#aryia x oc
justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part 1
Summary: Kelsea thought it would be like every other day at her work. She’d take care of things, work her double shift and then leave. An accident causes an unexpected with a face she only knew through a screen. And boy did she not expect things to go like this. 
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1542
California is a wonderful place; after all it is called the land of opportunity, right? That was my thoughts when I first moved out once I finished my degree work in my home state. Although, I did see my life being a tad different than it is currently. I spend about every day and night working in a local animal hospital around the LA area. Rather than doing the partying and random hooking up with celebrities that my young self was convinced would happen. I can’t complain though, I’m doing what I always wanted to be doing with my life and that was helping animals of all shapes and sizes become well again. I didn’t realize that saving one particular dogs life would throw my life through the ringer and make me make choices that seemed only real in books. Hi, my names Kelsea Smith and this is the story of how decisions can come back and bite you in the ass.
It was a normal Thursday evening at the hospital, cats coming in for nail trims and a few scheduled surgeries occurring throughout the day. Keeping me busy, of course, but it wasn’t one of those days that sent nerves running through me, well it wasn’t until I heard the noise erupting in the entrance. Soon enough I was yanked into the surgical wing and was saving the life of a little guy that goes by the name of Ronnie. A small precious boy that had 50% pitbull, 50% chihuahua underlined per the owners request in the file. The receptionist informed me right as I was getting ready to head home that Ronnie had swallowed a squeaker from one of his toys and the X-rays showed it couldn’t pass. In general, the surgery is quite simple but working on such a little guy always made nerves send through me. It was a simple mishap that turned to a very dangerous test of fate that would leave the little guy recovering for a few weeks. Once we had gotten him all stitched up and ready, I finally walked out to meet the owner who had not left since bringing him in. Imagine my surprise of coming face to face with a man whose videos helped fill my free time through college. The moment I heard his voice say, ‘You must be Dr. Smith, is my Ronnie gonna be okay?’, was when I flashed back to the time that I had first heard that voice.
The ranting I have done in private to my friend Rachel about a specific aggravation had helped me but I couldn’t figure out why the pit in my stomach was still there. That’s when I decided to explore on YouTube a bit to try and distract myself from all the drama that was slowly being created on my timeline. I didn’t realize how much it was bothering until I landed on a video that eased the feeling almost instantly. I didn’t stray too far of course from the friend group of his but I did land on a guy named Aryia. Luckily enough, it was his most recent music video for ‘Bad Boy’ and I knew I’d be sucked in from there.
The flashback that occurred in my head ended as fast as it came, and I was back standing in front of this man whose dog I had just saved. “And you must be this happy boys owner and please call me Kelsea, never was a fan of my last name,” the words flowed out with ease, a smile growing across my lips.
His eyes locked with mine, giving a quick glance over my scrub covered body before he held out his hand to shake mine gently. “I’m Aryia, thank you so much for saving my baby.” He said, sincerity clear in his voice.  I handed him the leash over once our handshake ended, not being able to control the flush coming onto my cheeks as our fingers brushed.
“It was a simple procedure that surprisingly we have had to do with a multiple amount of dogs.” I said, a smile coming across my lips as I spoke about the passion I luckily got to have for a job.
“And for Ronnie,” I began, bending down to scratch the sweet boy under the chin gently. “He’s going to be just fine. Gonna need a checkup here in a few weeks but he’s going to make a complete recovery.”
Once those words flowed out of my mouth, I stood back up straight to look at him with a grin. The sight before me was probably one of the cutest I’ve seen in my time working here. Aryia bent down to give Ronnie repeated kisses on the top of his head, making his tail wag even quicker than it already was. Lets just say the scene in front of me made a feeling erupt in my stomach that’s never happened before with my other patients.
That’s when his eyes glanced up at me, the pure joy obvious in his smile before he said swiftly, ‘Thank you so much again Dr… I mean Kelsea, I owe you.”
Puzzlement showed clear on my face, my nose scrunching up as I went to wave my hand again. I was about to go on another tangent about how it was my job before he gave a halfhearted laugh. I watched as he stood up again, his arms crossing over his chest before saying, “And before you say I don’t need to, either way I’m going to.”
I couldn’t help but notice the smirk spreading across his lips as he turned back and walked to the counter to discuss payments I presume.
Right before the two of them walked out the door, I called to them, “Call if you have any questions!” He shot me a thumbs up, adding an extra pep to his step as the doors closed behind him. I thought nothing of my little phrase, considering I said it to all my new patients. I should’ve known better than to assume nothing of it when it came to him. That was until the daily phone calls to the office started coming in from a specific guy asking about his dog Ronnie.
