#as Kim said did Louis scent it before he left
sadaveniren · 5 months
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2024 🤝🏻 2015 Harry inexplicably forcing Larry coded pieces into his outfits
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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***NOT DOUBLE CHECKED AS OF 6/25...I NEED A BREAK FROM THIS LOL! But I know you guys want it so I’ll spell check the full 12k tomorrow..it was checked in portions though!****
This chapter of “Family Ties”  which I’ve labeled as chapter 3.5, can be read as a stand alone and there won’t really be any confusion. BUT it’s necessary for part 4, as the majority of that chapter takes place in Shanghai, there was some backstory that needed to be unwrapped prior to them heading to China. So I thought it would be better to do it as a little excerpt...
WARNINGS: LORDT, semi public sex, slight cum and spit play, very very very light daddy kink, light dom Tae, ugh I guess alochol play...I mean he poors Vodka down her body so yeah...oral (F recieving) Sex ontop of a marble bartop, dirty talk...non protective sex….OH light drug use (Weed) Alochol ..lanuguage...I mean it’s a mafia fic sooo…
12K ...Dialog/storyline heavy as per usual
11:30 AM Downtown LA (About 3 months prior to chapter 1 ) 
ONE SHOT SUMMARY: Just a “normal” monthly recap with Henry, who runs one of there bigger distribution warehouses in China. Well,maybe the meeting will be normal depends on if he’s keeping shit together or not!  I’ll give you a hint...he’s not (This dose tie into chapter 4, as it’s the same warehouse! ) 
Once their done with “that”, Taehyung impromptuly decides it’s been a little too long since he’s had Luxx to himself so they Jet off (literally) to Veagas for the rest of the day. 
-If your new to this, the only thing you may wanna know is Luxx or Luxxy is (Y/N’s nickname, the same way V is Taehyungs) 
-The actually seres itself is centered in Boston so both of them have accents.
Lastly at the time this is a somewhat dysfuctional fuck buddy/business partner situation, that was still in it’s very early stages. The actual series is set around an alliance between four families..so Luxx and Tae, are the children of two very power bomb bosses within the same alliance. That also run multiple multi million dollar “Facade” companies as well.( I.E..business that can explain their wealth, now weather the monies actually dirty or clean..is none of the government's business) 
The restaurant was dimly lit, aesthetically pleasing would be an understatement, The white Parisian designed ceiling tiles, against the black accent walls. All of the gold infused marble detailing that danced along the bar, the drop down candle lit lanterns...every over the top element you could think of this place had it. But to be fair the “WOW” factor kinda wore off after the 3rd visit now it’s just.. “Oh this place has really good pasta and seafood!” 
Killing time as you scrolled through your phone, skimming through your DM’S on Instagram, finding yourself rolling your eyes at the majority of them. The scent of “Armani Code Profumo” danced through your nose as Taehyung took a seat to your right. His black Barocco silk Versace shirt was anything but subtle as it caught your peripheral. The shirt itself sat extremely low, clearly he wanted the world to know he’s been hitting the gym with Mazda. The strong muscle definition that was forming along his chest, radiating off his warm caramel complexion. A couple thin gold chains layered down his chest, one of them had a V in the middle which could stand for Versace..or “V”.
 Thick, dark, wavy locks sat loosely tousled, along his head, this was the longest it’s been in a while to be honest you prefer it this way. Gave you more to tug on when his face is smothered between your thighs, a couple strands fucked behind his ears showcasing two modest diamond studs.
Hand coming down to rest casually on your bare thigh, not even bothering to say one word, as this is the first time you've seen him since arriving at brunch. The two of you drove here separately as you had a nail appointment prior. Not even sparing him a glance since he didn't have the nerve to speak.
 “Ah Mr. Khan, I’m so sorry I didn't notice you arrived can I get you something to drink?” The waitress sounds slightly out of breath you wouldn’t be surprised if she literally ran over once she noticed him. 
Khan, Taehyung-Khan-Kim, Taehyung Kim, Taehyung Khan, Kim Taehyung, V...they were all the same person, and they all held the same amount of power. Just depends on the atmosphere and more importantly the relationship. Or in some cases the light he wanted to be seen in, businessman by day, Mob underboss by night.... All of you had hyphenated last names..to the public typically his last name was Khan, on the black market it’s Kim or “V”.
It was clear he got the same gist, as he silently observed her body language the arrogance that laid within the chuckle that rumbled through his chest said it all. Licking his lips slowly, head cocked slightly to the side and he gazed up at the women in front of him. "Your fine love relax, I just got here, but yes can I get a bottle of Charbay Release III? Oh and about 4 more glasses” 
Smiling back in her direction as you tried your hardest not to roll your eyes at the way he was just toying her around his little finger. Taehyung was well aware of the affect his voice had on people, and knew how to manipulate his tenor depending on the audience. At the moment it was currently up for debabte if he said “I want whiskey and 4 glases or if he said, let me bend you over this table and fuck you” 
By the look on her face, it seemed like he said the 2nd option, her cheeks turning a very vibrate shade of red. The poor girl looked like she was a second away from passing out before she turned away. “Yes sir, I’ll get that right away..” A quick smile leaving her lips before she scurred over to the bar, stopping herself dead in her tracks once she realized she hadn’t addressed you as well. 
“Luxx? Are you still doing okay? Would you like another Ciroc X on the rocks?” Regardless of the fact that she was a second away from jizzing her pants..her customer service skills did not falter between the two. She was just as attentive to you as she was Taehyung which you deeply appreciated. 
Slowly lowering your phone from your face to greet her with a quick smile before responding “No, babe I’m good, I’m actually gonna babysit this, I havent really eaten’ much today. Thank you though…” Fluttering your lashes in Taehyung's direction as she walked off, his thumb moving in slow circles along your thigh, before allowing his entire palm to join in. Hating the fact that you could feel the goosebumps raising along your skin and it wasn’t because you were cold, it was solely due to the man to your right. 
“Oh your fine love…” Mocking his overly flirtatious delivery with a roll of the eyes, bringing your attention back to your phone.
“What was that? Is someone a little jealous..don’t I tell you your fine enough as it is?” OH now he speaks!? Tone blanently teasing as he nuzzled his nose behind your ear, taking in your scent briefly. Toying the skinny white gold hop in your ear around his teeth, tugging lightly, just the way you like it. Forcing yourself to put on your best poker face as he pulled back from you swiftly, you could feel the smirk on his face without even looking at him.
Another scoff left your lips as you sip your drink “Yeah you wish….” 
“You look really sexy by the way….” Eyes taking you in and undressing you all at the same time , you weren't wearing anything super dramatic. Just a short, black long sleeved silk dress that draped open slightly in the front..exposing a not so modest diamond body chain the hung perfectly between your breasts. Hair pin straight parted down the middle purposely tucked behind your ears while the rest draped down your back. The rich shine of your hair rivaling the silk on his shirt and it should. As much as you pay to keep it looking like this because lord knows you don’t do it yourself.! 
“Yeah I know,” Your snapback was almost instinctual at this point you didn't even process the words before they left your lips, as you tossed the straid of hair off your shoulder. Earning a snort in response, an almost menacing smirk tugged on the corner of your lips at the way his eyes were shamlessly fucking you as we speak. The pads of his fingers continuously moved inward, massagings your inner thigh against his palm.
“Such a fuckin brat….”There was always the perfect combination of frustraion and arousal laced along his tongue whenever he called you that...always… 
Before you even had time to response the waitress was bringing the bottle and Mazda was bringing the Henry. I guess his flight from China finally landed, you swore this motherfucker looked like he barley skimmed past customs or something from the look on his face. Already ready to shit 3 bricks and you havent even spoken to him yet. 
“Well, this looks promising” you whispered out low against the side of his neck, sarcasm oozing from your lips earning a chuckle, while he dug his nails into your inner thigh.
“Henrryyy!!!” The two of you yelled out in unison..sliding out of your seat to greet him as he made his way closer to your table. Giving him a warm welcome hugs and all,exchanging the norms “How are you? How as the flight” blah blah blah. 
Taehyung instructed Namjoon and Mazda to head over to the bar, grab a drink get some food, just chill out while the three of you had your little meeting. 
You noticed a leather backpack handing off his shoulder which he placed in the empty seat to his right as he set parallel to Taehyung and yourself. The backpack was Louis Vuittion which was actually surprising, he was paid well but lived VERY modest. A minimalist if you will, never really one to splurge, it was rare you say him in name brands of that caliber. The waitress waiting patiently for him to get settled before asking what he’d like to drink.
“Oh ugh, can I just get-Ummm..” The tremble in his voice was saying more than anything even the waitress noticed he seemed utterly terrified. 
“Don't get shy all of a sudden, you can get whatever you want Henry you know that, hell I mean you deserve it right? You've been down there busting your ass for us for what Tae? Three years now?”
Head cocked to the side slightly as you await his response sipping down the rest of his drink before humming out . “Hell yeah. I mean honestly we don’t know what we’d do without you, out of all of our warehouses revenue wise, your sitting at the top of the boards right now man! “ 
Switching has gaze seamlessly from Henry to the waitress, shooting her his award winning boxy smile “Can you please just bring us a bottle of your best...do you prefer dark or-”
“Whiskey!..umm any type of whiskey please and thank you.” Smiling faintly in her direction before she scurried off to grab another bottle. 
You watched him reach into his bag to grab out 3 folders..they were his monthly reports from the past 4 months..he made triplicate copies one for each of you.
“Always the professional” Smiling back at him fondly as your eyes dusted over the well put together package in front of you.
“How about we look over the menu first and place our orders, then we can dive into the good shit.Yeah?” Eyes glancing over to Henry’s and yourself who both seemed to nod with zero hesitation, you both knew Henry was probably starving. 
“I don't know what I even have a taste for…” The words left your lips sing song like and smirk appeared on Tae’s as he moved a little closer. Bringing his voice barely above a whisper...
“I know what I want..buttt it’s not on the menu…” You couldnt help but snort out a lugh it was cheesy as fuck but even wth that you still found it extremlly sexy. His voice alone worked wonders, it also didn't help that his hand was still positioned dangerously close to your bikini line! A row of extremely thin white gold bands dancing along almost every finger, as the metal brushed against your flesh. 
“Down boy…” Patting his thigh slightly, swiftly bringing his opposite hand down to meet yours, placing it in his lap. Making you take a quick squeeze at this dick through his black jeans which were extremely tight by the way. The way this man's thighs were set up you really didin’t understand how they even fit on his damn body!
“Oh no he’s definitely not down right now…” He didn't even care to whisper that part and the fact that it slipped out his mouth a full volume with zero context sent you 100%! 
This time the cackle that left your lips wasn;t even close to subtle causing Henry to shoot up glancing over in confusion. You found yourself laughing until tears were threatening the corners of your eyes. 
“You good Luxxy? Jet lag kicking in orrrr…” Taehyung asked faking a plea of innocence as he glanced over at Henry.
The light playful energy the two of you raitated started to calm him down, maybe he really was just over analyzing everything. Hell you typically had monthly and or quarterly meetings so why was he so nervous about this one!? 
The waitress came back to take your food orders, you three joked, laughed, had a couple drinks ...split 3 appetizers amongst yourselves. Once the entrees came to the table  it was time to get down to business…
“Sooo, as Tae said earlier, your numbers are looking really good, were very impressed! I feel like we may owe you a raise or a new car or something…” A slight smirk danced along your lips before wrapping your lips around the piece of bourbon shrimp that sat on top of your fork. 
You watched Henry almost choke on his piece of stake once you said that..a smile tugging on his cheeks, bowing his head as a way to say thank you.
“Yeah and the staff..everyone still doing good? Everyone still pretty lowkey? Happy? Showing up on time, the full nine?” 
This time the questions came from Taehyung as he stuck his fork in a piece of lobster, eyes glancing in Henry's direction.
“Yes, everyones great honestly you put me with a great group of people, no one complains, they work hard every day...you guys pay me well. I have no complaints...I’m very grateful! And I’m glad that I’m delivering on my end as well!”
The two of you hummed out in unison ...exchanging a slight smile, Tae observing the way you were eyeing his asparagus, sticking his fork in it before placing it in your mouth.
“And we're really grateful for you too, all of you, actually so much so that we personally sent out checks and little memos to the employees just as a thank you! When was it like a month or so ago Luxx?”  Brow arched at the implied question while you took another sip of your vodka to wash down your food.
You observed Henry damn near choke on his piece of Broccoli once you said that,suddenly he finally became very aware of the fact that the entire restaurant was completely reserved. There was literally no one in it but, a couple cooks, the waitress, and  the people he worked for. 
