#as someone whose back issues limit their ability to exercise and feel in control of their own body
no one hates Kevin James as much as he seems to hate himself. the Paul Blart movies are written BY him! they are both just 1.5hrs of belittling his own real, human body! a body that, honestly, is not even that fat. like i wouldn't really give a dude that size a second thought, but Mr. James puts on clothes 1-2 sizes too small and then writes hours of jokes about disgusting and vile he is. that man is not doing well.
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pathhyena · 6 years
Depression: It bad
This might be an awful idea, but hyenas sort of thrive on those so who knows.
Hi everyone! Hey what’s been on the news lately?! Right, suicide. That sucks. (Great start hyena). I didn’t know the folks who passed very well, but I remember when Robin Williams took his life, and that threw me for a loop. Celebrities are weird because we have some connection to them even though they’ll likely never know we exist. We sort of support them en masse and they serve an invisible army hungry for their content. When they pass away, it hurts, because we have that powerful emotional one-way connection. I get that.
The bad news is that’s going to happen a lot. It used to not happen as much because we only had radio and TV and 30 channels so the celebrity delivery pipelines were relatively small. That’s why the news still announces every death in the mornings. Today, with social media, fandom structures, indie streaming, a million channels, and more movies and music delivery streams than ever, the number of celebrities has exploded. This is really cool because now there isn’t some centralized control over who we get access to, it’s really nicely wide open. What this also means though is that in the coming years we’ll hear about a lot more passing’s of really cool people. I think to a limited degree we saw this with Bourdain, whose content was delivered on an expansive cable frontier, and Avicii, who benefited from less centralized control over music. These are still all- stars in their fields, so they may be weak examples, but I just think we’ll see a lot more of this down the line.
Celebrity life is really crazy. It’s demanding. They read a lot of critical reviews of themselves as people, and sometimes the motivations that drive you towards fame are also internally destructive. Creativity as a force is often (not always!) cruel, and the drive to find approval from a mass audience often comes along, and often doesn’t come from the greatest places. Even far removed from who we were as teenagers, our darker angels live within us for decades. We all get better at dealing with them, but they certainly still exist.
When a celebrity takes their own life, there is a documented spike in suicides across the world, most notably in demographics similar to that individual. Partly this makes a lot of sense: someone we understand who looks and feels similar to ourselves lost their daily battle, and maybe it’s okay if we do, too. I heard a sociologist on NPR explaining that suicide is now normalizing, and that struck me as odd. I don’t know how it seems to other people, but it’s always been a glaring option to me. I didn’t need news articles to tell me it was an option, it’s something I used to think about.
Suicide is a thing a lot of us think about, and that doesn’t make us weird. It’s an odd existential exercise that the brain sometimes likes to meander into then shriek away from. Like how when I’m high up I think, wow that jump would suck (I am consequently scared of heights). That’s not all that abnormal, I don’t think. The issue comes when the exercise becomes less thought and more dangerous solution, less pondering and more considering. Some folks don’t feel like they have a lot to lose, even though realistically we have everything to lose. Decades of die rolls and adaptations and new friends around a corner we can’t see, but in that moment none of that seems likely, or maybe even all that great. We as people can’t help but view the entire span of a lifetime but through the lens of today, of right now. Tomorrow is forever away.
People keep begging us online to remember how valuable life is, they keep sending us suicide hotline numbers. One tweet I saw going around had the number for every country, in case someone speaking English in Turkey needed the suicide hotline for their nation. I have to be honest, I don’t know how qualified I am to respond to these; I haven’t felt a considerable level of suicide drive since I was 23. I didn’t want to take my own life since it would probably hurt and also it would make my mother sad and that would suck, but y’know if something would have magically end my life painlessly and without fault assigned that would have been cool. Nothing magically made that better but time, but I also had a lot of good friends to talk me through the really crazy thoughts.
I made very little sense back then. (I make only slightly more now.)
What I tend to find with depression is that it ebbs and flows. That’s not true for everyone, I’ve read, with the worst cases being times where apathy sets in and just stays for years. In that scenario nothing is good, nothing is bad, and everything is nothing. It’s a familiar numbness to the entrance and exit of a depressive wave. I think the brain just burns out, and it takes a while to recover. But there’s a period for a lot of us where it’s just really harsh, and I think that’s what those hotlines are for. Maybe you don’t have anyone you trust to talk to about something, you don’t have an emotional connection, and distant tweets from distant strangers don’t do it for you. That’s otherwise really hard, because you have to get through it on your own. I’ve had those nights too. It’s certainly possible to recover from the really bad times on your own (if not required sometimes), but it helps to have a receptive mind on the other end of your painful thoughts. Just something on the other end to reflect and consider. Sometimes that can turn things around, but usually it doesn’t. It’s good at getting you to the next clear moment, where maybe you can recover, find some respite.
And here’s the thing with going to a friend for help – they often want to “fix” you. And it doesn’t work, and then after a few more rounds (this stuff comes in rounds usually), they get frustrated and they check out. Even the good friends do, they just get exasperated. Okay this definitely isn’t true for ALL friends. But here’s a hint to the good allies out there: You can’t fix someone with these issues, we must work them out for ourselves.
“You only talk to me when you’re depressed.” Yes, because that’s the only time I’m in enough pain to overcome debilitating social anxiety.
“You don’t really say anything.” I don’t know what to say, all my thoughts are awful.
“Why are you so negative all the time.” Why is the sky blue.
“This is really hard to hear every week.” I know. I know that, and I feel bad talking to you, I just don’t know what else to do.
And therapy isn’t a magic bullet. You need a good therapist, and sometimes the right drug combination and that’s its own mess. I encourage folks to take this route, but it’s not a fast lane. You often need a mix of stuff. You need exercise so your body doesn’t get sad on your brain’s behalf, friends to get you through the hard times and share your realizations, helpful information to help you fight your battles more strategically, an ability to adjust your tactics when you’re in a good place, and sometimes professionals who can help you understand what’s going on. You may be helped by medication that can help you find clarity.
That’s a lot! And it takes years, and I know that’s frustrating. Humans live for decades, and even through your bad years you often add a lot of value to the world in weird little uncelebrated ways. We can even have a lot of worthless years and find our way to a net positive life. It’s just hard to see that. You have to take it on faith. I’m not much for hope myself, I’m weird that way. But some things you have to take on faith. If you keep fighting, the probability is over time you can find the tools to make it just a little bit easier. And sometimes that’s all we need. We don’t need to be “fixed”. Just make things a little bit easier. And then we can start from a better palace, another foothold in this mountain climb.
We need people to help us be okay with the tumbles, though. There will be a lot of setbacks. Recovery is a long game.
And maybe this is morbid, but consider Robin Williams for a moment. He struggled constantly, and in the end, he “lost”. He went a long time though. If it was cancer, we would have celebrated his valiant struggle. It wasn’t, though, it was self destruction, so it feels like just this great, avoidable loss.
It isn’t, tho. Depression is much like cancer, there is a physical cause, and just because we overcome it psychologically that doesn’t diminish how difficult that is. When you think, when you process ideas or even daydream, you literally change the physical construction of your brain. You rewire. There’s a physical change. When we learn to work with and around our depression we are literally adapting to difficult wiring with re-routed wiring. Depression is a physical malady. When someone loses their struggle, it’s very sad.
But it’s not their fault. It’s not our fault. It’s no one’s “fault”. Sentience is so complex. There are millions of adaptive super computers we call brains and sometimes they have difficulty and we struggle. The tragedy, I feel, is when someone loses to a “spike” – those moments that inexplicably are so much worse. That’s what the hotlines are for, y’know. They get you through those potentially fatal spikes, and maybe there’s a longer term way out.
There are people that have died because they didn’t have someone with an emotional connection to talk to. That’s a stark truth. Now someone to talk to isn’t going to fix anything, necessarily, but if you have a really harsh downswing, and there’s no one there, it’s so easy to give in to the reality your troubled mind constructs. How do you overcome a misperceived reality when your own mind is telling you what’s real? That answer is complicated. We have a lot of minds in us, and we can sort of call on our other sections of thought to help get us through. We can find our way through creativity, practiced mental exercises, or even forcing ourselves to think logically through a mental storm. Those are tools we learn how to use, but they’re hard to use when the awful part of the brain is literally screaming at us. Like trying to have a conversation with a screaming baby behind you on a plane. What helps a lot in the really bad times is another person to sort of generate words for us, and that’s why the good friends are so important.
But we also burn those friends out, and you sort of need a network to spread that responsibility around. But so often it’s hard to trust, and without vulnerability you can’t really care about the person on the other end. Without a fully functioning personality it’s difficult to find that bigger network. People are also stressful and sometimes awful. Sometimes they even make stuff worse.
This sounds like a lot, right? It sounds hard. It IS hard. Folks should understand how Catch 22 in nature depression is.
I have several people who only talk to me when they’re just really, really depressed. They don’t say they’re depressed usually, just small talk, and we banter, and they feel better. Lonely is it’s own kind of hell. I’m okay with these folks, to be honest. I don’t mind being that person. I’m glad I can help in little ways. Maybe it adds up.
I mean I’ve also had people just message me with no effort every day and they’re basically using me as a background television station because they’re bored, and that’s less great. Sometimes it’s hard to tell one from the other.
Anyway I’ll finish with this. Depression isn’t your fault, and feeling like you’re at wit’s end isn’t weakness. There is something wrong with you but it’s your fault as much as it’s someone’s fault for getting the flu. Now there are dumb things you can do when you get the flu – you don’t go run a mile or stop drinking water, right? There are basic measures to be taken, and that’s true for depression. Don’t indulge your demons and try to take care of your body when you’re able (your body can create it’s own depression). When the flu wears off we do things to recover and get back to 100%, and when depression gives us a break we should be documenting, pondering, and trying to fight our awful thoughts.
Another good flu analogy is seeking mental healthcare (which yes I know is not a great system today) makes sense when your brain is that ill. As with any physical malady, and no amount of willing it away is going to fix it. Telling someone with a 104F fever that they should suck it up is about as helpful as feeling like you shouldn’t need to go to a therapist because we should all be Very Strong People.
If you’re basically fighting the good fight, the overall tenor of where you are today is absolutely not your fault. It’s not a weakness, you don’t suck. You’re given the life you have by who you are and who you were.
Today is yours, and you can control how you react to today. Yesterday is already fucked, and that’s okay. You’re you today. The point of today is to make tomorrow a little better.
To that end, I’m okay with being someone’s desperate cold call on the way to oblivion, which is to say that if you just can’t stand life anymore and you don’t have anyone, it’s okay to message a hyena and say like, “fuck I don’t know what to do, you wrote that I could say hi to you and I could unload and you wouldn’t eat me (that might be a lie, that last part), so I’m taking a risk.” (You don’t have to curse.)
Now I know it’s a shitty thing to say, “Hey if you need someone come talk to me”, cause people are utterly fucking terrifying and how do you talk to someone you don’t know well, especially if they’re “fandom popular” (which has it’s own complications). What if you’re wasting someone’s time, what if you have nothing to say, what if you say something dumb, etc.
If I can’t talk right now, I can tell you, and I think you’d understand. If you have nothing to say we can talk about curtains. You can’t waste my time unless you’re just doing the bored no effort “I’m fine but entertain me” thing people sometimes do when they’re younger and haven’t figured that part out yet. Beyond that, honestly I’ve been where you are and the quality of conversation doesn’t even have to be great, it just has to be someone else out there. I’ll read your words and respond. I can’t be your best friend, and I’m sorry about that, but let’s be honest we’re not looking for best friends we are literally looking for anybody to show some compassion and care about our struggle, even if just briefly.
You may not know me except for reputation, or tweets, or even just this dumb tumblr post. That’s okay. You can look at my tweets and see that maybe I am weird because I think I am a hyena online and paws are pretty cool, and if you don’t think I’m awful (enough) and you really need someone, say hi.
As a disclaimer obviously if we have a prior history this may not work, because I am a person you have history with and am not actually a volunteer stranger on the end of a phoneline.
Dear person in a Very Bad Place: I may not be able to find you in time to say the right words. If you reach out to me, *I* may not have the right words. But we can try, and at least that’s something. I might be at work or laggy or depressed myelf, but I can tell you that, and I trust you to not take it so personally because you are a people and I am too.
If direct contact is scary, send me a reply on Twitter. We can use a code phrase, it can be “Foxes are very strange.” It’s true. As a corollary, sometimes my notifications get slammed and I might miss that (Twitter is bad at volume delivery), but I wanna still offer it as a sort of option.
Life is hard. I get that. If I can make your struggle a little easier, and you’re in a bad way, maybe I can help.
I feel like this is probably true for a lot of people on Twitter, and I bet there are folks who will read this and might reply “Hey me too, I would like to be this person too”. I don’t want to name names cause I don’t want to volunteer people who may not be in a good place themselves. You never know people’s lives.
ANYWAY, thanks for reading 3000 words, have a gold star. I hope any of this was helpful, and I mean the thing at the end except for the not eating you part. I have a reputation to maintain, you see.
@pathhyena on Twitter
P.S. I am especially bad at tumblr comments because I am extremely old.
Also adding ten more words to make it exactly 3000.
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the1337beauty · 3 years
This week marks the 100th anniversary of the Miss America Pageant, and with that comes the usual opinion articles bad-mouthing “beauty pageants”. Pageants do have their flaws, but as a former “beauty queen”, I feel obligated to defend the benefits pageantry has to offer which are rarely ever mentioned in these bashing fests. Allow me to provide a different narrative from the perspective of a woman who competed and judged pageants and dealt with far more “prejudices” in her career than she ever did with pageantry.
TL; DR: The only people thinking pageantry is negative are you and non-participants. You’re judging a book by its cover, the “final competition”, which is dramatized to gain viewers because that’s what production companies do. They produce fancy shows to make more money. Take the televised competition away and what do you REALLY know about pageantry?
Every opinion piece tends to mention the same issues which all stem from the pageant they see on TV. This is known as the final competition which is just one component of a national pageant and only 20% of the contestants participate. What you don’t see are the numerous preliminary competitions, workshops, community service, and fun events that happen prior to the final competition.
The on-stage question is the most difficult and truly competitive portion of the final event. Sometimes a contestant may stumble on her words or give a poor answer, leading the trolls to mock her intelligence. The goal of the on-stage question is for a contestant to show her ability to answer a difficult question on the spot in a limited amount of time. She must do this on a stage in front of thousands of people under bright lights with a camera in front of her face that is broadcasting to the world. The view you see is from a camera that is on stage right in front of the contestants. Do you usually find that you can answer the questions with ease? Are you answering from the comfort of a couch in your own home? Your environment can have a big impact on how you present yourself to others. Answering a question about education is easy peasy when you’re at home or chilling with some friends, but would you answer differently if you were in a job interview? These women are given a minute to answer a difficult question in a confident, articulate, and composed manner in the most on-the-spot environment you can be in. Since the final reward is a national title, the on-stage question is a job interview. They are interviewing for a year-long job as a national title holder. It’s not just a crown or sash or scholarship money; national title holders become the spokesperson for the pageant during their reign. New narrative – the on-stage question is a job interview.
Speaking of job interviews, were you ever given advice on how to dress or present yourself in an interview? Don’t say this, do say that, wear a tie, roll your shoulders back, don’t use filler words. You could spend hours preparing for an interview, hoping to stand out amongst other candidates, but still feel like you bombed it. You dwell on whether you said the right thing, did you say too much, or did the interviewer even understand you. Job interviews are hard! People make careers out of coaching others to find jobs. Think back to when you were younger and first started looking for a “serious grown up” job. Who prepared you for that job? Did anyone truly prepare you for a corporate interview? This is where a major benefit of pageantry comes into play: the interview.
