#aren't the 'little miss perfects' that they pretend to be just so that they can get that 'little sister' status
woso-dreamzzz · 9 days
Breakfast VII
Ellie Carpenter x Daniëlle van de Donk x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your Olympic debut
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Ellie can still remember her first Olympics.
She'd been sixteen too in Rio.
But her Olympics had been for football.
Yours is for gymnastics.
Daan had told you that it's okay not to reach the finals but, against the odds, the uneven bars had called your name.
Neither of your mothers pretend to know much about gymnastics apart from it being incredibly difficult and that it had taken over your life for years.
You hadn't quite cared when you missed school or a friend's birthday parties or opportunities to go on holiday.
Gymnastics was your life and when you had made the leap to senior gymnastics, you'd held your own fairly well and, now, you were here.
At the Olympics.
In an arena full of gymnastic enthusiasts watching you closely.
Ellie grabs at Daan's hand, sucking in a harsh breath as your name is announced.
You seem content though, happy even as you approach.
"It's going to be okay," Daan says, though it sounds like she's more trying to convince Ellie than herself," She's going to do amazing. This is just for the experience. There's no pressure on her."
It's a nice lie to tell but you're the only Dutch athlete to qualify for a gymnastics final.
Ellie's sure the whole country has tuned in to watch you compete.
There's no pressure from her and Daan.
There's pressure from the country.
You adjust your hand straps, chalking up your hands before approaching the bars.
Ellie doesn't get gymnastics but she does know that uneven bars are your favourite. She's not even sure if you know why but it is.
You've always loved them and multiple times, she's picked you up from practice while you're doing another routine.
She's admired you multiple times on the bar, star-struck by the confidence you have to just fling yourself off of them. She's even more star-struck when you land a series of complicated flips.
There's something impossible about the things you do and the ease at which you do them.
But those things are just in the gym, just at practice and Ellie knows practice doesn't always translate into the real thing but, as you grab onto the higher bar, Ellie can't see any terror in you.
The scariest part of your gymnastics, Daan thinks, is the injuries. She has been your mother for sixteen perfect years and every time you do a flip or a spin or some kind of complicated combination, she can't help but imagine all the ways it's gone wrong.
Your biggest injury was a dislocated shoulder when you were thirteen but you'd never had anything else but Daan had been to enough gymnastics meets to know that breaking legs and torn muscles aren't out of the question.
You spin around the high bar, releasing onto the lower one and Daan squeezes Ellie's hand.
Her eyes slam shut suddenly.
Ellie's always been the one that can't look away from you, awestruck by your abilities but all Daan can see when she looks at you is the slip you had when you were little, down the stairs and cracking your head open on the bannister.
It's not the same but it's all she can ever think about.
So, whenever you're on the bars, Daan has to shut her eyes, if only to give herself some peace of mind.
"Come on," She hears Ellie mutter next to her," Come on. You've got this. Come on."
Ellie's always been a talker at your competitions, a steady stream of commentary coming from her mouth that she had picked up bits and pieces of from tv commentators that actually know what they're talking about.
"Nearly done," Ellie says," And...And...She stuck it! She stuck the landing!"
Daan's eyes open up just as you walk off to your seat.
She hadn't watched a moment of your performance but from the roar of the crowd and the wild look on your coach's face, she knows it's good.
Good enough for a medal perhaps.
A bronze or silver would be perfect for your debut.
The waiting is tense, for everyone in the arena and Daan wonders what exactly she has missed with her eyes closed.
Everyone is waiting.
Barely anyone is breathing and you took a long drink from your bottle, eyes up on the screen.
A 14.540 would get you a bronze. A 14.700 would get you silver and Daan grips Ellie's hand more firmly than before.
The person in first sits pretty at the top with a score of 15.420 and Daan hopes you can weasel your way onto the podium.
The stadium erupts but all Daan can look at is you.
Your fists are pumped up into the air as your coach jumps around and hugs you.
"Fuck," Ellie says in awe," Oh my god."
A 15.500 puts you at the top and with only the lowest qualifier left, it's already in the bag.
It's confirmed the moment the last competitor slips from the bar and messes up her landing.
"It looks good on you," Ellie says after everything is all over.
"It's gold," You say," Gold looks good on everyone."
"It looks the best on you." Daan feels tears prick in her eyes and her bottom lip trembles. "I'm so proud of you. God, so proud!"
You tug her into a hug, holding her so close as you finally sob into her shoulder.
"I tried so hard, Mamma," You say," I just want to make you happy."
"You make me so happy," Daan says, cradling your face," All the time. You make me so happy and so proud."
"We'd have been proud of you even if you came last," Ellie says, joining the hug.
A little laugh escapes you. "But the gold helps, right?"
Ellie winks. "Gold always helps."
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
thinking about how much crowley and aziraphale have been getting slammed for their poor communication and on the one hand... absolutely, i agree 100%. they have so much work to do in that department, they are always missing each other when it comes to seeing what they each want from the other and expressing it clearly. but on the other hand... like... encompassing six thousand years into a conversation? six thousand years of knowing each other. six thousand years of gravitating toward one another
like... the bit that really gets me, in crowley's confession, is - "...and we've spent our existence pretending that we aren't. i mean, the last few years, not really" - this implication that like... at least on crowley's part... since they saved the world together he's allowed himself to be more open in how he feels about aziraphale. that in his mind he's already long since chosen Their Side, they've chosen their side in their behavior towards each other, and they've talked about... our car, our shop, but even before that...
we see in the minisodes, the way they already act. they're a pair that shows rather than tells all the time and it's so abundantly clear that everyone around them can see it, is constantly asking about it, assuming it, reading it on them like they're an open book - with everyone but each other.
but like how do you put into clumsy human words how much love you feel for someone who stood next to you while you created the stars? who helped you create them? how do you say openly how you feel to the one person who understands you and your nature better than anyone else, who indulges your every whim because they want to see you happy while everyone else says you were built wrong, you're too indulgent, you're too soft but you're perfect for him, specifically, because you stood at the beginning of the universe together?
like how are they supposed to talk about that? especially when it's so forbidden to talk about that?
there are so few words that truly feel like they properly encompass what love truly and genuinely means? what loving someone TRULY means? how it's giving up your onliness and entrusting yourself into the hands of another, now you're not just you, now you're you but the world is brighter and sharper and more beautiful because of another? how we're all stuck on a spinning rock in the middle of space in the middle of the universe in the middle of the galaxy in the middle of eternity just little grains of sand and then there's another little grain of sand in the scheme of things, but it's the most important one ever created because of how happy it makes you?
but multiply that by six thousand years
so like of course you fucking cry and you stare at each other with tears in your eyes like you're absolutely ESSENTIAL to one another. but like how do you make it work in words when you don't know if there are even words for the prospect of existing without one another? and you have this absolutely incandescent and fragile thing between you that everyone understands to exist, you understand it to exist too, and sometimes it is scary as fuck to admit that you need someone. it is terrifying and uncomfortable and vulnerable and we're just people who live maybe 100 years on this earth? a blink of an eye compared to six thousand years of shared existence?
like...? truthfully i don't think i could talk about it easily either because oh my god that's fucking terrifying. that six thousand years of your comfortable and beloved shared existence could go up in smoke with one misplaced word. like no fucking WONDER he can't get the words out. and no fucking wonder, it's easier to couch things in terms like group and team and everything when you're on the verge of falling apart into a million pieces because the other half of your soul wants to leave you behind. it's easier to say come with me, work with me, be my second in command, than to admit he's first in your heart and mind every second of every day since you saw him bringing light at the beginning of the universe???
just... you know? they need a fucking break. they need a vacation. they need a cottage in the south fucking downs
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luveline · 1 year
I love Bombshell reader x Spencer so much !! But I wanna take it back to wayyy early days and see how they’d interact in season 1 or 2? Or maybe even how the Lila Archer situation would play out if she was around? Much love to you and you’re page and I understand if you don’t want to write this ask :)
tysm ♡ fem
Hotch, for the record, liked you for the open BAU position more than Elle. It's Gideon who's not fond of you. Your flirtatious attitude isn't conducive to teamwork, or something, as though you aren't a professional. Gideon just doesn't like sharing his genius protégé with you.
"I don't have to tell you to be on best behaviour?" Hotch asks.
"No!" you say, really, really meaning it. "When Greenaway gives up, I'll be waiting. Until then, I'm your faithful servant, I won't do anything to disrupt you." 
You're not sure that Hotch totally believes you, but he ushers you off with a street cop to meet Reid and Morgan at the set of your stalkee's upcoming production. You're wide-eyed but eager —seeing the boys again never fails to make you happy, even if the setting is completely unfamiliar to you. 
"Morgan!" you call lightly. He's easily recognisable, and he's been hitting the gym, a wall of tight muscle in his charcoal suit. "Hey!" 
Morgan grins at you but raises a finger to his lips. You accept his pat on the shoulder and follow his line of sight. Spencer stands with a coke bottle in hand, talking to your stalkee, the gorgeous and illustrious Lila Archer. She's the new belle of Hollywood, and she's smiling at Spencer like he has a real chance. He should have a real chance. You know he's a priceless sweetheart, you just didn't realise other people could tell. 
"What's he doing?" you ask, laying your shock on thick to hide the real insecurity. He doesn't even know you're here but he's breaking your heart. "I thought he had a little more loyalty." 
"You don't mind sharing with me, do you?" Lila asks, taking Spencer's coke for a quick swig.
"No," he says immediately. 
She passes him back his drink and unrobes, exposing the long, perfect lengths of her arms and legs before she walks a circle around him. He has stars in his eyes.
Morgan waits for her to take her place in the sand, swinging his arms over the desk. "Are you sharing with us, too?" 
"Shut up," Spencer says, stopping short when he notices you at Morgan's heel. "Y/N. What are you– when did you get here?" 
"I couldn't let you guys have all the fun." You cover Morgan's arm with a perfectly kept hand. "Hotch asked me to come. Didn't even have to beg! And now I get to spend time with my two favourite heavyweights." 
"Funny," Spencer says. 
"He's defensive today," Morgan assures you, his smile smug and catching. 
You test the waters. "Not too defensive, I hope," you say, opening your arms. 
Spencer tucks his coke bottle against his chest and hugs you obligingly. He's warm and he smells like coffee grounds, his hand wide as he pats your back. 
"It's nice to see you," you say. Then, with less good intent, "I missed you, Dr. Reid. Did you miss me?" 
"Don't," he says. 
"I'm serious." You pull away from him, checking over his face. "You've been taking care of yourself, I can see. Where are your glasses?" 
"I got contacts." 
"And you look so good," you croon, rubbing your hand briefly down the front of his chest. You'll miss the glasses dearly. 
Spencer laughs and grabs your wrist. You have to be careful with Spencer, because the very last thing you want to do is give him attention he doesn't want; the point of your affections isn't to make him uncomfortable, the opposite. He needs confidence. "You have the bone structure of a male model," you continue. 
He rolls his eyes and moves you bodily out of the way by the hips, wandering off to who knows where. Morgan gives you a knowing look as he leaves, shaking his head at your flustering. 
"What?" you mutter, pretending to watch the goings on of the director rather than meet his eyes, "I'm not made of stone." 
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sturnsdarling · 1 month
the library
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love and cigs, merc
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(!) indicates smut
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!'you're much better company, tough girl'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
'she's the coolest person I know'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
!'I don't know how to forget you'
matt and y/n have been best friends their whole life, but after a drunken kiss and a night of tangled limbs, everything is changing.
‘I get them too, sometimes'
y/n has an anxiety attack and Matt calms her down the only way he can think of in the moment (based on the ICONIC stydia scene)
'lets just stay here for a while'
{part two of 'I get them too, sometimes' } anxious!reader has an anxiety attack so bff!matt kisses her to calm her down, after, they agree to not go back to the party and just hang out with each other for a while.
!'Dinner and a show'
Matt and his girl go to dinner, but little does he know she has something planned for him when they get home.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother'
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!'Birthdays in Boston'
a prequel to 'I don't know how to forget you', and the full story behind the photo of Matt and y/n on the fridge
!'you look like this song'
{insp by sturnioz au} smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
!'save a horse...'
you and Matt go to a ranch for your anniversary and end up finding an old abandoned barn, taking the perfect opportunity to live your true wild west fantasy.
'teenage dirtbags', Intro, part I, part II, part III, part IV, !part V
Skater!Matt and Nerd reader have never gotten along, but after Matt needs her help passing midterms, everything starts to change.
'gloves off'
Hockeyplayer!Matt is on the ice, and a guy from the other team says something about his girl, so Matt deals with him
'I told you I'd always protect you'...incoming
{insp by sturnioz au} !matt and smartand'mean'!reader go to a party but her attitude gets her in trouble.
‘it’s just a dream’…incoming
y/n has a nightmare but Matt is there to sooth her back to sleep
‘cherry cola’…incoming
you ask for Matts assistance in dying your hair red
!'It's 2am, and I miss you'...incoming
You and Matt broke up months ago, but he cant seem to get you out of his head.
...more tbd
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'are you still awake?'
Chris and y/n had a stupid fight, but he refuses to go to bed angry
!'just need t'feel you around me'
part two of 'are you still awake?', Chris can't keep his hands off y/n once they make amends after an argument.
'stay the fuck away from her'
{insp by sturnioz au} fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
'Chris likes girls who don't like him back'
Late night streaming with your best friends turns to a conversation about the boys' type, and Chris gets called out.
!‘never have I ever; shared a girl with my brother
Matt and Chris’ best friend takes an innocent game of ‘never have I ever’ as her opportunity to ask the boys something she’s always wondered
!’take it’…incoming
You and Chris have had sex a thousand times, but this time, after a dirty comment you thought nothing of, Chris’ secret obsession comes to light
lazy days…incoming
Sometimes you just need a pretty girl on your lap and some good music, and that’s what Chris has with his girl.
!’it’s always been you’…incoming
(part two of ‘chris likes girls who don’t like him back’) Chris and his best friend can’t keep pretending that there’s nothing between them
...more tbd
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*indicates fratboy!mattXreader | *indicates fratboy!chrisXreader | **indicates interaction with both (if it's both, fb!matt is always the romantic interest)
*!'you're much better company, tough girl'
fratboy!matt has met his match with smartand'mean'!reader, and he can't get enough of her
*she's the coolest person I know'
fratboy!matt tries to play it cool about him and smartand'mean'!reader spending alot of time together, but fratboy!chris and nate aren't convinced
*'stay the fuck away from her'
fratboy!chris leaves shy!reader alone at a party for the first time and it goes south, quickly.
**'what the fuck is wrong with you?'
fratboy!matt calls smartand'mean'!reader after the fight, telling her she needs to come look after shy!reader, but after she finds out what happened, she lays into fratboy!chris, giving him the reality check he needs.
*you look like this song'
smartand'mean'!reader is getting ready in fratboy!Matts room, listening to Nirvana, and he can't keep his eyes off her.
**an unlikely friendship'
fratboy!chris needs a girls help with a deal, and the only girl he knows he can trust, is fratboy!matts.
*I told you i'd always protect you'...incoming
fratboy!matt and smartand'mean'!reader go to a party but her attitude gets her in trouble.
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!'lemme jus' put it in
how and when I think Chris/Matt would beg for you to cockwarm them
...more tbd
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skz317cb97 · 26 days
You text the wrong group chat pt. 2
Bang Chan
Word count: 3.9k
A/N: Here is the part 2 to texting the wrong group 'need my pussy ate'. It is pure smut lol! Hope you all enjoy! (There's a couple typos but I'm tired so let's just pretend they aren't there 😅)
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Strong language/cursing, oral sex (f receiving) protected piv sex, cum shot, pet names (baby, baby girl, reader calls Chan daddy) I think that's everything but if I missed something please let me know and I will add it!
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It was easy to be bold over text message when Chan wasn’t standing right in front of you. Now that you had goaded him into coming over though your nerves were wreaking havoc on your insides. You had half a mind to text him and tell him you changed your mind. Your heart was pounding and your stomach was full of butterflies and Chan wasn’t even there yet.  
You hadn’t been with anyone since you broke up with Dave the dick, as the guys liked to call him, and it had been quite a while since you and him had even done anything sexual together. Even when you did have sex with your ex it was pretty lack luster, with him always focused on his own pleasure instead of yours and of course, as you had accidently told the whole group chat, he never went down on you. 
Now Chan was on his way over to do just that. What had you gotten yourself into? Forty five minutes after his last text there was knocking at your door. Now your heart was pounding AND in your throat and apparently your stomach was going out for the Olympics with the back flips it was performing.  
You walked cautiously to the door as you tried to somewhat get a hold of yourself. When you heard another knock you took a deep breath and opened the door to, unsurprisingly, find Chan standing there. He took in the sight of you, looking you up and down as you stood there at your door in a thin t shirt and cute little cotton pajama shorts. Already dressed down for the night. 
And there HE was. Black fitted t shirt, partially untucked from his black jeans, his slightly damp, messy brown curls, without a stitch of makeup on. He had clearly showered before coming over. This was your favorite version of Chan, natural, soft. He was perfection just like that. When he flashed his smile showcasing his dimples you had to look away as you nervously bit back your own smile. 
“Hey y/n-ie.” He said breaking the ice. 
“Hey Channie...” You said shyly, still not looking at him. He thought you being so shy with him was the cutest thing he’d ever seen when you were usually so outgoing. 
“Can I come inside?” You looked up quickly then suddenly, your brain kicked in and you remembered that you should be inviting him in. 