The first few that came in I just let the receptionist handle due to me being with other patients at the time, only hearing the tales of “Is Dr. Kelsea there? Ronnie swallowed a grape will he be alright?” and “Ronnie keeps sneezing a lot, is it possible for dogs to get colds?” Those were only a few of the questions Aryia called with within two weeks time. When the fifth one for that day came in after around a week of hearing the tales of why he was calling I finally personally answered.
“Los Angeles Animal Hospital, this is Dr. Kelsea, how can I help you?” I said, a smug smile coming across my lips as I heard a chuckle from the speaker.
The smirk in this tone was obvious as he said, “You know you’re a hard one to reach, thought I was gunna have to make a trip again.” I glanced around the office area, seeing it mostly being empty due to it being close to closing time. When my eyes finally landed on the receptionist, Ashley, sitting beside me, she had a knowing smirk spread across her lips. The look on her face made a blush spread across my cheeks, clearing my throat slightly as I responded back to him.
“What can I say, I’m a busy one. Now, Aryia am I going to have to report you to PETA for mistreatment of sweet Ronnie or are you gonna ask me for my personal number?” I watched as Ashleys mouth dropped, her fist pumping in the air as I bit back a giggle threatening to slip. I heard a few chuckles from the opposite end before hearing the cockiness start to grow in his voice.
“Well maybe that was my whole plan all along? I just wanted to hear that sweet voice, tragic you kept it from me over two weeks.”
I let out a slight scoff that was soon followed by a slight laugh, shaking my head slightly before I said back, “Dunno if you have my sweet tone and my annoyed tone confused, I guess since you won’t ask,” I said in a sing song voice. ‘I’ll just give the phone back to Ashley, for your, I’m sure, really worrisome question.”
A slight snort was let out from the opposite end, the smile clear in his voice, “Can I pleaseeeee get your number Kelsea, I promise I’ll send tons of pictures of Ronnie as a reward.”
I rolled my eyes slightly, a grin spreading across my lips as I told him my number before quickly adding, “but only because you offered pictures of the sweet boy.”
Laughs echoed from the other end as I went to say my goodbyes to him, only holding for a second as I heard him say, “Wait wait wait!” The urgency in his voice made my place the phone back to my ear, only to hear him say, “PS. I hope you were kidding about reporting me to PETA.”
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justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part 2
Summary: Things grow stronger but will a face from Kelsea’s past make the connection between her and Aryia weaken?
Warnings: Alcohol mention, swearing
Word Count: 2,772
I truly never thought I would be in this position, well not in real life, but I did read a lot of fanfictions about it through my time. Aryia and I have been talking nonstop, that includes texting, facetime calls and even phone calls on some occasions. I didn’t realize that we would bond as much as we actually are, we talked about things from as silly conspiracies we believed in all the way to the deep shit like our familiarity with addiction. Which believe me, I was not expecting to have him be so open with me when it came to that topic. I suppose he felt the connection due to my experiences with it throughout my childhood with my older brother. Other than the sly compliments through our talking, he’d even pop up at my work and without a word leave food behind with Ashley (the receptionist obviously). I probably shouldn’t have slipped up and told him how I didn’t eat sometimes through my double shifts. I was now sitting on my bed back at my apartment, staring at the most recent text message I had received from him.
“btw some of my friends are throwing a party at their place and I’d rather not go alone… come with?” I didn’t know what to say, do I go and hang out with him one on one? Does he want to introduce me to his friends low key to see how I reacted? I obviously left out the specific detail that I might’ve watched him and his friends videos through college so what if I go there and freak the fuck out? I ran a hand across my face once before I shook my head, picking my phone back up and quickly typing, “Can’t let you suffer alone now can I?” I sucked my bottom lip in between my teeth, weighing the pros and cons of sending the message before saying fuck it and clicking the arrow to send it. Not even five seconds later I got a reply along with the wink emoji, “ill send you the location darling, party starts at 8.” My eyebrows furrowed slightly as I quickly glanced up at the time on my phone before my eyes widened. Oh my fuck I have three hours to get my shit together and look presentable. I quickly clicked a specific number in my phone, lifting it up to my ear and said, “Hey Rachel… I need your help. How fast can you get here?” Thank god for having a best friend who lived 10 minutes away.
