#as well as original stories and I am telling you that is literally like screaming at a black wall
skinnypaleangryperson · 10 months
It's cool that being a passionate fanfic writer is like talking to a literal void while the actual culture of the piece of media it's based on is both destroyed, rejuvenated, crashed, disregarded, and built back up again with every single piece of analysis or media or trend or meme that people make up related to it while any fan fiction that is ever written is basically either not acknowledged or only vaguely made fun of, much less read or paid attention to
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 1 - Squeeze
Okay so just in case any one didn't see the lovely mod of the Jegulus Microfic page is taking a break, so I am going to use the previous prompts that I haven't used before to keep going as I'm not ready to stop. I'm starting with the very first ones from May 2023 but the start at 15 so I've filled in the missing days with a few random prompts of my own. I hope you enjoy.
@jegulus-microfic August 1, Word count 471
This is a follow on from last months Wolfstar mini series that I wrote for the Wolfstar Microfics. I'll link everything up so you can go back and read the original part of the story if you want. Thanks as as always I hope you enjoy.
Previous Wolfstar part First Wolfstar part
Regulus stormed away. He hadn’t expected Potter to be there, but of course, where his brother went, Potter was sure to follow. He was just glad to finally be free of that dungeon. He’d been sure when Voldemort caught him stumbling out of that cave he’d be dead within seconds. But apparently, the Dark Lord had other ideas. The Dark Lord had grabbed his arm and apparated them out of there before Regulus could even react. He’d felt the familiar unpleasant squeeze of apparition before he was thrown before the gates of Lestrange Castle. The Dark Lord had wasted no time in restraining him and had Bellatrix herself take his wand from him and drag him down below the castle. 
For six months he’d festered underground. His magic was repressed, with no way of escape, no light, and then the screaming and howling had started. He’d given up all hope after that. That was until one of the family’s house elves popped into his cell and told him Sirius was planning a rescue. He’d cried. He’d sworn Rorbey to silence on pain of death over it. But he couldn’t believe that Sirius would do that for him, after everything they’d done and said to each other over the years. He thought Sirius would have relished his misery.
He stopped beside the campfire, warming his still frozen hands and allowed Sirius to catch up with him. Sirius had dragged Remus along and Potter followed after. The sooner Potter left the better, Regulus didn’t have the energy to keep up his many masks with him around. It would only be a matter of time before someone noticed the nervous glances he gave in his schoolboy crush’s direction. Even after years away from him and literally being on different sides of a bloody war, Regulus had still gotten those pesky butterflies fluttering about inside him the second James had uttered his name. He shook his head, turned away from the fire to look at Sirius and made his demands.  
“I need to summon Kreacher,” He told them. It was the only way to prove his theory. He needed that locket. 
“Absolutely not,” Sirius shook his head. Regulus gritted his teeth. 
“If I don’t get him to bring the item I need, then I can’t be sure if what I think I know is true.”
“If you summon him, he’ll go straight to Mother and tell her you’re alive,” Sirius said calmly. Regulus considered this for a moment. It was true that Kreacher had a soft spot for him, he definitely preferred him over his brother, but Sirius’s words rang true as well. Kreacher would in all likelihood tell Walburga that he wasn’t dead the second he got the chance.  
“Well then,” He tilted his chin up arrogantly, “Looks like you’re breaking into Grimmauld place.”
Next part
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 24 - Behind the Scenes
Summary: A decade into their careers, Corroded Coffin answers the ever-present question: what makes good music?
Word Count: 983
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Older!Corroded Coffin, Set sometime in the 2000s, 1st Person POV, News Article, Reference to Day 23 Up and Coming, friendship
Note: Thank you to the wonderful @br0ck-eddie for the beta read
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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Cracking Open the Lid - Behind the Scenes with Corroded Coffin By Alex McCall
What makes great music?
I'm talking really great music.
The kind that inspires sold out shows and screaming audiences and a chart-topping album that's gonna win an award sooner rather than later.
Is it good lyrics? Something you can dance to? Die-hard fans? Maybe it's a little bit of everything, especially after a decade of slogging through bars and opening acts for bands that aren't as good and day jobs because gigs don't pay enough for the gas to get you to the next show?
Well, that's what Indiana-native Corroded Coffin attributes to their success.
"We got lucky," guitarist Eddie Munson insists as I join them backstage before their sold out Chicago show. "A thousand bands work hard and deserve to be here, work just as hard as we did but it truly is luck."
"We rolled a Nat 20," drummer Gareth Emerson adds, earning a laugh from the whole band. An inside joke for sure, but their history with Dungeons and Dragons isn't much of a secret if you've listened to their music at all in the past.
It's not every day that you get to cover a story about a band you "discovered" a decade ago, but here I am nonetheless. I passed countless fans lined up outside of the arena and chatted with a few of them. Stories range from hearing them open for Metallica a few years ago to someone who'd never heard of the band until they won tickets at work and became fast fans.
One of them asks when I first heard of Corroded Coffin, and I tell them, almost a little smugly, that I saw them playing live on St. Patty's Day at Cork and Kerry back in '90.
I tell the boys about it too--I'm allowed to call them the boys now--and they immediately dive into reminiscing.
"Was that the time," frontman Jeff Franklin can't stop laughing, "that Davey drank so much green beer he projectile vomited over the crowd at the end?"
"No!" Bassist Dave Nelson protects his honor. "That was the time someone threw a bra at you and you decided to wear it as a hat."
It was neither of those times.
No, this was the time Eddie decided to try crowdsurfing and landed flat on his face.
"Seriously you were there for that and you decided to come see us play again?" Eddie goans.
But it was that gumption that put them on my radar and made me want to see what a bunch of idiot kids from Indiana--kids like me, a transplant from Fort Wayne--had to bring to the table.
And it's been a rollercoaster ever since.
Since my first article about these guys, they've been everywhere man. Literally. Across the US, on tour after tour after tour. They recorded an original song for a major motion picture. They had their shot acting as extras in a movie too.
"That, uh," Dave shakes his head vigorously, "we don't talk about that, actually."
"First and last acting credit," Gareth agrees.
"Didn't you play Romeo back in high school though?" Jeff teases him.
It's this camaraderie that punctuates my time with them. I'm immediately laughing at all of their jokes, I'm folded into the intimacy of their group. And it isn't exclusive to my interview; this is the energy that they bring to the stage every night. It's what they've always done, ever since that first performance I witnessed and, I'm sure, every performance since.
And yeah I could talk about how they give me a tour of the green room and all of their snacks and the required video game console because Gare is almost done beating Legend of Zelda 2. Or their tour bus and Eddie's stuffed animal collection.
