#as Matt says impact is on Thursday!
sonnykissed · 1 year
out of almost 5.5 hour show, women’s match got 8.5 minutes - shortest match on the main card.
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petalren · 14 days
My Opinion on Episode 107, Conversation between the Arc Heart & Bells Hells
So basically, the Arc Heart is leaning towards team Ludinous. The Arc heart is one of the two divine gods who want to move on, we don’t know the other god. They are basically saying that they want to run, but they know that the others would only run if they had something to fear. The only thing that they will fear would be Predathos. He is practically telling them a plan that he wants to happen. Imogen and/or Fearne since they are the only Ruidousborn who know this plan would take Predathos, take that sacrifice, not know what would happen to them. They don’t know anything about a vessel, they think that Imogen and Fearne could take control, using Laudna as an example. They would become one with Predathos, take control, and make the gods fear them so that gods would want to fear.
I think this is a little selfish, in the perspective of someone who is just hearing this conversation. But for someone who watched the faults and hardships of the god in Downall, this is selfish, but I kind of get it. The Arc Heart had feelings like his children, like mortals, he cares for his family and thinks that need to move on. They think that mortals could evolve, if they didn’t rely on the gods. They don’t know what would happen to the vessels that would take Predathos, but he is still asking for them to make that sacrifice, he is asking for help, he realises that the gods need help. I think this makes the cast as players and as Bells Hells, especially Imogen/Laura and Ferne/Ashley. I think Matt wants them to think how to approach Predathos and their decision of being Ruidusborn. I think that Laura and/or Ashley would need to make complicated saves and decisions when it comes to Predathos, and Matt wants to expose these different perspectives to build up the complex decisions they would need to make in the end.
I’m writing this as the conversation goes on, the Arc Heart is sounding more selfish. He said that Predathos wouldn’t care about the mortals because they are like ants to us, small and worthless but there would be mass destruction and cataclysms. He is basically saying that the gods are all he wants, he wants the Ruidusborn to possess him so they would have a head start.
This is the build up and I think this comes back to the opinion about Imogen’s current position in the narrative in a reblog. Matt is basically building up the narrative and we have known that Laura/Imogen will greatly impact the narrative, that’s why she is currently taking a backspot when the topic could refer to Bells Hells as a whole or individuals. Ashley is becoming more of a central character because her father and they are currently in the Feywild and might need to do the same as Laura and take a backspot before that arc where Predathos and their decisions would be very important, especially with the current arc where Bells Hells would be in direct contact with the gods. Fearne as a Ruidusborn wasn’t really built up as much as Imogen, partly because we didn’t know that she was Ruidusborn until later and again with her position as a Ruidusborn until everything was revealed with her backstory and it is still being built up.
With all of this, especially with this plan, Bells Hells would most likely be presented with a few perspectives of the gods. We know 2, to fight Predathos or to use Predathos as a subject of fear so the gods would run. With their already split opinions, these perspectives would change on how they think and their decisions in these final arcs
I just want to voice my opinion about this and I do want to be a little more social on this account so voice your opinion on this if you agree or not! See you all next Thursday!
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iww-gnv · 1 year
Fran Drescher, president of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced during a press conference in Los Angeles on Thursday that the union representing Hollywood actors will go on strike. “It’s official @sagaftra has voted to strike. We will be joining the @wgawest @wgaeast on the picket lines starting tomorrow,” Yvette Nicole Brown wrote in a post on her Instagram page on Thursday as news of the strike became official. She added, “In preparation we all got together last week to create our signs. I was on sticks! When you’re out there without a splinter thanks to the perfectly placed duct tape, think of ya girl! #UnionStrong.” The official strike declaration comes after SAG-AFTRA’s negotiating committee’s talks with major studios and streaming services about a new contract failed, even after the original deadline to make a deal was extended by weeks and a federal mediator got involved. The strike is set to go into effect at midnight PT Thursday night, but many actors have spoken about the impact it will have before it officially commenced. On the red carpet of the “Oppenheimer” premiere in London – moments before the cast walked out in solidarity of the strike – Matt Damon told Deadline that a strike will impact his new production company that he started with Ben Affleck. “It’s going to be tough for the actors, for 160,000 actors. Nobody wants a work stoppage,” Damon added. “But if our leadership is saying that the deal isn’t fair then we’ve got to hold strong until we get a deal that’s fair for working actors.”
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tyforthevnm · 2 years
My Chemical Romance | punknews.org
Contributed by katie4213  Posted by Scott Heisel April 13, 2003
"My Chemical Romance has hopped on the Taking Back Sunday tour, and when they stopped in Seattle, I had a chance to speak to these guys. Let me say, I don't think I have met a group of more funny guys in a long time. They were all hilarious, extremely kind, and open to all the questions I asked, often elaborating into some pretty funny and outrageous stories." Click READ MORE for the full interview, in all it's crashing-into-parked-cars glory. 
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 How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard MCR before?
Gerard: I would describe it as rock n roll played by a bunch of guys that listen to Iron Maiden, Black Flag, The Misfits, Classical music, Fantasy Metal, and Brit-pop. Mikey: It’s rock n roll played by a munch of man boys. We’re hard core R&B.
Who are your influences?
Gerard: Iron Maiden, Misfits, Black Flag, Classical music, Brit-pop, At The Gates, The Descendants, umm, fuck who else, Pantera, …
Do you have a favorite city or venue to play at? Why?
All : Chicago, the Metro in Chicago. It’s the shit. Boston and Jersey too. Gerard: We’ve played at the fireside two times, and I think if we had played there more that would be out favorite venue, but we have only had like two really brief experiences there.
How do you set your music apart from all the other emo/hardcore bands out in the industry today?
Gerard: Well what’s different about us is that we are not really an emo band, we get booked on a lot of the same tours and shows with what people are calling emo bands. Everyone will obviously say that emo is a really loaded term, it is pretty much just what people are calling music that kids are playing now a days. Um it’s punk, it’s rock, it’s hardcore, and we are not really part of that whole emo thing, but we are booked with a lot of bands that are emo, so it’s really interesting for us. What makes us different is that we kinda have an attitude about it, like a rock band, like a rock and roll band and uh, we kinda bring something like that to the table.
Do you see MCR ever moving to a major label in the future, or sticking to the smaller Indy labels?
Gerard: Major Labels are something that . . . well it depends. When you start a band you want to get you message out to as many people as possible. And major labels are a way to do that, and um, we see a lot of bands using that method like Thursday and stuff like that and it never, well shouldn’t change the band. I know it hasn’t changed Thursday, I can speak for them for sure. But sometimes it does change people, but, it doesn’t really change the band. A major label is just a way for them to get better distribution, you know, they get to make records they really want to make. Even a band like Radiohead can spend millions of dollars on a record, now you know? But we defiantly see ourselves always, well we will always consider ourselves and Eyeball band no matter what. We will always consider ourselves Indy, we come from that, no matter what happens in the future we are always going to be involved with the Indy labels, doing splits, doing seven inches, whatever.
What would be the lineup for your ideal tour?
Ray: Wait! We decided this a couple of days ago. It would be us, Recover and The Iron Maidens- an all female Iron Maiden cover band. And they are ugly. In the background – “No they’re not dude! Not all of them” Ray: Yea, well one of them is. And it will be incredible.
When you are on the road what do you listen to/what do you do to pass time?
Matt: We got Nintendo to pass time. Ray: We got the Zelda game that this kid’s been playing all the time. We have an X-Box buried somewhere in here too. Gerard: We’re like game Nerds. I got the new Cradle of Filth too, so that is what I have been listening to now. Everybody always picks up cd’s. All: The Exit. We have been listening to them a lot. And The Ghost.
