#armor symbiont
kirbodirbo · 6 months
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fantasyfantasygames · 2 months
Space Rampage
Space Rampage, Jack Spellington, 1997
Did you know there was going to be an Eve Online RPG at one point? That link has a thread with basically all the info you're going to get. There's a Twilight Imperium RPG if you like your games inspired by rules-heavy board games instead of rules-heavy MMOs.
Now imagine if someone decided to make a rules-heavy MMO into an RPG... that was also designed for a dozen or more players.
Space Rampage was designed for semi-competitive play at conventions, with games of 6-8 hours being standard. Jack Spellington (pseudonym), the creator, was of the opinion that the game worked best with 15 players across 3 tables. Each table's players tried to advance their civilization's cause in a set of mini-adventures. There was opportunity for alliances with other tables, and even characters shifting from one table to another as part of an alliance or through treachery. The game required a LOT of GM prep, especially when it came to keeping the tables in sync temporally.
Characters were kept simple: Body, Mind, and Charisma scores, percentile roll-under. Percentile skills in 12 different areas, starting at base stat -50% and going up to +50%. This simplicity is good, because every damn thing in the game added on top of those. You had weapons, armor, land vehicles, spaceships, bionics, symbionts, and more, all with their own 3 stats (except symbionts, which had 2 but also 6 new skills). It was good having unified mechanics. Some things really did call out for their own subsystems rather than getting squished into percentile roll-under.
Space Rampage was inspired by a much earlier game: Spaceward Ho! (the exclamation point is obligatory), which came out in 1990. SH! is a 4x game from before the term "4x" became common. You build ships, send them out to establish colonies where you build more ships, and eventually fight your rival civilizations. SH! has a lot of things I really like, and apparently I'm not alone - it's in the Macworld Games Hall of Fame. Space Rampage started development in 1991, but Master of Orion came out on Mac in 1995 and that resulted in some heavy revisions and major additions. SR was run at gaming conventions across the Chicago area about 2-3 times a year, plus a monthly playtest group.
There's no art in Space Rampage unless you really, really like data tables. The game never made it out of the three-ring binder format, but the ones I've seen do say "version 1.1", so Jack apparently considered it the finished version.
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girlballs · 11 months
What's Zetian Type's plot?
local woman has the worst three days at work of her life, in space
no okay so the actual plot. the year is 2X27; Karim Orti (player character, hot milf, has an arm cannon) is in the far edge of the Milky Way trying to prevent some parasitic interdimensional bird aliens (the Arvokel) from turning planets into breeding grounds that they can use to stage a full infestation of the galaxy.
she's already cleaned out one planet (Zetia, where she obtained the eponymous Zetian Type powered armor from some nearly-extinct helpful wasp aliens) and has tracked some Arvokel stragglers to a second planet, Kuraseri, which has been heavily fortified by the Arvokel's genetically engineered vassal species, the Dekauten (crab people who take on larval Arvokel as symbionts). so Karim's job becomes untangling the sprawling tangled knot of this Dekauten military outpost so she can clear the way to the underground incubation areas used by the Arvokel and hopefully wipe them out for good, while also navigating the parts of the planet that have been sucked into an alternate dimension (kind of a light world/dark world situation)
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titanicfreija · 1 year
"Why do you already sound angry?"
"You are extremely sensitive to these things."
"Alright, but what's wrong? Do you need help?"
"Are you okay? If you give Sunny coordinates, she can--"
".... yes?"
"Do you understand what protocols you have breached in your conversations with me?"
".... no? I thought you liked that part."
"I do. However, for all Sunny's complaints of swearing, one of the only truly offensive things you have done was call my order 'sadistic'."
"... oh, shit--I'm so sorry--"
"I knew you would do that. Stop."
"I didn't mean to...."
"Could you be any more childish?"
"Probably. I just feel bad, I didn't mean-- I just didn't think-- and I've called you a bunch of stuff like that, too, haven't I--"
"You were telling the truth."
"I mean, yeah, but that's--"
"You simply told the truth."
"I made you feel bad, I can hear it!"
