#arvin Russell fanfiction
waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Fire Meet Gasoline
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Synopsis: when you see your ex boyfriend in public, you ask the closet stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend
Requested by @xtom-darling-x17
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Arvin wasn’t one to offer help to people, much less a stranger, but you had caught his eye. He stood by his car after filling his tank with gas and watched you stare at the gas pumps with a puzzled look on your face. He had seen you pull into the gas station with such confidence, but that was all gone now that you had to pick the right pump to put in your car. Arvin debated driving away and letting you figure it out by yourself since after all, he didn’t even know you. But after watching you hesitantly reaching for the diesel for the third time, he decided to speak up.
“Need help miss?” He asked as he approached you. You stiffened up at the sound of his voice and took an instinctive step away from him.
“No. I’m fine, thanks.” You replied without looking at him.
“You sure about that?” Arvin asked as he watched you hesitantly pick up the diesel pump.
“Said I don’t need any help from the likes of you, all right?” You said again. “Just leave me alone and go on your way.”
“Sorry miss. Didn’t mean to trouble you. Just noticed you was putting diesel in your car, is all.” Arvin said and raised his hands in defense.
“Diesel?” You paused and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Yeah, darling. That right there is diesel.”
“Psh. I knew that. I like diesel.” You lied and brought the pump over to your car.
“Oh, my bad. Didn’t know that. Can I ask if you also like your car blowing up?” Arvin asked sarcastically.
“Excuse me?”
“Diesel will clog your fuel system and keep the car from startin. If you push the gas pedal too much, whole car will burst in flames. Seen it happen right in front of me once. The guy barely made it out alive.”
“Oh.” You froze and looked down at the pump in your hands.
“Could help you out, if you like.” He offered again.
“No thank you. I said I was fine.” You repeated, in a kinder tone this time. Arvin nodded and took a step back as he watched you put the diesel pump back. You looked between the other two pumps for a minute before hesitantly grabbing the one in the middle.
“Um….” You hesitatingly looked to Arvin to see if you were about to make another fatal mistake. He shook his head and held up one finger to let you know you needed pump number one. You gave him a tight smile before putting back the pump in your hand and picking up the first one. You put the pump in your car and just stood there until Arvin put his hand over yours to squeeze the pump. You felt the gas flow out and looked at Arvin with an embarrassed smile.
“Thanks.” You said quietly.
“No problem, doll.” He chuckled and felt his face flush from how close you were.
“Sorry I was short with you before. I have a hard time trusting men sometimes.” You admitted without looking into his eyes.
“Yeah? Seems we have that in common.”
“I just didn’t know if you were gonna fill my car up and then try to get me to repay you or something.”
“Repay me?”
“You know. With a kiss or something.”
“Darling, I’m no gentlemen, but I’m no villain either. I’d never try and get you to do something you didn’t want to do. Just saw a pretty lady struggling and wanted to offer my help. That’s all.” Arvin assured you, and you felt yourself believing him.
“Oh. Well thats very nice of you. Sorry I was rude.”
“No need to be sorry. Got a sister back home and I hope she’s half as vigilant as you are. Can’t trust nobody in this town. Especially not the men.” Arvin said and looked around the gas station.
“Don’t I know it.” You sighed. Arvin noticed the sadness in your voice and gave you a long look. He hadn’t seen you around before, which was strange since he thought he knew everyone in town. You were awfully pretty and the fact that you were a little mean to him made him like you even more.
“My names Arvin, by the way.” He told you.
“Y/n.” You smiled warmly at him.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He returned the smile.
“You too, Arvin. Thanks again for the lesson.” You replied. You finished pumping the gas in your car and watched as Arvin returned the pump so you would know what to do next time.
“I’m really smart, by the way.” You said after a beat of silence.
“Huh?” He laughed in surprise.
“I’m really smart. I’m a school teacher down by the church. I went to college too. And I was the top of my class.” You told him, adding something every time you thought of a different example of your intelligence.
“Is that so?” Arvin asked, still confused what point you were making.
“I’m just telling you this so you don’t think I’m some dumb damsel in distress. I’m usually very smart but my daddy used to fill my car for me and never taught me how. He said it wasn’t a lady’s job to do it.”
“Well where’s your daddy now? Cause somebody needs to stop you from blowing yourself up.” Arvin chuckled.
“He don’t speak to me no more.” You said quietly, making Arvin feel guilty for poking fun at you.
“Oh. Sorry to hear that.” He said sincerely.
“It’s fine. I know what to do now thanks to you.“
“It was no trouble, darling. And next time, use this pump. Stay away from the diesel.” Arvin said and tapped the correct pump.
“I will. Thank you.” You smiled at him before looking over his shoulder. Arvin watched the way your smile dropped and the color drained from your face.
“Oh shoot.” You whispered.
“What’s wrong? Look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Arvin frowned and looked over his shoulder to try to find what you were looking at.
“My ex boyfriends just pulled up.” You gulped and pointed. Arvin immediately felt curious to see what kind of guy you used to date to see if he had a chance with you. When he saw a man in a red and white pinstripe shirt and white pants coming out of a flashy car, he cracked an amused smile.
“That candy ass used to be your boyfriend?” Arvin couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hush. He’ll hear you.” You whispered desperately and tugged on Arvins shirt to get him to stand in front of you.
“How come he’s dressed like a candy cane?” Arvin genuinely asked as he used his body to block you from your ex boyfriends view.
“I mean it, Arvin. Hush up.” You whispered harshly.
“Whats got you so wound up, baby doll? Did he take the breakup hard or something?”
“Truth is, he used to beat up on me.” You admitted. “It took all the strength I had to leave him. If he sees me right now, I’m scared of what he might do to get me back.”
“He beat on you?” Arvin looked over his shoulder again and felt his hands ball into fists. He found your unwillingness to be seen funny before, but was furious now. He looked at your ex with a clenched jaw and took a protective step in front of you.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling all this to a stranger.” You apologized, making Arvin look at you like you were crazy. He put his hands on your shoulders and rubbed up and down to try and calm you down.
“No, no it’s okay, darling. I don’t mind the story. Just mind the characters.” Arvin assured you before giving your ex another angry look. He didn’t want to lose his temper in front of you, but the thought of this pretentious guy beating up a school teacher was making his blood boil. He could feel his face getting hotter the longer he looked at your ex and the urge to beat him up got stronger.
“I know this is a little crazy to ask, but would you mind…” You started to ask but trailed off.
“Mind what?”
“Nothing. Forget it. Never mind.” You shook your head.
“Just ask me, darling. Worst I’ll say is no.”
“Would you mind doing something to make him think we’re together? Like kissing me or something?” You whispered through an embarrassed smile.
“Oh, so now you do want me to kiss you? I thought you were mean to me because you didn’t want me to try and kiss you.” Arvin smiled teasingly. He knew the gravity of the situation and was trying to calm you down a little so you wouldn’t be freaked out.
“I know what I said before.” You rolled your eyes. “But this is important. If he thinks I got a boyfriend, he’ll leave me alone.”
“I see. And you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
“Just until he’s gone.”
“I think I can manage that.” Arvin shrugged before pulling you into a kiss. He slipped and arm around your waist and pressed you against your car to kiss you, taking your breath away in the process. You didn’t feel time moving as you kissed him but did feel the fear leaving your body. After spending the last eight months thinking all love ever did was break and burn and end, you felt it begin again. When you pulled away, you looked into Arvins eyes, no longer feeling like he was a stranger.
“Well I’ll be. Didn’t think I’d be seeing you ever again, toots. What are you doing here?” Your ex asked, making you and Arvin jump in surprise. You’d been so engrossed in each other that you hadn’t heard him walk up. Arvin could feel you shaking so he tightened his grip on your waist and shifted his body weight forward in a threatening way.
“What are we doing here? At the gas station? Take a fat fucking guess, dip shit. We’re putting gas in her car.” Arvin scoffed and looked at your ex like it was ridiculous to ask. You let out a shocked laugh and turned your face to the side to try and hide it. Your ex noticed the way Arvins arm was around you and his eyes darkened.
“I’m sorry, who the hell is this?” He asked you, the anger in his voice giving you flashbacks to worse times.
“Arvin Russel. Y/n’s boyfriend. And you are?” Arvin asked and held out a hand. You could tell this bothered your ex to hear you had a new boyfriend and felt your power come back to you. His face turned white as he looked at Arvin in shock. You tightened your grip on Arvin and looked up at him with a loving smile to really sell your story.
“Chuck Greenwood.” Chuck said and hesitantly shook Arvins hand. Arvin made sure to squeeze Chucks hand hard enough to make it hurt as he shook it.
“I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend.” Chuck said to you as he pulled his hand away from Arvin.
“Well I do.” You shrugged and leaned in Arvin. Chucks eyes brewed with jealousy as he watched the two of you.
“I guess I would’ve known that if you ever answered my calls. Must be too busy moving on. Which you did pretty fast, one might say. Didn’t realize you were such a quick girl.” Chuck said in a condescending tone.
“Fuck you, Chuck.” You scoffed, taking everyone by surprise.
“What did you just say to me?” Chuck raised his voice.
“Believe she said fuck you, Chuck.” Arvin repeated with a shrug.
“Yeah. I did. I don’t answer your calls cause I don’t want to hear your nasty, agitating voice no more. And I moved on fast because I knew the entire time that I was with you that I wanted something better for myself. So as soon as I got away from you, I went and found better. And you don’t get to be mad about that.” You stated. You weren’t shaking anymore but Arvin still kept his arm securely around your waist.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Chuck growled and stepped up to you.
“You.” You said and shoved him back. Chuck stumbled back in surprise before clenching his fist. Arvin got ready to fight, but you were one step ahead of him. You grabbed the diesel pump and aimed it at Chuck like it was a gun. Chuck was immediately disarmed and held up his hands.
“You don’t scare me no more. Especially not when you’re dressed like a candy cane.” You said in a low voice. Arvin smiled proudly that you used his insult and leaned against your car to watch you.
“Now get lost before I spray you.” You added and held the pump up higher. Chuck ran away from you, tripping over his own feet before getting into his car to drive away.
“Where did that come from?” Arvin laughed in surprise once you were alone again.
“I have no idea. But it felt really good.” You smiled in excitement as you put the pump back.
“I bet it did. I’m proud of you, darlin. I hope you’re proud of yourself too.” Arvin smiled fondly at you.
“You know, I am. Thanks for your help, Arvin. I couldn’t have done that without you.”
“You’re very welcome, miss. But I think you could’ve gotten along without me just fine. What’s the story with him anyway?”
“He works at the mechanic shop my daddy owns. I don’t have any brothers so Chuck was like a son to him. Was even gonna pass down the family business to him. When I finally told my parents how he’d been treating me…”
“They took his side?” Arvin asked, hoping the answer was no. Instead, you gave him a sad smile and nodded your head.
“My parents said all men were like that. Told me to suck it up and marry him anyway so that we’d have someone to give the family business to once my daddy was gone.”
“I’m sorry, darling. That’s no fair. No fair at all.”
“I know. And that wasn’t even the end of it. When I told my daddy I broke up with Chuck, he told me he never wanted to see me again. Haven’t spoken to him since.” You said with a sad shrug. Arvin frowned and felt the urge to pull you into a hug and tell you everything would be okay. Since you were still pretty much strangers, he just put a hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“My daddy wasn’t a good man either. I know it hurts.” He said in a soft tone. You looked into Arvins eyes and could tell this was not an emotion he was used to exhibiting. You gave him an appreciative smile and put your hand over his.
“Something else we have in common then.” You smiled coyly.
“Maybe we should go out sometime. You know, see what else we have in common.” Arvin suggested as a blush painted his cheeks. You noticed this and felt your heart flutter in your chest. For the first time in a long time, you trusted someone new. You took a pen out of your pocketbook before taking Arvins hand and writing your number on his wrist.
“This is my number. I promise I’ll pick up.”
“I promise I’ll call.” He grinned as he read over the number.
“I should really get going. But it was very nice to meet you, Arvin.” You smiled warmly at him and unlocked your car. Arvin opened the door for you so that you could get in, convincing you further that giving him a chance was the right thing to do.
“Was nice to meet you too, doll.” Arvin smirked as he shut your car door for you. You gave him a wave and started your car before pulling away.
“Wait a minute.” Arvin called out and jogged after your car. You stopped the car and rolled down your window to look at him.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss your boyfriend goodbye?” He smiled coyly as he leaned down to your window. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before leaning out the window to kiss him. You knew it was crazy to be kissing a man you just met, even for the second time, but it felt right.
“Goodbye. I mean it this time.” You laughed and pulled away.
When you got home that night, your phone rang before you even had a chance to set your bag down. Your heart skipped a beat as you went over to answer it.
“Hello?” You said into the phone, hoping to hear Arvins voice again.
“Hey.” Arvin replied. “So am I gonna have to wait until the next time you need gas to see you or are you free tomorrow night?”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
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may i pls request an arvin fic with prompts 38 & 42😭🥹🤍
Hey love I hope you like it! I'm sorry it took a little while but I absolutely loved this I thought it was so so cute. Anyways I wanted to say thank you for supporting me for so long, you were one of my earliest followers and it means a lot ❤️ Also as an aside, there are 4 more summer of love prompts left in my inbox, those will be out shortly too. Let me know what you think, love u xx
The Hookman
38 - Making s'mores
42 - Getting scared while camping
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You take Arvin camping for his birthday
Regular Masterlist
Summer of Love Prompts
Summer of Love Masterlist
Arvin didn’t care much about his birthday, he never bothered planning any sort of celebration or party, he found it all unnecessary. He loved to celebrate your birthday though, and your anniversary, and Christmas, any opportunity to spoil you really. You liked spoiling him too, but he always appreciated the gesture much more than he cared about any of the actual gifts. He just wasn’t a very materialistic person, which is why this year you’d decided to give him an experience for this birthday instead of any physical object.
