#as much as i love it i cried so hard yesterday i puked. its the third week of school. i am so stressed out i puked from crying too hard.
southislandwren · 1 year
i love that the post button on desktop says "create" like what im doing is not creation. anyway i FAILED failed my processing exam and everyone i talked to was like oh youre fine you always do well even when you say you did badly. but this time is different, this time i drew THREE lighthouses and i know i fucked up like five other questions, like i did NOT do well. im hoping for at least a 60 so i can recover my grade but Uh Oh !
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Its been a rough week
God has it been a rough week. A rough week. My nephew was sick, I had to take care of him. Then a hurricane hits. Knocks all of our power out, for 3 days. 3 days I was stuck in a hot house, not only that, but then I was sick from taking care of my nephew. Freaking sick in a hurricane with no power, no nothing. I literally thought I was going to die.
Power finally starts coming back on in some places, so we go to eat at one of the restaurants, and I had an entire meal. Something I hadn't had in days. I had bread, a cesear salad, 2 amaretto sours, and a filet minjon with a baked potato. It was soooo good, for about 5 minutes, until I puked it all up in their bathroom. The entire fucking meal. Yacked.
Then I get home, to a hot house, I feel like crap, and I tell the pups, let's just go to bed. So then 10 minutes go by, the power comes back on. FINALLY. I could've cried dude. Then all of a sudden, I get the worst body aches and shakes I've had in a long time. So much so I have to strip down, sit down in the shower until I stop shaking, then put on 5 layers of clothes and try to fall asleep. I woke up yesterday, feeling like SHIT. Im talking about like absolute ass. My headache would not go away, my throat hurt, I had a fever all day. I took a hot shower and then woke up at 2 am this morning and got a hot bubble bath because my hips felt like they were going to fall apart. Woke up feeling worse but told myself I had to get it together because I had to work. Ended up moving 2 of my clients to Monday so I could sleep longer but I still had to do my 5:30 because she was leaving tomorrow to go back home for a month and I needed the money.
I just wore a mask the whole time which wasn't terrible but super hot. I made chili dogs for dinner but just ended up eating Cheetos with chili because the dogs just didn't taste that good.
Ty texted me asking about myra and said that he'd gone to the beach and saw a dog there and it made him miss her and that he wish she was there. I just sent a pic of her and he said I love and miss her so much. I just didn't respond. Idk what to say to him anymore. Like what do you say. I cant small talk with him. I just cant give him that side of me anymore, he doesn't want it. He doesn't want me. I have to keep reminding myself of that. He doesn't want me. He chooses everyday to not be with me because he thinks he can find someone better. So I have to let him. Thats a really hard thought to process.
I was thinking earlier that it was kind of icky that he didn't even try. Didn't even want or attempt to try. He just gave up. I have to keep reminding myself that it's his loss and I'm not the one losing much. Hes not the one who wants to love me. Im the one who wants to love him. And he won't let me. So thats his loss. Not mine. Im sure thats pretty apparent but it's hard to fully understand. It's his loss, not mine.
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joshriku · 2 years
Hello! do you have any cherik fic recs?
i have . so many. (pukes and cries) this is gonna be long but to start off i'm gonna give you my ultimate faves of like. each iteration. so i can be insane. i won't make summaries bc im bad i will just tell you how insane i am.
general thing that none of these have a sad ending or triggering topics bc im. im . I Like Happiness
-curses that can't be lifted by sotano: see. this is about cherik early comics canon right. when they just met in haifa. AND OOOOOOO GH oGH oghghgOGOH I LOVE LEAVING COMMENTS. I LEAVE LONG COMMENTS. I AM VERY ILL IN THE BRAIN WHEN IT COMES TO LEAVING COMMENTS. BUT I LITERALLY STILL CANT FIGURE OUT WHAT TO SAY IN THIS BC I LOVE IT SO MUCH. LIKE ILL COME AROUND EVENTUALLY OF COURSE. BUT IVE READ IT LIKE 50 TIMES AND ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME DERANGED i was reading it yesterday again. as i do. and i had to close the tab bc it made me so unwell. i'm so normal
-afterlife by anna: this fic is so good but for my mental health it's in shambles. You don't get it. i'll be pacing around my room thinking back of scenes in this and im like ALRIGHT. PAUSE TO THROW UP AND CRY. EVER SINCE IVE READ THIS I HAVEN'T BEEN THE SAME DO YOU UNDERSTAND. IT'S POST DAYS OF FUTURE PAST AND THAT MAKES ME SO ILLLLLLL I LOVE DOFP SO BAD AND I LOVE CHARLES IN IT AND im like oh man i need something to make me cry and puke and shit myself and cure my depression im gonna read that fic again. And i do it. and i am cured. after i cry myself out to this i am so normal again
-someplace that is green by mugsandpugs: oh my god. Also bad for my mental health like (pucnhign myself) YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. it's technically x-men evolution but if you know cherik you'll understand it either way so. just. wow. erik can fit so much trauma. I can fit so many emotions. i can be so mentally ill. IREAD IT SO MUCH LIEK THE SLOOOOOWWBWBURRNNNNNNNNN AHH AHH AHH (PUKES AND CRIES) AHH WANDA AND PIETRO. AH. DEAR GOD. U DONT GET IT !!!!!! THE WORLDBUILDIGN!! (curls up and cries)
ok yeah. i'll put under the cut all the other recs i have sorry for being unwell
you should read everything by ao3 user sotano btw. not to be demented or deranged. but they never miss. everything they ever write is so . Oh my god. U dont get it. im ill. i will buy them a house
-tabula rasa by o2doko: the telepathy exploration of this goes so fucking hard
-fair verona by ha_neul: i love gender so much you don't ungerstand trans fics are the world to me they really arre
-tesselation by nekosmuse: oh my god. i mean it's a popular fic so it's probably been read. BUT THE SLAY. GOD. THE WRITING. PUKES AND DIES
-no capes by dedkake: this just hits all the spots of needing lighthearted comedy and keeping the magneto / professor x dynamic i so desperately crave. i love when authors play around with their identities while loosely sticking to canon hehe
-all these miles (just to get back home) by isthiswhatiam: you gotta read everything he posts tbh BUT this one is my personal fav i love post dark phoenix u_u
-in dreams begin responsibility by kass: im telling u the pre 2011 fics go so hard. and for what. My god. uim ill it's so good
-sweet by sadbigchungus: its so good. Do u know how fukcing hard it is to get krakoa cherik content. hard. but this hits all the sweet spots i love it so much it's so good
-a good night's sleep by insertsthmeaningful: Can i just say this author writes so much good fic and i am absolutely obsessed. as well as im obsessed w post assassination in xforce cherik like aoghogogjogghOGGH
-the way it travels in and keeps emitting light by populuxe: it's OGHGOGH i love reading this one. it's so hard to find fics that actually talk about disabilities and this one does it SO well and erik is SO perfect in this fic im sick!!
-a nice boy (the family matters edition) by pocky_slash: i don't wanna talk about how hard i cry when i reread this one i might have family issues of sorts.
-a winter's journey by red: i love old cheirk so mcuh it makes me want to eat my ownf oot
-the trouble with trilbies by obstrinatix: I LOVE. OLD MEN. CHERIK
-& other words by questors: this is so good like the worldbuilding genuinely floors and runs me over until im nothing but an useless dough
-necessary downtime by unforgotten: i . old cherik. Ogjjgjkrlgjlslkfd
-the last love song and testament of charles f xavier by midrashic: u know what i said about liking afic so much u cant actually bring urself to properly word the comment so youre just waiting and waiting to properly say smth. Yea thats me w this fic too. why's it so fucking good. how am i meant to word my emotions. but hey if i got around to commenting on Afterlife i will to this
-one second and a million miles by madneto: nothing has ever put me through such a slowburn like this fic like it was so insane and crazy i felt like god was slapping me. PLUS. IRENE AND RAVEN ARE IN IT......SLAY!
-bloodbound by ikeracity: u know i didnt care about vampire fics until THIS ONE. WHERE I WAS LIKE. OH. OKAY. THEYRE GOOD ACTUALLY I SEE THE LIGHT IT MAKES SENSE NOW.
-make me stay by lynds: well. what can i say. who's to say no to a little telepathy play. sorry for liking bottom erik. as if it's my fault
-before you attempt me (fair warning) by kianspo: i read this one time i was really sad and i shouldnt have because i started crying about never being able to find a love like the one in this fic. anyway it's super good
-everything about it is a love song by pocky_slash: its bad for me. old cherik makes me go through itnso much. i cant believe ill never find love like this
-feels like you're mine by annejumps: Sorry for bottom erik enthusiast. AS IF ITS MY FAULTNTO HAVE SUCH GOOD TASTE
-because it's you that sets the test by equestrianstatue: [DERANGED NOISES] IM LIKEBSO CASUAL ABOUT THIS FIC IM NOT EVEN MENTALLH ILL.
-special studies in mutant topics by populuxe: my ao3 bookmark says "filed under fics i read while having a mental breakdown and saved my mental health" you can bet its so good and sexy and Oghgogngntnntnngng i will have to marry this authors writing style. SUBBING TO THIS AUTHOR ISNT ENOUGH I HAVE TO BUY THEM DINNER IDK
but also the sex thing: this fic ruined my ability to watch dofp. no matter how many times i watch it ill be quoting this fic along to it
thats it. for Now. i actually have more but some of them are just the real popular ones so im like. Yeah youve read it. BUT THE REST MIGHT BE FOR NEXT TIME. I GUESS. SORRY. THIS GOT OUT OF HAND
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Oikawa x reader ch. 12
Sorry for the angst this chapter 🤭 Hope you still enjoy though!
Kuroo flicked me hard on the cheek. “Wrong again! Damn, this isn’t that hard.” 
I groaned, burying my face in my hands. “Chemistry is so boring!” 
Kenma looked up from across the table briefly from his game. “I wouldn’t say that, Y/n-san. Kuroo is a chemistry nerd. He loves it.” 
Bokuto laughed loudly in agreement, Akaashi snapping at him to get back to work. 
It was Sunday afternoon, and I sat at Kenma’s dining room table with Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Kenma. Exams were coming up, and all of us were cramming as much studying in as possible. I had decided to tag along with the captains and setters of Fukurodani and Nekoma, knowing that they could help me with some of my work. 
I let out a pathetic moan, shoving my science homework aside. “I can’t! My brain is fried, it’s too much!” 
“Take a break,” Akaashi suggested. “Come back to it later.” 
I sighed, sliding out of my chair. “How about I don’t come back to it later?”
Kuroo chuckled. “I hope you know you’re never going to pass your chemistry exam, sorry.” 
I flipped him off, turning to Kenma. “Wanna play Mario Kart?” 
The Nekoma setter glanced up from his game, eyeing me. “Really?”
“Dude I love Mario Kart, why wouldn’t I want to play?” The long haired boy moved faster than I had ever seen. “Ok, I’ll set it up.”
Bokuto whined. “Akaaashiiii please let me play? I don’t want to write this anymore.”
Akaashi sighed. “Bokuto-san, you’re failing English. You need to study if you’re going to pass.” 
“Fine, but only twenty minutes.” 
Bokuto whooped, and I covered my mouth to hide my smile. I noticed red staining Akaashi’s cheeks, and I glanced at Kuroo. The black haired captain was smirking as he surveyed the two Fukurodani players, and I resolved to ask him about it later. 
Bokuto and I raced to the living room, where Kenma sat cross legged on the rug. A few controls were already laid out, and I positioned myself next to Kenma. 
As we played, we got insanely loud, even Kenma. The short boy won every round, but I got kind of close on our third game, which caused him to start shouting louder than I had ever heard. Bokuto was the worst, flipping off the road more than actually driving and laughing giddily as he collided with other cars. 
After our fifth round playing, I threw down my control in defeat. “Dammit Kenma, can’t you just let me win one??” He smiled a little. “No, definitely not.” 
“Are you guys done?” Kuroo called from the kitchen. 
I scrambled from my spot on the floor, grabbing Bokuto’s arm. “Time to get back to work!” 
The Fukurodani captain groaned but followed me back into the kitchen, Kenma trailing behind. 
As I took a seat at the table, my phone dinged. I pulled it from my pocket, feeling my stomach leap as I saw Oikawa’s name across the screen. I opened the message, smiling a little as I read it. 
Hey Y/n-chan! R u free this saturday? 
Ya why? 
There’s apparently a big volleyball club party happening in the city
Oh cool with all the local teams? 
Yeah, and its at this big club ���
Sure ill come :)
Do you have a ride? I can drive you
R u sure? I can drive myself
No I want to drive u
Haha ok if you say so
Ill pick you up at 6 on saturday
I laughed a little, setting my phone down, only to find everyone at the table staring at me.
“What?” I asked. 
“Who were you just texting?” Kuroo asked, and I blushed furiously. 
“No one.”
Before I could blink, Bokuto snatched my phone off the table, clicking the screen and reading the last text from Oikawa. 
“OHOHOOOO, Mr. Pretty Boy from the beach!” He yelled. 
“Seijoh’s captain?” Kuroo asked. 
I groaned. “Stoppppp, he was just asking about a party this weekend.” 
“Then why are you blushing so much, Y/n-san?” 
Everyone at the table laughed and I buried my burning face in my hands. 
Apparently the party at the club was going to be huge, even bigger than the beach one. Karasuno was going, as well as Nekoma and Fukurodani. 
I debated for way too long on what I should wear, eventually facetiming Kiyoko for support. She was wearing a glittery gold cocktail dress, so I didn’t feel bad about wearing my skin tight black body con dress. 
I usually didn’t wear much makeup, but I ended up putting on shimmery eyeshadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss, dressing the whole look down by wearing my adidas sneakers. 
At 5:46, I was so nervous, I felt like I was going to puke. I paced around my room, tugging on my dress and second guessing everything I was doing. God, I needed to calm the fuck down. It was just Oikawa, and it wasn’t even like we were going alone. 
I looped my bag over my shoulder, jogging down the stairs. I snatched my phone from the charger on the kitchen table and scrolled through my snapchat. Kiyoko was already at the club, proven by a video on her story of Tanaka and Nishinoya dancing together in the middle of a crowd, lights flashing different colors in a confusing blur. 
As I clicked over to instagram, I heard a knock on the door and froze. I practically fell out of my chair as I scrambled over to the door, flinging it open. 
Oikawa leaned against the side of the house, dressed in jeans, black shirt with a matching black bomber jacket, a pair of glasses sliding down his nose. My heart thumped, and I pressed my hands together to keep them from shaking. 
“Hey,” I said, smiling. 
Oikawa looked up and froze, eyes wide. “Y-You-”  His gaze moved down my body, his lips partying slightly as he let out a breath. “You look great.” 
I bit my lip and laughed a little. “Thanks. You do too.” 
He raked his hand through his hair, looking slightly flustered. Clearing his throat, he smiled radiantly. “Are you ready?”
“Yup! How long is the drive?” We walked together to the car, and he opened the door to the passenger side for me. I tugged down my dress as I slid onto his leather seat, and Oikawa set up directions on his phone to the club. 
“How is the rest of the team getting there?” I asked. 
Oikawa shrugged. “No clue. I think most of them are hitching Ubers so they don’t have to worry about getting drunk.” 
“Very responsible,” I grinned. 
“Speaking of responsibility…” he whipped a joint and passed it to me with a lighter. I took it, sticking the end in my mouth, lighting it, and taking a large hit. “Hey save some for me!” He cried. 
As we drove, top down, we blasted Harry Styles at full volume. I stood up with my hands in the air, the night air whipping across my skin and making me feel like I was flying. 
It was a way shorter drive than I expected, but parking took forever. Cars were lined up all down all the surrounding blocks, and we had to find a spot a few blocks away. As we walked, Oikawa smoked the remainder of the joint and we poked fun at each other. 
As we approached the club, there was a line of people out the door and down the block. I groaned when I saw it, but Oikawa spotted Iwaizumi and a few other Seijoh players closer to the door, so we slid down the line to be with them. 
“Woah, Y/n, you’re looking fine as hell!” Yuda smirked. I felt Oikawa stiffen beside me, but I laughed out loud. 
“Thanks Yuda, that means a lot.” 
As we got closer to the doors, music echoed into the night, practically shaking the sidewalk. My adrenaline was spiking, and I bounced on my heels in excitement. 
Iwaizumi looked a bit more stoic, and I leaned over to him to whisper in his ear. “Hey Iwa, how are you doing? Is your mom ok?” 
Iwaizumi smiled and touched my arm, nodding. “Yeah, thanks for asking. She got back from the hospital yesterday, and she’s doing a lot better.”
“Oh that’s great to hear!” 
He nodded, and I looped one of my arms with his, the other with Oikawa on the other side. “I’m glad you guys are here with me,” I said, smiling. “I’m glad I met you.” 
“Aw, chibi-chan, no need to get so sentimental,” Oikawa smirked, poking my shoulder.
I pushed him lightly, but sighed. “I’m serious. I really thought that Aoba Johsai was going to be a terrible fit, but I’m so lucky to have you guys as friends.” 
I didn’t notice the slightly pained expression on Oikawa’s face, or the pitying one Iwa shot his friend, practically screaming friendzoned.
Iwaizumi ruffled my hair. “I’m happy you ended up coming to Seijoh and becoming our manager too. I wish you had joined earlier so we could have spent more time with you in high school.” 
Oikawa opened his mouth to add something, but we reached the front of the line. By that point, the music was so loud that we had to shout to be heard over it. The bouncers at the front waved us through after we showed our student IDs, marking us as part of a local volleyball team. Apparently one of the local players had rented out the entire club for this party. 