"I acted in error and caused harm to a decent woman who has had my back in combat. You are the only person who has been straightforward and honest about the damage. I thank you for this. I do feel guilty for it, but that is for me to address."
"I mean.... I'm... I don't know what to say."
"You are supposed to say, 'you're welcome', but you seem to take issue with the use of this phrase."
".... empress gots jokes. You're welcome...?"
"Sunny, you did not stop her."
"She was telling the truth. Swearing is just excessive.'
"I see."
"I'm still sorry..."
"Would you like to know which thing you have said I found most hurtful? So that you may apologize for it?"
"... this feels like a trick question."
"Once again, you hint at cleverly hidden astuteness. It was when you told me that your flashbacks are no longer hallucinatory."
"You don't forget where you are anymore."
"So you need not be sorry."
"...I have usual nightmares in with the mix. The one where I'm on Mercury without my armor is the running scary dream that wakes me up right now. Mix that one with this Hunter with a shotgun... sorry. Sunny said you were working towards forgiving me. I didn't even think you felt bad."
"I have made many bad decisions. Many times have they hurt and killed friends and loved ones. I regret most of them and mourn all of them. This is not so extreme, fortunately, but it is not how I am accustomed to addressing this issue. I usually know who I am wronging and how. I am prepared to do what must be done. This mistake has had more hidden depths than the lagoons on Torobatl. What I thought equated to the destruction of an intelligent tool became the murder of an obligatory mutual symbiont and by proxy, driving mad a good soldier who gave my father a warrior's end.
"When I let my pride blind me to the dangers, you were the volunteer who came to face my nightmares at their strongest. I responded by treating you to your first nightmare."
"I guess if that's how you're thinking about it, yeah, sounds pretty rotten. I still feel like I'm the reason I pulled the gun on Sunny. Yours is the voice but it got swallowed by the fact that I did it."
"This is not helpful, Guardian."
"I'm no good for this kind of thing. Tell me about the Torobatl lagoons. If they're anything like the murals on the Leviathan, I have a starting point. Sunny said you guys are aquatic?"
"Are you attempting to distract me?"
"Will it still work if I say yes?"
"Yes. Thank you, Guardian."
"say it!"
"You're welcome."
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v-l-d-s · 1 year
The Symbiont
Though most warlocks forge pacts with distant, intangible entities, your patron is a physical being of incomprehensible power—a being which dwells inside your very body. This arrangement was struck in the spirit of symbiosis: your patron, which resembles a muscular, living ichor, requires a mortal dwelling, and you in turn may profit from its magic. You can even draw your patron out from where it resides in your blood, causing it to seep forth onto your skin until you are a monstrous hybrid of ichor and man, replete with claws and teeth to rend your foes asunder.
EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Symbiont lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
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SYMBIOTIC TRANSFORMATION Starting when you choose this patron at 1st level, you can draw out your Symbiont, which proceeds to coat your body in a living slime exoskeleton. You can undergo this transformation or reverse it as a bonus action on your turn. While transformed, you can’t cast spells, but transforming doesn’t break your concentration or prevent you from taking actions that are part of a spell that you’ve already cast. While transformed, you gain the following benefits: The Flesh. Your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. The Claws. You sprout a set of wicked claws, which you can use as natural melee weapons to make claw attacks. You have proficiency in your claw attacks and can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength, for their attack and damage rolls. On a hit, your claws deal 1d8 slashing damage, which counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. If you later gain the Pact of the Blade feature, your claws count as pact weapons for warlock class features. Extra Attack. Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice with your claws, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
TRAUMATIC REND Starting at 6th level, you can rake your foe’s eyes with your claws to discourage its attacks. When you hit a creature with your claws twice on your turn, you can make an additional attack using your claws against the target. On a hit, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the start of your turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
LIFEDRAIN By 10th level, your parasitic patron can draw life from those around you. While you are conscious, whenever you deal damage to a hostile creature using your claws, you regain 1d4 hit points.
