serendipitous-mage · 10 months
pie story
>be me
>know that roomie/friennds dinner day is after actual thanksgiving and thats its the 26th, but unsure what day of the week thhat is (zero time concept) and even tho know its always the thursday regardless of date, have in mind that thanksgivingn is on the 24th or 25th, so not far away from our dinner day
>thing that has been designated to make is ✨pumpkin pie✨
>remember that other roommate who is doing lot of the cooking said they were doing their pies on weds
>think 'hmhm ok, i will also make my pie on weds:3'
>make the pie
>it is. SO delicious looking 😭😭 (important: have a years-decades long obsession wiith pie)
>y e a r n
>cannot have the pie yet
>exercise more restraiint than god herself and wait for it to cool, then wrap and put in fridge
>Realize. that the pies roommate were making were for other roommate to bring with them to their parents on actual thanksgiving the next day. and our dinner day(when the my pie can be eaten) is not.. until…… saturday……….
>absolute devastation no breathing only deepest desire to eat the pie
>torturous sleep
>halfway through next day(thanksgiving) while roommates with families are at theiir places, receive a picture of a pie. say they are lucky bastards to have their pie now😭
>get told😳can have a piece of pumpkin pi-
>rUN upstaiirs and once aagain exercise More Restraint Than God Herself when cutting a piece so that it isnt a whole half-
>… want more 🤭😖
>canNot have more, attempt to be sated, return downstairs
>be Proper Exhausted TM from other things
>roommate has made more pies that can have.. but….. too tired… to get up………
>pass out at 8pm
>wake up at 8am to a bunch of messages in groupchats, including one with the other roommate, who has sent a picture of pecan pie and said we could have some of that early also
>send "is this👀here??👀👀👀"
>receive a YES and YOU CAN HAVE and rACE INTO HAL-
>kitty cat cat right outside door who is now rolling adorably on the rug
>task impeded, sidequest activated: remove roadblock(pet kitty)
>pet kitty
>kitty is being ohsocute and rolling and rubbing up against the radiator-oH ATTACKED
>kitty runs upstairs
>sidequest complete! road is clear
>race upstairs
>have not one but TWO pieces of TWO different pies for breakfast!!
>happy little jiig
>the beast (pie obsession) has been sated (for now)
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deviljho · 1 month
maybe i’m just not aware of better options but it is genuinely bleak to try and look for nice stylish looking (masc or masc adjacent) clothes for fat people. like it is 2024 and the main pages for the lane bryant and torrid websites (just to use two of the most popular examples) are STILL full of the ugliest shirts/tops you have ever seen in your entire life like ok why don’t i just kill myself instead!!!! even if you are a feminine presenting person the options are not good. it’s seriously crazy
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altruistic-meme · 4 months
someone please talk me out of signing up to learn to drive a motorcycle
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m1shapanda · 1 year
hi :3
henyo mikaa what i appreciate about you is just. OGHFDG ur really sweet n kind and super fun!! it's fun being silly w u (esp w our divorce arc lol) and idk man ik ur shy n all but you still try your best to make others feel welcome and to include em in stuff i just think it's neat
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strangedisciple · 11 months
im so tired eepy (has a class in like 10 mins)
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mmmmuffins · 1 year
you meet the worlds most misogynistic person and its literally your mother
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kiwi-smug-silvalina · 11 months
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give my new sibby/cousin a huggie!!!
ello new sibby!!,,
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hiiii thanks for having me in the family :33
i like you already, only the bestest vibes coming from you
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thatcharmingjerk · 1 year
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forestwitch · 2 years
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boydykedevo · 1 year
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i hsouldnt have opened tumblr im supposed to be finishing my final but now i am deep in my amber "never love an anchor" gris feels
I know i probably should know that song but I don't ajkdfhkjafh gimme a sec i'll go listen to it o7
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transgenderbobdylan · 10 months
it hsouldnt be weird for me to just start barking & howling for fun. in my own home
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kitsuvil · 2 years
abt to fight scara if i dont get the drops i need im never logging back on again PELASE it hsouldnt take this long just to triple crown him
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cartoonrival · 1 year
i feel like something as earth shattering as kurama dying hsouldnt be allowed to happen in boruto. i think because this whole show feels supplemental to me
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stoneclaw · 29 days
doin a maps party
friend 1: am i expected to heal
friend 2: no, it hsouldnt be a problem
me: what im hearing is be a problem
friend 2: sure
me: *dies*
friend 1, as if talking about a phone or a mess: are you gonna get that?
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program-251 · 11 months
just remembered i have a lot of unfinished sketches i need to work on and I shouldnt go designing more iterators... but imagine if I did anyway... I hsouldnt but, I WANT TO DRAW ITERATIR wesjpoiahrgsklefhmgrsfe. anyways some stuff im working on
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and i have another thing but ill send it when its finished, its for the singular ask i have for my iterator ask blog XD
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mood2you · 2 years
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democracy! jsut becasue theres 2 parties there hsouldnt only be 2 candidates
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