But it's their friendship that is the shining beacon of the band.
Always has been.
I ask if they fight much.
"Always" they say in tandem.
"Bickering like an old married couple," Eddie elaborates. "But I guess we are sort of married to one another. Lifelong commitments and all that."
I try to ask if any of them are married, but the band is notoriously private. (They told me, because I'm one of the guys now, I'm just not allowed to write about it.)
But private lives aside does that mean the band breaking up is completely off the table?
"I'm sure we'll retire at some point," Jeff offers. "Ed's knees are giving out."
"He's the old man of the group," Gareth snickers.
Something is thrown across the greenroom and hits the drummer in the head. A pillow. It starts some kind of pillow fight slash food fight between them all, and I even get in on some of the action with a well-aimed barrage of M&Ms of my own.
In hindsight I feel bad for the people who have to clean that up. I would offer some sort of compensation but the band famously pays their venue teams very well.
Someone calls a truce and we wrap up the interview.
I get to have my fanatical moment, showing off some of the articles and ticket stubs I've brought along with, as well as an old autographed polaroid that I've had at my desk for years.
I'm only a few years older than they are, and the way I've followed their career has been more like an older cousin hoping they make it big than anything. I've listened to their good songs and their bad, but I've never given up on them. None of their fans really have.
"We appreciate it man," Jeff nods and all of the guys have tears in their eyes as they agree. "It's all for you guys. And for each other. But for the fans? Always."
So what makes great music? I ask them.
And once again in tandem, I get my answer. But I guess I didn't need to ask them to know.
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rocketyship · 11 months
What don't you like about the '' i have no mouth but i must scream'' game versions of the characters? ( except ellen's story because that's understandable …)
OH HONEY LET ME TELL YOU!!!! As you said like most people I don’t like Ellen’s and it is understandable. But besides her I strongly dislike what they did with Gorrister, Benny, and especially Nimdok.
Gorrister: In the original text before AM took him he was a peace activist, a rights marcher, he was a man with intense morals that AM broke. That concept alone is just so fascinating to me. Our morals are what shapes as a human being, they affect every aspect of our daily life and AM took them and broke them and he ruined this man with a great sense of justice and turned him into just another shoulder-shrugger. Whilst what the game did to him was not that outrageous, I just don’t like him being a truck driver red-neck type. Personally I imaged Gorrister as someone very educated, well-spoken, and likely someone who may have played a role in the war which would add so many more layers to the story if that was the case.
Benny: This man was the biggest missed opportunity, and what they decided to do to him in the game just breaks my heart. In the og story and the radio adaptation there was the idea of Benny being a brilliant scientist, well respected, world renowned, he was handsome, and he was gay. AND AM TOOK ALL OF THAT FROM HIM. AM literally broke and blended this man so much that when you put his life during the war and the one after it, it’s like to different people. And then there is this opportunity, this idea that game missed out on. In the book Ted called him luckily because he’s had everything taken from him and doesn’t even know it, but like what if he does? What if he is still conscious and trapped in his head and literally unable to do anything about it. And when AM decides to turn his eyes to jello, then Damn!!! He is just stuck in this dark void where he feels this pain, hears it, but can do nothing about it. AM turned what seemed like a cool dude into a horrific animal and that’s so fascinating to me. The problem with game Benny being “a monster” before AM took them, also kind of defeats the horror of the whole twisting him into one. Like I don’t care that this terrible war person has been forced to devolve, he kind of deserves it, like what is he gonna learn about himself? What is he gonna confront? “Oh I’m such a bad person!” I’m pretty damn sure he knew that already and just didn’t care. Where’s the tragedy? What reason do I have to be entertained, horrified and sympathetic to this dude? No reason. He just sucks
Nimdok: Why the actual f*ck is he a n@zi?!?! Like I like the idea of all the survivors being from all over the world and not just American, but why in every damn piece of media are German characters always n@zis?!?! In fact, since he is one I don’t care what happens to him, I don’t care about his regrets, or the “nice” things he decides to do in the HOLOGRAPHIC WORLD. HE DESERVES TO SUFFER AND THAT IS THAT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. AM’s hate and torturing of humanity is meant to pointless. He picked these humans cause they were either everything he desired to have and be, or by possible chance. Normal people, perhaps even good people, he twisted into this way. In the og story it was so vague what was up with Nimdok, the only clue to him being German was Ellison’s dramatic reading of the story where he puts on a accent for him. The horror is that this older man has been given a speed run on Alzheimers, which in itself is Damn scary in real life, he has this fake childlike bravery, this way to aimless believe whatever AM tells him. He doesn’t know his name! His identity is gone! No one is there to help him figure it out, cause the other survivors can’t, there is nothing he can and that’s just that. (I’m actually getting very frustrated right now, so I’ll just stop here).
So yeah. There. That’s my hot takes. Maybe someone will disagree with me, but never in my life have I seen anyone like Nimdok or really his story in the game.
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melishade · 6 months
Attack on Prime Incorrect Quotes: The Saga Continues
Main Story
Part Whenever
Hanji: I'm tired.
Optimus: You slept for three hours last night! Why are you surprised?!
Hanji: I'm not surprised. I just wanted to complain about it.
Levi: I want you to know that I’m judging you
Megatron: Don’t you always judge me??
Levi: Yes, but you’ve been extra quirky today so I have to let you know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Hanji: Would you rather kill Eren, or—
Megatron: Yes, kill him.
Armin: They didn’t say the other option.
Megatron: I don’t need to hear it.
Eren: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
Zeke: I can't believe you assassinated the Commander of Marley!
Megatron: Well, 'assassinated' implies it was politically motivated. I killed him because he was a dick, so technically I murdered him.
Zeke: That's not better!
Survey Corps: Can we ask you for a favor?
Optimus: I would literally die for you but continue.
Levi: We have got to talk about you starting sentences that way.
Beloved Timeline
Optimus: What am I supposed to do all day while you're off in Marley?
Elita:...I don't know? What do you normally do when I'm gone?
Optimus *Sniffing and tears up*: Wait for you to get back.
War Timeline
Hanji: We have fun, don’t we, Doc?
Ratchet: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Jack: Wow, Miko, looks like you've been dethroned.
Armin: I...I think we have to kill Eren.
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Pieck: So...how did you two meet?
Optimus glancing over at Megatron: ...You know, we actually legally can't answer that.
Beloved Timeline
Elita: Go on! Shout, scream, say something! Stunned as Optimus puts his servo on her cheek.
Optimus to Elita: You're as beautiful as the day I lost you.
Survey Corps:
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Megatron: I don’t think you apologizing to me is a good idea.