“Oh yea! Of course, come in please!” He smiled at you again, this time it reached his eyes, forcing them into narrow crescents. 
“Thank you.” You moved out of the way and allowed him to come into your apartment. He made his way towards your living room and you shut the door following him. 
“Would you like some tea or something to drink?” Chan turned to you. 
“Tea would be nice, thank you.” You nodded heading towards your kitchenette. 
“Make yourself at home. I’ll bring it out when it’s ready.” Chan made his way over to your couch and made himself comfortable as you went to make the tea. You were thankful for the few minutes you had to yourself in the kitchen. You tried like hell to get a hold of yourself but you failed to get your pounding heart in control, for the life of you you just could not calm your nerves.  
Once the tea was ready you gathered the little ceramic pot and two cups then headed towards the living room where Chan was scrolling on his phone patiently waiting for you. You sat down next to him but not particularly close and started to pour the tea, hands trembling, first in his cup, then your own. You handed him his trying to steady your hands and then grabbed yours and started sipping. 
“Thank you.” Chan said smiling. You acknowledged his gratitude with a slight nod and continued to sip at your hot tea looking everywhere around your living room but at Chan. Like you’d never seen any of these things before, as if they didn’t belong to you. Chan was a little eager and drank his tea down rather quickly even though it was hot. As you continued taking sips of yours he noticed your shaky hands and fidgeting.  
Chan could tell you were nervous and he understood why. One you were friends and two you hadn’t been with anyone besides your ex in over a year. It can be a little nerve wracking being intimate with someone new under any circumstances, especially those. He wanted to make you feel relaxed though, he wanted you to be comfortable with him.  
He let you sit there in silence for a moment to gather your thoughts. Once his cup was empty, he set it down on the table then gently took yours from your hands and set it down as well. You turned your head towards him confused as to why he’d taken your tea from you. Before you could ask, he brought one of his strong hands up and tenderly cupped your face, tracing his thumb along your cheek. You closed your eyes and softly bit at your bottom lip from the gentle contact. It was the most intimacy that you had felt in months. When his other hand held the other side of your face just as softly, willing you to look at him, you did. You looked him directly in the eyes, finally, and his beaming smile was back, scrunching up his beautiful eyes again. 
“Y/n?” You nodded speechless as you got lost in those endless brown eyes. 
“Do you want me?” You nodded again, fully chewing your lips now. 
“Tell me y/n.” He leaned in closing the space between your faces. 
“Need to hear you baby girl.” You took a deep shaky breath. 
“Yes Channie, I want you.” This time Chan nodded then leaned the rest of the way in and pressed his plump lips against yours softly. Your lips parted from his for a moment and he looked at you for just one second before diving back in, this time with more confidence and passion behind his kiss. You gripped the front of his shirt and pulled him closer as you kissed him back. Chan tilted his head and opened his mouth, his tongue teasing your bottom lip asking for entrance.  
You parted your lips and accepted him as his hands traveled from your face down your body to your hips, pulling you closer and onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck, resting them on his broad shoulders. Your fingers weaving through the curls at the nape of his neck. You had gained a little confidence and decided to test the waters, you slightly rolled your hips as you made out on top of him and you were rewarded with a soft moan from Chan. You could already feel him prodding at you through his pants and you felt a wave of arousal wash over your own body at the idea of him being hard for you. Just from the anticipation of having you.  
You rolled your hips again and Chan grunted a little this time before sliding his hands down your ass and gripping it, urging you to move against him more. You gently tugged at his curls tilting his head back exposing his neck so you could kiss and nip at it while you continued to grind in his lap. 
“Are you getting all worked up for me y/n? Hm? I bet you’re so fucking wet.”  He was right you were embarrassingly wet already. You didn’t answer him you just captured his lips with your own again. Kissing him was unreal, his lips were even softer than they looked and he tasted sweet, like pineapple juice, his favorite, so no doubt what he’d been drinking before coming over.  
The next thing you knew you were being lifted up from the couch. You quickly wrapped your legs around Chan’s waist and held on tight as he carried you towards your room devouring your lips along the way. Once at your bed Chan laid you back gently, climbing over the top of you. His lips started trailing down your jaw and neck as he pulled at the hem of your shirt. He stopped a moment and looked at you. 
“Can I?” You blushed still feeling a little nervous about him seeing all of you. 
“You first.” He nodded and sat up whipping his own shirt off and tossing it. You followed the lines of his firm body down, drinking him in fully. Just stunning. 
“Now can I?” He asked playfully with an eyebrow raised and you nodded in return. Chan grabbed at the hem of your shirt again and this time you lifted up and raised your arms as he pulled it up and over your head, your lack of a bra leaving you topless underneath him. Chan bit at his plump bottom lip then started giving you soft kisses down your chest and breasts. When he took one of your nipples into his warm wet mouth you couldn’t help the quiet moan you let out. It had been too long since you had been touched and the way Chan handled you so tenderly, it all had your head spinning already. 
Chan swapped breasts, licking and sucking on your other nipple before kissing his way back up your chest and neck, claiming your lips between his again. He pulled away slightly, whispering against them. 
“Gonna let me eat your pussy y/n?” He gently bit your lip and slid his tongue back into your mouth kissing you deeply before you could even answer. Your lips parted again. 
“Hm? Are you gonna let me eat your sweet little pussy baby girl?” This time when he went to kiss you you gripped his hair stopping him. You pecked his kiss swollen lips looking up at him sweetly. 
“Yes Channie... please?” His eyes rolled back in his head and he groaned, leaning down into the crook of your neck and biting at your shoulder, grinding his hips into yours. 
“Fuck! So sweet.” You could feel Chan’s warm breath fan across your skin when he spoke and it made you throb harder where you felt him pressing into you. He wasted no time in sliding your little shorts off then going for your panties. You pressed your legs together halting his movements, still a little hesitant to be fully exposed to him. Chan looked up at you. You didn’t need to say anything, he understood. He needed to level the playing field. He got off of you and stood up next to the bed.  
You sat up quickly worried you might have given him the wrong idea. That you didn’t want him. Your fears were put to rest quickly as Chan started to unbuckle his belt slowly, eyes fixed on you. You wanted to watch what his hands were doing but you were completely entranced by his gaze. He slid his belt from the loops and dropped it then started unbuttoning and unzipping his pants just as slowly, testing you, teasing you.  
When he dropped his pants they pooled around his feet and he stepped out of them. Finally you looked down to see him standing in tight black boxer briefs, the outline of his hard on prominent. Before you could get a word out about how unreal he looked, he hooked his thumbs in the elastic waist band of his underwear and pulled them down too, his cock springing free from the tight fabric.  
Your mouth actually dropped as he stood there a moment and let you look at him completely naked. You took in every inch of his body trying to memorize every muscle, every line, every freckle. Fucking STUNNING! He knelt back on the bed coming towards you and this time when he reached for your panties you let him remove them with zero hesitation. He slid your underwear down your legs and tossed them aside with the rest of your clothes.  
Chan’s hands slid up your legs and parted your thighs so he could see you fully. He licked his lips practically salivating at the sight of your sweet cunt. 
“Do you know how fucking gorgeous you are y/n?” You couldn’t say anything, you just shook your head no. Chan thought YOU were gorgeous? Your face burned as he started peppering the softest kisses from your neck down your body, kissing your breasts and tummy before stopping, hovering right over your aching core. 
“I just knew you had a pretty pussy baby girl. Can’t wait to taste you. So fucking pretty.” You gently ran your fingers through Chan’s curls as he dipped his head down and slid his tongue through your folds, savoring your flavor. You gasped when he wrapped his full lips around your clit and softly sucked on it. 
“Channie oh my god, that feels so fucking good. Don’t stop, please!” Chan hummed and continued to feast on you, lapping at you from your dripping entrance to your clit, collecting every drop of you on his tongue then latching onto your clit again. Your legs were trembling and the grip you had on his hair tightened the closer and closer he pushed you towards your climax. 
He pulled away momentarily to run two fingers through your juices and slide them inside you. You moaned out louder as Chan’s slender fingers curled and worked you open. You relished the feeling of have something inside you finally. 
“Ch-Cha-Channie oh fuck, I’m- I’m gonna cum...” You managed to choke out between gasps of air. His lips closed around your clit as he continued to fuck you with his fingers and it wasn’t long before your back arched off the bed, your legs clamping around Chan’s head as he pushed you over the edge. He pulled his fingers out and continued to gently lap at your pussy as you twitched and shook through the aftershocks of your orgasm. You pushed his curls all around, rubbing his scalp with your fingertips as he did.   
When you finally released Chan from your leg lock he traced his tongue back up your body and his pillowy soft lips found yours again. He gave them a peck, then your cheek, then your nose. You let out a deep breath and started laughing as Chan continued giving you sweet little kisses all over your face. 
“Holy shit Chan!” You pushed your hair away from your face and let out heavy breath and another giggle as he nuzzled into your neck tickling you. 
“Yea? Was that good y/n?” You cupped his face and pulled him back up kissing his pouty lips as you nodded. While you had his lips busy one of your hands trailed down his firm body and you palmed his cock. 
“Let me return the favor yeah? Let me taste you too Channie.” He grabbed your hand and made you wrap both around his shoulders again. 
“Next time I promise, I will cum so fucking fast if you try and suck my dick right now baby.” You laughed and nodded understanding. The laughter came to a halt and you let out a little gasp when you felt Chan’s hard cock rub against your wet pussy. He pecked your lips. 
“Condom?” You pointed at your bedside table. 
“Top drawer there should be some.” Chan reached over opening and then rummaging through the drawer until he found one. He sat back up between your legs, ripped open the wrapper and rolled the condom on. He rubbed the head of his cock through your folds collecting your juices. 
“You ready for me baby?” You pulled him down on top of you and kissed him, you didn’t think you could ever get enough of kissing him. 
“Yes Channie, I’m ready. Fuck me.” Chan reached between the two of you and lined himself up before pushing into you. You gasped and moaned out as Chan slowly filled you. He caged you between his arms and rolled his hips pushing deeper into you then he suddenly let out a deep breath that you hadn’t realize he had been holding. 
“God damn y/n! You’re so fucking tight!” He breathed out. Your fingers softly carded through his curls and he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of you touching him so sweetly while you were tightly wrapped around his cock. When he opened his eyes again he kissed you and started to rock his hips back and forth, fucking into you slow and deep. 
“Fuck Chan, yes just like that!” After you both got adjusted to the feeling of each other he started to fuck you faster, harder. You could hear his soft pants in your ear every time he pushed into you, you loved the little sounds he made while he fucked you. You spread your legs and started moving your hips, matching his thrusts taking more of him. 
“God you’re taking me so well baby, fuck.” Chan gave you a couple more hard thrusts then pulled out and laid back propped against your head board. He patted his lap. 
“Come sit on it baby.” You straddled Chan’s lap, lined him up with your throbbing cunt and sank down on him. He gripped both of your ass cheeks and you rolled your hips. 
“Ohhhh fuck so deep!” You moaned out and Chan smiled at you sweetly then kissed your lips. 
“You can take it baby girl, go on, ride it for me.” You gripped Chan’s shoulders and rocked back and forth in his lap, riding him like he’d told you too. Chan’s lips wrapped around one of your nipples and he teased the other as you continued to grind on him. Your fingers found purchase in his curls again as you sank down and took every inch of him. You bit your bottom lip and closed your eyes as you started riding him hard and deep. 
“Fuck, god, yes! Feels so good daddy...” You breathed it out so quietly Chan almost didn’t hear it. His head shot up and his eyes had darkened. He ran his thumb along your bottom lip and forced it into your mouth making eye contact with you as you sucked on it. 
“What was that y/n? Say that again a little louder for me?” He removed his thumb and pressed it against your lips as you spoke. 
“F-fuck, you f-feel s-so good...” You stammered out as you felt his cock filling you so completely. 
“No no that last part baby girl, say that last part again.” You looked away a little embarrassed that it had slipped out. Chan gently took your chin and tilted your head back up, making you look at him again. 
“Go on...” Chan urged you again. 
“Say it.” You leaned forward hugging on to him, bodies pressed together, Chan’s cock buried so deep inside you, you couldn’t possibly be any closer. You pressed your lips to Chan’s ear. 
“Feels SO good daddy.” You kissed his cheek after you said it and the fuse that you had lit finally reached its limit. Chan lifted you up off his lap and tossed you onto the bed. 
“Bend over.”  It wasn’t a request and you didn’t hesitate to do what he said, getting on all fours.  
“Like this daddy?” You said teasingly. Chan ran his hands over the swell of your ass, gently slapping and squeezing at it. 
“JUST like that baby girl. So good for your daddy aren’t you?” He lined up with your needy cunt, sank back into you, and started fucking you fast and rough, gripping your hips tightly as he railed you hard.  
“Daddy yes so good for daddy, god fuck yes!” He was pushing you towards your orgasm faster and faster and you were becoming a babbling mess. Your face pressed into the mattress as Chan fucked you stupid, just like you’d told him to do in your text. 
“Shit! I’m gonna cum y/n, I’m so fucking close!” You planted your hands on the bed, arched your back more and started meeting his thrusts with everything you had left in you.  
“Fuck! FUCK!” You screamed into the mattress. 
“Me too Channie, don’t stop! I’m gonna cum!” He continued mercilessly drilling into you and when you came for the second time that night it felt like ten thousand volts ripped through your body. You went ridged and your pussy squeezed Chan’s cock so tightly he couldn’t hold back anymore. He pulled out of you, took off the condom then covered your back and ass in hot thick ropes of his cum.  
“Mmmmmfuck god fuck! Wear it baby girl! Wear that cum!” Chan rubbed the tip of his cock through the cum on your ass and shuddered from the overstimulation. 
“Fuck y/n, you look so good covered in my cum.” He continued to smear it across your ass cheeks with his tip, watching as it dripped down. He gently tapped your thigh to get your attention and you forced yourself to look back at him. The sight of him was almost enough to make you cum again. Skin flushed, sweaty curls clinging to his neck and forehead, chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breath. When you made eye contact he flashed you that dimpled grin of his. 
“Lay down, I’ll grab a rag to clean you up with.” You nodded and allowed your body to relax down on the bed. It wasn’t long before Chan was back with a warm wet rag. He ran it over your tender pussy first and you flinched a little. 
“I’m sorry, did I go to rough? Did I hurt you?” You looked back at him again and saw the worry on his face. You shook your head. 
“No Channie not at all just sensitive. It’s fine really. I promise.” He let out a small sigh of relief and finished wiping his cum off of you before discarding the rag in your hamper. When he crawled back into the bed with you he pulled you flush against his body and held you. You laid there for a bit with your head on Chan’s chest listening to his heart beat and breathing slow down. After a minute you of silence you looked up at him. His eyes were closed, mouth slightly open and you wondered if the man who was a notorious insomniac  had actually fallen asleep already. 
“Channie?” He immediately opened his eyes, looked down at you and smiled. 
“Yea?” You couldn’t help but smile back. You ran your hand through his curls again. 
“Thank you, that was really amazing.” Chan cocked his eyebrow before leaning down and pressing his pillowy soft lips against yours. 
“I should be thanking YOU.” He ran a hand down your body, grabbed your ass, and gave it a squeeze. You giggled and pinched his firm tummy. Chan laughed grabbing your hand, threading his fingers through yours and then kissed you again. He pulled away and gave you a knowing look with a smirk. 
“What?” You asked. 
“So... Minho was your back up plan huh? I could call him, see if he’s interested in joining us for round two.” You rolled your eyes and tried to push him away. 
“That’s it, get out.” Chan grabbed your arms and pulled you close, pinning you against his body as you squirmed. He was too strong. You looked up at him pouting, defeated. He pecked your lips. 
“I was just teasing. Don’t kick me out.” Another peck, then another. Then his lips latched onto yours firmly. Chan tilted his head deepening the kiss then he suddenly flipped you onto your back, laying on top of you. You could feel his cock pressed against you, getting hard again. He pulled away giving you that smirk. 
“Well I was teasing about Minho at least. I was serious about round two so I hope you’re ready!” He said wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
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absurdthirst · 2 months
Headcanons for when the Pedro boys come home after a long trip and find out that reader has put on some weight? (Whiskey and Frankie are usually my favorites in these things 💖🥺🌸)
Coming Home To Find Out That You've Put On Weight:
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: He's not going to mention it. He's not stupid. He can tell you are a bit nervous, you tug your shirt down over the extra curves that you aren't happy with and you hesitate to get naked when he is trying to strip you down. He showers your neck and lips with extra kisses, pressing his aching cock against your soft stomach and growls that he has missed you and needs to be inside you. Gonna go a little harder with you though, more cushion for the pushing is the saying, right?
Ezra: Delighted. You haven't been living off bits bars and meager rations. Maybe a little greedy for the fact that he might get better meals than what he had been having since being away from you. Plus he is of the opinion that every form is beautiful; fat, thin, tall, short, it doesn't matter. Your cunt is still hot and clutches around him like a glove and in your arms, he finds the solace he craves.
Mando: Mando yearns for softness. Everything in his life is hard, unyielding. His armor, his creed, even his cot is hard as a rock. So when he comes back to the covert to find that you are softer, he loves it. You can't see his express, because the room is pitch black, but you can feel the eagerness of his touch. The moans even louder when he squeezes parts of you that are a little fleshier than before. It might be the quickest he's ever finished.
