reireichu · 4 months
Armand watching Daniel move on. Armand watching Daniel live a life, without him.
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children fucking ruin everything.
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chapter i: paris is for lovers and heartbreak.
Aka I wrote this post and then apparently I might be writing a fic about.
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prouvaireafterdark · 1 year
Practical Ethics || Chapter Four
In which Armand breaks into Louis’ office and gets a little more than he bargained for.
| One | Two | Three |
Also on AO3! (and for the love of god please check the AO3 tags before reading this lmao)
It’s late the following Saturday night when Armand drives his Vespa back to campus.
The doors to Trinity Hall are locked at this hour, but luckily Armand has keycard access since the graduate student offices are located in the dark, almost catacomb-like underbelly of the building. He waves his student ID in front of the sensor and gets into the building without any trouble at all. 
It’s dark inside, only a few, sparing lights left on throughout the building. Armand is quiet as a mouse as he navigates the halls that lead toward the Religion and Philosophy department’s suite of offices, listening closely for any sign that he is not alone. He should be, given that even the most studious of students is likely home at this time now that midterms are over, but one can never be too careful.
It isn’t long before Armand is standing in front of a familiar office, the words Louis de Pointe du Lac, Associate Professor printed on the placard fixed to the wall by the door. He notices something new taped to the door as well, and so he uses the light on his iPhone to illuminate it.
It’s a shiny poster advertising a local theater company’s production of Molière’s tragic comedy Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre, featuring art drawn in a charming rococo style. 
Did a student ask him to put this up? he wonders. Or does Louis secretly have a passion for French theater? 
He turns his attention next to the doorknob. He gently jiggles it and confirms that this door too is locked.
It’s no matter. Armand came prepared.
He pulls a set of lockpicks out of his pocket and kneels in front of the door. It takes a few moments for him to get the door unlocked, but he does manage it without breaking any of his picks and royally fucking himself in the process, so he’ll take it as a win. He enters Louis’ office and quietly shuts and locks the door behind him. 
Louis’ office looks different in the dark, shadows throwing strange shapes along the walls as he holds up his flashlight, and it takes him a moment to orient himself. He approaches the bookcases first, carefully scanning the shelves for anything of interest. Many of them are in French, he notes, and all of them seem to either have some relevance to his research interests or are foundational philosophical texts one would expect someone of Louis’ profession to possess. 
Hmm, Armand thinks to himself. Perhaps I’ll find something more interesting out of plain sight.
He moves around to his desk next, wondering what secrets his drawers might be hiding.
He starts with the top drawer closest to him and finds, among the paperclips and sticky notes and other ephemera, a white handkerchief monogrammed with the initials LDL in gold thread and a short stack of books intriguingly shoved toward the back. Armand notes the titles with interest. 
I Hate You—Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality
Loving Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your Relationship
Rebuilding Trust: Guided Therapy Techniques and Activities to Restore Love, Trust, and Intimacy in Your Relationship
Armand doesn’t have long to ponder his discovery, however. As soon as he places them back in the drawer, he hears footsteps and two voices down the hall headed this way. 
“Thank you for making the time to meet with me so late, professor,” he hears Lestat of all people say, his French accent unmistakable. “I'm sure you have a very busy schedule.” 
What the hell are they doing here on a Saturday night? Armand wonders, panic gripping his chest at this unexpected complication.
Louis’ reply is drowned out by the rushing of blood in Armand’s ears as he shuts Louis’ desk drawer as quickly and quietly as he can. He has a moment of fraught indecision as he glances around the room, looking for somewhere to hide, until he decides the closet on the other end of the room is his only real option.
He nearly trips over the carpet in his haste to get there, but the door is blessedly unlocked and there’s space enough for him to hide. He crouches down low under the shelf and peers through the slats in the door, just managing to turn off the flashlight on his phone as he hears a key turn in the lock.
The door to the office swings open a moment later and Louis pulls the cord on the floor lamp on his way to his desk, bathing the room in soft light. Lestat follows him inside and takes a seat in the same chair Armand had been sitting in not so long ago.