As I entered the club with Iwaizumi and Oikawa on either side, I was momentarily overwhelmed. The huge dance floor was covered with people, colored lights flashing wildly across their writhing figures, smoke hovering in a cloud over the entire scene. The music pounded so hard, it was like I was feeling it in my chest. 
My body automatically began to move, dragging me towards the mass of people. I grabbed Oikawa’s hand, pulling him along behind me as we entered the chaos. 
“Call on Me” by Starley and Ryan Riback began to pound through the speakers, and I jumped up and down wildly, holding Oikawa’s hands and laughing until I was practically wheezing. 
“Y/n-chan?!” I looked over to see Daichi and Suga emerging from the crowd, both of them looking a little breathless. I laughed giddily and hugged both of them, still dancing to the music. Oikawa also reintroduced himself, which was a little awkward over the volume of the music, but they were all civil. 
“There’s a karaoke bar downstairs!” Suga yelled over the music, having to repeat himself a few times for me to finally hear him. 
“Karaoke? Ooooh, fun. Oikawa, wanna go?”
“Yeah sure, and I can show you my amazing singing skills!” 
“You’ve already shown me, and they were terrible, Oikawa-chan.”
“So mean!” 
We made our way out of the crowd together, wandering through some twisting hallways and getting lost multiple times before we finally found the stairs. A huge group of people were gathered down by the karaoke machine, and I spotted Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Hinata among them. 
“Hey guys!” I cried, joining them. Hinata glared at Oikawa when he noticed him, but for once I was glad Kageyama wasn’t with him. At least that tension could be avoided for the time being. 
“Y/n-chan!” Bokuto crushed me in a hug. “You ready for some karaoke?” 
I smirked, tossing my hair. “Of course! Not to brag, but I’m a pretty good singer.” It was partially the truth; my mom had forced me to take singing lessons throughout junior high, and I had kept it up a bit in high school, so my voice was decent. Definitely not what could be considered very good though. 
Bokuto ended up singing a slow Adele song to Akaashi, completely wrecking it with his horrendous voice. The Fukurodani setter seemed touched though, so I didn’t make fun of the captain that much. 
I didn’t notice Oikawa disappear from beside me as a few more songs went by, but he reappeared after only a few minutes, grabbing my arm and tugging me to his chest. 
“Wanna do a duet?”
I laughed. “Of what song?”
“Juice, by Lizzo,” he smirked. “Basically describes me, so it’s perfect!”
“But that’s not a duet--!”
I heard the beginning of the song starting on the speakers, and my eyes went wide as saucers. “You already requested it?!” 
He shrugged. “Yup! Now let's go!”
He practically dragged me to the front, where we were handed two microphones. Oikawa began to sing almost immediately, his confidence making up for his horrible voice. The ridiculous way he wriggled around made me instantly more comfortable, so I threw caution to the wind and became his backup singer. 
“If I’m shining everybody wanna shine…” He belted out. 
“Yeah I’m goals!” I screamed. 
 “I was born like this, don't even gotta try--” “Now you know!”
“I'm like chardonnay, get better over time.”
 “So you know!”
“Heard you say I'm not the baddest, bitch, you lied!” 
The song ended, and I wrapped an arm around his waist to keep from collapsing from laughter. We stumbled off the stage together, making our way back to Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Hinata, who all applauded us as we approached. 
“I have to send you this video, Y/n-chan! It’s classic,” Kuroo said, gesturing to his phone, where a video of Oikawa and I’s performance played. 
“HA! Please do.” 
Oikawa turned to me, checking his phone. “Iwa is wondering where I am, so I’m going to try and find him. Want to come?”
I nodded. “Yeah, just one sec. Can I meet you up there? I’ll call if I can’t find you.” 
Oikawa nodded, flicking me on the nose. “Don’t get lost, chibi-chan.” 
I ended up staying with Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi for another ten minutes. Kenma had apparently flat out refused to go to the club, and Kuroo had decided not to force him. Akaashi handed me a few different drinks as I talked to them, so when I finally decided to head back upstairs, I was walking a little crookedly. 
Miraculously, I found Iwaizumi almost the instant I got to the second floor. “Heyyy, Iwa!” 
“Y/n-chan, there you are! Oikawa was just going to look for you,” he grabbed my arm so I wouldn’t stumble. “Damn, you’re wasted.” 
“Do you know where Oikawa went? I-I want to find him--” 
Iwaizumi gave me a knowing look, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, he went that way. Just try not to say or do anything you’ll regret tomorrow. ” 
I giggled, face flushing. “I’ll tryyy.” 
Iwaizumi patted me on the head, pointing towards the crowd again. “He’s somewhere over that way. If you can’t find him after a few minutes, come back. I’ll be waiting right here, got it?”
I nodded, already turning away. All my fog filled brain could think of was finding Oikawa and telling him...something. Did I really want to confess how I felt? My sober brain screamed absolutely not, but my drunken head said YES. 
The second I entered the crowd, it was like entering utter chaos. I was bumped from all sides by dancers who paid me no attention, the smoke in the air making everything hazy, the smell of sweat and marijuana reeking from everything. I could barely make out the faces of the people around me because of the darkness, the only lumination coming from the colored flashing lights above our heads. 
I pushed on, not paying any attention to the people around me. My eyes scanned the dark shadows for a familiar figure, but it was too confusing to be able to tell who was who. 
“Y/n!” I whirled around to see Kiyoko squeezing between two people, her gold dress flashing as she moved. She gripped my hands, a wide smile on her face. “I’m so glad I found you!” 
“Kiyoko, how are you doing!” 
“Good! This is hella fun!” Her usually reserved way of being had been completely overturned, probably by alcohol. 
“I know right? Hey, have you seen Oikawa?” 
Kiyoko’s glasses flashed. “Oh my god, yeah actually! He was just looking for you!” “Really? Which way did he go?” 
She pointed, and I hugged her tightly. “Thanks! I’ll try and find you later, ok?”
She nodded, and I moved in the direction she had indicated. “Gas Pedal” by Sage the Gemini came on, and I laughed out loud as girls all around me began shaking their asses. 
I pushed past a line of four people grinding on each other, and my heart leapt as I finally found Oikawa. He had ditched his jacket somewhere, and his hair was pushed back and messy as he danced. Iwaizumi and Kiyoko had said he was looking for me but…
I felt all the blood drain from my face as I watched a tall, skinny girl with long black hair wrap her arms around his neck, one of her hands trailing down his chest. He smirked down at her, eyes dark and greedy, and I took a step back. I suddenly felt cold stone sober, and my hands began to shake. 
 As I watched, unable to tear my eyes away, as the girl turned around and began grinding her ass against Oikawa, and he grabbed her hips. 
The music pounded through my brain and I finally forced myself to move. Whirling around, I almost fell as I crashed into another person. 
“Oh-sorry,” I gasped, looking up and blinking in surprise. 
“Hello again.” The guy from the beach, with the serious expression and olive hair looked down at me. “Are you ok?” I swallowed, forcing back tears as I focused on the guy in front of me. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m so sorry, I think we’ve met but I don’t remember your name.” 
“It’s Wakatoshi Ushijima.” 
“Right! I’m Y/n L/n. It’s good to see you again, Ushijima.” 
He nodded, eyes sweeping down my short dress, and he tilted his head. “Do you want to get out of this crowd?” 
I paused, feeling something in my chest tighten. No, I wanted to turn around and smack the girl Oikawa was with in the face. I wanted to shake my captain and ask him why didn’t he look at me like that? 
But there was another attractive guy right in front of me, and he was looking at me with a slightly glazed expression. I smiled up at him through my lashes, licking my lips and nodding. “Let’s go.” Ushijima’s hand was fucking gigantic as I pulled him through the crowd, keeping my head down so hopefully no one I knew would recognize me. 
I noticed Iwaizumi by the wall where I left him, and I walked by quickly, praying he didn’t see me with Ushijima. I told myself it didn’t matter even if he did; I was allowed to have as much fun as I wanted. I had no obligations to anyone. 
It didn’t take very long to find a hallway away from the party where no one was, and I glanced up at Ushijima. He stared down at me, his eyes intense, and I leaned toward him, my hands going to his chest. 
The second I moved, his broad hands wrapped around my waist and pushed me up against the wall. I gasped as his mouth crashed against mine, and I squeezed my eyes shut, hands running through his hair. I shoved all thoughts of Oikawa from my mind and let myself get swept away. 
Oikawa POV:
I moved through the crowd of people, eyes scanning for Y/n. I hadn’t seen her in awhile, and I was suddenly worried. 
The tall girl with the black hair tugged on my arm. “Baby, I’m not done with you,” she purred. 
I gave her a death glare, tugging out of her grip. “Fuck off, that was a mistake. I’m looking for someone right now.”
She pouted, but I was already moving away. I spotted Iwa by the wall, and sauntered over to him. “Iwa-chan! You don’t look like you’re having much fun--” “Oikawa, did Y/n find you?” He said, eyes serious. 
“Huh? No, I was looking for her…” “She came up here asking about you, so I pointed her in the right direction.” “I haven’t seen her, but she’s probably around here somewhere.”  I could see clearly something else was on his mind. “What’s wrong?” 
“She walked by just a second ago. She looked upset and....she was with Ushijima.” 
I felt my stomach drop. Oh god no. 
“Which way did they go?” I said, by voice completely blank of emotion. 
Iwaizumi pointed, and I began to move quickly, shoving people out of the way in my haste. 
I ran down a hallway, turning the corner and feeling my entire body go completely numb as I finally spotted her.  
She was pushed up against the wall, hands running through his hair as she kissed fucking Ushijima. The tall ace of Shiritorizawa had one hand on her waist, the other running along her ass as he let out a low groan. 
I moved without thinking, so angry I could barely see. I ripped Ushijima off of Y/n, shoving him as hard as I could, so he stumbled backward. He was bigger and stronger than me, but I had the element of surprise. While he was still off balance, I charged him, knocking him on his back and punching him as hard as I could in the face. He grunted, and I felt something crack under my knuckles. 
Y/n was screaming behind me, trying to pull me off, but it just made me more furious. Was she trying to defend him? 
Ushijima was attempting to cover his face, but I began to slam his head into the floor over and over. 
“Stop Oikawa, you’re going to kill him!!!” I felt a pair of strong arms grab me around the neck in a chokehold, dragging me off of Ushijima and throwing me against the wall. Iwaizumi pounded me on the chest, his eyes furious. “Look what you’re doing, Shittykawa! You’re scaring her.” 
My eyes moved to Y/n, her eyes filled with tears and her hands over her mouth in horror. Ushijima lay on the ground a few feet away, face covered in blood. All I could see was him kissing her. 
Iwaizumi let go of me, and I slammed my fist into the wall as hard as I could, feeling my skin tear and knuckles crack. Y/n let out a sob, and I turned and strode away down the hall. I was too angry to be here anymore. 
As I walked away, I heard Iwaizumi behind me. “I’ll take care of Ushiwaka. You go stop Oikawa before he does something else completely stupid.” 
Y/n POV: 
What had I done? Ushijima lay on the ground, his face completely fucked up, and Oikawa stalked away down the hall, blood dripping from his knuckles. It was utterly my fault. 
I was terrified, but not of Oikawa. No matter how angry he was, I didn’t think he would do anything to hurt me. I decided not to second guess that assumption as I spirited down the hall after him. Now was not the time to be afraid. 
“Oikawa!” I yelled, but he didn’t pause. “Oikawa, stop!” I grabbed his wrist, and he whirled around, eyes furious. 
“Get the fuck off me,” he snarled. 
“No! What the hell is wrong with you?”
“With me?” His eyes were wild as he raked his hands violently through his hair. “You’re the one who was about to fuck Ushijima!” 
I gaped at him. “I wasn’t...wait, you know him?”
“He’s the captain of Shiratorizawa!” He yelled and I felt my stomach drop. Oh god, I didn’t know…
“I-I didn’t--” “Who gives a fuck! Who it was doesn’t matter anyway!” “Then why do you care so much if I kissed him?” I shouted, clenching my fists. “You don’t give a fuck about me, so why the hell did you have to beat the shit out of him if it wasn’t because of who he is?”
“I don’t give a fuck about you?” Rage was boiling beneath every word. 
“No! Go back to that dumb bitch you were with before if you want to feel better about youself!” 
“What the fuck are you even talking about?” He snarled. Realization suddenly dawned in his eyes, almost instantly replaced with fury. “Maybe I will! Even she’s not as much of a whore as you.” 
I felt like I had been slapped. A whore? That’s what he thought of me? Tears pricked behind my eyes. “You fucking asshole.” I stepped back. “You act like you’re better than everyone all the time, like you’re so perfect, but really you’re just a piece of shit!” 
“God, you couldn’t possibly be any worse,” he hissed, eyes dark. 
Tears spilled over my cheeks, and took another step back. “I-I am done with you. Stay the fuck out of my life.” 
I whirled around, not looking back as I ran down the hall. 
The rest of the night passed in a blur. I somehow found Kiyoko and Daichi, but I was crying too hard to explain exactly what had happened. Apparently, Karasuno had been about to leave anyway, so I left with an entourage of tall, angry boys surrounding me like bodyguards. Yamaguchi held my hand tightly, and Kageyama looked like he was about to murder whoever had made me cry. 
I noticed Suga talking to Iwa as we left, and an ambulance pulled up in front of the club. Hopefully Ushijima was ok. I couldn’t find it in myself to care very much. 
Asahi drove Kiyoko, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Nishinoya and I home, but I was silent the whole ride back, entering some form of shock. 
Kiyoko walked me up to my house when we got dropped off, holding my hand so tightly it hurt. “Y/n, Suga told me what happened. Breathe ok? I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think.” 
I felt my body begin to shake. “K-Kiyoko...I think I just…” I clamped a hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t throw up. “I think I just completely ruined my friendship with the guy I’m in love with.” 
My friend looked momentarily shocked, but she began to shake her head. “No, no, that’s not true, Y/n-chan. He’ll forgive you.” 
“No,” I began to sob. “He thinks I’m some sort of horrible slut. Oh god, he hates me.” 
Kiyoko hugged me tightly, quickly opening the door to my house and pulling me inside. “Ok, ok, it’s ok just get it out.” 
She led me upstairs, helping me strip out of my party clothes, washing off my face and gently brushing out my hair. For once, I was happy that my parents were so busy most nights. 
 It was 4 in the morning by the time she ushered me into my bed, curling up next to me and hugging my tightly. I fell asleep to her murmuring in my ear, but I couldn’t help but think how much better it would feel if Oikawa was there instead. 
Chapter 11
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years
Under Your Spell (Part 21) - Let Me Twist It A Little Deeper
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC /Oscar Isaac fiction.
Stef is not having the best weekend at the con.
Chapter warnings: Flirting, swearing, infidelity. masturbation, angst. 
Chapter WC: 3,554
Everything was packed and ready to go. Stef lay in bed, unable to switch off the noise of the day.
‘Come on, Stef, go asleep,’ she told herself. Pushing off the covers and pulling them back on again. Tossing and turning didn’t cover how much she had moved around. 
Finally, she gave up. Grabbing her phone from her bedside table. 4am. 
Claire was staying with Richard. Jared was with his family and who knows where Oscar was. 
She scrolled through insta for a while, seeing all the photos fans had shared from the previous day. A headache was forming behind her eyes, it was gonna be one of the bad ones, she knew. 
‘Fucking sleep!’ Stef cursed. Only one thing left to try. Reaching down under the sheets, Stef rolled her fingers around her clit, the first thought that came to her mind was Jared on stage, smiling and joking. The next thought was him shirtless, the last time he was in her bedroom, jeans hanging low on his hips, arm muscles bulging while he fished around on the floor for his clothes. 
Breathing out a soft groan, Stef continued, fingers finding her opening hot and wet. She slid inside, one finger. Jared breathing on her neck, sucking soft kisses against her jaw, his voice in her ear, ‘c’mon Stef, give it to me.’ 
It was a phrase he liked to use when he was in a playful mood, she would relinquish control of her pleasure to him. When he took control of her, his hands, his mouth, his voice would be everywhere, all over her. His mouth humming against her in the most delicious way. And she would ride waves of pleasure. 
Stef felt her walls contracting around her finger, her body trembling and finally stilled as she drifted into a disturbed and dream filled sleep.
Oscar had taken her by the hand, dragging her through the crowds, ‘look at them!’ he kept yelling over his shoulder. ‘Let go of me, I can’t go with you.’ Stef tried to twist her arm from his grip. They stopped at the stage where the Q&A had been. Jared sat with his wife in his lap, giggling with her between kisses. Instant fiery hot jealousy raged through her. ‘Look at them!’ Oscar said again. His dark eyes on the couple that were wrapped up in each other. Stef drew her gaze away, unable to look at them any longer. Oscar didn’t flinch when Stef waved her hand in front of his face, he was in a daze, his mouth open in a soft smile. ‘Help me get away.’ Stef shouted. Jared started, seeing Stef below him. ‘No wait, come back.’ He begged. 
Stef was running, the carpet beneath her bare feet was turning into steps too high for her to climb, she couldn’t run hard enough to get away. An arm caught her as she tumbled. 
Stef couldn’t hold back her tears, burying her face in the chest of the man holding her up. 
Stef woke suddenly, throwing the blankets away. Running her hands down her face, she glanced at herself in the mirror across the room. She was perspiring, hair was clinging to her neck. ‘What the actual fuck?’ 
Stef didn’t dream much, but that one made her feel sick to her stomach.
Wiping the bathroom mirror clean after a hotter than hell shower, Stef looked at her face, wanting the woman looking back at her to settle her nerves, tell her she wasn’t being an idiot, it went with the territory. 
Why are you really fucking surprised, was all she said. 
Stef sat on the side of the bath tub and cried. 