You would have loved to fly him to some exotic location and have some big romantic weekend, but you couldn’t afford anything like that. So you went with something much simpler, camping. One of your friends offered the perfect spot for a romantic getaway, it was secluded in the woods, perked on top of a large hill with a great view, and less than a mile from a massive lake. You were overjoyed with the find, and the same friend helped you make a list of everything you would need. You proposed the idea to Arvin and he was excited, spending the weekend alone with you was his ideal birthday really.
Although he was a little reluctant to let you plan the trip and pay for it, you wouldn’t budge on the matter, and he was forced to concede eventually. He did double check your packing list though, just to make sure you hadn’t missed anything essential. Once you were both sure you had everything you’d need you loaded it all into his car and headed out. It was about an hour drive, and it was a bit difficult to navigate the truck to the campsite, but the view was worth the effort. You were surrounded by a circle of trees, the forest was buzzing and everything smelled fresh. Below your campsite you could see the corner of the lake, and in the middle of the campsite there was a makeshift fire pit born from the hundreds of campers who had been there before you.
You attempted at first to unload the car and set up the tent yourself, insisting Arvin relax, but there was no way he’d let you do it all yourself. So you two put up your tent and piled your things inside. By the time you had your campsite all set up the sun was starting to set, and both of you were getting hungry. For your first night you’d decided to pre pack some sandwiches for dinner, so all you had to do was gather a bit of wood and start a fire. You two snuggled up next to each other in some folding lawn chairs while you ate and watched the sun go down.
“This is incredible,” Arvin hummed contently before he looked over at you, “You know I think this is already my best birthday ever.”
You flushed, “Well it’s not actually your birthday until tomorrow, but thank you. It’s really nice out here.”
“Yeah it is,” he agreed, tracing his hand over one of yours, “We should get out the s’mores before it gets too dark.”
“Don’t you wanna save those for tomorrow?” you frowned, “I mean I didn’t bring a cake or anything so that’s kind of our only dessert.”
“I’m sure we’ll have enough for tonight and tomorrow,” he hummed, “Plus it’s my birthday trip, I think I’m entitled to some s’mores if I want them.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself out of your chair, “I’ll be right back.”
You returned with graham crackers, a bag of marshmallows, several Hershey’s bars, and some metal skewers you thought would be perfect to roast the marshmallows on.
“Yummy,” Arvin hummed, ripping into the marshmallows and throwing one into his mouth.
You carefully placed one of them on your skewer and dipped it into the fire, “They’re so much better roasted.”
“They’re delicious either way,” he said with a mouthful of marshmallow, making you crinkle your nose.
“It’s rude to speak with your mouth full Arvin,” you scolded playfully.
He laughed, “Oh I forgot, you fell in love with me for my good manners,” he placed another marshmallow onto his skewer and shoved it into the fire, “Did you ever tell ghost stories when you were little?”
You knit your brows as you tried to remember, “No, I don’t think so. There was rumor that one of the houses in town was haunted, but that’s the closest I can remember.”
He nodded, “Lenora and I used to tell them to each other,” his hand slipped over your leg, squeezing your thigh before he continued, “Not just when we were camping, but that always made them scarier. They’re so cheesy, I can’t believe I used to be scared of that shit…”
“That’s cute Arvin,” you laughed, “Do you remember any of them?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh, I don’t know, I haven’t thought about them in a long time.”
You pulled your marshmallow from the fire and began assembling your s’more, “Could you try and tell me one?”
“You wanna hear a cheesy ghost story?” he chuckled.
You nodded, “Of course, I like it well you tell stories, your voice is nice.”
He blushed and bit his cheek, “I suppose I probably remember enough…”
“Yay!” you cheered and leaned back in your chair, “Well get on with it.”
He let out a low hum as he pulled his burning marshmallow away from the fire. He blew it out, the marshmallow was nearly black, “It starts with this criminal, a murderer I think. I don’t remember exactly what happened to him but basically he loses his hand and it gets replaced with a hook. So he’s this hook handed killer, and he was always going after pretty young girls,” he glanced over at you, “It took years to catch him, and when they finally did they hung him. So he dies, but since his soul was so twisted it couldn’t rest properly, and he came back as a ghost. Now he wanders all over the country looking for more pretty young girls to kill. Oh!” he cracked a big smile, “And he especially likes girls with (y/h/c).”
You rolled your eyes, “I can’t believe that used to scare you.”
“That one didn’t scare me, it scared Lenora,” he defended, “I used to tell it better.”
Arvin kept trying to recall more and more details about the story while you finished your s’mores. You were almost certain that he was making it up just to try and scare you. You humored him, nodding along with whatever new details he added, laying your head on his shoulder while he talked. You two continued like that until the fire started to sizzle out. Arvin volunteered to fully extinguish it so you could get comfy in your makeshift bed.. Inside the tent you’d laid your sleeping bags on top of each other to provide a bit of padding and brought a pile of blankets to keep yourselves warm. You wanted the tent to be as comfortable as possible so you’d brought more than a fair share of blankets and pillows.
“Fires good,” Arvin promised as he crawled into the tent, zipping it closed behind him, “You look comfy.”
You smiled, “I’ll be comfier once you’re in here with me.”
“I’m coming,” he promised as he began stripping his clothes.
He got down to his boxers and crawled under the blankets beside you, “Ready for bed kitten?”
“I’m pretty tired,” you snuggled up to his chest.
“Me too,” he wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to the top of your head, “Thank you for planning this, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you cooed back.
He held you close to him until you fell asleep. Admittedly it was more difficult than normal, it was harder to drift off without your comfy mattress under you. Snuggling up to Arvin helped, but you already knew you wouldn’t be sleeping as deep as you normally would. Sure enough you found yourself waking up shortly after you drifted off, Arvin was already deep asleep, but you were suddenly uncomfortable. You rolled over so your back was against Arvin’s chest. He scooted closer to you and you closed your eyes in hopes of drifting off again.
When you fell asleep the second time you were able to fall deep enough into sleep that you started to dream. You would have hoped to have some sort of sweet dream about you and Arvin, instead you were struck with the hook man. In your dream he came stalking up to your tent, ripping it open and yanking you from the inside. Luckily you were woken up before anything too gruesome could happen, the sounds of the wind grazing your tent had drawn you back to reality. Arvin was still sleeping soundly, his face buried in your neck, his lips placed against your bare skin. His tight grip helped to relax you after the bad dream. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, sinking back into him with a smile. The adrenaline started to die down and your pounding heart relaxed.
Until the wind picked up again. This time it was more than just the wind, you heard some sort of awful, high pitched screeching that made your skin crawl. Arvin stirred but didn’t wake up. You sank under the blankets, pulling them up to your eyes, which were darting rapidly around the tent. The screeching sounded again, you tried to calm yourself but your mind was already getting irrational. Really you knew it was just a stray branch or the car, but you couldn’t help picturing the hook man from your dreams. Stalking you outside the tent, running his hook over the car, getting ready to tear you away from Arvin and murder you.
With a small squeal you flipped to face Arvin again, “Arvin,” at first your voice was quiet, still unsure if you wanted to wake him, “Arvin,” this time you were a little louder, pushing against his chest, “Arvin!” you snapped suddenly, just in time for the wind to pick up once more.
He groaned, reaching up to rub one of his eyes before he opened it, “Something wrong baby?”
Your cheeks flushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed that you’d woken him up, “I, uh, I had this kind of weird dream.”
His lips tugged to a frown, “What about?”
“The hookman…” you uttered shamefully.
He smiled and started to chuckle, “Really?”
“Yes!” you fell onto your back dramatically, “Then I woke up and I started hearing this screechy sound, it's freaking me out.”
“I’m sorry baby, I’m sure it was just a tree or something though,” he wrapped his arm around your middle and pressed his lips to your ear, “Or an owl, or anything. We’re in the woods, there are weird noises sometimes.”
“I know,” you groaned, “It’s just nerves.”
He nodded and moved right up next to you, “Well just come here. I promise it was normal forest noises, but if it was a hookman, I would protect you. You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re always safe with me.”
You snuggled back to his chest, wanting to feel him close again, “Promise?”
“Course, I don’t care if it’s the hookman or the devil himself,” he mumbled against your forehead, “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, I love you too much for that.”
“I love you too Arvin,” your cheeks flushed and you smiled, “It’s probably after midnight now.”
“You think so?”
You nodded, “Yeah, so happy birthday.”
“Mmm, thank you baby,” he yawned and leaned in for a quick kiss, “I’m about to pass out again, but you can wake me up if you need me.”
“Of course, thank you hunny,” you cooed sweetly, “You always know just what to say.”
He said nothing, simply pressing his lips to your head again before sleep overtook him.
@niallsvirgosun @roseke​ @namoreno​ @zspideyy​ @emistrash​ @andreagf956​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @peachyafshawn​ @agbspidey​ @nj01​ @sleepybesson​ @misshale21​ @prancerrparkerr​ @raajali3​ @ellabellabus07 @minjix @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @graciexmarvel @lnmp89 @mcushvft @s-we-e-t-t-ea @liltimmyst @gloomynigvts @cest-la-vieve @afro-hispwriter
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annab-nana · 2 years
arvin russell blurbs
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one where arvin can’t figure out why you’re sick
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13 notes · View notes
brain-palace · 1 year
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Notes: This post is created as an archive for myself so I can easily find the fics I love. If you're looking for something new to read feel free to have a look I recommend everything here. I read many different characters/universes, so I'll list them all so you don't waste time looking at something that isn't relevant to you. If you find something you like please show the fics and their authors some love! Also, this is a long post!
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Disclaimer: None of the works below belongs to me unless it explicitly says so. © - All rights reserved to the authors. If a fic does not have a name I will make one up for the sake of archival purposes.
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Characters/Universes TWD (The walking dead) - Daryl & Rick | Criminal Minds - Hotch & Ried | Stranger Things - Eddie, Steve, Billy | MCU - Peter Parker | Peakcy blinders - Tommy, John, Arthur, Alfie | The devil all the time - Arvin russel | Sherlock
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Key ➸ Angst ☁ | Fluff ♡ | Crack ❈ | On-going ✎ | Completed ✓ | Smut 🔞 |
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Daryl Dixon (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
Spitfire | by @rfsak2 | OC (Original character) | "Everyone always thought Daryl was the rough one." | ✎
Close to home | by @paintyoureyeswithavividmind | "When a run goes poorly and Daryl is separated from his group, a stranger and her companion help get him out of a sticky situation. Little does Daryl know this stranger is much closer to home and his life is going to get a bit more complicated" | ✎♡ ☁
Return | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Daryl loses Y/N when they head into Atlanta to rescue Beth. Her absence colours his years until they find each other again." | ♡ ☁ ❈ ✎
Till dead do us part | by @xwritingdixonx | "Daryl Dixon hasn't seen his wife in 3 years until he strolls through the gates of Alexandria. Reunited with his love and his family, he should feel peace, tranquillity, warmth. Instead, he's faced with confusion, shock, and heartache. Just like so many others put through the abuse and torment of the world, it changes people. Twists your mind, makes all your morals disappear. The kind waitress, the brave bartender, Georgia's delight, Mrs. Dixon. Now, mother of nothing - daughter of rage. The whore of Alexandria. A conqueror with tits. Why can't the Blackwell family get a word in before the people of Alexandria point fingers and create storybook titles? It's finally your turn to talk and Daryl's turn to listen." |
Oneshots ↴
The regulars | by daryl-dixon-daydreams | "Based on watching your interactions, Daryl thinks you, a bartender at a local dive, may actually have a thing for his older brother Merle, but a series of events at the bar may begin to show him otherwise" | ♡
All I'm living for | by @alldevilsharehere90 | "Just when you finally got the man you wanted, another surprise could threaten your relationship, especially when a herd of walkers is almost at your doorstep." | ☁ ♡
Old childhood fools | by @r66dus | "Drunk Daryl and y/n fooling around at the CDC" | 🔞
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Rick Grimes (TWD) ↴ Series ↴
The Claim | by @woman-of-balnain | Despite everything that’s going on, despite the world going to shit, despite wanting to stay on Hershel’s good side, despite his marriage falling apart, despite the way he knows he’s broken… despite it all, Rick can’t fight how badly he wants you. | 🔞✓
Undone in sorrow | by woman-of-balnain | "Finally coming face to face with Negan threatens the ties that bind your relationship with Rick together. After that first meeting, the two of you try to pick up the broken pieces of one another and become whole again." | ☁ 🔞
The nurse | by @itsgrimeytime | " Before all this, you were a nurse. A nurse who had patients, one of which was a man in a coma. A sheriff, you think, it was all kinda fuzzy now. When it all went sideways, you set up what you could for the man - but had to leave. You'd always wondered where he'd ended up; until in your search for shelter, you run into a familiar face" | ✎♡ ☁
Magnolia in May | by itsgrimeytime | "Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumours of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing." | ✎♡ ☁
Swear | by @daryandricky | "Shane tells reader that Rick didn't make it after the hospital was overrun, causing reader to travel with her former military brother to find somewhere safe." | ✎♡ ☁
Oneshots ↴
The life we could have had | by itsgrimeytime | "Rick knows you're gone, he does. He just keeps seeing you in everything" |
Everything I wanted | by @bloatedandalone04 | "The one where both you and rick are really bad at communicating your feelings." |
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Peter Parker (MCU) ↴ Oneshot ↴
Stacked against you (tasm)| by @delicate-dorothea | "Summary: You confront Spider-Man about his true identity, manila envelope style (literally)." |❈
No chance (tasm) | by @spider-stark | "Thinking he has no chance with y/n as himself, Peter begins approaching them as Spider-Man." |
Are you busy (tasm)| by @luveline | "You’re worried you don’t know how to kiss. your best friend Peter offers to teach you how among other things" | ♡
In the real world | by luveline | "You notice something about Spider-Man during a violent villain showdown, then you have to save his life."