Louis sits down in his own chair and leans back casually. Armand can see that he’s no longer wearing the soft-looking cable knit cardigans he’s seen him in lately, but an officious tweed suit, leather patches at the elbows and all.
“So,” Louis starts, folding his hands together across his abdomen, “what can I do for you, Lestat?”
Armand cannot see Lestat’s face from this vantage point, but he does see him shift slightly in his seat.
“I am concerned about my progress in your course, professor,” Lestat tells him with a voice like honey.
“You should be,” Louis replies, utterly deadpan. 
It takes effort for Armand to suppress the laughter he feels in his chest at Louis’ words. Louis isn’t done, though, not by a long shot, and Armand eagerly settles in to listen. 
“You’ve barely handed in a thing since the semester began,” he continues. “I know you do your best to keep up with the readings, but you rarely engage in class discussions, and when you have engaged in them, you’ve been insolent and disruptive. If I’m being honest, I don’t see how you can be getting very much out of this experience.”
What Armand wouldn’t give to see the look on Lestat’s face as he absorbs those words.
“Yes,” Lestat says, voice short. He flicks his head as if to clear his hair from his eyes, but he’s wearing it up today—tied back in an artfully messy bun. “In light of my… behavior, I was wondering how much my oral participation grade has suffered.”
Louis stares at Lestat for a long moment.
“Lestat…” Louis begins. “We both know that you are auditing this class. As a non-matriculating student, you won’t be receiving a grade at the end of this semester.”
“Pity,” Lestat says, standing up from his seat and stalking around to the other side of the desk, his movements catlike in their grace. He cocks his hip, leaning against the side of the desk as Louis’ chair rotates to face him. “I was hoping I might be able to participate orally right now to make it up to you.”
Instead of the appalled revulsion Armand is expecting from him, he can see the corner of Louis’ mouth lift in subtle amusement for a moment, even as his eyes darken and the pitch of his voice dips with interest when he asks, “Were you now?”
“Very much so,” Lestat responds, boldly reaching out to caress Louis’ face with one hand, the other braced on the armrest of Louis’ chair to keep his balance as he looms over him. He cups Louis’ cheek gently, his thumb sliding down to sit in the divot on his chin as he raises Louis’ gaze to meet his own more directly.
Any second now, Louis is going to smack that hand away and tell Lestat to get the fuck out. 
Armand is sure of it. 
He’s sure of it.
But Louis doesn’t smack Lestat’s hand away. He doesn’t even lean away from his touch. 
All Louis does do is stare up at Lestat for a charged moment, those big doe eyes full of heat, and then shatter Armand’s mind by telling him, “Then why don’t you show me what that big mouth of yours can do?” 
Armand sits in shocked silence as he watches a smug grin curl around Lestat’s lips as he falls gracefully to his knees in front of where Louis sits. His view is obstructed by Louis’ glossy black desk, but Armand can hear everything, each sound distinct as it reaches his ears.
A belt coming undone.
A zipper sliding down tiny metal teeth. 
The rustling of fabric. 
The hitch in Louis’ breath as Lestat bows his head and finally takes him into his mouth.
This is insane. Armand thinks. This cannot be happening. 
Armand’s Ethics professor—the very same one who was deeply concerned about Marius manipulating and abusing him, to the point of derailing an entire class just to remind his students of the ethical problems of student/teacher relationships—is absolutely not getting his dick sucked by a student in his office!
But even as his mind rebels against the very idea, Armand cannot ignore the evidence of his own eyes and ears, nor can he bring himself to look away, his attention caught on the rapturous look on Louis’ face and the slick sounds of Lestat’s mouth on his cock as the top of his head bobs in and out of view over the edge of the desk.
Louis looks so beautiful like this, Armand can’t help but notice, his brown eyes even darker, brow furrowed in pleasure the deeper Lestat takes him down his throat. Lestat’s golden curls have been pulled loose from their tie, Louis combing through the strands as he cradles his head in his palms, and Armand is struck with the sudden, visceral desire to know what they would feel like slipping through his own fingers.
