#aryia fanfic
amberskyyking · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
@here-be-bec tagged me back with some solid Corrie angst so hey. I also happen to have written some Corrie angst very original backstory content for my new dnd character (RIP to my sunshine drow Zelia, scorning Lloth was a bad choice). Not sure if ima put the whole thing up anywhere but backstories are a little more fun for me as actual stories, so, hey. Then again last time I did this I ended up with 300k words about it… whoops. Hopefully Keeva and her sibs (who definitely don’t include Fox breaking down after killing Fives, nope, that is Jackal reeling from killing Quinn, veeeery different from my favorite fanfic tropes!) will fare a little better in the Undermountain than poor Zelia!
If there was anywhere Manshoon wouldn’t risk looking for a trio of low level turncoats, it was there, in the heart of a rival mage’s territory. Her siblings were less than dirt to him anyways. They wouldn’t be worth the resources, they wouldn’t be worth a turf war…
Or so she could hope, as she clung tight to her family in the dark.
Anyone who wants to do this can, no pressure! But I’ll tag @stardustloki @toomanyteefs @aryia-lexi-sevorus 💜
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annab-nana · 4 years
Kiss Me In Your Dreams - Aryia Emrani
Aryia decides to surprise his single buddies with all of his love and a bunch of little gifts for Valentine’s Day this year for a video and with y/n’s recent and terrible breakup, it is just the thing to cheer her up.
Requested by an amazing anon 💙
Warnings: some curse words; mentions of an awful breakup
Word Count: 1.5k+
What kind of prick breaks up with his girlfriend of almost a year two days before Valentine's Day? Jay Anderson, that's who. Guess which idiot is alone in her apartment bawling her eyes out over said boy on Valentine's Day? This idiot. Me. I am. Our fucking anniversary would have been on February 18th. I had already gotten him a gift. I made him a whole basket with several little things, like his favorite candy and other little cute shit. I collected photos of my favorite memories with him and wrote on the back of them how much I loved each memory.
Now I sit here eating all the candy and looking at all the pictures and reading all the memories. I don't know why I am doing this to myself. I wish I would not have wasted a whole year of my life on that asshole, but I did. I am such a damn idiot. Crawling back into bed, I cuddle my pillow and cry some more.
"Okay guys, we are on our fourth and final Valentine and will probably be the hardest. I might not get to film most of this because if you follow y/n on any social media, you know that she is taking a bit of a break because she’s going through a breakup and she's taking it really hard. But y/n is always the one who always checks up on everyone else and makes sure that everyone is always happy and she cares so much about her friends, so I hope that all this shows her that I care just as much about her and at least brings a little bit of light to her day. So, let's go," I say to the camera before turning it off and grabbing all the Valentine's Day goodies I bought earlier. I manage to sneak into her apartment building and go up the elevator until I reach the third floor.
"Okay, so I made it into y/n's apartment building, and we are about to knock on her door so let's go!" I whisper to the camera before knocking on the door. I wait a minute with no response before knocking once more. I really hope she answers.
"Coming." I hear her speak through the door and when she swings the door open, the sight before me breaks my fucking heart. Her eyes are so red and puffy from crying continuously and she looks like she hasn't gotten a lot of sleep either. I drop everything and pull her into a hug.
Please whoever you are, go the fuck away. I do not want to be bothered right now. I just want to cry and wallow in my bed by myself.
Another knock at the door sounds through my apartment, signaling me that the visitor will not leave me alone and I get up as I wipe whatever tears are left on my face away on the back of my hoodie sleeve. I swing the door open to see Aryia, hands full of all kinds of Valentine's Day things. It all just reminds me of Jay, but then I think about what Aryia is doing here. Is all this for me? A few tears well up in my eyes before Aryia sets everything down and pulls me into his arms.
"Is all that for me?" I ask as tears fall down my face.
"Yeah." My tears are no longer tears of sadness, but they are tears of happiness and love and they flow down my face even harder. Aryia is so sweet for thinking of me, especially after all the shit that has happened in the past few days.
"Come inside," I tell him as I pull away from the embrace, wiping away my tears, and help him pick it all up. We set everything down on the kitchen counter before he shouts, "Happy Valentine's Day!" I go in for another hug as I whisper a thank you in his ear before pulling away again.
"Can I film you opening it? It's okay if you don't want me to, but if I can, I would like to remember this. Might post it on YouTube too," he asks as he holds his camera.
"Let me at least brush my hair and then you can, okay?" He nods as I walk into my bathroom and grab my hairbrush, brushing through my very knotted hair. I haven't done anything with it for a few days, so it isn't the cleanest, but it isn't terrible. There is absolutely nothing I can do for my face except smile so that is exactly what I will do.
"How do I look?" I joke as I flip my hair behind me.
"Absolutely beautiful, y/n." I smile at the compliment before he pulls out his camera and begins to film. First, I grab the huge ass stuffed pink bunny that had little stars on it before I notice a brown spot on the front of it.
"Did you step on it?" I laugh as he chuckles with me.
"No, Benji's and Colby's had shit stains on them too. I guess I should have looked at them closer." I giggle.
“I’ll just have to wash him, but he will definitely be my new cuddle buddy.” Aryia smiles sweetly as I set the stuffed animal. I move onto the candle before taking in a big whiff of the delicious scent. It smells just like its name, fresh-baked cookie. Then, I saw a card. I pulled the card out of the envelope and read the front of it.
"For your wife? We're married now," I eye him as he shrugs. A laugh leaves my mouth before I open it.
"After all these years, you still make my heart flutter. I'm so glad you picked me over all the others. Happy Valentine's Day!" I read aloud what the actual card says, not what Aryia had written which I read next.
"Who needs stupid boys when you can have stupid friends? Am I right? Haha but on a real note, y/n, you deserve so much more than you have been given and you are worth so much more than you have been treated. You care so much about your friends and I am here to show you that we care about you just as much. I know that right now it hurts, and it sucks but that part will be over soon, and you will be so happy in a few weeks. I know it. So, fuck love. Fuck Valentine's Day. And most importantly fuck him. Love, Aryia." The tears came back after reading that and go to hug him again.
"How did I get so lucky to have amazing friends like you?" I ask and he pulls away from me.
"If anyone is lucky, it's us. We get to have you as our friend." I fall back into his chest and cry as I feel him press a small kiss to the top of my head.
"I love you Aryia and thank you for all of this. It means so much to me," I say as I look up at him. He brings his hand up to my face to wipe away my tears.
"Why don't you say thank you by giving me a cupcake?" He asks sweetly before laughing. I giggle and nod before handing him a cupcake and getting one for myself as we film his outro. I lick at the icing as he tells everyone to like and comment down below. We wave goodbye and he sets the camera down while it's still filming.
"Okay now that the camera is off, wanna fuck?" He jokes.
"Hell yeah!" I play along as I continue to lick the icing off the cupcake. He chuckles again before telling the viewers he is just kidding. He turns the camera off and sits on the couch with me.
"So how have you been?"
"Honestly, not the greatest, but now, I am so happy, thanks to you," I say as I finish with the icing and then eat the cake part of the cupcake. He has the remote and is searching around on Disney + to find something to watch.
"I am glad I could make you happy and this should too," he says as he gestures towards the screen. He put on my favorite movie, Tangled. I smile at him before we both become engrossed in the movie, but due to the lack of sleep I have been getting, I lay down and fall asleep on the couch.
Just before I slip into a deep sleep, I feel a blanket being placed on me and hear his soft whisper say, "Goodnight beautiful. I hope you have amazing dreams that make you forget about that loser and maybe, you'll even dream about me. If you see me in your dreams, kiss me. It's what I've always wanted. Goodbye y/n."
He must have thought I was completely knocked out but since I wasn’t, I leaned my head up and pressed my lips to his cheek for a soft and gentle kiss.
"Goodbye Aryia," I whisper before falling asleep.
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starryevermore · 4 years
shades of envy ✧ aryia
pairing: aryia x reader
request: 18,20,23 Arya likes the reader, he introducers her to the group and maybe she starts hanging out with them too much for his liking. Maybe Colby, Kevin & Corey( since theyre single) and it sets him off.
prompts: 18. “I don’t owe you an explanation.” / 20. “You’re just like all the others.” / 23. “Do you really think so little of me?”
summary: aryia gets jealous of you hanging out with his friends. 
word count: 1,794
warnings?: Aryia’s a smidge possessive and jealous throughout the fic, accuses you of using him, swearing
note: if you want to request I write anything, you can do so: here. prompt list is: here.
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Aryia never thought the pretty girl he met at a park would mean so much to him.
