#as much as im for critiquing a celebrity im also on here just to enjoy taylor and not to see people calling her dumb
evermoredeluxe · 5 months
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milfygerard · 1 month
god its just so annoying and part of it is like yeah people are allowed to hate and critique and razz on taylor swift but everyone is like...bad at it?
Ok i've been thinking about this for awhile and the core of it is that taylor is the best example of a Sacrificial Bitch, or a woman who is bad or annoying or popular enough (or a mix of all 3 e.g. taylor swift) that most if not all misogyny and misinformation surrounding her is left unchallenged or directly supported by a group (specifically here I mean tumblr) or when it is pointed out and has to be acknowledged, it is acknowledged with multiple asterisks that the woman is indeed a Stupid Bitch and we Do Not Respect Her (the taylor swift AI rape art discussion from earlier this year, the stabbing at a tswift dance party/barely foiled terrorist attack at her vienna show)
The most annoying part of a lot of these is that they are usually a seed of truth (taylor over-pollutes by using private jets or makes an annoying amount of variants to hold her chart position) before spiraling out of control (the numbers on the jets pollution output being revealed to be massively overinflated because the people who did the math never actually researched what kind of jet she was using, 64 fucking variants come on guys) or just getting kind of weird and self aggrandizing (not giving charli the #1 album by releasing variants is antifeminist? what do you think feminism is?) and ends up coming off as taylor being more a useful figure of ridicule
Like I guess I am a fan which makes me a bit biased, but as has been discussed before, taylor swift has a weird sort of gas leak effect on pretty much anyone who thinks about her too hard whether they lover her OR hate her and at least I know im being supid and insane most of the time and dont think that enjoying taylor swift is some sort of moral high-ground that people treat loving OR hating her as. Shes literally just a celebrity and artist who writes songs and performs them! And there HAS to be constructive ways to discuss and critique her that dont turn into embarassingly obvious misogyny (people trying to argue she doesnt write her own songs as if being a songwriter isnt like the basis for her entire career and again being easily researched and debunked? Also less direct but very onvious slutshaming or treating her like a vapid idiot, also the people who were mad she was featured in the time POTY for metoo after facing a massive public court case started by the guy who groped her when she was like 20 dont think I forgot) or some insane reverse-swiftie hyper obsession that is unable to comprehend that shes like...a person who makes music and doesnt really do much else? She doesnt even have a makeup line or a memoir literally all she does all day is write songs.
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strang3lov3 · 4 months
Ive literally spent all day going through your entire master list (still have mall rats and Roman roy stuff left but we getting there) and you bless me with a NEW JOEL MILLER FIC? you spoil us too much Buggy. Beware ill be back in your inbox screaming after I read it.
But anyways, after reading back to back I can really appreciate your progression as a writer! I started to see a nice pattern forming of how you liked to approach your creative prompts and smutty interests but as I read more I was pretty shocked at the new directions you took your fics and can I just say I love it they are so daring (and they make me learn way to much about myself oop-) but it really speaks to how much you've grown as a writer? Truly a special thing you should celebrate on top of your recent milestones.
(Swear im not here love bomb and I have minimal writing experience bc im lazy but ive spent a lifetime editing for and critiquing a writer friend of mine so growth is something too beautiful for me not to comment on)
I messaged you to tell you that this made me cry lol but I figured I’d respond to it here too. It seriously did.
It’s just touching to hear that you think how I’ve improved, because I feel like I have too 😭 I’d like to delete a lot of my old works because I feel like I’m a lot better of a writer now than I was last summer, but even if they make me cringe, it’s a nice reminder and something to show for all the work I’ve put into this. I’m going to shamelessly suck @noxturnalpascal and @beefrobeefcal’s cocks right now - I think they’ve helped a lot. They help bring my ideas to life and reading their works have helped me identify what I love in writing and want to atop in my own works. Also, my old editor Iris, she helped a bunch too 🫂
I did go in a lot of new directions! And I plan to do some more of that, stepping out of my comfort zone which scares the bejesus out of me but whatever. Only way out is through! I’m starting two new out of my element series type things this week,,,good god I am nervous.
I’ll also stick with some things that are just comforts to me. I’ve got some nice horny stupid shit planned that I hope you’ll enjoy alongside the other stuff 🩷
I hope you enjoyed the new fic, bluey. As always, it’s so fucking nice to hear from you. Thank you for sending this touching message, I’ll be thinking about it all summer as I write 🩷
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mueritos · 11 months
Hey. Idk if this is me growing up or just being disillusioned with inter celebs etc. Im a 23 yr old trans man so I grew up and was inspired by chella on the YouTube community. But now I just…don’t like chella man anymore. I feel like…he became an industry plant? Over the pandemic asking fans for money to send to him directly to help others and not showing where the money was going exactly incident as well as just becoming older I noticed he seemed to almost want to become the next Keith haring or basquiat? He almost…now seems very fake? He takes deals with brands to be representation but doesn’t do much to call out certain brands for their faults etc.
Idk anymore
I give Chella credit in that he was one of the few transmen that I looked up while I was young, especially with him being BIPOC. Showing him to my family helped them understand me. But that's where the inspiration kinda stops, because it was painful to be surrounded by years-in-transition trans men online when I was absolutely nowhere I wanted to be. That was a me problem tho. But I also didn't know much about his whole donation incident.
