#arya's asks
ohmeowmy · 2 years
I’m asking about rocks ! What do u know and what’s ur favorite
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well. i have been obsessed with rocks since i was in. 2nd grade? my dad went abroad and brought back this massive encyclopendia of as a gift for me and well. here we are. geology and the earth sciences in general are a really fascinating field of study since we're able to infer so much about the history of a place just by analyzing the rocks and soil present there.
my favourite rocks have to be amygdaloidal basalt, pallasite, granite, and shale!
amygdaloidal basalt is a form of igneous rock formed due to basaltic lava flows. it often contains former gas bubbles, known as vesicles, where carbonates, zeolites, and agates (among other minerals) may be filled via secondary processes. the fun thing about this type of basalt are the minerals! if you're lucky, you'll find a really large individual piece trapped inside and, with a bit of skill, a hammer, and some luck, you'll be able to get the mineral out! this is a pretty common type of rock (the most common igneous rock in the world, in fact!) and you can tell a lot about the place from the minerals present inside the basalt! where i live, a lot of calcite, mica, and limestone can be found inside the vesicles, so that's cool!
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pallasite is a type of extraterrestrial meteorite- olivine crystals in a shiny grey groundmass (usually an iron-nickel matrix) . i don't have any explanation for why i like these these i just think they look so cool,,,,,, plus they're from space! so shiny...!
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granite is a common type of igneous rock. it's intrusive, meaning it's formed when magma cools under the surface of the earth. It's a hardy rock that forms pronounced topological features. it is composed of a matrix of feldspar, silica, and quartz. my favourite quality of granite has to be its strength and hardiness. granite is pretty resistant to erosion, which creates incredible landscapes whenever it does suffer erosion. like!!! look at her so versatile!!!
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shale is a clastic sedimentary rock. it is fissile - which means it has a tendency to split into flat planes. fun fact! these are edible - my mom used to eat these as a kid, and i've tried them too. they taste..... salty, with chippery undertones. the texture is unmatchable though. crunchiest rock award winner.
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ok this was my mini rant about rocks! i could go on another one about minerals all on their own but i'll save that for another time.
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15-lizards · 8 months
AGOT Dash simulator
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
Going climbing again today!! Trying the highest tower in Winterfell 😝
⚔️ ser-bran Follow
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☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
🍇redwhined Follow
Girl what did he do to you
☀️ dornedaydreams Follow
Old and busted
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🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
That new Khaleesi in the grass sea is fourteen. She should be learning her letters from a septa!
🐉 conquerors-girl Follow
Just found out she’s pregnant…I need Drogo to get Rhaegar’ed IMMEDIATELY
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⬛️ bro-in-black Follow
Mormont just gave the 5’6 fourteen year old asshole bastard who’s been here five minutes his ancestral sword. I will take us all out with wildfire
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🕊️littlestbird Follow
Was snooping for the spider today and I overheard Lord Ned asking about a book of noble family lineages and physical traits after whipping his head back and forth between Robert and Queen Cersei’s kids for like five minutes straight
🕊️ littlestbird Follow
Which could mean nothing
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🍋 ladyjonquil Follow
First tourney today guys!!! I’m sososo excited the knight of the flowers literally gave me a rose! If he wins I might be his queen of love and beauty omgfggnnd
🐺 nymeriiia Follow
👁️thosuand-eyes-and-one Follow
Lost thirty dragons betting on Ser Jamie for the twelfth time. Can someone who’s good at budgeting help me. my family is dying
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🐈‍⬛ lordpounce Follow
⭐️ lancel-the-lancer Follow
👑 lannisportlady Follow
🌲 house-whoare Follow
Lmao y’all are acting like Jofferys any better when there have literally been reports of him skinning cats alive
🐕 thehounddawg Follow
How do those Baratheon boots taste
🌫️ quite-quiet-isle Follow
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🏹 flea-top Follow
I hate this stupid city watch job so fucking much. Someone manifest an execution or something so I have some entertainment while I walk the parapets by the Sept of Baelor
🏹 flea-top Follow
By the mother this can’t be happening
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🔥 Targupdates Follow
Exiled princess Daenerys Targaryen has been seen stepping out of her husbands pyre with three dragon hatchlings on her shoulders
Keep Reading
🦁Lann1girl Follow
Guys please don’t buy into this type of stuff, do your own research. These gossip accounts are a bunch of targ loyalists. Dragons died out during the dance please do not spread false information!