White lies, red & blue tights (tasm) | by @t-lostinworlds | "You and Peter accidentally dressed up in the same costumes for Halloween. But he was not wearing a costume, it was his suit. You simply didn’t know that your favorite superhero and your boyfriend were the same. Who would’ve thought that seeing you in red and blue would be the breaking point of his lies" | ♡
Question (tom)| by @waitimcomingtoo | "Peter accidentally sends you mixed signals when he kisses you for the first time then stands you up" | ♡ ☁
It was fun, being 21 (tom)| by @loverwebs | "In which your boyfriend, Peter Parker, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the city's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." | ♡ ☁
Series ↴
Infinitely you (all of them) | by spider-stark | "In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right." | ☁ ♡ ✎|
The red string | by @never--doubt | "Once a year, everyone over a certain age can see the Red String of Fate that connects them to their soulmate. This year, Peter Parker is ready to find his soulmate, be with them. But the question is…is his soulmate ready?" |
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Steve Harrington (ST) ↴ Series ↴
Nail to the coffin | by @thetargaryenbride | "Y/N Byers wondered what would end up being the death of the small town she lived in. She never expected that the last nail on the coffin would be hammered by monsters from another dimension who would end up hunting down her friends and family one by one…" | ☁
You deserve each other | by @bimrwolf | "You and Steve have been together for five years. He's seemingly the perfect boyfriend, kisses on the cheek, knowing your orders at the restaurant. A great lover. Too bad you've had enough can't stand him." |
Oneshots ↴
The way you call me "Baby" | by @forevermoreharrington | "Steve’s been so patient with his girl but he just can’t take it anymore and neither can she" | 🔞
Love on the brain | by @vendettaparker | "You suffer from a bad case of pregnancy brain, leaving Steve to hover over you, much to your annoyance." | ♡
Almost Got It | by @mentalpolaroids | "She’s a barista at a coffee shop and always screws up Steve’s name on purpose" | ♡
Tainted Love | by @megxplryxb | ☁ ♡
Tornado warnings | by @harringtonwebs | "You and Steve had a very intense relationship now that you're up, hates to see you with someone new." |
I will always be right there | by @familyvideostevie | "you come first. you’re always my first choice." | ♡
Tell me again | by @appocalipse | "Would you stop stuffing your face with candy for one moment and listen?" |
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Eddie Munson ↴ Oneshot ↴
Mechanic Eddie | by @whoahoney | "Reader’s shit box car pooped out on her once again, but at least the cute new mechanic seems eager to help." | ♡
Say you love me | by @marianita195 | "Based on the TikTok trend where girls don’t say “I love you” back to their boyfriends. " | ♡ ❈
Bookworm | by @corroded-hellfire | "Eddie has a thing for the local bookworm he just doesn't show it in the best way." | ☁ ♡
I'm Eddie - Eddie Munson | by @cosmal | "Your father finds Eddie in your room in the middle of something. eddie's a smug bastard." |
His glasses | by @pedgito | "Eddie in his glasses is just adorable" |
Grand Gesture | by appocalipse | "catching feelings for your best friend was never in your plans. when you start distancing yourself from him to protect your heart, eddie vows to do everything in his power to keep it forever." | ♡
Never Kissed | by cosmal | "eddies first date with you doesn't go how he'd planned and he hadn't even expected a kiss. still, you kiss him because you want to."
Series ↴
Worlds Apart | by @munsons-maiden | "You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected lifeline and turns your world upside down." | ☁ ♡
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Spencer Ried (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Passive Agressive | by @ddejavvu | "Spencer’s stressed, and he takes it out on you. You’re sure it would have hurt far worse if he’d shouted, but instead, he broke you down bit by bit, his cold demeanour leaving you crying in your car." | ☁ ♡
Tactic Admissions | by @almostgenerallyalways | "Spencer lands in the hospital, and you have to come clean with yourself." | ☁ ♡
Days off with Spencer | by @justmyheart | ♡
Back to you | by @radiant-reid | "Spencer never thought she would love him the way he loves her, but he also never thought she would come back from the dead" | ☁ ♡
No hair for you, devil! | by @thyme-in-a-bubble |
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Aaron Hotchner (CM) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Self-Made | by @her-storybooks | "The BAU gets a visitor who tares through the bullpen and leaves everyone in puddles of mush and exploded hearts." | ♡
Good for him | by @ptersparkers | "Aaron loves you. he hopes his son loves you as much as he does." | ♡
Better than morphine | by her-storybooks | "Broken Bone. When Y/N gets her leg broken by an UnSub, she clings to Aaron to help dull the pain." | ☁ ♡
Spontaneous phenomena | by @luveline | "Hotch touches your face much more than a boss should. Or, 5 times you have a nosebleed +1 time Hotch does." | ☁ ♡
Old man problems | by @hoe4hotchner | "Can you possibly write an imagine where Hotch pulls his back on a case, and the fem'reader offers to help him work it out in a friendly way because she was once a licensed massage therapist? Aaron of course is hesitant but gives in and allows it. But it gets heated" | ♡
Sweeter than fiction | By @hotchgirlsummer | "The bau decides to throw a small birthday party for Hotch. the reader is tasked with baking a cake, could this be their chance to express feelings?" |
A solitary mistake | by luveline | " You're not sure you're ready to come back. Hotch has total faith in you. Or, your transition back into the team after your abduction doesn't go as smoothly as you'd hoped." |
I'm Sorry | by @14buddy22 | "Aarons been treating you differently lately" | ☁
New mom | by @marvelslut16 |
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Thomas Shelby (PB) ↴ Series ↴
Challenge of a name | by @gypsy-girl-08 | "Y/N is new to Birmingham, she works at an accountant firm. In this part, The Shelby’s arrive at her office to pick up their accounts, where she meets Thomas for the first time. She was in a long-term relationship and is recently single, having moved for a fresh start. Still recovering from the split, she has no intention of meeting anyone else."
Tachipen | by @zablife | "With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known." |
Angst | by @murphyoclock | "Your and Tommy's argument gets out of hand when you provocatively try to make him jealous at his charity party." | ☁
Oneshots ↴
Peaky caps and razorblades | by @acewritesfics | "y/n helps Tommy sew his blades into his cap." | ♡
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John Shelby (PB) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Just play along | by @runnning-outof-time | "When the person who (Y/N) feels has been following her gets a little too close for comfort, she makes a quick decision that involves John Shelby and some good acting...or maybe no acting at all." |
Red lipstick | by @kkurades | "You feel flattered when charlie shelby asks to marry you while your husband feels like he could strangle his nephew" |
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Alfie Solomon (PB) ↴ Oneshots
A very Shelby Christmas | by @cillmequick | "Alfie and his sassy little wife find themselves in the midst of the Shelby clan for Christmas because Alfie’s sister is in a relationship with Tommy." |
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Steddie (ST) ↴ Oneshots
Cookies and consoling | by @mangchai | "After a hard day, you return home to your boyfriends who want to cheer you up." | ♡
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Billy (ST) ↴ Oneshots ↴
Bartender Billy | by @billysbabyy |
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Arvin Russel (TDATT)↴ Oneshots ↴
Mockingbird | by waitimcomingtoo | "Arvin joins a book club just to see you but has to pretend to be your boyfriend to stay"
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Notes: This post only contains all longer fics I will be creating a separate post for shorter fics/ i.e. headcanons, imagines, drabbles and scenarios that I love. The link to that will be here → The little things.
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249 notes · View notes
miela · 1 year
Tom Holland Masterlist
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All my writings for this lovely lad
♥ {smut} | ☁︎ {fluff} | ➻ {angst} | ☾ {dark} | ✿ {platonic}
if one-shots, drabbles, or headcannons are part of a series they will be in the series masterlist.
↪ dividers by firefly-graphics & cafekitsune
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Beautiful Stranger | { x Stunt Double! Reader} ☁︎
❥ When you're invited to your best friend's wedding, you keep running into someone who saves you from your loneliness...and clumsiness.
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Shattered Memories | { x Stark Daughter! Reader} | ☁︎ ♥ ➻
❥ After Peter sacrificed his identity for the sake of the world, five years go by before he finds you back in his life again.
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116 notes · View notes
hollandsfavbabe · 23 days
Tom Holland Masterlist
includes peter parker and other characters
*= smut
❀= favorite
Tom Holland
-By Your Side 
in which y/n tries to help tom improve at roller skating as several obstacles get in their way of having a good time
-It’s All For You
in which y/n is up for an oscar and is supported in every way by her boyfriend tom
-Spider Terror 
in which y/n and tom face one of his biggest foes: a fellow spider
-Movie Night*
in which you and tom decide to take advantage of your very first movie night all alone
-That’s The Tea
in which tom finds out his girlfriend has no idea how to make tea
in which y/n helps to break tom’s fear of vulnerability by comforting him after a bad day
-Popsicle Pairs
in which you and tom decide to enjoy more than just popsicles until your son intrudes
Peter Parker
-Where Do We Go Now ❀
in which the death of y/n's father leaves her determined to bring him back and her boyfriend peter determined to save her
-Peter’s Precarious Polyjuice Potion / Part 2
in which you and peter are forced to take extreme lengths to protect your secret relationship with the help of your shape shifting powers
Arvin Russel
-Family Line
in which y/n teagardin is forced move to West Virginia with her brother and in the process, finds a boy who might just make everything alright
-Gold Rush 
in which you and arvin’s secret relationship is discovered after a steamy movie night
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holyfruitsnax · 2 years
Southern Hospitality
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Summary: Arvin stumbles across you having a little alone time and decides to help.
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Masturbation, Slight praise kink, Fem & Male receiving, smutttt 18+ please!!!, cursing, never proofread <3
A/N: Not this almost not saving because my internet went out.
   Arvin’s knuckles thrummed against the old wooden door to your home a few times before stepping back with his hands locked behind himself. “Arvin! How nice to see you!” your mother smiled opening the front door wider so Arvin could come in. “S’nice to see you too Mrs. Y/LN. Is uh, is Y/N here?” Arvin glanced around to try and spot you to no avail. “Yep! She’s in her room, listen, I’ve got to pick up some things from the store, but you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. You like Spaghetti?” She grabbed up a little purse watching the young man nod. “Alright! Then you can join us for dinner!” She beamed before heading out.
   Arvin headed down the hall towards your room, boots gently thudding against the hard pine floor. Your bedroom door was ever so cracked almost like you were in a rush and meant to close it. Just as he went to push the door open the rest of the way with a smile, a soft whine caught Arvin’s attention making him lean his ear closer. Not a pained whine, put one of pleasure. Could you be...No... Arvin felt the sudden urge to take a peek through the slightly open door, a tinge embarrassed at the same time. She’s your friend, give her some space. Arvin decided he’d back away and wait for you to finish and act like he had no idea what you were doing. That is until the loveliest sound graced his ears.
   “Arvin~” You quietly called to him, well, not to him since you didn’t know he was there, but Arvin felt like you were. He felt his dick stir in his pants at the idea of his sweet Y/N getting off to him. So, he took a look and nearly fell out at the sight of your H/C hair messily tossed against your pillow while your fingers ran circles around your clit. Your eyes pressed shut, mouth hung open slightly, God he could practically fall to his knees at this masterpiece. He couldn’t help but push the door open more, leaning against the doorframe to get a better look at you, watching your fingers desperately paw at your sex.
   “Oh my- Arvin please~” You whined again, eyes snapping open as Arvin gave a deep chuckle. “I’m right here darlin’ just tell me what you need.” He hummed letting his dark brown eyes skim over your form. A gasp escaped your throat, trying to tug the covers up to no avail. There stood Arvin Russel, your best friend. His cap on tight, cigarette behind his left ear, eyes glazed over, and a bulge making way in his jeans. How long had he been there? He definitely heard. “I-I’m so sorry-” “Don’t stop on my account.” Arvin slowly clicked the door shut behind him, prowling over you like a bear looks at an elk. Hungry. “You’re not mad?” You furrowed your brows still clutching your blanket. “Mad? No...Turned on?...” He grinned gently pulling the cloth from your fingertips, bearing your skin to himself again, biting his bottom lip with a pleased groan.
   You couldn’t believe it, everything you’ve wanted was about to unravel. Arvin leaned in and kissed you, a rough hand cupping your jaw to keep you close. You pulled away a little resting your forehead against Arvin’s. “Help...Help me?” You swallowed thickly spreading your legs wider beneath the brunette. “My pleasure darlin’...” Arvin pulled you back in for a heated kiss, tongue pushing its way past your soft lips. His hands found your shoulders, laying you back down against the bed, pulling away from you with heavy breaths. Arvin climbed down the bed, unbuttoning his white shirt at the same time so he could toss it to the side. “So pretty~” He stared at your pussy while sliding a finger up and down the wetness that had gathered before popping it into his mouth with a moan. Wetting his finger, Arvin pushed it into you slowly, getting a feel for your tight velvet heat before adding another. He loved the sight of you writhing under him, soft moans luring him in closer.
   Looking down at Arvin you shifted your hips to match the pace of his fingers, swallowing thickly when his lust filled gaze met yours. “M-More!~” He cocked a brow watching you plead to him, you looked helpless. Removing his fingers from you, Arvin quickly shoved them in his mouth again, licking them clean while you watched. Leaning up, Arvin latched onto your left bud sucking and nipping causing your back to arch up into him. Swapping to the other side you could feel him smirking against your skin, he was proud of himself as he peppered kisses down your middle until he was met with your hot center again. Quick hands flipped his beat up cap backwards before delving his tongue deep into your cunt causing you to hiss and moan. Arvin lapped away at your center like he’d been starving in the desert, drenching his chin with your juices. “Oh my- gosh Arvin!” You moaned out as Arvin swapped his abuse to your clit, desperately hoping your parents weren’t home. “Ugh...That.” Arvin groaned against you, one hand moving to pop off his belt, smoothly tugging it through his belt loops, tossing it to the side “Say that again Y/N Darlin’~”.
