#as a zack lover who never got to play crisis core
keclan · 2 years
if crisis core remake comes out before the other two parts of the ffvii remake, doesn't that spoil for new players all of cloud's backstory?
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dansantcaparet · 4 years
Clerith was canon in 1997. Clerith is canon (again) in 2020.
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Due to the scene being in reference to "If you know what happens to Aerith later in the story, it's a line that strikes emotionally," we know this scene is referring to Aerith's death.
In the Remake, Aerith knows she dies. Aerith also knows REAL Cloud falls in love with her in the OG. Aerith tells Cloud not to fall in love with her this time because she knows she dies.
In the Remake, Aerith is trying to protect Cloud from falling in love with her due to her death.
Clerith is confirmed as the canon OG pairing.
The MOST OBVIOUS transformation of Cloud’s “frosty exterior” in the Remake is when he starts doing high-five’s with Aerith on the reg.
At first Cloud rejects them. Then, he is about to give one but stops short. Then, you have to hold the triangle button down so he gives Aerith a high-five. Then, he gives Aerith an automatic high-five at the battle arena. The crowd chants:
“Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith! – Cloud and Aerith!”
The high-five’s is a clear-cut, distinct transformation of Cloud’s personality. Intentionally designed by SE to show Aerith slowly melting Cloud’s “frosty exterior.”
Given Cloud’s earlier reluctance, I got chills when Cloud & Aerith high-five’d in the battle arena.
Then, when Cloud has to remind everyone that rescuing Aerith from Shinra HQ is the #1 priority, it cemented to me that Cloud had significantly changed from the very beginning of the game.
Aerith is evoking the REAL Cloud to the surface.
Cloud’s love for Aerith is giving us glimpses of who he truly is.
Not only are the high-five’s and quest to save Aerith from Shinra HQ significant, clear-cut examples of Cloud’s transformation, but Cloud also has a REAL memory of his mother telling him to have an “older girlfriend” – someone who will call him a “silly goose” when he needs to hear it (Aerith calls Cloud “silly” in FF7R). Aerith shows us the REAL Cloud's personality and triggers him into having a REAL memory of his Mom telling him to pick Aerith as his girlfriend (ie: "older" -- "silly goose").
Cloud and Aerith dominate once Cloud falls to her flower bed.
Just as in the OG, when both women are present, Cloud's preference is Aerith (something that continues even in death and makes Tifa jealous).
As a kid in 1997, it was obvious to me that Cloud loved Aerith more than Tifa.
Not until I went online all these years later did I discover (shockingly) that the American FFVII fanbase had been misled by some in the FFVII fandom.
So why did they decide to launch a campaign to delegitimize Clerith?
Well, when FFVII first came out in 1997, many western gamers didn’t understand Aerith. She was (literally) foreign to them. Japanese animation was still very niche back then.
Though the Japanese adored Aerith’s spunky personality & pink dress (and saw her as the obvious romantic interest for Cloud), many men in the United States thought her hair was “ugly” and that her personality was “annoying.” Far too “anime” for their tastes. They preferred Tifa -- the loyal, more American looking childhood friend -- the “girl-next-door.” Plus, her big boobs didn’t hurt, either.
Of course, since FFVII inherently revolves around a love triangle, there is obviously an option to play it the Tifa way.
However, as a kid in 1997, I never saw Tifa as a threat. I saw her as the secondary, optional way to play the game. The girl you would pick on your second playthrough.
When you consider:
The official Amano artwork
Beginning love point totals (you have to make counterintuitive choices to catch Tifa up to Aerith’s automatic 1st place position)
The non-optional bodyguard agreement
The “normally” occurring CxA Gold Saucer date
Numerous flirtatious moments & obvious hints
Tifa’s constant jealousy
The Promised Land scene non-optionally occurring *AFTER* the inherently variable Highwind scene
Frequent CxA cameos
Aerith being the first & last image we see in the entire game
…it is clear Tifa never held a candle to Aerith as the heroine, or as the primary love interest for Cloud.
To put it simply -- Aerith was created first by SE. Tifa was created second. Aerith is the primary love interest. Tifa is the secondary love interest. Obvious common sense.
Unfortunately, fueled by their unyielding, irrational hatred of all things Aerith, they successfully sold the myth (for years) that Cloud x Tifa is the official canon couple of FFVII, thereby brainwashing the entire American fandom against Cloud x Aerith.
They reduced & twisted Cloud’s love for Aerith as “guilt.”
