#arthur didn't care about revenge
arthursfuckinghat · 4 months
I will never be normal about the red dead redemption protagonists getting caught in the cycle of revenge for their loved ones
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sleepy-grav3 · 3 months
The Moon Child - Part 1
Part 2
A/n: There's a bunch of batfam adoptions, let's switch it up a bit.
Summary Background info: Danny died fully to the GIW. His class noticed when Danny disappeared and think his parents killed him. The city now believes he lives among the stars. On the same day Danny died, however, the moon was smashed to bits and rained down asteroids into the ocean and land of Earth. The Lanterns replace it with a new moon. The ocean life believes that the moon's spirit will not like being replaced.
Tw: Bad parents, depression, dissociation, vivisection scars, past death, discrimination, angst, hurt/comfort
Danny is a full ghost and looks like a child because that's all his core can expend; Danny becomes a moon spirit. Aquaman/Arthur is the movie version, the fun upbeat guy, not the serious one.
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The Moon Child Part 1 - Strong Beliefs Come to Life
When the moon was destroyed, the Lanterns had agreed to send over a new one to make sure the Earth didn't destroy itself without the Moon to guide the oceans. It wasn't difficult to get one, though it was a lot of paperwork.
But when it was done, the Justice League thought that was it. Batman, being the paranoid man he was, demanded those with cities near a beach and Aquaman to report regularly about any changes in the ocean with the new moon while he checks other things that would be affected by it. They didn't bother to argue, as their luck always had it that peace was never a lasting thing. So the extra precaution was fine, but they didn't think anything of it after a few weeks of nothing happening.
The ocean life thought otherwise. Unlike the beings on land, who worship the sun, the beings in the ocean believed in the moon. Legends, myths, and many beliefs surrounding the moon's corpse that had mostly fell in their waters had risen.
The Moon is not meant to be replaced
The Moon is not like the others
The Moon will believe we did not care
The Moon will return and haunt these waters
Cries echoed in the dark of night. Moonstones guided the way to the origin of said sobs that were as powerful as the sirens' voice. Yet what the sirens attracted was lust, not melancholy.
Those who followed them would begin to see a dim light grow brighter and brighter, but never irritate. Instead, it would bring a wave of sorrowful tranquility.
When they reached the origin, they would see a small child holding their tail that faded in solidity. Their hair as white as how the moon used to be. Their skin as pale as a human who had died in freezing temperatures. And their eyes a beautiful silver that matched the stones that trailed away from them.
They wore loose and poofy at the bottom pants that matched a dark night sky and a translucent veil that had constellations move around the dark blue fabric. His upper body was bare, and he covered it with the veil, which darkened when wrapped to shield his body from being seen. (think Egyptian dancer)
And that's when the creatures of the ocean had a realization. Their deity was too kind to exact revenge for the blasphemy. Their pain was not one to simply end in an instant.
The Moon has returned, and they are not angered.
They thought they were replaceable, disposable. As if they never mattered.
The Moon has returned to world that acted ungrateful for what they had done to protect it. To a world who simply replaced them for another.
They felt like all they did was for nothing. Like nothing they had done ever mattered in the end.
The Moon did not have a welcomed return. And they decided to express it alone, as if nobody would care to comfort them.
Arthur never believed in ghosts. Not until now as he gazed upon the spirit of the moon who had taken the form of a small child with a wisp for a tail and was crying moonstones.
The seafolk had all voiced their guilt on how they cursed at the humans and aliens, speaking how the spirit of the moon would enact their revenge. They felt guilty that they had ever thought their deity would ever stoop as low as those disgraceful humans. For their deity was kind. They were perfect. And they always looked after them when they could, even appearing in the day no matter how much strength it took.
The Ocean was meant to be the Moon's temple.
And as the King of the Ocean, it was his duty to take in the Moon and shelter them in their time of need.
The child jumped, turning with wide, teary eyes at him. Arthur smiled gently.
"Greetings. I've heard that you've been here for a while now. It... it must've hurt badly."
The child seemed to have a flash of pain from the memory alone, tightening their arms around their wispy tail.
"What they did to you was unacceptable and inhumane. You were alive and looking after so many who could not save themselves."
More stones splashed into the water.
"You saved them, save everyone and they repaid that by hurting you. Killing you. Attempting to end you. It was a crime and yet... yet they got off light. It was a crime and they thought nothing of it."
The spirit relaxed, eyes gazing at him in disbelief and awe.
"I'm sorry we weren't able to save you. I'm sorry I couldn't prevent such a blasphemous act."
They smiled softly at him and let go of their tail, flying over to him.
"I'm still here." Their voice echoed. "I can still protect everyone."
Arthur took a breath and reached his hand out, placing it on the child's head.
"Please, let me do the protecting this time."
The child of the moon teared up once more, smile now shaky.
"Okay." They whispered. "I'll trust you."
And with that, the child shined just a bit more brightly before their form retreated into a spherical oval with the New Moon glyph floating inside. He cupped his hands together, letting the moonstone with the height of 2 quarters and the width and depth of 1 descend into them. Upon observation, he noticed the moon glyph shift to always present itself in the direction of those who gazed upon them.
"I have to report this to the league." Arthur thought, worried about what they'd do if they discover the spirit on their own.
Pain, that was all he felt. Even after his core had been carved and crushed, he still felt the excruciating agony of it. And now he revived again, feeling the aftershocks, the phantom pains.
His core was straining itself to even let him stay out of it, willing him to retreat. But he couldn't risk being found. He couldn't risk a curious person deciding to carve him again.
That was... until this man came. A hero, one that ruled over the oceans and seas, came to him and apologized for not saving him. someone who wasn't even close to him, who shouldn't have even known about him, had felt guilty about his death. And he stayed and he begged for him to come with him. He bled out the promise of safety. Of recognition. He... wanted to protect Danny.
A hero who protected the beings of his waters wanted to protect him, a ghost.
Danny was starting to think humans really were inferior to other beings. Be it aliens... or seafolk. Atlanteans. Ha! To think an Atlantean cared more about him, who was a half human and human ghost, than a human ever could.
It hurt.
It hurt to think about.
But it hurt more to try to reject it. So, he accepted that this stranger, this hero who probably didn't even believe he could exist, was willing to protect him like nobody ever had. Like nobody ever could. Like nobody ever would.
His core will be safe with him. He will be safe with him.
A/n: Well... that was a thing. Poor Danny.... He was never actually acknowledged. But oh well. The next one's about him meeting the family and getting coddled.
Also, if you're thinking about the movie's Aquaman having a baby... well he's dead. Black Manta killed him through suffocation or whatever like the wiki says. So that's why he wasn't mentioned.
Part 2
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Arthurian Legends | Dark Platonic King Arthur Pandragon x Daughter Reader x Dark Platonic Various
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You are the twin of Mordred, and the child of King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay.
As you grew up, your mother mother shielded you, by placing protection spells on you, and also teaching you about healing using magic.
and she filled Mordred's head with hate on Arthur, claiming that he stole her birthright.
Mordred grew up with hatred in his heart towards Arthur, while you refused to hold ill intentions towards your father.
But that didn't stop you and Mordred from being inseparable and bonding as twins.
Whenever you have a suitor, Mordred gets rid of them with the help of his mother.
Morgan pushed you and your twin to reveal that you are his children at the court.
Mordred is quick to object on you coming with him, believing it to be dangerous.
"Mother, keep (Y/n) with you until I take revenge, I don't wish for her to meet the man who abandoned us and stole your throne"
"You and your sister have a connection, separation will only cause destruction"
You, on the other hand, did not want to ruin Arthur's marriage with Guinevere, yet you didn't wish to make your mother sad.
So, you started your journey with your twin.
Mordred made the first appearance by saving the king on a hunting trip, making Arthur knight him therefore he joins the Round Table.
Then Mordred introduces you to the court before announcing that the both of you are the children of the King
Arthur wanted to deny it even if he knew it was true, but when he saw how embarrassed you felt, he confirms it instead.
Later that day, you approach him and Guinevere shyly, stuttering out words of apology.
"I apologise for my brother's behavior and causing disturbance"
Your apology made Arthur obsessed with the idea of protecting you from any harm.
While Guinevere fall in love with the idea of you being her step-daughter.
She didn't have any children of her own, so you being her daughter is a really exciting thought.
Arthur makes sure to spend time with you bringing you on hunting trips with him and the knights of the round table.
He made you a tiara decorated with all types of rare stone gems for you to wear at all times.
Arthur would notice the closeness you have with Mordred which makes him decide to intask his son with many responsibilities so, you could spend more time with him instead of your twin.
"Your brother is occupied with his new responsibilities, allow to accompany you instead"
Merlin would grant you any wish you want, being more soft with you unlike how he is with Arthur when he was your age.
The old wizard also tries to advice your father to not keep you and your twin apart as it would might cause havoc.
But Arthur chose to ignore the warning, letting platonic obsession with you win.
On the other hand, Guinevere would take you with her on walks in the early morning.
Insisting you call her mother while she picks out expensive fabrics for the new dresses she ordered to be made for you.
"I wish for you to call me mother and to consider as such from now on"
"But, I have a mother, my queen"
"She is not here now, is she? I'm the wife of your father, so I'm your legitimate mother"
Mordred realizing that you are drafting away from him, your twin decided to cause chaos.
He exposed Guinevere in front of the whole court for having an affair with Lancelot, only to have his father cast her aside and order her death.
You try to reason with Arthur to spare her but seeing your love for her only made the king insistent on excuting.
The whole affair scandal caused a civil war.
Arthur decided to leave the kingdom and you in the care of Mordred while he went into war against Lancelot.
You helped Guinevere escape before she could get executed.
While Mordred seized the opportunity to ursurp the throne and become a king, allowing Morgan into the castle so all of you three could live together.
But you weren't pleased, taking a horse, you go to inform Arthur about what has occurred in his absence, making decide to return to reclaim the throne.
Thinking that Arthur has kidnapped and held you captive, Mordred almost went insane about how you, his twin, the other part of him, isn't by his side.
So, he went with an army to the battle of Camlann against Arthur's army.
The father and son stabbed each other severely, so both could die.
The end.
Actually, no, that's not the end.
