ragsy · 1 day
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quick ms paint doodle to figure out a slightly new look for my BOY, my ARJIBI WHO I'VE MISSED (also he gets to have a tail in this universe) (his proportions are all the fuck over the place but don't worry about it)
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gooompy · 2 years
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Bug Fakemon inspired by the CMYK and RGB color models, graffiti art and light shows, and the picasso bug and the glasswing butterfly! Cymurk's shell oozes colorful poisons that drip down and mix into a murky black color. Arjibii's 3 pairs of wings are translucent and radiate light, they produce a white light when overlaid. From their finger tips, Cymurk can spray poison and Arjibi can fire laser beams!
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lovedtogekiss-art · 2 years
girl help i tried to draw cymurk and arjibi from memory and it Did Not Work
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cymurk and arjibi by@gooompy
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godslittlemistakes · 6 years
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I made tarot cards of my campaign’s characters. Based on the real tarot cards but with each character’s role in the prophecy that drives our campaign. 
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ragsymakes · 5 years
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mostly been drawing arjibi.
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ragsy · 6 months
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my large pile of tabletop guys (top row: arjibi, carex, maggie. bottom row: sir dillion, uncle kenny)
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ragsy · 9 months
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@entropyking my BOYS my BABIEST OF BOYS
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ragsy · 9 months
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been experiencing some weird art block, so i must revert back to old muscle memory.... also feeling nostalgic for my dragonborn sorcerer, arji, who i haven't drawn since. uuuuuh 2022? i miss him. my boy. my darling son
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ragsy · 1 year
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drawing my OCs in other art styles until i drive myself to madness
in order:
mark "dogmark mandog" stevens (butch hartman)
fishwoman diane fishwoman (neopets)
sloane armstrong AKA agent hill (tintin)
emily song (scooby doo)
sir dillion (rob liefeld (i chickened out on this one because i would simply pass away if i inked the whole thing))
arji the fool (animal crossing)
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ragsy · 5 months
It's a blessing to be able to have an active dnd character for nearly a decade but also that is WAY too long to be stuck with the convoluted edgelord backstory I wrote for him when I made him.
I'd like a hard reboot on my sorcerer please I'll do him right this time I promise
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ragsy · 9 months
fear for sir dillion, desire for mark, hate for arji, secret for everyone you're inclined to answer for :3c
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Despite Sir Dillion's sworn duty as a warrior and a protector, he is TERRIFIED of warfare. The (first) and last time he encountered it, he fled. Despite that being a perfectly reasonable response to the face of war, he's deeply ashamed of his (in)actions. But, he's met a certain tiefling recently who has helped him ease that burden!
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Mark is sharply split between two desires. On one hand: he just wants to be Normal* and live a life free from judgement (bestie the judgement is coming from inside the you). He wants to go back to the relative safety and control of his upbringing in white American middle class suburbia, he wants to cure his dogman curse and go back to being a regular human, get a stable job, find a partner, fix his maladaptive coping mechanisms, and forget this whole thing happened. Attainable? Probably not.
On the other hand, he wants to abandon his humanity and just go fucking dog feral. Leave behind everything and everyone he knows, abandon his car on the side of the highway, walk into the woods, and never be seen again. He's a dog monster, this is a perfectly attainable goal for him! And that terrifies him!
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
Arji hates liars, cheats, and thieves. If someone is willing to exploit another for their own gain, they're automatically on his shit list. Now, he never actually *does* anything with his shit list, since he's far too inclined towards unconditional kindness, but he'll stare at them unapprovingly with his big wet eyes. And they'll know.
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Sir Dillion: He is so, so so scared right now and he just wants someone to hold him
Mark: He really hates every dog stereotype he lives up to, but god, the urge to chase squirrels across traffic is SO real
Arji: He wishes he had accepted that deity's offer to wipe his memory and go back to where he started before the adventure began. It's what his friends chose, and he's the only one who remembers them. Also HE took the last biscuit from the rations bag and the guilt is tearing him apart
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ragsy · 2 years
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"Hi! Who are you? Statistically speaking, you're my friend now!"
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ragsy · 7 months
17, 20, and 22 for arjibi and dogmark 👉👈
17: Who would your OC main in Super Smash Bros?
Arjbi: Arji wouldn't have a main, he'd just pick whoever looked like fun to bop around the screen while everyone else is duking it out. He is usually the first to get KO'd, but that's fine because he prefers to watch (and he's the only person who ever wants to play on stage randomizer with items on)
Dogmark: idk anything about the current roster, but probably Fire Emblem Sword Boy Du Jour? In melee/brawl he would be a Marth main though. Never played at any sort of competitive level, but he was still pretty good at it. Currently has a hard time holding game controllers on account of his claws and paw beans, especially the teeny tiny buttons on the switch
20: What role would your OC play in a heist story?
Arjibi: He's the infiltrator! He's got Alter Self, Subtle Spell, 20 Charisma, and proficiency in acrobatics. You won't even know he's there. He's in your vents. He's talked past all the guards. He hates stealing, but he loves to be included in group activities.
Dogmark: Getaway driver. He's too nervous to actually be part of the operation, but he's got a lead foot and he's a pretty solid driver. Plus, if they still end up getting caught, he can definitely outrun the cops on foot in dog form.
22: What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties?
Arjibi: Firebender, but incorporates more than a few airbending techniques. He has a really flashy, showy style that's built more for performance than for any sort of combat. Think like... circus acrobats, but with fire.
Dogmark: Supposed non-bender for most of his life, but in reality just never had the opportunity to discover and hone his bending abilities. By the time he learned he was actually a bender the whole time, he'd aged out of most of the available training programs. Unsure what element though! Water maybe?
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ragsy · 2 years
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i draw arji in a sun dress. i receive serotonin. this is our bargain
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ragsy · 2 years
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look who else is joining the fancy dresses party
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ragsy · 2 years
OC question: who's that cool guy you cosplayed? :D
That guy i cosplayed is my dear sweet darling boy Arjibi! He's my dnd character, dragonborn sorcerer to be specific.
Here's an odd assortment of art i drew of him that I happen to have saved to my phone:
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He has a charisma score of 20 and he has an affinity for flutes, rats, acrobatics, and fireballs. He got his glasses of true sight after reading a tome of forbidden knowledge.
The campaign he's in has been a little stop and go for awhile, so I haven't been doing much with him lately besides Creating Likenesses of him. He's just made of fun shapes
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