Saying that even though the Real Cloud chooses to live in Aerith’s Church, has his heart broken every time he visits her grave, reconnects with her in Flower Fields (and cameos), and seeks to find her in the Promised Land, is all due to guilt over the death of a mere friend. Saying that anything romantic shown in the OG is all a result of Zack (ie: attempted delegitimization).
I guess the symbolism of Cloud’s continued love for Aerith, and all the nuances that entails, is too cultured & sophisticated for them to comprehend. Or maybe they are purposely not comprehending the obvious?
Thankfully, the Japanese understand what all of this means. So why don’t western fans?
The only logical conclusion is because of their deep, burning, irrational hatred of Aerith as a character. Always minimizing & downplaying her role as the first & true heroine & love interest to Cloud.
But now, with the Remake perfecting Aerith’s look & personality, and making it crystal clear that these are Cloud’s REAL feelings, and that Aerith wants to move FORWARD from Zack, you are now seeing a significant swing within the fandom towards Cloud x Aerith.
The other side has spent years using Crisis Core & Advent Children to their advantage:
Essentially saying Crisis Core makes Zerith canon, and Advent Children makes Cloti canon. Simple & easy for the masses to understand, right?
So how, exactly, did they convince millions to believe their great myth?
1. Cloud & Aerith only liked each other because of Zack.
The relationship between Zack & Aerith in CC is officially described as a minor infatuation between two juveniles, much like Cloud’s childhood crush on Tifa.
In the OG, Aerith says her and Zack were NEVER serious, that their relationship is “in the past now,” and that he probably moved on to someone else because he’s a “real lady’s man.”
On the normally occurring CxA Gold Saucer date, Aerith confirms that although she initially liked Cloud because of Zack, she has grown to like Cloud for Cloud.
Within the lifestream, Aerith tells Zack that she prefers Cloud’s personality over his, and that she will only call Zack if she gets “really lonely.”
In the Remake, Aerith states she wants to move FORWARD with her life in regards to Zack.
Aerith triggers Cloud into a REAL memory of his mother suggesting he have an “older girlfriend.” This REAL memory proves the REAL Cloud was present during his interactions with Aerith. She is bringing the REAL Cloud back to the surface.
In official sources, Aerith is stated as saying she loves Cloud MORE than Zack.
Cloud is stated to be Aerith’s “koibito” (“lover” in Japanese).
Yes -- Cloud adopted some memories & mannerisms from Zack, but he never transformed 100% into Zack.
It is a myth that Cloud & Aerith’s love is null-and-void because of Zack.
2. Tifa wins by default due to being alive.
Tifa winning by default due to being alive is why they hope to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
You may personally prefer Tifa, but in the OG, Cloud himself clearly prefers Aerith over Tifa, and the other side knows it (just look at the Shinra jail cell moment).
Tifa only has a chance once Aerith is out of the picture. If Aerith lives, it is all but over for Tifa.
Even in death, Cloud has an “undying” love for Aerith that will never go away. Tifa knows this to be true and is stated to be jealous of Cloud’s continued feelings for Aerith.
In the AC credits, Tactics cameo, and the Dissidia cameo, it is clear Cloud still wants to meet and be with Aerith in the Promised Land. Denying the common sense symbolism of this is a sign of someone who has a deep-rooted bias against Aerith.
Furthermore, Cloud and Tifa are in an established “family of friends,” share zero romantic moments, have tons of continued jealousy, fighting, and sleep in separate rooms. Plus, Barret returns to living with them in DoC.
Cloud & Tifa only have the possibility of being a thing if Aerith is out of the picture. The other side better pray to god Aerith doesn’t live in the Remake.
And even if Aerith dies, Cloud & Aerith will always remain a tragic star-crossed love story where Cloud forever wants to meet her in the Promised Land. Tifa’s continued jealousy confirms this to be true.
In the Remake, Cloud cries when he thinks of Aerith facing her inevitable demise. True love.
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under-the-azure-sky · 5 years
Zerith visuals in the remake
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This is the ending of Crisis Core. Where Zack dies. The opening of the remake starts in this wasteland with the same landscape shot as the ending.  In it, we see a bird flying towards Midgar.
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Zack loved the sky. The blue sky symbolizes Zack at his best self, Zack wanted wings, he wanted freedom. The bird symbolizes Zack, finally having wings and flying freely through the sky.  As we follow this bird to Midgar, we are lead to the playground where Zack and Aerith dated, and where they sold flowers together. 
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Across the street from the playground is a wilted yellow lily. This lily symbolizes “reunion” specifically, it’s what lovers gave each other upon reuniting. It’s wilted, symbolizing that Zack is dead and will not be reuniting with Aerith. 