Remember when your mother taught you about healing?
Well, it came to use, as you healed both Mordred and Arthur.
You made them both agree on peace, with Mordred returning the throne to your father, while Arthur forgives Mordred and open a new page.
Arthur banished Morgan, so she doesn't influence you and your twin ever again.
You, Arthur, and Mordred live in peace as a happy family.
A/n: I decided to give it a happy ending because I feel like it would be nice for a change.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 10 months
Henlo! If it's alright, could I request some headcanons for Arthur, Dutch, Hosea, Micah, and Kieran being told that their S/O has been killed by the O'Driscolls? But nobody can find their body because it turns out they survived and took care of the worst of their injuries before making it back a week or so later. I am a sucker for hurt/comfort content. Thank you for your time and hope you're doing well.
HC For VDL Boys Being Told Their S/O Was Killed By O'Driscolls Ft. Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van Der Linde, Hosea Matthews, Micah Bell, Kieran Duffy
Ohhh nice and angsty
Warnings: Mentions of death, mentions of violence, angst
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Arthur Morgan
He would be absolutely broken
I don't think he'd go as far as to go out and kill O'Driscolls for revenge
But a new cavity in his heart would open up, and his hatred of the O'Driscolls would intensify
He wouldn't be able to get out of bed, would be incapable of taking care of himself, needs people to remind him to eat
Constantly scribbling in his journal about you
Probably the first time anyone in camp has seen him cry in a long long time
Only thing he'd get up for was to go in searches for your body
Is incredibly anxious the entire time they're looking for you and tries to mentally prepare himself for the sight of your body in who knows what state of decomposition
Once you return he'd think you're an apparition
He would be absolutely over the moon and crying tears of joy and relief
Interrogates you about your time gone but doesn't push it if the memories are too painful, you can visit that later
Helps mend any of your remaining injuries
Incredibly protective of you now and refused to let you go off on your own for a while
Holds you so so closely in bed the following nights, absolutely blots out the rest of the world with his body because he's scared if he lets go you'll disappear again
Dutch Van Der Linde
Like Arthur, he'd be destroyed as well
His mourning would cause him to jump to the anger stage immediately
Colm has already taken one lover from him, and now he's done it again? Tensions between the two gangs would be higher than ever before
He'd use the presumed death as an excuse to target Colm and the O'Driscolls for the week
Used the search for your body as an opportunity to interrogate and torture O'Driscolls. For once, he tells Arthur to back off so he can get blood on his hands
Despite everyone else's warnings, he just keeps on going and killing more O'Driscolls
When you finally return, he feels like he's hallucinating you because of his grief, and anger
Allows everyone else a moment to check over you before ushering you over to the privacy of his tent
Allows Ms. Grimshaw to follow so she can clean you up while he talks to you
Holds your hand the entire time and looks into your eyes while reassuring you that he'll never allow that to happen again
Insists you don't lift a finger for weeks afterward
Does NOT tell you about what he did while you were gone and simply speaks of his grief and his now relief that you're back
Hosea Matthews
He'd be grieving, but silently
He wouldn't be MIA like Arthur, and he definitely wouldn't be blinded by rage like Dutch
But he'd be a lot quieter, understandably, and you'd be able to see the deep sadness in his eyes
He didn't expect to lose a second lover, and his heart is heavy with feelings of loss
Would spend a lot of time talking about you to anyone who'll listen, mostly good memories
Turns down any of Dutch's suggestions to go out and take revenge, sees right through his attempts to use your presumed death as an excuse to kill a bunch of O'Driscolls
When you return he is all over you and is overjoyed by your presence
Takes care of all your injuries on his own and holds you sooo close the entire time
Reminds you how much he loves you because he feels like he didn't do it enough before he thought he lost you
Spends so much more time around you. If he wasn't attached to you by the hip before, he definitely is now
I don't think he'd doubt your ability to handle yourself; in fact, it'd probably be enforced by the fact you kept yourself alive for a week. But there'd be a lingering anxiety every time you go out
Micah Bell
Similar to Dutch, he'd go out and kill a shit ton of O'Driscolls
His grief translates to anger, and because I can't see him as a very sentimental person besides in terms of anger, that's the only way he'd express it
Probably wouldn't cry or show moments of vulnerability, but he'd be a lot more brutal in his killings
He'd spend a lot of time away from camp with Dutch probably looking for your body
Wouldn't return to camp for days
So you'd probably return to camp while he's gone, so everyone else tends to you before Micah can
When he returns he insists everyone else get away from you so he can take his own look at you
I wanna say you wouldn't receive a big welcome back gesture from Micah besides a rare shred of vulnerability where he tells you how happy he is to see you back
Don't get too mushy over it or else he'll backtrack
Kieran Duffy
On his knees crying and wailing in the middle of camp while people try to comfort him
Would be the same level as MIA as Arthur and wouldn't talk to ANYONE
Spends all his time around the horses and doesn't talk to anyone
If anyone does try to talk to him he just stares off silently in the opposite direction
The gang could probably hear him sobbing silently at night while trying to sleep
Drinks himself half dead because he doesn't know how else to cope
Drinks so often that when you come back he doesn't think you're real for a few minutes
It's a huge moment of vulnerability between the two of you where you see each other at your lowest
But it would definitely bring the two of you closer! After the two of you have cleaned yourselves up and taken care of yourselves, you'd have long, deep conversations about what you went through and how happy you are to be back
Lots of reaffirming his love for you, never leaves your side
Insists he comes with you every time you go out. Thinks he wouldn't be able to do much in terms of protecting you, but the sentiment is so so sweet
Becomes more of a way of comforting himself and quelling his own anxiety
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nthspecialll · 2 months
American Venom, what happened?
When it comes to American Venom there are about as many theories as there are players of red dead two, so I would like to give my two cents of thoughts and we are going to start with Dutch.
Why was Dutch Van Der Linde together with Micah Bell? The man who helped cause the downfall of his family, the man who he turned his back on and left on a mountain, the man he hadn't spoken to for eight years? Why were they speaking? I think we find the answer with Arthur.
John says himself that Dutch Van Der Linde is a very colorful character, yet also points out that he might not be any longer because what happened changed all of them. And I think he is very correct here, Dutch is a colorful man, or was a colorful man. The Dutch that we knew from before the downfall would never go eight entire years without drawing attention to himself, yet he did now. He changed.
Dutch went eight years keeping to himself, hiding in a cave probably, all alone, without a gang for the first time since 1875. I wonder what one does when isolating oneself for eight years. I imagne one thinks.
I think that Dutch spent all that time thinking, most likely about what happened with the gang and Arthur. I am not the best at facial expressions but I don't think it was anger that he looked at Arthur with in the high honor staying with John. It looked more like regret, frustration, sorrow. The curl of the brow, his entire face squinting together around the nose, that is a face I have only seen in people who just realized or heard something they wish they hadn't.
The way he looks at Micah too, it isn't anger, it isn't surprise... It is just... Hurt. I don't think in this moment he realized Micah was the rat, I just think he realized that he had been foolish, his family was gone and there was nothing he could do about it.
I don't think he thought "Micah, you betrayed me" I think he thought "Micah... I failed them."
When finally having time to think, I think Dutch realized something, no matter how much he liked to think otherwise, Arthur was still his son and he failed him. No matter how many fancy words and fancy speeches he created he still couldn't save the people whom he had cared for. I don't think he necessarily thought he had done wrong, I think he just thought he hadn't done enough.
When it comes to American Venom itself, I think he was there for closure, maybe even revenge. I don't think he was there necessarily to kill Micah in the end but maybe more to find out what really happened, to hear it from another person. I do however think he was ready to kill Micah if the answer wasn't something he liked, such as Micah's talk of "cutting off the weak" or "it had to happen" because Dutch never believed that, even in the end.
That said, I do not think he had planned on doing it when he did, I think the timing was a split-second decision. Was it because he didn't know Arthur was dead? No, he knew, but I do have two theories here.
One, the human mind is great at one thing and it is protecting itself, pushing away the memories that simply hurts too much. You know but you don't know, you don't accept. One thing is knowing Arthur is dead but being able to push it away and doubt your own mind, maybe, maybe he did survive, another thing is hearing someone say it, someone acknowledge it, someone making it real even though it was already real all along. That shock could easily have driven that decision.
Second, Arthur was Dutch's son and I don't think he expected Micah to joke and taunt his death. A man whom he already had a complicated relationship with, taunted his son, it can't have been a hard choice.
What about John and Sadie? I don't think Dutch cared much about them in the end, but why would he care for Arthur and not John? Dutch cannonly thinks John is the rat, I imagine he just saw Arthur as a follower, as someone manipulated by John, that is my belief. Does he still think John was the rat in the end? Maybe, I don't think he cared.
He used to be a man of ideals but as he said himself "I don't have much to say anymore." It was ideals that drove him but he doesn't have them anymore and I think he realized it doesn't matter who did what, it doesn't change anything and so far revenge hasn't done him anything good.
The loss of ideals was what changed Dutch and that is my two cents of thoughts.
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jellyfishsthings · 1 year
Hi love! Do you have a master list? Love your work!
I'm sorry it's not very organised with titles and stuff like other master lists but I didn't have much te to prepare it... enjoy tho these have to be my favorite works from many accounts. It includes both fluff and smut and a bit of angst....
more on the way in a second masterlist
🙏 please tell me if there is a problem with the links....
