a police van.
“Good work, girls,” Aradia congratulated. “You are certainly working hard to earn your place on this team.” Aradia strode towards the writhing Babalon, and pulled all of the adamantium from the jewelry she was wearing and sent it to lift Babalon and hogtie her. “Wait until Astra hears how the youngest members of the League took you down on their own.”
“Your threats of humiliation mean nothing, witch,” Babalon spat.
Aradia muzzled Babalon with the remaining adamantium she had. “Shut the fuck up, Whore.”
Rey limped over. “Hey, I don’t suppose you got any healing magic, do you?”
“Depends how severe your injury.”
“Broken rib?”
“Just one? No trouble at all.” Aradia quickly danced out a spell, which sent a warmth up through Rey’s ribcage. “Now, I would suggest you rest for a while before...”
“No can do, doc, I’ve got a date to keep.” Punctuated by a communal sigh from all five of the other women, Rey zipped off.
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marvellovegalore · 6 years
It’s okay.
Erik Stevens/Killmonger.
Requested imagine: 
1. I request a Killmongerx reader where Erik had a GF who dumped him because of his increasingly scary vengeance (one night she thought he was going to attack HER), but months later he shows up at her place, having been given another chance at life and now working with Tchalla... 
2. Love your stories they are so well written and vivid in description. Can I request a Erik x reader where Erik lives and has been redeeming himself with his family and he asks T’Challa to go to the US to take one person back to Wakanda—-the girl he loved but didn’t treat right die to his issues...
Note: This was one of the first requested imagines, Anon(s) I am so sorry for taking so long to get this imagine out, I do hope you like it but I could have done better. Love and Wakanda Forever x
Warning: Strong Language, Violence Themes
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The rays of sun above his head cause his eyes to flutter open. He exhales and rubs his eyes. He sits up and scratches his chest, the pads of his fingers rubbing through the ridges of his numerous scars. He yawns and swings his feet over the bed.
He stands, stark naked, and enters his bathroom. He gets himself ready with a mixture of anxiety and determination in his heart. He bites his lip as he looks at himself in the mirror, seeing the eyes of a man in the midst of a emotional and political deradicalisation. The fragments of his irises lay abandoned in his pupils. He’s slowly putting back the pieces of his view.
The last year of his change has come with unparalleled hardship for Erik Stevens, or as his family calls him - N’Jadaka. The things he’s done to this nation are irreversible. It only took him a couple of days to scar the once untouched land. He’s revealed an ugly in the world that many Wakandans couldn’t bear or accept. He was only accepted by a small number of people in the nation, but he is slowly being accepted into the society.
He is more than grateful. It’s the first time he’s been given a chance. The first time since her.
“Erik,” she questions quietly, the tired lilt to her voice floats through the quiet and brightly lit apartment.
He sighs and leans against the closed door. He lifts his head and walks into the living room. He walks past the couch and she gasps when her eyes register the blood stained clothes clinging to his body.
“Erik, babe, what happened?” She strikes up from the couch and goes to stand in front of him.
He huffs out and moves her aside with a slick movement of his arm. She crashes against the wall but the worry and curiosity compel her to follow him. Following him into the dark seems to be something she does quite a lot, the bedroom is black and the dim light from the corridor is barely any help to either of them.
“Erik? Erik?” She steps slowly and carefully on the floor, her bare feet making a slightly weird noise on the wood. “Just talk to me babe. I promise I won’t judge...” her voice is soft. “Baby, I just want to know. that you weren’t doing what we discussed you wouldn't do - anymore.”
Erik exhales, feeling a minuscule tug in his heart - wanting him to just rant and tell her the truth about his fears and needs. He just wants to give himself up to her, sometimes.
“Please Erik.” The lilt of her voice is soothing to him, and he almost lets her find him in the dark, but he moves away as her hands almost grasp him.
“Damn, Y/N, can’t a nigga just breathe?” He growls loudly, she squeals but bites her tongue - holding back her full blown scream.
She sighs, feeling the regular attitude and bad boy behaviour scent masking any clean particles on her room. “Erik,” she pauses and sighs, “Please baby, just talk to me calmly. I just want to understand what you’ve been doing until five in the morning.” She shrugs.
“Y/N,” a growl punctuates her name, this time taking five steps to her, she understands the direction he’s taking to her, hearing the ring around his necklace clashing against his dog tag violently.
“Erik, I just-“
“Nah, you just talk too much. You know exactly what I was doing until five in the damn morning. Stop trying to patronise me.” He breath beats against her face, her body shrinks as he talks down on her. “I ain’t your baby. And I ain’t your goddamn man, Y/N.”
Her back feels frozen against the wall of the bedroom. She swallows and her eyes focus on his clenched fists, each one poised tightly besides her face.
“Fuck that!” He slams both fists against the wall, almost shattering her eardrums.
She jumps, startled. Her heart pounds against her chest violently. She hyperventilates and her fingers cover her mouth, muffling her panicked breaths. She inhales. His eyes bore into her, not an ounce of compassion floats in his eyes.
He stalks off into the bathroom, the noise of the dog tag and the ring clashing against one another repeatedly drags her into a sunken place. A sly, tiny tears drops out of her eye. She wipes it quickly and forcefully pushes her body off of the wall.
“Erik!” She storms up to the closed door of the bathroom. “Open the fucking door.” She bangs on the door, any care for how much noise she is making goes out of the window. “Open up, Erik.” Her fingers wrap around the door handle and she pushes it down. The door doesn’t budge.
“You need to leave Erik.” She mumbles as her efforts don’t result in success. She lets her forehead fall against the door, her pants audible to both of them. “Just go Erik, go away from me. I don’t want you here.” She whispers.
The sadness in her voice makes him bite his lip as he watches himself in the mirror. Looking into the eyes of a man in the verge of breaking.
The process of personal reconstruction and social rehabilitation have been long and tedious for Erik. He’s had to learn that despite what his mother had said during his late childhood - he wasn’t always right.
He’s learnt from the elders of Wakanda as they have from him. He’s learning to adapt and cooperate with others.
“N’Jadaka.” T’Challa’s strong voice calls out from behind him.
At first he doesn’t respond, not entirely accustomed to the name, but as soon as T’Challa places his hand on his shoulder Erik almost jumps into a fight stance. His swift movement knocks his cousin’s hand off of his shoulder.
“N’Jadaka, calm down, it’s just me.” Erik’s shoulders slacken and he sighs. “How are you?” T’Challa looks at his cousin, his arms behind his back.
“I’m cool.” Erik nods, his own arms behind his back. “I’m cool.” He licks his bottom lip. He looks up at T’Challa.
Not much of the animosity was left between the two. T’Challa forgave Erik easily, understanding that as he had mentioned before - he was a monster of their own creation. Erik was unable to understand and accept why his cousin kept him alive. He would have rather died than face the consequences of his poor actions.
But he’s alive. That’s it.
“I’ve been thinking about the outreach program.” Erik straightens himself up, a serious tone washing his voice. T’Challa nods and puts his full attention on his cousin. “I’ve been thinking that I can extend my abilities back home.”
T’Challa’s eyes widen and he raises his head - his interest piqued. “Okay.” He nods.
“My abilities will be better suited back in the US. I can get across to the people there. I’m from there.” He purses his lips, and then sighs. “I got unfinished business there.” He bows his head for a split second and looks back at T’Challa, square in the eye.
“Of course,” T’Challa smiles tightly, trying not to show Erik his enthusiasm at his initiative. “I’m happy that you’re excited to do something with the outreach programme that you inspired.” He places a hand on Erik’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I have to contribute, don’t I?” Erik shrugs, a gleaming smirk stretching his lips as he and T’Challa walk to the council room.
The feeling of rain on his skin is not registering in his brain. He looks up at the windows of her home. The lights are on and it gives him a pang of nostalgia.
A sliver of a smile graces his lips. He watches for any movement in her windows, but nothing happens - no shadows go past her windows.
He tilts his head, his eyes glancing side to side, watching the cars drive on the road. As his foot hits the road as the flow of traffic slows - he sees her. His eyes widen and he glides across the road, she approaches her own home. He barely registers his travel to her.
She juggles her bags to her left hand and uses her right hand to fish out her keys. She struggles to balance the keys and drops them. He speeds up his walking and stops behind her.
She picks up her keys and in the process drops her bags. She growls and huffs out in frustration.
He picks up her bags from the ground, slowly to not startle her.
But she squeals, she bursts into a spin to look at her assailant. Her wide eyes are highlighted by the headlights of the incoming traffic.
