#aries new moon solar eclipse
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New 🌑 Total Eclipse in ♈️
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
new moon SOLAR ECLIPSE (19 aries, on chiron)
of course, this is a major news topic for astrologers and casual observers alike. the event itself is still several hours off, but you probably start feeling it about now, or have been feeling it a bit already if you are sensitive to the relevant energies. what you won't see if you observe the eclipse with your fancy glasses is the chiron involvement, but if you're feeling a bit glum, painful, etc it is likely connected to that. chiron is a long ache but also brings about healing, so try not to fret too much about the changes it'll bring.
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turningwheeltarot · 6 months
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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries (Apr. 8, 2024) 🌑♈️🐏
Major healing and soul evolution energy is with us during this new moon/solar eclipse in Aries. We may feel like we are turning a page or starting a new chapter in our journey of healing and growth. There is a strong focus on becoming stronger in who we truly are and what we truly want — and allowing that to determine the future we choose to create for ourselves. There is an ongoing understanding unfolding regarding these themes. Deeper layers continue to be uncovered.
There is a lot of Aries and Pisces energy going on simultaneously, which can feel a bit uncomfortable or frustrating. The Aries energy wants to charge ahead into the new beginning, but the Pisces energy is slowing us down and requiring us to fully and consciously release the past before we can move forward. The strong Pisces energy is also requiring us to surrender our will to Divine/Higher will. We are being pushed to come into alignment with the desires of our higher self rather than our ego — to ensure that the future we create is in alignment with the truth of our higher self.
✨Follow me on instagram @turningwheel360✨
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rawhoneybliss · 6 months
Aries Total Solar Eclipse (APRIL 8TH)
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divinationtools · 6 months
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New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Aries
Monday 8th April 2024
The fiery eclipse sparks a blaze of new beginnings and bold initiatives. Embrace the surge of energy to break free from limitations and pursue your passions with vigor. Advice: Seize this transformative moment to take courageous leaps forward. Activities: Set ambitious goals and embark on exciting adventures fueled by your inner fire.
Yoga: The Firefly Pose (Tittibhasana) ignites the inner fire and determination characteristic of Aries energy. Begin in a squatting position, hands on the floor between the feet. Lift your hips, straighten the legs, and extend them forward, balancing on your hands. Embrace the challenge, feeling empowered and ready to soar above obstacles with confidence and grace.hands at heart center. Find inner equilibrium amidst external changes, embracing grace and poise.
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bxtxnx · 6 months
After the solar eclipse and Aries New Moon on April 8, selling sports apparel, offering personal training sessions or mediation services can cause your business or career to skyrocket in the next 6 months.
Aries symbolizes sports and conflict, while the 19th degree at which the New Moon and eclipse happened is ruled by Libra, the sign of fashion, relationships and diplomacy.
So, any of the above-mentioned things will take off like crazy in the coming months and those that offer them will be the ones to succeed and profit the most. ☽
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growwithmeastrology · 6 months
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Sunday, April 7th 2024 Sun in Aries♈️🔥Moon in Aries♈️🔥
Sooo…we’re here guys. We’re entering the energies of the upcoming eclipse today. Yes it’s tomorrow but we get an entire day today to sit in the energies of what’s shifting and coming in for us. Take a moment today and notice your emotions and what they’re telling you or asking of you. The Sun and Moon are in the same sign. The new moon is here. Today. And pre-eclipse information is really important.
As the Moon shifts from Pisces to Aries this morning, she’s conjunct Neptune before she leaves Pisces and then shifts into Aries and immediately encounters Venus. Your feelings may be something you can’t quite put your finger on as you begin the day, like you can’t quite understand why you’re feeling a certain way about something. Then, you may start receiving all kinds of intuitive downloads, ideas or thoughts all of a sudden, coming through your emotional body. Venus is helping us feel beautiful, confident, sexy and empowered so use that because this energy, since we’re wide open to receptiveness, can also make us quite susceptible to negative energies around us as well.
So today, put your wards up like the magician that you are, sit and process your emotions, cleanse your spaces and line up with what’s been showing up for you. It’s the beginning of a new cycle tomorrow and you really don’t want to be caught with your….wards down.
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Learn more about your personal energies and how the daily forecast affects you! Comment below⬇️ or DM me for a consultation.
