#aro agonies
wild-moss-art · 8 months
I’ve been dating and I try not to dress my absolute best for meetups bc I don’t like to be held to that standard but it’s so difficult bc I slay too hard in everything I wear 😔
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normystical · 4 months
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boombox-fuckboy · 7 months
Don't know anyone here? Pick one and go listen!
Am I missing your favourite? Are they from a fantasy? Let me know!
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the-worm-wiggles · 1 year
As it's aro visibility day I would love to give a long list of canonically aro podcast characters, unfortunately aromantic is by far the smallest category in my queer podcast characters list, so all I can offer you is
Friday Rescher, Hello From The Hallowoods
A few letter senders, Monstrous Agonies
And maaybe The Audio Tour Guide, The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality, I seem to remember something saying that it's aroace but I don't remember that ever being explicitly said in canon, more of a "it's AI and doesn't understand attraction" thing
That being said, there are obviously many podcasts I have never listened to, so I'm sure there are others out there...somewhere
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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The Humanoid Foursome???
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ozlices · 10 months
i hate being an annoying ass hopeless romantic it makes being not taken actually insufferable. i cant even call myself single bc im NOT im plural & my alters are all aro except one other besides me so im not taken AND annoying by default
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xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
as someone who hates love triangles, here are some solutions I’ve come up with so we don’t have to deal with anymore awkwardness:
Everyone involved in the love triangle realizes they are aro/ace and they all just want to be friends
one person involved in the love triangle realizes they are aro/ace and they others can be in a relationship and be close friends with aro/ace person
polyamorous relationship
they all die
Any more suggestions are welcome, but I’m not taking constructive criticism on what I’ve already said.
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sick-as-a-dog · 1 year
#wanna know the funniest thing to come from this?#i just realized that during the first relationship i wasnt really in love#or maybe it stopped or it somehow became just traumabonding somewhere along the way idk#but the first breakup wasnt this painful it really wasnt like this at all#sad for sure but nowhere near this amount of agony#but my mate was different i think he was the first i really truly fell in love with#this hurts more than anything else ive been through#all the shit ive been through all the endless abuse i grew up with and was put through all of my life#all the bruises and trauma and scars are nothing compared to the agonizing devistating gaping pain spreading through me rn#i want my mate back i want this to fuckig end i desperately want to die just to escape all of this#the horrible realization that the anxiety and paranoia were fucking right and not just some bpd fuelled worries#that him calling himself aro maybe WAS a warning of this happening after all and i shouldnt have trusted when he said im his exception#the fear that hes going to slowly leave just like the first one did because tbh its unavoidable and understandable#this pain that just wont stop and will never stop because why the hell would it stop im losing my best friend and love of my life#we couldve worked through it if he just didnt give up why did he give up why didnt he want to try literally anything else before this why#he gave up so i probably should too but idk how idk why i cant just fucking give up like he did whats wrong with me#why did this one have to be so much more painful than the previous one even if hes swearing to stay? was everything just lies after all?why
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penguin--person · 3 months
i need to make my characters more aro... i need to...!!!!!
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lucent-nargacuga · 8 months
I'm now like 90% sure platonic crushes are a thing
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Now imma bother u again lol.
I need more angst and fluff hahah sorryyy.
So another argument between the poly!volturi kings x reader where they say something like “You are my greatest regret to ever have come into my life.”
And reader burst ot in tears and she is already suicidal so yknow she just gives up, they stop her and so on. And then she Apologises or something and they say some like this.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t you dare try and apologize for something you haven’t done or anything to do with!”
Pleaseee🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 Love ya byeee❤️❤️❤️
↱ ending things ↰
➘ summary : remember words can hurt so best be careful with what you say
➘ the volturi x reader , aro x reader x marcus x caius
➘ a/n : I did as asked….though you didn’t say anything about there needing to be a happy ending hehehehe though I gave you the closure of an apology that was the fluff part; cheers!
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Within the hallowed halls of the Volturi castle, tension hung heavy in the air, an unspoken weight that seemed to seep into every corner. The kings of the vampire world, Aro, Marcus, and Caius, stood in a circle, their expressions marred by frustration and anger. In their midst stood (y/n), the human mate of these immortal beings, her eyes brimming with a mixture of defiance and hurt.