VIOLENCE AFTER DEATH Beginning at 14th level, if you should fall in combat, your Symbiont shall keep fighting. If you drop to 0 hit points while transformed with your Symbiotic Transformation, you do not fall prone or begin making death saving throws until the end of your next turn. Instead, your Symbiont controls your actions, acting as if you were not unconscious, attacking any hostile creatures it sees. If you take any damage while at 0 hit points, you instantly fall unconscious and suffer one death saving throw failure. At the end of your next turn, you collapse and begin to make death saving throws as normal.
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misslionfigther · 2 years
VENOMLIKE QUIRK for Himiko Toga.
Lately I have been thinking of a way to make Toga stronger when it come to fighting. I love her transformation Quirk and the possibility of her using others quirks but I think they nerfed that ability a little bit by her needing an emotional connection to the person she is drinking blood. Which is OK, it also make it more special character wise but it also mean she would have to fight more often with her knifes enemies that cool destroy her in a minute. She is practically fighting Quirkless. So I have an idea but is possible that I am making it to OP.
My idea started by making her Quirk be sentient almost like Dark Shadow. I also draw inspiration from werewolf fanfic in which sometimes they have to live with the wolf inside of them and can communicate with the beast. Toga gives me vampire/predator/beast vibes even more if her Quirk make her have like the instinct to "hunt" for blood and drink the blood from the people she love. Very vampire like. It can also serve like a second personality that urge her to use her Quirk and "feed".
However, Im taking my inspiration in Venom from Marvel, the bird powers of the Manga Birdmen, and even the abilities of Power from Chainsaw Man. But after reading more about the Symbiontes ability and their appearances I think is easier to just use Venom as the inspiration since it does practically what the Birdmen do. Also the thirst for blood is literally a Venom thing.
So with this in mind I am imagine Toga with a Symbionte as her Quirk. When she active her Quirk she becomes "Venom" and in that form she can transform and manipulate its biomass to: design her "suit" (whether is a classical superhero suit/armor or make it look more demonic like and looking like an actual beast), make her have more muscles, create claws and meele weapons, tentacles with needles, wings, be able to stick to wall. And her actual power to turn into other people not matter the size, I also include animals.
Almost like Venom, she can cure some of her wounds, can hold inside of it small things that don't weight much (like her clothes, purse, knifes or even a blood tank) and has enhanced physical ability while she wears the suit, like speed, agility, strength, resistance, flexibility, not to the level of All Might, The Flass, and Superman and others whose actual superpower is that enhanced ability, but enough to make her punches a real challenge and hurt a lot as well as having resistance to take to the punch. That enhanced physical ability, can explain how agile she is in canon and how she was able resist the explosion while fighting Curious. Her speed could be also the explanation why sometimes she can pass undetected.
Her weaknesses are the ultrasonic waves that make her lose her enhanced strength, speed, etc. Also just like Power from Chainsaw Man and Toga in Canon, her Quirk is fule by blood. Meaning she might be able to use all this cool things if she has drunk big quantities of blood. Maybe with actual training and experience she could use all her abilities with just a cup but until then she run out of blood pretty quickly so long battles are another of her weakness. In order to fight long battles she has to stick with one tipe of transformation or rely on her enhancements. The more she transformed he biomass more blood she burn. Like in Canon she can only turn into the people she has drunk their blood, the same can be said for the animals. The more she has to chance her size, more energy she would need. The forms that take the less effort from the less to just a little more are : some blood red brackets for her teeth, making a Venomlike mask, turning into "Venom" and/or make a knife or needle to suck blood. More things like decorating the suit, make "spider webs" or even wings to fly, as well as using the quicks of those she have an emotional connection, would break the transformation quickly. Running out of blood would first break transformation if she was in one but still be able to be in Venom form, later she might lose her Venom form but still have a little bit of enhancements without it, later she would not have any type of power but can still communicate with it. However, if she stays without drinking blood for a long period of time like weeks, month... can be bad for her health from having anemia, fainting, can cause pain on her limbs, her Quirk can end up sucking her glucose, fat... Maybe acting like a kind of Diabetes I. Eating can help a little bit but not much. However, she can do it the other way around, where she can sustain herself with only drinking blood since the Symbionte also heal her health problems. Which means this girl have been surviving in the streets by sucking the blood from her victims like and actual vampire. She can't be stuck drinking blood for a long time or daily, since she can end up found by heroes, so the moment she can drink, she has to drink how much she can. It can end her killing her prey in the process or being only able to drink a little bit and run, so she is unable to fill her "blood tank" making her only able to use the basic or her Quirk having to rely in only the enhancements and is always running hungry. The more hungry she is the less she can control her Venomlike personality and is running by instinct. This Quirk also make her more sensitive to the smell of blood and the taste being able to track and distinguish people one from the other.