🧜‍♀️ womanderly Follow
Cersei Lannister isn’t gonna fuck you man
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🔥 red-rhollor Follow
🐦‍⬛ wallravens Follow
🪷lys-living Follow
Girl what
🌊 father-rhoyne Follow
Is there lead in the dragonstone water
🌞 sunspearsss Follow
So glad to witness episodes of true psychosis on this website
🌏 westerosi-heritage-posts Follow
Heritage post
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laurellerual · 2 months
your whole blog is so incredible, your posts, your art, your reposts! you make my day brighter! if you ever take requests, maybe some arya and bran? I always thought they were twins when I started the show wayyyy back when, and they have one of my favorite tiny little bonds in the books. though I am biased, as my family set up is exactly like the starks (including a jon and a theon, three older brothers, my older sister, me and my twin brother, and a baby brother) and my twin and I are very much like arya and bran!
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Thank you very much! A little sketch for you <3
And here I live some other art of mine with Bran and Arya: 1, 2, 3, 4.
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nedseii · 1 year
could i get some sansa and jon?
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Here you go Anon!
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fromtheseventhhell · 6 months
it's wild to see people say stuff like "sansa is a politician, arya is a warrior" while not being able to point out a single political act sansa has achieved, and not being able point out any of arya's "warrior skills" that isn't the handful of fencing lessons with syrio she received for like five months max lol
Politician!Sansa and Warrior!Arya are two fascinating ends of a fanon ouroboros; Neither concept exists outside of the other and neither concepts are based on the books. This fandom is just so attached to the idea of Sansa being this incredible politician, with intelligence above every other character, that her having nothing in her own chapters to support that idea doesn't stop them. That's why Arya's intelligence, skills, and entire character arc get reduced to her being nothing but a walking, talking weapon. Like you said, her "warrior" capabilities are essentially the handful of lessons she had with Syrio where her most important + relevant lesson was how to observe her surroundings. Her only "combat" training with the FM was her defending herself with a staff when she lost her eyesight. There's nothing to suggest that she's going to be a warrior, in fact we get the exact opposite. We get constant reminders of Arya's small stature and lack of strength that prevent her from fighting/defending herself in certain situations. All her kills rely on sneak attacks/stealth and she's never been in an outright swordfight with anyone. George even refrains from calling her a warrior like Robb and Jon. Brienne and Asha are examples of female characters who are actual fighters and if you compare their chapters, you can see the difference.
But then Arya's entire existence is antithetical to fanon!Sansa's. Her Harrenhal arc is what people pretend Sansa was doing in KL, her relevance to the North gets transferred to Sansa, and her intelligence and political activeness are erased so that Sansa can shine. They'll write essays on how Sansa is the most intelligent, politically savvy character and how Dany/Jon/Tyrion's arcs only exist to highlight her own ruling arc but the second someone asks them for evidence from the books, it's crickets. I don't understand why their enjoyment of her character hinges on her being the most important/intelligent one. No Arya stan is under the illusion that she's going to be the political character or outclass Dany, Jon, or Tyrion. It's just part of her story so we acknowledge it. Arya is going to have her political arc in Braavos and Sansa is going to have her political arc in the Vale, they aren't mutually exclusive. The only issue is that some people want Sansa to be the only one with a political arc and that's not the story that George is telling.
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pixiecactus · 1 month
it's 2 0 2 4 and there are still people announcing that they proudly believe that arya's endgame is being a knight protecting her older sister... who doesn't know shit about rulling mind you... but hey let's put a sheltered girl who doesn't care for anyone but herself in a position of power... it has worked wonderfully before and let's reduce arya and her intelligence to just killing without discernment.
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When some fans say that Arya will never want to be a wife/mother/queen/lady, I remember the amount of a rebellious princess archetype women in media and sigh… even the new My Lady Jane demonstrates it perfectly. Arya will grow up and become whoever she decides to be as an ADULT, not a child.
