#as if people sitting around for 7 hours in front of a venue would be disruptive
tardis--dreams · 1 year
"No queuing is allowed in front of the entrance nor in the streets around the venue"- trinity college's concert rules are my new villain origin story
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aflame4goinghome · 1 year
Part Of The Band
j.t.k x f.reader
part one
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a/n: this is my first time writing Jake and I have to admit that it’s been so intimidating. he was the one I was soooo scared to write, since he’s my main lane. I plan to make this into a series, so I really hope you all enjoy it :)
word count: 5k
summary: your best friend asks you to come with her to a concert for a band that you’re unfamiliar with. your decision to go proves to have more repercussions than you thought when you run into the band at your favorite bar after the show. you never would have imagined the pull that you’d feel toward their guitarist, or that you would somehow manage to capture his attention…
warnings: yearning, some cussing, mentions of alcohol, smoking. some parts are slightly sexually implicit, including: light groping, kissing, and some sexual language. minors beware! the next part will definitely contain smut.
You’ve never been one to pass up on a night out, especially if it involves music. Music is something that you actively search for constantly, it defines you. You’d do anything to just be able to listen to live music, to close your eyes and just feel it flow through your body. Since you lack any actual musical talent besides half-decent singing, you just listen to it as much as you can.
So, when your roommate and best friend, Sophie, asked you to come with her to a concert tonight last minute, you could hardly just say no. Did you have a big midterm tomorrow afternoon that you needed to study for? Maybe. But live music always comes first. Sophie was always finding last-minute concerts for you to go to together- it was kind of your thing. This time, however, it was a band you didn’t really know.
You’re pretty sure you’ve heard one of their singles, Heat Above, online somewhere a few times but that was the most knowledge you had of Greta Van Fleet. You don’t know much about their background or their names, just that they make rock music and that’s all you need to be convinced to go. You and Sophie had always found yourselves at the Greek Theatre for just about any kind of concert, so this wasn’t a new thing for you.
The show is meant to start at 7:00 pm, but Sophie is always determined to be as close to the stage as possible, so you’re getting ready in the afternoon to get there around 2:30 or 3 o’clock. In the name of comfortability, you opt to wear ripped black skinny jeans, a white halter top, and your Doc Martens. You keep your hair down, wavy and lying right below your shoulders. You put on some simple makeup, just to cover up any blemishes you might have, do some tight-lined eyeliner, and put on a bit of your favorite silver eyeshadow. You take a deep breath. Okay, you’re ready.
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Sophie calls your Uber over to the Greek and you both arrive there just in time. You see about 50 people there already, so you both know that you’ll have a great spot in the small pit. You guys sit down at the end of the line and make yourselves comfortable to wait in the line for several hours until you’re let into the venue. Late October in LA can be pretty comfortable, today is in the mid-70s, so it isn’t a terrible day to camp out. You and Sophie talk about schoolwork, gossip about your friends, and play various games until it’s suddenly 6 o’clock and it’s time to head into the venue.
The group walks down the steps of the Greek and security has the line start all the way to the left of the pit. You and Sophie end up standing toward the front of the right side of the stage, which you’re perfectly content with. It’s not long before the openers come on- they were all great. The energy in the theatre was amazing and the weather was beautiful, it was like a dream.
Next thing you know, the lights go out and it’s pitch black. The crowd goes wild, screaming for the band to come out. Ominous music starts to play over the speakers and a short video plays on the screens on the sides of the stage. You can tell that the band enjoyed building suspense and it certainly works.
Suddenly, you see a dark silhouette emerge from stage left and appear right in front of your gaze. He’s holding a guitar, stepping up to the front of the stage where you assume his pedals are, and strikes a loud chord, bringing everyone’s attention to him. The lights turn up, with a sole spotlight on him, as he starts to play a dark, hypnotizing melody that almost takes the air out of your lungs. You turn your focus to the drummer and keyboardist entering the stage now, adding to the mix and making the sound grow even larger and darker than before.
The crowd then screams as the singer walks out with an enormous smile on his face. You can immediately tell what fans would love about him, he exudes brightness and kindness from the second you look at him. He begins vocalizing and you’re taken aback by his singing abilities, his voice is truly amazing.
The first verse begins and you decide to turn your attention back to the guitarist. You study the way he moves on stage; how he walks upstage then downstage with this confident strut that you can’t help but feel mesmerized by. You notice a theme of blue in their outfits but are drawn specifically to the design on the guitarist’s suit, covered in stars and astrological symbols of the Taurus, paired with dark boots. It’s honestly beautiful.
As you’re admiring what he’s wearing, you take a moment to truly look at him. He has long brown hair with a slight wave to it, falling an inch or two below his collarbones. His eyebrows are dark and quite thick, knit tightly as he’s concentrating on what he’s playing. His eyes are equally as dark, though it's hard to tell their exact hue from this many feet away.
You catch yourself staring for too long and want to make the effort to shift your eyes elsewhere and as you do, his eyes meet yours. It’s a concert, of course the band is going to make eye contact with their fans, it’s a small pit. But he seems to hold his gaze for several seconds to the point where you think he might actually be looking at you specifically. You give him a shy smile, which he returns, and then moves on with the song.
The rest of the song continues and you think you’re really starting to like Greta Van Fleet, the music is truly fantastic. The singer’s voice is beautiful and like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Suddenly he stops and the guitarist approaches the end of the stage, seemingly for his guitar solo. It’s nothing short of amazing, the way that he plays the guitar is so captivating, it’s like your eyes can’t look away.
You hear the crowd go insane for it, screaming things like “Yeah Jake!” “Do it, Jakey!” “Fuck it up!!” and you’re sure that he’s eating it all up. Jake, you think to yourself. Interesting. It becomes clear that the girls go crazy for him and you know that must give him some sort of complex. He seems so confident and you can’t blame him, with all the praise that he’s receiving- praise that is very well-deserved.
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All of the following songs go the same exact way. You can’t seem to take your eyes off of Jake. You’ve also deeply fallen in love with their music and the love that it emits. You feel very glad about your decision to go to the concert tonight- you can feel that this has changed the course of your life in some way. Throughout the show, you notice that sometimes Jake would catch you watching him, which you didn’t mind. Surely he was used to being watched on stage like that, in amazement and admiration. You truly do admire him and his talent, it’s something very special. All of his riffs are so satisfying to hear and the chords blend so perfectly.
Once the encore ends, the band goes to leave the stage. You watch Jake as he walks toward the end of the stage, which you assume is to hand out his guitar picks before leaving for the night. Much to your surprise, he looks right at you as he leans over and tosses it to you. Your cheeks turn a shade of pink and you look up at him, smiling and thanking him. What a night to remember. You think that this would be it, but you are dead wrong.
You and Sophie turn to exit the pit, which takes some time considering how close you are to the front. You’re eventually able to exit the theatre and wait on the sidewalk for a game plan. “So… you wanna go to the Tavern?” Sophie asks. The Tavern is your go-to bar in Beverly Hills; it has a good atmosphere, great cocktails, and isn’t too far from campus. You and Sophie go there at least once every weekend, they all know your names there. You glare at her with a concerned look, “Soph, I have such a big exam tomorrow, are you serious?” She rolls her eyes, “Come on! Live a little! You’re telling me you don’t wanna at least get a little drunk to take your mind off of it? We just saw an amazing show, let’s go celebrate!”
Sophie always knew how to convince you to do anything, no matter what it was. She knew your weaknesses every time. You groan, “Ugh, fine. But if you have to wake my ass up tomorrow at 2 pm for my exam because I’m too hungover, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.” She smiles wide and says “I know, I know. I’ve already called the Uber to take us there now.” Cheeky girl, she knew she’d convince you.
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It's already midnight by the time you arrive at the Tavern. The last call is always at 1 am so you know that you won't be there too long. You both walk in and find your favorite booth in the back, placing your jackets down before going up to the bar to order your drinks. Sophie orders you both a shot of tequila, then gets herself a margarita. You order a bourbon punch and turn back to take a seat in your booth. You both take your shots when you sit down, then you debrief tonight’s events.
“So, what did you think of the band? Did you like them?” Sophie asks.
“Yeah, it was amazing actually. I don’t know how I hadn’t found them before now. The music that they make is extraordinary,” you reply with a smile. You do have some questions, though. “So what’s their deal? The lore?”
“Oh, well they’re from Michigan. They’re actually brothers, besides the drummer- though they all grew up together. Josh, the singer, and Jake, the guitarist, are twins.” You nod your head. I did think they looked alike, you think to yourself. “Sam is their younger brother, and Danny is his best friend. They’ve been making music for a while but they blew up a lot in like 2019 and then this new album skyrocketed their fame.”
“Well, that doesn’t surprise me. This album is absolutely breathtaking. From what I heard tonight, their music is so mind-blowing. It really took my breath away,” you explain.
“I knew you'd love it. I’m so glad that you’re into them now. Especially Jake, it seemed,” she smirked.
You reach over to smack her on the arm and exclaim, “Sophie! That’s crazy! I don’t know where you got that idea! I was not into him.” The blush that’s made its way to your face tells a different story, however.
“You so were! You couldn’t take your eyes off of him that entire show, I watched you. I think he might’ve been looking at you too, you know,” she jests. Just the thought that Jake might have been actually interested in you made your stomach turn. You shake your head.
“No, Soph. There’s no way. Sure, we might have locked eyes once or twice, but there were thousands of people there. I’m sure he looks at all of his fans like that…” you trail off, wanting to shut this conversation down as soon as possible to save yourself from any further embarrassment. You pick up your glass, which is half empty, then chug the whole thing. “Oh, look at that, my drink is gone. I’m gonna go get another, I’ll be back.” You smirk at her, successfully avoiding the conversation for now, and then get up from your seat to walk back to the bar.
As you approach the bar, there’s a group of men leaning against it, ordering drinks. You go to stand on the right of them to wait your turn and the man next to you senses your presence and turns to look at you. As he turns in your direction, you see the long chestnut hair and are met with dark chocolate eyes. You’re immediately hit with the realization: Oh my god. It’s Jake.
He looks at you and offers a soft smile as a greeting. “Hi…” you manage to let out, looking up at him. “Hey,” he replies. You glance behind him and see the rest of the band. Oh my GOD. Greta Van Fleet is at my bar. You just stand there leaning against the bar for a moment looking at him, unsure of what to say next. You find yourself looking him up and down, analyzing what he’s wearing off the stage.
He has on a different pair of boots now, a light brown color. He's wearing some tattered blue jeans and a navy blue, long-sleeved button-up shirt, of which the top four buttons are undone, leaving his upper chest partially exposed. The lighting in the Tavern reflects off of it in such a mesmerizing way. You realize that you’ve been staring for far too long and go to say something, but luckily he beats you to it.
“Were you at our show tonight? I think I remember your face…” Jake says, looking into your eyes as though he’s piercing right into your soul, studying you. You feel stuck, though you’re not sure why. Up until today, you weren’t a fan of theirs and you wouldn’t have thought anything about this interaction at all whatsoever. So why were you so flustered? You finally work up the courage to answer.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was there. It was… spectacular,” you say with a shy smile, finally meeting his gaze. He smiles back at you when your attention is suddenly pulled away by the sound of a loud voice coming from behind him.
“You really liked it? I’m so glad. I get so in my head sometimes, y’know, I was so nervous. So it’s lovely to hear that I didn’t totally crash and burn.” The man that you now understand to be Jake’s curly-headed twin reaches over the bar past Jake and extends his hand out to you. “I’m Josh, by the way,” he adds with a wide smile. You reach your hand out to shake his, in total shock that this is actually happening.
“Hi, Josh. I’m Y/N, which I was just about to tell your brother here…” you joke, making him realize that he’d accidentally interrupted something. He makes an “oh that’s awkward” kind of face and pulls at his collar, causing you to laugh. Jake watches as you interact with his twin with a look on his face that you can’t quite place. Like he’s trying to figure you out.
“Sorry about him, Y/N, sometimes he just speaks first and then thinks after,” you hear from further down the bar. You look up to see that voice coming from Sam next to him, who gets a shove from his older brother and erupts into contagious laughter. You watch Danny shake his head, chuckling, and you laugh along with them. Jake looks over at you, smiling. You smile back at him and he speaks up, drawing your attention back to him and him alone.
“What are you drinking, Y/N?” he asks. “Oh, um, a bourbon punch,” you answer. “Another bourbon punch for this lovely lady here, please,” he says to the bartender, “You can put it on my tab.” You look at him in shock and try to protest but he sees it coming, saying “No, I insist. As a thank you, for your support and for making my brother happy for a moment there with your compliment- he’s easy to please.”
He leans one arm onto the counter and smirks at you as the bartender places your drink down in front of you. “Cheers, sweetheart,” Jake says, raising his glass to yours. You glance down at the glass to see what he’s drinking, which seems to be whisky, neat. It suits him. You smile at him and say “Cheers” and take a sip of your fresh drink. His eyes are looking into yours so intently that it almost feels like they’re burning into you. Something about him is so intriguing yet slightly intimidating that you want to learn more.
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“Are you here alone?” he asks. “Oh, no, I’m here with a friend. She’s back there at our table.” Jake looks behind you to see Sophie, who has been intently watching this entire interaction unfold. He smiles and gives her a little wave to come over, so she stands up and comes up to the bar. “Would you both like to join us for a round? We have a larger booth upstairs with a few of our friends.” His eyes look down at you for an answer, waiting and hoping for a yes. Before you can answer, Sophie chimes in to answer for you, “We’d love to!” she says, elbowing your side to encourage you to agree and you nod along. “Yeah, sure, we can stay for a bit longer,” you reply, looking up at Jake, who seems satisfied with that answer.
The rest of the guys get their drinks and you follow them up the winding staircase to the large booth that they reserved. When you arrive at the table, you see a few other people waiting there whom you assume to be part of their management, security, and some personal friends. Danny and Sam slide in first to the left to join their friends and Josh goes for an open spot on the right side. Jake extends his hand out, offering for you to take a seat between them, and then slides in on the left next to you. Sophie opts to sit next to Sam on the end, across from you.
You both introduce yourselves to the rest of the group. Their friends seem unsurprised that they managed to make friends in the short time they’ve been in the bar. From the few minutes you’ve spent with them, you can tell that their social and charismatic tendencies would likely often lead to new friendships everywhere they go. It’s something you’re starting to admire about them.
As you’re getting to know the group, it’s impossible not to notice Jake’s eyes on you. He’s studying you as you speak, watching the way your lips move and admiring you. It’s difficult to ignore, though you try your best to. He starts speaking and you turn your head to look at him, taking the time to look him over as well. You look at his eyes, mostly, a mesmerizing dark chocolate color that turns into amber when the light touches them. His nose is straight and pointed, his lips look soft and full.
He catches you staring at him, just for a moment, and uses the opportunity to place his right hand on your knee, exposed by the large rips in your jeans, rubbing small circles on top of it. It makes you jump a little at first touch, startled by his actions. You couldn’t believe this was real life. You look up at him and you both lock eyes. It falls silent for a moment and Josh starts a conversation with Daniel across the table, everyone else engaging and chiming in. Jake takes this opportunity to lean into your ear a bit to talk to you on his own, which he’s been dying to do.
“I know you were watching me earlier, at the show…” he whispers in your ear, loud enough only for you to hear. Your heart nearly stops, but he continues. “It’s okay, you know, I don’t mind it. If anything, I kind of liked it,” he says, his breath feeling hot on your skin. “Maybe I was,” you answer shyly, turning your face toward him a bit so that he can hear you more clearly. Your eyes meet and you watch as his eyes quickly dart to your lips, then back up to look at you once more.
“I was watching you too,” he says, sliding his hand a bit higher above your knee, resting on your inner thigh, slightly gripping it. “Watching you study me… and how my fingers worshipped the strings…” he continues, leaning closer to your ear, his lips grazing lightly over it. Shivers run down your back and continue down toward your core, causing you to silently yearn for more. You inhale deeply, then ask “And what did you think about that, Jake?” saying his name in a honeyed tone, causing him to squeeze your thigh and look deep into your eyes, piercing through them. You knew exactly what he was thinking, but you wanted to hear him say it. You wanted to be absolutely sure that what you thought was about to happen was actually happening.
“Do you wanna go outside for a smoke, Y/N?” Jake asks, slightly loud enough so that the others can hear. Sophie looks at you, smirking; she clearly can tell exactly what’s going on. She nods at you, encouraging you to go. “Uh, yeah Jake, sure,” you mutter, a bit awkwardly. You weren’t expecting him to try and get you alone, you had felt all this time that he was just playing with you. It’s clear now, though, that this was not a game.
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He stands up from the booth and offers his hand to help you up as well. Despite the dark aura that surrounds him, he still appears to be quite the gentleman. You stand up from the booth, shoot Sophie a nervous look, and then turn around to head back down the stairs. Jake follows closely behind you.
You get to the bottom of the stairs and head to the back of the Tavern to go out the back door, to the smoking area. It’s an outdoor patio behind the bar, illuminated with low-lit string lights and decorated with some picnic tables with a few ashtrays. You exit through the door and turn around to face him as the door closes silently behind him. His eyes are darker now, piercing into you as he approaches you. You back up slowly until the backs of your legs hit one of the tables and then sit on the edge of it while Jake takes out a pack of Marlboro Reds and a black lighter from his back pocket.
He pulls a cigarette out of the pack, places it between his lips, and then brings the lighter up to light it. He takes a long drag out of it and blows it to the side, avoiding blowing any smoke in your face, then steps closer to you until he’s standing between your legs, only inches away from you. He puts the cigarette down to sit on the ashtray for a moment and he finally speaks.
“Y/N/ I can’t seem to stop thinking about you. You’ve captivated me from the second the lights turned up on that stage tonight. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you…” he says, bringing his hand up to your cheek and running his thumb along your cheek. He’s watching your eyes, how they look up at him with anticipation, waiting for him. He can feel the power that he has over you.
“I can’t stop thinking about you either… Seeing you for the first time on stage tonight has caused you to completely take over my thoughts ever since. No matter how hard I tried to watch the others, my eyes kept getting drawn right back to you. It was like I couldn’t control it,” you say, glancing down at his lips and then back to his eyes longingly. “I don’t feel like I can control myself around you, baby… I’m being tempted to throw out all of my rules for you,” Jake says in a low whisper, bringing his face closer to yours.
Your eyes look up at his, pleading. He can’t hold himself back anymore, finally closing the gap between you. He kisses you so deeply that it takes the air out of your lungs. He leans into you and his hand that was once on your cheek grasps the back of your neck tightly, causing you to let out a quiet whimper. Just the sound of it lights a fire within him, he takes his other hand to hold your hip in place and groans into your mouth. You place your hands around his neck and pull him closer to you, your bodies now flush together.
Jake pulls away, his face still only a few inches from yours, and tries to catch his breath. His left hand squeezes your hip as the other leaves your neck in order to reach behind you to grab his cigarette, still lit. He takes a drag from it blowing it to the side, but keeps his eyes locked on yours and watches as you stare at his lips when he blows the smoke out. He takes note of your interest in the way he’s blowing the smoke and says, “Open your mouth.”
You immediately obey, knowing you’d do anything he asks you to, and open your mouth. He takes another drag of the cigarette and kisses you again, blowing the smoke into your mouth and you breathe it in as you lean into the kiss. This elicits another moan from him, clearly turned on by the act. He leans into you harder and bucks his hips into you slightly, trying to release some tension. You moan quietly into his mouth at the sensation, your desire starting to pulsate between your legs.
His lips leave your mouth and place kisses along your jaw then down your neck, causing you to let out a small sigh. “You don’t even know what you do to me, sweetheart,” Jake mutters against your skin. He brings his mouth back to yours and kisses you once more, but you pull yourself away.
“Jake… I want this. I want you, but… not now.” He looks disappointed by your words but backs away slightly, sliding both of his hands down to your waist. “I’m sorry, I just- I have this big exam tomorrow and I’ve already stayed out so much later than I ever even intended to. I have to go home.”
He nods his head in understanding, then it seems like a lightbulb lights up in his head. He smiles and says, “Come to the show tomorrow night, then. Please… I need to see you again. I want to see you front and center when I play.” You’re taken aback completely at his kind offer. You know you need to see him again too, and you’d like nothing more than to watch them perform again. You nod your head, “Oh, Jake. I would love to go. That’s so sweet,” you say, smiling bashfully. Jake’s face lights up at your answer, “It’s gonna be a great show, baby. You won’t regret it. I’ll have Jenn email you the tickets as soon as we get back to our hotel, one for Sophie too.” You thank him and place a soft peck on his cheek, causing a hue of pink to form there. You both go back inside and return to your friends upstairs.