He had had a shit day and needed to escape the house. He needed to be away from his roommates, his friends, and just have a moment to himself. He took Ronnie with him, deciding that at moment, Ronnie was the friend that he needed with him. Fuck the rest of them. Was that dramatic? Probably. But Aryia was so frustrated with the world that he couldn’t think clearly.
Ronnie, however, didn’t match Aryia’s mood. The sweet angel of a dog was a bundle of energy, constantly running at least a yard ahead of Aryia. Aryia tried his damned hardest to keep a hold of the leash, but the pup had more energy than he was prepared to handle. Ronnie yanked himself free and took off running through the park.
“Fuck,” Aryia muttered, chasing after Ronnie.
Ronnie didn’t get too far, slowing and eventually coming to a stop at the feet of someone seated at a bench. When Aryia reached Ronnie, the person at the bench was leaned down, petting Ronnie’s head.
“Shit, I’m sorry, he got away from me,” Aryia quickly apologized, bending over to grab Ronnie’s leash.
The person looked up and Aryia’s heart stopped. Holy shit, she was stunning. She gave him a big toothy grin, her eyes sparkling.
“It’s no problem,” she said. God, even her voice was enchanting. “He’s been just a sweet little angel.” 
Aryia chuckled. “Well, thank you for making sure he didn't go any further.”
“Again, it was no problem,” she said, still smiling that beautiful smile.
“Well, it was nice to meet you. Have a nice day,” Aryia said, fully standing up and turning to leave.
“You too,” she said, waving goodbye.
But as he tried to walk off, Ronnie remained firmly planted, whimpering and rubbing his head against the girl’s leg. “C’mon, Ronnie, let’s go,” Aryia said, pulling slightly on the leash to encourage him to move. But he remained where he was.
The girl laughed, rising from the bench. Ronnie’s eyes followed her every movement. She put the book she had been reading before Ronnie came over in her bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder. “Well,” she said, “if it’s no bother to you, I think Ronnie would like me to join you on your walk.” 
Aryia glanced down at Ronnie, who was wagging his tail a mile a minute. The little matchmaker. Then he looked back to her, involuntarily smiling at her. “It’s no bother to me at all. I’m Aryia, by the way.”
The girl smiled brightly at him, heading to the path with Aryia. “I’m Y/N.”
They walked around the park for hours, laughing and talking to each other about things much deeper than small talk. As the sun began to set, you had given him your number, saying that he can contact you any time you wanted to hang out or just talk.
And so he did. Over the next two months, Aryia was constantly with you. You had gone to cafes, attended poetry readings, spent the day at the beach, and countless other adventures that the two of you had come to cherish. He learned a lot about you during that time. You were an artist on YouTube, creating works that he couldn’t even dream of imagining, much less putting on canvas (or whatever material you decided to paint on for that piece). You had a brilliant mind and the sweetest heart. Being around you was easy. He didn’t feel like he had to try to be something he wasn’t, he could fully wear his heart on his sleeve and you would embrace whether he was a ray of sunshine or a storm cloud. And he loved you for that.
But because he started to spend so much time with you, his other friends began to wonder who was occupying his time. They would question a blushing Aryia, who would only admit to making a new friend. He had no reason to hide you, of course—it’s just...you’re his friend. If he introduced you to the rest of the friend group and if they liked you—which they would be complete idiots if they hated you—you would have less time for him. He would lose the safe space he had found, and he wasn’t quite sure he was ready for that quite yet. 
But he wanted the others off his back. And he really did hate keeping secrets from them. So, reluctantly, he invited you to meet them at Sam’s apartment for a little get-together he was having. They all loved you immediately, as he knew they would. They’d be fools not to. 
He quickly came to regret introducing you to them. As you became friends with them, you started to spend more of your free time with them. When he asked you to hang out, you had other plans. When he texted or called you, you stopped responding as frequently. He wasn’t number one in your life anymore.
One day, he had gone to your apartment to hang out, he heard the little padded footsteps and jingle of a collar that indicated you had a new furry friend. When you let him inside, you introduced him to your new puppy, Smokey. He was immediately smitten with the dog, already starting to make puppy play dates with Smokey and Ronnie, when the bubble burst.
“Where did you get this sweet little guy?” he asked.
“Oh, Kevin and I were hanging out, and we passed this animal shelter. Someone had just dropped this lil guy off, and I couldn’t leave him all alone, so I adopted him.” 
He froze at the mention of Kevin, his blood starting to boil as he thought about the two of you laughing and playing with puppies. That was supposed to be him. He was your friend. Not Kevin. He was supposed to be the one you were making these memories with. 
He shook off the shock, scratching behind Smokey’s ear, and said, “Oh, that’s cool.” 
After that day, it was hard to hang out with you again. You had a lot of deadlines you needed to meet, so you were swamped with work. But come Sam’s infamous pizza night, you were finally free and could hang out with Aryia.
But when he arrived at Sam’s apartment, you were leaned up against the counter, laughing at something Corey was saying. He immediately bit his tongue, thinking that it was fine, he could just talk to you later.
Later never came. For the entirety of the night, you and Corey were attached at the hip, laughing and joking around and not at all including Aryia, your best friend. Pizza night was officially ruined.
The nail in the coffin came when Aryia was searching for something to watch on YouTube. A recommended video popped up, and he immediately became upset when he saw the thumbnail. You and Colby had filmed a video together. You and Colby had filmed a video together before you and Aryia filmed a video together? What the fuck? Why would you do that?
He clicked on the video, which was of Colby trying to recreate one of your old paintings. Every time you laughed at something Colby did, every time he did something to make you smile, Aryia felt his heart clench. This wasn’t fair. You’re his friend. Not Colby’s. Not Corey’s. Not Kevin’s. Why did they all think they could get in the way of yours and Aryia’s friendship? 
When he finished the video, he shut off his computer and laid in bed, stewing in his anger. Did you like his friends more than him? Did you want to spend more time with them than him? Had he done something wrong that pushed you into their arms? Were you...Were you using him to get better friends? More popular friends? Friends that could get your brand deals and sponsorships and loyal followers? Was this all just an elaborate scheme?
He’d forgotten that you were supposed to come over until the doorbell rang. He was the only one in the house at the time, so he had to answer. And his heart melted when he saw you standing there, looking as adorable as you always did while you smiled at him. But he was mad. And he couldn’t show you how much he enjoyed your company. Not when he was so sure that you were using him.
You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw him. You reached out to rub his arm, to be comforting, but he immediately jerked away.
God, he felt so bad as he watched your face fall. But you deserved it, he was so sure of it.
You stared at him for a moment, before quietly asking, “What’s wrong, Ari?”
He huffed. He hated how sweet you sounded. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“Seriously?” you said, frowning. “If I did something wrong, tell me so I can fix it.”
He couldn’t help himself as he huffed again. “You’re just like all of the others.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re just using me to get to my friends.”
Your jaw dropped and your eyes went wide. “Seriously? Do you really think so little of me?”
Aryia rolled his eyes, not saying anything. “It’s clear that you’re just using me, since you never have time for me anymore. It’s always Kevin or Corey or Colby. You know, people that can direct a lot more attention to your own channel.”
“Oh my god, do you hear yourself right now? This is ridiculous! You’re the one who wanted to introduce me to them. You’re the one who wanted me to hang out with them! I have a shitton of fame of my own. I don’t need them or you for anything.” You paused then added, “And why does it matter if I like your friends? Do you want me to hate them?”
“I don’t want you flirting with them!”
“Holy shit, I don’t like your friends like that!” You shouted. “I fucking like you, you idiot!”
Aryia froze. Did...did he hear you right? Did you really just say that? All he could manage to respond with was a quiet “...oh.” 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Whatever, I’m leaving.”
As you turned to go, Aryia grab your arm, spinning you around so you were facing him. He pulled you against his chest and pressed his lips to yours. You froze for a moment, then snaked your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He pulled away to catch his breath, resting his forehead against yours. “I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you.”
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justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part 1
Summary: Kelsea thought it would be like every other day at her work. She’d take care of things, work her double shift and then leave. An accident causes an unexpected with a face she only knew through a screen. And boy did she not expect things to go like this. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1542
California is a wonderful place; after all it is called the land of opportunity, right? That was my thoughts when I first moved out once I finished my degree work in my home state. Although, I did see my life being a tad different than it is currently. I spend about every day and night working in a local animal hospital around the LA area. Rather than doing the partying and random hooking up with celebrities that my young self was convinced would happen. I can’t complain though, I’m doing what I always wanted to be doing with my life and that was helping animals of all shapes and sizes become well again. I didn’t realize that saving one particular dogs life would throw my life through the ringer and make me make choices that seemed only real in books. Hi, my names Kelsea Smith and this is the story of how decisions can come back and bite you in the ass.