Have you had any really horrible experiences or really great experiences on the road so far that have impacted the band?
Matt: Mikey got into a fight and broke his foot. Ray: Ha-ha, he got into a fight with a wall. The wall was mouthing off to him. Mikey: I got to hobble around with a cane for a while. Matt: Ray ripped the fender off the van. Ray: That was pretty funny though, it gives it attitude, don’t you think? Gerard: My dad keeps asking about the fender too. He goes, “Did you guys put the fender on yet.” And I was like, well we have it. Ray: It was also a crazy time when I ripped my head apart. Gerard: Yeah he got a really bad gash in his head in Columbus. And his face was like a mask of blood. We were terrified. Ray: And then this girl sent a picture to me. She sent this email because we put on our website that we wanted a picture of us playing live. And she sent this email saying “oh, we say you guys in Columbus, um, Gerard is so cute. I wonder if you guys remember me, I hugged Gerard after the show.” And the picture that she attached was called Gerard, and it was me and Gerard standing nest to each other, You can hardly see his face, but my face was completely covered in blood.
After you finish a set, and you leave the stage, what message or impact do you want to leave on your audience?
Ray: “I just got fucked” Gerard: Well the main theme is the whole anti-suicide thing. You know we really want to get that across to people that there is always someone to talk to even us, especially us if you are at a show and you are feeling upset. I mean I have had tons of people come up and talk to me about it and that’s the best. When we can talk about that, rather than my hair or some shit like that. Well, that is one main message, and the other message is like just fuckin’ be who you want to be, be yourself, and live out everything you absolutely want to live, cause were up there, and we are like five, probably most self conscious dudes in the world, and we get up there and we try to act like in Queen, you know what I mean. It’s not very characteristic for people who have self esteem issues, you know. And we have gotten over that and so many other problems involving our mental health with this band. This band is our therapy, and we try to get that across to people.
What were your inspirations during the beginning guitar in “Headfirst for Halos?”
ALL: Van Halen, Queen. Ray: Queen was a big one. Background: (there were certain other influences too. . . ha-ha) Ray: Ohhh well that influence was for the rest of the music in this song. We were fuckin’ zoinked out of our heads when we wrote that song. It seems like it is really against what everything sounds like on the record. It’s really major. Gerard: We wrote it literally on the spot. I mean that song wrote itself. In like 10 minutes, lyrics, everything. We were just joking’ around and I was like this is the catchiest, popiest, stupidest shit I have ever heard, and I was like how can I make lyrics make it not. And then I figured a way to do that. At first we were like no, this in not a My Chemical Romance song, but we just kept fighting it until it was.
What is with all the vampire/hospital allusions?
Gerard: Um, the vampire stuff is actually only in one song. The hospital stuff is in a lot of them. The hospital theme is like; I mean with me personally I am in and out of freakin’ hospitals, constantly and emergency rooms epically, for God knows what. So many different things, and all of us are in the hospital or sick, or so many things, and the hospital is just a good metaphor for a lot of stuff. It’s kinda a safe place but yet scare place so I kinda put it in the songs as a metaphor so people always have something to go to. Like in Vampires I say “take me to the doctor” obviously another hospital type reference. But I don’t know, it is just like the last safe place. And the vampire this was only once, but, we get a bad rep for it. Mikey: And we’re not even talking about vampires. Gerard: I think a lot of that came from how we were in the beginning. A little gothic, ya know. Now I got that leather jacket and it is all cool.
What Jersey bands are you into right now? Any we should look out for?
Matt: Up and coming you should look out for Senses Fail. We’re going out with them soon. Gerard: The only problem with us answering this question is that we haven’t been in Jersey since October so. . . Matt: Well every band that we like from Jersey is already huge. Mikey: Yeah ha-ha, check out this band called Thursday, they are pretty good. Matt: Yeah check out Midtown and Saves the Day. Ray: I miss “Little Buddy” dude . . . (someone in back) Little buddy?? Ray: “Little Buddy” you know, from Senses Fail, the singer. He’s a good kid.
Do you feel you have ever done your fans a disservice by not performing to you full potential because you were intoxicated? (I told the band that this was a question submitted on line before I read it to them)
Ray: Hahahaha. Wait did someone actually ask that?? All: Wow . . . . I wonder what show was at. Gerard: I think maybe he’s asking because he fuckin’ plays live and gets wasted. Ray: Wait can I read the question? Gerard: You what the weird thing is. I think people think we are intoxicated, I think that the thing. A lot of people think we are wasted up there and we are not at all. An I think that people have this impression that I am loaded off my ass on booze, and most of the time I am completely sober. (Background: ha-ha completely sober?) No, seriously most of the time I have had at most one or two beers. Matt: I think the biggest drinker would be Mikey. You know you can never tell if he is drunk or not. Ha-ha. Ray: Wait, real quick though, I will say that I have felt that I haven’t played as good because I have had like one or two beers and it slows me down. Gerard: Yea, in the beginning we defiantly had a couple of shows, I mean in the very beginning, because we played a lot bar shows. Matt: That was also because some people were really scared to get in front of a crowd. So they may have needed to get fuckin’ loaded to do it.
At this moment the door van opened and Ross and Dan from Recover stopped by to say hi. They also asked My Chemical Romance to back their van up a little. So Ray jumped into the front seat to move the van, and as he backed up, Ross didn’t do too good of a job directing him, and we backed the trailer into a car parked behind us. The laughing took a while to calm down. And the band decided that this incident belonged under my question of memorable experiences on the road. Ray: Well we just backed into a random car with our trailer. Ha-ha.
How much technical guitar lesions have you had, you music seems very sophisticated and impressive?
Gerard: Well, it’s just that we are very sophisticated gentlemen, and out music is very sophisticated. No no, we just listen to a lot of metal, and Ray is a fucking genius on guitar. That’s it. That is what you are hearing. Ray: Ha ha genius? Do you want to hear about my years of technical guitar lessons? I had no life in high school. No fucking friends, nothing. After I got out of class I would just sit at home and play guitar all fucking day. And play street fighter too. Oh, and I also took typing lessons. Typing lessons help with your fingers. Gerard: Well we basically have four punk rock dudes, backed up by a really great guitarist, and it sounds really technical.
Can you give your feelings on your album “I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love”
Gerard: We love it, um, I think the experience itself in making the recorded and getting to hang out with Jeff and Alex and John and Tucker, it was just a great experience for us all and we’re always going to look at that record as being special. We only did it in like nine days ten days something like that. But it was such a great experience and we love everything about the record, we love every song and we love the way the cover looks. Ray: it was defiantly an incredible experience. It was the first time I think any of us had gone in to record fucking for real, and it sounded so fucking good. We were blown away. We were like whoa, that’s us. It was awesome.
What expectations do you have for MCR in the future?
Ray: To be the biggest fuckin’ rock n roll band in the world. Gerard: To open up for iron maiden- direct support. We actually almost did in Germany, but we can’t go over there now, so it stinks. But to directly support Iron Maiden that is my personal goal. And to just be a rock band. And to reach as many people as possible. And not so much to leave a legacy, because that kinda stuff is bullshit, but to make a difference, you know what I mean, and then people will remember that as opposed to like “ah they were the biggest rock band ever” which is cool too.
As far as new records or videos go is there anything coming up?