Arguing had become an unsettling pattern, each disagreement intensifying the fractures within their relationship. Tonight, the culmination of unresolved issues reached a breaking point.
"Why can't you see reason, (y/n)?!" Aro's voice rose with exasperation, his eyes aflame with frustration.
"Because this isn't just about what you want, Aro!" (Y/n)'s voice trembled with emotion, her own frustration taking its toll.
Caius, his usual calm veneer shattered, couldn't contain his anger any longer. "You are my greatest regret to ever have come into my life," he spat, his words laced with venom.
The words hung in the air like a poison, the silence that followed suffocating. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock, her heart clenched with a pain she had never anticipated. She felt as if the ground beneath her feet had crumbled, her world shattered by the weight of Caius' words.
Tears welled in her eyes, a mixture of anger and heartbreak roiling within her chest. Without another word, she turned on her heel and fled, her footsteps echoing down the corridor as she sought refuge from the pain that seemed to grip her soul.
As she ran through the twisting passages of the castle, her thoughts were a tumultuous storm. How had it come to this? The love that had once bound them felt distant and fractured, replaced by hurtful words and unspoken resentments.
Reaching a secluded chamber, (y/n) collapsed onto a stone bench, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She wrapped her arms around herself, as if seeking to shield her heart from the agony that seemed to seep into every fiber of her being.
The door creaked open, and she looked up to see Marcus standing in the doorway. His expression was a mixture of regret and sadness, a reflection of the turmoil that had torn their bond asunder.
"(Y/n)," he began softly, his voice a gentle murmur, "I know things have been difficult."
She met his gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of pain and confusion. "Marcus, what has happened to us?"
His footsteps were soft as he approached her, sitting beside her on the bench. "We let our differences and frustrations build up, and we forgot the strength of our connection."
Tears flowed freely down (y/n)'s cheeks, her emotions raw and exposed. "Caius... his words..."
Marcus sighed, his gaze distant as if lost in his own thoughts. "Caius is burdened by his past, (y/n). It wasn't an excuse for what he said, but it's important to understand that his emotions are complex."
The echoes of the argument still reverberated in (y/n)'s mind as she stepped out of the castle, a tumultuous mix of emotions threatening to engulf her. The cold night air stung against her skin, a stark contrast to the heated tension she had left behind. Seeking respite, she wandered through the quiet streets until she found herself on a bridge that spanned a calm river.
Perching on the ledge, her feet hanging over the water, (y/n) let out a deep sigh. The night sky stretched above her, stars flickering like distant beacons. Her thoughts were a storm of conflicting emotions – anger, hurt, confusion – and they mingled with the ever-present shadow of her mental health struggles.
Gazing down at the water, (y/n) traced the ripples with her eyes, lost in the rhythm of their gentle dance. Her relationship with the Volturi kings had been a source of joy and turmoil, an intricate dance between love and frustration. But tonight, their argument had unleashed a torrent of emotions she struggled to contain.
Tears welled up in her eyes, her heart heavy with the weight of it all. She had always battled her own inner demons, the darkness that threatened to consume her. Her mental health had been a constant companion, sometimes a gentle whisper and at other times a deafening roar.
As she stared at the water, the tranquility of the scene before her offered a fleeting sense of solace. It was a reminder that even amidst the chaos, there were moments of stillness and beauty. But the struggle within her heart was far from over.
With a heavy sigh, (y/n) leaned back, resting her weight on her hands. Her thoughts drifted to the times of laughter and connection she had shared with the Volturi kings. But they were now overshadowed by the hurtful words and the fractures in their once strong bond. She felt lost in a sea of emotions, uncertain of how to navigate her feelings.
Her mental health struggles, too, gnawed at the edges of her thoughts. The battles fought within her own mind often left her feeling exhausted, and tonight was no exception. It was as if her inner turmoil had found its way into her external world, amplifying the pain she felt.
As the moonlight cast its silvery glow over the Volturi castle, a sense of unease settled within its halls. The lower guard had just informed the kings that (y/n) had left the castle, setting their hearts racing with worry. Without a moment's hesitation, Aro, Marcus, and Caius followed the scent that led them through the winding paths of the castle grounds and out into the night.