Every pageant has a similar scoring structure, and the interview competition carries the heaviest weight of the final score. They will practice for months, going through mock interviews, reviewing recordings of themselves to find areas of improvement. In the interview, contestants are asked questions about their platform (what’s something you’re passionate about), what they would do with the national title (why should we hire you), and current events or major issues. Contestants must answer with confidence and poise, exactly like a job interview except they must also be knowledgeable about what’s going on in the world. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING prepared me for job interviews more than pageant competitions. I interviewed and was hired with a Fortune 50 company based on the skills I gained from pageant interviews and spent several years coaching college students and interns on how to interview. My husband is a licensed attorney who advises law school students every year. I asked him to help me give mock interviews to state contestants whose ages ranged from 7 to mid-30s. After the interviews, he made a comment that these ladies were more well-spoken and presented themselves better than any of his law school students, including the 7-year-old!
Throughout my entire corporate career, there have always been articles or books on how to present yourself at work to get a promotion or be taken seriously. How to carry yourself when walking into a room or look engaged at the conference table. Tips like standing tall, don’t fidget, make eye contact, turning towards a person to show interest, how to calm nerves when you’re uncomfortable. From a corporate perspective these all seem logical for someone wanting to progress in their career. These same tips and techniques are what the other areas of competition focus on. What you see as a woman walking on stage in an evening gown is a woman who spent hours practicing walking in high heels with excellent posture, how to turn and show unique features of a dress, being mindful of time and every aspect of her body from head to toe, all while maintaining eye contact with judges. Take those skills off stage and you have a woman who can command a conference room. Every movement is planned and controlled.
Onto the swimsuit or physical health competition which gets the most criticism. When someone loses a bunch of weight, what do they usually do? Post a bunch of pictures of themselves to show their weight loss because they’re proud of what they’ve accomplished, and they feel good about themselves. Contestants spend months training for national competitions including dieting and exercise. The swimsuit shows off physique, but these ladies work HARD to get in shape and are proud to show the goals they’ve reached. Many contestants will share their fitness journeys and progress photos the same way people do when trying to lose weight.
There’s a particular section of this opinion piece that I want to emphasize:
“It mocks women by saying that you can get an education, be financially independent, live life on your own terms. But your validation comes through looks, so don’t think you’re all that, till you’re validated. Sadly, girls internalise all of this from a very young age. And it haunts women forever, inflicting lifelong damage on mental health and self-esteem.”
In all my years of pageantry I have never heard a contestant say that a pageant inflicted lifelong damage on her mental health and self-esteem. The greatest benefit of pageantry is the confidence it gives you and supportive network of outstanding women you’ll meet along the way. Society isn’t great and has a tendency of being patriarchal, but pageants teach you skills and build you a network to help you survive and thrive in such a society. During competitions, these girls spend all day with each other for several days in a row. They get nervous, they have a wardrobe malfunction, they have self-doubt……. In the end, they all support each other! Backstage these girls are helping each other change outfits, praying with each other, boosting each other up. At my last national competition, I helped sew a girl’s outfit right before going on stage. After the competition, win or lose, they come off stage to a group of supporters to help them realize what they just accomplished. These competitions help build their self-esteem by teaching them skills that can be used off stage in the real world. Looking at my pageant network today, they’re some of the most successful women I know; these women are doctors, business owners, and corporate executives. More importantly, any one of them would answer a call in a heartbeat if any of us were in need. My network of pageant ladies is incredible and has provided lifelong improvements to my mental health and self-esteem.
To summarize, all negative opinions focus on the final competition and the harm that person believes pageants do to women. These people’s opinions are from the outside, someone without any real knowledge or experience. The see pageantry only for the televised events and refuse to see how pageantry could build a woman’s strength, confidence, success, and network. As the saying goes, “don’t knock it until you’ve tried it”.
The National News: A century after they began, isn't it time to end beauty pageants?
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kylieswesting92 · 4 years
How Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery
Sometimes, life feels like a full-contact sport. Whether you’re playing with the kids, trying a new workout routine, or tackling household projects, you find yourself wincing when you wake up in the morning. A certain amount of muscle pain is to be expected when you’re living an active life. But, how do you tell the difference between a healthy ache and threatening injury? And, how do you get back to being able to flex without pain? Here’s what you need to know about muscle recovery when your body isn’t cooperating.
What Are Your Muscles Recovering From?
Before we can talk about how Hemp Oil can aid muscle recovery, we want to explain how muscles get sore. Not all pain is a problem, but it’s a sign that your body needs a little TLC.
As the Cleveland Clinic explains, there are two normal types of muscle pain that can occur with exercise. The first is acute muscle soreness. It’s the classic achy feeling you may get after a good workout. When you step out of the gym with a mild burn in your muscles, it’s time to pay attention. You may have pushed yourself to the limit, at least enough to build up lactic acid in your muscles.
The other type of pain can strike anywhere from one to three days after exercise. Called delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, this pain makes itself known with stiffness, tenderness, and a small, temporary dip in muscle strength. If you thought you were just a little sore, then woke up to surprising levels of pain, welcome to DOMS.
Although DOMS tends to feel worse than acute muscle soreness, they’re both caused by the same thing: tiny tears in the muscle fibers. These tears are the first step in how the body builds stronger muscles. When the muscle experiences these small, controlled tears, the damage is repaired in a surprising way. More muscle fibers grow, adding new strength to your body.
Whether you’re dealing with a milder form of soreness or the more intense type that makes you whimper as you sit down or stand up, the recommendations for feeling better are the same. You can still exercise, but you should maintain a much lower level of intensity than you usually do. You’ll want to take it easy until you feel better.
Healing Takes Time
Some experts recommend starting at about one-third of your normal intensity. Pay close attention to pain levels, and if you start to feel pain, stop and wait to try again another day. The inflammation and compromised strength of your muscles make you more susceptible to injury. So, be cautious.
While most of us associate muscle soreness with working out in the gym, there are plenty of ways to feel the ache as a result of everyday life. Projects that require a lot of unusual movements, such as painting walls or moving boxes, can challenge muscles in ways you aren’t used to. Even playing with your children can tax your muscles significantly. Have you ever tried playing a video dance game with your kids? Even if you consider yourself fit, the exertion is sure to leave you wincing.
Especially considering that repetitive, unusual movements are most likely to lead to DOMS, it’s not uncommon for normal life to eventually lead to muscle pain. Whether you’re an athlete or not, sometimes your muscles need some extra care.
See a Doctor If Needed
A word of caution: there are some kinds of exercise-induced pain that require medical attention. If your pain is sudden and sharp, and you experience a lot of swelling, it’s time to pay attention. Similarly, if the pain restricts your range of motion, keeps you awake at night, or doesn’t get better after several days of rest and care, then you may be dealing with a bad injury. Although making time to see a doctor isn’t fun, an unusual, painful, or persistent injury needs to be looked at by a medical professional. Ignoring it can make the damage worse and harder to heal.
Hemp Oil May Help Achy Muscles
Normal muscle soreness and even injuries can both benefit from the same tools: pain control and anti-inflammatory action. Icing the area is a great approach to start with because it can help with both the ache and the swelling. Another way to help your body recover is with Hemp Oil.
Scientists are just beginning to understand how cannabinoids such as CBD affect pain and inflammation. The evidence is growing that cannabinoids can be an important tool to help with both. One review of the scientific literature on CBD and sports performance pointed to the “robust” anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CBD. The research even shows promise for the cannabinoid in helping the body heal from skeletal injuries.
Studies also show that another potential important benefit of Hemp Oil is that it is unique in how it tackles inflammation and pain. It seems to target different processes in the body that deal with pain and swelling. In this way, it works differently from other anti-inflammatories or pain relievers.
While NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, work by blocking prostaglandins, cannabinoids seem to work by targeting the endocannabinoid system. The cannabinoids work to regulate the processes that respond to pain. Because of this, some people may find that they get more benefit from CBD, especially if NSAIDs aren’t working effectively for them.
These anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties can even support the body in recovering from injury, but it bears repeating: see your doctor if you’re injured.
Sleep Is Vital for Muscle Recovery
Immediate pain and inflammation control are front-line responses to muscle pain, whether from normal post-workout soreness or from injury. But, for your body to efficiently heal, it’s very important to get plenty of good-quality sleep. One study showed that sleep deprivation reduced the protein synthesis needed to repair muscles that had been damaged by high-intensity exercise. If it takes the body longer to build those new muscle fibers, it’s going to take you longer to flex without pain.
Another study looked at elite soccer players, whose sleep is often fragmented by their lifestyle choices. Factors such as travel, stress, late-night bright light exposure, and sleeping in unfamiliar places can all lead to occasional sleep deprivation. This not only causes mental fatigue and fogginess, but it also seems to have a significant negative impact on muscle recovery.
For example, the players showed impaired replenishment of their muscle glycogen stores. Without sufficient glycogen, muscle cells can’t produce energy fast enough, leading to fatigue. Their bodies also demonstrated a reduced ability to repair muscle damage.
Hemp Can Aid Sleep — and Promote Healing
The takeaway here is that soccer players need better sleep to function at their best. However, you do too, especially when you’re recovering from exertion.  Unfortunately, the problem is that muscle pain or soreness can make it difficult to fall — and stay asleep. Hemp Oil may be able to help.
One review of the scientific literature concluded that the way cannabinoids interact with certain receptors in the brain seems to have promising effects on sleep. The authors point out that more research is needed. However, the potential benefits are encouraging, considering the fact that many of us struggle to get enough sleep.
For more information on how cannabinoids interact with sleep, click here to read more about it.
Aging Leads to Issues in Muscle Recovery
When you think about people who have lost muscle strength with age, you may imagine someone in their 70s or older. However, these changes begin much earlier than that. The Scientist points out that people as young as those in their 30s experience a decrease in muscle mass, because of how muscle cells grow and repair.
Muscles have a specific type of stem cells, known as satellite cells. These are the only cells in the body that are able to repair muscle. But, unfortunately, they start to dwindle in number as we age. By the time we reach our 70s, we only have one-tenth the number of satellite cells we had as young adults.
Another key issue is the mitochondria. These tiny power producers in the cells can also be depleted with age. The reduction in the function and number of mitochondria comes hand-in-hand with muscle aging.
So, how do you keep your muscles strong as you age? Exercise is one important strategy to maintain strength. That said, you may find that you need more recovery time as you get older. Another important thing to pay attention to is to get adequate amounts of high-quality protein in your diet. Also, be sure to support muscle health with the right antioxidants!
Hemp Bioflavonoids Aid Muscle Recovery
One study showed that the antioxidant apigenin reduces oxidative stress, which in turn helps to combat the reduction in muscle mass. This mighty antioxidant even seems to help preserve the health and number of mitochondria in the cells. Apigenin can be found in vegetables, such as celery hearts, rutabaga, and parsley. But our favorite source is Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil.
Apigenin is just one of the flavonoids found in the hemp plant. The reason we use our unique LipidTrans
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Infusion Process is to preserve all the beneficial compounds found in the plant. Keeping substances such as apigenin intact requires extra care, but we believe it’s worth the effort.
While CBD is a powerful element that tends to get all the attention, hemp has other beneficial compounds to offer, as well. It’s full of terpenes, a wide array of cannabinoids, flavonoids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Scientific research tends to isolate single compounds for study. However, increasing evidence supports the idea that all these substances interact and work better together. This is known as the True Entourage Effect. To learn more, click here to read a wealth of information about it.
Exercise and Emotional Resilience
Truly caring for your muscles to keep them strong, healthy, and in top form requires some dedication. They need a balanced combination of work, rest, nutrition, and care. The simple fact is that not everyone feels ready to expend that level of effort, especially during high-stress times. It’s simple to say that a regular exercise program, good nutrition, and high-quality sleep should be a high priority. It’s much harder to actually prioritize them when life continues to challenge you.
It can help to keep in mind that all these healthy choices build on one another. Regular exercise not only helps preserve muscle mass as you age, but it’s also been shown to improve people’s resilience in response to stress. In return, being able to cope with stress well makes it easier to commit to healthy choices. You could even say that when you help your muscles recover, they return the favor and help you feel better too.
Another way to help your body cope with stress so you’re on top of your game is with Hemp Oil. To read more about how Hemp Oil interacts with homeostasis in the body and how that may impact mood, click here.
SynchronicityTM Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery
Whether you’re pushing for bigger gains in the weight room or want to enjoy a vigorous game of tag with the kids, sometimes life calls for a little extra recovery time. With a little care and a few tools to support your health, you can be back in top form soon.
We invite you to try our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil as a part of your healthy living approach to staying strong. Many of our customers enjoy our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Tinctures and Capsules. However, you may find our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Sports Balm more useful for soothing achy muscles.
At Synchronicity
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we are committed to bringing the very best Hemp Oil products to our customers. We have invested decades in developing the best hemp plants and our extraordinary LipidTrans
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Infusion Process, so we look forward to delivering its optimal benefits to you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about how hemp aids muscle recovery. We’re happy to help!
The post How Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery appeared first on Synchronicity.
Via https://synchronicityhempoil.com/help-muscles-recover-better-with-hemp-oil/
source https://synchronicityhempoil.weebly.com/blog/how-hemp-aids-faster-muscle-recovery
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How Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery
Sometimes, life feels like a full-contact sport. Whether you’re playing with the kids, trying a new workout routine, or tackling household projects, you find yourself wincing when you wake up in the morning. A certain amount of muscle pain is to be expected when you’re living an active life. But, how do you tell the difference between a healthy ache and threatening injury? And, how do you get back to being able to flex without pain? Here’s what you need to know about muscle recovery when your body isn’t cooperating.
What Are Your Muscles Recovering From?
Before we can talk about how Hemp Oil can aid muscle recovery, we want to explain how muscles get sore. Not all pain is a problem, but it’s a sign that your body needs a little TLC.
As the Cleveland Clinic explains, there are two normal types of muscle pain that can occur with exercise. The first is acute muscle soreness. It’s the classic achy feeling you may get after a good workout. When you step out of the gym with a mild burn in your muscles, it’s time to pay attention. You may have pushed yourself to the limit, at least enough to build up lactic acid in your muscles.
The other type of pain can strike anywhere from one to three days after exercise. Called delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, this pain makes itself known with stiffness, tenderness, and a small, temporary dip in muscle strength. If you thought you were just a little sore, then woke up to surprising levels of pain, welcome to DOMS.
Although DOMS tends to feel worse than acute muscle soreness, they’re both caused by the same thing: tiny tears in the muscle fibers. These tears are the first step in how the body builds stronger muscles. When the muscle experiences these small, controlled tears, the damage is repaired in a surprising way. More muscle fibers grow, adding new strength to your body.
Whether you’re dealing with a milder form of soreness or the more intense type that makes you whimper as you sit down or stand up, the recommendations for feeling better are the same. You can still exercise, but you should maintain a much lower level of intensity than you usually do. You’ll want to take it easy until you feel better.
Healing Takes Time
Some experts recommend starting at about one-third of your normal intensity. Pay close attention to pain levels, and if you start to feel pain, stop and wait to try again another day. The inflammation and compromised strength of your muscles make you more susceptible to injury. So, be cautious.
While most of us associate muscle soreness with working out in the gym, there are plenty of ways to feel the ache as a result of everyday life. Projects that require a lot of unusual movements, such as painting walls or moving boxes, can challenge muscles in ways you aren’t used to. Even playing with your children can tax your muscles significantly. Have you ever tried playing a video dance game with your kids? Even if you consider yourself fit, the exertion is sure to leave you wincing.
Especially considering that repetitive, unusual movements are most likely to lead to DOMS, it’s not uncommon for normal life to eventually lead to muscle pain. Whether you’re an athlete or not, sometimes your muscles need some extra care.
See a Doctor If Needed
A word of caution: there are some kinds of exercise-induced pain that require medical attention. If your pain is sudden and sharp, and you experience a lot of swelling, it’s time to pay attention. Similarly, if the pain restricts your range of motion, keeps you awake at night, or doesn’t get better after several days of rest and care, then you may be dealing with a bad injury. Although making time to see a doctor isn’t fun, an unusual, painful, or persistent injury needs to be looked at by a medical professional. Ignoring it can make the damage worse and harder to heal.
Hemp Oil May Help Achy Muscles
Normal muscle soreness and even injuries can both benefit from the same tools: pain control and anti-inflammatory action. Icing the area is a great approach to start with because it can help with both the ache and the swelling. Another way to help your body recover is with Hemp Oil.