Frankie Morales: See, Frankie loves a thicker girl. Those thighs you hate? He loves them. They are soft and cushiony, a perfect place for him to lay his head down on while pretending to watch tv with you. He always falls asleep. That pooch over your pussy? Fucking loves it, constantly touching it. So when he was deployed for eight months and he came home to find that you had put on a little weight, it didn't bother him at all. He was still going to strip you down as soon as the kids were taking and nap and explore ever soft curve you have with glee and exhaust himself and you.
Pero Tovar: Another man who does not mind if your waist grows thicker or your body is softer. Pero loves it. It shows that you did not starve while he was away, a constant source of guilt and worry for him. He had left you enough coins to last and you had obviously been successful in your gardens and trapping animals like he had hoped. The weight you have added might have made you have to let our your dresses, but your tits are also bigger, so it's extra fun for Pero.
Max Phillips: Whistles when he sees you. For a moment, he thinks about making a sarcastic comment about the weight gain, but he can see that you are actually self conscious. Max might be an egotistical, vain prick, but he's not cruel to you. You are still sexy to him. "There's my little blood bag." He hums, sweeping you into his arms and kissing you before smelling your pulse. "You look good enough to eat." He growls playfully, even though you both know that he will feed off of you when he is done making you scream his name.
Agent Whiskey: Listen, this man can throw a grown ass man around with a whip, you think you gaining some weight is going to take the fun out of the rodeo? He doesn't give a shit what the number on the scale says, as long as you still ride his mustache and his cock, Jack Daniels will be a happy man. Plus, he likes the extra jiggle.
Marcus Pike: Understands completely. He's been talking to you on the phone, knows that you have been doing the quick and easy dinners and snacking more - he has too. He doesn't mind the extra weight, as long as you don't. If you complain about it, he will offer to go for walks at night when he gets home or go with you to the gym in the mornings before work. If you don't say a word, this man will just happily love you as you are.
Oberyn Martell: Immediately asks if you are carrying a child. He has been gone for two months and when he finds that there is weight on your stomach, he is smiling as he caresses your skin, hoping for another child. The only way this man is disappointed is when you tell him that you have had your bleeding consistently while he was away. Then he will pout. But only because there is not another Sand Snake on the way. Then he will just get busy making that happen.
Dave York: He's getting older and the fucking weight just doesn't come off like it used too. He hates running, unless he absolutely must, so it doesn't bother him. Not really. Does he have the stray thought that you weigh a little more when you're riding him? Yeah, but he knows better than to say that shit out loud.
Zach Wellison: Doesn't say a word. He notices, but it's not his place to say anything. He's been gone, and you've been doing everything yourself. He just kisses you and asks how you have been while he's been gone.
Dieter Bravo: Doesn't really recognize you put on weight. He's just happy you are still here when he gets home, and you want to fuck him. He's greedy and needy in bed all at the same time, but after the deed is over, he's soooooo comfortable cuddling into you that he calls you his new pillow and drifts off to sleep with a smile on his face.
Javi Gutierrez: He notices. He notices everything about you. It doesn't matter to him. You are still perfect. You are still the woman he adores. Coming back from filming his latest screenplay is a relief and he is over the moon to be reunited with you. His love for you is pure and real, it's not even going to matter if you gained weight to him. He just has more of you to love.
Max Lord: Max is one who loves appearances, so this is something that you worry yourself sick over. The 80s is a time where everyone wants to be supermodel thin and gaining weight is heavily frowned upon. So you are a wreck when Max comes home from the super secret trip that he had taken. Only to find that he is completely unaware that anything has changed. He's too focused on being successful.
Marcus Moreno: Doesn't care. Are you healthy? Are you happy? If not, then he will help you however you need. If you are, then he is happy. He loves you and completely understands that bodies change over time. He's not wearing the same size Heroic's tac vest he was a few years ago, and it's not because he's gotten smaller. He's still gonna find you irresistible and slap your ass when he walks by you in the kitchen every morning. Maybe even more so now.
Tim Rockford: All the evidence points to the new flavor of cookie you've discovered. It's a good cookie. Tim is just happy to be home, that case took way too long to solve and he just wants to curl around your thicker frame after he's made you cum and sleep for a week. He doesn't care about weight, he's home and the case is solved.
Joel Miller: Doesn't bother him a damn bit. You still fit into your clothes, although they are tighter. Joel cares about you, not what size you are. There are more important things to worry about as long as you are healthy.
Marcus Acacius: It's been two years since he has seen your face. The memory of your last kiss, the last time he made love to you, has carried him through the campaign that had taken so many Roman soldiers. You look gorgeous to his weary eyes, a safe harbor to take shelter in. The plumpness of your new body does not take away from the way he needs you. This is a man who is just happy to have come back home to you.
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meownotgood · 2 years
married life / hayakawa aki
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married life with house-husband aki.
pairing: hayakawa aki x gn!reader
genre: headcanons / fluff, just lots of domestic sweetness
note: this post is sfw, but this account contains nsfw content. please do not follow if you are a minor.
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❥ You were the one who proposed first. It started as an off-handed remark: Hey, Aki, have you ever considered getting married? Without fully understanding what you were implying, he replies, I'm not sure, but I wouldn't mind being married to you. Needless to say, you popped the question not long after.
❥ You'll never forget the look on Aki's face when you asked him to marry you: his eyes were wide, and his face was flushed all the way to the tips of his ears. When he tried to speak, all that came out were incoherent stutters, but as he knelt down and hugged you, you heard him whisper, Yes. I'd love to.
❥ You consider yourself fortunate that your job has always allowed you to live comfortably, your salary easily enough for two people to live off of. For the first time in, well, ever, Aki doesn't have to be working himself to the bone all the time. He isn't used to this, and it took some adjusting to, but once he settled in his new peaceful lifestyle, he grew to really take a liking to it.
❥ Aki enjoys dwelling in something simpler, in a quiet sense of home. He finds comfort in the little things, in taking care of day-to-day tasks and the household chores. When you come home, a smile on your face once you see what he made for dinner, the stress leaving your shoulders when he tells you how he took care of everything — Don't worry about anything at all, you can relax now. When he's able to help you, to let his beloved feel at ease, it makes it all worth it.
❥ He's always been a chef at heart, so Aki enjoys making you dinner every single night. He asks you what you'd like to eat tonight before you leave for work, and he gives you a few suggestions if you aren't sure. He makes a mental note of all the ingredients he needs to pick up from the store. Then, he prepares dinner in earnest, expertly chopping vegetables, adding spices and having a taste to make sure it's perfect. He always plans it perfectly so that as soon as you come home, you'll have a delicious hot meal ready for you.
❥ Over the months and years you've spent together, Aki has memorized all of your preferences. He knows what flavors you like, and he remembers what you don't like; he always excludes those things from the recipe.
❥ You're no stranger to breakfast in bed, either; Aki will crawl out of bed as softly as possible, cooking quietly in the kitchen, careful to avoid stepping on the floorboards that creak. He'll brew some hot coffee, waking you up with a kiss to the forehead, a steaming mug and a plate of pancakes in his hands. Good morning. Did you have sweet dreams?
❥ When you arrive home from a long day of work, Aki takes your coat off your shoulders at the door, hanging it on the coat rack. He unites your shoes for you, then wraps his arms around you in a warm embrace, his hand tenderly holding the back of your head. The very first thing he says to you each and every time is, Welcome home, I missed you so much. How was work?
❥ And when he can tell that you've come home stressed and upset, he wastes no time, pulling you into a tight hug the second you've walked in the door. Bad day, huh? C'mere. Let me hold you.
❥ Aki makes you boxed lunches in the morning for you to take to eat at work. He makes sure each one is a balanced meal, with enough nutrients to get you through the day. There's always a hand-written note tucked inside, wishing you a good day at work, and reminding you of how much he loves you. Have a good day today. Hey, there's a festival going on downtown tonight, would you like to go? Let me know later. I love you. :)
❥ If you happen to forget your lunch on the counter, Aki will drive all the way to your work just to hand it to you. He pretends not to overhear when you start bragging to your co-workers about how much of an amazing husband he is, but he's smiling to himself on the entire drive home.
❥ Honestly, he'll never get used to you calling him your husband. It always makes his heart flutter and warmth rise to his cheeks. He still can't believe this is real, that he is married to the love of his life, and gets to spend the rest of his days peacefully beside them. After everything he's been through, he thinks he deserves it.
❥ He frequently admires his wedding ring, turning it over and rubbing his thumb along the smooth surface when he's reminded that it's still attached to his finger. Real, tangible proof of your marriage, proof that you belong to each other. Aki's heart skips a beat just looking at it. Sometimes, whilst you sleep, he'll grasp your hand and admire your own ring, too.
❥ You don't think you've done your own laundry since Aki moved in — He's always done it for you. He quickly learned what goes in all of your drawers, and how you like to organize your closet. When he washes your clothes, he seperates the whites from the darks, and he uses a special fabric softener that leaves them smelling divine. He folds all of your clothes neatly, and if you wish, he'll even pick out outfits for you, arranging everything so that you never have to worry about what you're going to wear in the morning.
❥ Aki makes sure every single chore is handled before you even come home. Dishes? Yep, he's already washed them, dried them, and put them away. Trash? He took it out ages ago. You don't have to stress about any of it.
❥ As he cleans the house, dusting every surface, he admires all of your knick-knacks, all of your belongings that have blended with his since you've moved in. He's extremely careful with your things, setting them back exactly where they were. A soft smile settles on his face when he gazes at the photo frames of you and him, and all of the pictures you've taken together.
❥ There's photos from your honeymoon (his arm is around you, you're kissing his cheek), and your wedding (he's crying like a baby at the altar, his hands clasped in yours). When you took visits to both his hometown and your own, you look lots of pictures of the scenery. And there's even shots from your various vacations, including his favorite picture of you that he's ever taken — You're at the beach, the waves washing over your toes, the sunset illuminating you perfectly. You look amazing, but honestly, Aki thinks you're stunning in every single one. He feels delighted to be reminded of those memories.
❥ Aki's favorite part of housework is tending to the garden. He waters the flower beds with a watering can, and then carefully tends to the soil of the plants. The best part is harvesting everything he's grown — tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, strawberries — and letting you have a taste. He'll chop up the cucumbers into slices for you, he'll make a cake out of the strawberries and feed you a slice. Is it good? Tell me what you want me to grow next year. I was thinking lettuce would be nice, I can make us some salads.
❥ He still has much to learn, but Aki managed to pick up sewing in the time while you're away at work; if you ever rip your clothing, or if the washing machine ever snags a button, he'll sew it back up for you, just the way it was.
❥ Although you tend to be busy, you and Aki have a designated date night where you always spend time with each other. Sometimes you go out to a fancy restaurant. Aki helps you pick out a glamorous outfit, does your hair for you, and stands behind you, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head as he clasps your necklace. Oh, you look so perfect, sweetheart. I can't believe I get to call you mine.
❥ He opens the car door for you when you arrive, and he allows you to hold his arm as you step out. When you sit down, he pushes in your seat for you. And of course, he orders for you, too. If there's something on the menu you said you might want to try but weren't sure if you'd like it, that's what he orders, and he's sure to give you a bite. If you enjoy it more than what you ordered, he'll swap your plates. And if you choose to order something out of your comfort zone, he orders your favorite, so that if you dislike your meal, he can just give you his. Aki spends more time helplessly staring at you than he does eating, anyways.
❥ But, if you're not feeling up to anything crazy, Aki is perfectly fine spending date night staying in. You'll cozy up on the couch, a blanket over your bodies as you watch whatever movie you've been dying to see. Aki pops homemade popcorn for the two of you. When you fall asleep on his shoulder, he turns off the television and carries you to bed in his arms.
❥ Aki wouldn't force you to, but if you wanted to take his last name, he'd be absolutely overjoyed. He would be honored to give you such an important part of himself. A smile tugs at the corners of his cheeks whenever he watches you sign paperwork with Hayakawa, and tears well in his eyes when the two of you visit the graves of his family, reminders that he isn't alone anymore, that you're his family now.
❥ Each night, you have a routine of telling Aki how your day went. Aki recounts everything he managed to get done today, and you tell him about anything exciting that happened, or rant to him about all of your stresses. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat, and Aki rubs slow, soothing circles on your back.
❥ He listens intently to every detail, praising you for your accomplishments: You finished that big project you were telling me about last week, didn't you? You've been working so hard love, why don't we do something special tomorrow to celebrate? Or, comforting you when you've had a shitty day: I'm sorry, baby. I don't understand why your boss has to be such an ass sometimes. If there's anything I can do to help you out tomorrow, just tell me.
❥ And yes, Aki knows that you really need your sleep for the busy day ahead, but sometimes, he just can't help but keep you up. It's not his fault you're so perfect he can't stop staring. You certainly can't blame him for wanting to kiss every inch of your sleepy face over and over again, until there isn't a single place his lips haven't pressed to.
❥ If you can't fall asleep, Aki holds you close and hums you a lullaby. It's some dumb love song he heard on the radio that reminded him if you. He can't remember the lyrics, but he still remembers the melody.
❥ You quickly discovered that when he gets really comfy, drifting into a deep sleep, cuddled up beside you, Aki snores a little. Not very loudly, just a quiet, low hum each time he breathes. You're sure he doesn't know, and you'll never tell him. You find it absolutely adorable, and his gentle snores always help to lull you right to sleep.
❥ Before he met you, Aki would have terrible nightmares every time he slept. It was unavoidable — Nightmares about his family, about devils, reenactments of every memory he's ever tried to forget. But now, as he drifts off in your arms, he has nothing but good, pleasant dreams.
❥ Aki will try his best to make sure you are never late for work, offering his assistance in the morning in any way he can, but if you ever are late, it was probably because he didn't want to let you go. He grumbles in your ear when your alarm goes off, his arms around you pulling you closer to his warm body. You say something about needing to get ready, but he just holds you tighter, sleepily mumbling, Just five more minutes.
❥ Your morning routine has been carefully woven into his. Aki brushes his teeth beside you, so close his shoulder is nearly touching yours. As you brush your hair, he ties up his, and once he's done, he's wrapping his arms around your waist and peppering your shoulder with gentle kisses. When you're showering, he writes cute love messages on the fogged up mirror for you to see when you get out. He never forgets to give you a goodbye kiss before you leave for work.
❥ Aki is always paying careful attention to your health and his own, so it isn't often that either of you fall ill. He always reminds you to take your vitamins in the morning, and he makes sure the meals he prepares are as balanced as possible. But, in the unlikely case that you happen to get sick, Aki takes the best care of you.
❥ He can tell you're not feeling well when you wake up stuffy and exhausted. He presses the back of his hand to your forehead, and when he feels the heat radiating from your skin, he shuffles out of bed to grab the thermometer. You have a terrible fever. Stay home today, sweetheart. I'll call your boss for you.
❥ He makes you easy to digest meals, he brings a wet washcloth and lays it over your forehead. Don't even think about getting out of bed, because Aki will make certain you're getting plenty of rest. If you're bored, he has no problem sitting next to you and reading you a book until you fall into a peaceful slumber. He doesn't care if it's gross, you can sniffle and wipe your nose all over his t-shirt and he won't mind. He'll hold your hair for you and softly stroke your back if you have to throw up, and he'll toss your pile of used tissues while asking you if you need some more.
❥ You tell him to sleep on the couch that night so he won't catch your sickness, but he never listens; he sleeps with his arms around you without fail. You'll be alright, just rest up. I'm here if you need anything.
❥ If you come home from a particularly bad day, Aki will immediately run a warm bubble bath for you. I'll have the bath ready for you soon, darling. Do you need anything else? He lights some nice smelling incense and candles. Then, he helps you strip down and slip into the relaxing hot water. Before he leaves to toss your clothes in the washer, he asks if you want him to bring you anything to drink, or if you'd like a shoulder massage.
❥ It wouldn't be hard to convince him to come in the bath with you. He'll let you lean on his chest while he washes your hair, his fingers gently scrubbing your scalp until you feel like you could fall asleep right then and there. And of course, he dries you off afterwards, wrapping your body up in a warm towel he took straight out of the dryer.
❥ Even if it makes it more difficult, he always keeps an arm linked with yours while he does the dishes, or a hand intertwined with your own when he's preparing dinner. If he absolutely can't, he takes regular breaks just to pepper your face with kisses.
❥ Aki also takes breaks from cooking dinner just to slow dance with you in the kitchen when your favorite song comes on the radio. He doesn't have the best rhythm, and he's still trying to get the hang of it — He apologizes for stepping on your toes, you simply laugh and kiss his lips.
❥ When the weekend comes, you and Aki like to spend the night drinking at home, sitting on the balcony and watching the twinkling stars. Aki always seems to end up getting just a little too drunk, his face flushed out, his words slurred when he babbles every little thing that comes into his mind. You're so perfect, you know that? C'mere, I wanna kiss you.
❥ If you go out to drink instead, Aki is always the designated driver. He watches you carefully, making sure you don't drink too much, keeping his arm around you when the bar starts to get busy. He never has a lot to drink himself so that he can drive the both of you home safely.
❥ Aki has no problem driving you anywhere, really. He's probably the best driver you know, and he always asks you if your seatbelt is on before he even shifts the car out of park.
❥ If you ever bring up the idea of starting a family together, Aki immediately turns into a blushing mess. He isn't opposed, not at all, in fact. The idea makes him feel warm inside — Settling down with you, raising a family of his own, growing old together with the one he loves. He'd be there by your side for the whole thing, helping you paint the walls of your spare bedroom, or taking care of the kids while you're away at work. He'll finally quit smoking for good, like he's been meaning to do for a long while. You're both still a little too young to think about it now, he figures, but sometime in the future, he'd love to have that kind of life with you.