The scent was a trail of uncertainty, a reflection of the turmoil that had led her to leave. Each step carried them closer to the bridge that spanned the quiet river, and the kings felt their anxiety rise with every passing second.
Approaching the bridge, they saw her figure seated on the edge, her silhouette framed against the moonlit waters below. The wind rustled her hair, and her shoulders seemed weighed down by the burden of her thoughts.
"(Y/n)!" Aro's voice was a mixture of relief and concern as he called out to her, his footsteps slowing.
Hearing their voices, (y/n) turned to face them, her expression a mix of surprise and sadness. The sight of the three kings standing before her felt surreal, a reminder of the complexities of their bond.
Marcus stepped forward, his voice gentle. "We were worried about you, (y/n)."
Caius' gaze was piercing, his eyes reflecting his inner turmoil. "Why did you leave?"
Tears welled up in (y/n)'s eyes as she met Caius' gaze. His voice held a note of desperation that struck a chord deep within her. She had caused them to worry, to fear the worst, and the guilt gnawed at her heart.
"I needed some space," she admitted, her voice wavering with emotion.
Caius' expression softened, his concern evident as he took a step closer. "You scared us, (y/n)."
The bridge seemed to hang in a delicate balance, the emotions of the moment swirling like a storm. And then, with a desperation that seemed to pierce the very air, Caius pleaded, "Please, don't do anything rash."
His words hung heavy, the weight of his concern palpable. (Y/n) could see the fear in his eyes, the raw vulnerability he rarely revealed. It was a reminder that their bond, as fractured as it was, still held a deep connection.
"I sorry, Caius," she chocked, her voice trembling. "I sorry, I’m so sorry,” she cried like a broken record.
The air seemed to thicken with tension as (y/n) and the three kings stood on the bridge, their emotions swirling in the night. Caius' plea had pierced the silence, his concern palpable, and the weight of his words hung in the air like a heavy shroud.
Caius took a tentative step forward, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with (y/n). His voice was a mixture of remorse and desperation as he spoke, his words cutting through the charged atmosphere.
"Don't you dare apologize. You haven't done anything wrong. This is my fault."
Tears welled up in (y/n)'s eyes as she met Caius' gaze. She felt the truth in his words, the raw sincerity of his regret. But the turmoil within her heart couldn't be silenced by reason alone, and a choked apology escaped her lips.
"I'm sorry, Caius. I'm so sorry."
Caius' frustration seemed to deepen as he closed the distance between them, his movements deliberate and careful. His voice softened, a mixture of tenderness and self-blame.
"Stop apologizing. You don't have to carry this burden."
But (y/n) could only shake her head, the weight of her own emotions bearing down on her. "I'm sorry, Caius. I'm tired."
The words were a whisper, a reflection of her weariness. The constant battles within her own mind, the complexities of their relationship – it all felt like too much to bear.
And then, before anyone could react, a shocking moment unfolded. (Y/n) stepped back, her gaze still locked on Caius, her voice trembling as she whispered, "I'm sorry," one last time.
And then she jumped.
Time seemed to freeze in that agonizing instant, the sound of her body hitting the water echoing in their ears. A primal surge of panic coursed through them, their hearts racing as they stared at the spot where she had been.
Aro, Marcus, and Caius were paralyzed, the shock of the moment rendering them immobile. The bridge that had once represented a moment of reflection had now become the stage for a heart-wrenching tragedy.
As reality settled in, Caius' expression twisted with a mixture of grief and disbelief. He felt as though his very soul had been torn asunder, his voice frozen in his throat.
"(Y/n)?" Aro's voice was a whisper, his eyes wide with shock.
The ripples on the water were the only answer, their gentle dance a stark contrast to the chaos of emotions that roiled within them.
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wild-moss-art · 8 months
The annoyingly friendly dog me & the easily startled rabbit me, dating edition
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
How would the guards handle their human mate being a fire fighter. I could see the twins having a complete meltdown at the thought of their mate willingly going into a burning building.