Claire had done her best to make up for not being around. When she finally got around to coming back to the hotel room they were sharing, Stef was dressed and fresh faced.
‘Did you sleep?’ Claire rummaged through her bag looking for clean clothes.
‘Not much. I bet it’s pointless to ask if you got sleep last night.’ Stef winked seeing Claire trying to hide a coy smile.
‘I have to shower but then we are definitely having breakfast. There is a thing on later that I wanna check out but I’ll be back before lunch and then we can head back to the airport, k?’ 
Claire was being overly nice, her voice raising a little higher with every sentence.
‘Richard wouldn’t happen to be doing the thing you’re interested in, is he?’ Stef finished applying a second layer of mascara. 
‘Maybe,’ Claire elongated the word, disappearing into the bathroom.
Stef’s phone beeped. Picking it up she saw a message from Jared.
Jared: Good morning sweet thang. x
Stef put the phone back down and checked herself in the mirror. Heaving a sigh, she gathered herself, put on a smile and bent to put on her Nike’s. There would be more walking today, it called for comfortable footwear. Her jeans were loose around her waist, she hadn’t realised she had lost some weight. Not too much to be noticeable she thought. 
Claire was singing in the shower. Stef chuckled, hearing it was one of her older songs, Claire loved the band Stef was taking a break from.
Shit, she thought, remembering one of the members had called her a couple of days previous to ask when she was available to meet up.
Every year or so they would meet, see what was going on with each other and decide if they would do new music or not. 
Hitting the call button, her old friend answered straight away.
‘Hey, Stef! How are you?’
‘Sorry I kinda forgot to call you back, Nik, I’m in Toronto right now.’
‘Yeah, I was talking to Oscar yesterday he told me he ran into you over there. Having fun?’
‘The most fun,’ she lied. 
‘We are meeting Friday night at that bar you hate.’ Nik blew smoke down the phone. Stef knew the sounds of him inhaling and exhaling like his life depended on that one cigarette.
‘I’ll be there.’
‘Great!’ He did sound excited. Stef smiled, excited to catch up with them.
‘Gotta go, I’ll get the details from you during the week.’
‘For sure. Later, Stef.’
‘Was that Jared?’ Claire peeked out from behind the bathroom door, steam billowing behind her. Strands of dark red hair plastered against her face.
‘Nah. Nik. Band meeting.’
‘Oh,’ Claire seemed a little disappointed. ‘Will you see Jared before we leave?’ Her voice kept on the side of casual/hopeful instead of the misery Stef felt creeping into her bones.  
‘I’d like to think so, but, with his family showing up I don’t know if he can get away.’
Stef didn’t have to hear Claire tutting from the bathroom to know how she felt about it. 
Stef looked at her phone as it pinged again. 
Jared had sent a very close up selfie. Laughing, she replied.
Stef: Good morning, Jared. How are you today?
Jared: Tired. Glad this con is almost over. Photo ops at 12, you gonna be around?
Stef: Yep, can swing by before we leave. 
Jared replied with a few celebratory emojis. 
‘Claire, come on, I’m hungry.’
‘Go down without me, I’ll be right behind you.’ Claire was brushing her teeth furiously.
Ok, Stef shrugged.
Filling her plate with as much food as possible, Stef was trying to figure out how to use the coffee machine when someone brushed past her, nudging her elbow, sending a piece of toast sliding off into the mug she had managed to fill with a watery mix of milk and coffee.
‘Sorry,’ a soft voice came. Stef turned to say it was cool when she met the woman’s eyes. 
‘It-it’s fine,’ Stef stammered, her eyes glued to the beautiful brown eyes staring up at her. It was Jared’s wife.
Fuck, Stef thought. 
‘You’re uhm, you’re…’ Gen tried to find a way to say her name without owning that this was the woman her husband was fucking. 
‘Yeah,’ was all Stef managed to say. 
‘Well, you’ve made him a happier man. When he comes home to us.’ Gen said graciously, putting a hand on the shoulder of a boy standing next to her, gaping up at Stef.
He had Jered’s eyes and my god, he had Jared’s hair. Stef swallowed hard, what could she say to that?
’Nice to meet you, anyway.’ 
Gen gave Stef a smile and taking her son by the hand, led him away. Stef closed her eyes, her mouth dry like a fucking desert. Suddenly, the coffee didn’t seem so important. But, there was a queue building up behind her.
‘Go ahead, I can’t seem to work it,’ Stef moved away from the person waiting patiently next to her. Rubbing her nose with her hand, she cleared her throat, not sure where to look or what to do. Fearful of moving her eyes across the room in case she were to see Jared’s family again or worse, Jared himself. She couldn’t face him now. 
Claire arrived, hair swinging, bosom bouncing, a huge grin on her face. ‘Hey did you get me coffee?’ 
Her smile turned to a horrified look, ‘you ok?’ Rubbing Stef’s shoulder. ‘You gonna puke?’
‘Maybe,’ Stef replied, ‘Can we grab a seat?’
Finding a small table hidden behind a huge, ugly plant, Stef told Claire what had just happened.
‘So she thanked you for sleeping with her husband? She’s a better woman than I would be.’
‘Claire!’ Stef pinched the bridge of her nose, the toast on her plate now finding its way to Claire’s mouth.
‘What?’ the redhead replied, ‘She could have ignored you, or punched you, or made a scene, but she didn’t. Sounds like she was just as shocked to bump into you.’
Stef nodded, her brow furrowed. ‘My life is not normal. This is getting awkward.’
‘This is probably the only time you will ever meet her or even see her, just chill.’
Stef blew out a breath, rubbing her sweaty hands against her jeans. 
‘I’m gonna get you a coffee and a chocolate croissant, then we can go see Richard. He will make you laugh and forget your troubles.’
Stef groaned.
‘Now that was my attitude when I first came to the con, you changed my mind. C’mon.’
‘Is it bad that I want a Margarita for breakfast?’
‘Yes, it is, this situation is not that bad.’
Claire hadn’t let Stef hide away in the room, which was a good thing. The convention was so big, the chances of her running into Gen again were slim, but Stef kept looking over her shoulder anyway. She regretted agreeing to see Jared at the photo op’s, but bit the bullet - well, asking Richard to scope out the room first and waiting for him to come back and confirm it was mostly Padalecki-free. 
Stef had never seen this section of a convention before, people lining up to take silly/well thought out pictures with Jared and Jensen. 
Jensen smiled and nodded when he saw Stef waiting off to the side. He leaned in to say something to Jared, who turned his head so quickly in her direction, his hair flipped into Jensen’s face, hitting his friend in the eye. The people close enough to see roared with laughter. Jared was falling over himself apologising to Jensen, clapping him on the back with his huge hand, winking over at Stef. 
‘I see why you like him,’ the familiar voice next to her made her smile. ’Tall, handsome, funny. I’d hit it.’
‘Oscar,’ Stef scolded softly. He was alone, standing with his hands in his pockets.
‘Where’s your date?’
Oscar made a dismissive sound, ’She bounced, I’m really good at making people feel unwanted, apparently. It’s a talent, it would seem.’
‘She left?’ Stef shook her head, laughing. 
‘Yes, she did. She said I wasn’t emotionally available.’ Leaning in so that only Stef would hear. ‘I’m kinda glad, she was jealous about everything.’
‘You’re not into chicks that are fawning over you?’ Stef bit her lower lip.
‘Nah, maybe I just didn’t like her.’
‘You heading home today?’ 
‘Yeah, you?’
‘You don’t sound excited.’ Stef was watching a couple set up their photo, within seconds their experience was over. A fleeting moment that would stay with them forever. 
Jared made eye contact with her and pulled one side of his mouth into a grin, looking over Oscar quickly and greeting the next in line. 
‘Want me to get out of your hair?’ Oscar murmured. 
‘No,’ Stef hooked her arm into his, changing the direction so she was walking away from Jared’s line of sight.
‘We haven’t had time to hang much at all.’
‘You want to hang with me?’ 
‘Yeah.’ Stef squeezed his arm. Oscar’s chest puffed out a little. 
‘What’ll we do then.’
‘I saw a stall with some stuff that had your Star Wars guy, Darius specifically requested something with your face on it.’
Pushing his tongue between his teeth, Oscar threw his head back to laugh. 
‘Why the fuck not, let’s buy my own merchandise.’
Jared: Where did you go? Photo ops just done.
Stef: Just grabbing a drink, you want one?
Jared: I’ll meet you in the bar, I’ll be about 5 minutes.
‘Is that him?’ Oscar eyed her over his drink, taking a long gulp and sighing. 
‘Yes, he’ll be down here in a few minutes.’ Stef put a hand on his arm. He had rolled up his shirt sleeves. One fist resting on his hip and he cocked an eyebrow, glancing around the room, he looked too hot. Stef had to check herself.
‘Why are you looking at me like that?’ He said, not looking at her, his eyes resting on a pair of blondes sitting at the opposite end of the bar.
‘Like what? I don’t want you to go if that’s what you mean.’ Stef pouted.
‘No, you’re looking at me like I’m lunch.’
Stef opened her mouth to laugh, involuntarily spitting her drink across his lap.
‘Oh shit, I’m so sorry.’
Oscar brushed the droplets away, laughing too much to form a coherent sentence. ‘I didn’t think it would have that effect.’
Wiping her chin with a napkin, she eyed him curiously.’ What kind of reaction did you think you would get?’
‘I dunno, I thought it might make you argue with me.’
‘You want an argument?’ 
’Nah, I just wanted to wind you up a little before your dude gets here.’
‘My dude, as you say, is already here.’ Stef raised her eyebrows in greeting as Jared made his way toward them. Oscar turned his head, not bothering to adjust how he was sitting, legs splayed open, knees on the outside of Stef’s, keeping her sitting in place at the bar. 
‘Hey,’ Jared said softly, tucking hair behind his ear. 
‘Hi,’ Stef grinned up at him. He was nervous, shifty. 
‘I guess I should formally introduce you both.’
They did that thing that men do when they don’t think women notice, they were eyeing each other, sizing each other up. Shaking hands and making pleasantries. Neither spoke, waiting for Stef to break the ice.
‘We will be leaving after lunch.’
‘Isn’t lunch, like, right now.’ Jared checked his watch.
‘Shit it is. Where the hell is Claire??’ Stef reached into her bag and checked her phone. No messages. Typical.
‘I cannot trust that woman around Richard, my god!’ Stef huffed, pressing the call button and listening to the tone on the other end, knowing Claire wouldn’t be picking up.
‘She could be back in the room.’
Oscar was half grinning, a knowing look on his face. ‘Better go check, you don’t wanna miss your flight again.’
‘Again?’ Jared was looking incredibly awkward now. 
‘Oh, Claire has made Effie miss a couple of flights over the years. She almost missed a video shoot her band was doing in Italy.’ 
‘Oh don’t remind me, that woman causes me stress I could do without.’ Giving up on the idea of Claire picking up her damn phone.
‘I gotta head back up to the room anyway, we will be leaving soon too.’ 
Jared put a hand gently on Stef’s elbow, hoping to get her up off her seat and away from Oscar. 
‘Yeah I’ll walk with you,’ turning to Oscar, placing a beer mat on top of her glass. ‘Mind my spot for a few minutes?’ 
Oscar nodded, turning his attention back to the blondes at the bar.
‘Nice to meet you, man.’ Jared offered Oscar his hand, the shorter man taking it, ‘You too, finally.’ Oscar winked at Stef as she walked away.
Stepping into the elevator, they were finally alone. Jared grabbed her waist, drawing her to him. ‘Damn, I’ve wanted to kiss you all fucking day.’ His teeth were nipping at her lips, teasing. Stef stood on her tip toes, trying to reach his mouth. ‘Kiss me then.’
Jared groaned when their lips met. It wasn’t long enough. The doors were opening on her floor. He took her hand in his, leading her down the hall. Stef was looking down at her small hand wrapped in his. ‘That ok?’ He squeezed her fingers.
‘Yeah, just surprising.’ 
Jared shrugged, stepping behind her as she slid the key card into the hotel room door. They were greeted with two naked bodies writhing on the bed. 
‘Oh god!’ Stef covered her face, unable to tear her eyes away from Richard’s naked ass bouncing as he pummelled into Claire.
Pulling the door closed with a bang, she covered her face, eyes wide. ‘How can I un see that?’ She gasped, laughing so much she thought she would puke.
Jared was on his knees, unable to speak. 
It took a few minutes for them to calm down, Richard’s frantic cries of ‘are you guys still out there?’ made the situation worse. Neither Stef nor Jared could answer him.
Jared had managed to drop his gum onto the carpet, causing him to laugh even more.
‘Don’t put that back in your mouth.’ 
‘That’s what she said.’
‘Oh Jared, please stop, I’m in pain from laughing.’
A large hand was on her back, her face was suddenly crushed into his chest. He was gasping for air like he had run a race. 
‘Well that’s put a good ending to a rough weekend.’ Jared was wiping tears from his eyes.
Stef remembered running into Gen earlier in the day, her stomach twisting with guilt. Or maybe it was jealousy. Or a sickening mixture of both.
Swallowing, she looked up at Jared.
‘What’s up, babe?’ 
‘Nothing.’ She lied, kissing him gently on the mouth.
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah, I’ll just miss you is all.’
‘You have good company downstairs, Oscar is keeping your seat for you at the bar.’
‘Jared…’ Stef wanted to explain what had happened earlier, but he cut her off with another kiss.
‘I’ll call you tomorrow, I’ll be back home. After the kids go to bed. Sound good?’
’Sounds good.’ Stef agreed, unable to hide the disappointment in her eyes at how this weekend had panned out. 
Richard opened the door, having dressed himself in a hurry. ‘Come on, man.’ he said to Jared, pushing past them, his cheeks flushed, hair tossed from Claire’s fingers. 
‘Gotta go.’ Jared kissed her quick and left, following Richard down the hall. 
Stef stuck her head in the door, ‘you decent?’
‘Doesn’t matter, you saw everything just now.’ Claire wasn’t half as bashful as Richard. 
‘Oscar is waiting for me at the bar. Meet us down there?’
‘Let me just fix my sex hair and I’ll be down.’
When Stef made it back down to the bar, she saw Oscar talking to a woman. She was hitting his arm and laughing. It was fake. Everything about her was. You can spot when someone wants someone because of their fame, and this was one of those vacuous women.
Stef put her arm between them to get her drink. ‘Oh hey, you’re back.’ Oscar looked happy at her reappearance. 
She was one of the blondes he had been ogling. His face said ‘please help.’ And while Stef would usually have left him to it, she decided on this occasion to do a good deed. 
’I’m Stef,’ she said, sticking her hand out for the stranger, who took it, gingerly.
‘Sorry, are you with him?’ She asked, pointing a talon at Oscar’s chest.
‘Yeah,’ Stef said simply.
The blonde looked her up and down, taking in the old Nike’s, loose jeans and band t-shirt. 
‘Call me,’ she mouthed to Oscar, swaying back toward her friend. 
‘Do not call her.’ Stef warned, sliding back onto the barstool, her legs fitting snuggly between Oscar’s again.
‘Just filling the time til you came back,’ Oscar sighed, leaning his torso toward her.
‘You look flushed, what’s up.’
‘I just caught Claire and Richard fucking.’ Stef looked at him, wide eyed and excited. 
Oscar put a hand over his mouth, his nose scrunched up as he laughed. ‘No fucking way.’
Stef finished off her beer in one gulp. ‘Buy me another one and I’ll describe Richard’s ass to you.’
‘Oh fuck, please don’t. But, I’ll definitely buy you another drink.’ Oscar winked, turning to grab the barman’s attention.
Butterflies. He had given her butterflies with that look.
Fuck, she thought
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insideoutstory · 5 years
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Inside Out → Chapter Five
summary: School turns out to be a special torture all its own after a tough weekend. word count: 5.1k warnings: n/a [ masterlist ]   [ FF.net ]
“You look better today.” 
Dustin was waiting in the driveway when Christine came out the next morning. She stuck her tongue out at him as she collected her own bike, which made him grin. 
“Mom made you lunch,” he added, offering her a brown paper bag. “Just in case your power went out last night.” 
“Power? You guys too?” 
“Yup. Killed everything in the fridge. Which sucks but means we get to have fluffernutters.” 
“Sick.” Christine took the bag, stowing it away in her backpack. “My fridge is still going, but I don’t say no to a fluffernutter.” 
“Man, brown outs are so lame,” Dustin complained. “Blackouts are fun. That shit’s exciting. Not being able to do some things is just dumb.” 
“Language, Dustin.” 
They set off together down the street. Dustin always pedaled faster than Christine, and had to loop around at every stop sign waiting for her to catch up. He’d tease her about being a slowpoke from time to time, but it was something they were both used to. They didn’t bike to school together every day, but the ride was nicer with company. 
“Did you talk to Nancy?” asked Dustin, pulling up beside Christine. 
“Nope. Did you talk to Nancy?” 
“Nope. I told you I wasn’t gonna say anything. You might think bards are all show and charisma, but my word means something. Besides, she was being a real jerk yesterday. I offered her the last slice of pizza and she just slammed the door in my face.” 
“Don’t take it too hard,” said Christine. “It’s me she’s mad at, not you.” 
“Why is she mad at you? She’s the one who kissed the guy. You should be mad at her.” 
“No, I shouldn’t. She’s my friend, and I love her, so I should be happy for her.” 
“But you liked him first, didn’t you?” 
“That’s not how it works, Dust,” she sighed. “You can’t call dibs on people. They make their own choices.” 
“Yeah, but I thought your friends are always supposed to come first.” 
It took her a minute to come up with a response to that one. Christine pushed down the remnants of her rage, and steeled her resolve. 
“They are. Which is why I’m not mad at her.” 