There is this infuriating idea in the fandom that persists — that Arya will be nine forever.
You can't talk about ships with Arya in them because she's nine.
You can't talk about how pretty she is because she's nine and that makes them "uncomfortable" since "she's just a kid."
You can't talk about her having children because she's nine.
You can't talk about her having a ruling position because she's nine.
Arya Stark will be nine until the end of the series while everyone else will age.
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melrosing · 5 months
the thing that annoys me the most about the bullying claim among the stark sisters is that they talk about how much it affects Arya that she thinks she’s ugly and such and like she does, but she’s so much more worried about being “bad” she killed a boy. She’s also going through poverty and war and starving and being introduced to cults/bands of “justice” by murder
but nooooo she totally is more affected by being called horse face despite being compared to SOOOOOO MANY PRETTY PEOPLE AND THAT MEANS SHES GOOD (never mind that good looking=good person should NOT BE YOUR BASIS)
I think most people, and especially girls, know exactly how it feels to worry about your appearance and feel ugly and unattractive, and I get that this is a particular pain for Arya, who apparently has never been called pretty except by her dad one time in AGOT, in an offhanded comparison to her aunt Lyanna. I don't think attractiveness is the most important thing to validate in any child, but I do think that it is good and nice to affirm to your child that they have their own beauty, so that they can then negotiate their relationship with that word from a safer place in adulthood.
It's not about telling your child they don't look a certain way (e.g. no good telling Brienne she's a normal height and her nose is hardly crooked at all), but that the way they look is something unique to them and something they should take pride in, regardless of what others say. Like I think it's an OOC moment in the show, but I think it's sweet when Olenna tells Brienne she looks 'marvellous' or something. She's not saying 'you look like bella hadid', she's saying 'I love the way you look!' to a woman who has received nothing but insults (despite looking like fuckin. Gwendoline Christie lmao). that is nice. it's not the most important compliment anyone can receive, but it embraces divergence as positive.
as it goes though, Arya is a pretty girl and it's just weird that the adults found countless compliments for Sansa and none for Arya. and that's why I find it so bizarre that everyone wants to pin Arya's self-esteem issues on Sansa, a prepubescent child!! like, would Arya have taken these insults so hard if Cat had stepped in and said 'don't listen, you're a lovely girl and your father says you look just like your aunt Lyanna! sansa i am telling you off for calling people names'. children are always going to call each other mean names! it is one thing that is practically guaranteed to happen in any sibling relationship, and anyone who says otherwise is an only child or lying.
but it is much harder for a child to manage that hurt if they're getting called those names, and society seems to be reifying to truth of them at every turn! Septa Mordane is calling her ugly! Cat is calling her a mess! Ned has never complimented her till AGOT! etc! she has never received a compliment before! so how on earth can you say 'and Arya's self-esteem issues can all be traced back to the playground bickering between she and Sansa and Jeyne' when Arya is obviously getting the same message from what seem like far more authoritative sources! is it not worse that those sources are all complimenting Sansa all the time and never Arya? does that not make it worse when Sansa acts like a child about it? like!!
and yeah I agree that there are other more painful insecurities Arya is struggling with. I do think at least part of the reason that this argument keeps coming up in fandom is that people keep trying to claim that Arya's story is similar to Brienne's, in that she IS ugly according to society's standards and that's ok! which isn't true, Arya is canonically a pretty kid with a dirty face and unbrushed hair. that's all it is. so if we could just accept that, there'd be no excuse for the insistence that this is an important aspect of Arya's story.
because it isn't. like im sorry but the ugly duckling means nothing when there are plenty of people who don't grow up to be swans. they get called ugly as children, and they get called ugly as adults. look at Brienne: she has suffered far, far worse prejudice as a result of her appearance in childhood, and she doesn't get the catharsis of growing up pretty to show them all how wrong they were. Brienne has been treated like a fucking monster for how she looks, all of her life. this is a character for whom her appearance IS actually an important theme, and it will be meaningful to see her realise it's a strength, and find love etc. I'm sorry but Arya growing up to be beautiful doesn't mean shit to me lol. I fully accept it's canon, but it is not a meaningful story beat, in a story with people like Tyrion, Brienne and Sam. Arya's story has so many more fascinating themes about identity, trauma, justice, war, friendship and family. if Arya was pretty all along, why should I care?