In other words, Toga has a Venomlike symbiote that is the physical manifestación of her Quirk and also a mix between a second personality and her basc instincts. Like survival, reproductive, protective, possessive instincts. And Toga can communicate with it in her mind constantly. It urge Toga to act violent but can also show loyalty and be protective.
I think it can be a really versatile Quirk but since it run by blood. I don't think is to OP since she can't fight for long or do to many things at the same time.
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feelinkeeli · 3 years
Legends Rancor were what!?
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[Image desceiption: a screenshot from wookipedia's Dathomir (Legends) page quoting "The fact that the rancors were semi-sentient often came as a surprise to unsuspecting offworlders. It is not clear whether they had made any independent progress towards basic tokens of civilization like kindled fire or shaped tools, and their social system and lifestyle were little different from those of many nonsentient animals: matriarchal herds led by herd-mothers roamed the landscape, hunting live prey for food. But they passed on their clan histories from generation to generation, and when they formed a symbiont circle with the planet's Human population in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic, they adopted basic armor and weapons. Under the New Republic, Tosh, herd-mother of the rancor group, associated with the Human Singing Mountain Clan, learned to read and write, and began to pass on this skill to the other rancors of her herd."]
That... is not semisentient. That is full on sentient.
Wow, Rancors are awesome in Legends.
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velcoriaexploration · 3 years
893 Things
The symbiont, when it finds a host, it usually forms a psuedoparasitic relationship with them. This can happen in a number of ways.
The two can merge, 893 effectively becoming their nervous system and immune system while connected. Most sapient hosts who have experienced this have noted a slight pinch as it initially drills into the spinal cord. It would probably be more painful, but the pain signals are diverted through it instead after the initial connection. The ability to also have some extra limbs that sprout from the hardened mass at the sight are a plus too, if not a bit grotesque.
893 can effectively become ablative armor for its host entity.
Or it simply acts as a companion, taking the role of a cleaner/pet around foreign entities unless it feels it necessary to protect it’s benefactor.
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shadowron · 3 years
Bionetics & Bioware in Shadowtech for Shadowrun (1st Edition). Circulatory System.
Odds are you likely skip past sections like this in sourcebooks, head right to the pages where you can get new gadgets stuffed into your character’s body to get some extra initiative dice. But it is helpful to understand how the pieces of bioware work the way they do, whether as a player and you want to trick your gamemaster into allowing you to get both muscle augmentation on top of muscle replacement, or as a GM to prevent that.
First up, the circulatory system and something runners are intimately familiar with – blood. The heart pumps oxygenated blood outward through arteries and intakes deoxygenated blood from veins. Also included here is a component of the musculoskeletal system – bone marrow – which is responsible for the creation of new blood cells.
Platelet Factory
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Platelets (thrombocytes) are responsible for blood clotting when wounded, and the factory ramps up platelet production, helping wounds heal faster. In game, the character takes one less box of damage for Moderate or higher wounds (Moderate would be 2 instead of 3, Serious 5 instead of 6, Deadly 9 instead of 10).
Wiz, right? The downside is an increased risk of thrombosis – the creation of blood clots within the body which can block blood vessels and generally cause problems. Problems like cardiac arrest (heart stopping) or aneurysm which deliver simultaneous Deadly Physical and Mental wounds to the character… unless they take a daily anticoagulant cocktail (20-25¥/dose depending upon whether it’s injected or taken as an oral pill). A GM could have a lot of fun with this if the Street Samurai forgets to take his morning medicine.
Is it worth it? This is one of two pieces of bioware that directly reduce the amount of damage taken from an attack (the other being the trauma damper, which we will see in the section on the nervous system), something that no other cyberware or external armor does. If you are in campaign that thrives on subtlety and dermal armor is too conspicuous, the platelet factory combined with orthoskin is a good way to stay safe.