Masterlist No.1 (no.2 here)
Edit: Updated version ✌️
¤ = smut
smau = social media au
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Marauders Era:
Remus Lupin:
Remus & lazy hickeys , Version 2 ¤
Remus adoring breasts ¤
Remus making you scream ¤
Getting you so worked up, you can not speak ¤
Kinda Meanie Remus ¤
Shirtless Remus ¤
Remus and his kisses ¤
Mean streak ¤
Summer vibes , Version 2 ¤
Taunting ¤
Rivals to lovers ¤
No homework done I guess ¤
Annoying distraction ¤
Wolfy traits¤
Making Birthdays special ¤
Remus in his feels ¤
Comforting reader , Version 2 , Version 3, Version 4
Taking care of you, Version 2
Warning label
Stress reliever ¤
Angsty Confession
Study Motivation ¤
Mean Remus, vol.2 ¤
Bad mood
Baby fever
Slowest slow burn to ever burn ¤
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Formula One:
Charles Leclerc:
Baby Leclerc (smau)
Lotta history (smau)
It's never over ¤
Cat mama
Single mom
Jealousy jealousy (smau)
Lighting McMarried (smau)
For the hope of it all (Series smau)
Married to who (wolff reader)
Domestic Bliss (smau)
Bffs angst
Enemy racers (smau)
Vacation (smau)
Married angst
Revenge Reader (smau)
Overprotective (smau)
Charles as a dad, vol.2 (smau) , vol.3 (smau)
Max Verstappen:
Max being late
Max as a dad
U dumbfuck (smau)
Sexy times ¤
Crazy Cat Lady (series)
Carlos Sainz:
Obsessed (smau)
Mich Shumacker:
Rosy cheeks and salty hair ¤
Lando Norris:
Star wars? (smau series)
Danny Ric:
Best friends to lovers (smau)
Oscar Piastri:
Bookish (smau)
Soft launching? (smau)
This is about Oscar? (smau)
Who is Oscar Piastri? (smau)
Sweetener ¤
Grumpy x Sunshine (smau)
Kiss it better (smau)
Oblivious besties (smau)
My girl ¤
Vroom vroom bitch (smau)
Arthur Leclerc:
WHAT? (smau)
Oblivious bitches, pt.2 , pt.3 (smau series)
Ollie Bearman (i think you can tell that he is my fav) :
Besties to more (smau)
Insta dumps (smau)
Sunshine x grumpy (smau)
The black card life (smau)
Birthday boy (smau)
Race bffs (smau)
Teddy bear (smau)
Sickenly in love (smau)
(Extra)ordinary (smau)
Dating Ollie , vol.2 , vol.3, vol.4
No one else
In sickness and in health
Comfort after a race , vol.2
Domestic - ish
Morning snuggles
Those three words
Olives and Lemonade
Call me cupid
Only you (smau series)
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Why doesn't Marx want Kirby to forgive him, is it just the guilt thing?
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Long story short, this is a combination of "the fear of getting hurt/rejected" & "shame and guilt," which results in self-sabotaging, but the main reason is...
So, like Kirby with Cappytown... Marx was Hamelin's hero, but they betrayed him and thus turned to the dark side.
This all ties into his initial hatred for Kirby... he's very much angry at his former self for being so foolishly naive, and Kirby's good nature is too reminiscent of his former self.
That also makes it the main reason he could never truly hate Kirby... a younger self that he can't help but connect with. Leading to his "fake friend act" to accidentally grow to care for him and actually want him as a friend.
However, Marx knows he deceives Kirby the same way the people of Hamelin did to him... "pretending they cared for him." Using the very same methods, the townsfolk did to him... ("became what he hated")
This is why Marx doesn't have the heart to forgive himself... even though Kirby was always ready to forgive him and welcome him back with open arms. Because he knows he can never forgive the people of Hamelin... Why should Kirby? And, of course, he does!
The restoration of a friendship between Marx & Kirby happens~, But unlike the people of Hamelin, Kirby has this unconditional love for Marx and wants more than anything to have him back in his life.
I'd say these events happened after Planet Robboot... Marx finally makes his return and "saves Kirby?!" (I'm not gonna reveal from what because of spoilers)
With my interpretation of Marx, I wanted to take him into a sympathetic route (to make him stand out from the others). He still has the sass and mischievous charm, but I wanted to give him a proper reason why he is the way he is. It's a more heartfelt version of Marx that Kirby would want to be friends with and him in turn.
Marx represents "self-worth"; if people don't appreciate or treat you the way you deserve, then they don't deserve you. (Minus the piping all the Dark Matter back into the town as revenge...) KNOW YOUR WORTH AS A PERSON PEOPLE!
And he stands as one of the main reasons why Kirby ultimately chooses to become a star warrior. Moved out of the Popstar to travel and pursue his aspirations & dreams.
Please keep reading for spoilers & quick bonus comic~
So Arthur pretty much reveals Marx's backstory to the rest of the Kirby gang... and needless to say, they're speechless!
He still doesn't want to be forgiven, so he stays with Magolor (which I cover here with Magolor's lore), but yeah, of course, Marx opened up to Mags about Hamelin. And that's why Mags is there, while Kirby & Marx are back in his place telling his story to Kirby. (Kirby saw it because of "empathic touch" but didn't know the exact details of it..)
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And Dragato, yeah, he was already on his redemption arc (Falspar's already went through his with Fluff, so he's there for moral support, plus it's the reason why Arthur partnered up together).... he already knew he messed up. But now, hearing the full story that he was, not only did he fall for the people of Hamelin's lies, but... MARX WAS THEIR HERO. (I know kinda of shoehorned the crew for the sake of missing the gang, I just missed them I had to...)
There's actually a small bit of tragedy... while the adults sold Marx out, the children who really loved him would've vouched for him... it'll tie back into his character later.
And I know it seems like I'm painting Dragato in such a bad light, but it's part of his character development. And for those of you who don't know... HIS MENTOR WAS DAME MORGAN (LE FAYE)! So yeah, high standards, little affection, never impressed~
Which is why I still need to establish her a bit more! More Morgan coming up soon
I'm trying to get to the old asks I wasn't able to answer before (since I was still developing the lore...) And I just need a little break from the tournament plus, I've been working on some Kirfluff stuff for Oct.: Kirfluff week!
Also, little funny side notes and gags' "Hero to Zero... Hercules" reference and Mag's little side comment. Based on the meme, "you ruined a perfectly good child..."
So, hope you guys enjoyed it!
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hamiltonfilms · 2 years
I dress for revenge 💋 star in nyc
pairing : Arthur Leclerc x Verstappen!reader
summary : because of arthur your heart is broken you think he doesn't care about you
warning: kinda smut, adult language, protective older brother max, alcohol, Arthur is a dick, crying, mention of cheating, some dialogue from euphoria because it fit here, Horner
a/n: so I decided to write a continuation so keep reading and I hope you like it, if you want to be tagged let me know, remember that these events and characters were invented and did not exist like Dennis' cheating girlfriend <3 Also remember that English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes and sorry for mistakes but dutch is partly from the translator and partly by me hahah
part 1 / part 2
Sunday 19:01
"fuck" were the only words I said when I saw what time it was. Dennis was already waiting at the door, knocking.
"Just a minute because I'm not ready" I let him in while giving him a hug. "It's okay and one more thing you look gorgeous"
All I did was smile and went on to get ready, even though I p3, it still needs to be celebrate. I knew my brother and his bunch of idiot friends would be there too, which wasn't a very happy thing for me. My mood sucked I didn't really want to go to that club but even less did I want to feel my heart breaking In fact I don't want to feel anything so I stick to it to get drunk and feel like any girl my age. Now I only have one little case or more missions in my little black dress that's too tight, today I don't care about Arthur, only me that counts.
"Everything's fine suddenly you somehow thought?" it was even sweet. My friendship with Dennis was strange and misunderstood to some people at first everyone thought we were a couple but it never was, even though I admit that at the beginning of karting I had a crush on him.
"Yeah it's ok, will you help me with the necklace" He just smiled and got out of bed and helped me. He hugged me and I felt better again "you look really good like a bitch who will show the boy where he belongs" I turned to him and smiled too "Denny sometimes I wonder if I deserve you and until earlier today my look is revenge"
I sat on the passenger side of Dennis' car and we headed towards the club where everyone was supposed to be, I looked at the clock in the car and it was 7:40 pm I thought we wouldn't be late much, it's almost nothing. The road didn't take long so we quickly went inside and I saw our group but we had to go first past my brother's friends I felt heightened even someone whistled at me but I saw Max's overprotective gaze which didn't bode well. Suddenly I heard a whistle at me but already in our group of friends it was Jüri so I just smiled "what a chick. I'm sorry Dennis who is your companion?"
"It's sweet Jüri, you won't know your biggest nightmare in life and on the track" I started laughing with the whole group and I already had time to say hello to everyone "God what did you do with our sweet shy y/n?" Jüri was joking but I didn't mind it even funny because everyone expected me dressed in trousers and some kind of T-shirt and instead I had makeup stylized hair black little tight dress and heels which is the opposite of me but in the end I looked similar to girls of other drivers. I felt the jealous eyes not only of Arthur but also of some of Max's friends looking at me from top to bottom but I didn't care today this evening was mine and I was supposed to be the center of attention. But I could exaggerate, for example, I mixed alcohols instead of drinking only one here a little vodka, champagne, whiskey, beer or even some strange colored drinks.
Suddenly I got dizzy so I went out onto the patio, sat on the ground and tried to light a cigarette, which probably wasn't sensible under the influence of alcohol. Suddenly, I felt someone approaching me, I didn't really look who because I honestly didn't care. "Hi you look very cute" at first I thought it was some old creep but I saw in the corner of my eye it was Pierre so I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't let go. "fuck off Pierre I'm not interested" but that only made him smile which didn't mean anything good. "You pretend to be untouchable I like it as much as you in that dress" he placed his hand on my thigh which gave me goosebumps and made me uncomfortable but just in time my brother showed up "hey get your hands off her asshole" he crouched down to me and he had already gone "look at me, are you okay? did he manage to do anything to you besides what I saw how it would kill the son of a bitch" I heard a note of aggression in his voice but it was loved as much because he always defended me as needed "not everything ok but it was scary, go have fun don't worry about me i'll be going back to the hotel anyway" all i saw was a smile on his face "sure princess but if you are in danger or need to be taken away call me." it was cute he always called me princess when i was younger and took care of me. But I went back to the party with Dennis, who seemed curious as to why I wasn't around so much. "My excuse for why I wasn't that much was because I probably could have been dragged to fuck but luckily Max saved me and I'm partially sober so I need a drink" Dennis immediately spit out what he was drinking shocked as he realized "What are you okay? do you want to go back to the hotel?” I looked at him with a slight smile "give me a minute because I want to stay longer" he nodded and went back to talking to someone. "Ugh. Tequila makes me want to dance." it flowed out of my mouth "so dance with me" I heard Denny tell me so I jumped up as did he. He put his hands on my waist and I on his shoulders and we started to dance I noticed that everyone started to be jealous but Arthur probably the most because he turned red and went somewhere and all I heard was a chit in my ear "we made it" which made a slight giggle from my lips. I thanked for the dance and went to the restroom before I was alone, someone accosted me and I heard "Who the hell do you think you are?" I turned around and saw it was Arthur. "I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about" and I tried to walk away but he wouldn't let go and I heard something that hurt me. " You think I'm here because I'm interested in you? What do you have to say? Or what do you think about different things like you're so damn interesting? Hey. I'm going to be honest with you because no one else will. Any guy who says, that he's interested in more than just fucking you, he's full of shit. So good luck with your boyfriend." I started to cry because it was true it couldn't be "Wow that bitch can cry" it was too much I couldn't take it anymore
"You know what I honestly wouldn't give a shit what you said but I don't you act like a fucking punk then all of a sudden she's your girlfriend, she's Dennis's ex-girlfriend who cheated on him not that she didn't do it now cuz look in the restroom next door cuz she's fucking some dude right now and she was only into your brother that's why she was with you from what she said you know what it doesn't matter today I don't care about such a dick like you so fuck off" I felt good when I finally said it and left "y/n sorry stop I didn't mean to" all I did was stick my middle finger out at him and went looking for Dennis.