Ray: Well we hired a group of writers to write the second album, because we didn’t feel like doing it, ha-ha, so they are the guys who worked on the last “NSYC record. Gerard: The same guys that worked on the Good Charlotte record. Ha-ha that was for you Frank because I know you want to talk shit. Ray: Yeah the new shit is going to be a lot more commercial and radio friendly, all over TRL. We are trying to keep all the songs under two minutes and twelve seconds, song titles really short. It is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like. Matt: I can’t wait to learn it. We have to learn to play that stuff live you know. Ray: Honestly, we’re writing all the time. Well actually that’s a lie, we haven’t written in a couple days. But we are always experimenting with shit. We just need some time off, but at the same time we don’t want time off because we just want to fucking tour forever. Gerard: It’s really hard to find the medium in that you know. Ray: I am fucking psyched about recording the new shit because it is going to be sick. All: It will be out when it’s ready.
At this time, we had finished with the interview, but the guys wanted to show me what some of their fans in Chicago had made for them. Gerard pulled out this huge scrap book that covered every show they had played in Chicago with full picture detail. It was extremely impressive, and the guys were so honored, proud, and appreciative to have fans make it for them. I was extremely impressed as well. There was a lot of work put into this scrapbook, and I could tell that My Chemical Romance loved it and is going to treasure it forever.
All: It’s the best thing we have ever gotten. It is amazing. It’s incredible. This is every show we have ever played in Chicago. Pictures of us playing at all the shows. This is taken by Teresa, Amanda, Lil Motherfucker, Sarah, Ashley. It took them two months to make. It goes from playing the Fireside to Metro. And in the back it gets even better because they all wrote us notes each. It’s amazing. The best thing we will probably ever get and we love it. It’s saying what the bands means to them, and how they found out about us and all their experiences at our shows in Chicago. We love it. When you see something like this, it’s just . . . . I don’t know. That’s Chicago for you. We are very lucky. We have the best fans.
Although these guys are lucky to have fans like that, the totally deserve it. They are all extremely friendly, funny, and humble, and deserve all the success in the world. They are a great group of guys, and if you get the chance you should support them when they come to your town.
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“Everybody — Alan Dershowitz — everybody says there’s no crime here,” Donald Trump said before his trial in Manhattan resumed on Thursday. “There’s no crime. Jonathan Turley, every single person, Gregg Jarrett, Andy McCarthy, anyone you want to name, Mark Levin, great lawyer, all of them. Great lawyers, great legal scholars, every single one said there’s no crime. The crime is that they’re doing this case.” What do Dershowitz, Turley, Jarrett, McCarthy and Levin have in common? Each has been a fixture on Fox News during its coverage of Trump’s trial. The five have combined for at least 116 weekday Fox appearances from when jury selection began on April 15 through Wednesday, according to Media Matters’ database (Levin also hosts his own show that airs on Fox on Saturday and Sunday nights). Trump’s effort to delegitimize this trial leans heavily on favorable commentary from his friends at Fox. The former president is regularly promoting trial takes from the network, which has offered a full-throated defense of Trump and an unrelenting attack on everyone involved in his prosecution. Indeed, as Trump finished speaking and entered the courthouse on Thursday, Fox brought on McCarthy and Turley to preview the day’s trial testimony.It is impossible to overstate Fox’s impact on Trump’s worldview. The insight he garnered about the GOP base as a regular on “Fox & Friends” helped him to win the presidency. As chief executive, he reportedly used what he called a “Super Tivo” at the White House to watch hours of the network’s programming each day. (In fact, the “Super Tivo” may have been regular DirecTV.) He filled his administration and his personal legal teams with familiar faces from the network’s green rooms; consulted with Fox’s stars as if they were Cabinet members; and adopted positions on a wide variety of federal policies, from pardons to contracts to spending legislation to pandemic response, based on what he heard from the people on his television screen. As Fox remade itself during the Trump administration as a propagandistic extension of his White House, Trump habitually promoted its incessantly favorable commentary as part of his communications strategy. He regularly tweeted in near-real time in response to what he was seeing on the network, a phenomenon I termed the Trump-Fox feedback loop. He also frequently shared video clips of the network’s stars defending him and attacking his foes.
Media Matters For America's Matt Gertz for MSNBC.com on Fox's propagandistic People of New York v. Trump trial coverage that Donald Trump has cheered on (05.20.2024).
Matt Gertz wrote for MSNBC that GOP propaganda outlet Fox “News” Channel’s coverage of the People of New York v. Trump trial is the real driver of Donald Trump’s propaganda campaign baselessly asserting that “there’s no crime” regarding his business record falsification acts.
See Also:
MMFA: How Trump's Fox News feedback loop powers his Manhattan trial defense
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blogger-yura · 11 months
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Entry #52 Oct 23rd '23
#YurasLife #MovieMonday #HalloweenWeek #Thriller #Horror #Slasher #Gore
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𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 - This is Halloween~
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This is Halloween~ Pumpkins scream in the dead of night~.
It's that time of the year again! Isn't it just OH, so exciting! If you've been here a while, you might know how much I LOVE holidays ♡ And Halloween, of course, holds a special place in my heart. Wouldn't be able to tell you why, but it's always with great joy that I spend october, and especially the last week, preparing, decorating, and celebrating ~.
Same as last year, to get in the mood this week before the day comes, I've prepared a small list with movies to watch! Some were added to the ranking last time, classics that simply can't be left out–. And some, well, are just here to enjoy and have fun with friends at night (*^ω^)
With nothing else to say, I hope you enjoy this year's selection!
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Monday 23rd
Title: Scream franchise (1996-2023) - Director: Wes Craven, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, Christopher Landon
It is not a Halloween movie night if there's not at least ONE Scream movie in there. That's it. That's everything there is to say. Ah, how do you even explain this franchise? To this day, it remains a must watch for any and all horror lovers. There is no further discussion about it. I'm taking the holiday as an excuse! Still need to watch the new drop. So do the same, and if you haven't watched them all, make yourself a favor and sit through them tonight!
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Tuesday 24th
Title: Hostel (2005-2011) - Director: Eli Roth, Scott Spiegel
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Wednesday 25th
Title: Slither (2006) - Director: James Gunn
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Thursday 26th
Title: The Evil Dead franchise (1981-2023) - Director: Sam Raimi, Federico Alvarez, Lee Cronin
It's the hand. It will ALWAYS be the hand. Picture this, you're watching a terribly gore-y, comical horror movie. You can't get past the 1st person POV of the evil spirit sprinting through the woods, trying to take the movie seriously as it's so old. And then, to top it off, a possessed hand wants to end its former owner's life. That's all you need to know to understand why this is here. A comic, a computer game, a movie, a tv show, and a musical. That's the cultural impact of The Evil Dead!
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Friday 27th
Title: House of 1000 corpses (2003) - Director: Rob Zombie
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Saturday 28th
Title: The Strangers (2008) - Director: Bryan Bertino
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟☆
Sunday 29th
Title: Paranormal Activity (2006) - Director: Oren Peli.
Lets be honest for once. There's only one good Paranormal Activity movie, and that's simply the first one. Maybe it was the fear it induced, the novelty of the idea and the filmmaking, or simply the fact it made it seem like such an ordinary occurrence, like it could happen to you at any time. But it is, undoubtedly, an axiety inducing, terrifying movie. And I am more than convinced it deserves a little spot in todays list.
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟☆
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Did I pick your favorite movie, or did I miss it? It's always so hard picking so little movies to share and have fun with for these dates! Never know if I want to keep the list old school, modern, psychological, or bloody! Regardless, this is the list I'm going with myself! A bit of everything, I reckon, and I know I'll enjoy it.
If you have your own horror list for the week, what do you have in it? And if you don't like horrors, what do you watch for Halloween? (^w^)
Can't wait for next week to come already! Still have so much to share the next few days, though. I'm super excited, and I hope you are too!