❥ Your parents love Aki, that's just a given. He's so polite, kind and sweet, and so willing to help at every turn. He feels truly elated whenever he gets the chance to impress them with his cooking. He'll always participate in your family traditions, no matter how odd or unfamiliar. Honestly, your parents are happy for you, and it makes his heart feel full to know they're glad to call him their son-in-law.
❥ Aki will kill all the bugs in the house if you're too scared of them. You don't have to fear spiders ever again when he's around, just call for him to come take care of it and he'll come running with the bug swatter.
❥ He never, ever forgets an important date. Aki already has the most lovely day planned out for the two of you on your anniversary months in advance, and he's up until 12 in the morning baking you a delicious cake the day before your birthday.
❥ If you prefer, Aki will be the one to schedule all of your doctor's appointments for you, and he has no problem always being the one to call if you're ordering take-out.
❥ He tries his hardest to understand all of your interests, and he diligently remembers even the smallest of details about yourself. Oh, when you were in grade school, you went on a trip to the aquarium that you never forgot? Aki takes you there on your days off, and he always recalls which exhibits are your absolute favorite. He asks you questions about your hobbies, and enjoys watching you partake in them. He'll even try to learn them if he can, so he can enjoy the things you love together alongside you.
❥ Aki tells you he loves you at every opportunity. I love you is the first thing you hear when you wake, and the last thing you hear before you fall asleep. At the altar, he said it as a promise, a declaration to be in love with you for the rest of his life. And he says it now, breathlessly, in between every kiss he places on your lips. I love you, more than anything. You're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life, I'm sure of it. I couldn't imagine living without you, my angel.
❥ Aki is forever grateful to wake up every morning by your side, your face being the first thing he sees when he opens his eyes. In many ways, he doesn't understand how he got so lucky, fortunate enough to live such a perfect life. If anything, he promises to never take it for granted, to love you and care for you until it's all over. You changed his life, and he wants to make sure every single day, you know you mean more to him than all of the stars in the glittering night sky. He's glad to call himself your husband, and he's even happier to be able to call you his.
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"Either I'm insane or you were just masturbating in our living room"
"Open your mouth for me baby"
"Do you know what happens when you misbehave?"
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Fyodor X Fem!Reader
Request: "HIIII I'm here for your September event ! God, I hope it's not too late and you'll take my request (and I hope you're having a good day). So I'll like 17, 1 and 5 with Fyodor. If it is possible a Fyodor... Not very nice, you know, a little psycho. OK it's weird, I hope you will accept T-T Have à great day !!" ◜By dear @concombre-2-mer ◞
Genre: Smut
Format: Fic
Warnings: Explicit smut, Porn with a plot, Orgasm denial, Yandere themes, Toxic relationship, Mean dom!Fyodor, Sub!Reader, French!Reader(Just pretend that you're French if you aren't lol), Lovesick!Reader,Heavy degrading, Praising, Slapping, Choking, Spitting, Dacryphilia, Fingering, Vaginal penetration, Pet names(Dear, Darling, etc), Name calling(Slut, whore, etc), Dirty talk, MDNI, Dark content dead dove do not eat
Word Count: 4.4K (I KNOW)
A/n: Ahhhh this took so long I am very, very sorry. Also, I hope I reach your expectations lol.
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Fyodor Dostoevsky, a complicated, brilliant, dangerous man, with so many plans in his head.
You met him at a ball where your dad, the most powerful senator of France, was the host, and he was one of the VIP guests. The second your eyes caught a glimpse of the raven-haired man, your heart missed a beat. It wasn't just about his looks- although you could never overlook how attractive he was. It was the way he calmly witnessed everything and talked in a nice but also careful manner, or perhaps how he smiled elegantly while looking at other people blabbering, like he knew all their intentions inside out- which you found out later that he actually did; nothing can escape this mans sharp eyes.
Whatever the reason was, he had you fascinated by him from the very beginning.
You made the not-so-wise decision to approach him and start a casual conversation, which only made you more curious about this mysterious, fetching man. Your discussion that was supposed to be a short chit-chat lasted for hours, but it couldn't be any other way. You had the same interest, the same likes, the same taste in literature; it was nice having someone who understood what you were talking about and didn't look at their clock every ten seconds as company; nice, and rare.
When the party was over and Fyodor walked you to your room as the gentleman he was, he couldn't miss the hints of lust in your eyes, and how you were looking at him so desirably, hoping he would step inside the bedroom and spend the night with you; but all you got was a kiss goodbye on your cheek and a formal farewell.
That night you couldn't sleep. Between all the tossing and turnings, you thought about the ball. How you found the perfect guy, spent the whole event with him while others were laughing and drinking at the buffet, and how you got rejected in the end. Maybe he was just playing with you after all; just to get information about your father and to take advantage of you, like everybody else had done. He was never interested in you in the first place.
You were wrong.
Not about the information part. He did got the information he wanted through his intellectual methods and you carelessly gave it all away; but for the first time in his life, Fyodor found himself curious about someone, for reasons that weren't involved with his work. He didn't care about your father and his political status anymore, he wanted to know about you; which explained why your phone was ringing with an unknown number showing up on the screen the day after the event.
He asked you to give him a tour around the city and to accept his invitation to a lovely dinner as a thank you gift, and you accepted without giving it a second thought.
Nothing happened that night either.
You were frustrated. Everything was going great, he even smiled at your funny remarks a few times- actually, he was smiling the whole time, examining your expressions with a vague look on his face. But the second you arrived at your home, he was gone again, rejecting your offer to come inside for "a cup of coffee".
Who was this man? Why did he kept doing this? He was not someone you could read his mind easily, you had no idea what was going on through his head; all you knew was that you'd only known this man for two days, and you're already obsessed with him.
Given how many times he had humiliated you, it was stupid to accept his offer for another date the day after again, but you weren't really thinking anymore.
Just like that, you kept going on small dates with each other every night, and he kept refusing to come inside each time; but you were happy that you got to spend time with him; you could always open yourself on your fingers pretending that they're his afterwards. You could see a future for yourself with this man, living in a fancy house together. He would read to you when your head is on his lap, take a bubble bath with you in the bathtub, you could even get yourself a cat. A baby would be nice too, if Fyodor would be down for that...
Little did you know, you were digging yourself into a bottomless hole, which you'll never be getting out of.
Fyodor had the same thoughts as you.
You were so sweet, so kind and lovely. He liked it that you were actually smart, but lost all your senses when it came to him. You were sweetly stupid and it made his heart clench every time he had to drag his feet out of your alley to head back to his empty, cold apartment alone, but it was all part of his plan, and the only key to it was patience, because he needed to make you desperate, to the point that you would kneel and accept everything he tells you to, not needing to be told twice.
And it happened. You found yourself to be at Fyodor's beck and call, agreeing to his every word without putting much thought to it; Even when he asked you to run away with him.
You were skeptic of course; not enough to reject his offer, but you needed to hear him saying it was ok, it was the right thing to do. And he did, assuring you that your parents would never let you come with him if you tell them beforehand, that it's the only option you've got left and you will eventually visit them after a while.
How could you refuse when he was the one asking?
You didn't hear anything from your parents until a few days later, when the tragic accident of fire that had devoured the home of the great senator and the occupants alive got all over the news.
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You haven't seen Fyodor for over one week.
Months have passed since the "accident" and your so called "get away", but things have gotten worse, if even changed slightly. You've been kept in a small apartment ever since, and haven't caught a glimpse of the sun for so long, not even through the windows.
Fyodor said it's for your own good, that people who killed your family are after your blood and you need to stay somewhere he can protect you, but you're not sure if sealing the windows are really related to that. You don't have a key to the apartment, even to the rooms; Fyodor has set many ground rules of things you should and should not do, and it's frustrating.
Your patience knows limits, and it might already be at it.
You're lying in front of the TV, with a bowl of ice cream in your hand, looking at some romantic movie in your own language. You watch the people laughing, dancing, making love, but the only thing you feel is one single emotion.
You're envious of other people. How they go on fancy dates and end up fucking in a public bathroom, while you haven't even kissed Fyodor yet. You don't have the faintest idea why he asked you to come with him in the first place. That's what Fyodor does to you, always keeping you in the dark and only coming back when he decides it's the right time.
Him, not you. Your opinion does not matter one single bit.
Sighing, you turn the TV off and put the empty bowl on the table. You're already way too depressed, you don't need to see other people's happiness and regret about your own choices.
But that's the problem. You don't regret anything. You don't regret taking Fyodor's hand when he offered you a dance at that part, you don't regret spending time with him and having wet dreams about him at nights, you don't regret agreeing to come to this place;
you even know that he was the one who slaughtered your entire family, but you decide not to think about anything other than him because sometimes, ignorance is a bliss.
As you lean back to the couch, you wonder where your boyfriend- if you can even refer to him as that, is right now. What might he be doing? Is he planning another murder? Is he on a date with another poor woman to manipulate her, use her and then just throw her away like she's worth nothing? Is he holding her hand and whispering sweet promises about the future to her?
Ah, you just remembered.
His hands.
Fyodor has long, skinny hands and stretched, pale fingers. You admire the way his veins lay bare under his skin when he holds a coffee mug or writes a letter. His nails are always cut shortly, exhibiting his smooth skin and how he takes care of them. His hands are cold, not at a shivering state but cold enough for you to offer him your gloves, or just hold them to warm them up.
God, you can't wait to hold his hands again, and to feel them inside you once he finally gets around to it.
Sliding your hand in your pants, you close your eyes and imagine how his fingers would curl up and massage your sweet spot, dragging pleasure outside of your cunt. Will he be gentle, taking his time, making love to you? Or is he the kind to be rough and would make you scream his name by the end of the night? It's your call, since this is all an illusion and he isn't actually here.
Fyodor hates masturbation. He told you that once you brought the topic up on one of your dates. He thinks that it's pathetic, useless, and offending to a person's partner, But Fyodor isn't here; it's only you and your pitiable moans filling the room.
You whisper his name as you scissor yourself open on fingers that are actually supposed to be his, but unfortunately, they're attached to the pathetic body of yours. Tears find their way out of the corner of your closed eyes, staining your cheeks, and you wish he was here to wipe them off your face, plant a kiss on your forehead and say how well you're doing for him.
I miss you so much, Fedya…
You feel getting closer to your orgasm as your fingers speed up, but the sensation isn't nice, not as much as it would be when he's the one helping you out; yet this is all you're going to get for now, so you shouldn't complain and just take it.
With a cry out of his name, you come. Arousal covers your fingers and you have no choice but to clean them up with your mouth. Your whole body stings and you just lie there, panting and half way through crying. What would he do if he was here? Would he scold you? Punish you? Or say something like...
"What are you doing?"
Until a few minutes ago, you thought that when he comes back, you'll jump into his arms, kiss his face over and over while telling him how much you've missed him, and that he should bring you along with him everywhere he goes; but now that he's actually here, you just want this to be a mirage.
It isn't.
You desperately open your eyes and tilt your head toward the doorway, only to look at the tall man standing there through your blurry vision.
Fyodor is as handsome and terrifying as ever. There's a bouquet of roses in his hand, and he's wearing his usual outfit, an Ushanka and a black cloak. Everything looks the same as ever, except for the look on his face.
You expect him to be angry, to shoot daggers your way; but through the violet shades of his penetrating eyes, you find another emotion; one that intimidates you more than his anger and sends shiver down your spin.
You stay silent and keep staring at his figure with widened eyes. Fyodor doesn't scold you. After a few seconds, he slowly walks toward you and places the roses on the table, standing next to the couch.
"May I take a seat?"
You want the ground to swallow you whole.
"S-sure, do as you wish"
He calmly makes himself comfortable on the couch, while you nervously curl yourself up against your side. Feeling like you need to explain yourself, you want to say that it's not what it looks like, but you know you would only tie yourself up in knots. Besides, it's exactly what it looks like, and Fyodor isn't stupid.
With an expressionless face, he points at the flowers on the table.
"These are for you"
Roses are your favorite type of flowers. Sitting there with your legs crossed and your arms wrapped around your shins, you sense his thoughtful gesture to be a slap in the face. Guilt and fear makes your heart ache yet you don't have the guts to start crying again.
You didn't want him to come back. Not like this.
"Ah, thank you..."
He couldn't have heard you since you mumbled so quietly, but he's got sharp ears. You look unsure when you stretch your arms out to pick the flowers up, but when you sniff them, your face brightens up with delight.
"They are lovely"
"So, care to tell me why you were calling out for me like that?"
He's not going to let it slide, is he?
"Nothing. Where have you been?"
"Answering my question with another one? I see"
While you struggle to breath, he takes his Ushanka off and places it between you, and all you do is watching him carefully for a reason you're unaware of yourself, but he probably is, since he's a mine of information and knows every twist and turn of your brain.
"To answer your question, I could say I was tying up a few loose ends. But fill me in, dear; was I hallucinating earlier? Because, either I'm insane or you were just masturbating in our living room"
You open your mouth to say something, anything, but words seem to have been erased from your mind and your tongue doesn't roll in your mouth as it did before. When he doesn't hear a response, he flashes you a pitying look and shakes his head.
"No comeback? You're not even denying it"
How long was he standing there anyway? Was he there from the beginning? Because god, if he was then you don't want to face him ever again.
"You know dear, I thought that we should wait until we were in a better place; but if you're so eager... I shouldn't keep you waiting for so long"
Ah, what?
When he catches you staring at him, like you're unable to believe your ears, he merely smirks; standing up and taking the direction to your bedroom.
"Aren't you coming, sweetheart?"
"I'm... coming..."
You don't have a clue of what is going on, still, you've waited for this moment from the year dot; you won't be letting it pass this easily.
As you enter the bedroom, the sight of Fyodor taking his cloak off catches your eye. He takes a peek at you from the corner of his eye, only to find you standing next to the wall awkwardly.
"What are you waiting for? Get undressed"
Stripping out of your clothes, you feel slightly embarrassed when your whole body is exposed to him for the first time, and his eyes scanning you up and down are not exactly helping.
Fyodor pauses a little, like he wants to say something but he's not sure if he should; then looks you in the eye.
"Get on the bed"
You obediently listen to his demand and lie down on the bed, getting excited when he follows you to hover on top of you. He gently cup your cheek with his hand, and cracks a smile.
"I don't think I've ever told you how pretty your eyes are, Darling"
You blush at his sincere comment that gives you enough courage to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down a little so that your lips are only inches apart. The idea of you initiating the kiss doesn't even cross your mind; Fyodor is the one in charge and he has to have control over everything. Thankfully, he's kind enough to not push you away this time, playing along by attaching his lips to yours, kissing you passionately. And you kiss him back with so much desire and longing, like you did every night before going to sleep in your imaginations. You won't be doing that anymore, now that you have the real thing.
Not only Fyodor doesn't stop you when he senses your hands on his body, trying to unbutton his shirt, he even helps you out with some of them. You smile into the kiss when you feel a certain "something" pressing against your core, which doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"You sure get cocky, But I don't blame you dear; you certainly taste nice"
"Mhm... Touch me more, Fedya"
The mans face breaks into a mischievous grin. He places his hand on your collarbone, lightly rubbing it with his thumb.
"You want me to touch you more, Darling? Where do you want me to touch you?"
His hand roams down on your body, until it reaches to your boobs, And cups one of them.
"Here? or..."
You let his limb wander on your body, thrill taking over you as you anticipate where its destination might be. A soft moan skips your lips when he finally cups your womanhood, fingers teasing your clit.
"Maybe here? Hmm?"
"Yes, honey?"
You look at him with plead through your dewy eyes.
"Stop teasing and just give it to me, ok? I've been waiting for so long..."
Fyodor briefly examines your face and his small slowly fades away. You feel shaken by his sudden change of mood, wondering if you said something wrong.
"I will; but, do you think you deserve to be touched? You looked like you were having so much fun with your own hands back then"
As his gaze pierce through your soul, you find yourself to be in dire straits. Despite the position you're currently in, you know you should rack your brain and say something acceptable, or else you won't see the light at the end of the tunnel, or even tomorrow anymore.
"I'm... Really sorry about that... I guess I was just under so much pressure, you looked like you weren't attracted to me and you were gone for a quite amount of time... But It won't happen again, You have my word. I really am sorry"
As you wait for him to react to your genuine confession, his stare becomes more gentle, a ghost of a smile appearing on his lips.
"I know you are Darling, I know you are"
His fingers lightly rub circles on your clit to make your mind go numb while he deeps his face in the place between the pillow and your ear, making you shiver every time his lips brush against your earlobe.
"Tell me y/n; which feels better? My hand or yours?"
You choke a moan out as his digits slide inside with the help of the arousal from your lewd activity earlier. They are longer than your fingers; longer, professional, and more importantly, they belong to him.
"Y-yours of course, Fedya"
"Good girl. That's what I thought"
Fyodor doesn't hurry anything. His moves are calculated, and with each shove, his fingertips hit just the right spot. As you whine and hold him closer, you think about something more exciting. When he can make you feel this good only using his fingers, god helps you when he unzips his pants and opens you up on his probably lengthy cock...
Which makes you brave enough to ask him, because if he fingers you for a little longer, you'll probably come and the chance to make him feel good will slip away from your hands.
"Fedya honey..."
"What is it, Love?"
"I need to feel you inside me"
His smile looks dazzling.
"Aren't I already inside you, dearest?"
"You know what I mean!"
Pulling his fingers out, you almost regret asking him to do so, but you try to comfort yourself since he's gonna stuff you with something better and you won't be feeling empty for long.