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“Soph, you ready to go home?” you ask her. “I really gotta get up for this midterm tomorrow,” you explain to the others, who all nod and wish you luck. Sophie nods and says goodnight to everyone. Jake offers to walk you both out to the bus stop to wait for the bus to take you back to your apartment. Sophie goes to sit on the bench as you wait a bit behind with Jake.
He places a soft goodnight kiss on your lips and you hum into it and smile as he brings his hand up to cup your cheek. “Here, let me see your phone,” he says, taking it and typing in his phone number, putting his contact name as “Sir Jacob ⚔️”, which makes you giggle. “Text me when you make it home safe, sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says with a smirk. “See you tomorrow, Jake,” you reply as he turns back to the front door of the Tavern. He turns back around and gives you a soft smile, and you wave goodbye before he goes back inside.
You turn around and sit down on the bench next to Sophie, who finally wants to know all of the details. The bus arrives and you fill her in on everything on the ride home, causing her to laugh and scream in excitement, much to the dismay of the other exhausted people who are on the city bus at one o’clock in the morning. You tell her that he’s sending you tickets for both of you to go to the next show tomorrow night and that he’s asking security to put you in the front row, which she is so psyched about.
You both finally arrive home and you take your makeup off, put some comfier clothes on, and collapse into bed. What a night, you think to yourself. It was nothing like you ever could have imagined. You turn over and plug your phone in, then open up the messages app and type in “Sir Jacob ⚔️”.
You: home safe <3
Sir Jacob ⚔️: Good. Sweet dreams, beautiful.
You: goodnight, jake
You place your phone down on your bedside table and flop down on your back, letting out a long sigh. You think about your exam tomorrow and the excitement that will come thereafter. You wonder where tomorrow night will lead you as you close your eyes and try to fall asleep. God, what have I gotten myself into?
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this story will be continued... comment to be added to the taglist! thank you so much for reading!
part two
202 notes · View notes
submariini · 11 months
Thee Antwerp Gig Overview (by #5)
me and @jeevm arrived around 7:50am at the gig, numbers 4 and 5 bc belgians simply are not a queuing people. not much happened beside chaotic uno and trix doing a short interview with us seven? i think at that point i forget
the bus arrived a little before ten am, and we were allowed to sit inside at that point so we just all went outside again and just stood there for a whole ass three hours being clowns.
jaakko, jukka and jesse walked by a few times entirely undisturbed bc belgians also do not talk ever. (and dutch ppl ig). respectful times.
eventually, at around one, Häärijä got off the bus (mostly as a distraction for K going the other way). This man came by like proper we thought he was gonna just walk by, but he waved and then decided to ignore everyone and beeline straight into my direction for a hug? hello? unsure how he still knows what i look like (was not in the yellow tshirt yet bc cold and he hasnt seen me since simerock).
K and Jesse came by as well -- please note at this point there were like goddamn 40 people there. Nothing like the Munich papal visit scenes at any point.
K just the nicest. Didn't remember me from simerock (fair, it was a factory of photographs) and was like wtf rollo (as per ushe), complimented my boots bc he likes them (they are r+ but usually kids sizes) and i got to be "mean" abt the r+ ticket sale and the bus making it stressful. When he asked it I wanted him to sign anything, I didn't have anything and he just offered to sign my boots? Man did not expect the clown to clown communication that was happening bc he seemed very oh god for real when I agreed.
Someone gave him a necklace and instantly wanted to put it on. The person who gave it couldn't fasten it bc nails/shaking hands so I offered to try and then idk how it got fastened bc christ I shook as well. Not helpful: Mikke both filming that and the boot signing up close 😭
Told Jesse he told me at simerock that I should just join the tour bus and he went "yeah that sounds like something I would say." then scolded me for not having been in Berlin for that 😭
H wandered back and forth a bit, had another weird football chat (rip hazards career) where I was sitting on a little wall, back to the bus still at that point, and he just leaned into me turning around and just held my shoulders the entire time? When I got sweaty and took my hoodie off later he also suddenly grabbed my tshirt when it was riding up I am Feeling Fine.
Was wearing the yellow tshirt w the cross stitch and he made me turn to show Jesse??? And Jesse did the nicest "wait can I touch this?" bc I guess he thought it would be fragile???
People formed a nice selfie line and K just said he's santa claus 🎅
H vanished, then came back out of the bus, and we had a weird mime moment bc I wasnt sure if he was motioning at me to get to him away from the rest. He was and I got fucking free merch??? Like free, not yet available merch. Genuinely what the FUCK. Im making an extra post abt this most likely bc I cannot explain what the hell happened in that moment and the things around it.
When Mikke did the interview w the first queuer, H just stood behind the glass door into the venue and started miming at us. Like not even properly in character? Help.
Jesus Belgian audiences proving once again we just Are like that. Refusing to goddamn shut up. Every time. Man disallowed to banter by loud belgian screaming. He seemed so touched though jesus christ time to cry
Got roasted for basically slut dropping and shooting my Häärijä sign up in the air before Mic Mac. "yes that mean fucking häärijä" local man fed up w my antics.
Got roasted AGAIN straight after Mic Mac because I was the person he pointed at during the "this is your home now" bit. (promptly decided diving behind the barrier and Face In Hands was the best reply)
Mild bit before the 2nd Cha Cha Cha as I was the front row person he called out for not sitting down. Just yelled that I got bad knees and I'm not sure anyone caught his reply properly 😂
Overall 10/10 excellent gig what the HELL. The belly flop on the balloon, the whole banter before paidaton bc so much of the queue ppl I was with took their shirt off, the way we refused to kept chanting, him trying to eat the bubbles, him talking about Hs dick and the whole balls convo??
Post Gig
Had to pick up merch for a few people, so went with the hope of a third Häärijä hug. He eventually got a bit held up outside of merch by people (lit at the door into the merch room) and I got to just "Sorry it's me again" but he just instantly hug. We talked a little about the gig (did I like it, how I was doing) and like K feeling much better/doing better ft. some dumb crap.
Merch was in fact gotten after I just LOST my friends bc of H.
CANNOT wait for London. and Glasgow but thats with normal people. Like met so many fun people in the queue who are going to be at London jesus christ. Party time.
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
2011 TranStar Dagger GT
And having assignment to do in my time and it's not building our house like professor hasso's wife. It gives them a chance and it gives us a chance to survive because they need a chance and we get it and I'm going to go ahead and put this together in another proposal and it's all about the move you said I need to and for my protection and right now if they get on Venus it's going to be a problem you can see it in the movie how it happens in the future when you're not there hopefully I'm going to write that up too
We have decided but this move is getting momentum and we are sitting around doing nothing and we need to get lit up and this will do it without me complaining everyday. I'm learning a lesson from Ben we might leave this planet for them and they like that it's their home and it says my brother made the mountains anyways. So he's mad and says shut up then it's kind of like give it away he says are you huge I said yeah but really somewhere else so he's happy about it he says what do you do when we come in regular size it's about that 20 ft he knows terrific outside it's good news. And there's a lot of stuff happening but boy they can be very fast they're recorded it going almost twice the speed of sound and our son is recorded it going 2.5 the speed of sound these lighter and smaller but soon you'll be bigger and it'll go faster and then we'll ben amazed cuz he's going to see him. My son will go there and usually he's in Yellowstone and he's going to give a show to him. Have you end up running away two or 300 miles an hour it'll be astonished haven't done it before too
Thor Freya
Now he says why would you do that and I'm smiling saying no reason I used to do it to us when you're huge we care about you and you care about us and he cares about you
Olympus the roof is going up they're nailing off the plywood wherever it looks like it's not holding because the nails are rusted and pretty much they're going to have to nail the whole thing they think and he says they suggest you go along the lines and so they start doing that and they're saying it's not bad idea and you going along the seam it seem and they're doing that already they say and it's true this might take a while cuz they say they have to nail it all off
They usually kind of included in the price too but here it is this is a pain these rooms are disgusting mess and they're getting ready to put pieces in and they're going to cut them shortly and it's a work day the light going on here they pulled out no diamonds it was a no go tell me if in the way it was Tommy f and his forces said no and they're getting ready to try and move him it's extraordinarily huge news bja is firing trumpsters. There's some more things going on Alicia was forced off a mountaintop and they tried to say that our son had a commit suicide but you can see them doing it and it is VGA and Trump has been doing that kind of thing to people of his and it's a signal to do it to a ton of them and a whole bunch of them are getting killed all over the world. And yes 7:37 is there playing and it's analogous to what's happening obviously it's not a joke to some people she did sell into the water and he said unfortunately you can't land head first or feed first because it'll jam your head into your spine and she thought of putting her arms in front of her and thought it would smash her face and it does so she landed kind of awkwardly and it works and she had her shoulder jam into her head a little but I twisted the other way and she's not that bad off it's still quite a few broken bones and they found her and she was in a bad shape and she's in a lot of pain and she said we have to stop inspiring this. Donald Trump is launching a counter attack and they're going to all be forced out not today but it was the one and the pseudo empire is gearing up to begin the process of attempting to move the ships on the warlocks are getting ready to invade and then finding each other in Alabama Georgia Mississippi and three other states on the way over the whole South Trump is losing badly bja is sending contingents to get their stuff and getting information and keys and more and it's a huge effort there's huge movements on Harley-Davidson and Indian motorcycles to grab them are they going to dealerships and buying whatever they have and they're saying no and they're saying yes and it's bja and Trump is losing his dealerships and mac and Ben are forced to sell and are going to start fighting it shortly but they are taking all of them that they can find we'll see they're purchasing them because people will kill them and they're actually purchasing them from Max and Max are selling them because they think they're going to go after Tommy f and they are planning to they're buying tons of them this motorcycle company is going to start selling tons of bikes or we'll go out of business because the idiots were trying to take it over and he says that we can take it over and this technique might work and we agree we know what they're going to do with them mostly and we have to have a meeting he said the accordion off of a huge area and you put the factories in and you tell them we're going to release 10 million to you those 10 million people have to leave and we'll make more and just first more and Tommy Allen wants to do that it looks like he's winning the extortion campaign we're going to go ahead and propose it we can do it with motors if they approve it but they say would rather do it with trikes and big bikes so that's going forwards and people are grabbing the Volkswagens to make the flight cycles too or flight trikes this is going on right now. The invasion is spelled out the evacuations continuing they were 19% earlier right now they're at 17% plus a little and we expect them to evacuate at least 3% more today and they will be down to 14% but really it's going to keep going like this every day and night tomorrow is probably going to be around 11% and there's no faster all the areas on the Earth are evacuating except for where the invasion forces coming here and it looks like to secure our sun and bring him to Australia
Thor Freya
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psychedelicpotato · 2 years
So my last two posts were videos I took at the Echo & the Bunnymen concert I went to last week. I want to tell y'all about it!
I started out that afternoon getting ready for the show. I took a shower so that I didn't offend anybody there with my stench (I have P.E. last period at school and I got very sweaty), put some makeup on and got my Echo & the Bunnymen shirt on.
My dad and I left for the venue at around 4:00 p.m. (mostly because I was getting antsy and wanted to leave right at that second). We got to the venue at 5:00 p.m. and ate dinner at the House of Blues restaurant that is below the actual venue, which took us about an hour.
Then, we went upstairs and explored a little bit, then went to wait in line for the doors to open. At about 6:30, the staff let us and all the people who were already there up the stairs and had us wait in line outside the box office.
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Ten minutes before they were supposed to let everyone in the venue, one of the staff members came up to me with a tape measure and said that he needed to check to see how big the small black bag I took with me to the show was. Apparently, it was too big, and I had to go put it in the bag check and pay $10 for it to be there until the show was over (which if you ask me, is really stupid. My bag was small enough to go inside, and the forking over $10 just to put it there was totally a cash grab).
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Once we finally made it inside, my dad and I went to the merch table and bought two t-shirts plus a copy of Will Sergeant's book 'Bunnyman'.
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Then, when we were in the elevator, I peeked inside the book. And I'm not messing around when I tell you I fucking screeched when I saw that Will Sergeant had signed the book himself (seriously, that screech made everyone else in the elevator look at me weird).
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We found our seats (which were in the balcony) and sat down, where my dad and I had a friendly conversation with the guy sitting in front of us. This is my view of the stage from my seat:
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7:30 rolled around, and no sign of the Bunnymen. Then, around 8:30, a group of guys comes out onto the stage. They were the Bunnymen's opening act, which totally surprised me. I didn't think Echo would have an opening act. The band was called Cayucas. Here's some footage of that:
This opening act lasted about 30 minutes. Then finally, at about 8:30 p.m., Echo & the Bunnymen came onto the stage.
It was an epic show to say the least. I couldn't have asked for a better first concert, and the fact that it was Echo & the Bunnymen who I went to see made it even better. They are one of my all-time favorite bands, and seeing them live made me love them even more.
Here's the songs that they played that night:
Going Up
Show of Strength
All That Jazz
Bring on the Dancing Horses
Seven Seas
Nothing Lasts Forever
Bedbugs And Ballyhoo
Villiers Terrace
Over the Wall
Never Stop
People Are Strange (The Doors cover)
The Cutter
Lips Like Sugar
The Killing Moon
Ocean Rain
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0 notes
Red Lips
Notes: Oh my God, this story has been sitting in my computer for over two years. I've never finished editing it and then completely forgot about its existence. Until now! After two years, Prue Morris is back!
For the context it’s better to read Bad Fortune first.
Warnings: abusive mother and mentions of physical abuse
Word count: 2.1K
She hated how the whole situation made her feel. Prue knew very well her mother won’t change. She tried everything but there was always something wrong. So, she decided it’ll be best she just lives her life as she wants. Even though arguments still hurt, especially today.
But now there wasn’t much time for contemplation. Tommy’s been invited to a party with some influential people and since Prue’s a “Shelby’s girl” now, she’s coming too. Tommy was picking her up in two hours and she was just entering her place with two bags of things she brought from her mother’s house. It should be just enough time to make the puffiness of her eyes and swelling go away.
She didn’t cry in front of her mother when she called her a disgrace and disrespectful, she kept her face. But the night had already fallen at 5 pm in the dark winter and no one noticed tears rolling down her cheeks as she was leaving her childhood home and making her way back to her flat. She hated that it still bothered her. She knew it’ll never change but the pain of a parent demanding respect without seeing their offspring as a person on their own, it still hurt.
No time for that now. The dress she got ready for the evening hung on the bedroom door, shoes clean, coat by the main entrance. Prue hoped the evening, no matter how boring according to Tommy’s words, will keep her mind off things.
And just as the clock stroke 7, she heard the car outside. Eyes still puffy, she didn’t want Tommy to see. No need for the conversation to start there. Hopefully the winter air would calm her skin until they arrived. She quickly grabbed her coat and purse and ran down the stairs before he could come up to her. The air was chilly and she found Tommy standing by the car, door opened. She smiled.
* * *
“I promise this boring evening won’t be long,” he whispered to her when they entered the venue and had their coats taken by butlers. “We’re here to test the waters, nothing more.” “No enemies I should know about?” Prue took a glass of champagne off the waiter’s tray as they entered the main hall. The room was full of fancy dressed people, drinking and having their small talks. She could see the fake polite smiles plastered all over their faces.
“Some. But you’re safe as long as you stay with me.” Tommy’s eyes roamed the room as he pulled Prue closer to his side.
“And you? I hope you don’t plan to ruin the evening by getting shot,” Prue teased him as she sipped the champagne but with the other hand, she instinctively clenched her purse with a hidden gun. The last thing she wanted was to be taken by surprise. Tommy shook his head.
“No, no conflicts tonight. We have a brief conversation and we’re on our way.”
Prue was sceptical about the brief conversation because she knew how long could the business take with Thomas, especially-
“Prue, what is this?” his voice took her out of her thoughts, as he was looking right at her. For a second, she was confused but then noticed the red lipstick stain on her champagne glass. She realized what he was talking about. She looked away but Tommy took her chin to his hand and turned her back to him firmly. He was staring at her bloody lip she tried to hide under the lipstick, which was now on the champagne glass.
He quickly looked around before pulling her to the side, entering an empty balcony. Then he took her by the chin again.
“Who did this.” It wasn’t a question. His voice was low and deep and despite his rather calm expression, she saw his jaw clenched as anger was slowly creeping on him.
“Don’t worry, none of your enemies had guts to put a finger on me yet,” she said, pushing away his hand holding her chin a little rougher than he’d wanted.
“Let’s just say my mother doesn’t agree with my life choices and she lets it be known.”
Tommy blinked slowly as he does when information strikes him like a train and his expression changed ever so slightly – his jaw was no longer clenched, his face read pure disbelief. He took her face into his hands and pulled her into his chest for a hug. “It was because of me, wasn’t it,” he said, holding her tight.
“It was everything and nothing, Tom. As it always is with us for quite some time now.”
“When did this happen?”
“Today. I went to pick up some stuff from home. So, we were faced one on one again.”
“Prue, this is unacceptable behaviour.”
“It’s not like I live there anymore. I officially took all my stuff. I don’t need to go back if I don’t want to.”
He finally let her go as Prue started shivering. It was winter after all and standing on the balcony with no coats was not the best idea.
“Let’s go inside,” said Prue but Tommy was already removing his suit jacket and putting it over her shoulders. “Tommy- “
“Tell me.”
“Here? Now? Cannot it wait?”
He said nothing. He was looking at her with the same expression.
“There’s not much to be said. It is how it is. It’s my mother, same old. End of story.”
It was one of those situations that may not make her upset on their own but by the association with everything her mother ever told her, even though she tried very hard to fight it, made her upset. And Tommy’s unchanging expression, waiting for her to spill it all out, right here, on a balcony on a freezing night, when there are people inside she will have to go to and talk to like nothing happened, she didn’t think she’s that strong.
“Well, goddammit, Tommy, I cannot cry now, I’ll ruin my makeup, we have business to attend!” She blinked quickly to stop the burning and tossed his jacket back to him.
“We can talk later. Now let’s get this over with. Cover that gun unless you want to trump my mother’s insults with your funeral as a reason for me to cry.” Without a second of hesitation, she opened the balcony door.
“I’m going to fix my lipstick now.” And off she was.
Tommy put his jacket back on and with a sigh he followed her inside.
* * *
The evening was a blur of bright chandelier lights and cigarette smoke, mixed with champagne and talk with a couple of men. Prue listened to what they were talking about but if someone asked her what the topic or main points of the conversation were, she wouldn’t be able to answer.
Tommy held her close, one of his hands always either holding her elbow or shoulder when talking to potential business partners. She hoped to be distracted by the evening but now all she did was dreading the conversation that will inevitably come. There was nothing to say, as she stated before and now she just hoped Tommy would understand.
She was pleasantly surprised when after around two hours they were on their way to the car, silent. It wasn’t until Tommy started the engine up, he spoke.
“So, now the business is done, let’s talk.”
“As I said, Tommy, there’s not much to talk about. Nothing new.”
“It’s worth talking about if it made you upset.”
“It didn’t make me upset.”
For a second, he turned his gaze from the road with a lifted eyebrow. Prue’s lips formed a thin line and she was sure he can see her clenched jaw in the dim glow of headlights reflecting off the road.
Silence fell between them. For a while, Prue watched the landscape passing behind the window. The sky was dark grey and it started snowing.
“Fine, it made me upset. But there's nothing I can do about it. She won’t be different.”
“But she’s still your mother,” finished Tommy. Prue looked at him with a hint of anger seeping through the cracks but she knew, from the tone of his voice, he was not scolding her.
“And the closest ones especially know how and where to strike.”
She could feel her eyes burning but remained silent. Only when they approached a familiar crossroad and Tommy took a different turn, she got confused.
“I think you missed the turn.”
“Maybe.” One-word answer. What?
“Tommy, where are we going?”
He gave her a brief look and she’d swear she saw a small smile on his lips.
“I guess I’m stealing you from your mother as foretold by prophecy,” the pompous way he said that made Prue sigh deeply.
“Please, just take me home. You can steal me any other day.”
“I think today’s a perfect day, actually.”
“Where are we going.”
“We’re almost there.”
They drove for a few more minutes until they reached a small hilltop. Tommy exited the car and walked over to the other side to open doors for her.
“If I were your enemy, I would’ve sworn I’m going to die here.”