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olivegodd3ss · 6 months
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magickpumpkin · 6 months
I have a new video out! This is for the New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th! I would be so grateful for any support on my videos 🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎
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hermitsmirror · 6 months
Spreads: New Moon in Aries & New Moon Solar Eclipse
This season we have the New Moon in Aries at 19º Aries 24' on April 8, 2024, 2:21PM (US Eastern Time). But you can use this spread for any New Moon in Aries. The fundamentals are the same.
We also have the total solar eclipse happening then, so you may want to use my Solar Eclipse Tarot Spread for that instead.
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Finding what fuels the self (New Moon in Aries)
Clearing: What dreamy depths have I plumbed for long enough?
Transitional pause: What vague abstractions of the past are kindling for this new season?
New seeds: How can I direct this energy with headstrong certainty?
Light in darkness: When is frustration a cue for sacred rage rising?
Planetary boon: What physical activity will help me keep my fires burning all season long?
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When the Dark Moon demands to be seen (New Moon Solar Eclipse)
Space: What parts of my life should I be prepared to re-assess and shift during this eclipse cycle?
Lunar Gift: What is emerging from within me that will challenge my sense of who I am?
Growth: How will this help me grow over the next six months?
Understanding: Why is now the right time for this particular emergence?
Care:How can I best support myself when things get uncomfortable?
For the how and why of creating the spread, along with 50 or so other spreads, see my musings over on HermitsMirror.
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...♈️ new 🌑 solar eclipse
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villagewitchery · 6 months
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elminx · 2 years
I'm starting to work on the transits for April and have to immediately note (out loud) that the new moon on 4/20 is both going to be a Black Moon (the second new moon in a row in Aries) but also the first solar eclipse in Aries in this eclipse cycle.
So, in other words, an extra moon that is going to be supercharged with eclipse energy; super fun!
Mark your calendars - it'll be a day to watch, for sure.
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symbolicliving · 1 year
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 9-15, 2023 NEW Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse
Tomorrow we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14, 2023 1:54 pm ET.
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This Week's Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs
♈︎ Aries: Conversations change your view and opinion about others and yourself this week. Investigating the details and data can help you figure it out for a new start. Deciphering a secret puts your relationships on a new path. Psychic phenomenon, synchronicities, strange coincidences and dreams are prompting you to think more deeply. Note doubles.
♉︎ Taurus: What other people believe can seem serious but you’re likely to reject vague ideas and ideologies that aren’t backed by real proof. Peer pressure to conform won’t work. Breathing is healing. A new health and wellness routine is worth growing. Body language attracts. A situation between friends can reveal true feelings.
♊︎ Gemini: This is a nice time to enjoy some fun. Learning a new hobby or game, or tapping into talents again or for the first time can get you into a new groove. What other people say could affect your energy this week so be kind to help manifest more of the same. Your wit and charm can help others feel better. Changes in relationships are meant to take you forward with better balance.
♋︎ Cancer: A new chapter in your personal life and at home are beginning this week. The eclipse gives you an extra dose of inner change that helps you balance the past with what’s next. What others may say in jest or with sarcasm will act as a mirror, giving you ideas you can work with.
♌︎ Leo: Words and opinions that come out of nowhere can really get your mind going, stirring up all kinds of thoughts and feelings. Your ability to sense the emotions of your home and family are also heightened. Being a source of balance and security to others, helps you have the same. Listen and read between the lines. What isn’t said may be even more important than what is said.
♍︎ Virgo: Self love and self care are at the front of the line for you now. Taking care of your body naturally can fly in the face of conventional belief to outsource your body to an external authority. Rebellious fashion choices may suit you. People sticking to beliefs that don’t hold any weight can get under your skin. A fresh idea you hadn’t considered can inspire smarter choices in building and balancing your money and resources.
♎︎ Libra: Trust issues could be in the spotlight for you now. What people project is highly revealing. Your senses will tell you a lot more than usual this week. What you believe and wish to believe could flip when faced with practical reality. Gathering information will help you make sense of what seems unbelievable. What window are you closing and what door are you opening?
♏︎ Scorpio: Your strength, will and determination are enhanced. You feel in your element when you are taking charge. Passion and virility increase. Information you decipher can change your goals. You have a rebellious streak that asserts your power. What you say can have a strong impact on on who is listening. The eclipse brings you new beliefs.