My eyes were locked on my reflection in the mirror of my dresser, the light rose color of blush starting to show up where Rachel applied it. The grin never failed to leave her face as she picked my outfit out all the way through to the putting on the final touches of my makeup. The wideness of her smile made one slowly start to grow on mine as I gently bumped her arm with my shoulder. “Stop grinning like that,” I whined softly, hearing her scoff slightly as I continue. “Its just a party its not like he’s about to propose Rach.”
She rolled her eyes, moving in front of me to inspect her work; the smile still obvious. “Oh cmon Kels, you’ve been gaga for him since college and now you’re literally the main character in a fanfic.”
Now that comment made me roll my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest as I looked at her. “I don’t do parties, especially parties that involve famous fuckin Youtubers.”
She came and sat down beside me on my bed, my head automatically falling onto her shoulder. “Then why’d you agree to go with him?” She asked, her fingers twisting a makeup brush between them.
A tedious habit I noticed she did when she focused on a conversation. I shrugged slightly, not being able to help the small smile that spread on my lips. The answer coming so simply and yet, still made those pesky butterflies erupt in my stomach.
“Because I feel like he could actually become something to me.”
She lightly bumped her shoulder up to make me look at her, the grin making her nose scrunch up slightly. “Then make tonight worth it.”
Rachel had been long gone by the time I had to make my way into an Uber to head towards the location Aryia had sent me. When the uber pulled up at the location, my mouth went dry as I quickly recognized the house before me. It was the trap house, THE trap house that Sam Golbach, Corey Scherer, Jake Webber and the infamous Colby Brock moved into once their apartment days were behind them. The beep of a horn that was waiting for my Uber to move, snapped me out of my thoughts. Nodding a thank you to the driver I finally stepped out, brushing my hair behind my hair behind my shoulder as I walked up to the door. My nose crinkled slightly as the guard who was blocking the door put his arm out in front of me. I opened my mouth to argue about him letting me in before I heard him, someone who I spent nights before talking to.
“It’s okay Patrick,” He said, stepping out of the house and slipping his hand into mine. “She’s with me.” As those left his lips, his eyes finally locked with mine; gently pulling me inside behind him. The music was loud and people were flooded throughout the house, some faces were familiar and some not so much. Goosebumps swept through my body as I felt Aryias lips brush against my ear, him whispering in my ear due to the music.
“You look amazing by the way.”
Five simple words that made my face heat up completely, shaking my head as I said, “I do wear things other than scrubs and pajamas.” He lead me through the crowd to the back of the house, my eyes widening slightly in awe as I looked around at all the fairy lights. Well those were certainly new. We sat down on a bench that was placed right under the lights, our legs brushing as we both got comfortable. A sheepish smile came across his lips, his body turning to face me slightly before he said, “is this a super shitty first hangout? If it is we can like totally ditch.”
I laughed softly, shaking my head and turning my body to match his. “Definitely not, honestly if it was just us two somewhere I’d probably be more nervous than I am.”
The words slipped from my lips with ease, a flush coming back to my cheeks. I watched as his eyebrow cocked playfully and with a tilt of his head said, “Oh so I make you nervous aye?”
I rolled my eyes, gently hitting his shoulder with the palm of my hand; not being able to control the smile. “Oh hush, you’re just lucky I blessed you with my presence tonight.”
A softness crossed over his features, one that I’ve only seen once before with Ronnie at the hospital. His hand went and gently laid on the top of my knee, his thumb rubbing it ever so gently. “Blessed is definitely the word I’d use.”
My eyes glanced down at his position on my knee, my hand going to lay gently on top of his. I shook my head slightly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before saying, “You trying to make putty in your hands or is this just your natural charm?”
I watched as he rolled his eyes, the smile starting to grow on his lips. “Maybe a little bit of both but I’m enjoying the putty part of you.”
I rolled my eyes, licking my lips as I run a hand nervously through my hair. I felt as he gently squeezed my knee before he lifted his hand up from it. “I’m goin to get us both a soda, I’ll be back in a bit love,” he said, gently brushing his finger against my jaw before walking inside.
I felt my cheeks flush with redness, shaking my head as I took out my phone to pass the time that he was gone. The scrolling through my phone didn’t last a long time before I felt a body plop down beside me. I glanced up, expecting to see Aryias hazels eyes looking at me but was in for a surprise as I saw instead, bright blue ones. I noticed the confused look across his face, a slight chuckle coming from me.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Kelsea and you are?” I asked, trying to act as if I had no clue of the man in front of me or our history he didn’t even know about.