"I'm going to the hotel, let's see it's 4.06 am and I have a flight to Monaco at 4 pm so see you at the next race and have a nice winter break" I said goodbye to everyone and went with Denny to the car and briefly told him the whole situation and I only heard how I finished "What did he say?! what a dick he is, hey remember that's not true we all like you for your personality jokes or professionalism at the track" a smile appeared on my face. He walked me to the door and he went to his room. I had changed my clothes, washed off my makeup and tied my hair comfortably. Even before going to bed, I managed to quickly post on insta from today.
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, dennis_hauger and others
tagged: dennis_hauger oscarpiastri juri_vips liamlawson30
yn/verstappen After Hour
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dennis_hauger cool kids never sleep, they just party
yn/verstappen of course, what did you think?
yourbestfriend what did you do with my y/n where is it?
yn/verstappen here and where do you think?
y/nlovver yass we need more y/n in this context
arthurandy/nfanss y/n in her heartbreak era!! our queen slaying icon
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13.03 pm
I heard quite a loud knock on the door which was quite an unusual thing especially in a hotel so I got out of bed but unfortunately my hangover kicked in so the knocking became quite intrusive. "What exactly can I help you with, god Max you couldn't call or something" I gestured him inside and quickly closed the door.
"yet as if you were replying or answering! What a hangover appeared" you could hear a note of sarcasm in his voice. "Get on it because at 7pm I arranged for you to meet Horner because he wanted to so you can thank me because your career may have advanced" he made that proud father smile I've almost never seen in my life. He sat down and waited for me to get up because we were going to have something like lunch this morning anyway, but let's just say my hangover kept me in bed. Looking at the watch on the phone, it was 2 pm, so it's not that bad so we'll have time to eat something before the meeting. the flight passed peacefully I even managed to get some sleep and do my makeup to make myslef look better than now but my flight to monaco was changed to the UK due to a meeting which made me a little stressed I won't say no but I managed to post a few stories.
y/nverstappen added to story
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Red Bull Racing headquarters at 7pm
it was 6:58 p.m. and I was standing in front of the office waiting for them to let me in. I felt my legs turn to cotton when it was my turn. I shook my hand to say hello and took a seat. "So y/n I won't beat around the bush you are one of the brightest people on our junior team so we thought we would offer you this project" what came out of Horner's shocked me a bit.
"Wow thank you so much and I think I'll take the offer no matter what it is." I was excited enough that I didn't care what it was and I was going to take it anyway. He explained to me what it would be like, in short, I would drive the car around New York, they would record it and present the Red Bull Racing junior team to the world. However, I didn't have much time because I had to fly out tomorrow, of course I can take Max with me because I found that he is experienced in all this and is my older brother.
"I can't believe my sweet little sister y/n in my car still in New York! You don't even know how proud I am of you" I was shocked because I thought Max would get mad that they would put me in his car with his number on and they say he's proud still.
It was 11 pm and I just entered the apartment monaco was a place I missed but I will spend here until March 18 and we have November 21 of course I will be leaving, like now to nyc. I have a flight tomorrow at 12 am but my brother will pick me up. I finally had time for myself, unpacked the suitcase, put on the laundry and then the dryer and packed up and went to sleep. The alarm clock rang me at 6 am because I need to take care of myself, I got dressed I went for a run after I came back I ate breakfast I took a shower and got dressed it was 8 o'clock so max will arrive in two and a half hours so I decided to watch some series. This time will pass quickly and I don't even know when I found myself on the plane, if this is how my life will look like now, but at least I know what max was up to now. Browsing through instagram, I came across a post and I laughed, I showed my brother because he looked at me with an incomprehensible look, all I heard was "They haven't even been a couple for a week, y/n tell me you didn't do it" I laughed "No of course not" he looked at me seriously " I swear I didn't contribute to this" I went back to instagram.
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liked by arthurandy/nonly pierregasly arthurfan and others
tagged arthur_leclerc randomgirl
motosportgossip our new paddock couple has officially announced the end of their relationship is there a reason why?
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arthurandy/nforever I respect Arthur but maybe it's time for y/n and him now?
arthurfanss liked by pierregasly?
pearpierre maybe Pierre will give us details, eh?
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liked by y/nverstappen, arthur_leclerc, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, dennis_hauger and others
tagged : y/nverstappen
nlvogue Y/n Verstappen en haar verschijning in het laatste nummer van Vogue, beschrijft de jonge Formule 2-coureur hoe moeilijk het was om een ​​vrouw te zijn in een sport als f2, terwijl ze toegeeft hoe graag ze vrouw is. Racen is altijd een ontsnapping geweest, en hij geeft toe dat het een stuk makkelijker was met zijn broer aan zijn zijde. Opgegroeid in de racewereld, zus van Max Verstappen, maar vooral bekend om haar geweldige capriolen op de baan, ook wel "black Widow" genoemd of gewoon onze Y/n Verstappen.
Begin december gaat het officieel in de verkoop
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y/nverstappen Ik ben trots op wat uit deze samenwerking naar voren is gekomen 😉
dennis_hauger I don't understand a thing but I'm still proud of you bestie ❤
user33 y/n and vogue and Dutch makes me look forward to more
arthurandy/nfan Arthur liked?!
y/nleclercshouldbe something must be up
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arthur_leclerc added to story
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y/nverstappen added to story
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tagged maxverstappen1, danielricciardo
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liked by maxverstappen1, y/nverstappen danielricciardo arthur_leclers and others
tagged y/nverstappen
redbullracing we are officially announcing that on March 3rd there will be a new video of the junior project of the red bull team with y/n verstappen who will test our new cars on the streets of new york especially this car number 33 😉💪
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y/nverstappen I'm grateful and I hope it's not the last time haha
y/nloverr y/n driving for red bull still in Max's car and she in the new edition of vogue too much for today
maxverstappen1 I hope my car is in one piece y/n
y/nverstappen do you think i am you?
dennis_hauger I'm proud of you kid
y/nverstappen not that we are the same age but thanks for keeping me in your heart bestie 😘
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liked by pierregasly, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, dennis_hauger and others
tagged: yourbestfriend maxverstappen1 redbullracing
yn/verstappen Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
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redbullracing 💪
yourbestfriend karma is your boyfriend
yn/verstappen of course karma is my boyfriend what did you think
arthur_leclerc Nice jacket I guess
yn/verstappen thanks i guess
y/nleclercshouldbe artur likes and comments again?
user567 maybe they are together but i don't think so
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taglist : @vinylbycas @pospolites-blog @kazikiscool @honethatty12
a/n: wow it came out a bit long but wait for the next parts hah again sorry for mistakes and if you want to be tagged under the next part then text me.
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sneakyboymerlin · 1 year
I have said it before, but Kilgharrah has a parallel-opposite arc to Morgana. His character is redeemed in the same streak of episodes where Morgana goes from an ally to a major villain. While Kilgharrah was often self-serving and manipulative in the first 2 seasons, this changes by the end of season 2 because Merlin chooses to show him mercy after incapacitating him. It’s the first real kindness that Kilgharrah has experienced in well over 20 years. Whereas, when Merlin shows Morgana mercy by making the deal with Morgause to save her after she’s been incapacitated, Morgana returns more vengeful than ever. Back to Kilgharrah, though…
Not only does he indebt himself to Merlin, he comes to see Merlin in an entirely new way. Before, when he would call Merlin kin, it was in the most literal sense—both are creatures of magic, cut from the same cloth, and should be allies. But now, they’ve formed a bond from that kinship (and in a literal soul connection sense, too, no less). Kilgharrah’s plea strikes Merlin with so much force because they’re both now the last of their kind, and Merlin cannot help but consider and understand what Kilgharrah has been through, despite the destruction he’s caused, because it’s happened to Merlin, too. When they see each other next, this is what they have to say:
Merlin: I didn't think you'd answer my call.
Kilgharrah: Merlin, I could not resist a dragonlord, even if I wanted to.
Merlin: I’m grateful, thank you.
Let’s focus on that: “…even if I wanted to.” Kilgharrah did not want to resist Merlin’s call for help because he’s come to care about Merlin in his own way. This development is easily traced back to Merlin’s show of mercy. It cannot be stressed enough: this was the first kindness Kilgharrah had been shown in over 20 years, after rotting away in a dungeon when he was betrayed in every way possible, suffering from the grief of his entire species going extinct on Uther’s orders. And with this one show of mercy, Merlin changed the heart of a creature that everyone had already dismissed as a monster (the same way Merlin sees himself), one who sought his revenge by razing an entire city to the ground. From the start, Merlin treats him as a person: “Why are you doing this? You’re killing innocent people!” No one who saw him as a mere beast acting on its true nature would ask a moral quandary of him. And in the end, this path leads to Kilgharrah being spared, and Camelot repeatedly being saved as a result.
Kilgharrah’s sincerity in his care for Merlin is consistent in later seasons, and is seen in more than just his rescues. In 4x02, he plainly urges Merlin not to sacrifice himself, despite the fact that Arthur’s life (and thus, Kilgharrah’s ultimate freedom) hangs in the balance.