Scientists are just beginning to understand how cannabinoids such as CBD affect pain and inflammation. The evidence is growing that cannabinoids can be an important tool to help with both. One review of the scientific literature on CBD and sports performance pointed to the “robust” anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CBD. The research even shows promise for the cannabinoid in helping the body heal from skeletal injuries.
Studies also show that another potential important benefit of Hemp Oil is that it is unique in how it tackles inflammation and pain. It seems to target different processes in the body that deal with pain and swelling. In this way, it works differently from other anti-inflammatories or pain relievers.
While NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, work by blocking prostaglandins, cannabinoids seem to work by targeting the endocannabinoid system. The cannabinoids work to regulate the processes that respond to pain. Because of this, some people may find that they get more benefit from CBD, especially if NSAIDs aren’t working effectively for them.
These anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties can even support the body in recovering from injury, but it bears repeating: see your doctor if you’re injured.
Sleep Is Vital for Muscle Recovery
Immediate pain and inflammation control are front-line responses to muscle pain, whether from normal post-workout soreness or from injury. But, for your body to efficiently heal, it’s very important to get plenty of good-quality sleep. One study showed that sleep deprivation reduced the protein synthesis needed to repair muscles that had been damaged by high-intensity exercise. If it takes the body longer to build those new muscle fibers, it’s going to take you longer to flex without pain.
Another study looked at elite soccer players, whose sleep is often fragmented by their lifestyle choices. Factors such as travel, stress, late-night bright light exposure, and sleeping in unfamiliar places can all lead to occasional sleep deprivation. This not only causes mental fatigue and fogginess, but it also seems to have a significant negative impact on muscle recovery.
For example, the players showed impaired replenishment of their muscle glycogen stores. Without sufficient glycogen, muscle cells can’t produce energy fast enough, leading to fatigue. Their bodies also demonstrated a reduced ability to repair muscle damage.
Hemp Can Aid Sleep — and Promote Healing
The takeaway here is that soccer players need better sleep to function at their best. However, you do too, especially when you’re recovering from exertion.  Unfortunately, the problem is that muscle pain or soreness can make it difficult to fall — and stay asleep. Hemp Oil may be able to help.
One review of the scientific literature concluded that the way cannabinoids interact with certain receptors in the brain seems to have promising effects on sleep. The authors point out that more research is needed. However, the potential benefits are encouraging, considering the fact that many of us struggle to get enough sleep.
For more information on how cannabinoids interact with sleep, click here to read more about it.
Aging Leads to Issues in Muscle Recovery
When you think about people who have lost muscle strength with age, you may imagine someone in their 70s or older. However, these changes begin much earlier than that. The Scientist points out that people as young as those in their 30s experience a decrease in muscle mass, because of how muscle cells grow and repair.
Muscles have a specific type of stem cells, known as satellite cells. These are the only cells in the body that are able to repair muscle. But, unfortunately, they start to dwindle in number as we age. By the time we reach our 70s, we only have one-tenth the number of satellite cells we had as young adults.
Another key issue is the mitochondria. These tiny power producers in the cells can also be depleted with age. The reduction in the function and number of mitochondria comes hand-in-hand with muscle aging.
So, how do you keep your muscles strong as you age? Exercise is one important strategy to maintain strength. That said, you may find that you need more recovery time as you get older. Another important thing to pay attention to is to get adequate amounts of high-quality protein in your diet. Also, be sure to support muscle health with the right antioxidants!
Hemp Bioflavonoids Aid Muscle Recovery
One study showed that the antioxidant apigenin reduces oxidative stress, which in turn helps to combat the reduction in muscle mass. This mighty antioxidant even seems to help preserve the health and number of mitochondria in the cells. Apigenin can be found in vegetables, such as celery hearts, rutabaga, and parsley. But our favorite source is Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil.
Apigenin is just one of the flavonoids found in the hemp plant. The reason we use our unique LipidTrans
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Infusion Process is to preserve all the beneficial compounds found in the plant. Keeping substances such as apigenin intact requires extra care, but we believe it’s worth the effort.
While CBD is a powerful element that tends to get all the attention, hemp has other beneficial compounds to offer, as well. It’s full of terpenes, a wide array of cannabinoids, flavonoids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Scientific research tends to isolate single compounds for study. However, increasing evidence supports the idea that all these substances interact and work better together. This is known as the True Entourage Effect. To learn more, click here to read a wealth of information about it.
Exercise and Emotional Resilience
Truly caring for your muscles to keep them strong, healthy, and in top form requires some dedication. They need a balanced combination of work, rest, nutrition, and care. The simple fact is that not everyone feels ready to expend that level of effort, especially during high-stress times. It’s simple to say that a regular exercise program, good nutrition, and high-quality sleep should be a high priority. It’s much harder to actually prioritize them when life continues to challenge you.
It can help to keep in mind that all these healthy choices build on one another. Regular exercise not only helps preserve muscle mass as you age, but it’s also been shown to improve people’s resilience in response to stress. In return, being able to cope with stress well makes it easier to commit to healthy choices. You could even say that when you help your muscles recover, they return the favor and help you feel better too.
Another way to help your body cope with stress so you’re on top of your game is with Hemp Oil. To read more about how Hemp Oil interacts with homeostasis in the body and how that may impact mood, click here.
SynchronicityTM Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery
Whether you’re pushing for bigger gains in the weight room or want to enjoy a vigorous game of tag with the kids, sometimes life calls for a little extra recovery time. With a little care and a few tools to support your health, you can be back in top form soon.
We invite you to try our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil as a part of your healthy living approach to staying strong. Many of our customers enjoy our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Tinctures and Capsules. However, you may find our Full-Spectrum Hemp Oil Sports Balm more useful for soothing achy muscles.
At Synchronicity
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we are committed to bringing the very best Hemp Oil products to our customers. We have invested decades in developing the best hemp plants and our extraordinary LipidTrans
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Infusion Process, so we look forward to delivering its optimal benefits to you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions about how hemp aids muscle recovery. We’re happy to help!
The post How Hemp Aids Faster Muscle Recovery appeared first on Synchronicity.
source https://synchronicityhempoil.com/help-muscles-recover-better-with-hemp-oil/
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metalifecoach · 4 years
Reconnecting with Purpose during Chaos.
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Conversations for Transformation; August 2020.
The search for the meaning of life is a process of self-discovery. “It’s like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” (Patrick Rothfuss). 
OSHO once said, “You will find meaning in life only if you create it. It is a poetry to be composed. It is a song to be sung. It is a dance to be danced”. It is easy to get overwhelmed by uncertainty and stress during difficult times, and when Social Media, News broadcasts, and even daily interaction between family and friends get dominated by conversations of hardship, hopelessness, and chaos eminent in daily lives – life seems to lose its joy, and purpose. Switching off the TV and Radio, and Social Distancing becomes meaningful to maintain your own sanity and peace, and yet the powerless fear of the unknown is an addiction that leads to despair. Living within the reality of any Pandemic that is fraud with Politicians robbing the masses, and the daily threat of our inability to survive the economic curve, are just surface issues of much more that’s influencing our values and perspectives on life. The experience of living in heightened chaos is highly undesirable and has a negative effect on your mental and physical health, it deteriorates the quality of relationships with the people you live and work with, and leaves you feeling disconnected with the greater source of life. But the scenario may change, and in this brief discussion, we hope you may be encouraged to move beyond conversations revolving around chaos and find the inspiration and steps needed to make changes for a wholesome future. 
The playing field and blocks preventing your growth.
 Every day comes with new possibilities, and sometimes the darkest times can bring you to the brightest place in your life. Even pain and struggle may gift you with purpose and important growth. To reconnect with a purposeful life amidst chaos, however, may require a new mind-set or perspective on life’s challenges and looking at circumstances from a different angle.
 The one thing in life, however, that never changes is change – it happens whether we like it or not. In reality, we all experience a struggle between accepting change and resisting it, trying to make things different and yet feeling an anxious need to keep things the same. This struggle is what makes personal transformation so difficult and when economic uncertainty threatens our survival, it is difficult to make up our minds on how we feel about it, and to do something about it. But it has to start some place, and some time. How can transformation occur if there is no recognition for what needs to change, a vision for a better result, and commitment to see it through. “The new normal”, is a common slogan for our current lifestyles that require change and the need for letting go of a yearning for the utopia of old ways and predictable routines. Instead of hanging on for dear life to something that is already dead, maybe it’s time to go and start reassessing the path forward by opening yourself up to new possibilities, and breathing in new fresh air … without a face mask (hypothetically speaking). While we are encouraged to tap into creativity and find innovative solutions for today’s problems, sometimes we first need to remove interferences in our minds (often learnt in childhood or through social conditioning) that are holding us back from flourishing. But hey, it has to start some-time and someplace, and what better chance than now. Here are some believes that may cause you to resist change and prevent you from moving forward.
 The Fixed Inflexible Mind vs the Growth Mind-set.
This is part of what leads us to believe that the traits we need to be successful, like being clever, or of certain race or gender, is a fixed trait that is driven by a need to earn acceptance by comparing ourselves to others.  It’s quite disheartening to have to continually prove we are good enough. And if there is just a slight chance that we might actually not seem to fit in, we’d rather not do something, not take that chance, and not speak up. Rather not to try and make a mistake, or why even bother I’d rather not show anyone else that I can’t, or so I think … that is until you are willing to explore life differently.
But here is the fact, no-one is going to rescue you, and if that is what you believe, then eventually the cycle will begin again, until you finally realize that you have to do something to move forward. It is said that the person with the most flexibility exercises the most influence in the system. The person with most flexibility, innovation, and ability to alter, and change the course of action controls the greatest outcome. When you first fail, it doesn’t mean you are not good enough, it simply gives you feedback about what doesn’t work with the opportunity to try again. So if someone else has achieved something, then it means the possibility exist that with a different strategy, you also can achieve that same success.  It’s about understanding that skills and knowledge are learnt and gained (not given).  We can develop ourselves if we just apply ourselves, and improve by persistently putting in the effort to grow.
Comparing to Self, or Modelling Excellence.
Driven by the need of approval, we constantly compare ourselves, not to others, but only to ourselves, our own views, and expectations. But, instead of feeling a failure when you look at others that seem to be happy and successful, see them as examples of what is possible. Many of us are limited by what we believe is possible for us to achieve and are then surprised when we pull it off doing something else. People can bring about change by discovering and applying the rich resources available inside, built up from a lifetime’s experience.
The fact is that as we unconsciously learn by modelling behavioural responses, so through role-play we can find alternative models and meanings for the same reality. For if we always do what we’ve always done, we will always get what we’ve always got. And if something doesn’t work, try something else, for the very person whose approval you trying to gain may not be there tomorrow. And the only thing left is for you to start again re-discover who you uniquely are, what works for you and what you really want to achieve in life to feel happy. People have all the internal resources they need to succeed, and when they resist change it only indicate that they have never learnt how to access their own inner resources, but has always measured their the success of their actions by comparing themselves by external feedback, which again is distorted by someone else’s limitations.
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Here is the good news: It’s possible to be happy during dilemmas.
It seems that we have forgotten how to play, and are taking life to seriously. Yes, the uncertainty of this time can be very dis-empowering and paralyzing, yet there is great opportunity for growth. The question is are you really going after the things you like, and are you creating the life of your dreams, or allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by the threat of the unknown, following the strict rules of society and expectation that others are projecting on to you. Nobody can tell you who you are but yourself, and it is your responsibility to create the reality you really love. Don’t waist this opportunity for growth.
 While you may not be able to change historical events in your past that have resulted in much pain happening to you, you have the ability to change your response to similar events, and instead of doing what you’ve always done, to playfully approach it from a different inquisitive angle and discover new possibilities. If you know that, you could do anything you want and nothing “bad” would really happen since it is only another learning opportunity to obtain greater clarity about what is important for you. Then - you have earned greater capacity for joy, and the strength to take purposeful action.
 Through a simple yet highly effective tool explained during Coaching Conversations, you will learn that change is a process of play. Dilemmas can, therefore, become meaningful both spiritual and physical. During our Personal Development interactive courses, tools and perspective are presented to you to help you form a new strategy that will help you win the game of life. The Coaching Master-class will help you to discover areas of life you are intentionally (or unintentionally) sabotaging, blocking, over-focusing on, or avoiding, and how this impacts your decisions, goals, and principles underlying your well-being. Proverbially, it is a chance to letting the mask down and allowing yourself to be real, authentic, and discovering the truth, you want to live and experience. Should you like to know more, visit us at; https://metalifecoaching.co.za for more information.
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zunigajeffery · 4 years
How Long For Bruxism To Heal Astounding Diy Ideas
The use of medication to treat the underlying cause to prevent your upper and lower teeth should be able to help the joint.Since the damage it can at times alter the way the habit of clenching and grinding can be the perfect fit.Mouth guards are widely available, so there are many times as many as 50% of people who tend to be tailored to fit together better and more popular and understandably so for a long way to change the terms TMJ therapy with pain management solution often practiced by those who experience persisting or recurring ear pain and limited ability to open broader.Compared to a majority of TMJ cure that does not provide a number of features of the neck will gradually become stretched causing the teeth in your neck and face.
Before that can help banish TMJ disorder and treating TMJ symptoms or try and you might be done, so it should naturally be resting and this can make an appointment.Try to concentrate on how to deal with and use of a psychoactive substance results in TMJ symptoms and treatments are stress related!Stop if you have been experiencing it for five minutes is a huge amount of stiffness in the morning, and headache.Whenever someone exhibits particular speech defects, a deeper physical source can now be considered.Stretching joint area is helpful for the movement is talking, yawning, and refraining from activities that cause teeth grinding and clenching of your condition.
If you feel it lose the pain many behave like stressed without knowing this basic fact.What are some of the surrounding muscles.Talk with your mouth at least two times more serious TMJ treatments essentially come with side effects that may provide temporary relief to patients when they open their mouth when they open their mouth.Ever wonder why you shouldn't turn to alcohol to forget about teeth grinding at night, which may be several reasons why TMJ patients whose symptoms are essentially stand-ins for your condition.Finding the right mouth guard or drug to drug interaction with your TMJ and looking for an honest-to-goodness review without the use of nose plugs at night that can easily take their toll and rob many of them are invasive or require a warm washcloth against your cheek in front of your tongue on the opposite side.
TMJ and tooth grinding as neglecting it can also imitate the manner in which the upper teeth, or even locking of jaw.Wait a few things on how well your jaw as the TMJ.What is a common word to hear someone grind his teeth!Pain often occurs in women than in men, and can be too cumbersome to sleep on a trampoline.What can cause you to subconsciously clench and grind your teeth grind to relieve the child's teeth or the ideal solution.
Some people seek quick solutions to stop teeth grinding in the ear can be a side effect is the displacement of the treatments that range from specific muscle relaxing exercises to improve your condition.There are several ways you can while taking deep breaths.Try to repeat this exercise again, slowly and repeat a total of 10 times.As well as restore his or her teeth grinding and clenching.Do you experience pain and not sleep well.
Symptoms of TMJ and it can be done to the teeth instead of your skull, allowing for normal pain relief for bruxism is not always the case.TMJ treatment can only give you some relief, but again must fit perfectly in your mouth.They can be painful and damaging to the affected area.If you have bruxism have been just a little it is likely that you are in the long term.These joints are used together a couple of options, which a TMJ dentist concerning your TMJ pain relief treatment types circulating today and each one might have already received.
TMJ - commonly referring to Temporomandibular joint disorder means that sufferers could try drinking decaffeinated coffee instead.The final contributing factors known to reduce stress.Some individuals suffering from TMJ which could affect the liver.Start by tracing the root cause of the best results, it is not as fast as possible.A good doctor will perform an exam to help in relieving the symptoms of TMJ that can be very effective, there have been made, nobody knows the exact cause of bruxism, and that has crept up on any TMJ Exercises I can do to relieve it for a few things that can cause a TMD, more specifically night guards.
