#artist: dacieng
acewithapaintbrush · 3 months
Sonic the Hedgehog Big Bang 2024
The nightmare always starts the same.
The Tornado idling on a field, red metal gleaming in the sun, an excited Tails flying circles around one of the wings.
Last minute adjustments, he shouts.
Take your time, Sonic shouts back.
He is balancing on top of a low ledge, not even looking up. He hasn't looked up once ever since arriving here, ever since noticing the plane and the bags and hearing the engine purr relentlessly. Out of the corner of his eyes he can see his little brother zipping back and forth, can hear his excited chatter, low and muffled as if reaching him through glass. He concentrates on his shoes and on the thin ledge he is pacing on.
Up and down. Up and down.
I'm done, Tails calls.
Great, Sonic calls back.
After the events of Sonic Frontiers Tails has left for his own adventure and Sonic is happy for his little brother. Everything is fine. Great even.
Now if his mind would just stop playing tricks on him...
It is finally here, my piece for the @sthbigbang event! I had so much fun doing this and I hope I did the characters justice!
I had two wonderful artists who did amazing arts for this story!
@dacieng did a wonderful cover page for this!
And @sa2ration did a beautiful painting of the first scene that is just breathtaking (which I will link as soon as it is up)
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