Merlin: Arthur intends to sacrifice himself to heal the Veil. It is my destiny to protect him; you taught me that.
Kilgharrah: Merlin, you must not do this.
He shortly follows this with something we’ve known since Merlin mended the rift between them in 2x13:
Kilgharrah: From the moment I met you, I saw something that was invisible. Now, it is there for all to see […] It will be an empty world without you, young warlock.
Having failed to convince Merlin to let someone else be the sacrifice, Kilgharrah commends him. Not only that, Kilgharrah mourns him.
This is all to say that Kilgharrah’s actions in seasons 1 & 2 should not be the sole focal point for our judgment of him, when he undergoes such an extreme change of character. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that Kilgharrah’s faith in the prophecies is anything but genuine. Alongside his newfound care for Merlin, his ultimate goal is his own freedom, and he believes that Arthur is the key to that.
Kilgharrah: We need Arthur to live […] Your destiny is to protect the young Pendragon until he claims his crown, and when he does, magic can be returned to the realm. Only then will I be free.
This logic is in line with what occurred in 5x13. Kilgharrah wouldn’t have said or done any of what he does in 1x13 if he did not believe that Arthur’s ascension to king would lead to his own freedom (even if it didn’t take immediate effect). Arthur’s place on the throne made room for an end to the wars, namely the one on magic. Kilgharrah did not make these prophecies up, nor is he the only one to believe in them. Alator and Finna possessed knowledge of the same prophecies, and both believed in Emrys’ vision/mission.
Kilgharrah had great knowledge himself, and tried to share that with Merlin to pave the best path, but he was not all-knowing, and he tells Merlin as much himself. Kilgharrah is merely a messenger, believer, and interpreter. So, he still believes the prophecy has come to pass, even if Arthur did end up dying anyways. The five kingdoms could now be united and magic restored to the land once the war was ended upon Morgana’s death. The prophecy was fulfilled within Arthur’s lifetime, despite the success of Arthur’s Bane. It did not go as Merlin expected, nor how Kilgharrah expected, but it still… went. This is what he means when he says, “No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.”
The idea that Kilgharrah simply played Merlin, when he was depending on Arthur as much as any creature of magic, and when he genuinely cared for Merlin as kin, is bad faith conjecture. How they got to the end point still mattered to him (i.e. Merlin must protect Arthur so that he has a chance to fulfill the prophecy), because that potential only existed through Arthur, and they all continued to suffer until that time came. Regardless of the age at which Arthur died, though, he was destined to fulfill these prophecies and return at Albion’s time of need. This, Kilgharrah knew. So is it any wonder that he maintained faith in it even after Arthur died? Especially after Arthur died, proving the prophecies true once again?
Kilgharrah: Merlin. There is nothing you can do.
Merlin: I've failed?
Kilgharrah: No, young warlock, for all that you have dreamt of building, has come to pass.
Merlin: I can't lose him! He's my friend!
Kilgharrah: Though no man, no matter how great, can know his destiny, some lives have been foretold. Merlin... Arthur is not just a King— he is the Once and Future King. Take heart, for when Albion's need is greatest, Arthur will rise again.
No, Kilgharrah did not predict the exact ending, but he did his best to help Merlin bring about the best possible outcome, and he said what he could to comfort Merlin when he was grieving Arthur. Kilgharrah was genuine, and his motives were in alignment with Merlin’s by the start of season 3.
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raphaellight · 3 months
A misconception about Adventures of Merlin (specifically, about Uther)
I had a epifany lately regarding Adventures of Merlin. Everyone is giving Uther a hard time for his treatment of magic, yet it struck me:
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He isn't that BAD as it seems.
He is ruthless, cruel and hatefull classist, also hypocritical for seeking magics help when it was about someone from his family. What I get at, that's not what made him unique inside the world builded in the show. Let's call up some trivia facts.
Merlin knows better than to admit he has magic, even tho he lived all his live outside of Camelot's kingdom (he doesn't do a great job at it, but you get my point, he knew he can't show his magic). And it wasn't because of the execution he witnessed at his arrival. It shocked him, but didn't suprise him. He never question it later.
With-hunter doesn't live in Camelot. He came when Uther called for him. He must have doing his business elsewhere.
Headhunter that brought Freya to Camelot never specified where he caught her. He brought her to Camelot, because Uther payed.
No other kingdom used magic in the open. And it wasn't exacly because of Uther, he was respected, but Camelot wasn't an empire dicating rules for everyone else. It was one of many states present.
Uther was hella respected among other kings, one of the reasons being, he conquered Camelot which was ruled by magic before his rulership.
That shows us, when we look, Uther wasn't a source of hate towards magic. Camelot was known for it's ruthless laws against it, but we never hear about a kingdom, where sorcerors and sorceres are free to practice. Best we've seen were individuals allowed to practice magic as long as it served the kings business. Uther was just a representative of the believe, a leader of a nation that didn't want magic. There was a backstory to it, magic brought Arthur to life, but took Uther's wife. Except, that only made him hate magic more. If it had started the hate itself, Camelot would have to rule over everyone else in order to enforce no magic laws outside it's borders as other Kings wouldn't be so kean to stop magicians from healing people and bringing better harvests every year. Also kings would definitelly treat him very differently thruout the show, kissing his ring and bowing before him, not sit down with him to negotiate the fates of kingdoms.
Uther was bad, but the misconception is that, he is the unique villain inside Merlin's world, while he was just the best at doing what everyone else did as well. Opressing people with gift of magic.
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I wrote it partly because it strucked me, but partly because I saw a post hating Uther. Don't get me wrong, he was usually despicable tyrant. But he wasn't always a villain. There were at least phew instances, when he showed he cared for other people, he was very generous for his people, he was a great and smart leader and for last, correct me if I'm wrong, a lot of magical trouble Merlin had to overcome was not tied to any revenge on Uther, just evil people using magic for their own benefit. And that's why he is one of my favourite characters to ever grace the screen. He was a really complex character that just so happened to be in the wrong more than in the right and had his flaws dominate his virtues.
I'm planning to pull a series of posts about hated characters, presenting new perspectives and examples of characters that aren't beloved by everyone, stick with me if you want to see more. Definitelly gonna touch on more magical characters.
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gawrkin · 4 months
Why did gawain not become king of orkney after Lot died?
That's a simple question with a very complicated answer.
To be really, really, really short and concise**, it boils down to two things:
One: Lot originally didn't die fighting Arthur.
In the earlies stories of Arthuriana, like Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, Lot never warred with Arthur. The Sword in the Stone and the Mayday Massacre never happened in these older stories, so Lot has no reason to fight Arthur.
In fact, King Lot lives all the way to the end of Arthur's reign. Here's one example:
Didot Percival
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So really, Gawain doesn't succeed Lot because originally, Lot was alive the whole time and Gawain dies at Mordred's rebellion before he can succeed Lot, who dies shortly after.
Lot's early death is actually a relatively recent Plot Point that was introduced in Vulgate/Post-Vulgate.
Its a retcon that only exists as a plot device to give Gawain a motive to be evil for revenge against Pellinore and his family.
There's also a bit Stations of the Canon at play here - Traditionally, Gawain is supposed to be one of Arthur's Greatest Warriors, so inevitably, he must join the Round Table... even when later stories change things so it doesn't make sense anymore.
By Post-Vulgate, Arthur is not only responsible for the death of his father but also seemingly the death of his newborn baby brother, Mordred. Gawain, logically, has no reason to like Arthur, much less join him.
So basically, its later retcons that don't jive with Gawain's positioning as member of Arthur's household. With Lot's early death, Gawain shouldn't be running around adventuring and questing when his homeland needs him to run things.
The medieval writers took for granted that Gawain is able to be present in Arthur's court for particular reasons.
Which leads us to the second reason
Two: Because then Gawain would be unable to adventure anymore
Basically, Gawain is a traditional hero of Arthuriana, and him not being in Camelot anymore would drastically change the cast dynamics and the story. It's like if Superman and Batman retired from the Justice League and didn't show up anymore.
Gawain can't meet Lancelot and join the Grail Quest if he's stuck up in the North, doing boring Kingly duties.
Ultimately, the Medieval writers just simply didn't care about Gawain's realistic feudal duties and obligations. To them, Gawain and the other knights are adventurer-protagonists: they're heroes first, feudal lords second.
That's why you don't see Lancelot managing Joyous Gard - that's boring real life crap the Medieval audiences wouldn't be interested in seeing. So, Lancelot goes around joining tournaments and beating up knights in random directions instead.
Arthurian Literature is essentially Chivalric escapist fantasy. It's about quests and fights, action and excitement.
And YES, it doesn't make any sense that Gawain isn't called "King Gawain"
**(I wrote an entire essay as an answer, only to stop I when realized its too long and overly wordy LOL)
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oneeyedsparrow · 2 months
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Arthur Finch
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Age: 18
Born: February 10th, Aquarius
Kamii University, Freshman
Department of Literature, Studying Japanese Literature
Gender: Male ♂
Species: Human
Size: 162.56 cm  58 kg
Blood-type: A+
Likes: Drawing, Reading, Intelligence, Martial Arts and Katsudon. Favorite Literature: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Sexuality: Gay ⚣
Hobbies: Arthur really enjoys reading or drawing in his free time. You’ll usually see him at a cafe with his favorite horror book or sketching in one of his many sketchbooks. 
Personality: Athletic, Clever, Friendly, Introverted, clingy (only to Mira and later to Hide and Kaneki once he gets to know them.) Secretive about his family ties to the CCG, Pacifist (he avoids causing harm to pretty much anyone.) He strongly believes that violence leads to more violence. While being a pacifist he still believes in self-defense. He rarely if ever holds grudges. He’s Impulsive to act when he thinks someone is in danger. He is a little bit cowardly when it comes to his own life. He’s a bit spoiled because of his rich upbringing but he doesn’t see himself above anyone. He’s also stubborn in his beliefs. Background: Born to Victor and Emma Finch in the United States, Arthur lost his father at the age of 10. His mother remarried to Benjamin Willaims, an investigator under the American version of the CCG, The Department of Ghoul Defense. His mother died when he was 12, leaving him with his stepfather who got more invested in his work due to Arthur’s mother dying from a ghoul attack. The ghoul who was framed for the murder was eventually killed, and his wife was arrested for harboring a ghoul under her care. 
