#as both a parody and an example of those fics that take a silly or comedic source material and make it super edgy
astronomodome · 10 months
Psychological horror fic where doc is indoctrinated into the zedaph singularity where the joke is obvious but all the horror bits are played entirely straight
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rimalupin · 3 years
An update that came from absolutely nowhere
Hi. If you're reading this, I'm surprised this showed up on your page (or maybe you just looked up my page, which I'm not mad about, LOL). Anyway, I figured I'd post an update because it's been a while since I've done anything here.
First of all, I'm doing fine (and I mean it LOL). I've just been very MIA due to adulting, especially now that I'm working full-time. So I've been getting busier, but I'm dealing with these changes pretty well LOL.
That being said, I've found that a lot of my priorities are changing. A huge example of this is that I don't have as much time for creative things, especially writing, which is what I've mostly used Tumblr for. I'm sad that I haven't had the chance to delve into a fandom and write silly little fics/HCs/song parodies to contribute to these communities. But like I said before, my priorities are changing due to adulting, and honestly I'm okay with it.
I also want to share that I haven't been active here because I've become more cautious of who I choose to interact with online in general. I won't go into details for the sake of privacy and to not stir up old drama (bc im fkn scarred and i would not like to open up old wounds ehcibeic), but I want to be transparent especially with my mutuals: I've unfortunately come across someone who has ultimately pushed me away from wanting to stay in this space. That toxic situation made me believe that Tumblr could no longer be one of my safe spaces, so I decided that I would slowly and quietly become more of a lingerer before I eventually leave altogether.
I'm not sure if I will actually leave Tumblr or delete this account though - I am still lingering here for some new fandoms I've found, but haven't necessarily joined or participated in. But if you (a.k.a. my mutuals) are ever concerned about me just leaving forever, I want to say that 1) I'm sorry for not keeping in touch with y'all - I wasn't in the best mental space for a while and I needed to take some time away from this platform and 2) I'd be willing to connect outside of Tumblr; however, due to privacy reasons, I am limiting this alternative to Discord and Genshin (yes, I'm including the game as a way to connect with me lol).
Anyway, that's the gist of what's been going on both recently and for the past 2ish years ejdheicn. Again, I'm sorry that I've been so out of the loop. But for those who want, I'd be glad to connect with y'all again.
Take care! ❤
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