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We see the playground where the kids play, Zack and Aerith’s place, the children’s attention are drawn to a reactor, leading us to the next scene, leading us to Aerith. 
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Was Zack’s spirit searching for Aerith? As she sits there, Aerith gets spooked by something. 
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She stares at it but them runs away. Was it Zack’s spirit she saw? Is she running to deny the fact that he’s actually dead? When she runs to an area where people are, one of her flowers gets stepped on. 
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Aerith cradles the flower in her hands as she gazes up at the sky. 
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The reunion with Zack she never got, the reunion she will only get in death. Aerith’s story parallels Elmyra, who had a soldier for a husband who was supposed to come home to her, but died while he was away. His spirit was trying to reach Elmyra but couldn’t.  Here it’s the same thing. Aerith waiting for her lover to come home, but he never does, he dies while he’s away and his spirit tries to reach her. Aerith can only reunite with him in death, and that’s where her destiny is pointing her to go. Follow the yellow flowers to reunion. 
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moodysnowflake · 4 years
Hello there!
Warning guys, nasty SPOILERS ahead, both of FFVII (+ Remake) and FFVII Crisis Core.
The severity of spoilers is arguable, it depends on the level of involvement you have or you got in the series, so please be aware that what you're stepping onto might be a wildflower lawn as much as a war minefield.
I saw, read and heard a lot of people complaining about Cloud's dancing scene/minigame, grumbling about how:
1. Stupid it was;
2. Degrading it has been;
3. Zack would have been disappointed.
Let's take it in strides, shall we?
1. Stupid? I'd rather say silly, more than stupid. Stupid means doing something that you've no idea how/why you're doing. FFVII never made that a mystery: there was a goofy vibe in the original too, and that was on purpose. You couldn't handle the story otherwise, it would just have been a mess of violence, death, tears and blood. Light moods are needed for you to recuperate, recharge batteries and balance. Otherwise, we all would've ended up like Sephiroth.
Character perspective wise, Cloud might not have understood from the beginning (as much as I love him to the bottom of my essence, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer - that's also why Sephiroth can do what the fluff he wants) what the hell Aerith roped him into, but when he gets the idea he accepts it (in his very Cloud way) and faces it with one of the most determined look he has ever sported. He's willing to let himself be dragged on and about the stage by Andrea, because he knows this is for Tifa, so it doesn't matter if he has to shake is ass in front of a bunch of strangers. He never really cared about his reputation since Crisis Core; he doesn't care about what people think, he's doing it for the woman he loves (shut your trap, he loves her as much as she loves him, he just needs time to untangle himself from his nightmares - and someone smacking him on the head really hard).
Secondly, player perspective wise, is it really such a stupid section? How many did manage to get a perfect score on the very first try? Camera speed, moves and angles pulled some interesting stunts, didn't they? Tricking your depth perception, together with the lights going bananas. Even if they weren't; everything has been coordinated and perfectly synced with the music. If you'd refrained for two seconds from blabbering insults you would have noticed that you could've actually used lights as another cue to help you sync, with the music and Cloud's movements. It's called peripheral vision, you need to expand your focus as much as you can and split it both on the background and the forefront. That gives your brain the capacity to better throw information at you so you can react faster, 'cause you're actively trying to remain perceptive of your surroundings too. Just like in battles.
If that shooting dynamic would have been present during battle, nobody would have survived, not even a doomrat.
2. Talking about degrading. Did Cloud strip naked? Did he have to put on a honeybee outfit? As much as he was very uncomfortable, Andrea (a.k.a. the game) pushed him only up to the limit that still felt secure enough and over which it could have been really perceived as abusive. Andrea could have done that and Cloud would still have obliged (because Tifa) but his objective was not humiliating him. He wanted to play with the dangerous SOLDIER, over which he, paradoxically, even for a tiny bit, had the power and control. Still, he didn't overdo nor overuse it (that is some good representation of a BDSM Dom, btw).
Moreover... I mean... Did you really look at him? Those were not exactly noobs moves, he nailed that too (but that's something I'll talk about next).
About the dresses: are you seriously complaining about them? I admit that the black/white one is not exactly the best (but it's your fault for ditching all Wall Market's quest... you had it coming), and I prefer the blue corset one over the lilac/black silk.
Point is: you have to sneak a guy who's built like a fucking BRICK WALL into Corneo's audition. How in the ever-loving hell are you supposed to do it? The only things playing in Cloud's favor are his facial features and his height: he's the smoothest skin I've ever seen, light jaws and is compact enough not to stand out too much among average-height girls, but that's it. He has shoulders and muscles for days. You have to cover him as much as you can, and how would you do that, if not with a broad gown, puff-sleeves, and a corset? If you're wondering about the chocker/high neck+thick necklace: it covers the Adam's apple, genius... And all the frilly, shiny laces of the lilac dress and the extensions are needed to divert the attention from his neck, clavicles and forearms, otherwise, you'll notice the buff.