A gasp escapes her lips.
She looks just the same as the day they met. Except for the fact that it was raining and she didn’t have the eyes of a heartbroken and scorned woman.
“Aye, you dropped something.” He yells to the girl with one earphone in.
She turns, a suspicious expression greeting him back. She narrows her eyes, stops and whips her dreads behind her back.
“You talking to me?” She quips, a manicured hand coming to her chest in question.
He nods, speechless at the beauty in front of him. But he shakes out of the trance. “Yeah, I’m talking to you. And since you stopped, I’d like to ask for your number.” He throws out his most charming smile, bearing his teeth out into the sunny day.
She chuckles, her teeth gleaming under the sun rays. “Ha, good one,” she backs away from him slowly, the chocolate of her eyes spreads over his body as she sizes him up and down. “But no-“
“Just let me get your number, and if you ain’t feeling me like that - just block my number and I’ll bounce.” The mischievous look on his face makes her giggle.
And Erik finds it one of the most sublime views ever seen. Not even the sights of the ocean, the snowy mountains or of tropical flora can beat the sight of this woman - whose skin shines under the spotlight of the sun.
“Hey baby girl.” He winks at her, gripping her bags tightly.
She blinks. She gulps, and she stares.
Erik fears she’s frozen, he takes one step closer to her. She wakes out of her reverie as she sees that he’s closer to her.
“Get away from me!” She yelps and turns like a bird going into flight. “Stay away from me Erik Stevens.” She fumbles to find the right key to open her door, she does just as Erik climbs the stairs to her door. She slips in rapidly and shuts the door in his face.
“You’re going to have to let me though, baby girl, I got your stuff.” He feels the raindrops roll into his clothes, they drip through his scars.
The response is absolute silence from the other side of the door. Not one floorboard creeks, and not one light is turned off or on. It’s as if she’s disappeared into thin air.
But the door slams open and she pokes her head out, “Give me my bags.” Her tone is blistered with anger and betrayal.
Her raises his eyebrows, “Well you gotta let me in to get your bags.” He shrugs.
She tries to snatch them off of him, but she can’t as he steps away from the door. “Give them,” her lips barely move as she crosses her arms over her closed coat.
He shakes his head and steps back to the door, “Talk to me and I will.” He feels his face setting like stone, trying to convey the seriousness of his reappearance in her life.
“No!” She yelps out. “No, no, no!” She almost screams. A frustrated glare etches her face, and she reminds him of the people of Wakanda when they realised he was still alive. Angry.
“Just go, Erik. Take that shit with you and disappear from my life. Again.” She shuts the door, but he traps it with his foot. She shakes her head and closes her eyes. “Why are you back?” She huffs out, keeping her body weight against the door.
“I need to talk to you about... us.” He inhales slowly as he finishes.
She raises her eyebrows and nods, “There is no us, but okay. Continue.” She flicks her wrist.
“I want you to come and live with me.” His voice bursts out of his mouth after a long pause.
She stares at him, assessing the sincerity of his statement. And she bursts out laughing. The laughter that he hears completely breaks him.
He never in his wildest dreams thought a woman could do this to him. Laugh at him. Make him feel stupid. The only one to blame is him.
“Stop it.” She chuckles dryly. “Where? Huh? In a maximum security mental facility? Where the likes of Ted Bundy and the Zodiac killer’s ghosts will haunt me?” She smiles mockingly at him, and he feels like waste. “Huh, Erik?”
“I’ve changed.” His whisper breaks into the noise of the pouring rain and her light laughter. “I’ve really changed.” His bottom lip begins to quiver.
“Oh have you?” She smiles mockingly at him, her nod is one of disbelief.
He nods, sincerely. “I have, I promise you.” He purses his lips and places her shopping bags on the floor of her entryway.
“Your promises mean nothing to me, Erik Stevens.” She hisses, going to close the door but he stops it with his hands this time.
He shakes his head and pushes the door open - as softly as he can. “N’Jadaka.” He sighs, raindrops rolling into his eyes, but he doesn’t remove his hands from the door. “That’s my name. N’Jadaka. And with this name, comes a lot of change. And a new me.” He closes his lips quickly as the rain gets heavier and the raindrops almost fall into his mouth.
She scoffs but doesn’t make a move to shut the door again. “A new you?” She raises her eyebrows and he nods. “That means nothing to me. You caused me pain, you hurt me Erik!” She points at her chest, her irises on fire. “The last time I saw you, you almost hurt me physically!” She yells, her eyes glistening with tears, but the tears don’t fall.
“Y/N,” he barely feels it but he sees his change in perspective suddenly change. One by one, his knees drop to the ground. He doesn’t know if it’s the weight of his guilt and the heartbreak he himself is feeling, or if it’s the notion that the woman he loves won’t take him back - but he’s on his knees. And that’s all he knows.
“I need you.” He doesn’t know which are his tears on his face and which are raindrops, “Baby, I need you so much. I can’t be without you, I’m so, so sorry.” he chokes out. Her eyes widen in raw shock, and he himself cries harder at the fact that he’s just given up his deepest feelings. “I love you.” He sobs.
She bites her lip, willing the tears back. She’s unwilling to succumb to the pity and want in her heart. She can’t. He’s a madman.
“Erik stand up.” She mumbles, her lip quivering. She wipes her wet face and crouches down to his level.
“No, I can’t. Not until, you tell me that you at least forgive me.” His hands are intertwined and his voice is almost inaudible as he shivers under the pouring rain. “I’m so sorry - for all that I did to you.” He buries his head into his chest in shame.
Her own tears fall this time. She sniffles and hugs him. “We need to get out of this rain.” She whispers into his ear.
He lets her pull him inside. She shuts the door and turns back to him, watching as he hiccups in the corner of the small entrance.
“I accept your apology.” She whispers softly, a tear that streams down her face is wiped away quickly by her.
She crawls over to him and takes him into her arms.
He sobs into her chest. “I know you don’t forgive me. But give me some time, and I swear, I’ll be a better man to you.” He sniffles, his hand clutches her bottom of her top in desperation.
“It’s okay,” she strokes his dreads slowly, “It’s okay.”
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dracusfyre · 7 years
Love and War
Another Winteriron Tumblr prompt fill!  From and for @imaginetonyandbucky
Original Prompt: age-reversal au; tony is 21 when obie finally lets him run lead on his first weapons demo, while at the army base, he makes friends with seal team sniper Bucky.  Explicit Sexual Content Ahoy.   (9k words)
Also on AO3
    “Who’s the bigwig that gets his own helicopter ride all the way out here?” Bucky asked as he scanned the sky for the lights of the incoming Apache.  “Even the colonel had to wait for the Wednesday circular.”
    “It’s Tony Stark with a box of goodies for us to test out,” Dugan answered, his contraband cigar an orange glow in the darkness.
    “And Tony Stark is…?”
    “Tony Stark is like the Bill Gates of guns and bombs.” Bucky heard Dugan’s feet crunch on the gravel as he moved closer and blew out a cloud of smoke.  “Word is he’s got a fancy new sniper rifle he’s trying to sell the Army.”
    “Well that explains why I’ve been assigned to be his babysitter,” Bucky said in resignation. He lowered the binoculars; the chopper would be coming in dark until it was almost on top of the base anyway, so it would be better to stop talking and listen for the sound of the blades.  “How long is he going to be here?”
    “His outgoing itinerary hasn’t been scheduled yet, so I guess however long it takes.”  His voice had a ‘better you than me’ tone in it that made Bucky want to rip that cigar out of his mouth and stomp on it.  It was bad enough when the higher ups foist a well-meaning journalist on them; usually the problem there was to keep them from climbing over the walls in search of a story.  But what in the hell was a rich old man doing way the hell out here? FOB Obelisk was a tiny special ops base in the mountains of Afghanistan that had maybe thirty people on base at any given time.  The food sucked, the entertainment was worse, and now Bucky was going to have to try to keep him entertained and try to figure out how to tell him that his fancy new sniper rifle wasn’t worth the metal it was made of without getting drummed out of the army.
    “Did I fuck somebody’s sister or something?  Why did the shit have to roll down this particular hill?”  Bucky kicked at the gravel in frustration.  “It’s not like my opinion is going to make a difference. Someone’s going to give a briefcase of money to someone with a star on their collar and the Army’s going to have 15,000 new rifles it doesn’t need.”