“Good thing you’re not an enemy”, he gave her a small smile as she took his hand exiting the car.
It was freezing cold and snowing but she realized why Tommy took her here. They were overlooking the entire Birmingham.
“I thought we could enjoy the city without the smoke and mud a little,” Tommy said, as if he was reading her mind’s questions. It was silent and calm. Prue haven’t even realized how the loud evening and her mother’s risen voice affected her. For the first time today, she felt like she could just stop and enjoy the moment.
“It’s so peaceful,” she said, watching the smoke rise from factory chimneys in the distance. “Do you come here often?”
“Sometimes. When I need to think.”
Prue inhaled cold winter air and it made her shiver down to her spine. The snow was falling slowly and she felt the entire world had stopped. She looked at Tommy, overlooking the skyline and couldn’t help but to step closer and gently wrap her arms around him, burying her face in his coat. He pulled her closer, wrapping his hands around her in turn. They stood there in an embrace for a while, until they slowly started swaying and Tommy took her hand to his.
“Are we dancing?” Prue mumbled still into his coat, eyes closed.
“We’re dancing,” Tommy’s voice reverberated in his ribcage as she slowly detached herself from his chest and faced him with a smile.
“Did you take me here to dance, Mr. Shelby?” she teased him with a smile as they continued to sway in the freshly fallen snow, puffs of warm breath escaping their mouths.
“That’s what we're doing," he smiled.
“We could’ve danced in my living room, I’d even put some music on.”
“It’s not as peaceful as here.”
He was right. At the beginning of the day, she wouldn’t have thought she’ll end up dancing in the middle of nowhere overlooking Birmingham. Tommy gave her a little spin and she ended up in his arms again.
“Maybe you should steal me more often,” Prue teased, holding his hand.
“What if I stole you and never returned you?” Tommy looked into her eyes, suddenly serious. His eyes were full of uncertainty. She gave him a gentle look.
“I’d be okay with that.”
And just like that, the uncertainty melted away.
“Well, I guess that’s settled then.”
Before Prue could’ve asked any more questions, Tommy let go of her hand and reached into his pocket. At first, she thought he took out a lighter but only when the item in his hands opened, she became speechless.
“Prue Morris, are you willing to be stolen by a Gypsy for the rest of your life?”
A ring glistened in the box, reflecting the headlights of the car. She could feel her eyes burning again.
“Will you marry me?”
Only when he repeated the question she realized how long she left him hanging with an obvious answer.
“Yes, yes I will,” she managed to say without her voice breaking. With a gentle touch, Tommy removed her glove and put the ring on her finger. Her hands were shaking. She was shaking. He noticed.
“Regretting the choice already?”
“Shut up, Thomas,” her voice finally broke and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She brought her hands to his face as he pulled her close.
The kiss was long and tender. His soft lips brushing against hers, feeling the heat radiating from his cheeks despite the freezing weather. Coats covered in snowflakes on both of them, as they stood on a hilltop, lost in one another.
When they finally parted, he brushed the tears off her cheeks.
“I love you, Prue.”
“I love you too, Tommy.”
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bnhabadass · 3 years
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Pairing: Bakugou x reader Genre: Smut, 18+, Mafia AU Trope: Woke up married Dialogue Prompt: “Aren’t we supposed to be working?”  Warnings: overdosing on cold medicine, mixing cold medicine with alcohol, dub-con, mentions of sex while unconscious, vomiting Word Count: 4,480
This is my contribution to this month’s bnharem collab. I was so happy when I spun the roulette wheel and it landed on my favorite au, the mafia au. I hope you all enjoy and make sure to check out everyone else’s contributions here. Also a big thanks to @doinmybesthere​ for being my beta reader and putting so much work into creating the master list for this collab.
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“A fever? Are you fucking kidding me?”
You winced at the voice coming out of your phone. You were curled up in bed, a heavy futon draped over your achey, chilled body. “I’m really sorry,” you croaked into the receiver. “I can’t get out of bed; there’s no way I’ll be able to come into work today.”
“You know how important tonight’s meeting is.”
You could feel the fire in the eyes of your underboss as he spat at you about how important tonight’s festivities were. You couldn’t care less. You hated the guy, but more importantly you hated your father for getting you in this mess.
A debt needed to be paid and your family couldn’t afford to take out a second mortgage on the house. So your father, as smart as he thought he was, went to the nicest restaurant on the far side of town where the boss of one of the most dangerous mobs in the city stationed his office.
A debt for a debt. That’s what he told you as he came home smiling with a big check in his wallet. No one in your family knew where he got the money, but he seemed confident enough that he’d be able to pay it back.
A month went by and one day, three scary men knocked on your apartment door. They said they were there to “collect”.
You were terrified. You thought they were there to rob you, to take the money you had been saving in a rainy-day fund. But no, they came to collect you. Now, it’s been four months and you’re still stuck doing odd jobs for them--grocery and coffee runs as well as spending reports and other money related things you are less than qualified to do.
You hate your job. You hate having to put up with the unorthodox hours and the unsavory jobs and the complaints about your work ethic and the having to do it over again because you didn’t do it right the first time. You want out. If you weren’t positive that if you left they would be able to hunt you down, you would have fled the country by now.
But your father’s debt still hasn’t been paid.
“Look,” you pleaded. “I can come in tomorrow and work double my usual time. Please, Kirishima-san, I just need the day to rest.”
“Not a chance. You’re coming in today and that’s final. If you don’t, well, then maybe we need to take an extra payment from your parents.”
Before you could even process what he just said, he hung up the phone.
Another payment from your parents. You couldn’t possibly let them take any more from your family. With a new threat looming over your head, you mustered up enough strength to push off of your futon and get dressed for the clients’ dinner.
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By the time it was 7:00 in the evening, you had taken a large swig of cold medicine and were ready to spend the night serving these criminals.
Outside of the restaurant, two bodyguards were stationed at the front door and one at the back entrance. All three of them were dressed in black from head to toe. You, on the other hand, were tasked with serving your boss’s clients, so your outfit differed from theirs.
You were dressed in attire suited for waiting tables. Black slacks stretch across your legs and your pristine shirt was smoothed against your body. A tight black vest clung to your chest and pressed against your boobs, squishing them together. If it weren’t for the fever, chills, and headache, you would look like you belonged with this crowd of criminals.
You flashed your ID to the guard at the back door and he nodded you in. Your eyes had to adjust to the fluorescent kitchen lighting, but once they did you saw how busy everyone was. It truly was one of the most important nights for your boss, so you understood why you were needed. Still, this night would truly take the most out of you.
“Oi, (L/n),” one of your boss’s associates called for you. “Take these to table four. I’ve been covering your ass for the last twenty minutes.”
“Of course, Kaminari-san.” You bowed your head and skirted over to the table where two well-dressed men spoke with one another in a hushed tone. You placed their meals in front of them and bowed your head.
“Wait,” one of them called as you began to walk away. “I asked for a Jasmine tea. This is Sencha.”
“Yeah,” the other one piped up. “And I asked for a Sencha tea and this is Jasmine.”
You wanted to scream. You wanted to yell into the abyss and slap those men across the face. But of course all you did was bow in apology and take the cups back. Kirishima’s words to you over the phone rang loud and clear in your mind.
“Anything they need, you get it for them. These are important people the boss works with and we can’t have idiots like you messing this up for us.”
The men smirked at you and as you turned around to grab their “correct orders,” the man who ordered the Jasmine tea leaned over to leave a hard, painful smack across your ass.
You froze but didn’t say anything and walked away.
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It was still early in the night but you had run yourself thin. You needed to sit down or to at least take a sip of water, but there was no room for breaks as you bounced from table to table getting the people what they wanted. You had even left the venue a couple times to retrieve items like the proper creamer one client required in their coffee.
Your throat was so sore and dry and it was aching for a break. Your entire body was aching for a break. But as you saw someone sitting at one of the tables raise her hand to wave you over, you had to put all of your aches aside to tend to her needs.
“Good evening, ma’am.” You bowed your head. “How may I assist you?”
A small smile was on her dark red painted lips. She seemed to be searching for something as she eyed you up and down. “Do you happen to know when Bakugou-san will be joining us?”
Bakugou-san… Were you supposed to know who that is? You had never heard the name before, although you knew your boss had many ties throughout the district. It could be one of them.
“I’m not sure,” you answered honestly. “I could ask my supervisors if they happen to know.”
She waited a moment. She seemed to be searching for something in your expression. “That’s all right. You may go back to work now.”
You bowed and thanked her.
The name did sound familiar, but you’re not sure where you could have heard it. It wasn’t until you were deep in thought, trying to recall where you had heard the name, that you could feel something pushing up against your throat. Oh god. Your stomach was churning.
You ran to the bathroom, pushing someone out of the way to get there. You’d probably hear an earful from Kirishima for pushing a guest, but you needed to find a toilet before--
Oh no.
You barely made it into the stall before emptying the contents of your stomach onto the white tiles of the bathroom floor. Your legs collapsed from under you and you kneeled in your vomit as you coughed up your stomach lining into the porcelain bowl.
Tears fell from your eyes as you struggled to breathe while hacking everything you had into the toilet. The black eyeliner you threw on before leaving the house had smudged into raccoon eyes around your lashes.
You rested your cheek against the toilet, ignoring all of the germs that were most likely crawling up your skin and into your pores. The toilet seat felt cool against your burning cheek and watering eyes. You thought you could die happily here, kneeling on the bathroom tiles in a pile of your slowly cooling vomit.
“Aren’t we supposed to be working here?”
Your eyes shot open, and in trying to stand up you slipped. Your ass landed in the smeared vomit. You winced and let out a drawn out, “fuuuck.”
It took you a moment before opening your eyes again and looking up at the man in front of you. And boy did your eyes widen. He was clearly a guest at the clients’ dinner. His blonde hair was slicked back and the bulge of his muscles under his crisp black button down didn’t go unnoticed by you. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his forearms and as he crossed his arms over his chest, his sleeves began to tighten.
“Who the hell are you and why are you puking on the floor?”
It took you a second to find your voice. “I’m, um...” you trailed off. “(L/n), sir.” You cleared your throat. “I am a worker for the person hosting this dinner.” You tried to stand up and bow, but he put a hand up to stop you.
“You work for them.” It was a statement not a question, but you nodded anyway. “Why? What do you owe?”
You’re not sure why he was asking, but his intimidating glare compelled you to answer his every question. “My dad owes them money,” you admitted. “And he wasn’t able to pay them back.”
“Who do you mean by them?”
You weren’t sure how to answer. You didn’t even know what these people did. For all you knew they were drug mules or assassins. You never wanted to know what they did when you were roped in. After all, the less you knew meant you could have more of a normal life. “The boss,” you finally answered. Who the boss was, you weren’t sure. You answered to Kirishima but he didn’t have much power aside from ordering around you and every other person unfortunate enough to be roped into working for them.
The man in front of you scoffed. “Get up.”
You scrambled to your feet, ignoring the wave of nausea that hit you. The man led you out of the bathroom, and as you walked behind him, people who passed the two of you stopped and stared. Oh no, it had to be from the vomit stains on your leg and down your shirt. You probably stank to high hell and your eyes wouldn’t stop watering from your fever.
The man stopped and you had to keep from bumping into him. “There’s an extra work shirt in the closet,” he said. “There should also be some slacks in there. Leave your dirty clothes in a pile and I’ll have someone collect them.”
His voice was demanding and it took you a moment to register what he said. It wasn’t until he snapped in your face that you moved.
“We don’t have all day, princess.”
You flinched and nodded before scurrying into the closet and flicking the light on. Inside the closet was the restaurant’s sad excuse for a boiler room. The low humming from the machinery brought you back into the present as you searched for the change of clothes you were promised.
There was a crisp white shirt folded on one of the shelves as well as a few different slacks in varying sizes. The shirt was a size too small, so you had to leave the first couple buttons popped open. Before leaving the closet, you tried to think about who the man was and why he was helping you. Was it possible that he wanted something in return?
When you emerged from the closet, he looked you up and down. You were too tired, however, to notice his lingering glare on your chest and the way the button down squeezed your breasts closer together.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, looking down at your shoes. You’re not sure why you were too scared to look into his vermillion eyes, but the way he called you princess earlier as he snapped at you had definitely made you tremble in your core, and you swore that if you looked up to meet his eyes, your fever would only go higher and higher.
“Why the hell’d you come here if you were sick anyway? Are you trying to poison everyone in the damn building?” His words were like little bullets that shot at every one of your doubts of coming in tonight.
You thought back to why you had come in the first place. You were huddled up in your futon that morning when Kirishima called. You begged to stay home, right? But you couldn’t. You squinted hard as you tried to remember why you weren’t allowed to rest. “I was threatened,” you thought out loud. It wasn’t directed towards the man but he nodded in any case.
“(L/n) was it, right?”
You finally managed to look up at him with bleary eyes. “Yeah, um...” You couldn’t seem to remember what his name was. Wait, he hadn’t told you. He had just led you around and given you new clothes, but he never properly introduced himself.
“Bakugou Katsuki,” he said as if he could read your mind. His lips turned up into a smirk. “But call me Katsuki.”
“Katsuki,” you mumbled. “Bakugou Katsuki.” You had heard that name before, but where. “Bakugou,” you mumbled again as if you were trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together. “Bakugou-san.”
He quirked an eyebrow up at you.
“Oh!” It hit you like a ton of bricks and as soon as you shot up, you had to recoil because of the ache in the back of your neck. “There’s a woman looking for you, Bakugou-san, er, Katuki,” you bowed.
He just chuckled. “There’s a lot of people looking for me tonight. Who was it?”
That’s a good question. You squinted as if you were looking deep into your memories to remember who it was who asked for him. “She was a woman,” you remembered. “With long dark hair and dark red lips.”
Katsuki nodded. “I see the Yaoyorozus are here.”
The Yaoyorozus. You weren’t sure what that could mean but you didn’t feel like questioning it, so you nodded instead.
Katsuki was looking down at you. His arms were crossed over his chest but a smirk that had been playing across his face all night wouldn’t seem to go away. “Feeling better?”
You didn’t feel better. Although you felt cleaner in the new clothes, there was still a throbbing in your head that wasn’t going away and the overhead lights made your eyes water. But the way that Katsuki looked at you like he was expecting you to say yes just drew you in.
He could tell that the way you nodded a yes in response to his question was a lie, and his face fell before pushing a hand up to your forehead, checking your temperature. “Have you taken anything today?”
You had to think back to earlier that day when you brought the bottle of cold medicine up to your lips, not even reading the recommended dose before downing what you could and leaving your home. “Yeah, um, I took some medicine.”
The grin that had been spread across Katsuki’s face returned. “Well I guess we’ll have to get you some more.”
He grabbed your wrist and led you through the halls and over to the bar. You didn’t pay attention to where you were going. The world seemed to be going too fast for you to keep up. What you were able to notice was that everyone’s eyes were on you as you gently swayed back and forth, trying to settle yourself down. As you were in your own head, you couldn’t start to picture what everyone else saw when they looked at you. You with your raccoon eyes due to streaky makeup that you couldn’t stop rubbing.
“Here.” Katsuki shoved a glass in your face. “Not necessarily traditional medicine but it’ll get the job done.”
You looked up at the whiskey glass in his hand. The ‘medicine’ was a deep brown color which swirled around as he handed it to you. Your fingers brushed against his thick ones as you took the glass. You lifted it up to your nose and took a deep breath in, gagging at the smell. “Um, I don’t think I should.” You had been warned about mixing alcohol with drugs and the dangers that came with it, but no one had ever told you not to mix drinks with cold medicine. Still, that couldn’t be right, right?
“Come on, it’s good for you,” he egged you on. “Besides, it’ll get that nasty taste out of your mouth.”
You had never tried whiskey before. You were used to lighter drinks, something bubbly with a shot of vodka or two in it. But this was almost too much. You lifted the glass up to your lips and tilted it back. Your lips stung as they made contact with the drink, but you didn’t want to seem weak to Katsuki. He’d taken care of you so far and seemed pleasant enough, albeit intimidating.
As you tipped it back further and took more of the drink into your mouth, Katsuki pushed his hand against the bottom of the glass so you couldn’t tear it away, making sure you would drink every last drop. It stung going down and the cubes pressing against your lip were colder than you expected. You gagged as a couple loose tears rolled down your face from the drink’s burning sensation. You bet you looked even more of a mess now.
“Good girl,” Katsuki said with a low demeanor. With his thumb, he wiped away a drop of whiskey that rolled down your chin.
“And this’ll make me feel better?” You didn’t think you were supposed to drink when you were sick, but you were far too tired to even think about what was wrong and what was right. If he said that it’d make you feel better, then that had to be a good thing. You’re sure of it.
“Sure will.” He placed a firm, calloused hand on your head and stroked down your hair. You nuzzled into his warmth.
It was such a nice sensation that it almost made you forget that you were supposed to be working. That there were people waiting on you to bring them their food and fetch their creamer, people who were ready to slap your ass and laugh as soon as you turned away.
“I have a,” you started, not really sure where that sentence was going. “I have to go back to work.”
As you began walking away, Katsuki stopped you, pulling you back over so your face was practically pressed up against his chest. “No you don’t. You’re sick, remember?”
Right, as if you hadn’t forgotten. But he was right. You were sick and your medicine hadn’t kicked in yet. You couldn’t risk spreading your germs and getting anyone else sick.
You watched the dinner guests from afar. You leaned in to hear conversations about hitmen and other rivaling mobs around town. Some were about money laundering and clients that needed to be taken out, whatever that meant.
At one point, someone asked to pull Katsuki aside and talk alone, but instead he just pulled you closer.
“The hell do you want, Yoarashi?”
Yoarashi was a big guy, bigger than Katsuki, but it was clear even to you that he was intimidated by the blonde in front of him.
“You owe me for what I let you borrow last month.”
“I don’t owe you shit.”
To you, they sounded like they were underwater and you weren’t sure what they were discussing, but you were curious to learn more.
“Come on, Bakugou. Work with me here.”
“I’m a busy man, Yoarashi. Now get out of my face before I have my men take care of you.”
Something about the raw power and the threatening tone behind Katsuki’s voice made you excited. You wanted to melt into his words, but you weren’t sure why.
“Busy man?” Yoarashi scoffed. “Come on, Bakugou. You’ve barely been seen all night. Where have you been, fucking this little lackey of yours?”
He didn’t mean you, did he? Before you could even comprehend what he just insinuated, Katsuki turned you around and pressed your face up against his chest. You could feel yourself growing even hotter as you were pushed into one of his pectorals. One of his hands cupped the back of your head. Was he protecting you?
“Listen here,” you heard him say. “Don’t contact us ever again unless you want to end up like your first boss did. I can make your life a living hell and I will, got that?”
“Don’t think I don’t have other contacts, all right? You aren’t the only one in this town with resources, Bakugou.”
You felt something jab into the other side of Katsuki’s chest. Did Yoarashi hit him? A few seconds went by before you heard the snapping of fingers and two men came over to drag Yoarashi away.
Katsuki released the hold he had on you, and you watched as the tall man struggled out of his hold. “You aren’t gonna tell anyone what you saw here tonight, right princess?”
You shook your head. You weren’t sure what exactly you felt when you saw that man being dragged away. You were scared, of course; scared for your own life and of the raw power that Katsuki seemed to hold. But on top of fear there was something else. There was a tingle between your thighs that wouldn’t seem to go away, and there was also a sense of excitement. Out of all the people here, this man was paying attention to you. You were far from Mafia material, but he clearly saw something in you and you wanted more of his gaze lingering on you.
Your mind felt hazy with Katsuki and you wanted even more. You didn’t know what to do when you felt him smooth his hand down your back. You didn’t know what to do when his usual smirk turned into something much more dangerous. And you didn’t know what to do when he leaned over and pressed his lips against your own.
His lips felt heavenly as they explored you. They were soft and welcoming despite his cold and dangerous exterior. His tongue probed its way into your mouth. He tasted like whiskey and something else which you assumed was just him. He bit your lip and it felt like he smiled when you let out a moan.
When he released, you felt as if the whole world was spinning with Katsuki. You wobbled around a bit and he chuckled. You tried asking if you could sit down, but the words refused to come out. The last thing you remember is seeing the world go black, the sound of the clients’ dinner fading out of earshot, and two strong arms carrying you away from reality.
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You were in pain by the time you woke up. Your body, especially your head, ached tremendously and you wished the sun would stop shining so bright through your window. But wait, the window in your bedroom at your apartment faced another building. The sun never shined too bright in the morning when you were at home.
