#as a punishment to urself or just to conform
summertimeroses · 1 year
yeah i don’t know who needs to hear this but… please just accommodate yourself. don’t make your own life more difficult because there’s a ‘right’ way to do things.
i was very very rapidly approaching meltdown phase of Upset because i get stuck scrolling and procrastinating getting the dishes done while the kitchen lights were bothering me and i just,, wasn’t doing anything about it. i was trying to make myself just get up and do it, and it wasn’t working. the idea of leaving before i got them done was just as bad, because there is an order. and it took me getting up, crying, to turn the lights off to realise i could just… do it all in the dark. the streetlight was enough for me to see. i could put on my headphones and wear those rubber gloves for cleaning.
anyway, it took a while but i did the dishes. and then i had a shower, in the dark, with the star wars opening theme playing over my headphones because it’s incredible stim music. and two hours later i’m no longer sobbing, clean, and can go to sleep ready for tomorrow morning’s early wake up.
tl;dr - i know it’s not always easy but… if you can make it easier? if you can not make yourself miserable in the process? it’s worth it.
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Yeah, I like to liken Social Media moderation policies to school bullying polities
Tumblr is the one where the teachers don't step in until it looks like there's blood or something
Twitter is the one where they ignore the kids who fit their idea of what one of their 'ideal' schoolkids looks like (so, white, abled, straight, GAAB-conforming etc) when they bully someone, but as soon as one of their victims speaks up or snarks back or even talks about the harassment then they get punished
Neither is good, but Tumblr's seems... fairer? Like at least you can elbow your bully in the nads (metaphorically speaking).
Bang on about twitter but I was genuinely unaware that tumblr mods like. Actually ever stepped in. The SHIT I have seeeen over the years and they were just allowed to keep posting?? Tumblr is just a literal free for all. It’s like being a woman in a mosh pit at a Metallica concert. You gotta keep urself upright bc you have ten million dads trying to trample you to the ground and security is too busy looking out for drugs to care about you
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catboyfeli · 4 years
It's funny, these ppl on social media and in lying furious call us toxic, racist, phobic, sexist, etc yet this whole month and most of May I see them outing themselves as what the accuse us of, but still proclaim "certain ppl can't be racist only whites" "men this and that" "systematic racism is the only racism" (Apparently, some leftist got the dictionary to change the definition racism to fit their narrative 😡) All this is going to backfire eventually. The damn racist and white guilt ppl 🤦
oh yeah i totally get it. i hate when ppl try to use excuses like that bc?? ok thats not the case but even if it was, being prejudice isn’t ok?? ur literally outing urself as a dick but apparently its ok if it’s “technically” not racist. thats like me telling ppl w depression to stop whining bc i have it worse. it’s a dick move and never justified.
and just general stuff like that. the misandry esp bothers me since males genuinely do face a fuck ton of sexism for being male, or just amab in general, bc sexism is based more on conforming to gender roles than actual gender or sex these days, esp for men. like i’ve said before, men who weren’t manly? treated just as bad as women in the past tbh.
on the race topic, i know i as a non-poc cannot fully comprehend the racism poc do face, but racism towards white ppl is still a thing lol, it’s just not going to be on a systematic level. my dad grew up going to an all black school and was bullied and beat up for being white, which is--get this, racism. i am privileged for being white, but that doesnt mean i deserve to be punished? like wtf?? why is it sjws are more willing to punish white people than actually help black people and other racial minorities??? why cant they go donate to charity or help improve black communities instead of yelling at white ppl (or poc with the ‘wrong opinions’) online? all ur doing is making ppl angry and silencing them out of fear, which isn’t ok, and no, don’t even start with the “revenge” bullshit.
non-minorities also shouldn’t be afraid to have opinions w/out being hunted for being offensive or whatever. people legit cannot change their beliefs without first understanding why they’re wrong, and if they’re too afraid of backlash to share their beliefs, of fucking course they’re not going to be able to change their beliefs. and you literally can disagree w people and not be racist or whatever. i’m so tired of such buzzwords being thrown around. they’ve completely lost their meaning. instead of these words being serious accusations, they’re nothing but mindless insults to people you dont like.
i wish the loud minorities would just stfu and leave us all alone. like when it comes to nonbinary people? i feel most ppl dont rly care about us, and would be more supportive if it wasnt for ppl on tumblr yelling abt how gross cis people are and all that like dude. Chill. i don’t think ppl would care much about obscure/mogai labels if it weren’t for the toxic ppl who often use them.
anyway idk why equality is such a radical concept to people. how about we support minorities without harassing non-minorities simply for existing? thanks to all this shit, ppl are more racist and homophobic and stuff than ever. a good example is my mom, who ignores black oppression bc she genuinely thinks it’s all propaganda. five years ago she wouldn’t have thought this. the stupid media and gross, loud minority has made her closed minded and bigoted.
even just posting this makes me wary bc i just know someone is gonna find a way to make this problematic. they always do lol. but i dont hate cis ppl for being cis or neurotypical ppl for being neurotypical. innocent individuals shouldnt be at fault or be expected to hold the weight of the world on their shoulders.
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