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Not to be confused with symbionts.
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Also not to be confused with the Klyntar.
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These are much less exciting – tailored microorganisms injected into the bloodstream that decreases healing time from wounds. If your team doesn’t have a mage or shaman with healing magic and you need to heal up in the middle of an adventure instead of the end of the adventure, then these are for you. Just be sure to bring extra snacks.
Not in real life – for your character. Every level of symbiotes increases the characters need for calories every day, so they have either eat all the time or take yet another tailored nutritional supplement.
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Available in a variety of flavors.
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This is not, as the name might suggest, a synthetic (artificial) heart (which was first successfully used in 1982), but instead enhanced heart muscle (myocardium) that allow the heart to pump more strongly – in game, this gives extra dice to Athletics skill rolls and anything related to cardiac function.
Like if you have a platelet factory and you left your anticoagulant pills in your other Armor Jacket.
Can we pause here and note that bionetics, as presented here, would have a much greater impact on society than just a few extra dice for your runners. Because do you notice what’s missing from those extra pills and supplements listed above?
Immunosuppressants that are normally required when you have transplant surgery, so that your body doesn’t reject the foreign organ.
So, forget about your shadowrunner – this means your shadowrunner’s uncle Harold can get that kidney transplant without having to wait for years on a donor list. The ability to grow gene-matched organs for patients without having to wait inordinate amounts of time and without the need for a lifetime with a compromised immune system is a leap forward in medical care on par with when surgeons realized they should wash their damn hands between patients.
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ranger weapons 2017
part 6 Tommy Oliver... Two versions so it can your headcannon, wheter Tommy would’ve been man, woman, nonbinary or trans XD
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The dragon dagger is a broken piece of Rita’s staff, the gold like a symbionte cover and repairs the green ranger armor.
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5lazarus · 4 years
Trektober 2020, Day 7: Interspecies Relationship
Dax has a very different definition of "forever" than Worf.
Sex is easy, love is different. Dax is passionate, curious, reckless. Jadzia is a bit more hesitant, but more romantic than any of Dax’s previous hosts. Fucking Worf in the Holodeck was an easy, obvious decision. Marriage is completely different. Klingons are intense, Dax knows this, but he is expecting forever and Sto-Vo-Kor and her forever may never have an afterlife, and once Jadzia finishes Dax will not return, they don’t do forever on Trill. Trills only negotiate this lifetime, this person, this version, as the symbiont wants. Right now, Dax wants Worf, for Jadzia, for her lifetime, or at least the duration of the war. But Worf wants forever, and after forever, and he is supremely confident he will get it. The Klingons killed their gods: so of course they can get forever too. Jadzia watches him sleep and wonders if Dax would stay if the sex wasn’t so good. She’s bruised, elated, totally fucked out and exhausted and at peace with the world, in the little bubble that is their bed during the Dominion War. She traces the thick lines of his shoulders, more armored than hers. Trills aren’t built for battle. He’s a shitty dad, and she pities Alexander, who takes every excuse to stay away since his disastrous stint on the Enterprise. They shouldn’t have children, which is a pity, because Dax is a wonderful parent. She smiles sadly. She has always enjoyed leaving pieces of herself for others to find. Kahn forced her to obey the Rejoining law, but children are a way to perpetually meet oneself, and Dax does like to know herself. The zhian’tara is always a thrill. Jadzia leans over Worf and bites his ear, gently at first, then harder until he responds sleepily. Klingons have greater pain resistance, too. She murmurs, “I hope you’re nice to my next host, Worf. That’s the only way I can promise you forever.” Worf murmurs sleepily, “I love you,” and turns back over. He is very sweet, even when he is honorable, sometimes especially when he is being honorable. She smiles and settles down next to him, back to sleep.
read more at my @trektober-challenge, Open Mic at Quark’s!
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coe-lilium · 4 years
Who is your oldest OC that you still keep in mind?