Ig heres what I have to say. It's not great to view other people as your justification of your morals. We don't know how people have had to live or how they live now, we don't know what decisions they have to make, and we dont know what kind of fears or goals they have. Chella is allowed to do whatever he wants with his art or his modelling career, just like how I genuinely believe anyone else in the world is capable of making the right decisions for themselves (even if we dont like those decisions!). Im not really concerned with figuring out if hes an industry plant or a "class traitor" (lol) or even if he's "fake". To be honest, I'm all for BIPOC folks getting their $. Does that mean I enjoy seeing wealthy BIPOC folk perpetuate classism and racism? No. Just cuz someone is succeeding for themselves doesn't mean people cant critique them. I guess what Im saying is I see waaay too many people online take the things they enjoy and the people they follow as projections of their morals: "no! stop [Insert celebrity name] you're being problematic and its makes us fans look bad!" Like....Okay lmfao. People are grown adults and are going to make decisions for themselves. Just because you might enjoy a celebrity does not mean your morals are based on how good of a person they are.
and youre allowed to not like the same things anymore just like how people are allowed to change, for better or for worse. I think within online communities there is way too much pressure on "looking" like a good person versus actually being one...because sometimes BEING a good person makes you look absolutely vile in terms of online spaces/communities love of isolating, removing, and deleting "problematic" (and vulnerable) people from their spaces with no trial, discussion, or attempt at conflict mediation. Yea yea I do think people have every right to be criticized just as they have every right to make whatever decision they want, but what Im trying to get at is to really stop viewing anyone with a platform as someone you can other once they dont meet your standards. This is not the same as denouncing or critiquing someone for really egregious behavior (white supremacy, harrassment, bullying, interpersonal violence). Once you kinda start living by your own morals without needing other people's actions/behaviors to justify/define them, you learn to focus on building connections rather than destroying them.
again, this is a much nuanced topic and you prolly werent expecting me to go into this. but ive grown over the years and have engaged in some nasty and vile mob mentality behavior that i just dont vibe with anymore. im not really the kind of person now to speculate online or publicly what other people are doing or should be doing or whether theyre problematic or not. I don't really care about Chella man or most celebrities rn. People r just gonna be people, and I will always have empathy for those of marginalized identities. Free will, autonomy, and self determination goes both ways, but so does accountability, transformative justice, and reconciliation.
but also like kill ur idols lol
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sylvie-fics · 2 years
Word Count: 1k ish
Warnings: marriage i guess
other parts of this god forsaken fic:
Part 1   Part 2    Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Valentines day, 4:38 a.m. Viktor is a man of sound reasoning and logic. He is knowledgeable, especially within the scientific field. Hardworking, dedicated– sometimes overly so. Great at creating, building, dissecting, and altering many a creation. Some might call him the most determined man in the world. Some wouldn’t call him a man.
Then again.. There are some moments where he falls short of perfection. Especially when it comes to emotional matters.
“Viktor… don’t you think it’s a little early for this?”
February 12, he hears of the cursed holiday. He’s heard of it before– though, he couldn’t recall a time when he had celebrated it. It had never been at the forefront of his mind, really. When he thought of it– he thought of how, more than anything, it was a rather sad holiday. Did romantically committed people not appreciate their significant other any other day of the year? Were their relationships so dull that they had to create a holiday to make it better? Eventually, with so many years of holiday critique experience, he had forgotten the day’s significance entirely
And so, when the shopkeeper at the local parts store asked, “Any plans for valentines day?”
… he felt… guilty.
Of course he didn’t have any plans. What kind of plans does one make for such an occasion? *do* you make plans for someone you had one wild night with, that also lives with you?
Yeah, you probably make plans for that.
February 13th, morning. Viktor has kicked into overdrive. He’s gone over every option, having made a list of what he assumes women enjoy.
Everywhere locally is fully booked. Not that he checked… or, at least, not that he would admit he checked. Or that he checked multiple times in case someone had a pre-valentines breakup. Or that he tried to threaten people into canceling their reservations. No, he would never do any of that.
Making food was out of the question– he’s almost positive he gave you long-term food poisoning the last time he made dinner. He didn’t think he was particularly skilled when it came to the culinary arts, but, he didn't think he was *that* bad. Maybe if he practiced a little? Followed instructions to a tee? Still, even with practice, there's no way he could improve past poisoning levels in a day.
Quality time.
The obvious answer, but the all too normal one. The two of you practically spend every day together, working on your latest projects. How could he make this day any different? Maybe a nice stroll through town? No– you’ve seen town far too many times to be impressed by it. Then– maybe a walk by the lake? But you'd probably get distracted and fall in. What if it’s raining? Hell, you'd get a grand idea to try and “collect” lightning, and end up getting yourself killed.
Gift Giving.
It’s so cliche. Obviously, he can’t give chocolates and flowers. That would make him just like everyone else in the world. He’s better than that. It has to be something… unique. Something that has more thought into it. Perhaps something he could easily make within the time constraints.
Yes– this could work.
February 13th, Evening.
You’ve been banned from the lab. You’ve been banned from anywhere remotely near the lab. Essentially, you’ve been confined to your room. He’s been acting off ever since coming back from the shop. On one hand, you’d like to ask him what’s wrong– on the other hand you already know.
And, if he would let you get close to him for just a minute, you could explain to him that you don’t need all the festivities. You’d be perfectly happy just spending the day like any other.
All the while, Viktor is strategically planning how to present this. Grand? Casual? Ack– he has so much trouble with those emotional gift giving ceremonies. Even in childhood, he despised the idea of performing to a crowd of expectant people as you opened up a gift and pretended to be surprised.
Maybe if he just– gave it to you while you were asleep. Then you could wake up and notice it later on. It completely eliminated that unsavory presentation step.
Valentines day, 4:38 a.m. Viktor is a man of sound reasoning and logic. He is knowledgeable, especially within the scientific field. Hardworking, dedicated– sometimes overly so. Great at creating, building, dissecting, and altering many a creation. Some might call him the most determined man in the world. Some wouldn’t call him a man.
Then again.. There are some moments where he falls short of perfection. Especially when it comes to being quiet– his metal body clanking against the floor as he approaches you. He can’t say he's particularly stealthy, but at least he can be gentle– or so he thinks, grabbing your arm and roughly throwing a ring on your left hand.Before he could even get it all the way on, you’d woken with a startle from your dead sleep.
“Viktor?! Don’t you think it’s a little early for this!?”
With how stealthy and gentle he’d been, he was sure you wouldn’t wake. For you to come out yelling… well… it startled him a bit too. This was especially evident, judging by the shattering glass sound and flash of light emerging from the claw.
He was gonna need to replace that window… it’ll get drafty in here. You'll get sick. He can't have that.
“Viktor, please, it's so early. It’s WAY too early.”
As much as he hates to admit it, you were right. The stores wouldn’t even open until 10 at the least.
“Would the early afternoon work for you?” he asked.
“I– Viktor, when I said it was too early, I meant like… maybe we should wait a few months?! years, even?!”