A small chuckle escaped him that matched mine, a slight nod coming as he said, “Colby Brock, this is sort of my party doll. Which confuses me as to why I’ve never seen you here before?” I swallowed slightly, plastering a smile onto my lips as I sat up straighter to look at him.
“Was invited, guess the host didn’t get the memo aye?” The remark came out sassier than I intended but I couldn’t help but notice the smirk appear on his.
“A feisty one we have here huh? I like that. Least I got a name to match the mysterious beauty.” I swallowed again, feeling my stomach flip slightly as I did a slight nod. The words coming from him were… unexpected and flirty? It made me speechless, only able to do a nod in response which made him speak once again.
“Can I get you a drink babe? We have all sorts of liquor or even a seltzer like I have here,” he said, lifting up his own solo cup.  I opened my mouth to reply before I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. The approach making me jump slightly and glance up, letting out a slight breath of relief as I saw Aryia smiling adoringly down at me. He looked at me a moment before looking at Colby, his head tilting slightly.
“I see you’ve met Kelsea, the vet I told you about that helped Ronnie?” I glanced over at Colby, relaxing back into Aryias gentle touch and trying to hide the smirk that grew as Colby’s dropped. He cleared his throat briefly before he stood up, smiling politely at Aryia.
“Oh, didn’t know she was with you brother. Seems like a good one.” He excused himself after saying that, his hand rubbing Aryias shoulder while he walked past. Aryia resumed his position beside me, my eyes glancing back at Colby just to see his already on mine. The quick wink he sent me, made me tense up slightly before I looked back at Aryia. He held out the solo cup to me, our fingers brushing as I took the cup from him. Peering down into it as I noticed the fizzy substance inside of it, the smile growing back onto my lips as I relaxed. I could tell Aryia noticed the breath of relief that I let out when he put his hand back on my leg. “
“Are you okay? We can leave if you want, I know these parties can be… a bit much.”
His words seemed genuine and seemed like he actually cared for my wellbeing and comfort which was new to me. I let myself place my hand on top of his, my eyes growing softer as I looked at the man in front of me. My fingers gently brushed his to lay right between his on my leg, gaining comfort from such an innocent motion.
“I’m perfect and I know we both agreed that we were terrible dancers before I came but I gotta ask. You wanna dance?”
I raise an eyebrow, taking my bottom lip slightly between my teeth as I worried about his reply. A slight scoff came from his lips, taking my drink from me and placing it on the ground beside the bench. I watched as he stood up and held out his hand to me, a playful look in his eyes.
“Hope you don’t embarrass easy, let’s dance.”
 The time I spent dancing with Aryia felt like time didn’t pass, the amount of times I busted out laughing due to him acting like a fool made it unforgettable. I feel by the time we finally stepped off to the side to catch our breathes, him making me laugh as much as humanly possible was his goal. My back was leaned against the wall by the kitchen, my eyes staying on Aryia as he spoke about a time, he got so plastered at one of these things that he ended up puking off a balcony. My attention was caught as a little wave was mustered by, of course, Colby in the kitchen. My attention for a moment left Aryia to look at Colby, curious as to why he even wanted my attention in the first place. Once he realized he had caught my eyes, he glanced down to a random girl that was staring at him all doe eyed. He curled his finger against her jawbone before practically shoving his tongue down her throat, making a look of disgust cross over my face. I quickly turned my attention back to Aryia to see him looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Oh fuck, I definitely have been caught not listening. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment, shaking my head quickly as I placed my hand gently up to lay against his neck.
“I’m sorryyyyy,” I said, pouting my lip out quickly as I started to give him puppy dog eyes. “I thought I saw someone I knew, got distracted,” I finished, keeping my puppy dog face up before a little huff fell from his lips. He placed his hand over the one on my neck, looking down at me with a smile.
“If I was boring you baby you could’ve told me.” I opened my mouth to argue before realization crossed over me and I let a smirk come onto my lips.
“Oh, I’m baby now huh?” I said, gently tapping my fingers against his neck as I watched as he blushed ever so slightly. He took his bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before letting it go, a shrug rolling off his shoulders.
“I’d like for you to be…” He drifted off, his tone sounding genuine which made my stomach curl into a knot. I let his words set with me for a moment, giving myself time to examine his face completely. From the way his eyes were slightly dark from the lack of sleep he spoke about struggling with, but also somehow holding light whenever he smiled. Fuck, that smile, I couldn’t even begin to describe how I ached to have that smile stay on his lips forever. I slipped my fingers from his neck to lay against my side, letting a smile come onto my lips.