Once upon a time (I was around 12 or so) I made an Inuyasha OC with the oh-so-Japanese name of Zoey (I know, I know), I think she was supposed to be one of the main villain underlings when I played with my baby sister and her own made up characters.
Fast forward to 2009 and I reuse her name, physical appearance and the “strongly connected to the villain” concept to fuse her with another character, this one fully original, of whom I was at the time very fond (still am, in a way) but thought would never truly work in the story I was baking up because she was too good and had no decent flaws to speak of.  
Cue birth of Zoey “Zes” Lewis Arconte, warrior mage and Devil’ symbiont. Went under yet more minor changes as the worldbuilding and setting did (the ethnicity was all over the place until I settled for greek-italian just last year) but the core is still the same as it was in 2009 and I love her very much out of all the (frankly too many) characters I’ve made up since high school. 
I strongly doubt I’ll ever publish anything at all, yet I’m still working on her character sheets for design/armor/”fusion-state”etc and think of/work on her stories as a “maybe, someday, something worth of publication”, keeping in check external influences so they dont risk becoming plagiarism, always checking and rechecking og myths and legends instead of retellings, altering things I was fond of once I discover they’ve already been published and have become famous etc etc.            
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hanopka · 4 years
 aft -  butts
-  audial, audio receptor - ear
-  berth, recharge slab - bed, a place to recharge
-  bond - marry. Involves  "spark merging" and possibly a ceremony, or at least personal vows of devotion.
-  cables - muscles. Sometimes refers to an interface cable.
-  calipers - (look up a diagram) a channel of internal “muscles” inside of intakes and valves.
-  chassis - main body, torso
-  CPU - attention span, memory capacity
- coolant - runs through fuel lines (or something?) to reduce overheating. -  cooling fans activate when flustered, like blushing. Used to expel excess heat from the frame and moderate internal temperature.
-  circuits/circuitry - circulatory or cardiovascular system
-  communication link (“comm link” or “comm”) - wireless communications system in which mechs choose a specific radio frequency and use it like a phone line. Can be privately or inclusively broadcasted.
-  cord - a cable with a jack at the end, used for interfacing.
-  digit - finger
-  dentae -  teeth
-  derma, dermal plating - skin, outer armor
-  electromagnetic field (EM field) - (definitely research this, its cool stuff!) An aura. Simply put, it’s the charged particles (electrons) surrounding an object which conducts electricity. When different EM fields come into contact, they slightly alter each other, causing interference of sorts. Using your imagination, you can presume Cybertronians use fields to communicate. Different levels, intensities, amount of charge etc are likely associated with different moods and emotions. EM fields likely expand and contract depending on social and emotional situations. They are essentially someone’s “bubble.” One can feel disturbances in the air around them if another mech brushes against or stands in their field. In a way they are like whiskers, judging spacial awareness and reading energy currents/air currents. It’s fun to make them into a method of emotional communication akin to body language.
-  engine - will rev when excited. Can also growl when angry, sputter when exasperated, etc.
-  frag - v. or n. (opposite of “defragment”) Crude word for “interface.” Also an interjection.
-  frame - whole body
-  frame type - overall shape and style of the Cybertronian’s model. Examples include jet, race car, truck, helicopter, etc
-  fuel pump -  Pumps fuel throughout the body the same way a heart circulates blood.
-  glossa - tongue
-  helm - head
- host/carrier - a frame type which relies on a symbiotic relationship to other mechs (i.e, Soundwave and Blaster).
-  intake, fuel intake - throat
-  interface - v. Two or more mechanisms connecting either physically or mentally, in a manner that is generally perceived to be sexual. (Depends on personal interpretation!)
There are 3 main categories for interfacing, “sticky,”  "plug n’ play,“ and “tactile”.
Sticky interface uses concepts analogous to human anatomy (spike, valve, fluids)
Plug n’ play focuses on a cord/port connection, along with the transfer of energy, files, emotions, and memories.
Tactile interface focuses on physical (and sometimes electrical) touch
Personal suggestion: combine all three!
Colloquial terms for interface include: jack in, plug in, link up, fileshare.
