swellowmypride · 7 days
Why are you so scared of those losers anyway? Just sic the police on them so they rot in jail. Good riddance!
For whatever reason, no matter what they do, they seem to be protected?
Nictoria is often bailed by some very official looking young man with a Gabite. I assume he’s some kind of… Patron?
She says he’s her ‘parole officer.’ But that doesn’t seem right.
And Veracity… He just runs away too fast. I’m not sure why he’s still walking free. He should really be in prison— amnesia or not.
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wingsofachampion · 1 year
( @fusionindustries )
i have eyes on victoria gonzap's location. she is located in the orre region, very far away from your current position. if she were truly headed towards you, she would have a lot of people to get through before you, including me.
she will find very quickly that i do not mess around with those who would attempt to kidnap children.
She's...not going after me?
That's really great to hear! I feel super safe now!
Thank you!
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
@ariadosanon replied to your post “[A selfie taken at the Slateport Aquarium. Admin...”:
You look suspiciously familiar tbh
I... can't imagine why. We never talked.
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all-sh3-wr0te · 1 year
A THOUSAND THANKS to the lovely, generous and EXTREMELY hospitable miss Vic for allowing for an extended visit to her island!
While parting is a sweet sorrow I will surely be back. BUT my home in Kanto calls. There are routes for me to terrorize. PEOPLE TO STEAL THINGS FROM. Quarries to hunt...
MANY HAPPY RETURNS my lovely. I will of course be returning Mayhem to the streets of Kanto.
And to all the rest who got comfortable with me being gone for a while.
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lavender-town-tone · 2 days
Yeah let's deliberately set off the woman who has issues controlling her violent impulses. This is sure to have no consequences 🙄
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┌ 📚 ┘Oh my. I never thought I'd see a mention of 'Shadow Pokemon' on my dash.
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vehement-sun · 30 days
Oh I don't know, the one that's nearly identical to a famous murderer that just disappeared one day? The one that's just been talking about her fridge full of mysterious black fluid? The one with a garage for "experiments???" She's going to slip her bounds one day and then you'll regret not taking us seriously. You'll all regret it!!
//Bonus mood music for your late night unhinged rant needs
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A Cross of Strange Colors Masterpost (OOC)
Hey guys, as you might have noticed we're into another arc here, so this here will serve as a little (not little) masterpost/FAQ for the arc!
What should I know going in?
This arc is higher-stakes than my usual fare, so posts will be tagged appropriately. General TWs for this arc include stalking, dehumanization, deception, general mental health instability, implications/discussions of Poképhilia (focused around hybrids, rather than specifics), and human/Pokémon experimentation. More serious posts may include body horror and/or related violent/disturbing themes. If these general themes bother you, I'd suggest blocking the mastertag, #a cross of strange colors. Any related troubling posts should also be tagged as #high stakes pokeblogging. And of course, individual trigger tags will be used!
[A note: PLEASE let me know if you want any extra TW tags on posts I make! I miss things at times, as much as I try to cover what I recognize could be triggering!]
Okay, this is a darker arc. Are you posting anything else to lighten the mood here?
Yes! I will be posting more regular content in between main arc posts! Gosh darn it, my foxperson is great at posting like nothing's going on when everything is going on.
How long is this plot going to be...?
Yeah, I wish I had a great idea. Likely two+ weeks spread out. Probably longer.
Can I interact with this? What about playing a larger role?
Yes! Interactions are highly appreciated along the way of this arc! Vanilla is not an island. Arc knows he'll need support along the way... or a little antagonism to push him along!
If you'd like to do something larger in the context of this arc, or just want to know what I'm up to (please, I could use help bouncing ideas), please feel free to DM me! Please. I'd love to hear what you have in mind!
Who is... ? (A character directory)
Aspear/Spear: Spear (27M) is a human geneticist and Cheri's serious, put-together twin brother. Though he has heard plenty of Vanilla from his twin, the two have yet to meet in-person. He is currently researching genetic differences between humans and Pokémon that might explain the large gap between the two that emerged many thousands of years ago. His partner Pokémon is Goop the Duosion.
Cheri: Cheri (27F) is a Pokémon geneticist, Aspear's twin sister, and Vanilla's current, highly energetic, girlfriend. The two met initially thirteen years prior, after Vanilla came hurtling through Cheri's window on the run from... someone. They have only recently reunited. She is researching the genetics of Pokémon to better understand what factors lead to better hybrid compatibility. Her partner Pokémon is Ribbon the Gothorita.
Cobalion: This universe's Cobalion (???, he/they) is something of a disgruntled leader of the Swords of Justice, serving as a sort of workplace "boss" to his subordinates Virizion and Terrakion. They all seem to get along, for the most part. Cobalion has Chosen Vanilla to receive several of his powers, including increased physical strength, durability, and the ability to use Secret Sword. Currently, Cobalion treats Vanilla as a trainee, rather than a subordinate taking on jobs.