That's why he had to look like a Victorian maiden.
Putting him in a catsuit, with latex or leather stretching over every inch of skin, or a sundress, with arms and legs on display... That would have been a bad idea.
Andrea is talking about not being afraid, and that's an awesome message: if you feel comfortable and beautiful, why not doing it? If you're happy, do it. It's not your problem if other people are insecure about themselves and try to pick on you because they're afraid and, most of all, jealous of your confidence, identity, and fortitude. They're just disrespectful and sad, and you should avoid them like the plague.
And again, Cloud doesn't seem that much fazed about it. I think he's more annoyed than anything; having to move in that huge-ass skirt, squeezed in a corset which is not letting you breathe and turn around would make everyone who's not used to it lose their shit. Women or men, regardless, it's a pain either way, especially if you're a fighter and need to move freely. Also, if you notice, the heels he's put in are not that much higher than his combat boots... Sure, they're thinner, but that's why he's not wobbling like a newborn calf. Did you see him swaying through the streets? That was some awesome heel-walking.
What ended me was how he was moving after he woke up. Have you seen how completely ungraceful he is, and at the same time fluidly stands to check on Aerith and doesn't trip over his own feet? In a dress like that, being that agile is shamefully amazing. Then, he swings like he's in the SOLDIER uniform, spine blocked because of the corset, moving his center of gravity too much because of too broad steps, awkwardly bobbing, switching too much weight from feet to feet, getting his stance rigid. That's precious. And hilarious af.
He has to held still as much as he can to try and convey the feeling of being scared, but we know he's just trying really hard not to wreak havoc in the audition room and slaughter everyone.
(Despise lighting, which being warm oriented would have mingled with the blue of his irises and shift them to green, I still believe that in that scene his eyes were going mako. In some millisecond-split moments, they seem to really flash out. That's hella relatable: you're using all your self-control not to cut open the scumbag who's lusting and sniffing and drooling and being awful to your friends. Plus, you're being groped and talked down too? The only thing you can do is look, and boy does he Glare™
(Cloud is not afraid/disgusted of other men touching him, but people seem to forget it. He just doesn't want Corneo to touch him. He doesn't move when Andrea touches his lips nor react when he swings him around in the dress, he doesn't move when Biggs pats him on the head on the pillar (I bet he would give everything to have Zack do that again, just one more time...dammit [I know what happens in the final cutscene of the Remake, but the post below this one explains why I think this]), he doesn't pull away when he grabs his hands, and not only he grabs it back, but grasps with the other one too. [Captain Levi vibes, anyone?])
He didn't have control over his eyes and I firmly think he didn't even intend to; he let them glow on purpose, just because that was the only thing he could unleash and nobody would have noticed.)
Cloud dancing is not stupid, nor offensive. Cloud is a loyal, caring friend, who doesn't have prejudices and is comfortable (as much as he can be) with his sexuality and identity that he's not questioning it nor getting scared (and violent) at the situation.
Do I have to dance and dress like a woman to help my girl? If it's the best way, so be it. She needs my help, I'm not gonna let her down. Gonna be a pain in the ass to fight, but I'll manage. I'm not that insecure of myself that a dress is going to make me have an existential crisis.
If you're a man or a male, and your friend/lover/person you cherish would ever be in a life-threatening situation (and this is, 'cause if they were on their own, they would have died), and the only option would be for you to dance and put on a dress to save them, but you refuse because you have to dance and it's a dress... Just a fucking dress... Well... You're not that decent of a friend, nor human being...
3. So. About Zack. If you think he would've been disappointed/disgusted... Are we talking about the same character? 'Cause I think we're not.
Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st class (previously 2nd), 6 foot and a ladder, black hair, blue eyes, scar on his left jaw. Droll af?
Just because he's a legend, a powerful, passionate and strong-willed person, doesn't mean he couldn't be a quirky dumbass.
The first line said to him in Crisis Core is "Get serious" by Angeal... Angeal who described him to his mother as a PUPPY.
The same guy who jostled his mentor, a fucking SOLDIER 1st class, in front of their boss, when he knew he recommended him.
The same guy who tried to get Aerith on a date after 5 minutes.
The one who grabs a parasol to fight troopers without breaking a sweat.
The one who faked defeat by sixth-grade-Yuffie in Wutai.