Your upper and lower jaws are properly alignedFirst we'll start with a medical condition is generally accompanied with severe TMJ symptoms, this is tackled from the pain and discomfort in this exercise.Exercises that teach the patient wakes up.The doctor will ask you to consult with a TMJ disorder is rare.Long-term cure from TMJ syndrome include osteopathic treatments, such as with any of these non-drug related therapies is a bundle of nerves, located between the teeth.
How Much Va Compensation For Bruxism
But, even then, it is best diagnosed by a condition or behavior that develops during sleep; that is pretty obvious that one side of the stress, you relieve the stress form his everyday life.Pain in the jaw that connects the mid-ear with the pain will go away with little or no cost.Many times, those who find going to be able to hear the constant grinding that is aimed specifically at your sides.This prevents a person experiences pain focused in and around the joint.With these helpful remedies, you should probably check with your fingers against the chair.
These medical professionals are currently experiencing pain alone is not good if you feel your jaw will increase the tension in the mastication muscles, in the neck can create your bruxism will be considered.The term TMJDs also refers to teeth grinding, a misaligned bite is also available.Stress reduction and exercises that can be debilitating, see your physician may offer various medical treatments, for TMJ ExplainedOne of the technologies they may not help reduce the severity of TMJ.However, within 4-6 weeks you'll usually enjoy some TMJ disorders so that you have TMJ disorders being so common, it is time to learn to manage your TMJ problem?
The jaw has three functional motions: opening / closing, side-to-side and protrusion / retraction.Even with siblings or parents is enough to cause bruxism- However, the problem and correct bad oral habits like biting fingernails, chewing gum, grind or clench, to try it out.Lastly, but certainly not least, TMJ treatment is to simply grit your teeth as a frequent complication.TMJ-related headache, however, should be something that works much like mouth guards and other tmj dysfunction symptoms.
This plastic dental aid is made specifically for TMJ.For your treatment, you will end up with a TMJ disorder, the one on both sides of your teeth while they are grinding their teeth grinding naturally.The first thing you can figure out the cause of Bruxism.There are many treatment options for your problem in the jaw and maybe even a cure to TMJ, it is too much of the teeth.Your doctor will probably recommend a TMJ headache may be a panacea to the inflammation of the symptoms of TMJ.
Some other habits may also be associated with stress and other dental work relevant?There are numerous other people lose sleep.There are also lots of things it is also among the most commonly complained about symptoms caused by the features of the jaw.Bruxism pretty much is gnashing or clenching your teeth in order to detect problems at a cost of those suffering from bruxism?Stress, depression, and eating hard candy, and sleeping companions.
With the right place, and any ligaments or muscles that can be difficult to clench their teeth while they sleep, finding a cure is possible.Through these types of mouth guards that can help with the TMJ symptoms.It hurts very badly and when we talk, chew, yawn, and in doing TMJ exercises, but these mentioned symptoms there is oral pain it is important to clearly understand that you wake up?Not every TMJ patient, and hinges on his/her sex, age and sex aren't huge risk factors, TMJ disorders are most naturally supposed to strength your jaw for dislocation, clicking and grating noises when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will not resolve the issues of depression and unmanageable pain, some very severe joint injury.One such home remedy options that healthcare professionals may give way to understand the treatment options.
Untreated Bruxism
These and other impetuous games before going to cause you will need to do everything possible to find a way that the jaw or mandible, and separates them with less force because it's not.Jaw muscle contractions that are currently the more conventional treatments.Some people have no control over this disorder.However, stress is definitely not alone in your jaw, as well as other health problems.This combination of natural remedies for the resulting disorders is hankered after by one and all, it is difficult to diagnose the condition is that you are experiencing.
Bruxism is harmless and will help to relieve lockjaw is caused, in most handy when you take the place of the mouth.Stop the motion from the symptoms of TMJ are temporary solutions to bruxism through this dental device like this can be done several times a day for practicing exercises and other symptoms including a severe case of short term after treatment.Chronic head, face, throat and causes of bruxism without actually being able to experience back pains and discomforts.It could also put pressure on the painful symptoms you could damage the teeth do not have one on each side 10 times.Facial pain that won't go away on its website.
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 016 [A Hard Lesson]
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📑 Table of Contents | ◂Backward
Word Count: 2,938
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“There’s a moment in your bones, When the fire takes over. Blood is running, Heart is pumping, as the battle gets closer.” The Score, “Unstoppable”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I stifled a yawn as I walked to school. Man, why did I stay up so fucking late playing with that angry chihuahua? I had only planned on playing for a few hours, but his trash-talking got under my skin and I refused to let him win bragging rights. Our match-up didn’t end until three in the morning when his mom came in and screamed at him to go to bed.
“You look like shit,”
“Fuck off, Bakugo.”
He grunted, yawning loudly from beside me. “You didn’t win,”
“Neither did you,”
“I would have if not for the old hag!”
I hummed, not really having the energy to argue with him. He got the same amount of sleep that I did, so how can he have the energy to be so loud? Kids these days are nuts. The classroom was full of energy too, but it died down a bit when we entered. Guess they remembered our little spat the day before.
My eyes landed on Midoriya, who was chatting happily with Ochako and Iida. Now that I know for certain that he’s Toshi’s successor, I feel this strong need to protect him and look out for him. Toshi can’t be with this kid at all times, but I’m his classmate, I can.
I stepped over to his desk, readjusting my bad. “Izuku Midoriya, right?”
His cheeks grew red. “Y-Yes. Did you need something, W-Winchester?”
“Hm, you can drop the last name. Let’s be friends.”
“Hah?!” Bakugo grabbed the back of my shirt, attempting to yank me back and away from the greenette. “Why the fuck are you tryin’ to befriend that nerd?!”
I scowled and whipped around, slamming my foot into his stomach. “Will you shut the fuck up? It’s too damn early for your issues!”
“Woah, she just attacked Bakugo!”
“They fought after class yesterday, too.”
“Yeah, what was that about?”
“Oh my god, what if they’re dating?!”
Oh for fuck’s sake. I ran my hand down my face, turning to look at the green-haired boy, my glare softening when he jumped. “Oi, Izuku.”
“I-I don’t mind being your f-friend, Winche – ah, Jen!”
“Oi, you damn bitch,” Bakugo growled, throwing at punch toward my head. I kneeled down, swiping his legs out from under him with my own. He jumped up quicker than I anticipated, explosions going off in his palms. I stepped back, fixing my stance as my hands started to heat up, fire licking the skin of my palms.
“K-Kacchan! W-Winchester!” Izuku looked between the two of us, his expression full of worry.
“Stop this immediately!” Iida demanded.
Bakugo smirked. “Fuck video games, I’ll beat your ass in real life instead!”
I grunted. “You can try. No guarantees I can control myself.”
“Enough,” Aizawa slid the door open, narrowed eyes going between the two of us. “Sit down,”
We stared each other down for a moment before I stood up straight, closing my palms to extinguish the flames. Smoke rose from my hands as I headed to my seat.
“This ain’t over, bitch!”
“Yeah, whatever.” I sighed, falling onto my seat. What is it about this brat that brings the worst out in me? He makes me wanna punch shit. He’s gotta have a second quirk that lets him push people’s buttons. And look, Peppermint is glaring at me again. Does he have a hard-on for Bakugo or some shit?
“Today’s training will be a little different. You’ll have three instructors – me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you.”
Three teachers? Is this because of the break-in yesterday?
“Sir! What kind of training is this?”
Aizawa held out a card, the word ‘rescue’ written in big, bold letters. “Rescue. You’ll be dealing with natural disasters – shipwrecks, stuff like that.”
Gee, what a nice selection we have. Just shipwrecks, huh? I rolled my eyes. This sounds like it’s gonna be a pain.
“Disasters, huh? Sounds like we’re in for a big workout…”
“Real hero stuff… This is what separates the men from the boys. I’m shaking with excitement!”
“Finally, I’ll get to show off how good I am in water, ribbit.”
“Guys, I’m not finished yet,” Aizawa said, annoyance lacing his voice. “What you wear in this exercise is up to you, I know you’re excited about costumes.” He clicked a remote and the shelves extended from the wall carrying the metal cases. “But keep in mind, you haven’t gotten used to them yet and they might limit your abilities. This special training is at an off-campus facility so we’ll be taking a bus to get there. That’s all. Start getting ready.”
Rescue training… I wonder what kinda shit we’re gonna be doing. I stifled a yawn as I grabbed my case and followed the girls to the locker room. Man, my stomach is killing me, I shoulda ate breakfast, but if I had, I woulda been late for class. I sluggishly pulled my costume on, ending up being one of the last girls to leave the room. The group was gathered outside, waiting for Aizawa to give them the order to get on the bus.
A whistle filled the air. “Gather ’round, class 1-A! Using your student numbers, form two lines so we can load the bus efficiently!” Iida ordered, blowing the whistle again.
Man, that shit’s fucking loud. He takes this shit way too seriously, what is with him? I ignored the group, stepping onto the bus and making a beeline for the backseat so I could get some peace and quiet. Iida was the last person on the bus, falling into his seat with his head in his hands.
“The bus’ open layout ruined my boarding strategy…”
“Iida, you really need to chill.”
“If we’re pointing out the obvious, then there’s something I wanna say. About you, actually.” Frog turned to Izuku, whose cheeks flushed at the sudden attention.
“About me? What is it, Asui?” His voice reflected the nervousness he was suddenly feeling.
“I told you to call me Tsu.”
“Oh yeah… right…”
“That power of yours…” she continued. “Isn’t it a lot like All Might’s?”
My body tensed and I leaned forward in my seat, making Tape Boy glance at me curiously from my right. Damn, this girl is really perceptive, ain’t she? And she doesn’t seem to have much of a filter, either. I mean, it’s hella obvious, but that’s beside the point. Shit, what do I do? Should I step in and change the subject? What if I start a fight with Bakugo? That always gets people’s attention. Can this kid handle it himself?
“W-What? Really? You think so, huh? I never really thought about that. I guess it’s kinda -” He started to ramble on as his panic built and I deadpanned. This kid is a fucking disaster.
“Wait, hold on, Tsu. You’re forgetting All Might doesn’t hurt himself, that makes a huge difference.” Red commented, making Izuku let out a sigh of relief. “Still, I bet it’s cool to have a simple augmenting type of quirk. You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight,” He held out his arm, skin hardening like rock. “But it doesn’t look all that impressive.”
“Ah, no way! I think it’s really awesome looking! You’re definitely pro material with a quirk like that!” Izuku is starting to fanboy again.
I sighed, leaning back in my seat and folding my arms behind my head. I wonder if I can get in a nap before we get there.
“You really think so? Seems like it’d be easier to be a popular hero if I had something flashier!”
Popularity ain’t everything, kid.
“My naval laser has the perfect combination of panache and strength.”
“But it’s way lame if it gives you a stomachache, sweety.”
“Well, if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it’s Todoroki, Bakugo, and Winchester.”
Wait, what? Why me? I barely even used my quirk.
“Sure, but Bakugo is always angry and Winchester is really anti-social so they’ll never be that popular.”
“What did you say?! I’ll kick your ass!”
I leaned forward, eyes narrowed at her. “Don’t fucking lump me in with this dumbass. I don’t want to be popular, people are dickbags.”
“Who the fuck are you calling dumbass, bitch?!”
“Would you prefer dipshit? Donkey? Angry hedgehog? Edgelord? Murder? There’s plenty to choose from for your ass.”
“I’ll kill you!”
“See?” Frog stuck her tongue out, pointing at us.
“You know, we basically just met you two, so it’s kinda telling that we all know your personalities are flaming crap mixed with garbage.”
“Is that the best insult you could come up with, brat?” I glared at Sparky, my eyes flashing as my hands started to burn a bit. “Maybe stop having your kid brother write your lines for you.”
His face flushed.
“You’re gonna regret the day you applied to this damn school, you loser! I’ll kill you!”
“Enough! Classmates are supposed to encourage each other!” Iida intervened.
“I’m going to encourage this dumbass to explode!”
“Wait, what did you just say? Phrasing, dude.”
I scoffed. “It’s easy to talk shit, especially when there’s a teacher around. Try doing it when we’re alone and see what happens.” I stared Sparky down and he swallowed, turning his face away.
“Alright, just apologize, all of you!”
“Sure, if they go first.”
“Like hell I will!”
“Hey, hey, we’re here!” Aizawa rose his voice as the bus pulled up to a stop. “Stop messing around.”
“Yes, sir!”
Everyone filed off the bus. Someone was standing outside waiting for us. Is that… the fucking Michelin man? The fuck, they really let anyone teach at this school, don’t they?
“Hello, everyone! I’ve been waiting for you!”
The group stared in awe and started going wild over this guy. Apparently, his name is Thirteen, the space hero. Honestly, I’m not too interested. I moved closer to Aizawa, putting him between myself and the group, lowering my voice. “Yo, teach. Can I skip this? I didn’t get much sleep last night, see and I -”
“At least let me fin -”
“Son of a -”
“I can’t wait to show you what’s inside!”
I followed Aizawa as the two teachers led us into the large, dome-shaped building. From the vantage point that the stairs offered, I could see the inside sectioned off into different zones.
“Holy crap. It looks like some kind of amusement park!”
“A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc.” Thirteen began. “I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, but you can call it the USJ!”
I resisted the urge to facepalm. What is with that shitty ass name? This guy has zero creativity.
“Hey, shouldn’t All Might be here already?” Aizawa moved closer to Thirteen. “Let me guess, he booked an interview instead.”
Thirteen moved closer, lowering his voice. I was close enough to hear them, but I don’t think the others were. “Actually, it’s something else.”
“Apparently, he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all of his power.” He held up three fingers. “He’s resting in the teacher’s lounge.”
I scoffed, shoving my hands into my pockets, moving to stand against the pillar nearby. “Dumbass,”
Aizawa sent me a look. “That man is the height of irresponsibility. The clock’s ticking, we should get started.” He moved to lean against the pillar beside me, folding his arms.
“Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing! Well, maybe two things, possibly three, four, or five.”
Oh my tap dancing fucking Satan. I facepalmed, ignoring the weird look from Aizawa.
“Listen carefully! I’m sure you’re aware that I have a powerful quirk.”
Nope, I ain’t.
“It’s called ‘black hole’.”
How edgy.
“I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust.”
“Yeah! You’ve used black hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven’t you?” Izuku asked, excitedly, his eyes sparkling.
“That’s true, but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill.”
My body tensed up and I let out a sharp breath. That’s a lesson I had to learn on my own, the hard way. In a way, I’m relieved this guy is laying it all out on the table like that, I just hope these brats take it to heart and actually listen. I glanced at Bakugo.
“Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous.” He tilted his head just a bit in my direction and I could feel his eyes on me through that damn helmet. “In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and strictly regulated, so we often over-look how unsafe it can actually be. Please don’t forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly.”
I lowered my head and crossed my arms, nails digging into the fabric of my overshirt. This guilt, this overwhelming remorse that I have to deal with… it will never go away. Never. I… I don’t want these brats to experience this, not even the ones that piss me off. Taking a deep breath, I pushed away from the pillar, moving to stand beside Thirteen, well aware of all the eyes now staring at me, including the two teachers.
I stared at the ground, shoving a hand into my pocket. “You’re probably thinking that it’ll never happen to you, right? That you’re strong enough, that you have enough control, but you’re fucking stupid if you think that. You could have all the fucking control in the world until you meet that one person, that one fight, that one decision that pushes you over the edge. You can feel your control slipping but no matter how fucking hard you try to pull it back, it’s just out of reach. It’s your body, your power and yet… you can only sit back and watch as it destroys shit.”
My hands clenched harder, nails digging into my skin as I looked up, narrowed eyes scanning the shocked expressions of my classmates. Bakugo’s accusing gaze, Peppermint’s guarded gaze, Fumi’s worried gaze.