“Yeah, and the memo on the payment said that the check was equivalent to there normal weekly pay just as a..bonus if you will. And as you mentioned...everyones just so, sweet and honest that I actually a couple calls...”
You swore you could damn near see the beads of sweat dripping down his ace at this point as he sat in silence waiting for you to finish talking.
“Oh yeah! That’s right, damn,I almost forgot about that….” Taehyung and yourself deserved an Oscar the way you two were playing this out as casual as can be! 
“And what was interesting about the calls, is people were saying we paid them too much. Which for one I’d never call and tell anyone that , I mean hey your fuck up not mine but again like we discussed there all better humans than I’ll ever be. And can you hand me the salt Luxxy?” 
What made the situation even more nauseating was that there wasn’t a shift between the two of you, neither were yelling, nor did you seem upset. Even though he knew you were yet you still carried on eating your dinner and nonchalantly just conversing back and forth as if your talking about the NFL draft or something. 
“Right, so then that had us doing some research we looked into what was coming out of the bank, the paystubs, the amounts that the reports show they should be making, overtime..blah blah blah. And then we had them send us their pay stubs for the past 3 and a half months…” 
You paused slight, for no other reason but to be a dick and make him almost shit his pants …”Apparently, we told them we started taking out what would be equivalent to the taxes owed in the US?” Brow quirked in his direction eyes daring him try and say otherwise, actually daring him to speak in general. 
“I ugh…” He stammered and wasn’t getting to far 
“Shhhh..noo ,stop don’t do that, don’t talk it doesn't work out well for you just eat, eat..and listen..”  shushing him in an alarmingly calm tone of voice , gesturing to the food on his plate that he instantly deserted once you started talking. 
“That stamanet alone just mind fucks me if im honest…”Taking out the American equivalent” while in China!? “ Taehyung's tone elevated slightly and even though the way he ended the statement, it  could be taken as a question Henry knew better. 
”Now for one, every states different so which state did you choose? And second if your taking out taxes were exactly are they going? Because this is starting to sound very Wesley Snipes to me and I’m not down...I’m not really in the mood for jail time.“ 
“No, Tae, I was just trying to-”
“To what!? Huh?Fuck me? Because if that’s the case you should probably lean over and kiss me too because I prefer to be kissed when I’m getting fucked!” 
It took every fiber in your body to not laugh at that, the look on Henry's face didn't help either. “Joonie…” Barley raising your, as the restaurant was  pretty much empty. Cocking his head slightly brow ached waiting for you to continue.
“Can you bring me that folder please?” Namjoon reached into his own leather backpack to bring out your own triplicate copy of what the past four months REALLY look like. Upon placing them on the table you took it upon yourself to deliberately throw Henry’s on the floor.
Leaning forward to rest your chin on your palm while Taehyung shuffled through the reports, eyes zoning in on the last page. ‘’So it seems, the employees were shorted between 100-200$ a paycheck yeah? The average was around $125, and that lasted for 3 months.”
Running through the list quickly as if he was checking off mental bullet points as he spoke.”There's 10 people in the shop...and in those 3 months what we've received as a whole hasn’t increased. Henry your a smart dude so I'm sure you can tell where our concern is coming from yeah?”
The two of you observed the way he fiddled with the papers is brain trying to think of something...ANYTHING. Fingers shaking as he turned the pages, eventually landing on the page that Taehyung was referring too. 
“So…” Pausing to clear his throat “W-what do you guys want…” His tenor wavered like a leaf in the wind struggling to make eye contact.
“Really? That’s how you wanna start this off? That sounds real fuckin’ remoresful Henry!” If you didn't know any better you’d think you could actually feel your blood boiling, “ This was wayyy more than a little fucked up,l for one I’d like you to tell me when you started paying yourself cash. As far as I understood you were the ONLY one who was paid salary and  E-deposit…”
“I, had some financial issues, debt wise, and I was worried because of collections so,  I just thought it would be easier to-”
Unlikely, HIGHLY unlikely...like I said the man lived modest..if he owned someone, or was in debt in anyway it wasn;t through a collections company. But you didn't have it in you to argue that point right now!
“Okay, so if that's the cause you couldn't just call and run that by one of us first? That thought never crossed your mind? More importantly the fact that you actually had the balls, to steal from us,we pay you well we paid your fucking aprtment off and Teahyung fucking bailed out outta shit’s creak and THIS IS-” Your tone elevating slightly, the grit becoming stronger and your accent getting thicker by the syloboll.
“Stop..” Taehyung on the other hand sounds years calmer than you ever could, which was terrifying.  “Not here, not like this…”  It was clear you were getting more than frustrated as your thigh started to tremble under the table. Taehyung's grip tightening as an attempt to ease you “Shhh” He cooed out low against the side of your neck, tone adjusting to as if it was just the two of you in the room.
“I just don't-” The arch in his brow cut you off instantly. 
“What did I just say? Not.Now.”  It’s insane how tranquil he sounds yet his delivery held so much dominance, enough to make you actually shut up and listen. Letting a deep slow exhale leave your body as your eyes flutter anywhere but in Henry’s direction because to be fair you were ready to stick that stak knife dead in his neck!
“If I’m being honest, I’m really tempted to just take you to the back and blow your fuckin head off…..” Henry swallowed so deep you could literally hear it, there was something extremely creepy about Taehyung’s calm presitation.To be fair Henry would have preferred he scream and yell, this on the other hand was borderline haunting. 
“But a dead body does me no good at the moment, soooo, here’s a temporary solution, Hoseok and Jin are on there way here...there about meh, an hour out. They're going back to China with you, and you have 48 hours to make this amount..” 
Bringing his hand over to the highlighted number at the bottom of Henry's packet which read $16,750,89. “Re-appear, let’s not forget you weren't always Henry Choi, and if you thought life was hard before you became him…” 
Dropping his head slightly making sure he had Henry’s undevided attention “Then trust me when I say, if you fuck this up even more than it already is, you’ll really fucking wish you never met me. Arasso?
Taehyungs tone never wavered but the base this man had, the power that radiated off of his body was something you'd have to see to believe. People tend to underestimate him, he’s young,pretty, still has a baby face goes to brunch in a $1200 silk shirt! But you never ever wanna forget who Kim Taehyung really is at the end of the day, because he'll show you with zero hesitation..
Clearing his throat while readjusting his glasses on his face “Yes, I understand…May I ugh, go to the restroom” 
Not even responding just flagging his hand in the general direction of the bathroom...and Henry took that as his approval.  Taehyung waited a good 30 or so seconds before he also got up, not even heading in the direction of the bathroom, instead...the kitchen.. Which was surprisingly empty…
“Fuck, I thought I tought you better than this man, I’m a way better shot than you, I don’t miss, even with my eyes closed so if your smart you won’t make me aim.” 
Within seconds he heard shuffling around the corner, Henry tentatively making his presence known. 
“What do you want!? I know you, your not just gonna let this go…” His voice was hiccuping at a tone in his throat that almost sounds as if he was a second away from throwing up! 
“I want...you..to tell me who your doing this for, I know you, your not this fuckin stupid, you wouldnt risk this for 16K. So what the fucks really going on Lau!?” Stepping over in his general direction,  the calm Kim Tahyung was long gone because now he was hurt.
“WHO!?” It was a simple word a simple question yet one word held so much emotion the amount of grit that laid within his voice was unreal.Stepping even closer now not even centimeters away from Henry as he sat trapped between Taehyung and a wall. 
“I said fucking WHO!? Who fuck has so much power of you, that your willng to fuck me, ME of all fucking people over Henry WHO!?”  Grabbing him by the collar of his button up, slamming his back against the wall with so much force Henry couldn't even help the way his eyes teared up from the impact. 
“Tae, I swear it’s not-” The name alone caused Taehyung's entire body to stiffel, releasing his hold. Dropping him back against the wall pulling his hands from him in a manner that resembled throwing away trash. With the lightest flick of the wrist, not even worth putting anymore energy behind it  , jaw clenched painfully tight, he wanted it to hurt.
“Don’t, fuck you man, we don’t have that type of relationship anyhmore, I’m V not Tae,not even Taehyung. It’s V,  just like I am to any other casual mother fucker on the street that I could give less that a fuck about. And since that’s where we are, please don't doubt that if that money isn't in Hoseok's hands in 48 hours I won't hesitate to treat you just like some random motherfucker on the street.” 
“Just let me explain-” He was pealding at this point a second away from crying but that didn't change shit, his expression did not falter one bit. Taehyung's face was stoic to say the least, there was zero emotion left to be read as Henry gazed up at him.
Shaking his head in response, scoffing in disgust and disbelief as he wavered backwards… “Mazda” Elevating his voice just enough to allow it to bounce off the walls he already knew he was probably waiting outside the door. It was only a matter of seconds before Tae heard footsteps.
Flicking his nose with his thumb as he cleared his throat, trying to shake of the shaky tenor that kept trying to float through his lungs. “Just ugh, wait here with him until Jin and Hoseok get here…” Mazada didn't say anything but Taehyung's tone of voice really fucked him up, he could tell he wasn't angry he was hurt.
“I got you man..” Squeezing down on Taehyung's shoulder as he walked past, Henry suddenly found himself even more nervous being left alone with Mazda, knowing how close the two of them were on a personal level as well. Mazada was 2 years older than Tae and he was one of his  first “real” friends he made when he moved here from Korea when he was 7. So if Taehyung was hurt so was he, and Mazda definitely wasn't the kinda  guy you wanted to meet in a dark or light alley to be honest. He was another pretty boy that could royally fuck you up with zero remorse, especially when it comes to Taehyung. 
Once Taheyung stepped outside of the kitchen he allowed his body to sink down into a low squat. Just taking a couple deep slow breaths as he ran his fingers through his hair,pulling himself back together. I mean shit he’s use to this, that’s why is circles small he just ddint, fuck he didint expect this.  He didn't allow himself to sit in it though, he refused to sulk in the moment, he’d rather shoot someone than cry. His motto if you fuck me then fuck you, but there’s limitations to that, theres nothing worng with acknolweding and actually feeling PAIN! It’s normal, healthy…..
It was barley a good 60 seconds before he snapped himself out of it, getting off the ground slowly he found himself aimlessly admiring you from across the room. Just watching you, in your normal element, touching up your hair makeup while you waited for him to return. 
He couldn't even help but smile, as you sat there,looking like everything he wanted, needed, and could have. But the fear that the world would take you away once he finally got you always stifled him. To be fair, that same fear sometimes hindered you as well, the only difference is. YOU were working towards changing that while it seemed as though Taehyung just fought it by building more walls whenever you started to break them down. 
So what’s the solution to all this? A distraction, and there's no one that can ease his mind better than you. No matter how much he hated, the effortless control you also often held over it as well...
“Soooo…” your voice rang through the empty space once you heard Tae’s footsteps.
“Hmm?” Humming out almost as if he’s already forgotten what just took place, that’s how normal shit like this has become. More importantly and actually on a scarier note that’s how numb he’d become to shit like this.The not so subtle snarl and eye roll remind him what you were referring to as he shuffled closer placing his hands on your shoulders.
“Ohhhh...that, yeah he tried to escape through the kitchen….” Tone as nochlant as can be as his hands romned down your sides until they landed on your hips. Initially making a strong indentation with his thumbs, the very specific hand placement making your mind roam to one thing and one thing only. 
“Well that was…….stupid” The dramatic pause twoards the end earned a chuckle as he expected soemting a little more detailed than just “Stupid” but hey..not that he couldnt use a good laugh.
 He leaned down slightly letting his lips brush over your neck. You knew him well enough to know he wouldnt kiss you in this type of setting, this felt a little to personal..too “intiimate if you will but he had no primble teasing the fuck outta you. 
“You okay?” You dared to ask, already well aware of the way he was in situations like this but you were still concerned. 
“When’s the last time I made you come?”  The sudden shift in tone and conversation caught you completely off guard as he nuzzled his nose into your hair. Purposely ghosting his lips down the side of your neck while he awaited your response. You figured he’d avoid the question but not like this….
“Ugghhh..” Fuck, you hated how instnatly thrown off you became, it never took much when it came to Kim Taehyung, trying to shuffle through instgram as a buffer while you got your thoughts together. But it was too late you could feel him smirking against the crook of your neck..teeth grazing the skin gently.
“Ugh, yeah I don’t know, it’s been a minute…” Your voice came out a little shakier than you hopped as his hands found there way back to your inner thighs from under the table. A humm left his lips in response.
“Yeah it’s been a least 2 weeks right?” 