Colress: Colress (38M) is a canon character. (For anybody who missed B2W2 and/or USUM, check out details here.) He is a scientist and the ex-"leader" of Team Plasma, focusing on how to strengthen Pokémon via the power of their bonds with humans... whatever means that research takes. He has recently developed an interest in Ultra Space, after spending several years in Alola on the run.
V: Vanilla's former name, given at birth. Though not quite a deadname given Wolfgang is still allowed to use it, anyone else referring to Vanilla as such would receive fierce resistance.
What's the plot so far?
(readmore for aforementioned potentially triggering content)
[. . .LOADING. . .]
Vanilla is discovered and contacted in-person by Colress, an ex-Plasma scientist researching the bonds between humans and Pokémon and [UNCLEAR]. The two have a battle that Vanilla wins, leading to Colress remarking on the potential strength of human-Pokémon hybrids before being chased off by Clay.
The next day, Colress contacts Vanilla to request a further meeting, revealing in a supposed show of goodwill that he is aware of a tracker used for [UNCLEAR] placed in Vanilla's right ear. Vanilla, upon learning this, challenges Colress to set up a meeting on his own, and sets about removing the tracker on her own terms.
Later that week, Vanilla gets a request from Cheri to meet at her lab, to meet Aspear and to give a talk on sensitivity towards hybrids. At first this visit goes well, though Aspear does catch up to Vanilla to talk about his sister briefly. Once the actual meeting starts, though, just about everything goes to shit. Colress walks into the lab room, and Aspear accidentally reveals Colress as his and Cheri's "boss" of sorts, leading up to a battle between Vanilla and Colress.
During this battle, Cross posts about something that concerns them--it is later shown that Colress directly attacked Vanilla with his Beheeyem's Lumina Crash to trigger Vanilla's instincts and bait them into attacking for the purpose of gathering data on the strength of "natural hybrids". Cheri tackles Vanilla to the ground to stop any harm from coming to anyone, and Vanilla is left shaken for several minutes. Soon after Vanilla comes to his senses, he confronts Cheri about the events of the day, leading to a breakup between the two. The footage of Vanilla attacking Colress is made public, but luckily, he has plenty of support from those around him. Even if there are still mysteries left unclear...
Several days of silence pass. Finally, after Vanilla expresses concern about what Colress is planning, they receive another message from him. This time, a veiled threat: seek him out, or else... what? Vanilla pretends to be unaffected, but secretly contacts Aspear. Their plan? Record Colress admitting to his own scientific misdeeds to reveal to the general public, generating enough outrage that the government is forced to finally take action against him.
The morning comes, and the two set things into motion. Vanilla takes the visage of Cheri so as to not arouse Colress's suspicion, and Cross is used to live-stream the entire event. However, as the talk continues on, Vanilla plays their hand a bit too early. They're caught by Colress, who destroys the lab & severely injures Aspear and Cross with a Discharge. At this point, the public view ends, as Cross is knocked out by the attack, and is only found by Tula hours later. Vanilla is taken down for a few seconds, Cobalion releasing itself from the Pokéball it entered to conceal itself, and Colress makes an attempt to escape with his Beheeyem's Teleport. Vanilla musters up just enough strength to jump after him, tagging along to his final destination. (A conflict ensues, in which Vanilla is captured.) Cobalion's attempt to charge Colress, likewise, ends in him accidentally injuring Cheri, who had seen the livestream and come to the site of the lab to ask questions. From here on out, Cheri takes the point of view.
Cheri, Rune, Tula, and Wyrdo form a search party for Vanilla. On Saturday, they search for clues, but are left empty-handed, save a heavy stack of papers found by Tula when she recovers Cross and a list of possible locations from Lo. With these hints, they regroup Sunday, settling on the Dreamyard as the most likely location for Colress's laboratory. The four come across Chiru, Vanilla's Altaria, as they approach, and, with some harsh words from Wyrdo towards both Cheri and Tula, descend into the Dreamyard. There, they face four hybrid "experiments" of Colress's, and as Tula sneaks off to find Colress himself...
[Hey! If you're visiting this months later as a refresher, finally finished it!]
Suddenly, what appears to be a strange Ultra Beast--Necrozma, perhaps, though something about it's off--lashes out at the party. Wyrdo realizes the misunderstanding quickly, confirming their suspicion when they jolt an illusioned Vanilla with enough electricity to both paralyze him and reveal his true form. With the rest of the hybrids being taken care of quickly by the combination of Rune, Wyrdo, Cheri, Cobalion, and Wolfgang's efforts, focus shifts to Colress's lab.
Inside, several minutes before, Tula had confronted Colress, taking a swipe from his Klinklang's Giga Impact. In return, Tula nearly takes him out of commission permanently, an intended stab to the heart hitting his shoulder. The two fall to the ground, crushing a Master Ball Vanilla was apparently confined in. However, the approach of Wyrdo's Misdreavus gives Colress just enough time to recollect his bearings, and he uses some strange machine to escape to somewhere unspecified.