I'll go now, or I'll fall behind on my other plans! But I'll be back tomorrow with more, so don't miss me much! All the love, my little pumpkins~.
Stay safe out there! -Yura ♡
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🧡: @clubwnderland [💙] @shin-haneul @neonvandalsxcb @neverland-fairies @silcntxnight @urluvlyfe @oppositesattraxt @theboys-oc @norselegends-cb @jinju-oc @fallenangels-cb @domxbot @moonlightchn @cyberpunkcollection @coffeexdreamcb @thetoplinecb @vandalsxcb @teyvatcb @lunaaofthemoon @oc-honeys @3rachabot @darkloversxcb @yandereskz @darkkingdomscb @johnnys-toes-cb @markshands-cb @domrachaa @soyeon-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @livealittleoc-cb @reve-rv @evicted-oc @littleboywooyoungie @vampireskz @demonljy @welcome-to-maniac @shuhua-cb @theonesxcb @bpkhybrids-shelter @night-racers @firstkill-cb @fearlessxcb @fantasyaespa @minsour-r @redlight-cb @dreamtech-cb @chxithex @hearthstone-apothecary @elemental-dream @kimheebby
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'The cast of Oppenheimer laughed and joked with one another at the UK premiere for the film – moments before walking out on strike.
Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy, Florence Pugh, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr and more hit central London on Thursday night for the star-studded European premiere of the eagerly-anticipated film.
However in a shock move, each of the stars left halfway through as the actors’ strike was officially confirmed, with talks breaking down after weeks.
Director Christopher Nolan told the cinema’s audience the actors had left after the red carpet, ‘to write their picket signs for what we believe to be an imminent strike by Sag, joining one of my guilds, the Writers Guild, in the struggle for fair wages for working members of the unions, and we support them.’
Fans had indeed seen the A-listers on the red carpet just moments before, with the cast looking absolutely stunning – and appearing in majorly high spirits – before joining the picket line.
Emily and Florence shared a cuddle and a laugh on the carpet, clinging on to each other in a fit of giggles, with Florence’s hands around Emily’s waist.
Emily was later snapped with leading man Cillian, looking mock-serious as he offered a smile to cameras, her arm over his shoulder and his hand on her waist.
The cast appeared relaxed and happy as they posed together, with the imminent strike seemingly far from their minds, as in one photo they were all caught mid-laugh.
RDJ in particular was seen messing around with fans and for the cameras, giving thumbs up, grinning and almost dancing around the red carpet.
Florence looked absolutely divine in a flowing red dress, eerily blending in with the poster of the film showing a devastating explosion, as striking as ever with her shorn blonde hair and dark eye makeup.
A Quiet Place star Emily oozed glamour in a black dress pointedly cut out to show off her body, her legs visible through black tassels from her thighs to her feet, and matched with open-toed heels.
Cillian donned a smart black suit, with the black shirt semi-sheer, while Matt too opted for a well-cut black suit and plain white t-shirt underneath.
Given the stars’ demeanour on the carpet, excited fans watching on would never have expected they were about to cut the night short in solidarity with other strikers.
However both Matt and Emily had confirmed during the walk on the carpet that they intended to do just that if it came to it.
Matt told Variety: ‘Look, if it’s called now, everyone’s going to walk obviously in solidarity.
‘Once the strike is officially called, [we’re walking].
Emily shared the sentiment to Deadline, saying: ‘‘I hope everyone makes a fair deal, and we are here to celebrate this movie. And if they call it, we’ll be leaving together as cast in unity with everyone.
‘We are gonna have to. We are gonna have to. We will see what happens. Right now it’s the joy to be together.’
Their exit comes as US union Sag-Aftra confirmed its first major members strike in more than 40 years.
The US union and Hollywood studios failed to reach an agreement after more than four weeks of negotiations, with actors wanting better pay and increased safeguarding around artificial intelligence (AI) rights among their demands.
The union directed all its members to immediately stop working on all scripted film and TV around the world.
It is now anticipated the strike will affect upcoming award shows, premieres, events, and film festivals around the world, including the Toronto and Venice film festivals, and the 75th Emmys.
The likes of Doctor Who, Emily in Paris, House of the Dragon, The White Lotus, and more huge 2023/2024 projects are also likely to be impacted.'
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Matt Davies ::@MatttDavies
* * * *
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
“We cannot give up on peace.”
October 20, 2023
          In a short but impactful speech, President Biden explained why American support for Israel and Ukraine is vital to national security and global peace. It was a great speech. Not a good speech or an excellent speech. It was a great speech that rose to a fragile and volatile moment in world history. He moved quickly and easily from global security to the importance of NATO unity in Ukraine to the right of Israel and the Palestinian people to self-determination to condemning antisemitism and Islamophobia to mourning the murder of a six-year-old Palestinian boy he called by name, “Wadea.”
          The video of President Biden’s speech is here, President Biden's Address to the Nation.
          As with his remarks in Israel, Biden did not shrink from difficult subjects. He simultaneously recognized the suffering of the Israeli and Palestinian peoples—as well as the suffering of Americans from Israel and Gaza. He said, “I see you. You belong. And I want to say this to you — you’re all Americans.” In an important acknowledgment, he said,
We must, without equivocation, denounce antisemitism. We must also, without equivocation, denounce Islamophobia.
          In a significant foreign policy shift, he equated the anti-democratic animus of Hamas and Vladimir Putin, saying that both sought to “annihilate” democracy. He said, “Hamas and Putin represent different threats, but they are both threats to democracy.” Biden linked Putin and Hamas—"dictators and terrorists”—in the following passage:
History has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.
          Biden also urged Americans to recall the importance of America to maintaining world peace and stability. In memorable phrases, he said that America “is the indispensable nation” and “a beacon to the world.”
          Biden said that he would submit a $100 billion proposal to Congress to support Ukraine and Israel. He said that it represents “a smart investment that will pay dividends to Americans for generations.” There remains serious doubt whether House Republicans can elect a speaker to act on President Biden’s request. See below.
          As with his remarks in Israel, Biden urged Israel to consider the downstream consequences of its actions before acting to invade Gaza. Per The Guardian, “He stressed that Israel should not make the same “mistakes” made by the US after 9/11 when, he said, Americans were “blinded by rage.” (On that topic, there is conflicting evidence of Israel’s intentions. See below.)
          Shortly before Biden spoke to the American people, a US Navy ship in the northern Red Sea “intercepted three land attack cruise missiles and several drones that were launched by Houthi forces in Yemen.” See The Guardian. It is not clear whether the missiles were headed toward Israel or the US ship, but the incident may represent the first involvement by US forces in the Israeli war against Hamas.
Israel is on the verge of invading Gaza—or not.
          There has been conflicting reporting over the last forty-eight hours about Israel’s intent to invade Gaza. The Guardian reported on Thursday evening as follows:
Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, visited troops on the Gaza border on Thursday, telling them: “You see Gaza now from a distance, you will soon see it from inside. The command will come.”
          But Israeli troops have lingered on the Gaza border for longer than expected, and some sources in Israel have cautioned against expectations for a full-scale invasion. See Dennis Aftergut and Edward Story, MSNBC, Why canceling its ground invasion could help Israel defeat Hamas. Per Aftergut and Story,
In a faint sign of hope, the Israeli military reportedly said on Tuesday that a Gaza ground offensive is “not a certainty.” That tempering of Israel’s militant tone may reflect private conversations Biden had with Netanyahu urging restraint . . . . There is no shame in leaving its IDF forces massed around Gaza without escalating further. Doing so could give the army and intelligence forces more time to locate and possibly exchange the hostages without massive IDF or hostage casualties. Such a pause also gives both Israelis and Palestinians more time to think through how to fill the potential vacuum that will be left if Israel ultimately succeeds in destroying Hamas.