   Arvin’s firm grip forced your shaking legs against the mattress, licking a stripe up your pussy, tongue swirling your sensitive and slightly swollen clit. Your body jolted feeling oh so close, you listened to Arvin’s instructions. “Feels so good Arvie!” You choked out, only for him to stop. “Why’d you-” Your eyes widened landing on Arvin’s now free cock, oh, that’s why. “Can I- I mean I’ve never. I might not be good at y’know.” You gulped sitting up and crawling over to Arvin’s panting body. “S’okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want to Doll.” He smiled, a gentleman as always. You smiled in return, wrapping your hand around his length watching his head thump against the wall in pleasure. “I want to.” You hummed, keeping your eyes on Arvin’s for a moment, testing yourself a little while slipping his cock into your mouth. 
   Arvin’s jaw clenched, teeth slightly showing while you bobbed your head a little, encouraged by his quiet moans and fingers combing against your scalp. You panicked feeling yourself gag slightly around him, moving to pull away out of embarrassment you were stopped by Arvin’s hand cupping the back of your neck. “S’okay, it happens. Take your time Darlin’ you’re doing so good for me.” Arvin’s voice had dropped lower in his throat, fingers gently rubbing at your neck, not holding you hostage, just there for support. So, you gathered yourself and kept going “Just like that...” He cooed. The longer you sucked, the easier it got, but also the more tired your poor jaw became. Finally having to pull away to get a good breath, Arvin led you to straddle his lap noticing you hold your jaw for a moment. “Sore?” He hummed stroking himself below you “A little...” You admit, Arvin’s lips caressing the edge of your jaw. “My poor baby... Means you were giving it your all, just for me.” He winked sending a shiver up your spine, of course you nodded.
   Lowering your hips slowly taking in Arvin’s cock, you both sighed as soon as your bodies made complete contact. Arvin gave you a moment, waiting for you to begin rolling your hips into his at your own pace. “Heavenly Darlin’....J-Just perfect.” His chest heaved under your fingertips. Your left hand drew shapes across Arvin’s lean chest, enjoying the muscles flexing every now and then while the other snaked behind his head to toss his hat aside, wanting to enjoy his thick curls that bounced with you both. Arvin couldn’t help himself as he began to buck deeper into you making your moans fill the small home. A tight feeling built in your belly as you continued to ride Arvin. “A-Arvin I think I’m getting-” “Alright, I’ve gotcha Darlin’...” He groaned, flipping you both so your back was against the sheets, leg hoisted over Arvin’s shoulder so he could pound into you at his own pace now. Immediately you tossed your head back in bliss, fingers clutching for anything they could reach.
   Arvin watched your tits bounce with each of his thrusts “Come on baby, let go for me Y/N.” he couldn’t help the sloppier pace of his thrusts. Your pussy clenched around him as you came, eyes slamming shut, head tilting back while you let out the loudest, most erotic call of Arvin’s name causing his bliss to join yours. The both of you relaxed, panting in unison as you stared at each other. “That was...” You sighed, loving the dopey smile plastered across Arvin’s face “Oh yeah.” He chuckled pulling out of you so he could lean down and capture your lips again. “I love you Arvie~” You mumbled tiredly against his lips. “I love you too Y/N Darlin’....And next time, come get me first.” He teased pushing some damp curls off his own forehead with a cocky grin. 
Alright, I’ll admit it, I love this and I love Arvin. I hope you do too Loves! - Snax <3
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magicbystarlight · 2 years
Chapter One: Visitation
Summary: You catch the eyes of three ghastly figures. If only you knew before it was too late.
Warnings: 18+, creepy behavior. Dark series with parts that will include rape/noncon as well as other explicit and violent triggers. Heavy religious themes. All parts will be tagged accordingly. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 981
“What came first, preacher? The sinner or their sin?”
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“How long do you think you’ll be out there?”
Erica’s voice came out through hissed static in the receiver. You hoped the horrible reception was connected to the rain and constant overcast sky but, given the state of the rest of the town, you doubted there would be much improvement on a clear day. 
“I’ve got about two months of vacation saved up, but I don’t think I could be in this place longer than a couple weeks.”
“Oh, it can’t be that bad.”
“The deadbolt doesn't even work. It's stuck or something. So I'm screwed if some killer rolls through town. And the roads here aren't even roads, it’s all dirt and gravel. What's worse is that the closest Starbucks is forty minutes out of town.” 
“Oh yeah,” she laughed, “a place without a Starbucks is a far bigger crime than you not having a lock on your door. Heaven forbid you have to get a coffee anywhere else or, you know, make it yourself.”
You snorted, leaning against the old fridge. “I prefer to overpay for my bean water, thanks.” 
“Yeah, well, then you better get started on the house, huh? Unless you want to spend an arm and leg on gas for that piece of junk.”
“It’s not that bad —”
You cut off as you looked out the window to the beat up thing, surprised to find it wasn’t the last car on the gravel driveway. A decades old police car—older than even Grandpa's truck—with a singular red light stuck to the top sat behind it. A man wearing an equally outdated hat and a shirt tucked under his overhanging stomach was making his way up the gravel driveway towards the house. Was the town really that strapped for cash? As if he could feel your stare, his attention turned to the window. A smile pulled onto his face as he waved.
Erica’s annoyed “Hello?” brought you back to the phone you were clutching. Averting your eyes, you shifted out of the sight of the window.
“Sorry, I think I’m gonna have to call you back. Some cop showed up.”
Her annoyance vanished as she asked, “Do you want me to stay on the phone?”
“No…no,” you said, despite the tightness crawling up your throat. Memories of one too many bad interactions with a cop stirring in your mind. “He seems…friendly.”
“I'm sure he’s a very friendly backwoods cop,” she said with a disbelieving snort. “Call me back when he’s gone, alright?”
“Yeah, I will,” you agreed, hearing the wooden steps creak outside. Ending the call after a quick goodbye, you waited until you heard two knocks echoing against the front door.
The cop was handsome. Older and overweight, sure, but undeniably handsome. His eyes must have been the cause of the overcast sky, the cerulean stolen by irises far too enchanting to belong to some small town cop. “Sorry to bother you, ma’am,” he said, tipping his hat. “The Reverend mentioned you got into town yesterday and I wanted to come by and pay my condolences.”
Reverend John hadn't mentioned anything about that to you. “Oh, thank you, um?”
“Sheriff Bodecker.” He held out his hand, one you were surprised to find freezing cold. “But a pretty thing like you can call me Lee.”
"Right, thank you, Lee."
"Your grandfather was a good man. Never caused no trouble, kept to himself." His playful smirk felt at odds with a man paying his respects for the departed. "Real shame he was all alone when it happened." 
You pulled your hand back from his, his handshake far too long and words far too harsh for his honeyed voice. "We'd been trying to get him to go to a nursing home closer to us," you rush out defensively. You had been trying to convince him. No one else in the family seemed to care that Grandpa had been getting to the age where he had trouble taking care of himself. By the state of the house, it had gotten worse since Dad had been around the year before. Or, more likely, Dad hadn't wanted to spend the money to get him the help he needed and downplayed how bad it was.
"Those old folks' homes are so impersonal. Like living at the hospital.” He adjusted his belt, eyeing you up in a way that made you pull your cardigan closed. “Though if the nurses were as pretty as you, suppose it wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Right…” The interaction had taken a nosedive. Why were men such men? “Well, thanks for, um, stopping by. Appreciate it. But I’ve really gotta start getting this place sorted. There's a lot of stuff to do to go through."
He licked his lips. “You know if you need another pair of hands, I'm more than happy to help. A girl like you shouldn't have to do any heavy lifting.”
The cold fast food that had served as a poor replacement of breakfast bubbled unhappily in your stomach. Handsome as he may be, something felt off. Not quite right. “I'll keep that in mind,” you lied, grabbing the edge of the door, “but I’m just going through things for now.”
“Well, if you need anything at all, you can always give the Reverend a call. He'll get back to me faster than any dispatch I've seen..”
“Of course." The door already half-way shut before you called out, "Have a good day, sheriff.”
“You too ma’am,” he said, stepping back and tipping his hat again. "I look forward to seeing you again."
You stood at the door unmoving as you listened to his slow, retreating footsteps that crunched through the gravel. You waited for some sound of a creaking metal door. To hear an old engine roar to life. Tires against the rocks. Minutes passed and nothing. 
But when you peaked through the window, he was gone.
Dark!All Taglist: @bamboozledflamplant @my-current-fandom-is @squishytomatoes @theresa-b
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
Person A and Person B working together to try and test every Christmas cookie recipe they can find to determine which one is the best. and the reader roping arvin into helping and tasting each cookie recipe
this. pls don’t mind the dialogues and im sorry if you’re from the south don’t hurt me- 😭😭
pairing: arvin russell x reader
winter blurbs 2.0 ❄️ | 2.0 masterlist ❄️
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it had been snowing constantly since last night and you were bored out of your mind flipping through channels until the dish went out. arvin, your husband, still wasn’t home from work but an idea sprung to your mind.
you pulled out your winter gear and boots and went to the grocery store just down the hill. it was the one closest to your home. you were a usual customer there so the lady at the cashier gave you a smile and helped you pick out the stuff you needed.
you brought everything you needed back home and found the door slightly opened indicating that arvin was back.
“arvy! i’m home!” you called out to him, closing the door behind you.
“hey, darlin’!” the brunette walked out of your bedroom, “where’d you go?”
“just got some stuff from the grocery.” you said, making your way towards the kitchen and arvin following you in search of hugs and kisses he didn’t receive.
two arms wrapped around your waist from behind as you srart to empty the contents of your bag onto the counter. arvin pressed little pecks over your shoulder and neck. you smiled at his loving nature, turning around to give him a kiss.
“here’s my idea.” you mumbled against his lips, “let’s bake some christmas cookies.”
“i’ve a better idea.” he said, pressing his lips against yours once again. he bit your bottom lip gently before moving back, giving you space to breathe, “i ain’t know nothing about baking, sweetie.”
“come on, i wanna bake some cookies.” you insisted, giving him your best pleading eyes.
arvin eyed the ingredients occupying the counter, “i think that’s enough stuff for the whole county.”
you both chuckled but arvin knew he’d have to go through with your plan because who was he to deny your proposal. lord, he would have jumped down an active volcano if you asked him to.
“okay, so we’ll start with the classic chocolate chip cookies.” you said as you poured the ingredients for the dough into a bowl. arvin helped you in adding the chocolate chips and kneading until it was firm enough to start making little balls of dough.
once they were into the oven, you instantly moved on to making a new batch, clapping your hands together, “now chocolate crinkle cookies!”
“someone’s excited.” arvin chuckled.
“i sure am!” you chirped.
the two of you spent the evening making several batches of cookies and by the time you were done, you probably did have enough cookies for the county.
“told you.” arvin said, making both of you laugh.
you both tried one from each batch, “i think the meringue kisses are the best. what d’you think?”
arvin seemed to think for a moment before he replied, “let me give a chance to change your opinion.”
“you can’t change my-”
you couldn’t complete your sentence because arvin had pulled you on his lap, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing you. his tongue swiped against your lip, sliding into your mouth subtly.
“alright, opinion changed. your kisses are the best.”
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taglist | masterlist ✨
taglist: @httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @annathesillyfriend @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @raajali3 @mcushvft @tommyfroggie @ellabellabus07 @hollandstyles
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
Multifariousqueer’s ✨masterlist✨
Omg y’all I can’t believe it’s finally here!!! It’s not finished bc I’m thinking abt writing for Lo’ak from Avatar but still!
fluff= ☁️
angst= 💙
Nathan Drake
YandereNathanDrakexfem!reader 💙
Summary: Yandere Nathan Drake headcannons
Sober!CherryxReader: Nightmares ☁️
Summary: the reader comforts Cherry after a nightmare.
Arvin Russell
Arvin Russell x Small!reader ☁️💙
Summary: The reader is small and they want to have a business but they need help from a certain guy. READER IS BLACKCODED!!!!
feels so good(Shurix Black!fem!reader) 🦋
Summary: Shuri and the reader have some fun ;)
Passings and Precautions(ShurixBlack!fem!reader) 💙
Summary: Grief takes a toll on all of us. Even the reader.
All that remains(ShurixBlack!fem!reader) 🦋
Summary: You feel ignored by Shuri so you decide to get some revenge.
Request: Jealous!ShurixBlack!Fem!reader 🦋
Summary: Shuri being jealous over a problem SHE created.
Shuri headcannons(Black!fem!reader) ☁️
Summary: Headcannons abt our fav 🤭
Peter Parker
I’ll do anything Professor(Professor!Peter Parker xcollege student!reader) 🦋
Summary: you need to get your grade up and there’s only one way how ;)
Yandere Peter Parkerxreader 💙
Summary: Peter doesn’t wanna share you with… other Peters?
Romeo and Juliet(Peter Parkerxfem!reader) Unfinished 💙
Summary: Inspired by the classic tale, this puts you and Peter at a crossroad.
Peter Parker x Pilot!reader 💙
Summary: The readers a pilot and Peter is scared shitless
Breaking up with Yandere!Peter Parker 💙
Summary: you’re breaking up with Peter but he isn’t having it
Finding Peter’s abs 🦋
Summary: You discover Peter has something up his sleeve(or should I say...shirt)
Thigh r!ding with Peter 🦋
Summary: You and Peter go for a ride
Pheromones: Peter Parker x Reader 🦋
Summary: Peter can’t get enough of your scent mixed with his.
Peter Parker Date night Alphabet☁️
Summary: Basically head cannons about your dates but in ✨alphabetical order✨
Coming soon!