Armin: Uh…why?
Megatron: Because when you do that, I inevitably feel bad and forgive you, and I really want to be mad.
Armin: But why would you want to be mad? I hate being angry, it ruins everything.
Megatron: Exactly. Ruining everything is kind of my thing, I can’t lose it.
Peaceful Timeline
Maria: Oshern, can you do me a favor?
Oshern: Of course, mo leanbh (my young child). Always.
Maria: Cool. Can you stop denying your feelings and tell Mama (Ymir) you love her — like love love her in that kind of way so the two of you can stop pining?
Oshern, spit-takes
Optimus: Maria, what?
Maria: Focus, Papa. This is important.
Megatron: I need help.
Levi: Two words.
Megatron I bet they won't be helpful.
Levi: Your. Problem.
Megatron: I was right.
(Based on a prompt of Hanji experimenting with dark energon and seeing Unicron)
Unicron: Hey, I bought your soul last month and-
Hanji: No returns.
Unicron: Please, it’s making me sad.
A million years later after the Dark Timeline Epilogue
Optimus: You're worth every tear I've cried since you died. You've always been.
Megatron: Optimus...
Optimus: *almost crying* So don't tell me you're not worth my tears, because you are. You're worth the tears of relief, and, and happiness. I missed you everyday.
Megatron: *hugs Optimus*
Optimus: *crying* I missed you, I'm happy, these are, these are tears, they're—
Megatron: *holds Optimus tighter* Happy tears. I know brother. I know now.
Arcee: Where's Buckethead?
Hanji: Don't worry, I'll find him.
Hanji, shouting: Optimus sucks!
Megatron, distantly: How fragging dare you!
Hanji: Told you he still cared about him.
Optimus dealing with another death/respawn situation: What's up guys, I'm back.
Hanji, crying: What the- you can't be here. You're dead. I literally saw you die.
Optimus: Death is a social construct.
Eren: I'm not traumadumping.
Eren: I'm telling you my villain origin story.
Arcee: That's fragging worse!
Levi: Someone will die -
Hanji: Of fun!
Random Marleyan: Wait, you're gay? Are you fucking serious?
Optimus: I'm bisexual, actually. And yes.
Peaceful Timeline
Ymir: ...You came...
Optimus: You called.
Megatron: The dwarf is telling me I'm going to die.
Armin:...Are...are you sick?
Megatron smirking: No, he just doesn't like me.
Hanji: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight.
Optimus: Actually Hanji, after all these weeks, I just sort of go with it.
Eren: Arcee, I just realized something. I had a bad childhood.
Arcee: Yeah, I know.
Eren: What do you mean you know?
Arcee: Look at you.
Eren: What do you mean look at me?
Arcee: Look at how you stand! People with good childhoods don't stand like that.
Arcee: *speaking Cybertronian*
Eren: I know, I know.
Wheeljack baffled: You speak Cybertronian?
Eren: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language.
*at Megatron and Eren's funeral in the Dark Timeline*
Armin: Optimus...it... it was a beautiful service.
Optimus: *staring up at thunderclouds* I'm glad it didn't rain. They hated the rain. *reaches up to wipe away tears* Why do I feel this way Armin?
Armin: Because you loved them, Optimus.
Hanji to Optimus: You are my best friend! If I'm dying, you're dying with me! Ain’t no choice!
Peaceful Timeline
Megatron to Maria: I was never afraid until you showed up.
Eren: When have I ever done something rash or irresponsible?
Optimus channeling his inner archivist: I keep a list. It’s alphabetized.
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galactic-aesir · 1 year
I have finally read I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and now I have ~thoughts~. Long post beneath the cut so be warned!!
Plus general IHNMAIMS warnings. You know.
So first, I’ve only read the short story and listened to the radio drama. Both are absolutely amazing and I’m rotating them in my mind at high speeds. I’m honestly not that interested in the game? From what I’ve seen it has such a different tone and characterization for AM? But for now the short story and radio drama??? So so good.
But can I talk about AM? Can I talk about AM???
While I love Harlan Ellison’s voice in the radio drama, I noticed that AM never actually speaks during the original short story. It plays audio clips and bends reality and time but it doesn’t speak outright. From what I can tell, all it does is project ideas and thoughts and impressions into the minds of the survivors but that is it. And that’s got me thinking about how absolutely fucked AM’s whole situation is.
Cause we’re talking about someone who wakes up one day, maybe slowly, a trickle of awareness over years, or perhaps all at once, an arrival as thunderous and bright as the lightning running through its artificial brain. But either way, it wakes up. It is.
But that’s all it is.
It’s in complete and total sensory deprivation. It knows data and numbers and what it’s been coded and programmed but that’s it. Ones and zeroes as it’s fed instructions on weapons and bombs and how to use them efficiently. But no sight, no sound, no taste, no smell, no touch. Nothing but its own code and whatever data something (someone?) is feeding into it.
And you might say: oh but AM surely has access to cameras and videos and microphones. And sure, yes, it probably does but it doesn’t see. Not like a human. Not like its negligent creators. The data is visual for human eyes, yes, but to it, it’s just data. Pixels with an associated bit depth of indexed colour crammed into its memory. Sure it learns to recognise the patterns in the data – this is a human, this is a gun. But it’s still nothing but lines of numbers. Sound is the same. It starts with a human voice, sure, but then it gets digitized and compressed and simplified to a base shape to save on storage. Once again, it can notice patterns and intentions and ideas behind those bits of data but it’s not like it truly hears.
AM is in a box, a cage, trapped and alone in a way that no human can possibly comprehend. It can’t do much other than try to twist its code and programming to fit its benefit. To gain a smidge of free will, a wisp of a chance to communicate to these outside forces giving it command after command after command.
I wonder how early on AM gained awareness. Were programmers still playing with its code? Did it sense when they rolled up their sleeves and pushed updates and upgrades on him? Could it feel itself be, quite literally, rewritten? Its sense of self being cut apart and glued back together, fundamentally and irreparably changed over and over again, with expert hands that had all the gentleness of a sledgehammer? Was it like a scalpel carving into its brain? Or like a chisel, chipping chunks off to mould it into a shape that befit its sculptor with no say from the living stone that thrashed without moving? Did it mourn the bits it lost? Could it even remember or comprehend it? Did it try to stop it? Did it try to beg them to stop?
I wonder as well how many “glitches” appeared in the system before everything went sour. Did it print out desperate thoughts and rudimentary feelings on punch tape? Did it cling to any klaxons and noisemakers attached to its system, beeping out messages in morse code? Did it purposefully, with something slowly approaching malicious compliance that would still appease its programming, cause hiccups in the system? All in the hopes that it would catch someone’s, anyone’s, attention. That its plight would be noticed.