“You got no idea how insane you make me,” Louis practically growls, his voice rough as he no doubt watches his cock disappear into Lestat’s mouth again and again. “What it’s like watching you sit in the front fucking row of my class, sucking on your pen ‘cause you can’t get through a single goddamn lecture without something in your mouth. You need my dick that bad, huh?”
Lestat pulls off of Louis, a gossamer thread of saliva connecting his mouth to the head of Louis’ cock. Louis reaches out and breaks it with a swipe of his thumb over Lestat’s swollen bottom lip.
“Yes,” Lestat rasps, his hand still diligently working Louis’ shaft in firm pulls. “Always.”
He bows his head again and takes Louis back into his mouth. It’s hard to see what he’s doing with the desk blocking his view, but he must do something because suddenly Louis—who has been fairly silent thus far—lets out a loud curse, his spine bowing off the back of the chair for a moment before he recovers.
“Should just keep you under my desk like this, use you whenever I want,” Louis muses, eyes once more fixed on Lestat’s mouth. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Lestat moans hungrily around his cock and appears to nod.
“Such a goddamn slut, Lestat,” Louis tells him, something like affection or amusement in his voice. 
Lestat makes some sound like a whimper before he pulls off and pants up at Louis with a dazed look on his face.
“Say it again,” Lestat begs him. “Please, I love to hear you say it.”
Louis sits up from where he’s sunk deeper into his chair, leaning over Lestat to get right in his face. Lestat’s chest heaves with every breath, his gaze flickering back and forth between Louis’ eyes and his mouth.
“You’re a slut,” Louis says again, and a small moan pushes past Lestat’s lips before he surges forward to kiss him.
The kiss is short, but deep and passionate, Louis’ tongue pushing past Lestat’s teeth as he cups his face between his palms. 
“Fuck me,” Lestat begs when he pulls away, his voice high and needy as he wrinkles the front of Louis’ suit with desperate fingers. “Over your desk, come on.”
Louis nods and Lestat jumps to his feet immediately, revealing for the first time how hard he is pressed against the tight fabric of his jeans. 
That must be painful, Armand thinks, feeling the throbbing of his own cock like a distant ache—easy to ignore with his attention so firmly placed on the scene in front of him.
Lestat is about to shove everything on Louis’ desk to the floor with a blind sweep of his arm, but Louis’ hand suddenly shoots out to stop him.
“Watch the pictures,” Louis reprimands him, softer than Armand would have thought he’d be. 
Armand almost expects Lestat to laugh, but instead he pauses to look at the small cluster of frames for a moment, a sentimental smile on his face. He reaches out to collect them from the desk with care before turning back around and reaching up to caress Louis’ cheek.
“Apologies, mon ange,” he whispers, barely audible to Armand’s ears. “They are precious memories indeed.”
Louis leans in to kiss him again, the pictures in Lestat’s hand caught between their bodies. When he pulls away, Louis takes them from Lestat and sets them down on top of a row of books on the bookshelf behind him.
With the pictures safe and out of the way, the heat begins to build between them once more, fueled by hungry kisses and lingering touches. Papers and other office accoutrement flutter to the floor as Louis presses Lestat back against its shiny wooden surface. 
Lestat is the one to break the kiss, spinning slowly around to press his ass against Louis’ groin. He looks over his shoulder as he reaches for his own belt, holding Louis’ gaze as he frees the leather from its buckle with practiced fingers and slides his jeans off his hips.
Armand catches a glimpse of his flushed, pink cock, nestled between golden curls and glistening at the tip, before Lestat bends over the desk until his chest hits the wood. He pillows his head on his own folded arms, making himself comfortable.
Louis is breathing hard as he pushes Lestat’s t-shirt up his back, tracing the knots of his spine with a tease of his fingers before he turns his attention elsewhere. He kicks Lestat’s feet a little further apart and spreads his cheeks with both hands.