-  interface housing - an area of the body (your choice!) that houses interface equipment, be it cables/ports or spikes/valves). Generally the equipment is kept safe behind separate panels (one for spike/cord, one for valve/port)
-  olfactory sensors, chemoreceptors/chemosensors - sense of smell. Detects chemical stimuli in the environment.
-  optics/optical sensors - eyes
-  offline - unconscious, asleep. Sometimes means “dead.” (I don’t use it that way).
-  online  - conscious, awake, alive.
-  oral cavity, oral component - mouth
-  oral lubricant - saliva
-  overheating - body becomes uncomfortably warm, possibly to a harmful degree. Causes of overheating include embarrassment, anger, arousal, etc
-  overload - the climax of interfacing (orgasm), achieved by excessive electrical charge within the frame. May involve shorted circuits, being knocked offline, systems crashing, blacking out, temporarily shutting down, rebooting in some form.
-  panel, interface panel, interface hatch/manual hatch - the panel behind which lies the interface equipment. May be automatically or manually operated (or both!)
-  pede - foot, leg
-  port - receptive end for an interface cable.
-  processor - brain
-  recharge  - sleep
-  sealed/factory sealed - Essentially a virgin. One who retains the protective seals over their interface equipment they were constructed with. Most will agree that seals should be medically removed, but some mechs romanticize “breaking their lover’s seals.”
-  sensory input modules - nerves (things that relay information to the processor)
-  slag - basically “shit”.
-  spark - heart/soul/lifeforce. Located in the chest.
-  spark merging - a profusely intimate act in which mechs open their chest compartments, revealing their sparks, and press together until the sparks resonate at the same frequency, pulse in synchronicity, etc. Likely this leads to overloading. Generally spark merging is an act reserved for bonded mechs, as it involves one to expose themselves to absolute vulnerability.
-  spike - phallus component utilized in sexual interface. Upon arousal, spikes will “come online” by heating up, extending from interface housing, stiffen by means of magnetism or hydraulics (probably?), and likely will self-lubricate. Connecting to a valve forms a circuit between mechs and energy can be shared in a feedback loop. Thrusting in-and-out movements stimulate internal tactile and electrical sensors, accumulating electrical charge.  
- struts/spinal struts - back
-  symbiote/symbiont - a mech smaller than a mini which lives on or inside its designated host/carrier mech. (i.e., the cassetticons)
-  valve - interface equipment resembling a vagina. Internal components include calipers, a ceiling node, various tactile sensory nodes, various electrical nodes. Outer components include a rim and at least one external node resembling a clitoris. Valves will “come online” and start to heat and self-lubricate upon arousal.
-  ventilation - breathing
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manianart · 5 years
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The sibling squad
They all got the same mom but 4 different dads (they still love and supports each other a lot and miss their mother who died a few years ago.)
The fifth sibling is to come in a bit.
Now, lemme get some trivia off my chest:
Fenning: -the oldest with 30 years of age -male -he has an anorganic symbiont partner that manifests as knight-armor (the symbionts name is Chips) -he´s protective of his siblings since he had to be a second parent but he´s actually a big softie once you know him. -he works at a construction site -he does the baby voice when he sees children or animals
Cartusk: -second oldest with 26 -male -his symbiont partner is organic and manifests as a thorned flower bush (he alls ´em Buds) -he´s more laid back and loves to laze about but he´s an amazing cook and can motivate you really well if you need it -he works as Barista in “a hipster café” (that´s literally the name of the place) -he´s smarter than he looks (he knows gaelic and latin)
Aramore: -third oldest -non binary  - their symbiont is a marter dog (they call him sweetpea) -they are very down to earth and always keep a level head if they can so they often have to take on the roll of third party when fights break out -They work as groomer for exotic animals (pays well) -they don´t go a day without coffee (low key coffee addict)
Sienna: -secon youngest at 21 years old -female -her symbiont is an eagle owl named eggnog -loves her familie dearly but gets into fights with Cartusk every now and again (he keeps stealing her grey lipstick) -she´s in school studying to become a therapist -she talks to the neighbors cats to practice for tests
Hope you all will come to like these goofs as much as I do some day. Final Sibling will come in a bit.