    Behind them a corporal stuck his head out the door of the transpo HQ. “Incoming,” he said, and then Bucky could hear the chopper blades.  Lights came on just long enough to bring the helicopter down and ruin Bucky’s night vision while the blades kicked up dust and gravel as they whined to a stop.  Bucky turned on the red bulb of his flashlight as he heard the door slide open.
    “Mr. Stark?” Bucky shouted as loud as he dared as he approached.   Thankfully the pilot killed the engine and he could hear again.
    “Working on it,” a voice said from the dimly lit interior of the helicopter.  The only passenger was struggling with the six-point harness, his helmet sitting on the seat beside him. He glanced up at Bucky, hair falling across his forehead.  Bucky stared at the long lashes, the straight nose, and the stubble along a sharp jaw and his brain froze.
    “Be right back,” he said, stupidly, and he turned around to where Dugan was watching him with interest. “That’s Tony Stark?”
    “Should be.” Dugan stepped onto the helicopter skids to peer inside. “Yeah, that’s him. Why?”
    “Can he even drive?” Bucky hissed, feeling a little hysterical. Almost six months with only his right hand for company, and now his job was to chaperone this walking wet dream?  “I was expecting a rich old white guy, like, I dunno, Bill Gates.”
    “Dude his parents died like, just a few months ago.  He got control of the company when he turned twenty-one.”
    “And when was that? Yesterday?” Bucky ran a hand over his face and tried to get his shit together. He looked back into the helicopter and almost got a face full of Tony Stark’s duffel bag.
    “It was quite a few months ago, actually,” he said as he jumped down onto the gravel.  The red light of Bucky’s flashlight gave a weird tone to his skin and the bulky flak jacket was not flattering on anyone, but it didn’t disguise the quirk of his lips as he smiled and held out a hand. Jesus Christ, that mouth, Bucky thought helplessly as he took it. “Tony Stark, genius billionaire playboy. And arms dealer, I guess.”
    “Sergeant James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky,” Bucky said. “This is Sergeant Timothy Dugan, better known as Dum Dum.  Is this all you’ve got?” Bucky said, nudging the duffel bag with his foot.
    “Careful, I’ve got grenades in there,” Tony said, and Bucky and Dugan both blanched and took a step back.  “Not really. All the toys are in those.” He pointed to the gorilla boxes the copilot and the flight line corporal were carrying into the transpo HQ.  Stooping, he grabbed the bag and threw it over his shoulder.  “If possible, I’d like a shower and a hamburger, in that order.”
    Bucky checked the time. “If you’ll follow me, I can get you a shower but midnight chow doesn’t start for another hour.”
    Tony shrugged philosophically. “Lead on.”
    In the short walk from the flight line to housing Bucky managed to convince himself that he could play it cool for a few days.  Just because he’s been stuck out here on this tiny fucking base for five months with only a couple of days R&R at a slightly bigger base a hundred miles away wasn’t a reason to lose his self-control over a mouth that looked like it was made for sin.  Didn’t he tell off a specialist for coming on to a female contractor just last week? He was way too old to be led around by his dick.
    Bucky was feeling good about that pep talk as he went up the stairs to the housing office to get the keys to Tony’s CHU.  He missed a step going back down the stairs when he realized that Tony was going to be right next door to him, but he shook that off too because he was a professional goddammit.
    “Alright, here’s your home away from home,” Bucky said as he turned on the obnoxious fluorescent lighting and dropped the sheets, blanket, and towel on the bare mattress.  Since it was a guest room it was pretty bare bones; someone had left a rug and a lamp behind when they shipped out, but other than that it was a long, metal rectangular room with all the charm and style of a high school locker. The bed was a metal frame with a mattress the thickness of your average dictionary; when they got here his unit had fought over the good mattresses until all the busted ones had ended up in the unoccupied CHUs.  Like this one.  For a brief moment Bucky felt self-conscious about it until Tony stepped around him to throw his duffle bag on the floor and start unfastening the flak vest with the loud rip of Velcro.
    Bucky stared as Tony pulled his sweatshirt over his head, leaving him in a sweat soaked black tank that clung to the long lean lines of Tony’s back and revealed his slim but muscled shoulders and the cargo pants that were about to fall off his skinny hips.
    Bucky started to sweat.
    Tony grabbed a towel and threw it over his shoulder, looking at Bucky expectantly.  “Shower?”
    “Sure,” he said automatically, and felt his face get hot.  “I mean, it’s…” He went out the door so he didn’t have to see that amused, knowing look in Tony’s eyes. “It’s right there,” he said, pointing to another of the ubiquitous rectangular buildings that made up the whole base. The stairs were barely lit up enough to keep you from tripping over it, but you could see the universal symbols for shower and toilet on the door.
    “You’re not going to stay?”  Tony asked and Bucky’s brain went blank for a moment.  “To take me to midnight chow?”
    “Right, uh, well my CHU is that one so I’ll just come back in a hour and take you over there.” Bucky made a hasty escape and banged his head against his door in frustration when he closed it behind him. “Get a grip, asshole,” he said and threw himself on the bed, reaching for his zipper.  He had an hour to jerk off enough that he could look Tony in the eyes without acting like an oversexed sailor on shore leave.
      Tony blew out a long breath as he turned on the shower, debating whether he wanted to take a cold one after laying eyes on James Barnes in the bright light of his room. Pale grey eyes, thick silky hair he wanted bury his hands in, and a body Tony wanted to climb like a jungle gym wrapped in an army uniform?  For a moment, Tony’d had a crazy thought that he’d wandered into a porn movie and was just waiting for the 80s techno music to start.
    And the look in his eyes when Tony had turned around in just his undershirt? Tony smirked as he stepped under the slightly above room temperature spray.  He’d bet half of Stark Industries Bucky was rubbing one out right now.  Digging out his soap, Tony wondered what Bucky was thinking about.  Maybe surprising him here in the shower and crowding him against the wall of this rinky dink stall, letting the water soak through that tight brown shirt as he lifted Tony up to wrap his legs around his waist, holding him up with those thickly muscled thighs that the army fatigues did not disguise at all. Bucky could pin him against the wall while he fingered him open and bit marks across his shoulders.
    Tony braced himself against the wall of the shower and wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking himself quickly.  When they were ready, Bucky could just pick him up and lower him right onto his dick, and Tony would tangle his fingers in Bucky’s dog tags as he held on for the ride. Was Bucky a talker during sex, winding him up with praise and filthy suggestions about what he would do to him when they were in a real bed?  Tony bit his bicep to stifle a moan, not sure how far sound would carry around here, and stroked himself faster.  Maybe Bucky was the take charge type and would pin his hands against the shower stall, watching him with those cool grey eyes and daring him to come untouched.
    His climax punched out of him at the thought and he grunted with the unexpected force of it. He shivered as he stroked himself just past the point of oversensitivity and made sure his hand was clean before he wiped the water from his face.
    Oh yeah.  Bucky Barnes just went to the top of Tony’s to-do list before he left Afghanistan.
    Bucky blessed the darkness when he went to pick up Tony for midnight chow because he knew he was blushing from having come twice imagining that wide, mobile mouth wrapped around his dick.  Thankfully it faded by the time they got to the DFAC and Bucky got to introduce Tony to the wide variety of food available on a tiny base in the middle of the night.
    “Burgers and bagels,” Tony repeated.  “Well I did ask for a burger.”
    “Welcome to FOB Ob,” Bucky said cheerfully, and started filling up his tray.
    “So what is there to do here?” Tony asked when he sat down across from Bucky in the surprisingly busy DFAC.  Everyone was eyeing Tony curiously since he was the only one not in uniform but so far no one had come up to them, which Bucky knew would change as soon as someone from his unit showed up.  Honestly, he was surprised that Dugan hadn’t rounded them all up just to give Bucky a hard time.
    “Well, we have a gym, the MWR has most of a game of chess and a stack of VHS tapes, and…” Bucky trailed off, thinking hard. “Sometimes we get nice sunsets. Oh, and we shoot people.”
    “Charming,” Tony said dryly as he bit into his hamburger.  Bucky had to look down at his plate quickly when Tony started licking a trail of grease off his hand and just like that, an hour’s worth of hard-on work, wasted.
    “Yeah, we gotta make our own fun around here. Tomorrow – well, later on today,” Bucky amended, looking at his watch, “is an unsanctioned poker night with the guys in my unit.  If that’s not your thing, I think they’re doing karaoke night at the MWR.”
    “What time am I getting up to meet the brass?”