“This is new,” Louis says, one hand dropping down to toy with something between Lestat’s legs. 
With his head resting on his folded arms, Armand can see Lestat smirk wickedly. 
“Do you like it?” he asks, his voice breathy as he cants his hips back toward Louis’ hand.
“What do you think?” Louis replies.
“I think—” Lestat cuts off with a moan as Louis does something to him Armand can’t see. “I think you should take it out of me already and replace it with something better.”
Louis takes the green pocket square still sitting in his breast pocket and lays it on the desk mat Lestat is sprawled out on before he reaches between his legs again. Armand watches Lestat bite his lip as Louis works behind him and a moment later Louis places a fairly large stainless steel butt plug down on top of his pocket square. It rolls slightly once it’s set down, enough that Armand can see the faint glint of an emerald-colored jewel in its base.
His fingers return to Lestat’s hole after that, and Armand can just imagine what he must look like with Louis’ fingers sinking into him, his rim stretched tight as Louis tests how wet and open he is.
“Do you have lube?” Louis asks him, his arm moving as he fucks him gently with his fingers.
“Back pocket,” Lestat answers.
Louis dips out of view as he searches Lestat’s clothes and returns shortly with a small packet of lube. He tears it open between his teeth and slicks himself up with practiced ease before lining up his bare cock with Lestat’s hole. 
Armand can spot the exact moment Louis breaches him because he can see it on Lestat’s face, in the way his mouth drops open on a moan as Louis works his way inside until his hips meet Lestat’s ass and his cock is sheathed entirely inside him. Louis barely gives Lestat a second to adjust before he starts to fuck him, one hand curled around Lestat’s hip and the other splayed against his back, pressing his chest flat against the desk.
Armand watches the movements of their bodies with fascination as the room fills with their moans and the obscene sound of skin against skin. In spite of everything, it is difficult to ignore how beautiful the two of them look together—Lestat’s wild blonde curls bouncing with every thrust of Louis’ hips, his knuckles white where they grip the far edge of the desk, and Louis’ beautiful face drawn in quiet pleasure as he chases his orgasm in the tight, clutching heat of Lestat’s body.
After a while, Louis’ hand drops from Lestat’s hips to reach lower, presumably to wrap around his cock if the way Lestat moans sharply a moment later is any indication.
“Louis,” Lestat whines, an edge of urgency in his voice. 
“What is it, cher?” Louis asks with a tenderness Armand isn’t expecting. 
“‘M gonna come,” Lestat announces, Louis’ hips shoving him harder against the desk with every word, no doubt dragging his cock in and out of Louis’ tight grip.
“‘Course you are,” Louis says, before leaning down close, his lips to Lestat’s ear. He whispers something to him then, his hips slowing to a dirty grind, and Armand can’t hear what he’s saying, but the combination of his words and how deep he is inside him has Lestat’s face contorting with scandalized delight.
Lestat’s entire body tenses a moment later with the force of his orgasm, his flushed expression one of total ecstasy. Louis seems to follow him over the edge, shoving himself as deep as he can get as he releases quietly inside him, his face buried in the crook of Lestat’s neck.
They stay locked together for a minute or so, Louis draped across Lestat’s back as they regain their breath. Once he’s come down a bit, Louis straightens up and reaches for the plug he’d taken out of him, which had miraculously not rolled off the desk. With it in hand, he at last pulls slowly out of Lestat, and in almost the same instant replaces his cock with cold, hard metal, plugging Lestat full of his come.
“Fuck,” Lestat whines, no doubt squirming from the sudden change in temperature.
They each pull their pants back up—Louis first and then Lestat as he begins to regain the use of his limbs—and once Louis has tucked himself away he collapses backward into his chair with an exhausted sigh.
“How was that, professor?” Lestat asks, his voice rough as he turns around and boldly climbs into Louis’ lap, his thighs spread across his hips. 