Instant mental breakdown
Like he will be screaming in agony like if you were already dead
Even when you come out of the building he continue fucking screaming
Like its the worst sound you ever heard cause its full of pain and terror
You could swear he was crying but thats not possible right
Past trauma will kick him for days and he wont be able to move honestly
She will even use her gift on Aro if her anxiety gets too much because all the memories are running through her mind and she doesnt know what to do
She thinks you are going to die but she cant get herself to get into the building
Honestly you would have to leave your job immediately sorry
She deals with the trauma even worst than Alec
He admires your bravery specially with you being human
He is so in awe with you
However he does not want you to have lack of sense of danger
If you are in danger he doesnt want you to keep helping,he wants you out of the building in that very moment
As long as you are conscious of not hurting yourself and being naive then he is proud
For some reason he thinks you are going to have some gift related to fire when you turn into one of them
And he cant wait
You are going to be a good Volturi
But he is watching you from the distance in case he has to run to save you
And trust me he prefers to be burn himself but getting you safe
She is just…
Not having it
You are her cute little human and you should be protected against everything
And if something happens to you she will be miserable
So she will literally manipulate you with words
“If you keep doing that its because you are reckless and dont care about hurting me if you die right?”
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
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allastoredeer · 5 months
Sorry for asking but do you happen to have any bottom Alastor radioapple fics to suggest? I can’t find any 😭
Don't be sorry! I haven't been reading a ton of fics recently, but I can definitely send you the ones I have! Now that I have a functioning phone, I can do more fanfic reading and, believe me, I have a TON of bottom!Alastor fics saved. Maybe I'll do a weekly fic round-up and post some of the fics I've read that are just 😩👌
But as for the ones that I do have:
(NOTE: Remember to check all of the tags yourself, some of these are more explicit and darker than others)
Hounded by Syntaxeme
Basically, it's Halloween in Hell and Alastor uses his magic to summon a few monsters to cause a little mischief, but accidentally summons Hellhounds instead. Horny Hellhounds. Smut ensues.
It's doesn't have any of your typical Hazbin ships, but it was based off of an audio-Halloween thing someone made a few years back. The fic has the link to that in their notes as well, if you want to give that a listen to.
Decadent Agony by Echowraith
Alastor thinks Vox is going to try and slip him a love/lust potion, and in the case that he succeeds, Alastor doesn't want his virginity taken by him. So, in an effort to control the situation, he asks Husk to take his virginity instead.
These two have such a messy and complicated relationship, and I LOVE it. Very much enjoyed this fic and how it handled Alastor's aro-aceness.
With a Coffee and a Caress by winterveritas
4 times Lucifer touches Alastor, and 1 time Alastor touches him back. God, I love this fic SO much. The writing, the characterization, the build-up, the smut, it's all so, SO good. It's definitely one of my favorites at the moment. Also, we get some fantastic scenes with Alastor's shadow interacting with Lucifer :3
Together in My Pocket by Keelywolfe
Lucifer fucks Alastor in his big King-of-Hell demon form O.O nuff' said.
A Poison for Lust by MatcHoMetriC
Zestial is curious about how potent and dangerous the Vee's new love potion is, and asks Alastor to help him out. Such a fucking treat considering how little Alastor/Zestial content there is out there 😩
601 by ChildishSadism
Vox possesses a priest and Alastor possesses a nun. What else need I say?
A Failure of Business Negotiations by Drowsy_Salamander
Alastor is curious about what the big hype is about sex and enlists Vox to help him out, but, of course, things get sad and complicated >:3 the smut is more implied than explicit, but I still really enjoyed it and Alastor's aro-aceness and his thoughts on sex.
Unhealthy Attachments by KeelyWolfe
Lucifer wonders what Alastor gets out of having sex with him, but the answer he gets is...well, I guess that's for you to read and find out 😈
To Never Let You Go by Anonymous
Dark fic about a darker, more sinister Lucifer baby-trapping Alastor.
And, of course
Lucifer and His Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Relationship by Keelywolfe (Keelywolfe shows up quite a bit in this list LOL)
This isn't so much a single fic as it is a series. But it's got some fantastic scenes, really funny moments, and AMAZING smut. Love their bottom!Alastor stuff and I've really been enjoying the progression of the series as I've been catching up. Some really good food right here.
Annnd, that's all I got at the moment. But, hey, asks me again in a week and I might have more ;) Enjoy these in the meantime!!