It was a normal Thursday evening at the hospital, cats coming in for nail trims and a few scheduled surgeries occurring throughout the day. Keeping me busy, of course, but it wasn’t one of those days that sent nerves running through me, well it wasn’t until I heard the noise erupting in the entrance. Soon enough I was yanked into the surgical wing and was saving the life of a little guy that goes by the name of Ronnie. A small precious boy that had 50% pitbull, 50% chihuahua underlined per the owners request in the file. The receptionist informed me right as I was getting ready to head home that Ronnie had swallowed a squeaker from one of his toys and the X-rays showed it couldn’t pass. In general, the surgery is quite simple but working on such a little guy always made nerves send through me. It was a simple mishap that turned to a very dangerous test of fate that would leave the little guy recovering for a few weeks. Once we had gotten him all stitched up and ready, I finally walked out to meet the owner who had not left since bringing him in. Imagine my surprise of coming face to face with a man whose videos helped fill my free time through college. The moment I heard his voice say, ‘You must be Dr. Smith, is my Ronnie gonna be okay?’, was when I flashed back to the time that I had first heard that voice.
The ranting I have done in private to my friend Rachel about a specific aggravation had helped me but I couldn’t figure out why the pit in my stomach was still there. That’s when I decided to explore on YouTube a bit to try and distract myself from all the drama that was slowly being created on my timeline. I didn’t realize how much it was bothering until I landed on a video that eased the feeling almost instantly. I didn’t stray too far of course from the friend group of his but I did land on a guy named Aryia. Luckily enough, it was his most recent music video for ‘Bad Boy’ and I knew I’d be sucked in from there.
The flashback that occurred in my head ended as fast as it came, and I was back standing in front of this man whose dog I had just saved. “And you must be this happy boys owner and please call me Kelsea, never was a fan of my last name,” the words flowed out with ease, a smile growing across my lips.
His eyes locked with mine, giving a quick glance over my scrub covered body before he held out his hand to shake mine gently. “I’m Aryia, thank you so much for saving my baby.” He said, sincerity clear in his voice.  I handed him the leash over once our handshake ended, not being able to control the flush coming onto my cheeks as our fingers brushed.
“It was a simple procedure that surprisingly we have had to do with a multiple amount of dogs.” I said, a smile coming across my lips as I spoke about the passion I luckily got to have for a job.
“And for Ronnie,” I began, bending down to scratch the sweet boy under the chin gently. “He’s going to be just fine. Gonna need a checkup here in a few weeks but he’s going to make a complete recovery.”
Once those words flowed out of my mouth, I stood back up straight to look at him with a grin. The sight before me was probably one of the cutest I’ve seen in my time working here. Aryia bent down to give Ronnie repeated kisses on the top of his head, making his tail wag even quicker than it already was. Lets just say the scene in front of me made a feeling erupt in my stomach that’s never happened before with my other patients.
That’s when his eyes glanced up at me, the pure joy obvious in his smile before he said swiftly, ‘Thank you so much again Dr… I mean Kelsea, I owe you.”
Puzzlement showed clear on my face, my nose scrunching up as I went to wave my hand again. I was about to go on another tangent about how it was my job before he gave a halfhearted laugh. I watched as he stood up again, his arms crossing over his chest before saying, “And before you say I don’t need to, either way I’m going to.”
I couldn’t help but notice the smirk spreading across his lips as he turned back and walked to the counter to discuss payments I presume.
Right before the two of them walked out the door, I called to them, “Call if you have any questions!” He shot me a thumbs up, adding an extra pep to his step as the doors closed behind him. I thought nothing of my little phrase, considering I said it to all my new patients. I should’ve known better than to assume nothing of it when it came to him. That was until the daily phone calls to the office started coming in from a specific guy asking about his dog Ronnie.
The first few that came in I just let the receptionist handle due to me being with other patients at the time, only hearing the tales of “Is Dr. Kelsea there? Ronnie swallowed a grape will he be alright?” and “Ronnie keeps sneezing a lot, is it possible for dogs to get colds?” Those were only a few of the questions Aryia called with within two weeks time. When the fifth one for that day came in after around a week of hearing the tales of why he was calling I finally personally answered.
“Los Angeles Animal Hospital, this is Dr. Kelsea, how can I help you?” I said, a smug smile coming across my lips as I heard a chuckle from the speaker.
The smirk in this tone was obvious as he said, “You know you’re a hard one to reach, thought I was gunna have to make a trip again.” I glanced around the office area, seeing it mostly being empty due to it being close to closing time. When my eyes finally landed on the receptionist, Ashley, sitting beside me, she had a knowing smirk spread across her lips. The look on her face made a blush spread across my cheeks, clearing my throat slightly as I responded back to him.
“What can I say, I’m a busy one. Now, Aryia am I going to have to report you to PETA for mistreatment of sweet Ronnie or are you gonna ask me for my personal number?” I watched as Ashleys mouth dropped, her fist pumping in the air as I bit back a giggle threatening to slip. I heard a few chuckles from the opposite end before hearing the cockiness start to grow in his voice.
“Well maybe that was my whole plan all along? I just wanted to hear that sweet voice, tragic you kept it from me over two weeks.”
I let out a slight scoff that was soon followed by a slight laugh, shaking my head slightly before I said back, “Dunno if you have my sweet tone and my annoyed tone confused, I guess since you won’t ask,” I said in a sing song voice. ‘I’ll just give the phone back to Ashley, for your, I’m sure, really worrisome question.”
A slight snort was let out from the opposite end, the smile clear in his voice, “Can I pleaseeeee get your number Kelsea, I promise I’ll send tons of pictures of Ronnie as a reward.”
I rolled my eyes slightly, a grin spreading across my lips as I told him my number before quickly adding, “but only because you offered pictures of the sweet boy.”
Laughs echoed from the other end as I went to say my goodbyes to him, only holding for a second as I heard him say, “Wait wait wait!” The urgency in his voice made my place the phone back to my ear, only to hear him say, “PS. I hope you were kidding about reporting me to PETA.”
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Secret Love Song
Summary: Colby and Y/N hide their relationship from their friends and the fans
Warnings: swearing, implied smut
Word Count: 3,377
Author’s Note: This piece is created from the song secret love song, obviously you know the title anyway. so I had a really big little mix phase back in June July-ish of 2020 and this song was always on repeat and I started writing this piece but never finished or could finish?? so I FINALLY finished it! yay! Please enjoy this super long angst fluff piece! LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS IN THIS GIF BTW. This is my gif!
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We keep behind closed doors; every time I see you I die a little more
For a while no one even knew they were together out of fear the media would find out. It felt like just a dream, their little bubble. It was bliss for the first few months but it became draining to hide away. It was even more impossible to hide the desire to kiss each other or simply hold each other in front of their friends. They pretend to be friends, not even close friends, most of the time trying their hardest to not even look at each other.
She sighed as she rested her head onto his chest. He slowly grazed his fingers along her arm, goosebumps arose on her skin with the feeling of his touch. They laid in silence, she shut her eyes as she laid listening to his steady heartbeat. She slowly ran her fingers across his chest.
She lifted her head slightly, looking down towards him. Noticing his flushed cheeks, she raises her hand and rests it onto his cheek. He slowly reaches his hand up and takes a hold of her hand. He pulled her hand towards his lips, he delicately kissed her knuckles. A small breathy giggle left her lips as she slowly leaned down and pressed her lips against his. He smiled against her lips.
Stolen moments we steal as the curtain falls; it’ll never be enough
She laughed along with a joke Reggie had said while she reached inside her jean pocket. Pulling out her phone she notices a text from Colby. She smiled to herself as she read the message “Meet me in the theater room,” she shut her screen off quickly, tapping her nails against the screen. She looked around the room, seeing if anyone was looking towards her but no one was.
She glanced towards Sam and Katrina, seeing Sam’s hand around her waist and her hand against his cheek. She watched as they smiled and laughed together. Y/N’s eyes drifted towards Kevin’s camera, she let out a sigh before she started heading towards the theater room. She slowly pushed the door open, peeking her head inside when Colby came up behind her and placed his hands onto her hips. He pushed her into the room. He quickly turned her body around and pushed her against the wall.
She gasped while her eyes widened. Colby watched the door close slowly beside them before he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. He slowly moved his hands to the small of her back, pulling her body towards him. Creating as little space between them as possible. She smiled against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He lowered his hands around her thighs, lifting her up slightly. She jumped, helping him as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He walked her over to one of the red couches, and delicately laid her body down. He climbed on top of her, while his gaze looked over her features briefly before leaning down and kissing her hard. He reached down and took a hold of her thigh as he pulled her leg towards him.