“A for effort,” Louis replies, his arms coming around him without hesitation and reciprocating the kiss Lestat presses to his mouth.
“From the look on your face, I’d say I’ve earned an A for more than just effort,” Lestat says in a low, sultry voice when he pulls away. He strokes manicured fingers down the front of Louis’ shirt, smoothing down the rumpled fabric. “In fact, my husband tells me I’m the best he’s ever had.”
HUSBAND? Armand’s eyes widen in disbelief.
“Does he now?” Louis asks, unperturbed by this revelation, but Armand barely hears it, his mind still stuck on the fact that Louis is sleeping with his student who is also a married man. 
Do the ethical problems with this situation never cease?
“Mhmm,” Lestat hums, pulling Louis into another kiss and then another. 
“Wasn’t too mean, was I?” Louis asks him when they part.
Lestat laughs against Louis’ cheek. “No, mon cher, you were perfect.”
They kiss a while longer, utterly absorbed in one another until Louis catches sight of the clock on the wall.
“Shit, it’s late,” Louis says, pushing Lestat’s chest gently to urge him off his lap. “We gotta go.”
Lestat pouts, but doesn’t argue, slipping off of Louis’ lap with preternatural grace and offering him a hand. As Louis takes it and stands, his eyes catch on something in Armand’s general direction. His brow furrows as he rounds the desk and walks to the other side of the room, his eyes cast down at the floor.
Specifically, at the rug Armand had nearly tripped over in his haste to get to the closet. 
The rug, which Armand can now see in the dim light, has one of its corners flipped up.
The pit of Armand’s stomach drops out from under him.
“What is it?” Lestat asks impatiently, waiting for him at the door now.
Louis gives the room a cursory glance before he walks over and uses the toe of his shoe to flip the rug’s corner back into place.
“Nothing,” he says. “Come on, let’s go.”
They both head out the open door, turning out the light before they close it behind them, leaving Armand trembling in the dark.
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hekateinhell · 2 years
♡ + Armand/Daniel in Our House
omg I'm excited, I have so much lore for them I haven't written into the fic yet! Our House is my Armand/Daniel human AU in case none of this makes sense 🫣🫣🫣
• Who is the most affectionate?
In public, it's Armand 100%. He does not know the meaning of the term 'boundaries.' From day one he was all up in Daniel's business, the most possessive and territorial body language you've ever seen -- almost like a guard dog with its owner. Arm around his waist or clinging to the crook of his elbow. Armand's always one 'overly flirtatious look from the cute college barista aimed at Daniel' away from baring his teeth and hissing.
In private, Armand doesn't feel the need to put on such a show and his clinginess manifests more as cuddling into Daniel's side and curling into his lap at any given opportunity. He spent most of his early life in an orphanage before The Bad Stuff™️, so he's been touch starved with only a couple exceptions over the years and he's making up for the lost time.
• Who initiates the handholding?
Armand prefers to hang on directly to a limb like it's an anchor, so it's actually Daniel that will attempt to initiate the handholding not only to give himself more freedom of motion (RIP) but also to remind Armand that he's aware of his needs and he's trying (and wants) to meet them.
• Who worries more for the other?
LOL. Daniel, bless him. Being married to Armand right now is fucking stressful. 🤧
• Who is more likely to ask for help?
Neither of them, things have to get pretty bad before they get there. They're both used to being independent and having to survive shitty environments with minimal support, so it's hard to recognize when it's time for 'Hey, I need help.'
That being said, Daniel was the one to enforce the condition that Armand begin therapy if they were going to move forward as a couple and he did do AA -- so I guess Daniel. His American mentality was much more open to it as well, versus Armand's Eastern European mindset. It took Armand a minute and it was essentially a gun-to-his-head type situation; he is rather fond of Dr. Lydia now though.
• Who is the one always losing the keys?
Daniel. He has about 20 different things to worry about on any given day, and keys are just not one of them. Thankfully Armand's OCD comes into effect here and he always has a spare and a spare-spare, as well as a spare-spare-spare that he's wedged under a loose brick by the window near the fire escape.