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blood-grove · 6 months
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Werewolf Bites
nausea -> next stage of infection
tws; sickness , injuries , vomiting , violence, no use of y/n
parings: gaz x male reader (established relationship)
-> c/n - call sign
-> n/n - nickname
a/n: hehehe im excited for this. also idk how military shit works im winging it your here for gaz no complete accuracy
Why did it have to be you.
You had missed a room while clearing out this corridor of the building this mission was supposed to be a easy co-op with you and Gaz.
But now your were trying to claw off this big fucking dog from ripping your throat out your gun somewhere dropped in surprised of getting lunged at.
It sunk its fangs deep into your shoulder dangerously close to your neck as blood spewed and your cried out in agony you finally got a hold of your combat knife sinking it into the dogs body repeatedly till it slumped over dead.
Shoving the corpse off you, You bit your tongue as burning pain flared up in your shoulder Gaz's crackly voice over your radio finally audible now with the lack of your cries of pain and dog growls.
"c/n? c/n how copy?"
You swallowed back the bile building in your throat as you heaved grabbing your radio flicking it on shakily as tried to focus with the searing pain in your shoulder.
"c/n here— fuck" You hissed as you pushed yourself up with your good arm.
"c/n? give me a sitrep you went silent on me."
"..Fuckin' dog got me- I opened up a room and the fucker pounced huge fuckin' thing." You looked over at your wound grimacing at the sight of bruising blooming as blood trickled down your arm near excessively.
"Shit..Can you make it back to the main entrance?..I got the files ill radio for exfil."
"I..I can"
"I can"
You flicked your radio off as you trudged your way back where you came.
"Bloody hell c/n you gotta be more careful."
Gaz gently chided as you huffed wincing.
"Your lucky the fucker didn't rip your throat out.."
You grumbled looking aside the future rabies shots were not going to be a pleasant thing to be welcomed with when you both reached back at base.
"You alright..? Looking a bit pale."
"M'fine..Just..A bit woozy."
"Mm..exfil is a another hour or two out still don't go all rabies on me before then how about that."
You chuckled dryly as you blearing blinked as you leaned over dry heaving before puking your guts out catching Gaz off guard as he steadied you so wouldn't fall over into your own bile gently rubbing your back.
"Fuck..It's okay..Christ."
Coughing and gagging the unpleasant taste of bile lingering in your mouth as Gaz helped you sit down away from your mess.
"Just..Just sit down and rest..When we get home they'll fix you right up no? You'll have a killer scar after this all."
You got hummed coughing as Gaz wiped your face clean despite how you mumbled how gross it was as he kissed your forehead shushing your incoherent ramble.
You hadn't gotten any better and the exfil wasn't that far away now Gaz updated you as he held you close you were sweating bullets managing to keep down the water from your canteen.
He assured and updated on the helis time frame to reach you both, You could tell he was nervous never the best at hiding his emotions from you even in this fever ridden mess you were.
"There gonna be here soon love, Mm? Gonna get you back in shape..Hows the shoulder?."
You mumbled swallowing thickly as you shifted in his arms.
"You gotta speak up for me Lovie tell me how you are?"
"M'all sticky.."
"Well I'd guess so your sweating buckets..They'll be here soon okay?"
He sighed as he rana hand threw your near damp hair eventually giving you a few more sips of water as you both waited.
Exfil was quick a another solider helping you up into the heli a medic waiting along inside that went to work on you as you were laid onto the floor.
But all you remembered was falling asleep and awaking on the warm earth.
Running your hands threw the soft soil as you sat up a chill still rattling your bones.
You called out as you looked around cautiously your hand drifted too your holster to find it gone along with all other gear gone.
You felt bare exposed like a nerve the flicker and twitch of muscle felt like tremors in the earth as you looked around you saw nothing but forest.
Still nothing.
You frowned as you looked around you felt so warm you guessed it was the sun beaming down on you.
You hadn't been walking long till you reached a river bed the sudden parched feeling in your thought becoming know as you greedily gulped down water.
What was even going on?
You felt like you hadn't drank in days.
When you looked up you flinched at the sight of the dog that attacked you.
Or at least you thought it was a dog at the time.
It just stared at you, Yellow eyes staring you down as foam dripped down from his maw the foam slowly bubbling up into a pinkish tinge as blood dripped from its mouth .
It probably had rabies.
You did too.
You hoped.
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