“You’re not?” Dustin asked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. 
“Not even a little bit?” 
“Are you sure?” 
“One hundred percent.” 
“So if you biked up to the high school right now, and Nancy and Steve were sucking face in the parking lot…” 
“Oh my God, shut up, Dustin.” 
She flipped him off, and Dustin raised a warning finger. “Hey, watch your language! Your—Your hand…language. Shit.” 
Christine smirked at his fumble, and took the opportunity to change the subject. 
“Hey, Mike said the new ham shack should be in soon. He wouldn’t say if I was allowed to see it. You gonna put in a good word for me?” 
“Oh shit! That’s like today! Yes! Oh, hell yes!” 
Dustin spent the rest of the ride gushing about the new radio, all the features it was supposed to have, how much it cost. Christine listened intently, trying to focus on his rambling instead of the trouble waiting for her on the horizon. 
They split ways on the main road—Dustin going to meet up with his friends while Christine turned toward the high school. It was annoying having to weave through all the speeding cars of the upperclassmen, and she got honked at more than once for cutting someone off. Almost no one rode their bikes to school anymore. On the bright side, that meant she never had to fight someone for a spot. There was always space at the bike rack.
Christine kept her head down as she walked to her locker. No one looked her way, and there were no waves of whispers floating around her. She allowed herself to relax just slightly. Part of her had worried that after the scene she’d caused with Tommy, the halls would be echoing with the words “psycho bitch.” But to everyone else, it just seemed like another teenage party. People drank, people hooked up, people cried—and the world kept spinning on. 
She dropped her bag in her locker, and out of habit headed down the hall toward Nancy’s. She stopped short when she realized what she was doing. She hadn’t thought at all about what she wanted to say. What if Nancy flipped on her for bailing on the party? What if she really was with Steve, sucking face in the hallway like Dustin had said? 
Christine gripped her books tighter, and forced herself forward. She couldn’t avoid Nancy forever. It was better to get it over with and just move on with her day. 
Nancy was already at her locker, but thankfully, Steve was nowhere in sight. Instead she was talking to Barb, who was smirking at something Nancy had said. Nancy laughed, but stopped abruptly when she spotted Christine. She had to rush to cover her shock with a smile. 
“Morning,” Christine said, casually as she could muster. “What are we laughing at?” 
“Oh, nothing!” Nancy’s words were rushed, and Christine didn’t miss the side glance she shot to Barb. “Uh, hey! How are you feeling?” 
“Better. I was…pretty wrecked yesterday. Hungover, I mean. That punch was stupid strong.” 
“Right. No, yeah, I figured that was what happened.” 
“I’m sorry I bailed. I was just like…puking and nauseous and…” 
“No, it’s totally fine! I—I caught a ride home so…it’s cool.” 
They nodded at each other in silence. Nancy averted her eyes to the books in her arms, and Christine inspected a ripped sticker on a locker two doors down. But Barb caught her eye, giving her a painfully pointed look, and Christine struggled to bite down her sigh. 
“So. You and Steve. Congrats.” 
Nancy’s head shot up like a bottle rocket, her eyes wide. “No, no! It wasn’t like that. I don’t know how much you heard or—or what you saw, but it wasn’t like that. Really.” 
“Nancy, it’s fine.” 
“I mean, he kissed me, yes. And it was great. But it’s like you said, right? It’s not exactly a marriage proposal.” 
“Nancy,” Christine said firmly. “It’s fine. I’m really happy for you.” 
She wasn’t sure if the words sounded convincing. They certainly didn’t seem so to her. But Nancy’s shoulders sagged in relief, and Barb nodded approvingly. 
“I was just telling Nancy that she better not be too cool to hang out with us anymore. If she becomes friends with Tommy H or Carol, I swear…” 
“Oh, that’s gross,” Nancy scoffed, turning back to her locker. “Okay, I’m telling you it was a one-time…two-time thing.” 
Barb raised her eyebrows, and Christine laughed politely. It wasn’t as hard as she’d expected. Nancy might be lying through her teeth about the whole ordeal, but as long as she did, the venomous shred of hope in Christine’s chest still had a tiny spark. There was plausible deniability. Until, of course, Nancy opened her locker. 
A small rip of paper fell onto Nancy’s books, which she unfolded without a second thought. The big blue words would have been impossible to hide even if she’d tried to. 
Meet me. Bathroom. –Steve 
Christine’s tiny spark spluttered out. 
“You were saying?” Barb asked slyly, and Nancy flushed scarlet. 
“I—I should probably go. I might have left something in his car, or maybe he wants to…” 
“To ravage you before class,” Barb finished, waving a hand. “Go, Nance. We’ll see you in homeroom.” 
Nancy gave a nervous look to Christine, who luckily still had the polite smile stuck on her face. 
“Yeah, go. We’ll catch you later.” 
Nancy nodded, quickly collecting her books from her locker. Then she darted down the hallway toward the nearest bathroom, her excitement already beginning to burst through her face. 
“Well, that was painful,” said Barb, once she’d disappeared. “But nice job.” 
“Hey, I’m trying, okay?” Christine huffed as they headed in the opposite direction. “I know I should be supportive. I’m just still…” 
“Bummed,” she corrected flatly. 
“Well, it definitely could have been worse,” said Barb. She bumped Christine with her shoulder, gently knocking the shorter girl off track. “I just wish you two had done it over the phone so I didn’t have to witness it.” 
“I tried calling her, seriously. But after I called you, the connection just went completely out of whack. All I could get was static.” 
“Yeah, me too. My parents had the news on this morning? Apparently it was county-wide. Some people still don’t have power.” 
“Seriously?” Christine furrowed her brow, thinking back to her bedside lamp, Dustin’s fridge. “Power lines down or something?” 
“Well that’s the thing,” said Barb. “They’ve got no idea what caused it. Scientific anomaly.” 
“Great. That’s real comforting.” 
“For sure. Especially when my dad starting going on about the Russians.” 
They were two of the first to arrive for homeroom, and took seats in the back so they could gossip in low voices. Barb forced Christine to recount everything that had happened on Saturday, from Steve’s clever convincing at the movie theater to the disastrous party itself. It didn’t seem so bad now that she was twenty-four hours removed. It actually felt nice to get it all out. And as much as Barb had teased and egged on Nancy in the morning, she still offered a sympathetic ear to Christine’s complaining. 
For this, Christine was eternally grateful. She didn’t want to stick Barb in the middle of some stupid, petty fight. It wouldn’t be fair to her, not after all the times she’d put up with their daydreaming and giggling. At the same time, she knew it wouldn’t be easy. Especially when the final bell rang fifteen minutes later, and Nancy still had not joined them in class. 
“Alright, everyone settle down,” their instructor, Ms. Snider, called. “Faster we get through this, the faster you can get back to your lives. Gina Atwood?” 
“Ana Bently?” 
“Jonathan Byers? Jonathan? No? Alright. Warren Chadwick?” 
They combed farther and farther down the list, and Christine’s eyes stayed glued to the door. She was one minute late, two minutes, three… 
“Christine Walcott? Christine?” 
Barb had to kick her under the desk, and Christine jolted upright. “Uh, here! Sorry.” 
“Thank you, Miss Walcott. And Nancy Wheeler? Nancy?” 
Christine looked at the door, but it remained firmly closed. 
“Alright, then,” said Ms. Snider, clapping the front of the podium. “Announcements. Hawkins Elementary is still looking for volunteers to help in their annual field day. If you’re interested in that, make sure you stop by the front office to look at the sign-up sheet. If you’re not interested in that, may I remind you that it does count as extra credit toward physical education. So those few of you who are so keen on skipping gym might want to think twice. The honor society is also hosting…” 
A loud creak interrupted as the classroom door inched open. Nancy squeezed inside, then froze when she noticed that every single person in the room was looking at her. A few students giggled, but Snider didn’t bother quieting them. 
“Miss Wheeler. Thank you for joining us. If you’ll find a seat, so we can continue.” 
Nancy’s flustered blush was visible from the other side of the classroom. Her tousled hair was a bit subtler, as were her swollen lips. But to Christine they stuck out like stains on a white carpet. She gripped her pencil a bit tighter, grinding the graphite into a fine powder against her desk. 
After homeroom, Christine decided to change her strategy. She couldn’t avoid Nancy forever, but she could damn well avoid her for now. She hurried out of every class they had together, and used her queasy stomach as an excuse to duck into bathrooms wherever possible. She knew Nancy was suspicious, but there was little that could be done about that. Avoiding her was better than completely losing it in the middle of the hallway, wasn’t it? In the end, it would all be for the best. 
Christine could avoid Nancy to the best of her ability. But there were some things she just couldn’t run from. 
Steve slid into his seat just as the bell rang, his physics textbook in hand. Christine watched him out of the corner of her eye, but did not raise her head. The plan was to deny him the satisfaction of her attention. He had Nancy for that now, and Christine was putting her foot down. 
“Okay, people,” called Mr. Austin, propping his feet up on his desk. “First thing’s first, place your lab reports in the hand-in bin, and then back to your seats to read the intro to chapter eight. Lecture starts in ten.” 
“Reports?” Steve echoed. “We have…? Shit. Christine, did you…?” 
She wordlessly slid the paper over him, focusing intently on her textbook. 
“Oh, thank Christ. You’re a freaking angel.” 
She only listened as he scribbled his name next to hers on the paper, and hurried up to the front of the class to hand it in. She would not look up from her work. She would not, she would not, she would not… 
Steve collapsed back into his chair, peeking over at her book to check the page number. It even seemed like he was able to read a couple sentences before he got distracted. He ran a hand through his hair, and traced a few lines of the first paragraph. She watched his hand drift to the edge of the book, where his thumb stroked down the corner a few times. Then he reached over and tapped Christine’s page. 
“Hey,” he said softly, ducking his head to avoid the teacher’s gaze. “How are you feeling?” 
“Oh, good. Tommy said you ran out of the party on Saturday. I thought you might’ve been sick.” 
Steve’s hand flinched in the corner of her vision, but Christine ignored it. She wasn’t even reading the chapter at this point, just glaring down at the fine print. She was not going to look at him. She wasn’t going to do it. 
“Hey, did your power go out last night?” he tried. “My dad was yelling about the TV for like an hour. It was nuts.” 
“Yeah, wild.” 
She winced. She knew she was being short. But he deserved it, right? After everything he’d done, she shouldn’t care if his feelings were hurt. She should probably celebrate. Serve him right for… 
Steve reached over before she was prepared, brushing the back of her hand. It was just one finger, barely ghosting over her skin, but her body reacted like it was a thousand-volt shock. She looked up instantly, meeting his gaze. 
“Chrissy, you sure you’re okay?” 
He looked concerned, truly and honestly. And God, did she want to believe that he was. But he’d given her looks like that before. It hadn’t meant a damn thing. 
“I’m fine, Steve.” Her voice was feebler than she’d intended, which was infuriating. She snatched her hand away from him. “Seriously. Now look at your book and read the chapter before Austin gives you detention again and I have to write your notes on this too.” 
Steve gaped at her, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. “Wow. Bossy.” 
Christine rolled her eyes and went back to her book, prompting Steve to let out a low whistle. That, unfortunately, caught the attention of Mr. Austin. 
“Harrington, do I need to come back there and hold your hand through the reading?” 
“No, sir,” Steve replied, giving him a thumbs up. “Just read something super interesting. Sorry, sir.” 
Laughter rippled across the classroom, but Austin let him off the hook. 
Steve left her alone after that, for the most part anyway. Occasionally, Christine could feel his eyes lingering on her. On any other day, it would have been thrilling. Today all she wanted to do was burrow into the floor and disappear forever. 
As soon as the bell rang, she was out of her seat. She swiped her books into her arms all at once, grabbed her backpack, and rushed out of the door as fast as she could. It was easier to breathe in the hallway, away from the lingering smell of expensive cologne and hairspray, but only until she heard the footsteps rushing up behind her. 
“Hey, Christine, wait up!” 
She did not want to wait up. If it wouldn’t have caused a scene, she would have sprinted down the hallway like a track star. But she didn’t need that kind of attention. So she slowed down her pace to a normal walk and waited for Steve to catch up to her. 
“Damn, you’re in a hurry,” he laughed. It faltered a bit when she didn’t join in, but it didn’t stop him from continuing. “You heading to lunch?” 
“Alright, cool. I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us.” 
“You know, me, Tommy, Carol, a couple other people. I figured you could eat with us. You, Nancy, and uh…that other chick you’re always hanging around with.” 
“I can’t,” Christine said instantly. 
Steve stared at her. “You…can’t?” 
“Yeah, um…my fridge died last night cause of the blackout. Brown out. Whatever.” 
“O-kay? So what, you’re buying?” 
“No, uh…my neighbor packed lunch for me. She’s super sweet, and wanted to make sure I had something, but I have to go pick it up from her son at the middle school, so…yeah. I gotta go. Thanks, though.” 
He was still squinting at her, and she had run out of things to say. Without any real choice, Christine turned on her heel and fled down the hallway, cursing under her breath as she walked right out the door and into the parking lot. She didn’t dare stop. She walked all the way around the building and back into the school through a different entrance. Then she headed for her locker, where the lunch from Mrs. Henderson was safely tucked away. 
She twisted the paper bag in her hands, deliberating. Then she slammed her locker shut and walked in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. 
She didn’t really have a plan laid out. The only objective was staying as far away from her problems as she physically could. 
She wound up by the gymnasium. Satisfied that no one would come looking for her here, she sank to the ground, leaning her back against the giant tiger mural splayed across the wall. She fished her Walkman out of her backpack and slipped on her headphones. The smooth vocals of “Careless Talk” by Billy Joel filled her ears, and she cranked up the volume. On the highest setting, she could almost drown out the sounds of the basketball game going on inside. 
Christine opened her lunch bag, smiling morosely at the squished fluffernutter. She’d have to thank Claudia for thinking of her. There was no telling what kind of emotional trauma she’d prevented by giving Christine an out. 
The rest of the day stretched on, a war on Christine’s nerves. She’d had to bullshit her way through a conversation with a very concerned Nancy after lunch, explaining that Steve must’ve misunderstood what she’d told him. Her fridge hadn’t died. Dustin’s had, and she had to bring him his lunch because he left early for school. It was a much better lie than her previous one, but Nancy still didn’t believe her. That wasn’t a surprise, but things were still too awkward to push the issue. 
In fact, almost all the conversations she had with Nancy were turning out to be painful. They were either over complimentary to each other, or so short they were barely talking at all. It hurt, and Barb was clearly growing exasperated with both of them. At the same time, Christine found it comforting that Nancy didn’t know how to handle the situation either. 
It was a relief when the final bell rang at the end of the day. Christine collected her things and escaped out a side door, taking the long way to the bike rack so she could avoid any unwanted interactions. She even went the extra mile to bike to the middle school instead of heading home, just so she wouldn’t pass Barb and Nancy on the road. 
Hawkins High School let out about twenty minutes before Hawkins Middle, so she had to wait a while before the students rushed out. She finally spotted Dustin’s hat among the masses, where he was walking with Mike and his friend Lucas. She waved, but the boys were deeply involved in their own conversations. They didn’t notice her until they were right on the curb, and she cleared her throat behind them. 
“Hello? Earth to the Dungeon Squad.” 
All three boys jumped, wheeling around clumsily with their bikes. 
“Christine!” Dustin complained, laying a hand on his chest. “Don’t do that! And don’t call us that!” 
“Sorry. Dungeon People?” 
“Oh, ha, ha. You’re hilarious.” 
“Uh…hi, Christine,” said Lucas, smiling brightly. 
Dustin and Mike both rolled their eyes, and Christine contained her chuckle. 
“Hey, Lucas. How ya doing?” 
“Great. I mean—I’m cool.” 
“We’re not cool,” said Mike, glaring pointedly at Lucas. “And we were kind of in the middle of something.” 
“Yeah, you know,” Dustin added. “Places to go, people to see. Later Chrissy!” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” said Christine, watching as they climbed onto their bikes. “Where are you rushing off to? And aren’t you missing one? Where’s Byers?” 
The boys froze, and all exchanged downcast looks. Christine stood up a little straighter, inspecting them closely. 
“Guys? What’s going on?” 
It was Mike that answered her first. 
“He’s gone.” 
“Gone? Like, he skipped?” 
“No, he didn’t skip,” he snapped. “I said he’s gone.” 
“Chief Hopper came down to talk to us,” Dustin supplied. “Will’s mom can’t find him anywhere. He’s just…gone.” 
“Gone?” she echoed, again. “What do you…? When was the last time you saw him?” 
“Last night,” said Lucas, “after the campaign. We left Mike’s at eight.” 
“I biked home with him,” Dustin continued. “We raced to my house and then he kept going. No one knows what happened.” 
Christine bit her lip. She didn’t know Will very well, but he was a quiet kid. Not the type to skip town for kicks, especially without his best friends. And if the cops had come down to question them, it sounded serious. Her mind flashed back to homeroom, and the empty desk where Jonathan Byers usually sat. 
She did her best not to let the worry show on her face. 
“I’m sure he’s fine,” she said supportively. “And if he’s not, the police will find him. Hawkins isn’t that big.” 
“If he’s still in Hawkins,” said Mike. 
“Well…one thing at a time. Come on. I wanna make sure you all get home okay.” 
All three boys began clamoring at once, supplying various excuses and trying to inch away before she noticed. But Christine simply held up her hands, unfazed. 
“Listen, if Will’s really in trouble, I’m not letting you guys go off alone. You can talk on the walkies when you get home, but I don’t think you should be wandering.” 
“We’ll be fine,” Mike insisted. “It’s like you said. Will’s probably uh—completely okay. Nothing to worry about.” 