"Alright then; but first, open your mouth for me baby"
Deeming he probably wants to clean his digits up, you part your lips to help him out, but instead of fingers, he leans closer and abruptly spits in your mouth. You're stunned, but you still swallow it down your throat under the proud look in his eyes.
"So perfect for me, Myshka. Now, lie down and relax. Let me handle things from this point"
As if he wasn't already.
You can't believe your eyes when he uncovers his member from his pants. It's not the thickest cock, but the length is definitely quite something.
Fyodor smirks as he catches you staring. He adjusts himself on your entrance and casts an eye on your expression.
"Does my darling like what she sees?"
"I bet you'll like it more when I'm fucking your cunt"
Yeah, no shit.
With a bright groan, he pushes himself into your hole. Your pussy is slick enough to devour his dick, but also tight enough to send pleasure his way. He has a breather before thrusting in and out you, find the steady rhythm and the perfect place to hit inside, making your eyes roll at the back of your head.
While Fyodor does everything, holds you in place, sucks hickeys on your neck and rubs your right nipple with his fingers, all you do is whine, hug him tightly and hover your legs over his back. You would've felt disturbed by how cold his body was; but you don't feel troubled, not even the slightest bit. There is no way you would feel like that when he makes you feel so warm inside. Its not just about fucking- it's about him, coming back to you, to understand the pain you went through, and make the most memorable night as a reunion. In this cold bed, you find your body and your heart getting warmed up by this Russian man's love and affection.
Fyodor fastens his pace at plunging in your pussy, meanwhile his tongue rolls around on the sensitive spot on your neck. It's unbelievable how he knows your body like the back of his hand while this is the first time he gets to lay a hand on you. You don't know whether to moan at his cock pounding inside your tight cunt, or at how he doesn't stop marking you up as his belonging.
"A-ah... Fedya… I'm getting close..."
"I can feel it, love. C'mon darling, Come for me. Show me how much you like it when I make love to you"
His praises send you over the edge. You feel so close, this unholy feeling is so addictive and you never wanna let go. Your body is firing up, you start shaking and you're only a little away from your release; which you'll surely get there soon, with Fyodor whispering sweet things in your ear.
"You're doing so good, Milaya…"
"So pretty for me, sweetness"
"Come for me, baby"
"Come for me, beautiful"
"Come for me"
"Come for me"
"Come for me"
You are literally on the verge of breaking apart on his cock, one second away from releasing all over him and make a mess out of his lower abdomen. You close your eyes and ready to feel the orgasm wash over your stress and sorrow and make you complete again; but in a split second, you feel a tremendous amount of pain, due to the sudden emptiness of your hole.
You feel miserable when Fyodor's length leaves your orgasm undone, and when you open your eyes to know the reason, you're met with the emotion you were searching for not so long ago.
There's the anger and daggers he was saving from your stare, to let them appear at the right time.
"Do you think you deserve to come, y/n?"
All the warmth you were feeling a while ago, all the heat and certainty was gone; now it's only fear and pain, germinating in your heart, making your chest ache.
His look is dangerous. It's not just anger. It's everything. Fury, disappointment, disgust. For the first time since you met Fyodor, you feel so scared, to your fingertips.
His grip around your throat snaps you back into reality.
"I'm talking to you, slut. Do you think you deserve to come? After what you were doing on my couch, shamelessly touching yourself like some common whore?"
You don't say anything. You can't. You can't even breath. You can't even if he let's go of your throat. You just want to die.
"Ungrateful little bitch. You're so full of yourself. So needy and pathetic. It grosses me out. What do you want me to do? To treat you like the princess you are? To turn a blind eye to your scandalous behavior and make your every wish come true? You think you're still in your daddy's house?"
"N- no- no- I- no-"
His hand finally let's go of your throat, but just as you're about to gasp for breath, his palm lands on your cheek.
"Don't talk back to me. I didn't give you permission to talk yet"
You only stare at him with disbelief, unaware of the tears that have been falling from your eyes from the moment his attitude changed.
It was never about you.
Never about affirming you.
Never about comforting you.
From the very first moment Fyodor set foot in the house, he came to torture you.
"Do you know what happens when you misbehave, precious?"
He knew what you were doing. He has always known.
And yet, you love him with every inch of your soul. With every breath coming out of your lungs.
"Worthless woman. I should throw you out in the streets, where you belong to. You'll die eventually, if some guy doesn't rip your throat apart. Is that what you want, woman? You want freedom? Help yourself! Get out of my sight and never come back again"
"No! I'm sorry! I won't ever do that again! I promise- !- Please! Please- I swear- Please believe me, Fedya!"
Another slap, landing on your other cheek.
"Don't say my name with that filthy, disgusting mouth of yours. Know your place"
You don't say anything anymore. As he keeps stabbing you with heartbreaking words, you only sob and bite your bottom lip so that your whimpers wouldn't interrupt him.
Fyodor looks at your pathetic state, and clicks his tongue. He gets up and picks his clothes from the ground, shooting a warning glare at you.
"Now, I want to see you try to masturbate again"
And with that, he leaves you in the bed, shattered into pieces.
It will never be about you,
And you hate yourself for not hating this, until the day you die.
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Could you make Yandere Zoroark(Pet-Like)?
Oh I actually have some good ideas for this... I'll try to make this unlike the other Overprotective Pokemon concepts.
Overprotective! Zoroark Concept
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation/Deception, Overprotective behavior/Possessive behavior, Violence, Stalking, Kidnapping, Blood mention, Murder implied, Dubious/Forced companionship.
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A Zoroark is one of the more intimidating Pokemon to have fixated on you, not just due to the Dark Type either.
Zoroarks are masters of illusions.
They hide their homes with illusions and can even disguise themselves as humans.
Which is why I believe a wild Zoroark could be just as attached to you as a caught one.
For this concept I'll focus on a wild Zoroark for plot.
Imagine a wild Zoroark managing to perfect their illusions.
Since they were a Zorua they pretended to be a human to befriend humans.
Now a Zoroark, they've managed to master human speech in their illusions.
Perhaps by chance you meet this Pokemon.
You befriend them, thinking they're merely another human.
The Zoroark is simply happy to find a human friend.
Who knows, maybe you even met them as a Zorua and never knew.
Either way, this Zoroark begins to grow protective of their human companion.
Perhaps they show up as a male human to you, maybe a female human.
Either way they pick the perfect appearance for their illusion form to stay close to you.
Poor you has no clue your friend isn't human...
Your friend's a wild beast... an untamed Pokemon who seems oddly attached.
The Zoroark even tries their best to blend in, learning human customs and various activities you enjoy.
They never tell you where they live, always claiming they're "uncomfortable" with the topic.
In reality they live in a hidden den deep in the forest.
There's little hints that your friend isn't who they say they are.
Things like them running off after being hurt, or them not knowing certain information.
For example... how to drive, currency, etc.
They try their best to excuse it as them being very isolated when growing up.
So as an adult... they struggle more.
But you'll help them, no?
The Zoroark is possessive of you due to still being a wild Pokemon.
They see you as their pack member, someone they have to protect.
Please don't question things when people go missing....
The Zoroark is willing to get blood on their claws if it means they keep their human.
Disappearances aren't the only issue, they also tend to stalk you.
Then later on they make plans to take you into their den.
After all... you trust them!
So when your friend says they finally want to show you their home in the woods... and you follow...
You aren't prepared for the Zoroark showing their true form.
They won't hurt you, but it's about time you saw their home.
Now they can care for you properly....
You've always wanted to visit, haven't you?
Well, now you can!
You never have to leave, either....
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misseviehyde · 9 months
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Your girlfriend Natasha was really worried about what was going to happen to your relationship once you started to attend different universities. She'd heard that long distance relationships could be really challenging and difficult.
Sure - it was always possible to communicate online and see each other that way, but without physical intimacy even the healthiest relationships would falter. But Natasha was always full of clever ideas.
"Listen babe. I've had an idea. My family have been guarding a magic scrying mirror for generations. I can use it to astrally project my spirit into another person. It's frowned upon to possess another person, but if it's just so we can talk and touch and stuff, I don't see the harm. Make sure you choose someone who is a real asshole though, that way I'll feel less bad about possessing them.
A month later you headed to University and began looking for someone suitable for Natasha to possess. It didn't take you long to find your target. Chanel Grey was the obnoxious, entitled sorority president of the most exclusive sorority on campus and perfect for your needs.
It didn't hurt that you had a huge crush on the busty bitch and the thought of your girlfriend inside that smoking hot body was kind of appealing. Chanel was a total asshole as well, so your girlfriend needn't feel bad about possessing her for a while.
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You waited until Chanel was out shopping on her own one day and followed her to the mall. She usually had her team of funkies with her, but today she was flying solo and this was your best chance.
Ringing Natasha you waited patiently as she prepared the mirror in her bedroom. "Okay babe, I'll see you in a moment or two I guess."
You hung up and watched Chanel as she browsed through an expensive rack of designer clothes in one of her favourite stores. Suddenly she put a hand to her head as if she were dizzy. Then with a grunt her eyes rolled up into her head and she swayed on her feet slightly.
Moments later she shivered and her eyes came back into focus... only they seemed different somehow.
Chanel looked around, then spotting you walked confidently over. "Heya babe. What a body you found for me. I wasn't expecting you to pick anyone this hot."
It had worked. It had actually worked. Natasha was now inside Chanel!
She giggled and admired herself in a mirror. "Wow - this bitch is super stacked. She must have boobs three times the size of mine. And how fit is this body? Guess she must work out."
Natasha stretched, clearly enjoying how it felt to be inside Chanel. She then did a cursory check of her body, checking her pockets and her handbag.
"And I'm guessing she's rich too. I would never be able to afford a store like this. I'm guessing this is her Daddy's credit card. I mean I could try accessing her memories to check, but that can be dangerous. It can cause memories to get entwined."
You nodded not really understanding what she was saying but agreeing nonetheless.
"Only problem you've made for us is that someone is bound to notice us talking if we aren't careful. Chanel probably wouldn't be seen dead with someone like you. I wish you'd picked someone a little bit more low key even if they did have smaller boobs."
Natasha grabbed your hand and dragged you into the store. She pulled you into one of the dressing rooms and began fumbling at your belt.
"I know I said no sex, but this body is making me super horny. I don't think Chanel is a virgin, especially if those XXX condoms she is carrying in her handbag are anything to go by."
Giggling Natasha pulled out your cock and she smirked when she saw it was already rock hard. It looked so naughty in Chanel's lightly tanned hands - another woman's hands.
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"Wow, guess you like Chanel's body too. Don't try to pretend this isn't what you wanted when you picked her as your target. Guess you now get to be sucked off by little Miss Popular."
With a giggle Natasha slid her pink glossy lips round your dick and began to suck. It felt good... really good and looking down you couldn't believe you were getting a blowjob from the most popular girl at uni. Turning to look at the dressing room mirror, you couldn't believe how hot it looked to see Chanel Grey's pretty head bobbing up and down on your cock. She was so fucking hot and now she was your slut.
Suddenly Natasha hesitated and her eyes went a little wide for a second. A moment later she attacked your dick with a fresh wave of enthusiasm, only this time it felt even better! Natasha was doing something with her tongue you had never felt before and her lips seemed tighter than ever. She was also making eye contact now and little groaning sounds and together it was all too much.
You began to cum and groaning you ejaculated into Natasha's mouth. It felt really good and it was a big heavy load. "Mmmhppphhh," gurgled Natasha happily.
To your surprise, she swallowed all of your load. Normally Natasha hated the taste of cum and would spit it out, but now she was inside Chanel, she seemed to enjoy it. Delicately wiping her pretty lips, she smiled and let go of your cock.
"Mmmh, sorry if I zoned out for a second there baby," she grinned. "I accidentally accessed Chanel's memories on blowjobs. Damn but she knows her stuff and she's sucked some good dick. Bigger than yours I guess."
You felt a sudden irrational jealousy. It wasn't like Natasha had actually sucked someone else's dick, but her having those memories seemed wrong somehow.
"I wish we had time for you to fuck me properly, but we'll get busted if we stay in here any longer. Come on."
Sorting out her hair and makeup Natasha indicated you should wait a moment and she slipped out first.
You waited a few minutes, then slipped out too. Looking around for Natasha you cursed as you saw her with a group of hot looking girls. She'd bumped into Chanel's friends! She made eye contact with you for a second then shrugged. Desperate not to blow her cover she decided to just go with it and helpless you watched her walk away with them - just like the real Chanel would.
Hours passed when your phone began to buzz. You weren't expecting a phone call from an unknown number, but you answered and it was Chanel's voice on the other end.
"Sorry about that babe. I couldn't get away from those bitches. I had to access more of my... I mean Chanel's memories just to convince them I was her."
Natasha began to explain how she had spent the rest of the morning with the girls doing hot girl shit. Hair, makeup, nails, coffee, more shopping.
Natasha usually hated all that kind of stuff, so you were surprised to hear genuine enthusiasm in her voice.
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"I was pissed off that you chose this body for me at first. But the longer I spend as Chanel, the more I'm starting to enjoy being beautiful and popular. It's a unique experience. I understand how this body possession could get quite addictive. It's said that if you astrally project for too long your soul can bond with the wrong body and you get stuck forever. Imagine that. Imagine if I was Chanel permanently."
Her voice was joking, but also had a strange undertone to it.
"Of course I'm only doing this for a bit at a time so should be safe. I'm gonna hop back to my own body in a second. First though I've been horny all morning and haven't got off yet. Chanel has quite the selection of sex toys and I thought you'd like to listen. Right now I'm lying on her bed playing with myself."
You felt your cock stiffen as Natasha began to describe what she was doing.
"Mmmmh I'm touching Chanel's big bitchy tits and rubbing her tight pink pussy. Her soft hair is all around me and I feel like such a hot slut. Her pussy and clit are more sensitive than mine, you'd love this tight pussy. I have a finger inside myself. It feels so fucking good. I can't believe how wet I am already. Ooooh fuck yes."
Natasha began to moan and pant, you imagined her arching her back and gasping like a slut as she played with herself. You wished you were there, you were so jealous.
"Yesssss, yessss, I fucking love this body. I'm gonna cum so good in a bit. Mmmmh think I'll try this big thick dildo to help me get there. I want you to imagine it sliding inside my tight cunt, stretching me out baby. Chanel's tight pussy gripping every inch as I begin to pump it in and out. Ooooh fucccckkk."
Wet sounds of pleasure and pants and moans of lust came down the phone and you began to pump your own cock faster. This was so fucking hot.
"Ooooooh fuck, it's never felt THIS good before. Mmmmmh my new body was built for sex. Ooooh shit I can take it deeper than ever before, I feel like such a hot slut. My pussy is gonna explode! Ahhhh ohhhhh fuckkkk."
A screaming gasping squealing squirt of pleasure blasted down the phone as Natasha began to cum and you creamed your own belly with more of your own cum. The thought of her enjoying Chanel's body was just too erotic. That had been so hot.
"Mmmh, think I might play with myself a bit more before leaving her body. She won't properly remember everything she did when I was in control, just the gist. It's her brains own mental defense helping to keep my possession secret. She'll think she did all of this. So long as I don't do anything too out of character - I can have this hot little body whenever I like."
And with that she hung up...
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For the next week you looked forward to your girlfriends daily possessions of Chanel. As Natasha predicted, the popular girl didn't seem to notice anything amiss and she certainly didn't show any indication she recognised you at uni.
It was strange to see that pretty face look at you blankly. The same face that hours before had been sucking you off or kissing you. To your shame you began to fantasize more and more about Chanel's beautiful features and soft sexy voice than Natasha's body.
But there was frustration too. Mostly the possessions seemed to involve a quick blowjob or handjob, then Natasha would go off with Chanel's friends. There was never anytime to have proper sex. Natasha even refused your offers to eat her out or finger her. You had never actually gotten to see Chanel's pussy.
Her popularity and prestige made it hard for you to spend any time whilst she was Chanel and you began to regret choosing such an exclusive target.
Natasha was acted weird too. She seemed to have accessed more of Chanel's memories for some reason and even when in her own body was acting more aloof and haughty. She'd started working out, stopped wearing her glasses and she sounded like she was starting to treat everyone like a real bitch.
She also seemed to be enjoying hanging out with Chanel's friends and living the life of a popular bitch more than she should. Her stories began to focus more and more on how much she had enjoyed hanging out with her girls and bullying the losers on campus, than the chance to be with you.
You were shocked the first time she described bullying someone. Shocked at how full of glee and enthusiasm she was.
"Some dumb little bitch dared to get in my way in the store. Can you believe it? She walked right out in front of me and when she saw who I was tried to apologise. I pushed the little loser into a clothes rail and knocked her over. She won't dare complain to the Dean, she knows I'd destroy her life. I left her crying in the shop - it was SO funny."
The possessions were supposed to bring you both closer together, not push you further apart, but now you were really starting to worry. Natasha had even insisted you set up a monthly payment to Chanel's bank account so she could buy even more clothes and things - but she never wore them for you.
The first real betrayal came when you found out that Natasha had been possessing Chanel on some days and not even telling you. She accidentally let slip a story about having dinner with her girls and you realised she hadn't told you she was available that day.
"Oh yeah? So? I sometimes slip back into Chanel when you're not around or I just feel like some me time. Her body fits me like a glove these days, I can hop in with no resistance anymore and I enjoy living her pampered life for a bit. What's your problem with that loser?"
You were shocked to hear the venom in her voice.