Miles morales smuts and imagines
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
Tom Holland + Characters
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Pairing: Vampire!Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you spend an evening with a vampire after getting trapped in his house
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On Halloween night, a mixture of boredom and curiosity brought you to the door of an old abandoned castle that overlooked your town from the top of a steep hill. You used the rusted old door knocker to bang on the enormous doors and were surprised when it slowly creaked open. You stepped inside and were hit with the scent of dust and aged furniture as soon as you shut the door behind you. The smell didn’t bother you as the inside of the castle was enough to distract you. You walked deeper into the foyer and admired the classic Victorian style of the decor under the light of your flashlight. Just as you were running your fingernails along the grand piano, you heard a voice.
“What are you doing here?”
“AHHHH!” You screamed and turned in the direction of the voice. Your flashlight lit up the pale face of a boy standing at the top of the staircase.
“Oh my God. Who are you?” You asked and stepped closer to get a better look.
“I asked you first.” The boy said as he descend the staircase. You noticed that his footsteps did not make a single sound despite the stairs looking hundreds of years old.
“No you didn’t. You asked me what I was doing here. You never asked who I was.” You pointed out as the boy got closer.
“Fine.” He groaned a little. “My name is Peter.”
“I’m Y/n.”
“Well hello, Y/n. Now tell me, how did you find this place?” The boy asked as he walked in a circle around you.
“You mean the giant abandoned castle at the top of the hill? I don’t know. I guess I just looked up.” You replied as you followed him with your flashlight.
“Ah. I see.” He chuckled shortly. “You’re one of the sarcastic ones.”
“One of the sarcastic whats?” You laughed awkwardly. You suddenly couldn’t see the boy anymore and turned around in circles with your flashlight pointed in every corner.
“Humans.” Peter said as he suddenly appeared behind you. You jumped and turned around with your hand over your heart.
“Aren’t you human?” You asked him, staring to grow nervous.
“I used to be.” He said simply and took another step forward. You could see his face perfectly now with your flashlight pointed at him. He was ghastly pale with hallowed out cheekbones that were highlighted by your flashlight. His eyes were blood red and the skin around them was a deep purple. Despite all of this, you found him inexplicably beautiful. At least, you did until he opened his mouth and you saw his
“Fangs.” You gasped and took a step back.
“Don’t worry. I don’t bite.” Peter smirked a little and took a step towards you. You trembled in fear as he slipped a hand behind your head and dipped you towards the ground, exposing your neck.
“That hard.” He added before opening his mouth and getting ready to bite. The fear immediately left your body and you started to laugh. Peter dropped you in confusion and looked at you until you stopped laughing.
“I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting that. Are all vampires this corny?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry! I’m really not trying to be mean. I guess I just thought that vampires would be a little more Robert Pattinson in Twilight and a little less Adam Sandler in Hotel Transylvania.”
“Twilight is a disgusting misrepresentation of my kind.” Peter scoffed and folded his arms.
“Clearly.” You said in disappointment. “Because where are the golden eyes? Where’s the angst? The battle scars? The bag of eggs Emmet carries in the first movie?”
“What? What are you even talking about?”
“Forget it. This is why I hate talking to people who aren’t die hard Twilight fans. We have nothing in common. If we can’t talk about the comforting bluish tint of the first Twilight movie, then what are we even supposed to talk about?”
“Are all humans this annoying?” Peter asked and rolled his eyes at you.
“Honestly, yes. And if you think I’m annoying, you better hope you never run into someone who studied abroad in college. It’s literally the only thing they can talk about.”
“You don’t shut up, do you?” Peter asked you.
“No I do not. But don’t worry, Mr. Vampire. I won’t bother you anymore. I’m outtie.” You patted his chest and started walking towards the door. Peter felt a pain in his chest at the sight of you leaving and reached his hand out towards you.
“Wait! You can’t leave.”
“Why not?” You stopped walking and turned out.
“Don’t you know consequences of your own actions? You entered a vampires home without being invited. That means you are now cursed to reside here for all of eternity.”
“Oh my God.” Your eyes widened. “You’re Beauty and the Beasting me?”
“I don’t make the vampire rules.” Peter shrugged.
“Well who does? Please don’t make me have to ask to speak to your vampire manger.”
“Vampire rules were made thousands of years ago by a small group of the very first vampires to exist. They wrote out the rules for vampires to follow from then to eternity.”
“Oh. Just like Americans.”
“What? How?” Peter scoffed.
“You’re saying a small group of white dudes created the laws that everyone else was expected to follow for the rest of time with no consideration of different demographics inputs or the constantly changing state of the world?”
“Yes. That’s what I’m saying.”
“Yeah. That’s like super American of you.” You told him.
“Gross.” Peter grimaced.
“You’re telling me.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Never mind all that.” Peter waved his hand. “The rules are rules. You are now my prisoner for all of eternity.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” You said and pulled out your phone. Peter watched you curiously as you dialed a number and held the phone to your ear.
“Hey dad. Yeah, it’s me. Nah, I got Beauty and the Beasted. No he didn’t use those specific terms. A vampire. Yes, a vampire. No I didn’t do this on purpose! Dad! Just because I like those movies doesn’t mean I would get myself trapped -you’re not even listening to me. Dad. Can I just- ugh. Fine. I’m in that creepy tower on the hill. What do you mean which one? How many hill top creepy towers do you know about? Yeah that one. You can try to come get me but he said I’m stuck here for all eternity. That’s what he said. I don’t know. Let’s me ask.” You said and took your phone away from your ear.
“Hey Peter?” You asked.
“What’s the address of this place?”
“There is no address. And don’t even bother trying to be recused. Your barmy father will never be able to get you out of here.” Peter shouted. You gave him the side eye before picking up your phone again.
“Hey dad. Did you hear all that? I don’t know. Let me ask.” You said into the phone and put it down again.
“Hey Peter?”
“What?” He yelled in annoyance.
“What does barmy mean?” You asked him. Peter balled his hands into fists and resisted the urge to smash your phone into a million pieces.
“Hang up the phone before I drain you of your blood and hang you above the fireplace!” He screamed.
“Damn. Chill out.” You whispered harshly as you covered the speaker on your phone. Peter felt a little bad for yelling at you but that went away quickly when you went back to your call.
“Okay. I’ll just text you my location then. Bye, daddy.” You said cheerfully before hanging up. You slipped your phone back into your pocket and turned to Peter.
“All right. As fun as this has been, my dads on his way.”
“But the rules-“
“There are no rules.” You cut him off. “You may have to follow some ancient vampire rule book, but I don’t. You physically can’t keep me here, so I’m gonna go.”
“Don’t go!” Peter protested when you walked towards the door again. You could hear the desperation in his plea and turned around to look at him.
“Please. I’ve been alone for so long. I won’t force you to stay. Just please don’t go yet.” He said in a softer voice.
“If you don’t want to be alone, why don’t you just leave too?”
“And go where?” He asked with a defeated shrug. You looked at him for a minute and felt sympathetic. You had a family and warm house to go back to. He probably had no one.
“How long have you lived here?” You asked him.
“169 years.” He answered. You turned your head to the side but couldn’t conceal the laugh that came out of you.
“What?” Peter wondered.
“69.” You laughed. When Peter didn’t laugh too, you quickly stopped smiling.
“Sorry.” You mumbled.
“It’s fine.” Peter said quietly. He walked away from you and went to sit on the steps. You followed his gaze and saw that he had a perfect view of the grand window. From there, you could see cars and people passing by at the bottom of the hill. You looked back and him and noticed the step he was sitting on was worn down, as if he sat there all the time.
“Well clearly I can’t keep you here. You’re free to go.” He told you without ever taking his eyes off the window. It made you sad to think of him all alone in this castle, just watching people live their lives without having any idea he was up there.
“I was always free to go.” You said in an attempt to make him laugh.
“Yeah. I suppose you were.” He said quietly and looked down at the floor. You looked between him and the door a few times before letting out a groan.
“Why am I so nice and good to others?” You whispered to yourself before taking your phone out.
“Oh no. Oh me oh my. This can’t be!” You said in over exaggerated exasperation as you looked at your phone.
“What is it?” Peter asked curiously.
“My dad just texted me. He can’t come to get me yet.” You lied.
“Really? Why not?” Peter asked with the excitement evident in his voice. You realized you didn’t think that far ahead into your lie and quickly tried to come up with something.
“He’s um, he has chlamydia.” You lied, immediately regretting it.
“Yeah. Real bad case too. He said he’s bed ridden for the next 24 hours.” You continued to lie.
“So you have to stay here all night?” Peter asked, unable to hide the smile that broke out on his face.
“I guess so. At least it’s not all eternity.” You shrugged and pretended to be upset by it. Peters smile grew so much that you could see his fangs. You smiled fondly at him, finding it cute how excited he was to have you stay.
“Come with me. I’ll show you to your chambers.” Peter said and held out a hand. You smiled shyly at him before placing your hand in his.
“Ooo. Sounds fancy.” You said as he lead you up the winding staircase.
“I think you’ll like it.” He said sincerely, making your heart grow fonder for him.
When you got to the top of the stairs, Peter took a candelabra off the wall and used it to light your way down the hallway. You cousins help but feel excited by the ambiance of the night. You were being led down the candle lit hallway of an ancient castle by a handsome vampire and it was kinda the coolest thing that had ever happened to you. Peter looked over his shoulder at one point and when he saw how excited you looked, he felt pride in his chest. He continued to hold your hand until he reached the biggest room in the castle.
“This is my room?” Your jaw dropped when you stepped inside. It was a picturesque Victorian bedroom with a huge canopy bed and chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everything was black or red, exactly how you’d picture a vampires room to be.
“Do you not like it?” Peter asked nervously.
“Are you kidding? It’s beautiful. This is bigger than my room at home. And way cleaner.” You said as you ran your finger along the dusty wardrobe. Peter laughed as he watched you blow the dust off your finger.
“I’m glad to see your sense of humor didn’t die with you.” You said when you heard him laughing.
“I’m not dead. I was just bitten.” Peter said simply. You stared at him for a second and felt that fondness return.
“I know the feeling.” You said softly.
“You do?” Peter asked, your flirtation going right over his head.
“Yeah. I mean, metaphorically.”
“Well I’m not speaking metaphorically. Someone quite literally bit my neck and now I can’t be around garlic.” Peter said as he took a seat on the bed.
“So that’s true? Vampires really do hate garlic?” You asked as you sat as well and faced him.
“Of course we do. Where do you think that myth came from?”
“I don’t know. I thought all of that vampire stuff was just a scary story to tell kids.”
“Some of it is. But some is true.” Peter told you. “You see, if you go back and look throughout history you’ll see that vampires or some form of blood sucking creature exists in every culture. But all these cultures had these stories from before they were able to communicate with each other. That’s because they weren’t made up stories or myths. They were real. Vampires have always existed. Just not exactly as you were told.”
“Interesting. So if I threw holy water at you, would you melt?”
“I wouldn’t melt, but I’d burn.” Peter replied, secretly hoping you’d ask him more questions.
“And what about mirrors? Can you see your reflection in those?”
“Of course we can. Where did you hear that one?” Peter laughed as if it were silly to even suggest.
“Wizards of Waverly Place.” You mumbled in embarrassment.
“Sounds like a reliable source.” Peter hit noted you.
“It was. Juliet couldn’t see her reflection when she was on a date with Justin.” You replied. Peter smiled as he uncovered more of your personality and wanted to know more.
“What else have you been told?” He asked and leaned on his hand.
“That you have no shadow. And cannot be photographed.”
“That one’s true. I don’t have a shadow. But that’s mostly because I don’t go in the sun.”
“Do you sparkle in the sunlight?” You asked with a teasing smile.
“No. But I do burn. I may be undead, but I’ll always be white.”
“Interesting.” You laughed. Peter laughed as well and felt himself being happy for the first time in years. He hadn’t sat down and had a real conversation with someone in a very long time. And the time it had been since someone asked him about himself was even further in the past. Now that he had you, he didn’t want to let you go.
“Do you have any other questions for me?” Peter asked and tried not to sound as hopeful as he felt. It didn’t work, but you didn’t mind. You thought it was endearing that he just wanted to be asked about himself.
“I have tons. I just didn’t want to annoy you.”
“You’re not annoying me at all. I enjoy the company actually.” He admitted, making you smile. Peter returned the smile, giving you another view of his fangs. You thought about the small information you had on his past and felt your heart ache for him.
“For those 169 years you’ve lived here, have you been alone?” You asked in a softer tone.
“Most of the time.” He smiled sadly. “I get squatters now and then and I’ll have them for dinner.”
“Like, you invite them to stay for dinner?”
“No. I drink them. For dinner.“ Peter said as if it were the most casual thing in the world.
“So that myth is true? You really do drink blood?” You asked, equal parts scared and excited.
“I do.” Peter replied, excited to see that you were excited.
“Are you gonna drink mine?” You asked and leaned forward a little.
“I haven’t decided yet.” Peter replied, leaning in as well.
“Oh. Okay. Let me know when you do.” You told him as your eyes dropped down to his lips.
“I will.” He replied as he titled his head to the side. You felt a gravitational pull towards Peter and knew if you didn’t stop yourself, you’d end up kissing this stranger. You quickly got off the bed and pretended to look around the room
“So, uh, do you sleep in a coffin?” You asked ti fill the awkward silence you had created.
“A what?” Peter asked, still wondering if you were about to kiss or if that was just in his head.
“A coffin. That’s another vampire myth. You guys sleep in coffins like this.” You explained and folded your hands over your chest the way you’d seen vampires do in movies.
“Oh, yeah. I used to do that but it kinda hurt my back so I stopped.”
“No. Why the fuck would I sleep like that? That looks so uncomfortable. And how would I be able to breathe if I was inside a coffin?”
“I’m just asking.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m trying to see what’s myth or not.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Peter smiled sheepishly and you felt your annoyance dissipate.
“I guess I’ll forgive you. Since I’ll be here for all eternity and what not.” You smiled teasingly at him.
“I thought it was just 24 hours?” He humored you.
“Same thing.” You shrugged. “If you don’t sleep in a coffin, there where do you sleep?”