He pulled his lips from hers, “I’ve been waiting all night to do this,” he whispered. His breathing was heavy as he licked his lips. She smiled as she reached her hand behind his neck and pulled his face towards hers again kissing him. She slowly ran her fingers through the ends of his hair as he played with the end of her shirt.
She pulled away, catching her breath. “Ten minutes,” she whispered as he admired her frame. He hummed while leaning down and kissing her neck.
As you drive me to my house; I can’t stop these silent tears from rolling down
His hand tightened against the steering wheel while he shifted his gaze towards her. She kept her arms crossed and her head staring out of the window. He clenched his jaw while he felt the urge to reach his hand over and take her hand but he couldn’t. Sam and Katrina were drunkenly talking in the backseat. She reached her hand up and wiped a tear about to fall onto her cheek. Colby’s breath caught in his throat when realization dawned on him.
A few hours earlier, a girl had spent the whole night trying to get Colby to come home with her. She was all over him, flirting, and at one point kissed him. Of course, he pulled away explaining for the fiftith time he had a girlfriend. Y/N saw them kiss but Colby never said anything to her about it. He didn’t think he had to, he didn’t know she saw anything.
The light turned red as he quickly turned his head towards her, waiting to see if she would look back. But she didn’t. His mouth opened slightly as he tried to find any words to say to her, but the only thing that fell from his lips was her name. Her body tense as she heard his breathy tone. Glancing towards the backseat, he sees that Sam and Katrina were not paying any attention towards them. She turned her head slightly, meeting his gaze briefly before the light turned green.
Colby looked towards the road again, he ran his hand across his lips a few times. “Are you alright?” She didn’t respond; she leaned her head against the window as she continued to stare out. He knew he did wrong, it wasn’t his intention or his fault. He looked in his rearview mirror looking to see if Kat and Sam were listening at all. They looked like they were in their own little world. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
She turned her head towards him, he glanced towards her while he drove. Taking in a breath she simply nods her head before looking away again. He sighed while he adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. He pulled into the large driveway to their house. Sam and Kat immediately pulled open the car door and headed towards the house without saying anything. “Can you drive me to my apartment? I’m not in the mood to sneak in and out,” she spoke barely above a whisper.
“Can you look at me please,” he begged while shifting his whole body towards her. She licked her lips as she tilted her head towards him. He reached his hand over, asking her to hold it. She slowly interlocked her fingers with his, a small sension running up through her fingertips. “I was trying to stop, okay? I didn’t want to kiss her,” he explained while he ran his thumb along her hand. She watched their hands while she listened.
“I know, I’m just tired of hiding this,” she sighed, her voice cracked as she spoke.
“Me too, Love,” he leaned his body over as he kissed her forehead delicately. “Let me take you home,” he pulled away from her slowly, still holding her hand.
You and I both have to hide on the outside; where I can’t be yours and you can’t be mine
They sat down on opposite ends of the couch while everyone else started to fill in. Sam stood in front adjusting the camera, making sure everyone was in frame. She leaned her head back against the couch as she shut her eyes briefly. The loud laughter and voices surrounding her faded as she ran her hand across her forehead. She cringed as she felt someone roughly sit down beside her. “Oh, sorry,” Aryia said as he shifted his body away from her slightly.
“All good,” she mumbled as she let out a forced breathy laugh. Her gaze shifted towards Sam as he ran back towards the couch, making sure the camera was set up perfectly. He groaned as he walked back towards the camera.
She tried to listen in on the several different conversations surrounding her, trying to find something she can join in on. But nothing seemed to peak her interest. She sighed as she reached her phone out, finding some sort of distractions from her thoughts. Yet the notification on her phone made her feel worse.
But the words written made her smile softly. ‘I love it when you wear blue ;)’. She glanced towards Colby on the other side of the couch. She saw him already looking in her direction. She met his eyes briefly, feeling her cheeks flush. As his eyes met hers he quickly shifted his gaze away. She kept her gaze in his direction for a while before she slowly turned her eyes back towards her phone. She quickly typed back.
But I know this, we got a love that is hopeless
She pulled her knees to her chest as she sunk deeper into the grey couch. Her eyes were teary as she watched the blue, nearly black, haired boy pace in front of her. He crossed his arms over his chest while he frustratingly clenched his jaw. She takes in a deep breath as she works up the courage to say the words that have been on her mind since the moment they got together. He stopped in front of her, a strong stare towards her direction. His eyes softened once he saw the tears leaving her eyes.
“Are you ashamed of me?” she expressed, tightening her grip around her knees. His mouth dropped open alongside his arms dropping to his side. He shook his head while he walked towards her. He leaned down in front of her resting his hands onto her knees.
“I’m nowhere near ashamed of you, Y/N. You are everything to me, you are all I have ever wanted. How can you not see that?” He was so desperate for her to understand him. He craved for her to know that she was the perfect woman for him. He would do everything to make her happy, to make her feel safe, to make her feel loved.
“Then tell our friends about us, I am so tired of keeping it from them. All I want to do is be able to hug my boyfriend in front of my friends, I just want to be a couple, Colby,” she pleaded as she sat up, leaning her face closer to him. He pressed his lips together as he started to shake his head.
“I’m trying to protect you, if the fans even see us an inch closer they’ll attack you. You know that,” he said slowly, running his hand along her thigh. Her stomach began to erupt in butterflies. “I can’t let them do that to you,” he looked into her eyes. She forgot her train of thought as she stared into his intoxicating eyes. He shook his head slightly. “I don’t know how long our friends can keep us secret if we tell them.”
She knew she could handle the response from the fans, but she wasn’t sure Colby would be able to read the comments about her. She nodded her head while she rested her hand onto his cheek, pulled him closer to her, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Why can’t you hold me in the street? Why can’t I kiss you on the dance floor
She sat on the countertop in the kitchen while the party was raging around her. She kept a red solo cup in her hand filled with a little too much tequila, her head resting against the cabinet while she watched the different people walk through the area. Random people whom she has never met were the most frequent in the kitchen. Some tried to make conversation but she was not interested.
She was never into the whole party scene until she and Colby began to date. Everything in her wanted to drink with him, dance with him, laugh with him, and just be an obnoxious couple with him. Yet they couldn’t even make serious conversation without people becoming suspicious. After a while of watching the different people enter the kitchen, Colby walked in.
He was wearing his short sleeved long black and white striped shirt with many layered silver necklaces. He had his skinny black jeans and all black gym shoes on. His hands were covered in his many expensive rings. Her breath caught in her throat as she admired him. She swallowed slowly, suddenly feeling very thirsty. She brought her cup to her lips taking a long sip. She rested the cup beside her as he walked closer to her with a smug closed-lip smile.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he continued to get closer to her. He raised his eyebrows, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
“I’m going to kiss you,”
“You’re drunk,” she replied while hopping down from the counter. Meeting him chest to chest. He leaned down, resting his hand onto her waist. She huffed slightly while her eyes dramatically rolled.
“A little bit,”
“I don’t want our first public appearance, one you can’t remember, Colby,” she said to him, pushing away from him. He groaned while leaning his head back.
“I said I was only a little bit drunk,” he pressed on.
Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours, Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops. I wish that it could be like that. Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours
It was a normal night with the friend group. They had just finished filming a video for Sam’s channel. One of Y/N’s favorites, “Who was the murder?” Everyone was still talking about the game when Colby watched Sam and Kat cuddle on the couch. He was happy, he had it easy with the fans. He admired the way they didn’t have to hide anything, they were simply together with no objections. He wanted it to be that easy for him. The idea of simply posting an ‘I love you’ post to Instagram with Y/N, was always something he wanted to do. But he knew he never could.
His gaze shifted towards the smiling girl standing next to Jake and Tara. He admired her outfit. The silky navy blue tight top with the black jean shorts. He loved how blue looked on her. The more he voiced this, the more she seemed to wear the color. She looked beyond beautiful. She flashed a wide smile as her gaze shifted towards his. They looked into each other's eyes, for a second it felt like time slowed and they were the only ones in the room.
His heart began to beat faster as he stared towards his girl. Only his. His little secret, his everything. He was so madly in love with every little part of her. It may have been the White Claw he chugged moments before or the pure love he had for the girl standing in front of him but he began to walk towards her. With pure determination to show everyone in the room that the beautiful girl in the blue was his girl.
“-So Y/N when are you going to give that guy a call. You need to get a boyfriend soon, I’m so tired of watching you be soooo alone,” Tara joked while Jake subtly took his arm away from Tara’s waist. Colby stopped short when he heard the words leave Tara’s lips. He still made his way over to the small group.