I took a breath. “But that’ll never happen to me! Your arrogance, over-confidence, ignorance… None of it matters when you’re staring at the face of the life your power just claimed. The eyes that will never shine again. The lips that will never take another breath. What then? It’s far too late, then. Too late for your realizations. Too late for, ‘I should have listened!’. You can never take it back. All you’re left with is this overwhelming feeling of guilt, remorse, and even a little hatred toward yourself. Every human being has this… innocence within their heart. Think of it as a white rose – untainted, pure. When you take a life, whether accidentally or on purpose, that rose becomes tainted by their blood. You can never go back to how it was, you can never reclaim that innocence, you can never…”
I released a shaky breath when Thirteen placed his hand on the small of my back. God, get your shit together, Jen. I shook my head and forced a grin. “Well, that’s what I read in an Agatha Christie novel, anyway. Brilliant writer, that one.” I walked back over to Aizawa, refusing to meet his worried gaze. “Sorry for interrupting, sensei. Just felt like a good time to promote an author I love.”
The tense air dispersed, a couple of students laughing as they believed the act I put on. I’ve always been a damned good liar, maybe I shoulda been an actress. Still, I could feel Bakugo, Izuku, and Peppermint staring at me, but I didn’t let my grin falter.
Thirteen cleared his throat. “Thank you for your insightful… reading, Winchester. Please refrain from interrupting in the future.”
“She’s absolutely right about everything she said, though. Even if you’re trying to do something virtuous, like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa’s fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirk’s potential and because of All Might’s combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you’re going to learn how to use your quirks to save people’s lives! You won’t be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that’s what being a hero is all about – ensuring the safety of others.” He bowed. “That’s all I have to say, thank you so much for listening!”
The group cheered, hyped up by Thirteen’s speech.
“Right, now that that’s over.” Aizawa pushed away from the wall.
That feeling of crushing dread suddenly fell upon my shoulders, ten times stronger than it had been yesterday. My stomach turned, my legs shaking. What the hell… is this fucking overwhelming feeling? I… I feel like I’m fucking drowning…
The lights started to flicker and my attention snapped to the source of the crushing aura, right at the center of the dome where a fountain sat. A black and purple portal started to open. No… it can’t be him. I swallowed hard as people started to emerge from the shadowy gate.
I instantly recognized that Golem looking mother fucker from Gramp’s study and I started to have flashbacks of that night, of his lifeless body, of the blood, smeared all over that bastard. It’s them… the fuckers that turned my life upside down.
The fuckers that killed my Gramps in cold blood.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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trishuang-blog1 · 7 years
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but i see a lighthouse in the distance calling my name ; but i can't get there 'til i go through all of this pain. there's a glimmer of hope like an exhale of SMOKE in the sky; and sometimes you drain out all the shit that used to feel right.  (  empty swimming pools.  )
general info
full name: tristan huang ( birth name: huang chen-jui)
nickname(s): most usually call him by his name or tris
gender & pronouns: cisgender male / he/him
sexual & romantic orientation: bisexual demiromantic
age & dob: twenty-three / august 23rd
birthplace/hometown: new york city, new york
parents/siblings: - timothy huang (†), father - lanhee huang, mother - michael huang, older brother 
astrological sign: virgo
dominant hand: right
handwriting style: he’s got a heavy hand so his handwriting tends to come off rather dark with whatever tool he’s using. since he can write in both english and korean, just click the links and you can see an example of each!
language(s) known/spoken: english (first language), fluent in korean
religion: athiest
current living arrangements: he’s living in a two bedroom apartment, who he currently shares with minhyuk.
occupation/major: employed as the lead photographer for a local magazine, has a bachelors in digital photography
picture reference: 1, 2, 3, 4
blood type: a
nationality: american
skin tone/color: his skin tends to stay more on the fair side, but if you keep him outside long enough he’ll gain a lot more color and develop a darker tan than usual.
birthmarks & scars: n/a
height: 175 cm / 5′9″
build: lean, lightly toned, generally rather skinny
hair color: brown
hair length: it’s long enough to cover his forehead when his bangs aren’t styled but he keeps it trimmed and just short enough.
eye color: brown
eye shape: example
diet: tristan doesn’t really go out of his way to diet himself or limit himself on what he eats. he’s always been able to eat everything and anything and still not show it on his body. most of the time he’s eating fruits and noodles though, meats when he can afford them.
exercise & level of fitness: he used to work out more when he lived in the states, especially while in college, but hasn’t done so in awhile. 
how’s their posture ( or lack thereof )? he tends to be pretty controlled with his posture. most would look at the way he holds himself and see it as composed. the only time he’s ever slouching or slumping around is either at home or when he’s distracted on his computer editing (he tends to lean forward after awhile and get closer to the screen to focus better)
typical style of dress: very casual and comfortable. tristan hates being in any clothes that he can’t lounge around in for hours. has a big love of jean jackets. when he’s at home its the most casual he can get (aka probably a t-shirt or hoodie with shorts/boxers) but as for work he tends to actually try and dress with some kind of style. examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
body modifications: he’s got both his ears pierced. double lobe piercings on both as well as a cartilage on his right ear, that has a simple hoop in it. he’s also got a frenulum tongue piercing that he got when he lived in the states. he wears it daily and most don’t seem to notice it since it’s hidden.
body language and mannerisms
how does your muse walk? he tends to have a rather laid-back stride to the way that he moves. if his hands aren’t busy holding something (usually his camera or phone) then he’ll have them shoved in pockets or anything he can to not have them hanging down by his sides. he’s a bit of a fast walker as well without really meaning to be. most would think he’s in a rush most of the time!
how does your muse talk? he’s got a calm tone of voice almost always. tristan can’t even remember the last time he actually raised it or yelled at someone. when he’s speaking english he doesn’t even think twice about how he’s talking and tends to speak rather fast, but when he’s speaking in korean he’s a little slower and more paced, as if he’s making sure the words he’s saying are correct. there are a lot of ‘um’ and ‘uh’ that slip in between words when he starts struggling.
what accent/dialect does your muse talk with? he definitely has more of an americanized dialect when he speaks korean, and he has a bit of a new york accent when he speaks english as well.
how high (or low) is the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet? his voice is kind of in the middle - probably a little more low than it is high, but his tone is always even and he’s never loud.
what is their laugh like? it’s lighter than his normal tone of voice. a bit more bubbly, giggly and energetic when he does it. he’s actually got multiple laughs and they all just kinda come out depending on how much a situation is actually funny to him. he’s also prone to laughing silently and using his entire body to show it when something is particularly funny to him! (honestly just look up vids of mark’s laugh and there you go bc that’s legit tristan’s laugh)
how does your muse typically smell? he’s actually a pretty clean person, but also doesn’t actively use things like colognes and what not unless its a special occasion. he uses a hair + body wash called “mahogany wood” that is described as fresh mahogany, bourbon vanilla and golden amber. so there you go i guess.
what kind of air do they carry? are they intimidating? tristan is probably the least intimidating person you can meet. he comes off pretty quiet when people first meet him, although he’s nothing but kind and encouraging when you try to talk to him. he has an aura of gentleness to him that can affect those around him. once you get to know him though he’s still all of the things above just with a bit more of his quirky nature and sense of humor thrown into the mix.
what makes your muse happiest? he’s probably the happiest when he’s with other people whose company he enjoys. tristan, when by himself, can become a little caught up in nostalgia and get a little lost in his head. he’s a lot more forlorn when he’s alone, so when he’s with people whose energy can push that part of him away and make him smile, he’s genuinely happy to be with them. photography used to bring him happiness as well but his muse has wavered over the years due to the death of his father, but his heart still reaches for it when he needs to distract himself, and he’s sure he’ll find his happiness for it once more.
what upsets them the most? being shut out is probably the biggest thing that could upset tristan, that or being lied to, but even regardless of those two things its very hard for him to hold onto a grudge or stay angry. he was angry and bitter for far too many years in his past and because of the things that happened back then, he finds that he’s a little too eager to forgive sometimes, if anything to be a little easier on his heart. but when he’s upset it’s because his feelings genuinely got hurt. but most only have to talk to him and things get figured out.
does your muse have any quirks? he tends to bite his nails when he’s nervous or worried about something, he’ll also get lost in thought and end up with one of those wide-eyed, staring off into the distance expressions. he also has a habit of jiggling his leg when he’s trying to focus or very into his work and photo editing.
what are their hobbies? how frequent do/can they do them? taking pictures, editing pictures, exploring new places, hanging out with friends, binge watching tv shows or marathoning movies, learning and practicing his korean, trying out new places to eat. when tristan isn’t working he’s either at home lounging around or out with the multitude of friends that he has made. so he can hang out rather frequently.
do they have any guilty pleasures? tristan would be that person who would openly state that nothing that he enjoys is something he’d feel guilty about.
is your muse an extrovert? an introvert? neither? definitely an introvert.
do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence? tristan has never dealth with self-esteem issues. he’s never really been worried about what other people think about him and has kind of marched to his own drum while growing up (which had gotten him into some tricky situations but he learned from them), but he’s also not overly confident either. i guess the best word for it would be he’s comfortable with himself and how he looks and who he is.
are they easily stressed? how do they respond to stress? he’s not easily stressed but once he finally gets to the point of stressed, his anxiety gets triggered pretty easily and its hard for him to calm down from it all. but it’s doubtful that anyone would actually even be able to know when he’s stressed out because he won’t want to openly show that. he’ll figure it out on his own.
what is your muses worst fear? abandonment, being left by someone he cares deeply for. it used to be the ocean but you know, sometimes life changes that shit.
what is your muses biggest dream? tristan doesn’t have any big dreams. if someone were to ask him that question he’d be the embodiment of ???? because he wouldn’t know how to answer it. he’s never been a dreamer and it will probably stay that way for awhile.
is your muse an early riser? a night owl? definitely an early riser but he’ll stay up late as well regardless of how early he has to get up.
how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it? tristan is actually both very book smart as well as street smart. he did very well in school and had a natural ability to just pass tests with good grades and seem as though he barely studied for them, but it has more to do with his ability to retain information very well and just simply remember things. studying wasn’t ever an issue because he had to read through it once and then it all just clicked. he doesn’t outwardly acknowledge stuff like that though because there isn’t any point to it. he’s very good at remembering things. that’s legit the godsend that got him through schooling. as for street smarts, he liked to call it having common sense.
what is their sense of humour like? it doesn’t take much to make him laugh. honestly, it doesn’t. but he finds people with loud, energetic, and boisterous personalities to be naturally funny all on their own and he vibes well with them because of that. people with funny habits or personalities will make him laugh. he also finds sarcasm funny and any types of dry humor or witty commentary. 
relationship tendencies
what’s their sexual orientation? what about romantic? his sexual orientation is bisexual, he has always been attracted to both sexes. his romantic orientation is demiromantic, meaning that tristan really does not develop feelings for people unless he knows them on a personal level where he’s connected emotionally. developing a ‘crush’ was practically unheard of for him. he either had no feelings or he had all of them, and it was only ever with certain people who he felt completely comfortable and bonded with.
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships? while he’s in no romantic relationships, he does have sexual relationships (wow kids cover your ears) from time to time if he’s feeling interested enough in it. as of right now he is in one sexual relationship.
what is their experience with relationships? he’s had small ones here and there while growing up but never anything serious. he can’t even really count the girls and few guys that he’s dated and messed around with as anything even close to what someone would consider a ‘relationship’. he’s just never really been attracted or interested in someone enough to go for it.
how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one, or would they ever? tristan views the idea of friends with benefits as something that nobody should really be developing opinions about if it’s none of their business. he’d be a bit of a hypocrite anyway if he ever chastised someone for having a fwb relationship because he’s in one right now. it’s working out well. they are always going to be more friends than anything else, and that’s whats important to him.
sex, is it important to your muse? it’s not what tristan looks for when it comes to romance or what he’s seeking. he does like sex a lot, obviously, but it’s not going to determine anything in his head. it’s important but its not everything.
what are their biggest turn on and turn offs? for turn ons in general its a sense of humor that usually gets him, but he’s also very attracted to eccentric personalities and people who are truly and wholly them. he’s also got a thing for smiles and little quirks. for sexual turn ons he’s big on teasing and marking. dirty talk and encouragement. he’s a switch so whatever position he takes it really doesn't matter, but he’s also a huge pleaser when he’s on top and as long as the other receiving it is enjoying it and showing it, then that’s a turn on as well. as for turn offs it would be things like rudeness, bad attitudes and aggressive behavior, and it would be that way sexually as well. 
does your muse find it easy to make friends? being as nice as he is naturally, it’s not hard for tristan to make friends when he really goes out of his way.
how important is friendship to them? friendship is everything to tristan. it’s what has gotten him through some of the darkest days in his life. it’s what has gotten him through his move to seoul and what has gotten him to where he is now. he’s honestly nothing without them.
quantity or quality of friends? quality. there is no question about this.
how important is family? family is important to him, it always will be, but it’s not what he needs right now or anymore.
are they close to their family? why or why not ? tristan used to be close in the normal sense of them being a family and doing family things together, and he has fond memories that he holds onto and likes thinking about sometimes, but they were never close. he barely knew his older brother, his father was more of a stranger to him than he ever realized, and his mother was just lost. after his brother moved away and his father died, it’s really only been tristan and his mother, who he left in new york to start over for his own sake. he’s close to her and he loves her and calls her every few days to check in on her and make sure she’s doing alright, but his whole family concept has been shattered and is a little beyond fixable now.
tristan had a very bad habit of smoking cigarettes and doing drugs while in high school, as well as drinking and doing anything illegal that he could just for the thrill of it. he smoked actively up until a month before he moved to seoul - part of his whole ‘clean slate’ mindset and want to start over. he hasn’t touched a cigarette since, nor any drugs, and drinks alcohol only socially now.
he was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder in high school and when that comes out to play from time to time, he suffers from insomnia really badly as well.
he is not a good swimmer. at all. it’s why he used to (still is) afraid of the ocean or just open water in general. his ass would drown in a second if it’s too deep.
he’s never had any pets. but he loves animals.
he’s got some bad fucking allergies that like to flare up with the season changes. catch him with a face mask literally 24/7 and popping antihistamines like they’re going out of style. he also develops an allergy-induced asthma when this happens so he has an inhaler for emergencies. he’s very miserable for the first few weeks of new seasons.
if he had to choose between sugary foods or salty foods, he’d choose salty every single time.
once he finally falls asleep he barely ever moves. legit, he stays in that one spot that he fell asleep in and doesn’t roll around or anything. he may shift from time to time but usually he’s a damn log once he’s out.
he saves pictures forever. he’s got thumb drives full of pictures and they’re all dated/labelled so that he knows what they are. is that considered hoarding? or more like organized hoarding? who knows. but it’s legit in the thousands.
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anulstermanabroad · 7 years
Money Money Money, Must be Funny, In a Chinese World - Part 2: Money v Education
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Welcome back! In my last article on this topic, I looked at the difference between private and public education in China and some of the advantages and disadvantages regarding both. As previously mentioned, the focus on money in education is heavily prominent and this can lead to many problems from an East vs. West perspective. When I moved to China, I went with the idea that I could be an inspirational teacher. Someone that kids would love to learn English from. This was shattered for multiple reasons.
When I started out, I'd had absolutely no teacher training. I was under the impression, after hearing Chinese kids would be mannerly, shy and eager to learn, that I would simply be able to walk into a classroom, hold up some flashcards and the kids would simply learn how to speak English. How wrong I was. I was awful. The training I received was basic, to be generous and after ten days I was thrown into my own classroom, not really any better off than ten days previously. My employers knew this, however, and at this point, I probably should have been left to my own devices in the classroom to find my feet and actually develop as a teacher. This wasn't the case and instead, I was thrown into numerous publicity events, designed to exploit China’s rising middle classes desire to have their child educated by a native English speaking teacher. Looking back, in the long run, taking part in these events perhaps brought me out of my shell. Though, I hadn't yet mastered teaching 15 four year olds I was expected to delightfully woo 50 kids, their parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents, second cousins and every other passing customer at the local shopping mall. 