“Come with me and I’ll show you.” Peter said as he got off the bed. He took your hand again and led you up another winding staircase. You went all the way to the top of the castle and reached a room at the end of the hall. There were huge windows all covered in red velvet drapes except for one that was letting the moonlight pool in. Peter’s bed was even bigger than yours, but his bed frame was empty. You looked over and saw that ye had pulled his mattress over to the floor in front of the window. When you looked out that window, you saw he had a perfect view of the city below. You knew he must’ve done that to aid his loneliness and felt sorry for him once again. Peter saw what you were looking at and joined your side.
“Anything else you want to know?” He asked as he looked at you. You looked at him for a minute as the one question on your mind begged it be brought up.
“I gotta ask.” You said, almost apologetically.
“Oh no. Here we go.” Peter rolled his eyes a little, knowing exactly what was coming.
“Do you guys really hate werewolves?”
“Not at all.”
“Really? So you guys get along?” You asked hopefully, your deepest fangirl fantasy coming true.
“No. Vampires don’t hate werewolves because werewolves do not exist.”
“What? Come on. If vampires exist, werewolves must exist.” You insisted.
“If they do, I’ve never seen one.”
“Ugh. I wish I was a werewolf so I could wolf out right now and prove you wrong. That would be such an epic moment.”
“Would it?” Peter teased you.
“I think it would.” You scoffed and playfully shoved his shoulder. Instead of pulling your hand away after the shove, you squeezed his shoulder before moving your hand down his arm with tiny squeezed.
“What are you doing?” Peter chuckled but didn’t mind your actions. He was just happy to be touched after so long.
“I’m trying to see if you guys are actually ice cold.” You said and moved your hand from his arm up to his neck and face.
“You are. Jesus Christ.” You laughed and took your hand away once you felt his cold skin.
“Does that bother you?” Peter asked quietly.
“Not really. Why would I care?” You shrugged.
“Yeah. Why would you?” He repeated, a hint of sadness in his voice. You could tell you had squashed some sort of hope inside him with your answer and wanted to let him know that just because you didn’t care that he was cold didn’t mean you didn’t care for him.
“Being cold to the touch is so not an issue. It’s nothing a few sweaters and some fluffy blankets can’t fix.” You followed up, making Peters smile return to his face. You smiled back and felt that fondness for him once again.
“Besides, the cold never bothered me anyway.” You added just to reassure him.
“The cold never bothered me. I like that.” Peters smile grew as he looked at you.
“Thank you. I definitely just made it up and did not steal it from a popular animated franchise.” You said as your eyes darted to the side.
“Nothing.” You said quickly. “Changing the subject, what do you do for fun around here?”
“That’s not a vampire related question.” Peter pointed out.
“I know. It’s a you related question.” You said and shoved him again just because you knew he liked it. Peter smiled when he felt your touch and leaned into it.
“Well I don’t really know. I guess I don’t really have fun around here.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because I’m 169 years old. I’ve done everything I needed to or wanted to do.”
“So now what? You just dwell here in the darkness by yourself?” You laughed.
“Pretty much.” Peter answered, making your smile drop. You were just kidding but realized he wasn’t. You looked back at his bed in front of the window again and imagined him dragging it over there to feel less alone.
“What?” Peter asked when he saw your face.
“Nothing. It’s just….that sounds lonely.” You said quietly.
“That’s because it is.” Peter said with a sad smile.
“That makes me sad. I don’t want you to be lonely.”
“What do you care? You just met me.”
“Just because I don’t know you doesn’t mean I can’t feel sad for you.” You told him.
“Oh. I guess not.” Peter replied, his sad smile slowly turning into a fond one.
“Is your family like you? Are they vampires too?” You asked, hoping he at least had a family to keep him company.
“No. Only I was bitten.” Peter said with a shrug.
“Wow. At least you got to spend their whole lives with them.” You said in an effort to lighten the conversation.
“I didn’t actually.” Peter admitted. “I had to leave them a few years I was bitten. I wasn’t gonna age and I couldn’t exactly tell them why.”
“Oh.” You said quietly as your eyes fell to the floor.
“What’s wrong?” Peter asked when he noticed your solum expression.
“Sorry. It just sounds like being a vampire isn’t as fun as I thought it would be.”
“Yeah. It’s not as fun as I thought either.” Peter admitted.
“Are there any parts you do like? What about turning into a bat? That’s gotta be fun, right?” You asked in an attempt to cheer him up.
“I can’t turn into a bat.” He deadpanned.
“Well damn it Peter! I’m trying to make you feel better.” You exclaimed. You felt bad for shouting at him, then confused when you saw him smiling.
“What? Why are you smiling?”
“Nothing. I just haven’t heard someone say my name in years.” He said with a cheeky smile. You smiled in return as an idea came to you.
“Well Peter, since we’re having a sleepover tonight, it’s only fitting that we play some classic sleepover games.”
“Like what?” Peter lit up in excitement.
“We could have a pillow fight.” You suggested.
“These pillows are hundreds of years old. Hitting you with one would five like getting caught in a dust bowl.” Peter chuckled and hit a pillow to emphasize his point. A cloud of dust expelled into the air and you understood what he meant.
“How would you know? Were you alive when the dust bowls were going on?” You teased him.
“You mean the 1930s? No, I wasn’t.” He laughed.
“Well I don’t know if I believe you.” You clicked your tongue. “Let’s see. What else what else what else? Oh! I know. We can play truth or dare.”
“Okay. Sounds fun.” Peter smiled happily. You took a seat on his mattress in front of the window and patted the space in front of you, signaling for him to sit. Peter smiled shyly and padded across the floor to sit on the bed with you. You exchanged a look with each other and you felt butterflies flutter up in your chest.
“I’ll go first. Truth or dare?” You asked Peter.
“Truth.” Peter answered.
“Damn. I was gonna dare you to prove that you don’t sparkle in the sunlight. But that’s fine.” You sighed. “Tell the truth, who’s the last person you kissed?”
“This girl named Betty in the 60s.”
“You haven’t gotten action since the 60s?” You laughed in surprise.
“I’m a gentleman. And aren’t you only allowed to ask one question?” He whined.
“Fine. Ask me.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Truth or dare?”
“Who’s the last person you kissed?” Peter asked your question right back.
“You know, I also kissed Betty. She was kind of a slut.” You said out of the corner of your mouth. Peter laughed but you could tell he was disappointed that you didn’t actually answer.
“I’m kidding. I’ll have you know that I’ve never actually kissed anyone.” You said pointedly.
“Really?” Peters eyes widened.
“Don’t say it like that.” You shoved him again. “I’m only 22. I have all of eternity to kiss someone. The opportunity just hasn’t presented itself yet.”
“I was 22 when I was bitten.” Peter said with a soft smile. “I feel like I’m stuck at that age no matter how many years I live.”
“Hm.” You hummed. “We’re not so different.”
“I guess not.” Peter smiled as he looked into your eyes. You held his gaze for a minute before snapping out of it.
“Truth or dare?” You asked to change the subject.
“Do you want me to leave?” You asked him. You knew he wanted you to stay, but you wanted to hear him say it.
“No. I don’t want you to leave at all. I want you to stay.” Peter said matter of factly.
“For how long?” You asked with a coy smile.
“Again with the two part questions.” He shook his head at you, making you smile.
“Sorry.” You chuckled.
“It’s all right. Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” You decided.
“I dare you to come closer.” Peter took you by surprise when he said. You immediately obliged and scooted closer to him so that your knees were touching. Peter gulped, not having expected you to actually do it. You tweaked your eyebrow up at him to let him know the ball was in his court.
“Truth or dare?” You asked him and leaned in closer.
“Truth.” He said and an idea started to form. You tilted your head to the side, away from the window, so that the moonlight lit up the skin of your neck.
“Do want to drink my blood?” You asked innocently and ran your fingernails down your neck. Peter watched you do this and gulped loudly.
“Very badly.” He admitted. “But I won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because then I’d lose your company.” He said simply. You couldn’t help but smile at his response and looked down at your lap.
“I thought you didn’t like my two part questions.” You said and looked up at him through your eyelashes.
“I made an exception.” Peter shrugged and leaned in a little.
“How kind of you.” You replied and leaned in as well. Peters eyes dropped down to your lips before looking back up at you. Your lips circled into a smirk to let him know you had seen this.
“Truth or dare?” He asked you as he eyes fell down to your lips again.
“I dare you to kiss me.” He said respectfully but assuredly. You immediately obliged and leaned in the rest of the way to kiss him. For your first kiss, having it with a vampire was pretty impressive. Peter put his cold hands on your flushed face but you didn’t mind the chill. You smiled into the kiss when a thought suddenly came to you.
“I just got an idea.” You gasped and pulled away.
“What is it?”
“It’s Halloween. And you’re a vampire.”
“Yeah, so?” Peter wondered.
“So half the people down in that city are dressed as vampires too. No one will know yours isn’t a costume.” You said as you pointed out the window towards the city. Peters eyes widened when he realized you were right.
“So I could leave?” He asked quietly, not wanting to believe it incase it wasn’t true.
“Why not? You’re allowed to go down and have fun for a night.” You told him, making him light up with a smile. He looked down at the city again and let out a happy sigh.
“I’ve always wanted to go down there. Will you go with me?” He asked hopefully and took your hands in his.
“Sure. We can do whatever you want.” You said and pressed your free hand against his cold face. Peter leaned into your palm and wrapped his fingers around your wrist.
“I have to be back before the sun rises.” He reminded you.
“That’s okay. We’ll be back in time.” You assured him.
“Okay. Then let’s do it!” Peter shouted in excitement and got off the bed. He held out his hand and pulled you up before spinning you around in his arms. He set you down when a troubling thought came to him.
“But…will you go home after?” He asked with a sadness in his red eyes. You smiled softly at him and shook your head.
“No. Not tonight. I’ll stay here until morning.” You assured him. Peter grinned again, baring his fangs at you now that all his worries were taken care of.
“Then let’s go. I don’t want to miss another minute.” Peter said and took your hand. You ran down the hallway together and down the stairs until you were outside the castle. Peter took a deep breath of the outside air for the first time in forever before running down the hill. He never let go of your hand, even when you reached the city at the bottom of the hill. You walked hand in hand with Peter as he looked at absolutely everything. The two of you waved to the little kids in their costumes and a few people even complimented Peter on how real his fangs looked. You gave him a knowing smile each time and he felt his heart swell from the feeling of being known.
“This city is amazing!” He exclaimed and spun around in a circle.
“I know. So what do you want to do?” You asked him.
“I just want to walk around and be apart of the crowd.” He answered honestly, making you laugh.
“Okay. We can do that.” You took his hand again and went back to strolling the streets. You took him to all your favorite scenic spots and anywhere you saw people performing on the streets.
“Someone just handed me candy.” Peter whispered in your ear at one point. You looked down and saw that he had a handful of kit kats that he clearly didn’t know what to do with.
“Yeah. That’s pretty normal for Halloween.” You laughed and took one from him. You ripped open the packet and broke the Kit Kat in half as Peter watched in amazement. He had never seen this candy before and was impressed that you knew exactly what to do with it. You took one half of the Kit Kat for yourself and placed the other Kit Kat in Peter mouth. He didn’t like it, but he didn’t tell you since he could tell that you did. Once he swallowed his candy, he worked up the nerve to lean in and kiss your cheek to thank you for what you had done for him. He saw the goosebumps on your skin from how cold his touch was and immediately felt insecure. He took his hand out of yours so that he couldn’t make you any colder but you just picked up his hand again.
“Are you sure the cold doesn’t bother you?” He asked quietly. You gave his hand a squeeze before leaning in to kiss his lips once again. Peter blinked in surprise when you pulled away but quickly smiled with his fangs.
“Yes.” You told him. “I’m sure.”
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Is it smut?
A/N: i think the title speaks for itself, but yeah, it was my first fic ever published on my first account @/cloudyfeel. Still couldnt get it back, so i'm investing all my energy on this one, hehe
TW: smut, I mean the title is a spoiler?… cockwarming, slight jealousy,(if you look very closely), a little bit of angst-Tom being a bit insecure
Dont't be shy, comment, reblog, like!
english is not my first language. not beta read, all mistakes are my own.
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You were on the couch reading some fanfic on tumblr while Tom, your cute boyfriend, was watching some golf on TV. It was time like this, that you miss while he was away for filming or on press tour. You just enjoyed being with him and spend time with him even if both of you were doing different things.
“What are you reading?” Tom asked you genuinely curious. You looked at him before answering: “Some fanfiction”
“About who?” You thought of your answer.. you were not embarrassed to read fanfiction, Tom knew from the start of your relationship two years ago, that you read and write some of it. “Mmh… currently Bucky Barnes, it’s a really good one.” “Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes?” “Yeah, who else?” You asked in return.
Tom looked at you, a hint of jealousy coursing his veins. He didn’t know why… but he also knew that you found Sebastian Stan pretty looking. You could feel him tensed. You let a small sigh and you said:“ I also read one about Captain America, Harry Styles, Peter Parker…so you know about a lot of people, about a lot of different topics.”
“You read fanfic about me?” You laughed. “I said about Peter Parker.” He snorted. “Yeah, but I am Peter Parker.” “So he’s Andrew Garfield or Tobey Maguire… you’re not that special, babe” you teased him. “Excuse me young lady?” “I excuse you pretty boy.”
You continued your reading, but you could feel Tom’s glaze on you. You stopped looking at your phone after a few minutes and you meet eyes with Tom. “Ok, I confess… I read fanfic about you.” “Like me, me? ” “Yeah and your characters. But mostly Peter Parker, Arvin Russell and you as yourself or in alternative universe.” He blushed. You raised an eyebrow at his reaction. “Why are you blushing ?” “Is it smut?”
You scoffed, “sometimes” you mumbled. Now you were a bit embarrassed… ok you read smut about those fictional characters… but to admit it out loud to your boyfriend, who played those characters… you felt shy suddenly. “But I’m right here, darling” “ I’m not reading smut about you or your characters when you here…” “Oh…but your reading bucky barney’s fiction…with smut?”