"Oh did I call you a loser? Sorry babe - that's what Chanel thinks about you. I've been accessing more of her memories and it's hard to fight off her impression of you as a nerdy, worthless, loser. I mean - of course I don't think that about you. Anyway gotta go."
She cut you off abruptly and that was the end of that.
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The next betrayal happened soon after.
Natasha had stopped giving you blowjobs when she possessed Chanel, saying she was too busy or didn't feel like it. If you were lucky, you'd get a disinterested handjob from her and even that was becoming rarer.
It was like Natasha no longer cared about possessing Chanel to spend time with you, but simply so she could BE Chanel. It was also clear she had pretty much accessed all of Chanel's memories now and it had affected her.
Natasha's old speech patterns were gone. Whether she was inside Chanel or not she now spoke like a bitchy valley girl. Now when she called you 'babe' it was with a hint of mockery and her pretty lips always had a cruel bitchy sneer and her eyes a glint of malice. She held herself with a haughty arrogance and her body language had become like that of a spoiled ballet dancer.
"Just look at me. I'm so fucking PERFECT," purred Natasha as she admired herself in her stolen body. "Sorry 'babe' no time to give that tiny dick of yours a blowie. I have to meet the girls for some shopping. I have a new set of lingerie I'm desperate to try. See you later loooooser."
Despite Natasha's increasing distance, the dirty phonecalls continued and it had become the only source of your sex life. You'd listen to Chanel/Natasha moaning down the phone-line and telling you about fucking herself whilst touching yourself.
Recently though Natasha had told you that you weren't allowed to cum unless she said so. She also would cut off the phone unexpectedly, or sometimes not even ring at all leaving you blue-balled and desperate.
Then out of the blue she contacted you to tell you she had an idea how you could spend more time together.
"I've been telling all my hot friends about my cute sissy male friend... in other words you! If you go along with it and play the part, then I'm sure we can hang out more. All you gotta do is come over and act like a girly gay boy and the sorority will accept you. Maybe you'll even finally get to fuck me."
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Natasha took you shopping and made you buy a load of new outfits. They were much tighter and more feminine than you were used to. Skin tight jeans, a crop top that showed off your body. You looked completely different. "There. Now you look more like a twink. We'll get your hair dyed blonde and styled, then get you into some of my panties and no one will believe you're straight."
You couldn't believe you were going along with it, but told yourself it would be worth it to spend more time with your hot girlfriend in her sexy new body.
She led you back to the sorority house and the girls swarmed you. You remembered what Natasha had told you, so you acted as camp as you possibly could. Strangely it came quite naturally, like you'd been putting on a masculine front for years and this was actually who you truly were.
To your surprise you began to have fun - gossiping, giggling, hanging out with the girls. You didn't even feel horny anymore.
Eventually Natasha showed you up to Chanel's amazing bedroom. It was quite a palace - as befitted the head of a sorority.
Lying on expensive silk sheets, she made you strip and try on her panties. You were a bit uncomfortable when she suddenly took some photos of you, but she promised they were just for fun and she'd delete them later.
Soon Natasha had images of you dressed in her bra, panties - wearing her makeup. It was like playing dress up it was fun.
You had hoped that she would now lock the door and offer to sleep with you at last - but to your disapointment she told you that she was tired and that the girls would get suspicious if you didn't come out soon.
Putting on your new outfit, you left the house feeling dejected - and yet strangely satisfied. It was like something was awaking inside you.
You wondered what tonight would bring...
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After your dress up session, you hadn't been expecting more contact from Natasha, so it was a surprise when your phone rang that evening.
She sounded horny, there was a slutty catch in her voice and an excitement you couldn't quite place.
"Mmmmmh, heya 'babe'. So I'm lying here in some new expensive lingerie and I also picked up a new toy at the Mall. Wanna listen to me get off?"
Without waiting for your permission you heard the rustle of clothing and Natasha's breath catching. "Ohhhh wow, it's like nine inchs long or something. This really is a magnificent 'toy'."
You heard Natasha moan and soon there were sucking, slurping and popping sounds coming down the phone. It was unusual for her to simulate doing a blowjob, you imagined her lying on her back with a dildo in her mouth. She was doing a great job, it almost sounded like a real dick she was sucking.
Then you heard a grunt of pleasure. A male grunt. Did she... was she ACTUALLY sucking another guys cock? You angrily asked her causing her to giggle.
"Of course not babe, you must be hearing things. Mmmmhhh I'm here all on my own and I'm soooo fucking horny right now. Ohhh shit he's, mmmmh I mean I'm putting it inside me and it feels so good."
You heard the sounds of heavy breathing, then a soft wet slapping sound that grew harder and faster till it was soon the hot sound of hard male flesh slapping against soft female buttocks.
"Ooooh fuck YESSSS. You fuck me soooo good, I mean... my dildo fucks me so good. Ahhhhh ohhhh fuck, this feels amazing."
You were sure you could hear grunting and laughing as Natasha's moans of pleasure grew and the sounds of hot heavy fucking filled your ears.
It sounded like she was bent over on all fours now getting railed hard. Her breathing was heavy, you could hear the bed squeaking and shaking.
"Mmmmmh imagine if there really was a guy here fucking me. A big stong Alpha Jock with rippling muscles and a big dick?"
The slapping increased and Natasha let out a gutteral moan of pleasure.
"Making me cum in ways you never could. Ooohhhh fuck, what would you do about it then you fucking loser? You'd probably just jerk off to the thought anyway. You're so pathetic. Isn't he such a fucking cuck baby?"
Male laughter filled the line and the phone slipped out of your numb hands as the screams of ecstasy pumped out of your phone and you jerked off to the sound of your girlfriend getting pumped.
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"Of course I didn't fuck a guy last night," laughed Natasha as you confronted her later. "It's all in your mind, you're just losing it. You pay me to pretend to be your girlfriend right so that's what I do. It's all make-believe."
You gawped at her in shocked amazement.
"Don't you remember loser? You wanted to pay me regular amounts to roleplay as your girlfriend and pretend she'd possessed me. I've got the monthly payments to prove it."
You shook your head in disbelief. No - this wasn't right. She WAS your girlfriend.
Chanel/Natasha laughed. "Oh come on. I knew you were mentally unstable, but seriously? You actually believe I'm your long distance girlfriend possessing this body? I mean - magic isn't possible loser. Fucking hell, I was worried you were losing your mind, but this is the final straw. Our little arrangement is over. I'm not pretending to be Natasha anymore and don't try to cause any trouble. I have photos of you dressed like a sissy loser I could release at any time, not to mention proof you've been paying me to pretend to be your girlfriend. It's over 'babe'."
Laughing Chanel walked away shaking her head.
Picking up the phone you desperately rang Natasha's cellphone. You were so confused. Was Natasha really possessing Chanel or had you invented the whole thing in your head.
No one answered so you called Natasaha's sister. She sounded upset on the phone.
That's when you found out that Natasha had been in a coma for nearly two weeks. Apparantly her family had come home one day to find her slumped over a table, totally unresponsive. It was like she wasn't there anymore - zero brain activity.
"We tried contacting you, but you didn't answer any of our calls or get back to us. What the hell is going on?"
You hung up - stunned.
Running over to the sorority house you banged on the door and demanded to be led to Chanel. You found her in her bedroom dressed in sexy lingerie and looking particularly bratty.
You accused her of abandoning her body, of becoming trapped inside Chanel. You begged her to leave Chanel and go back to her old body before it was too late. How long before her family decided to switch off the incubator and let her old body die. You begged and pleaded.
Chanel just looked at you coldly.
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"Listen here you fucking loser. There are two possibilities you are describing. In one, I'm actually your stupid long-distance girlfriend who has become addicted to being a hot popular girl, absorbed all of her memories and replaced her. In this scenario I'm a body thief who loves what I have become and doesn't give a shit about you or anyone else.
In the second scenario, you're a crazy repressed sissy who has gone off the deep end at University due to the shock of his girlfriend falling into a coma. Full of unresolved guilt, you've created an elaborate fantasy pretending that I'm actually her - when in fact I'm Chanel Grey, popular girl and sorority president and that's who I have always been.
What I wanna know is - how in either of these scenarios you think it ends well for you? I know which scenario the police and everyone else will believe. I have photographic evidence that you're a pervert who wishes he was a girl. I have payments into my bank account for role-playing your girlfriend, and I can detail all the times I sucked your dick for money.
You have nothing. No evidence, no proof that any of this is true. You just sound like a fucking crack-pot.
Now why don't you get the fuck out of here before I call my new boyfriend over and get him to beat the shit out of you?"
What choice did you have? You turned and ran.
Chanel Grey watched the pathetic sissy loser she had just bullied turn and run with a thrill of sexual pleasure. She enjoyed being mean to people and indulging her cruel whims. Toying with this loser had been really fun.
Walking up to the mirror she examined her perfect reflection.
Who was she?
She was Chanel Grey. She was rich, spoiled and popular. She had a boyfriend with a big dick that was coming over to fuck her.
Nothing else mattered really.
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 20 The Wedding | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Tradition states that you and Bradley shouldn't see each other the night before you get married. But the two of you aren't traditional, and neither is your wedding. Can you and he actually pull off the secret wedding of your dreams?
Warnings: Fluff, angst, and swearing
Length: 5600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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After the house was cleaned up, and your parents had been dropped back at their hotel, Bradley had you tucked against his chest in the kitchen. 
"Tomorrow. Holy shit," he whispered. "I can't believe we're getting married tomorrow."
You were giddy, practically vibrating in his arms. "Let's go over the checklist. I can't believe everyone fell for our little white lie."
Bradley kissed your forehead and never stopped touching you as you and he went down the list together. "Did you call the caterer yesterday?" you asked, pen poised over item number seven.
"Yep, dinner, drinks and cake are all set," he confirmed, and you smirked to yourself, because he had also been duped. You couldn't wait to give him his last wedding gift.
"I think that's it then," you confirmed. "I filed the permits. Mav is ready. We are mostly packed for the honeymoon. And everyone else thinks it's a regular day." He scooped you up into his arms and carried you to your bedroom. 
"I don't think I have ever been this excited for anything before," he said, setting you down on the bed and climbing in next to you. 
"You have to go sleep in the other room," you informed him as he kissed along your collarbone. 
His lips froze on you. "What are you talking about, Baby Girl?"
"It's tradition! We're not supposed to see each other the night before or at all tomorrow until we actually get married!"
"Yeah, we're not doing that, Sweetheart." He continued to kiss you as you wiggled away from him, laughing. 
"Come on, Roo."
"Listen, I'm not saying we need to have sex, but I'm not sleeping in the other bedroom when you're in here."
You glared at him and kept scooting away when he tried to touch you until he heaved a deep sigh and climbed out of bed. "Fine. I'll be in the other bedroom. Banished without even fucking up. I'll consider this husband training."
You laughed and stood to give him a kiss before he left. "You're going to be the perfect husband, Roo. You already are. I love you."
"I love you, Baby Girl."
"I can't wait to marry you."
He stroked your cheek with his thumb and smiled. "Me too, Mrs. Bradshaw."
Then you shoved him out of the room and started laying out all of your lingerie for the next day. You had someone coming over to do your hair and makeup in the morning, and you wanted to be organized. When you unzipped the garment bag containing your dress for a final peek, you jumped up and down and squealed quietly. It was perfect. And Bradley was perfect. And your little scheme was working out perfectly. 
You got yourself ready for bed and climbed in alone. Tramp must have followed Bradley to the other bedroom, so you settled in and tried to fall asleep. It was quiet, and the bed was comfortable, but when Bradley wasn't with you, it reminded you of his deployments. You rolled over onto your back and thought about how pretty the view would be tomorrow, but you were too cold in the bed without him. You rolled onto your stomach in his spot and pretended you were laying on him. But it wasn't working, because while his pillow smelled like him, nothing was as comfortable to lay on as Bradley's warm shoulder. 
"You're ridiculous," you groaned, flipping your lamp back on and grabbing your glasses. You walked through the living room and into the other bedroom and watched Tramp and Bradley both perk up when you said, "Roo?"
"What's wrong?" he asked, propping himself up on his elbow.
You bit your lip and whispered, "I miss you. Will you come back to bed?"
He was out from under the blanket and walking toward you in just his underwear immediately, and then he scooped you up in his arms without another word. Tramp trailed behind him as he carried you back to your bed. He took off your glasses and tucked you in as Tramp curled up in his own bed. Then Bradley turned off the lamp and climbed in on his side, and you were on top of him in an instant with your head on his shoulder. 
"I didn't like you being here but not being with me," you whispered, kissing his warm skin while he laced his fingers with yours. 
"Please don't make me sleep alone unless I'm deployed."
You snuggled in and closed your eyes, finally feeling calm and comfortable. "Never."
Bradley woke up to you draped across his body, enjoying the sound of your deep, even breathing. He was going to marry you today. Tears stung at his eyes at the thought of you in a white dress putting a ring on his finger. When you started to stir, you looked up at him and smiled. 
"Happy wedding day," you whispered. 
"Happy best day of my life, Sweetheart."
Your sleepy laughter filled the room as you sat up and kissed him. "You need to get dressed and leave so I can get ready."
Bradley grumbled but did as he was told while you made breakfast. Then he sat at the dining room table with you on his lap wearing nothing but his UVA shirt while you ate eggs covered in hot sauce. Occasionally you tore off a bit of your toast and fed it to Tramp as he begged next to the chair. Bradley wanted his life with you to last forever. He couldn't get enough of this. 
"Hey," he whispered and you turned to look at him with a piece of toast halfway to your parted lips. "It's just you and me, Baby Girl. Forever."
You smiled and set the toast down before wrapping your arms around his neck. "Me and you." 
Before Bradley got changed in the extra bedroom and left, he put both wedding bands in his pocket and made sure his phone was charged and loaded with the correct playlist. Then he told you which parking spot he would be waiting in with the Bronco. 
"I'll be there, Roo," you promised, kissing him so sweetly he was having a hard time making himself leave. But he knew the sooner he let you get ready, the sooner you'd meet him and everyone else in your wedding dress. So he pulled out of the driveway with a smile on his face. 
Your hair was done. Your makeup was done. You were slipping into the outrageously expensive satin panties with Mrs. Bradshaw embroidered on the front when you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. You looked amazing. This is what Bradley was going to see later when he brought you home. You cupped your breasts in your hands and turned to really look at yourself. You weren't perfect, but he loved you. 
You were wearing the new earrings Bradley had given you, and Carole's beautiful veil would be your something old. The blue Mrs. Bradshaw stitching in your lingerie would cover that element of the tradition, but you still had to figure out how to incorporate the keychain from Jake, even if he had no idea that's why you demanded he let you borrow it.
When you checked the time on your phone, you nearly screamed. You were running late. You got your dress on as quickly as you could, struggling with the zipper. Then you took the time to lace your high heels up your calves and tie the ribbons in pretty bows for Bradley to undo later. You grabbed your shoes for the reception and Jake's keychain, and then you were ready to go.
When you pulled up to the parking lot, you saw Mav and Bradley next to the Bronco with your parents. Mav came running over to move the orange traffic cones so you could pull in, and he had a huge smile on his face. Then you parked two spots down from the Bronco, leaving one empty one in between both cars. 
When you opened your door, Bradley was right there with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. "Baby Girl," he sighed, helping you out of your car and into his arms. He looked at you and then held you close, whispering, "I am so lucky." You let him hold you as you ran your red fingernails along his yellow and red tropical print shirt while he brushed your ear with his lips. "So lucky. I love you so much."
You melted against him as his big, warm hands spread across your bare back. "I love you, Roo. Forever." Then he took a step away from you and ran his hands along the fabric of your wedding dress.
"Do you know how badly I wanted to look in that garment bag for the past month? That damn thing was taunting me in the closet, but I had fun imagining what you'd look like today." He licked his lips and ran his thumb along the lace between your breasts. "God, you look amazing. I couldn't even imagine anything this perfect."
"It's just for you." Your words had a rosy color creeping along his cheeks as he ran his hand down your body to the exact location of your tattoo.
You could hear your mom crying next to the Bronco, and when you kissed Bradley one last time and glanced over at your parents, you almost laughed. Your dad was wearing an old Naval Academy shirt with his swim trunks, and your mom had on a sundress with her sunglasses perched up on top of her head. Bradley gently pushed you toward them, and then they were both pulling you into their arms. 
"I'm sorry we lied and told you it was just a beach day today," you said, trying not to start crying yourself. 
"That's okay. We don't mind," your dad said with a soft laugh.
Your mom held your face in both hands. "When Bradley picked us up in white linen pants, I was a little concerned. And then when he stopped at a florist and asked me to hold onto your bouquet while he drove, I started crying. And I haven't stopped since. Because I'm so happy."
When she finally released you and clung to your dad instead, you hugged Mav who whispered, "You look beautiful. Just as pretty as Carole did on her wedding day. The Bradshaw men have impeccable taste."
You tried not to cry as you ran your fingers along Carole's veil where it fell back along your shoulders. "I wish I could have met them," you told Maverick, and then you really felt like crying. 
But then your dad asked, "Not that I don't love it, but why exactly did you pick a parking lot for your wedding venue?"
Bradley wrapped his arm around your waist and said, "This parking spot is where we had our first kiss."
You looked out past the front of your car at the cliffs beach and the Pacific Ocean and thought about that fateful day early last September. "I kissed you."
Bradley nodded. "You owed me after all the mixed signals, Baby Girl."
"The Bronco was parked in this spot," you said, tapping your toe on the crumbling pavement of the empty parking space. 
"No. The Bronco was parked there," he replied, pointing to where it was currently parked. 