    “They didn’t tell you?” Bucky patted down his pockets until he found the printout. He took a toothpick from the center of the table and put it between his teeth while he skimmed it.  “You have a meeting with Lieutenant Rogers at 1000, break for lunch, then looks like you’re going to sit down with me and the other Howlies to show us all these pretty toys we’re going to try out for you.” Bucky slid the paper across the table and caught Tony staring at his mouth.  Smirking, he tossed his toothpick on his tray.  “Sorry, we’re discouraged from smoking out here and it has left me with a bit of an oral fixation.”
    “You don’t say,” Tony said mildly, lips quirking when he met Bucky’s eyes. Then he surprised himself with a jaw-cracking yawn that brought tears to his eyes.
    “Come on, I’ll take you back to your room.” Bucky stood and cleaned off their trays.  “Chow starts at 0800, so if you want breakfast you’ll probably want to set an alarm.  Don’t know if you noticed, but the CHUs don’t have windows so it stays dark as shit in there. And there’s no insulation, so it’s going to be chilly if you don’t remember to turn on the heat before you go to bed.”
    Tony fumbled with the unfamiliar keys before he got his door open .  “Thanks for all your help, Bucky.  Sure you don’t want to come inside and, um, help me figure out the heater?”
    It was too dark to really see the look on Tony’s face, but he could imagine the dare in his eyes because it was certainly there in his voice.  Sparks lit up Bucky’s inside like fireworks but then Tony yawned again, swaying slightly.  “You’re the genius billionaire, I think you can figure it out,” Bucky said with a wide grin.  “Get some sleep, and we’ll see if you still need help with it tomorrow.”
      Eight hours later, Bucky was rudely interrupted from taking care of his morning wood by someone banging on his door. “Just a minute!” he shouted, grabbing his BDU pants and pulling them on over his boxers, wincing a bit as he had to tuck his erection behind his zipper.
    “What?” He said irritably, opening his door and angling his body so hopefully his visitor wouldn’t notice – oh, it was Tony.  With a slightly evil grin, Bucky leaned against the doorframe, successfully rendering Tony speechless for at least a moment as his eyes traveled over Bucky’s bare chest, down to his groin and then flew back up to his face.
    “Really?” Tony said. “Do you always answer the door like this?”
    “What?” Bucky put on his best innocent look and glanced down, as if not even noticing the hard line of his cock against the zipper of his fatigues.  “I put on pants.  On this base, anyone who’d be knocking on my door this time of morning has probably already seen me naked at some point or another.  Except you, of course.”
    “Yeah, except me,” Tony echoed and his eyes drifted south of Bucky’s belly button and went far away for a second.  
    Bucky would have bet money that whatever was crossing his mind at that moment was probably the plot to a cheesy porno and shit, now he was thinking about it too, and that was not helping the fit of his pants. He cleared his throat. “What do you need?”
    Tony raised an eyebrow and raked his gaze back down Bucky’s body, all the way down to his bare feet, and then back up.  He leaned slightly around Bucky to look at his bed suggestively. “Ready to teach me how to use the heater yet?”
    God, yes. Bucky’s hand tightened on the doorframe as he fought the urge to drag Tony inside his room and kiss that suggestive smirk off his face.           “Well the thing is,” Bucky drawled, “you only have about thirty minutes before you have to meet with the LT. And when I start a project, like showing you the AC, I like to be really…thorough and make sure the job is done right.”
    Tony swallowed. “And thirty minutes isn’t enough time?”
    “Nope. So what did you really come over here for?”
    “Oh yeah.” Tony looked down as if just now remembering he had a suit jacket draped over his arm. “For my meeting with Rogers, would you say he would respond better to a suit or something more casual?”
    For a split second Tony looked incredibly young and unsure and Bucky’s heart squeezed. He waved a hand at what Tony was already wearing, a long sleeved henley and khaki pants. “Rogers is a no bullshit kind of guy.  I’d skip the suit.”
    “Thanks,” Tony said with a small smile.  His eyes dropped to Bucky’s mouth and he ran his tongue over his lower lip, and Bucky ached to pull him up the stairs to follow its path with his own tongue.
    But.  “Believe me, I want whatever you’re thinking about and more,” he said in a low voice, shaking his head slightly.  Glancing around, he saw that they were alone – most people would be sleeping until at least noon, having run operations all night – but the sun was a glaring presence in the sky, illuminating all the different shades of brown and grey that made up FOB Ob, and Bucky hadn’t made it in the Army this long by being reckless.  “But if we get caught, Rogers wouldn’t have any choice but to drum me out of the country and out of the Army.”
    Tony nodded and took a step back. “I get it. I’ll see you later.”
    “Yeah, later.” Bucky did, however, let himself watch Tony walk away before he closed the door to his CHU.
    When it came time to meet Bucky and the rest of the Howlies down at the range, Bucky was impressed to find that Tony was all business, sleeves already rolled up and hands stained with gun oil as he unpacked the gorilla boxes.  All the fancy new toys were lined up on a table at the back of the range and the guys started making cooing noises as they saw them.  
    Tony worked his way down the line of weapons and explained where the Stark model differed from what the Army currently used, hands deftly taking the weapons apart to make a point before reassembling them like it was second nature.  Bucky found himself staring at Tony’s calloused hands, long-fingered and dexterous, with narrow palms and slim wrists and scarred knuckles.  Not, he imagined, the hands of your average billionaire.
    For his part, Tony didn’t seem to notice Bucky’s distraction because he was explaining something to Dernier, switching to flawless French when he noticed that the liaison was struggling with the more technical English terminology. Bucky must have made an interesting face at that because Dugan caught his eye and made a swooning gesture behind Tony’s back. Scowling, Bucky gave him the finger and turned away to start loading magazines.
    Later on that night, after dinner, Tony heard a knock on his door.  It took so long to untangle himself from his electronics that the knock came again, more hesitantly. He finally got to the door after tripping over a charger cable, smiling when he saw Bucky on the other side.
    “Hey,” Tony said with his most charming smile, leaning against the door to hide the chaos of his room. “What’s up?”
    “Poker night got canceled for a mission,” Bucky said, glancing around the darkened area to make sure he was alone.  “I thought I’d stop by for some luck.  Can I come inside?”
    “Sure,” Tony backed up to let him inside.  Bucky looked around and just quirked his lips and raised an eyebrow to see the mess; one side looked like a closet exploded and the other was full of electronics.  “So, luck, huh?”
    “Yeah,” Bucky said, curling one hand around the back of Tony’s neck, stroking the thin skin under his ear with his thumb.  Tony shivered at the touch, and the quirk of his lips widened into a smile.  “Maybe a kiss or something?”
    “I think I can do that.”  Tony hooked his fingers into the belt loops of Bucky’s fatigues and pulled him closer. Bucky dipped his head and brushed his lips over Tony’s, breath ghosting out with the smell of his after-dinner mint and coffee.  Then came Bucky’s tongue, lightly touching Tony’s bottom lip with little kitten licks. Tony didn’t realize he was holding his breath,  wound up by Bucky’s teasing, until Bucky finally covered his mouth with his own and he let out a long exhale. He felt Bucky smile and bit his lip in retaliation, feeling victorious when Bucky’s breath hitched.  Bucky’s other hand came up and then he was framing Tony’s face with those big, capable hands, calloused and smelling faintly of gun oil, holding him in place while he took him apart with his mouth. He was being so careful, so controlled, like he was afraid he was going to scare Tony away and all Tony wanted to do was to see what happened when he got pushed beyond that control.  He wanted Bucky to shove him up against the wall, a knee between his thighs, rutting against him fast and hard.
    But he knew without saying that now wasn’t that time, because Bucky was already pulling back with a few last lingering kisses, the final one pressed against the corner of his mouth.  Tony opened his eyes and saw Bucky smiling at him, still cradling his face in his hands. “Hey, handsome,” Bucky murmured. “I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”
    “Yeah.  It’s going to take all night?”
     “I don’t know.  But we’re going to take some of your gear out, so I’ll let you know how it does.”
    Bucky still had his hands on his face, so Tony covered them with one of his own.  “Will it be dangerous, your mission tonight?”
    “Nah,” Bucky shrugged.  “Besides, I’m like, a level five Paladin so I’m practically invincible.”  Bucky knew he’d fucked up when Tony’s eyes got wide.
    “You,” Tony accused after a breathless moment, “are a nerd.” The joyful revelation in his voice made Bucky roll his eyes.
    “You,” Bucky countered, “knew what I was talking about. And I’m a geek, not a nerd.” He dropped his hands and started heading towards the door, Tony right on his heels.