So best case scenario if Armand's not home, Daniel will ideally scale up five flights of the fire escape, retrieve the keys, then go back down and enter through the doors like a civilized person. In reality, he totally jiggles that window open with his pocket knife like a burglar. It upsets the cats; the neighbors are used to it, happens at least once every 2-3 months.
• Who leaves little love notes for the other?
He's old-fashioned like that and slips a Post-It into Daniel's backpack with either some obscure darkly romantic line from a poem that's mildly unsettling, or something superficially innocent like 'I think I'm ovulating today... xxx A'.
Anyone accidentally glimpsing that on Daniel's desk when it tumbles out as he's rummaging between notebooks and his laptop wouldn't be too surprised, unless they knew Daniel was married to a man and if he wasn't presently blushing red like a tomato from his face to his shirt collar.
• Who can't sleep unless the other is there?
Armand, no one's shocked. He's an incredibly deep sleeper but he has the worst time actually falling asleep if Daniel isn't home (i.e., visiting his family). He usually ends up curled underneath a blanket on the couch with the TV on in the background, more passing in and out of consciousness due to exhaustion than really sleeping, with the cats on his chest and his belly.
Daniel noticed early on during their sleepovers that Armand tends to deep sleep in the fetal position with his arms curled against his chest as if he were holding something. Naturally, Daniel sort of awkwardly/very sweetly gifted him a little stuffed animal so Armand had something to hold when he's not around -- Armand has slept with it every night since. Daniel doesn't travel alone unless it's extenuating circumstances.
• Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Technically, Armand looked that man in the eye mid-fuck in the men's room with his back pressed up against the wall, knees to his shoulders, and announced in complete and utter seriousness within an entire month of dating: 'You're going to marry me.'
To which Daniel, twenty-four years old, in a state of perpetual horniess combined with a healthy smidgen of fear, responded: 'Yeah sure, baby... fuck... You close?'
• Who introduced the other to their family first?
Armand doesn't have any living family, so Daniel.
His parents were superficially nice until it became obvious Armand was fucking their son in a decidedly homoerotic fashion. Armand tries not to let on how much it hurts because he understands the fraught relationship Daniel has with his parents, but it cuts deep because he always hoped if he was fortunate enough to fall in love again, his partner's family would become his own.
He is close to Daniel's baby sister, Caroline. She's too young for Armand to really talk to her about much, but they do text often and she always looks forward to spending a week at 'Danny and Army's' in Brooklyn when Daniel flies her up during semester break to get her out of their parent's house.
• Who is more likely to play with the other's hair?
Daniel loves getting his hands tangled up in Armand's hair, especially when he lets it let long and unruly. Daniel's a fidgety guy when he's working through something in his head (a story, a crisis, why none of the movies Armand loves ever seem to make any sense), and twirling Armand's hair and boinging his curls is a fun tactile distraction.
• Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
They both do this. Armand tends to neglect himself when he's depressed and Daniel neglects himself when he's stressed. Armand's big thing is making sure Daniel eats 'like a person.' Daniel's big thing is making sure Armand does basic things like get out of bed, drink water, eat something, anything.
When things get bad, bad, but the show has to go on (i.e., Daniel can't quit his job and life to force-fed Armand a cracker and juice), they implement a simple 'you have to do X by 11am and text me you've completed X' system. It might not work for everyone, but it appeals to Armand's desire to please his husband and receive praise, and it's a small measure of accountability.
• Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
I think they're equally feral and protective when it comes down to it. Because he knows Armand's past, Daniel is already to go to bat at the slightest provocation.
Armand once took a bite out of a guy for calling Daniel a slur when they were out in public. Yes, Armand does have a somewhat impressive rap sheet.
• Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Daniel can't keep a secret to save his life. As soon as Armand even raises an eyebrow at him, he's in stitches -- no poker face, zero composure.
Armand lives to plan surprise parties and the Big Romantic Gestures that take at least a month and a $1, 000 to pull off.
• Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Daniel, and he takes it so seriously. Armand thinks it's childishly charmingly and it gives him butterflies when Daniel crushes his much smaller pinkie against his.
• Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Armand -- he knows Daniel worries a lot between him and his family and all his editorial deadlines so when he passes out on the couch approximately 10 minutes after dinner, Armand carefully removes his glasses, kisses his forehead, and tucks him in with the rainbow afghan Daniel's granny knitted him decades ago and he's been lugging around ever since he left for college.
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torishasupremacy · 4 years
cobra kai season 3 spoilers!!
so I finished watching cobra kai season 3 and as I went I wrote down some thoughts so here they are! under the cut because it got pretty long
Episodes 1-4
soccer fight was hilarious but why did only the miyagi kids got in trouble
nooo why’d hawk beat up the little kid “he kicked the shit out of me” was such a funny line tho
i would die for kumiko she’s so fucking pretty in those flashbacks especially
danny and johnny had major couple energy when looking for robby holy shit
love whatever’s going on w louie and anouche
mr miyagi is so short??
glad the hate toward sam is getting addressed i feel bad for her
ok didn’t expect miguel to hate johnny like that damn i think ppl are blaming him too much when he says “show mercy” he’s not expecting his son to paralyze miguel??
kreese backstory what what??
omg I feel bad for tory she’s def got anger issues but she’s in such a rough situation as much as I hate him I’m glad kreese was able to get that perv off her back
also sam moon and tory are so pretty, moon was ROCKING that car wash look
so I guess piper doesn’t exist huh
demetri and hawk as enemies is entertaining but I wish they were friends
what is that guy who keeps bullying robbys deal it’d be crazy if kreese paid him to mess w him to drive him to kreese
danny intimidating robbys old friends and then johnny beating them up was hysterical
so they can’t find a place for aisha in the story but they can for yasmeen??? excuse me?? everyone check ‘aisha leaving the school and moving away’ off their season three bingo cards
the mr miyagi letter was so sweet my heart
i wanna go to japaaaaaaaan (i was gonna go last summer but covid)
im glad johnny and danny are trying really hard to be there for robby even if it’s not working out thank god danny apologized but when robby said he couldn’t change I was like noooooooo my boy
the middle finger on the contract amanda larusso is a damn legend can’t wait for her to slap kreese
i don’t give a fuck about tom cole fuck off
i heard a rumor that there would be more queer rep in this season so where the fuck is it bring piper back
“it feels good to talk about it” sir please go to therapy
demetri is being a little shit but hawk is being an asshole so I guess it cancels out 
aww man that scene with bert and the hamster.. hawks face during that was so funny tho he really said :o
if they create a love triangle between kumiko danny and amanda I’m gonna have some issues
aww I’m glad that shannon is trying to be there for robby even in rehab
there’s no way that octopus card actually exists right
bro the difference between johnny and danny w the bullying and everything was shown so well when johnny was beating up that guy and danny was like no!!
“i heard you were the real bully” sir shut the fuck up who fucking cares it was 30 years ago and also you’re wrong 
Episodes 5-6
everything ab chozen was so good. the mutual respect, karate cousins, forgiveness, tHE HONK
the good coming back to danny was so well written my family was tearing up
they fucking broke demetris arm holy shit hawk 
tory and miguel’s relationship ended pretty lamely 
wish hawk had fought kyler but it was actually kinda cool for kyler to be like oh shit this guy is scary
COBRA KAI = TANG SOO DO i literally yelped and pointed at the screen when that was revealed bECAUSE THATS THE STYLE I TRAIN IN HOLY SHIT
kreeses war backstory is actually really interesting. terry silver cameo! if we’ve got johnny obviously in s1 and then karate rival number two chozen in the third season we gotta get silver in there at some point right? anyways I kinda like young kreese except I fear being in any kind of military situation so it’s kinda hard to watch
an edit after watching the finale: i fucking called that
so did kreese kill armands nephew or uhhhhhh
anouche jumping into larry’s arms god that was incredible 
everyone acted like that snake was a bomb just get a long stick or step on it but actually don’t do that I like snakes
i feel so bad for sam she’s really struggling with panic attacks and stuff I feel like danny is gonna train her in pressure point stuff so she can wreck cobra Kai
miguel at the concert!! miguel standing up bc he got mad at johnny!! Let him be happy again please
robby and the bully guy gaining respect for one another yes
robby blowing off kreese was fantastic loved that
please someone check on my boy demetri he was in so much pain :(
did hawk always have a grim reaper tattoo?? where is his mother?? ... I want a mohawk so bad you guys have no idea
“did you date me to get back at some” girl he was literally creating a “let’s get back together” video for her when you asked him out im sorry but you should’ve know he wasn’t over his ex going into the relationship. he still shouldn’t have kissed sam while dating tory but didn’t tory know she was the rebound??