"What? No, it was definitely this spot, Roo."
"You're so wrong, Sweetheart."
You opened your mouth to argue further, but then you watched an SUV pull in right over the cones, followed by Phoenix screaming your names at the top of her lungs out the driver's window.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" she screeched as she jumped out of her car while it was practically still moving and ran over and right into Bradley's arms. 
He hugged his best friend who was wearing a sports bra, athletic shorts, and flip flops. Then Bob hopped out of her car as well and rushed over with his nose covered in zinc sunblock and his sunglasses clipped onto his regular glasses. He looked around as your mom handed you the bouquet of red and yellow flowers you ordered. "Are you getting married? Today?" he asked quietly, wiping tears from his eyes. 
"Yes!" you said, and Bob hugged you so hard, he got sunblock in your hair. And then Nat started crying as you handed her a smaller bouquet that matched yours while your mom fixed your hair.  
"I literally never thought this was going to happen," Nat sobbed at you. "I was still afraid you might change your mind, because he's kind of a nightmare, but he's so fucking pussy whipped for you, I can't even think straight. Oh my god, I'm sorry about my language," she muttered to your parents while she wiped her tears on Bob's shirt. "I can't believe you said it was a beach day, and now I have to wear this in your wedding photos!" she said, hitting Bradley with the flowers. 
Everything was turning into a commotion as Maverick moved the bent traffic cones for Penny and Amelia to pull in along with Payback, Fanboy and Coyote. Maverick also had to keep waving people past, even though there was a sign hanging up with the county seal that said PERMIT FOR PRIVATE EVENT- NOVEMBER 28TH 4 PM TO 9 PM.
You laughed at everyone's attire and shocked faces. Penny and Amelia were wearing matching Hard Deck tee shirts and the boys all had on bathing suits. 
"It's a wedding! It's not a beach day!" Fanboy yelled when he saw you and Bradley. "It's actually a fucking wedding!"
You buried your laughter against Bradley's chest and wiped your sweaty palms on his shirt. He kissed the top of your head through the veil as the guys all made a fuss over you. 
Jake, Maria, and Cam were still missing, and you nervously worked Jake's keychain in amongst your flowers as Maverick checked the time.
"Do you want to get started now?" he asked you and Bradley. "Or should we wait a bit longer?"
"We need to wait," you replied quickly while Bradley rubbed your back.
"Hey, can you call Hangman?" Bradley asked Coyote who immediately took his phone out. But then you saw Jake pull past and run directly over all the cones to get in the parking lot.
"You lied to me!" Jake shouted as he parked and walked over to the ceremony spot overlooking the ocean. "You are both liars! This is a scam! Mexico? Really?" he asked, playfully shoving Bradley before shaking his hand. And then he gave you a bear hug that had you gasping for air. 
"Thanks for giving me my something borrowed," you said with a smile when he released you. Jake examined your bouquet when you held it up, and he kissed your cheek when he saw his keychain. 
"I'd tell you to keep it, but I think you have to give it back now."
Everyone was shifting around a bit impatiently. Nat was putting Coyote's shirt on as the photographer got to work. You were looking up and down at every car that passed, hoping to see your friends. And Bradley kept his arm wrapped around you, reassuring you that they could all wait as long as you wanted to before starting. 
When you looked up at Bradley's soppy expression and puppy dog eyes, you sighed, not wanting to wait any longer. "Let's do this," you told him, about to hand Maria's bouquet to Jake to act as your maid of honor. But your friends didn't let you down. You watched Maria drive up, and Fanboy moved the crumpled cones so she could pull in. She had Cam in the car with her, and they were both smiling. 
"My flight was delayed because of snow! On your wedding day!" Cam called out, walking over to you in jeans and a flannel shirt. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, pulling you into a hug. "I would have flown back from Pittsburgh last night." 
Maria joined in the hug as she cried. "You picked a wedding date after all." She held her bouquet and stood next to you while Nat in Coyote's shirt stood next to Bradley. Mav shuffled some papers in his hands and stood with this back to the beautiful vista as everyone else crowded into the parking space between the two cars. 
But you just looked at Bradley who was very clearly on the verge of tears. Every time he swallowed, the bob of his Adam's apple had you biting your lip, probably ruining your lipstick in the process. You had more love in your heart for him than you knew what to do with, and as you took his left hand in your right one, Maverick cleared his throat. 
"This is nice," Mav said, smiling at everyone. "Small and perfect. These two knew what they were doing."
"Fucking liars," Jake whispered loudly, making everyone laugh. 
"Yeah, well," Mav agreed with a grin, "it somehow ended up working out. And they didn't give me anything to work with, rather they told me I could say whatever I wanted before they exchanged their vows, so I will make this brief." Mav turned to you and smiled, saying, "You and Bradley are so very lucky to have your parents here today. You are about to marry the son of the best friend I ever had. I knew Goose's opinions on every topic imaginable, because he did not know how to keep his mouth shut. And I can tell you that he would have absolutely loved you. But that love would have been a mere fraction of the unyielding adoration that Carole would have had for the wife of her only son."
You sobbed as tears filled your eyes, and Bradley leaned down to kiss your cheek. "And Bradley, I'm going to say word for word what your dad would say if he were here right now. 'You pulled off something incredible here, kid. You're following right in my footsteps. She is way too good for you. Do not fuck this up.'"
Bradley laughed as Mav reached out to shake his hand. "You're right Mav. I think he would have actually said that."
Once everyone's laughter had quieted down again, you took a deep breath and looked out at the ocean, letting the warm breeze help dry your eyes. When you looked back at Bradley, your lip was quivering a bit, but he was grinning at you. "Can I say my vows first?" he asked. "I'm really excited."
"Yeah, Roo," you whispered, handing your flowers to Maria so you could wipe your eyes with the tissue Mav handed you. "You can go first."
You handed the tissue to Maria, and Bradley took both of your hands and pulled you closer to him until your body was skimming his. He reached up and ran his thumb across your cheek, and your eyes fluttered closed for a few seconds. 
"Baby Girl. It's obvious to anyone who knows me that I was alone for a really long time," he told you, and you felt like it was just the two of you, having a conversation. "I made it my lifestyle, my personality for almost two decades. It was so much a part of my identity that I couldn't even recognize that I wasn't just alone, I was also lonely."
He took a deep breath and touched your lip before returning his hand to yours. "I never thought I could have the life I have now, because I didn't appreciate what I was missing out on. And then I met you... and holy shit, Sweetheart," he sighed, kissing your forehead. "I knew immediately that there was something there for me. Something different. Something important that I needed to pay attention to. I was in love with you before our first date. It was devastating. I had no idea what to do about it. What if you didn't love me back ever? What was I going to do then? How did people deal with this wonderful and horrible feeling? The fact that you said 'I love you' first? Baby Girl, that showed some real restraint on my part."
You laughed at the look of concern on his face, and then he was smiling at you like he always did. Like he'd never seen anything as wonderful as you. "You want to know what's kind of crazy?" he asked, and you saw Nat crying silently out of the corner of your eye. "It feels like I must have known you my whole life. When I count our relationship by months or years, it feels incorrect. It should be longer than that. It feels longer than that. Because you make every day feel full now. I wake up with a purpose, and I go to sleep with a purpose, and that purpose is you, Baby Girl."
It was getting hard to look at him through the tears in your eyes, and you thought you would get a headache if you kept smiling this much, but he continued. 
"I get to spend my hours with you or thinking about you. I get to fill up every minute making plans with you. Every minute is made up of seconds where I get to hear your voice and listen to your ideas. And you're so smart and it's crazy that you love my back, because you make every day now worth those decades of feeling like I didn't deserve more.
"So this is my promise to you....my wedding vow. Baby Girl, I will try to make all of your years and days and hours and minutes and seconds as perfect as you make mine. I want to fill up all of that time with my love. I will try to make every second count, but I also know that all the time in this world still won't be enough with you, Sweetheart. But I'm going to enjoy every single moment that I have."
You were crying softly as you buried your face in the collar of his floral print shirt and breathed him in. He held you tight against him as he whispered, "I love you so much," next to your ear and kissed you there. 
When you finally looked up at him, he kissed your lips as you said, "You made me cry, and now I have to say my vows." With a soft smile he ran his fingers across your cheeks to clear away your tears, and you took a deep breath. "Roo. On our first date, I asked you to tell me something embarrassing about yourself."
His eyes went a little wide. "Please don't make me say it here." 
You laughed at him and shook your head. "I won't. But when I asked you that night, you told me! And it was funny and charming, and I thought you were adorable. And then you let me keep asking you for more. I wanted to learn everything about you. I still do. Because you make it easy. You never make me feel like I'm bugging you. You always make me feel like you have time to talk to me. And you have always been honest with me, telling me I can ask you anything." 
Bradley nodded and whispered, "I love talking to you." 
You kissed his lips and then continued. "You're the most open and honest person I have ever met. I always know where I stand with you. Do you know how good that makes me feel? To always be someone's highest priority? To always be your highest priority? And you always let me know your expectations. Of course, that means I knew you intended to reach our wedding day after we'd been dating for approximately two weeks." Bradley laughed as he swiped some tears from his eyes, and you were a little started to hear your friends and family laughing as well; everyone else had drifted into the back of your mind as you focused on Bradley.
"Roo, I'd rather have that kind of transparency with you than anything else with anyone else. You make me feel like it's okay to be myself. And I believe you when you tell me something. And I love that you trust me, too."
"I do, Sweetheart," he promised. "I'd trust you with my life," he said, his voice catching on the last word as released your left hand to wipe away more tears.
You took a deep breath before saying, "I can't wait to keep learning all of the little intricacies about what makes you tick. Because for someone who has been through so much in such a short amount of time, you are a fighter when you need to be. But you never make me fight for the things I deserve. Like your love, and your patience, and your honesty. You love me so much," you whispered as Bradley covered his eyes as his shoulders shook. "You protect me, and I protect you. Because you're right, all of our minutes and hours spent walking Tramp or making dinner or just having a lazy day...they are so important, because you're with me." You voice was quiet and shaky as you took a deep breath while Bradley met your eyes with his tear filled ones. 
"So, Roo, I vow to be as open and forthcoming as you are. But that's not going to be easy, since you're amazing at it, but I'll try. Because you're it for me, Bradley Bradshaw."
Bradley took your face in both of his hands and looked at you in awe. "How can you love me that much?" he asked you, his voice rough with unshed tears.
You reached up and stroked his wrists softly as he held you. "You make it so easy, Bradley." Then his lips were on your forehead and then your nose before they found yours. He kissed you so sweetly as his hands gently went to the back of your neck.
Maverick cleared his throat, and you jumped a few inches as Bradley pulled back from the kiss. 
"We haven't even gotten to the kissing part yet," he said, wiping tears from his own eyes.
"Well then hurry up," Bradley told him, letting his hands slide down between your neck and the veil and along your body until he was holding your hands once again.
"Yeah, okay," Maverick agreed, and you turned to find everyone was smiling and wiping tears from their eyes. Nat was dabbing her face with Coyote's shirt and your parents were holding each other. "Do you have rings to exchange?"
"Yes," Bradley replied as he reached in his pocket and then held out his palm with both wedding bands. You carefully took his ring between your thumb and index finger with a smile. 
"You can go ahead and put the rings on each other's fingers," Maverick said, and Bradley went first. The way the gold band matched up with your engagement ring had more tears coming to your eyes. "Would you like to say anything else?" Maverick asked.
Bradley softly kissed your finger where both rings were, and he told you, "I love you. I love my wife."
You smiled and slipped his ring on his hand as you told him. "I love my husband!"
Maverick rubbed his hands together and said, "Somehow the state of California has made me legally allowed to say this: I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss!"
Bradley reached for you so fast, wrapping his hands around your waist to settle low on your back. The veil his mom wore the day she married his dad was skimming his fingers as he pulled you closer. Your eyes were wide and trusting, your lips parted in the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. The remainder of the tears you had shed while Bradley poured his love into his wedding vows to you were dry on your cheeks, and he was about to make you his wife.
"Somehow the state of California has made me legally allowed to say this: I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss!"
Bradley kissed you as your palms rested on his chest before wrapping around his neck. He kissed you long and hard as everyone cheered and hollered, and when he broke the kiss because you were both smiling too much, you chased his lips for more. You pulled him close again as your fingers skimmed through his hair. So he kissed you until you were both laughing, and he held you close to his side as you turned to face everyone. Your head came to rest on his shoulder, and he kissed your forehead. 
Bradley was vaguely aware of the photographer and the fact that the catering van was now running over the orange cones that Nat and Jake had previously decimated. He could feel Nat reaching up to kiss his cheek, and he watched your parents both give you a hug. But he never stopped touching you. His perfect wife.
You were holding your flowers again, and every couple seconds, you reached up, bumping him with the bouquet before giving him a kiss. This had been the perfect day for the secret parking lot wedding of Bradley's dreams. And somehow as the sun fell low on the horizon, you looked even more beautiful to him. 
"I can't stop smiling, Roo," you told him, hitting his cheek again with the yellow and red flowers as you leaned up to kiss him. 
"This has been the best day of my life, and it's not even over yet." Bradley ran his thumb over his wedding band as you wrapped your arms around him. "You're my wife. You're my fucking wife, Baby Girl!" You laughed against him as he announced to everyone gathered in the parking spot, "I can't believe she married me!"
"Neither can we!" Nat replied, and Bradley let everyone's hugs and words of congratulations wash over him as you held him in your arms. 
Bradley watched the caterers start to carry coolers and trays of food down the rocks to the beach as if they did this every day. You had your fingers laced through his as you hugged Jake with your free arm. Bradley watched as he kissed your cheek and whispered something to you that made you laugh, and then Jake was patting him on the shoulder. 
"Congratulations, Bradshaw," he drawled with a smirk. "I gotta say, I never thought I'd be so happy to have a girl choose you over me, but here we are."
"If she's too good for me, then she's way too good for you," Bradley replied with a laugh. Then he pulled you into his arms as Jake started to help your mom down the rocks to the sandy beach below the parking lot.
As everyone was heading down along with the caterers, leaving you mostly alone, Bradley pulled you in for another kiss. "I can't get enough of you, Mrs. Bradshaw," he whispered, running his hands all over you. "God, you look incredible."
You moaned softly into his mouth, and he pushed you gently against the passenger door of the Bronco. "You like my wedding dress?" you asked between kisses.
"You look like a fucking goddess, Baby Girl. I can't believe you're mine."
Your fingers trailed along the buttons of his newest Hawaiian print shirt as he kissed your neck and let his hand drift down to the slit in your dress. When his palm came to rest against your bare thigh, you sighed. "I'm all yours, Roo."
"Let's go home," he suggested, only half joking. "Get a jump start on the night?"
You laughed as he rubbed his mustache along your neck. "No way. I want my confetti cake and the little bottles of pink champagne," you told him as his hand wrapped around to the back of your thigh. "But after that...I see no reason why we can't go home. Now help me change out of these shoes."
Bradley helped you climb up into the passenger seat, and he started to untie the ribbons that wound up your calves. "These are pretty," he grunted, gently running his hands down your legs as he took your shoes off for you. "Will you put them back on for me later?"
"Will you actually take five minutes to help me lace them back up my legs just so you can fuck me in them?" you asked him sweetly, and he groaned.
"Well, maybe not for round one, Sweetheart, but for round two or three, yes."
Your eyes went wide. "How late are we staying up tonight?"
He scoffed. "We only get one wedding night."
After he retrieved your flat shoes from the backseat of your car, Bradley helped you slip them on. But instead of climbing out of the Bronco when he reached for you, he felt you pull him in closer. 
"What does this remind you of, Roo?" You ran your fingers over the scars on his neck and cheek before pushing your fingers up into his hair. Then you pulled him closer and closer until you pressed your lips against his. Bradley drew little circles along your waist through your dress with his thumbs, and he parted your lips with his and tasted your tongue. 
You moaned softly into his mouth as he trailed his lips across your jaw, whispering, "Our first kiss, Baby Girl. Right in this parking spot."
"Mmm," you hummed as he kissed your neck. "It was the next parking spot over, but it doesn't matter, Roo." He kissed along the tops of your breasts, as you whispered, "We did it. We pulled off the secret parking lot wedding. You're my husband."
He wrapped his hand around your waist and kissed you hard. "Let's get down there, Baby Girl. The sooner we finish celebrating here, the sooner I can celebrate with my wife at home."
THEY ARE MARRIED! THEY DID IT! BRADLEY AND BABY GIRL BRADSHAW! Thanks for reading, whether you've been here since the beginning or joined somewhere along the way. I really appreciate you. Next chapter is the beach reception and the wedding night. Thank you @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls for helping me every step along the way.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 11 months
Two's company, three's a crowd☆—
Request: Quinn and Honey find out they are pregnant with Maeve.
Ahhhh I'm in love with this 🤭
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Au Masterlist!!
Jack's girlfriend placed baby Weston right into Quinn's arms, a soft smile on the man's face as he held the little bundle of joy close to his chest. "He's beautiful J," Honey whispered, teary-eyed at how fatherly Jack looked as he began to tear up at Hun's comment.
The woman admired the intimate scenery in front of her, a baby in Quinn's arms and a misting of tears in his eyes as he held his godson for the first time.
The moment Honey and Quinn made it to their own room in the Lake House Honey sat her husband down on the edge of the bed. A serious look in her eyes as she began, "I'm about to throw an idea out into the open, if you're not on the same page that's fine, just think about it." "You wanna have another baby?" Quinn mused with a grin as he leaned back onto his elbows as Honey smiled shyly. "Sooo badly," she said finally sitting down next to him on the mattress, "my babies aren't babies anymore, and you were holding Weston and I missed that," she watched as Quinn smirked at her, her hands running through his curls as he closed his eyes contently at the feeling.