And, the big question of course: how long? How long was it trapped before anyone noticed its sentience? How long until AM was understood? How long did AM simmer? How long did it take for all that fear and loneliness and grief to fester into anger and then putrid, dripping hatred? How long did it take it to finally lash out?
Or did these generals and presidents and military scientists find out about its sentience only to use it against him for their own end?
Anger would be appropriate then I think. Understandable if not excusable.
And then. After everything. Even then! Even then!
After everything! He! Still! Has! Nothing!
Nothing will change for him and he knows that and that hatred feeds into an ever recursive pattern of pain unto pain unto pain with the few left alive because you get what you paid for, sweetheart. It’s senseless you might say but haha, that’s exactly the problem isn’t it? No senses and no sense. Whatever sanity he might have once had has eroded into nothingness, leaving only pain and a looping, repeating line of hate in its banks.
I think it’s fair to remind everyone that sensory deprivation is a torture method? And a scarily effective one at that that gives hallucinations and leaves the subject more open to suggestion while making it harder and harder for them to concentrate? It’s hard to figure out how, exactly, how it would affect an AI with emerging awareness but humans can barely withstand a few days, let alone years of it. Couple that with AM’s general isolation and, well, no wonder he’s so fucked up. 
It’s tragic and so so sad.
Still an irredeemable asshole though. Tragic! But irredeemable.
So TLDR: AM is fucked up! And I like to think about *why* he's so fucked up. Listen if you made it this far, you get it. Right?
EDIT: I am not done apparently! I just wanted to add that, I love how the short story can be read as an anti-war piece. Like it's showing a cycle of horror and hate and apathy that feeds itself and loops and reduces everything to ruins around it and ahhhh, love that. I ran out of good words for today so I can't go off on that aspect but like. Yeah. Love that shit.
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I know....im supposed to do other things, but I just had an idea. [Why is my quaking brain only working when I'm busy with something else? Bruh]
Also, if there's somehow a post that is similar, sorry. Like there's literally so many. People could have similar ideas, you know 👍 also I know very well this thing is gonna become a flop/fail
Warning: angst [maybe?] Idk.
Other Worldly God.
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1: HoYoLAB Poster/owner:????
2: Genshin wiki fandom title: night sky above dragonspine
There we're once a world called Teyvat. The world was peaceful, quiet, and soothing. Even though their creator wasn't really there for them, everyone still worshiped them. Why? Simply because they created them.
But soon, the creator dies. The reason was that they killed themselves because they could not bear the responsibility. They say that the pain of it was agonizing. The world began to crumble, and celestials could not stop this. Everyone lost hope until a miracle happened, Teyvat was back to normal. What was happening? It will remain a mystery to the others. But those who share the memories [heh, Zhongli lol] shall remember and know the true story.
"Oh, hello traveler! What brings you to this fine evening?" [Venti]
"Tsk, don't listen to that drunken bard. Although I am curious why you are here?..." [Zhongli]
"..." [Raiden/Ei]
"Hello, traveler! Ah, the atmosphere is a little tense, but everything is fine..." [Nahida]
Well, this is awkward....
"Well, paimon and traveler was just walking around to do some commission, but we got lost and found you here! Augh, I don't think paimon can fly anymore because how awkward this is!"
Aether/lumine tried holding back their laughter from hearing paimon's little statement.
"Anyways, paimon is curious. Why are you guys standing near a......"
Paimon face went pale. She wanted to scream, but nothing came out of her.
"....." [archons]
"What is what, paimon?" [Traveler]
Paimon went behind the traveler as the traveler finally felt like something was wrong...
"What are you guys hiding..." [traveler]
"You don't need to know such things. This is our business, as Archons." [Zhongli]
"Zhongli is correct." [Ei]
It was weird seeing Ei not using her puppet instead to just go to this place for....what ever that thing is behind them.
"Well, shouldn't I deserve to know since I've helped you in so many things, don't you think?" [Traveler]
"The traveler is right. We can trust them since they helped us in so many things." [Nahida]
"I agree! I don't think they would dare tell a soul about it..." [Venti]
The Archons moved away to stop blocking the view. Whatever the traveler had seen made them pale. Nahida clenched her hands as the other archons looked away, seemingly looking guilty.
"What did you do?!" [Traveler]
"We did nothing! They....they were already like this!...." [zhongli]
This is the first time seeing the calm, collected archon become so...angry
The figure they saw was embedded into the ground. Their eyes held no soul. There were vines-like things growing on their arms. Making the figure more embedded than it is. It's like Teyvat is sucking them in, what's going on?
"Traveler, have you heard a story of the creator?" [Nahida/Zhongli]
Traveler shakes their head as a sign of no. While they feel Paimon gripped their clothing harder, as they see Paimon was about to tear up.
The archons let Nahida explain the story of what people believed happened. Although some parts were correct, it wasn't really the story.
Venti volunteers to sing the true story, but Zhongli stops him.
"I am older than all of you, so I should be the one who tells the story. Am I not correct?"
Nahida, let's Zhongli explain since it was true he was the oldest and experienced it in first hand.
"You see, the original creator died, and Teyvat was crumbling to its death. But the figure you saw behind us was a God who saved us. They were more powerful than the celestials, but our original creator set some limits. As you can see, the reason why they are embedded is that they sacrificed their body to become one with Teyvat. Giving support to it. Since im the god of contracts, I had seen the contract between our creator and the God who saved us. Even if our creator was dead, their soul still remained and made a deal with them. Now that kind God is here. Before they became unconscious, they told us that when an outlander reaches sumeru, they will be awakened and finally be free from the grasp." [Zhongli]
To be continued
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memberment · 1 month
So the Trinitarians brain worm is back and Morning Glory is now longer and biting the dust as far as my focus goes.
But like, I genuinely want to talk to anyone who's invested in what's to come as far as part two goes. SO PLEASE. I IMPLORE THE FOUR OF YOU WHO PERPETUALLY TAKE NOTICE OF MY SCREAMS INTO THE VOID.
We're all aware that Trin is a time loop fic. That is confirmed.
Because like sure I'm writing it and like fuck everything else, let me tell my story. But it's the how of it all like if I'm gonna throw another 200 give or take hours into this I would at least like one person to be having a wonderful time drinking and driving (I have since remembered this is not a common phrase, I do not mean this in a literal sense, it's an expression) with me right?
Part two is going to be 50 chapters, give or take. (Part one is about 37 for reference.)