The one who dances with the Cactua he summons?
When Angeal discusses the plan and tells him to charge the front gate of Wutai on the first game mission, he's jumping like an over-excited dog.
And, most importantly, the only living being who actually managed to:
- Make Sephiroth care (after Hollander with implanted Jenova cells escapes, he tells Zack Genesis’ copies had been seen in the slums... And with that frigging Knowing™ look, and a smirk, he tells him "Permission to return... Granted", Seph's gentlemanly way to say 'I know you have a girlfriend down there, you should go check on her':
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Then Sephiroth says goodbye first
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And fucking smiles (Zack wasn’t able to see it ‘cause he was already walking away)
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- Yell at him over the phone and live;
- Pull a GENUINE laugh out of him. When they're trying to locate Angeal and Genesis, Sephiroth calls him. The conversation goes as:
S:"You and I are gonna find them [Gen & Angie] before they [Shinra] do, and..."
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Z:'And WHAT?!?!' *angry bark, to which Sephirot pulls the phone away*
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S:"...Fail to eliminate them"
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Z:'For real?!'
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S:"[AMUSED HUFF] Yes, for real" *playful mocking of Zack's words*
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Okay, that was a huff, BUT STILL... Not even Sephiroth (when he was still a human being...because yes, he was, and a pretty decent one too) was immune to his Puppy Dog Energy. Look. At. That. Smile.
So this is what I think.
The only thing Zack would be disappointed about would've been Cloud not dancing enough.
Heck, he would've jumped on the stage as soon as given the signal and dragged Cloud along, yelling in his face to be heard over the music "This is gonna be great! Let's show them what a SOLDIER can do! We're gonna put all these cute bees to shame!" ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Then again... If Zack would've been there...if we think about it, a part of Zack was there.
During his childhood and infantry training, I seriously doubt Cloud had any occasion to dance or learn how to do it.
Plus, he couldn't have done it during his 4-years mako-comatose state.
This doesn't leave that many options.
It is very likely that, like his fighting ability, his dancing moves were coming from Zack's memories too.
In a way, we can say that Zack, in the end, was there on stage with him.
Gosh, I'm gonna cry so much... ಥ_ಥ
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silver-wield · 4 years
1. I accidentally found your account, and I want you to respond about my opinion because I'm a new fan, I've played ff7r until the end, about CT and CA romance, honestly I don't see any romance for CA in this game, I even grumble and get frustrated with Aerith because she's a fussy girl in chapter 8 it's obvious Cloud really wanted to get away from her and when Cloud saw Tifa, yeah she really ran away from her to see Tifa..
2. but I also know Aerith is a special character for the story so I respect her and just get annoyed by her nature, for CT, at the beginning of the game it was clear that Tifa was someone who was really important to Cloud, but due to mental problems, Cloud became confused with those feelings but slowly Cloud's feelings for Tifa began to slowly build up throughout the game, my conclusion for CA is the love of friendship and kinship.
3. while CT is true love, childhood friends, lovers, and kinship. That's all my view for CA and CT, as a new fan, I would be very happy if you could correct me or add something about CT because I'm new to FF7, I love your analyses
Sorry for the delay on this and welcome to the fandom! We love hearing from new fans to the game because you guys have an unbiased opinion compared to OGers who think they know everything lol
You’ve got it right! There’s no romance between Cloud and Aerith in the game. It only seems that way to some people because of clever camera angles and their own headcanon. Aerith is still in love with Zack and there’s lots of hints that show this is you replay knowing the references from Crisis Core and the other media/interviews that explain things more clearly.
I don’t like Aerith in chapter 8 and I don’t care who knows it. She got on my nerves. She was rude to Cloud and even though I understand why from her pov, it still doesn’t excuse how she treated him like a stand in for Zack. From Cloud’s pov, he’s mostly annoyed by Aerith through much of the game. I’m hesitant to even say they’re friends by the end of it. They’re more like comrades/allies and he kinda likes her, but only because Tifa likes her. They need to work on their friendship, which is fine because they didn’t have a good foundation to start from and they’ve only known each other for a few days. Cloud’s a good guy though and cares about all of his friends, so I’m sure they’ll work it out in future parts.
In contrast, Cloud and Tifa are flirty flirty flirty even when they’re in a rush to save the world lol Cloud is the instigator in most of this, but Tifa’s very receptive to him and never rejects him, which shows she likes him just as much, but it’s in keeping with her shy and reserved nature. Cloud’s been in love with Tifa for at least 7 years, but probably before that since the driving force behind him wanting to become a SOLDIER was when he couldn’t save her from falling off Mt Nibel. That happened when he was 9. So from age 9 to 21, Tifa has been a motivation for him. She’s been important to him for over half his life, though I do suspect he had a puppy love for her as kids because in the chapter 1 flashback he blushes when Jessie asks if they’re close. People don’t just blush over a friend. Cloud’s feelings for her go all the way to when they were kids. 