“And we won’t wander off,” added Dustin. “Cross our hearts.” 
Christine stared down the boys. Mike and Dustin maintained their poker faces, smiling innocently until she looked away. She zeroed in on Lucas, who was repeatedly adjusting his grip on his handlebars. After a few seconds under scrutiny, he cracked. 
“I don’t know, guys,” he sighed. “Maybe Christine is right. You heard what the chief said.” 
Mike smacked him, and Christine raised her eyebrows. 
“Oh? What exactly did the chief say, Lucas?” 
Both Mike and Dustin were glaring at him now. Lucas squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact. 
“He made us promise not to go looking for Will.” 
“What the hell, Lucas?!” 
“Asshole. You are so whipped.” 
The arguing stopped abruptly, and the boys turned to stare at Christine. She stepped forward, and jabbed a finger at each of them in turn. 
“Listen up. I have had a really shitty day, so the last thing I need is to listen to the three of you arguing all the way home. I’m biking each of you to your houses, and if I find out you didn’t stay there, I tell your parents. End of discussion. Got it?” 
They nodded reluctantly, though Dustin was still giving her a pissy look as she hopped back onto her bike. 
“You’re crabby. If you had such a bad day, why didn’t you just go home?” 
“I made the mistake of thinking hanging out with you might make me feel better. My bad.” 
“Lay off, Dustin,” said Lucas, and he stepped up to her side. “Sorry you had a bad day, Chrissy.” 
“Thanks, Lucas.” 
“You’re way too good for Steve Harrington anyway.” 
Christine turned deadly slow toward Dustin, who already had his hands up in the air. 
“Lucas made me tell him!” 
“What? I did not!” 
“Yes, he did! I told you! He’s crazy about you!” 
“You’re dead, Henderson!” 
Dustin was off like a gunshot, Lucas right on his tail as they raced for the main road. Christine screamed for them to slow down, but it was no use. She huffed, sitting back on her bike, and Mike snorted next to her. 
“You still want to bike home with us?” 
“Nice try, Wheeler. Get pedaling.” 
They stopped at the Wheeler’s first—“stopped” being a rather loose term, as Christine barely stayed long enough to see Mike make it to the door. Then they dropped off Lucas, before circling back around to their own street to head home. Dustin whined obnoxiously as Christine parked her bike in his driveway, insisting on walking him all the way into the house in case he tried to make a run for it. Judging by all his complaining, it was exactly what he’d been planning to do. 
“Dusty? Is that you?” Mrs. Henderson came shuffling into the living room, one arm around her overweight cat and the other on her hip. “You’re late! I was getting worried!” 
“Blame Chrissy,” he scoffed, walking straight down the hallway to his room. “She wouldn’t let us bike home alone.” 
“Well, that is because Christine is the best babysitter in Hawkins.” 
“She’s not my babysitter, Mom! She’s my friend, and she’s annoying!” 
The door to Dustin’s room slammed shut, and Mrs. Henderson huffed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him! He’s been so rude lately.” 
“It’s fine, Mrs. Henderson,” Christine said with a shrug. “He’s just worried about Will. All of them are.” 
“God, that poor thing.” She pressed a hand to her cheek, shaking her head. “You know, Joyce Byers called me this morning at wit’s frayed end. I can’t imagine what’s she’s been through. If it had been Dusty, I don’t know what I’d do.” 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that. So long as he doesn’t climb out a window to go look for Will, I think he’ll be okay.” 
“What are we going to do with him?” she asked, shaking her head. Christine almost answered, but Mrs. Henderson lifted her cat’s face up to her nose instead. “Huh, Mews? What are we going to do with him?” 
Christine laughed awkwardly, taking a step back toward the door. “Alright, well I’m gonna head home…” 
“Are you sure, sweetheart? Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m making lasagna!” 
“No, no. No worries. I don’t want to be a bother.” 
“Oh hush! You’re never a bother, Christine. I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Dusty. You could even stay here for the night, if you’d like. I don’t like the idea of you alone over there, especially with everything going on.” 
“I’ll be fine, really. I’m not planning on heading out anywhere. Besides, if anyone tries to get in the house, I’ve always got my dad’s shotgun.” 
Mrs. Henderson did not seem to find that as funny as Christine did. She pursed her lips, and hugged her cat a little bit closer. 
“Alright. If you’re sure. But I want you to call me before you go to bed tonight. I don’t want to have to worry about you vanishing too.” 
“You got it, Mrs. Henderson.” 
“Christine, you’re nearly sixteen years old. ‘Claudia’ is fine.” 
“Right. Sorry.” Christine waved goodbye, but hesitated for a moment at the front door. “Claudia? Thanks for the fluffernutter. It…kinda saved my day.” 
Mrs. Henderson smiled. “Anytime, sweetie. I figured you could use it. Dusty mentioned you had a rough weekend.” 
“Ugh. Did he tell everyone?” 
“Probably,” she laughed lightly. “But it’s only because he worries about you.” 
“Yeah, well. I guess I worry about him too.” Christine bit her lip, tapping on the edge of the doorframe. “If you want, I’ll take him all the way to school tomorrow. Just to be safe.” 
“Ah! You’re the sweetest.” Mrs. Henderson placed her cat on the floor, hurrying over to Christine to give her a kiss on the cheek. “You’re like my own little angel.” 
“Yeah,” Christine muttered to herself as she stepped out onto the porch. “So I’ve been told.”
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melto · 5 years
day late but here’s my fic for day one of @souyoweek2019
soulmates or music | AO3 LINK
AU where the world is only colored in grey until you meet your soulmate
Yu Narukami didn’t mind the grey of the sky.
There was almost something poetic about how the world managed to find variation when it could only paint itself in a few hues. If he was to look hard enough, he could find something special in every gradient.
He knows most people complained about it, how drab and boring everything looked; not that most had anything to compare it to. After all, the varying shades is all they knew.
Color was a fantastic experience one would dive into the moment they meet their soulmate’s eyes for the first time. Sometimes people would puke from the overwhelming amount of new visual information.  Some people cried, wept for joy at a new color filled world, for new love, for their soulmate. There’s stories of people saying they didn’t even notice the change in scenery due to how beautiful their soulmate was, and nothing could have distracted them (Yu’s not sure how true those are, too him, it just doesn’t make much sense how someone could miss the grey fading away).
Dojima passed out within seconds of meeting his. Yu asked him one of the first nights he was in their home, and had instantly felt guilty for it; he knew his Uncle lost his wife, but the question popped in his head when his mother first told him he’d be spending the year in Inbana.
Nanako was asleep already, and Yu felt his heart stop once the question escaped his lips. Dojima winced in response, jaw clenching and hand tighten around the mug he was holding. The older man let out a heavy sigh, and Yu wished he could take it back, to apologize at least but his mouth was dry and no words came to mind.
Dojima took a long drink of his coffee, and then another before finally looking at his nephew with a sad smile.
“No,” He responds slowly, unable to keep his eyes on Yu (the silver haired boy isn’t sure if this is to hide anger or to hide tears welling in his eyes. He’ll never learn that it was the latter). “When Chisato died, everything became dull and I passed out. Which, now I can find only a bit amusing seeing as when I first met her I also passed out. She was so beautiful in the grey that I had to shoot my shot. And when just turned around-- Christ I couldn’t have known she was even more enchanting that I thought at first. That was enough to knock the wind out of me, but then the color? I feel like it was just yesterday. The only thing more beautiful than it, besides meeting her, was the day Nanako was born and how she looked up at me the first time I held her in my arms.” The older man lets out an odd, airy laugh before clearing his throat, standing from the couch and making his way to put his mug in the sink.
“Anyways,” He groans, stretching out his back. “Since that day, all color is still...there. It just lost some of its charm.”
And with that Dojima bid Yu goodnight, and disappeared up the stairs.
His Uncle is a good man, Yu had no doubts about that even if he wasn’t at his best right now. He laid in bed each night thinking about Dojima and Nanako and how he could brighten the world of a man who lost his light and to a little girl who knew nothing else.
He didn’t ponder on those thoughts when he would walk to class, he would turn to the sky, slow steps as his eyes traced along the grey swirls of the clouds. Inbana was so quiet compared to the city, and Yu already could tell that peaceful walks with the rustling of leaves and a distance train was going to be at the top of the list of things he missed when he would head back to the city.
But today, that peaceful quiet was interrupted by the whirring of a bike chain succeeded by a loud crash and a pained yelp. Yu took his time directing his attention towards the commotion, and he couldn’t contain a sugary laugh as his pace sped up.
There was a pair of long legs thrashing outside of a trash can, whoever they belonged too was calling out for help, voice strained and amplified due to their head being stuck in such a confined area.  
“Stop kicking me I’m trying to help you.” Yu huffed as he crouched down next to the helplessly rolling person, who was quick to still after a weak apology.
It took a bit of shifting and shimmying on Yu’s part too coax the person out of the can, but he was soon able to toss it to the side, the person’s back facing him.
Yu the person was a guy his age based on his body shape. His hair was a mess, sticking out all over the place in a way that suggests that it was like this before the crash. The uniform this person wore was the same as Yu’s own, only visible difference from this angle being a pair of obnoxiously bright orange headphones.
“Ugh shit, that hurt.” The stranger said, voice cracking as he rubbed at the back of his neck. The person groaned, followed by a huff before swirling his body around to face his hero.
“Seriously, thanks. God knows how long I would have b--”
And then their eyes lock.
Yu feels like he’s been swept up in a tornado; the world around him was bursting to life in a dizzying way. The colors hurt his head, but he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes.
As much as the freshly color sky called for Yu to look towards it, the silver haired boy denied that part of himself, instead doing his best to focus on the boy in front of him, who was frantically looking all around.
Yu’s not sure how long the pair just sat in silence, brains desperately trying to catch up. Outside of the now blooming headache in his temple and his sped up heartbeat, Yu felt find.
The same could not be said for the other, who after looking back at Yu had too lunge towards the trashcan to heave into. After a couple of gross noises, the stranger settled back in his place across from Yu.
“Fuck....I...you...this….holy shit.” He mumbles, eyes wide and trained on Yu, heavy breath in between each word.
“Fuuuuuck.” He whines, and Yu only cocks his head to the side. “You’re my soulmate. And you’re hot. And this was so, super embarrassing. Oh my god.”
Yu laughed with a honey-sweet grin plastered across his face as the stranger groaned loudly, dropping his head into his hands. The other boy glance up towards Yu, and made a lovesick whimper as he did.
“I’m Yosuke. Sorry, this is like, uh, a lot. But hi. I sit behind you in class, and yeah. Hi.” Yosuke’s voice is soft as Yu tries to muffle his laugh, almost forgetting to respond as he shifts so he can gaze into the other’s eyes.
They make Yu feel warm. He has no clue what the color was but it was officially his favorite now. It was breathtaking. The color reminded him of the sun peaking through his blinds in the morning, warm and unable to be ignored as it beckoned Yu to exit his dreams. Or of the way Dojima’s coffee smelt in the morning, a bit too dark for Yu’s tastes but it was soon to be evened out with the cup he would make for his daughter, with too much cream and never enough sugar if you asked her.
“Uh, hellloooo?” Yosuke called out, voice dripping with concern as he placed a hand on Yu’s knee. He jolted from the heat, the spark he felt.
“I apologize.” Yu started, carefully placing one of his hands over Yosuke’s own. “You’re just so handsome that I forgot how to speak.” Yosuke’s face flushed at this, and it only made Yu grin.
“I’m Yu, aka the luckiest guy alive right now thanks to you.”
And maybe it was jumping the gun a bit, but Yosuke surged forward and pressed their lips together.
(Dojima nor Yosuke’s parents were too pleased when they got a call that the two boys were late for their morning classes. But neither could be bothered to care.)
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
Could you write some general pregnant fluff for the autumn series? Cute things that sonny does like getting u the food ur craving @ 1am or going to find out the gender :)?
First trimester
Another morning. Another day with your head hanging over the toilet. You moaned after another dry heave raked your body. “Why is it called morning sickness when it lasts all day?” you mumbled to yourself.
“You okay, doll?” Sonny called from the shower.  A little too cheerful for your liking.
“Yeah. I’m great. Our unborn child is just protesting the single saltine cracker I ate,” you replied.
Sonny shut the water off and pulled back the shower curtain. “You need protein doll.” He wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out on the bath mat.
“I need to stop puking 20 hours out of the day,” you replied looking up at him from where you were sitting cross-legged on the floor.
Sonny held his hand out to you which you accepted. He hauled you up from the floor. “I’ll get you some ginger ale to sip on okay? You go back to bed.”
You nodded your head as you brushed your teeth.
A few minutes later Sonny brought you a glass of ginger ale and a piece of toast with peanut butter. “Nibble and sip,” Sonny instructed.
“I’d rather nibble on you,” you responded with a smirk.
He chuckled. “I think that’s what got us here.” Sonny put his hand on your belly.
Second trimester
By the fourth month of your pregnancy, the morning sickness had passed and your appetite became voracious. Not just for food but for Sonny as well.
“You’re gonna kill me, Y/N,” Sonny panted and rolled off you. It was the third time that day the two of you made love. One of those being in the back of the car when Sonny had a quick break at work.
“Sorry, babe.” You rolled onto your side and ran a finger down Sonny’s chest. “Sonny? How much do you love me?”
“Considering its almost midnight it depends on what you want.” Sonny slid his arm under your shoulders.
“Deep fried pickles.”
Sonny sighed. “Get dressed. There’s that 24-hour diner a few blocks up the street. Might even spring for a chocolate milkshake,” Sonny said.
“Ohh…wine me and dine me, Dominick,” you purred.
“You know what it does to me when you call me that.”
Kissing up his jaw you stopped at his lips. “Remind me.”’
“What about your deep fried pickles?” Sonny asked as he ran a hand down your back.
“It’s a 24-hour diner remember?” you replied swinging your leg over Sonny to straddle his hips.
“Hey, Carisi. Today’s Y/N’s ultrasound right? You guys going to find out the gender?” Amanda asked. She passed him a coffee.
“Thanks.” He sipped from the cup he was handed and made a face. “What’s is this crude oil?” Sonny sat the cup on his desk and leaned back in his chair. “Yep. She was four months yesterday. Appointment is at 2.” A wide smile crossed his face. “Felt the baby kick for the first time the other day.”
Amanda smiled back. “It’s so good to see you happy. Stop back afterward and share the news?”
“Sure thing,” Sonny replied.
“Hello. I’m Sabrina. I’ll be performing your ultrasound today.” She smiled kindly at you and Sonny. “It’s an anatomy scan to be sure your baby is developing appropriately. Are we finding out if you’re having a boy or girl?Sonny took your hand in his. “Yes, we are,” you replied.
“Little warm gel,” she said as she squeezed the gel on your belly. “This is your first?”
“Yeah.” Your eyes were glued to the ultrasound screen.
“Nice strong heartbeat. Well developed heart and lungs,” she said. She continued to move the transducer around on your belly taking pictures and identifying body parts. “Okay. Here’s the fun part.”
You turned to Sonny. “Are you ready?”
Sonny nodded then leaned up to kiss your forehead.
“Better get stocked up on pink. It’s a girl.” She pointed to the screen.
“A little girl,” you whispered. One hand went to your mouth as tears filled your eyes. Sonny’s grip on your hand tightened. When you looked at him his eyes were glistening with tears.
“We’re having a little girl.” Sonny stood and kissed your lips. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, babe.”
Sabrina wiped the gel from your belly. “Congratulations. Here are you pictures. Now the hard part. Picking a name.” She handed the strip of pictures over to you and left the room.
“A little girl,” Sonny said in awe.
“Yeah…” you ran your finger over the ultrasound pictures.
After you and Sonny left the doctor office he called his parents who were excited to hear about their granddaughter. Sonny’s Mom cried and his Dad joked that someone needed to have a boy.
“Hey. Mind if we stop by the precinct? I kinda promised Rollins we’d stop by after the ultrasound.”
“That’s fine,” you said. “I haven’t seen Amanda since Mike’s…” you stopped and cleared your throat. “Sorry.” It had only been a couple weeks since Mike passed away after being shot.
“No. It’s okay.” He kissed your knuckles giving ya ou smile that didn’t convince you that he was okay. You didn’t push the subject, not today. Today was a happy day.
A few minutes later you and Sonny were walking into the squad room. Amand’s head perked up and she jumped from her seat. “So…” She looked expectantly between the two of you.
Sonny scratched the back of his neck. “It’s a girl!” he exclaimed putting his arms in the air. Fin clapped Sonny on the back, Amanda hugged you, then Nick gave you a kiss on the cheek.
Olivia came from her office to see about the commotion.
“Hey, Lieu! We’re havin’ a girl!” Sonny called to her.
She smiled wide giving Sonny giving him a big hug. “Congratulations, guys. I am so happy for you.”
“And Jesse will be so excited to have another little girl to play with,” Amanda piped in.
Fin clapped his hands together. “My place tonight, 7pm. I’m makin’ dinner to celebrate the new addition to the family.”
Third trimester
You sniffled again as “The arms of an angel” played while the TV showed pictures of shivering, starving animals.
“Hey. Hey. What’s goin’ on. Why are you cryin’?” Sonny looked at you then the TV. “What did we talk about huh, doll? Turn the channel when this commercial comes on.” Sonny took the remote and changed the station to the news.
“Yeah. I know. It came on. Sucked me in…” you muttered. You accepted the handkerchief that Sonny gave you. “This is not hormones either. So don’t even go there.”
Sonny held his hands up in surrender with a smirk on his face. “Wasn’t gonna say a word.” He came to sit beside on the sofa. Sonny’s hand rested on your knee and he gave it a little squeeze. “How was your day at work?”
