#arm pain
popcornoncemore · 1 month
When I have pain in my hips, arms, or back people just say, "Man, you're not even that old and you're already falling apart," or "dude, you're eighteen with a low pain tolerance"
And yeah, that's true, but it doesn't help. It doesn't make me more mobile or comfortable or capable of doing what I want to. And I know that your advice is always going to be to take medicine and do stretches and yoga, but it's not that simple. I worry about the effects of taking ibuprofen every day and I struggle greatly with even brushing my teeth. It's hard to start a new habit when you have ADHD and depression, especially when your body screams when you try to get out of bed some mornings
So can we talk about my problem like it's a real problem for a second? Not just some thing I shouldn't be having or that I should just go and fix
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masi0ngna · 3 months
You know it’s crazy when ur wrists don’t hurt but your shoulder do🗣️‼️‼️
But in all seriousness I’m like getting back into drawing so hard and finally practicing and challenging myself in a way that’s rewarding/stimulating vs. frustrating and discouraging. I’m so fucking happy to be back in this way. I think being here is a part of the reason why, seeing so much inspo but also my interests have also just like JUMPED especially since I’ve gotten into de! I wanna do bangtan fanart soon as well and definitely loona fanart as well since I love my girlies! We r SO BACK!
Btw have some hand practice stuff:
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dinosaurwithablog · 4 months
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I hope that the imaging on Juan Soto's arm today goes well. Now that he's a Yankee, I can't image baseball without him. He brings so much passion and excitement to the game. I almost cried on Thursday when he left the game. My thoughts are with you, Juan. I hope that you're okay. Please, take all the time that you need to get better 🙏🏼 ❤️
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bbgirl609 · 8 months
why do my body parts hurt so randomly all the time
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anx1oustig3r · 6 months
idk if this counts as chronic pain or what but im hoping to maybe reach out to anyone where this would sound remotely familiar and maybe if they have advice or hell just,,, a bit of solidarity
i have been dealing with upper arm/ bicep/ shoulder/ i don’t even fucking know where pain going on four years now. and when i say pain, i mean PAIN. at one point i reached up to grab something that was falling, y’know as reflexes tell me to do and i shit you not i screamed. right now im having a flare up so bad that even an idle twitch in my right arm has me biting back shrieks. i wouldn’t say i have a high pain tolerance, but i’ve had both top surgery and a broken bone and i can say this pain hurts 20x more than those did.
wanna know the weirdest part? the severity is on a schedule. i can wake up feeling totally fine and thinking “oh hey! the pain is gone” and then at 6.00pm on the dot here comes the pain train and all of a sudden i can’t move the affected arm.
things can definitely effect it, i have no doubt this recent flare up was triggered by the couple hours where i had used my tablet, and todays agony was not helped by my working on 3D, but i can go a few weeks up to a couple months without a flare up and during that time nothing effects it.
my current record of no pain at all being 4 months. it doesn’t matter if i rest it or am active and stretching it, if the pain is going to come it will come. i have tried exercising, painkillers and anti inflammatories and none of these are working. the gp was stumped. i’ve had tests done and nothing has come back. the only source i can think of is stress
i’m writing this bc im fucking exhausted. im exhausted of being in agony all the time. this reallt fucking sucks.
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
disbaled things 12
being a cane user
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monkeymeghan · 1 year
I think my physical therapist is trying to kill me. 😂 Seriously, though she’s really happy with all of the progress that I’ve made. She’s added a ton of new, more difficult, things for me this week. I just got home and I am completely wiped out. But I know it’s necessary work to get my range of motion back and to get rid of the pain.
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l00ney-m00ny · 2 years
Hate pain. Honest hate it. I went bowling once, once! You have no right, absolutely no right!! To make me feel like this!!! I didn’t do anything yesterday?! How and why!!??
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theonelcl · 1 year
I've been writing this armored core review in a tumblr post and its been like 2 months and im still not done writing it, why is articulating words hard lmao
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dannyfantomb · 18 days
chronic pain been kicking my ass lately not gonna lie
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healingbliss · 22 days
Nerve Pain in Arm 5 Common Reasons This May Happen
A lot of arm pain is caused by misfired or damaged nerves, sometimes caused by associated illnesses, and sometimes the result of direct damage on the culprit nerve itself. Nerve pain in the arm is best distinguished from other causes of arm pain by the accompanying symptoms of numbness and weakness, as the nerves that enable communication between your limb and your brain to begin to falter.
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bengali-vogue-ns · 29 days
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popcornoncemore · 2 months
Kinda mad that I could probably be quite good at bowling, but by the third frame, my arm usually deteriorates to where I can't really aim and my wrist hurts even on ibuprofen
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anftherapy · 2 months
Say goodbye to neck aches! Our guide dives deep into Cervical Pain Relief: treatments, prevention strategies, and the power of ANF Therapy®. 
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healthstore-47 · 5 months
Remember that scene in Jurassic Park where the T-Rex chases the jeep? That's how I felt every morning – a slow, agonizing chase between me and a seemingly insurmountable staircase. Stiffness had become my unwelcome companion, a constant reminder that my joints were waging war against me.
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A Life on Hold:
Simple tasks became herculean efforts. Bending down to pick up the groceries felt like a contortionist act, and that weekend camping trip with the grandkids? Forget about it. My active life was slowly fading into a memory, replaced by a constant ache and a nagging fear of movement.
Over-the-counter pain relievers offered fleeting relief, but came with a side dish of jitters and stomach upset. Topical creams felt more like a greasy afterthought than a solution. Resigned to a life of limitations, I felt like a prisoner in my own body.
The Dawn of Relief:
Then, a ray of sunshine pierced the clouds of my despair. A friend, noticing my struggle, raved about a new supplement called JointEternal. Skeptical at first, I dove headfirst into the research. What I discovered wasn't just another pain reliever, but a revolutionary approach to joint health.
JointEternal: A Symphony of Science and Nature
This wasn't your average supplement. JointEternal was an orchestra of scientifically proven ingredients, each playing a vital role in the symphony of joint health.
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kauveryblogs · 8 months
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