That’s because two weeks ago the too of you had your first “Oh shit moment”  And to be fair you both kinda spazzed out a little, for first time after the two of you had sex more times than you could remeber. Then, once it was over, while you were getting ready to call your driver, he asked you to stay over. The morning after was, more than you even knew Kim Taehyung could possess, he cooked you breakfast while you walked around in nothing but one of his silk button ups. A secret that a lot of people don’t know is Taehyung can sing, really well actually. His tenor sitting exactly where you’d expect deep and husky but surprisingly really soulful, you jokingly asked him to sing to you while he cooked and believe it or not he did. Letting his walls down to the goofy Taehyung you knew back in middle school, don’t get me wrong, yes he let you in more than most. But as you guys got older since you've known him since you guys were like shit, 7 the shift once his mother passed was very evident in your eyes. 
Even when his walls were down you knew they were never fully down until that morning, that was the first time you felt like he really let you all the way in. While the two of you split an entire bottle of  Armand de Brignac, lounged on his couch watched Netflix..Narcos was a fav ..hmm wonder why. Binge watched “The Try guys, and Shane Dawnson videos, while you fed each other chocolate covered strawberries. 
The mans sex drive and stamanina was unmatched so of course you had sex on his couch...the floor...ontop of his island, against his floor to celling windows inthe living room. . After that he filled up his oversized jacuzzi that he rarely used and you both just soaked in it for what felt like hours. Reminiscing about nothing but bullshit, work wasn’t brought up once which is rare. Usually that topic streamlined most of your one on one conversations because the idea of having more intimate talks in that kinda setting absolutely terrified him.  Or at least when it came to you, because you were the only person outside of his father and Mazda that he’d ever get that deep and carefree with. After the bath he ordered your favorite gourmet pizza which you two ate in bed, before you passed out on his chest, and surprisingly even though the feeling was completely forigen it just felt right.
The 2nd morning the two of you work up extremely hungover and extremely awkward, his hand resting comfortable around your waist while your nose sat nuzzled in the crook of his neck. A call from his dad is what woke the two of you ,the level of comfort is what made it terrifying. Not sure how you went from fuck and leave/ midnight booty calls to operating like a couple thats been datng for 5 plus years! Neither of you knew what to say so you..just said nothing,he didn't ask you to leave or anything it just..the vibe was off. Once you pulled back from him you both just kidna gazed at each other like a deer in headlights.
Or more accurately, like you just woke up from a drunken one night stand with no recollection of how you got there, or who the person in front of you was. Because to be honest...the night before you were both versions of yourselves that you hadn’t let the others see in years!
Every day after that you two kept it short, nothing more than just business and somehow, about 2 days ago the two of you had to meet with an investor. Of course you kept it professional, not wanting your awkwardness to seep into the work environment. And I guess while “Pretending” shit was okay..it actually became okay.  After the meeting was over everything just seemed normal again or at least your definition of normal…now...here we are.
Eyes fluttering shut as his fingers traced the perimeter of your lace thong, it took everything in you not to buck your hips in to his hand. As his fingers started to tease over your clit through the fabric of your panties. 
“How does Vegas sound?” To be honest his delivery was more of a statement than a question.
“Likeeee...today?” Turning your head to the side slightly to face him which was a bad idea because of course this asshole didn't pullback. He stayed exactly where he was..face barley a centimeter away from his, you could damn near taste the whiskey on his tongue. Licking his lips slowly the tip of his tongue barley grazing against your lipgloss as it swept along his lip. 
Another humm left his lips in response as his eyes dropped down to the glitter reflexes that danced along your lips…..
“Anddd what exactly where you looking to do in Vegas Mr. Kim?” Egging him on slightly as the question rolled off your tongue.
“You, on the balcony at the sky villa…” You couldn't help but let out a deep almost exasperated sigh at that eyes fluttering shut briefly…
“Thennn..I thought maybe we could head out...I don't know go check on the club, you know we've been needing to that for weeks now..See how Kook and Jay are doin’ ”
Referring to the strip club that was technically owned by your family, but most of the money that they washed came from Kim line. 
“Fuckkk, but you know if we go there it will turn more into another work trip everytime I go in there I find something to bitch about. I’m starting to wonder if they’ve rigged the system because I don't understand how they have a damn near five star rating..” 
Taehyung's face crumbled at that breaking out into a fit of laughter his head fell into the crook of your shoulder causing you to laugh from him unintentionally tickling your skin.
“That shit’s not funny! You know I’m right…” Taking a sip of your drink as he brought his eyes back up to meet yours… 
“Well, I could always fuck you first...that way you’ll be too tired to bitch…” 
You couldn't help but moan at that, and you knew good and well you should say no, at least put some sort of stipulations on the situation. Yet you couldn't be bothered, all the blood from your brain was running straight to your clit the more his hands rashivled your body over the silk of your dress. 
For one, you just missed feeling him inside you, nobody fucked you the way Kim Taehyung did, he knew your body like the back of his hand, the man could get you off in the dark, in complete silence. He never needed any type of instruction, always down to try anything, just as if not dirtier than you ever could be. Also sex with Tae was just aesthically pleasing, he was fine you were fine, both of you boujee and extra as ever. Who dosent wanna fuck in a bed with floor to celling windows which you’d of course leave wide open... in a 30k a night suite while various peices of overpriced jewerly danced along your skin. 
And finally...even though he was trying to act like it didn't mean shit, you knew better, the situation with Henry really has him in his feels. Just giving him another fucking reason to build walls and not trust people and you know he needs a distraction. And of course he wants, actually needs it to be you. Yes, theres a damn good chance that you could regret this before midnight but as of right now...fuck it..let’s get it!
You couldn't help but smile as you gazed up at him shaking your head in self defeat..you didn't stand a chance, it’s not like you didn't want it too. “Fuck it, I’m down…” 
That award winning boxy grin lit up ihs face as he whipped out his phone “Don’t worry..I’ll make it worth you while…”  Feathering a couple kisses down the side of your neck as he stepped away to call one of the girls in accounting to set up the room and get the jet ready.
As he walked towards the bar you noticed Hoseok and Jin walk in..both in blacked out aviators, skin  extremely tanned. They had just finished some “Clean up’s “ in Brazil, 2 weeks in that constant sun had their skin glowing.  Hosokes hair sitting a deep burgundy while Jins was a honey blonde.Both messy pushed out of their faces, as the made their way towards Taehyung. 
Tae reached out to give Hoseok a solid one handed bro hug but he wasn't having it pulling him into his chest wrapping both hands around the youngers frame. Hoseok didn't say anything, he didin;t have too. Observing the way Tae faintly laid his head on Hoseok’s shoulder before pulling back, flashing him a smile that you could tell was forced. Jin greeted him the same way, both knowing how fucked up this situation really was, and he would never be the type to ask for a hug but that doesn't mean he didn't need it.
A good 10 minutes later the two of you watched Henry be taken away, by Jin and Hoseok,Taehyung wouldn't even look at him no matter how hard he tried to get his attention. I don't think he had it in him, to look Henry in the eyes right now. It didn't go unnoticed the way he slipped his shades on right before they escorted Henry to the blacked out SUV.
Before they pulled off Hoseok hopped back out the truck walking over to Taehyung “Just so were clear, in 48 hours if he doesn't have ittt…” Letting his words dance in the air, waiting for Tae to fill the void and clarity his instructions.
“Then you handle it, he’s not getting a pass, been there done that four years ago when me and you went into that house in Taiwan..and cleared out every...body except him. Because for some reason my gut told me he was innocent...and apparently my gut failed me...so that’s it. No more special treatment..he has it in the next 48 or he's done.” 
Hoseok nodded slowly letting out a slow breath “And if he doesn't , do you want me to call you first?”
There was a slight pause before he spoke “Yeah, actually call me and wait ...don’t do anything until we talk..I might wanna come down there…”
“Kim Taehyung…” his tone was stern..he was techionally Tae’s elder even if Taehyung had higher ranking within the circle. “If it comes to that..let me..do my jo-” 
“Just call me..yeah?” Cutting him off with the driest tone imagainale walking away before Hosoek had a chance to say anything else! 
They pulled off and within the next 5 minutes you car was there to take you to the airport, he kept the glasses on the entire ride. The car that picked you up from the restaurant already had your luggage from your Airbnb in the trunk. He even kept  them on once you boarded the jet, the flight was barely an hour and a half, but one the four of you landed that’s when you say enough’s enough. You knew you needed to get him out of his head a little. 
The four of you were in the back of a blacked out limo, Tae and yourself together on one side while Mazda and Joon sat parallel. Taking a long slow drab from the gold tipped dab pin positioned between your lips, grabbing Taehyung's face which was currently glued to the view outside the window.
 Turning his head in your direction before gently pressing your lips to his, instantly reclining his jaw to allow you to slowly release the smoke from our lungs to his. You were trying to get him faded so he'd chill and you also knew his limits, pulling back slightly so he could breathe but instead in pulled you back in. Gripping the side of your neck as he slid his tongue into your mouth,lacing it around yours before sucking it between his lips. 
Sliding you onto his lap,with his opposite hand,sliding it down to find a home on your ass, clawing his nails through the thin fabric of your silk dress. Bringing your hand over to the nape of his neck, take a firm grip on his thick mane, a slight moan moved up your throat in response to the growl that left his. Flicking his sunglasses off with your opposite hand before being that one down to cradle the side of his neck. Licking his way into your mouth with ease, a content hum leaving his lips as you rocked your hips down against his lap. Licking along your bottom lip before he sucked it back into his mouth, letting his tongue lazily massage against yours. “Thatt boy..” left your lips in a playful tenor as licked up the side of your neck
“Damn, Joon you have some nice ass lips…”
“Really? Because you skin, it just mmm, butta, man butta, and this beard how do you keep it so soft!” 
Clearly Namjoon and Mazda we're not a fan of the show as the two of you broke out in a fit out laughter...Taehyung slid you off his lap but kept you close. Taking a couple more drags from the pin, releasing a cloud of smoke through his nostrils. 
“I mean don’t get me wrong I’m glad your smiling bro but like, I didin’t know I signed up for a sex show..” Mazda popped in as he took a sip of champagne from the neck of the bottle. 
“Also it wasn’t giving us good angles we couldn’t see much so it just wasn't far..” Namjoon added with a slight wink, thankful for the much needed change in atmosphere.
The mood shifted, as the four of passed the dab pin and the bottle of Dom Perignon Rose around, the suite wasn’t ready right when you arrived. The average person isn't booking a suite of that calabar at that price on a whim so the 4 of you killed time at the casino. The impromptu decision worked in groups favor though, Mazda and Namjoon won about 1k each which wasn’t a shit ton but considering they were just rolling to kill time..it’s a hell of a pickup. While Taehyung bought into a game that the minimum buy-in was 5k, and he walked away damn near tripling that..Again not bad for just finding something to do to “Kill time” …
Now, no matter how many times you guys stayed here, this suite never lost its luster for some reason...for starters it was damn near 9 thousand square feet. Had a private pool, game room, massage room, 24/hr butler ervies, a bar that sits 17 people and was spread out of 2 stories with floor to ceiling windows everywhere! 
It was a little after 5 in the afternoon once you guys were settled in the suite and it was damn near 80 degrees outside so it didn't take long for all four of you stip down into your swimwear. Multiple platters of sushi lined the bar as you guys just dabbled, not super hungry but wanting to keep your stomach coated from all the liquor you’d been drinking. You were sat on top of the counter while Taehyung stood in between your legs,  wearing a leopard bikini that didn't leave much to the immigination but he wanted a distraction right? 
He would never get this touchy freely in public with you or really anyone he was pretty private unless he trusted the people he was around and obvious it was only the four of you in the suite so he didn't mind. Appreciating your body heat pressed against his back. Arm’s draping over his shoulders, casually running your palms over his chest.“Sooo my father said Leo’s back in the hospital…” The words left your lips suddenly while Joon and Mazda glared up at you from the bar shaking their heads .
“How does he keep suddenly getting sick, I really don’t understand”  The frustration in Taehyung's voice was clear as day while licking the soy sauce off his fingers, he was right though it really didn't make sense. 
“The bad Juju from his secret love child..” Namjoon’s delivery was dry and somewhat sarcastic but you could tell he was serious…”No forreal..like people's bad vibes and energy can be the death of you man..”
“Oh fuck no, don’t go there man, there’s no way he hell I’d work with that mother fucker, I’ve never liked him, nor do I trust him. Funny how you typically only show up on holidays but now that Leo’s sick your his saving fucking grace! Fuck outta here with that shit...” Tae snarled in response...clearly this wasn't a good subject to bring up, you would feel his muscles starting to tense, bringing your hands up to massage his shoulders and it didn't take long for his body to cave in. Melting effortlessly into your touch...