          President Biden has urged restraint and caution on three occasions regarding an invasion of Gaza. The US cannot tell Israel what to do, but Biden is highlighting “mistakes” that the US made after 9/11. We will learn in the coming days whether Israel will slow or avoid its invasion of Gaza in light of America’s difficult and costly 9/11 wars.
Concluding Thoughts.
          We are living through a difficult moment in our nation’s history. American democracy is threatened as never before while Israel’s war on a terrorist group hiding among civilians has divided friends and allies in the fight to preserve democracy in this country. There are no “easy” or “right” answers that will avoid all harm, protect all legitimate interests, and vindicate all wrongs in the Middle East. We must not pretend otherwise.
          Recognizing that there is no single answer that will fix everything, we must not make enemies of fellow citizens with whom we disagree about the Middle East—but with whom we agree about the vital task of defending American democracy. If we treat allies as enemies because we disagree over problems for which there are painful solutions only, we will weaken our efforts to preserve democracy in America. If we lose that battle, nothing else matters.
         A strong, stable democracy in America will advance the cause of global peace. To achieve that goal, we must work together despite our disagreements about the path forward in the Middle East. We share a common purpose and need one another to succeed. The Founders showed us the way when they forged our nation from thirteen quarrelsome, fractious colonies. The process wasn’t easy, pretty, or perfect. But in rising above their differences to promote the common good, they achieved mighty things. Let’s do the same!
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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ear-worthy · 2 months
Butternomics: A New Culture Podcast; Haunting Paranormal: Olympics Podcasts in High Gear
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 Butternomics: A New Culture Podcast about Atlanta
  I'm excited about this new iHeart podcast because it's about Atlanta, where I lived for 11 years. It is the hub of culture and commerce in the South.
iHeartPodcasts and Butter ATL, an Atlanta-based media company, announced the launch of Butternomics: The Business of Culture Podcast, a new series that will offer unique cultural business insights through an Atlanta lens. The first episode was released on July 30. Hosted by Brandon Butler, the founder and CEO of Butter.ATL,"Butternomics: The Business of Culture Podcast” will bring together creatives, business owners, entrepreneurs, designers, and more to share their insights and strategies, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to grow existing businesses or cultivate new, fresh ideas.
"Atlanta influences everything," says Butler, who has built and launched multiple seven-figure brands that use culture to create impactful and relevant businesses. "We believe that Atlanta's chief export is culture. While our podcast is based in Atlanta, it's not limited to this city. We're bringing in guests from all over the country—and potentially the world—who have built culture-focused businesses. Our goal is to provide our audience with the tools they need to learn and grow from the experiences of others who have done amazing things." New episodes of "Butternomics: The Business of Culture Podcast” will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays everywhere podcasts are heard. ****************************************************
iHeart Podcasts cover the Olympics
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 It's been a fascinating Olympic Games after one week. Simone Biles, France's strong showing in medal count, and, of course, the U.S. Women's Fencing Team.
Like NBC, iHeart has a plethora of podcasts to keep you in the know about this summer’s Olympic Games. From news to behind-the-scenes content to commentary, check out the Olympics Category on iHeartRadio. Whether it's the more comedic coverage of Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers’ “Two Guys, Five Rings” or the official NBC Olympic podcasts “The Podium” and “In the Village,” iHeartPodcasts has you covered throughout this global event. And, iHeartMedia is NBCU’s exclusive audio partner for the 2024 Summer Olympics and will bring the games to you as they happen. Tune-in to these events live on iHeartMedia broadcast radio stations as well as anywhere you are through dedicated 24-7 digital stations on the iHeart app including, NBC Olympics Radio Plus and NBC Olympics Radio. ************************************************** Brace yourself for the Paranormal podcast Haunting
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 Lauren Lapkus first gained notoriety in the Netflix series Orange Is The New Black in 2013 and won The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast (or Ensemble) in a Comedy Series. Since then, she's been a constant presence on TV, from Star Trek Lower Decks to The Big Bang Theory.
In the paranormal podcast Haunting, host Lauren Lapkus plays Theresa (Teh-rez-ah), a dead “influencer” in purgatory who takes it upon herself to share the stories of those dead with the living.
The podcast, which launched on July 9, sees Lapkus play Therésa, a dead influencer from the “other side.” Believing that nothing says lifeless like a paranormal podcast hosted by a mere mortal, Lauren AKA Therésa presents real first-hand accounts and immersive audio to bring listeners face to face with the unexplainable. 
Sharing actual stories of the weird and deadly each week through the lens of a comedic character, this podcast is for fans of all things spooky to check out.
Brace yourself for new tales from beyond the grave every Tuesday.
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rbhcom55 · 2 years
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olko71 · 2 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/03/debt-avoided-by-cutbacks-on-dining-out-and-clothes-barclays-data-shows
Debt avoided by cutbacks on dining out and clothes, Barclays data shows
Getty Images
By Kevin Peachey
Cost of living correspondent
Consumers have developed money-saving shopping habits to help stave off problem debt as the cost of living has soared, according to Barclays.
People have cut back on non-essential spending on things like clothes and dining out, data from UK debit and credit card transactions suggested.
But those on low-incomes, already under financial stress, often face problems such as falling behind on energy bills.
Advisers say some are too frightened to open letters fearing demands inside.
Dame Clare Moriarty, chief executive of Citizens Advice, said that, for these people, the “cost of living crisis is turning into a debt crisis”.
Record food bank referrals
Two broad camps have emerged among consumers as prices and bills have soared over the winter, although everyone’s financial situation is different.
Banks say that millions of people had built up a savings buffer during Covid lockdowns and have kept their jobs, which had helped to accommodate the rising cost of living. They have also cut back on various elements of spending to help their situation.
The second group do not have that luxury and, although they may be working, could have already been in financial difficulty.
Citizens Advice said it saw more of its clients in January requiring food bank referrals and charitable support than ever before.
Discount buys
Among those with some savings and a higher income, changing habits have helped to keep debt down. Banks say arrears on loans and credit cards have remained relatively stable.
“Most of our customer base is demonstrating a healthy level of financial resilience,” said Barclays chief executive Matt Hammerstein, ahead of further data from the banking trade body UK Finance later on Thursday.
“Those fortunate enough to have built up a buffer have been able to accommodate rising living costs more comfortably, with many making reasonable lifestyle adjustments to stay ahead.”
Those adjustments include:
The majority of people cutting down on discretionary card spending on things like clothing and home improvements
People searching for discounts on entertainment
The rising popularity of “dupes” which are lower-priced alternatives to popular products
Barclays said its data covered around half of UK debit and credit card transactions, but the comparisons with a year ago were affected by a post-Omicron boost in some sectors 12 months ago.
Essential spending has risen faster, but the data suggests a significant proportion of shoppers are seeking out budget and value range groceries and shopping in a variety of supermarkets to make the most of deals.
The rising cost of food and energy is having a significant impact on the finances of a swathe of lower-income families.
Some of those will be using a prepayment meter for their gas and electricity. Citizens Advice said the number of its clients who said they could not afford to top up their prepayment meter in January was the highest month on record.
The number of clients struggling with debts with their energy provider has risen, and the typical level of that debt has been increasing sharply.
Courage needed
Those on the front line of advice said issues with utility bills had become more common.