The ghoul who supposedly killed his mother had two offspring: Mira and Milo Walsh, two natural born half-ghouls who initially befriended Arthur out of petty revenge, though the former of the two grew to have an actual friendship with him while the other kept his resentment at the forefront of their interactions. It was thanks to his friend Mira that Arthur was able to find other options for himself, and to aid him with a surgery before making further plans for the future. 
While distant with his stepfather, Arthur decided to leave the country to pursue his life goals, taking his best friend Mira with him as the two settled into Japan to start a new life together. Arthur has no idea that Mira and Milo are half ghouls.  Arthur's gun is a black 44 magnum that has 6 rounds. The gun uses Q bullets. Arthur only uses this gun as his last and finally option.
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Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 Ships I'm okay with: Arthur x Kaneki, Arthur x Hide, Arthur x Hide x Kaneki. Mira X Arthur. Ships I'm not okay with: Arthur with anyone who Identifies as being female. (Arthur is gay sooo) Shuu Tsukiyama (I would be okay with it if their personalities didn't clash so much.) I'm okay with: Gore, NSFW, and even death of my OC (I'm pretty much cool with it all.) If you have any more questions about Arthur Finch Please DM me @websterweaver or @oneeyedsparrow @tokyoghoulartfight2024 This is my TG OC Feel free to attack me as I will definitely will do revenge! >:3 dividers by @nymphfrills
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larluce · 9 months
I want to talk about Arthur's reaction to Merlin being a sorcerer in magic reveal fics.
There are the ones that portray a very violent and cruel Arthur. Fisically injuring Merlin on impulse or trying to supress his magic with cold iron. Almost killing him by accident due to outburst or ignorance for him to feel very guilty afterwards. I get why they do it. The angst and drama. And, while there are very well written fics with these prompts, I don't actually believe Arthur would react that way. No matter how betrayed, angry and hurt he feels.
True, there were occasions where Arthur reacted badly, or really, just two occasions: when Morgause told him the truth about his birth and he almost killed his father, and when Gwen "cheated" on him with Lancelot and banish her. However, in the first scenario he genuinely believed his father had killed his mother just out of selfishness, the mother he never got to meet and blame himself for her death all his life, and then killed thousands, not really out of guilt or revenge which probably was Uther main motive, but out of pure hypocrisy. Honestly, even the most kindhearted and nonviolent person would react that badly! I don't think we can compare learning your best friend lied to you about being a sorcerer for years with that. When it came to Gwen though Arthur was actually merciful. As King he should have had her executed, he couldn't NOT punish her in some way because there were witnesses and he couldn't be look as a weak or unreasonable King. And even as angry as he was, he let her explain herself, he was willing to listen to what she had to say. Looking a little backwards, when Arthur found Gwen kissing Lancelot and went on full rage, he never draw his sword at her and is actually when she put herself between Lancelot and his blade that he stops. The woman he loved betrayed him, made him look like a fool infront an entire council and probably the entire kingdom as well and yet he never once insulted her. The much he did, besides banish her of course, was shaking her by the arms in his anger but it's short lived and he quickly apologised after that, because even after what Gwen did to him he can't bare the though of hurting her.
Then there are the fics were Arthur reacts too nicely to the news. He is understanding, he doesn't even get mad at all. He is fine with Merlin being a sorcerer right away. While these fics tend to be cute and all fluff, they make less sense to me that the first ones I mentioned. Arthur still was raised to hate magic, that doesn't go away just in a minute. Also while he can be a very reasonable man, he is a very resentful one too, at least when it comes to trust. We've seen this through the series, nothing breaks his heart more than someone he cares for betraying his trust. Returning to the previous example, while he let go Gwen unharmed after the infidelity, it took him a long time to actually forgive her. Also, while not being a violent man normally, Arthur can be very hurtful with words when he's upset. He threathened Merlin with banishment when he was still hurt about Gwen and Merlin kept reminding him about her. When Merlin decided not to go with him to the most important battle in his life, he said his famous "I always though you were the bravest man I ever met... I guess I was wrong". He didn't actually mean the words, but he's hurt so he hurts others to appease the pain. Was he being unfair and selfish when he said these things? Yes, he's not perfect, he has flaws but that makes him human.
So, how do I actually believe Arthur would react if he had found out about Merlin's magic before Canmlan? Not so different really. He would have said hurtful things, would demand to be alone, for Merlin to leave (not banishment), but he wouldn't fisically injure Merlin in any way. He also wouldn't arrest him at least there were other witnesses and he had to keep appearences, because he's still king of a kingdom that bans magic. But even then he would late let Merlin explain himself and make sure he has a fair trial, a trial Arthur would definitely arrange in a way Merlin is found innocent, or he would give him a royal pardon, and he would make sure Merlin is not harm while he's in the dungeons. Banishment would be a last resort if the council is firm about Merlin being punish, because laws and mentalities can't be changed in a day after all.
But if there're not other witnesses, Arthur would simply not require his servicies for a while, ignore him for some days, weeks maybe, but not a long time really. Again, he can be a resentful person, but not an unreasonable one, he would eventually call for Merlin and be willing to listen to him. The intesity of his anger and hurt, and how troubled he feels about his believes on magic, would depend on which season the magic reveal happens. But, generally, the actions he would take would be the same. Let's remember that even when he found out about Merlin's magic in Camnlan, after all the betrayals he suffered, when Merlin left him alone with Gaius, he ordered Gaius, not for Merlin to be arrested or to disclose to someone Merlin was a sorcerer, but to have Merlin take a word to Gwen! To his wife! If he really believed Merlin was evil, that he could hurt him, he wouldn't dare to do that. Also, as soon as he learned he needed Merlin to have a chance of survival, he accepted his help, reluctantly yes, but he did let him take him to the sidhe when he could easly refuse and demand Gaius to do it or refuse to do it all together cause going to the sidhe would mean using magic on himself and put faith in a sorcerer. So, no, I don't believe he ever planed on taking Merlin to the dungeons, much less kill him, even then. He just wanted to be left alone for a moment, he needed Merlin to leave because it hurt to see him after the revelation, after the betrayal.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. What do you think?
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worth-this-and-more · 3 months
my honest opinion on "bree cheated on nick with sel"
listen, i personally am rooting for selbree since the start, since legendborn, but I swear I'm not baised
yes, at first glance, this looks like cheating. i will not deny that. the only explanation anyone is giving is that "nick left them and this is why bree kissed sel"
now the thing is, let us match parallels with another of my fav book series, shatter me in shatter me, juliette found she can actually touch adam without killing him and they mistook their barely formed connection to romance and that's when shit started going down and then when she was away from adam, feeling betrayed by him, conflicted by aaron because damnit why is he so nice to her, she feels she can fall for him because adam betrayed her once, right?
in legendborn, nick is the best guy bree can end up with, honestly. my guy is so flirty, so caring, so protective, anyone can fall for him, seriously. and so I understood how bree would naturally fall for him too. they weren't given time to spend together before his father pulled this whole shit and everything went to hell.
however, bree from legendborn is not the same as bree from bloodmarked. bree from legendborn is grieving her mother, guilty over her last argument, in this desperate obsession to find out her mother's death's truth. in the middle of it, nick felt like solace, safe, her "home". he was the only familiar person in this southern chapter so she would obviously be more connected to him than anyone else.
but bree from bloodmarked?? she has found a way to connect to her mother, which was stripped from her, then she is on a desperate hunt to get nick all the while trying to be the king everyone wants her to be. she didn't choose this, none of her ancestors did. and when she finally found nick, he left them. nah seriously, he left. i can understand how traumatizing his father's death would be for him to straight up kill in revenge, but he left. at your most vulnerable moments you self isolate, i know, but nick told bree not not look for him, them again asked her to come find him, knowing full well how risky it was for her if she could be caught. and staying away from sel he knew sel's oath would affect him, but his actions don't fully make sense. nick in bloodmarked is working on a completely different mindset and it is not blatantly obvious so i can understand why bree felt betrayed because nick has specifically asked her to come to him and then he just left?? he is processing his grief and i am sure the proximity has brought them together along with the arthur lancelot connection so maybe this is why i feel like it's soon. I'm not saying it wasn't real its really soon. literally a highschool romance.
and bree is having gradual feelings for selwyn since the start of bloodmarked. like not simply because he's the only one she knows thing, but because she genuinely tried to understand him and they went from enemies-to-friends-to-allies. those moments between them, and everything, it was concerning to me how bree switched from nick in her dreams to sel in reality, but it's kind of similar to how aaron and adam go about it.
bree and nick were not official at this point, so I personally don't believe its cheating.
and honestly guys they knew each other for like two weeks how on earth is that cheating??? didn't even make anything official and guys seriously they "felt like" they had a strong connection it was only two weeks of knowing each other damnit
she said they are "seeing each other" and that means you can see other people too like seriously guys get over it
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a-funeral-pyre · 5 months
May Day Parade 2024 - Prompt One: May King Mordred
I did an attempt at re-editing and finally posting an old fic of mine for @queer-ragnelle 's May Day Parade! Although I have to admit I am not fully satisfied by the translation, but there is not much that can be done for that. Here we go:
“Yit that traytour […] Turns hym furthe tite, and talks no more Went wepand awaye, and weries the storndys That ever his werdes ware wroght, siche wandrethe to wyrke” (Allitterative Morthe Arthure)
The sky should not have been so dark today. It is barely midday, and this should have been a peaceful day. But the sun is gone, along with any hope of changing things.
It doesn't cause you any pain. Darkness is your most ancestral memory.
You were born in darkness. You were always destined to live there. Generous hands have rescued you from the abyss only to lead you onto a path devoid of light.
Deep down, you have known it from the beginning.
Before you even knew who you really were there was a voice that came from the night and whispered to your soul. You knew you were fated to be more than just a fisherman's son.
You thought your destiny was to become the heir of a king. You realized too late that you had to be an avenger.
Your father must pay for what he did.