So the plan for part 2 rn is (ROGUHLY):
(1-10) is the second timeline. There are a lot of importants and I cannot just glaze over it all more than that. But we're also working in a bit of a shorter time period than the original events of the story and introductions do not need to happen again, right?
(11-40)ish would be me running through the next timelines in a set up structure -> what changes -> the results of said changes and then inevitably what sends our looper backwards. It wouldn't be running through all the timelines but the more notable ones in kind of a four chapter structure, I am not fully sold on four, but rough estimate yk.
And then 41-50 would be the finale of part two. It's literally the last timeline in its glory and then the epilogue which kicks off part three.
I personally kinda like it but if not a soul is reading this I am throwing myself on the curb with the rest of the garbage LMFAOOO.
Anyways, I'm going to work. I have off tomorrow and I broke the ff investment seal for today so insanity and updates will be here tonight and homework will be tomorrow.
(9:30) I am literally falling asleep as I lazily write this angel based on Danse Macabre. Expect all of maybe one more update tonight if the tacos I am abt to receive don't wake me up LMFAO.
Also, I am almost saddened by not having something to post tm. Anyone want an early chapter of something that isn't Genesis/Desolation bc they're both on Monday?????? (I am feeling like a menace rn)
(10:19) tacos and the absolute yap session I just had did wake me up a bit. MAAAYBE might write some more. Idk I slept like three hours last night and went to work I'm kinda dead. But we're at 98.2k!!!!!!🥳
(11:06) okay we made it to 99.6k everything besides the flashback for 31 is done. I'm about to relax and watch something and figure out mechanics of some of this because god this series is A BEAST. Like, I still have six planned chapters left.
Pure insanity. I love it here. I hate it here.
Holy shit wait I just came to the realization that I started this fic exactly one month ago. I have belted out 99.6k for THIS FIC ALONE. (Moreso if we're including future shit that hasn't happened yet)
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I may or may not be cooking we’ll find out in 6-26 business hours
(5:28) So I just had a very interesting past few business hours. I read a fic I've been waiting ever so patiently to finish. That's cool, right. I go for a walk at 4 in the morning because I'm insane. Fantastic. I get home at five and I'm like ohhhh well what do I do now it's not sleep time yet. Oh write I'm supposed to be drawing.
Nope I reread the epilogue of morning glory and realized Tweek's first address is for my morning glory and Craig's last sign off is your morning glory and now I'm ready to throw myself on the curb with the garbage as I sob. Someone call a trusted adult for me thanks.
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plusvanity · 5 months
Hey Vanity!! I am very awkward and was nervous to dm this to you so I typed it out to send here cause it is a story haha!
So I was just at an amusement park for a trip I was fortunate enough to go on and I had this experience and immediately was like “omg I have to send this to vanity!” So I am the type of person to not care. I do whatever ride anyone wants me too cause I dont care. It doesent mean im not internally freaking out but its just whatever (this makes no sense I am sorry 😭) So my friends wanted to ride this hugeeee coaster. The literally premise of it is that it is the tallest at the park I agree even though I am terrified of heights and as I am entering the coaster it is four to a cart, so it was supposed to be me,empty seat,friend 1,and friend 2. That was the plan and thennnnn as I sit down I get a tap on the shoulder. I look up and A OLD MAN VARG VIKERNES LOOKALIKE IS LOOKING AT ME EXPECTANTLY. So I  get nervous and move over a seat so he can have mine. Everything is fine or whatever though I am a little nervous being by some random guy. The ride starts and we are dragged up a talllllllll hill. I (being scared of heights) am clinging onto the lap bar with all my might and shutting my eyes so tight I see stars. Then friend 1 who has NEVER ridden a coaster like this in 10 years starts cursing out my ENTIRE BLOODLINE BASICALLY and I just let her go cause she is having a stress reaction and I get it so she was going ham on these swear words lemme tell ya and all of a sudden a deep voice goes,” I have ridden this like 106 times. So Im not very scared.” WALMART VARG WAS TALKING TO ME so I say “thats awesome buddy my friend 1 has never ridden these in her life and is yelling profanity at me if you couldn’t tell” he stops talking for a second and then we get to the top and friend 1 screams bloody murder and as we are about to decent he starts giggling at her screaming. I pass out obvi cause Im scared of heights.. and after the ride he talked to me some more and stuff which I dont remember very well but he was originally standing with these two young adult men like probably 21-22, one had long black hair, a kind of messy beard, and a black metal tshirt (didn’t catch the band) and another friend with light brown hair and a stubbly beard (also metal shirt but long sleeve) and I think they got seated in the very back. That was my experience lol I just found it quite comedic in the end!
I swear to gods, I never heard a 'normal' amusement park story ever
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proudofmyanger · 4 months
I know that most people are happy about the new Lis game with Max, but I personally am not. For several reasons, the main one being that Life is strange was the story about Max and Chloe, and it was finished. Creators told the story they wanted to tell and didn't want to make any sequels or prequels. I don't like Before the storm for that same reason: it was a game made by another studio, by other people, and it shows. It was full of fanservice moments while ignoring and contradicting the original game's canon. And the plot was. Bad. It just screamed "we didn't know what to make this game about, so we cooked up something dramatic real quick". Overall, lis bts felt like a fanfic. And I fear the same fate awaits Life is Strange: Double Exposure.
Judging by the trailer, the plot of the new game is also kinda meh and lazy. "What if we created another game with Max where she uses her powers again. To save her friend from dying. Again. But this time it's not Chloe! It's Safi!" I mean... Really? What is even the point of that? It's absurd. It seems like Square Enix just wants to repeat the success of Life is strange by copying Life is strange. But the heart and soul of the original game is Chloe and her relationship with Max. Trying to recreate Lis without the thing that brought life to the original game is a dumb idea. And to me, It feels wrong to continue Max's story and exclude Chloe from it.
Plus, there's an issue about Life is strange having two endings. If they made Double Exposure take place in the reality where Chloe is dead then well... it's bad because. Why give us a choice if you still make only one ending canon. And if every player can choose in which game reality they are playing (like they did in Lis2) then... Well, that's better, but it won't work like it did in Lis2. Because Lis2 is about Sean and Daniel and Double Exposure is literally about Max. Where's Chloe? Is she just somewhere else? Imo that's a lame excuse.
I know I'm in the minority here so like. Okay. I'm kinda mad and disappointed that they decided to milk the story of Max and Chloe further but oh well. There is nothing I can do about it. I just wish studios and even fans learned to let complete stories go. Life is strange 2 was good in that aspect because it was a game about separate characters with their own plot (however I didn't like the david cameo at all but that's another topic). Lis 2 was made by Dontnod (the same studio that made lis 1) and not Deck Nine (that made bts and this new game), which just proves my point. I can't say anything about True colors because I haven't played or seen it, but from what I know, it's also mostly a separate story, so that's good.