I don't wanna live love this way, I don't wanna hide us away, I wonder if it ever will change. I'm living for that day, someday
“I don’t think I will, I’ve got more important things in mind,” she chuckled while she subconsciously avoided Colbys gaze. Colby’ felt his body tense up slightly as he stood beside her.
“Mhm, okay, like who?” Tara said while glancing towards Colby. Y/N’s eyes furrowed while shifting her gaze towards Colby as well. Colby smiled widely as he leaned over and wrapped his arm around Y/N’s waist abruptly pulling her body closer to him. Her eyes widened as she leaned her body into his.
“Like me,” Colby looked towards her, still a broad smile to his lips. She looked up towards him, shocked all over her features. He took his hand and placed it at the knape of her neck as he pulled her towards him. He pressed his lips against hers urgently. She kissed him back with equal urgency. Tara simply smiles as she stares toward the two of them. While Jake stares with his mouth dropped.
Colby pulled away after a few seconds, “You guys have no idea how long I have been wanting to do that,” he kept his gaze on Y/N as she did the same.
“I can’t believe you just did that,” she whispered.
“Tara, did you see that?” Jake asked dumbfounded. Tara shook her head.
“How did you not see that coming from a mile away. It was so obvious!” Tara responded while clapping her hands excitedly.
“What was that?” Sam shouted.
“When did that happen?!” Katrina yelled.
“Are you guys pranking us?” Kevin asked from the corner of the room. A few more of their friends chimed in, everyone but Tara in complete shock.
After the shock settled Colby began to explain what was going on. “We started dating around Christmas and we-”
“Christmas?! That was over eight months ago! I can’t believe you kept that from me for so long,” Sam interrupted. Everyone laughed as Colby’s cheeks flushed red.
When you hold me in the street, and you kiss me on the dance floor. I wish that we could be like that. Why can't we be like that? Cause I'm yours, I'm yours
It had been twenty-seven minutes since Colby posted the video about their relationship. The video was long with a broad explanation as to why they kept their relationship hidden for so long. Y/N and Colby sat in several different comment sections, mentions, and Twitter indirects. It was slightly better than they expected, on Twitter at least. Most of the fans were excited to see relationship content, many were happy to see Colby happy.
As suspected though, there were many who were angry towards Y/N. It was simple young fans who were jealous, yet none of the comments were affecting her. There was this weight that was lifted off of her chest. She stood up from the couch and walked towards Colby at his desk. He shifted his gaze towards her. Spinning the chair to face her. He smiled softly as he reached his hands out to the back of her legs. A small chuckle leaves her lips. She leaned down while placing her hand on his jaw. She ran her thumb along his jawline. “You did a good job, Baby,” she whispered.
“They’re still being mean to you,” he whispered back while he ran his hands up and down the back of her thighs.
“I know, but it’s out there, and we can finally be us,” she whispered as she leaned forward and kissed him delicately. He shut his eyes as he leaned forward pulling his hands back to his lap. She pulled away as he bit his bottom lip. She grazed her fingers from his jaw to his neck, down his chest, then to his hand. His eyes widened slightly as he let her take a hold of his hand. “Come on, Handsome,” she whispered, pulling him towards his bed.
Halfway towards the bed, he pulled her hand back pulling her to his chest. She rested her free hand onto his chest as he took his hand and took a hold of her waist. He leaned down and kissed her. She gladly kissed him back as she removed her hand from his and slid her hand to the back of his neck. He hummed as he walked towards his bed, pushing her in the process.
She broke the kiss to pull the hoodie covering her body over her head, revealing her bare chest. Colby smiled widely as he ripped his shirt over his own head. He walked quickly towards her aggressively kissing her as he pushed her down onto the bed, climbing on top of her.
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lovelyfandomthings · 4 years
Fanfic requests - leave a number and letter (:
1. “As long as I’m here no one can hurt you”
2. “Please don’t go, please break my heart”
3.  “take me home, where I belong, I can’t take it anymore”
4. “young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes”
5. “nobody cried, nobody even noticed” 
a) Eragon
b) Percy Jackson
b) Starwars/Clone Wars
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Endless Cycle Masterlist
This is an Aryia Emrani x my character Ellie fanfic. Its a high-school alternative universe where life throws them around and complicates every aspect of their life.
Chapter one
Chapter two
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scottybrock · 5 years
Truth or Dare - Colby Brock
A/N: Requested by a beautiful anon: “Could you write something where you and the friend group are playing truth or dare and you get dared to do something to Colby who is talking to someone across the room. But when you get there you tell him its for a truth or dare and he’s like “wtf y’all are playing without me?” And comes running over but you still havent done your dare to him....”
“I dare you to kiss Mike,” Kevin drunkenly dared Mike. Mike raised an eyebrow at his friend, then pulled out his phone, pulling up the camera app. He switched it so it was facing him, and he leaned in, pressing his lips to his phone screen rather passionately. Aryia and Tara threw their heads back, laughing hysterically. Kevin blinked at the two of them. “Whasssso funny?” He slurred.
 You glanced at Devyn, exchanging concerned looks with her. Corey and Sam just looked amused, and Katrina was giggling with everyone else, her eyes also clouded over with inebriation. Jake rolled his eyes good naturedly, then turned to Mike. “Your turn to pick someone,” Jake told him, leaning back against his seat on the couch.
“Tara, truth or dare?” Mike asked. The whole group turned to her, and she shrugged. “Dare,” She replied. Mike hummed softly to himself while he thought. “I dare you… To kiss,” He whirled around and pointed at you. You raised an eyebrow at him, then glanced over at Tara. Tara looked at Jake. Jake shrugged, then nodded. She looked over at you, raising an eyebrow. You nodded as well. She stood up from her place next to Jake, then plopped down into your lap. She was tiny enough to fit. Tara leaned in, and you followed suit. 
Your lips met softly, her lips sweet and pliable against yours. You playfully nipped at her lower lip, and she snickered, breaking the kiss. You reached up to tangle your fingers in her hair, tugging her in for another quick peck. Aryia and Kevin shifted in their spots, swallowing hard. Jake was openly grinning, beckoning Tara back over to him. Devyn, Kat, and Sam just blinked at you, jaws dropped wide open.
 “That was really hot,” Corey mumbled. Devyn dug her elbow into his side, shushing him. Tara pranced back over to Jake, dropping back down into his lap. “You’re a really good kisser,” She told you, her big brown eyes sparkling with mischief and mirth. You grinned at her, winking overdramatically. “Ditto,” You replied. Tara giggled. “Truth or dare?” She asked you. You leaned back against your seat, humming softly to yourself as you thought. 
“Dare.” You finally decided. Tara’s grin widened devilishly. “I dare you to kiss Colby.” She told you. Your jaw dropped. “He’s not even here!” You protested weakly. Katrina cleared her throat, jerking her chin up slightly. You followed her gaze, your eyes falling on none other than Colby Brock. You huffed quietly, dropping your head into your hands. It was obvious to the whole friend group, minus Colby, that you had the bigggest crush on him. 
What you didn’t know, was how obvious it was to your group of friends that Colby reciprocated your feelings, ten-fold. The two of you weren’t “just friends” but weren’t anything more than friends, either. 
The two of you were the ultimate “will they, or won’t they” of the decade amongst your friend group. There were literal bets amongst the friend group. Sam, Corey, Reggie, Tara, and Jake thought you would crack first, and just grab him by the face and kiss him. Katrina, Devyn, Aryia, Kevin, and Mike thought that Colby would crack first, just blurting out how he felt about you, once it reached a level where it was near possible to keep silent about it anymore.
“Are you guys playing truth or dare without me?” Colby pouted, crossing the room quickly. Your friends shrugged, glancing at each other. “Guess so,” Sam finally conceded. “Sorry, Cole.” Colby’s pout deepened as he dropped down onto the couch next to you, his leg brushing against yours. You felt the heat rising to your cheeks, and you studiously avoided eye-contact with Tara. 
“She was just going to complete her dare,” You heard Jake tell Colby. You rolled your eyes and let out another huff. “You also missed Tara and her literally making out.” Sam’s voice chimed in. You heard Corey let out another grunt as Devyn elbowed him once more. “What?!” Corey whined. “It was hot!”
You felt Colby’s gaze on you, and your cheeks reddened even further. “I’ll bet it was.” Colby replied, his eyes darkening at the very thought. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to kiss her?” He nudged your side. You looked up at him, and your heart raced in your chest. His gaze was unbelievably fond, his lips curling up at the corners in a soft smile. His bright blue eyes twinkled at you. 