“It sucked,” you said in a small voice. “I got moved to recovery until after I have the baby.” Sniffling you wiped your nose with Sonny’s handkerchief. “Which reminded me we don’t have a name picked out yet, the crib is still sitting in a box in the nursery along with the changing table. If our daughter is born today she’ll be nameless and have to sleep in a dresser drawer.”
“Oh. Hey. Don’t cry. C’mere.” Sonny wrapped his arms around you. “We can take care of that in one day.” Sonny stroked your hair and kissed your temple. “I have an idea for a name.”
“It came to me this morning on the way to work. Autumn. Autumn Juliet Carisi.”
Your sniffling stopped. “How’d you come up with it?”
“Well, it’s your favorite season and it’s also when we started dating. And Romeo and Juliet was the first play we saw together in the park.” He shrugged his shoulders.
You said the name a few times in your head then repeated it out loud. “It’s perfect,” you said looking up at him.
“You are so cute,” Sonny said as he watched you tug your T-shirt over belly as you sat on the couch.
You scoffed. At eight months pregnant cute was the last way you would describe yourself.
“Hardly. I can’t even see my feet and if I could I can’t reach my toes to paint them,” you replied holding up the bottle.
He pushed off the doorway discarding his jacket and tie in the chair and sat on the coffee table. “Here.” He motioned for the bottle of mauve nail polish. Sonny placed your feet in your lap then untwisted the cap.
A smile crossed your face. Sonny’s brow furrowed as he concentrated. One by one he swiped the color onto your nails. Once he was done he gently blew on the polish. “There,” Sonny said proudly beaming at you.
“I’m impressed,” you said admiring his work. “You are a man of many talents. Thanks, babe.”
Sonny jumped up quickly. “I got something today. Be right back.”
Sonny was bringing something home almost every day. It was either an outfit, toy, or random baby item that he read about or someone recommended. Sonny was already a perfect Dad and your little Autumn wasn’t even here yet. It made your heart swell. When Sonny returned to the living he had a shopping bag in his hand. The smile on Sonny’s face let you know he was excited about whatever was in the bag.
“It’s my Christening gown,” he stated as he pulled the small, white garment from the bag. “Ma brought to me when we had lunch this afternoon.”
“That is so sweet, Sonny,” you said as you fingered the cotton gown. “I was going to buy her one, cause mine is long gone. But this is much more special.” You pushed up from the couch then put your arms around his neck.
Sonny put the gown down and snaked his arms around your waist. “I can’t wait to meet our little girl.”
“Me either,” you said. “Just a couple more weeks and she’ll be in our arms.”
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Lambert | Injuries
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Prompt: “Let me patch up your wounds.”
Word count: 2100+ Warnings: Smut, swearing, blood
I had disliked the idea of the Witchers heading out at midnight to kill some Basilisk that had been spotted nearby and ransacked several villages from its inhabitants, but they wouldn't listen to my protests. It had been sixteen hours since they had left Kaer Morhen, and I didn't like the delay one bit. They were with three, they could have returned long ago. Terrible scenarios played through my head, torturing me with flashes of what could've happened. What could've happened to Lambert, to be more exact. If I closed my eyes, I could see him laying right there, made cold by that bloody monster. Pacing back and forth through the halls while nervously chewing on my lip, I spent the day looking out of the windows that faced the lower courtyard, near the gate. I didn't know how Yennefer could be so calm in all this. What if something had really happened on the way? My stomach made nonstop flips, tears about to spill over the brims of my eyes every few moments. 'Stop being so neurotic, (Y/n). I am sure they are fine.' The raven-haired sorceress didn't even look up from the book she was reading as I entered the halls. She took a nonchalant swig from her wine.'How can you possibly know that?!' I cried out, running my hands through my hair. 'I know Geralt and the Witchers longer than today. They will manage. The Basilisk might just be a bit tough.' I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I tapped my foot onto the ground impatiently. 'If anything happens to Lambert, I will never forgive myself for not stopping him yesterday night.' Yen let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. 'How often do I have to repeat myself? Put some trust into them and you'll see there is nothing to cry about.' I shook my head, pacing towards my bedroom. 'You're useless in supporting me, you know that? Even though you go to exact the same thing right now, you should be frightened!'
The sound of doors opening echoed through the halls, making us look up. Yen gave me a smirk. 'See, I told you you had to have some faith in them.' Geralt barged in, the large head of a Basilisk in his hand. Yennefer let out a sound of disapproval. 'What did I tell you about bringing those bloody things inside?' The White Wolf gave her a small smirk. 'That's no way to greet me.' I greeted him with a small nod as soon as he saw me. 'Good evening, (Y/n). If you are looking for Lambert, he is on his way here, he's wounded.' I gasped, rushing towards the entrance. I pushed open the door, almost walking into the two Witchers. Lambert was leaning onto Eskel, limping visibly as a stained rag was wrapped around his leg. 'Lambert...' He looked up at me, the pain in his eyes clear as day. '(Y/n).' His voice almost broke as he failed to make another step, nearly falling to the floor. 'Fuck, you should patch him up (Y/n)...' Eskel said. I nodded. 'Let me patch you up your wounds, Lambert. Bring him to my room. I will fetch some first aid stuff.' Eskel hummed in agreement and I ran to the armory, where bandages were stored in case someone managed to cut themselves up during the training. I grabbed a few before making my way to the kitchen, taking a bottle of alcohol from the counter. Some Mandrake had to serve as a way to clean out the wound. As I entered my room soon after, Lambert was already seated in a chair, his leg stretched out, a bucket under his nose. The room smelled of vomit, probably he had thrown up from the pain. 'We need to get off his pants,' I stated, 'even though it might hurt.' Eskel gave me a quick nod. 'You do one since, I will do the other.' 'Of course.' I put down the supplies, grabbing one side of his trousers. 'One, two... Three!' Lambert let out a cry as we pulled down his pants. 'I'm sorry baby...' I muttered, sighing in sorrow. It hurt me seeing him like this. He was clearly in pain. 'I will leave you two be.' 'Thanks, Eskel.' I said. 'Anytime.' He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him. 'I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I know you said we shouldn't go, but...' 'Hush, it's OK Lambert. No need to apologize.' I knelt down, inspecting his wound closer up. 'Shit, the Basilisk got you pretty bad, huh?' I didn't get a response other than a deep sigh. 'I know. Here, I don't think I need to puke anymore.' He handed me the bucket. 'Thanks. I will cherish it forever.' Lambert gave me a small smile. 'You're very welcome.' I put it at the other side of the room before returning to him. 'This will hurt a bit.' I said while crouching down in front of him, grabbing the bottle of Mandrake, taking off the cork. 'Brace yourself.' He nodded, swallowing visibly.
Lambert flinched as I poured some of the alcohol over his wound, hissing through is teeth in pain. I quickly pulled back, looking at him concernedly. 'Sorry! Are you alright?' He nodded another time, digging his nails into the armrests of the chair. I continued cleaning the wound, biting my lip as several curses left Lambert's tongue. 'Shit, I'm sorry babe.' I told him, reaching for the bandage that I had to wrap around his wound now. 'I have to be annoying for a little longer now, but it will be better soon. Hold on.' Lamberts leg spasmed as soon as I touched the wound, the Witcher crying out in pain. 'Fucking hell, sorry (Y/n).' he muttered, taking deep breaths. 'It's worse than I thought it was. The thing clawed you pretty deep, hm?' He gave me a small nod, trying to gather himself again. 'It could even have hit a nerve or two. Sure I hope not so.' I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead, withdrawing instantly. 'Oh dear, you are burning hot.' Lambert chuckled through the pain that was visible on his face. 'I know.' I rolled my eyes and couldn't fight back a smirk. Even in this state of misery, Lambert could joke around.
'Still, I have to wrap it up before dirt and dust will come in it and cause infection. You should sleep, and if your fever isn't over by tomorrow, we should see a herbalist, perhaps a surgeon. I am sure Regis could help out here.' Lambert nodded and readied himself for the agony that was to come. His muscles tensed as soon as my fingertips hit the skin around the gash. 'Relax, Lambert.' I tried to hush him, taking the long white gauze in order to wrap it around him. This time, I had to fight the urge to withdraw from him to stop his hurt. I had to do this before it would become worse. Lambert let out another yell that was probably audible in all of Kaer Morhen. 'That takes care of that.' I said as I knotted the ends together tightly. Lambert let out a relieved sound, still looking at his leg worriedly. 'Just rest now, get some sleep, and you will be able to walk again soon.' He weakly nodded as another expression spread over his face, his gaze darkening. 'Can I get you something? A potion, some drink?' I asked him, a bit confused at this sudden change. He didn't answer, instead he chewed on his bottom lip. 'Lambert?' He shook his head. 'N-No, nothing, thank you.' I saw him swallow visibly. My brow knitted together as realization hit me that I was still knelt down between his legs. My breath hitched in my throat as I slowly let my eyes wander to the hard lump in his loincloth. 'Do you really have a boner, now?' I whispered. Lambert let out an embarrassed hum. 'Mind to take care of it? Might relax me.' I let out a light laugh, looking over my shoulder to see if the door was locked. 'Why ever the hell not? Would love to help you out, in fact. Anything for my boy.'
I cupped his member, feeling it jerk against my palm as soon as I touched it. Lambert hissed, but not in pain this time. 'You like that?' He nodded, his bottom lip sliding between his teeth. I rubbed against the bulge, Lambert trying to buck his hips without forcing his wounded leg to tense too much. The fabric of his briefs was damp with precum that had already escaped him. I licked across the cotton, making him throw back his head. I nuzzled against his covered member, biting down playfully for I loved seeing him so hot and flustered because of my touch. 'Fuck...' he muttered, his cat-like eyes locking with mine. I could taste the salty flavor of the liquids that had already oozed from the head of his cock, a warm spot welling up between my legs. But this wasn't about me. This was about Lambert needing to find some way to relax, and he deserved it. I decided I had been teasing him for enough now, hooking my fingers around the edges of his loincloth to pull it down carefully, trying to not touch the bandage around his leg. His manhood stood up straight and proud, glistening wet and twitching as I wrapped a hand around it, tugging at it a few times. I spied Lambert's face for a response, finding his gaze which screamed admiration. 'Go on...' Lambert urged as I kept giving small tugs, touching the head in the process. I latched the heat of my mouth onto his tip, my tongue coated in saliva twirling across it. I felt it jerk in my hand, throbbing veins pressing against my palm. I stroked up and down slowly, spreading the mix of precum and spit all over the base. A relieved sigh left Lambert as his fingers found my (h/c) locks, playing with the strands as I started to bob my head, lewd noises that varied between sucking and nearly gagging filling the room.
I nipped at the head, giving tiny licks, driving Lambert crazy. My hand went up between his legs to massage his scrotum in order to bring him more pleasure. Moans escaped Lambert's lips, deep, vibrating ones that sent shivers down my spine, my slit dripping right now. I took in his entire cock, a strangled sound emitting from my throat. My nose touched a little patch of dark pubic hair and I nuzzled against it to make sure his entire member was engulfed by my mouth. I felt the pulsing of it on my tongue, which was flatly pressed against the tip now. I pulled back, gasping for air as strings of saliva connected me to his cock. I smirked at Lambert's troubled reaction, he was so close to his release yet I had withdrawn myself from his thumping manhood. 'P-Please...' he mumbled with a voice filled with desperation. 'Did you just beg?' '(Y/n), I--' 'It is not very often that you beg. Perhaps I should give it to you to reward you for it, hm?' I raised an eyebrow, my index finger stroking his tip, which was about to explode. Lambert let out a loud groan as I teased him again, pressing tiny kisses against the base. 'Alright,' I sighed, inhaling through my nose deeply as my tongue swirled against him. 'I guess it's time, then.' He did not foresee my hand wrapping around his length, pumping him with great speed, Growls erupted from his mouth, his cock spasming as he released his pleasure. The hot, white and creamy fluid filled my mouth. Lambert's fingers clawed in my hair, trying to fuck my face for a few thrusts. He trembled, too weak to sit up straight. I swallowed his seed, wiping the remains off with my sleeve. 'Thank you...' Lambert whispered as I stood up, straightening my armor. 'Anytime, darling.' I took his underwear, putting it on him again. His cock was swollen and wet, satisfied as I pulled the cotton over it again. Lambert sighed, his breaths still uneven. 'I'd love to do something back, dear, but I am just too exhausted.' I smiled, leaning forward to press a kiss on his forehead. 'Pay me back later, let's get you to bed first.' He smiled. 'I'd like nothing better.'
The following morning, I was greeted with a brunette head between my legs.
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Tag the last
I was tagged by @lovebeingsoexxtrajisoo thank you sweetie!!!!!!!!!
drink: wine {´◕ ◡ ◕`}
phone call: my guy friend -_-
text message: "apsiramink, tu girtas eik miegot idk” which means "chill, go to sleep you’re drunk idk"
song you listened: SMNM - Million ft. Compulsive
time you cried: I don’t cry  (¬_¬)
Dated someone twice: nein
kissed someone and regretted it: yes ;-;
been cheated on: that requires having a s/o so nah man
lost someone special: yep
been depressed: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: i actually can drink shit loads until I puke, tho it happened like 1 time as I never puke, Im a hardcore drinker like thatヽ(。・ω・。)ノ
Purple, black and red
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: yes
laughed until you cried: yes
found out someone was talking about you: ppl talk shit abt me all the time and yeh I know
met someone who changed you: uuhm maybe a bit?
found out who your friends are: yes
kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
how many facebook friends do you know in real life: i don’t accept ppl unless I know them (at least have talked to them or saw them in rlf)
do you have any pets: yes, a cat and a doggo (◕‿◕✿)
do you want to change your name: nah, i think its pretty okay for an uncooked noodle like me 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ
what did you do for your last birthday: got drunk lmaoooo
what were you doing at midnight last night: yesterday was actually new years so i was looking at the fireworks with my bestie
name something you can’t wait for: the day when I’ll figure out what i want to do with my life
when was the last time you saw your mom: today like an hour ago
what are you listening to right now: joji - i don’t wanna waste my time
have you ever talked to a person named tom: i got 2 classmates with that name
something that is getting on your nerves: people, wet things that shouldn’t be wet.
most visited website: youtube, facebook and spotify
hair color: purple/silver/pinkish tho natural hair color is light blonde
long or short hair: long
do you have a crush on someone: do youtubers or idols count?
what do you like about yourself: I got an okay sense of humor I’m very loyal and brutally honest.
blood type: A
nickname: Monii, Waffle, Jinx
relationship status: single and ready to mingle  (single pringle basically)
zodiac: cancer
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv show: parks and recreations, rick and morty, regular show.
tattoos: none tho I’d like to have sum.
right or left handed: right
surgery: none (i fukken wish)
sport: volleyball
pair of shoes: converse just a tad bit above the ankle
food: lasagna
drink: tea
i’m about to: play some video games boii
waiting for: that someone who will put up with my shit (´。✪ω✪。`)
want: lots of things, wouldn’t be able to list them all.
get married: yesssssss
career: haven’t decided yet T-T
hugs or kisses: HUGS
lips or eyes: eyes
shorter or taller: if between a boy then taller if a girl then idk, i’m usually the tall friend I like girls who are taller than me tho.
older or younger: older
nice arms or nice stomach: I really dont give a ff..flower
hook up or relationship: relationsheep
troublemaker or hesitant: why not both
kissed a stranger: nah
drank hard liquor: ofc
lost glasses/contact lenses: dont wear em
turned someone down: yes
sex on the first date: nein
broken someone’s heart: i think so?
had your heart broken: yes
been arrested: nah, I’ve ran from cops a couple of times tho
fallen for a friend: meeeeh, kinda ?
cried when someone died: I don’t rememer, haven’t experienced so much losses worth of crying
yourself: naaaah
miracles: nein
love at first sight: yes
santa claus: lol he’s my uncle
kiss on the first date: depends if I like the person.
I tag @exo-bts-fanfics-imagines @xiubaek13 ​ ; @oh-beyond and @jungk0oksthighs just bc I thnk these blogs are amazing (and you don’t have to do this if u dont want to, i’ll still luv yall) ٩(。•ω•。)و Fighting!
Also, ive had some problems uploading this post. the questions were answered on jan 1st, though im finally uploading this on jan 3rd. Im sorry ;-;
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lysdal · 7 years
tagged by @rick-wrights-right-nipple​ q; thanks <3
Drink: tomato soup :)
Last phone call: with my mom asking when they’d get home again
Last text message: girlfriend q: 
Last song listened to: røde mor - kys din frø      really getting into old danish protest and psychedelic rock q:
Last time you cried: yesterday i think, dont remember
Dated someone twice? nope
Been cheated on? well.. no, not really
Kissed someone and regretted it? yeah... definitely. i assume both of us have just forgotten it though
Lost someone special? grandparent, knew her very well though
Been depressed? i dont know, never been checked by a doctor
Been drunk and thrown up? ofc :’) threw up in my hair resulting in it being sticky the day after. (also managed to puke and then faceplant into it later :’))
Talked to someone named Tom? no, not yet
Made a new friend? yeah :) 
Fallen out of love? definitely :’) much has happend this year though, i feel it was necessary to shape me, so i dont go around being sad about the time i ‘wasted’
Laughed until you cried? always. if its worth laughing about itll probably make me laugh until tears come lmao
Met someone who changed you? i guess you could say that, yeah q; <33
Found out who your true friends were? already knew who those people were
Found out someone was talking about you? not really
How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life? 4 people :)
Do you have any pets? sadly no ;( i did have a bird sometime, he was pretty cute
Do you want to change your name? maybe my last name, but not my first name, its pretty okay q:
What time did you wake up this morning? at 11 or 13 i think, its vacation so i dont keep track
What were you doing last night? just talked to a nice person q; 
Name something you cannot wait for? meeting up with my girlfriend q: it has been what ive been looking forward to for a pretty long while now
What getting on your nerves right now? pretty much nothing, maybe a couple of ‘friends’ at school but not too much. 