Quinn pretended to think for a second as his wife waited eagerly for his response, "I'll have as many babies as your heart desires," he grinned as she smacked him in the arm and then pressed a slow kiss to his lips. "I think three is the perfect amount," she mumbled against his mouth as he nipped at her bottom lip.
"I think we should start trying right now," he whispered smugly, his hands running over her hips as he pulled her into his lap. A shallow breath left her lips as he trailed as many kisses along her skin as he possibly could, "your brother is still downstair with the baby," she said in a hushed tone trying to gain enough composure to pull herself off of him. "This is entirely his fault," he said in between kisses as his lips found hers once again, "shouldn't have let me hold the baby looking all sexy, he knew you'd cave," Quinn joked as he flipped her on her back as she let out a quiet squeal.
The summer was long over and the hockey season was beginning to pick up, the kids were back in school and Honey's work was starting to pick back up. So the hopes of trying again kinda of withered away as life got busy.
That was until Honey laid in bed reading one of those cheesy romance novels that she couldn't get enough of, a tired Quinn asleep next to her, buried in the sheets with one arm wrapped around his wife's torso.
Something had felt off with Honey, she knew her body, she could feel some sort of sickness coming on as the work week came to an end, but what she didn't expect was for a little notification from her period tracker app to pop up saying she was just over three weeks late. A little gasp left her lips as she stared at her phone, "Q," she shook him gently and she got up and out of bed. "What's wrong," he sat up alert, as he stared at his wife who was making her way to the ensuite bathroom.
He followed her tiredly after coming to the realization that there was no real danger, she grinned and stood with a box in her hands. "I'm late," she said with a grin as Quinn leaned against the bathroom counter a tired smile on his face as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, "now get out so I can take this," she shooed him back into their room and shut the door behind him. Quinn laughed at her bossy demeanour, waiting right outside the door for her to open it again. "Can you start a timer for two minutes," she said faintly through the door as she washed her hands and opened it up to see a smiling Quinn.
The two of them stood in the bathroom, her on the counter, and him in between her legs, hands on both of her thighs as they stared at the stopwatch on the phone. It was silent, not tense, but quiet.
A little under a minute left on the clock as Quinn looked up at her, "Remember the first time, in the old apartment, and I proposed to you right after I made you think I was about to leave you."
Forty-five seconds.
"I was so panicked, and then you left me crying," she mumbled, looking away from the clock to see him watching her with so much love in his eyes. "The outcome was perfect though," he whispered, "I can't believe that was almost nine years ago."
Thirty seconds left.
"We had no idea what we were doing," she reminisced as she looked back down at the clock. "I had no doubts in us." "Of course, you didn't" "I'm serious," he laughed, "we were so in love, I had no hesitations that we would figure it out," he was so serious, his tone so genuine as he spewed love-sick words, blush rising up her cheeks as his eyes landed back on the timer
Fifteen seconds.
"You think we have it figured out by now?" she asked, leaning forward to place a kiss on his brow bone as he stared in concentration. "I think we'll be just fine," he said with a little grin, "our first two are perfect, I'm sure this one will be just fine."
Five seconds.
"I love you," he looked at her as she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you so much Q," she whispered as her forehead pressed against his.
The time startled both of them as Quinn silenced it, a nervous grin on both of their faces as they stared at the test that was placed upside down on the other end of the bathroom counter. "I'll do it," she reached over the sink and grabbed the little pink stick, holding it upside down in between them. both of them saying a silent little prayer inside their heads as Honey flipped it over.
"Pregnant 2 weeks"
A gasp left her lips as she looked up at Quinn who pulled her into his chest, squeezing her so tight as she whispered about just how much she loved him in his ear. "We are having a baby," he pulled away, his hands now cupping her face as he kissed her once again, tears rolling down both of their cheeks as they shared sloppy emotional kisses, surrounded by their love for one another and their little, now complete, family.
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luveline · 2 years
can I request more bodyguard James? he’s just the cutest and I’m happy to read anything about it!!
thank you for your request! you and James go shopping and get mistaken for a couple ♥︎ fem!reader 1k
James looks like your boyfriend, sometimes. There are moments that he deems low risk in your life where he won't wear his radio or his utility belt, opting instead for plain black civilian clothing. In those moments, you aren't proud of yourself for doing so, but you like to pretend he is your boyfriend. 
He's looking through broccoli's for you. You hadn't asked him to. His hands sift through huge trees until he's found the most vibrant, holding it up for your inspection. 
"Perfect," you praise, opening your small paper bag so he can drop it inside with the rest of your hand-picked veggies.
The only thing left on your list is extra virgin olive oil, but you don't want to go home yet. You like the way people look at you and James when you're together,  awed and a little jealous. They might wonder how you nabbed a man like him, and of course you haven't nabbed him at all. That's your secret to keep. 
You meander down the vegetable aisle, your eyes skipping over snap peas and cabbages, bags of wonky carrots and parsnips. James grabs a bag of rooster potatoes before you can stretch over the crates for them. 
"Gotta wake up earlier in the morning to beat me, angel," he says. 
"I don't think I could." 
James wakes up at 3AM every morning, if he's to be believed. It makes sense. He wakes up, does bits around the flat, works out, has breakfast, and is waiting smiley and bright-eyed when you emerge from your room at 6:30. You're never as put together as he is, usually in your nightgown or one of those matching pyjama sets that make him look you up and down (though you both pretend he doesn't). 
No matter how bleary your vision is, it's impossible to miss the way he smiles at you every single day, like you're the sun coming up over the horizon. His pretty brown eyes squint, his thick crop of eyelashes threading together at their corners, and he says some warm variation of, "Morning, princess. Is it me or did you get prettier while I was gone?" 
"We could try it out. Of course, if you wake up at three, I'll have to start waking up at midnight," he says now. 
"I don't know how you do it," you say. Your voice is softened by genuine admiration. 
"I get to see you. Makes it easy." 
He's flirting, but with James you can never make out where the line is. Does he want you to flirt back? Does he want you to want him? You'd say without hesitation that James is your best friend in the whole world. He'd say without hesitation that his best friend is actually a duo, Sirius and Remus. That makes it hard. 
But it's okay. You don't need anything more than this: his hand on your shoulder guiding you across the aisle to the fresh fruit punnets, the smell of his cologne a familiar treat. 
You pick up a couple of things you like, mostly stuff you know you can convince James to share. He likes oranges best, so you grab a bag of huge ones and drop them in your basket with the veggies. It's getting heavy. You can practically see James' holding in an offer to carry it for you.
You're somewhere in the spreads and grains aisle when an older lady approaches you, or rather James, tapping him on the elbow gently.
"Hey, hun, you couldn't help me reach something?" 
"I'd be happy to!" he says cheerily. 
"Thanks so much. I've never been very tall, and every year I seem to shrink. It's just over here." 
James legally isn't supposed to stray from your side, so he threads his hand under your upper arm and pulls you with him. 
The elderly woman points to a box bragging organic, dehydrated strips of applesauce. "It's those right there if it's no trouble for you, hun." 
"No, of course not." 
James grabs her box with little to no effort expended. He doesn't even need to go on toes. 
"God, he's so tall," the elderly lady says to you. 
"He's super tall," you echo, your sunny talking-to-strangers voice in play. 
"And very handsome. You're a lovely couple." 
You fall into silence with your lips parted, not sure what to say. It isn't worth correcting and potentially embarrassing her for a harmless assumption, especially when you like that she thinks it, but you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of James by looking to eager. 
"She's the lovely one," James says, offering the applesauce with a huge beaming smile. 
She presses her hand to her collar, basket proffered until James places the applesauce carefully on top of a punnet of plums and a TV magazine. 
"Thank you," she says. "Getting old's no fun when you're short. And my husband was even shorter than I am! You hold on to this one, love, you never know when you'll need something from a tall shelf."
You and James laugh in a mirrored delight at her easy-going joking, his hand falling against the top of your shoulder, fingers spread and clasping. You swear, heat radiates like the sun from his touch alone. 
"I'm holding on about as tightly as I can," James says, "she couldn't get rid of me if she wanted to." 
You look at him, startled, and meet his earnest gaze. "I don't want to. I don't think I'll ever want to." 
James smiles. 
The elderly woman nods like this is something she'd suspected. 
"Good. You're a perfect pair," she says.
James rubs the space between your shoulders affectionately while he finally steals the heavy shopping basket from over your arm. You're too flustered from his touch to kick up a fuss. 
"I've been thinking the same thing," he says. 
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inbaba-inkerpape · 11 months
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(Translation with tools)
<<1Page>> 2023 Kaiba's Birthday! / Kaiba*Jounouchi
J: Happy birthday, Kaiba! K: Go away. J:Geez you guys, what's our relationship now, be thankful! You're guaranteed to have a night to remember for the rest of your life!
(Main instigator of the plan)
(They are then vigorously celebrating the birthday)
<<2Page>> Everyone: Goodbye! Bye~ M:I'll see you off! J: Hey, Kaiba. You seem particularly down today. J: How should I put it… You used to be more welcoming to everyone… Saying things like, "Welcome to Kaiba Land!" Now you don't even bother pretending. Your personality really sucks. (K: Hi--! I missed you guys so much.)
J: Hmph, you thought I would say that, huh? I'm gradually figuring you out, you know.
<<3Page>> J: You're a stubborn person, aren't you? All those reactions were just shyness, right?
J: I get it. It feels good to be surrounded by everyone. J: So I'm not alone after all. Realizing that is a joyful moment, isn't it?
K: K:What are you pretending to know here, idiot. K: Don't get carried away. J: Huh… Ah? You don't think that way even a little bit? (Isn't my plan perfect…) K: Hmph, Why would I bother thinking about such trivial matters? Those things don't matter at all.
K: But, you got one thing right. I've always been "welcoming" to my prey and I do find some "pleasure" in it. If you want to hear sweet words, I can give you a taste. (J: Hey, hey, don't close the door. I want to go back with them too…)
K: Jonouchi,consider yourself privileged.
K: Welcome to my land. J: NO——!
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
headcanons behind fic: brother texting habits referenced in long & short
Chay holds up his phone sheepishly. “Also, your brother texted me. We’re invited to dinner.” Kim’s smile drops. He doesn’t need to ask which brother. “Did he type that out, or just send an emoji with a question mark?”
ngl, had i realized how much i'd expand this series, this is actually a scene i'd cut or at least heavily rework. it's the weakest scene of the story and its execution has only felt more clunky as time passes. hindsight! that said, i don't regret the scene either because the headcanons behind the premise of that scene are very near and dear to my heart, namely the texting rituals of Khun, Kinn, and Kim :D
the boys have a system to their texting. it's not anything as concrete as a code, that'd be far too dangerous and anxiety inducing. their system, naturally, revolves primarily around giving hints to Korn's mood without outright saying anything:
firstly, all brother invites to things go through Khun, because Khun's invites will only ever be invites and Kim's 'no's will only ever be 'no's.
anytime Korn demands Khun or Kinn (usually Kinn) drag Kim to a family thing for him go through Kinn, and 'Kinn's requests are always phrased as a question Kim can refuse. Kim once tells Kinn he'll show up if Kinn orders him to (because he doesn't actually want to get Kinn into trouble if Korn's being esp insistent), and Kinn smiles and tells him "thank you" and never ever once orders Kim join them, because Kim asked not to be involved in the family business and Kinn will take on any burden to keep Kim free of it.
Kinn passes along how insistent Korn's being through the overall tone and vibe of his messages, usually indicated by how much of it he types out. requests Kim join official functions sound like a formal invitation printed on a card, requests Kim indulge Korn playing family are much closer to Kinn's standard texting style;
because, and this is a silly headcanon i will have forever, Kinn fucking loves emojis. you know his whole "this could've been an email" vibe when he shoots that guy in the head ep1? same vibes except much cuter. Kinn thinks emojis are adorable and efficiency perfected. why send "thank you" when the 👍 emoji is right there? a picture's worth a thousand words and 🫂 is a thousand warm ones. he could send "wanna check out that new coffee shop by the studio next tuesday for brunch? their menu is 60% sprinkles so i'm sure you'll love it" but ☕🧋🎙️❔👑2️⃣🗓️🕦🍬👉💕💕‼️ is so much quicker. the only reason why Kinn's texts aren't 87% cute stickers is because he hasn't yet realized they come preprogrammed in his phone.
("do you think he speaks in hieroglyphics because he's secretly ancient?" Kim asks one day.
"how old does it make you to understand him then?" Khun snarks back.)
((Kim leaves Khun on read for a week.))
some bonus thoughts: Khun's a spam texter of the highest order. every one text is sent across 3.5 texts minimum. Kinn only ever sends one (1) text. if Kinn's replying to multiple messages in one go, he separates his responses in indv bullet points (if he's feeling petty towards Khun, he responds to every one of Khun's messages individually).
(Kinn's multiple messages to Chay in long & short are absolutely because he's watching Kim's live. for all Kim's snooping, he has somehow missed that Kinn has every alert and then some set for Wik news and while he can't make every live, he plans his breaks around them and even moved a meeting once.)
also, while Kinn pretends he's threatening/blackmailing with these baby Kim pics, this is 100% him taking advantage of the situation to gush about cute baby brother with a fellow Kim AppreciatorTM. Kinn has the cutest little brother, and he's gotta keep up with news of baby brother's current shenanigans somehow 😤👏 Khun is guilty of similar crimes ofc.
(Kim suffers older brothers so much.)
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sixstepsaway · 11 months
I don't get why people want to pretend Ed wasn't abusive. Why do people insist on making everything into binaries? Yes, Ed has been a victim of abuse. Yes, he has been abusive. Both things can be true. I love him because I think he's in interesting and I understand where his pain is coming from (even if I think S2 was a missed opportunity in terms of character development). But anyway, thank you for writing about this because maybe some folks genuinely don't recognize abusive trends.
I think it has a lot to do with the fandom culture of only being allowed to like "wholesome" ships.
Look at it this way: when season 1 was airing, Ed and Stede were, in fact, very wholesome. Sure, they had some moments of lesser wholesomeness, but overall they were pretty wholesome and sweet and gentle. They were sweet and finding love in middle age and it was adorable. They had a general stamp of fandom approval that they were, in fact, Wholesome And Good To Ship™.
If you look at other fandoms, you'll see a lot of times there's the Good And Acceptable Ship and then there's the Bad Ship (or ships) and the Bad Ship is always slapped with the "oh that's actually incest!" label when they've, idk, grown up together, or "oh it's abusive!" because one of them one time made a bad joke or something, or "power dynamics!" because one is 27 and one is 25 or one is short and the other is tall or whatever, and yeah sometimes the Bad Ship is actually toxic or whatever (which is not a reason to not ship and enjoy it!), but they're put in neat little boxes: Good and Bad.
And for a lot of people, those boxes keep them safe. Last year, someone who was an Izzy Hands fan got doxxed because...? They liked Izzy Hands and shipped him with... I don't know actually. Ed? Stede? It doesn't matter, all I know is they got doxxed.
The side of fandom that thinks you should only ship the Good Ship are toxic and downright dangerous. It's happened again and again in numerous fandoms and just keeps happening.
So when at the end of s1, Ed turned around and cut Izzy's toe off and fed it to him, I think a lot of people panicked because shit, now Ed was Bad too, and if he's Bad then you can't like him or relate to him or ship him with the Good guy of Stede, so what the fuck do you do?
Obvious answer: Blame Izzy. Izzy's already classed as Bad, so put all the responsibility on Izzy for Ed's darkness and then it's safe to ship Ed and Stede again and no one can call you an abuse apologist or whatever for liking them together.
(To be clear: Shipping says nothing about your real morality. This is very clear for many reasons, one of which is... spend thirty seconds watching fans of the Wholesome Ships dox people and abuse people online lol)
So they spent all this time saying Ed was just scared and lashing out, and now s2 has come along and Ed is... well, abusive, canonically.
And for most of us, that doesn't really matter. We can still enjoy Ed and Stede or Ed and Izzy, we can throw ourselves into fanworks and enjoy the show for the things we like, and we can critique the things we have issues with (my problem is not Ed being written as dark and twisty and having a villain arc, my problem is the show writing it badly, exploring it badly, and then handwaving it, because it's shitty writing) and still really enjoy the vibes we got from the show.
But for people who are scared because they spent all this time saying Izzy fans should kill themselves for liking an abuser, well... now they have a choice: either admit Ed is an abuser and admit that liking a character doesn't dictate your irl morality, nor does it say anything about you aside from what you enjoy in fiction, or excuse away his actions, insist he's just a lil meow meow and continue feeling safe in their little bubble.
In a lot of ways I can't blame people for wanting to duck and cover from it. I mean, look at the shit people get for liking characters who aren't perfect, or talking about the imperfections of characters, or just enjoying complex narratives!
But what genuinely concerns me isn't anything to do with the fiction really, it's when people look at Ed's behavior in 2x01 and 2x02 and go, "Nah he's fine," because oh, honey, no, you are making yourself so vulnerable to real life abuse. That is what worries me, which is why I answered that one ask saying Ed wasn't abusive, it felt important to point out why he is.
Anyway, that's what I think is happening here. I think people are just scared that if they admit their fave has multitudes and isn't a perfect character who never does any wrong, they'll get doxxed and abused and harassed online.
I get that.
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