    “Who’s your DM? Who’s your supplier, Bucky? Are you in a game right now? Are you really a Paladin?”  Tony was poking him in the ribs until Bucky turned around and shut him up with another hungry kiss.
    “I didn’t make it through SERE school to give up my secrets to a pretty face,” Bucky said with a smile, opening up the door behind him with one hand. “Not that easily.”
    “I have ways of making you talk!” Tony shouted after him as Bucky disappeared into the darkness.
    Hours later, Bucky paced a bit in front of Tony’s trailer, debating the wisdom of knocking on the door again because on the one hand, it’s like four in the morning and most people would be asleep by now, but on the other hand, Tony’s light was on.  But on the other other hand, he doesn’t want to seem needy and weird, but –
    At that point Tony yanks the door open and the light from inside made Bucky squint. “I can hear you walking on the gravel,” Tony pointed out.  “Why didn’t you just knock?”
    Trying to explain his headspace right now would take too long and would definitely sound stupid, so instead Bucky just said, “we just got back and I’m too wired to be in my room right now.  Want to go for a walk?”
    “Sure.” Tony stepped into his shoes right by the door, not even bothering to lace them up. “Where are we going?”
    “Just around,” Bucky said vaguely.  “I hadn’t thought that far, but it’s not like there’s a lot of options.”
    “Ok.” They walked in silence for a bit, their shoes crunching loudly on the gravel.  It was a nice night, an almost full moon and stars unusually clear without all the light pollution Tony was used to.  He’d gotten used to the smell out here, like hot asphalt and gasoline and an odd smell that he could only describe as desert, but at this time of night the smells had actually died down and the air was something close to clean.  “So how did the mission go?” Tony asked finally.
    Bucky shrugged. “Fine. We had a bit of a close call, but we got him in the end.  I’ll have a report to you about the gear sometime tomorrow.  Why are you still awake?”
    Now it was Tony’s turn to shrug, hands in his pockets.  “Insomnia.  Taking care of business back home.  After…you know…my parents died, I all of a sudden have to make a bunch of decisions, so…”
    “You don’t have any help?”
    “Yeah, I mean, there’s this guy Obediah, he was my dad’s right hand man, he’s been really helpful. But in the end, it’s still Stark Industries.  And I’m the last Stark.”
    Bucky made an understanding noise, and then it was quiet for a while. Until Tony heard a shrill, piercing whistle, and then there was a deep roooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrr noise that split the night.
    “Ah, shit.” Bucky grabbed Tony’s arm, dragging him towards a structure that was a darker shadow against the rest of the base that proved to be a bomb shelter.  
    “What’s happening?” Tony tried to peer out the little sliver of sky that was allowed by the concrete and sandbags of the bomb shelter.  There was another high pitched shriek and Tony saw a streak of red against the night sky, but he listened hard and didn’t hear any impact.
    “Indirect fire,” Bucky said shortly, rolling his eyes.  “Just gotta wait it out.”  After a while there were no more shrieks or streaks, so Tony leaned against the wall of the bomb shelter, close enough that Bucky was a line of warmth against his left side.
    “How long do we wait?”
    “Until they give the all clear.” It was too dark to see Bucky’s face, but after a moment Tony felt Bucky’s arm around his shoulder, pulling him in close. Smiling, Tony snaked his arm around Bucky’s back and felt lips press against his temple in return.  Tony turned and lifted his head so the lips met his own, just a little off center. Bucky made an amused chuck and settled against the wall of the bunker, tugging until Tony was between his legs. They kissed there, lazily, tongues curling together, hips grinding like they were teenagers on their parents’ couch.  Bucky slid his hands into the back of Tony’s pants and cupped his ass, a low groan rumbling through his chest.  Tony heard his head hit the back of the concrete wall. “You know what they say about snipers?”
    “I don’t, actually.  What do they say?”
    “Dammit, I was hoping you knew. I haven’t been a sniper for long and nobody’s told me yet.” Tony dropped his head against Bucky’s collarbone and shook his head, feeling Bucky shake under him with laughter.  “Seriously, though, my job is to cover my team’s asses, right? Which means I’m a great shot, and,” Bucky squeezed his ass and made a deep throated unf sound, “a connoisseur of fine asses.”
    “And?” Tony really wished he could see Bucky’s face.  His hands searched for skin under Bucky’s shirt, but it was tucked too tightly into his pants, so he settled for tucking his head into Bucky’s neck.
    “Well, I haven’t had a good look yet, have I?  But I can say that feels perfect. Like it’s made to fit my hands.”  He squeezed again and rocked their hips together. “Hey, guess what,” he whispered into Tony’s ear.
    “What?” Tony whispered back.
    “I like you.”
    “Yeah?” Tony grinned stupidly and rubbed his nose against the slightly stubbled underside of Bucky’s jaw, feeling warm inside.  Bucky’s hands were just resting on his ass, squeezing sometimes but mostly seeming content to just cup them instead of wandering anywhere interesting and it was oddly…soothing.
    “Yeah. You were great on the range today, handling all those weapons like a pro.  How many languages do you speak, anyway?”
      “Three.  You?”
    Bucky snorted a laugh and tipped his head down for a kiss.  “Well, I can speak enough Pashto and Dari to get by, but I’m not going to be explaining how changing the composite metal of a rifle bore affects rifling and accuracy.”
    Tony shrugged self-consciously.  “It was part of one of my masters’ theses.”
    “One of, the man says.” Bucky slid his hands out of Tony’s pants and ran them up his sides, dragging his shirt up as his fingers trailed over the bumps of his ribs.  Then his thumbs were rubbing circles over Tony’s nipples and Tony was gasping against Bucky’s mouth.
    “Jesus, Bucky.” His hands tightened on Bucky’s waist and his hips surged forward, seeking friction against the hard length of Bucky’s erection.  “For the record, I like you too.”
    “Good.” Bucky was still tracing circles around his nipples, giving them only the briefest of touches.  His hands were so warm, making the rest of Tony feel both chilled and feverish at the same time. Tony shivered and made a sound deep in his throat.  “Want to go on a date with me?”
    “This doesn’t count?” Tony asked, incredulous.  He was like four or five serious strokes away from orgasm and this didn’t even count as a date?
    “This is an IDF bunker, I can do better than this,” Bucky said, sounding affronted.  “We may be in the middle of Afghanistan but I do have some standards.”  He had abandoned Tony’s nipples and now had a grip on Tony’s hip, encouraging him to ride the thick line of his thigh.
    “Sure, yeah, sounds great,” Tony said breathlessly as he let Bucky set the rhythm, giving up all sense of propriety and chasing his release. He fisted his hand in Bucky’s hair, the other on Bucky’s shoulder for balance.  When he tugged on Bucky��s hair he earned himself a surprised “fuck” and then Bucky’s mouth was crashing down on his.
    “Come on, come for me,” Bucky whispered against his mouth.  “I want to hear the sounds you make.”  Right now the only noises Tony could manage were panting breaths, so close that his hips were stuttering.  Then Bucky brought one hand around to the front of his pants, rubbing hard and that was it, sparks flew behind Tony’s eyelids and he came with a long hitching moan. Bucky was murmuring “yeah, that’s it, get it,” in his ear, pressing kisses along his jaw as he came down.
    Finally Tony slumped against him, boneless, skin still humming. Bucky’s erection was still a hard line against his hip, but he seemed content to just hold Tony instead of finishing, forehead resting against Tony’s temple.  “So I heard there was a lunar eclipse tomorrow night, want to get dinner and watch it with me?”
    “Is this the Afghanistan version of Netflix and chill?” Tony asked lazily, still leaning heavily against Bucky.  He brought one hand up to run his thumb against the underside of Bucky’s dick, smiling when he heard Bucky’s grunt of pleasure.  “Want some help with this?”
    Tony could feel Bucky wavering and his mouth started watering at the idea of getting his mouth on that cock, ready to feel the hot weight of it on his tongue, and then Bucky was pulling his hand away and kissing his palm. “Next time.”