“What? No. Why would we do that? Look, we can go 5:00 at the latest. I’d prefer before then, you know it's gonna be crowded.”
He’d walked out after that, leaving you with a ring on your finger and the assumption you’d be going to the courthouse sometime between 12 and 5.
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ellsss · 3 years
personal post:
Hey guys, I’m back from my break. im okay, i just don’t think i’ll be on tumblr as much anymore. its too much pressure, from telling people to “speak out” to telling people not to do or like things. sometimes you need to mind your business and let people make their own choices without telling them they can’t like a thing or a celebrity etc..
recently i’ve been feeling myself getting more increasingly frustrated with people online and how they treat one another as well as how they approach going about critiquing someone’s ideologies.
Not only have i become more frustrated but i’ve also come to realise how much its affecting me and what kind of person im becoming. seeing people be so cruel and horrible to one another has made me cruel. it has made me less tolerant. it has made me impulsive. instead of looking at both sides, my decisions about things have been driven with emotion rather than reason.
i have slowly been becoming the type of person i hate. it’s really taken a toll on me. i also see people online biting each others heads off and being so hostile to one another, which makes me hostile to them and the cycle continues. to top it off, i have felt emotionally drained by the constant policing and monitoring of others behaviours, including my own. it makes me not want to talk to people, especially when i see posts and messages saying “you can’t like this” or “this is problematic” or “be wary of this”. i wish we could just enjoy something or do what WE want without having to worry about something all at once😩
its as if you can’t critique something without absolutely hating it with 100% of your being. sometimes we can explore bad things or like someone who has done flawed things without supporting it. i know this is all a repetitive rant but i guess what i am trying to say is that I’ve been drained on here for a long time, and that its making me a resentful and angry. that’s why i needed that break.
im gonna spend less time on here but i’ll definitely come and post. i am working on my fanfic, and i will post some chapters. i won’t post as much because i am starting university soon🥰🥰
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spushii · 2 years
🪄 <-- my phone is only showing a tiny box for this thing but its for the lyric ask thing
it's a little magic wand!
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But ok. i've been on a roll with giving AJJ songs for the last couple of these asks and im actually really enjoying it. I don't hide that this band means a lot to me but i don't really get many excuses to talk about What their music actually means to me yknow. so i am continuing. So!
We Didn't Come Here to Rock - AJJ
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This song is short so here's just. all of it. It's also pretty self-explanatory but I love it. There's a live version where " 'Cause deep down in your cunt" is changed to "deep down in your balls" which is fucking hilarious.
I think a lot about my relationship to art, because for me it's self-serving above all else. I like to make things for my own pleasure and I don't much care for how other people feel about it. And i feel like that thought connects to the one being expressed in the song, where the people who deeply concern themselves with critique of other peoples' self-expression tend to be the same types who never make anything of their own out of fear of that very same criticism.
And that whole idea ties back to the thought of Human Cruelty, which is very central to like, the thesis of AJJ. Not in a misanthropic way, but in a way that acknowledges (and ofttimes celebrates) how humans are just as capable of loving and helping one another as they are of hurting eachother. (invoking a line from People to further that point)
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But also like, sometimes people are cruel because that's what gets them off. makes them feel powerful. 'If that's what gets your dick hard', yknow?
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kitazura · 4 years
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it’s the thought that counts, tendō satori
1.6k words of fluff; gn!reader
synopsis: tendō doesn’t understand the excitement surrounding valentine’s day until he decides to celebrate it with you.
notes: i haven’t finished the manga but i’m making timeskip content :D thank u rissie (@sugas-cookie) for beta-ing mwah <3
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Tendō’s come to learn that Valentine’s day brings waves of purchases made by eager youth preparing to confess their affections, frantic lovers who’d completely forgotten about the occasion, and other last-minute shoppers looking for gifts to give their loved ones. This year is no different; the orders pile up so quickly he can barely keep up with them.
He’s not complaining—not when his bills are getting paid—he just doesn’t understand why everyone lets themselves get carried away by the Valentine rush. At the root of it all, it’s blatant commercialism, another scheme by society to run your bank account dry through obligatory benevolence, so why play into it? Well, as long as it keeps him in business, he supposes he’ll keep his critiques to himself.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little cynical?” you say when he shares his thoughts, the gentle smile on your lips showing you mean no harm. “I think the idea behind Valentine’s day is charming.”
He brushes his thumb over your cheek, humming in response. “Why’s that?”
“Isn’t it sweet when someone puts time and effort into something just for you?” you gush. Tendō watches your gaze turn dreamy as your mind wanders off into the clouds. “Like making chocolates for the person you like.”
“That’s what I do for a living, darling.”
“You like all of your customers?”
“Of course; they give me money, after all.”
You laugh, swatting his arm lightly. “I guess it’s hard to romanticize something you do as work.”
You’re not wrong. At some point, it’s expected for your job to lose its magic, no matter how passionate you are about it in the beginning. Chocolate has long lost its allure to Tendō, and now he spends day in and day out pouring it into molds and hurrying to shape it before it hardens beyond salvation. It’s become a chore for him, and even just catching a whiff of a candy bar sends his brain into the stress of work mode.
“What do you think about when you make chocolate, Satori?” you ask, interrupting his thoughts.
“What an odd question,” he remarks, clicking his tongue like a fussy mother hen. “I think about what I have to do to make it look presentable, of course. And then I count down the minutes until I come home to you.” He beams, proud of his response.
But pride turns to dismay when he catches a glint of disappointment in your eyes. His expression falls as he pulls you closer. “What’s the matter?”
You shake your head. “Nothing, nothing. Would you ever make me Valentine’s day chocolates?”
He tilts his head in surprise, then kisses your forehead. “I’d make you chocolate any day; all you have to do is ask.”
You seem to drop the matter, although he swears you sigh, “It’s not the same.”
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He spends the next couple of days convincing himself he’d only imagined it, but something about your tone and attitude makes it stick in his brain. Whether you’d said it or not, there was clearly something behind your first question.
He asks you about it over dinner: “Is there a reason you want Valentine-themed chocolates in particular?”
