#as it fit Ess' canon story perfectly!
cassielsunstone · 5 months
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Washed Ashore 🦈🌊
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hiddenflowerdesi · 6 years
To all the people hating on VLD:
Being able to tell a charater is LGBT+ without having them make out with the same sex is good writing. Stop saying you got queerbaited. All the LGBT+ characters were exactly what we thought and what the creators said they were, end of story.
A LGBT+ character died? So did many other non LGBT+ characters. No one was singled out over sexuality.
There were more POC in the series than actual white people by my count. Don't get angry because they don't follow the stereotypes of their race. They are highly trained goverment personnel, so they're gunna act like it.
(I'm adding this because of how many people I've seen go off on this) Allura was not killed off because of her skin color, but rather because they felt that she had to do what she did best; give life. She gave her life to restore life to the universe and many universes beyond. She also wasn't the only colored character and wasn't singled out for having dark skin. If it was a case of the writers being rasist, half of the characters would be gone, ok?!
Allura dying wasn't a low blow, it was a realistic solution, you're just angry that the ending wasn't a "everyone lived" ending. You can't expect everything to end like that. It also wasn't as unexpected as some of you made it out to be. I saw it coming halfway in. A little heartbreak isn't a bad thing in story telling.
Shiro didn't get married to a random guy. Curtis has been in VLD since season 7. They most likely bonded off screen which is fine because the show isn't of the romance genre. And regarding him getting married being OoC, honey, if I spent the last few years spending every waking second fighting for my life, I think I'd be perfectly fine not being in the front lines anymore. No one said he stoped being a pilot or stopped helping people. It just said he wasn't fighting anymore. He's still flying big ships with is hubby by his side and cutting up with his friends, I'm sure. Marriage does not equal "not allowed to do anything but tend to my spouse."
Okie, now that I have that off my chest, I feel the need to repeat what many people before me have said, which is: if you're only watching a show for the ships, stop!
The creators are not your punching bags and you're not allowed to hellhack them because your ship got canned and/or it didn't end exactly how you thought it would.
You're also not allowed to harrass people who happily write/draw things that counter canon. They are allowed to dream. They are allowed to make AUs. That is what fandom is about. Loving it despite it flaws.
And speaking of flaws, people like me who loved the ending are not blind to some of the series's flaws, we just dont care because we love it. I mean damn. Every series has flaws and plot holes. VLD isn't special and doesn't deserve to burn in hell for it. You try making a series with a budget, a time limit, and a company telling you what you can and can't do.
The creators worked hard on this. The voice actors workered hard on this. This animators, music coordinators, musicians, editors, etc all worked hard on this.
If you don't like the ending read/write/draw your solutions without bitching at and/or threatening people. You're allowed to do that. You're not allowed to throw a fit like a toddler because you didn't get your way. Either grow up and be respectful, or don't say anything at all. Didn't anyone ever teach you that as a child?
Sincerely Yours,
A fan that appriciates all the hard work that @voltron put into this wonderful, beautiful series
((PS: this isn't me saying you're not allowed to dislike the ending, this is me saying if you have to criticise it, do it in a manner that is nonbiased using facts that come from nonbiased sources. Explain what you didn't like instead of saying things like: "It was a rushed crackshot full of plot holes. This show has always been shit."
Explain the plothole holes, story flaws, character dynamics that bothered in an educated manner ON YOUR OWN POSTS instead of throwing tantrums at the people that enjoyed it despite all that, for the love of whatever god(s)(ess)(es) you pray to))
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lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Hetswap 2020
Hey there friend!  Thanks for creating for me. 
Sorry this letter’s late—it includes the general likes and fandom-specific notes that my signup is tragically lacking.
My other exchange letters can be found here, and all the fandoms I’ve linked have fandom-specific request tags too.  I’d be happy to get treats in any medium.
 General DNW non/dub-con; non-canonical major character death; heavy angst; hurt no comfort; on-page deliberate self-harm*; on-page suicide; smut; gore; grimdark; complete downer endings; character bashing; incest; cringe comedy; a/b/o; mpreg; graphic eye trauma; graphic hand trauma; issuefic; unrequested full-setting aus; unrequested identity headcanons; a focus on unrequested romantic relationships**. *I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. however, something like cutting would not be appreciated. **canonical levels of canonical ships are perfectly fine; background non-canon ships that I haven’t dnw’d are okay too.