Blood type: im pretty sure its 0-
Nickname: lysdal (yah, username is creative i know)
Relationship status: post minecraft sex, but still no hand holding yet
Zodiac sign: aries (horoscopes seem to fit so im pretty happy with it)
Prounouns: whatever you want to call me, swamp monster included
Favorite tv show: futurama so far :)
College major: no ideaaa
Hair color: dark brown, getting darker i think
Long or short: long definitely q: 
Do you have a crush on someone? well that person would be my girlfriend  🤔 is it still a crush then
What do you like about yourself? if i really want to do something i can focus on it, and do it. i suppose thats quite good. i also play guitar and bass okay. my curiosity seems to drag me around in a lot of hobbies, so thats also nice.
Surgery: had a splinter 1 cm deep under my nail :’) the doctor just took a pair of pliers and ripped it out nearly alongside with my nail :’)
Piercing: i once fell and pierced my own head, but no intentional ones, and im not too sure ill ever get any
Best friend: eh.. my middle school best friend didnt really turn out like me, so we stopped talking pretty much as soon as we stopped going to school together
Sport: volleyball :’)  for 3 years :’) never againnn
Vacation: hungary when i was 2 years old, i remember the trip by car being wayyyy too long z.z
Pair of sneakers: never had any i think
Eating: protein rods aka breadsticks
Drinking: pepsiii 💦💦
I’m about to: go to work because ive been postphoning it whole week
Listening: an 8 hour long video of joel playing half life 2 👍
Kids: later in life, yeah
Get married: unless the social norms change, yeah
Career: i wish i knew :’) maybe music if thats possible, probably not though
Lips or eyes? eyess 👀, lips are still pretty tho :)
Hugs or kisses? both are very nice :) especially together q: 
Shorter or taller? preferably shorter, but thats because anyone taller than me would surely have back problems z.z
Older or younger? same age, maybe a bit younger, depends on how mature the person is though
Romantic or spontaneous? romantic definitely q:
Sensitive or loud? depends on what mood im in, both can be nice
Hook up or relationship? relationship 100%, hook ups seem rather pointless for stuff other than self confidence
Trouble maker or hesitant? hesitant when theres risk, trouble maker if there isnt :’) 
Kissed a stranger: neverr, kissing is more precious than that
Drank hard liquor: you bet, currently the strongest stuff ive tried was 80% alcohol modern absinthe, but im still looking out for stronger stuff :’)  why not try it all if i can.
Lost glasses/contacts: dont have either
Sex on first date: if its with a person like rick wright maybe 👀 i mean.. its a once in a lifetime opportunity.. generally no though :’) if you like the person that much then whats the rush, there will definitely be more dates.
Broken someone’s heart: nooo z.z never done that and i hope i never will
Been arrested: noo, but i once slapped a police officers ass in the amsterdam airport when i was younger :’) was too young to get arrested though, and the police officer didnt mind 
Turned someone down: once a veryyy long time ago. its not often i get asked though so eh, not like theres much to reject lmao
Fallen for a friend: sadly yeah.. went okay 1 time, lost a friend the other time
In yourself: depends on what stupid stuff im doing :’) when i seriously try stuff i do tend to believe i can do it though
Miracles: sometimes its hard not to 
Love at first sight: attraction at first sight maybe, but theres no way you can know the persons personality and everything by just looking.
Heaven: maybe, but not in the traditional sense
Santa: sadly not ;(
Witchcraft: heck yeah, that would be hella cool
ill tag @subdivisi0ns and @silentfreeway if they want to q:
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k-kizkhalifa · 7 years
Cross My Heart: Lose You
Summary: Tristan is a year old now, and Harry and Draco are going through a few things most parents go through during parenthood and marriage. Rated: T  Pairing?: DM x HP Word Count: 2984  
Draco stared at the note Harry had sent home, it was just after lunch and he had gotten it a little late because he had been taking care of Tristan but now that he had it he was furious.
Baby, if you're planning on soup again I think I'll grab a beer with the guys after we're done.
Let me know! Harry xx
Draco was fucking furious. He grabbed a piece of parchment and scrawled his own answer, sending it back.
If you go out for a beer, don't bother coming home.
Harry had been helping some friends with a special project at the Ministry and as much as Draco wanted to say he wasn't struggling with Tristan he was. It had been two weeks now and he had grown to rely on Harry's help. Harry's support. He needed it, but instead Harry had been working. Not even really working. He wasn't getting paid for it, he was just doing it. He didn't need to be there, but he was. For two weeks.
Draco was doing his best but Tuesday, Tristan had started getting sick and Draco was getting overwhelmed just like now his son was screaming for him and he had just laid him down not even twenty minutes ago. Draco ran up to his room and had him in his arms immediately, cradling him close.
"Oh baby," he whispered sadly, his fever was back. Draco didn't know what else to do he couldn't give him any more medicine for a while so instead he just held him and rubbed his back, cradling him close and trying to calm him down.
Tristan had an upset stomach, it seemed, and was having a hard time keeping much down plus a cough that was getting worse every hour, going on four days now. Draco was looking forward to Harry being home for the weekend - or had been until his dumbass sent that note talking about if Draco planned on making soup again….
Yesterday Draco hadn't planned on making soup at all. He had other stuff out and ready to make but he ended up going with the left over soup from the night before because of Tristan's sickness. He didn't have the time to cook, he was taking care of their son. And Tuesday he had actually forgotten dinner because he had taken Tristan to the doctor and was just getting home when Harry was.
He knew Harry wasn't happy with the dinner choice last night, or any of the last three nights, he could tell by his silence and last night he made a face when Draco finally managed to get it to the table though he hadn't been able to sit there long before he was cleaning up more puke.
Why can't he damn well cook? Draco thought bitterly, it wasn't written in stone that just Draco had to though it often fell that way. It didn't have to be that way Harry was just as capable. Hell, he had done most of the cooking before Tristan anyway. The blonde nuzzled their son, and sat back in the rocking chair shutting his eyes. He was tired, he knew Tristan was tired as well, maybe he'll sleep if I hold him? He thought, while rubbing his back and rocking him.
When Harry got the note he knew he was in for it, he hadn't thought it was that big of a deal but then again Draco had been rather crazy lately, he told himself. He sighed and threw it away, frowning as he glanced over at Dean, Seamus, and the others he had been helping. The group about to head out and kick their weekend off.
"Alright Harry?"
"Yeah, gonna head on home. Maybe next time."
"The wife said no?" Seamus laughed, judging him with two hard eyes, Harry grinned and laughed it off, "well next time then. See ya later!"
Harry smiled and headed over to the floo network while they headed through the exits, and he floo'd home. The house was a mess, Tristan's toys were all over the living room, there was a basket of unfolded clothing on the couch and a pile of dirty onesies on the ground in front of the laundry room door.
"Dray?" He called peeking into the kitchen, finding it empty and the dishes from breakfast still on the counter. He frowned and headed upstairs, "Draco?"
"Here!" He heard and saw the bathroom door half opened.
Harry looked in and found Tristan sitting in the tub, silently sniffling while Draco washed his front. The blonde's hair was out of place, his shirt was untucked and covered in sick and he looked tired. "What's wrong with him?"
"He's sick Potter," Draco said without looking at him, "just like has been since Tuesday."
"Oh." Harry stepped back, "alright..."
Draco shook his head and grabbed the soap starting to rub his hand over Tristan's chest who slapped at him screaming, "NO!"
Draco looked worried, "what? Are you okay baby?" Tristan kept slapping his hand, screaming, no! Until Draco dropped his hand and sat back on his heels, "what Tristan?"
"Da-da!" He splashed the water right a Draco as he cried the word out and Draco gasped, "DA-DA! DA-DA!"
Harry was standing in the door watching, unsure what to say until finally Draco got to his feet and looked at him, "your son wants you Potter." He said calmly, "I'll go make anything other than soup for dinner." He pushed past him to the hallway and started down as Harry stepped towards their son.
"I made Daddy mad," he said dropping down to his knees next to the tub, grabbing Tristan out of the water and getting the towel from the floor to wrap it around him. "Are you mad at me too?" He asked cuddling him. Tristan stared blankly and rubbed his wet hair against Harry's shirt, "I love you baby." He said softly and gave his wet hair a kiss before grabbing his wand from his back pocket and drying him with a flourish of his wrist.
Tristan giggled from the feeling, squealed as the two stood up, "more! More!" He started smacking at Harry's chest.
"You gotta stop hitting baby," Harry whispered taking his hands and giving them a soft squeeze, "nice touches." Harry said as he rubbed his hands, "soft touching."
"Yes," Harry got the two off the ground, holding him close, once they were in his room Harry grabbed his clothes getting him in his diaper and then pajamas. "Did you take a nap today?" He coo'd as he buttoned the pajama onesie.
"No nap!" Tristan shook his head rolling over to his knees and reaching for Harry, he was coughing as Harry picked him up.
"Yes nap," Harry answered with a chuckle and rubbed his back, he had given him his medicine and rubbed some Baby Vick's on his chest before he grabbed his blanket wrapping him up tightly and laying the two on the ground. Harry laid on his side and wrapped his arm around Tristan, cuddling his son close who was babbling quietly. Their eyes met and Harry smiled, "oh yeah?"
Tristan smiled widely letting his eyes flutter shut, "gonna sleep baby?" Harry was asking as he held him, watching Tristan flutter his eyes over and over until finally he was asleep. They laid for a few more minutes before Harry picked him up to lay him in his bed. He pulled the side railing up and grabbed the monitor, heading out of the room.
He knew there was going to be a fight and he didn't want one, but he knew it was coming.
Harry walked quietly into the kitchen where Draco was sitting on the floor with a wine glass in one hand and tears on his cheek.
Draco looked up at him taking a long drink of the wine.
"Tristan is sleeping," Harry said and sat the monitor on the counter then he bent down in front of Draco, reaching for him, "baby?"
"What?" Draco shied away from his touch, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I didn't m-."
Draco cut him off, "oh, fuck you."
"I'm trying to apologize, Draco."
"I can hear that."
"Then let me apologize."
"No, because it doesn't mean anything."
Harry sighed and sat down in front of him, "it does mean something Draco, I'm sorry." Draco rolled his eyes and finished the wine glass before reaching up to grab the bottle and pouring himself another glass. "Draco..." Harry started softly, "probably shouldn't drink that much."
"And why not?" He sneered taking a big drink with a pointed look.
"Okay," Harry sighed, "let's go, what?"
"Don't you fucking patronize me Potter!" He all but yelled and slammed the wine glass down, some sloshing out, "you're not here! You're supposed to be here! We agreed to do this together, we agreed to parenthood together and you're not fucking here." Draco was crying again, "you're off doing fuckall for no reason and then you have the fucking audacity to tell me you were going to go out for a drink? Fuck you Potter!" Harry frowned, remaining quiet watching Draco wipe his tears away, "so fuck your stupid apology."
"I'm sorry," he said again and reached for Draco ignoring him as he jerked away, "come here Draco." He whispered, grabbing his arms and finally pulling him into his lap. "Stop." Draco pushed at his chest, but Harry was far stronger and held him in place, "stop."
"Let go of me!"
"Stop." Draco pushed him roughly, shaking his head and crying and then their eyes locked. Two dark green eyes matched two dark gray. "Say it," Harry said quietly, softly.
Draco opened his mouth, the words forming. He was thinking it, I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Over and over, his mouth opening and closing around the words. He wanted to say it, but he couldn't. They fell away and instead he just closed his eyes and leaned forward hugging Harry tightly, crying against his shoulder. "I'm so tired..."
"I know," Harry rocked him, "how about you go take a shower?"
"Yeah..." Draco nodded.
"Or take a long, hot bubble bath? Hm?" Draco nodded again, though neither moved. "Has he been feeling any better?"
"Yes and no, when his fever spikes its really bad but I haven't given him anything other than Pedialyte since breakfast. He's been managing that better," Draco answered laying his cheek against Harry's shoulder.
"Want to talk now or...?"
"You can cook, Potter. Okay? I don't have to do all of this on my own. It's your house, it's your child just as much as it's all mine." The blonde answered immediately as if it had been all he wanted to say for the last three days.
"I know baby," Harry kissed his neck, "I'm sorry... I didn't pay enough attention and I was caught up in it all and I was shit."
"You told me this was what you wanted. I was what you wanted... me and Tristan. We are it."
"You are," Harry swallowed roughly and sighed, "every bit of that. I just wanted to feel... I don't know, needed? Y'know? I miss it all. I miss the work and the people and I miss the freedom..."
"We can do anything, Potter, anytime you want. It's you and me and Tristan and we have all this time. We have all these abilities and things and we don't have to be shut-ins, but you do have to be here. I need you, Harry." Draco whispered, holding his cheeks, "I need you and Tristan needs you. I couldn't get him to sleep today but for 20 minutes, Harry. And you're with him for less than an hour and he's upstairs in bed sleeping." He frowned, "he needs you, Harry. We asked for this together, and we have to do this together."
"Okay," Harry smiled, leaning forward to kiss him. "Now go relax and I'll take care of everything down here."
"Okay," Draco smiled and moved off of Harry's lap, standing up. "Want me to take the monitor?"
"Nope," Harry was picking up the wine glass from the floor and smiled over to Draco, "I just want you to relax. Gooo."
Harry waited until he heard the bathroom door shut and looked around. He hadn't really taken anytime during the last two weeks to check the house. He hadn't paid attention, he hadn't paid attention to the two most important people in his life either. Draco and Tristan. He had been a bad father and a bad husband.
Harry moved quickly cleaning the kitchen with a few spells, and then just the same in the living room; after ten minutes all of Tristan's toys were cleaned up and put away. He started the laundry ran up and checked on Tristan again before he started dinner.
He was making Draco's favorite. Chicken Alfredo, he didn't personally like it but that wasn't what this was about. It was about making his Draco feel better. It was about reminding his Draco he was perfect and loved and welcomed and...
I've lost him once, how could I risk losing him again? I've seen him stop breathing, how could I risk wanting to even come to anything in my life like that again?
He was pulled from his thoughts the moment Tristan let out a loud scream, Harry put a stasis on the food and ran up the stairs to find his soon waving his arms and screaming when Harry bent over the bed.
"Shh baby," he whispered, smiling down at him and stroking his face, "you're okay." He brushed his hair back soothing him as he quieted down, "you need to sleep baby."
Tristan grabbed at his finger holding it, giggling, "Da-da!"
"Hi baby, you need to sleep, hm?"
"No! Da-da!" He made grabby hands at Harry who scooped him off the bed with his blanket, and laid his cheek against his shoulder.
"You're a little spoiled Tristan Hyperion Potter." He whispered to his son, bouncing him, "let's go make Daddy dinner.." Harry said stopping to grab the medicine and headed the two down the stairs. Once downstairs and in the kitchen Harry took the stasis off for the food to continue cooking and found the Pedialyte Draco was talking about and made Tristan a sippy cup cut with water, shifting him to his hip.
Tristan fussed reaching for Harry's wand, "me?"
"I don't think so," Harry handed him a wooden spoon, instead. "Here?"
Tristan threw the spoon at Harry with a yell, "NO!"
Harry looked at him, with wide eyes, "Tristan," he chided and bent to put him on his feet, he had been walking since 10 months. "You have to be nicer, nice touches." Harry said taking his hands, "okay baby? Nice touches."
"It's his new thing, hitting and throwing..."
"No!" Tristan yelled again the moment Draco's voice greeted the two and ducked into Harry's arm, "Da-da!"
"I'm not here for you," Draco answered, shaking his head, "and hating me."
Harry frowned and pulled Tristan back, "we have to love your Daddy, baby." He said softly, kissing his cheek, "we have to love him very much because he is the only one you have."
Tristan nodded and looked at Draco, as if he understood and maybe in some part of his baby mind he did, waddling over to him and holding his hands out, "up Daaa!"
Harry smiled standing back up and Draco grabbed Tristan off the ground and gave him a kiss, "are you feeling better now that you got time with your father?"
"I gave him medicine," Harry explained, "and Vick's and Pedialyte. Dinner is ready, by the way." He added turning towards the table to show garlic bread, Chicken Alfredo and seasoned broccoli on the table with a glass of fresh wine.
"Mm, my favorite." Draco smiled leaning towards Harry and kissing his cheek, then his lips, "thank you Harry."
"You're welcome baby," he smiled nuzzling the two of them a moment before grabbing the high chair for Tristan. "I got him some applesauce, I know he's supposed to have light and plain food since he's getting sick. Right?"
Draco stared at Harry in shock, smiling, "exactly." He stepped forward and sat Tristan in the high chair, "you hungry baby boy?" Tristan giggled taking the sippy cup and a drink, "don't eat too much or too fast Tristan," Draco warned giving him the spoon, "you try."
Harry smiled at the both of them, "tomorrow we should go to the zoo if he keeps feeling better?"
"Okay," Draco nodded, "if not we can always go next week."
"Every day, if he wants."
"Anytime you want, Harry Potter, we'll be there."