“You’ve been thinking about that?” You laugh a little, surprised. “It’s not the Valentine theme I want; just the knowledge that you’re thinking of me on that day.”
He pesters you to elaborate—he’s always thinking of you, don’t you know that?—but you dodge his questions, leaving him in the dark once more.
Since you won’t give him any answers, he’ll just look for them on his own.
He texts Ushijima that night: “Why do you buy chocolate for the one you love?”
“Because they like it,” comes the reply. It’s simple, straightforward, but it’s not what he’s looking for.
He texts Semi the same question. The response is the length of a school essay, explaining the motivations of love in depths only a poet could reach, but it’s still not enough.
At work, your question echoes in his mind: What do you think about when you make chocolate, Satori?
What was he supposed to think about aside from the process? His customers?
He looks again at the order he’s making. It’s one he expects every year—it comes a week before Valentine’s, by a man whose wife adores chocolate covered strawberries. Tendō remembers it not only because of its consistency, but also because it’s always preceded by an order by the aforementioned wife, who asks for milk chocolate filled with raspberry créme that her husband is so fond of.
He wonders why they order the same thing at the same time every year. There’s no surprise in it, so what’s the point? Had he been in the husband’s place and you in the wife’s, he’d make sure to buy you something different every year, each present more extravagant than the last. He’d make sure that you’d always have something to look forward to in your married life.
A cheery little tune takes form beneath his breath as he pictures a life with you: silver bands around your fingers, lazy mornings on your days off, walks along the Seine.
He sweeps the excess chocolate off the molds in one clean stroke, sighing dreamily. You would buy a bigger, better apartment once you’d saved up enough, or even move to a quiet little cottage in the countryside.
His thoughts wander through the clouds as he mindlessly flits from one project to the next, forgetting to count the hours until his duty for today is through.
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Lately, some of Tendō’s usual customers have been dropping by to say the same thing: there’s something different about his work these days. It’s not negative; on the contrary, actually, the quality’s spiked. But he can’t figure out what he’s been doing differently for the life of him.
It weighs on his mind from the time he clocks in to when he clocks out. He’s been using the same ingredients, the same equipment, so what was it?
His answer arrives in the form of the Chocolate Strawberry man, on the very eve of Valentine’s.
The man enthusiastically shakes Satori’s hand and thanks Him for his work, his hands warm and clammy from excitement despite the biting Parisian air.
“My wife would have liked to come along as well, but she’s preoccupied with the baby,” the man explains. “She wants you to know how much she enjoys your work, though. We look forward to it every year.”
“Then why not buy it off-season, when it’s cheaper?” Tendō asks. The man looks surprised, prompting him to continue. “With all due respect, you order the same thing every year, anyway, so why wait?”
The man laughs at the sincere look of curiosity in the chocolatier’s eyes, patting him on the shoulder, like a father to his son. “Why wait until birthdays to buy a cake? Why wait until Christmas to exchange gifts and set up the tree? It’s old advice, but it’s good: it’s always the thought that counts.” With one last pat on the back and an affectionate chuckle, the man wishes Tendō a good night—“Enjoy tomorrow with your loved ones.”
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The stores are packed with the usual extremely last minute rush on Valentine’s morning, and for the first time, Tendō Satori is part of that crowd.
His arms are filled with the goodies he’d woken up early to buy: heavily discounted candies in tacky packages, a cheesy card, a bouquet, an offensively pink stuffed bear, crumpled foil balloons. (He’d made chocolates for you too; those were waiting in the fridge at home.) If it was an authentic Valentine’s experience you wanted, he decided, then it was an authentic Valentine’s experience you’d get.
He’d sent you out to pick up a cake across the city just before he’d left that morning, so the apartment is still empty when he returns. He checks his watch—only half an hour at most until you’d come back. Setting the bear on the counter, he gives it a determined grin.
“Think I can set everything up in fifteen?”
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He’s just barely managed tying the balloons closed when he hears the knob on the front door jiggle as you unlock it.
“I’m home!” Your shoes thud to the floor, joined by Tendō’s footsteps as he hurries to help you with the cake. You thank him when he takes it out of your hands and leads you to the dining table while you chatter away. “Boy, did you see how many people are out there? It’s like all of Paris decided to run their errands this morning. It’s a miracle I got the cake here in one piece—what’s all this?”
Tendō grins, proudly motioning to his handiwork. The bouquet sits in the center of the table, surrounded by neatly arranged dishes of your favorite foods. The plush bear sits at the head, the card and candies tucked into its paws. Balloons reading “Happy Valentine’s” are tied to your chairs, gently swaying to and fro in greeting.
“Do you like it?” he asks. “I figured you wanted to do something for Valentine’s, but all the restaurants are booked so I had to improvise—”
You cut him off with a kiss, and another, then another. “I love it! I love you and I love”—you wave at the room—“all of this.” Another kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for thinking of me, Satori.”
He laughs as you hug him, squeezing as tight as you can. He thinks back to the strawberry man’s remark, “It’s the thought that counts.” And maybe, just a little, he’s starting to understand that there’s more to Valentine’s than business.
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As you prepare the cake and gush over the bear, he pats the pocket of his jacket. The pretty little velvet box would have to wait until after lunch.
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postscript: heyyy <3 i stopped writing for like three months srry LMAO but im back in business baby !! if i try hard enough and school stops kicking my ass maybe i’ll start posting twice a month ahaha ... unless?