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Symbiont Subtype
Creatures with the symbiont subtype can join with a host creature. A symbiont occupies part of the host creature's body - sometimes, but not always, limiting the number of magic items the host can use in the same way a magic item does. Like intelligent magic items, symbionts have Ego scores, which reflect their strength of will and drive for power. Symbionts with high Ego scores, like magic items of similar sort, can sometimes take control of their host creatures.
The ego score of a symbiont is determined in the same way as that of a magic item, and listed in each symbiont's entry in the Abilities line. Add the symbiont's Intelligent, Wisdom, and Charisma bonuses (if any) to determine its base Ego score. Add 1 for each special quality and 2 for each special attack. Add 4 if the symbiont is an outsider.
If the host creature does not share the symbiont's alignment and goals, a conflict results between the symbiont and the host creature. Similarly, a symbiont with an Ego score of 20 or higher always considers itself superior to its host, and a personality conflict results if the host does not always agree with the symbiont.
When a personality conflict occurs, the host must make a Will saving throw (DC = symbiont's Ego score). If the host creature succeeds, it is dominant. If the host fails, the symbiont is dominant. Dominance lasts for one day or until a critical situation occurs (such as a major battle, a serious threat to either the symbiont or the host, and so on - GM's discretion). Should a symbiont gain dominance, it directly controls the host creature's actions until the host regains dominance. For more information on ego conflicts, see Items against Character on page 535 of the Core Rulebook.
Symbiont Traits: When joined with a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits. It acts on its host's turn each round, regardless of its own initiative modifier. It is not flat-footed unless its host is, and it is aware of any danger its host is aware of.
If a symbiont is attached to a visible part of the host creature's body, opponents can attack the symbiont itself instead of its host creature. This works the same way as attacking an object: The symbiont gains the benefit of the host's Dexterity modifier to AC instead of its own, and gains any deflection bonus to AC the host has as well. Its own size modifier and natural armor bonus, if any, apply. Attacking a symbiont instead of its host provokes an attack of opportunity from the host.
A symbiont never takes damage from attacks directed at the host. Like a worn magic item, a symbiont is usually unaffected by spells that damage the host, but if the host rolls a 1 on its saving throw, the symbiont is one of the “items” that can be affected by the spell (see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw, page 217 of the Core Rulebook). A symbiont uses its host’s base saving throw bonuses if they are better than its own.
Share Spells (Su): Any spell the host creature casts on itself automatically also affects the symbiont. Additionally, the host can cast a spell with a target of “You” on its symbiont instead of on itself. Likewise, a symbiont can choose to have any spell or spell-like ability it uses on itself also affect the host creature, and can cast a spell with a target of “You” on its host instead of on itself. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the host’s or symbiont’s type. Spells targeted on the host by another spellcaster do not affect the symbiont, and vice versa.
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spymeister · 2 years
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
The spy carefully shifts his weight, letting the medic's weight settle against him. For such a small frame, he's got enough dense protoform that's well able to support Ratchet's taller mass. Neither of them have been recharging well, not with the pull back into Iacon Central.
Unicron's forces have been battering the walls for orns now, and even the united Decepticon-Autobot isn't enough to completely break them free of the city. They're under siege from a force that doesn't eat, doesn't recharge, and doesn't stop even in death. Some of them have even recognized familiar frames amongst the newly raised greyed corpses, armor shivering in fright and disgust and horror as they figure out just what's going on.
Megatron and Optimus have been in the war-room for what seems like vorns now, with Prowl and Starscream working over different statistical data. Soundwave and himself are resting, with the Decepticons comms-mech actually in recharge on the table across from him- the remaining symbionts piled atop him for comfort. They still haven't found Ratbat, and he's afraid that the mech's youngest might be part of those dull-eyed undead flight frames outside.
He slides his arm around the medic's shoulder-struts, feeling Ratchet slide a little more against him, magnetic palm beginning to run circles around the back of the other's neckstruts. The medic has been working non-stop with Perceptor, Shockwave, and Wheeljack on the hope for a cure, or at least a weapon.
But no one has come with anything yet- and he doesn't know how long they have left. At least, if nothing else- they'll have it all together.
They have that at least.
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