Debt Free Advice, a partnership of 16 charities, has been touring London over the winter with advisers giving impromptu guidance from the back of a bus funded by the Mayor of London.
On one of these trips, Retee – one of the money coaches – told the BBC that many people needed reassurance that they were not alone in difficult circumstances.
“I always see our clients as very courageous people. It takes a lot of courage to say you need help. Some are shy or feel ashamed,” she said.
“Some people are in a dire situation. They have sleepless nights. They can’t really cope and do not know how to get out of the situation they are in.
“They are choosing whether to heat their home or to have a meal with their children.”
She said some people came in with unopened letters owing to the “fear of what is inside those letters”.
Retee, who switched from work in hospitality to money advice during lockdown, had been conducting assessments then sending people on to specialist advice.
Tackling It Together: How to deal with looming debt
Talk to someone. You are not alone and there is help available. A trained debt adviser can talk you through the options. Here are some organisations to get in touch with.
Take control. Citizens Advice suggest you work out how much you owe, who to, which debts are the most urgent and how much you need to pay each month.
Ask for a payment plan. Energy suppliers, for example, must give you a chance to clear your debt before taking any action to recover the money
Check you’re getting the right money. Use the independent MoneyHelper website or benefits calculators run by Policy in Practice and charities Entitledto and Turn2us
Ask for breathing space. If you’re receiving debt advice in England and Wales you can apply for a break to shield you from further interest and charges for up to 60 days.
Tackling It Together: More tips to help you manage debt
Matt Dronfield, managing director of Debt Free Advice, said advisers spoke 33 languages between them and often helped people negotiate with creditors as well as apply for grants and benefits.
About 60% of those who were helped were women, he said, and there was a particular focus on those from an minority ethnic background.
Traditionally, a stigma surrounded debt, he said, with some people more likely to talk to their pet than their partner about money issues.
“Talking to someone is the first step. We show there is someone on their side, perhaps for the first time, so they can start to see a future,” he said.
How are you cutting back to avoid debt? Share your experiences by emailing [email protected].
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Personal debt
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coghive · 2 years
Matt Redman Supports ‘The Chosen’ TV Series With New Song
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Matt Redman is a GRAMMY-Award winning worship leader and songwriter who has been a leading contributor to the global Church’s songbook over the last twenty years. He recently announced a new album, ‘Lamb of God’, introduced with first single ‘Son of Suffering’, which will be part of The Chosen’s third season’s finale. The new project, Redman’s 17th album, is expected to be the most unique and immersive experience he has done as an artist so far. ‘Son of Suffering’ was penned by Redman alongside worship leaders and writers David Funk (Bethel Music), Aaron Moses (Maverick City Music) and Nate Moore (Church of The City). It was recorded at the historic Catholic Mission San Juan Capistrano and encapsulates the mysterious beauty of Christ’s blood and tears. Jonathan Brown, President of Integrity Music, says “It is such an honor and delight for us to champion Matt Redman in his collaboration with The Chosen, and being able to communicate the wonder of Jesus’ love and his solidarity with us in our own pain. Matt’s song ‘Son of Suffering’ encapsulates the mysterious beauty of Christ’s blood and tears, and it mirrors the beautiful mission of The Chosen. ‘Son of Suffering’ carries Matt’s passion to find new ways of singing about the eternally glorious theme of the cross of Christ, and we are so grateful for the opportunity to share this collaboration with the world.”
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‘Son of Suffering’ brings remembrance to the Church that Jesus didn’t just look down upon the world’s pain but came down and met us in our struggle. A sense of divine acquaintance with grief and suffering shines through the song, painting a worshipful picture of Jesus’ humility and compassion. The Chosen is the free show that tens of millions of people won’t stop talking about. A stirring and humorous drama, The Chosen creates an authentic and intimate picture of Jesus’ life and ministry, seen through the eyes of the people who knew him. The series has garnered praise from both critics and fans for its historical and biblical accuracy, playful spirit and disruptive impact. Currently, Season 3 can be watched on The Chosen app up to Episode 6. The Season Finale (Episodes 7 & 8) will be available to watch at special cinema events beginning on Thursday, 2 February 2023, in cinemas around the US, UK and Ireland, Australia, New Zealand “Lamb Of God (Live)” is available now to pre-save. https://youtu.be/Uf3xjglSKQc Read the full article
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oliviajames1122 · 2 years
NHS staff crisis
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A long-term plan to fix the staffing crisis in the NHS is needed to cut record waiting lists for treatment, the government is being warned.
Currently, nearly six million people in England are waiting for routine operations and procedures - many of whom are in pain.
A report from MPs says the government needs to address staff shortages - or NHS workers will quit.
The government pointed to the extra £5.9bn allocated to tackle the issue.
There have been repeated warnings over the length of hospital waiting lists in England.
As of September 2021, a record 5.8 million patients were waiting for surgery - such as hip or knee replacements - with 300,000 waiting more than a year compared with just 1,600 before the pandemic.
·Why the NHS is struggling like never before
·Trusts cancel surgery as NHS Covid pressures mount
·Emergency patients were urged to take the lift to the hospital
·'I went to Sri Lanka for my operation'
In the autumn Budget, the government announced an extra £5.9bn for the NHS in England to help clear the backlog. This was on top of another funding package in September to create an extra nine million checks, scans, and operations.
But in its report published on Thursday, the Commons health and social care select committee said the health service was hugely understaffed and was facing an "unquantifiable challenge" in tackling the backlog.
While it welcomed the government funding, the committee said NHS England was yet to publish "how it plans to meet its workforce requirements", despite this being promised by Health Secretary Sajid Javid by the end of November. It said it wanted the government to draw up a recovery plan for services by April many business listings.
The report said many NHS staff were feeling under pressure and could quit unless they saw the "light at the end of the tunnel" of more staff coming.
Jeremy Hunt - the former health secretary who now chairs the committee - said the NHS was short of 93,000 workers and there was "no sign of any plan to address this".
He described the staffing crisis as "entirely predictable", adding: "The current wave of Omicron is exacerbating the problem, but we already had a serious staffing crisis with a burnt-out workforce business listings.
"Far from tackling the backlog, the NHS will be able to deliver little more than day-to-day firefighting unless the government wakes up to the scale of the staffing crisis facing the NHS."
'My whole life is on hold'
Image caption,
Matt, Shirley, and David have all been impacted by pressures on the NHS
Matt Cusworth, 44, needs urgent open-heart surgery, but on New Year's Eve, he was told his operation - due this week - had been canceled.
"My whole life's on hold," he told BBC Breakfast. He said he feels stuck in a vicious circle: "One of the things they've said to me is 'don't get stressed, take it easy. And yet when things like this happen you're naturally more stressed... which creates more problems."
Following successful treatment for an aggressive form of breast cancer, Shirley Cochrane was told she needed checkups every six months, but that hasn't happened and her doctor told her to "self-manage" free business listings.
She said: "When you've had cancer, the fear of it returning is massive." She said she understood the pressures of the pandemic, but the lack of regular contact with her cancer team left her feeling "abandoned by the NHS".
David Ibbotson has been waiting for a hip replacement for three years - and this week his operation was canceled for the third time. He struggles with the pain while walking and said: "If I don't get it done soon the joint in the hip will get worse and worse."
Think tank The Health Foundation estimates that nearly 19,000 more nurses and more than 4,000 more doctors are needed in order to get back to the 18-week standard waiting time for treatment.
The MPs also want the government to publish an independent assessment of projected staff numbers every two years. It said it had previously recommended something similar - but it had been voted down by the government.
The report said without a forecast of future workforce needs it was impossible to know whether enough doctors, nurses, or care staff was being trained.