Slowly, you peaked your head out from under the covers and looked around. You weren’t in your bedroom, but you were in a bedroom. The bed you had been asleep in was enormous, but aside from that there was not much else furniture in the room or even any pictures to signify who the room could belong to.
It wasn’t until you sat up that you realized just how exposed you were under the covers. You couldn’t find your clothing anywhere. What were you even wearing last night? Where were you last night?
You remembered being sick and being called into work by Kirishima. You were stressed. You were nauseous. There was a beautiful woman who asked for someone in particular but you were too sick to remember what their name was, right?
And then you raced to the bathroom and met--
A groan from beside you shook you out of your thoughts, and as soon as you saw the person lying in bed next to you, all of your memories came flooding back.
“Morning, baby girl,” Katsuki said.
You didn’t know what to say. Your mouth hung open and you felt lightheaded.
Katsuki was shirtless under the covers and you were too scared to ask if he had anything on covering his lower half. “You put on quite the show last night.”
Last night. Where you met him. What did you do last night? “I...” You didn’t know what to say, and that made Katsuki let out a booming laugh.
“Come on, you remember at least a little of it don’t you?”
You shook your head. Then you shook your head again. You couldn’t stop shaking your head.
Katsuki put a hand on your shoulder and you stopped. He had a shit eating grin spread across his face that you wanted to both punch and kiss at the same time. “First throwing up at my party and then getting blackout drunk in front of all my guests.”
“What?” You could barely remember anything. What did he mean ‘his party’? The clients’ dinner was run by…
Your eyes widened as you realized just who you had found yourself naked in bed with. Who had found you puking on the bathroom floor. Who that stunningly gorgeous woman was asking for earlier.
You clamped a hand over your mouth and Katsuki let out another chuckle. “You really were the life of the party.” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to his side of the bed, and you let him. He dragged his hand up and down your exposed body and roughly cupped your sex. “I had a blast toying around with you last night, but now I want you to be able to remember what it feels like when I bury my cock inside of you, sweetheart.”
You hated the way he was grabbing you and the way he forced your legs to open up for him, but what you hated more than any of that was the way his words made your inner thighs ache and how they instinctively parted just for him.
You turned away as he leaned down to smother your chest with rough kisses, and as you looked over to your left hand, you couldn’t help but notice a diamond ring that wasn’t there the night before.
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
— anon’s request: ok so since i too am a whore for angst. how about the reader and rafe having a summer thing as a kook (maybe she goes to the pogue school but is a kook) and once she goes back to school, they drift apart and rafe gets jealous of her spending her time with the pogues. then maybe he sees her again at mid summers all dressed up and remembers he still loves her. please break my heart with this, im in need of a cry and then maybe put it back together with some fluff at the end? please
— warnings: fem!reader, brief smut (skip if uncomfortable), asshole!rafe for a good chunk of the imagine, language, angst, fluff.
— word count: 2,166
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IT all started when you bumped into rafe at the country club on figure eights.
you didn’t normally hang around that area, but you were hanging out with sarah that day—which meant eventually running into her brother.
she tried to keep you away from him, just because he had no filter and didn’t think twice before voicing his opinion, but sooner or later your interaction with the boy would happen.
“oh god” sarah mumbled causing you to raise your brows, a confused frown on your face as she signaled to look behind you.
you turned around not so subtle to see rafe cameron making his way down the grassy hill, a golf club in one hand and a can of beer in the other.
“hey little sis, when were you going to introduce me to your friend here?” the boy spoke, a small grin on his face at seeing her roll her eyes.
“i wasn’t planning on it, you know—considering how you’re an ass.”
a small giggle fell from your lips as rafe turned his attention back to you, the sides of his mouth curling slightly at your reaction.
“well since she won’t introduce me, i will” he said, his figure leaning over yours which was sat on the grass.
he tossed his most likely expressive golf club to the ground to extend his hand out to you, which you hesitated to take before slowly reaching for it.
“i’m rafe cameron.”
of course you knew who he was, everyone did.
“y/n y/l/n.”
YOU thought the interaction with sarah’s older brother was in the past, not having to see him again since you weren’t planning on going back to figure eight or the club any time soon.
but when you found yourself in his bed getting the absolute daylights fucked out of you, you knew right then and there that this wasn’t a one time thing.
“fuck rafe,” you moaned loudly, your head thrown back against the pillow as your eyes fell shut from the feeling.
he slide his cock in and out of your needy hole as you whimpered from under him, his toned body pressed against yours as you jolted from each thrust.
“m’gonna cum, flood this needy little fuck hole” he spat, his hand coming down to grab your face and force you to open your eyes.
“please, rafe. please fill me up” you begged, your little moans and pleads sending the boy over the edge.
as soon as he gave you permission to cum you didn’t hold back. it felt like your entire body had shut down as your head fell to the side.
rafe sent a rough thrust into your quivering body before emptying himself inside, making sure to keep himself as close as possible in order to not let any leak out.
“fuck,” he groaned in your ear, his body pressed against your small one as your hands came up to rest in his hair, pulling on it gently as his cum filled you up.
later that night you didn’t bother sneaking back out to your place, instead rafe suggested you actually stay—running you a hot bath before ordering take out.
it surprised you really, considering how you didn’t know what you guys were.
you both agreed to only be friends with benefits when this all started, but now you didn’t know if you wanted that or not.
you wanted something more with the blue eyed boy.
“what are we?” you asked while laying in his arms, the feeling of his breath trailing down your neck giving you comfort.
“friends with benefits.”
no hesitation was found in his voice. it was quick and sudden, just like your heart breaking.
you didn’t talk much with rafe after that night—leaving early in the morning to avoid further interaction.
rafe didn’t suspect anything though, knowing how busy you usually get with school and home life, but after that single day turned into almost a week, he knew something wasn’t right.
usually you’d be around the house or at the country club, but it felt like you were almost avoiding him.
when school started up that’s when things really started to hit for rafe. you were not only distancing yourself from him, but now you were hanging out with the pogues.
to him you had wiggled yourself into john b’s friend group, getting closer with everyone but mostly jj, the one pogue he despised more than the others.
it was the night of midsommars and you were preparing yourself to see rafe, your nerves seeming to skyrocket every time his name was mentioned.
“ARE you feeling okay, y/n/n? you’re all jittery” kie pointed out, her eyes locking with yours through the vanity mirror as you slowly brushed through your hair.
“i’m okay, kie— really. just nervous for tonight i guess” you shrugged, your response seeming convincing enough as she nodded.
“hey slow pokes! hurry up or we’re going to be late” jj called, pounding on the door making you and kie jump.
“fucking assholes” you mumbled.
MIDSOMMARS was something you always looked forward to.
the lights, the food, the beautiful dresses and people you got to meet—which was rare considering how almost everyone there were stuck up kooks who’s only personality trait was having money.
all except rafe.
he was different towards you, a lot different it was scary.
“jj, don’t get into any more fights, k?” kie sighed, licking the pad of her thumb before dragging it across his face—getting rid of the dirt that had formed there.
he didn’t say who specifically it was with—the fight—just claiming it was with some stupid kooks who didn’t know when to stop talking.
“yeah yeah” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair before sending you both a small smile.
he picked up his tray and spun it on his finger before sending her a wink, a blush coming to kie’s face as she quickly looked away.
“soooo, you and jj....” you said, the girl’s eyes rolling as she playfully pushed you away.
“enough about me, what about you?”
“me?” you raised an eyebrow, “what about me?”
“don’t play dumb, y/n/n. i’ve seen you come back late with hickeys.”
you grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking by and took a long sip from it, your eyebrows twisting together— “this is good, you should try it.”
kie was about to protest until the music started to kick up again, your favorite song playing making you gasp.
you quickly placed the glass on an empty table before taking her hands and pulling her towards the dance floor.
“let’s dance!”
unknown to you—rafe had been watching you ever since you stepped foot into the venue.
IT was almost one in the morning when everyone had left, you and kie sitting at one of the empty tables while you waited for jj to finish up.
you hadn’t had that much to drink, but you could say you were a little tipsy.
“ready to go?” jj asked while throwing his arms around you both, a sarcastic grunt dropping from your lips at the sudden weight.
“we were about to leave yo-”
“well, well, well...if it isn’t the golden trio” a familiar voice spat, your head snapping to the side as your eyes fell on the devil himself.
rafe cameron and his little minions.
“if it isn’t daddy’s money, dumb, and dumber” kie snapped back—referring to topper and kelce who were standing on either side of him.
“put your dog on a leash maybank before we do it ourselves” rafe threatened, only causing jj to break from your side and lunge at the boy.
“jj, stop” you said, grabbing his arm as kie yanked him back, “he wants a reaction.”
“i didn’t see you there, y/n. so quiet and small, hard to notice you.”
which was obviously a lie. rafe noticed you the second he walked into the stupid party.
“what do you want, rafe? getting bored at the country club?” you asked, your lips dropping into a fake pout.
“actually the country club is entertaining, unlike some needy bitches who can’t satisfy my needs.”
your face dropped as kie gasped beside you—jj completely unaware of what was going on but still pissed at the way rafe was speaking to you.
rafe’s face dropped slightly at the realization of what he just said, nothing but lies falling from his mouth as his eyes filled with guilt.
“fuck you.”
YOU didn’t remember much after that. just the events taking place of jj trying to throw another punch at the boys before getting dragged away by kie.
the poor girl was trying to control her hot headed friend while the other was on the verge of tears.
but you refused to cry.
in front of rafe or not, you would not let yourself cry over him.
all you remember is crashing at john b’s house and waking up with a massive headache.
your legs were draped over kie’s as the two of you slept on john b’s bed, the boys taking the couch in the living room.
light from the outside peeked through the curtains as your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness.
your phone laid next to you on the comforter as your hands dragged it closer.
what you weren’t expecting was a shitload of texts from rafe.
rafe cameron: i’m really sorry
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: y/n
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: i didn’t mean anything i said
[sent 1:36am]
rafe cameron: i was drunk and wasn’t thinking
[sent 1:40am]
rafe cameron: please hear me out
[sent 1:41am]
rafe cameron: meet me at our place
[sent 1:49am]
rafe cameron: 7:30am
[sent 1:51am]
you groaned loudly while reading his texts, the need to throwup swirling in your stomach as you tossed your phone to the side.
you ran your hands over your face as you thought on what to do, biting your bottom lip in the process as you stared at the wall in front of you.
after what felt like an hour of pondering, you let yourself slip off the bed and grab your hoodie that was thrown on the floor.
you were going to see him.
‘WHAT if she doesn’t show’ rafe thought to himself as he sat in the sand, his eyes locked on the waves crashing in front of him.
he was stupid last night.
the boy made a stupid mistake that he regretted deeply.
he just needs to show you how sorry he is.
his head snapped in the direction of your voice, your figure standing a few feet from his as he then quickly stood up.
he dusted off his pants before nervously making eye contact, his throat suddenly drying up as he attempted to swallow what felt like a rock.
“y/n, i’m s-so so sorry for what i said yesterday. i-i didn’t mean any of it-”
“so what? i’m supposed to forgive you?” you cut off, raising an eyebrow as his mouth fell slightly, “what if it happens again?”
“i-it won’t! i swear it won’t. i was just drunk and jealous and really fucking stupid” he blabbered on, his hands shaking as he tried to defend himself.
“jealous?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowing together as he nodded his head shamefully.
“of you and that stupid pogue.”
he seemed to visibly retract from your words, his eyes narrowing as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“yeah, him.”
“so you acted the way you did...because of jj?” you slowly asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he stared at you.
“i didn’t mean it, y/n...” he frowned, his face dropping slightly as you waited for him to continue, “please give me another chance, i’ll show you how sorry i am—how much you mean to me.”
it was quiet for a good minute as your thoughts swarmed your mind for a response.
“y/n, please.”
another minute went by, the only sound coming from the waves crashing along the shore.
IT had been five months since you forgave rafe, and things were honestly going better than you had expected.
after that morning on the beach he took you out on a proper date—ending in him walking you back to your house and even stealing a kiss.
he even stopped starting fights with jj and the other pogues, wanting you to know that he was better than that.
“WHAT do you want to watch?” rafe asked while flipping through channels, one hand holding the remote while the other rested on the small of your back.
“m’not sure, you can pick.”
he hummed in response before clicking on some random channel, not really planning on watching it anyway.
he tossed the remote to the side before looking down at you, admiring your relaxed state with your arms wrapped tightly around his torso.
“you know i love you right?” he suddenly asked, his voice low and soft as he stared at you from above.
“why so gushy, rafe?” you teased, your own head angling up to see him better.
he was so beautiful.
“i’m not gushy,” he rolled his eyes, “i just wanted to remind you.”
you blushed at his words before nuzzling back into the crook of his neck, your lips kissing the delicate skin making him smile.
“i love you too, rafe.”
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🏷rafe cameron taglist : @jordynsharum
a/n: could you tell i didn’t know how to end it
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Would you write something with Eddie fainting?
So. This got away from me....oops. I probably didn't need to add as much background info as I did, but oh well. Have 2.6k of Eddie getting dehydrated/dealing with low blood sugar/getting a little too hot on stage. Enjoy!
Summer of '86, Corroded Coffin starts getting noticed. They're not well known by any means, but a handful of people start showing up the first few times they play at the Hideout, more than just their usual drunks, and then a handful turns into around fifty people, and Eddie's floored.
He's pretty sure it has something to do with his friends, because when they play, Steve and Nancy and Robin and Jonathan all seem to know most of the crowd. Even if it's not everyone's scene, they all seem to enjoy it, and it makes Eddie feel on top of the world. He's alive, he's graduated, and he has the best boyfriend on the planet. And now, his dreams are finally starting to take shape.
It's the beginning of August, it's hot, and they're finishing up a 5 day stint playing shows in cities near by. Last night it had been Fort Wayne, the biggest show they'd ever played, opening for two other bands in a tiny venue. There had been maybe 100 people, but considering the night prior had been maybe 50 people, it felt like they were playing in New York City.
Tonight, they're coming back to Hawkins to play at The Underground as their last little show until a week and a half from now. It's bigger than the hideout and somehow Jonathan had pulled some string with the owner, assuring him that Corroded Coffin would bring in more than just a few people. He's not sure it's completely true, but he'll take what he can get.
They're all exhausted and a little grumpy, it's the first time they've roomed together for four days and had non stop contact 24/7. They've all managed to keep civil, but Eddie swears if he hears Jeff talk about his damn girlfriend one more time and how she's going to Indiana University, he's going to take the mans hat and shove it down his throat.
The Underground has a stage outside during the summer months that means people can lay out on a lawn, have some beer and enjoy music without being stuck in a tiny square box packed together like sardines. They'd be lying if they said they weren't nervous. Metal music is supposed to be enjoyed in close quarters, and the idea of playing for a group spread out is more than a little nerve wracking.
All of Eddie's friends are coming tonight, as well as some of their families, at least that's the last he's heard from Steve when he'd talked to his boyfriend ten hours ago. As they unload equipment, the lead guitarist wipes at his face with his arm, cheeks red and sweaty, curls frizzy. He hates the heat and usually stays inside on afternoons like today. Fuck summer, the man thinks, as he lugs his amp up onto the wooden stage.
It doesn't help that he's not had any food today, and he can't remember if he'd really had much water either. He's nervous for the show, more than he had been for last nights, and his stomach twists uncomfortably when he thinks about all his friends and people he knows truly listening to his bands music. Sighing, Eddie plugs the amp in as Gareth works on his kick drum. The sound echoes in his head uncomfortably.
Two hours before the show, Steve brings food into the small green room that's located inside the building. Eddie's sitting in front of a fan, dark grey shirt soaked around the arm pits, neck and back. When his boyfriend walks in, the curly haired man jumps up, grinning widely. Dizziness that comes with the sudden position change gets brushed off in favor of hugging Steve tight. He looks amazing, wearing shorts and a band tee, looks so much more relaxed than he would have a year ago. Eddie presses a kiss to his lips.
"I've missed you."
"I've missed you too Princess," the older man kisses him again, then finally lets go. He takes a water bottle that's on the table and cracks it open, taking two sips before recapping it and throwing it on the chair he's been occupying. Steve sets the bags of food down. It's nothing special, just McDonalds, but everyone digs in, thanking Steve. Eddie however, stays next to his boyfriend, not hungry in the least bit.
"Hey, Eds, you okay? You look..." Steve trails off, gesturing into the air.
"What?" He's so hot he feels like he's burning from the inside out. He moves back in front of the fan, taking another tiny sip of water, his stomach feeling vaguely sloshy.
"...you look tired. I'm sure you're exhausted from this past week."
"Yeah, can't lie, m'ready to lay down in your bed and sleep for the next twenty four hours," he jokes.
Steve stays with them until they've got half an hour left before the clock hits seven. Eddie isn't feeling any better, at least not physically. He's calmer, more at ease thanks to his boyfriend, but god, he feels shaky and hot and tired. They're all going over their parts, talking through key changes, working out small kinks from the previous nights show.
Standing to go use the restroom, Eddie's world tilts. Instinctively, he reaches out and grips the first thing he can, Tim's shoulder. The bassist looks up in confusion, frowning. The guitarist swallows and blinks, equilibrium returning even though he feels worse than before.
"Dude, you good? You like...changed colors for a second."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I gotta take a leak," he assures, forcing himself to continue on to the restroom down the hall. head is still swimming. As he washes his hands after peeing, they tremble slightly, and Eddie looks at himself in the mirror, telling himself to get a grip. His lips are pale, face still red from the heat. Yanking his hair tie from his wrist, he pulls his hair up and fixes it in a bun, wispy curls falling to frame his face. He's about to walk out when the world tilts again. Leaning against the metal wall of the closest toilet stall, Eddie rests his head against it, trying to cool his forehead down.
A minute passes before he's good enough to make his way back to the green room. He's not sick, it doesn't feel like that, but it also doesn't feel like anything he's really experienced before. Sliding back in through the door, Eddie grabs his guitar and strums it idly once he's sitting down.
"I went to check a second ago dude, and there's like...way more people than I expected. Even a few people from old classes."
Eddie frowns, not entirely sure he likes the idea of people from school coming to see them preform. Even if Gareth, Jeff and Tim weren't labeled as complete freaks, he was, and his mind goes to getting attacked after the show or getting booed off stage.
"Great," he deadpans, sitting in front of the fan again, eyes shutting. He misses the way the other three look at him and then at each other.
Ten minutes later, they're on stage, doing the final tune up. There is a surprising amount of people, and Eddie swallows thickly. He spies Robin, Nancy and Mrs. Wheeler all talking, and his chest aches slightly, not having realized when they'd said parents they'd meant more than just Joyce. He blinks and tries to not overthink everything as he looks at Tim, making sure their guitars are tuned perfectly.
The show starts. Eddie introduces them, giving off his usual dramatic persona, explaining they're happy to be out tonight, happy to get the opportunity, and then he tells them to be prepared for the second most metal concert ever, grinning when Dustin yells loudly. Steve snorts and Robin says something to the kid, but Eddie's already starting to play, the others following suit.
In the middle of their third song, it starts going down hill- not for everyone out on the lawn, no, they all seem to at least be semi-enjoying themselves. No, it's while Tim is playing his solo that Eddie's stomach suddenly gives an intense flip, as if he's on a rollercoaster heading down the track at 90 miles an hour. Yanking some cord for slack, he turns away from their audience and moves to the back of the stage. Gareth, though continuing to play, turns his head to see what's going on, just as Eddie gets sick in the grass behind them, leaning over the edge of the stage.
He feels shaky as it happens again before he's able to use the bottom of his shirt to wipe his mouth then go back to the front, managing to get there right in time to continue singing. With all that's going on, he's pretty sure no one really noticed, having half hid behind Gareth anyway.
By the end of their fourth song, Eddie's energy is rapidly decreasing, like the life is being sucked out of him. He's pale, drenched in sweat, and his head is swimming. Honestly, the guitarist is amazed he's still able to hit every note on his Warlock, still able to sing all the lyrics to the songs they've written. They're over halfway through with the next song when Eddie fumbles slightly, hitting an Am instead of a C. It's barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things, especially to anyone in the crowd, but Tim looks at him curiously and Eddie gives a smile back, pretending nothing's happened.
Between the seventh and eighth song, the last of their set, while Gareth is fixing his high hat and Jeff tweaks his bass, Eddie moves to the back of the stage again, hands shaking, guitar moved to around to his other side.