It seems everyone has forgotten the massacre he chose to carry out. Everyone except you. And now you will bring justice and take your rightful place.
You could have repressed your hatred if it weren't for the blood that unites you. You did not ask to be born. You are just the result of his actions, but he's always been too busy looking at you suspiciously to realize that. He never wanted you and he tried to destroy you as soon as you came into this world. The time has come to punish him.
And you don't care how many will be burned by your revenge. Not anymore.
You could have spared Guinevere. But she didn't deserve to have Gareth pay for her. You wished it was her beautiful, cruel face to be frozen in death, her head to be severed. She could have loved you. If not as a wife, then at least as a friend.
But you are the symbol of her husband's guilt, and this is enough to make you enemies.
Now it doesn't matter anymore. You stopped desiring her. When you return, seeing her become aware that in the end you won - the bastard, the traitor, the sick fruit of the king's sin - will be enough.
This time you are certain to win. The darkness around you is witness to this. You will have what is yours, you will avenge the victims of your father, your mother...
And yourself.
Maybe your father thought this time would never come. Maybe he believed that welcoming you into his court was enough to erase the fact that he tried to kill you.
He was naive enough to think you were harmless and he thought that, like everyone else, you couldn't see through his mask of justice and virtue.
All you had to do was look him in his eyes to know what he thought of you. A youthful mistake, a child that should never have been born, dangerous just for existing. He could never have been a father to you. He could never see you as anything other than an enemy.
Now he doesn't hide it anymore.
All your life you have done what he taught you. You have lied. You will rise to power by cheating and killing, as your grandfather did, and you will prove yourself to be your father's worthy son. Then the throne can only be yours.
You are not alone. You have an army with you. Men who saw you worthy of being king, men who long to see you in your father's place. And it doesn't matter that they only follow you for the benefits you promised them. They chose to help you. They chose to raise you to the place you should not have conquered by force. They are more loyal to you than your family ever was.
You have them, and more. You have the blood of kings on your side. You are about to kill a murderer If there really is a just God, He can only be on your side.
You can finally take off the mask you've kept on for years and breathe. For the first time, you are truly alive.
This unnatural night that has fallen on the world will be the dawn of victory for you.
The lie you have woven all these years has come to an end. Just a few hours and you will be king. You will get what you want. You will be respected, you will be loved.
You have to keep telling yourself this until it's all over. Just one last trick on yourself. Just enough to keep going.
Then you will be satisfied with having repaired the wrong you have suffered. You will be able to go on living alone. It won't be too difficult – it's just what you've done so far.
You were born for this moment, to follow the path that fate had written for you. You will have to be able to survive what comes next.
You will have to delude yourself that you can achieve victory. That you can be the master of your destiny.
You have believed in your hatred for so long that you no longer perceive its meaning, but you have gone too far to stop now. You've been alone too long to find a way to bridge the gap between you and your father. From the beginning you had to take on this role. Thus said the prophecy that shaped you.
Deep down you are aware that only emptiness will come afterwards. You've been waiting for this moment your whole life. And you are afraid, because without the desire that has sustained you so far you will no longer be anything.
This will be your last moment. If you survived, you could try to be reborn. You could truly live, finally, once you are free from your father's shadow.
But you are not made for the light of life. Only for this darkness. Only in this moment, now that you are so close to your goal, you really exist.
And nothing has changed compared to before. You are still completely alone.
You had no one to accompany you this far. If Agravain lent you his help, it wasn't because he believed in you. There is no seer who can advise you along the way. As if the fate that put you on this path had abandoned you from the beginning.
You are not naive enough to delude yourself that things will change when all this is over. You have to believe that it is a valid price to pay for what you are about to do, because now you can no longer go back.
You will undo everything you were, everything you are. You're not sure if you'll still be anything after that.
But you can't care about what you might have been if there had been another way. Not anymore. It didn't matter to your father, a bastard born of deception too virtuous to let you become king like he did. You should follow his example, at least this time, and bury all visions of a brighter future.
Even if you had the chance to rebel in the past, you can't do it now. You are just the shadow that must suffocate the light.
You see him, your father, in front of you. Proud and terrible. White and shining. The sun that disappeared from the sky was incarnated in him.
It will burn you, and you know it. You are already defeated. You're better off accepting it and giving up. He will never forgive you, you would die anyway, but at least you would have consciously chosen something, even just once in your entire life.
There's no more time.
As much as it is a crime, as much as it is useless and does not fulfill your hopes, you will do what is right. What you want, what you have to.
All you will do is fulfill desires that were never entirely yours. You have to accept your nature. You are just an instrument of fate.
And when your father dies, you will bring no new dawn. Only darkness and silence, again.
You could have had a normal life. Arthur might have made you his heir. Or he would simply smile at you, every now and then. He would have spoken to you with the same love with which he spoke to your brothers. If he hadn't believed in the prophecy. If I hadn't hated you. If you had not hated him, fulfilling your fate.
You never had a choice.
You had to get here no matter what. You have shed too much blood and tears. Gawain, who, however loyal he was to the wrong person, was still your brother, was only the last of the sacrifices, of the bodies you had to pile up to climb to this moment.
You can't stop anymore. There is nothing left that can save your soul, or at least deprive you of the painful awareness of having lived in vain.
Your father was a glorious and ephemeral flame. You were born just to turn the page.
Nothing more than this.
You existed for him, and together with him you will die. There is nothing you can do to change things now.
Just a moment and you will be free from everything. Whatever awaits you in hell will be no worse than the years you spent on this Earth.
And as his spear slides into you, as his light pierces you, you just wish you had another chance, to go back, change fate, and be happy.
But it's too late. Your name will always be a whisper in the darkness, a black stain in this shining legend, and in your torn body there is no longer enough breath to cry out your pain.
Camlann stands silently over your ruin.
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makriiii · 1 year
Caught Ⅲ (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 3.1k
Tumblr media
Authors notes: Sorry for the slow uploads. Btw, when I copy-paste this from my notes app, tumblr double spaces my paragraphs and I'm too lazy to change it. 😭
Warnings: 18+, angst, & cursing.
Pt1! Or pt4
Wattpad or Ao3
Caught Ⅲ
The land around you briskly faced a blanket of darkness as the sun had just set, the colors had kept you busy for just a stint, longing for them as they faded into deep shades of gray and blue.
People were now rekindling their fires from the night previous, preparing for dinner, a preparation you didn't need to worry yourself with, as much as you wished you did.
Keiran was across from you, and despite being part of your gang, you hadn't exchanged many words. He never did seem too fond of the gang.
Neither of you conversed, not only due to the fact that he tried desperately to distance himself from being an O'Driscoll, but because everyone in camp would also be part of the conversation.
With Keiran ignoring you, and Dutch's gang shunning you, you may as well have been the naughty kid who sat in the corner with a dunce cap on.
The only thing that kept your sanity was finding out that, Arthur, so you came to know, had taken your horse with him that day.
With nothing to do but sit defeated, you zoned out, staring at your horse. The thoughts of escaping with her danced around in your head.
Revenge didn't even cross your mind, in fact, at this point you were willing to let it all go, so long as you had your horse.
Rival gang members came and went, gawking at both of you like zoo animals. At one point, a lady who seemed personally victimized by Keiran had come and dropped food on him.
You were slightly taken aback by her actions, you were hoping it wasn't just for the fact he's an O'Driscoll, otherwise you felt you'd be next.
It was clear you weren't welcome despite being forced to stay and by all means you were happy to leave if they'd allow it. You'd even take Keiran along as well, but they had no such plans.
Out of all the people who roamed before you, your eyes met with one, much to your despair.
You had had enough of the man over these past days when he would check on you, once or twice each day, occasionally giving you water but only teasing you with food.
He kept to asking you and Keiran both, where on earth Colm was, and on that earth, you couldn't give him the darndest of answers.
Each time threatening to rid of both of you right here and there every time you gave him the same answer.
He was no man to play games with, but you still played them. He threatened it but never did actually point the barrel of his gun at you again. You shivered as a small ache crept from your arm just thinking about it.
With the eye contact you regrettably made, Arthur finally decided he'd saunter over and have a friendly little chat with you.
You shifted your weight uncomfortably, your arms and shoulders hurting with every second you didn't stay still.
He seemed to have this look in his eye that you couldn't quite place.
"I reckon it's time to change that bandage of yours." He commented, half gesturing for your arm before looking down and reaching into his satchel.
You didn't want him to touch you, hell, you didn't even want that stinking man anywhere in your sights.
"No, please. I'd rather it get infected so god can take care of it instead." You dismissed, kicking out your leg in an attempt to wave him off since you couldn't use your arm to do so.
He snickered as he crouched down beside you, moving for his knife, and to your surprise, he started cutting at the ropes that kept you tethered to the tree.
"That'd be a good few weeks of worse pain before it finally took you, pain I can just save you from now."
"There's a lot you could've saved me from, not being a poor aim on the day you shot me would've been it." Jeering at him with sass.
Any relief you would have felt from the breakage of your bounds was cut short as you hissed out a gasp of pain.
His large, calloused hand wrapped and dug in just above your wound.
Your instinctual reaction had your right hand balled into a fist and swinging around into a hook that landed sweetly on the side of his face before you could do anything about it, or so that's what you claimed.
It caught him off-guard, taking him a second to react, by which he squeezed your arm even harder and reached for your other wrist in a tight, abrasive grasp.
You cried out while he manhandled you. "Fuck- quit grabbin' me like that, you big brute!" You stirred under him, but he kept you still in an almost a perfect manner.
The whole commotion caught everyone's attention, their turned heads held looks of confusion and surprise.
"Im tryna help your ass, woman." He snarled, keeping you from jerking around. "Hold damn still before I save myself the trouble instead."
You looked away, mumbling a curse under your breath. By no means did you relax, but you stopped fidgeting, he cautiously let go. His eyes burned holes through you as he did.
Suddenly, he reached for your buttoned shirt, you flinched back in befuddled surprise.
"Just what the hell do you think this is?" You demanded, fully desiring to line up another fist to his face, if it wasn't for the control he had over you with clasping your arm.
"Your sleeve doesn't roll up that far. Didn't I tell you to hold still?"
You felt overwhelmed with rage, and worst yet, you couldn't do anything about it.