Tifa is Cloud’s first, last and only love.
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bahamut-flare · 7 years
10 not so interesting facts.
Sooo.. I've been tagged by @heartlessfujoshi​ (i'm so surprised, seriously ! ad thank you ! ~ ), so i'm a challenger and i'll list 10 not so interesting things about me. Be aware that I write too much everytime. I have no notion of length... and well, most of them are funny things from a not so interesting people !
1. My name, choosed by my mum, has been decided the day she did the ultrasound telling her I was a girl, and in France (idk about the other countries) it was the deast of the patron saint of dentists and according to custom this brings luck for the teeth, all that. Unfortunatly, my teeth aren't that good at all.. I even have vampire teeth.
when I was in Middle School, I injured my sport teacher once and almost injured/killed him once. The first time was when we were doing volley ball ; I have never been very good to aim and I had the misfortune to want to do a forearm pass and.. the ball went back and bumped into my professor who was behing. I broke his glasses and he came out with a fairly large cut near his eyes. He followed me in the halls for months and never wanted me to touch up ball afterwards. And it got worse when I accidently, in a javelin lesson, threw my javelot a little too close to his foot. I was curse, seriously. He left the school the following year but when he meet my mum in the city I was in middle school, he always ask how I am doing.. Seems like I didn't so traumatized him with my poor skills in sport.
I have 5 tattoos : 2 of them are related to the video game with Ciri's sword from The Witcher and Zack Fair' quote from Crisis Core. But it's my before last which is a complete sketch for me ; not the tatto on itself but all the decisions made by me when I had to do it. It's not a surprise to know that it's better for a tattoo not to do it in summer, for the sun and everything. I made it in August, when the temperatures were rising and.. in Paris, where it's worse than in countryside. I had the choice to do it in one session or two session but since I didn't know if I could come back to make the colors, I did it all at once. Almost seven-eight hours of work on my back (I remember that we finished at 8:05pm and begin at 1:35pm). I didn't cry and yes, this is my greatest pride.
I pretty much discover I was pansexual because of my relationships. I have been this a girl and with a men and I began to thought that gender wasn't that important in fact. The personality and how they are with you is the most important, more important than a vagina or a dick. And so I begin to have crushes on people regardless of their gender.
I have been into drugs when I was in high school, and I begin to smoke at the same time. It was just weed but well.. my body is how he is and.. for one year, it was good and everything and after that year I begin to have bad reactions to it. And just before one lesson, I had a « bad trip » ; I had auditory hallucinations and  I had quite a lot of anxiety attacks. My friends were freaking out about that, so I just quit smoking weed because of the after-effects.
I have always been interested in video games, for as long I can recall. My mother was playing when I was little and she has been the first to give me a chance to play. I can't remember if it was Spyro, Tekken 2 or Tomb Raider which was the first. But well, it followed me from my 4th birthday to my 21th, and now, i'm going to work on video games for research in university. Isn't that beautiful ?
When I was six I began to play piano (because of my lack of skills in classical dance and sport) ; I was good (from my mother point of view) and I quit piano when I was sixteen, if I can remember well. I made some public performances (but well, in countryside so .. not much a big deal) and representations of examinations. My teacher even wanted me to join the conservatory of my region. I may have missed my vocation with my period of teenage rebellion.
When I first open tumblr, it was for my beginner edits, avatars for people like me who likes RP. I never thought, when I opened it that some of my works will be so appreciated by unknown people. I mean, it was just for me and some people I knew, and for fun and everything.. And now, it's more for fun and for experiences that I keep this blog on running. But I like it.
I always been a lame girl when it comes to math (well, for others things too I suppose..). But well, in middle-school, there was a contest organised by the region (if I can recall well) and I don't why, but I signed up, with one of the groups already registered. And we won the third place of the contest. We won a ruler for each person of the group ; I lost it the month that followed. No respect.
10. Well, last one and.. i don't know what to say. I'm a really food lover, like really much ? As much as I love video games, I love food. It's a neverending love.
Well well. People must be tagged to follow the deal so.. I tag @herelies-theabyss, @springy-thingy, @magistera, @shepardout, @mrskestrel ! If you don't want to, don't feel like you have to do it !:) it's just for fun.