"Eddie, you okay?" Gareth asks, turning to shield him and try to stay quiet.
"Y-Yeah...s'fuckin' hot..." Eddie mumbles before retching into the grass again. When he turns back, the curly haired man is wiping his face with his bandana, then his mouth, spitting a few times and taking a bottle of water from next to the drum shield, rinsing his mouth out.
"Man, maybe we should cut it sh-"
"We got one more song Gareth, I'll be fine."
The lack of dramatic flare has Gareth's stomach sinking.
Eddie moves to stand back in front, mouth pressing against the microphone. "Alright guys, we got one last song for you tonight. It's not an original, but a cover for my friend Dustin, the little brat," he jokes, making a bunch of the party's parents laugh. Max snorts but Dustin beams back at him. Looking back at the band, he lets Gareth count them off, and then they're shredding to Master of Puppets.
It's hazy. He's pretty sure he hits the right notes but the world is blurring dangerously as his fingers move lightning fast through the chords. When they finish, everyone is clapping and yelling, and Eddie gives a shaky grin.
"Thanks s-so much for coming out tonight to check us out! Have a good night!"
Eddie turns and instantly sets his guitar on it's stand. Usually he'll stay, play a few softer riffs, then hop off stage to meet people. Hell, that had been his plan up until about two minutes ago. Now, as he's walking towards the stairs of the stage, all three band members are watching, obviously confused and worried.
"Eddie, hey, what's going on?"
"Yeah man, don't you wan-"
"I need t-to sit...I don't... Eddie shifts restlessly as his head swims again. It's so fucking hot he feels like he might actually be on fire. He's so hot, so restless, so exhausted, that he yanks his t-shirt off over his head, throwing it, feeling slightly out of control.
The other three are surrounding him now, all worried. Tim turns and his eyes scan the grass. He runs over to the edge of the front of the stage.
"Yo Harrington! I think we might need you up here, something wr-" A clatter behind him has some people turning to look, including himself.
Eddie's laying on the stage, unmoving. Gareth is grabbing the water bottle behind him and Tim's shaking the guitarists shoulder, voice panicking as he yells for him to wake up.
Steve, Robin, Joyce, Hopper, Mrs. Wheeler and Dustin all go running at the same time. Steve and Joyce get to him first, Joyce sprinting just as fast as the ex-swim captain, jumping onto the stage. Steve slides next to Gareth, checking his boyfriend over to make sure he didn't hurt himself in the process, while Joyce shifts Eddie's legs up, bending them. Twelve seconds later, Eddie makes a noise and his eyes flutter open.
Well fuck...what the hell. He's looking up at his friends faces, all of which look terrified.
"Oh fuck, thank god."
"Dude what in the hell just happened?!"
"Eddie, hey, it's alright...you passed out," Joyce's voice cuts through all the insanity. "Hey..it's okay. Do you know where you are?"
Her gentle demeanor and calming voice puts Eddie at ease, even though he's thoroughly confused. Hadn't he just been starting Master of Puppets? He looks around slightly, trying to sit up. Steve puts a hand on his shirtless torso, effectively keeping him down.
Steve grabs the water bottle from Gareth's hand, uncaps it, then dumps the whole thing on Eddie before anyone can even realize what he's about to do. Eddie gasps and a few others follow. Dustin gapes at Steve, and Robin's eyes are wide.
"He's probably got heat exhaustion, he needs to be cooled down. I learned what to do for lifeguarding," Steve explains, already looking for another bottle of water, eyes darting around. Tim produces on and Steve dumps it on Eddie's chest and abdomen.
"When's the last time he ate? Or drank? Because he sure as hell didn't eat dinner before this," Steve looks at the other band members, who all look at him guiltily.
"He kept saying he wasn't hungry..."
"Fuck! So he's just been running on absolutely nothing all day?!"
"Steve," Robin cuts in. "Lets get him inside, okay? Get him inside, get him cooled off, that's what's going to help. I'll grab some food."
Steve nods and looks down at Eddie, who's blinking and staring at him.
Hopper and Jeff carry him into the Underground, everyone else following. Steve stays as close as possible. Moments later, Robin appears with some chips and a soda.
"They're going to find more stuff, but this is just to get something in him. He needs sugar," she explains frantically.
"Guys, m'okay..." Eddie mumbles, letting Steve open the bag of chips for him. "Really...just..got hot," he shrugs.
"Dude, you were puking while we were playing, you're not ok."
"You literally passed out."
"Honey, you need to take a few minutes to let your body calm down."
Dustin appears with a wet washcloth, and puts it on the back of Eddie's neck, making the twenty year old groan in satisfaction, the cold water euphoric.
Eventually, as Eddie starts getting his color back, a few of them start to give him space. The guys go to pack up their stuff, Ms. Wheeler goes to find Mike and Nancy. Soon, it's just Steve and Eddie, sitting at a table, Eddie sipping shakily on the coke that's been brought to him.
"M'sorry...I should have eaten.."
"Shut up. Just...right now, all I care about is that you're okay. That was scary as hell Eddie," Steve shakes his head. After looking around to make sure no workers are paying attention, he grabs the others free hand, squeezing it.
"Yeah well...scary for me too...can't even remember the last song at all," he admits, setting the coke down so he can rub at his face. "But..m'sorry, still. I love you."
"I love you too, you idiot."
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lovingcorleone · 3 years
“Stronger Together, Weaker Without” — Michael Corleone x Reader
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Summary: Y/N and Michael were put into a difficult situation, when unexpected things happened just before their wedding.
Pairing: Michael Corleone x Fem!Reader
Request: "Hello could you do one where Michael Corleone and his wife are having a difficult time at the wedding and are trying to talk to resolve it?" — @loveilovetoo
Author's note: (English is my second language.) ; I needed to overcome writer's block, and that's why it took me so long - my sincere apologies! I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Warning: strong language, sappy conversation?
Friday, the day before wedding.
It is safe to say that many things went wrong on your and Michael's wedding weekend. It all started a day before the ceremony and you weren't sure what to think about it. First, the main bridesmaid, your best friend B/F/N, called you early in the morning, telling that she was sorry but she didn't feel twice as good and probably caught some illness. That would be okay, it wasn't a big deal, because these things just happen and you cannot really prevent them. Little did you know that it was only the beginning of a nightmare.
With this information you went right to Michael to tell him the news, but he only assured you that, yes, it was dissapointing, but nothing that couldn't be solved easily. You only wished this was the first and also the last unpleasant thing of the whole wedding. Another suprise came later in the afternoon when Michael got a call from Tom. Your soon to-be husband was hesistant at first if he should tell you that place where you two were suppossed to have your first dance as married couple, was completely burned down. He quietly came to you and gave you a tight hug. „I have good and bad news.“ he started, „I guess you want to hear the bad news first, huh?“ You pulled back from his hug and gave him worried look. „What happened?“ „So ... the thing is that our venue is gone. Burned down. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. But! The good news is that people who did that are already caught.“ After he had spoken, you were speechless. You couldn't find the words. You blankly stared at Michael, then turned away from him and hugged yourself. „Why would someone do that? Why? We deserve to be happy too, why can't we be?!“ you raised your voice a bit and a few tears escaped from your eyes from pure frustration. Your fiancé was desperate just as much as you were. His blood was boiling, but he knew he should be calm and supportive. Michael was heartbroken too. It was supposed to be his happiest weekend in his life.
Fortunately, your day ended without any more complications. You couldn't sleep with Michael in the same room, because tradition clearly said that it was forbidden and it brings bad luck, so you two just called each other that night. „Everything will be just fine. I promise you that. No one will take away our wedding day from us.“ „Michael, that sounded a bit threatening..“ you laughed, „But yeah. Tomorrow's about us.“
Saturday, Wedding Day, 6:00am.
You didn't have to wake up that early, but the thing was that, you had a very strong feeling that you should be fully awake no matter what. Also, around 7:15am Connie and Sandra promised you to come and start with your preparation for your big day. By that time you were just sitting on your bed watching sun rising up through your window. The bed felt so lonely without Michael in it. You got used to falling asleep and waking up next to him. You wondered if he was still sleeping.
In the middle of your showering, there was a loud knock on the door followed by excited voices of two girls mentioned above. „Come on, sleepyhead. We need you to get ready!“ said Connie with joyful voice. You opened the door with a towel covering your body and wet hair. „About damn time, dear. I hope you slept enough, because I'm sure that right after wedding there will be no sleep for you.“ continued Sandra and winked at you giving you a sign what she really meant by it. You giggled and hugged both of them. „Thanks. Thanks a lot for helping me. I don't know what would I do without you two.“ you sighed and sat at the chair in front of big mirror. It took Sandra about one hour to make your hair looking like it belonged to a princess. It was exactly what you wanted. Then it was Connie's turn with doing your make-up and, of course, it turned out even better than you expected. All of you were so satisfied with final result. Then you put on your dress. Now, you looked like a real princess. Your B/F/N was the one who helped you decide which dress was, metaphorically, made for you. Even though, she couldn't be there with you, the dress reminded you of her. For a minute, all your troubles suddenly disappeared and you were filled with pure joy.
Your silent admiration of your look was however interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Connie was the closest person to it so she carefully opened, but only her face was seen, in case if it was Michael looking for you. Luckily, it was not Michael, but his brother. Which was not good scenario either. „Sonny? Don't you have a work to do?“ Connie asked in quite annoyed voice, because he obviously interrupted their –girls moment-. Sonny was visibly nervous and his hairline was covered in drops of sweat. His sister could swear she saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes. „I need to speak to Y/N. Like right now.“ he said urgently and tried to step into the room, but Connie didn't let him to do so. „C'mon Connie. Just let me in...“ „Who's that?“ you asked with a raised voice so the person on the other side of the door could hear you.
„It's Sonny. I need to tell you somethin'.“ You nodded to Connie that she could let him in. He didn't hesitate and made his way right to you. His first reaction was adorable, because his look fell on your dress and then on your face. He widely smiled ready to give you some cheeky compliment, but he quickly remembered why he came there. „Okay, now, don't be mad.“ As he said that, your happy face dropped. „Everytime when someone says „Don't be mad.“, something really bad happened. I hope this is not that case.“ He made a squinted face and took a deep breath. „Look... aaagh...Something happened.“ „Continue...“ „You know.. your wedding rings...Well...ughh...they are kind of gone. We can't find them and we looked for them everywhere.“ he finally admitted as you fell down on your chair. „Oh my god.“ Sandra whispered and ran to hug you and Connie's jaw dropped down. „But ..how..? They were put in a safe place. Does Michael know?“ Sonny scratched the back of his head. „Tom and Fredo are tellin' him now.“
You felt your chest got tight and it was a bit harder for you to breathe. „Bridesmaid's ill, the venue is gone and so are the rings.“ you whispered holding back tears. For a moment there was a tense silence, and everyone in the room felt kind of embarrassed. The best day of your life turned out to be the worst. Connie didn't even had a chance to comfort you because you stood up with emotionless face and went to the door. You were about to stepped out of room, but Sonny gently grabbed your elbow. „Where are you going? You can't see Michael. It's a tradition..“ You angrily glared at him „Fuck tradition. I need to talk with Michael.“ Sonny let go of you very quickly and felt ashamed of his words. The situation was way more important than some tradition.
Your soon-to-be husband had the same idea. He was on his way to your room when you two bumped into each other at the corner.
„Our rings are gone.“ both of you said at the same time and he pulled you into a hug. Though his mind was full of emotions and mostly full of anger, he did notice how incredibly beautiful you were. Of course, for him you were beautiful everyday, but seeing you in wedding dress made him tear up a bit. He then suggested to move to some empty room so you could talk in private. You sat on a bed and Michael joined you. His arm hugged you over your shoulders and you gently put your head on his chest. After overcoming primary shock, you spoke first. „I don't feel like this is all just stupid coincidence.“ you sobbed and let the tears make their own way down your cheeks. „Then what do you think it is?“ he asked quietly. You raised your head and looked into his eyes. „What if this is a bad sign? At the moment, I feel like everything is ruined and we are just helplessly standing in the middle of the chaos not knowing what to do. What if we are not meant to be married.“ your voice broke and you couldn't keep looking into his eyes anymore. His arm fell off of your shoulders. He wiped away his own tears and got down on his knees grabbing your hands, which made you look at him. „So? Even if we are not meant to get married, that doesn't mean that we are not meant to be together, Y/N. I believe in us. But I need you to believe in us too.“ His voice was steady but you could hear how hard he tried to remain being steady. Not only your heart was breaking, his was too. Some couples would turn this situation into a humorous one, but for you and Michael, it was really serious. You sniffled and bit your lip. „I believe in us too. But these things don't happen without a reason. I just- I don't know.“ „I love you. Do you love me?“ You were shocked by his question. „Of course, I do. You are my everything, Mike.“ you sobbed again and his finger moved to your face and wiped away new tears. „You are my everything too. And I know how long you've dreamed about this day. We can cancel it if you want. Or we will face this very eventful day together. Like we always do with everything that crosses our path. How does that sound to you, hm?“ a very faint smile appeared on his lips. He made a good point. You could've run from it or face it. „The venue is destroyed, we don't have our rings and we also broke the tradition...Every single thing is against us. Maybe marriage can break this curse or whatever it is. Maybe we should shoot our shot.“ your lips formed into a weak smile. He took your face into his hands and kissed you softly. Then he added: „We will be okay. From now on.“
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Forget Me Not: Part 1
Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Oikawa Tōru, Kuroo Tetsurō - Haikyuu
Synopsis: five years after graduating high school, you're invited to Kiyoko and Tanaka's wedding and find yourself back in Japan. Surrounded by your old classmates and volleyball buddies once again, not only are old friendships rekindled, but old feelings start to resurface as well. Did five years change you and your friends too much, or did it change you all just enough?
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none
Next → Part 2
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Being back in Japan filled you with a familiar, comforting feeling that spread throughout your entire body. The country where you had lived most of your life and been educated from kindergarten to high school in brought back childhood memories that you had not thought about in nearly five years.
And now, here you were, attending the wedding of one of your best friends, whom you hadn't seen in way too long, and surrounded by people who shaped your elementary and teenage years.
It wasn't until the reception that you got to actually catch up with your childhood friends, but the ceremony had certainly gotten you thinking. With the beautiful decorations strewn all over the venue and Kiyoko's breathtaking dress—and the way Tanaka teared up after seeing his future wife coming down the aisle—you had begun to wonder, as one who is still single would, if that would ever be you; all dressed to the nines and ready to devote the rest of your life to one person.
The fact that you were deep in thought must have been visible on your face because it wasn't long after that Kiyoko made her way over, gently placing her hand on your shoulder and asking if you were all right.
Startled out of your internal dilemma, you assured her that you were fine and just caught up with your own thoughts. "Sorry," you apologized with a lighthearted chuckle. "I didn't mean to make you worry about me at your wedding."
Taking a seat beside you at the rather empty guest table—more than happy to get off of her feet after Tanaka had been swinging her around the dance floor for hours—Kiyoko sighed contently and brushed off your concern. "Oh, please, make up something if you must." Kiyoko glanced over her shoulder at her new husband, who was currently preoccupied with something Noya was saying to him. "I need a break. If this is any indication of what the rest of my life is going to be like, I'm going to be eternally exhausted."
You laughed, having completely forgotten about what you had been thinking about. "You chose to marry the boy who spent all three years of high school chasing after you and you're surprised that he's over the moon 24/7?" You cocked a brow at her jokingly. "Don't say you weren't warned."
Kiyoko giggled at that and before long you and your best friend were laughing together just like when you were teenagers. It was like nothing had changed; like the two of you had been transported back in time five years.
"In all seriousness though, are you happy?" you asked her as you grabbed for your champagne flute and took a sip. "Because that's all that matters."
A light dusting of pink rose to Kiyoko's cheeks. "I'm ecstatic." She beamed as she looked back at Tanaka again. "I mean . . . that's my husband!"
"Good. I'm happy that you're happy."
Kiyoko nodded in agreement before turning back to you. "So, when is it going to be your turn?"
You thought about asking her what she could possibly be talking about but there was no fooling Kiyoko; she already knew that you knew. Not a week had gone by since you had moved away where she hadn't asked you if you had found yourself a man yet.
You just rolled your eyes. "I would have to be dating someone first in order to start thinking about getting married."
"Okay, so we start at the beginning." Kiyoko started surveying the gorgeous outdoor reception venue as if you didn't already know pretty much everyone who was there.
You scoffed. "I'm sorry, we?"
"You act like I haven't always been invested in your love life." She waved you off, never taking her eyes off of the bustling crowd. "Anyway, back to what I was saying . . . you need someone with a stable career, handsome, and, most importantly, someone that I approve of."
"Yes . . . most importantly." You took another sip of your drink and let your eyes scan the crowd as well, mostly because there wasn't much else for you to do. Eventually, your gaze settled on a table in the back corner where five men sat, engaged in a conversation with one another. It took you a few minutes to make out the face in the dim lighting, but when you did, you were immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia.
There, in a convenient group, as if they had all collectively been waiting for you to spot them, were five of your dearest friends from high school: the captains from the various boys' volleyball teams. Since you had been the captain for the girls' team at one of the rival schools, the six of you had started as acquaintances who bonded over being captains and soon grew into an inseparable friend group. The only person you had been closer to in high school was Kiyoko.
Sawamura Daichi, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Oikawa Tōru, and Kuroo Tetsurō.
They all looked just like how you remembered and yet you couldn't help but notice from afar the ways that they had matured over the past five years. You had been given a brief chance during the ceremony to say hello to them, and during that brief moment, you weren't ashamed to say you would admit they had all grown into handsome young men (not that any of them had been hard on the eyes in high school by any means.)
"Oh, so we're going for the classic 'high school reunion' trope." Kiyoko's face was suddenly right next to yours, startling you once again. "Which one are you looking at?"
Ripping your eyes away from the group of men who had thankfully not noticed your staring, you shook your head. "It's not like that," you sighed.
"Oh, yeah . . . okay." Kiyoko's tone was dripping with sarcasm. "That's fine, you don't have to choose right now. You could probably have whichever one of them you wanted anyway considering they all had a crush on you in high school."
It had been a big mistake to try and take your final gulp of champagne right then. As soon as you had heard what Kiyoko had said, you jolted in surprise and the alcohol went down the wrong way, causing you to begin coughing and sputtering rather loudly and aggressively.
Of course, that was when the five former captains turned to look at you after hearing the commotion. To be fair, a lot of eyes were on you then as you frantically reached for a napkin to dry the champagne that had spurted out of your mouth and Kiyoko patted your back comfortingly.
"Jesus," you managed to choke out. "Warn someone before you say something like that."
Kiyoko grabbed another napkin and began dabbing at the little wet spot on your dress. "You act like you didn't already know."
"I didn't already know."
Kiyoko looked up at you in shock, her hand ceasing all movement. Thankfully, she had pretty much dried your dress completely by then anyway. "What do you mean you didn't know?" she inquired quizzically, almost like she suspected you of lying.
"What do you mean they all had a crush on me?!" You remembered to lower your voice at the last second to avoid screaming such a personal conversation.
"How could you not have known?!" Kiyoko retorted with another question. "It was so obvious!"
"We were all just friends!"
"Just friends?!" A deep voice from behind you interrupted before you or Kiyoko could say another word. "You aren't talking about us, are you?"
You could pick that voice out of a lineup and consequently, your face turned bright red and you swallowed hard. Had he heard what you and Kiyoko had been talking about? How long had he been standing there?
Turning in your chair, you looked up at Kuroo, who was standing behind your chair, and the four other guys standing behind him; all of whom had apparently made their way over after witnessing your struggle with the champagne.
Before you had the chance to work out a suitable answer and attempt to explain away what you and Kiyoko had been discussing, Kiyoko stood from her chair and offered it to Kuroo, motioning for the group to sit down with you at the same time.
"Well, I'll leave you guys so you can all catch up." She smiled wide, throwing you a quick wink when no one else was looking. "I'm sure Tanaka will start searching for me soon anyway. I can only leave his side for so long before he starts causing chaos."
"Looks like the chaos has already started." Oikawa pointed to the head table where Tanaka was pouring liquor straight down Hinata's throat while Noya and Tendou counted the seconds out loud at the top of their lungs.
"Oh, good God." Kiyoko excused herself without another word, rushing across the room to put an end to her husband's antics. The six of you were left chuckling and watching as she snatched the bottle out of his hand and made quick work of reprimanding the men.