“Yeah but there's also Dino-” Mazad tried to be helpful but you all knew the answer to that...Dino pulled out of this shit 10 years ago...theres no way in hell he’d step back in.
“Dino lost his son in his shit man, you know he’s not comin back…no fuckin’ way ” the words left Tae’s mouth slowly..saying what you were already thinking.. .
“Did he ever get a DNA test? “ Namjoon cocked his head to the side slightly flicking his tongue around the edges of the chopsticks
“You already know Leo’s not-” It was suddenly became very hard for you to focus, mainly because Taehyung decided to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck. Cearly he was getting antsy and reallly wanted the three of you to shut the fuck up so he could do what he wanted! 
A ding from your phone broke the silence that danced in the air, as you find yourself getting lost in his touch, completely forgetting were you where and what you were originally doing! A growl ruptured in his chest, a second away from throwing your damn phone if one more distraction got in the way of him finally being inside you again after 2 weeks! 
“Yayy Melissa’s here..” Patting Taehyung's shoulder so he’d move as you hopped off the counter. His eyes glued to the way your ass bounced as you walked. 
“Who the fucks’s Melissa?” Joon mouthed out in silence while the other too shrugged, in slight confusion since you said her name like they should've automatically known.
The door swung open and she damn near tackled you to the floor, her deep red bikini rivaling yours as far as which one covered less. The two of you babbled about whatever as you walked towards the bar to introduce her.
“Guy this is-”
“Your a Mangjuhl, aren't you?” Tae asked with an arched brow..eyes dissecting her physical features..
A snort left her lips in response as she eyed the pool “ Well hello to you too, and it depends on who's asking I may be a Mangjeol””
Taehyung nodded in agreeance his face reading a solid “Touche” as he could be a Khan or a Kim..also depending on who's asking…leaving the conversation were it stood.
“Sooo are we actually going to use that...it’s hot as balls outside…”  Gesturing to the pool while Namjoon and Mazda didn't hesitate to get up. 
“After you..” Namjoon waved his hand signaling for her to go first, she glanced back at you to see if you were coming but quickly realized you were a little preoccupied.
Once the three of them were outside Tae brought his attention back over to you, cornering you  between the barop and his body “A Mangjuhl aye?” Brow arched tongue playing with the corner of his lips. 
A smug smirk moving up your face as you shrug your shoulders “What can I say...I like my bitches dangerous…” You teased against his bottom lip as he lifted you on top of the bar.
“Yeah?” tongue brushing against yours as he spoke, dropping his voice down to nothing but a bourbon coated whisper. Nodding your head faintly in response, purposely brushing his lips against yours so you’d try and chase after them. 
“Me too...” Licking his way into your mouth as he tilted his head to the side giving himself more leverage, sliding your body closer towards the middle of the bar. Hoisting himself up as well, the bar has much more length than width,  but it did fit your frame perfectly.
 Using on arm to support his weight while the other trickled down your stomach, cupping your pussy in his hand as you moaned out against his tongue. Arching into his touch, completely disregarding the fact that your on top of a marble bar, while your friends were outside in the pool. All of the windows were wide open at the moment, the currants pushed to the side, luckily because of where you were positioned there was a gold and marbled thick beam in the way cutting off your lower frame but it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to know what’s going behind it!
Sucking his bottom lip into your mouth as you clawed at his back, abruptly pulling back for you, both equally winded , eyeing the megum bottle of Grey Goose.  Opting for a cherry instead of a lime, he leaned down again.. “Stick your tongue out…” and you did, cradling your jaw in his hand as he lathered over your tongue with his own before sucking it back into his mouth moaning out at the way you started to grind yourself against his knee that currently sat between your thighs. Bringing his hand down smacking your pussy hard enough to make your entire body tense, chucking arrogantly as he watched your stomach muscles contract. “Fuck I can already feel how warm you are….look at you grinding that pretty litttle pussy all over my thigh. Wouldn't you rather have daddy’s cock instead?”
Not even giving you a chance to respond before he placed the cherry between your lips, stem already removed, reaching over to free you nipple from your swimsuit..which was barely covered anyway..I guess he decided that's where the salt was going. Sprinkling it around the areola...sliding down your body, lathering sloppy kisses down your neck, over your collarbone. Sucking around every area of your breast besides the target, loving the way you arched into his mouth. Almost as if you were trying to direct him elsewhere. Everytime your body arched your hips subconsiously rolled against his thigh, allowing him to feel how wet you were getting “ I bet I could slide right in and you’d take me so fuckin well, even without me streching this pretty little cunt of yours out…already so wet for me...aren’t you baby?” 
Excepting the slight whimper that left your throat as a response as he readjusted, eyes locked on yours as he slowly let his tongue roll out of his mouth, taking a long slow drag around the perimeter, licking up every drop before sucking your nipple into his mouth. Letting his teeth graze the overly' sensitive peek, your moans coming out muffled due to your lips being preoccupied. 
“Mmmm..I kinda wanna lick you all over so I guess I start at the bottom and work my way up .” Trickling the bottle of Grey Goose from your neck down to your belly button, actually attempting to fill it since that’s tectionally the point of a bodyshot. Starting at your navel, sucking first, before flicking your belly button ring with his tongue that slowly lathered it’s way up your stomach over your breast and into your mouth. Completely disregarding the cherry, opting for your tongue instead. “My two favroaite things on my tongue at once, you and liquor…” Smirking against your lips as he reached down to pull your panties to the side gently teasing your entrance with his index and middle finger a low moan resonating in his throat from how wet you already were. “I want you to come down my face ….” The words slurred out against your tongue as you rolled your hips into his palm.
“Then put your tongue on my pussy,...” Both of you smiling into the kiss loving how equally shameless you were.
Kissing his way down your stomach, sucking bruises into every inch of skin he could wrap his lips around. Licking along your bikini line..toying the thin G-string between his teeth as he nuzzled his face against your inner thigh. Biting, licking, sucking his way down until he your pussy was front and center. Legs supported on his forearms, as he used one had to keep your bikin to the side, opting to not completely strip you due to the circumstances. “Babbyyyy…” cooing out against your heat, you were already dripping down the marble countertop.
Initially pressing a light kiss right on your clit before licking slightly “Tae!!” already whining you really weren't in the mood for this and the chuckle that left his throat was telling if he was complying or making it worse. 
Tisking against your folds “You know being a brat gets you nowhere”
Now he was literally just kissing your clit...not even using his tongue at all “Tae, pleaseee…” 
“Good Girl”  The next flick of his tongue had a lot more pressure, and had your head spinning in circles as your eyes fluttered shut. Finally wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking hard, sliding his opposite hand from under your thigh. Flicking at your bottom lip, opening your mouth willingly, lapping your tongue around his fingers moaning against his skin as he started grinding your hips into his face. Coaxing you to fuck yourself self against his tongue as he laid it flat against your pussy, licking from top to  bottom, ending each stroke of the tounge with your clit smothered between his lips. 
Bringing his hand back down and sliding all three fingers in at once “Oh my god…” back coming to almost a complete arch as you fingers found there home in his hair, not even realizing how loud your voice was probably bouncing off the walls at this point. Pumping his fingers in and out mercissly, moaning out agaisnt your lips, he always sounds so fucking good when he’s going down on you. Moaning out as if he’s the one getting head, sending every vibration straight through you, it didn't take long for your muscles to start to seize up and your body to completely shatter, he’d been toying with you all day. His name falling from your lips weakly in something comparable to a montra as that’s all you said…
Pulling back using his index and middle finger to pull your lips aparts, slowly sliding his tongue between every niche he could find, sucking your clit into his mouth one more time just to watch your body shutter around him..Blowing on the tip before sliding back up your body!
“Fuck me…” Brushed past your lips and rolled onto his, reaching down to free him from the opening in his Gucci trunks.
Sliding his fingers through your juices again , bringing them up to his lips to slowly lap his tongue around him, A moan leaving his lips “Best thing I've tasted all day..” 
He could tell your were trying to shift your body to go down on him and he stopping you pushing on ontop the counter“Fuck no, I’ll come too quick, I’m already hard enough ba-” A groan leaving his lips as you leaned over to spit on the tip of his dick, working him in your hand, you could litterally  feel him puling against your palm “God yes….moreee” . You knew exactly what you meant, neither of you afraid to get a little messy when to came to sex, leaning over again, letting more lubericant drizzle from your tongue. 
Eyes heavy as he watched you work him in his hand, rock fuckin hard within seconds, you knew his weak spot was right under his tip. So you’d alternate the flucationing in your movements so he didn;t get use to it, tighten your grip towards the top and relaxing your hold  the closer you got to the base. 
“Your throbbing in my hand, Tae fuck….fuck me…” Toying his bottom lip between your teeth as you continued working him in your palm, shuffling his position on top of you swatting your hand away with a snarl. He had you rest your weight on one arm as he hovered over you with one of your legs hooked over his shoulder. Both of you slightly sitting upright as he teased at your clit with the head of his length. 
“You want it?” Lips hoving over yours, both panting heavily as he took his dick in his hands, teasing up and down your folds, costing himself in your juices, edging at your entrance but not sliding in full.
“Fuck you, you know I-” Your bitching was relplaced with a high picted moan that yuu knew they all heard there’s no way they didint. He started sliding in, the deeper he got the lower he got, until you were filled to the brim and he was laying flesh on top of you...bringing your legs up to rest on either side of your shoulders. 
Holding the position, while you both took in the feeling of you pulsing around him, and him pulsing inside of you, the angle had him deep, you felt every inch of him. Using on hand to cradle the side of your neck the other to support his weight. “Baby, fuck move, please movee..” Damn near begging at this point as he slid his tongue into your mouth, while he slowly started to roll his hips into you, every thrust felt like he was cutting off your airflow from how full you feel. 
“God, nothing feels as good ..as you do…” His breathing was already ragged you knew neither of you would last as he spoke through gritted teeth grounding his hips into yours. Pulling out completely every time, before slamming in with such force your body rocked against the counter. The sound of skin slapping, echoed throughout the suite, eyes never leaving yours as he rolled his hips into you mercilessly, your walls were already started to clench around him.
“Your so fucking thick, Tae…” Arching up slightly, pursing his lips out to spit on your clit, the sensation making your body tense even more. “Fuck… you feel soo fucking good …” Reclining your neck giving him better access as you tugged on the hairs at the back of his head, his teeth finding the side of your neck as he bit down. Knowing you like it rough so he didn't hold back, damn near breaking skin once he made contact.  
“Yeah? You like the way my dick fills you up baby? You gonna be a good girl and come for me again?” You nodded and he kisses down your neck slam into you even harder “Play with your pussy and come for me baby…” Not hesitating to do exactly as he instructed, aggint steady pressure, feeling the nerve get harder and harder by the second!
“ Oh shit-” breath hiccuping in your chest at the sudden change in pace. Taehung wasn’’t one to fuck super hard like this he was usually a slow and deep kinda guy. There it was again your walls were pulsing hard, milking him for everything he had.
”Fuck, there it is baby, come on baby come for me, come all over my dick baby come on…” He cooed in your ear , coaching you on before biting down hard on your shoulder. 
“ Fuck Tae, oh my god oh my fu-” back slamming agaisnt the marble, a scream leaving your throat as your orgasm ruptured through your entire body. While he continued rocking his hips into you working you for very last nerve he could shatter.  It felt like his dick got even harder after you came around him. Body humming in sensitivity as you purposely clenched your walls as tight as you can around him, edging him towards his release.
 “Fuck just like that , dont stop ,dont stop,” He whispered into your hair , as your brought your nails back over to his back, knowing how much he loved the sensation. Using the last bit of energy you had, slowly rocking your hips until into him, meeting his thrust everytime, hitting the spot you both needed. “Yes, fuck yes…”  Eyes fluttering shut as he moaned out, the strong brassy bartone that ruptured through the walls, the angle you added made him feel even deeper than he already was. 
“Come for me daddy..” You heard the neediness start to ring through his throat at that, every one that left his lips was stronger than the last.
“I know you wanna fill me up…fuck I need it please, come in me..”  Purposely adding a whiney tinge to your voice as, bucking your hips even stronger this time .He cupped the back of your neck pulling your face back to his as he moaned into your mouth. Grabbing your waist tighter letting you know not to stop , and you didn't, you felt him fall apart on top of you as he moaned into your mouth, kissing you deeper and deeper as he road out his high, arm’s shaking until he just gave in on top of you. Snaking your hands into his hair,while his romaned up and down your body, both panting heavily against each others tongue. Your entire body felt limp, neither of you in any rush to move..regardless of your current situation, just lazily letting his tongue explore your mouth. About I don't know a good 5 or so minutes went by and then you heard.