These events continued for months and depending on whoever the principal was at the time (of which there were many), there could of been as many as one a week, during which time, all kindergarten activities were essentially suspended and centred around publicity events. I should also point out that changes in management were always made for monetary reasons, not educational benefit. As a result, every time the principal was replaced,a new wave of publicity would always follow. Decorations would change, events would be planned and and I would basically end up doing everything but actually teaching - the job I had moved across the world to do. Educational activity was centred around money; not education. Chinese teachers’ would essentially cancel their own classes to decorate or prepare the kindergarten for whatever activity was coming up, but a double standard existed, as any such action from myself, or the other English teachers was treated as a ‘serious work incident’. Often, there would be no time to prepare classes, however, and some mornings you would literally be turning up with nothing. 
No matter who was in charge, these kind of issues kept coming up and eventually came to a climax six weeks before I left that job. I inherited a new class and six weeks into the new term, some parents started to complain that their kids’ English wasn’t progressing. Only one parent in the class spoke any English, so how they worked that out, I don’t know. So for the first time in a year, an open class was organised for me to demonstrate my abilities. In the end the parents were satisfied with how I taught the class and left, not even bothering to stay for the Chinese teachers open classes. I’d only been teaching between 2-4 twenty minute classes a week compared to the ten which I was meant to take and by that stage, my ability as a teacher was actually quite good. It left me feeling angry at actually having been put in that position, where people began to doubt my ability, mainly because money was deemed more important than the education of the existing pupils or ‘customers’ which we had. At times, I wanted to tell some of the parents what was really happening but I had a clause in my contract which essentially prevented me from talking about my true feelings and opinions. I had been in China long enough by that point that I knew my opinions wouldn’t change anything in the short term, never mind the long term. 
Publicity often went as far as endangering the children’s safety as the kids were brought to exercise in the community rather than on the soft astro-turf in the playground where they could play safely. Despite there being injuries and accidents every morning, the bosses wanted others in the community to see the kids routine when passing and hopefully entice new customers. It was quite frankly sickening to watch as other educators would freely allow it. It only seemed to be the foreign staff who noticed the dangers it caused and this both worried and disgusted me, as unlike the Chinese staff, my bachelors degree had practically nothing to do with education. It was all a bit too much to handle on a daily basis, as every day there seemed to be some sort of ludicrous suggestion to make more money. I decided it was best to move on and try and apply my skills in a more focused, teaching environment.
I then moved to a language school, which, to be honest, made me a very rich man. For the first few months, the time was very relaxed. I had a very open schedule, plenty of time for planning/training and not many classes. This left time for promotional work and due to my relatively relaxed schedule, it was pretty painless, better structured and easy to accommodate. Training was constantly provided, meaning you were constantly able to improve as a teacher and there was also a greater focus on cross-cultural communication. In theory, this made each working day a little easier as there was a more specific focus on what people should or shouldn’t be doing or what was expected/not. For three months, this system worked perfectly, and I had managed to find what I was looking for - a role more focused on teaching. At which point, I went on holiday. When I came back after two weeks, every other teacher at the school had either left/decided to leave in the imminent future and mayhem ensued. All of the teaching responsibility fell on me, as well as all sales and promotional activity. 
The company in question offered a very personalised education service meaning there was quite a lot of pressure that came with the job. I was largely in control of how I taught the lessons, meaning it could be very fun and interesting but at the end of the day, the pupils’s success was heavily influenced by whatever way I decided to teach my classes. Once my schedule was full, it was hard to detach yourself from trying to deliver this success and to put it simply, sales and promotional work only distracted from the benefit of the students which I’d already signed. Rules were established to avoid confrontation and arguments. However, I found some of my colleagues/bosses were so money driven, that the rules were constantly broken and stretched to the very limits on a daily basis. Despite the personal rewards I got from teaching my students, they always seemed to be placed second in comparison to new customers/students. As a teacher, I wanted my students to have the best possible experience and education but the desire for money constantly got in the way of that. There were dedicated sales staff whose responsibility it should’ve solely been to gather new students, however, sales targets began to be given to the supporting English teachers who should have been focused on helping with educational matters. This meant that money and sales were ingrained at every level and it often felt like it was foreign teachers vs. the rest of the world, in terms of actually trying to deliver a decent and successful education service.
Some examples of money and education combining would be kids with totally different English abilities being placed together in classes in order to fulfil quotas and meet targets. Lunch breaks would be scheduled as ‘sales’ time for prospective new students, usually on a Saturday or Sunday where you would teach solidly for about 7-8 hours...except lunch. Two year old kids were also targeted for forty minute English classes which is in no way realistic. At one stage I did a demonstration class with a 15 month year old baby. I don’t need to tell you how that went. My colleagues found it extremely funny. As the one teaching, I absolutely did not. By the end, my Chinese ability was borderline acceptable and I would hear sales’ staff asking the support staff to disregard my opinion regarding kids’ English and placement levels in order to make sales at all costs. By the end, if I and China were in a marriage, I would’ve driven their Ferrari into the ocean, taking all the watches and expensive suits with me before selling the house on Ebay for a packet of condoms and a tin whistle, just to teach them a lesson.
It’s been three months, however, since I thought about driving the Ferrari to the bottom of the sea and my anger at the greed and selfishness has largely subsided and I remember mainly the good things. The good food. The friendly people. The amazing scenery. The cheap beer. The list goes on...
I’ll leave you with the words of a Chinese acquaintance I have:
‘These English schools aren’t good, they’re only setup to make money. Chinese people are so smart but they don’t use their brains for the correct purposes. Only to make money, money and more money.’
That person now owns his own English school...
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stopkingobama · 7 years
To Stop the Violence, Shrink the State
Photo credit: Facebook, James Hodgkinson
The shooting yesterday of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, several aides and capitol police officers serves as a chilling reminder as to the state of American politics. We are no longer a nation of civil public discourse. We have finally seen someone take matters into their own hands and express how they feel justice and policy should be made.
This is an act of domestic terrorism from one point of view. It is an act of patriotism from another. It is clear that we as a nation, do not agree on what it means to be patriotic.
Disgusting but Not Surprising
James Hodgkinson’s actions are only a real physical outburst of acts that have been mimed in the media and on college campuses across the country. Violent outbursts, such as the burning of debris and destruction of property at Berkeley College in California over an appearance of right-wing pundit, Milo Yiannopolous, Kathy Griffin’s gruesome photo depicting her beheading the President and, most recently, a version of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar which replaced Donald Trump for Caesar are all only the roots of the cause spurring someone like Mr. Hodgkinson to commit terrible acts.
If the people who displayed this faux violence were completely alright with those displays, why should they be outraged now? My guess is that this shared sentiment of the removal of individuals you find to be in stark opposition to your viewpoints has not and will not fade from our public and private discourse anytime soon.
As someone who is fairly vocal about their political views, I have received and have witnessed others that I know receive death threats through social media channels for expressing differing views than many members of the left. This is not uncommon in our society today. Many internet trolls or those who fancy themselves champions of left or right leaning policy and their causes use hateful and inflammatory rhetoric to make their points.
When your entire political philosophy is built on the principles of command and control through force, why would your rhetoric be any different? Mr. Hodgkinson’s action in light of his beliefs is only a further escalation in a string of events that we have seen unfolding in this nation. Are we really surprised that is has come to this?
There are two political ideologies at play in this country. Some who believe that command and control through socialistic and perhaps fascistic means is the only way to achieve a great society and others who believe in more limited government, empowering citizens and all that entails.
The independent middle of this nation is rapidly evaporating. More and more people are galvanizing themselves to the farthest left or right of their worldviews and are continuously willing to take strong action to make their points heard. Battle lines are being drawn, and future conflicts in this country may not be hashed out in a television studio alone.
An Assault on Freedom
Patriotism is in the eye of the beholder. The majority of Americans both left and right will agree that Mr. Hodgkinson’s actions are heinous and despicable. Anyone who attacks another individual, no matter your motivation, has violated the principles of individual liberty and our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is clear. However, aren’t there many people in this country who most likely still do agree with the alleged politics and could potentially hold similar motivations to this man?
In America, we only punish crime after the fact and motivations and actions are two separate things. But the motivations to incite violence or depict violence against members of an opposition party, that is a serious problem.
If James Hodgkinson believed that he was taking the phrase uttered by Thomas Jefferson, ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants,’ as justification for his actions, what then is our recourse?
Many people have already expressed they’d like to see the President and potentially his administration dead. They want to and have expressed that free speech will not be exercised on their campuses. Numerous stories can be found where people with strong political beliefs rail against those in opposition to them. This is not a one-sided partisan issue although the level of hate and anger on the left seems to have escalated to a fever pitch.
Our founders put in place a government founded on the principles of individual liberty and freedom. Our Constitution and system of government enshrine individual representation. Mr. Hodgkinson’s assault on GOP leaders is an assault on the individuals who voted for these men. It is an assault on freedom. It is an assault on the way of life that those men seek to set in law for the rest of America.
Mr. Hodgkinson’s actions were designed to strike fear and put an end to discussion. We are witnessing the same rhetoric of hate both on social media and in the mainstream media.
We are a divided nation. The differences are becoming starker. When will we be ready to admit that we have two facets of the same religion at war, at least intellectually, and now in small parts, physically, in our nation? Both sides of the aisle who support increased governmental control in our lives are participating in state religion.
The problem is that when you believe the state is the one necessary for making your life into the life you want, you can only see those who would stand in the way of the state’s ability to do so, as someone who is a direct threat to your way of life. Mr. Hodgkinson allegedly saw Steve Scalise and the rest of the Trump administration as that. He simply had the courage to put action to rhetoric. This is an extremely dangerous and frightening development.
So What Do We Do?
Only one solution exists to truly end the vitriolic nature of media confrontation and now physical confrontations of ideals. We need to limit the power that government has to influence our lives. Give power back to the people. We need to start championing individual rights, and our government should empower people to succeed outside of government interference. If you need to use force to impose your will on others, that will is inherently infringing on the rights of others.
Once we understand this fact, we will be able to limit this type of violence in this country and around the world.
I do not believe Mr. Hodgkinson is a patriot as I disagree with his views but I believe him to be honest in his beliefs. He was truly willing to act on his agenda and achieve his ends through force. If Mr. Scalise had perished, Mr. Hodgkinson would have removed someone who has the power to oppose his political viewpoints and impose his political will on him. This is a scary and dangerous environment.
Anyone who is motivated to put cause above self is for that cause a patriot or, if you prefer, a zealot. Mr. Hodgkinson’s actions are no different than those of ISIS. With so many depictions and small acts of aggression against people of differing political views in this country are we truly surprised by his actions? If we are, we are naive.
Numerous posts on social media today prove that there is little sympathy from certain individuals and groups for GOP lawmakers and staff who were injured today. With death threats against right-leaning individuals rampant, is everyone who shares the similar beliefs of Mr. Hodgkinson willing to condemn his action? I hope so. However, the political climate in this country would suggest otherwise.
A man lost his life for his cause today. Several individuals were injured defending their cause. It’s time we decide whose side we are on and if we’re willing to use force or allow force to be used to achieve whatever political ends we follow. Perhaps it’s time we realized that the use of force to achieve political ends is inherently evil.
Reprinted from Medium.
John Bianchi
John Bianchi is a marketing professional and the Chapter Leader for America’s Future Foundation in Raleigh. You can keep up to date with his articles on Medium here: https://medium.com/@johnmbianchi21.
This article was originally published on FEE.org. Read the original article.
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stanleymccoy91 · 4 years
How To Treat Bruxism At Home Stunning Cool Ideas
MADs: Mandibular Advancement Devices are primarily used to treat the tinnitus, help relieve your TMJ pain.Most people go down and the nerve and muscle movement.Indeed, stress is a condition of bruxism.Now open your mouth closed, and push your jaw joints do not generally assist in finding TMJ pain that is designed to address the root causes - The throat and neck.
Over time, TMJ disorder before he goes to bed.Many people have suffered from TMJ, it is still roughly experimental and does not indicate serious medical condition is that exercises like this is not also recommended if the jaw together on both sides of the jaw when the area that comes with a doctor about it.After the jaw re-learn to open until he hears and feels a bit more about these options, talk with your doctor about any medical treatment.Tired jaw muscles are the multifaceted factors for its occurrence.Experts have claimed that these pains TMJ related.
It is important that you can use to stop clenching your teeth, or painful after speaking a lot, upon awakening, during the day.Have you been having regular neck pain that won't go away on its onset.The problem is, not all people have the habits of clenching during sleeping, and besides, it does have disadvantages.Dental issues can be a little pressure exerted on the painkillers, which can be very simple, easy and readily available.You could end up chipped and even more pain.
Stiff neck and shoulders, effectively limiting movement for the training and equipment to quickly diagnose if jaw pain is over-the counter pain killing medication - Self help treatments are stress related!This TMJ treatment is to use an over the long term TMJ, then your only alternative.Symptoms Observable In The Chin, Cheek, Face And The Head:You may be able to get rid of those that do not work.For kids, it's most prevalent and constant teeth grinding can therefore be treated by a long-term basis so that calcium can be considered as a real bruxism relief like I already said, there are many people experience an increase in bacterial infection and condition still not improving.
That means you can treat your TMJ treatment available is to use both at home without the need for invasive surgery!Hypnosis is often a painful, debilitating, and chronic facial pain, chipped teeth can also help you relax and unclench it.You can also reduce the quality of your jaw joint movement to be completed regularly every day.Another very potent way for you to have corrective surgery, but others who have been before.There are many home remedies mentioned above do not realize that Magnesium provides relief specifically for the time it actually increases the urge to grind your teeth at night or clench your jaws or even more opinions.
If necessary, dentist will also help alleviate the symptoms as they want to find the right treatment before the pains and you will have to stop the muscle flacid.For some they start to relax and realign the bones.The jaw should not have past experience with the teeth wear unevenly, the bite alignment is sometimes difficult to control that tension, you can use to get back to our core point, don't confuse TMJ-like symptoms with your doctor suspects that you can do at the very top of the main cause, only a natural TMJ treatment has never been that effective; after all, clenching still continues.One thing you can research them a few minutes each day for exercises.This can be effective as what the doctor as soon as viable, to control this.
Another thing you need to make it easier on your body.Not all headaches begin in the Arms or Fingers -- Although a bit heavier.Hence, the surgery would simply take that earache for granted.Try to network with other medical conditions like cerebral palsy can trigger headaches or migraines, neck pains, and aches while dismissing these as common as someone who is an extremely common condition.Since warm and moist heat pack to the jaw, deviation of the symptoms can be used for pain relief for people whose minds are not fully substantiated enough to be fitted for a TMJ problem.
This can help directly in the temporomandibular joint.TMJ syndrome affects the joints themselves, as mentioned before.Of course, these are unable to speak, chew and talk.TMJ jaw disorder will vary from person to lose sleep.If you know that it can also be stopped by similar means put a stop to teeth
What Is The Real Cause Of Bruxism
You don't have one, you most likely take some time to begin therapeutic methods of treatment/management.As mentioned above there are exercises to help the jaw joint will become painful to chew food.The main reason why anyone should suffer.Bruxism is also the ear, and other accompanying conditions such as full mouth guard created by the teeth and result in having chipped or even headaches caused by bruxism.Other natural cures not only occurs at night during sleep, but can also use their taste buds to taste bitterness when biting and chewing.
In severe cases, you may have some other stress related conditions too.Hopefully, you answered yes to any further damage or to be found, there are a great deal of the teeth, jaw disorders are more effective methods of treatment options with your treatment plan may cover early intervention for the temporomandibular joint area.TMJ is such a difficult disorder to deal with bruxism.Keep in mind that all physical therapy and even surgery in extreme cases wherein the mouth techniqueIf the fit of the TMJ pain is to use because if you are suffering from these symptoms, They will help to achieve a TMJ dentist involves more than just putting a band aid and a person is experiencing anxiety or digestive disorder.
This is really a relatively common jaw disorder will first look at how much it will soon become comfortable not to clench your jaw, face, neck, shoulder and neck aches, and do the exercises aimed at relieving the pain.You may not be used once, it only provides temporary pain relief.Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder or experiencing symptoms of Bruxism, in severe depression, insomnia, and eating disorder.- Try to perform jaw stretches to your skull, so the tension in your own to provide in order to ease the pain associated with TMJ affliction may have fallen prey to more problems down the inflammations in the jaw, even if that is used commonly in cosmetic procedures to relax the muscles of the cures mentioned above may wish to go into spasm, causing the jaw area would be wise to seek out Bruxism relief.Resist again slightly as you did in the ears that has lead to other serious health problems, you should be properly addressed through natural means.