    Tony spent much of the next day hunched over his computer while periodically wandering circles around the small, very boring base – he found the MWR Bucky had mentioned and it was just as dismal as he’d described, only with a lot more second-hand and second-rate political thrillers and mysteries stacked on every available surface.  He also wandered by the motor pool and got the bored PFC on duty to show him the vehicles that the soldiers used when they went outside the wire; the armor on them was a rush job if he’d ever seen one, the unreinforced axles of the HMVs groaning under the extra weight.   In his head he started immediately composing an email to Obediah to put together a proposal to the DoD because he could do a better job than this just using the spare metal he had around the lab.  He found the gym along with most of the inhabitants of the FOB and managed to kill some time on the treadmill, trying to lift weights until he got bored with it.  After lunch and showering, Tony thought optimistically that it would at least be three or four o’clock, but when he saw that it was barely after noon he groaned and collapsed on his bed, staring up at the cheap metal ceiling of the CHU.
    Goddammit it was going to take forever for this evening to get here.
      After the sun set Bucky wiped his palms on his pants and raised his hand to knock when he heard music.  He leaned closer and listened for a minute, smiling when he recognized a Black Sabbath song.  Smiling, he knocked on the door and said “Housekeeping!”
    “Just a minute!” Tony shouted. “JARVIS, music off.”  After a moment the door swung open and Tony was stepping back to let Bucky inside. “Hey, sorry about that. Watch your feet,” he added unnecessarily; scattered across the floor in neat piles were gears and rods and other random parts to what looked like a small engine. Bucky stepped carefully to avoid knocking over one of the stacks and found himself a small clear patch of floor to stand while Tony put his shoes on.
    “Who is Jarvis?”
    “This computer program I’m developing to respond to voice commands.”  Tony patted his pockets as if checking for his wallet then smiled when he realized all that he needed was his security badge.
    “That’s amazing.  That’s going to change a lot of things for people if you can get it to work.” Bucky leaned carefully over to kiss Tony.
    “I hadn’t thought about that,” Tony said, looking thoughtful. “I was primarily working on developing it as an artificial intelligence.” He grabbed the closest piece of paper, already covered with equations and scribbled notes and scrawled another note in the corner.
    “I definitely want to hear more about that, but first –“ Bucky dug into one of the big pockets of his fatigues and pulled out two small bottles full of dark liquid. “Can I buy you a drink?”
    Tony took one of the airplane bottles of whiskey and started laughing. “You sure know how to show a guy a good time, Sergeant Barnes.”
      When they got back from dinner, illicitly spiking their drinks with the contraband whiskey, Bucky led Tony behind his CHU, full of weeds and the loud humming of the AC/heating unit built into the wall. Bucky tossed a blanket up onto the roof and then boosted Tony up, hearing him walk around with loud pongs, before backing up a few steps to get a running start. When he managed to climb up he saw Tony making a face at the level of grit and grime on top of the CHU, from years and years of sandstorms and rain that never quite washed all the sand away, but Bucky just shrugged and spread out the blanket. “It’ll wash.”
    He lay down and held out his arms for Tony to join him. They finally got comfortable with Tony resting his head on Bucky’s shoulder with Bucky’s arm wrapped around him, hand resting on the center of his chest.  The moon was low on the horizon but full, gilding the base with silver light. Glancing up, Tony could see the dark shadows of Bucky’s eyelashes and his contented smile. “I didn’t peg you for a cuddler,” Tony murmured with a smile hidden by the darkness.
    “Apparently I turn into an octopus when I sleep.  I just naturally grab on to the warmest thing in bed and just,” he squeezed Tony to his chest, “hold on tight.”
    “Sounds sweaty.”
    “Slippery, even.”
    “Greasy and slick…”
    “Two wet bodies, sliding against each other…”
    “Getting all…moist,” Tony said, and under his head Bucky shook with quiet laughter.
    “Gross,” he said, still laughing, and then he tilted Tony’s head up for a kiss.  Tony could feel the curve of his lips and taste the whiskey he’d had at dinner.  Bucky’s hand slid along his jaw and then cupped the back of his neck, pulling him closer until Tony was laying half on top of him. Tony made a sound deep in his throat as Bucky tilted his head to deepen the kiss and slid his free hand into the waistband of Tony’s pants to cup his ass.
    He moaned into Tony’s mouth and squeezed his ass before releasing him and pulling back from the kiss. “Jesus,” he said, breathing hard, one hand still tight on the back of Tony’s neck.  Tony put a hand on Bucky’s chest and slid it down to his erection, pressing his palm against it and practically whimpering when he measured its size. Looking up, he saw that Bucky had one hand in his hair and his eyes were closed as he rolled his hips against the pressure of Tony’s hand.  “Jesus Christ,” Bucky said again, and then he was pulling Tony’s hand away.  That was when Tony realized he’d been practically riding Bucky’s thigh, chasing pressure for his own achingly hard erection.
    Tony forced himself to roll back over onto his back, shaky with arousal. He took a deep breath and released it slowly.  “You are a menace,” Bucky said under his breath.  “We’re on top of a CHU for Christ’s sake.”
    “That seems easily remedied. I bet I could find a video of a lunar eclipse to watch later. Much later.”
    “But then you wouldn’t be here to explain how they work.”
    Tony propped himself up on his elbow to peer down at Bucky in surprise and then huffed out a laugh when he saw the quirk of a grin on Bucky’s lips.  “You know how eclipses work,” he muttered as he lay his head back down on Bucky’s shoulder.
    “Sure, but I like hearing you explain things.”
    “Take me to a bed and I’ll explain a lot of things, I promise.”
    Tony heard the thunk of Bucky hitting his head against the top of the CHU. “I swear to God, you are making it difficult to be romantic.”
    That had Tony sitting up again. “Is that what this is about?” He said in surprise, then lowered his voice when Bucky put a hand over his mouth. “Romance?”
    “Well, yeah,” Bucky said, shrugging self-consciously.  “I mean, don’t get me wrong, you’re like the sexiest thing on two legs I’ve ever seen, but you’re also insanely smart and funny and…what?” He trailed off at the look on Tony’s face.
    “On two legs?”
    “Oh. Yeah, well, I’ve got a black Ducati Monster at home and she will always be my first love.”
    Tony’s brain went temporarily offline at the thought of Bucky on a motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket and jeans and big black combat boots, raking a hand through his hair after taking off his helmet.  “You’ve got a…”
    Bucky’s slow grin was perfectly filthy. “Oh, yeah.  I love having all that power between my thighs, the heat and vibrations traveling up my-“
    Tony effectively shut him up by throwing his leg over Bucky’s hips and grinding that perfect ass right down on Bucky’s still hard dick.  Bucky’s hands flew up to his thighs to hold him still, torn between wanting to fill his hands with the tight roundness of Tony’s ass and the acute awareness that they were still on the roof of his CHU. “You’re not the only one who likes a lot of power between their thighs,” Tony murmured against his lips, rocking against him, and that was the last straw.
    “Ok, ok, I give up.” Bucky lifted him off and got to his feet, adjusting his erection gingerly as he helped Tony to his feet and grabbed the blanket.  “Let’s go.  We’re going to fuck until we break the bed.”
    “A man after my own heart,” Tony teased as they dropped down from the roof. Bucky shook his head and fumbled for his keys, checking over his shoulder for witnesses before he was shoving Tony into his room.
    Tony had enough time to glance around quickly before Bucky grabbed his waist and pulled him in for a kiss that was surprisingly gentle and slow.  Tony let his eyes close, losing himself in the soft, wet glide of Bucky’s mouth, shivering when his tongue licked inside.  At his waist Bucky’s hands slid underneath his shirt, calloused fingertips raising goosebumps as they traveled up and down his back before they were pulling his shirt off over his head.  
    “Jesus, look at you,” Bucky murmured, running his hands over the lean muscles in Tony’s arms and shoulders.  Tony tugged at his uniform, pulling the lapels away from each other with the loud sound of Velcro and shoving it off his shoulders.  Bucky’s eyes didn’t leave Tony as he started undressing, hungry gaze running over every inch of his skin, lips parted.  When he unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the belt loops the noise of it sent chills down Tony’s spine.
    “Look at you,” Tony breathed, pausing as he was toeing off his shoes, staring at the sculpted muscles of Bucky’s chest and abs as he pushed his pants to the floor.  He abandoned his project to get naked as fast as possible to put his hands on Bucky’s body, to see if the muscles were as firm as they looked, the skin as smooth.
    It was. They were.  Tony growled a bit and set his teeth into the thick muscle of Bucky’s shoulder, drawing a hiss out of him and then hands were shoving his pants down and off, sliding back up his inner thighs to cup his balls and wrap slightly cool fingers around his cock.
    “Just to let you know, these walls are like, paper thin.  So if you’re a screamer, try to keep it down,” Bucky said with a smirk, eyes heavy lidded and dark as he slid his fingers up Tony’s cock and rubbed a thumb over the head.