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sare11aa11eras · 6 months
Heyy! if you’re still taking art requests and if you have the time, can you draw Arya killing Dareon?
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“Did he ever find a ship to Oldtown? He said he was supposed to sail on the Lady Ushanora.”
“We all were. Lord Snow’s command. I told Sam, leave the old man, but the fat fool would not listen.” The last light of the setting sun shone in his hair. “Well, it’s too late now.”
“Just so,” said Cat as they stepped into the gloom of a twisty little alley.
-Cat of the Canals, A Feast for Crows
Hi nonny!! Sorry this took like. A month for me to actually sit down and start working on. Hope you like it!
Few notes under the cut!
When I sat down to re-read the scene, I was struck by how Martin’s narration skips over the actual killing, jumping ahead to Arya returning home that night. This is of course a dramatic tool, obscuring the murder from first time readers so that Arya revealing it at the end of the chapter is that much more striking, but I think it’s interesting from a writing standpoint that we don’t get to see Dareon die from her point of view here. We get none of her internal monologue, her rationale for the killing, just the conversation leading up to it and the consequences later. I really like this as a writing choice, as it leaves so much up to the reader’s observation and understanding of her character.
Visually it was very important to me to show the vair lining the inside of the cloak, a visual/color reminder that Arya makes this execution as an exercise of her Stark identity— he is a night’s watch deserter and furthermore he just make a remark about Jon. As a Stark, it is her duty to kill Night’s Watch deserters, and she likely feels a double duty as Jon’s sister. Vair is not consistently used to signify the Starks in the text— only 4/10 total instances of it, including this one, in the text are in reference to the Starks, two more are for the Freys, and one is for Cersei, so clearly it’s not a Stark-exclusive. Still, the grey and white vair on the inside of the cloak instantly struck me as a symbol of how Arya views Dareon in this moment as a Stark man who has betrayed her family.
I realize you might have hoped for a clearer depiction of Arya, but I had a few reasons for this layout. First, I wanted to obscure her face— obscure her emotions and motivations, just as the text does, leaving them to the audience’s deductive skills. Secondly, this was a pretty easy pose and it got me that visual piece with the cloak. And thirdly, the description of the scene emphasizes Arya stepping into the shadows, and I wanted to capture that ninja assassin mystique to the scene as it would have been from a personal point of view.
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ohmeowmy · 2 years
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!!!!! kitty massage,,,,
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effemar · 2 years
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laurellerual · 3 months
Do you think Shireen and Arya could’ve been friends if they met in canon?
Yes, I think so.
Imagine a scenario in which Robert dies and Eddard is arrested, but Stannis decides to intervene. He marches on King's Landing, exposes Joffrey as a bastard, and declares himself King of the Seven Kingdoms.
Yoren brings Arya back to the keep where she is reunited with her father and sister. Shireen finds herself heir to the Iron Throne and naturally the Stark girls join her as ladies-in-waiting. Sansa is obviously very courteous, but she's still sad about her dream wedding falling apart and can barely look at her face.
Arya, on the other hand, finds herself once again in that court environment that had made her feel so out of place. Shireen also feels very alone and sees a bit of herself in the girl, but she's too shy to attempt an approach.
I would see Arya brutally breaking the ice and shamelessly asking about her scars. Shireen initially recoils, but seeing pure, nonjudgmental curiosity, she begins to tell her about the greyscale and her childhood.
I think they could get along very well, they are both people with kind souls. But Shireen lives a boring and closed life, while Arya is friendly and adventurous. It could be like a "Heidi and Clara" dynamic.
Shireen reading about dragons and Arya asking “but do you want to see a real dragon?”. And then drag her into the tunnels of the Red Keep to show her the skulls of the creatures.
Arya being very homesick and Shireen asking Lord Stark to convince the king to let her return to Winterfell for a few months. And naturally her friend would insist on having the princess come too, because "it is right that the heir sees her kingdom!" and not that she lives like a recluse.