“I’d like that too.” My voice was quiet, and the nerves were obvious in my slow movements, not really sure where to place my hands in that moment. I feel like he could sense that because before I could even breath, he reached and gently placed my left hand on his side. I could feel the curl of his side under my fingertips as he reached and placed my right one on the back of his neck. The motions he put me made him step closer to me, making me let out a nervous breath at how close we were. His fingers went and delicately held my chin between his index finger and thumb. My eyes glanced back and forth between his eyes; I swore I could feel the bass of the music match the rhythm of my heart. He leaned down slightly, our eyes staying locked before he stopped right as his lips were above mine. I could feel his breath hit my lips as he said just loud enough for me to hear him, “I won’t hurt you Kels.” After those words slipped from him, I felt his lips meet mine. He gave me a few moments to push him away before he stepped closer to put his free hand on my hip. My stomach instantly flipped as his lips connected to mine, my fingers curling around his body as I kissed him back. For the first time in forever, I felt like he wouldn’t break those five words he spoke to me
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justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part three
Summary: Connections become discovered and a specific someone learns about the past that Kelsea has been trying to hide continuously. Agreements are made and risks are about to be taken. Would all this be worth him not finding out the truth about her admiration of him?
Warnings: Swearings
Word Count: 1,249
The party passed without another inconvenience from him, we danced, laughed some and kisses were exchanged ever so often. Aryia was literally the sweetest person I had ever came in contact with and I could honestly say he made a feeling grow in my stomach that had never appeared before. He made me want to let someone in, to let someone know what keeps me up at night and what I feared most. The happiness I had gained with him being in my life the small amount he has was something I truly was not familiar with. I feel like this is all too good to be true, that I’ll find a way to fuck it up or cause him to get tired of me. Insecurities still echoed in my head, the constant wonders of whether he’ll get tired of me and just leave. Seems silly given my age but what can I say, I’m only used to happy endings in my dreams.
As I was slipping off the jacket I had slipped on before leaving, my phone lit up with a follow request. I peered over at it, a smile growing over my lips as I saw ‘badboywolfy requested to follow you’ appear on the screen. Thankfully, due to Rachels advisory, I had already gone through and unliked all the photos I had in the past and unfollowed him completely. If I was planning on leaving him in the dark about the knowledge of his existence before we met, that had to happen. I know what you’re wondering, why do I even want to keep that from him? Well, let’s just say he wasn’t the first of the friend group I had grown a liking to. I’d much rather like to keep that little liking a secret in order to not let drama start to fizzle up and ruin things. It was just a stupid infatuation for a Youtuber, that shit was common all the time and it’s definitely not there anymore, right?
Snapping out of my thoughts, I went to accept his request only for my thumb to freeze. There wasn’t just one follow request on my phone, there were two and I was definitely not prepared for the username that appeared above his. The user ‘colbybrock’ with the accept and deny option showed, the nerves in my stomach appearing once more. I knew that he already had noticed that him following me would make us mutuals. The dm request that appeared in my inbox was another obstacle that I was not expecting to have to handle from him. I quickly swiped and approved Aryias request before I went and looked at the dm. The words appearing on my screen made my heart fall into my stomach.
“Oh, so you did know who I was, didn’t you doll?” You could just hear the cockiness in his words, even over a message. I swallowed, my hands becoming slightly clammy as I typed and sent back, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Must’ve been an accident.”
The seen appeared right as I hit sent, that motherfucker was waiting for me to respond. The typing action appeared on the message before the words quickly appeared along with the kissy emoji, “don’t worry, I’ll keep your dirty little secret safe. Especially those cheeky drunk messages that just appeared for me.” Seeing those words appear across my screen made me go back to the night everything changed in my eyes.
It was the beginning of my college experience, the time in my life that I needed some happiness to cling on to. That’s when I got introduced to a duo channel called ‘Sam and Colby’ by one of my then roommates. The pull I felt to this duo was stronger than any other Youtuber I had watched before, especially a certain one in that duo called Colby Brock. I was automatically in trance by the way he smiled with his whole mouth and how his laugh could cause anyone to laugh. He truly made me get out of the shitty mental place I was in for the beginning of college, including finally escaping the toxicity of my relationship then. Those drunken nights where I’d stumble home and get into bed, I somehow always ended up sending a drunken message to him. Who cares when the possibility of a person with a million followers will never see it right? Everything was great for over a year or so of being in his ‘lane’ as the stans would say. By the time I was around a Junior, I just didn’t feel the attachment I had once. It was like I was seeing a whole new side of him, the constant white claws being drank and hanging out with people that... didn’t seem to really match him. I just couldn’t handle it anymore; I still watched the collab videos and his videos. What kind of person would I be if I still didn’t help support, but I got tired of comparing myself to the models he was constantly around? That’s when I found Aryia and the rest was history.