Shaking his head, Daichi sat down across from you while the other men took their seats as well. Having been the team captain of Karasuno and on a volleyball team with Tanaka for two years, he knew all too well what it was like to have to keep him in check constantly. "I will never understand how he suckered her into marrying him," he commented.
"Because love." You shrugged. "It makes you do stupid things."
Just then, a waiter came by and placed a fresh glass of champagne in front of each of you. "Ain't that the truth." Kuroo rose his glass and encouraged everyone else to do the same. "To love and other stupid things."
"To love and other stupid things," the remaining five of you repeated before clinking your glasses together and taking a sip of the bubbly alcohol.
Bokuto, who already seemed a little too tipsy for his own good, downed all of his in one go before scooting his chair closer to yours and throwing an arm over your shoulders. "So, tell us, what have you been up to?!" he chirped happily. "We all missed you when you left, you know."
After assuring Bokuto about four or five times that you had missed him as well, you gave the group of eager listeners the short version of what you had been up to since graduation. You explained your boring job and the fact that you played volleyball as often as you could. They asked about other aspects of your life as well, and when the topic of significant others came up, you shyly admitted that you were, indeed, still single.
"Hey, it's not like any of us can judge you for that," Ushijima told you. "None of us have anyone in our lives either."
Oikawa scoffed. "You make it sound like I'm hopeless."
"You are hopeless," Kuroo laughed. "You spent how many years in Brazil and still couldn't find a girl to date you? You moved to Argentina and still nothing. Doesn't that say anything?"
"Leave it to Oikawa to make it all about him," you commented, mindlessly taunting the setter like you used to do all the time when you were younger.
Your jab earned a few amused chuckles from the others and even Oikawa cracked a smile; and just like that, it was like you were back in high school with five of your closest friends, shooting the shit like you always did.
Before you knew it, the six of you were talking, laughing, and drinking the night away. Even Ushijima, who was usually the quiet one of the group, was participating more than you ever remember him doing so. The awkwardness from the first few minutes of interaction and the burning embarrassment of what Kiyoko had told you had melted away so seamlessly that you didn't even notice; suddenly you just found yourself comfortable and feeling rather at home.
Daichi told you about how his job as a cop was going and even shared a few exciting stories—stories that the others had clearly heard many times before if their bored expressions were any indication.
Kuroo talked about his job at the Japan Volleyball Association Sports Promotion Division, which he seemed to be thoroughly enjoying. You were kind of envious of him for managing to stay in the world of volleyball without actually having to keep playing.
Then, of course, Bokuto, Ushijima, and Oikawa discussed what it was like playing for the MSBY Jackals, the Schweiden Alders, and Club Atlético San Juan in Argentina, respectively. Oikawa, much like Daichi had been, was very excited to have someone new to tell his stories to—although his stories were about Argentina and not being a cop.
It made you feel a little sad when you realized just how distant you had grown from your friends and how much of their lives you had missed, but you had to admit that getting to play catch up was extremely entertaining.
After what felt like only twenty minutes or so, but was probably closer to two hours, the reception started winding down and guests started heading home for the night.
Pulled from the happy little bubble the six of you were existing in by the sudden realization that the party had a lot fewer people than you remember, you checked the time and noted that it was rather late.
Daichi, who had been oblivious to the rapidly passing time as well, muttered something about having to work the next day as he reached for his suit jacket that he had draped over the back of his chair at some point and started putting it back on, indicating that he was getting ready to leave.
Bokuto began to pout jokingly and tightened his hold on you, his arm never having left your shoulders the entire time. "You're not going home right away, are you?" he asked you, his wide eyes ready to guilt-trip you into staying longer should he need to. "You're staying in Japan for a while, right?"
"I'll be here for about two weeks or so," you told him, patting his cheek lightly and chuckling when his expression changed on a dime and he smiled wide. "Don't worry, I'm not abandoning you again so soon."
"Then we will have to get together for dinner or drinks or something," Kuroo suggested as he too stood from his seat. "Have you changed your number since high school?"
You shook her head. "Nope, it should be the same one you all have."
"Excellent!" Oikawa cheered. "I've got to head back to Argentina in a week or so as well so we definitely have to get together soon. I have first dibs!"
"Y/N is a person, not the last piece of food," Ushijima huffed. "You can't call dibs."
Oikawa just scoffed. "Sure I can, Toshi. I just did."
"I told you not to call me that."
The two professional volleyball players glared at one another and you wondered how it was possible that they stayed friends for so long, let alone became friends in the first place, considering they were always at each other's throats.
"Okay, you two, don't make me escort one or both of you home in a cop car tonight," Daichi warned. "I'm not in the mood to babysit."
"If I promise to behave, will you promise to use your handcuffs?" Oikawa winked, earning a few hushed chuckles and an obviously disappointed look from Daichi.
"Well, that's my cue to call it a night," Daichi announced as he made his way over to you and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek. "It was lovely seeing you again. I'll call you and we can do dinner sometime, yeah?"
You smiled and nodded. "I'd love to."
With that, Daichi took his leave and the others were soon to follow. Bokuto, who was the last to leave your side, had somehow swindled you into promising to play a volleyball game with him at some point before he bid you goodnight as well and left you to collect your thoughts before catching a cab and heading back to your hotel room.
On your way out, you thanked Kiyoko for inviting you and congratulated her and Tanaka on their marriage. They too insisted on getting together with you once more before you left and you happily agreed, already dreading having to leave your friends again.
As you climbed into your cab that evening, drunker than you had been in a long while and filled to the brim with joyous memories and content feelings after being reunited with so many old friends, you couldn't help but linger on one thought in particular . . .
The fact that all of your former captain friends had grown into handsome men with stable jobs, they were all single, and the startling new discovery that they apparently all had crushes on you in high school.
Did they still feel the same way? Or, more importantly, did you feel the same way?
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
the 1995 brits x damon albarn & liam gallagher
hhhiiii I'm here with a very cute little fic about the brits!! the idea of writing something with Damon and liam fighting over someone was requested quite a long time ago (sorry it’s taken so long omg) but I loved the idea!! I do hope you all enjoy it as I enjoyed writing it a lot hahah xx
Pairing: 90s damon albarn & 90s liam gallagher x reader
Warnings: nothing, just a little bit of bickering n dat
Word count: 3.057
Requested by anon x
Being a part of the madness that adapted the name ‘Britpop’ was truly an experience. Paparazzi at every corner you turn, equipped with the brightest, flashiest cameras, also having the most annoying click noises to the point that after one image you’ve earned yourself a migraine that would last the entirety of the day; parties that would last entire nights, bearing millions of different kinds of drugs - some that hadn’t even been given a name yet, but you’d still give a try anyways, since you’re so high and drunk that you simply lose the intellectual capability to construct decisions, you say fuck it, and get so high to the point that you’ve blacked out in a booth in a bar, with the owner asking you to get out since you’ve been inside for one too many hours after closing time; as well as constant press coverage. With your name plastered over literally every newspaper and music magazine known to man, as well as having your entire life consistently dictated for the entire nation to read about every Sunday morning and indulge themselves into as a form of entertainment, it was what being famous delivered, right on your doorstep at 7 in the morning. Any earlier and you’d feel rude not to give them a cup of tea as a form of dignity and respect towards their sublime dedication to the job. Although it was fun being associated with it all, my band in particular gaining a different form of calidity due to it being a female fronted band, by the time that the entire nation was hooked on this ‘Blur vs. Oasis’ rivalry, it was as if every other britpop band had been washed away from existence, due to eight boys arguing as to whom had the better music. And the better looks, according to Liam Gallagher.
Tonight was the night of the Brit awards, perhaps the most prestigious awards ceremony for music. To be awarded a Brit was probably the largest achievement possible in British music in the form of an award, and it was definitely either going tonight to either Blur or Oasis. The chances that another band, say Pulp, were to get the award, would not only be extremely amusing to see the reactions of the two biggest names in the Britpop game, but would also cause the largest uproar in the nation. It’s either Blur or Oasis. “Their drama is so silly,” laughed Emily, the guitarist in our band whilst flicking through the latest edition of the Sun, the cover of the newspaper being, of course, Liam Gallagher. “They’re literally bickering about who looks the best. How do people find this interesting?”
“Because of how silly it is, people never leave their secondary-school-like selves. Just a bit of fun I guess.” I replied, fixing up my hair in the mirror in front of me. We were currently getting ready to go to the award show, and needing to look your best was an expectation. Though I wasn’t dressed in anything that would result in jaw’s dropping, it was important that I at least appeared somewhat admirable - the entire nation always had their eyes on us, but tonight they were going to see us all, live. Perhaps the reason why bands like Oasis and Blur are so obsessed over nowadays, since all they’ll do is turn up in some flimsy Adidas t-shirt and call that fashion. I suppose scruffy was the new elegant.
“Who do you think they’ll give the award to?” she questioned, still aimlessly flicking through the recycled pages of the magazine. “I think Oasis. Their music is so much better than Blurs.”
“Really? I’d say Blur. They won on top of the pops, so the likelihood of them winning the Brit award is highly likely,” I answered, shuffling away from the strong reflection of myself towards Emily, my eyes quickly scanning the page that she had her eye on currently. “Gosh Liam’s so full of himself.”
“He’s got his eye on you, you know,” She said, shoving the paragraph she had just read in my face of Liam boasting about his little crush he had supposedly gained from watching our latest performance on top of the pops. “Thinks you’re ‘well fit’.”
Scoffing in response, I mumbled back to Emily. “If he thinks that he’s sleeping with me, he’s very deluded.”
By the time we had arrived at the venue, you weren’t able to walk into the entrance without at least 50 cameras blinding your eyes and the shouts of so many begging for you to quickly turn your head and grin - the price for the photo would reach the many thousands. Once walking in, it was less crowded, only having select people by the ground floor, dedicated for musicians and bands, with the occasional interviewer walking past to every circled table, adorned with white cloth and champagne glasses, asking questions about how they’re feeling, who they think may win, and what they thought of the music throughout the past year. What was nice was that people didn’t have that much interaction with one another, just with their groups. It created a sense of formality in the space, which made me feel a bit at ease from the idea of some random row happening in the middle of the floor, most likely between Liam and Damon. The past year in music was truly something. Britpop was at its peak the entirety of the year, with songs like Parklife and Supersonic pouring out of every radio station in Britain that by the end of the year, you had ditched casual radio music and began blasting the classical station. It was a nightmare. Since the fall of grunge subsequent to Cobain’s death the previous year, the talk of any other genre in Britain apart from Britpop didn’t occur. It was as if we were living on this mystical island, miles away from any other music and culture, whilst adorning and obsessing over our own. What was nice about Britpop was that it was a pure celebration of English culture, whether it be a simple Sunday roast, or going to school, they all carried the same ambience of nostalgia and pride - also disregarding whichever band wrote what song.
“Free champagne… Yes please,” said Madeline, the secondary guitarist of the band, whilst heading to the first seat she could sit on, then quickly indulging herself with the first taste of the rich drink. “Oh my gosh it’s heavenly!”
Laughing at her reaction, the rest of the band took a seat around the table and took their first sips of the champagne, which we would all come to find to be indeed heavenly. Small talk was shared here and there with the rest of the group, but overall I stayed silent. In all honesty I found attending award shows was quite boring because if you didn’t end up getting an award, you would essentially be sitting there for two hours doing nothing. Even if you did win an award, it’s simply a minute of glory with the speakers blasting your music, and another minute of all eyes piercing into your soul as you make sentences about your gratitude towards those who had helped you along the way to earn such an achievement. I doubt anybody genuinely liked attending shows like these.
“The champagne is good, yet we don’t get enough for our table,” I complained, grasping my now empty champagne glass and waving it around in the air. “I’m gonna head to the bar to get a refill, anybody want anything?”
After receiving a handful of nos from the rest of the band, I took myself out of my seat and wandered over to the bar, which was empty, perhaps due to the venue not yet being completely filled with all the artists that were set to attend the night. “Just a refill of the champagne, please.” I asked politely, handing the bartender the used glass I had kept in my hand. Whilst waiting, I noticed that Damon was on the other side of the bar, who also didn’t notice me there, until he caught eyes with me.
A grin broke out on his face as I walked over to him. “You alright?” He asked me, quickly thanking the bartender for his drink and turning back to look at me. The height difference between us was evident, but it wasn’t the case of something so dramatic that he was the height of the empire state building and me, just a measly common tower in the city. He looked quite content, his hair scruffy yet neat, along with his outfit being just as I had assumed: a white shirt with jeans, a used pair of Adidas for shoes.
I smiled back at him and nodded. “Suppose you have high hopes for the award tonight.” I said, simultaneously receiving my refill of the beverage I had ordered, followed by my thanks. We stood adjacent, although there was enough distance between us to establish our relationship - mutual acquaintances whom had met every now and again, since they’ve both been dragged into this wormhole of madness. He was quite the opposite in comparison to his rivals, though he himself could be quite bothersome occasionally, he still had a grasp to what those may call sensibility.
“Oh well we’re better than them, aren’t we love?'' He chirped, his head now cocked to the side in a teasing manner. “I’ve heard that you’re rooting for us this year.” He added, a little smirk pasted on his face.
“Do you read every paper you see?” I questioned, my face turning away from him in slight embarrassment. Between us, there was no shared intention for a relationship to stem, though there was definitely a flirtatious tension that followed between us wherever we had met. Whether it be a random photoshoot for a magazine double-spread, or backstage at top of the pops, we always managed to share a chat with one another, and nothing else followed on from then. It was quite sad, because once you’ve established a connection between something you either both disagree or agree with in terms of societal views, something in the press, or life in general, you’re instantaneously cut off and asked to hop onto stage to record a meaningless three-minute performance with fake, plastic instruments which practically mean nothing.
“Well it was nice seeing someone else's face on the papers for once.” He replied, downing his drink, then ushering at the bartender for another. A thing that we both realised was that, between our conversations, we indirectly indicated that we were both there for each other, because we both had a complete understanding towards what may be happening to the other person. It was stressful being in the limelight constantly, and for someone who was the frontman of a band so large, with his face plastered on every magazine cover imaginable, things were bound to be stressful.
Sighing, I turned to face him again. Despite the fact that before I had the ability to respond, our conversation was cut short from a voice shouting my name from behind. “Well if it isn’t bloody Y/N.” the voice said, and from then I instantly knew it was Liam’s. Turning my face away from Damon’s, I locked eyes with Liam. As always, he was dressed in the usual: a parka, with casual jeans. Oh, and don’t forget the Adidas shoes. Even though he and Damon practically hated each other’s guts, they always seemed to have similar fashion senses, but I could never picture Damon in a parka. And I don’t think I even want to.
“How’ve you been love?” He asked, swinging his arm around my shoulder in a warm, but nonchalant manner. Me and Liam had a similar relationship to that of mine and Damons, simply just minusing the sentimentality of it. We were friends, and had come across each other at random parties, which opened the gateway for us to drink and get high together many a time. While he was quite the idiot, he was also a very fun guy to be around, but I knew Damon would never understand that. “And why’re you letting this twat chat to you?”
A laugh escaped Damon’s throat. “I think you’re the only twat here, Liam,” he began, a sigh leaving my mouth as I was trapped in a situation that I could only pray didn’t gain much traction from the rest of the attendees. “Me and Y/N are friends, don’t suppose we’re getting jealous are we?”
Liam’s grip on my shoulder tightened as I stared at his reaction to Damon. I felt quite small in this situation, due to me needing to tilt my head a good amount to properly look at Liam, and knowing if I left it would just erupt chaos and make it worse. “No need for me to be jealous when I know that she wouldn’t want to spend a minute with you in bed you bastard.”
“And you’re so sure about that are you?” Damon replied, amusement laced in his words. “Because you’ve totally spent a minute with her haven’t you?”
“Well I’ve got my arm around her haven’t I? And she’s not stopping me,” Liam argued back, a smirk entwined on his lips. Reaching for my hand, Liam grasped it lightly, then then brought it to his lips, kissing it, before holding it gently. Method of intimidation, perhaps, and though it was sweet, there was a time and place. And this was definitely neither the time, or place. “Who’s the jealous one now, eh?”
“The last I recall, she had hoped that we were winning this year, not you,” He boasted, moving the contents of his drink around whilst grasping it firmly. Whilst it would be something that would offend Liam, he was simply the type of person to not take criticism regardless of whomever it was coming from. I respected him for that. “So much so for a healthy relationship.” Damon mocked, staring into my eyes as a small laugh escaped my lips.
Granted that I had found the argument shared between the pair of them to be extremely silly, it was good entertainment as the time passed before the award show would begin. Watching them both, attempting to throw insults at one another, each one trying to cut a little deeper than the one previous, made me almost laugh at the both of them right there. “You know, it’s so silly that you both think you know me so well to think which one I’d pick from the both of you,” I said, detaching myself from Liam’s embrace and snatching my half-empty glass of champagne. “At this point, it’s neither of you.”
Walking back to my band’s designated table, I quietly took my seat as the show began. “Saw you chatting to Damon,” Emily whispered, raising her eyebrows. “Also saw you grinning like a madwoman.”
“Oh shut up you,” I replied, looking back at the bar to notice that both parties had left, assuming back to their places. “There’s nothing going on between me and Damon- Liam too in fact.”
As the ceremony went on, the boredom got to us. Even the amount of drinks I had didn’t entertain me, but what could we do, we were stuck in the middle of an award show celebrating music, even though I had largely doubted that the majority of those attending were enjoying themselves. I had no clue who the awards were going to be handed out to, and whether that somebody may be us in a category, but we all knew Blur were going to win something. Yes, Oasis had gained a lot of fame and had become one of the most famous bands in the music scene at the minute, but by the way things had gone for Blur after the release of Parklife, things only seemed to go further up from there. And that was only proven to be truthful, after Blur had left with four different awards.
After Blur had received their fourth award for best British group, we all knew that there was nothing left for Oasis. “They’ll get it all next year, they only debuted this year you know.” I said to the table, who were staring at the four smiley boys on stage as they trotted up to receive their award. I admired Damon as he said his speech, then also turning to look over at Liam, who looked quite evidently pissed off. He was practically drooling in anger from the sight brought to him at that particular moment, and I couldn’t blame him - their band hadn't gone home with one award that night, but neither had ours. “They’ve taken four awards home, isn’t that like, the most anybody has ever taken?”
“Indeed it is,” Madeline replied, taking a sip from her drink. “Must be a good year for them then, eh?”
As I watched the band leave the stage in absolute glee, I stared at Damon as he walked back to his designated seat for the short remainder of the evening. Despite the fact that my band had been sat in our seats the entire evening in complete boredom, just like Oasis and so many other acts that had been nominated for pointless awards, it would be a lie to say that I wasn’t proud of how far Blur as a whole had come and evolved through their music, and especially Damon. From beginning as young, bowl-cut boys only charting so far on top of the pops, to creating songs and melodies that could unite our entire nation, it was impressive.
Damon was the face of Britain at this very moment, and a very good looking one. Once I watched him sit down, he scanned the room for a while until he was able to find where I was sitting, which was parallel to his seat, merely a couple metres away. He connected eyes with me as soon as he found me, also accompanied with a small smirk painted on his expression as he raised his eyebrows and sent me a wink. I simply smiled back at him in response before turning away abruptly, disrupting the little moment we seemingly shared, and though I felt my heart flutter a little, he’s definitely not winning me that easily.
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liquidheartbeat · 3 years
Rainy Dinner For Two
Iris grabs dinner from her and Barry's favorite diner on a dreary, rainy day.
Iris steps out of her car, underneath a dark gray covering of clouds.
They hang low in the sky, rippling past her quickly to the north. She hopes they’re signs of a passing shower, because she has a nice outdoor dinner with Barry planned tonight — and nothing will get in her way.
For the past six months, this has been their routine every Friday. She gets off work, then heads over to their favorite cafe and picks up their dinner. Usually, the weekend crowd has the place packed elbow to elbow, but the impending storm has run everyone indoors.
Everyone but her.
She takes in a deep breath as she walks, reveling in the earthy smell of incoming rain. The diner is nearly empty, except for the older gentleman in the booth, near the back. For as long as she’s eaten at this diner, there’s never been a day he didn’t occupy that spot.
He’s always orders the same thing. Two pancakes, three strips of bacon, an egg and Black coffee. And each time she walks into the diner, he greets her, tipping his hat forward.
Today is no different.
Iris smiles and waves, in return, then heads to the counter.
It’s a rare sight to see it completely empty, and she would take the chance to actually sit at one of the stools, but she’s already running a little late.