    “I grew up in boarding schools, I know how to be quiet.” Tony started pushing Bucky backwards until he was sitting on the bed and then climbed into his lap.  “But generally speaking, I do prefer to make noise.”
    “Oh, I bet.  One day,” Bucky said, wrapping his arms around Tony and turning to lay him out flat on the bed, “I hope we do this somewhere we can be as loud as we want.”  He bent his head to press a kiss to Tony’s lips as he fumbled for something in a bag under the bed, pulling out a half-empty bottle of lube and a couple of condoms.  For now he just set them on the table beside the bed and dedicated himself to learning Tony’s body, running his tongue over his nipples, biting the crest of his hips, licking a hot stripe along the bottom of his shaft, all while Tony writhed under his hands with bitten off whimpers.
    “Come on, enough teasing,” Tony finally moaned, breathing heavily.  “I feel like foreplay started as soon as I got out of the helicopter, let’s do this already.”
    Bucky huffed in amusement but finally crawled back up his body to hand him the lube.  “Show me how you like it,” he said, his eyes hot and dark as he settled at the foot of the bed to watch, fisting his cock as Tony raised his knees.
    “And he says I’m the menace,” Tony muttered, gripping his cock tightly at the base to try to slow down.  He generously lubed his fingers and tried to concentrate on giving Bucky a good show.  He teased himself for a moment, tracing around his hole before sinking inside, curling his finger as he slid it in and out as he stroked his cock lightly.  He was so fucking turned on that he quickly added another finger, probably too quickly, making a low sound at the slight burn of the stretch.
    His eyes flew open as he felt Bucky stroke a soothing hand down his thigh, having moved up the bed a little. “You’re not ready yet, but you want my cock so bad, don’t you?” Bucky murmured, his eyes on where Tony was prepping himself. He reached out to trace the fluttering rim of his hole and Tony hissed out a breath.  “One day I’m going to put my mouth right here until you are begging for something inside you.”
    “F-fuck,” Tony gasped, running out of patience. “I’m ready, I swear-“ He propped himself up on his elbow to get another good look at Bucky’s cock, and then fell back on the pillow with a groan of frustration.  “Ok, one more finger, then you.”
    Bucky gave him a small smile, eyes still riveted on the slick thrusts of Tony’s fingers in and out of his body. Bucky’s hands were roaming over every inch of Tony’s skin that was within reach as if he were just as impatient.  Finally Tony gave him a nod and said, “How do you want me?”
    “I want to see your face,” Bucky said, cupping Tony’s cheek. Tony nodded and Bucky was reaching for the condom and lube.  He braced one arm on the bed by Tony’s head and the other hand was under his hips, tilting them up as he pressed slowly inside.  His grey eyes were watching Tony’s face as he slowly thrust in and out, going a little deeper each time until he was finally all the way in, hips flush with Tony’s ass. He let out a sigh and rested his forehead against Tony’s and for a moment they just breathed together while Tony adjusted to the feeling of fullness.
    “God, you are so tight,” Bucky whispered hoarsely, drawing back a little just to thrust back in. His dog tags brushed Tony’s chest and the feeling of the cool metal made him shiver and tighten around Bucky’s dick, dragging a low moan out of him. For a few minutes Bucky kept his thrusts slow and easy, hooking an arm under Tony’s knee to adjust the angle until one thrust hit a spot that had Tony arching off the bed in surprise.
    “Holy Christ,” Tony panted, bringing his hands up from the mattress to bury one in Bucky’s hair and wrap the other one around the back of his thigh.  He realized that Bucky was trembling with the effort of being so slow. “Do that again.  Not every time, but…”
    Bucky grunted in agreement and spread his knees a little bit for leverage.  Then he made the mistake of looking down at where they were connected, where Tony was still hard and leaking precome, and he gritted his teeth around another low moan. “Look at you, split open by my cock.”  He paused for a moment, thrusting shallowly. Tony whimpered and tried to lift his hips to get him deeper, but Bucky held him still.  “I’m going to try to go slow,” Bucky managed, pulling out until he was almost out and then sliding all the way in again, “but I just want to let you know that I’m going to want to go again before I let you out of this bed.  I want you to fuck my face and come down my throat, then I want to come on your chest.” He dragged his eyes down Tony’s chest and back up as finally settled into a steady, mind blowing rhythm. “If that’s ok with you.”
    The mental image of that made Tony shiver again.  “Holy fuck, Sergeant,” he said, then his breath hitched as Bucky’s eyes grew hot and the thrusts grew harder when he said sergeant. “You’ve got a filthy mouth, and now I know one of your kinks.”
    “Oh, you have no idea.” Bucky leaned down to capture his mouth, practically bending Tony in half as he rode him hard.  Tony waited as long as he could to put a hand on his cock, loving the feel of Bucky’s body over his, moving inside him, but eventually the need to come was impossible to ignore.  He kept one hand in Bucky’s hair because every time he pulled on it Bucky made a noise in his chest that went right to Tony’s groin, but his other hand went to his cock, stroking it fast and almost rough.
    “God, Tony, I want to see you, do it, come on my cock,” Bucky said, voice ragged and thrusts growing irregular as he felt Tony tightening around him. He hitched Tony’s hips up higher and then every thrust was hitting his prostate. Tony’s eyes flew open on a low moan, pupils completely blown, as he hovered on the edge of orgasm.  Bucky squeezed his eyes tight and buried his face in Tony’s arched neck as his thrusts got deeper and rougher like he couldn’t get far enough inside. “I don’t know if I can wait, you feel so fucking good, God, Tony, you’re so good,” he said, breath hot against Tony’s skin, and then the tight coil of tension snapped, a rolling warmth spreading through Tony in waves as cock pulsed hot come on his hand and stomach, his body tightening around Bucky’s.  He threw his head back against the pillow with a groan, arching his body and pulling Bucky closer, riding hard on his cock as the waves of pleasure kept coming.
    In his ear Bucky was chanting increasingly desperate iterations of “fuck, Tony, fuck” and then he was shaking as he came, hand fisted in the sheet by Tony’s head as his body went rigid. Tony wrapped his arms around Bucky’s shoulders as his hips rolled shallowly as he came down off his orgasmic high, pulling sparks of sensation out of Tony’s oversensitive body that was right on the edge of too much.
    Finally as his breathing slowed Bucky withdrew carefully and took the condom off to throw away.  He snatched a towel off the back of a wooden chair and handed it to Tony to try to clean off come and lube.
    When he was done Tony stretched gratefully, scooting over a bit to get out of the wet spot. “Holy shit,” he said, watching Bucky towel himself off as well. “So does Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell include ‘don’t come knocking if the trailer’s rocking?’”
    Bucky huffed out a laugh as he stretched out beside Tony. “Yeah, sure.  This is the military, everything that might be fun is against the UCMJ. Sex, gambling, drinking. Laughing, probably. But no one here is going to turn me in as long as I’m not stupid about it.”
    Tony turned so that he was laying half on top of Bucky, ignoring the light sheen of sweat covering them both, brushing his lips idly over Bucky’s collarbone while his fingers traced patterns on his chest.  “Why do people call you Bucky?”
    “My middle name is Buchanan.  When I came to the 105, there were like five other Jameses so they got creative.”
    “James Buchanan Barnes,” Tony said thoughtfully.  He sat up and straddled Bucky’s waist so he could get both hands all over that skin while he had the chance. “Can I call you the Notorious JBB?”
    “Hey, don’t put that evil on me,” Bucky said, putting his hands behind his head and letting Tony explore to his heart’s content. “They never found Biggie’s killer.  What’s your middle name?”
    “Edward.  I also like long walks on the beach while watching the sun set, in case that was your next question.”  
    Bucky smiled and smacked him on the ass.  “Rude.  Do you really like walks on the beach? Sounds dull.  Besides, after a few times out here I’m done with sand for a while.”
    “Picnics in the park?”  Bucky made a face.  “Dinner and dancing?”
    “Sure, I like to dance,” Bucky said with a shrug.  “Not all my moves are horizontal.”
      “I’m sure.” Tony’s fingers wandered up to Bucky’s face and he pressed his thumb into the dimple in his chin.  “So are you ready for round two, or do you need more time, old man?”
    Tony only had one more day on FOB Ob before he got called back to the States for an emergency board meeting.  Bucky managed to convince Lt Rogers to let him escort Tony back to Kabul for his flight out of country, but eventually the time came that he had to let Tony walk away without being able to follow him.