“Are you two done yet!!?”  You expected it to be Joon to be honest but it was actually Melissa, there wasn’t shit either of you could do but laugh. Tae’s palm coming to soothe your thighs..
“Yeah give us a minute…” Pulling you off the counter, readjusting your swimsuit for you as he positioned you over the ledge, wincing slightly at the contact, reaching behind the bar wetting a towel, to whip you and the counter down . Letting the warm cloth stay flesh to your heat for a moment before pulling away knowing damn well you could use it. Bringing another towel to dab at your skin, trying to ease the current sticky feeling a combination of sweat and well..vodka. 
Shaking his fingers through his hair,messily brushing his bangs out of his face since they wouldn't stop sticking to his forehead.  Hair sitting in a messy middle part,the two of you heard tentative footsteps and couldn't help but smirk over at each other. 
“Your good…” He stood between your thighs while, your legs dangled off the ledge of the bar, so his back was facing them as the walked over, his hands still soothing your thighs. He could tell they were still shaking…
“Dayummm..she fucked your shit up…” You watched Namjon go wide eyed as he stepped closer to investigate the welts across Taehyung skin. Install finding your head buried in his hair...not even wanting to look at any of them right now.
“Is it that bad? Damn I guess I was doing something right..” You didn't even have to look at him to know he had the biggest grin on his face.
‘Sooo what are we doin tonight?”  Mazda, walked over to the lounge area plopping down on the leather ottoman.
“Wellll..what time is it right now like a little after 6? How about we meet around 8:30..grab dinner somewhere then head over to the club..check on the boys..see how business is going…” Patting your thigh for some sort of confirmation and you just humming out in response. Reclining back against the counter, still slightly dazed, just needing to hop in the shower to wake up a little.
“Sounds good to me…Mel you down?” 
It didn't go unnoticed the way Mazda and Namjoon pipped up at the question...a smirk tugging on your face as you observed the dynamic unfold. 
“Yeah I’m down..I didn't plan shit else tonight anyway sooo..” 
“Okay, well I’ll call you in an hour once I know where we're going oh, who's doing you glam tonight? So I know who not to call because there's no way in hell I’m doing my own”
“Mmmm..Probaly Aria…” 
Nodding in response..you prefereed Arielle anyway so that worked in your favor “Okay well, Tae, can you walk her out, I would, but to be fair..I’m fucking exhausted..just no I love you..” 
A snort leaving her lips in response “Nah I’ll let you slide..form what I heard you have a reason to be tired..” Shooting a wink in your direction and not to your surprise at all Namjoon and Mazda volunteered to walk her out.
“Oh she get’s dual service ...well isn't she special…” Tae teased as they escorted her to the door.
“OH! Wait what time are you think tomorrow?” You heard Mel Yell from acoun d the beam, scurrying back in your direction.
“Ughh around like 8 tomorrow night sound good?” 
“Yes ma’am” A smirk tugged on the corners of her lips before she headed back towards the exit, you didn't even have to look at Taehyung to know the look on his face.
Leasurily cocking your head to the side to meet his curious gaze “And what the fuck was that about?” 
A dry chuckle leaving your lips before leaning down to graze his bottom lip with your tongue. His tone taking “Daddy” to a completely different level. 
“Don’t worry about it “ …
Mazda and Joon returning moments later.
“So we just gonna ignore the massive hickeys on your necks orrrrrr…” Sipping from the leftover bottle of Grey Goose as you reclind along the bar. 
“I mean...she just looked so sweet and innocent I didn't expect-” 
“Yeah she’s really sweet...a sweet innocent.. money launder” Taahyung purposely stalled the ending..just waiting for their eyes to bulge out of their sockets making you damn near coke on your drink.
“There's no way…” Namjoon’s face was priceless..utterly priceless 
“Ugh yeah, how the fuck do you think I knew who she was!? I know you didn't think she was just some Instagram model did you? It’s Luxx were talking about here. You should’ve known better”
The two of them just kinda glanced at each other not even knowing where to start when it comes to peacing this together in their minds.
The four of you got ready for the night, Arielle came over and beat your face, and curled your hair for you. A quarter to nine you all met Mel at Bar Masa, and slid into the club around 11, which didn't go as smoothly as you hoped. Let’s just say it’s a good thing you never leave the house without a weapon on hand, the edge of you blade found it’ home in someone’s shin! It was around 4 am when the four of you crawled back into your suit, unfortunately returning with a briefcase of papers..which is why you told tae you didn't want to go in the first place! 
It wasn’t until damn near two the afternoon when the four of you rolled out of bed, Taehyung and yourself sat and ate lunch while going over the mounds of paperwork. Luckily because there was “work” related shit to do, and the fact that Mazda and Joon were there that kidna eased any awkwardness that might have taken place upon the two of you waking up together.  Ya know since the little sleepover you two had at his place two weeks ago that ended in a trainwreck! 
“Fuckkkk!” the word screeched form both of your lips in unions as you looked over the numbers.
“They can’t lave that kinda money just sitting like that….”Taehyung held his temples between his index and middle finger. “Shit, Hoseok and Yoongi are both in Asia right now, and there booked out until-”
“Mel can do it, she’s already moving a good 20 for me tonight, we can add this to her route, she can get it across the border before the next drop…” Your eyes never made contact with his as you dissected the numbers on the screen..
“I mean yeah, If you trust that she-”
“She’s good..were good...I got it, I’ll have transported tonight….” 
It was now going on 5 o'clock, the sun and heat still in full effect...
“Oh fuck me, that shit’s harsh!” You sounded like you  were hacking up a hairball as your breath hiccuped in your chest after taking one drag from the gold plated cigar in Namjoon's hand. You wanted to be annoyed at the three of the cackling their lives away while you legit felt like you were dying while growing chest hair. But there was something so pure about the sounds that escaped Tae’s mouth, and just the genuine smile that was plastered across his face. Especially in comparison to yesterday, but that bliss was quickly interrupted once his phone rang. Hoseok’s name popping up on the screen, as he hopped out of the pool, even with the time difference Taehyung played fair. If he said 48 hours Henry would receive a full 48 hours, so the fact that Hoseok was calling early had you slightly opesmestic.
About 10 minutes later, when Taehyung had not came back your curiosity and concern got the best of you. To be fair this warehouse facility, business wise was just as much his as it was your own, upon eventually making your way to the master suite you heard the shower running. That alone had your stomach turning in 827828 knots, as you approached the room. Only to see his luggage sprawled across the bed, closing the door behind you, resting your back against the frame as you observed him silently resituating his clothing. Surprisingly the aura in the room was calm, almost too calm as you watched the way the sunlight danced over his caramel coated skin. The muscles in his back flexing as he kneeled over to continue shuffling through his bellongs. 
“So your leaving?” The words floated off your tongue so light it almost sounds as though your whispering. Not giving you a verbal response, not even looking at you just nodding his head slowly, you watched him slide every piece of jewelry off his body, placing them in a leather bag. Until he got to the gold “V” necklace, taking it off, and walking over in your direction, seamlessly hooking the chain around your neck, still in complete silence as he hovered over you before pulling back tentatively, walking towards the bathroom.
That alone, kinda already let you know what was what, rule #1 if your going to kill someone you never wear anything personal. Especially not jewelry, not something that could accidentally fall off or leave an imprint on the victim's body. 
Trying your hardest not to get frustrated with how distant he was being because you knew this was exceptionally difficult for him on a more personal level. “So what? I mean it’s not a full 48 hours so does he not have the money? Or are you just going to talk and check on the warehouse?” Your tone was still calm, warm even, just trying to ease your way through his nine thousand defense’s. 
Still, absolute silence, a loud huff left your throat as you stomped towards the bathroom “Hey!” Tone elevated slightly, pasung until he actually turned around and made eye contact with you. “ I know this shit with Henry really fucking sucks, but this business is just as much mine as it is yours. You don’t get to just ignore me when I’m asking questions about OUR company Taehyung!”
The look on his face never faltered, not even with the emotion that radiated through as you spoke, it was like talking to a brick fuckikng wall right now. 
“Yes, but THIS” Brow arched in your direction, but an immense amount of infinces on the last word. Wanting to make sure you knew exactly what, or who he was referring too.
“Is nobody’s business but mine…..” You knew this version of Kim Taehyung far too well and it really concerned you, he lacked so much emotion as he spoke yet radiated so much rage, your swore you could hear his blood pumping. 
At this point you just kinda gave up, you can’t help someone who doesn't wanna let you in, but for the first time, him shutting you out like this hurt. It felt like someone stuck a knife in your stomach just keeps slowly turning it, and turning it until it just aches. You told yourself you’d probably regret coming on this trip and you were right, you just weren't aware of the reason you'd regret it. Now you know, weather you want to admit it or not, you were starting to fall for the one personal you always told yourself you never would! 
Dropping his swim trunks on the ground before opening the glass panel to the walk-in shower “I ugh, I'm leaving in about an hour, I’m only taking the black leather Keepall, so when you guys leave tomorrow, could you take the rest of my bags home?” 
You found yourself staring down at your feet as he spoke, arms crossed over your chest, squeezing down on your own biceps extremely hard as you nodded in response. Walking yourself out of the bathroom, letting your eyes scan the bed, you knew you’d hate yourself for looking but you couldn't help it. 
Letting your fingers dance over the bag which he hadn't zipped yet,upon looking you found yourself slouching over the bag unintentionally. Eyes squeezed shut as you just shook your head...there was nothing it in but “Cleaner gear” all black, all sterrel, gloves, a 5 Beretta 92FS,  Ruger Mk II., a black baseball cap and ammo...that was all that was sitting in his black leather Keepall. 
THAT’S ALLL SHE WROTE ...FOR NOW LOL...this does leave a lot more questions especially going into part 4 now that you know a little more backstory. 
If you liked it show this some love and lemme know,and I’ll start on part 4...
Love you guys as always ,
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wolffishgrin · 5 years
Coffee or Milkshakes?
Pairing: Kim Jongin x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
Warnings: Well..smut. So!
Word Count: 1950
You checked the time on your phone for the fifth time. It wasn’t that late. Your roommate would definitely not worry. After all, you were what two hours late? Fuck she was going to kill you. You forgot to inform her. Again. You were searching for her contact when you bumped into someone or rather something hard. Oops.
When you looked up to see the object you dashed into, you felt like someone knocked the wind out of you. He was a specimen that you rarely see and he definitely didn’t look like a friendly neighbourhood guy. Everything his sleek body adorned, was screaming money, from the shiny, black Louis Vuitton to the Rolex on his wrists.
“Are you done checking me out?” The man straight out from a movie poster spoke with a smirk on his handsome face. You gained composure and an apologetic look braced your face after being caught in the act. You could clearly see his abs through his white shirt which was dripping in the coffee which you spilled. Man you were calling for trouble and he was clearly not helping you out here.
“I’m sorry for…” You let that trail off because you really couldn’t figure out what exactly were you sorry for; his stained expensive shirt, his coffee or for checking him out.
“No need to apologise love. I never said that it offended me.” His sentence left you hanging in there, mouth open in confusion. And with that he walked past you to get some tissues, you guessed.
You were about to walk out of the cafe when you heard him calling.
“So miss, how are you going to compensate for my coffee?” You gave him a confused look. Reading your expressions he said. “How about you tell me your phone number.” Woah. What a creepy guy, you thought and made a mental note of not judging people by their looks.
“Well that escalated quickly, Mr?” You gestured with your hand towards him prompting him to tell his name.
“Kim Jongin, but for you my lady it’s Kai”
“Kai” You repeated his name and you liked the way it rolled off your tongue.
You weren’t sure about the phone number situation but a cup of coffee wouldn’t hurt, you thought. So you turned towards the barista who has been drilling holes through her gaze from the past five minutes; reason very well known. You could sense all the jealousy oozing from her.
“Two cups of whatever this gentleman was having”
She took your order maintaining her serious stance although she did look nervous, fumbling voice and trembling fingers, the common symptoms, when an intimidating man is around. Kai had that effect on literally everyone but why not on you?
“It’s a date then?” He teased. His eyes going all dark and smirk sliding up his lips.
He led you to the table on the far corner of the restaurant, far enough for no one to see or listen to what exactly you both were talking about. He pulled the chair for you and then went and sat across the table, opposite to you. It was awkward. Here you were sitting with a complete stranger that too on a self declared date. You tried looking everywhere to avoid his eyes but this one time your eyes met and he kept staring at you. In response so did you, not backing off at first but he didn’t budge. So you finally gave up and dropped your gaze to your lap.
“I didn’t get your name?” He broke the silence.