  General Likes
– I really like plotty fics
– Secret identity and disguise shenanigans, the more layers to them and more absurdity the better.
– Crossdressing for whatever reason and gender disguises, also for whatever reason, though not as a kink—that I enjoy less.
– A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
– Found family; families of choice
– Character studies
– Worldbuilding
– Canon-divergence AUs and missing scenes; things set pre- or post-canon; wriggling into canon and poking at it to see what it spits back at you, if that description makes any sense at all.
  Art Things(??)
I’ll be real here, I’ve never requested art before; I don’t really know how best to prompt for it.  I like a lot of different styles, though, so—if you matched on art or want to make art, just, do your style?  I’m sure I’ll like it!  For the visual media, definitely don’t feel pressured to stick to the canonical art style if you don’t want to.  Seriously—digital, traditional, some combination—you do you.
As I, again, don’t really know how to prompt well for art, I haven’t given art prompts even where I’ve requested art.  Don’t feel pressured to try to work any of the proposed scenarios into your art, though if you feel inspired by them that’s great; just give me the characters together, however you think best—that will be enough.
My only podfic-specific comment is that I do generally appreciate not having very sudden volume shifts, especially from quiet to loud, as I like to listen on headphones.  Apart from that, again, go with your style :D
   Original Work
·        Male reforester who's planted thousands of trees/Female dryad of the new forest
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Student Warrior Disiguised as a Boy
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Fellow Student Mage
·        Runaway Princess/King of Thieves
·        Sheltered Prince/Roguish Female Thief
·        Teen Girl Medium/Ghost of a Murdered Detective Helping her Solve the Case (OW)
·        Teenage Supervillainess with a Secret Identity/Teenage Superhero with a Secret Identity
·        Teenage Supervillain with a Secret Identity/Teenage Superheroine with a Secret Identity
·        Fanfiction
 This isn't a hard-and-fast rule, but I'd rather all the human characters in relationships be at least fifteen, and I'd rather not have a very large age gap (say, >5 years) if one of the characters is underage. (For the medium/ghost, you don't need to keep it that small; just maybe don't draw too much attention to it and/or make her an older teenager lol).
fandom-specific dnw: predatory manipulation between characters in the relationship in service of the relationship--if, for example, the superheroes/villains are manipulating each other for non-relationship things and such that's okay, but i'd rather both parties in any of the ships be interested in the romance of their own accord.  Additionally—this isn’t in my signup—please don’t have characters react to any gender-disguised characters (or characters in general, but it’s most relevant to them) in transphobic or transphobic-adjacent ways (i.e. none of the characters are requested as trans, but I still wouldn’t want to see the kinds of comments people make about trans people aimed at them).
  Reforester/Dryad—I really like, idk, the vibe I get off this one—it’s got a very nice atmosphere?  I don’t really know how better to say it, I’m sorry.
 Student Mage/Student Warrior; Student Mage/Student Mage—obviously I love identity and disguise shenanigans; it always struck me as tragic when I was younger that there were all these stories about girls disguised as boys, but no one ever seemed to do the reverse?  Hence prompts such as these.  I’d love an identity/gender reveal, or maybe a post-reveal setting; I’d really rather not see them engage in any kind of serious romance without both of their genders being accurately known to the other, though flirting is definitely okay, as would be a date or two.  It’d be fun to go with some variety of mutual pining pre-reveal though, that could make the reveal all the sweeter.
 Runaway Princess/King of Thieves; Sheltered Prince/Roguish Thief—these seem to be mirrors of each other, somewhat at least; how does a royal meet a thief?  Does our princess find herself in the criminal underworld when she runs away?  Does our prince have a burglar appear on his balcony, or does he perhaps meet a girl at a masquerade who’s no noble and instead a thief?
 Medium/Ghost—lots of fun shenanigans you can go into here! What kind of case are they working on? How does a relationship work, when one of you is alive and the other isn’t?
 Supervillain(ess)/Superhero(ine)—love me some superhero identity shenanigans. Do they know each other in their normal lives?  Are their identities secret from each other, or only the world?  How do they first fall for each other—were they friends in their normal lives and enemies in masks?  Is this enemies-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, or maybe something in-between?  How do they reconcile a romantic relationship with one being a hero and the other a villain?
    Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure
·        Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Rapunzel (Cartoon)
·        Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider/Stalyan (Cartoon)
·        Fanfiction
 Eugene/Rapunzel—they’re adorable.  I love them.  Give me more—a moment in their lives?  Something in the year before the series starts; something post-canon?  Or maybe glimpses of them on the road?
 Eugene/Stalyan—I will admit that this certainly isn’t my endgame ship for this canon, but I’d really love something pre-canon, when they were engaged or dating—what was their relationship like?  How did they interact with each other and the world?  Maybe a heist fic; that could be fun.  My interpretation from what we get in canon is that their relationship wasn’t necessarily the healthiest (healthy relationships don’t usually lead to one getting left at the altar, after all) but it didn’t seem to me that it was necessarily abusive; I’d appreciate it if it was kept out of the actually abusive zone.
    Hanging Out with a Gamer Girl (Manga)
·        Terazaki Kaoru/Takekawa Izumi (HOwaGG)
·        Terazaki Kaoru/Ousaka Nanami (HOwaGG)
·        Fanart
·        Fanfiction
·        Podfic
 Fandom-specific dnw: sexualization of Kaoru’s crossdressing, full justification of Kaoru’s fears re: Nanami’s dad
 Kaoru/Izumi—they’re both cute; they have cute interactions; give me more of that?
 Kaoru/Nanami—I, admittedly, don’t usually ship these two—but I love their friendship.  Give me more of that, show me how it becomes a romance?
 My typical DNW for unrequested setting aus does not apply here; if you want to write an au and want some ideas, I requested several in my AUEx letter.
    Tortall – Tamora Pierce
·        Stiloit Tasikhe/Varice Kingsford
·        Kaddar Iliniat/Kalasin of Conté
·        Roald II of Conté/Shinkokami of Conté
·        Fanfiction
 fandom-specific dnw: characters in the political marriages hating being married to their spouse throughout the fic--they can start off with reservations or not liking it but i'd really rather end with them at the very least liking their spouse.
 Stiloit/Varice—they had quite interesting interactions, the few times they got the chance; Varice is a bit young for him in Tempests and Slaughter, but say he didn’t die—say he was alive still when she grew up a bit more—what does their relationship look like?  What changes in the wider story, if Stiloit doesn’t die, if Ozorne doesn’t become quite so close to the throne as young as he does?
 Kaddar/Kalasin; Roald/Shinko—these are both political marriages between characters who either seem to like each other or like they’d have a reasonable chance to like each other; what does marriage look like when you came into it as a diplomatic thing rather than falling in love?  How do they learn about and come to care for each other?
     Revolutionary Arc – kitsunerei88
·        Aldon Rosier/Francesca Lam (Revolutionary Arc)
·        Aleksandr Willoughby Dragic/Fei Long Lin (Revolutionary Arc)
·        Fanart
·        Fanfiction
 Aldon/Chess—they do not have enough fluff or gentleness in the story right now; I’d like some more, please.  Maybe post-war, with Chess off at muggle university—how does Aldon do with living properly in the muggle world?  What do Chess’s classmates/friends think of him?  I would also happily accept fluff/soft things set in the universe of Blake.
 Alex/Fei—they haven’t ah, interacted ever in canon that I recall, but they seem like they’d fit together well, if only for a little while—is this a wartime friends-with-benefits?  Maybe post-war?  If you go with the friends-with-benefits take here I wouldn’t necessarily mind a bit of smut, as long as it’s not only smut—please no PWP.
    Rigel Black Chronicles – murkybluematter
·        Arcturus Rigel Black/Pansy Parkinson (Rigel Black Series)
·        Remus Lupin/Rispah Cooper (Rigel Black Series)
·        Fanart
·        Fanfiction
 Archie/Pansy—so.  Archie’s quite attached to Hermione right now; but he’s also fourteen.  Not all romantic interests people have at age fourteen stay strong; I’d rather not have a hard break or too many hard feelings between him and Hermione, and I think he’d be interesting to see with Pansy.  As for Pansy herself—she seems to be too close to Rigel as a friend to seriously consider him as a partner, but she did seem potentially interested in Harry at the Gala—perhaps she’d also be interested in Archie, when she gets to meet him properly.  Maybe this is a post-reveal thing; perhaps in trying to get to know the real Black heir she falls for him?  I don’t know.
 Remus/Rispah—this is admittedly partly my inner Song of the Lioness fan coming out, but I’d love to see Remus learning more about the Lower Alleys and what goes on there, and conversely bringing Rispah more into his world too.
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