marvellouscaptain · 5 years
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     “I’m perfectly capable of fixing it,” She definitely didn’t break it in the first place... “Don’t call Tony. I got it.”
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worldsfinestspy · 6 years
starter for @arrowsbro
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“Clint?” she glanced over her shoulder before she turned to face him fully. “What are you doing here?”
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@arrowsbro plotted some West Coast shenanigans. 
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The bus journey was nearly three days. 
He could have taken a flight or even got the ol’ teleporter out of storage, but something about a three day bus journey from New York to California seemed fun. It was not fun. Deadpool had been nearly kicked off of the bus twice, once for trying to convince the driver to stop in Vegas so they could earn some cash and fly the rest of the way and a second time for singing ‘the wheels on the bus’ for over two and a half hours.
Wade Wilson stepped off onto the Los Angeles sidewalk and looked at his phone. The tracking device he had set sometime around October last year was only a few blocks away. He had no idea what he was tracking or why it was on the West Coast, but he’d figure it out soon enough.
The search had taken Deadpool to a building that seemed to serve as local offices for businesses. He crept up the fire escape around the back and decided to sneak in through an open window. Whatever he was looking for, it wasn’t very far away now. His boot snagged on the window frame and Deadpool clattered into the room and landed face-down on the floor. It was not graceful.
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arrowsbro - Such a phenomenal Clint. So much love and sass and well Clint is a little dumb dumb sometimes but we love him anyway and this mun hits all of those points. How can we not love the Hawk!!?
@arrowsbro gets send some love and appreciation !!
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hwkess · 6 years
" You do something unbelievably brave and sexy, I have to kiss you. I don't make the rules. "
(  good luck with the end of the world.  )          /          accepting !
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‘  careful ,   i do unbelievably brave  &  sexy things a lot.   it’s kinda my whole brand.   that’s a whole lotta kisses you just promised me.   ’         not that she’s complaining.   in fact ,   she’s gonna go up on tiptoes and kiss him again ,   just for the hell of it.
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youusedme · 6 years
@arrowsbro //  ★ CONT. 
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★— THE SQUINTING WAS UNRELENTING. Pure suspicion oozed from the Captain as he continued giving him the stink-eye. 
        ❛  I have two questions --- number one: Why do you still have one of my shirts in your closet? I thought you were going to return it, not that I’m short of clothing but when a promise is made I usually SINCERELY hope that it is fulfilled. Secondly, you’ve been strangely quiet as of late, and it’s CONCERNING me, especially since I’ve gotten back. Is this about you not gettin’ a call to join Tony, Thor, Carol and I?  ❜
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pinkiepoole · 6 years
“Why are you like this?”
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“ ...Why am I like what...? “
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technophiiliac-blog · 6 years
@arrowsbro \  😒 [ accepting ]
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       groan left her lips as soon as she entered her own office. “ if you’re in here, what did you do ?? do i have to assign romanoff to baby sit you again ?? ”
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daringdanvers · 6 years
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   ❛     seriously? i leave the planet for MONTHS, i stopped using my facespace page, i made drew and jones get rid of that stupid dating profile, i even got a new NUMBER. how the HELL are you calling me right now, clint?     ❜
@arrowsbro      |      starter call
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marvellouscaptain · 5 years
‘ if you cook it, it will love you. ’
eating prompts || accepting || @arrowsbro
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     “I mean… I’m pretty sure that’s not true. Look at it,” The cake looks… DEFLATED. Like someone had popped it with a pin. “It’s… died.”
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worldsfinestspy · 6 years
arrowsbro replied to your post “What kind of chocolate do you like? I know this, but I want to know...”
"Wow, you're dark in general. But alright, thanks for telling me."
She laughed, “I think I would have gone with a joke about being bitter,” she said. “Dark chocolate has a bite, milk chocolate is too sweet,” she said, lifting one shoulder in a shrug. 
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@arrowsbro​ just kind of ended up here.
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“The one question you need to be askin’ right now is, ‘Is this a bad time?’“
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hwkess · 6 years
"Katie baby, are you okay?"
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SHE ISN’T.   it’s clear as day ,   just look at her  :   she’d come into his apartment   (  basically their apartment ,   by this point  )   without a word ,   sat down on his couch in silence ,   all shaking hands   &   deep breathing.   how else is she supposed to respond to the news she’s just gotten ?   a weird thing about being a superhero is that sometimes ,   your friends return from the dead.   sometimes as zombies ,   but sometimes just as regular ol’ human beings.   so cassie’s back.   so kate just got the news that her best friend ,   the first friend she’d lost after becoming hawkeye ,   four years ago ,   is back.   no ,   she isn’t okay.   she doesn’t know the protocol for this situation  :   does she go knocking on cassie’s door ,   acting like nothing had ever happened ?   how does she erase four years’ worth of mourning ?   she doesn’t even know where cassie is ,   just that she’s alive again.   she doesn’t know what to do.
she shakes her head ,   leans against him when he sits down next to her.   speaks quietly  :       ‘  personal question :   you died  &  came back ,   yeah ?   did it hurt ?   ’       she doesn’t usually ask stuff like that.   doesn’t delve into things too much ,   because he’s got his past  &  she’s got hers  &  she understands not wanting to talk about things.   but this time . . .    this time she needs to know.
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justabowandarrow · 6 years
"Am I hotter than that person?"
[x] Jealousy Meme
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“Yes you goof. You are definitely hotter than that shirtless man bench pressing three times my weight.” She quickly did a double take. “Holy shit three times my weight? That’s impressive.”
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wiidowcat-a · 7 years
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The feline stared at him as if daring him to move her. Golden eyes gazed at him impassively, as she demurely licked at one of her forepaws. He may have needed his quiver, but he wouldn’t get to it without a peace offering. She lowered her paw and kneaded at the material to prove her point, curling up and purring happily. She had found a new nest. 
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