    Tony threw his duffel bag on top of the stack of luggage for the loadmaster to put on the C-130 that was his ride back to civilization.  Bucky gathered his hands behind his back in an ‘at-ease’ posture, both to look professional and to keep himself from grabbing Tony and giving him a goodbye kiss that would do Hollywood proud.  Tony shoved his hands in his pockets for the same reason.  “So do you guys have email out here? Phones?”
    “Sure. Why?”
    “If you, you know, wanted to call or write sometime, I’d like to see you again.”
    “Of course,” Bucky said with surprise.  The nervousness in Tony eased at the warm affection in his eyes, the smile curving his full lips. Tony felt an answering grin light up his face. “Barring any unforeseen events, I should be going home in under a month, and then I’ll be due some time off.  I’d love to spend it with you.”
    Tony pulled a business card out of his pocket and scribbled his personal phone number and email on the back.  Bucky’s hands trailed across his palm as he took the card and put it in his chest pocket.  “I look forward to hearing from you, Sergeant Barnes.”
    "Sounds good, Mr. Stark.  You know, I hate to see you go," Bucky said in a low voice, hiding his heavy heart behind a cheeky grin, "but I am looking forward to watching you walk away."
    And he did stay there, watching as Tony boarded the plane and gave him a last wave, then watching until the plane disappeared into the sky.  He gave himself five minutes to kick the sand and feel sorry for himself before he went on with the rest of his tour.
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Blacktail Business
“You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can’t predict the weather I guess.” Tanver sighed as he watched his plan crumble before him.
“It was a good plan, you got us inside. I mean who would of thought they’d have this many guards at the back door?” Renton shrugged.
“Shut up! What the hell are you doing in here?” A guard said. Tall fella, with a big gut and a thick black beard. He had a war axe in his hands.
Two men stood to his left both had long swords, leather vests, and trousers. The man on his right had a short sword and a dagger.
“Quick question before I answer that. If you got 4 guys at the back door how many do you have at the front?” Renton asked. He never could gauge a room.
“We usually got two at the back but shift cha…” The guard on the left closest to Mr. Black beard started before the big man hit him with the but of his axe.
“Shut up, ya idiot!” Big gut said.
“See. Its not you fault Tanver. Just bad timing. Oh well what can you do?” Renton said crossing his arms hiding his hands in those oversized sleeves of his.
“So how about this. We just walk back out and you guys pretend you didn’t even see us alright?” Tanver said with a grin his hands raised.
“We’re past that you wise asses. I say we kill ya and feed ya remains to the hogs.” Old black beard said a devilish grin grew on his lips.
“Well I tried Renton. Plan B it is.” Tanver said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I prefer plan thunder also known as…” Renton said throwing four darts connected to metal chains at the four men standing before them. “lightning!”
The chains crackled with lightning the men all convulsed. Ripples of fat waved through old black beards belly. Then the men dropped. Renton pulled the chains back and tucked them up his sleeves.
“Shall we proceed?” Renton asked. holding his arm out as though he was a butler escorting someone into the next room.
Tanver shook his head and went on. If his blueprint of this place was up to date then Grunvin, the boss of these 15 square blocks of the slums would be in the basement. He had grown… Over confident lately. He made a large purse doing a job and used it to expand his territory. But he made one mistake. He attacked a block that belonged to the Blacktail brothers. And they wanted to have a personal chat with the man.
“So how are we going to handle the new territory we get after we have our, little talk with Grunvin?“ Renton asked throwing his chain dart into the throat of the guard who was napping in his chair at the door leading to the basement. Heavy sleeper.
“Depends on how the… Chat goes.” Tanver said with a insidious grin. He blew the doors off its hinges with the force of a bull… Make that two bulls.
The heavy wooden door renforced with steel flew down the stairway as if shot out of a canon. Crushing the guards who stood at the bottom of the stairs. Tanver was the laid back thinking type, but when that muscular seven foot frame got serious he was terrifying. The fact he honed his magic to strengthen his… Well strength made him a frightening man indeed. The fact he could coat his skin in magic to make it as hard as stone was just… Over kill.
Renton was the smaller, big brother. And the… Adventurous one. He found this kind of thing fun, a little too fun at times, killing people before getting any information. Or getting information and forgetting it before he got back. This was why his brother decided to tag along this time. It was a risk for sure sending two of the three heads of the Blacktail dragon family (their baby sister Zenari had to stay. She wasn’t much good in a fight anyway.) People often wondered how the two brothers were related Renton being 5'5 with autumn brown hair and blue eyes, and his brother being… Well a giant with black hair and dark brown eyes. They both insisted they had the same mother and father but everyone had their suspicion about it.
Tanver lifted the door off of the two men who’s ribs and skulls where crushed by the door. Blood splattered on the walls behind them.
“Ya ready Renton? No doubt they heard that.“
“I was born ready little brother.” Renton smirked.
Tanver placed his hand on his older brothers head and ruffled his hair. The smirk on Renton’s face quickly turned into a cold glare. He tapped Into his pool of magic and made his body scolding hot. Tanver quickly removed his hand and shook it in the air too cool it.
“That’s going to blister damnit! You couldn’t have just gave me a little shock?”
“Then you’d never learn ya lesson” Renton cackled.
Renton was an odd one. A once in a lifetime prodigy. A naturally gifted sorcerer. He honestly could have been the best damn elemental Sorcerer in the world, but he found studying magic, tedious. So instead of having mastery over a multitude of elements, his powers manifested themselves purely off his emotions. Anger was fire, excitement and joy was lightning, sadness was ice, fear and anxiety was wind, and malice was earth and poison. Most Sorcerer where lucky to master two. At most use three, and here was Renton capable of using all five but unwilling to master any.
“Stand behind me I’m sure they’ll shoot first and ask questions later.” Tanver said as he prepared to open the door.
Sure enough as soon as he opened it crossbow bolts flew at him and bounced off his rock hard skin covered in layers of magic.
“Come on now that was my favorite shirt. I just came to talk to you Grunvin. No need try and fill me with holes.” He said cracking his neck walking towards the row of crossbow men
Some tried to reload and cock their crossbows. Others just stood wide eyed and frozen. All of them trembled. Renton laughed at how frightened they looked. Using that joy to to send the men a zap. They fell to the ground with a thud like bags of sand.
The fat scare-faced Grunvin sat behind a mahogany desk his fingers intertwined showing off his many gold rings. His black hair slicked back with oil. He looked far less than pleased to have visitors. A man holding an oak staff with some kind of purple, nearly translucent gem at its head, stood to his right. The man was wearing a silver robe with gold trim. So Grunvin had enough money to hire a sorcerer from the Circle. Either his territory was making boat loads of money or somebody was funding him.
“What the fuck do you two want?” Grunvin barked.
“You hit a building on our block. I’m sure it was an… accident. so how about you say… Give us two of your blocks, and pay us fifteen percent of your territories income for three months.” Tanver said dryly.
“And if I say fuck off.” Grunvin replied his lip curled up, eyebrows furrowed.
“Let’s just say that’s not a wise choice.” Tanver said cracking the boulders he called knuckles.
“Hmm let me think about it? Fuck. You. And. Fuck. Off.” Grunvin laughed
“Alright, fat fuck over there is pissing me off! you tried being nice, play time is over.” Renton exploded throwing a ball of fire the size of a large melon at the fat man.
The ball of fire stopped ten feet from Grunvin and his sourcerer. A wall of magic shimmered, a faint purple and blue light. Grunvin chuckled. He stood up and walked to the wall behind him to a candle holder on the wall.
“Hows this for a little fun ey?” He said as he pulled the candle holder. The wall on the right began to slide down into the ground. And growling could be heard from the other side.
“Renton the door now!” Tanver shouted.
Renton sprinted for the door but there was a magical barrier around it as well.
“No luck brother.” He stepped away from the door and allowed his chain darts to fall into his hands.
A large grey scaled claw rested on the half lowered wall. Talons as long as a man’s forearm. Yellow reptilian eyes peered through the darkness. The wall rested into the floor and an eight foot high lizard with two, maybe three rows of razor sharp teeth walked towards them. Grabbed one of the dead crossbowmen in its maw and chomped the man in half with little effort.
“Is that a fuckin dragon!?“ Renton asked eyes wide.
“Dragons have Wings. That’s an adult mountain drake.” Tanver gulped
“Drake, Dragon. To-may-to, to-mah-to. Either way we’re fucked!”
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