♐︎ Sagittarius: The urge to set out on a new path is with you this week. As you set a new intention you will see what types of people are suited for your plans and realize who is not. The way others cooperate in relationships will give you many clues. Peer pressure could get to you, but your own path is the one to be measured for growth.
♑︎ Capricorn: You could feel a strong inner fire of change happening with you this week. Energy in your social life could feel intense. Increased enthusiasm for discovering what is unknown makes you quite a sleuth. Virility is increased. The cooperative approach in your business and career relationships is in focus this week. What truth was revealed? Learn more about natural health and beauty. What are marketing illusions?
♒︎ Aquarius: This week has positive new potential for you. It could be nice to see from a birds eye view. What you believe can manifest. Visualize to see the path. Investigate. Inquire. Ask Questions. Being psychic isn’t for everyone. Explore both sides of issues to get to the truth. Write down ideas that come from your dreams and daydreams.
♓︎ Pisces: How you feel and what you say and do manifests in your relationships. A stubborn view or set of rules can cause rebellion in a loved one. A dream or psychic flash in a daydream could alter your way forward. What you think is set to change which pushes you in a new direction. Expect what was unknown to become visible now.
Thank you for being a friend.
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astroseri · 6 months
Solar Eclipse in Aries | April 8th
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Eclipse notes
Eclipse is conjunct to Chiron
Eclipse is conjunct to the North Node
Eclipse ruler is conjunct to Saturn 🪐 in pisces (mars)
Hitting a Wall.
Mars conjunct to Saturn means we might feel like we've been hitting a wall in our efforts right now, but we have to push through it because it's a pivotal moment where we will break through that wall on this solar eclipse in aries.
Eclipses represent pivotal moments in transits.
It's a time to make a decision that will pivot our lives for the next 18-27 years. A commitment towards healing, astrology, music, medicine and/or wisdom (Chiron)
It's also time to learn your North Node and get back on track with it. Mars (which is the faster mover) is getting ready to break past obstacles of Saturn.
It's time to go 100% at something. You might have to run through a wall (Like Harry Potter )
the wall here is mental and not as real as you think.. (Saturn is in Pisces).
That's all for now.
To receive a reading for this eclipse email me at [email protected] with your birth time. (I'll also add you to my email updates)
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thescorpionmonarch · 6 months
ASTRO FORECAST!! TOTAL ECLIPSE IN ARIES (new moon). Moon, Sun, Chiron, North node, and Mercury are all in a conjunction. Chiron in an Aries cazimi. Aries stellium. Venus has also Joined in Aries recents. Ruler of Aries In Pisces and conjunct saturn in Pisces 1 degree apart. Rulers of pisces in Pisces (Neptune) and Taurus (Jupiter). Ruler of taurus is Venus (see Venus in Aries). Reminder that Mercury is still in Retrograde
Spiritual and religious communities are just... not getting along lol. There debates on what info is the truth. What is fact from fiction? Many have blocked intuition on receiving the truth happen to also be loud... almost aggressive even. How are everyone claiming to be experts on the same thing or similar yet... can be wrong or in less unity. Especially on spirituality?
Ego death has been heavy. Painful. Society is changing in intense ways and by the many.
Our connection understanding where we get our resources needs to improve.. Respect and gratitude for what goes into us even getting resources is needed as well as more improvements on how they can be less blocked off from the common people.
People's temper is all rooted to seeking unconditional love and yet not understanding how to practice it well. Some of us feel very new at it. Wanting to rush learning before we can truly absorb it at our own pace.
Deities, celestials, and spirits connected to water and storms need to be taken into account. Accidents in the water, water pollution, water based technology, tidal waves, tsunamis, sea creatures, storms, rain, flooding, droughts, showers and baths, laundry, water connected to gardening, and more topics are being affected. Violence on the water or by water is also a possibility.
Sleep is being affected with more aggressive dreams. Arguing, fighting (even physical), even if Sci fi like, are getting frequent. Dreams itself are very disruptive.
What are the karmic affects of violence and pacifism and how do we find balance in it or another option entirely?
We'd all be proven right more if we let our intuition lead instead of a tempermental ego.
Check your Mars sign and placement since Aries is ruled by Mars.
This post is a little scattered in how I organized the points, but it's mercury retrograde and so, I wrote what I wrote.
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