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lgchunji · 4 years
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✧ .・゜゜hello, lgc admods!
     chwe hunji and jin eunji’s leaf wants to say: “hey admods! i know this may look a little sudden and a little weird but by the time you see this, i’ve been going around asking all the members what they want to say to you guys to show their appreciation! i know admin e probably already told you, but i used to do theater for about two years and i volunteered my time. i probably worked fifteen-thirty hours a week at a theater and i did not get paid and barely was thanked but i always put in effort. i gave them one hundred percent of myself and, if i was lucky, i would get a five dollar starbucks gift card in return. i was so exhausted and even stopped writing because i could not handle how much of myself i was losing every day. i gave a hundred percent of myself away and got five percent back. now, though, with legacy, everything has been flipped! you guys put a hundred ten percent of yourselves into this amazingly fun and honestly complicated place and i feel like i never get to give back. i know the joy of it all is in watching people write together but for me, just having fun was not enough, i wanted to compile something together for you guys! you do so much for us so i thought it was time i give just a sliver of myself back to you. so! under the cut is a lot of people’s messages that i’ve gathered. a lot of members were unable to send in something in time so i do apologize that not everyone is here, but i added a space in the bottom for anyone and everyone who wants to add something at a later date, so admins and members, be sure to check that often! in the meantime, though, you guys are so amazing and this place already means so much to me, i really hope legacy can continue to grow and flourish beyond your guys’ dreams because you really deserve it! p.s. the below notes are not in any particular order of length or alphabetized, they’re just random C:”
     han insoo’s al wants to say: “thank you for your kindness and dedication. you guys are troopers. i’m not very vocal about things publicly out of shyness but also bad experiences. i hope you guys know i appreciate to be here and that you guys have kept this up for so long despite the setbacks. it’s been a while since i felt comfy in a directory. much hugs and kithes!! thank you for being so open and welcoming!”      kang yonghwa and choi daehyung’s muffin wants to say- "thank you so much for all of the hard work! legacy is not an easy rp to run with all these career branches and events going on. i appreciate all of the mods for making this rp extra special by celebrating birthdays, holidays and other occasions. I love you all muahhhhhh~"      liu jiao and ok miyoung’s faye wants to say- “i disappeared from the rp scene for awhile and was kind of lost when it came to fitting back into everything. but joining legacy helped me along and i am so glad i decided to put my muse here. thank you to all the mods and for all of their hard word. i felt so welcomed by not only them, but the other members of the directory as well. so thank you for the lovely community you’ve brought together here. i am happy to say that legacy holds a special place in my heart.”      yoon shinha and pongsak, tee's simone wants to say: “when i first joined legacy it was because i had some friends here and i had read about it a lot on twitter. i was nervous and scared, which is how i usually feel when joining a new place. working on my own points page from scratch was a first but i was proud of myself and i felt accomplished when i finished it. i joined as a connection and it gave me a boost when it came to plotting. everyone was so nice and welcoming and i honestly love that when joining a new directory. the events were many and i was both excited and scared at how many there were. even if i couldn't understand something i knew i could ask an admin or mod and would get a quick reply. i love how kind and supportive the staff is. i've been here for a few months now and i always recommend it to others. i know that no matter what, i can go to a staff member with a question and i don't need to feel stupid for asking something bc the staff are so helpful and understanding. the thought that goes into this roleplay and the events are amazing and i am honestly so amazed every time a new event gets posted. they give sufficient time frames for events and i know they try to make it as fair as possible. i honestly love it here and i love the hard work and the time that is put into legacy.”      park taekyung and heo jane’s bobbi wants to say: “thank you for taking the time to create this awesome community! the time and effort you put into this rp is what makes it such a fun place and i hope that this post brings you just as much joy as you bring us! <3"      mayura nana’s cc wants to say: “i’ve been on and off in the group, seeing the first time it opened and how hard working the admins were to coming back and seeing the amount of growth in just a few months. i truly appreciate all that you guys have done for your members, the patience and love you put into every little thing you do so everyone can develop and enjoy themselves. you guys make this rp fun and safe and i’m forever grateful to have found a true home for my muse. keep up the good work and i can’t wait to continue being here and witnessing even more love and growth from the team ❤️”       park seojin, im hana and kang seyoon’s sara wants to say: “hello lovely team. it's been a great ride thus far and i'm so happy to have been here from the beginning to see the community grow. you've built a really nice and wholesome place here and it's been one of the best roleplays i've been in so far. it's hard running things but always remember that people love and respect you and so many of us are rooting for good things every day. you're human too and if you make a mistake, never beat yourself up over it. you keep things so much fun. truly nothing more i could ask of from a team. i’ve sent other messages in the past but there's really no limit to the praises and support i can offer to you guys. keep up the good work!! ♡♡”      wu aaron and kim alex’s em (aka the awkward cookie) wants to say - "to the amazing admins of this rp, i haven't been here nearly as long as others but i really enjoy having my muses here! i love lgc so much and you're all amazing admins who work very hard to keep this place running with amazing events! keep up the great work and i can't wait to see what else you all have planned! (please torture alex as much as you can. xD) i don't think i've really talked to the admins here much but still, i love you all and everything you do! <3 please don't let any negative comments or reviews get to ya'll and just know you're all doing great!"       