And Barry’s waiting for her.
At the counter, Karla, the evening waitress looks up from her phone, surprised to see a patron in this weather. Still, she smiles warmly. “Hi, Iris. What can I get for you today?”
“The usual, please.”
Karla’s nods as she writes it down by memory.
Steak, salad, potatoes au gratin. Fresh rolls. An entire pan of lasagna. And to top it all off, brownie sundaes, ice cream on the side — all of her and Barry’s favorite foods.
“Coming right up.” The woman smiles and heads to the kitchen to alert the cook that his quiet evening at work won’t be so quiet after all.
Iris is sure she hears him groan, but she doesn’t care.
She always leaves a generous tip, so he’ll live.
As she waits for her food, Iris pulls out her phone to pass the time. Her go-to app of choice is Instagram. It hasn’t always been this way;  as a journalist, she used to prefer Twitter to stay up on the news and gossip within her industry. But lately, Instagram has taken up special stock in her heart, serving as a living, breathing archive of her and Barry’s relationship.
So many beautiful milestones captured on film forever.
She finds herself scrolling through their years of pictures, at all hours of the day. Late at night when she should be sleeping at work.
Of course, her iCloud holds thousands more pictures than Instagram does, but what Instagram has that her phone doesn’t are Barry’s comments. His weird inside jokes, gentle mocking of her burnt food pictures, his excessive use of heart emojis on the rare selfies she posts, self deprecating jabs on their couple’s photos.
Invaluable expressions of their relationship through his eyes.
She smiles as she scrolls, grateful that her obsessive picture takING has served her well.
When Karla returns, Iris is deeply entrenched in her phone. “Iris?” She grunts as she lifts her huge order, tucked neatly into takeout containers. “I have your food.”
Iris looks up. “Oh.” She laughs and shakes her head, digging into her purse for cash.
The order always comes out to just under $50 bucks, another reason to love this diner. Not only is the food delicious, it’s dirt cheap. Iris always pays with a $100 bill. “Keep the change.” Her usual mantra.
Karla trades the food for the money and smiles. “Appreciate the business.”
“Of course.” Iris slides off the stool gathers the food.
As she turns to walk away, Karls says: “Give my best to Barry — he hasn’t been by in awhile.”
Iris pauses, stops dead in her tracks. “I will.” She smiles brighter glancing back at Karla, then heads for the door.
She steps outside and makes note of her surroundings.
The sky is darker, more menacing. The wind has picked up too. Iris walks in haste towards her car and packs up the food in the backseat, then rounds ducks into the driver’s side just as the first drops of rain begin to fall. Revving up her engine, she leaves the parking lot,and heads towards the sight of her and Barry’s weekly’s dinners. Her fingers tap along the steering wheel as she drives, her building anticipation fighting with her nerves.
It’s dumb to feel nervous. This is her husband, afterall. Her best friend. But the venue unnerves her. A large open plot of land, no dinner tables, no guarantee of privacy. Plus, the weather feels especially foreboding today. As she creeps down the road, the sky continues to darken. “God, this is going to be some storm, huh?” She says as she stops at a red light. Rolling her window down, she pokes her head out.
The temperature has dropped considerably and in only a few minutes at that. She glances at her backseat, checking to see if her jacket is still there.
She smiles as she realizes it is. If only she’d remembered to bring her umbrella.
For a moment, she considers texting Barry and asking him to run by the loft and pick it up. But she knows he’s occupied, so she refrains.
By the time she arrives, it’s drizzling slightly. But nothing too terrible. Her hair will be good as ruined, but she doesn't care. Her husband is waiting for her.
She gathers the food and her jacket, which she throws on her shoulder, and heads over to Barry. Thankfully, there’s no one else out, so they can have a private dinner. As she walks, she remembers that she forgot the picnic blanket to lie on the ground.
But it’s too late to turn around.
Guess she’ll have to toss these clothes once she gets home. Grass stains and mud do not mix. Still, she pushes forward, walking over the large plot of land.
“Sorry, I’m late,” she says as she sits the bag of takeout on the ground. “I got a little tied up at work.” Hands free, she slips on the jacket that’s cast across her shoulders, just as lightning illuminates the darkening sky.
She flinches slightly, but kneels to the ground in front of a large tombstone.
It reads: “Here lies Barry Allen. Born March 14, 1989. Died April 7, 2021.”  
She shakes her head to herself. Such a piss poor summary of a rich, varied life, full of service. Absolutely no mention of the sacrifices he made as The Flash, the same sacrifices that promised him an early demise.
But she knows that he gave his life for the city. So that the people he loved could live another day. She presses a hand to her heart, eyes welling up with tears.
His death had hit her like a ton of bricks.
But in the months since, she’d forced herself to hold things together and try to get as much out of life as she possibly could, so his sacrifice wasn't in vain. To keep living, to keep running. But once she’s in front of him, it’s hard to keep the promise she made to him.
These dinners are hard on her stomach, and not just because she’s eating enough food for a small family. But because there’s no goofy laughter at the end of her rant about her boss, no consoling breath when she expresses her insecurities about her position at work, no seductive crooning that foreshadows the next part of the evening, once they return home. It’s just her and the fresh air, and wilting flowers and Barry’s gravestone.
Thunder cracks overhead like a whip, pulling her from her thoughts. Lightning blazes across the sky. It’s a terrible day for an outdoor dinner. But then again, every day without Barry is terrible, when she really thinks about it. At least here, she’s closer to him.
The rain picks up, huge droplets pelting the ground. Iris pulls her hood on her head, and lays lengthwise in front of his gravesite. On a clear day, she’d trace his pitiful engraving with her fingers, but the weather has her seeking shelter inside her jacket.
She draws her arms inside her sleeves and holds the fabric together from the inside.
The food she bought is getting absolutely ruined, but truth be told, she doesn't have much of an appetite. Today, a conversation with her husband is the only thing she needs on her plate. “So, Barr,” she says, “I have so much to catch you up on…”
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Used To It (M.YG)
Warnings : mentions of an abusive relationship, fighting, swearing
Synopsis : he needed a girl to leave him alone, she wanted people to know she was over her ex. they needed each other, so they agree to pretend to date. but was it ever pretend?
Word Count : 2537
“I need you to be my girlfriend. Just until graduation.” I’m not sure what was going through my mind when I agreed, but it honestly worked out for me. I had just gotten out of a rocky relationship; a breakup that spread across the campus as fast as a wildfire. Jackson seemed to move on quickly, being seen with a new girl every week, whereas I tried to keep a low profile and focus on my studies so I could graduate next year. Because of that, everyone thought that I just couldn’t move on. Girls would talk about their nights with Jackson near me, expecting a reaction from me to no avail. So the fake relationship helped me as well.
           I barely knew Yoongi when he asked me to act as his girlfriend. I knew him through mutual friends and had met him on a few occasions, but he always seemed standoffish, so I never pursued a friendship with him. “This girl in one of my classes won’t leave me alone. I figured having a girlfriend would change that.” He told me. Yoongi was similar to me in the way that he just wanted to focus on graduating, seeing as his graduation was less than a year away. “And you said you were tired of people thinking you weren’t over Jackson.” He continued, but I was already sold.
           “Can you at least seem happy to be with me.” I joked as the two of us took our seats at a table in a café just off campus. We decided to start with being seen together so our relationship would seem more believable. I’ve been spending almost everyday for the last 3 weeks with Yoongi, mostly consisting of us studying, but I don’t think I’ve seen him smile once.
           “That’s not my style.” He said casually, opening one of his notebooks he had with him and started looking over his notes. I sat back in my chair and just watched him for a bit before opening one of my textbooks. I’d be lying if I said he wasn’t handsome. It was obvious just by glancing at him that he was a good-looking guy, and girls let him know. Either he never noticed the stares and the whispers, or he just really didn’t care.
           “You should have some water.” I softly said some hours later, placing the cup of water I grabbed for him in front of him. For the first time since we sat down, he looked up at me with a tired look in his eyes. “I know you have an important test tomorrow but take care of yourself.” I smiled at him and took my seat again.
           “Thank you.” He said with some semblance of a smile on his face. “Oh wow I didn’t realize the time. I should walk you back to your dorm.” He started closing his books and packing them away in his bag before chugging the water I gave him. I chuckled to myself and packed my books away as well.
           “You don’t have to, Yoongi.” We both stood from the table and he shook his head.
           “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you walk back alone.” Hearing him say boyfriend out loud caused my stomach to flip, but I chalked it up to the amount of coffee I had drank throughout the day. Still, I didn’t argue further and the two of us headed out into the night and back to campus.
           I should have known then that this wasn’t a good idea. From the beginning I had feelings for him, but I still went through with acting as his girlfriend as if I could just walk away when it was all over.
           “So we breakup and you just think you can go and date?” Jackson said as he plopped into the seat across from me. Yoongi would be back in a couple minutes as he had just gone to the bathroom, but I take it from the look on Jackson’s face that he knew that. “You’re my girl.” He really emphasized the word ‘my’ when he spoke, and it caused me to let out a small laugh.
           “Ah yes, because you’ve been alone these last few months.” I scoffed and tried to get back to my homework, but it was hard to focus with his gaze on me.
           “You know those girls don’t compare to you.” I looked up from my books again.
           “Well that sucks for you. Yoongi is a better boyfriend than you’ll ever be.” I could see the look of anger cross his face as I said that. He stood from the table abruptly and yanked the book out of my hands, throwing it the floor in a rage before roughly taking my face in his hand.
           “You are MY girl. No one else can have you.” The venom I had grown used to over the years we were together dripped from his lips. I spent years cowering in fear every time he’d speak to me like that, but I knew he wouldn’t try anything with all these watchful eyes staring at him.
           “Actually, she’s my girl.” My stomach did flips when I heard Yoongi’s familiar voice dripping with anger. “And I’d appreciate it if you’d keep your hands off her.” He stepped in between Jackson and me.
           “You seem proud to have my sloppy seconds.” Jackson smirked, but before he could cross his arms over his chest in victory, Yoongi punched him in the face, causing me to leap from my seat and in between the two to stop Yoongi.
           “Hey, hey, look at me.” Yoongi kept looking past me at a now bleeding Jackson, so I placed my hands on the sides of his face and made him look at me. The anger in his eyes dissipated when they met mine. “Let’s pack up and go somewhere else.” He just nodded, apologizing for causing a scene. “Jackson’s the one who should apologize.” I smiled, swinging my bag over my shoulder.
           “Was he always like that?” Yoongi hesitantly asked as we started walking nowhere in particular.
           “Not in the beginning. But the last year of our relationship, I suppose you could say he was abusive and controlling. That’s why I broke up with him.” Yoongi stopped in his tracks.
           “Wait, you broke up with him?” I chuckled and nodded, continuing to walk backwards so I could still see Yoongi. “That’s not what I should have gotten from that.”
           “It’s fine. I’m not traumatized or anything. Shit happens. You just gotta move on.” Just as I finished my sentence, I tripped over a rock and Yoongi was quick on his feet, wrapping his arms around me before I could hit the pavement. He unwrapped them from me just as quickly when I got my balance back.
           “Be careful.” He said simply and the two of us continued walking, my heart threatening to beat right out of my chest.
           I sat on my bed, scrolling through all the photos the two of us took on my phone. A few were sent to me from the others, gushing about how cute the two of us looked together. I smiled as the tears streamed down my cheeks.
           “I still can’t believe the two of you are dating!” Hoseok exclaimed as our group sat around a table, waiting for the food we had just ordered to arrive.
           “Yeah, I mean you two are as opposite as they come!” Jimin added, shaking his head. “Y/N is so bubbly and smiley all the time. And Yoongi-hyung barely ever smiles!” I linked my arm through his, causing him to look down at me but I just smiled.
           “You get used to it.” I spoke. “Regardless, he’s really cute. And he’s a good boyfriend.”  
           “Just good?” Yoongi joked, raising a brow at me.
           “He punched your abusive ex and he’s just a good boyfriend?!” Taehyung exclaimed. I chuckled at the memory that seemed like it happened a couple days ago but actually occurred a month ago.
           “Whoa he did what?!” Jungkook asked.
           “Oh yeah, it was really sexy actually.” I told the table, causing Yoongi to get slightly embarrassed and playfully push me away. “What? It’s true. I could have jumped your bones right then and there. No one has ever stood up to Jackson, let alone punch him.”
           “Jump my- oh my god, Y/N.” Yoongi shook his head, but I could see a small smile dancing across his lips.
           “You’re breaking Yoongi-hyung!” Jungkook joked, pointing out the fact that Yoongi just smiled.
           “Who would have thought Yoongi would have a soft spot.” Jin teased, reaching across to poke his shoulder. Yoongi smacked his hand away and dismissed having a soft spot for anyone. But I knew I was slithering my way through his cold exterior, and that thought alone gave me butterflies.
           Just until graduation. I kept repeating to myself. At the time it seemed like I had all the time in the world to make my way into his heart, but it seemed like the months passed all too quickly. “You aren’t going to watch your boyfriend graduate?” My roommate asked when she saw me sitting on the couch, the ceremony just an hour away.
           “I think we broke up.” I whispered, the tears still falling. She immediately brought me into an embrace. It was never supposed to be like this. Everything was pretend; we were supposed to just go back to our normal lives as if nothing happened. But I grew attached to having him by my side throughout the 7 months. I fell in love with him.
           “You didn’t have to come with me.” I thought out loud as we drove to my cousin’s wedding. Yoongi glanced over at me.
           “I’m supposed to be your boyfriend. These things are what boyfriends do.” I nodded, keeping my head forward. We’ve been acting for 5 months now and in my opinion have grown quite close. He’s really been my rock during these hard times. He’s let me complain about Jackson and didn’t judge me when I cried about missing him when I was drunk.
           After we parked, the two of us walked towards the doors of the venue side by side. As we got closer, he grabbed my hand and linked my arm through his own, causing me to look up at him. He was already smiling down at me and opened the door for us to walk through.
           We spent the time before the ceremony mingling with my family, introducing my new boyfriend. Everyone was surprised to see me with a guy that wasn’t Jackson, so sure the two of us were getting married after graduation. “Well, if I play my cards right, the next wedding we’ll be attending is ours.” Yoongi said to my uncle who asked about how serious we were. My heart swelled at the idea of walking down the aisle to him at the end of it, but I caught myself before I got too into the idea.
           “Everyone seems to love you.” I whispered as we took our seats minutes before my cousin was to walk down the aisle.
           “The competition wasn’t hard.” He joked and I playfully slapped him in the arm, causing him to burst into a fit of laughter. It was the biggest smile I’d seen on his face and I swear time stopped as I stared at him in awe. It’s been known that he’s a good-looking guy, but seeing him smile like that, I couldn’t help but fall in love in that moment.
           A harsh knock at the door pulled me from my memories. My roommate had left soon after giving me a hug, wanting to go watch her boyfriend walk the stage. I stared at my phone for a second, the lock screen being a picture of Yoongi and I at my cousin’s wedding, dressed to the nines. Whoever was on the other side of the door knocked again so I shouted a quick ‘coming’ as I stood from the couch. I’m not sure who I expected to see on the other side, but it definitely wasn’t Min Yoongi.
           “You didn’t come to the graduation.” He said, not moving from the doorway even though I moved aside to allow him in.
           “You said you just needed me until graduation.” I reminded him. We never discussed when this would actually end, or if I would attend his graduation, so I just assumed he wouldn’t want me there and stayed home.
           “Fuck that.” He said, finally stepping in my dorm so I could close the door. “I got used to having you there these past months. You came to all my events. You were there to get me out of my head and remind me to take care of myself.” His voice was in between being angry and being soft. I was confused as to what was happening, but he kept talking, and I held onto every word. “I don’t want to go back to a life without you by my side.”
           “What are you saying, Yoongi?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, feigning annoyance at his presence in hopes of protecting my heart.
           “I’m saying I’m in love with you, dammit!” He threw his arms in the air before dropping them back to his side and looking at me with an intense look in his eyes. “I’m in love with you and I want you to stay by my side.” He practically whispered, stepping closer to me. I dropped my arms to my side as he placed a hand on my cheek and brought his face closer to mine. “I’m going to kiss you now, okay?” He whispered and I nodded just in time for him to close the space between us. 7 months I acted as his girlfriend, slowly falling in love with him, and I only dreamed of his lips on mine. The feeling was so much better than I could have ever imagined.
           “I take it you two made up?” My roommate giggled from the doorway. I wrapped my arms around Yoongi’s torso and rested my head on his chest.
           “Yeah.” I said, still in a daze from the kiss we just shared. Yoongi kissed the top of my head and my roommate just shook her head and went to grab something before leaving again.
            “So, I was originally going to move in with Jin after graduating, but I’d prefer to live with you so I can still see you everyday.” I smiled up at him.
           “Are you sure? That’s a huge step, and we kind of just got together.” I laughed.
           “Well, honestly I’ve considered you my girlfriend for 7 months now. I don’t think this was ever really pretend for me.”
           “Me neither.”
           “So is that a yes?” I couldn’t help but laugh at the hopefulness in his eyes and the excitement in his voice. I’ve gotten so used to his melancholy ways that seeing him like this was different.
           “Yes.” He pulled me in for another kiss in that moment, and for a minute I could have sworn I was floating.
           “I love you.”
           “I love you too, you idiot.”
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
24 Hours
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Word Count:3454
Request/ Summary: “Can i request one where nicki gets turned down by their makeup artist or like stand in manager and hes upset and he finds out the the manager just doesnt sleep with people she just met”
I tried to write this where she breaks rules for him and turns him down. He understands what her restrictions are but he can see that living by her strict rules she created for herself she is making herself unhappy.
I hope I hit the prompt you wanted!
A/N: This turned out longer than I expected it to be so sorry about that one. I do have three requests I’m writing right now on top of some of the stuff I am writing so you can all still make requests but I'm going to be saying it’s a two week wait for a new request right now. I also want to say I am going to write a third and fourth part to the 3am Duff series because I have no self control. Thank you for everyone being patient with me and all your kind words! If you want to be added to my tallest please message me or go HERE
Tag List: @thenobodies-inc​ , @littlemisscare-all​ , @agroupiewhore , @ayablackwood​
You were having a bad day. Not just a bad day but one of those days where everything that could have gone wrong went wrong. From morning to night it was the literal day from hell for you.
8:12am You woke up, an hour after you had hit snooze on your alarm, twelve minutes after you were supposed to leave your house to get to work.
8:34am After throwing yourself together and rushing out the door, you were running out of the apartment with the cup of coffee you had economically and time consciously thought to make. On the last step before you had escaped into the day you slipped, the hot coffee spilled all down the front of your red dress, because of course it was the one day you weren’t wearing black. Rushing back up the stairs you realized that the keys to get into your apartment were in your apartment, hanging on the hook just out of reach behind the door. So you would be going to work in your coffee dress.
9:01AM You made it to work, only thirty-one minutes late. Your boss wasn’t happy that you were late on a Friday, thinking you had done this on purpose as some slight to them. Which meant they had pulled you in the office and chewed you a new asshole.
They also told you about coming to work in a clean, tidy appearance as if you had wanted to be wearing your coffee.
As you were being yelled at you watched the line back up and couldn’t help but think about how yelling at you was just making the situation worse. You also were also thinking about how next time you’d just call in sick instead of being late.
11:59AM One minute before you were scheduled to take a break, one fucking minute, and the crazy man came in. Throwing his shit smelling money at you and proceeding to vomit all over your window.
Your window, your mess. So instead of having a much needed timeout from the day from hell you were trying to scrub the smell of puke off a counter.
1:47 PM You finally stepped out for lunch. Moving to the payphone to call your roommate. She thankfully answered on the second ring of the apartment phone. At least the door would be unlocked after work, which was one thing you had been worried about.
She was quick to tell you about how she had gotten you a gig for the night. Knowing how you wanted to travel, you two had come up with a plan a few months ago to find work in Hollywood for bands or on film sets. She had been pretty popular making costumes and helping to come up with whole concepts for the upcoming Glam Rock scene. One of her usual bands needed help because their makeup artist had been sick, so you were going to work for her tonight.
This would be considered a good thing but since it was a trial run you were not going to be getting paid for this gig. So your time would be free. The makeup you used on them you needed to provide. And you have to be there at 5PM to set up, which is the exact time that you need to get out of work. Your roommate agreed to help set you up and she was going to bring you a change of clothes to the gig. It would be fine because the band wouldn’t need to be made up until 6 or 7 but it was just another thing on your plate.