“Y/N” Wow suddenly you lost your voice too because you swear you tried to say it much louder than what came out of your mouth. You cleared your throat and said it again.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N”
“That’s a pretty name for a pretty lady.”
“So tell me what are you doing here, late at night dropping milk shakes on hot men?”
“You think you’re hot?” You retorted without thinking. The gall of this man.
“Don’t you?” There. You lost your voice again, struggling to speak and your heartbeat unusually fast. You did know how to dig up your own grave, didn’t you?
You were about to come up with some lame ass excuse to hide your embarrassment when thankfully, the waiter came up with your order. You took the opportunity to calm yourself down and thanked the waiter. As soon as he left you put your mouth to work and started drinking your shake using the straw. But all these tricks were useless because you could feel his eyes on you all this while.
This was a bad idea and you knew it. The only defence mechanism you had, your milkshake also seemed to reach its course and you had no choice but to look up. So when you did, you met his gaze again. And again there was silence, just the two of you staring at the depths of each other’s soul. From this close you could see his features very clearly, those brown eyes, generous nose and sensual lips. How would those feel on you? This sentence seemed to have a different effect on you. You were literally squirming in your seat with thighs closed so tightly that if your vagina had a nose it would have passed out long ago.
What? What the fuck was wrong with you? You practically met the guy like five minutes ago. You shook the thoughts away from your mind and found yourself asking him, “What is it?”
He didn’t break the eye contact and whispered in a sensual way pausing in between to make it sound as arousing as he could. “I’m just thinking..what would be sweeter… this shake… or your lips?”
You gasped at his candor. How could he utter those words so easily and how could you melt in an instant?
“It’s not like you didn’t think about it?”
“Your hitched breath, raised voice, flushed cheeks and crossed legs says it all.”
And before you knew it you were tumbling in an unknown apartment with lips intertwined and hands sliding all over each other’s body exploring as much as you both could.
He shut the door behind you, pushing you against the wall, kissing you with the passion you’ve never felt before. It was raw and yet dominating. His lips slipped down to your throat finding the sweet spot on the base of your neck which left you moaning in his ears. The smile you felt against your skin was more than enough to tell you that he was pleased with your response.
His lips found yours again while his hands trailed down between your legs. He rubbed your mound through your pants, your back arched in response and your hands clutched to his head, pulling at his hair. And then in a wink he turned you around, arms flat against the wall, his hard member digging in your ass. He pulled the hem of your top, removing the material and discarding it on the floor while his hips ground against your ass and you could do nothing but moan in response. Next came your bra leaving you naked above your waist. He cupped your breasts and rolled the nipples between his fingers making them into pointy peaks. By this time you were more than aroused and wanted him to take you then and there.
“Please, Kai.” You said between your moans and pants.
“What is it that you want princess?” He whispered in a dangerous way and then sucked the sensitive skin under your ears and you could do nothing but arch again, straining your swollen mounds into his hands.
Sensing your helplessness he lifted you in his arms and carried you to what you assumed to be his bedroom. The room was dim and warm with his scent looming in the air. He placed you gently on the bed and then started unbuttoning his shirt. You propped up on your elbows to enjoy what the view had to offer which definitely didn’t leave you disappointed. The finesse in every inch of his toned abs left you thinking that god definitely took his time with the man in front of you.
While you were busy drowning in appreciating his body, your eyes lingered down to the bulge straining dangerously in the confines of his pants and you gasped, which didn’t go unnoticed resulting in a shallow scoff by him. You quickly reverted your gaze and in a jiffy he was onto you kissing you breathless. His mouth traveled south capturing your aching peaks in his mouth one by one and his hand cupped your vagina, stroking it, rubbing it and finally inserting his digits inside you. You didn’t know how to process so much and you didn’t know how your body didn’t already break from all of this so you just grabbed the sheets at your sides, as much as you could. Damn he was good at this. Unconsciously, your mind drifted, wondering how many woman had he slept with before to make him so good at it and the thought made your heart clench and you closed your eyes.
But all your worries vanished when his tongue found your sweet spot. Your eyes rolled back in its sockets, your toes curling and your hips rising from the bed from the slow circles his tongue was making on your swollen nub. He grabbed your hips restricting your movements, the grip so strong that you half expected it to leave marks on your skin. Soon you felt you were climbing towards something untouchable, something building inside of you from all the sensations. The walls of your vagina started clenching and it all came to an end, like a damn breaking loose and you rode your high moaning, screaming, clenching and cumming around his tongue.
When your breath normalised and you opened your eyes you saw him getting up and walk in to the bathroom. He returned with a towel in his hands and cleaned you up. The towel was warm just like his gesture and you felt, almost.. loved. But this seemed like a routine, a routine he maybe followed with all his lovers.
He dropped the towel carelessly on the floor and threw his shirt for you to put on. You hands automatically got to work but you kept thinking why didn’t he go further, did he not find you good enough? You felt a pang in your chest and tears threatening your water line.
He lied down beside you and pulled you to his chest while covering both of you with the duvet. He patted your head softly, fingers playing with strands of your hair.
“I know what you are thinking.” He paused “but the reason I stopped has nothing to do with you.”
You raised your head from his chest to look at him. Your eyes met and he kissed your forehead.
“All was fun until I brought you to my apartment and then I realised how precious you are and well..this…this isn’t a conventional way to start dating but…”
“Dating? You want me to be your girlfriend?”
He smiled and said, “Yes I do. I can’t rectify this situation but sure we can start afresh and move forward, only when you want to.”
“Jongin” You looked in his eyes and whispered, kissing him. It was the only word you were capable of speaking at the moment. You couldn’t figure out what was messing your mind more? The mind blowing orgasm you just had or his out of the blue confession.
“Stay the night, y/n” He cheekily added.
Your lips curved into a smile.  “I will. But let me just inform my roommate. She’s gonna freak out though.” You said while getting up in the search of your phone.
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ferryboatpeak · 7 years
late late werewolf
I chewed on @wickershire‘s ask for a werewolf carpool karaoke timestamp for weeks, and then tumblr fuckin’ ate it, but here’s the outcome anyway. It’s mostly inspired by this photo and this video, and also here’s some Azoff den house porn and Jamesy baby’s place in Malibu.
Los Angeles is thicker with wolves than London is. James hadn’t realized that when he made the move. He’d only known that the boys were in and out of LA as much as London anymore, and hoped that would be enough to keep him from getting lonely. So it was a surprise to discover that LA has a disproportionately influential network of werewolves, and a bigger surprise to find himself welcomed into it.
James isn’t easily dazzled by superstars. It’s hard to be, when you’ve hoovered One Direction’s fur off your sofa. But he still can’t quite believe that he and Justin Timberlake get together every couple of months to chase coyotes in Griffith Park.
All the same, there’s nothing like seeing the boys. Any of them. So he’s only half-joking when Harry mentions doing the show during album promo, and James suggests that he stay for a week. move into the studio, you can sleep under my desk, he texts.
i’ll wee on your rug, comes the response. They trade increasingly terrible jokes about overnight guests and Harry earning his keep, and then James heads into a meeting and puts it out of his mind. He won’t need to remind Ben to get Harry scheduled as a musical guest when the time comes. Maybe they can even get a skit out of him.
The next day, Jeff Azoff calls. “Harry said he’s been talking to you about doing a week on the show?”
It takes James a moment to remember the text chain from the day before. Following through on vague ideas about getting together isn’t usually Harry’s thing. Their friendship is more of an endless series of joking texts and unfulfilled promises to make plans, right up until the point when Harry needs a sympathetic ear and someone to scratch his. That’s when he turns upon James’s doorstep.
He’s not sure whether Jeff’s interested in the idea, or calling to chew him out about presuming there’s a place for the Late Late Show in Harry’s well-oiled highly calculated promo plans. “Yeah,” James says, hoping for the best. “Yeah, we’d mentioned that.”
“Harry likes the idea,” Jeff says. “We all do. Let’s get it scheduled.”
Jeff starts talking about timing and strategy, moving other commitments to free up a whole week, and James checks out. Ben can handle that part. Ben’s not a wolf, and therefore Ben can have pleasant uncomplicated professional interactions with Jeff. Every conversation that James has with Jeff is shaped by crosscurrents of hierarchy and power that flow well beyond the two of them. Especially when the conversation’s about Harry.
James wants to believe that this residency is Harry following through, for once. This is Harry wanting to have some fun together. But he can’t help the uncomfortable suspicion that Jeff’s driving this somehow, and, inevitably, behind Jeff is his father.
Irving Azoff is the most powerful alpha in Los Angeles, and James doesn’t want to owe him any favors.
Late one night the week before the show, James’s phone rings with What Makes You Beautiful, and Harry’s photo pops up. James still uses an old picture from London, Harry wrapped up in a blanket burrito on James’s couch, managing to look disgruntled even as he naps. It’s a surprise; he hadn’t expected to hear from Harry until rehearsal later in the week. James swipes to answer the call, wondering what’s going on. “Harold!”
“Hellooooo,” Harry croons.
James remembers all over again how a direct hit of Harry’s voice is both soothing and disorienting. “You in town?”
“Not yet, flying tomorrow.” That explains the late phone call; Harry’s just waking up bright and early in London.
“Looking forward to next week,” James says, flipping the lock on the sliding door and starting up the stairs toward his bedroom.
“Sure, it’ll be fun.”
“Rehearsal Wednesday, right?”
“Yeah, Wednesday.” Harry pauses.
James waits him out for a moment before reaching for a prompt. “Where are you staying?” James realizes he hadn’t even offered, although Harry ought to know he’s always welcome.
“My place is going on the market.” James had forgotten Harry even had a house in LA. He still seems to prefer staying with somebody else when he’s in town, Ben and Meri or Jeff and Glynne or Cindy and Rande. Sometimes James, but James had assumed that moving out to Malibu last year would take him out of the rotation.
Harry’s still talking, rambling around to some kind of a point. “The art’s going into storage, and they’re going to like, fill in the nail holes, or paint or something, or maybe it’s something happening to the floors, I don’t remember. I think they took the rugs out too. So I’m staying with Jeff, but on Thursday we’ll all be up at his family place for the full moon, and do you want to come with?”
A loaded invitation. “Are you sure that’s all right?”
“Sure,” Harry says, broadly. “Irv actually said I should invite you.”
Which doesn’t do anything to allay James’s trepidation. But he’s not going to pass up a rare full moon with Harry, even if the rest of the company’s not ideal. “All right,” James says, like it’s easy as can be. “Tell Irving thanks for the invite.”
James wonders uncomfortably if Harry would still be going up to the Azoffs if Louis and Niall were in town. There’s no point asking him, though. In addition to it being an entirely academic question, James knows he’d only get a vague nonanswer about how Harry loves the pack and would never regret being part of it. He hasn’t left, not officially. Not like Zayn did, bloody and unmistakeable, the other four smelling of scorch and fever as they tried to rebuild the pack’s toppled scaffolding.
James doesn’t wish that on Louis again. But at least it was definitive. Not like the vague drift away that James worries Harry’s trying to accomplish, or Liam’s taciturn withdrawal into domesticity. Niall’s the only one left to bear the fierce weight of Louis’s love.
They film a sketch on the day before the full moon. Afterwards, Harry rides with James from the studio up to Holmby Hills. The ornate streetlights are just coming on, and the sharp scent of the towering box hedges is shot through with the fragrance of spring jasmine. The gate at the Azoffs’ opens when they pull up to it, which only serves to make James wonder how his Range Rover’s been recognized. Harry points him toward an appropriately deferential parking spot in the tree-lined circle drive.
There’s a wolf curled up in the middle of the terraced walkway to the house, sharp eyes watching them as they approach. “Chelsea!” Harry calls, and bends down to give her a vigorous backscratch. She snorts and headbutts him. James refrains, assuming he’d get a sharper reaction if he tried scratching Chelsea Handler’s back.
The front door’s standing open, and Shelli Azoff glides down the wide entrance hall to greet them as they approach. “Harry!” She kisses him on each cheek, Harry preening at the motherly attention. “Jeff and Glynne are out back.”
Harry tips a salute to James and saunters off down the high-ceilinged hallway toward the dining room. Shelli turns to James. “So glad you could join us tonight.”
“It’s my pleasure,” James says. Without Harry, he feels a bit like he’s been thrown to the wolves, literally. “Thank you for having me.”
Shelli tucks her arm through his and steers him deeper into the house. “Let’s get you a drink.”
The sprawling villa is made for a pack, with wide-open passages that won’t spook a wolf and French doors open to the exterior in every room. As they pass through an internal courtyard, a black-clad server appears at Shelli’s elbow and a gin and tonic smoothly makes its way into James’s hand.