choi jongsuk, son jieun, and kim jinah‘s jen wants to say -  "@ the mod team from your resident meme! you guys know how much i love lgc. i'm not shy annoying y'all with compliments and praise. every sunday is a highlight because there is always something exciting being posted- be it just a date lottery update or new events; you never fail to surprise and spoil us all with fun and creative ideas! also the way you manage to keep things as fair as possible for everyone and still manage to not make anyone feel left out or left behind. the quick replies to any kind of questions are just so nice to see and it makes me personally not scared ever to ask anything at all no matter how stupid the question may be! i probably annoy y'all with how often i said this already but i love this rp. i love the graphics, the concept and the execution of it all. thank you for creating this amazing space for all of us to write and hopefully to many more years! true to my name i shall exit on a meme~"      hwang subin and han allie’s nic wants to say - “hello admins!!! it's me, a nic. i know that i've said a lot of this in the past but to sum it all up, i love you guys!! thanks for giving me a place to feel a bit more comfortable when i don't feel that way in rp a lot lately. i love that you guys are always gracious and accepting of criticisms, questions, and critiques and i hope you continue to always be that way because i think it's important for rps to listen to their members. i also want you to know that you don't have to stand for rudely stated words just because you do that, either!! i appreciate the time you take to answer my questions, whether it be through the manager blog or through discord and for all the opportunities you've given my muses ( even if ONE of them might not be so grateful. i'm lookin at u subin ) so yeah ;u; i hope u all are having a lovely day, pls take care!!!”      tsai sunisa, park sarang, and jung jihye’s the ghost rper wants to say - “number one, thank you for making legacy an rp! i'm having a lot of fun with all of muses! especially since it's given me a chance to bring muses i've played before alive in another rp. two, they're [the admins] awesome for all of the stuff they've managed to do for the group and how many options you have to be apart of the industry and do more background related stuff! third, just stay awesome and remember to put yourself before rp! since without ya'll we wouldn't be here!”      min soyoun and kim jinseo‘s clara wants to say - "hi mods! thank you for making lgc a fun and safe haven for us. i appreciate the love, thought, and effort you all put in every single mission/event that happens in the roleplay. you guys are doing amazing!"      kwon sihyun‘s shinobi wants to say - “thank you for making me feel welcome!”      park iseul and ahn dohyun’s nine wants to say - “thank you so much for all your hard work! over the months i've been at lgc i've always felt like the admods have kept every single muse in mind when creating events and moulding the rp to fit the members. i've never felt as in love with an rp as i do now. keep up the good work, i can't wait to see the rp grow more and more!”      choi max and im nari‘s jada wants to say - “hi there mods !!! i didn't want this whole appreciation to go by without saying some words of my own, so here i go ! when i joined legacy a few months back i was hesitant to even join, doubting that i'd want to stay to make it even past the next activity check. it was an act of pure impulse, but perhaps the best thing i could've done ! alongside the many great friends i've made along the way, if it was not for all the hard work you do, the roleplay would not be nearly as lively of a universe as we've all made it to be ! i always compliment legacy for the dedication you all clearly have to making it enjoyable - from events going on all the time, to in-character posts that liven the spectrum of our creativity, to your speedy responses and patience whenever we have trouble ! i think me and the rest of the members can agree that what you do makes us enjoy the roleplay even more, and we always will be appreciative of that !! i think you guys run the roleplay SO smoothly at times that we forget the hard work you put in and the bumps you might encounter along the way, but it's times like this that make me realize how much more we should thank you. because of the team behind it all, i've once again found my place in a roleplay that's made me feel at home, and always ready to write and have fun !! i'm extremely grateful for the passion you've shown us and i hope that i too can do my best to make sure your hard work pays off and give thanks ! i'm looking forward to writing with all of you and giving a voice to our muses for as long as i'm able to type, haha ! <33 “      ahn yeoreum’s kay wants to say - "my first experience with krp wasn't exactly the best. i didn't land myself in the most welcoming environment and was planning to never join another krp. but i took a chance in lgc and didn’t regret it. since day one, everyone has been so welcoming and i loved playing yeoreum here. the admods have worked so hard to make this such a nice environment to rp in and i love how well thought-out all the events and activities are. thank you so much, admods !! we are super lucky to have such a talented and hard-working team. <3″      ji haneul’s maddy wants to say - “to legacy admods uwu, thank you for your endless hard work! seeing how the community has grown over the last few months, as well as the tons of opportunities for character development has made my time here absolutely amazing. i just want to say how much i love the rp, and how inspiring it can be in churning my writing muses. keep up the good work, and i hope you guys would also be able to have as much fun as the work you've put in in maintaining the rp! take care, stay safe, and stay awesome >:D *flings plushies in your directions* ♡"      lee seungjae’s fifi wants to say - "hello admods!!! i just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done for lgc! i haven't been here long but everything about it is great and i can tell you've put in so much work to make it the great place that it is!"      kang dana‘s jay wants to say - “thank you so much for working so hard on this roleplay and allowing all of our characters to develop however we like! i have never enjoyed a rp as much as this one <3"      hwang jaerim and im hyunjin’s jia wants to say - "hello admod team, yall know im always here to bother u all with my weirdness and you guys are all great to talk to. i've been lucky enough to have been here since day 1 and to see this place flourish and see all the efforts you put into the rp, makes me glad to be here. thank you!!"      oh max and park viggo’s lyn wants to say -  "as one of those muns that has been in legacy from the very beginning, i've witnessed this rp grow and i can’t help but to feel extremely proud and happy for the admod team who works tirelessly to make sure that the progress isn’t only with the rp but genuinely with the muses within it. the admins take it into their own hands to celebrate the achievements that muses have obtained and put them on the spotlight, personally i've experienced screaming and getting emotionally overwhelmed with some of the mods at how happy and ecstatic i felt with some of the results for my muses. with that said i want to make it clear that my muses don’t always get what they want, when it happens, i do share some down time with said mods as well- not to complain but to just talk. the same happens vice versa, when the mods' muses don’t get a spot in future dreams or didn’t get the center of a group, or when they land a cf spot or has made progress by moving on a different path, i'm able to witness their reactions as muns as well- which quite frankly is humbling considering that it reminds me that their muns too and not just mods. essentially what i'm trying to say is that based on my experience and mine alone although i have no doubt i'm not the only one who feels this, clearly this post proves it, that the admod team is not just there to provide us with countless numbers of events or answer our endless amount of questions and woes with admirable patience or guide us in the right direction when we misplace a point or two in our submits, but rather to present us muns with a safe and progressive platform to comfortably establish and allow our muses to flourish in a highly entertaining environment. so thank you legacy team for your heartwarming and admirable work, i know this hasn’t been easy for you guys but hang in there, a lot of us got your backs ♡"
these are the folks who wanted to add something after this post was first published:
no one at the moment! if you want to say something to our lovely admins please either message them through the lgckrp askbox or, if you’re more shy, send me an IM or send it to lgchunji’s askbox with your message in quotations, which blogs you run, and your name/alias!