I got snapped out of my thoughts by a noise coming from down on my phone, I glanced at it only to feel my mouth go dry at the notification from Colby. “For a small condition.”
My eyes narrowed slightly, feeling my jaw clench slightly as I quickly typed back, “And what would that condition be?” I bit at the end of my nail in anticipation, not knowing what could possibly be swimming around in his brain. I would not do anything that could ruin what I have with Aryia, I wouldn’t let it.
“Come have a few drinks with me. Without Aryia there.” I scoffed slightly as I reread the words, shaking my head as I felt confusion wash over me. Why would he even care about those messages? The date of sending obviously gave away how long ago it was so he definitely didn’t think I could be interested in him, right?
I quickly typed back, “why do you even want that?”
The reply I received was almost instant, making my face curl up into a cringe “I’d like to know what makes you so special to win over someone so against love like Aryia. Tomorrow night, make up an excuse doll.” I rolled my eyes, typing back, “stop calling me that,” before I swiped out of the message and ran a hand through my hair.
Another beep alerted making an audible groan come from my lips, expecting it to be the troublemaker who was just taking up my time. I was pleasantly surprised to see a post that had been posted by Aryia, my cheeks instantly flushing as it was a picture we had taken after our first kiss. You couldn’t see our eyes in the edited version he had posted but the smiles on our faces were clear as day. It was a polaroid that Katrina insisted of taking of us, our cheeks were still flushed from the moment that we had a few moments before. The caption underneath it made my heart swell, it being ever so simple and yet it still made the smile grow on my lips. “To more smile with you.” I shook my head, giving the picture a like before locking my phone for the night. There was no way I was letting Colby Brock ruin this for me, no matter what had to be revealed.
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justherekinda · 4 years
In Your Dreams // part 4
Summary: An evening with Colby Brock; touches are exchanged but will that change what Kelsea feels for Aryia? Secrets are finally exposed and tears are shed, will he react well to the news or will she lose him completely? 
Warnings: Swearing and Alcohol 
Word Count: 2,529
Note: In no way am I assuming that Colby Brock is like this in real life nor is Aryia. This is all fiction.
The next day soon came and I could feel the nerves start to build up again as the time that I had to meet with Colby started getting closer. I didn’t know what to tell Aryia in general, on one hand I could tell him the truth, or I could say I’m going to go hang out with Rachel for the night and pray he doesn’t question me further. I already cleared the potential lie through Rachel, she was okay with it, of course, but she still insisted on me telling the truth. Well, she was a little bit for both because she was still under the whole Colby Brock spell like most. I wanted to tell Aryia what was going on, I was just afraid the way he’d see me after the fact. I don’t want to start off the relationship that I’ve wanted for years with a lie, that leads to trust issues and communication issues. That’s what’s ruined so many relationships in my past and I would rather not lose this one.
My thoughts got interrupted as I got a text from Aryia, the knot in my stomach growing as I saw his name appear on my notifications. The text wasn’t anything insane or crazy, just a simple ‘hey darling’ with the little smiley face with the hearts around it emoji. Surprisingly a common emoji that he used often, oh man what the fans would do if they knew his soft ass used that. I shook my head, the smile evident on my lips as I quickly typed back before I lost the nerve to.
“hi honey.. I have something to tell you about later tonight.” The bubbles appeared on the screen before they disappeared and a facetime call came onto my phone. My eyes widened instantly, my options weighing in my head as my thumb ghosted over the accept button on the phone. I tapped the accept after a few moments, the smile growing on my lips as his face quickly appeared on my screen. His eyebrows were furrowed, a slight frown crossing his lips as he looked into the camera.
“What’s goin on Kels?” he asked, his tone full of concern. I shook my head quickly, a small laugh coming from my lips as I waved him off with my hand.
“Nothing bad! I promise,” I said, biting my lip slightly before I continued. “I just wanted to run… an idea by you? Just to make sure you were like okay with it first I guess.”