So you would be losing money that you needed to pay rent on a bunch of entitled rock stars who would probably not hire you and this whole night would just leave you feeling exhausted and annoyed. Really looking forward to it.
3:49PM Your coworker went home sick with a headache so now you had to do twice the amount of work and there was no hope in hell that you would be making it to the gig in time tonight. That great first impression that you would need to get an actual long job was gone. And you were stuck with a line out the door of people trying to cash their checks all seeming to want to kill you. Happy Friday.
5:02PM You were running down the street, thankful you worked around the corner from the venue. A sigh of relief left your lips seeing your roommate waiting for you. She dragged you inside pushing you towards a bathroom and giving you a bag of clothes to change into. You lined your brown eyes with the kohl liner, winging your eyeliner and adding a deep burgundy lip shade that complimented your darker skin.
“Y/N, hurry up.” you rolled your eyes, repacking the bag and heading out where your friend was waiting for you. “I put your makeup in the dressing room already. It’s not set up yet.” she pulled you down a few hallways. Equipment for the band was more around as they started getting ready to set up everything for the show.
You entered the dressing room, seeing there was a table for food and drinks set up,  a rack of costumes for the band to wear, and finally a vanity where your makeup bag was sitting ready to be unpacked. Your friend handed you a cup, pouring a few fingers worth of vodka into it before splashing in some juice to help the taste.
“Cheers,” you tapped red solo cups drinking heavily. If you weren’t going to get paid for the gig you might as well take advantage of whatever free perks came with it.
6:23PM Sitting on the couch, legs crossed, you were chatting aimlessly with your friend when the door opened and a man walked in looking at you confused.
“Hey, I’m Y/N. I’m the makeup artist for the night.” you were quick to introduce yourself not wanting him to think you were another girl who was just trying to sleep with the band.
“Mick.” he moved to pour himself a full cup of straight vodka, “Can you do my makeup now? The three pretty boys take too much time.” Ushering him into the seat you started out on him, wondering what the hell he meant about the other guys being divas.
7:45PM A blonde burst into the room, seeming surprised that you were standing there. The girl on his arm laughed too loudly and you looked over to your roommate who was handing Mick a belt to wear. She just shrugged, this was normal for her.
“Vince, new makeup artist. You should sit now before the Terror Twins stumble in.” Mick warned him. He pulled away from the girl on his arm headed over to your chair with an easy smile.
“You're going to make me prettier, doll?”
“I’m thinking that you would look with some blue eyeshadow. It would really complete your Malibu Barbie look.” You retorted, watching amused as his mouth dropped open, not used to having someone give it back to him.
You hated cocky assholes who thought that they were God’s gift. There was nothing wrong with a  man who was confident but the way that he was looking at himself in the mirror as you did his makeup you knew he was the type that thought he was above everyone else.
8:21PM  Two men burst into the room as you finished up Vince. Looking at the two taller men you let your eyes wander over them. Vince was a diva but there two were going to be where you had the most trouble. They must be tber terror twins Mick had mentioned.
One of the guys fell into the chair, laughing about something as he sipped the beer he was drinking, rubbing his nose. He lit up a cigarette as he sat back in the chair not seeming to care if it was annoying that he was blowing smoke in your face as you tried to work.
You bit your tongue, annoyed as you tried to work around his cigarette, that he almost burnt you with seven different times. As you worked you could feel a set of eyes on you. Looking up you saw the man he had walked in with, staring at you with these intense olive eyes.
There wasn’t a chance in hell that you would be interested in any of these loudmouth guys, who all seemed to be drunk and hyperactive. It was kind of like you were doing makeup for a bunch of chimps instead of men.
8:55PM Finally the last man was sitting in your chair. His eyes gazing up at you with such intensity you stopped moving around to just look at him.
“Have we met before?” there was something familiar about him and you wondered if you had met him at a bar or at a show before.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart. I’m Nikki.” Usually when a guy used a nickname instead of your given name you chalked it up to them being a douchebag but with him it seemed natural and not derogatory, “Thank you for coming out to do our makeup today. I heard the other artist got sick at the last minute. We appreciate you taking your time to help us out…” he left it blank waiting for you to give him your name.
“Y/N.” You were surprised by how talkative he was. The kindness in his tone is different from the way the other guys have been. Just when you thought he was different you felt a hand on the back of your thigh, “If you don’t get your hand off me I’ll break your fingers so you can’t play tonight.” you warned him, looking into the olive eyes gazing up at you.
He was too good looking. The type of guy you could get into trouble with if you allowed yourself but you wouldn’t be taking home a stranger tonight.
“Do you always talk to your clients like that?” he asked with a coy smile on his face. This was the type of smug you liked. The funny easy going type who could make you laugh if you had not been on your feet for twelve hours.
“Only the ones that don’t pay me.” you replied, swiping his eyeshadow on. You wanted this to be over so you could go home and sleep.
The drummer came over, bumping into the vanity and knocking the eyeshadow off and not seeming to notice as the makeup smashed into a thousand pieces on the ground. You were officially losing a lot of money on this job and didn’t have the funds to replace it.
“Jesus, T-Bone, watch where you’re going.” Nikki commented, watching you start to pack everything up, “Aren’t you sticking around to watch the show?”  You shook your head. “Why don’t you stick around and I’ll take you out after for a late dinner. As an apology for this being a bust for you.” You were sure that the way he smiled and how his eyes were so clear made it easy for him to pick up chicks but you weren’t going to be one of them.
“I had a long day. I’m not going out with you.” You zipped up your bag ready to leave
“Listen, Y/N, just stay until we go on. Maybe I can talk to someone and you can get paid for coming out.” You did need the money. So reluctantly you stayed.
9:57PM You shouldn’t have stayed. Nikki had seemed to think you telling him you were not going out with him was a maybe you’d go out with him.
It had been an hour of him sitting on the couch getting to know you, asking questions and being nice to you. Men weren’t nice to you just for the sake of being nice, they were born without the concept of human decency.
But he had also talked to their manager, pointing at you and saying stuff you didn’t get to hear. Now you were stuck in a weird limbo wondering if you were going to get paid.
11:15pm The band rushed on stage and you were pulled aside by the manager. He handed you and envelope that you knew contained cash.
“The boys are going to have a few California gigs. If you can stick it out for a couple weeks I’ll consider hiring you for the tour. I’ll pay you $100 bucks a gig and you need to bring your own supplies to start but if you go on tour you’ll get a contract.” He said. You agreed and he handed you a piece of paper with four dates, the upcoming week, times, and his phone number to call if you couldn’t make it. There was also a chicken scratch handwriting with the name Nikki and a phone number
You were stunned when he walked away. You not only got paid but you have jobs lined up to make even more. It was a dream.
Looking up, you moved towards the stage watching the bassist move around the stage. He was high energy, loving what he was doing. There was this presence about him that drew you in. If you did get the tour position that would be trouble.
11:59PM You had finished packing up and we’re heading out of the venue to head home. You were ready for your bed and a few hours of sleep. The guys were playing tomorrow and you wanted to not be having a bad day.
Trying to sneak out, you almost jumped back when four sweaty men came barreling into the room. Your heart instantly went to your throat seeing Nikki. His smile dancing across his lips, hey black hair stuck to his forehead just oozing self confidence and sex appeal.
“You’re leaving so soon?” You just nodded at his question, wondering if it would be considered rude to tuck his hair out of his face. “Did you call a taxi or need a ride? There’s a lot of unsafe riff raff out this late.” He warned and you almost thought he sounded concerned.
“I’m a grown woman. I can walk myself home. It’s only like 15 minutes from here.” His eyebrow raised as he wiped the sweat off his face with a towel.
“I’ll give you a ride.”
“No you won’t.” You shoe back, “I don’t know you and I don’t leave with strangers I’ve only known for one day.” You responded. It was practical to have rules to keep you from getting hurt.
“Well, Y/N, we’ve known each other for two days now since it’s past midnight.” He was so calm saying this to you, “And I’m trying to cut back on drinking so if they see me leave with you I won’t be harassed so you’ll really be doing me the favor.” Thinking about what he said, your tongue licked your top lip nervously. The way his eyes followed this motion gave you your answer.
“Thank you for the offer. I’m going to say goodbye to my roommate. I’ll see you in 20 minutes outside?” You gave him a smile and  saw the way he was melting under your touch as you moved away from him.
You moved over to your friend letting her know you were leaving and you’d see her at home.
12:22 AM Adjusting the bag over your shoulder you weaved through the crowds pouring in and out of all the clubs. No one ever really bothered you walking home. It was just the cat calling and guys thinking that they had a right to run their mouths
“Y/N.” You frowned hearing your name. The roar of a motorcycle speeding up had your eyes looking out on the street.
Oh Shit. There was Nikki, looking at you with a line where his smile had been, his kind eyes looking annoyed at you. You had left him after saying you’d let him take you home but he was too pushy.
“Get on.” the steely tone of his voice made you stop what you were doing, thinking of what to do next. People were looking at the pair of you, some probably recognizing Nikki from his band. You rolled your eyes, stepping forward.
“Listen to me, I’m not getting on. I don’t know you.” His look softened and it was like for the first time he understood what the issue was.
“I just want to make sure that you make it home safe. I know you don’t want anything happening to you. It would feel like my responsibility if you went missing after doing the band's makeup.” you rolled your eyes. Eyeing him and the bike. It had been a long day and it was onlya  five minute drive. What was the worst that could happen?
1:02AM The worst thing that could happen was happening.
When you got on the back of Nikki’s Harley he had asked where you lived. As he drove, you wrapped around his back you realized for the first time of the night you were smiling a genuine wife smile.
Watching the lights of the Strip and the hustle and bustle fly by when wrapped around his warm body, the noie drowned out by the roar of the bike was nice. It felt good. So when you pulled up on your street and he asked if you wanted to drive around more you didn't say no like you should have.
Weaving around the empty highways with just the pair of you was nice. There was no conversations but it felt like you two were getting to know each other on another level.
3:55AM Nikki pulled the bike into a donut shop on the side of the highway. The smell of fresh baked pastries and coffee brewing awakening you much like the wind whipping your face had been keeping you awake but it had been almost twenty four hours awake.
The pair of your ordered black coffee and a donut, sitting on stools at the counter and eating in a comfortable silence.
“Are you mad at me?” He didn’t have a cheeky grin on his face like you had expected but he was serious. “I know you said you wouldn’t go out with me but it just seemed like you were having a bad day and I have a hero complex.” you snorted when he said this. Surprised he admitted that he had a heroes complex.
“I’m not mad. I got on the back of your bike and stayed out.” you thought for a second, “I think I needed it. I always follow my rules and never break them. I think sometimes I need a break from the rules I create.” you said all this with your heart beating wondering what the hell you were doing with this guy in the middle of nowhere.
5:41AM Nikki had wrapped his leather jacket around you, both your boots abandoned by the motorcycle as you sat with toes in the sand watching the sun rise over the Pacific. You hadn't even seen the sun rising over the ocean before so you were wrapped up in the orange and golds of the sky, how the inky black of the water came alive into blue and purple hues with the light.
It was beautiful.
It felt like something was washing over you as you watchined it. Something was changing as you watched the sun start a new day. A new day that you had this feeling in your bones was going to be a good day.
Wiping a tear away, you took a deep breath remembering that you had moved here to make your dreams come true and for the first time it felt like it was going to happen.
A hand on your back reminded you that you weren’t alone. His olive eyes looking at you, concerned. You wiped a tear away trying to laugh it off.
“I never saw the sunrise over the ocean. It’s beautiful,” It was at that moment, wrapped up in the beauty of everything that you realized that he was going to kiss you. The way his hand was against your check, wiping the tears away.
But you surprised both of you leaning forward to push your lips against his. Making the first move. You were breaking all of your rules for him but it felt good and you could tell you would be breaking more rules with him
6:00AM It was going to be a good day.
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years
Do You Remember When? (Epilogue)
Written for @levihanweek Day 6: Memory and Day 7: Free Space. This is a continuation of the other fic I wrote which you can find here!
Part 1
Levi and Hange are 24 when they meet again and 29 when they get married
Thank you @levihanweek for hosting Levihan Week and @immagoudaboi for beta reading!
Levi believed, with all his heart, that he was in some cheesy romantic movie or a shitty fanfic. Like the ones where there are 2 childhood friends, they separate, meet again, and fall in love after all those years.
Well, now that movie/book had ended and opened up to the sequel: the marriage.
Levi stared at himself while he adjusted the tie in the mirror. He was currently getting ready for his big day, and he also wanted to be alone for a few minutes. Here he was at a stage in life he never expected. Marrying his childhood crush, Hange.
The couple decided to keep their marriage small. Only close friends and families were allowed to witness the event. Luckily they found a small botanical garden that was perfect for the venue, reception, and sunset photoshoots. Plus, the garden had a section dedicated to sunflowers, a flower that makes Levi smile every time he sees it. Overall, it was perfect for the couple.
Levi still remembered the day they reunited. It was only 5 years ago when Hange was with Erwin, and Levi swore Erwin would introduce her as his lover. Boy, was he wrong.
Levi made a mental note to thank whoever above for not including that.
(Np Levi)
His relationship with Hange developed smoothly for the most part. Sure there were rough patches along the way, but the two always overcame it. Thus their love grew stronger as the years progressed.
Their first date started as a simple fancy homemade dinner. It was quiet and peaceful. The couple had even sung some karaoke and ended the night waltzing to jazz music.
The second date was a whole 180. This date included Levi's 2021 Ducati XDiavel Black Star
motorcycle. It was a gift given to him by his uncle and all the gambling money he earned. The bike alone took Hange's breath away.
Hange let out a loud whistle as she eyed the Ducati. The motorcycle was very sleek, black, gray, and had a few hints of red. Overall, it screamed Levi.
"Levi! I didn't know you owned a Ducati! Do you know how much they are? Over 20k!" Hange exclaimed with stars in her eyes. Levi smirked before walking up to her side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.
"Actually, this bike was a gift from Kenny. He won enough at the casino and bought it for me for my 24th birthday."
Hange fondly smiled at the thought. She knew Kenny always had a soft spot for Levi since he is his only nephew.
"You know what we should do now, Levi?" Hange's smile turned into a full grin. "Let's take it for a spin!"
Levi took his head off of Hanges shoulder and looked at her with shock. "Just like 10 years ago?"
"Yes! But…." Her voice trailed off, and she stared down at her feet. "Can I drive it this time?"
Levi's jaw dropped, and he just stared at her. Hange waved a hand in front of his face.
"Levi? Are you there?"
"I heard you. It's just….are you sure?" He asked with worry, and Hange chuckled at how cute he looked.
"No need to worry about me, Levi. Mike used to let me drive his motorcycle around, so I know what to do."
"He let you do what?!" Levi became horrified. Why didn't Mike ever mention this to him?
Hange waved a hand nonchalantly. "I only had minor scrapes when I first started, but I managed to pick it up quickly. Just like you!"
"So, where do you want to go?" Hange asked Levi, who wrapped his arms around her waist. The motorcycle purred with life, and the two had their helmets secured on their heads. The only thing left to do was actually leave Levi's garage.
"I'm okay with going anywhere. Just as long as I’m with you."
"Really? You don't mind driving us off the cliff?" Hange teased and laughed at her own suggestion.
Levi rolled his eyes but smirked along with Hange. "No, and nowhere reckless, Four-Eyes. Got it?"
Hange did a mini salute before facing forward and positioning herself to take off. "Yes, sir! Besides, I know the perfect place to go."
Levi decided to not question where Hange wanted to bring him. He trusted her enough to know that wherever she brought him will hold significance to the both of them.
Levi rested his head against Hange's back as she took off. He watched the city pass by in a blur while listening to Hange's merry laugh. It was like music to his ears despite the other sounds in the background. He kept his focus on Hange only.
Hange zoomed and zigzagged through the city. What felt like seconds, was actually hours when they arrived at their destination. Levi's eyes widened in recognition.
"Is this?" Levi asked Hange, and she nodded.
In front of Levi was the same park he took her to several years ago. The park itself had been updated in the past 10 years since the time he and Hange last snuck out. There were multiple colorful flowers and trees planted all over to provide more natural shade. Additionally, the city added more benches so people could sit down and enjoy the scenery.
Hange parked the motorcycle so she and Levi could get off. She extended her hand out to Levi (which he gladly accepted) and led him to the hill, where they shared their first kiss.
This time, there was a giant ginkgo tree with bright yellow leaves on the branches. The autumn breeze blew some of the leaves off to float in the air as if they were dancing. Hange let go of Levi to run up ahead and go under the tree.
It was an amazing sight for Levi to witness: from below the tree, Hange watched the leaves fall. She spread her arms out and laughed as the leaves began dancing around her body like it was people worshiping a goddess.
Boy was Levi in love.
"Levi! Come join me." Hange called out to him as the ginkgo leaves started decorating her brown hair.
Levi strode over to Hange and reached up to her head when he was close enough. He plucked a yellow leaf out of Hange's hair and brought it close to examine it.
"Did you know that the ginkgo leaf is considered a living fossil, and it symbolizes hope and peace in China? Additionally, it also survived the Hiroshima bombing, so it also symbolizes endurance and vitality."
Suddenly, Hange's face became serious, and she clasped her hands over Levi's. The yellow ginkgo leaf remained in Levi's grasp.
"Levi, I'm sorry about our falling out in the past."
"Hange, you don't need to apologize-"
Hange shut Levi up by pressing a finger to his lips.
"Let me finish." She added and retracted her finger. "I want this relationship-" she gestured between the two of them. "To be like the ginkgo leaf. Do you want to know why?" She quietly added.
Levi remained quiet but nodded his head, so Hange could continue.
"I want us to endure through every challenge we face together. Until we die. I want us to someday live together, have kids, and keep making happy memories. I know this is our second date, but I have always loved you, Levi. I want you to know that, but I don't expect you to--"
Hange never finished her rambling when Levi swiftly grabbed Hange by the back of her head and brought his lips to hers. She dropped her hands down and brought Levi close to her.
Levi didn't need to vocalize anything, but Hange already knew. It was like telepathy between the two of them; Levi loved her too.
The couple was preoccupied with their embrace to notice the yellow ginkgo leaf flutter down and land softly on the grass.
Levi smiled at the declaration of love under the ginkgo tree. The leaf Levi held was now pressed in a frame that sat in the couple's living room. It was a constant reminder of a new start in their lives. It symbolized turning a new leaf for the two.
Levi moved on to add the boutonniere to his suit. The item itself was made up of fake (because it saves money and lasts longer. Hange’s words, not his) sunflowers. Levi smiled after he finally pinned the boutonniere.
Boy, was he in love with Hange.
The door rattling interrupted Levi's thoughts of his fiance, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"Mike! Erwin! I told you to knock before coming in-" Levi complained and turned around to glare at the intruder, only to be greeted by his fiance instead.
"Here. Hange?!" He exclaimed, and Hange chuckled.
"Oh, Levi. You know I don't knock when I enter the room. Especially the bedroom. I always catch you at the perfect times." She chuckled and wiggled her eyebrows. Levi blushed and looked away out of embarrassment.
"Why are you here? What about the whole 'seeing the bride before the wedding thing?'" Levi added, and Hange rolled her eyes.
"I could care less about that whole superstition shit, Levi. You know that."
Levi looked at Hange with concern. "What are you doing here anyway? Is something wrong?"
Hange fake gasped and widened her eyes. "Is it wrong for me to see my future husband on our wedding day?" She slumped her shoulders and strode over to stand next to Levi. Levi, noticing Hange’s distress, led her to sit down on a nearby sofa.
"Levi, to be honest, I'm nervous, and I just wanted to see you.”She admitted, wrapped her arms around Levi, and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She was careful enough to not ruin her makeup and hair.
Levi hugged Hange back and rubbed her back. "Your bridesmaids must be worried about you right now. Did you go ‘bridezilla’ on them?"
Hange laughed and looked up at Levi. He looked down at her in return. "Worse, but you don't need to know that."
Levi chuckled, and silence enveloped the two. It was nice, just sitting alone together in tranquility. This was their time to share before the ceremony. Sure, there might be chaos outside the room, but Levi and Hange were together. They endured every challenge like the ginkgo tree. The couple was also like a sunflower and the sun: facing each other until the end of the day.
©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish.
I wrote 3 different wedding au's so far and I find that hilarious!
Thank you @cat for the suggestion! This is late but I was inspired to write more 😁
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