Of course Stannis would hate every second of it: his only child being led astray. And by EddardfuckingStark's daughter, of all people. But I like to think that he would be secretly a little bit happy to see her happy.
Here some art of mine with these two: 1, 2, 3.
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nedseii · 11 months
have you ever thought of drawing arya/edric 🫶🏾
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I swear I've drawn them before but I couldn't find any >:( I hope you like this doodle tho'!!
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hello-nichya-here · 10 months
i hate that the general public has the ideia that sandor only sees sansa as a "little sister" and has a stronger bond with arya… got did irreparable damage to society
I get far less mad at the "He's closer to Arya" thing when the people saying it are honest about refering solely to show as that's the only version of the story they've consumed. What I cannot stand is the people that only watched the show and then try to use it as evidence to claim Sandor was closer to Arya IN THE BOOKS THEY'VE NEVER EVEN FUCKING READ!
Buddy, in the books he beat, threatened and insulted her every other paragraph. He HAD moments of campassion towards her, and Arya did take notice and retribute it sometimes, but their dynamic is overwhelmingly negative and toxic. They're not friends, he doesn't see her as someone dear to him, and Arya was 110% justified in leaving him to die - something Sandor himself acknowledges.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe has good in him, and that he will BECOME a good person, as that's clearly what's being set up, but for 90% of the story he is an absolute bastard, even when actively trying to be nice to the Stark girls - and he has ALWAYS put way more effort to be gentler towards Sansa than he ever did to anyone else on Earth, Arya very much included.
He talks about her all the time, makes his romantic/sexual interest in her very clear, and cries on his "death" about how he failed to protect her. More importantly, while he DID threaten Sansa when offering to rescue her, he was in the middle of a PTSD episode, and all it took for him to breakdown crying and leave her alone was her singing a song about mercy. He never bonded with Arya on that level or ever got even close to respecting her wish to not be around him like he did with Sansa.
And let's not forget why Sansa sang to him: because Sandor demanded a LOVE SONG about the fool-turned-knight that rescued the pretty girl and then became her lover. He wants to be Sansa's hero and wants her to LOVE him. He almost kissed her during that whole mess, and George R.R. Martin has Sansa misremember the event to include an actual kiss, because Sansa was, in his own words, "correcting" that moment - not by ignoring all the awful parts of it mind you, but by making Fantasy!Sandor act on his obvious attraction to her, because the fact that he didn't was more important in her head than him literally threatening her life.
In case that last bit didn't make obvious: the book was not subtle about Sandor NOT thinking of Sansa as his "little sister", but as the object of his lust/love AND the poor, innocent maiden that is waiting for a true knight to rescue her and safely take her back to her family's castle - and despite her not being reckless enough to run off with such an unstable man, Sansa DOES have feelings for him too. Hell, even the show wasn't always unwilling to go there, as they do have some moments that scream "there's something there"
I REALLY need to make a whole separate post on how GOT completely destroyed Sansa and Arya (plus Sandor) as characters, and how their dynamics with "The Hound" were all wrong since Dumb & Dumber clearly didn't get that they were not supposed to side with Sandor's "everyone is awful, so all awful things are justified" mentality.
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
Speaking of Arya fancasts ☝️🤓 Netflix’s Ronja Rövardotter looks like a pretty good Arya fc to me especially for when she has short hair
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Oh, I definitely see it. The short hair really sells it and I really love imagining Arya with curly hair. This picture in particular fits so well to me; that's literally ACOK/ASOS Arya while she was traveling through the riverlands.
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toytle · 4 months
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4) gag gift [wally + barry]
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this throwaway line tickles me sm that i planned a whole montage of sock pranks between wally and barry. only reason it hasn’t been drawn yet is bc 1) i still can’t figure out how to draw wally 2) i haven’t actually read this comic so this wip is also a bookmark of sorts
19) (numbered this wrong, my bad) new character concepts [oc: arya]
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this is a character i made for @thwackk’s ocverse just for fun! she belongs to ragtag team of aliens that go around the galaxy saving planets, nbd
[ask game wip list]
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