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luvdsc · 4 years
im definitely gonna look into it if ive got more time!! and, oh, an exchange student!! i feel like they are always a lil more cute? and seriously youre lucky because hs boys are... weird and just not that cool honestly 🤧 most of them are incredibly shallow and arrogant smh? what was it like to go to an all girls hs? thats really interesting because my school used to be an all girls hs but that changed like years ago lmao bad decision obvi,, and, it was nice to see my friends again but we (1/3)
all have to keep in mind to keep a safe distance! we always wanna hug each other lol and, yeah, youre right!! it really sucks we cant even celebrate birthdays etc,, hope you guys can plan smth after this is over. and, i know literally only one person that uses zoom? its really not that popular here ig, but my school also kinda sucks so idk lmao ohh, california!! i dont know how you manage the heat over there,, wait have you ever seen snow then? and, same, im always catching up on sleep (2/3)
and i absolutely love becky! and, no! i havent had time yet to watch much youtube rip :( was it fun? and, yes, i did make banana bread!! it was really tasty and im planning on baking some more! and, oh!! whenever i make cinnamon buns they turn out HUGE :( like really HUGE,, how do you control their size? and, im definitely gonna look into peanut butter cookies!! youre so right!! you really gotta find a balance which is hard rip, my week was great bc i could see my friends? how was yours? (3/3)💖
✿ ✿ ✿
aaah i hope you’ll be able to start your own little garden!! ��� and YES, exchange students just always seem smarter, which is so attractive?? like they know more than one language and have a cool accent? also, they dress better than the fratboys i’m surrounded with askjlfhdalskj and omg yeah i remember hs boys. those boys are ick /: there were french exchange students who came to my hs for like three weeks every year. paired with the fact that i went to an all girls school, these really cute french boys with impeccable fashion and accents were the only boys on campus ever during the school year and thus seemed even cuter to me LOL and i really loved going to an all girls school! i liked the uniform aspect because i didn’t have to worry about choosing outfits everyday, but i also liked that we were all outspoken in class and unafraid of trying things that were typically male dominant. i was in the robotics club for all four years, and you can really see the skewed female to male ratio in the stem field when you go to competitions /: girls are a lot more confident and my classmates weren’t afraid to speak up. overall, i think the learning environment was much healthier and a better space to grow as a person :)
oooo how was seeing your friends? how do you all get to classes too? don’t the hallways get super crowded? aaaah i really hope we’ll be able to celebrate bdays in person soon! i’ll be celebrating two of my friends’ bdays over zoom on friday and saturday :’) does your school use a different webcam platform? ugh yeah, it gets really hot during the summer, but i’m just super grateful that it’s never humid here. and yeah, i’ve seen snow! there’s snow in california, but i just have to drive out farther to see it, like in the mountains :D i live in a coastal region that has no snow. do you have snow?
yesss becky is hilarious! and yes, the video was really funny!! oooo that’s great! what are you planning to bake next? i made little baguettes and sweet rolls last week 💓 baking bread is really fun and i like kneading the dough lol and akjshdfkljas what’s wrong with large cinnamon rolls though? the more, the better!!! ah, i’m not sure how to control the size... i kinda just shape them small and guesstimate on how much it’ll expand and hope that they’ll turn out ok LOL oooh, i hope you’ll enjoy the cookies if you bake them! i like using the mrs. fields’ peanut butter cookie recipe 💞 and that’s good!!! i hope your week is off to a good start this week, too! 💘 my week went well! i’m a little tired because i stayed up all night to do my paintings since they’re due for a midterm critique today, and i didn’t start them at all 😅 but i managed to speed paint, and they don’t look too bad, so fingers crossed that my professor will accept them! how have you been? what have you been up to? 💛
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Things I’m Loving Friday #243
Chase’s birthday weekend is here!
It is absolutely blowing my mind to think that we have an almost THREE year old on our hands. HOW!? Chase officially turns three on Sunday and we will be celebrating with lots of cake, sprinkles, balloons and toddler fun. My parents are also back in town through Monday morning and will be celebrating Chase’s birthday with us which will make this weekend all the more special!
We kicked off celebrating our birthday boy early yesterday evening with a pool play date party to celebrate Chase and his BFF Claire’s birthdays together (they’re four days apart) and it was an absolute blast. (And, go figure, the giant dragon and unicorn pool floats we thought they’d be scared of were the biggest hit with this birthday duo!)
The best part of the party for me was watching Chase have a ball with his friends and I will definitely share more details about everything soon since I want to document it for my own memories as well! (The second best part about the party: It was super low-key and very easy to plan.)
But now let’s mooooove on to your usual Things I’m Loving Friday fun! As usual, I’d love for you guys to  chime in and tell me about something that is making you smile this week, too!
Things I’m Loving Friday 
The President Is Missing by Bill Clinton and James Patterson
If you enjoy political suspense books, add this one to your summer reading list! I’ve been reading The President Is Missing for weeks — WEEKS! — because I am just too tired to read more than a few pages at a time these days but I am allllmost done with this book and it’s so, so good. We’re talking good enough that I am seriously mad at myself each night when I’m too tired to read more than a few pages without my eyes feeling heavy.
The book is captivating from the beginning as a threat on the United States looms over the head of the President. As the story unfolds, a traitor in the cabinet is revealed and the President must do his best to protect his country from the most serious form of cyberterrorism while simultaneously questioning those around him as he tries to figure out who he can trust within the White House.
Bandana Scrunchie
I am on a HUGE bandana kick right now which you maaay have noticed if you follow me on Instagram/Instagram Stories. I’m telling myself bandanas are the perfect way to distract from my ridiculously greasy hair these days (in addition to my beloved dry shampoo — that stuff is LIFE).
My favorite bandanas to wrap around my head are from Madewell (they’re the best length and stay in place better than other fabrics I’ve tried — a handful of colors are currently 40% off with code SHORETHING) but I recently ordered a bandana SCRUNCHIE and it is pretty much the jam.
The scrunchie is great for top knots and days when I want to add a little flare to pulling my hair up which happens basically every day around here right now. The scrunchie is wrapped in the bandana fabric and the two ends have tiny wires in them so you can mold them to stick out whatever ways you’d like and have them look all cute and messy without really being a mess to deal with and re-do a billion times. The only con: The bandana is on Amazon but it’s not part of Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime and I are BFFs so I didn’t know how to handle the more-than-two-day wait for my scrunchie.
Stitch Fix Kids 
Did you guys know Stitch Fix recently unveiled their styling service for kids!? Hooray!!! I’ve been a fan of Stitch Fix for years and still regularly use the service myself so when I saw that they were going to offer fixes for children, I was pumped! My friends at Stitch Fix offered to style a box for Chase to try out and I knew he’d have fun with the experience so we were both excited when his first fix arrived on our doorstep this week. Watching Chase critique the clothes they sent his way was absolutely adorable. Spoiler alert: He wanted to keep everything but the flip flops which he said “didn’t feel good on his toes.” The t-rex shirt was his favorite and he immediately walked it upstairs and put it away in his dresser to “keep it safe.”