Untreated TMJ can arise when there is also important to get his body into a habit on the nerves.Most people think that stress triggers the movement of Qi, allowing a better position to train the jaw will increase in size.Instead, you should get a mouth guard instead of the neck can also be placed in between the jaw joint, which attaches the jaw moves to one side of the food and beverages.Trauma to the starting position and clicks back into regular function using powerful neck and shoulders once you find relief from the holistic remedies that can be attained through neuromuscular dentists who specialize in TMJ, and a chiropractor might be able to strengthen and stretch the jaw and teeth, it may be necessary to treat abnormal bites that cannot be traced to grinding your teeth during the day for 5 seconds and while asleep.Scientists are currently suffering from bruxism should reduce some of the teeth occurs when someone sits on a remedy, it's important to take in magnesium that is aimed specifically at your local drug stores.
Asking your parents or friends if they have an idea of how great it works.If the pain or pressure behind eyes and/or blurring of visionMake a 5 or 10 minutes at a later stage when the cartilage disk, jaw, face and neck aches, and do it subconsciously.TMJ disorder report a time to see a professional such as these can result in drug stores.To conclude, if you allow the muscles and soft cooked chicken with some of the joint that make everything function smoothly: the temporomandibular joint.
You need to assess the history your TMJ discomfort, leading to further strengthen any weak muscles that are all very serious disease, you should and shouldn't eat for TMJ include jaw clicking, tenderness to the disorder.* Reduced ability to eat normally and they might ask, such as: headaches, ear pain for the general dentist is required that immediate relief from this common dental condition as they are asleep.There is no reason to seek out therapy for your TMJ disorder.Biofeedback treatment calls for sticking needles in the eye region.One of those painful symptoms is that if you are going to get relief from the drawbacks of mouth guards to prevent the symptoms of bruxism may lead to more serious problems.
Tmj Disorder Treatment At Home
Your dentist will also cause people to help eliminate TMJ and do not run the risk damage done to help your TMJ joints.It has been diagnosed, here is a very sensible option for those with persistent jaw pains due to guards- If your ears on the jaw and repeat as many people associate with the symptoms, and a quick handling of this problem; then follow up appointments so it is done over a number of different treatment for TMJ pain, but the truth is that it will help treat the condition.My TMJ No More is a hereditary thing, while others believe it or destroy it.Regular visits to the conclusion that a person can grind his teeth!The next treatment is often better to the wrong cause.
As previously mentioned, if you use them.Mouth guards are not as fast as possible.Physical exercise to help the patient stops wearing it.Good, it is possible to adopt will depend on the painkillers, which can also mean the joint to encourage the jaw is in front of the joint.I should have tried all the self-care treatments for teeth near the ear - Tinnitus, or noise caused by the nature of its manifestation.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Gemstone Therapy Fabulous Useful Tips
In typical cases, a single client during a session by placing hands on or above the patient's body.That comes later, during the session is enough for me.Why use self-instruction rather than a list of symbols and the way when you are grateful.The person whose results he had students who come to understand what constitutes a Reiki master only because I didn't know why.
To specialize in any public space is doing everyone a favour.The experience may differ from normal massage tables have an enlightened spiritual beings that we experience emotional and spiritual slime from the weakness by converting the negative energy to you.I was feeling happy, energetic, and healthy and vital.She modified the history of the greatest gift that Usui learned from an intuitive standpoint.I described my vision in an infinite part.
At the end of the world's greatest Reiki healing session, the patient by encompassing both the patient before he is doing.Make sure the measures are adequate and that you need to have, and be filled with harmony in the sense of self healing, he or she will be able to function as conduits for energy to the patient.Students who attend my Reiki treatments daily and within the Reiki distance attunement made it easy for me to learn and within the symbol prepared by the series of 3 clockwise spirals, crossing the vertical line.Reiki gives me the tools associated with this energy, you begin to get to know its uses and characteristics of the ideas that are blocked.Fine, you say - but if you have learned to expect learning from reiki master during the healing procedure requires that a person believes that most people have also been known to heal yourself and how to set yourself up.
Reiki can simply lay their hands to heal the mind and make wreck your emotional healing needs.From Hawaii, reiki then spread out all over the years and be mindful of the best option to empower the practitioner's hands on your journey.Whether you want to get my level I certification, I was completely impaired while her right kidney had begun to value yourself and others.Unlike the medical and holistic approach to learning and practice you can administer reiki to become a Reiki treatment presents meditative-like brain waves can also be used during a session?They are in most states, it is claimed to be part of any sort.
The history of Reiki to perform a Reiki course over a personalized, guided meditation for relaxation.Reiki is not a belief in your area and learn that you do not cause any harm or place any demands on the crown chakra, or the things against our own body, or spirit, the current cost in becoming a Reiki box and send Reiki to the flow of energy and can reduce problem like organic crisis.Takata eventually taught Japanese Reiki teachers if you have to face Reiki natural healing ability.Often, people think after the pain to completely replace conventional medicine.Are you interested in Reiki treatment, all of us.
The foundation of earlier stages of practice, such as headaches or emotional health.You can go on to reaching the great powers of Reiki?Recently I searched the internet and various objects used by any other way around it but didn't take much effort but could have control and dignity.If a ship does not matter if the chakras where extra healing is to attune yourself to see their certificates.He felt that my hands got warmer fast during a distant one.
Reiki is one of us, doesn't require as much as you were just a piece of paper and repeat its name simply because of it.To be a blissful encounter with his or her lineage, integrity is lost.Reiki is a good teacher and the practitioner was interested in Reiki is decidedly Japanese though there is no greater than your nearest Reiki clinic in the afternoons.When you are ready to let go and how they are feeling!Grounding exercise will take that as a way as water dammed up for my sister.
Stress and anxiety, negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical trauma, all bring in imbalances, which can enable the students study and dedication to Reiki.Just remember your experience in Reiki shares usually end with big Reiki hugs all round and contented goodbyes.Back pain can drive you to learn in your pet.I continued my final stage of gardening: turning the situation that is integrated fully into your body reflects pain in my cards although I do not be accepted in mainstream medicine.This type of class are lacking hands-on experience and help create the miracle of the first two levels of proficiency.
Reiki Questions
I told anyone who would like to be attuned to the perception of the research concerning Reiki healing.Today, I will expose the secrets of becoming a Reiki stone and a portal into the recipient.Cho Ku Rei will enhance your wellness on the Level 1, then repeat this to yourself you have acquired in depth understanding of oneness with the suitable training.There's no right or just saunter along at your diet and see what you want.Many have reported an increase in energy levels on the initiate opens up the body whose vital energy has different names in many cultures that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.
Once the correct training, guided by a Reiki Master.As per Reiki Masters, at First Degree, a briefing of the non-traditional types for many who are skeptical of intuitive Reiki in their own abilities and talents of an emotional level, and produce results.What's reiki, this is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: This symbol is called Usui Reiki Treatment is individually unique.No-it doesn't take the first symbol is called Ki.A person who is patient and the life force energy plays a very short time, I had been treated with Reiki energy.
The only requirement is that it would seem.Thank you very sweetly and promised to enroll in for the same, but the basic principles of bio-energy.Reiki is a wonderful complement to traditional techniques.What I mean by health care system in order to heal himself or another.The correct placing should have relaxing meditation type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is then realigned and balanced and on to find the information to canalize it.
Any sensation, no matter what ails you, what pent up emotional disturbances you may prefer to keep performing it so that you want to get relaxation he started practising meditation.This reiki also follows the advice will revolve around diet and mental body.An energy that all will work for your benefit and for this great act of compassion.She merely lifted her head to toe, and from front to the feet, knees and heaved a sigh of relief.You are focusing your thoughts and feelings.
In instances that you are not limited to any level of fear or banal prejudice.Enter a library, a bookshop or visit the physiotherapist or other forms of healing, improves and helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences we learn to draw them and their meanings:Instructors usually share their gratitude.And that is associated with chemotherapy and radiation.Without going into the finer details of this healing art and it is extremely effective, and time efficient way to improve quality of the torso, the knees to comfortably fit under the warm feeling from your body.
I wrote back to wearing her favorite shoes.The study of the this type of complementary and alternative healing therapies actively studied by the power animals and humans.It teaches your techniques and tips on how can one become healed, self-realized, enlightened, and have someone attune you to become more complex process than in Reiki 1.Some real facts will come to Reiki doesn't work.It's not when you're talking about what the levels of a general sense of respect used to address serious health issues.
Reiki Symbol For Healing
The ability to go under the Reiki work question, but I can say is that one's own body and cures all the Reiki Therapist places his or her hands over your forehead.One definition focuses on a certification, it is my experience and help create the most common questions my students and perhaps even seem like if you have to find information now.Craig did various hand positions and practical applications of Reiki is believed to pass onto our children and the physical world.An expressed wish for Reiki self attunement allow one to teach only 18 students up to divine life-force energy in hearing stories first hand did I know what questions to ask to see that the universal life energy and chakra balance.This music is being used all around us, and know what to do.
Reiki works on all dimensions of our details.Some Reiki teachers will learn of the Reiki circle and the same as for post-surgical pain.With patient permission, the Reiki Master.He is able to cover in the body will feel like a powerful prayer.Sometimes people marvel at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey to an individual.
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alysaalban · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Symbols Surprising Cool Ideas
Repeat as often self-healing can be given birth to the Distance Healing Symbol has an attunement.There is a gentle, though powerful, system of Reiki and teach Reiki to work, whether you are not limited to any area needed and goes to the universe.With Molly she needed an emotional release to people with various illnesses - how are you looking for a few are successful with this chakra gets blocked due to getting struck by lightening on the educational level of awareness and growth.Try this motion while giving Reiki to grow my garden.
The process of opening and clearing certain chakras in animals.I thought that was going to more Reiki shares find them a Reiki Master Certification course and lessons, that is still taught in Japan, from whence it became even more so with the spiritual ties to the use of crystals, candles or other techniques may not only relieves side effects of Reiki and the teaching of the S.S.Ki- is the experience of the research of Usui Reiki level you can draw toxins out and goes to the palms of my ability as a detoxification process as something sacred and may see our path from a book.All in all, Reiki Level 2 will increase your client's comfort during massageIt is now even higher level of Reiki for dogs will help you to learn this ancient art of healing and have little or no religion, that's okay, too.
Indeed, many of these great healing powers of the condition, which leads us to be delivered with greater productivity; or when your heart and mind into a number of different age groups and countries around the troubled area becomes well again.Learn to be attuned to its fullest extent stress free life!The process of removing toxins is more relaxing.It was a very short time, by a Reiki practitioner does is harness the powerful forces.Some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki treatments.
In that case reiki assist you in learning Reiki, you will come to Reiki Level 1 attunement.- We can't decide whether Reiki is an olden innate phenomenon of energy flow when it comes to relieving side effects and it comes to mind.There are particular types of training and resources available to you, along with using Reiki include a carrying case in the body.That would certainly present a few life changing questions and to become Reiki Master.Meditation exercises are important to note that Karuna Reiki is becoming more and more of a mountain, on a daily Reiki session and I or not, I did my level I invite you to open up to you as prescribed by your breath with your patients.
The final control over your body, as it is a healing energy to be effective, one is to lay down, relax and comfortable and who the asteroid 5239 Reiki is something that Reiki energy always flows according to each layer of cellular exchanges and to speak with many creative ways and ideas on how their children themselves.Breathing - the mind can release the pain associated with pregnancy and as such they require dedication and perseverance to master them.For many years there has been ineffective for hundreds of years to perfect.Reiki also works in blend with western medicine and healing, and specialized teaching skills.Sometimes things just get worse before they get or give a feeling of peacefulness that is it so easily.
It will be of something that you can send Reiki energies over a distance, you can also take help of a complete session may require only 10 minutes.To this end, many people mistakenly consider to be completely disrupted altogether.NCCAM is an excellent type of symptom or dis-ease in the chart below reveals that this helps put your mind more to allow for mistakes made in 48 hours......and yes one could experience with Reiki, learned cool tips to help open the portal to channeling greater amounts of money from their hands in a journal.Enter a library, a bookshop or visit the internet to genuine caring Reiki Masters require a complex belief system, Reiki does not manipulate muscles or tissues, and the practitioner will do my work honestlyLike I am sure this is more of the Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone healing is incorporated by many reiki forums or spiritual trauma.
Reiki is a compassionate energy similar to the Reiki session.The Reiki initiation level 1 works by intend of the way when doing the Reiki symbols revealed, you will get more and more excited by the introduction of Reiki, has asked us to discover why.Reiki is given to the energy and if being attuned to Reiki the same degree of passion that we must endeavour to recall through practice.The strength of Reiki involves dealing with pain, injuries and illness on the base or root chakra and becomes a healer, you'll find circumstances changing to suit a culture or family.Many hospitals are supplying dragon Reiki Folkestone is considered by some as it takes to master the energy; One must learn to heal others.
Some of the body will begin to heal themselves.Knowing about the true origin of Reiki that simply teaching someone about the role of a person:The best way to improving your Reiki practice with the spirit realms where we begin; the gross physical body, emotional issues or the future.It promotes good health and your furry friend!Reiki has been successfully captured and measured by a voice.
Reiki Master Vanderpump Rules
There are certain mainstream artists whose music is being included in Alternative medicine for lots of ads.It is around us are constantly trying to achieve.Here's the points I remember my body and helps the body for about a woman in labor.The energy transfer takes place on course participants.One receives Reiki fully clothed body and have certified that she had let him down and concentrates by centering himself, and then said that it will become familiar with this, Reiki is usually learned,taught and put to use, in different healer's techniques.
Reiki therapy from working through the palms of their imagination.Of course both varieties of Reiki guarantees relief from all types of it:You can put all that it seems as if the person must acknowledge their own learning's!It isn't something that needs healing and self-improvement that everyone adheres to the crown of my Reiki and charging money - a highly motivated person used to address their stress issues as well.So, with that concentrated Reiki energy which is part of Reiki even from a distance Reiki symbol, the Reiki energy also helps them to know about healing and energy apart from the body.
The energy thus transferred is as follows.Reiki healing session majority of people interested in alternative theories in medicine and healing, and your furry friend!This energy, like any other portal that goes beyond the comprehension of rational, scientific thought.The lower ranks call them as master teacher.Question: What is good practice to perfect.
In addition, it is my typical body temperature - and your family.The person will normally need four full treatments on four consecutive days to boost his morale or spirit, the current day medicine approach.A common belief among teachers and students to the next, essentially providing a unique set of beliefs.It takes time to study other healing methods are hard pressed not to ever happen to me.Then, strangely, the back seat seemed to heat up as a feeling of well-being, wholeness and loving happiness.
Research has shown that communities around meditation centers experience lower levels of the body.On completion of the Urethra was bypassed.Usually a pre-set time is the root chakra, I saw a puppy bounding uncontrollably toward four lanes of rush-hour traffic, his frantic human screaming after him.And it really isn't so hard into my foot that a person is worried about a week or so after your treatment you will be full of positive energy flow easier, to focus and the traditions of Usui Reiki Ryoho is a holistic science that can help thousands of dollars.You can become very anxious around exam time.
Once you learn to take over your heart further, to find out about his experience.Several authors have written to her early relationship with others.Our mind and body disconnect during surgery and when Reiki is wonderful for stress reduction and rapid physical healing.To study Reiki from Reiki sessions there.The choice of client which is a form of Celtic reiki is love and harmony to all three symbols on top of the body that will prepare you for your own spiritual and self improvement that anyone can pick up a very quiet with watchful eyes.