Thanks Jamie, you’re the best beta (still). Found here, only there at this time. Still transferring. Click here for the rest of the CMH fics as well. ~kiz
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solum-detective · 7 years
tagged by: @deathscytheeevee LAST 1) Drink: water 2) Phone Call: 707 3) Text Message: "i too communicate through song" ((to @cigarettes-and-googles)) 4) Song Listened To: I think it was Sincerely, Me from Dear Evan Hansen 5) Time I Cried: I had a huge breakdown yesterday HAVE YOU EVER 6) Dated Somebody Twice: yes and i regret it 7) Been Cheated On: no 8) Been Kissed By Someone And Regretted It: no 9) Lost Someone Special: yes 10) Been Depressed: always 11) Gotten Drunk And Puked: no THREE FAVORITE COLORS 12) black 13) blue 14) blood red IN THE LAST YEAR 15) Made New Friends: yes 16) Fallen Out Of Love: no 17) Laughed Until You Cried: yes 18) Found Out Someone Was Gossiping About You: no 19) Met Someone Who Changed Your Life: yes ((@cigarettes-and-googles)) 20) Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: yes 21) Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: i don't have facebook HOW MANY/MUCH 22) Facebook Friends: see 21 23) Pets: i had a cat once 24) Want To Change Your Name: nah i like my name WHAT 25) Did I Get For My Birthday: chocolate 26) Time I Woke Up: 7?? 6:30??? idk?? 27) Were You Doing At Midnight: reading 28) Can’t You Wait For: college 29) Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom: like two seconds ago? 30) Was Something You Wish You Could Change About Your Life: i wish i was 18 already and lived alone/with a friend 31) Are You Listening To Right Now: nothing 32) Gets On Your Nerves: stupid people, my family 33) Talked To A Person Named Tom: thomas yes tom no 34) Is Your Most Visited Website: tumblr and discord 35) Elementary School: like the name? haha buddy not telling 36) High School: also not telking 37) College: not in college yet 38) Hair Color: lightish brown 39) Long/Short Hair: medium (shoulder length) 40) Crush: L Lawliet 41) Do You Like About Yourself: my leggies 42) Piercings: i got my ears pierced but i think they closed 43) Blood Type: ~no idea~ 44)Nicknames: lets see...kotyonok, loeb straub, veloebstraubraptor ((dont even ask)), edge, E 45) Relationship Status: in love with L Lawliet 46) Zodiac: aquarius 47) Pronouns: she/her 48) Favorite Show: death note 49) Tattoos: i lowkey wanna get one but none tn 50) Left/Right Handed: right FIRST 51) Surgery: none 52) Piercing: ears 53) Best Friend: idk my first one tbh 54) Sport: i mean i only just started playing sports. i never really was into a specific sport until now. (fencing) 55) Vacation: probably Maine 56) Pair Of Shoes: no clue??? RIGHT NOW 57) Eating: nothing 58) Drinking: nothing 59) I Am About To: tear out my throat (its sore) 60)Listening to: my sister play guitat 61) Waiting For: college 62) Want To See: my internet friends in person 63) Want To Get Married: to L Lawliet 64) Career: i wanna be a detective WHICH IS BETTER 65) Hugs/Kisses: both. at the same time.  66) Lips/Eyes: lips 67) Taller/Shorter: being short is cool 68) Younger/Older: older 69) Romantic/Spontaneous: romantic~ 70) Nice Arms/Nice Stomach: no preference for other people but if we're talking on me i want the stomach 71) Sensitive/Loud: sensitive  72) Hookup/Relationship: relationships 73) Troublemaker/Hesitant: hesitant HAVE YOU EVER 74) Kissed A Stranger: no  75) Drank Hard Liquor: no 76) Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: yes 77) Turned Someone Down: yes 78) Canoodling On A First Date: what the hell is that? sex? eating pasta? either way no. 79) Broken Someone’s Heart: i think so (he got over it tho) 80) Had Your Own Heart Broken: yes 81) Been Arrested: no 82) Cried When Someone Died: yes (L) 83) Fallen For A Friend: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN 84) Yourself: haha nope 85) Miracles: yes 86) Santa Claus: no 87) Kisses On A First Date: ehhh idk probably not 88) Angels: yes 89) Love At First Sight: yes OTHER 90) Best Friend’s Name: im doing urls @cigarettes-and-googles @arytux-kun 91) Eye Color: hazel 92) Favorite Movie: ??i?dont?know?? TAGGING anyone
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ellienovak-blog · 8 years
Get to know me
(Reposting it because I realized the first version there was a small part that hadn’t been saved and it was still @eden-winchester ‘s answers, sorry about that xD)
Tagged by @eden-winchester !! Thank you!! :3
1) Drink: milk
2) Phone call: my dad, he asked my sis and I to shovel the snow outside (since there was a big ass snowstorm yesterday night)
3) Text message: ‘Love you’ to my boyfriend
4) Song listened to: Nancy Mulligan by Ed Sheeran
5) Time you cried: Friday morning, in my math class. I don’t know why... xD
6) Dated somebody twice: Think not?
7) Been cheated on: Nope!
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah
9) Lost someone special: I think not
10) Been depressed: hahahahaahahHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA yes
11) Gotten drunk and puked: Nope, I don’t drink
12) Purple
13) Dark Red
14) Blue
15) Made new friends: Yeees!
16) Fallen out of love: The heck does that mean?
17) Laughed until you cried: Yup
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: Yes
19) Met someone who changed your life: YES MY BOYFRIEND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
20) Found out who your true friends are: Yes
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: My boyfriend?
22) Facebook friends: 199
23) Pets: 2 dogs
24) Want to change your name: I like the name Ellie (duh)
25) Did I get for my birthday: My birthday is in one month!
26) Time I woke up: 9:30am
27) Were you doing at midnight: Trying not to die of a heart attack because of the snowstorm.. It really was scary!
28) Can’t you wait for: Summer
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: A bunch of things tbh
31) Are you listening to right now: Ed Sheeran’s new album
32) Gets on your nerves: People
33) Talked to a person named Tom: Yup, its the name of a kid I babysit
34) Is your most visited website: Tumbr
35) Elementary school/primary school: ?
36) High School: ?
37) College: ? Want to know where I went? YOULL NEVER FIND OUT HAHA
38) Hair colour: Dirty blond
39) Long/short hair: Medium
40) Crush: My boyfriend? xD
41) Do you like about yourself: My eyes
42) Piercings: My ears
43) Blood type: O positivie
44) Nickname: Jujube (Joo-joo-bay for @alexanderhamlinsin )
45) Relationship status: Taken by the sweetest guy EVER
46) Zodiac: Arie
47) Pronouns: she/her
48) Favourite show: Supernatural :3
49) Tattoos: None, but I want some
50) Left or right handed: Right
51) Surgery: Does the wisdom teeth count?
52) Piercings: My ears
53) Best friend: (I really want to say my boyfriend xD) But Idk seriously
54) Sport:I use to do cheerleading
55) Vacation: I have no idea, Wildwood with my family?
56) Pair of shoes: ??? NO IDEA?????
57) Eating: CHEESECAKE
58) Drinking: Milk
59) I am about to: Do my chemistry homework
60) Listening to: ED SHEERAN’S BRAND NEW ALBUM?!
61) Waiting for: Death
62) Want to see: the summer because I AM FUCKING TIRED OF THE SNOW
63) Want to get married: Not now?
64) Career: hahahhahhahahaha Idk
65) Hugs/kisses: As much as I love my boyfriend, I prefer hugs
66) Lips/eyes: eyes
67) Taller/shorter: Taller (My boyfriend is 6’4’’ and its awesome I CAN HEAR HIS HEART BEAT)
68) Younger/older: Depends on what?
69) Romantic/spontaneous: Romantic
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: What kind of question is this?
71) Sensitive/loud: Sensitive
72) Hookup/relationship: Relationship
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Troublemaker
74) Kissed a stranger: Nope
75) Drank hard liquor: Nope
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope
77) Turned someone down: Yup
78) Canoodling on a first date: Nope
79) Broken someone’s heart: Nope
80) Had your own heart broken: Nope
81) Been arrested: Nope
82) Cried when someone died: Yes
83) Fallen for a friend: Yes?
84) Yourself: Yup
85) Miracles: Yup
86) Santa Claus: Nah
87) Kisses on a first date: Nah?
88) Angels: Yup, sometimes
89) Love at first sight: Maybe not at first sight, but after a small talk? Yes. That’s what happened with my boyyyyyfriiiiiend.
90) Best friend’s name: CAN I NAME MY BOYFRIEND?! His name is Loic and he’s from Belgium
91) Eye colour: Blue
92) Favourite movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Tagging: EVERYBODY but also @bebibot @itmustvebeenthefairies @wildtendermythologia @possesstiel @dacianamusik23 @mouserzwuzhere
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washiboy · 8 years
tagged by!!!!! @littlesasquatch THANK YOUUu!!!!!
1) Drink: tea!!!
2) Phone call: My Mom!!
3) Text message: to you!!! (Jim!!)
4) Song listened to: Shiny - Moana soundtrack
5) Time you cried: AHH recently but i dont remember when lmao!!
6) Dated somebody twice: technically yes!!
7) Been cheated on: no
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: no
9) Lost someone special: Yeah.
10) Been depressed: ///
11) Gotten drunk and puked: Yeah yikes
12) Muted pink
13) Peach
15) Made new friends: yes!!!
16) Fallen out of love: eh? no i dont think so. idk.
17) Laughed until you cried: yes!!!
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: no not rlly
19) Met someone who changed your life: ish, yea
20) Found out who your true friends are: yes
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no!!!
22) Facebook friends: idk lmao!!
23) Pets: A CAT!!
24) Want to change your name: Legally yep!!
25) Did I get for my birthday: A PS4!!
26) Time I woke up: 6.45
27) Were you doing at midnight: sleeping!!
28) Can’t you wait for: OCTOBER
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday!!
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: Idk that i didnt have dysphoria and want to die every die everyday
31) 'You’re welcome’ Moana soundtrack, but the Lin version
32) Gets on your nerves: Loud people and children, like i’m loud but unnecessarily loud. People who walk slow infront of me. 
33) Talked to a person named Tom: I dont know!!
34) Is your most visited website: tumblr or youtube!!!
35) Elementary school/primary school: a few!!!
36) High School: two, they were not good 
37) College: Its okay!! better than last year!!
38) Hair colour: brown n red!!
39) Long/short hair: short!!!
41) Do you like about yourself: No
42) Piercings: ears
43) Blood type: Idk
44) Nickname: Sam/sammy
45) Relationship status: single!!!! cries!!!
46) Zodiac: Leo
47) Pronouns: He/they
48) Favourite show: Hannibal/dexter
49) Tattoos: no sadly !!!!! i want em ho
50) Left or right handed: right
51) Surgery: none
52) Piercings: ear
53) Best friend: Mia
54) Sport: idk!!
55) Vacation: Texas that i remember!!!
56) Pair of shoes: idk!!
57) Eating: left over cheese sandwhich lmao!!!
58) Drinking: tea!!!
59) I am about to: do some graphics work yikes
60) Listening to: moana soundtrack
61) Waiting for: my exams to be!!! o v e r 
62) Want to see: UR CUTE ME TOO
63) Want to get married: yes!!! Eventually!!
64) Career: Ideally ... a storyboard ARTIST 
65) Hugs/kisses: ummm hugging me and kissing my forehead please!!!
66) Lips/eyes: eyes
67) Taller/shorter: Either!!!
68) Younger/older: idk!!
69) Romantic/spontaneous: Romantic 
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: idk!
71) Sensitive/loud: both!!! i’m both 
72) Hookup/relationship: relationship
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: troublemaker
74) Kissed a stranger: no
75) Drank hard liquor: yes
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: yes
77) Turned someone down: yeah probably 
78) Canoodling on a first date: no
79) Broken someone’s heart? probably yikes!!
80) Had your own heart broken: yeah
81) Been arrested: no
82) Cried when someone died: no, fictional characters yes
83) Fallen for a friend: yepp yep!!!
84) Yourself: i try!!!
85) Miracles: i’m not sure!! not in a religious way for surre!!
87) Kisses on a first date: Sure!!!
88) Angels: No not really 
89) Love at first sight: Not ourside of fiction
90) Best friend’s name: JIMMYYYY @littlesasquatch , Bil!!!! 
91) Eye colour: brown
TAGGING!!! nobody actually!!! im pretty sure ive done this before or something similar and dont wanna bother anybody!!
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Wag tagged by @sunshine-hunters Awesome!
1) Drink: 
2) Phone call: 
3) Text message: Best Friend, “I have BFF gossip!”
4) Song listened to: IDK, “Crossfire” Stephen
5) Time you cried: Idk, don’t cry much anymore
6) Dated somebody twice: 
Only one person and they won’t get over me!
7) Been cheated on: Eh, never really been in a relationship and don’t want to
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: Yep
9) Lost someone special: Yes
10) Been depressed: 
11) Gotten drunk and puked: 
Three Favorite Colors-
12) Purple, Blue, Green, Sunset
In The Last Year Have You-
15) Made new friends: Totally
16) Fallen out of love: Eh
17) Laughed until you cried: Oh yeah, It’s like my friends are trying to kill me by laughter..
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: Who knows and who cares?
19) Met someone who changed your life: Not really
20) Found out who your true friends are: Yes
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22) Facebook friends: 
Less than 200 I believe.
23) Pets: 3 dogs (Sugar, Gunner, and their baby Snoopy)
24) Want to change your name: Yes, I’m not a fan of my first name so I want to use my middle and I don’t like the side of the family that my last name comes from..
What- 25) Did I get for my birthday: New XBOX, some drawing supplies and sunflower seeds cuz THEY’RE ADDICTING!
26) Time I woke up: I have school again so, 6:45am
27) Were you doing at midnight:
28) Can’t you wait for:
 Summer Break
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: 
30) Is something you wish you could change about your life: 
Certain, regrettable, events of the past and some sneers going on right now, but nothing too major.
31) Are you listening to right now: 
One of my Tech Classmates count change lol
32) Gets on your nerves: 
Rude ass people, when my mom cries her purse on the ground, and my dad..
33) Talked to a person named Tom: 
Never known anyone with that name
34) Is your most visited website: 
35) Elementary school/primary school: 
Idk, somewhere in Manford, OK and/or Bristow, OK
36) High School: 
Bristow Oklaloma, yeah, I’ve lived here my whole 17 years..
37) College: Would like to go to Rogers State University, It’s the most convenient
38) Hair colour: 
Brown, have some blonde, peek-a-boo streaks.
39) Long/short hair: 
Medium, but am growing it back out
40) Crush: Kinda
41) Do you like about yourself: 
Uh, my imagination and dreams, and my hopes.
42) Piercings:
 No and I don’t ever want any
43) Blood type:
 I Don’t Know This
44) Nickname: Kait, Kitty, Kat, Katie(only my gramps called me that only he ever would..)
45) Relationship status: 
Single, content on staying so for a while
46) Zodiac:
47) Pronouns: 
48) Favourite show: 
Supernatural(HELLZ YEAH), DoctorWho, Sherlock, Timeless, Emerald City, Grimm and probably more but I can’t think of them..
49) Tattoos: Wasn't some, but have to wait until I’m older and such
50) Left or right handed:
51) Surgery: Not that I can say
52) Piercings:
53) Best friend: 
Dislike her because she turned into an evil bitch..
54) Sport: 
I suck at sports and will never be that kind of athletic
55) Vacation: Nowhere I actually wanted to go..
56) Pair of shoes: Probably little tennis shoes, or some kind of knitted shoes
Right Now-
57) Eating:
 I’m chewing Gum
58) Drinking: 
59) I am about to: 
Answer Tumblr stuff and try to write
60) Listening to: Nothing Sadly
61) Waiting for: 
62) Want to see:
 Beauty and the Beast
63) Want to get married: 
64) Career: 
Currently still in high school, but shooting for something in the Creative Arts Field..
Which Is Better-
65) Hugs/kisses: 
Hugs, always
66) Lips/eyes:
 Oh, thats a tough one for me. I guess it depends on the person but I normally notice their eyes or smile first..
67) Taller/shorter: 
IDK, Tall guy, average woman..short people are either really fun or too feisty
68) Younger/older:
69) Romantic/spontaneous: 
Yes to both of those
70) Nice arms/nice stomach:
 I want a nice stomach, and most guys have nice arms..I can literally just set there and play with your hands and arms cuz I don’t know, I’m freaking weird..
71) Sensitive/loud:
 A bit of both
72) Hookup/relationship: 
Is there an in-between? Like I don’t want either, but still something?
73) Troublemaker/hesitant:
Have You Ever-
74) Kissed a stranger: 
75) Drank hard liquor: 
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Nope, don’t have any eye problems that I know of right now.
77) Turned someone down: 
Yes, either because they were creepy, annoying, or I just couldn’t.
78) Canoodling on a first date: 
Canoodling? WTF? NO
79) Broken someone’s heart: 
Yeah, and I still feel a bit bad, but he still won’t get over me!
80) Had your own heart broken: By a best friend..I hate hearing, “You’re my best friend,” from guys I like and are my friends..
81) Been arrested: 
82) Cried when someone died: Eh
83) Fallen for a Friend: Yeah
Do You Believe In-
84) Yourself: Sometimes
85) Miracles: Maybe
86) Santa Clause: until I was like 10
87) Kisses on a first date: No
88) Angels: All of them! CASTIEL! GADREEL! GABE! BALTHAZAR! Lol, but seriously, I kinda do, although I’m not really religious...*Don’t quote me on that please*
89) Love at first sight: No one real lol
90) Best friend’s name: KeAndre/Chandler/Brooklyn/Ashley/My Crush (C.)
91) Eye colour: Hazel
92) Favourite movie: I have way too many but I love The Hobbit and what not!
 This took me a long time lol. I had to save it as a draft! @doro7winchester @wayward-mirage @notnaturalanahi @not-moose-one-shots @simplytenae @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @faegal04 @its-sam-just-sam @sammy-moo @lucifer-in-leather @toothfairy-killer @theenrapturing
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