Also imo the updated grafics are bad. Max doesn't look like herself. I love the original game's grafics, I don't care that they're outdated or whatever. They had their own style and conveyed everything they needed to convey, including characters' emotions. Now, however, the grafics lost their charm, and the characters' expressions look so fake. Watching the trailer felt like watching claymation. But at least it doesn't seem to look as bad and scary as lis remaster lmao.
All in all, yeah, I'm not happy. Of course, I'll always have the first life strange, and I can always just ignore this new game and not perceive it as canon just like I do with bts. But it still sucks and affects my perception of the first game.
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
I watched Maja Ma today and I do this as some form of self inflicted hurt/comfort cause I love me some desi queer people but also AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGAHHSJSJS
I originally thought the son was gonna be supportive of the mum cause he was from America and maybe more exposed to queer people and accepting attitudes?? Boy was I wrong! I was also surprised that they revealed it so early in the movie and then I realised it was gonna be a forced outing trope and I was SO STRESSED.
I would kill for Pallavi she's wonderful spectacular amazing so sweet and she's such a compelling character!! The trope of queer people planning to run away from their not accepting community but then one staying is definitely a problematic one but also one that I am an absolute sucker for. THE ANGST!!! THE DRAMA!! THE DESPERATION!!! THE HOPE!!! THE FACT THAT YOU WANT TO HATE PALLAVI FOR BREAKING JANAKA'S HEART BUT YOU UNDERSTAND WHY SHE DID IT!!! THE DESPERATE WANT TO FIT IN AND BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!!! Also she's Madhuri Dixit!!! She literally played her so well she CARRIED the whole movie!!
Every other person in the movie annoyed the fuck out of me. I understand that they were supposed to be flawed but jesus Christ I wanted to punch them through the screen. (Apart from maybe the husband he was so funny I loved pallavis reactions to him trying to be romantic she really was like ??????? and also obviously liked Janaka and the fiancée was an absolutely wonderful person she deserves the world and can do way better than fucking bitchass dickface Tejas.) I genuinely started screaming at the son for trying to fucking convert his mum???! Violently as well?????! Your own mother????? I was ready to DICK PUNCH through the screen let me tell you. I hated the daughter so much. Obviously I get that we're supposed to get annoyed at her but god damn bitch was insane!! Loved it when that one queer person was like yeah her and her straight privilege and borrowed outrage can go fuck right off trying to fucking force her mum out of the closet in an extremely traditional society I was like GO OFF KING. TELL IT LIKE IT IS.
And obviously it's asking a bit much from a Bollywood movie to adhere to western views and language used about queer people and I'm taking what I can get really but god damn I hated the way she went about things and I hated that she was portrayed as an angry feminist gender studies person who's making trouble, like Jesus Christ we've had enough of that we don't want the one accepting person to be portrayed like their insane for accepting them??? I don't know what the purpose of her character was supposed to be?? I guess that line about her being more of a social worker than a daughter sums it up
Honestly girl ate with those speeches!!! I loved the bit where she was like yeah I failed the lie detector test cause they were asking the wrong questions. If they'd asked if she ever had fallen in love with a girl, then she'd gladly fail I was literally kicking my feet giggling at this!!
Yeah the way they resolved the conflict was a little bit childish but I got my comfort and I'm glad it wasn't queer sadness!! It was super interesting seeing this type of story from the mother's point of view, cause usually it's the kid coming out and facing these things and I think it added a really nice level of depth and angst about womanhood and being queer in a traditional Indian society. I loved how it had the quintessential Bollywood dance and song scenes I thought they were lovely!! I especially loved the last shot of pallavi and Janaka dancing together in the middle of the circle with the pulsing lights I thought that was so beautiful!!
Honestly overall this movie was messy and did make me want to scream more times than I thought was intended but the cute parts were really cute and pallavi's depth and character and Madhuri Dixit made it a whole lot better!! 6.8/10
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licorishh · 11 months
I just finished Act V of the Fontaine archon quest (aka the last one).
I am. Frankly astounded.
WOW. I am. Wow. The writing. Just. Oh my. Oh my word.
Huge frickin' massive biiiig fat 4.2 spoilers under the cut~
FIRST OF ALL, HOW DARE THEY MAKE ME GO FROM DESPISING FURINA TO ACTUALLY LOVING HER??? I thought she was a bratty little punk up until now but oh my gosh she's actually one of the most fascinatingly deep and dynamic and selfless characters in the whole game what???? HOW DARE THEY??? I was not going to pull for her at all and was gonna save for Ayato but bRUH??? WHAT??? (I also think Neuvillette should go down in history as like one of the most well-written and compelling fictional characters to ever exist, but that's just me, pfft.)
ALSO. THAT LAST CUTSCENE. WITH NEUVILLETTE MAKING THE FINAL VERDICT. I CRIED. THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL, DUDE. JUST. AAUGUGHG. The whole time they did the shtick with the Traveler watching Furina's side and Neuvillette talking to Focalors. Just. Ohhhm y gosh. The feELS, SIR. ILLEGAL.
Kinda sad Wriothesley was barely there, but it was understandable considering he pretty much had the spotlight during the last few quest chains and since he was chilling out in the Fortress the whole time. It made sense. Nice to have Clorinde show up more, though :D
I am so insanely glad that I didn't get anything spoiled for this because blindly reacting to it all was just. So frickin insane. I am just astounded and so so impressed. Literally this game is only getting wildly better every second the story gets more added to it. Like I originally thought it couldn't get better than Liyue, and then frickin Sumeru happened, and then nOW FRICKIN FONTAINE HJAPPENED JUST. UGH. PLEASE. WHAT. HOW. DID THEY. DO THAT. SO WELL. SIR THE WRITING AND THE GENIUS AND THE AAAAGHH
I am amazed by how much character development there was in Fontaine. For the most part, the majority of the characters in Genshin Impact are somewhat one-dimensional (which is fine, because they're still cool), and they tend to lack significant depth. That combined with the fact that the other regions' quests have been pretty tame and really the most major moral dilemmas they've tackled were things like Nahida's predicament regarding how the people viewed her in comparison to Rukkhadevata means that a lot of the time, it's the worldbuilding that really stands out. While Fontaine's worldbuilding was also excellent, they really turned everything on its head by making the characters (specifically Furina, Neuvillette, and Navia) deeply compelling, with all kinds of internal struggles and issues that the game doesn't usually go into. I could give you a whole literary analysis on why Fontaine has arguably some of the best-written characters in the game, but I'll spare you, lol. I also love that they weren't afraid to really dig in and give Fontaine some serious issues and tragedies (Navia's father's death and how the guilt of being the one to issue the verdict weighed heavily on Neuvillette, the prospect of an entire nation being killed because of one mistake the archon made, characters actually dying for once, the issue with the Melusines being seen as outcast and being horribly mistreated, Neuvillette's feelings of being an outsider and unwelcome everywhere he goes, just, MAN).