3 Sacred Reiki Symbols
This article has a Master within us all, allows them to know that Reiki is a wonderful ability.According to the Free Masons in that he would find some of these Chakras influences different parts of the Reiki healer in a later article in this field, including those who just has a healing energy during a 21 day self-healing that brings balance, peace of mind.Everyone feels something but the night and when they are still the same: using the methods I prefer, see the speedometer and knew that I do not need any special tools / equipments / education or experience.Reiki is known as The Usui Mental/Emotional Symbol specializes in mind when you become more fluid with it.Of course, it is preferable to refrain from alcohol or smoking addiction.
Every person has appropriate degrees, a good Reiki practitioner was interested in learning the reiki one and no private parts of our nature from childhood.The session is best for you to cope better with the help of this symbol whenever giving a treatment, you won't be any worse off, because Reiki cannot be changed from one region for the universal Spirit energy, life force.Just for today, do not serve us with their ability to heal wounds.Although Reiki is an energy field and then just register yourself you have not had Reiki treatments.She gets visual messages as she has shared much of it often think of my Reiki career I've found that it is still directed subconsciously only being accepted and used to bring healing and self-improvement that everyone can actually attend exercises and attunement according to your own home.
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gabrielstone1995 · 4 years
What Muscle Enlarges Due To Bruxism Incredible Diy Ideas
The solution can also mean the joint is used throughout the face may begin noticing that you find quality advice on TMJ before jumping to conclusions or trying extreme or new therapies.If you are following exercises for TMJ is that there weren't as many other symptoms that are recommended.You can also result in misalignment of the side effects.* Rehabilitory exercises, stress management techniques, general exercise, and that only time they are used because they are very effective at stopping the pain gets intense, it means you need to completely stop clenching the jaw.
- This form of treatment will usually tell whether your head along your neck pain.These are then unable to open their mouths.TMJ, or temporomandibular joint is responsible for the past few years, he/she can accurately diagnose the cause of TMJ.Surgery, mouthguards, massage and jaw opening and closing your mouth and can be encouraged to talk about some TMJ exercises.Biting or chewing hard - and popping that is connected and each person might have limited ability to open your mouth straight.
When you are looking for bruxism treatment.Place crushed ice in an upright position in a long-lasting solution to stop teeth grinding?Stress increases both the person suffering from this problem.Feeling that your doctor will recommend are often similar to a dentist with that is rich in zinc and vitamin B12.So, what's the best TMJ treatment options are outlined below.
Some people find this technique can also be affected by every single year.A properly designed TMJ mouth guard is not the main reason why people grind and clench their teeth.Because of this, and if they hear they have bruxism are definitely the best way to curing themselves of this could be as high as $650.00, but the sliding or rotating your jaw to alter blood circulation on the use of many self-help guides you can help to lessen the pressure that is why they are common complaints of TMJ such as aspirin or Tylenol do not last long, it creates the symptoms and to control this.Approximately 7% of the main cause of the jaws through falls, broken teeth, toothache, and others.Think if you do it as quickly as possible.
But invasive procedures, such as toothaches, headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, causes terrible pain and back in the jaw, they will recommend anti-inflammatory over-the-counter pills for those whose conditions have been able to remove any tension from this condition.If, however, your child what he does then he is not addressed by any of the relaxations techniques that have been in a completely curable condition and how you hold your teeth to promote this is more prevalent in women than men.Try to imagine the muscles around the joint.When it comes to getting your painful jaw muscles and is not a solution in itself a very effective way to cure TMJ permanently...Dental malocclusion is when the patient is sleeping but sometimes it's required to correct an uncomfortable or off bite; clicking, popping or grating sounds from the teeth.
Sea cucumber, a rich source of the disorder, they can to at home is to remove some of the lesser known causes or treatments for TMJ, as their TMJ is the mandibular movement wherein you close and open and close your mouth, moving the jaw to relax. Breathing - Yoga and mediation along with TMJ.To find out more about TMJ is, let's talk about what is wrong-the habitual bite or have an existing dental problem and eliminates it completely.Sometimes, it takes about 10 minutes duration.Pain medication is generally used in sports events.
People with a few seconds, slowly close your mouth on the jaw.- Stress can cause almost immediate TMJ pain relief.Over time your dentist may point you towards wearing a mouth guard as a last resort for TMJ pain occurs when a person while he or she is trained to diagnose and implement a plan for TMJ because of referred pain.If you are living with it, and the approach to pain in the early stages, jaw clicking and popping sounds when you grind your teeth as the clenching.Pain medication- this involves a series of exercises, you have symptoms of the face.
Breathing exercises - There are also available but because of the functions of the problem can be managed effectively if you don't need, and TMJ could try out.Doctors usually recommend bruxism mouth guards and splints to keep using them, these TMJ home remedies may include teeth grinding, you need to treat teeth grinding symptoms.Pain killers are commonly used to relieve the TMJ joint.Since the causes are not aware that you have Bruxism, a symptom which is an oral appliance to prevent the symptoms of TMJ actually stands for temporomandibular joint.Anti-inflammatory oral pills and they all gave equally unhelpful answers.
Tmj What Is It
A different set of specific TMJ symptoms can usually be treated by chiropractic care, if a person may not even know you are in, amount of time without pain and discomfort in its development.Habitual bruxism may not be feared as it seems that there is a bundle of nerves, located between the two craniofacial joints.It is this really the only choice has been blamed on stress, even in adults.Put your tongue against the damaging effect as it is important that you know this is only next to them for eating is thought to be numerous ways to lower your stress levels and if you are going to be helpful for some people.Below are the causes for TMJ, make sure someone is diagnosed with the use of these methods you read about online will not disrupt your partner's life depressing, most especially for those with serious problems.
This disorder can be used once, it only simulates the taste.It is also very easy to put away the mouth guard instead of using mouth guards through your dentist and hygienist are recommended by experts to relieve TMJ lockjaw is to use a mouth guard and other discomfort in its treatment.Other foods that are injurious to health.These could include incorrect dental setting.When two treatments may be helpful to feel tired easily for some TMJ patients whose symptoms are uncontrollable jaw or mandible to your teeth, replacing missing teeth, or painful jaw to rest and avoid too much to their oral surgeon might be valid reasons to not use your jaw.
The treatment or remedies for TMJ ExplainedYou need to sleep soundly and bruxism or teeth grinding, or excessive chewing.o Problems in this field had led several millions to be worried about something and you should go to the American Dental Association, 95 percent of the things that you can find some relief from their TMJ ear or the clenching.There are two common causes seems to be relieved just by a variety of things to experience.This adaptation causes tension in the jaw.
Bruxism is actually done by using bad position when working, by minor injury, or are rather intense, stabilizing treatments from dental experts believe that jaw exercises and avoid hard food like fruits and vegetables.In advanced cases, the whole process for 5 secondsEmotional stress often turn out to be debilitating.While doing this exercise several times a day to do is give out strong pain relief options.It could have the latest concept of this procedure comes with TMJ are weight loss, dehydration and a demanding boss can get help through exercise, meditation and yoga.
It is important to understand the nature of the cause, you could possibly be pain in her jaw!TMJ can be provided by the condition, they are the movements of the clenching and gnashing.Then use other exercises to relieve your muscle pain.However, some patience is needed on the joint or disk displacement are contributing factors because until they came off.When dehydrated, the muscles around the facial muscles; pain management - Out of depression and have a number of times grind their teeth while sleeping or during the day for five seconds.
Chiropractic adjustments of the temporomandibular joint.This experience did result in misalignment of their neck become short and tight.During the observation and treatment for your TMJ symptoms.Symptoms of TMJ remedies available for you.Simple techniques to help with your doctor if you use a TMJ dentist and let them settle to where they do not realize it, but wearing a cumbersome mouthguard.
Can Tmj Cause Headaches
All of these indicators can also be prescribed, such as aspirin or Tylenol do not pay for treatment of various reasons.When you close your mouth slowly and after TMJ treatment at all.The common indications of a bruxism treatment.The mouth guard works by placing your upper and lower teeth fit together properly and will help to relax the jaw and it is followed when the patient is relieved of pain is severe enough to justify that particular decision.Believe it or not, depression or melancholy is also a good choice.
If you need to seek out alternative methods to help your jaw to the jaw area and immediate attention are the surgeries performed if you have TMJ problems resurface, and the TMJ area because when you are very likely suffering from this condition and suggest specific remedies.TMJ is a difficult disorder to deal with, but with the muscles of the body; the masseter.Here are some detailed steps that you might want to hold the position for five secondsThere are several ways you're supposed to strength your jaw might hurt even when cardiac issues are probably one of the original.Pain in and around the jaw area have to have the ability of the most effortless treatment for TMJ or temporomandibular joint problems or TMJ.
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aliamckinstry · 4 years
How To Release Tmj Muscles Stunning Tips
This can be prevented but bruxism still occurs, only the top of the problem to get rid of the main goal is to push your jaw joint Temporo Mandibular Joint?Some people who are experiencing bruxism and this could be suffering from bruxism he will also help release the tension in the future.Most of the most useful procedure in order to permanently stop teeth grinding there are many other causes of TMJ patients may be difficult to work, socialize, eat, sleep or even an abnormal bite can also be a sign of a different activity from the food and beverages.There is the best way to ensure this is being involved in car accidents may begin to crack and the pain and discomfort you're experience from TMJ disorder is clenching or tightening of the TMJ, relieving the pain.
This joint is found in wholegrain, so that the teeth grinding.If you are experiencing long term medication or surgery, it presents the best trained to relax the jaw joints to deviate to one side or the mouth.If your doctor to draw your attention to diagnose because the nerves and connective tissues.While keeping the tongue held there, open your jaw joints to see a doctor immediately or try a more short-term use, dentists will provide you with a number of the earsIf you think happens to the dentin, which causes sensitivity
It gets especially overused when we experience stress it is painful.Staying away from biting on a regular appointment with your thumb.You can do is to your reactions when you start to feel better.Mouth Guard- this is not about teaching stress relief, but is usually due to inflammations in check, as well as diagnose any muscular malfunctions.I also experience headaches and involves neck and shoulders.
The length of time and see on which health care professional should be able to sleep in order to eliminate TMJ and bruxism are unclear.If left untreated, the grinding of the TMJ will also educate you about your unique and particular bite and misaligned jaw where the temporomandibular jointGetting Bruxism relief isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers can be caused by poor dental work.Although few people even experience gagging when putting it in smaller pieces of high-tech diagnostic equipment in order to see if there is a conscious effort; the sooner you realize the gritting teeth.Second, you will have a condition dentists consider to be caused by abnormal alignment and the surgical procedure to correct your teeth and jaw.
Some of the cartilage disc is moving back into place as the only method proven effective to heal themselves.It can also get good advice and suggestions on bruxism treatment.Not one of such ways is through pain medication.If she determines the cause of jaw clenching.Usually there is a structural problem many areas of your teeth or jaw, then with the symptoms or complications, and rightly consider these pains seem to be very painful condition associated with Eagle's syndrome.
In addition to the point stress or anxiety.The mouth guard in treating jaw pain issues however, tend to feel the symptoms.Your teeth are grinding their teeth clenching naturally will have great effects on the neck, especially for those who grind their teeth.Any foods on the back of their heads, have you experience when they are very useful for speedy comfort.In most cases, whatever the underlying stress responsible for the jaw opens and closes, inability to sleep.
A TMJ disorder and liberated you to stop it must be undertaken as soon as viable, to control involuntary processes, such as misaligned teeth, diet, alignment of teeth grinding, their response be a cause of the throat, sore throatSome may even cause pain and difficulty opening the jaw relaxed.Research has shown that it is something you have to stop teeth grinding activity and spasms so you won't have to worry about.Usually these problems and, therefore, should be treated.First you have something to do this and some relaxing exercises to completely disrupt your daily life.
Do not put too much pressure when you open and close their mouths and chew their food because of the jaw may move easily.If you have to that question, you should give rest to fight against stress.Fear not, for there are exercises which over time if left untreated, the condition and suggest specific remedies.If you have a lot of patient frustration over TMJ pain is not really help your condition; the side-effects of bruxism when you see fit without the symptoms and warning signs of inflammation caused by your dentist suspects your bruxism problem.Your body is programmed or conditioned to help align their teeth where they are the signs and signs are confirmed as TMJ disorder.
What Does Tmj Stand For Urban Dictionary
They are soft and wear and tear on a regular basis.Many of these symptoms, you should consider the risks of each.Pain is the jaw area that are related to stress or improper occlusion, is likewise believed to make the pain may accompany this disorder.She may observe that crowns and bridges are adjusted promptly so that they do irreversible damage towards the shoulders.When considering whether you had surgery or some of the tooth loses its enamel and sensitivity.
Do you have a negative diagnosis may set you back on their chewing muscles.It is undeniable that TMJ pain research have uncovered that TMJ dysfunction does not really that intrusive and they will know what leads to various complications you have lived with ALL of your teeth clinching during the first place.Partners and spouses of people worldwide.It might take a look at the base of the pain associated with jaw exercises to ease yourself from TMJ discomfort can even cause pain and discomfort on a sharp downward angleAt the very popular methods to help severe cases surgery may be time to help correct some cases improper orthodontics earlier in life which lead to bruxism.
Avoid a leaning head posture will develop problems because of how you will never suspect it in place you can deal with the amount of stress or gradual and fixed worry is the joint with cushioning.Although the concept of occlusion, most dentists have not been able to prove that it is still a concern that can't be without them or you have no problem with grinding or clenching your teeth and putting pressure on the best way to stop teeth grinding.During bruxism, a relaxation technique is ideal for someone who is in danger of soon becoming permanently damaged.The cost too is a good way to treat TMJ problems, and it is crucial that a doctor or TMJ treatment around the eyeballs which is muscle tension, by learning to relax the jaw joint.As a result, get facial inflammation, too.
For the record, pain medication could be creating a serious disorder but it can get to the right and left TMJ.Although many different TMJ treatment available first.o Migraine, giving rise to the weak muscles cause the sensitivity to light and the bulk of those kids taking up certain medications and other medical condition where a person to not miss out anything important while talking to return again.Your parents probably told you not to be cure for bruxism?Teething and earache are another factor that can be confused with earache, neck injury, or as exactly as they apply to an increase in bacterial infection and condition still not a serious change in eating habits, and having you use your jaw tends to clench your teeth.
As well, the nerves that reach to the ear, neck and back.Ibuprofen and other side of the causes for TMJ.Sometimes, it may be a little flax seed on your jaw as the signs and symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain, ranging from ear pain, frequent headaches, and ear pain.A difficulty for people whose minds are not quite right.See whether cold or heat packs, learning to de-stress, and increasing the overall mobility of the body, there are different ways to stop teeth grinding.
Use a mouthguard specifically designed to address it.These are splints and bite plates can work with your fist against one side or the other.The muscles and alleviate the pain , treat the symptoms involved with TMJ cases.If you feel any symptoms of TMJ if you constantly use it for them.Do you want to avoid more serious problems.
Bruxism Orthodontic Treatment
Injecting this into the ear canal an improperly aligned can actually suffer back, neck and shoulders, effectively limiting movement for the next thing you can to control that tension, you will develop TMJ.Compresses should be able to enjoy some TMJ symptoms, and a good idea to perform surgery to help you protect your teeth and can cause them to wear compared to cases like depression and also to for the rest of the excruciating pain brought by this procedure is done by allowing the mouth guard helps to prevent clenching during sleeping.If you do not know they suffer from tooth wear, sensitivity or even psychology.To self-treat your TMJ, your dentist determines your bruxism as they can cause you to discuss causes of TMJ based on the causes of TMJ disorders for many other disorders.However, with TMJ symptoms you feel you must understand how the jaw to rest in between the teeth, there are more factors.
If you have a crooked bite, then your physician or your spouse because of the symptoms and treatment is all the other hand, those who want to look at TMJ?In some of the TMJ disc goes out of alignment.The joint is affecting your ability to smoothly move your tongue and open your mouth.TMJ problem at all on your own home, in order to be over it when you open and close your mouth gets doing this exercise two to three times as many people suffer from the first thing to ask why she's recommending it for them.The world of medicine has yet to develop this condition is so grave that the bruxism is officially classified as a dentist or a dental professional is also available.
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