It was your time to blush. Yup, you were reading a smut fiction about a marvel character while your boyfriend was watching innocently some golf. “Maybe?” “Y/N!” “Sorry, Tom, ok? I just found it and the summary was catchy and I started reading it…. and this author is very good at smut. I am horny and reading this kind of fiction is nice when I am in this state, you know.” “But I am here!” Shouted Tom. “Tom, sweety, I am mentally horny… not physically horny right now” You both laugh. “Damn, you’re weird… I love you Y/N/N”. “Love you too dork, but I know that you’re jealous of my Bucky Barnes fanfic.” The day went by and when you were both getting ready to go to bed Tom asked you.
“Could I read some?” You looked at him with wide eyes. “ I mean, I am curious to see some of the works you liked. About my characters, me or other.” “To be clear, I read about you or you characters, when I missed you and you’re not here, ok? Because clearly, when we’re together I don’t need it… I mean all my fantasies come true while we’re together.”
“No need to justify, baby. You told me when we started dating that you like reading and writing some fanfic. But I really am curious and to read some you liked… I don’t know I feel like I can connect with even more, when we’re not together.” You pout, he was the cutest…and you couldn’t handle it or even said no to him. “Tom… stop being this adorable… give me your phone I’ll connect you to my tumblr.”
He smiled at you and handed you his phone. He was happy to asked you this because he was going away for a few days with his brothers and you couldn’t come. “Keep in mind that some of them are… maybe a bit extreme and I don’t put them on the list of the thing I want to try with you during sex, alright?” He nodded and opened his arms for you to come cuddle him. ~~~~~~ You were at your desk working on something when your phone start buzzing. Tom was calling you. “Hey Tommy!” “Hey, Y/N” “ we said that we were calling each other later or am I wrong?” There was a silent and you could hear tom heavy breathing. “ you ok?” “I’m reading some of the fanfic that you saved.” Your heart started beating a little faster. “Oh, the extreme ones?” “ i don’t know what you mean about extreme… but I- i am a little concern about my size.” “Your size?” “ yeah, my penis… I-I mean sometimes the description of my shaft in these… I wonder if mine is… you know good enough…” You reprimanded your laugh. Tom was sometime insecure, but you were not ready for him to be insecure about his size…well no this one to be honest. “You’re stretching me just right, baby boy.” You said languidly. “ damn, you don’t know what’s coming for you when I am home.” He replied. “Well I sure hope to cum…” You both laughed and started to talk about everything and anything before you had to hang up and started working again. But you couldn’t wait for him to come home… now you were horny in the physical way. ~~~~ Two days later, Tom and his brothers were coming back from there little trip. You had planned a little lingerie set to welcome home your sweet, sexy and handsome boyfriend. You heard the door open and shut quite quickly before the voice of Tom came to you. “Y/N!” “In the bedroom!” You found the best way to lay down on the sheets. You were on your stomach with your legs bends and your chin between your hands. Tom literally stormed to the room. He stopped in his tracks and looked at you with wide eyes and he huffed.
“ jesus, why didn’t you warned me that those fanfic could made me that horny !” You laughed and sit on your knees. “ why don’t you cure your horny state with me ? I just read a fanfic with Peter Parker and it was… so… fucking hot. I need you Tom.”
Tom took his shirt and pants off. He crowled on the bed and stopped just an inche from you. He looked at you from head to toes and his eyes darkened with lust. “ I saw that you read one were we have a threesome with Hazz.” “ yeah, an extreme one…sorry about that. But if it makes it better, I don’t want to… just you and me.. nobody else.” He kissed you, with a certain passion that you only found when he came back from filming. His hands started running down your body, cupping your breast, your ass before he cupped your cheeks.“ You’re so beautiful, I can believe you’re mine.” You chuckled and put your hands on his neck and you scratched the base of his hair. He groaned in the kiss and put you closer to him. “ I want to try something.” He whispered. You hummed letting him now that you were listening. He kissed your cheeks, your lips, your neck before saying. “Cockwarming” you put your hands on his shoulders and you looked him in the eyes. “I was thinking of that this morning… I want to try it too. But not in my mouth though…” “ yeah, not in your mouth I wanna hold you tight.”
You stripped from you last bit of clothing and Tom sat against the headboard. You straddled him, he caressed your folds, you reached the drawer of the nightstand and got the lube. Tom smiled at you and took the bottle. He opened it and squeezed some in his hands, he worked him self up and continue to teasing your folds. When you felt both ready, he put a condom and you aligned yourself with him. You slipped gently and when your ass meet his thighs you both sigh in pleasure. “So now, we don’t move for awhile” Tom murmured. “Yeah, that’s the idea of cockwarming. How was the trip?”
He chuckled and tried to focus on his answer, but he felt too good to be in you after being so horny for the past few days of reading this smut. “It was nice, but not as nice as what I am feeling right now.” You laughed and in doing so you clenched a little bit. Tom hissed and you let a little moan out. “Fuck, that’s not what I thought, I would feel. Tom, don’t be insecure about your size, you’re really filling me up just right.”
He put his arms around your waist and kissed your beck tenderly. “Gosh I love you, Y/N/N”. You put your hands in his hairs and kissed his forehead, cheeks and then his lips. “I love you too, Tommy.”
You stayed silent, just enjoying the feeling to be this close and this connected. When your legs started to hitch, Tom took the initiative to turned you around. Without slipping out of you, he was on top. He took both of your legs and put them on his waist and he started thrust in you. You whimper quietly at the sudden movement. Your hands on his back, your nails digging in his flesh. He groaned and start thrusting harder and faster. You moaned louder and louder overwhelmed by the warming and now the way Tom entered you and hitting your g-spot. “Babe, I wont last long” panted Tom.
You kissed him passionately and your hands went on his ass to accentuate his movement. “Me neither, touch me please”. He reached for your clit and you arched your back. Tom searched your eyes, when you locked them together your breathing synchronized and you both camed at the same time. Your all body trembled and Tom collapsed on top of you. You caressed his head and shoulders while he kissed tenderly your neck and collarbone.
“Sweety, can you come out. Cockwarming is over” you chuckled. He sighed and lay down beside you. You cuddled on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. “Babe, do you want me to sub next time?” “If you up for it, why not.”
He hold you tighter and kissed your forehead. Maybe let him read your favourite fanfic was a good idea.
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silkscream · 2 years
ree!! angry sex with arvin <3 like you’re fighting but now you’re fucking..yk
warnings: smut (18+ only), rough sex, angry sex, not dubcon but... it's a weird dynamic, toxic relationship dynamics (?), dacryphilia
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arvin russell wears his reddish knuckles well, his hands branded and calloused in a way that makes other men wary around him at the bars. they don’t underestimate him, especially not when he's got a hand attached to your hip at all times even when he's angry with you. and you... you could never turn away his touch. it was still a token of his caring, closer than a white flag than any apology. you both knew how difficult it could be.
your face is warmer than it should be and you're pissing him off by the second. stealing his beers, moving erratically, like a child. the boys sure like you, some peers from arvin's job that is, and arvin fucking hates it.
you'd been a force in his life the moment you fell into it. burst in like a forest fire and shining bright since. that was why arvin kept you -- that edge to you made you different. he'd met his match with you.
once you're both back at the house, he tries to contain himself, grits his teeth while he watches you skip to the bedroom with the buttons of your blouse undone and loose.
"what's got you all pouty, mister?" you taunt.
"nothin'. just fuckin' tired."
"mm," you hum. "of me?"
he shakes his head, grimacing. you know exactly how to push his buttons and you don't care about the repercussions. maybe you crave them, instead. love isn't love if it isn't even a little brutal to you.
"'course you're not," you chuckle. "you were made just for me, weren't ya?"
he can't resist that little smirk on your face considering how hard his cock is straining in his blue jeans, but the alcohol in him still has his face burning. his fists clench then unfurl. arvin is often quiet, calculated, but has the innate sense of cruelty as his father. you coax it out of him like a confession.
this is how you end up pinned against the wall, white knuckles of his hand squeezing your shoulder while the other digs into the flesh of your side. fingertips grazing a breast. heavy, hot breaths from your lover's mouth fan over you.
"damn cute when you're actin' all tough, y'know that?" you murmur.
"i'll show you cute, you fuckin' brat," a hot rasp utters from him. the clench of his jaw makes him all sharp edges and it makes your insides preen. you are the knife and he's the only one who can wield you.
it's whiplash when he yanks your body like a plaything and you land on the mattress, hands gripping your thighs in a bruising force. his teeth are on your neck while a rough slap hits the flesh of your ass, making you gasp. his desire boils over you, no longer simmering, and you're ready for him to consume you.
you whimper his name, eyes widening when you feel the brutal thickness of his cock already. he usually takes his sweet time with you, but his fervor and wrathed temper make him impatient. he clumsily readjusts his body above yours, strips off the rest of his clothes quickly so he can hold your legs apart and punish you the way he intends to.
"y'wanted this, didn't you, honey?" he grunts. the way he plunges into you has your vision dizzy already, unable to form any coherent words to talk back at him like you usually do. he chuckles lightly when he realizes.
"arv!" you slur, voice dripping with something both comprised of agony and ecstasy, somehow. you can barely move underneath his body, struggling as he pins you down to hit you at just the right angle. he busies his mouth back to your neck again, all teeth and tongue forming wet bruises on your delicate skin.
it's all too much, all too fast. but he's right, always is -- it's what you wanted.
his hips meet yours, slaps against them, actually, as his thrusts knock the wind out of you. even with the pressure building inside your cunt, you need more. you'd let him smother you.
with surprising tenderness, arvin kisses your jaw. it's the first proper kiss of the night, you think. you want to feel his mouth on yours but he doesn't let you. there's a glint of taunting in his honey-brown eyes above you.
the swell of his cock makes your insides flutter. you let him use you until you're at your most sensitive, and the weak whimpers suppressed by his palm over your mouth make your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"fuck, gonna cum," arvin rasps. "now's the time you behave, huh?"
"yeah," you whine, tears springing from the corner of your eyes.
it comes as a little death. how can something feel so good that it hurts?
you feel his warmth inside you and it makes your skin feel hotter. you didn't even notice you were crying until he pulls out of you and wipes your tears with pity. the way his body is no longer on top of yours makes you feel empty for some reason -- as if you could be happily sewn to him for the rest of your life.
"didn't mean to make you cry, sweetheart," he says gently.
"you did," you accuse. "and you liked it, huh? sick bastard."
despite your tears, you can't help but crack a smile. even in your recovery period, you have to act tough, let arvin know that in every game, you're still winning regardless. it's always you starting it, the provocation, poking the bear just because you want to feel teeth.
"you're the sick one, baby," he says as he cleans you up.
"that's why i was made for you, too."
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poemsforparker · 2 years
ticket to ride - arvin russel | 18+ oneshot
(not my gif)
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“I think I’m gonna be sad
I think is today, yeah
The girl that’s driving me mad
Is goin’ away”
pairing: arvin russel x f!reader
summary: there’s nothing holding you in this city.
content warning: 18+, smut right bellow the cut, unprotected sex, angst, bad words, mentions of suicide, mentions of murder, toxic relationship, movie spoilers.
a.n: first Arvin fic! (rewatching this movie really woke something in me). dark fics aren’t really my thing but Arvin Russel is not exactly a role model of mental health so I think this fits best.
song inspiration
Arvin’s breath was totally pathless, his dick pumping hard into you while his grip on your waist got stronger every second, like he was trying to get you impossibly close to his body. If someone could see his car from the outside, the weird way it was moving could definitely denounce the activities in the back seat.
"I'm so close, baby. You're taking my cock so well." Arvin says breathlessly on your ears, knowing exactly how to get you worked up. He needs no verbal answer that it had an effect in you when feels you tight around him right after his words. "That's right, honey. Keep going like that. Shit, I love you so much."
"I love you." You kiss him deeply like life depends on it and feel the knot on your stomach getting harder to hold, finally releasing on his dick. Letting your body rest on his.
"Come with me." You say after a long moment of silence, touching the subject you both been avoiding, feeling like the air around you was unbearably heavy holding this question in. You move your body up to get him out of you and sitting by his side, still waiting for an answer, that came after a heavy sigh from the boy.
"You know I can't, baby. Not after Lenora, I can't leave my family, not now that they need me the most." You sigh. He was right, you did know that, it has been like that for months now. You had your mind made that you were leaving, then it came to going say your goodbyes to Arvin, you give it to temptation, you both end up in bed or the back of his car.
You wanted to leave this town, more than anything, this place felt like poison, taking away all your hopes to forget the past and move on with Arvin. Like living here costed all your rights to be happy, or free. What you wished that was different, was the cost that such decision had implied to you. Arvin had people who needed him, he had a family. All you had was him.
Flashbacks come to you, at high school Arvin protected you quite literally with his own damn life. Threatening anyone who dared to touch a finger his girl to loose that very finger, or they ugly damn heads. At the time, you made plans with him to run away together when you grew up. Back then, it would just be another case of kids who ran away to try life on a near town, you’d come back to visit, send letters after settled wherever. It was the perfect plan to live a perfect life.
But perfect things do not exist.
It all started to go to shit (even more) when Teagardin showed up in town. You had a bad feeling about him since the start. Lenora, in her place, she had faith in people, specially if that person was the reverend, dear lord, why would she suspect they meant any harm?
But she should.
The man had the worst of the intentions. Of course, as a figure of respect in the city, who would be crazy enough to question anything that he said or did? But again, they should’ve.
After Arvin lost her, you were fundamental for him not to break down, although you were close to an attack yourself, you knew Arvin would need all support he could get, so you provided him that. You stopped him from crossing the line when he couldn't hold it together, but now, you now selfishly wished you didn’t.
If you had killed the bastard he’d have no choice but to run away with you.