"Don't look at me like that, how else do you think I took care of this for you before?" He adds, leaving you in silence.
A man undoing your shirt wasn't the problem. The man doing it, was.
"I was hoping you had left me in the care of one of the more dignified ladies here."
"You wandered off so far from where we camped, you would've died before then." He counters, shaking his head.
"And I would have thanked you, if you left it at that." You stayed arguing, but slighted your head up, giving him easier access to your buttons.
His eyes flickered from your face and to your shirt for a moment at your small gesture.
"Left it at that? Nah, I couldn't let you get away with all that money." He takes a moment, unbuttoning your shirt half way, exposing most of your bra.
It was enough to get your arm out but not leave much to the imagination.
"I was hopin you'd know more than your buddy, yet, neither of you annoying shits seem to recall jack all." He nagged, giving you a stern look before returning his gaze to your arm.
You couldn't say much in return when you felt him pinch and prod at your arm, needles running through your body.
You groaned your hurt, though he didn't seem to care much.
"Don't punch me again, y/n. I ain't beyond hittin' a lady like you."
You gave him a dismissive, smug look, shrugging your shoulder through the aching and burning he inflicted on you.
"I'll just skip that part and put a bullet through your other arm instead," he halts his medical measures and grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks in a firm grip. "You understand me?"
You shook your head away from his grasp, a small, childlike and petty desire to jab at him grew inside you.
"You sure feel me up a lot for someone who hates O'Driscolls so much." Your lips curl upward into a mischievous smile.
He raises a brow, leaning away from you, scoffing in disbelief.
"I'd prefer much anything over you, O'Driscoll." He gripes, returning back to your wound, unraveling the old bandage.
"Yeah, I can see that, considering you have me almost half undressed." You did your utmost to keep from looking at your wound, instead keeping your eyes on Arthur's face. His eyes kept strictly at your arm, never faltering as he lazily slathered on some sort of ointment.
"You're full of yourself. I wouldn't be doin' this if I didn't need to." He shakes his head.
As he finished with the fresh bandage, his hands finally had stopped poking you, leaving your arm in peace and an onset of relief.
"You know, I was thinkin' bout feedin you tonight," his words brought you back to how starving you were.
"Can't say I'm feelin' so kind now." His hand found the side of his face, his fingers inspecting the welt you had inflicted on his cheek.
Your stomach found his words utterly strangling, but begging him was out of the question.
"Dead people can't tell you where Colm is."
"So, the answer comes to you if you're fed?" His eyebrow shoots up, sarcasm plastered all over his freshly punched face.
"I can give you my best guess if you feed me." You explained, irritation being the entire undertone of your statement.
"You think guesses are gonna get you fed? Huh, girl?"
"That, or I simply wont have enough energy to think much on Colm." You cajoled, your smirk slowly returned.
"Careful with that mouth of yours, it's gettin' real tiresome." He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Yours reached that point way long ago." You fired back, his face now full of frustration.
"Glad to hear you're not hungry, O'Driscoll." He griped, returning rope to your wrists.
You full well expected it, but having them back on so soon displeased you beyond words.
Once he tied you up good, he got back up without a word and promptly left back to camp, leaving you alone on your tree once more.
You leaned your head back, wondering just how much longer they'd leave you tied up before they acted on their word of killing you both.
Minutes passed as you felt your eyelids get heavy, you didn't want to sleep, not until at least everyone else, but being tired, starving and having been shot only a few days ago left you exhausted.
"Don't you fall asleep yet, y/n." That man's voice chimed. You grimaced at his return.
The front of him was shadowed in contrast to his backside, which faced the camps fire light. You couldn't quite see what he held as he made for you.
"Couldn't get enough of me, huh?" You teased with a straight face, irritation filling you once more.
"You would like if I couldn't, wouldn't you?" A shit eating grin spread across his face at his own comeback.
You scoffed in response, staring him up and down as he got closer and to your surprise - the smell of food wafted into your nose.
Your whole body jolted with excitement, though, you couldn't tell just why he decided on feeding you.
He unties your wound-free arm, but hesitates when handing you the bowl in his hand.
"What?" You ask, looking up at him, his large frame towering over you.
"Say please." He demands, an evil look on his face.
"You're crazy. Now hand it here."
You reach for it but he pulls it away.
"Just say please, O'Driscoll." He laughs, taking a step back to avoid your waving arm.
"Quite actin' a fool and just give it to me." Your voice tightened with anger, your hunger almost possessed you into fighting him for it.
"Didn't anyone teach you manners? Please aint that hard to say."
"It is when the man you're saying it to is the same one that shot you. Now-" You reach again, your hand finally collecting the soup filled bowl.
You glanced back up at him, almost in shock that he actually let you grab it.
"Alright, alright, but next time, I expect some manners, O'Driscoll." He grins, knowing this set you off.
Next time? Next time, really? Your face furrowed with disbelief. "I'm happy you're an optimistic man, Arthur, but next time'll be in your dreams."
"Don't get too cocksure, darlin'."
"You know, you look pretty good when your face has a big red mark on it from my fist." You commented, shuffling in bites as you spoke.
"Really? Well, I think you also looked pretty good tied up all these days." He countered, the smile he had on his face ever growing.
That smile, on that nasty man. You hated it.
"Leave me to finish my food in peace."
He hums in consideration. "As much as I'd like to, you aint tied back to the tree."
You glower at him, desiring to eat slower so you could spend more time to rest your rope burned wrists, but ridding yourself of his presence felt more important.
You stayed silent as you finished the rest of your food, which didn't take long, tossing the dish to his feet and laying back on the tree so he could re rope you.
"That's what I like to see from you, O'Driscoll." He nods with approval.
You ignore him, your pride hurt with every moment more you had to give into this man and his crook gang.
He ties you back up and returns to the heart of camp.
It wasnt long before you finally dozed off.
(Set after the scene when Keiran gets interrogated.)
You sat petrified, still as the tree behind you, gelding tongs. They pulled down his pants for it too, if Keiran hadn't spoken up, you feared you'd be subject to it as well.
Goosebumps had crept up your back just thinking about those searing hot metal peices anywhere near your barren skin.
Keiran had finally come up with something.
Six point cabin.
You recalled having been there a few times, but was Colm up there? Your guess was as good as Keirans unless he actually was sure of it.
Arthur finally released Keiran from the tree, pushing him to the direction of the horses, then he came to you.
"You get to join us too, O'Driscoll." A small sinister smile creeps on his face, cutting through your ropes. "You better hope he's not trickin' us."
"Either way, if I'm rid of you, it's fine with me." He finishes, pulling you to your feet, guiding you to his mount.
"I'll get the most joy out of that, I reckon." You affirmed, somewhat stumbling as he releases you.
"Whatever you say, princess." He chuckles, closely following you.
Arthur calls out to a John and Bill, telling them just what's about to happen.
Keiran and a man with a nasty scar on his face were mounting, if you had to assume, the name John seemed best to suit him.
The other - Bill who had to be the man that threatened to 'geld' Keiran, coincidentally the one who also ratted on you that not so faithful day.
As you reluctantly walked along, you passed your steed you so woefully desired to mount instead, your ticket out of here. But Arthur quickly dismissed the thought for you, pushing you to his horse instead.
You gave him a hard stare in return, frustrated with his shoving.
"We're gonna pay your buddies our respects." He announces, entirely unconcerned.
"They taking us to Colm?" Questions John, steering his horse away.
"That's what he says." Arthur attempted to lift you up but you wave away his hands and pull yourself up instead, as much as your arm protested in agony.
Keiran stuttered out his assumption on where the cabin and Colm was, they pushed their horses in the opposite direction of camp.
Arthur mounted on after you, and for the first few moments you chose to hang on to nothing, however as if he knew, he kicked his horse to a trot, prompting you to grab at his sides.
Even underneath his layer of clothing, you could feel his heavyset build that helped keep you steady. Looking him up and down, a shiny metal caught your eye.
You were captivated at the sight of your revolver, missing the feel of it at your side and in your palm whenever you saw fit.
He had taken your gun as if you weren't still alive to be the owner of it.
You clenched your jaw, angry at everything and now finally riding to your more likely than not demise, worse yet, possibly executed with your own gun.
He kicked his horse into a lope, leaving you clinging to his sides firmly.
He turned to look over his shoulder at you, clearly in response to your tightened grip.
A small smirk crossed his lips before peering back to the trail up ahead.
The rest of the entire ride consisted of Keiran condemning O'Driscolls, bickering and directions shouted from you and Keiran.
It didn't take very long at the speed in which you rode, though you feared slipping off everytime you didn't have a good hold on Arthur.
You approached a small hill, Keiran confirmed the destination upon arrival.
"Okay, off your horses." Arthur draws back the reins. "Let's go." His voice now low in tone.
He jumps off and you follow suit shortly after, sliding off the back of his horse.
John reminded you and Keiran as you snuck forward, that he was keepijg his eye on you. Although you felt Arthur had beat him to it, he stared daggers at you as you crept along with the rest of them.
"I ain't gonna shop you now, come on." Keiran assures. "That'd be suicide."
"You'll die, boy. But you'll lose your balls first." Warned Bill, his gravelly voice blunt as could be.
Bill wasn't a man you wanted to be too close to with threats like that, so you kept closer to Arthur.
"Jesus christ…" Keiran murmured under his breath.
The lot of you kept low as you came to a ridge overlooking the cabin.
Keiran gave the rundown, confirming they were in fact armed, drunk and not fond of strangers.
Colm would be in the same way, just in the comfort of the cabin, which you agreed on.
Unlike Keiran's declared opposition, the O'Driscolls were a gang you rode with for a good while and despite Colm's nasty behavior, you felt a large sense of betrayal. Betrayal or your life, as it was now.
Your thoughts interrupted by three men emerging from the small cover of young trees, conversing about something miniscule and not far from earshot.
Suddenly Keiran was grabbed by John, a gun to his head and a hand over his mouth.
Arthur followed suit, pulling you into him, losing your balance with his sudden pull, your own gun held to your head and any potential cries for help blocked by his rough hand.
The now non existent barrier betwen your back and his chest was closed, you could feel each breath and each nervous heart beat agaisnt you.
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