Without even realizing it, your hands reached up to cup his face. Not sparing anyone else a glance, you brought your lips to Colby’s. When your lips pressed against his, calling what you felt fireworks, was like calling a wildfire a bonfire. Your hands slid down to his chest as he kissed you back, just as eagerly. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His lips were soft and sweet against yours, and you thought you could be perfectly content with kissing him for the rest of your life. 
When you pulled back, you were met with dropped jaws and wide eyes from your friends. You cleared your throat, breaking the silence. “So, Kat,” Your voice cracked, and you cleared your throat once more. “Truth or dare?” Kat blinked at you, finally picking her jaw up off of the floor. “Um,” She floundered, glancing around the room wildly. “Truth,” She decided. You asked her a generic question, your brain still scrambled from the lip contact with Colby. 
Colby’s arm was draped around your shoulders, and you were leaning against his chest. Your heart fluttered when you felt him give you a gentle squeeze. As Katrina answered the question, looking just as flustered as you were, you risked a glance over at Colby. 
His bright blue eyes twinkled at you, his lips still curled into that soft, sweet fucking smile of his. You felt your lips curl up into a small smile in response, and his smile widened at the sight of your smile. You leaned back against him, feeling warm and safe in his arms. You rested your head on his shoulder, your smile widening even more when you felt his arm drift back down to your waist. 
After the game wrapped up, your friends gradually split into smaller groups of people, chattering to each other. Colby grabbed your arm and gently guided you to a free corner of your living room. He dropped back down onto a chair, patting his lap for you to sit on his lap. You daintily, carefully sat down, then looked up at him through your eyelashes, trying your best to seem coy and mysterious, even though just half an hour earlier, you had made out with him in front of your whole group of friends. 
“Hi,” You murmured, smiling softly at him. He grinned back at you. “Hey,” He replied. “So, about your dare earlier…” Colby began, but you cut him off, quickly filling in the blanks for him. “It was a dare, but I wanted to do it,” You told him. Colby’s smile turned shy, and his cheeks reddened. “I liked it.” He was quick to assure you. Your own cheeks reddened, and your smile was sweet, shy. “I like you.” You replied, your voice soft. Colby reached up to carress your cheek, his eyes never leaving yours. “I like you, too.” Was his response. 
You laughed softly, shaking your head slightly, but not enough to dislodge his hand from your face, much to your delight. You liked the feeling of Colby stroking your cheek, his fingers trailing delicately down your smooth skin. “Who would’ve thought that a game of truth or dare would be the thing that got us together?” Colby laughed, too. “Who would’ve thought?” He agreed. 
His fingers gently gripped your chin, and he pulled your face closer to his, his lips just barely brushing against yours as he spoke. “Girlfriend?” He asked, his voice shy and soft. You nodded slightly, your lips brushing against his softly as you did so. “Boyfriend?” You asked. It was Colby’s turn to nod. You grinned, then pressed your lips against his once more, slow and soft and so fucking sweet. 
“Did I win the bet?”
“Shut up, Reggie!”
“Wait, there were bets?”
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sunrisebrock · 4 years
the way I literally have like 70 something chapters of my Colby X OC book written but still in the drafts cause I’m far too scared to post them anywhere plus I keep making changes to the story🤪🤪 and that’s on being insecure x
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we hit 1k!!!
apologies for being gone for so long; i’ve been dealing with personal matters and the end of the school year as well as a bunch of my own personal projects. as a celebration, i will try my best to crank out requests! let me know what you want to see! any aus or headcanon requests? dialogue prompts? don’t be afraid to send asks to my inbox! thank you all so much! - peter x
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annab-nana · 4 years
aryia emrani blurbs
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night terrors
more than just some trees
haunted hayride
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starryevermore · 4 years
looking happier ✧ colby brock & aryia (sequel to “what we had”)
pairing: colby brock x reader, aryia x reader
summary: colby and the reader finally talk about what happened. (sequel to “what we had”)
word count: 1,519
warnings?: mention of the rumors started by the friend group, the end is here and it’s sweet :)
gold digger | maybe it was me | new beginnings | what we had | looking happier
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You weren't prepared for the outpouring of support when you and Aryia announced your relationship. Though many fans shipped the two of you, or said you would be cute together, you feared that that would all change when the two of you came out as official. You supposed that was because of how intense Colby made the fans out to be. And maybe that was true for him, maybe if you were still with him then the fans would be less supportive, but you couldn’t believe how kind they had been so far. They were so kind that it was easier to ignore those who resorted to name-calling and other shameful behaviors. Sometimes, though, when you were left alone with your thoughts in the dead of night, you wondered how things would’ve been different if Colby was the one you were dating, how the fans would’ve reacted. Would he have been right? Or would they have surprised him? Those thoughts didn’t matter, though. You were happy with Aryia. He was everything you ever could’ve dreamed of and more. 
The friend group had been wonderful, too. Though you were naïve at heart, you still expected them to be slightly suspicious of you for months to come. But they had turned around and accepted you with open arms. Not once had you caught wind of them speaking ill of you. They hyped you up whenever you posted, they invited you to hang out (even when Aryia wasn’t going to be there). They treated you like a real friend. You were their friend, and you couldn’t be happier. 
One day, Sam invited everyone to hang out and play one of his infamous hide and seek games for a video. You were eager to go, having watched some of the videos back when you were wallowing in heartbreak and sorrow in the aftermath of your breakup with Colby. You even had the perfect place scoped out. 
Sam had a knack for finding those in the most creative hiding spots first though. Jake was found first—he was just feet away from you, so you heard Sam’s triumph shout when he saw Jake, followed by his quiet request for Jake to film for him. He found you a few minutes later to your dismay, and you retreated to the movie room, the only room that was off-limits as that’s where everyone who had been found would wait until the game was over. 
You sat alone in the movie room for several minutes until the door opened, revealing a Mr. Colby Brock. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, suddenly realizing that you hadn’t had a one-on-one conversation with him since the first day you came to the new Trap House all those months ago. 
He froze when he saw you were the only other person in the room, then let out a sigh before taking a seat beside you.
“Hey,” he said.
He stared at you for a moment. “You...You look happier.”
You were shocked for a moment, but tried your best not to show it. Of all the things you expected him to say, that was certainly not one of them. “I am happier.”
“Good. You deserve to be happy.” Colby paused for a moment, then added, “I finally figured out how to explain why I did what I did to you.” 
You couldn’t hide the shock from your face this time. “Oh? Are you going to tell me or are you going to leave me hanging in suspense?” 
He chuckled. “It’s called a dramatic pause.”
“Sure, if that’s what you wanna call it.” 
“Shut up and let me explain myself, dammit,” he said, lightly pushing your shoulder. Then he took a deep breath, lowering his eyes as though he wasn’t quite ready to meet your gaze. “When I first met you, I couldn’t believe you would want to be around me. You were so unlike any girl I’d met since I moved to LA. You didn’t care about fame or fortune. You just wanted to spread kindness wherever you went, and I loved that about you. I still do, really. But I got in my own head and I couldn’t stop thinking about how you were too good for me.” 
You were quick to cut him off. “Colby, I was never too good for you—”
“Please, let me finish.” He waited a moment to make sure you weren’t going to say anything. “Okay, so like I was saying, I started to feel like you were too...well, for lack of a better word, perfect. I couldn’t stop myself from wondering why someone as incredible as you would go for someone like me. You could date someone crazy intelligent, someone who understood you better than I could ever dream of, someone who didn’t have to secretly google words you were using because I’m a fucking dumbass and can’t even pass a fifth grade test. You deserved someone so much better than me.”
You reached out and grabbed one of his hands, rubbing your thumb across of the top of his hand. “Colby, you should’ve told me about that.” 
He finally looked up at you. “I know. I really should have. But I was already so insecure and I was just scared of what you would say. So when my friends...our friends started saying how you might be using me for clout and money, I thought, well, damn, that’s the flaw I’ve been looking for. And every moment after that, I started to make a big deal out of nothing. I knew you would never use me, but every time you picked up a fancy shirt or wanted to go to this new, expensive restaurant or wanted to have more than just a suitcase in my apartment, I couldn’t help but feel that in a moments notice, you would reveal that you were just like all the other girls I’ve met in LA.” He sighed. “It was never really about you, though. I’m just a fucking idiot who can’t deal with his own insecurities, much less be a good boyfriend.”
You stared at him for a few seconds, then said quietly, “Can I tell you something and you won’t get mad?” 
His eyebrows furrowed together. “Yeah, what is it?”
“I...I forgave you a long time ago.”
“What? Really?”