“Let’s do it,” you say to him, hovering over his warm body again “let’s put a bullet in that motherfucker’s head and then we get the hell out of here.” you grin at him facing an expression on Arvin’s face that for the first time on years you couldn’t read. “C’mon, Arvin, you almost did it before.”
“Yeah... Almost, but you yourself talked me out of it. What changed?” you chuckle, rolling your eyes.
“Everything.” you kiss his jaw and cup his face to stare him deep in the eyes. “If you’re stuck here, honey, so am I. If you say no, that’s fine, I’ll stay here, with you, as much as try my fucking best I can’t go without you.” you fix yourself to sit comfortably on his lap and continue. “But if you say yes,” you start kissing down his neck between words “we get our justice and get the fuck out, just me and you, baby,” you peck his lips “what do you say?”
You can see Arvin put up a fight with himself behind his eyes, trying to still find some moral left on his brain, deep down, he knew the only thing holding him back from doing justice with his own hands was the fear he had of letting you down, now, seeing you like this, Arvin couldn’t find a single crumble of a reason not to, the offer was too inviting.
“I say I’m with you to the end...let’s do this.” You grin proudly at your boyfriend and kiss him with passion, knowing once in for all once your plan was complete you would never step on these cursed grounds ever again.
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holyfruitsnax · 1 year
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Summary: You snooped into something that ended up being more than you can handle. It’s not your fault you were curious. As much as Arvin was your friend, he’d been acting out lately, little did you know that soon you’d be stuck together, for eternity.
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Violent themes, Kidnapping, Murder, Slightly yandere!Arvin, Cursing, Brief mentions of suicide, and of course never proof read. (Probably needs more warnings than this just let me know)
  Nothing, you saw nothing. Your ears still rang, eyes still stung from the hot tears that fell while your brain worked overtime to find reasons for todays events. You weren’t dead? Were you? Your fingers grazed against the odd plastic above you, the stiff material made it difficult to breath. Breathe. Were you still with him? You recalled the gargled speech of Pastor Teagardin as several bullets tore through his chest. A moment you weren’t supposed to be around for, one you were stupid enough to stumble upon. 
  Brown eyes you’d have believed were heaven sent before today stared back into yours. Arvin Russell. He’d scrambled around to pick up his shell casings so fast, you noticed him wince from them still being hot to the touch. They’d just blown through a man, and he was scooping them up like they were shells on a beach. “Y/N?...Listen to me doll-” Arvin had reached out to you, his unplanned visitor. You couldn’t touch him, you wouldn’t let him touch you. Hurt you too. “Please...Please don’t kill me- I won’t tell nobody, I swear Arvin!” You pleaded to the man through blurry eyes.
  Arvin’s soft demeanor shifted as he looked to the ceiling with a click of his tongue. “Now, how could I do that to you my little trinket? Hmm?” His half lidded eyes shifted to you, chin still pulled up as his presence ate you alive. Closer. Until his rugged hands gripped your arm quickly pulling you out of the bloody church with him. “Arvin!-” Your scream fell upon deaf ears as Arvin covered your mouth with a heavy sigh before you were met with a heavy blow to your head.
  Now you were here, panicked hands scooted across the black space in search of its end. A sliver of sunlight cut through to your fingers as you found the edge of the dark grey tarp. Pulling it aside you faced upwards in the bed of an old truck staring at the mid day sky. What you’d thought to be sweat before turned out to be blood coming from your temple. You sat up slowly while holding your head, looking around a bit whoosy until you met eyes in the rear view mirror. Brown eyes. You gasped and struggled with the rest of the tarp over your legs, the truck slamming to a stop flinging you against the back glass.
  The air in your lungs escaped in a large gust, but you powered on hoisting your leg over the side of the truck bed. There they were again, evil hands burning against your heavenly skin. “HELP! HELP ME PELASE SOMEBODY!” You screamed out as Arvin yanked you into his arms, grunting against you while you tried to kick him. “Damnit Y/N STOP!” Arvin growled, tossing you onto the trucks bench seat. His body slid in next to yours, gripping you tight so he could lock the truck. The cool black barrel against your cheek made you tremble, vison blurring again with a whimper. You’d always thought of Arvin to be decent, maybe even your friend, now he may be the death of you.
  “Nah, c’mon now darlin’ don’t- don’t do all at’ now.” Arvin furrowed his brows wiping some of your tears away with his thumb. “Make a man feel bad.” He huffed buckling you in before himself. You stared at the curly haired man in disbelief, “Make you feel bad? You murdered a man!” You shouted, though you dared not much more as Arvin was armed. “I know you was stalkin’ the preacher. I saw you outside his house.” Arvin turned his head towards you with an unimpressed look. “I know. I was watchin’ him for what he did to my Lenora. Raped her. Made her kill herself.” His eyes watched the road again letting you think about his words. Lenora’s baby, of course. Choosing not to press this issue for now, you stayed silent.
  “I been watchin’ you too lil’ girl. longer than I was watchin’ that no good preacher. You can’t watch the watcher doll. I was after you first.” Your eyes blew wide. “But, I followed you! I-” Arvin laughed dryly “Dumb lil’ girl. Whatever kinda detective you thought you was, I let you be.” You swallowed thickly choosing to stare at the road with Arvin. He’d been stalking me too. He really was sick. “Where are you taking me?” You mumbled, moving to lean your head against the window. “Wherever I want. I was thinkin’ we’d make home over in Cincinnati.”
  We? “What uh, what do you mean we?” You felt like you knew what he was implying, especially after his newest confession. “I figure, you’ve seen too much, know too much. I-I can’t kill you, I love you-” You shook your head. “Arvin you can’t love me! I mean for gods sake you hurt me! You’re sick and you need help!”. Arvin’s jaw tensed “I DO LOVE YOU! DON’T YOU TELL ME OTHERWISE!”. You cried feeling his hand come up to your face, fingers squishing your cheeks in as he pulled you closer. The truck came to a stop as Arvin watched you, a smirk playing on his lips. “I didn’t want to hurt you Y/N, honest. Y-You tried to leave ME.” Arvin pressed a hand against his chest in hurt “I had to, see what you make me do?” 
  He frowned tired of your crying, placing a kiss to your wounded temple. “M’sorry darlin’.” His warm lips traveled to your cheekbone, then encased your pouted lips. You struggled against him face still in his hand. “I don’t love you.” You sniffled making Arvin’s frown grow deeper, eyes grow a bit dark. His fingers squeezed your poor jaw tighter making you whine in pain. His posture slouching slightly to meet your eyes, noses touching ever so gently. “You love me. Go on. Say. it.” You kept your mouth sealed shut, eyes drifting to the fabric of his jeans, scared of his unstable state. “SAY IT.” You jolted, Arvin’s thunderous voice filling the small space.
  Hot breath that smelled of mouthwash and cigarettes fanned across your face. Despite his tantrum, you stayed frozen, he wouldn’t kill you. “You don’t love me?” Arvin’s voice cracked as you shook your head. He forced you to meet his bitter chocolate eyes again, oh how you wished they were sweet like before. “Figure it out.” He grunted, pushing you back from him, continuing to drive. Arvin couldn’t seem to stay mad at you though, his right hand smoothing over your leg curled up on the bench seat. “You’re mine, and we belong, together~” Arvin sang softly to you along with the old crackly radio. His hand halted on your knee before dipping under your floral skirt to rub along the supple skin of your thigh, ignoring your discomfort. “Yes, we belong, together~...” Arvin’s mind had been set, if you didn’t love him, he’d make you fake it until it was true. “For..Eternity.”
  Somehow you drifted off to sleep and some time passed, a few hours maybe? The sun had just barely gone down when the truck stuttered to a halt again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.” Arvin beat his fist against the steering wheel reading the gas gauge. Arvin’s shouting forced you up right in your seat, the door mechanism unlocking beside you as he climbed out of the truck. Your hand trembled against the truck door handle debating escape. “Don’t get any ideas doll.” The truck door popped open, Arvin standing over you. “What are we supposed to do? Walk?” You cocked a brow at your kidnapper making him roll his eyes “What else? C’mon, maybe we’ll get lucky and somebody’ll pick us up.” He waved a hand while the other grabbed ahold of one of your own. Unsure why you didn’t attempt to run, you let Arvin take your hand as you walked “And if someone doesn’t? Do you know where the next town is?” You huffed kicking a rock. “Nope.” Arvin chuckled at your despair.
  “What. What happened with Lenora?” You whispered, unsure of which side of Arvin you’d receive. A soft sigh beside you helped you put your nerves at ease. “Y’know how she used to go a-an’ sit with her momma?” Arvin raised a brow watching you nod. “Well, I left her there one day, an’ I guess, that bastard preacher saw his chance an’ took it.” Arvin’s voice wavered, this was your Arvin. “The baby you mentioned? You think...” You couldn’t help the way your lips pulled in disgust. “I don’t think, I know. Lenora wasn’t just wonderin’ around with anybody. All of a sudden she’s with this preacher is secret. She comes home sick as a dog one day. The next she’s- I-I found her in the sh-shed.” Arvin’s eyes widened “Hanging there. She was cold when I got her down.” He sniffled. “Police come round saying that she was pregnant, they figured it was some kinda incest. But it was that preacher. H-He even tried to talk me onto his side.” Arvin sighed shoving his free hand in his pocket. “Arvin I’m sorry.” You mumbled making him nod.
  Luckily for you both after some time, a car honked and pulled up to you both. “My goodness what’s a pair of kids like you doin’ all the way out here?” The large set man chuckled out. He looked to be a bit older than the blonde woman next to him, his hair slightly thinned, a crooked smile that blew smoke out while he spoke to Arvin. “Truck broke down a while back. Y’see my fiancé and I were wanting to find somewhere to start new y’know? Ain’t that right darlin’?” Arvin squeezed your hand. “Yep! Hoping to find a little land of our own.” You sputtered out making the blonde woman nod, the man you’d learn was her husband popped the car door open to let you and Arvin file in.
  “Thank you.” You hummed while Arvin instead stayed silent, hand remaining locked in yours. Something about them seemed off to him. The couple rambled about their own lives, photography, religion, how they’d met. To you they seemed like a nice couple on the search for a good photo opportunity. To Arvin, they seemed too close to himself, everything seeming calculated before being said, the small glances between the two before a detail was given. “I hope the two of you don’t mind but, my bladder ain’t what it used to be. we’ll just pull over, yeah just right down in here is fine.” The woman tensed in her seat, watching her husband closely as he got out of the car to take a leak.
  “Y/N. I need you to trust me here.” Arvin eyed the gentleman relieving himself, spotting the flash of a gun tucked below his belt. He nudged his head in his direction, dropping his own gun out in the seat for you. “A-Arvin? I can’t.” You shook your head matching Arvin’s whisper. Of course, he didn’t ask if you could, he made a silent demand. So you gripped the pistol in your hand, Arvin quickly popped his door open, snatching the mans gun from his hip. Your eyes tore away from Arvin at the sound of a gun cocking in front of you. Raising Arvin’s gun high matching the terrified woman you shook in your seat “I-I don’t wanna hurt you.” You clenched your jaw watching her finger flick down to her guns trigger. You had no choice. You did the same, pulling the trigger once clenching your eyes shut as two more shots had rung outside the car.
  You gasped letting your hand run along your body in search of a bullet wound. She hadn’t hit you? Now came the next problem, you sat face to face with a dead woman, just as scared as you. Why were you right to kill her? You weren’t. Arvin fumbled into the front seat, stopping to take a look at the woman hearing you hyperventilate in the backseat. “You’ve got to breathe Y/N.” Arvin called to you, snatching some money and a few other things from the car before joining you in the back seat. “I-I c-Can’t!” You cried still clutching the hot gun in your hand “I didn’t wanna Arvin! I-I thought she was gonna, gonna shoot me!” You sobbed, letting Arvin pull you out of the car. “We gotta get out of here and you gotta stop that.” His face gave away his own nerves, walking back up the road you’d come out of.
  You wiped your eyes looking down at the gun in your hand. You stopped in your tracks, eyes lifting slowly to Arvin who kept walking. Bringing the gun up you aim it towards him, Arvin Russell, a murderer, an old friend. Only hearing his own footsteps Arvin stopped with a laugh “I can’t carry you all the way doll, c’mon-” His voice caught in his throat at the sight of you. A soft breeze blew the loose hair around your face, your eyes leaked tears that read every emotion under the sun. How could he have forgotten about the gun? Arvin didn’t reach for the gun he’d stolen from his victim, he settled on taking steps toward you. “I’m not your doll.” You hissed through gritted teeth yet Arvin still came towards you. “Don’t come any closer! I’ll blow your fucking head off.”
  Arvin smiled at you, stepping in front of your gun. “Okay. Do it. I’m not sure where you think you’ll go, I’m all you’ve got.” He picked at his nails watching your mind crumble. “And you are my doll, sweet, naïve little puppet.” The gun in your hand weighing more than you could bear thud against the dirt road. He was right. A gentle kiss placed itself against your forehead, hands holding your jaw to tilt it so Arvin could look you in the eye. “It was us or them. N’from what I found, they weren’t no good neither.” He lifted the photo of a mangled man on a picnic blanket to you making you gasp and avert your eyes. “You ain’t tainted darlin’ you’re just surviving.” Arvin nussled his nose against your cheek making you shudder and nod. He wiped your tears like he had before, this time much more sincere, like your old Arvin might would.
  “We gotta get out of here.” You met Arvin’s gaze, not able to match his smile. “Atta girl!” He beamed, pulling you in for a kiss which you stood still for, but let him. Arvin picked your gun up off the ground and you were off, leaving the couple in the distance. The cool feeling of metal sliding up your finger made you glance over to Arvin confused. A ring, her ring. “Just as a place holder for now, for our story. I’ll get you one of your own later.” He looped his thicker fingers into yours. You should be horrified, but you’re not. In fact, you’re flattered. For the first time in you endeavor, you offered Arvin a smile.
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