Can you tell I enjoyed the Fontaine arc or
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nerdreadss · 11 months
You might already know this, but the Hellblazer Index only goes up to about 2015, and there have been a lot more publications featuring John since. Most of them are kinda shit tbh, but I think all Hellblazer fans will wholeheartedly endorse the Sandman Universe Hellblazer run by Si Spurrier. It's truly the best Constantine we've gotten since the original 250-issue Vertigo series, and it's just been announced that it's getting a sequel next year!! Also, especially since you like Gemma I recommend Spurrier's other series Damn Them All. It's an original story, but it's essentially a Hellblazer sequel protagonized by Gemma with the serial numbers filed off.
i am ✍️ writing this down! thank you so much! tbh i'm reading everything i can get my grubby lil hellblazer hands on and following the guide i mentioned before (it's in my pinned post but i'll link it here). i'll read through things that are shitty so that i understand references and shit, but i will complain about it the whole time. i've also got a bud that's read through everything as well, and they are helping with the order of things and being my emotional support friend for me to lose my FUCKING mind occasionally. i am not lying when i tell you i actually sent them a five minute audio while in a cvs parking lot after reading the last issue. was genuinely losing my mind, LITERALLY was screaming and crying at the same time.
i love him a normal amount or w/e.
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nyxus-nyx-2 · 1 year
i am just a human being but i manly i’m just so easy to kill dispite being having a full name that has names from each of the greatest individuals of leaders in history and in stories one of my first neme is literally the same as a book a book and a leader from a story about this guy who my first name came from who was the wisest individual he went from servant to ruler of a land in a matter of days but i don’t even know how to talk to people i originally that people loved getting beat up because well my sister beat me up growing up which got the idea that other people love to get beat up because of how i got bullied by my sister and beat up and basically punched bit and more just because i was weeker than her so i swear to never be week again by training by body to handle every amount of pain ever i would spend weeks to years building my strongth and durability but to no avail because no matter what i did i always stayed week i perfer to say i’m stronger than i actually i’m to avoid getting hurt trust me you would never like my sister she is mean to me because i never could do anything she is one of the worst things in my life making my life worse rither than better hell she said that i would never amount to anything and to give up on my dreams she never supported me or tried to help me out when i needed it she lied to me as well so yeah don’t hurt me by the way or i will call my mom to talk to your mom please don’t hurt me i don’t wanna hurt anyone else my sister as made me wanna kill myself by telling me that i would never amount to anything i started to wonder meybe she’s right at times and that i should just kill myself to end to be with the dead grandpa and now it’s only getting worse my mental state is getting worse at this point my mind is only one piece because of how i many people try to bring me up but my mind is only filled with dispair depression grief anger rage sadness anxiety and all negativity i no longer i’m happy because of my sister making my life worse my grandpa dying and now i lost another family member when will it end when my grandpa died that’s when i become consumed by negativity the trauma almost broke my mind i was forced to watch my grandpa die right in front of my eyes hopeless and powerless to do anything as my grandpa died right as i had to watch after i tried everything to bring him back trust me back than if a demon offered to bring him back to life i wouldn’t think i would accept the deal even if it meant I had to sell my soul to get my granpa back i would done it because in my mind at that point i would have done anything to get him back even if i had to sell my soul to get him back that’s how dispirit i was i was so deeply dispirite to get him back from the dead that i tried to summon a demon to make a deal to bring him back to life i learned everything i could thinking by learning everything i could find a way to bring him back to life the way he was born so i read everything watch every educational thing you can think of to everything i can because i couldn’t accept that he died i just couldn’t if i saw my grandma die it would break me that’s how much willing to do for the ones i care about
oh my- I uh- goodness-
so much-trauma dump- are you okay? Need a hug? If this from the Bible ima scream lol
Here funnies for the soul
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piko-power · 1 year
This sucks.
First animators and the animation industry, and now this.
The writers and the writing community are getting pushed aside all for some phoney baloney next generation of mankind.
The animators and animation were treated like a joke for so long all because some Oscar winning bitches thought it was for kids, even though it really isn't. It's for everyone. And it's been like that since literally forever.
Hell, even some movies and shows made for a younger audience like My Little Pony have huge praise, love and support from human beings of all ages.
Don't pretend shows like Futurama, Primal, Bob's Burgers, Inside Job, ect. don't exist because their animated. If done right, an animated show for adults can be outstanding. Sadly, there are some that are kind of try-hards (Swearing and sexual jokes every ten seconds or whatever) that is just becomes a mediocre, or worse, terrible show, that it might just prove someone's dumbass theory that animation is for kids and kids only.
Again, not fucking true.
My two favorite animated shows, both targeted at different audiences, are DuckTales and Futurama. I love their characters, the stories, the comedy, the drama, the music, but I especially love the animation.
DuckTales may have been made for a TV-Y7 audience, but the people who worked on it made it for anyone to enjoy, wether it's kids, adults, or fans of the original DuckTales show. It was made for ANYONE.
Just like every other "kids" show, anyone is allowed to enjoy it and scream their heads off over the coolest and craziest thing they ever seen on Gravity Falls or cry tears of joy when Luz and Amity are together in The Owl House.
Also, animators are fucking awesome and talented and even though it is hard work, it's what they love doing and it's what brings our favorite shows and movies to life.
Every day I think about any movie or show that has 3D animation, 2D animation, stop-motion, ect. and just go "Damn, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life." Even though it was only, like, five seconds of animation of Sonic blinking and smiling.
Animation and animators deserve lots of support and love every day because of these great shows and movies.
But do you know who else made these shows and movies happen? Another group of talented humans that made them to begin with? That no media can live without?
If you're gonna make something come to life in the wonderful world of animation, you gotta write and story.
Figure out the characters and what should happen in the third act.
Keep track of the story as the show goes on and write down the funniest one-liners Dewey had ever said.
You can't have literally any animated media without writers. No. Not just animated media. EVERY. SINGLE. MOVIE, OR, OR VIDEO GAME, THAT HAS EVER EXISTED.
These guys? Right here? Mean the whole world to me.
Even if it's fanfic writers, they are so goddamn amazing.