The Azoff pack is large, and James recognizes most of the faces circulating through the house and down the terrace around the pool. It’s an even mix of artists -- the big names Irving’s represented over the years -- and others from the business side. James realizes that unless the Gerber kids are running around somewhere, Harry’s the youngest one here by close to a decade. No wonder Harry’s comfortable with the Azoff crowd, James reflects. He’s always happy when he’s surrounded by people competing to parent him.
Kris Jenner joins James and Shelli on the terrace. As the women greet each other, James looks past them to an elaborate spread of capaccio arranged on carved ice blocks. The small square plates and tray of cornichons and mustard suggest it’s offered for humans, but the sheer volume of raw meat means wolves will be finishing it off later.
To James’s relief, Kris stays to talk to him after Shelli melts away to ensnare someone else. It’s no trick to sustain a conversation with Kris. The only tricky part is to extract yourself before you hear more than you ever wanted to.
“Kim and Kendall here tonight?” he asks. They’re the only wolves among Kris’s brood. It’s never certain that the gene will pass down, when only one parent’s a wolf. James admires that Kris doesn’t seem to let it bother her. He’s never seen her show any favoritism between her daughters who are pack and the others who aren’t.
“No, Kendall’s with her friends,” Kris says, gesturing into the distance with her glass of white wine. “Kim and Kanye mostly do their own thing.”
Kanye West, all the cunning and power of an alpha but too volatile to convince anyone to follow him. Marrying into the Azoff pack didn’t help matters; of all the rumblings James has heard around who might succeed Irving someday, Kanye’s name is never in the mix. He asks Kris about her grandchildren instead, filling up the space until Irving Azoff steps out of a French door behind James and straight into their conversation.
“James! Glad you could make it.” Irving gives him an LA handshake and James feels disoriented by the disconnect between his appearance and his scent. A short man with an unapologetically receding hairline, Irving looks like the odd one out at this cocktail party full of famous artists and the expensively maintained team behind them. Breathe in, though, and his scent says not just that Irving’s willing to break a few eggs to make an omelet, but that he’s about to upend the entire henhouse and feast on the chickens.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” James says. “You’ve got a lovely property here.”
Irving scoffs. “Temporary. Thought we’d be back in our place by the end of last year. Architect’s fucking incompetent.” He rants to James about the renovation gone wrong on his Beverly Hills mansion, and James relaxes into the conversational safe harbor.
When he steps to the side to set his glass down on a patio table, it’s almost immediately whisked away by an efficient server with a low ponytail and a tray of empties. She glides silently toward the kitchen, and doesn’t even flinch when Chelsea brushes past her, tail catching on the edge of the tray.
James wonders how Irving and Shelli find staff they can trust, what it must cost them. James is careful to schedule his own house manager for a day off the morning after a full moon, and wipe up any pawprints himself so his cleaners have no reason to ask questions. His chef only knows that James likes a high-protein diet and steak cooked rare.
He snaps back to attention when he hears Harry’s name. “Glad to hear he’s doing a week with you,” Irving says.
“Well, we’re happy to have him.” James concentrates on breathing steady and slow, willing his scent not to give off any trace of nerves.
“You’ve always been a good friend to Harry.” Irving shifts his highball glass from one hand to the other. “He looks up to you.”
“That’s hard to believe,” James says. Hard to remember Harry as a sixteen-year-old kid who needed anything from James. Somewhere along the way, the whole world started giving Harry whatever he needs, abundantly and enthusiastically.
“He’s doing well,” Irving agrees, as if he’s thinking the same thing. James tries to stifle a flare of irrational possessiveness. He doesn’t need Irving to tell him how Harry’s doing.
Maybe something comes through in his scent, because Irving changes the subject. “You have a pack in LA?”
“No,” James answers quickly, reaching for the lighthearted emigre persona he relies on to dodge whatever ulterior motive is behind questions like this. “Still holding onto that last tie to Buckinghamshire.”
Irving doesn’t oblige him with a laugh or a joke about how you can’t go home again or a comment about the superiority of Los Angeles weather. He just looks at James, silently, and even though James knows it’s meant to unnerve him, it works anyway.
“Door’s always open here,” Irving says, after a pause.
“Thanks,” James says, shoulders down and chin tipped forward just a little, deferential. “I appreciate that.”
“We’d like to consolidate Harry’s supporters.” James didn’t see Irving move, but all of a sudden he seems uncomfortably close. “The next few months are going to be critical. It’ll help to have a good pack behind him.”
James has to stop himself from baring his teeth. Harry has a pack, and it’s not this one. Or maybe there’s something Harry hasn’t told him, or something on the horizon. Irving has a way of making the world conform to his vision.
The moon’s not up yet, but James’s body aches to shift. “Thanks,” he says, again. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
“You do that.” Irving tips his glass at someone over James’s shoulder. As he starts to move in that direction, he looks back at James. “LA’s a tough place to be a lone wolf.”
James goes in search of another drink, feeling that he’s more than earned it. While he waits for the bartender to mix him a double, he notices a handful of party guests slipping down a hall that leads away from the central part of the villa. A few minutes later, they reemerge as wolves, padding through the lounge and out the broad sliding doors to the terrace.
Shifting seems like an even better idea than more gin. James explores the hallway and finds a series of spare bedrooms. Each has an assortment of clothing neatly folded on the bed or hanging in the closet, ready for the owners to reclaim when they shift back. How civilized, James thinks. He undresses and leaves his shirt and trousers in a tidy pile on the bed, thinking nostalgically about the boys’ hoodies and high-tops scattered all over his garden back in London. Even with moonrise not quite here, the shift comes easily, as if his body understands that it’s much less complicated to be a wolf than a human in this place.
James slips out the bedroom’s French doors to the side of the house and circles back around to the yard. He emerges just in time to see Harry tossing his skinny jeans and flowered shirt on a lounge by the pool and shifting in full view of the remaining humans. Either Harry hasn’t bothered to pay attention to the pack’s customs, or he’s just well aware that nobody at this party’s going to mind an eyeful of his lean body and lesser-seen tattoos.
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Harry’s grown up into a striking wolf. His chest and shoulders have finally caught up with his long limbs and outsized paws, and his puppy fluff has resolved itself into a sleek dark coat. James bounds toward him and Harry yaps and darts off to the edge of the property, waiting for James to follow. They run through the trees and down an empty lot, emerging onto a golf course dotted with wolves. James has heard it before, but never quite believed it: Holmby Hills has enough wolves that they can afford to be a bit brazen about it on a full moon night.
The rolling fairways and the even scent of mown grass are a different experience than the Santa Monica Mountains, where James usually spends his shifts. He runs full tilt down the well-manicured course, overtaking Harry, who stays on his heels as they leave the coalescing pack behind. They weave through scattered stands of trees and leap across flat teeing grounds. James finally pulls up short and tackles Harry into a bunker. They roll over and over together in the sand like a pair of idiots, like six years never went by at all.
James leaves Harry at the Azoffs the next morning, heading home in the early dawn hours for a shower and a few hours of sleep. He sees him again at the studio that day, and all the next week, but there’s no chance to really talk there, surrounded by PAs and camera crew and Jeff ever-present in the background. Harry’s residency ends all too quickly, with a transcendent spark-shooting finale that has James half wondering the next morning if he dreamed the entire week.
Then, Harry’s gone. They see each other briefly in London a few weeks later, but it’s more of the same, always surrounded by the band, the crew, a theater full of people. Seeing Harry in person isn’t much different than their text message chain: sporadic outbursts of jokes that make only the two of them laugh, interspersed by long periods of nothing.
After the London show, James doesn’t hear from Harry again until his phone rings at the end of July, right as Dunkirk promo is winding down.
“I’m coming to LA for a bit before tour starts,” Harry says. “Could I stay at yours for a few days?”
“’Course you can, you know you’re always welcome.” As if James would ever tell him no. “You sure you want to be out in Malibu?”
“Yes,” Harry says, with certainty. “Want to get away a little, you know? Sit by the sea, nobody bothering me.”
He arrives at nearly midnight, the lingering traces of London in his scent almost overpowered by the stale coffee smell of air travel. James makes him a mug of tea and – when he almost falls asleep with his face in it – points him toward a guest bedroom.
Upstairs in his own room, James considers for a moment and then leaves the bedroom door slightly ajar. He doesn’t exactly expect Harry to come bounding up onto his bed like old times, but he’s not going to rule it out.
Then, instead of the clicking toenails of a wolf nosing its way through the cracked door, James hears soft knocking against the frame. Just a couple of quick and tentative raps, only loud enough for wolf ears.
“Harry?” James calls from bed. “It’s open.”
There’s just enough light to see that Harry’s shirtless and barefoot, in joggers. The black blotches of his tattoos look like absences in the dark room, like something’s chewed holes in him.
He gestures at the far side of James’s bed. “All right?”
“Sure, yeah,” James says, tugging the covers back for him. Harry takes up less space as a human, but he still radiates warmth as he settles in, turning himself over and back again, the human echo of his wolf tromping a circle into the duvet. He squirms his head down into his pillow, and then scoots closer to push his forehead into the side of James’s shoulder.
James freezes. He doesn’t know what to do with the gesture, somewhere halfway between human and wolf. After a moment he responds in kind, reaching his other hand over to scratch Harry’s head. Harry hums as if he’s pleased.
He’s silent for a few minutes after James finishes a lengthy head-scratch, but his breathing doesn’t slow into sleep. Finally, quietly, he asks, “How are they?”
“You’re not in touch?” James tries not to sound surprised or concerned.
Harry’s voice is half muffled by the pillow and the top of James’s arm. “There’s emails or texts or whatever, but.”
James understands. It’s easy to hide in plain sight in a text message chain. No way for the others to scent the truth, the way you can when your pack is nearby. “They’re good,” he says. “Truly, good. Niall’s coming into his own.”
“Fatherhood suits him,” James says. “You know Freddie’s a wolf, do you?” Louis hadn’t told James, just brought tiny newborn Freddie over for a visit and let James sniff it out for himself. He’d never seen Louis so proud or so happy.
“Yeah.” James can feel Harry smile against his arm.
“And you’ll have Liam’s boy in the pack as well,” James adds. He knows that much, at least; there’s no doubt with two wolves for parents.
Harry’s quiet. After a moment, James says, softly, “They miss you.”
“Do they?” The question’s more skeptical than hopeful.
“Of course they do.” James has to ask, and there won’t be any better time than right now, with Harry in his bed seeking comfort or reassurance or something James hasn’t figured out yet. “Do you miss them?”
Harry makes an ambivalent kind of a noise. “Yes,” he answers hesitantly, drawing out the word. “I miss them. But I can’t have them around and do what I want to do right now.”
James knows. It’s hard to believe he ever advised the boys to tone it down in public, when flaunting their pack bond turned out to be integral to their success. Of course, now that makes it all the harder for Harry to establish himself as anything other than part of the pack. James aches in sympathy, knowing what it’s like to put pack at a remove to accomplish one’s own goals. It’s been so long since he’s felt that way, though. For years he’s had the boys, and now all the other wolves he’s connected with in LA.
“Would you ever…” – James can’t even bring himself to actually say it – “…the Azoffs?”
“No,” Harry says, emphatically. “I don’t miss a pack. I miss my pack.”
“I didn’t know.” James realizes for the first time how much the possibility had worried him. “Irving tried to recruit me. Gave me some line about supporting you.
Harry blows out a frustrated breath, hot against James’s arm. “You aren’t going to, are you?”
“No.” James relaxes down to his toes with the relief of not having to consider it anymore. “I mean, it’s not appealing. But if you did… I’d think about it, I guess.”
“Whatever line he fed you is bullshit,” Harry says. “He wants you as bait. Thinks if you pack up, I will too.”
“How flattering.” Not liking that line of thought, James changes the subject. “You don’t shift at night anymore?”
“Doesn’t feel right, on my own.” Of course, James thinks. Loneliness is easier as a human, with any number of distractions that aren’t available in a wolf’s body.
“Have you shifted since the last full moon?”
Harry thinks for a moment. “Maybe not.”
“Go to sleep,” James says, scratching his head one more time. “We’ll go out early in the morning, run a little ways down the beach.”
“All right.” Harry yawns into the words. He stretches away from James and swings his legs out of bed. James sees a flash of pale skin as Harry sheds his joggers, and then jumps back onto the bed as a wolf. He’s asleep a moment later, sprawled halfway across James’s chest.
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You Are The Blood by sarcasticfluentry 175K
*must have an ao3 account to read
A seventh-year Hogwarts AU in which Niall gets all the girls, Liam goes on a journey of self-discovery, Zayn falls in love, Harry wants something more, and Louis tries to figure out once and for all why he, a Muggleborn, was sorted into Slytherin.