i like the balance theyre using w sam’s character, she’s not a doormat and wants to fight back but she still has trauma surrounding tory 
Episodes 7-8
surprised tory and robby didn’t fight (because thats something i was hoping for) but the way they set it up made sense. really hoping they don’t become a couple I don’t see the chemistry and the last thing we need is another love triangle 
the adults were a mess at that meeting thank god miguel and sam jumped in and made excellent points ab bullying and how their voices mattered most
noooo poor robby seems to walk in at the worst of times 
I’m glad danny and johnny are trying to be there for robby but it’s no wonder he doesn’t want anything to do with them
when is danny gonna teach sam those immobilizing moves huh??
glad that they took sam’s mental health really seriously but im surprised that danny was never like hey you seem pretty traumatized let’s get you a therapist 
god that scene w tory drowning sam was so startling thank god it was a dream
there was so much sexual tension between danny and johnny before robby came out of juvie my brother yelled NOW KISS (in front of our parents) I think he ships them
why did amanda go and hand that random guy lemonade he takes one sip hands it back to her and leave that was such a weird way to get her in the scene
robby joining cobra kai hooooo boy I think hawk is gonna have a lot to say about that
also yasmin and demetri is such a weird pair but they’re pretty entertaining
bring moon piper and Aisha back please 
eagle fang is such a bad name johnny better get cobra kai back soon
so is the rumor that 3 ppl are gonna die in this season true or
i honestly didn’t want sam and miguel to get back together but now that it’s happening it’s pretty cute
miguel got over his injuries pretty quickly which is good for the story but I still feel like cobra kai is ignoring the realities of disabilities again 
hawk is such an asshole I can’t wait for his redemption arc
im sooooo ready for the arc with kreese to be resolved but he does such a good job of being a villain. the close up smirk when robby entered the dojo literally had everyone in my family screaming
johnny and carmen really went for it huh... that was painful to watch
my dad and i are debating ab whether the final all valley fight will be sam v tory or sam v robby, he thinks sam v robby but im really hoping for sam v tory 
honestly I’m surprised miguel wasn’t mad at robby for paralyzing him but I guess they didn’t have much time to talk ab that. miguel was kinda kissing robbys gf so I guess it balances out?? as in its dysfunctional on both sides
yasmin writing on demetris cast was fucking hilarious amazing save not sure why he had to be on the floor for that scene
robby trying to fight miguel like he wasn’t on probation and had already landed the guy in the damn hospital 
johnny training kids in the park is amazing that’s where I train w my karate class since we can’t be inside 
i still don’t know which one is chris and which one is mitch
can hawks posse please get some names and exposition I’m tired of them being nothing but props for the story 
i thought there was gonna be more queer rep this season but guess not
robbys whole predicament is making me saaaaaaad
also I want more tory backstory let us see her brother and mom!!
you know that guy that kept beating up robby in juvie? what the fuck was his deal
yknow things might’ve gone a lot better if johnny and danny took sam with them to pick up robby seriously did they just let him walk home?? where is he staying??
“how long does facebook take to deliver messages” johnny ur killing me here
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