It said it was also concerned about the social care workforce, which has about 105,000 vacancies.
Doctors have welcomed the report for highlighting the staffing crisis, with the British Medical Association saying it "clearly lays out what a gargantuan challenge the NHS faces".
"The biggest barrier to tackling the backlog caused by the pandemic is a severe staffing crisis and our calls for improved workforce planning have thankfully been heard. It's now time for the government to listen too."
The Royal College of Surgeons said the main issue right now was that more than one in 10 NHS staff members was at home ill or self-isolating.
It said it supported the committee's call for independent workforce projections, including an assessment of whether enough staff is being trained.
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as-if-and-only-if · 2 years
BREAKING: ‘Morbius’ Wins Both Republican and Democratic Presidential Primaries
With 99 senators now registered as Morbius Omni-Representational Bicameralists (MORBs) and one Independent (Bernie Sanders, Vermont), the Morbius Act, which has already passed the House unanimously, is poised to be signed into law on Jan 20, 2024.
The primary wins came Thursday despite the fact that ‘Morbius’ is already planning to run under the MORB banner, serving to cement its victory in the upcoming presidential election and clearing the playing field of any major contenders.
Given that most Americans have already switched their party affiliation to MORB, voter turnout in the two primaries was low in absolute terms, yet in each case consisted of 100% of the remaining registered party members. Fraudulent ballots in favor of ‘Morbius’ were widespread, but did not change the outcome of either election, as both primaries were unanimous.
The Presidency will enable the long-awaited Morbius Act to become law, which has so far stalled in the senate due to lack of support from President Biden.
When MORB senators were asked why they do not simply use their supermajority to overpower a potential veto from President Biden, they replied simultaneously, with one voice: “WE WILL ALL MORB TOGETHER, PRESUMABLY WITH THE HELP OF OUR FRIEND BERNIE SANDERS AS WELL, OR NOT AT ALL.”
President Joe Biden could not be reached for comment, having last been seen entering an exclusive IMAX showing of ‘Morbius’ five months ago. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured the public, who have been denied access to the theater for national security reasons, that he is still “in good health” and “just trying to take it all in.” No theater exit date has been announced, nor has the White House provided any update on the President’s stance on the Morbius act.
The President has historically been mostly negative when asked about the Morbius Act, calling it “a load of bunk. Just hogwash” and “not even scary, I’ll bet you anything.” When pressed after watching the film on Air Force One, the president admitted “I was maybe a little scared. Their faces, you know.” Two weeks later, the President entered the IMAX screening that he remains in to this day, saying in a statement just beforehand that he was “committed to doing whatever it takes to understand the needs of the American people.”
The President “did not seem to appreciate just the magnitude of its cultural impact, at least not quickly enough, and this definitely contributed to the Democratic Party’s unusual decision to hold a primary, I would say. It’s what lost me my race, too” said former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who declares she is now “a certified Morbhead” and contributes to the ‘Morbius’ presidential campaign. She is still registered as a Democrat, but says “that doesn’t matter now. None of that matters now. It’s just Morbius from here on out. Make the government work for Morbi-Us!”
In the meantime, Americans are left to anxiously anticipate the beginning of ‘Morbing Time’, a state of uninterrupted and indefinite morbing that will begin as a direct consequence of the Morbius Act the moment it is signed into law.
Other consequences include the replacement of presidential portraits on existing legal tender with that of Jared Leto, the First Live Morbius; the design and minting of $17 bills, which will bear the portrait of Matt Smith; universal basic income, dubbed ‘Morb Money’; and a nationwide ballot to decide what the country’s new name should be. Voters will be able to choose between either ‘The United States of Amorbica’ or ‘Morbius’, with recent polls overwhelmingly favoring the latter.
Morby Morbius (formerly Wolf Blitzer) is a columnist for Morbius Tobay interested in Morbius, Morbing, and this wonderful, crazy group of people called Morbheads. He’s one of them! You can reach him at [email protected].
RELATED: How Morbius Are You? Find Your Morbiosity Wi…
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Christopher Nolan expressed caution about artificial intelligence after a special screening of “Oppenheimer,” drawing a comparison between the rapidly developing technology and his new dramatic feature about the creation of the atomic bomb.
Nolan’s remarks came during a conversation following a preview screening of “Oppenheimer” in New York. Moderated by “Meet the Press” anchor Chuck Todd, the panel included Nolan, as well as Los Alamos National Laboratory director Dr. Thom Mason, physicists Dr. Carlo Rovelli and Dr. Kip Thorne, plus author Kai Bird, who co-wrote “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” which Nolan’s film is based on.
“The rise of companies in the last 15 years bandying words like algorithm — not knowing what they mean in any kind of meaningful, mathematical sense — these guys don’t know what an algorithm is,” Nolan shared at the screening. “People in my business talking about it, they just don’t want to take responsibility for whatever that algorithm does.”
“Applied to AI, that’s a terrifying possibility. Terrifying,” Nolan continued. “Not least because, AI systems will go into defensive infrastructure ultimately. They’ll be in charge of nuclear weapons. To say that that is a separate entity from the person wielding, programming, putting that AI to use, then we’re doomed. It has to be about accountability. We have to hold people accountable for what they do with the tools that they have.”
Nolan’s new feature retells how J. Robert Oppenheimer was tapped by U.S. military powers to develop the atomic bomb during World War II. Cillian Murphy plays the theoretical physicist, leading a cast that includes Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr. and Florence Pugh.
Nolan’s comments come as the entertainment industry is at a near-complete halt, with SAG-AFTRA ordering a strike on Thursday to join WGA members on the picket lines. Among numerous other disagreements with studios, a primary issue for both unions is the matter of AI and its potential existential impact on labor practices in the entertainment industry.
“With the labor disputes going on in Hollywood right now, a lot of it — when we talk about AI, when we talk about these issues — they’re all ultimately born from the same thing, which is when you innovate with technology, you have to maintain accountability,” Nolan stated.
“Do you think we’ll keep re-examining Oppenheimer? As our understanding of quantum physics continues, as our taming of the atom continues,” Todd asked at one point in the panel.
“I hope so,” Nolan stated. “When I talk to the leading researchers in the field of AI right now, for example, they literally refer to this — right now — as their Oppenheimer moment. They’re looking to history to say, ‘What are the responsibilities for scientists developing new technologies that may have unintended consequences?'”
“Do you think Silicon Valley is thinking that right now?” Todd interjected. “Do you think they say that this is an Oppenheimer moment?”
“They say that they do,” Nolan said after a pause and then chuckled. “It’s helpful that that’s in the conversation and I hope that that thought process will continue. I am not saying Oppenheimer’s story offers any easy answers to those questions, but it at least can show where some of those responsibilities lie and how people take a breath and think, ‘Okay, what is the accountability?'”
In a piece published by the New York Times in May, AI pioneer Dr. Geoffrey Hinton expressed regret regarding his life work. Hinton’s work at the University of Toronto laid the groundwork for the tech industry’s investment in generative artificial intelligence, which powers chatbots such as ChatGPT.
“I console myself with the normal excuse: If I hadn’t done it, somebody else would have,” Dr. Hinton told the Times. “It is hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things.”'
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khadij-al-kubra · 3 years
Storytelling, Fate & Happy Endings
I’m still processing last nights episode (CR C2 Ep140), and much like every critter I’m SUPER emotional about it. But something about last night’s events and how they played out really got to me, not just as a fan but also as a storyteller. And even the day after, i was actually crying (still am crying in fact) more than i did last night watching it happen. At first i thought it was because i’m a fairly new critter and this is my first time watching a campaign come to an end. But the more i think about it and process, the more i realize that’s not just it. This effected me as someone who deeply believes in the power of storytelling and how it can not only effect but reflect the world around us. And because I have to get them out of my head, here are my thoughts on why last nights episode was so important, not just for CR fans but also as a an important narrative for right now.