From a style standpoint, Chase’s stylist did a great job of taking into account everything I mentioned when I created Chase’s style profile and his first fix and included a great mix of play clothes and some nicer items. (I absolutely loved the little plaid shorts but they were too big in the waist for Chase.) We ended up keeping a Hanna Andersson zip-up hoodie, a comfy pair of Hanna Andersson gray play shorts, the t-rex top and a Hurley tee from his first fix and cannot wait to try it out again!
Milkadamia Macadamia Nut Milk + Creamer
I am always intrigued by the latest nut milk options on the market and tried out Milkadamia’s macadamia milk and creamer for the first time last week after the company sent me a few cartons to sample. It was SO good and I will absolutely be buying more of this in the future! Milkadamia’s macadamia milk reminded me the most of cashew milk but with a more mild, creamier taste that worked well in everything from smoothies and oatmeal to coffee and chia seed pudding. The unsweetened vanilla was my favorite flavor for everyday use but if you’re looking for a coffee creamer that tastes like dessert in a cup, you must try Milkadamia’s macadamia fudge creamer. Holy heaven in a cup! It’s made with macadamia milk, organic cocoa powder and coconut cream and made my morning coffee taste like such a treat!
Friday Flashbacks
Chicken Sausage Sweet Potato Bake (Still a go-to recipe in our house and a wonderfully simple one-dish weeknight meal.)
Flying with a Baby for the First Time (I just booked a flight to Florida for my sister’s baby shower next month and found myself re-reading these tips from my first travel experience with Chase!)
Question of the Day
What is one thing that is making you smile this week? 
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/things-im-loving-friday-243/
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November 28, 2017 So today was the day of reckoning, I had a paper due and two presentations all in one go. I had a presentation for social media marketing and also consumer behavior. Oof it was a struggle. I wasn’t too nervous for social media marketing but I was like terrified for consumer behavior, because I had a really long part that had a lot of theories that I wasn’t completely smooth in, so it was a bit of a struggle haha.
But I dressed up all cutely today!! Even though surprisingly none of my professors required professional dress. In a lot of other classes I know that they require professional dress. I guess I got lucky because i don’t actually have dress shoes here…
So after my first presentation I hit up Josh for lunch, and we just got a quick bite at Homey’s kitchen, which is like right outside our halls. The food there is alright, I wouldn’t pick it normally, but it’s one of the better places to get food on campus. Josh was really supportive and he kept me calm and was just very encouraging. I really really appreciate him :’) he is truly one of the best people I’ve met here. Then after that we went back to my dorm, and I wanted to take a nap and he apparently fell asleep at my feet but I woke him up by kicking him LOL oops not my fault I cant control my movements while im sleeping.. LOL
After that I went to meet my group an hour before class at around 2, just so we could run over the presentation a few more times. And thankfully everyone seemed like they knew what they were doing. They were both locals, so their English wasn’t the greatest. I was extremely nervous for the Q&A session for this class because the teacher tore the groups from last week apart with her questions and etc. We were the third group to present, and holy shit I was so nervous. Like my friend Lisa was asking me if I was ready, and I just grabbed her hand and she felt how cold and sweaty my hands were LOL
But imo, our presentation looked really cool. Because our first page was what Josh helped me design, and it looked so cool LOL But yeah we got a few murmurs from just our title slide. The presentation went very smoothly overall, we all got through our parts clearly. For my part, I thought I presented it well, I used my notecards a little bit too much, but overall I think I did well. I had the analysis portion of Tesla’s marketing strategies, and it was the part the professor cared about the most, but it seemed like she was nodding and agreeing with what we were saying. After the presentation was the sweetest part, because she started off by saying “I quite like this group, quite nice” and it is legitly the highest praise I’ve ever heard her say tbh. Because she was so critical about all the previous groups. Then the question she asked us wasn’t questioning our logic, which was what I was worried about. Instead it was more about one of our recommendations and how we could expand upon it. So it was more constructive than actual critique. Then she said after we answered her that we were “quite nice”. And even Lisa’s groupmate pointed it out to us when we sat back down that she said it. LOL so YAYY we did well ^__^
After the presentation, I felt this huge weight off my shoulders because I was free!! I was finally free from all the presentations and also the papers that we had to do.
It was honestly a very bittersweet feeling. Like haha idk one hand it was great to finish all my work and be done with it, but on the other hand the fact that my time here is limited is becoming much more real in my mind. Because now, I was done with all my lectures and all that I have left waiting for me are my finals. Time seems like its ticking down on me day by day, and it really makes me sad to think that I’m going to have to leave all these people that have become my family, and this city that I’ve grown close enough with to call home.
But anyways, after I was done, I ditched my last tutorial class for stats because .. welp I already ditched like half at this point I don’t think it matters if I ditched the last one. I made plans with Vincent and Katie and Chris to go out and get ramen as a celebration dinner!! Cause Katie had the same presentation just a different class, so we were both essentially finished!
We went to place called Ramen Bari Uma, which was in TST. And it was actually pretty good! Not the best place I’ve ever had, no where has yet to top Tsujita, but we’ll see after I go to Japan hehe. I got the spicy tonkotsu ramen (I think) and also an order of fried gyoza! We just chatted and ate and I thought it was a nice experience! After dinner, we went to the ice cream place called Emacks and ____ I forgot, and we got a scoop and then we sat on the steps to just chill and talk. And it was just a nice way to rewind and relax. We were talking about stupid topics, but I still enjoyed it all. Haha I think Chris, Vincent, Katie and I have this cute little bond now, because Chris and Vincent are roommates, and Katie and I are hallmates and we spend a ridiculous amount of time together, and we’re just all close with each other. It’s hard to explain but I love it haha.
We stayed there for maybe an hour or so to chat and talk, and then after that we headed back to our halls. We were all pretty exhausted so I just wanted to go back to my dorm and have some time to myself, so I did just that! I also found this new drama that I’m probably going to start watching, it’s called Lost Loves in Time. But yeah I ended up falling asleep on my bed without wearing contacts… and by the time I woke up again I was like too lazy to put it in LOL
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