Rune enters the space, and as Tula lashes out the two realize Colress left his Klinklang behind in his attempt to flee. Finally, Cheri and Cobalion enter to share that Vanilla's come to, and the group regathers around the hybrid as Rune's Cosmog, Connie, helps bring the injured to the Driftveil Hospital.
In the aftermath, Vanilla recovers quite well. In the hospital, Cross (reunited with Vanilla at last) and Motom arrange a meeting between Tula and Vanilla that leads to an agreement: the two will travel together for Vanilla's gym challenge. A pragmatic agreement with absolutely no romantic feelings behind it, certainly.
Tula also reveals they have Colress's laptop, which is later unlocked by Tula's close friend Callisto. Vanilla keeps the information on there notably quiet. Tula cares for Klinklang for some time, before passing custody of the Pokémon to Rune. Other miscellaneous information includes the fact that both Cheri and Aspear recover, and decide jointly to begin their own Gym Challenge at around the same time as Vanilla.
The group also tries to press Colress's subordinates for further information on the hybridization project he was testing, but receive little in the way of new information. And so it continues, for well on nine months...
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Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
And they’ll have to:
1) rate it from 1-10 on how much they don’t want to answer it
2) answer it
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oncillamoltres · 23 days
actually looking back at the archive i'm. not sure how much it got onto tumblr that connie's been a complete wreck this weekend. most of it was either on discord or like? vaguely implied? for like the first time in the history of lovenpeace-pkmn i've actually managed to get anthea to talk more about her feelings than concordia???
anyway. what's been going on is:
somewhere around Friday Nictoria @/ariadosanon had that video posted of her brutally murdering some Rocket's pokemon. Connie, veteran of last time Nic was on Rotomblr, was planning to just scroll past and ignore it, but it ended up becoming a major topic of discussion on the Taskforce Distortion Gliscord server. this was not great for Connie's mental health
literally the next day @/cherrytree-irl N was hospitalized by a hydreigon. neither Anthea nor Concordia took this well (a); Connie, who has herself been attacked by hydreigon, spent most of the day offline trying not to have panic attacks.
however she did ask the Taskforce server if they could keep discussion of Nic's crimes to the vent channels, which was very brave of her because she's bad at asking for what she needs and also more intimidated by Lynda than she lets on.
Sunday Connie made a concerted effort to Stay Home and Do Something Fun With Her Kid to like. recalibrate her nervous system. unfortunately Anthea ended up pissed off enough about some things Byrd @/swellowmypride said in the Taskforce gliscord that she ended up like. actually venting her frustrations for once. including the thoughts on Connie's self-hatred that she's been biting back.
I'm really happy there was an opportunity to throw that in actually Anthea's been quietly bothered by that for ages now
anyway. A+C apologized to each other offscreen (this is hardly their first argument) and have been trying to like. calm down and focus on normal and silly stuff. I was gonna have Connie call in sick from work on Monday but I forgot it was Labor Day and it would. be kind of silly to do that on Labor Day.
so the reason Anthea was surprised by that anon asking if she was okay was that from her perspective, Connie's been having PTSD flashbacks all weekend and then got yelled at by her sister, whereas she got mad about something and has since mostly calmed down and even kind of feels better for actually expressing her emotions instead of bottling them up, so why would she be the one who's not okay?
but like. very little of that actually got onto the page. so.
pro tip: don't pick a roleplay character who hates talking about their feelings.
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type-skull · 19 days
someone told me to tag myself and my friends. did I do it right?
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@ariadosanon @poisonmonoxide I guess we're friends now
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ranger-rai · 30 days
Sassy Ariados - @ariadosanon
Ohhh, we got quite a few Sassy pokemon for me to talk about, but this one I wanted to start with.
Ariados with a Sasay nature have a very interesting habit.
That being that they are more particular about their webs, and are much more creative with them.
While most Ariados will be meticulous with theor webs for the sake of structure and catching prey, ones with a more Sassy nature might use their webs more creatively or in more unique ways.
You might notice more intricate or hypnotic patterns, and of course, they can be a bit dramatic and throw tantrums if you mess them up.
One of the few pokemon that you can tell their nature by something physical.
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wingsofachampion · 1 year
I'm on a hitlist. Victoria Gonzap wants me dead.
I'm super scared. I don't want to die.
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the-koiking-pond · 1 year
@ariadosanon replied to your post “[a picture of the six shadow surskit, or...”:
Can you send me info about their behaviors? I’m trying to keep a record of how many of these exist right now and how to properly handle them. Photos of them isolated would be nice as well.
​No. Blocked.
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This is just pathetic. How can you claim to be a team dedicated to HUNTING LEGENDARIES when you have no grunts to be seen, no Legendaries already taken down to boast on, and can’t even manage to EAT something. This has to be a troll blog - @ariadosanon
I do have agents, I am not disclosing their informetion for their privacy. We are still in the planning phases, ofourse we haven't fought them yet. I do not undestand what me not eating has to do with anything or why anyone cares.
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┌ 🧫 ┘you guys arent seriously talking about harming a pokemon egg, rite?!?!
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