“Mhm. After...After I came over here for the first time and we had our conversation, I went home and just thought about everything. It’s kind of cliche to say, but I realized I wasn’t really mad at you, I was just disappointed that you couldn’t be honest with me or yourself for that matter. I could tell you were really struggling with our breakup, and I realized that you really didn’t mean for things to go as far as they had.” You grabbed his other hand so you were holding them both. “Thank you for being honest with me now.”
There was a lull in the conversation as Colby thought over everything you said. You let go of his hands and shifted in your seat so you could face him more comfortably.
“Can I tell you something, too?” Colby asked.
“Go for it.” 
“When I found out you and Aryia were dating, I texted him and said that he better not hurt you like I did.”
“I know, he told me.”
He looked as though he figured Aryia would tell you that. “Can you promise you’ll tell me if he, or anyone else for that matter, ever does anything to hurt you?” 
You smiled. “You gonna swoop in like a knight in shining armor?” 
“It’s what you deserve.”
“I promise that there’s ever anything I need to tell you, I will.” You bit your lip, wondering if you should say what you were thinking or not, before finally saying, “I hope one day you find a girl who makes you forget about all of your insecurities, someone who makes you so happy that you want to make it work no matter the circumstances, someone who you’ll allow yourself to be vulnerable around.” 
“Does Aryia make you feel that way?”
“Yeah, he does.”
“Good. You deserve it.”
“So do you.”
As silence passed over the two of you, the door opened again and in walked Aryia. You practically felt your face light up, missing the way Colby’s shoulders slumped slightly.
“So this is where the party’s at?” Aryia joked as he sat on the other side of you.
“Oh yeah, we’re having a rager in here right now.” 
He snorted, “Oh, I can tell. We got the biggest party animals in one room right now. Who knows what’ll happen next?” 
Colby didn’t say anything as he watched the two of you joke around. He smiled to himself, content with the fact that, while he may not be the love of your life, he was sure that Aryia wouldn’t ever hurt you like he did. Maybe one day he’ll find that love, too. Maybe one day, you’ll be the one saying he looks happier. 
Maybe one day, he’ll be happier.
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justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part 2
Summary: Things grow stronger but will a face from Kelsea’s past make the connection between her and Aryia weaken?
Warnings: Alcohol mention, swearing
Word Count: 2,772
I truly never thought I would be in this position, well not in real life, but I did read a lot of fanfictions about it through my time. Aryia and I have been talking nonstop, that includes texting, facetime calls and even phone calls on some occasions. I didn’t realize that we would bond as much as we actually are, we talked about things from as silly conspiracies we believed in all the way to the deep shit like our familiarity with addiction. Which believe me, I was not expecting to have him be so open with me when it came to that topic. I suppose he felt the connection due to my experiences with it throughout my childhood with my older brother. Other than the sly compliments through our talking, he’d even pop up at my work and without a word leave food behind with Ashley (the receptionist obviously). I probably shouldn’t have slipped up and told him how I didn’t eat sometimes through my double shifts. I was now sitting on my bed back at my apartment, staring at the most recent text message I had received from him.
“btw some of my friends are throwing a party at their place and I’d rather not go alone… come with?” I didn’t know what to say, do I go and hang out with him one on one? Does he want to introduce me to his friends low key to see how I reacted? I obviously left out the specific detail that I might’ve watched him and his friends videos through college so what if I go there and freak the fuck out? I ran a hand across my face once before I shook my head, picking my phone back up and quickly typing, “Can’t let you suffer alone now can I?” I sucked my bottom lip in between my teeth, weighing the pros and cons of sending the message before saying fuck it and clicking the arrow to send it. Not even five seconds later I got a reply along with the wink emoji, “ill send you the location darling, party starts at 8.” My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I quickly glanced up at the time on my phone before my eyes widened. Oh my fuck I have three hours to get my shit together and look presentable. I quickly clicked a specific number in my phone, lifting it up to my ear and said, “Hey Rachel… I need your help. How fast can you get here?” Thank god for having a best friend who lived 10 minutes away.
My eyes were locked on my reflection in the mirror of my dresser, the light rose color of blush starting to show up where Rachel applied it. The grin never failed to leave her face as she picked my outfit out all the way through to the putting on the final touches of my makeup. The wideness of her smile made one slowly start to grow on mine as I gently bumped her arm with my shoulder. “Stop grinning like that,” I whined softly, hearing her scoff slightly as I continue. “Its just a party its not like he’s about to propose Rach.”
She rolled her eyes, moving in front of me to inspect her work; the smile still obvious. “Oh cmon Kels, you’ve been gaga for him since college and now you’re literally the main character in a fanfic.”
Now that comment made me roll my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest as I looked at her. “I don’t do parties, especially parties that involve famous fuckin Youtubers.”
She came and sat down beside me on my bed, my head automatically falling onto her shoulder. “Then why’d you agree to go with him?” She asked, her fingers twisting a makeup brush between them.
A tedious habit I noticed she did when she focused on a conversation. I shrugged slightly, not being able to help the small smile that spread on my lips. The answer coming so simply and yet, still made those pesky butterflies erupt in my stomach.
“Because I feel like he could actually become something to me.”
She lightly bumped her shoulder up to make me look at her, the grin making her nose scrunch up slightly. “Then make tonight worth it.”
Rachel had been long gone by the time I had to make my way into an Uber to head towards the location Aryia had sent me. When the uber pulled up at the location, my mouth went dry as I quickly recognized the house before me. It was the trap house, THE trap house that Sam Golbach, Corey Scherer, Jake Webber and the infamous Colby Brock moved into once their apartment days were behind them. The beep of a horn that was waiting for my Uber to move, snapped me out of my thoughts. Nodding a thank you to the driver I finally stepped out, brushing my hair behind my hair behind my shoulder as I walked up to the door. My nose crinkled slightly as the guard who was blocking the door put his arm out in front of me. I opened my mouth to argue about him letting me in before I heard him, someone who I spent nights before talking to.
“It’s okay Patrick,” He said, stepping out of the house and slipping his hand into mine. “She’s with me.” As those left his lips, his eyes finally locked with mine; gently pulling me inside behind him. The music was loud and people were flooded throughout the house, some faces were familiar and some not so much. Goosebumps swept through my body as I felt Aryias lips brush against my ear, him whispering in my ear due to the music.
“You look amazing by the way.”
Five simple words that made my face heat up completely, shaking my head as I said, “I do wear things other than scrubs and pajamas.” He lead me through the crowd to the back of the house, my eyes widening slightly in awe as I looked around at all the fairy lights. Well those were certainly new. We sat down on a bench that was placed right under the lights, our legs brushing as we both got comfortable. A sheepish smile came across his lips, his body turning to face me slightly before he said, “is this a super shitty first hangout? If it is we can like totally ditch.”
I laughed softly, shaking my head and turning my body to match his. “Definitely not, honestly if it was just us two somewhere I’d probably be more nervous than I am.”
The words slipped from my lips with ease, a flush coming back to my cheeks. I watched as his eyebrow cocked playfully and with a tilt of his head said, “Oh so I make you nervous aye?”
I rolled my eyes, gently hitting his shoulder with the palm of my hand; not being able to control the smile. “Oh hush, you’re just lucky I blessed you with my presence tonight.”
A softness crossed over his features, one that I’ve only seen once before with Ronnie at the hospital. His hand went and gently laid on the top of my knee, his thumb rubbing it ever so gently. “Blessed is definitely the word I’d use.”
My eyes glanced down at his position on my knee, my hand going to lay gently on top of his. I shook my head slightly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before saying, “You trying to make putty in your hands or is this just your natural charm?”
I watched as he rolled his eyes, the smile starting to grow on his lips. “Maybe a little bit of both but I’m enjoying the putty part of you.”
I rolled my eyes, licking my lips as I run a hand nervously through my hair. I felt as he gently squeezed my knee before he lifted his hand up from it. “I’m goin to get us both a soda, I’ll be back in a bit love,” he said, gently brushing his finger against my jaw before walking inside.
I felt my cheeks flush with redness, shaking my head as I took out my phone to pass the time that he was gone. The scrolling through my phone didn’t last a long time before I felt a body plop down beside me. I glanced up, expecting to see Aryias hazels eyes looking at me but was in for a surprise as I saw instead, bright blue ones. I noticed the confused look across his face, a slight chuckle coming from me.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Kelsea and you are?” I asked, trying to act as if I had no clue of the man in front of me or our history he didn’t even know about.
A small chuckle escaped him that matched mine, a slight nod coming as he said, “Colby Brock, this is sort of my party doll. Which confuses me as to why I’ve never seen you here before?” I swallowed slightly, plastering a smile onto my lips as I sat up straighter to look at him.