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dallons in the hospital. he was diagnosed with osteoporosis.
he would be leaving the hospital the next morning after spending months in intensive care. they found socks and red bull in his bones and had to remove them. now he’s boneless. hes just skin and muscle.
like chicken nuggets.
but theres one body part u dont need bones for ;)
ur ears.
when he is released from the hospital, they tell him he has to pay 20 million dollars for all of the water he consumed during his stay. he ignores them. he puts on his sparkly pants and exits.
hes only wearing his pants. no shirt. no sexy lingerie. no socks. he hasnt worn socks since the… Incident.
he has nightmares about the Incident every single moment of his life, even when hes awake.
they had to amputate his leg and his dick stump too. he got a prosthetic dick but no leg. he has a peg leg now. just a stick glued to his leg. sometimes he likes to sit and chew on his stick. then he is reminded of the Incident and cries until he falls asleep.
he shakes away his memories and walks into the hospital parking lot, barefoot and shirtless, wondering what to do next.
he sees a strange vehicle in the parking lot. the door opens and zack hall exits. dallons heart races, he hasnt spoken with anyone associated with panic since the incident.
“fuck you dallon” zack says. he throws a cigar at dallon and drives away. the cigar hits dallon in the face and he falls over. his peg leg snaps in half. hurriedly he shoves it up his butthole, no lube or condom.
he pulls out his cellular device and contemplates who to call for help in this crisis while the peg leg leaves splinters inside him. he knows that brendon is probably smoking with zack, laughing at dallons misfortune. he scrolls through his contacts and suddenly he is hit with an idea. his one friend through everything. his main man. the guy whos never left him for anything. his bro.
he calls josh dun.
josh answers after a few rings with a confused “dallon?”
“hey josh please help me im in a parking lot there are splinters in my rectum”
“ok dallon im coming im bringing tyler” josh says and hangs up.
josh sighs and grabs his keys, giving tyler a nod as he quickly rushes to his skateboard. josh gets on his skateboard.
tyler quickly goes to sit on joshs shoulders. “onward mighty steed” tyler yodels and kicks josh in the ribs. josh screams in pain and starts obediently skateboarding.
they skateboard to the hospital gracefully and spot dallon laying in the parking lot. “ew is that dallon” tyler says.
“stop being rude” josh says
dallon cries as tyler picks him up
tyler holds him bridal style on joshs shoulders. josh cries because dallon is really heavy. tyler doesnt know what to do so he sticks his toe thumb up dallons ass.
dallon cries and smacks tyler, causing josh to wiggle and swerve. everyone shrieks. josh skates over a pebble causing tyler, dallon, and tyler’s toe thumb to fall over. josh gracefully backflips off the rogue skateboard but tyler and dallon smash into the pavement.
the peg leg is jammed deeper into dallons rectum and tylers toe thumb is still in his butthole. tyler gets a splinter. everyone is getting splinters.
josh is lying on the ground dead
tyler screams and pulls his thumb out, crawling to his dead band mate. he puts his thumb in joshs butt, but josh is already dead. tylers efforts are useless
tyler buries his face in joshs chest, mourning his lover when a car pulls up. the door swings open and two high heels drop down, and they see breezy. breezy stomps on dallon. the kids are shouting from the backseat about minecraft and fnaf.
breezy throws a grenade into the car, killing the children instantly. it hasnt detonated yet. she leans close to dallon and whispers “i fucking hated your kids anyway” then she gets up and steals a random car and drives away. dallon sobs and looks over at tyler
tyler is convulsing on the ground
before getting very far, breezy crashes into a juice bar and dies, cursing the one thing she ever loved for killing her as she takes her last breath
another car pulls up
dallon whimpers, he just wants help
a greasy kenny appears in the window
dallon sighs. he would rather have anyone else to help. kenny presses his face against the window and dallon can see the glass fogging when he breathes.
“r u ok” kenny shrieks. “is that a toe having a seizure over there”
dallon yells “fuck off kenny”
kenny gets out of the car and slips on his own grease puddle. he breaks his hip. “i am an old man” he cries “i need a hip replacement”
“ya i need one too you fucking grease whore but do u see me complaining no go shove ur dick in a pumpkin” dallon says. kenny cries and begs dallon for help but dallon just crawls over and starts beating the shit out of him. this is all in the hospital parking lot and nobody is helping
“not even my guitars can save me now” kenny says
“u can shove ur guitars up ur greasy butthole” dallon says. “at least u have natural lube"he adds
tyler is still having a seizure on the ground. foam starts to drip down tylers cheek as his body shakes and convulses
"hey tyler do u want some taco bell” josh says
tyler screams. josh is a zombie. rest in pepperoni.