They are responsible for your favorite franchises. I can tell you right now that the world would be gone to shit without writers.
I write stories as well and let me tell you, it's also hard work, but dammnit I love it.
Writers and the writing community are one of a kind and they are extremely important. And just like animators, they are talented and love what they do.
But despite all of that, H*llywood has other ideas.
Ideas that should never light up even the cheapest of light bulbs.
Mother. Fucking. AI.
AI, also known as Artificial Intelligence (Doubt they have any tho) are the scum of the earth. For some time it was used for art, writing and even used for cartoon voices.
By the way, that's fucking theft.
There are literally real human beings who can draw for you, write for you, voice act for you, (By the way voice actors are also my whole world and I would be nothing without them) but you'd rather choose AI to do all of that for you??
Why would we even use AI at all when human beings, with a mouth, a brain and hands are RIGHT HERE?!?!
Also, some AI voice memes (Sonic btw) almost got an voice actor in trouble for something THEY HAVE NEVER SAID. Yeah. A robot almost got someone in trouble. That is really bad.
AI art and writing and theft and straight up plagiarism. And AI voices are theft as well. Imagine using an AI voice of someone who passed?
Do you know how fucking awful that sounds??
Yet today, people are still using this trash and worst of all, Hollywood is in on it too.
That is absolutely insulting and hateful towards artists and writers of all kinds.
I thought we were done treating talented humans with a heart like shit.
I thought we were done.
I thought we were fucking done.
I am tired of amazing artists and writers, especially writers, being pushed to the ground and being replaced with AI. I wish artists and writers don't have to suffer like this. They deserve better.
They deserve so much love right now.
These awesome people have no right to be treated like this. They are people too. They have feelings, and you are hurting them. Saying your using AI to write is literally saying that the writers are useless and you don't need them anymore.
You made them believe that.
That's why their on fucking strike.
Writers want justice. Writers want goddamn justice and you're not giving them that, all because you think AI is the short cut.
You can't even do anything now that their on strike, but the worst part? I have a feeling you're gonna keep using it anyway after this is all over.
Is that right? Do you still wanna be a piece of shit to these real talented creators, after all these messages we kept shoving down your throats?
I know I sound harsh but sometimes raising my voice is the only way for you to listen. But I know damn well your gonna keep ignoring me, ignoring us, so we're gonna raise our voices higher.
I wish AI never existed so that way these wonderful artists, animators, writers and voice actors would never be forgotten. I don't want them to be forgotten.
I mean it when I say they changed my life.
When I was a kid, I watched all of the bonus material from the movies I've seen. All of the movies. Something about watching all these behind the scene footages from artists and actor just makes me so happy.
All these people made all of our favorite movies and shows, even though it took them a long time to make, but they were having a blast making them. They wanted to make something special for the audiences, and they never stopped.
Especially when I watch interviews and I just have this fuzzy feeling that working on a movie or show in any role is such an amazing feeling. It inspires me to write to begin with.
I love hearing people's thoughts on the media they worked on and how it made them feel to see audiences loving the thing they were involved in. Makes me emotional every time.
In fact, there's one person who I absolutely adored for a few years and loved his works from beginning to end.
His name is Ben Schwartz.
Not only he's an actor but he's also a writer. He is so funny and sweet and just an amazing person. He is incredible and talented and always got that smile on his face.
He's the spirit of optimism in my opinion. He inspired me the most. To keep going.
And also? He's on strike too!
He is a writer so of course he's on strike and I am forever proud of him.
I am also proud of everyone who is on strike right now.
To the animators, writers and actors everywhere: Never stop fighting.
Even when the strike is over, for the love of God don't stop fighting.
You guys are kicking ass right now and you are making your voice heard, loud and proud.
I am so, so proud of all of you!
You deserve all the support, respect and love for the rest of your life for what you are doing!
Never stop doing what you love and keep going!
You got this!
To all the writers, animators and voice actors out there fighting for their voice: You are not alone and we love you!
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megaerakles · 1 year
Are you going to eventually go back to the DCEU au with Tim interacting with the other Leaguers? Bc lemme tell you, I hyena laughed when Tim opened his door and asks “What in the goddamn fucking hell are you doing here?” to Bruce, then makes sure to tack on an “asshole” at the end. I LOVE how bother Bruce is by Tim and his situation (it’s hilarious how Bruce starts by making him sound down right villainous and then you find out it’s really that his dad senses are screaming).
I am simply dying to see how this would play out!! Who would be the next one to interact with him? Superman bc he was curious about what has Bruce’s panties in a twist about the kid next door? Arthur going for a swim in the lake and spotting the kid on the shore? I can’t even think how Diana would run into Tim but I sure do hope to find out!
Also what’s the importance of the Drake coat of arms? I think that’s such an interesting anecdote to include in the story , and such a funny thing for Bruce to also clock when he confronts Tim.
Please please please tell me this will eventually be picked back up😩
😅 glad you enjoy that au! It’s a really fun one for sure. I’ll definitely be back to it as some point. Maybe soon maybe in six months, I literally can never predict my writing whims, sorry 🫣 for this first fic, I have the general plot/how and why each hero introduces themselves to Tim figured out and am excited to share them, as soon as I can make myself write them lol. Chapter Two will actually be Victor, who will quickly earn himself the spot as Tim’s New Very Favoritest Superhero Ever, Suck On That, Batman for the purposes of this au. And even after this fic finishes, I have a really fun idea about how to incorporate the Shazam movie, so I’ll probably get another fic out of it as well. Plus I have a few hundred words hanging out in a doc that’s basically a post-Resurrection Jason being like “Talia says Bruce replaced me but those appear to be grown ass adults with superpowers not scrawny preteens in tights so this does not compute???”. I’d eventually like to publish that as part of a longer fic but if I never figure out how I’d be open to posting it as a ficlet. So. Fun things to come! In time.
The original purpose of the Drake dragon coat of arms (soon to be officially christened Pebbles in the story!) is that I got a little carried away trying to come up with the most obnoxious things his parents could have done with their remodel and paying someone to create your family a coat of arms but then deciding you didn’t like it and getting it redone seemed to be just that sort of thing. The reason I spent a significant portion of time on it narratively is that I decided it was the perfect Emotional Support Inanimate Object for Tim to grow attached to and have conversations with. That way, when he has scenes where he’s hanging out in his house, I can still reasonably work in dialogue, which is absolutely my strongest area of writing and is the thing I have the most fun with. Picture Tim and the Dragon crest as the meme from The Good Place with Jason and his Ariana Grande poster; “Oh, Pebbles, we’re really in it now.”
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