His head tilted slightly, furrowing his eyebrows as he plopped down onto his computer chair. “And what would this idea be?” I swallowed, biting my lip once more before I spoke, glancing everywhere but the screen; scared to see his reaction.
“So, Colby sort of messaged me and asked me to come have a chat with him, says he wants to get my opinion on a dog that he’s thinking about adopting.”
The silence that filled the air made my stomach clench, finally growing the nerve to look up at him. He looked deep in thought, as if a million thoughts were spinning through his head. After what felt like forever he finally nodded once, meeting my eyes and said, “and you wanted to see if I was okay with that?”
I nodded again, keeping my bottom lip between my teeth as I waited for him to go on. A slight scoff came from his lips before he smiled at me, relief rushing over my body. “I don’t care what you do Kels, if I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t of introduced you to my friends anyway.”
I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding in, letting a grin again take over my features. “Okay cool, I dunno I just wanted to clear it with you first.”
“I’m your boyfriend, not your guardian Kels, I do appreciate it though.” With that last comment the topic flipped to him telling me about a new song he was working on, and I thank god it did.
Soon enough, I was standing out the same house I was a few days prior but why I did feel more nervous now than I did before. Before I could even raise my fist to hit against the wooden door it opened, and a shirtless Colby stood before me. The smirk quickly appeared on his lips as I crinkled my nose up, looking up at him with a huff.
“Don’t you own a shirt?” I said with a hint of snark, quickly stepping inside as a laugh came from his lips.
“Oh, from what your messages said seems you like me specifically like this.” His words made my jaw clench, turning to look at him as I hit his shoulder with the back of my hand.
“Can you shut up before the other guys hear you.” That statement made him roll his eyes, kicking the door shut as he made his way to sit on the couch. Two tangerine unopened White Claws already waiting there for us, oh so he was waiting for me to come.  I watched warily as he sat down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. I narrowed my eyes slightly as I went and sat on the opposite end, crossing my legs under me as I looked at him.
“Well aren’t you just a chatty one,” sarcasm dripping from him as he popped open the can. I rolled my eyes, looking at him with my arms crossed over my chest.
“Not like I wanted to come here Brock, you blackmailing fuck.” He laughed, the sound making a smile come onto my lips without my ability to stop it. He must’ve noticed the very slight smile I had because he slid closer to me, making sure our knees grazed each other’s. He swiftly reached and handed me my drink, even making sure to pop the tap for me.
“Oh c’mon, you can’t help me for wanting to have some alone time with the one girl who didn’t try to rip my clothes off with the first interaction.” The cockiness that flooded his aura made me roll my eyes, taking a drink from the can before looking at him.
“I was there with Aryia, Colby, I’m sure you saw that.” The smirk grew on his lips, leaning in slightly to get closer to me.
“Oh, so was that the only thing stopping you doll?” He said, tilting his head slightly with our bodies inches apart. A slight huff came from me, air coming from my nose as I pushed him away from me slightly while I sat up straight.
“Definitely not Colby, I’m not interested in you. Not anymore.” I felt his fingertips brush against my knee, my eyes going to his mouth as he dragged his tongue across the bottom of his top teeth before a smirk appeared.
“Is that why you just stared at my mouth, what is it baby? Were you hoping I’d do something?” I swallowed slightly, sliding backwards as I felt my back hit the arm of the couch. The closer he got, the bigger the knot in my stomach grew and with that, it made me down what I had left in my can.
“I think I need another one of these if this conversation has to continue.”
Seven White Claws later, a conversation shift from Aryia to some stupid trip Colby took to Kansas a few weeks that ended with him burning a couch and Colbys hand is now rubbing my knee. Usually, alcohol makes me frisky and want to be with anyone who is even this close to me but this time it felt different. I didn’t want to be here with Colby, I wanted to be with Aryia and that made a pout instantly come onto my lips. The laughing seized from my lips as the pout appeared, this drawing the attention from Colby. His head tilted as he looked at me, the white claws he consumed having very little affect on him. He was not nearly to the level I was but that didn’t stop his eyes from landing on my pouting lips. He reached and brushed his thumb across it, a slight huff coming from me as he smirked. I watched as he got up to grab another can, giving me just enough time in my drunken state to get my phone out. I quickly went to the messages between Aryia and I, sending a quick ‘pls come get me’ before Colby got back. He heard the whoosh come from my phone as the message sent, making his eyebrows furrow and glance at my phone. My delayed reflexes to locking my phone and the groan coming from his lips signified he had saw the message. He stood up quickly, racking his fingers through his hair as he looked at me with a shake of his head.
