spiritfoxarts · 9 months
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Trying to break art-block
Turtleneck + seductive poses + loosen jacket... ...SOLD! :D
It was suppost to be a certain character, but I changed my mind, so have faceless humanoid.
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ario-03 · 2 years
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ink-flavoured-tea · 2 years
Art-Block Advice
Having a chill day drawing after recently getting out of a major art block and thought I’d share some tips and tricks that I used to help me get out of it
Experiment freely
Spend an hour a day just experimenting and having fun with it. It can be anything from doodling, mark making, playing around with paints and inks or making some rough sketches. This way you're re-associating art with positivity and testing out ideas to help with future work. 
Try to recreate some of your older work
Your skills are constantly evolving so recreating one of your older pieces and comparing the two can really help with confidence, as you can see where you were and where you are now with physical evidence. Also, it’s very common for artists to fall into the trap of “my work was better X amount of time ago” but this isn’t true, it was different back then and that was probably a point in your life where you noticed your skills drastically improved instead of slowly improving, so this is a good exercise for getting out of that mindset. 
Analyse your older work
If you still think your work looked better in the past, then go back and analyse it. Was there something you did back then that you're not doing right now? If there is then great! You’ve found the problem. 
Art prompt lists 
If you’re really stuck about what to draw, look into current or older art challenges and work your way through the list. You’ll be researching and drawing a lot of different subject matter or using ideas you hadn’t used before, so it will give you a kick start as well as expanding the range of your work and developing your skills.
Online tools
There’s a ton of tools out there like figures to help with reference drawings for poses. Colour palette generators, spin the wheel where people can continue to add onto it giving more and more prompts. There’s even youtube and twitch to help with tutorials and other suggestions for overcoming art block. 
Change your media
Have you been using pens non-stop for a solid year? Maybe switch it up to using paints. Changing your media can present yourself with new challenges and give yourself a break from using the same tools over and over again, so you can return to them feeling more refreshed. I usually rotate between drawing, painting and digital art to keep myself engaged and interested in my work.
Observational drawings & Requests 
Sometimes just drawing your desk, a cup or some fruit really can help. It takes your mind off of creating ideas and just drawing what’s in front of you. Taking requests also helps because it helps motivate you and your creativity because you’re making something for someone else. 
Just do it
Sounds cliche but it really does work. Sometimes we get stuck in our own heads too much and that causes stress, anxiety and setting impossible expectations for ourselves. Just make something, don’t think about it, just do your best. Do this at least once a day and you’ll train yourself to get back into the habit of creating.
Hope this helps, if anyone has any other advice for what worked for you, feel free to add onto this 😊
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eujjk · 2 years
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on art block but
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teehee-cat-weeb · 3 years
I have art-block and every time that i try to draw, It's a disaster. The proportion of the characters are horrible, i can't draw anymore
It looks like i draw like a 4 years old kid wtf-
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memena · 3 years
I don't Know what do 🤷🏻‍♀️
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inscryption-memena · 3 years
I don't Know what draw... Again...
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yuvimk · 4 years
9 Simple Ways To Get Out Of an Art Block
So… Have you ever had an art block or precisely creative block? It’s as real as a writer’s block; it gets all creators alike. What is an Art Block? Sometimes, we have no problem, the drawing just flows like a river and fills up our sketchbook or canvas and sometimes the river is all dried up. It might sound daunting but it’s actually easier to get out of it than we think. Take A Break I know,…
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heyodaddio · 5 years
I have art-block and I’m completely burnt out😞
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miwachan2 · 5 years
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@Frostbite338′s OC -  Elze
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verylazybread · 6 years
Oh my god!
Is that a...Art-block??
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sushiii-mushi-roll · 6 years
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I have a new SAI and I can draw in digital again But ...
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mia-fit · 7 years
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Gift for nice dude. Meh.
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drsleeyia-blog · 7 years
Someone grabbed an art block.Well,great
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inscryption-memena · 3 years
I don't Know what DRAW.. so yeah... Art-block....
Ask me somthing to draw obviously with inscryption charater because i want DRAW somthing
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moriquenda · 8 years
How do you know whether to write a story or draw it? This is a question I have been aksing myself A LOT for the last... dunno... 5 years? I have a few stories in my mind that just wait to get out, but ... well, I am not sure how. Shall I write drafts and then decide? This annoys me a lot, because it blocks me. hmpf... And I know, I should just DO... but where to start?
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