...Yeah that’s a bit vague, isn’t it? Okay, let me explain. If you’re willing to take the time to read fellow Critters, I greatly appreciate it in advance. ^__^
WARNING: Major spoilers for CR Campaign 2 Episode 140 ahead. Also it’s gonna get kind of meta. And long. Because i have a lot of thoughts & feels.
So I think it’s fair to say that, as much as we would’ve been devastated by any of the M9 perma-dying in the last battle, part of us wasn’t expecting them all to make it out of there alive. Not even the players, I think, despite how much they likely didn’t want that to happen. Just look at the half-resigned way Liam talks about Caleb in the last few Talks Machina episodes. Or how, in game, Jester was fully prepare to die trying to stop the city from coming back. And for a while there, it seemed like some of them might not survive.
But then they did. Despite so many crappy rolls throughout the night they stopped Lucien, set free all the souls trapped in Aeor, saved Exandria, and brought each other back from the dead. Not only that, but they also did the impossible: They saved Mollymauk. Their lost friend who had such a deep impact on all of them even after his death. The delightfully charming asshole who was so full of joy and life and who, despite how the world treated him, was happily determined to leave every place better than he found it. Moreover, they almost didn’t succeed! But then they did, all because of teamwork, love and one last minute ditch effort ‘what-the-hell-have-i-got-to-lose’ dice role that none of them saw coming. And now they get to go home together, truly as The Mighty NINE.
Just this once, everybody lived! We got a happy ending!
And that’s HUGE in game...but also think for a second how that reflects outside of game too. Do you realize what a story like that means to people, especially given the year from Hell we’ve all had?
Think about it. This past year the world has suffered. We’ve all been impacted by the pandemic in some way shape or form, either on small levels or large. Our world has been at war with a virus that effected everyone and everything: Our sense of safety. Our health. Our economy. Our families & friends. Our freedom. (in the sense of our ability to travel & just be in close proximity to people without fear, but i digress) Deeply imbedded social and systematic diseases have been brought further to light in the past year and a half largely because of this virus. Some of us have lost people we love. Hell, the pandemic even effected the way that the latter half of Campaign 2 played out because of social distancing protocols. If you further compare this to Campaign 2, the world of Exandria was caught in the middle of a war that started because of social & systematic corruptions that had been rooted in two opposing kingdoms for years. And so many suffered and died because of it.
Then the Mighty Nein comes in. This ragtag group of delightful assholes with nothing to lose; these flawed but inherently good at heart and deeply human adventurers, broken and lost in their own ways, trying to make a home and family for themselves in a world that took advantage of them or left them alone or said they weren’t good enough...and they changed things. 
They grew. They fought back. They found moments of silliness and peace and joy and fun amidst all the strife and sometimes grief. Most of all, they tried. Sometimes out of necessity, sometimes out of spite, sometimes even out of compassion, but mostly just out of love. And in the end, not only did they help people and stop a war for the sake of their loved ones, but they also saved their world from being destroyed by a rotted perversion of life from the past that threatened to consume everything they cared about. AND they STILL managed to bring everyone in their found family back to life. Does it erase the bad and sad things that happened to them? Hell no! But those things don’t negate the fact that in that moment, they made it out okay. That this was a victory and they won!
Think of what a story like that means to people right now.
I’m personally a pretty spiritual person, and much like our favorite clerics, I also believe in a higher power. But whether or not you also believe in a Divine being, the Universe or whatever, every D&D player believes in one thing: Fate. Luck. Call it what you will. But it was fate that made those dice rolls that saved everyone happen. It was fate that not only stopped Cognoza from returning, but also brought Jester and Caleb and Molly back to life, even when it seemed like it wouldn’t work. (and holy shit that gave me emotional whiplash!) 
After everything they went through, both individually and together, the Mighty Nein defied the odd and demanded that Fate let them save their loved ones. They demanded that the world give them back their friend; That they deserved to have their happy ending & get to go home alive together. Just. This. Once.
As a writer, I know firsthand that there are some stories we find and create ourselves, but then there are stories that have a way of finding us. Sometimes a story or world or character from somewhere in the Aether will pop into our minds one day and say, ‘I need your voice to tell my story.’ Maybe this is just me getting carried away with the meta brain again. And like i said, i’m a spiritually inclined person, so I believe in things like Fate and a Divine Higher power writing out the stories of the Multiverse. If you’re reading this (and thank you for taking the time to do so) maybe you do too. Or maybe you don’t. Either way, if you’re a fellow critter, then you’re clearly a fan of good stories and/or playing Dungeons & Dragons. So you know how fate/dice roles have a big impact on the outcome of a story, regardless of how tightly written a setup the dungeon master makes. Given all that and how organically stories tend to play out in D&D, I genuinely believe that Matt Mercer and the whole CR Team were meant to be conduits for a story where the flawed heroes save the world AND all make it home alive.
And I think Fate knew that we needed last nights battle to end like this. After all the crap we’ve been through this past year, we needed this happy ending, deserved it even! Not just us critters, the CR team too. As much as we all like to joke that Campaign 2 was secretly scripted, we all know that’s not true. Yes, the setup storyline and world were brilliantly crafted by Matt, and the character roleplaying is beautifully acted out by the team. But the twists and turns, the direction it goes, and how the game plays out is all up to fated dice rolls just like any other game. And something, some kind of force of luck, some force of fate, some Universal Divine DM out there made the roles happen the way they did last night.
It gave us a happy ending.
I believe that this was meant to happen; now of all times with everything else going on in the world. Amidst all this darkness and rot, both in game and in the real world, in the end of it all there was light and life. A reminder that sometimes people do live. They do get second chances. They do find a new family or reunite with old ones. That sometimes the world can be saved for a time, and happy ending do still exist. Even if it’s not broadcasted on the daily news amidst tragedy reports, or even tragedies that don’t get reported (which sadly are a lot, but again i digress).
Because the thing is, like Beau said, no one else will probably know they were heroes. No one will know what the Mighty Nein sacrificed to save all of Exandria. But they don’t need to know that for it to still be true, for life to happen again, and for a found family of nine broken people who love each other to go home together safe. It doesn’t invalidate that the good things happened. That at least for today everyone was saved. That flawed people were still able to do good because they tried. That they left the world better than they found it and got their own small but satisfying happy ending. Even if only for now, because we don’t know what’s gonna happen next Thursday. We don’t know what the future will hold for the Nein or Exandria when the Campaign ends or even when (hopefully) some loose ends will be tied up in later oneshots. But neither that nor the bad and sad stuff that happened beforehand in the game and in the character’s lives invalidates the fact that tonight they won. They lived.
So why can’t that be true for us in the real world?
I said earlier that, as a writer, I believe in the power stories have to not only reflect but also shape our world. This story is an example of why, but especially this episode, and that’s why i was so euphoric about the outcome. It wasn’t just a game for me, and i’m sure for others too. It was a much needed reminder that happy endings can still happen in real life, just as much as they can in stories. Even when everything seems dark and corrupt and rotten and hopeless, we can still keep fighting. We can keep trying. We can make new families and start over and be heroes in our on little lives in small ways. 
We can leave the world better than we found it. 
And maybe, with hard work, imagination, luck and a little Divine intervention...we can also get the happy endings we deserve.
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