“He’s going to be so fuckin pissed Kelsea, good job.” His tone made a slight whimper come from my lips, sinking deeper into the couch as he continued. “You realize how much the fans will hate you if you end our friendship, good luck winning his love then.”
My voice slurred, my tongue getting twisted as I finally managed to get out, “I’d rather risk it than lose him completely.” He scoffed again, yanking the drink from my grasp with such roughness that made another whimper come from me. At my drunken state, tears started to build up quicker that made me pull my knees up to my chest.
“I want Aryia.” I said through a sniffle, the tears starting to freely run down my cheeks as the door swung open. Within seconds I felt the rough fingertips lay against my shoulders, the fingertips that had spent years getting beaten and ripped from guitar strings. Voices were coming through my ears muffled, my eyes closing as the room started to spin around me as I whimpered again. My arms were out as I felt Aryias gently usher me from my curled up position on the couch. As my feet hit the wooden floor of the house, I managed to get out in a murmured tone, “please take me home with you.”
Lips gently touched my temple before he walked us towards the door. The last words being called over his shoulder, the tone harsh and almost a growl. “Don’t fucking ask her over again Cole.”
I just knew I had ruined what I had between Aryia and I, I involved alcohol in our dynamics and now he’s going to leave me after tonight. Fuck, I couldn’t even last a week with this guy who actually cared about me over some stupid secret. Okay, maybe the alcohol had made me a tad bit emotional because by the time we pulled up to his house I was full blown bawling. I’ve never seen him move so fast where he opened the passenger door and knelt down to look at me. Shushes were coming from his lips as he held my face between his hands, thumbs brushing away the tears that were falling.
“Kels… Kels look at me it’s okay you’re okay,” his tone was gentle and soft. I shook my head, tears continuing to fall as I spoke, my words getting tangled.
“But are we okay? I know I fucked up, I have issues saying no to people and I should’ve stopped at the one he offered I’m so sorry Aryia, I’m so sorry.” I could feel my voice break at the last sorry that slipped from my lips, finally looking up at him. My bloodshot eyes meeting his kind hazel ones, a smile on his lips as his thumb continued to brush; trying to soothe me.
“Baby, Baby listen to me, its okay. Accidents happen and it’s not a huge deal,” he said, a soft chuckle coming from him before he continued. “I’m just glad you texted me when you did, I was slightly worried when I hadn’t heard from you.” His words were sincere, I could tell by the look that showed in his eyes as he looked at me.
My voice came out as a croak, a slight smile finally showing up after my cry fest, “You promise?” He nodded, unbuckling me before he helped me out of his car. I could somewhat walk on my own but there was still a slight stumble occurring here and there. I guess that crying and realization hitting me had sobered me up slightly.
We made it into his room after having a quick introduction to his roommates; Kevin, Reggie and Cassie. I hated this was how they had to meet me for the first time, talk about great first impressions right? Aryia helped sit me down on his bed, brushing his thumb tenderly against my cheek before he walked towards his dresser. This gave me a moment to give him one good look, he had one of his own merch items on but it had been cut to be in a type of muscle shirt fashion. Cotton shorts hung loosely on his hips as I watched him dig through his drawers in the search for clothes for me. I let out an audible sigh, shaking my head as I decided to be truthful to him.
“Aryia?” His name came from my lips in the form of a question, making him turn around with a pair of boxers and one of his shirts in his hand.
“Yeah Kels?” He said, his head tilting as he looked at me. I bite my lip, patting the spot gently beside me as he came over and plopped down beside me. I turned my body to face him, reaching over to gently lay my hand on top of his. I gave his hand a squeeze before I took a deep breath, my eyes staying on our hands as I began.
“Aryia, I need to tell you something and I need you to promise me to listen through before you say anything. Okay?” He could tell by my tone that I was serious, he nodded once before he gave my hand a squeeze back. That’s when I began telling him everything, from my discovery of the Sam and Colby channel, to me being completely infatuated with the thought of the Youtuber Colby Brock. Telling him about when the disinterest came and finally letting it spill that I knew who he was when he walked into that clinic. I couldn’t read his reaction to that tidbit of information, but I ended it by explaining the truth as to why I was there and what Colby had over me. The way he listened to me and gave me reassurance through his touches made me become at ease a little. His grip tightened on mine in some moments but for the most part it was okay. Once I finished speaking, the silence grew between us for a few moments. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife, and I was just waiting for what he could possibly say to me after all of this.
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