“Was invited, guess the host didn’t get the memo aye?” The remark came out sassier than I intended but I couldn’t help but notice the smirk appear on his.
“A feisty one we have here huh? I like that. Least I got a name to match the mysterious beauty.” I swallowed again, feeling my stomach flip slightly as I did a slight nod. The words coming from him were… unexpected and flirty? It made me speechless, only able to do a nod in response which made him speak once again.
“Can I get you a drink babe? We have all sorts of liquor or even a seltzer like I have here,” he said, lifting up his own solo cup.  I opened my mouth to reply before I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. The approach making me jump slightly and glance up, letting out a slight breath of relief as I saw Aryia smiling adoringly down at me. He looked at me a moment before looking at Colby, his head tilting slightly.
“I see you’ve met Kelsea, the vet I told you about that helped Ronnie?” I glanced over at Colby, relaxing back into Aryias gentle touch and trying to hide the smirk that grew as Colby’s dropped. He cleared his throat briefly before he stood up, smiling politely at Aryia.
“Oh, didn’t know she was with you brother. Seems like a good one.” He excused himself after saying that, his hand rubbing Aryias shoulder while he walked past. Aryia resumed his position beside me, my eyes glancing back at Colby just to see his already on mine. The quick wink he sent me, made me tense up slightly before I looked back at Aryia. He held out the solo cup to me, our fingers brushing as I took the cup from him. Peering down into it as I noticed the fizzy substance inside of it, the smile growing back onto my lips as I relaxed. I could tell Aryia noticed the breath of relief that I let out when he put his hand back on my leg. “
“Are you okay? We can leave if you want, I know these parties can be… a bit much.”
His words seemed genuine and seemed like he actually cared for my wellbeing and comfort which was new to me. I let myself place my hand on top of his, my eyes growing softer as I looked at the man in front of me. My fingers gently brushed his to lay right between his on my leg, gaining comfort from such an innocent motion.
“I’m perfect and I know we both agreed that we were terrible dancers before I came but I gotta ask. You wanna dance?”
I raise an eyebrow, taking my bottom lip slightly between my teeth as I worried about his reply. A slight scoff came from his lips, taking my drink from me and placing it on the ground beside the bench. I watched as he stood up and held out his hand to me, a playful look in his eyes.
“Hope you don’t embarrass easy, let’s dance.”
 The time I spent dancing with Aryia felt like time didn’t pass, the amount of times I busted out laughing due to him acting like a fool made it unforgettable. I feel by the time we finally stepped off to the side to catch our breathes, him making me laugh as much as humanly possible was his goal. My back was leaned against the wall by the kitchen, my eyes staying on Aryia as he spoke about a time, he got so plastered at one of these things that he ended up puking off a balcony. My attention was caught as a little wave was mustered by, of course, Colby in the kitchen. My attention for a moment left Aryia to look at Colby, curious as to why he even wanted my attention in the first place. Once he realized he had caught my eyes, he glanced down to a random girl that was staring at him all doe eyed. He curled his finger against her jawbone before practically shoving his tongue down her throat, making a look of disgust cross over my face. I quickly turned my attention back to Aryia to see him looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Oh fuck, I definitely have been caught not listening. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, shaking my head quickly as I placed my hand gently up to lay against his neck.
“I’m sorryyyyy,” I said, pouting my lip out quickly as I started to give him puppy dog eyes. “I thought I saw someone I knew, got distracted,” I finished, keeping my puppy dog face up before a little huff fell from his lips. He placed his hand over the one on my neck, looking down at me with a smile.
“If I was boring you baby you could’ve told me.” I opened my mouth to argue before realization crossed over me and I let a smirk come onto my lips.
“Oh, I’m baby now huh?” I said, gently tapping my fingers against his neck as I watched as he blushed ever so slightly. He took his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before letting it go, a shrug rolling off his shoulders.
“I’d like for you to be…” He drifted off, his tone sounding genuine which made my stomach curl into a knot. I let his words set with me for a moment, giving myself time to examine his face completely. From the way his eyes were slightly dark from the lack of sleep he spoke about struggling with, but also somehow holding light whenever he smiled. Fuck, that smile, I couldn’t even begin to describe how I ached to have that smile stay on his lips forever. I slipped my fingers from his neck to lay against my side, letting a smile come onto my lips.
“I’d like that too.” My voice was quiet, and the nerves were obvious in my slow movements, not really sure where to place my hands in that moment. I feel like he could sense that because before I could even breath, he reached and gently placed my left hand on his side. I could feel the curl of his side under my fingertips as he reached and placed my right one on the back of his neck. The motions he put me made him step closer to me, making me let out a nervous breath at how close we were. His fingers went and delicately held my chin between his index finger and thumb. My eyes glanced back and forth between his eyes; I swore I could feel the bass of the music match the rhythm of my heart. He leaned down slightly, our eyes staying locked before he stopped right as his lips were above mine. I could feel his breath hit my lips as he said just loud enough for me to hear him, “I won’t hurt you Kels.” After those words slipped from him, I felt his lips meet mine. He gave me a few moments to push him away before he stepped closer to put his free hand on my hip. My stomach instantly flipped as his lips connected to mine, my fingers curling around his body as I kissed him back. For the first time in forever, I felt like he wouldn’t break those five words he spoke to me
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Slushies and Soup
Summary: After getting her tonsils out, Colby is there to comfort her
Warnings: brief descriptions of pain
Requested: yes
Word Count: 571
Author’s Note: Im sorry this is so short, I’m slowly trying to get back in the swings of things with writing, hope you all understand and enjoy this sweet little blurb of Colby and stuff lol.
It had been a few days since her tonsil surgery and she was in a lot more pain than she was promised. Her throat was in constant pain and it ached horribly while she tried to speak. Colby picked her up from her surgery day and took her back to her apartment and has been with her since.
He would spend time cooking up soup, by simply pouring Progresso soup into a bowl and putting it into the microwave. He would run to the seven eleven that was a few blocks away from her apartment to get her slushies and all the ice cream she could want. He loved being there to keep her comfortable and he loved taking care of her.
He walked up to her apartment door with a few different kinds of Ben and Jerry’s and a few more cans of soup. He pushed open the door while humming to a 5 Seconds of Summer song that was playing in the seven eleven. He walked towards the kitchen counter and placed the bag onto the countertop. He slowly began to pull out the different items placing them in the variety of places that they belonged. He threw away the bag and walked through the apartment into the bedroom in the furthest room.
He slowly pushed open the door, peeking his head into the room seeing if she was awake. Her head jerked to the side, startled at the sound. “Oh, I’m sorry Baby,” he whispered as he slowly walked into the room. He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge while he kept his eyes on her, his lips fell into a pout at her sight. It had been days and she wasn’t getting much better, it wasn’t supposed to be a long healing proccess but it was. “Do you want anything?” he whispered.
She nodded slightly, “Water,” she let out. Her voice was hoarse and raspy as the word left her lips.
He smiled softly as he said, “Be right back.” He walked out of the room and began walking back into the kitchen. His eyes danced around the kitchen that normally isn’t messy, but since Colby was taken control it wasn’t the cleanest. He grabbed the bottle of water and jogged back to her room.
He walked into her room and shut the door behind him as he walked over and sat down onto the edge of the bed again as he handed the bottle towards her. She grasped it and began slowly drinking it. Colby smiled softly, hoping it would help her feel better. “Want anything else, Darling?” he asked.
She shook her head while lightly holding out her arms to invite him into her arms. He laughed slightly as he stood up and lifted the covers. He took off his shoes as he climbed into the bed with her. He laid down and allowed her to rest her head onto his chest. He delicately moved her hair away from her face as he took in a long breath.
He slowly ran his hand up and down her back while she listened to his heartbeat.  It slowly relaxed her and helped her forget the constant pain she was in. “Thank you,” she let out forcefully. He let out a small breathy chuckle as he continued to run his fingers up and down her back.
“Of course, I just want you to feel good,”
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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
1. Run For Cover // The Killers (thanks to a fanfic on AO3 lol, highly recommend, HP Marauders AU, song title is the name of the fic)
2. 2009 // Aryia
3. As It Was // Harry Styles (instant happy mood)
4. The Foundations Of Decay // My Chemical Romance (I missed the only concert in my area and I'm still mad about it)
5. Careless Whisper // George Michael
Thank you so much for the ask, I had so much fun!!
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annab-nana · 4 years
aryia emrani oneshots
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Kiss Me In Your Dreams (1.5+)
Aryia decides to surprise his single buddies with all of his love and a bunch of little gifts for Valentine’s Day this year for a video and with y/n’s recent and terrible breakup, it is just the thing to cheer her up.
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