“JOSH UR BACK” tyler starts violently fucking josh in the ass in celebration.
“tyler stop i just want some taco bell ur a bottom anyway please stop” josh says
tyler is out of control at the moment. there is no telling what he can do.
dallon crawls over and tries to join. tylers dick kicks him in the face. josh seems to be okay with a threesome, but tyler punches dallon in the throat. dallon rips joshs hair out in clumps. josh cries.
“my luscious straw locks. what have you done” he laments. josh now looks like tyler.
“tyler can we please get taco bell” josh says. tyler ignores him and keeps going. josh shits himself. tyler moans even louder.
“how did u know my kink” tyler says. josh cries and runs away. tyler screams.
now that josh is gone, there is only one other person to turn to. dolan. dalon. dallon.
tyler pees on dallon. “golden shower” he says. dallon screams.
another car pulls up, crushing tylers legs under its wheels. the door opens and smoke pours out.
josh comes back and beats tyler with a stop sign.
brendon and zack get out and walk over. zack gets lung ccancer suddenly.
brendon starts throwing weed at dallon. clumps of weed hit his face. everyone stares at zack as he dies of lung cancer. rip zack. sarah urie is sitting in the car drinking a smoothie and angrily tweeting fans. “bee kind” she yells from inside the car. brendon ignores her
brendon whips his dick out. its not a snake dick anymore.
“shove a bee up ur asshole!” tyler yells. tyler pulls out his toe thumb and gives them a thumbs up.
jenna joseph crawls up out of the sewers and flashes her wedding ring to everyone. tyler takes the wedding ring and eats it. jennas ugly eyebrows fall off in shock. breezy comes back from the dead to repair jennas fallen eyebrows even though her own are shit
“tyler can we get taco bell now” josh says
breezy spits on dallon and kicks the shit out of him. brendon begins eating zacks corpse.
there is still a peg leg in dallons ass.
tyler and josh come back with taco bell holding hands. sarah and breezy scream
“UNHEALTHY!!” they both run away and probably fuck in some grass
dallons ass gets an infection and he speed shits out the peg leg and all the splinters onto tyler. tyler spits his chewed up taco on dallon.
tyler moans as the peg leg pierces his nipple
jenna sees tyler nutting then cries and makes a noose with her shirt. breezy makes a green vegan gluten free extra protein smoothie shake. josh sees jenna and pushes her back into the sewer. shes gone
breezy makes some minecraft snacks and brings them to the squad. they eat the ugly torch pretzels and vomit everywhere. kenny gets up, broken hip forgotten, and roundhouse kicks her in the face. dallon swallows a pretzel stick torch whole then proceeds to drop dead
dallon says “werent the pretzels for knox and our failed abortion child amelie”
kenny drops dead
breezy says “ya but i killed ur dumbass children”
dallon puts on socks because hes cold. he cries and chews on the peg leg that was in his rectum. he has a flashback to the incident and screams. dallon stares down at the socks, the whole world slowing down around him. breezy shoves an icing pretzel torch up his butt. he cries.
brendon starts singing bohemian rhapsody in the background, demanding attention. nobody cares.
dallon lifts his foot into his lap, peeling the sock back slowly exposing the hair on his toe knuckles. he presses the warm sock against his cheek, taking a long whiff. he starts to eat the sock. he closes his eyes in bliss, remembering the moments he had with socks. he moans. his prosthetic dick has never been this hard
brendons eyes turn black as he notices, scales covering his limps. his dick starts wiggling. it elongates, until it is a wriggling tentacle.
he crawls over to dallon, head spinning around and limbs cracking.
someone drinks a diet pepsi. it is not known who.
the tentacle pokes dallons ear. brendon shoves it in dallons ear, literally fucking his brains out. dallon, still nutting to the sock, is dazed and confused. dallon nuts twice at the same time.
his brains spill onto the pavement. the pavement cracks open and ground beneath them splits, opening the underworld. tyler jumps in eagerly.
zack crawls back from the dead and mutes dallon on twitter. “you are muted. idiot” zack says then jumps into the abyss. the underworld sucks everyone in. it sucks in a mild sauce packet from taco bell, and josh cries and jumps in after it. the underworld is filled with socks and mountain dew
dallon floats up off the ground. brendon grabs onto him, afraid he will float away like a balloon. a dalloon. but brendon played himself, as dallon does not stop floating. they float until they reach space. brendon feels the gravitational pull of uranus
screeching, brendon pulls dallon into the core of uranus, where they are vaporized instantly
the end
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