Follow Me Down This Time by supernope 27K
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he’s never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
Don’t Let Me Drown, Don’t Breathe Alone by supernope 31K
Harry tries not to think about how he and Louis only have two nights left together in the castle. Instead, he focuses on Louis’ hand on his thigh, the warm press of Louis’ shoulder against his own, and the pumpkin risotto he’s just piled onto his plate. He’s going to live in the moment, he tells himself firmly. Live in the moment. Right. (Sequel to Follow Me Down This Time.)
Beneath the Sheets of Paper by missberrycake 55K
In which Harry Styles is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While his best friends Liam, Niall and Zayn battle with the trials and tribulations of another school year, it’s all Harry can do not to fall head over heels for Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson. Harry soon comes to realise that discovering Louis was a far greater piece of magic than anything Hogwarts could teach him. Magic, though, is not always what it seems …
Magical Soup by gloria_andrews 28K
Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson’s seventh year at Hogwarts takes an immediate turn for the worse when he’s made to be potions partners with Harry Styles, Hufflepuff’s resident heartthrob and class clown. Louis has always considered Styles to be a terrible show-off who coasts by on his charm and good looks, but the more they work together, the more he questions that idea. As term goes on, will Louis be able to admit to himself that he might actually like Harry Styles after all… and maybe, just maybe, as more than a friend?
I See Trees Of Green by Acavall, Keep_Calm_And_Read_Fic, lissomely 8K
Guerilla gardening AU! Harry’s trying to make campus greener but uni admin won’t let him, so he turns to a life of crime and illegal planting. INVOLVE THE OTHER BOYS HOWEVER YOU WANT. — Persimmonlions
Guess who wrote which fic. Even we don’t know.
Us before: I am going to stick to the prompt! Us after: I did not stick to the prompt.
your certain charms by deLILah 20K
harry potter au. louis is the reserve-reserve seeker, harry is the quibbler’s brightest new voice, and the quidditch world cup is as good a place to stargaze as any.
L'Été en Azur by FannyT, RedOrchid 26K
In which Hogwarts students Louis, Liam and Niall go on a summer exchange to Beauxbatons.
What Good Are The Stars Above by ultravioletInk (loquaciousEscapist) 68K
A gratuitous alternate universe where Harry is more interested in the Slytherins than a Gryffindor Muggleborn has any right to be, Louis has settled into his preordained role, and Liam just really wants to get his friends through their final year of Hogwarts without accruing any casualties.
if you’ll be my star, i’ll be your sky by g_uttertrash 62K
Louis smiles in the smuggest, most infuriating way, like he knows every thought filtering through Harry’s mind. He probably does.
“I thought you were a student, yeah,” Louis says, voice quieter now, leaving Harry to lean over the baluster somewhat to hear. “But I hoped you weren’t.”
(or, Harry Potter AU where Harry takes a teaching post at Hogwarts and gets a little more than he expected when he meets the fit Transfiguration professor, Louis, who looks oddly familiar… Featuring Messrs. Horan, Malik, and Payne as well, along with some familiar faces from the HPverse)
The best smell in the world is the man that you love by larrycaring 10K
“Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn’t acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves.”
Louis looks down at his own container inspecting it suspiciously, as if the liquid could turn into a creature and absorb him. He bends his head down a bit, and Louis’ nostrils are filled with the most comforting scents he has ever inhaled. Somehow, it reminds him of home, something rich and warm, something he strangely feels familiar with, but he can’t quite place it. He also has the feeling he smells burnished copper.
He inhales more deeply and then he can smell apple and cinnamon, and he really does not understand. He moves back and frowns. If it was up to Louis, he would not mind inhaling the odour forever.
Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic by larrycaring 33K
Call him hopelessly romantic, but Harry is convinced Louis is the one for him. He didn’t really believe in love at first sight. Until that special person came along and stole his heart. And really, as soon as he first met Louis in the train, Harry had felt something. Their love at first sight started when they met, and never ended since they found each other, heart to heart. He knew it when he felt this fluttering feeling from deep down inside, when Louis smiled at him. It was like gravity moved, and nothing mattered more than him.
or even in a magical world, Louis and Harry’s love is the most magical and beautiful thing in the world, Zayn is the smart Ravenclaw who falls for his best friend, Liam’s true feelings are revealed and Niall is Niall.
or just another Hogwarts AU I had to write.
I See London, I See France by incandescentlight 5K
Harry Potter AU. Louis is working at the coffee shop when the most gorgeous boy walks in. Harry is an eighth year Beauxbatons student and Louis is determined not to fall in love because Harry returns to France in four months.
i’ll be yours to keep by midnights 17K
louis should’ve thought a lot more about who he said his fake boyfriend is, especially since he and his “significant other” kinda hate each other. most of the time.
hey angel by vanillabeanniall 6K
When Louis had first arrived at Hogwarts, he was more of a spectacle than he was now; Harry remembered when he first saw him at the sorting, just as entranced by his beauty as most everyone else. They’d all gone quiet when they saw Louis and his veela genetics, but because he was only one-eighth veela and also because of the natural progression of time, everyone’s infatuation had eventually worn off. Well, for the most part, anyway.
It had faded a bit with Harry, but the veela effect had never really gone away, and he knew Louis noticed that, though he never voiced his curiosity towards the subject.
this isn’t the stain of a red wine, i’m bleeding love by vanillabeanniall 2K
Professor Slughorn dropped the cauldron onto the table. “Amortentia,” he began dramatically. “The most powerful love potion in the world. It can create illusions of love, can rejuvenate a person, and sometimes, though rarely, reveal a soulmate. Distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen and spiral steam, amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. It creates infatuation, but not love, and your job today is to make it so I can show it off to my sixth-years.”
Harry nods. “Alright. How do we do that?”
Slughorn slammed a book down on the table dramatically. The man needs to calm the fuck down, honestly. “It’s all in here, boys.”
Louis nodded. “So, Professor, if you’re teaching me all about this now, what am I supposed to do in class?”
Slughorn smiled. It was creepy, like a frog licking its lips. “Sleep, maybe. Seems like that’s what you usually do, anyway.”
Harry let out a loud laugh at that, and Louis frowned. Letting pretty boys know about your lack of scholarly potential was not the way to get them to marry you and have twelve babies with you.
A Little Bit Blue and Yellow (A Little Bit Eye of Newt) by andresurrected 30K
The boys attend Hogwarts. Liam is the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Harry is a beater. Louis and Zayn are Slytherins. Niall is a Hufflepuff. There is a misunderstanding, and there are shenanigans in the Room of Requirement. Also, a lot of Quidditch matches.
Liam says, “Don’t repeat that. I’m not meant to have favourites.” Harry claps him on the back, grasping his shoulder and bringing him in for a hug. “Noted for blackmail,” Louis assures him, nodding once. Liam smiles at him like he doesn’t believe him.
wild mountain thyme by thetommo1d 6K
Harry and Louis attend Hogwarts and it’s always easy to mess up young love.
put your hands on me (I’m Worth It) by troubleinateacup 18K
A professional Quidditch player AU where Louis won’t be caught dead wearing green, Harry has an iPhone 6 and no knowledge of the most important game on earth, Liam is Louis’ long-suffering personal trainer/best friend, and Niall hangs out with models.
Bronze and Gold by yoshi09 7K
“And we’re back, Hogwarts! Another amazing day at the Potter Pitch, with clear skies and a brisk forty-one kilometer wind speed making for some fantastic plays today– it’s cold up here in the stands but it’s a good thing I’ve bought myself an official Quidditch jumper, available outside the pitch for only nine galleons, six sickles and one knut– we’ve got Ravenclaw leading Gryffindor thirty to ten, but after that classic Wronski Feint led by Gryffindor’s Lacey Kim, Ravenclaw is down a seeker for at least ten minutes while Devine gets medical attention giving Ravenclaw beaters more work to distract Kim’s efforts– it looks like we’re about to start again. Brooms are up, they’re off– the quaffle is immediately snatched up by Tomlinson, Merlin look at that form– only appreciating, Headmistress, that’s my best mate out there–”
* * * * *
Slice of Hogwarts life fic just in time for Halloween. Everyone knows 7th year Gryffindor Quidditch Captain Louis Tomlinson and 5th year Ravenclaw prefect Harry Styles are dating– except for Harry. Fluffiest fluff to ever fluff.
Like Master, Like Pet by Kwiky 10K
In which Louis’s cat apparently wants to date Harry’s frog, intense studying of eyebrows is a thing, pillows can turn into flamingos, and a lot of really lame-ass jokes are made.
Love Cakes by pinkladyalex 5K
Harry needs a way to charm Louis into asking him to the Yule Ball. (Featuring failed love potions, embarrassment, a little angst, and lots of feelings)
oh, the kissed limbs by lavenderforluck 6K
louis works at honeydukes, harry is a student at hogwarts. home is where the heart is, or in harry’s case, where louis is.
Keep me where the light is by frenchkiss 198K
A post-Hogwarts era AU featuring a wedding, a fake relationship, lots of sex, a cat named Hermione, a string of terrifying murders, and two young Aurors who are about to embark on a case that will change their lives (and the lives of the ones they love) forever.
After All This Time by donnylou 2K
My take on this beautiful prompt:
Hogwarts!AU where Harry and Louis are enemies who have potions class together, and one day they’re brewing Amortentia but Louis doesn’t know because he gets to class late so when he does arrive he starts laughing because “Oi Styles! you’re brewing your own cologne that’s so lame ahaahaa” and the whole class is like “what” and Harry is like “what”
what if we ruin it all, and we love like fools by sirensongs (orphan_account) 6K
Harry is a charismatic Gryffindor and Louis is an insecure Slytherin who sees something beautiful in the curly headed lion.
Reckless Serenade by boyfrombradford 10K
A Hogwarts AU where Harry and Louis hate each other, but then an acromantula makes them not. Also, there are lots of awkward moments involving erection éclairs and Drarry erotica.
Ghost of a Good Thing by musiclily88 2K
Harry asked Louis to the Yule Ball only to find out he had already invited someone else.
Potions and Presents and a Partridge in a Pear Tree by boyfriendsinlove 7K
Harry has a bit of a crush, it’s Christmas and there’s chocolate.
Pumpkin Juice (And Other Adventures) by cuddlingwiththemoon 3K
A simple story about pumpkin juice, pumpkin carving, a Halloween party and star gazing. When at Hogwarts.
A Truth So Loud I Can’t Ignore by bluegreenlarry 4K
There was a loud bang, then a shout and then only absolute silence. Harry slowly raised his head. Oh Merlin. A small grey kitten was sitting on Louis Tomlinson’s seat. And Louis was nowhere to be seen. But the kitten had huge blue eyes which reminded Harry terribly of Louis’. Fuck. He swallowed. Could it be…
Harry is a troublemaker and Louis is a prefect. They might secretly like each other.
a fully armed battalion (to remind you of my love) by MediaWhore 5K
“He was flirting with you by the way,” Niall says casually once he’s finished saying goodbye to Louis and he’s joined Harry outside.
“No he wasn’t,” Harry replies automatically, feeling his heart clench at the thought. Was he?
Niall simply raises a mocking eyebrow in response before wrapping his scarf twice around his neck.
“Not that it matters!” Harry says quickly, eyes widening. “I wouldn’t care even if he did because he’s awful and the worst.”
Everyone at Hogwarts knows that Professor Styles and Professor Tomlinson absolutely despise each other. It’s too bad that they’re in love.
Captive In A Kiss by onlyhuman 5K
“Remember when we were discussing fantasies? And you said that instead of you holding me down, you’d like to switch it up a bit?” Harry smirks, but honestly - the words don’t reach Louis’ brain. He can only stare at Harry in yearning, so he kisses him before he can say anything, can’t resist those pink, obscene lips at any given moment, no matter how tired he is.
Louis has just finished his NEWTs, Harry has a special kind of reward in mind, and the Slytherin Dungeons will never be quite the same again.
Veela Magic by Thelonelycoast 5K
The four of them are magicians at a boarding school and also roommates. Harry and Louis have a huge crush on each other. 
WIP Fics
where we go, nobody knows by hazmesentir 95K
“Do you ever think,” Niall said, quite calmly, as they stood among the hoard of students staring at the quite frankly grossly disturbing writing on the wall, “that so much more stuff goes on in this castle than we’re ever told about?”
Hogwarts AU where Harry’s just trying to be something more than ‘that other Harry’, and if his best friend could realise he was in love with him it’d be really grand; Louis has normal Slytherin problems like having to hide his friend’s illicit pet lizard, though maybe it’s all OK if Harry’s paying attention to him; and somehow they always end up missing all the drama
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